PORTLAND DAILY PRESS._ \»9'X jglPRICE THREE CENT8» 18B2-VOL. 37. MAINE. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH IQ, I ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. _I'ORTLAND. dea of wbat the law the and In about governing for the homeless, and a than ware only three arrests NKWT A DTKRT1SKM BtW. quartan special joard of agriculture really in, but there | appeal for funds will be made on their be- 400 MixQre*. ■ a that it 1m not a ex-1 Is to he had la the dis- a feeling necessary BOTH MS aa no worn half HAPPY half, Mr. .Stearns-Whare they eelxe HIRED BANDS. rations FEES. >endltare for the board hire a band TO EARTH. trict and the tf aruiy |s SHERIFFS’ to M supply aeliuie plot of rum, do the) make another •zhauvtud. >f music when It gives a meeting for the The local committee appointed by Mr. tha next day ta (at mare fee*? larpnse of teaching dairy men how to Charles W. Gould announces In a Gulaes Mr. Chenery—1 hare heard ao. butjl do It will never be able make butter ami cheese. Nor do they GO CARTS. newspaper that net make tha to out bla of relief and that allegation. hlnk that the annual of the I carry plans for the better meetings It bse distributed Me ration* whtoh .Mr Merrill—la tha bill only of As -foard should be Accompanied by a con- J tod of have received a Ml. Richard 8. Howland of PMvIdeace, enforoament of tha law or tha proteetlan Board Agriculture Railway Mileage We just on Law sort at the of the H. L, Induoed tbe United States govern- Hearing Proposed of the programme expense our line of these traasnry? Press part of ment to send. itate. clippings, they say, may bo • Solution Bucksport Mr Chanary—Both. R Alleged Entertainers. Interesting, but the of scrap Controversy. little CA IS. Mr tha eama making popular at Merrill—They would get do DSINTERESTED NEUTRALITY. Augusta. iiooka they not regard as a part of the are the Wakefield feee aa now If they aaonred a eocelotloo. They Murder. work of the board. In fact many of the Hava you ever oonalderad that If yon got A Hey wood Bros. members are finding this report of Mr. This Government Hae Nothing ta Bay aa naaorupuloua deputy bn might uae un- McKeen’e one of the most interesting of fair means to aetmra a conrlctionf A boat Partition of China. the eeeslon. 10ADS AO REE TO EXTEN D Mr. Chanery—Tbat’a a pretty hard MAINTAINED LOBBY AND ONLI ONE MAN APPEARED The PKKSti correspondent tulked with STANDARD CARTS thing to do, bnt If yon bad a man as on- March Tbn Italian gov- GAVE CONCERTS. Mr. MoKeen about these things today. USE OF BOOKS. TO BE MADE Washington, scrupulous aa that It would ba sealer for AN ARREST IK FAVOR. was ernment, through Its representatives In Mr. MoKeen ready to talk. He said them on sale him to gat |9K or |M from the mm nailer AVe have laid before the authori- that the musio at the board meet in us TODAY. Washington lately hy an agreamenl not to prosecute. ties hart ita to ask of Cklaa a was hired to help draw a crowd. Tho this morninr. purpose Mr. Drummond—Doesn't tha bill open on Han Mnn hay and Invited an ex- mere announcement of a lecture would pert thi door to practical blackmail 1 from this aa to Ita l^€‘patkicularly anxious," pression government Mr. Chenary—Well, lt'e pretty wide (Jet an Rill attitude. In response It Is understood Jhet One State Institution That Is said Mr. McKeen, "to hate a large at- IndTli ey Anti-Scalpin? Prices from $3.75 to $10. He Wk TrMurer open now. Right Secretary Hay as well aa the President, EKouly tendance at the Portland meeting. 1 Mr. Cnenery waa naked to deaerlbe the As An Offset. Aame of Nan Not Given made it clear that the United States To Date. wanted city people to see the butter and Snspefted Oaiiel proorat by wbloh liquors are aalaed under Ip would pursue the earn* course ae toward Cheaery. hear the lecture, and I knew that there tha arrangement ha had mentioned where tbe Russian, British and Harman occu- mast be something to draw the crowd. Qiu only small amounts am taksa and no ar- of Chinee* namely, disin- So the band was hirisi by Mr. and FRANK P. TIBBETTS &C0. pation porta rests mads. Ha said: Whan an officer Frye, terested neutrality Tbe exohangee have It gave os good musK" goaa to a place to make a leisure the mill O Tree Si. been verbal and rather Informal. They FACTS DEVELOPED Mr. McKeen has a large and ornament- LETTER FROM GENERAL MANAGER 4 crowd rune out and tha bartender goes INTEBKSTINti marl od.it EXPECTED THEY lp have given oocasloD to erroneous publica- OTHERS BET ed oak cabinet tilled >\iih newspaper clip- ETAJiS TO LAWMAKERS. With them, t-fcae tall ef a oaae of wbloh McKEE.VS STATEMENT. TO HIVE HAD AN AC- tions to tbe effect that Italy had asked B1 MB. pings. He says that these clippings SUPPOSED DIBS’T SHOW EP. I waa told. There waa a crowd In a rum- the United Slate* to support bar de- which are received the huudred and waa raised. Aa by COMPLICE. mands on China, and this government In shop and the cry of aherlff SPECIAL NOTICKR. relate to all sorts of agricultural topics, a pointed note from Secretary May had a rush waa mada for tha book door ana of It Is said In an eminent and have been of great assistance to him, refused. the orowd a bottle of whiskey. NOTICE. that nude no grabbed he LE(il§LATIVE authoritative quarter Italy tender. but proposes to diwxjntiuue them as and "Drop that," sbojted tbe bar of the Board Has and a such request for American rapport, dec retar? Singular are too A Revision of Passenger Freight The (' minlttce on Judiciary will Rive public Committer heme they general. lu that there was no declination from thla Mr. Olre* the Whan ware outelde tha man naked » in it* room at the State House OMMT they heariiiR Ideas As To Board's Doties—Man? Mr. McKeen explained the bills for Rates Promised Where Inrqnalltlee government. The olrouinatanoea of the the bar tender wbnt ha meant. “Ton I AUR«|Nt}«, Man Han Been Accused of Crime latrreetlap Facts Repardlap the Ka- f Prt Ih' March 10, 1*90, at 2.30 o clock p. m. O^rnlf as explained In this authori- m service< of members of the board before or negotiations damned eald the bartender,"If they Dollars Paid Ont To Influence. Legis- Hides Satisfied With nn a » act illna flection two are aa follows: fool." Appear—Both No. io.r>. rope for Several Months—Disappearance tative quarter forcemc.t of the Ltqaor Law la legislative committees. Mr. McKeen said ier 27 of tin* revised statutes relailug to hadn't that could hare taken a w**lui “When Italy determined to seek a got they lation B? a dtate Institution—More the Ileal—I nanlrooue Report Against and Vietualers. of port that the board appointed a committee ou ^Inn-keeper* Certain Bucksport Woman and on the Chinese coast she addressed those Camberland Coaatp-Depallea Who lot more. and Concert Com- This powers having large Interests In C Una, Mr. hare that olasa or Mone? for Bands legislature. year the executive com- Netting Off Willard front Sontls Her Connection With the Case—Spec- More Tkaa Jastleee ef Merrill—Do yon of her purpose. Owing to Make Moaep mittee was appointed. "The members notifying tpem man for In Cumberland county F To Amuse the People. and Matter It she will between Italy and thla deputies panies Portland Probably ial Session of Municipal Court Called good the Sapreme Court. came here to appear before the committee aa well a* the American Interest Stearns—He la not telling what oountry, Judge THE Ku Manager at Washington a close Thera was a attendance,among these it to the members of the Cum- mlt this aooount story large published This was the brst of a series ceeded immediately to Buoksport where satisfactory to tbe Italian au- that It be death of the children in the blue Hill Central. entirely a delegation of Portland berland down here un- tee, 1 respectfully request may thorities. The action of Iatly, present being county delegation of announcements from the railroads that he was met by K. K. Chase of Blue Hill, reported to the and it about tbe time the cow was demands on aobool who bad come to Au- 1 am tired and sick of it. presented legislature printed.” family since then, In making Its High pupils til would extend the use of of the Western Hancock municipal with and killed or died and it was declared that they mileage judge China and following It np with threats the wheals go to have been The request bad been complied gusta to see legislative Mr. Merrill—It ought pub- Mr. Evans went and court; Detective Dennis Tracey of Ban- has not been over Mr. Me- tb«* children died of tickets. further of a demonstration officially and Dhpnty the membuis are now looking had tuberculosis, round. Sheriff Uaspeauz lished broadoa.it In papers. that the Maine Central would seek gor; b. T. Heywood of the citizens' com- communicated here." with Interest. They caused the milk of tbe cow.‘ agreed Sheriff Grlbbeu were present to testily Then Mr. Felders joined the question- Keen’s Hguree great by drinking mittee and with whom he held a out inequalities in Us freight and passen- others, In attendance llud that the shite Is for a lot of it was claimed by the cattle commission and three attorneys were ers. to a statement made by paying "March- conference at Hobinson house. Referring ger tariffs and would endeavor to remedy the When, Urat cow was Then the BIG RAILROAD DBAL. and bla deputies. remarks be things which would not at suggest that the tuberculous. has come and to represent tha sheriff Mr. Chenery In hie opening after the conclusion of the conference at of the them. March 9.