8.0 Effects Assessment Methods
PORT METRO VANCOUVER | Roberts Bank Terminal 2 8.0 EFFECTS ASSESSMENT METHODS This section describes the methods used to assess potential Project-related effects, including cumulative effects. These methods have been developed to meet the requirements specified in the EIS Guidelines and are consistent with existing guidance documents, including the Operational Policy Statement Assessing Cumulative Environmental Effects Under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEA Agency 2013) and Determining Whether a Project is Likely to Cause Significant Adverse Environmental Effects (CEA Agency 1994), the Cumulative Effects Assessment Practitioners’ Guide (Hegmann et al. 1999), and the Guideline for the Selection of Valued Components and Assessment of Potential Effects (EAO 2013), among others. The methods used, including the selection of VCs, allow the full consideration of the factors listed in subsection 19(1) and 19(2) of CEAA 2012, and section 79 of the Species at Risk Act. 8.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT METHODS The EIS Guidelines, part 1, section 3.1, describe the scope of the proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project as including the construction, operation, and, where relevant, decommissioning of the Project components and activities listed in the EIS Guidelines, part 2, sections 7.1 and 7.2. A detailed description of Project components (i.e., marine terminal, widened causeway, expanded tug basin) and physical activities to be carried out during Project construction, decommissioning of temporary construction-related facilities, and
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