Coal Ash: the Toxic Threat to Our Health and Environment 3
Coal Ash The toxic threat to our health and environment A RepoRt FRom physiciAns FoR sociAl Responsibility And eARthJustice By Barbara Gottlieb with Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT and Lisa Gollin Evans Coal Ash The toxic threat to our health and environment A RepoRt FRom physiciAns FoR sociAl Responsibility And eARthjustice By Barbara Gottlieb with Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT and Lisa Gollin Evans AcknowLEDGmEnts the authors express their gratitude to tim K. takaro, md, mph, ms; Roberta Richardson, md; and molly Rauch, mph for their careful reading of the text; to Rebecca Abelman for research support and copy editing; and to jared saylor for editing. cover Art: david stuart ABouT EArThjusticE earthjustice is a non-profit public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of this earth, and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment. We bring about far-reaching change by enforcing and strengthening environmental laws on behalf of hundreds of organizations, coalitions and communities. We’ve provided legal representation at no cost to more than 700 clients. For more information, visit ABouT PhySiciAnS for SociAL rESPonSiBiLiTy psR has a long and respected history of physician-led activism to protect the public’s health. Founded in 1961 by physicians concerned about the impact of nuclear proliferation, psR shared the 1985 nobel peace prize with international physicians for the prevention of nuclear War for building public pressure to end the nuclear arms race. today, psR’s members, staff, and state and local chapters form a nationwide network of key contacts and trained medical spokespeople who can effectively target threats to global survival.
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