—The Journal and M. Seldom. in themselves as within the province board of ugriculture took tbe mutter up, New York, They were Hon. Georgs said: “You said, Mr. Chenery, open- The agreement was reached early this the hotel, the PRKbS correspondent board of agriculture. For Instance, It submitted tissue from the bodies of the Advertiser will tomorrow publish the JudgaUauige P. Gould and CharfeaA. ing that this bill was to be psaeented by forenoon, before the meeting of the asked of Attorney General Haines what from the statement that when children and the cow to Dr. Charles D. ‘GENTLE SPRING” fallowing: TruA Bsq. The oaa* waa oonduoteu by somebody else. Who wae that somebody appears Hou«e. Up to that time it hud be n un- had been done or was to be done, in the of the board of agriculture ap- Smith, and he reported that neither the J. Plerpont Morgen has now absolnto Mr. Beiders and Judge Gould. else?'' members certain what would be the or will soon be here. that official said: will reception case, “Nothing control of the Lehigh Valley Railroad from the as witnesses In behalf of hills pond- cow nor the children showed evidences of Tha hearing was Interesting Mr. don't oare to answer pear the oominittees hut we shall do some- he Chenery—I report. Le done tonight, company. Elnoe Maroh, 1997, has held before the oummltbve of the legisla- tuberculosis. “Had the cattle commis- We ate prepared to do belter work than start. Mr. Chanary began proceedings by that I was told that a number ing After the there was a deal an option on a block of 150,000 shares of question. session, good ever thing tomorrow." to do the state puya the bills. Under the sion not done as It did with Mr. Libby’s stock to the that the bill was drawn of would be here to apeak, but I ture of umusement the and John & for Lehigh Valley belonging stating people amouf/ spectators Bunker, county attorney estate. The to this by head of “Other Expenses," oppeur these herd at Saocarappa and hud Dr. bailey Packer right purchase away with.tb* excessive fee# charged don't see any of them. the question, “which side won?” was on Hancock county, arrived in Bangor to- stock was exercised yesterday (Thursday) not delivered the lecture in which he said In the last four years. Next cam* a series of as to the Items; isome said that the rail- BEATING CARPETS and oash the en- the liquor deputies question every tongue?*' night and will go to Buoksport in the and *3,000,000, the covering that was being peddled in tbe figures to show coat of the courts and the Feh. U O. titran, expenses ou consumption their bill for a it Is tire transaction will bt paid to trus- Mr. Chenery presented running 18, roads got anti-scalping morning when, announced,a special legislative committee, 122.00 milk cans at live cent a quart, we should tees of the estate In Philadelphia, by that In the four years the deputies had amounts received. Mr. Chenery had the mighty small consideration. Others said CLEANSING session of the Western Hancock raunlci- Feo. 18, K. E. 1 ..it, servloes ami not bava interfered, said Mr. McKeen. CURTAINS, Drexel & Co. as follows: Pardlesrr at he oould not what a les- re calved turns flgures, but say pro- on committee, 31.i0 that the railways had received good I pal court will be held for the purpose of At the time the option on the Lehigh expenses legislative “As it was, we saved thousands of dol- P. two dollars a day, $3320 saob; office of the cost was doe to the liquor Feb. N. J. baebslder, servloee son the result was immaterial so a to the man stock was given to J. .Morgan portion 23, undjthat Call—Write—Telephone 202 2. giving preliminary hearing Valley In com' lars to the cattle interests of the state ami Drexel & (hi, the Packer In (3.148.47; first deputy, business. Neither could he say what ex- and expenses attending far as is concerned. who is to be arrested with the & Co., deputy fees, legislation charged in debt and tbe rnlttee hearing, 26.00 and I have a letter from one of the offic- estate wns heavily Lehigh second deputy, (14,437.64; total penses the deputies paid out of their re- When the adverse reports were presented IUUIUCIi ivuiii iuo »u« ncvaa (IA,073.88; T. K. Skolfleld, expenses ftrcs Cit* House and |juow Valley railroad found It difficult to meet March 10, ials of the national department of agri- CfKTFn’S On of In the four years of Sheriff ceipts, but thought that beside the cost of committee hearings, 6.00 in the House, Mr. Webb addressed the lU'JlUl J 11)«'w evidence of an important and even Its fixed charges. Certain Improvements (38,666.48. attending the action of the steam Cleans Wo ks- total was team their bills ware not W. H. Moody, expenses culture, commending Carpet ng were necessary which wonld Increase the Cram’s administration the $40,- keeping the March 10, Chair. He said: conclusive nature has been unearthed, committee hearings, 17.00 board." 13 Preble St. Preb'e House. turnings of the roads and the banking were at times as many as attending “From the of this sefst-in Wnp. be no 000, but there heavy. services early day* anil there seems now to doubt of an Issue of March 10. W. 11. Hunton, Mr. McKeen wanted it understood that (i oves Cleansed day. firms undertook to float *6,- Mr. we ere gjjr* Kid every six or seven deputies employed. Mr. Felders—Now Chenery, for committee hear- petitions have been coming to this Home the ability of the government to prove of collateral trust bonds ont of an and expenses all his acts hud been done by direction 000,000 the last administration. This Issue of 'The a very tidy sum,” suggested not trying ings, from all parts of the 6tate beating its case against the suspected man. The authorised *16,000,000. "Mazing and with the sanction of the board. Packer estate an option on Its hold- Stearns of the committee. is for the future. Fuppde* the law wae thousands of signatures, that the name of this is not an- gave Mr. praying suspect officially and other $178,70 The light Is on. Its most interesting ings of 1BO.JOO shares large “Tes," said Mr. Chenery. "Had they anforoed according to its spirit, would railroads of Maine be required to issue CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK nounced. From certain develop- blocks of stock were purchased by the There are other Items In the report re- will be the question uf the propriety of the oourt they not the amounts be proper! phase books for bearer at a uni- Is that there firm. bean justices Supreme paid mileage good •i Maine. ments, it thought bonking to legislative work. When the board of a state department hiring attorneys to 1'ortlaiKl, would not have received so moch. The Mr. Chenery—No, I think not. There lating form rate of two cents per mile. Now were at least two men in the case. Mrs. a law should be advocate legislation. It looks as If the on of agrioulture.thlnke of the bill Is to give the deputies le no man who has seer been the nearly all the roads already Issue a book KoLiert Miles, ut whose house Mrs. W are UCLA in AA1& UBVAIIAOIAU. purpose It not its members for would be luteretsLlug. Mem- an in- force who could earn 11000 passed only peye developments a a fair salary, and in addition as liquor deputy at two cents mile, but they sell that Jived, left iiucksport sometime ago, an- March 0.—Uen. Ludlow the oommlttee, but it hires bers want to know why all the state de- Washington, to do thalr to allow them a year elsewhere, and 1 don't see any enlightening book under such restrictions that it Is CAPITAL, $100,000.00 that she was to visit one has cabled to the war department from centive doty of tbs hire and a bund nouncing going four thousand. counsel to esslst In tbe presentation partments cannot lawyers that the deaths In that for fees In oases where convictions are sense In paying them good only in the hands of .the purchaser, of her daughters who lives In Havana olty services In the buard one can. There be new for Portland, wan case. For legal 1897, If may jobs and vided 1890 are 51 per cent less than bill the of mr. OVlUirB—DUD 11 vuw wn CXI so that what these Svplus Und Profits, $25,000.00 but detectives have February, secure!. I drew tba at request petitioners really Oregon, long sinoe 1898. 1110. T here appeared in tbe report eminent attorneys and a state musical for February, these foroeu In accordnnc* with It* would paid was so a number of people who want spirit wanted to do not much to reduce Solicits Hie accounts of Bnnkw.Mer- located her in a suburb of Poston, where larje other Items relating to tbe legislature. festival If Mr. McKeen’s views are adopt- but that Isn’t tbs bs exoesslref the rate at which these books should be •knlilc firms, 4 <>r|»uralioila and she is watched. Jt is 6ald that exoeeslva charges reduced, oharge* being THE WEATHEK Charles K. Wheeler reoelved $8.50 for ed by the Solons. After the ever present is to the traffic was sut- Ur. know bow It has been railroads to remove the IimIiiidimls, and prepared fnr- * the worst of It If Chsnery—Wa sold, as.to require evidence has been obtuined that Mis. _I work." On January 4, 1890, railway question, tills is the one which ■iaii its patrons the liesi Inetlilies _ ■ ahetiiIifl not. think an inllflh of on forced In tbs past, and judging from “legislative restrictions which they had placed upon Miles’s house was a for for most in the i?tate House. and liberal iircoiiimmliilKtas. gathering place been sold In Portland John F. Talbot reoelved $9430 “legis- gats the airing leae. tbs way rum baa their sale In. common with many of the them the at many Pucksporters, among of it Is to lative work,” and John 51. Winslow, Mr. Chanel? than explained at length sino* the first January I think THE DAHLUHKN HEADY TO members of this liouse it seemed to me some of the prominent men of the town, and for the seme services as It baa bean. There have the same time loioiest Paid on tha ale of dummy warrant* on whloh no be enforoed LAUNCH. that this request was a reasonable one, Deposits. und that there Were many nights of been no shut that I hare reoelved $17.00. was one I* iecnred and for eaoh of which ruraehope up F HESS'. and that it to which the legisla- revelry in the little white cottage in (he llqnor board of [SPECIAL TO THK J SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. Iwenttcant* He al- beard of. All wa can do le to judge tbs The agriculture keeps light up ture should the most oareful and outskirts of the Mrs. Ware’s the deputise receive give village. t to the times. It knows what Is going on Hath, March l).—The torpedo boat the eo-oallad double warrant* future by tbe past. consideration; and 1 accord* Interviews and Invited. was rather to the *1 told of painstaking Correspondence reputution shudy say not an honest In the world. In the time oovered by the now building at the Bath Iron eut after a email amount Ur. holders— Was there Dabigren, ingly introduced, some weeks ago, a bill and it is that a which are made least, thought jealousy law tbe years 1897 and 1898 and the has had her second engine put CCI-LES C. CHAPMAN, President. baa been aalsad In a number of attempt to enforoe tbe In Ur. Cram't report, Works, drawn to effect this result; but 1 never as matters had of liquor much money much to do Urst month of 1899, the board paid the in and placed in position, and the little THOMAS II. EATON, -Cashier. Ob eenh of tbeso the deputise get administration? said, either in public or private, that this with causing the trouble that led to her places. 33 for news as soon as the w so first Press bureau $194 craft will go overboard Ur. Chenery—1 think for tbs Clipping just bill to pass or or that -- DIRECTORS: The 91.46. ought right wrong, murder. authorities seem to he con- Boston, March 9.—Fair; warmer; light When the board holds Ice leaves the river. When she is launched ahewed Its Interest in two years, but when he found that the paper ollpplnga the fact that so desired of their and it is Tha committee many people it, C CHAPMAN. SETH L. I ARRABEE. fident case, said that variable winds. It enlivens the dlsoussion of she will be already for her trial trip. CULLEN of people did not support him he got tired meetings was, in a sufficient reason for its much uneasiness in the aubjeot by Bring Tolleys queatloca itself, E. M. STEADMAN. FERLEf F. BURNHAM. there is certain cir- March 9.—Forecast for ensilage and commercial feeding stuffs The Dabigren and her sister ship the Washington, at Mr. and gave up. passage. On the contrury 1 have always cles lest various citizens may be Chauery. of sweet muslo. the EDWARDS JAMES F. FAWKES disagree- with rain or with the strains At Craven, which is also building here, must BRICE M. New England: Cloudy Mr. Drummond—Do your figures In- Ur. Uerrill—Do you mean to say that maintained that it was a question we ably mixed up in the matter—not in at tbe State Fair in contract attain of SJ 1-3 HENRY S. BSGOQ‘3 WILLIAM M. MARKS. variable winds. Cumberland is evening meeting under speed should the most the most with the snow; fresh, clude the witness feesr the sentiment In county give careful, | connection murder, but as par- Lewiston in 1897, the board paid a soloist knots un hour. /DAM P- LEIGHTON. Mr. but that is a tbe enforcement of the law? and the most thorough ex- M in certain that oc- Chenary—They do, against painstaking jel 'V&Ftflstp ticipants gay doings Local Weather $10 for services and expenses and $7 more Report. aa them are no tea* that the sentiment WHITE amination, with a fair and im- at Mrs. Miles's before the email matter except Ur. Chenery—1 say M. CAMBON CALLED AT perfectly curred tragedy. lor a piano. Tbe hoard also paid tbe Portland, March 9.—The local whan aifest* are made and there are few In Portland is a rigid enforce, HOII&E. partial spirit, and with a desire to do LABHADOK A1A1L BAGS FOUND. gainst of the The next year at bureau records as to tbe weather vote at the board siDger. to both sides. 'lhe in- CIIILUKKN PUKNKU TO UKAT'H. weather arrests. In the laet quarter of last year msnt as was shown by the March 9.—The French am- justice question March !l —Six inti I be- the state fair the board gave a more elabo- Washington, London, bags as follows: warrants served of of Ur. Cram. volved is not a of one are thare were ^400 or 1600 time the re-election | Cam culled ut the White question principle, t > the Dominion line steamer (mines,Province of Havana, March W.— rate oonceit. It secured the servioes of bassador M. bon, longing further Ur. cannot that one side is which was wrecked about four I A inr^e part of the reconcentrndos quar- 8 a. m.— Barometer, 80.325; thermome- In reply, tq questions, to his respects to the say wholly right, Labrador, tbe Ladles' Cscllian at an ex- House today pay northwest coast ters of was burned this dew the quartette and the other It miles from Sker'yvore, (iuines morning, ter, 18: point. 5; humidity, 63; Chenery said that the purpose of bill un ex'ended visit to wholly morally wrong. board of The Wio- President after laud. on Mutch 1, while on her thr children being burned to deutb. The wind. NW; 8; state of weather, pense, Including $31. is a of of of Soo Telocity, was to stop the inoking jt small selauret Lou us question policy, expediency, o| tn Paris. The election of M. bet pres- wav S John. N. G,, to Liverpool, ub *t’rliis" rl il relief fund, whioh has clear. Street Male at the annual irom arrests and the of feet throp quartette what is fair and just and reasonable; not u station is 30.113: thermome- without piling up of France occurred u lew buys be- 1 ave been r co oreii. here, providing temporary 8p in.—Barometer, in 1897, received $90. The music ident 70 ST “we bare what you would meeting a that would appeal to the con- dew FREE and that question ter, 24.0, point, 17; humidity, might the umbassudor left Purls for Wash- at annual meeting In 1898 cost about $95 fore direction SW; velocity, 3; state of a enforcement of the law but to the not to the oall respectable He puid a farewell call on the science, judgmeut, It snow. Male furnished ington. weather, nut he on all The Apollo quartette u or to the but to the so that there shall rumsbops new president who, after high tribute prejudice passion, Maximum temperature, 39; minimum for the state conference in muslo dairy to the United States, charged Ujo ambas- reason and the sense of fairness. mean tbe principal streets." temperature. 14; temperature, CONSTIPATION an a In the fall of 1898 at expense sador to convey personal expresslou of 391 maximum wind velocity, 12 NW; Judge Uould opened the case for th< Bangor “tor the purpose of comirg to seme of At ths Portland conference good will to President McKinley. .02. of tbe the war W0. dairy ccnciurio as to what the effect ol such a IMPRISONED precipitation SOMETHING NEW. other side and told way The visit at the White House whs in- In December there was more muslo. Dr. Hallodk'a Vegetable Liver Pills are » rants hare been Issued. Judge Uould'i formal. The.President warmly grtetnltue bill, or such a law, might Le on the iara- Combination for keening the This time tbe board hired a band at an on his rutiirn. Wo her observer u. purely Vegetable bis obser- ambassador of the Maine railroad*, 1 mnue a bowels in Natural Motion, Cleansing the story was made Interesting by ings Sys-for expense of $53. The agricultural department weather tem of All impurities, and a Positive Cure vations of tbs workings of tbe lew when for upon Coustlpatiou, Jaundice, Disorders of the stom- Another matter whloh is the subject infringing Maroh he over tbe Portland oourt. H< bureau for yesterday, 9, taken and Kindred and a Positive cure presided Apollinaris ach, Diseases, of dlsoussion is the expensee attending MJalied at 8 p. m.,meridian time, the obeervatlon for Constipation, either long standing said: This sot rakes tbe responsibility Chronic), or temporary (called Acute); Bilious- the participation of the tioard In the oele- for each teotlon being given in this order: Dizziness, from tbe sheriff and puts it onto tht ness. Slot and Bilious Headache, brated Blue Bill case of tuberculosis. A who REFILLED Apollinaris bottles Temperature, direction of wind, stale of costiveness. Sour Stomach. Loss of A ppetite. county commissioners. They am to bt party or Dyspepsia, Mr. Beal, who Introduced tbe order, Coated Tongue, Indigestion arbiters of whether extra men art also used weather: Belch Palo and Dis- tbe bearing the genuine labels, and counterfeits of Windy lugs, “Heartburn." takes the ground that there Is no jus'.lli- tress After Katin*, and kindred derangemeuts neei el or not. It baa been tbe custom tc of the Stomach and Bowels. catlou of these expenses as ths matter was was confined FIVE WEEKS in Liver, ,, ... to attend fairs the Apollinaris labels, recently Dr. Halloek’s Liver X appoint special deputies Vegetable Pill? *r*vaSf one pertaining to the cattle commission difereut from any other Liver or Bowel Pill, and similar gatbsrlngs to look after tha Philadc AOo. a were MOYAMENSING PRISON, phia. and they cure where others fail- and onSjWlth whloh they competent Prjc*and best morale of the Under this aot tht I people. package at all druggist*. Cheapest to deal. The board paid Dr. J. F. Man- cathartic remedy made. Our 10c size as large commissioner? would say wbethei Royalst Pure attention if addressed to county Absolutely COMPLAINTS will receive vigorous 26 ceata. $50 for investigating this case, and as others that sell fdr _. art ning wei wui such man should be appointed. There New Sole of If your drngKiu can not supply you Charles D. Smith for a medical ex- Co., 503 Fifth Avenue, York, Agents « of th< Dr. more delicious and wholesome United Agency send one fttti sized package of pills by peculiarities In tbe enforcement Makes the food you address Hallotk amination $33. willcufthisadv!eutand WQVAl BA KI HO PQWpga 00.. HEW VOWK. LOHDOH. Box Boatop. has a THE APOLLINARIS COMPANY, LIMITED, 11* Continued on Second Page. The average member only Wtsy grew, SB, olear. LvujKo.,

• .5 i m LJSJS U=g?.- HEART DISEASE. la that the pending bill doea not go to Ite J pe .routined by tho state. Under the r f very worff •• operation itrikcs terror to a woman* for | PBOBATE NOTICES. real root of the difficulty. I cannot j truant hiw t»«nh and ©itl«a are given a | soul. moment assent to the to one one proposition proportion of the tax equal per these become necessary • Persons In Nearly alwayi operations 1 All InUrntnl la Kltlwr «f tin Some Ferts Regerdlnit *he Rapid that these mean nothing, an I of stock owned therein re- petitions oetn tho Dy through neglect. Estate* Hereinafter If a ms A erease of Heart Troubles. that the whole source of this agitation is this In the state Mr. taining treasury, or too and excessive. If the menses are very painful, frequent At a Court of Probate held In this State House. do mein smie- a he Portland in They King ray# I7&.9U0 year will saved M •—--— | the advice at once and --—- ■ 1 ritbln and for tbe County of Camber* mean a deal. Thirteen get right Do Slot Br Alaritird, lint I.ook for

h© Mr. Drum- Seeing prais- yer, some other suitable person, be with KilWt^toduy by Mr. Chenery—When wore those the* heart and lungs interfering rates, with freight rates as well as passen- pledges remedies, I wrote to appointed administrator c. fc. a., ana mond. ing your pre- a mude? sented by Charles C. heir-at-law 4helr action; hence^arlses,palpitation ger rates. And those petitioners s»y In her and of me to »S«wyer, short l renth. WILLARD WILL STAY. s)ie begged try of said deceased. voice so loud that it caunot be unheard Gould—Wu had 41* cau- Poor also the Joou, , Judge exciting all that it had done i 1AHAH A. digestion poison- U» it, tclUn£me CURTIS, late of New Glouces- watery, which irri- and in a manner f6 cleat ti nt !t cannot Mayor Reynolds’s bailiwick will not cuses as 1 ever saw and this was the sub- making it thin and for her. i bought six bottles of ter, deceased. First Account presented tates and Weakens the heart. bn mistaken, that the existing railroad sliced up. The Willard movement Was ject discussed and decided. Now, let us for allowauce by Psrsis G. Thompson, sensible treatment for heart : £.. iPinkham's Vegetable The meat rates need revision. Mr. I be- ended a uimnlmons report of the see what ia being done. Under Sheriff Lydia Administratrix d. b.n. o. t. a. the and to Speaker, today by trouble Is to improve digestion now cannot ex- t food I hat in the committee on town^ netting it OIX from the first of to and late of New insure the a--dfoliation of ; lieve every railroad director against January Compoinsd Gl^EELY CUTTER, prompt to The Gloucester, deceased. First Account Tills can bedonefcly the regular State of Maine has heard that voice. I be- from South Portland. An adverse report the seventh of March *15 warrants have press my gratitude yon. and pmented for allowance by Elizabeth G. meals of some safe, pleasant case. in t after lieve every one understand* what it WAS also made on the Old Orchsrd IDespcauxbeen issued in Portland. He has directed tumor befean to come away Cutter, Executrix. .’flrotive dig*.-live preparation. hu* I to not to take out war- better all the T-llti- >vh « h mayb means. I believe that they will listen his officert dummy and I got JAVTD N, JORDAN, late of New Glou- Stuart’s Dy 7-i KENTS HILL ALUMN. pieces *< con- ; I BOSTON course it Is deceased. Will and round at. m< drur ri and which tho voice and heed the warning. Now rants, although of Impossible time. I believe now that I am cester, petition for thereof, tain barmle-- digestiv**element-*- in a to make seizures on ail warrants. On probate presented by Lewis E. valuable, hold my hand letter which, although Ame- cured. coiiveiiiono Ccwm. A u o mi I Reflation anti Ilanqnet •• Entirely Jordan, Executor therein named. in a pleasant, In- seizures have been the it is addressed to me personally, is 15J warrants made. could not believe It is safe to ».»>’ that regular fersi.s rican ll»u»e. “My doctors NELLIE CROSBY JURY of Freeport, Tnldets at tended fur the members of this House: In 61 cases persons have been arrested. a tent usc «f Stuart’s Dyspepsia ] it at first, as they all had told me person of unsonod mind. Ac ount meal tine* w!! cure an« form of i stomach j Offlry of the Maine Centra) Hal J road, Six have paid lines and the other 45 have resen ted for allowance by L. t of the stomach. Uoston, March 9.—The Doston Kent’s that case was a one, trouble except cane hull] Portland March been held ana have to the my hopeless S osselyn, Guardian. tablets sold b) its annual appealed May ► i*ed package **1 those iiichar.l Webb, Ksq House of Hej resell- Hill aiunurl association held and no human could do me i )ANJEL H. late of b. ok ou term of ooiir:. 'JLhe Una* paid amount to power BURNS, Yarmouth, r.t ft' rent-. Little tativ Maine: the druggists Augusta, reunion and banquet tonight at were astounded. deceased. Petition that William M. stomach turn'.•!• mailed free, \ddres- Hear as i tat lob in $<>00, not including the mats, in addition any good. They Sir:—Ihp widespread about 100 alumni and Bradley or some other jauitable person, u t o., Mich. .* t to American house, that can A. feUmirt. Matshal, favo of -nC mileage book, good to tlio fines vessels in which liquors If 1 can say anything be appointed Administrator, presented which has taken form in numer- alumnae being present. kid ward J. Ix-irer, were contained have b**en sold to the other women, I shall be by Gilmore, creditor of said u. ous to the A. help series of of the bmlnuss petition- presented legislature! Tne toastmaster Was Rev. Charles deceased comparisons made to value of $*IU, and vessels are on hand to unt in toe ellorta there being the association. to." the >07 .1 I the year 1M»', in re::arc. Li it Idle id, president of glad fRANK EDWARD HOYT, a minor year -» oire legislation to tbiri end has caused a further value of fbO. It is estimated the slat-. 1 f-MioO at upon the It is not safe to wait until child and legatee under the will of to ail tfie railr. ;. Is of the ; t o Maine < *ntrn! Railroad company, in Mr. Littletiehl spoke length that there will l>e obtained for the alco- H. Wilson, lete of de- the average rate common with other railroad companies of of the secondary school. last moment. Head off trouble Gorham, that, generally speaking, Importance hol from the hard liquors seized a sum cease I. Account presented for allow re., w...... f.. irttfiillv c<.nvider wnether Mrs. ? had been with, attention to it. Don't be satisfied without anew Edward mil sightly reduced, VII «» '• a mil uiUBvr II mull v»* by Hasty, Guardian. par ii- past, pn-ent ami prospective passenger % ,i,u*u,un. by prompt a increa>e or no in most ensvs slight t ti-r ■ will warrant a more general use ike total cost has been $047, leaving the Pinkhatn’s advice. CAROLINE HUNT, lat** of Gorham, As* and In the case oi of the school 1_LL. J—L-.M. -- ceased. First Final Account nre. change at nil in earnin'*. or such books. Dr.Chase,who wan president a balance of ttven if one -,»■■■ county $382.30. sent**! for allowance, br Lucian taiir n l i made an tin it has beet) the policy of this company at the time of his death. Hunt, the Maine Centra' third of tho oases should be lost ARRKSTED. accede to nil reasonable demand* made appeal Got. Powers has signed ouly one AX OLD OFFEXDEK Executor. fortunate error. It seems that the tv J‘rof. Henry E. Trrfethen, the acting our customers in the mutter of rat J which Is not likely, there will be $3,000 iAKAH J. late of Gorham by “Our Alma academy reeolTe. The others he will allow New York, Maich 9.—Martin Davis, JOHNSON, used from the report of tin* commissioners and train 1 rvioe whenever Jt hue !< n replied to the toast deceased. Will and for | principal, more coming to the county In lines ami alias i>(5 on petition probate 1 to become laws without his signature Albeit Martin, years old, of 1>97 was inn V up from the business 01 p. sj>ll)le for it to do so, and it would give ! thereof, and that Letters costs. The same evidence may be used to whom was found a “Ticket of Leavo” NORTON & Testamentary u- t re now to issue u transfer- j Hfe he Is opposed to the granting of HALL, Issue to Elizabeth E. Files and lor the ate of Maine, while gru pleasu «Ay« Mary L. the road without n secure eo»7ictiouts under the nuisance sot issued iu the name ot Davis by the au- ut It* mileage bo k. legttduii •poke upon “The secondary a n these appropriations bat as >om» nf Johnson, presented by Elizabeth E. table used for t ye 1 SOS was made n- thoiilies of Boston State Prisou ami AGENTS the rn;-e!liiur us to do so Wore we net uool trustee and his work.” as common sellers, etc., and that means Files, one of the Executrices named :j them may be worthy he will let them from the lm.»lne-> 1 the entire line. vmml that such notion upon our port ill following officers were elected: dated January 1ft, 1899, was arrested therein. up $2000 or MOOD more iu lines and costa. OK THE — u*. We miiy o-. .h-m l««K Mkutlh 'vs- vice-preal- Bfeciinie laws by lapse of time. A nam here with His Now a comparison of these figures shows would M-riuuHly cripple espei tonight charged larceny JHARLES W. CUSHING lute of si Uould argued that an office Deering, d» 5 a ecu to legislation upon this subject oretary Judge her are already law In this way. The is- accuser was Henry Wratliell, a sailor an in the pa* deceased. Petition for an allowance out appareutlv largedncrease no* s the extent s ur- bd. is a to do the clerical men it it not go to deputy necessity solve Is In favor of the Lee normal living in Brooklyn. Davis or Martin was of the estate, of this and i it Mgnod North British & Mercantile personal presented by senger earnings railroad, gent I in the pending bill because work. Under the act one could not be arrested while In the of j the money taken from company Mary E. Cushing, widow of said de- drew the inclusion, ami hie makes u which we consider HISTORY. academy, being naturally precedent j A without tho cue sent of the Wratliell. On the prisoner were found ceased. because it a luck ot conh- \ pOttTftjtVViOSHES employed the school fund. in 11 <>. that even bud; implies and chain INSIRAM'K COMPANY no hesitation say cinmUsioners. the effect of WrathcU’s gold waich and HA KLKS F. ALLEN, late cfPortland, den i' in the man affluent which has ul j and II Will Discussing The committee voted this cost the road os much It < an St*ml Alour, Too, Judiciary oughi some bills, identified as WTatbell’s. The deceased. Will and in for change fully ii ! covered to serve the best inter*, -i the Uould said: “It Is ex- petit! probate ways act, Judge not to on the order Into the Of Loudon and L litibuifli, hud been claimed it the husl- aud If the in:- l>r Printed In Beautlfnl Color* In Mfit pass Inquiring two men were observed by detectives thereof, presente 1 by Charles M. Allen. us it would, <,f rc.e people of fdulne; to make an officer’s thut the tremely dangerous of cbnngtng or abolishing the from one saloon to another and Ureat Britain. Executor therein named. ness of the road was able to stand i rtssim created abroad legisla- (ilobr. expediency going amply Sunday’* fees on conviction because ture of Maine is disposed to Intel fere with dependent Australian ballot law. The bill to abol- while Davis kept perfectly sober. Wrath- CDWIN BOYDKN, late of Portland, de- uch a Some of my friends change. of the busim it him the to use un- ell became much intoxicated. ■ 191 l«l)9. ceased. Petition that tin practical management gives temptation ish the use of trading stamps will be re- very WCOMPOllATKD benjamin Thomp- that under the ci veil instances the iu it—A beautiful or some suitable thought ol railroad*, except In extr*mo cases, Boston, March paper fair means. I remember a man once on Davis, who had just served the best son, ,other person, be not to pass. The hill In re- Commenced lliudnm* In United Slalfi error that I made was natural some have j v*il\ a clear abuse ot power, the value in colors in next ported ought of years in the Boston appointed Adrnintstra or, presented by ing doll will he printed the Portland force who, after a part eight prison In IN66. t,l unties will l unfavorably police lation to the law in regard to furah Ellen creditor of said de- raid It was excusable. While 1 our cut out changing for assault and rob >ery, had been par- Pike, appreciate j Globe. It may be made his defence re- affected in the hands of investors; and to Sunday’s prisoner bad always will Do ad- doned last The condition of ceased. their kindness In ready to excuse the mortgages by corporations January. being show that this the and will stand alone without membered the ono to of the United States Brandi. < company appreciates easily, thing necessary get The act creating a vet- his freedom was tl at he should not Manager HiAHLES H. CHASE, late of Portland, me. I do not find It so easy to excuse my- of the demand ,iud i* dis- idea is m w versely reported. H. K. BOWERS force popular us- ol paste, The entirely a conviction. lie remembered these enter the of evil not deceased. Final Account presented for concession* thereto board will be report- company persons, Den. Manager of the United States Br neb. and I do not to do so. 1 think it to nun all to run a erirgtry registration allowance Hiram Admin- self, try posed anu The Sunday Globe Intends so often that I little atten- drink not enter a store W EST BOLLOCK by Knowlton, wit.iiin it- | nwt r, we will at once place on things paid ed In anew draft The committee on liqnors, liquor istrator. is however, thut the next .Sun it to Asst. Manager of the Umted States Branch, generally conceded, sale books which at the series ol these dolls, beginning tion to his testimony in rebuttal. If an and should repo the Boston prisou mileage request Unancial affairs gave a hearing to par- W. R. ECKEfi itUnUET late of error was one that was honestly made, lb lor hi- wife once mouth. DONAHUE, Portland, of the j urcnrisT may be used day. officer a man in and knows that he every bring.-* tins In favor of a state appropriation of deceased. First Account presented for was not called to n>y attention until the as well ns him of, legislation provided For the purpose of making them In- his fees unless ho it Statement t nltrd State* llruntli Jnnii- allowance diaries H. Ad- be enacted will t* nit to willjuot get convlots, for two ysars for the benefit THE PAK1B AT BAX JUAN. by Tolman, of the and then under cir shall which pro tauOtf a.yenr nry l*t, day hearing, structive as well as amusing the dolls to make his conscience a little ministrator. tact the company from tie irregular use will tend of at Lewiston. Kev. K. cumstunoes calculated to be liealy asylum Ban Juan, March 9.—The American VILLI A M peculiarly books. will -ent the famous people of his- It a ASSETS, DECEMBER 31, 1898. SCOTT JEWET T, late of of such repn more elastic than ethers. puts pre- F. Urolleau the claims of the line stoumsntp Purls, Captain Watkins, 1 can say now that future in the use of mile- of of presented Stock and bonds owned b> the Portland, deceased. Will and embarrassing. only If experience and the life story each these on un elastic The en- off San Juan petition tory, mium conscience. which was founded in 1893. arrived yesterday afternoon market value for thereof, Hannah used for the ef com age books tinder the-e modi lied conditions Institution company, 3,619,896.93 probate presented by the figures purpos ureal characters will b told on the doll of tho law is not all at half punt tour. She was not boarded ot- shall demonstrate that additional change- forcement poaches The committee summarily disposed ol Cash in Company’s principal L. T. Jewett, Executrix therein named. the conclusions the health officer until this in bank — being wrong, ■ ho that the young- by morning flee and 293,767.90 parlson in their form an he made, it will itself in simple words, cream for tho officers, bartenders 1 )AKAH late of safely and Farral .... C. JORDAN, Portland, also the bill Introduced by Mr. of Van shortly after which a large party from the interest due ami accrued. 46,174.38 based solely up n them were wron.; the of the management 10 or deceased. Will and for be pleasure est schoolboy girl may read,understand shift from place to place and it is diffi- shore visited the steamer. The Paris has Premiums in due course ot col- petition probate if theie iiuren, raising the pay of members of As a matter of fact it appears that the make them. Iu the mcautime. .. 312.145 56 thereof, and that Annie M Jordan, o: and remember it.Next Sunday Josephine, cult to tell who Is the mail. The on board mare than 490 pis-ong rs and is lection exist or guilty the voting to report All other admitted assets. 1.H8 .67 some other suitable be Central railroud in common with now any inequalities lnju-tic legislature by legis- on a around person, appoint- Maine oi the b re nob, will be represent work in the enforcement bound month’s rruisu Porto ID ur local pa engei rates or one U lght empress most effective lation ed Administratrix, c t a., presented nil the other loads in the state, ha- slight The Inexpedient. Kioo, Cuba ami the other West Indies. of all the admitted rates, it will »••- our cniio vtir to discover .1, and every family should order of the law in Portland has boon done Aggregate by Annie M. Jordan, heir -at-law of sal 1 by The committee on taxation has referred Many of the passengers have oome ashore assets ot the at then reduced its rate per mil with them a a* we have nl nearest news- Company, deceased. ly average and nppiy remedy, Mind ay Globe at once at tLe of of boats ana have been the seizure large quantities liquor the tax bill to a sub-committee in small enjoying actual value.$4,273.365.44 no susbtantial In itn pa sunger ways eniitii%’ured to do in the past. railway late of change dealer, in order that the complete bet into the the the sights of Ban Juan. General Gram dORATIO X JOSE, Portland, We trust the of Maine ns repre brought city Joy transpor- to next being, in p> int of fact, a pcopl** j report Tuesday. and Mrs. Grant gave a breakfast this LIABILITIES, DEI EMBER 31, 1898. deceased. Sixth Account presented for earnings—there the will receive thes* umy to collected and preserved. 1 remember one case sooted in legislature ^ tation companies. committee on sea and shore fish- the Hon. allowance bv John C Small. Frank D. as I a *-- ————— The morning to John loss, instead of, supposed, s in the fair and Bherman, amount ot losses ami slight assurance friendly spirit i-- tho oosl of the Net unpaid Lunt ana Richard Webb. Executors. where hauling liquors eries has voted to report as follows: Pe- former secretary of state, Mr. and Mrs. gain. with which they are given, and wo assur TO TAKE CENSUS. claims. $ 207,015.67 largo PREPARING it-iiir>»t atMtion iv.’ifl SHO. Under CoL Gate Hoyt, Mr and Mrs. (J. 8. to re- LHOMAS A. LADK1GAN. late of Port- Uut this whole matter does not depend Mum that It is our intention to do all w. ; tition an aot relating to the taking of Amount required safely Bmltb, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. .Stokes ami insure all outstanding isks 1.947,126.60 land, deceased. Will and petition for < an to aid in tin* of th« I ihis law the ofliocr would get no fees in series of calculations, and is no: development Took De- smelts In Casoo Hay; petitioners given Misses Btokes and and Mrs. All other demands ag&iast the upon any the all that Preliminary Organization the Mr. E. thereof, presented by John T. -fate and to concede to people a case. viz. commissions, probate of error in any | such leave to withdraw. Petition to prevent N. Taller and Mr and Mrs. D. M. Mor- company, J Executor therein named. disposed by any .-ingle the of the large tips?- ll ul compel tho roads to submit to organization under headway. myself to stop. 1 have restricted the hawkers anti peddlers law; ought t& pats. just tome measure to Talmage to continue his residence in this MASS Stevens, late of Portland, deceased. compromise, might offices will be moved from the old build- ..TON, an the results of which are number of warrants to be issued daily It adds to articles that may be peddled Tie will devote most of his time to Second Acoount for allow- experiment and o! the further fact that uow city. presented agreed upon, now occupied, into Guardian. go uncertain. Now the force of this ing temporary because 1 do not believe that two men without organs, pianos, wagons lltoiary pursuits. ance by Henry M. Malin^, he knew that the railroads would mute aud as soon as well license, quarters possible de- ha* to all of the sup- can serve i15 warrants in a Bills to create board of three ilCHABD WADE, late of Pownal. reasoning appealed ho would submit to the will bo estab- talthfully ami sleight. INVESTMENT BONDS soma concessions, equipped headquarters MAKING BID FOR COM- ceased. Petition that Gilford G. Chap- of the original measure, so that, -ingle day” overseers of in Portland; ought not CHINA porters of the committee. Air. Pierce lished. poor or some other suitable be deoisiou MERCS. man, person, at the time of the hearing before this rail- Governor Merriam will leave tomorrow told the committee that to pass. then read u li tter addressed to Air. Webb Mr. Despeaux appointed Administrator, presented by in Minnesota to close LISTS SENT ON APPLICATION, road committee, it was suggested to the foe his home up law would London, March 10.—The Vienna corre- octlj Henry A. VSade, heir-at-law of said by General Manager Cram of the Hanger Ho will be tho proposed seriously hamper NAVY SAVED ENGLAND A lawsattf his business uifaiis. ONLY of the Times, says: China is d eceaaed committee—and tho sug4» stionfun piled a private the who are often called spondent and Aroostook railroad, containing tin- ten county deputies about to send a commercial mis ion to I CATHARINE late of Portland, in thu minds of the away about days. WAR GREEN, doubt, of course, sup- " ill be to to travel many miles on to lie same assurances ns those in the letter Director Merriam’s policy upon complaints the European and American trade centres deceused. Copy ot Will alleged of the bill —that if the committee from the not result in arrests March 10.—The refer- a to the of Chinese and for the of the porters from A1 Lvan- select administrative offices which do Under London, Times, with view promotion let, petition probate to the statement of the said believed it was not wi=e to pass ihe bill of competence aud skill in the nut could get no fees and the ring sdltorlnlly commerce. If the mission proves success- will as written 111 oopy, prenentied Air. Gardner of PuLten was the next standpoint they the in therein are intended Urst lord of udmlralty the Douse ful, the government proposes to found by William Corkrey, Executor as it had bten drufted, tho committee the particular braoch they sheriff be called upon to the iiihu to be heard. Mr. Gardner said; will might pay of Commons, yesterday, says: Chinese trading firms in the great com- named. at hast a of the while clerks, it is announced, might grant part prayer friends for, bills out of bis pocket unless the coun- "It Is betraying no state seoret to affirm mercial towns of the world.” YlcM i:\TS IOSBUA BRACKETT, late of West- This morning the of the mileage have to a merit examination. of these if the committee undergo would allow that nothing Luc the strength of our navy brook, deceased. Will uni petition for petitioners; held a and he filled for at ty commissioners them. bills meeting unanimously No further office will tM from to choose between bv Jefferson were not satisfied that it was wise to re- saved having probate thereof, presented a aud there will be no Mr. Chenery- To whom were the agreed that they would not press the bill* least fortnight tbe lush of wbat our uriu* Mt4 won In POLISH WOMAN’S SUICIDE. B. Brackett, Executor therein named. move all restrictions the sale placed upon the oral making of appointments for which you mention made? S-'*udun and a war Whfeh would late of Port- nor would they oppose anti-scalping gen pledges the Boudsvil^s, Alans., March 9.—Mrs. ELIXIR OF OPIUM, fRARLOTTK W. HUBS, of mileage books, they might at least re- several months. canvass I have cost BO tlmre What we deceased. Will and for diu this in return for certain Mr. Despeaux—In nty ap- speedl y spent a Polish com- land, petition bill. They Karoliue Sypher, woman, which Its J. move a purt of them; if the ticket could for In avoiding Is.a preparation of the Drug tiy probate thereeof. presented by Philip concessions from the railroads. The first proached men their friendship. This lfc"_1 mitted suioide this evening. She had NOT are removed, while the val- Larrabee, Executor therein named. fiot be made good for bearer, it might at Jr AN MUN DAY SEIZED, in their several njurious effects that will double the of vv&m the theme uppermost minds IMSCUflSED. been sick for weeks and when I M. late uf Port- is they privileges AMERICANISM uable medeclnal properties are retained. It JKOKUE CHAPLIN, least be made coou for a man and his Pekin, March y.—The report that the that I was nq her husband came home he Account books the wives and I told them crank, but tonight and anti- land, deceased. Final present- tholr mileage by allowing Mun on San Mun March 10.—The Romo osrres- all the sedative anodyne or for the members of the same Italians seized Sai; Londor, found her lying on the bed, her throat possesses ed for allowano- Nora Chapiin and family, to to the ■ by owners to ride with them on the 1 would promise giva people > of but no of their which the Italian minister, of the Post a powers Opium, produces the names of the or Pay, Signoi poudeut Morning says; cut and grasping razor iu her hand. spasmodic Mary h EeUrow, Executrices. firm, provided family demanded as a navul base. of Cumberland country a decent nnforoe* no no cos books and will also provide for the re- Martino, had "Since the recovery of the the sickness of the stomach, vomiting, ilAKK P. late of Portland, de- were written in the EMERY, of the firm book at aUltioiX** )* officially declared the law and the fines should Is lu acute nervous dis valuation of demption of the unused parts of such anU'|0*ii»g ment of go of Americanism being eager- DEATH OF MAINE Uveness, no headache. ceased. Petition for prop- of But this commit- unfounded. question MAN. tor the time purchase. % ,, I this The letter to an invaluable remedy, and is recom- to said estate pur- more than this to the county. make statement re-discussed. Pope’s orders li Is erty belonging books; but of importance ly the Collateral In- toe, utter having taken time for careful Gibbous was Car- Minneapolis. Minn., March 9.—Former me best physicians. of determining is of railroads that now. Cardinal prepared by mended by the agreement they CHINA. was lax to >» paid thereon, pre- and thorough deliberation, has reported JAPAN SUPPOHTS dinal Sattoli and Cardinal Camlllo Mez- Mayor E. B. Babb died tonight. He gosesrltanoe will extend the use of mileage books as Sheriff Orihben corroborated In sente Rufus H. Hinkley. Executor. — Deputy of the of born in Maine 1884, served through oy upon the original measure, and, Lomiou, March 1U. The Shanghai cor zella (Prefect congregation E. lute of adversely ter had said FERRETT, Agent. IOHN H. MURPHY, Portland, soon us possible. Air. Gurdner had a lei of the Daily Mail that what Mr. Despeaux about ths Sacred Rights) both of whom are the civil war, retiring with the rank of us I understand it, that legislation is in respondent says .172 I'KAKL HT., NEW YORK. deceased. Petition that James Augus- the of the is China in her resis- Mr. Uribben said enemies of Cardinal Gib- lie came to in from management Washington Japan supporting dummy warrants he strong captain. Minneapolis Juei.VV&Sat.tfnrm ne trustee In on t he entire subject. tine Meuly appointed expedient as was tance to the Italian demands for a con- under Sheriff aud 1889 and until tho past year lias been couutv road but it of the same served as deputy True back bous Archbishop Ireland, place of John W. Musgraye, said John ‘‘Now, Mr. .Speaker, it mukos no par- cession at San Mun. the letter was an absolute, iu business. He was a promi- deolined said teuor as those already read, he did not in the ’80's. He got no such fees then ami engaged W Musgtave having to one nent mason. ticular difference any except my- condemnation in the original, of all tmst, by James Augustins read it. as had been described today. presented self what my own personal opinion may liiLLY MeGUNNIGLE DEAD. American tendencies. The Pope and Gen. Leavitt of the railroad Mr. Seiders summed up for the rernon* of NEW RIFLE KECOKD. A. SNOW, miner ohlld and but it certainly does seem to me that committee, Cardinal lUmpolla (Papal secretary ilAlJI) be, Brockton, Mass., March 9.—William H. this was A. late of Port- said that for the minor child of strants, arguing that a mattei cur, and added to the New March 9.—Ic Madison heir of Zublu Snow, railroads issue such books without speaking of besi state), expurgated York, might MoGuuuIgle,*. formerly one the It was land, deoeased. Account presented tor the state, the road, pertaining to the general law and Cum- draft, until unrecognizable Square Garden tonight Fred K. Rons, of and under Washington county known ball players in thinsection of the alloviu ce by John E. Ross, Guardian. seriously injuring themselves, should not tne authors.. Neither side 1« com- th** Elite Rifle club of estab- Dr. berland be Brooklyn he would say that they, too, would agree country* died at his home after a lorn county singled by tUFUS UEKHING, late of Portland, same circumstances 1 should bo disposed 7 satisfied, but the real re- lished a "World's record at 190 feet for 100 Lyon’s this He went over the victory for to the new order iilnsss aftcrB*M>n. out. briefly matter* pletely 4600. deceased. Second Account presented to muke an effort to secure that result or.thiugs. with the Americans and it Ib said shots, scoring 1444 out ot a possible PERFECT by Mr mains allowance by Washington J. Ore and The report was then accepted and a already touched upon.. Chenery will He scored 99 means of But 1 do not do so salt] that the red hat be beetowed upon bullseyes. M. Executors legislation. OF ALL. in of his Dudley Webb, motion to reconsider voted down. The BEST a few words support proposition Ireland as a mark u late of teoauee 1 believe that results in that same Archbishop o(,the kLEXANDER M. PARKER, now be considered the a aud and tho hearing closed. Plist and Final Ac- incident may closed. To oleanse system in gentle Pope’s approval.- it when Deering .deceased. direction may elTeotually|be accomplished | A holy life hat a voice; .peaks allowance afterwards came the anti when the count presented for by Flor- flight scalping truly beneficial.munner, Spring the is silent and is either a eoc- Powder without TAX CAPTURED Tooth legislation. THS RATK. EMBEZZLER tongue entine C. Parker, Administratrix. and it wrv~ its and “There is another reason, also, which bill put upon passage with- time comes use the true perfec .tank attraction or a perpetual reproof.— HFINKY C. PEABODY, committee on and Laredo, Texas March BeCiler, the TOILET LUXURY. induces mo to take this position, and that out opposition. remedy, Syrup of Figs. Duy the genuine The ways means to- Hinton. AN ELEGANT Judge, Wells-Fargo express messengers charged _. _ Another railway measure came in today Manufactured by the California FigSyru] day voted to Ax he tax rate at two and San A true copy of the original order. with absconding from Antonio with our return*, 19 Used of refinement l)r. Bull’* !«:»•» be*1:* uuiuifil According to Insanity by people Attest: JOSEPH B. Cough -yiiip Mr. of Caribou introduced a for all three mills on tho was at REED, the L)r. when King Co. only, and sale by druggists quarters dollar, tht (50 000 In his charge, captured lore affair*. a i'.e sure you tet genuine. John W oases in 1,000 are caused by _ for over a quarter of century. Register. lull’s Cotigh »yrup. Trice 2d els. bill to provide that the railway tax should at 50 cent* ba&fcle. present rate. Bustalente, MjxIoo, today.

r^x ( 1 ncgixAiftw. I wcriXAiwcorw.__ _■isatiuraotn. the »me. A despatch fnn Henderson GROWTH OF 1MVII& tonight tag*: •' “(MIT OF GOVEBIET “The 10th Idbims, colored,'pa"**" snot today over the seaboard line. They CLOTHING GO. at private botnet end eehool children. STANDARD offlee'* j Several men were wounded. The of the regiment seemed to have no oontroi Vat ions (ontinar (o Igrtsse Arm- over the men. Similar reporta ooioe from Thin is (ho Comer Stone of Oar other potnta between here and Weldon. ■fnt. Government. in Amcrlcii for 1 THE BEEF COURT AT CHICAGO. We have fbe moot complete equipment outlet fur out Fine nothing, nntl huvlug the lurgevt ri The Members Are I-oohlag Orer the making IT FALLS LIBEKTT SHALL anybody eUe. We price*. A red-hot of In- ruin the R HI. Cbioego, March V.—The court Cheap common soaps b PF.BISH. common soap. j quiry to examine the beef question but as Soap A work In this where a: e Sale of clothes more slowly, just surely. Fairy gan today city We are now holding a Special remarkably high grade Suits, It cleanses without even located the planta of the packers "hi'h a safe soap. harming in sizes for |M Naval Kstlniafr« Prrarutrct to Hons* of had the contracts for supplying the srmy Reefers and Trousers Gentlemen, Young Men, laces and other fabrics of fine Senator t afTery DUrnnri Imperialism Overcoats, rich cambrics, gauzy Commons With Statement by Mr. with animal food. A short executive l\| Hr for of MaiMchmMttn not rot and Member* at and delicate color. It will burn, Oouhen-Thr ( tar's Conference and eesalon vras held at the army headquar- and Children, texture form flub —Public Men Bhoald Heed Boys and is Ml ters In the Pullman and It re- threads as common does, ■ is to the Sltnotlon. building weaken the soap Application f all of Not sulted In a decision to defer the taking of Only Party* as it lasts Wl more economical than soaps longer had cheaper London, March 9.—In introducing the testimony until aftsr an Inspection Boston, March 9. —The member* of the REDUCED PRICES at lbi GREATLY navy estimates Into tlje Honse of Com- been made of tba packing bouses Massachusetts Kefonn club bad ae their beef n ons toddy, the First Lord of the Ad- stockyard* where the refrigerated guests at the regular monthly banquet Senator and enormous new stock of Cloth- Sis FASRBANK’S miralty. the Might Hon. lieorge J end oanned beef are prepared. tonight, Hon. Donaldson Cattery. make room for our elegant Spring ' to (iotohen said never bad ectiraates been The whole day was spent at the stock- from Louisiana. The meeting was well 400 acre* and for us. submitted under more unique olrcum- yards and tbs going over of the attended. Moore fluid Story presided, ing now being made Htanoos. Ahead was the conference for in- of floor apace In one of tbe establishmeqts many portions of Sene tor Cattery’s speech represent the balance of our Winter’s stock; ternational disarmament, while behind was all the court waa able to da were loudly applauded. These special bargains Tomorrow tbo court will go wore the 1 not dents of last November, and morning Senator Cattery spoke to the toast **'lhe ih medium carried from last * to the stook and the Overcoats weights 5 yards sgsln spend Suits and FAIRY wh n a the a to Himself, to His also Spring of naval Public Man comparison strength entire dngf there In going over three oth- Dutyjif J no of me various countries was in er Is not that or and to His Country.” contains coloring every- peeking bouera. It likely District State, i i.- made of pure vegetable oil, r meet all emergencies. tbe foramen or workmen wbo have per- uses them. Kvery man j sonal of the ol re- In the affaire of GREAT : ONE : FOB : ECONOMICAL : BUYERS, hath and fine '1 he continental powers, be further said, knowledge preparation standard to be his guide THE : OPPOBTtlHlTY ,!$:>: \r toilet, laundry purposes. beef and oanned roast beer for w re disturbed by the allegation that frigerated this world. When be Is true to that stand- J No witnesses bsse yet consumption. If he Is true to Crest Brltaiu was preparing with a par- been subpoenaed. While the board may ard, he is true to himself. of the of he “Ihe Soap Century.” | ttculur purpose fir ag:i endive action, blit hrar any one wbo appears. It Is probable himself, true to the standard duty, Knee and Star Shirt —Mrs. Rorer. It will not continue the line of or to a Overcoats, Reefers, Long Trousers, fe minister a«scr:ed, the ideo never Inquiry mnnot be false to a private trust Boys’ Suits, followed at Col Uarls nteied the mind of the 1 e Washington. Our simple minded government. ral'i: public obligation. ail THIS WEEK under price. PURE--WHITE—FLOATING. old world &c.f selling then proceeded to detail the naval pro- “We Imre exsinlned evervbody from animators left the shores of the Waists, *0- t bath and convenient »!-« to* diet, laundry. il who ate In a new & Three g tom me. the private to the major gener with the set purpose of living of the bo»f In Cuba or hud informa- COJIPASV, Mr. Uusohen said Her Majesty's govern- axy world of freedom. They bullded in the thi; k. k. F,uas*?*K tion about Its condition there the whose corner Vorla. ment proposed to make Wei Hal Wei one Is to bs exnmined, course of time a government CblCtfgn. Si. Loui*. At least packer war port on the northern coast of the the one who furnished the most of tho stone rests upon ‘the consent of the gov- cannrd roast beef to the 1 cd an lung peninsula a secondary naval army erned. base, lining out that it would be a "Not until the tire# of llbeity cease to p FOUND GUILTY. most valuable anchorage, and of the MRS. :CODY burn; not until our race forget* Us in- STANDARD CLOTHING CO., greatest imporia ce in any operations in heritance of freedom; not until that Chinese waters and adding that it was Tried to mark mall George and Helen •eternal vigilance which Is its price’ sleeps to i.S O.OJO on on hls with imperialism Maine. mar;iU, AL^ UUI T AT ILOILO. proposed expend pounds Gould. post, drugged 255 middle Street, Portland, SAV P ON GCI «G TO P T MCI. >Vri Hal Wei, during the present year iod expansion and all the parasite# and and 1,500.ecu pounds next year. crawling things of tyranny and empire, Thr Were Well 1 he rsonnel of the for the 9.—After will this essential, vital prin- ^iortll Atlantic S«|ita«lri»il U 111 Sail for \<-g;ro<* Cnminlyilonrr* p< navy Albany, N. Y., March being energizing, h« would he Increased leave our breast# aud ooase to be u ltecclvrd Natives. coming year, said, out hours the brought In a ciple Tiiul l.-tl*.utl ioilay. By eight jury our t y 4 60 men totaling 110,0*0 at a cost of governing principle of & verdict of at 8.15 in the republic. ANDERSON. CO., 7 474.ct.il pounds. Comparing the nav of guilty tonight, When thut time comes, JMr. Chairman, FILING CABINETS. Manila, March V# —4,10 p. in.—The the Mr. (soshcen said that case of K. who has beon let the destinv that overtakes tne degener- A.ar. h t» — llu* North Atlantic personnel, Margaret Cody, Havana, the of Fire Insurance, .Maritime htenm company * while (»reat Britain paid 7,UU0,0dU pounds on trial here since last Thursday charged ate, the power-loving, worshipper* mi .cr P- Admiral Saiuj son Navigation tquudrun ann rritniu d.uuu.uuu {hiuuiir. nusma um/ Mammon, the followers of Molooh, over- for Cabinets and '.teaiuer Neustra fcsenor Del Kosurio, ha* with blackmailing George and Helen 31 EXCHANCE STREET,! W<- have hail a great demand Filing have will sail it1 1 o'clock t nnorroW procttl He could not under- take, us as It will overtake us. paid 445,000 pounds. surely now have on arrived here from Iloilo and she reports how that but that was all the Gould. A recommendation of mercy of Is our ENTS OK- the of the Globe Company and dis. ing by way of L'Mi'iiu > Guaniannnio stand was, Ihe principle eelf-government _At! taken Agency all quiet there, although skirmishing 1* estimates revealed. was made. coliseum—while It stands, our republic line of and Jamaica, t > Porto lilco play a complete Kingston, lief, to he said the shall wh-n It falls, shall irequent in the outlying districts. 'ibe rring ship building, The oourt will convene tomorrow when stand, 'liberty IP HCEIVIX A1: jor Gem r il Let* nni imii d of tie bev had been ftamed after from the earth at coming programme perish Negros commissioners landed Friday of rhe the usaal^motlon will be heard and sent- the hours of GtXjiOS^j ei.tu A? my oorp-c will go on the battle- tomdderu'ion of the programme “It Is left, sir, In closing INSURANCE COMPANY,{ liueolod and have since been doing excel- ther A of these pro- ence will be It Is likely that the nineteenth oentury ti cloths tyrannv iearns to Cidufuoiio-, returniyg from powers. study passed. ship reae- the cast off Of Hiirtford, Conn. Blank led work. l he sit. Paul landed a bat grammes he pointed out, was not Mrs. will receive a on and criminal aggression In Letter File Cabinets, Legal Cases, that it t r. i! A? General Cody light penalty | ly Major siiting. lbs United States, Kussit*, clothes of Asiatic and Egyptian fatalism. statement on tl»c l*t «lay of Janunry, txiiun ot tioops at Negro* ou March 4. account of her age. Hole J. NS Keller, count n:i ». »•! the brat di- France, .Inpan, Italy and Germany had Are we to take the guide of our national 1800 Card Index Cabinets, Pigeon Cases, colonel Smith and the other officer* were The balloted seven times before of a !i rei ivedacie* under construction 685.000 tons or war- Jury life, the factor living, vision of the c r»;K, enlightened of the received and entertained more than was con- or the dark counsel of Th« Capital Stock Company, Office etc. inagnmcentiy by ships or 225,000 tons agreeing the first baillot standing guilty, human conscience, (KW.ono.oo Document File Cabinets Cabinets, a the oari-cioua illness w hlcli is all paid in, it $-* g|mcb mo..ncing in the estimates a dead fatalismr Shall nature and free ih.< natGes who were extremely kind anu templated present not 8; blank, 1. -AliSO f Li' w f i,c» will sr.il for the 8; guilty, chain of *, pro! ably ue was this had forced the government will both be bound In the I courteous 1 ociauon generally Therefore, and her will a Excluding Miss Helen Gould party the star of has Li i-e.l M!«tle lMllOin.IV, t tills leaving .. with enthusiasm. to draw up new programme. ‘destinyP Ah, sir, empire THE ASSETS of the COMPANY ARE AS FOLLOWS It return to Tarrytown tomorrow morning rulD. It is an hour ol hist programme, lured and stales to G. ii Arnold, commander of tlie >*econa Mi.hiii lauding the signal yoar’s supplemental said to- conquerors on hand. In Bank, and with Sectional of Cabinets. two armored One of Miss Gould’s attorneys of the Cash The Globe Wernicke System had estubilsheu co > intinicmiun for two ironclads, not too late to repair the wrung • »24,. 03.58 oi Sev carpi provided that Agents.. u v-skm. in temporary cbttrg.* the three smaller of a night that she was satisfied justice Ihe belter sense of the 30.250.00 Aun Iloilo Captain Tilley reporting cruisers and cruisers, treaty of Paris. State Stocks and Bonds. t cvri.s had been done. A telegram announcing the news ot the to Geneiul Mii- speed American not the promoters, Hartford Bank Stocks.. Mft.S40.00 « the reception s.ecially high people e t n t-id rttrn-s ruisvr Chira.o ar- the of the prosecution was sent the 301,723.00 .er iiualull’s battalion whs l he money therefore for the victory the franchise hunters, place Miscellaneous Bank Slock-*. 1 from subsequently required Gonld altar the Jobbers Stocks rv h. re tins n orning Hampton liuanctul was 550 0<-0 to George immediately searchers after may oome and Railroad landed at Cebu without op^odtlon uud is coming year pounds men, the glory, Corporation 10.00 h. h.- tin New No>k is coal- verdict was known. and Bonds. 2,808., -hip in tin lhe and the total, under the ship building to the resoue of our imperilled Institu- ■ iiuw quartered city. city I Water Bonds. MJ «d 00 i.»^ i; •" iH-tei-. he ire-ling »* d «v her County. ( By. an y which has arrived herefrom vote, including the liabilities for last Mrs. Cody, who had remalued in tions. Uod grant they may come soon. 5,1 ut Cc-rro uluiix, Ken I Estate.. & HARBOR t>f the Cib»n us-emiHy of the after- ^ SHORT mlliCttiy the court loom most free Is moral Curimas, in the northern part of the year’s original and supplementary pro chair in "Ihe curse of any country Loans on Collateral. mar.Mlw cv us toi L0RIN6, M'v.«e. was ay’s meeting. A no is.and of Luzon, reports thut the steamer gr mimes would be 12,817.000 pounds, and noon after the court adjourned waiting cowardice in Its representatives. sign Loans on Heal Kstato.. 174 ..giruiat lhe alleged .inflict between and all but the con- anil Kenls, .n>.:w>..ia sina is that her cargo Increase of over 2,000,000 pounds The to hear her fate, gasped of evil portent on the part of Accumulate!! Interest •: i un.i C iLa*t for.cs in the Joequic siranded, of province has been and that her native total estimates were 26,604,000 pounds. fainted when she heard the verdict stituencies. ruled by machines and bosses, » C it was 1 that jettisoned CASH I ni.iu lara, reporte Mr. Goscben asked an It was a of an hour he- to make cheats and TOTAL ASSETS, {.,.611,4(17.71 crew iuutined on February b and For armament, utility. quurier is a disposition HATS AT FIRST 11 AAR. .. ;:n i: Lund it Jtuuer auQ a former allow of the ves- increns* of 161,000 pounds chiefly for the fore she recovered sufficiently to es and their representatives. In was murdered the ."•punish officers hypocrll lieutenant of r-qaiiiau aueiillus to the for a man is sel. Bo me ot the mutineers are construction of guns, but also lor more hert-elf to be oonuuoied back jail. stead of striking out boldly principle LIABILITIES. >o middlemen'. Profit. Many WISE ilied the (Cubans tm t iu. reported ly day-, go. he as- 1 to error •• lo nave been uirested. ammunition for proctioc, which, and right, many asely pander Cash Capital. -• OTII Ell WISE when it comes to buying llats. The Now lo liiffs as now been trceive.* o the RETIRE. ihe Losses.. .H8.,oj..r The uritUu cruiser Power ul has ar- serted, was a matter of enormous import- GEN. MILLER TO and false doctrine for place and pdf. Kckcrve lor tiutstandlnR have all arrived and a Hat from us means * teat Padrone has been arrested. su Spring Styles fleet just as shown late wa*. of the Is the Reserve ior Reinsurance. 2,0o-*,l>4.> rived here from iu order to ance, by the power machine smothering a to with a Hong Kuug the XET Si ltPl.l'S. 1.183.757.8s lug saving you guaranteed quality. relieve the Narcussus Aftir speaking of the necessity for an voice of the people anil chaining NLW M JOR GENRAL inert*ised vote he said tbts-) Thr Hero of Iloilo Reaches Age Limit to the chariot of the boss 'lne Uni tea Spates transport Arizona shipbuilding representative TOTAL ASSETS.. ?.\ >11,407.71 v the AAR A El* I AES has sailed. ere the votes required by present This Mouth. as a slave lo do his bidding. DERHYS •dtnutiun. he “would have no more to c anoe All la quiet at Manila. “But,” added, “Parties right n. w. C. SKll/rON. rrcsldent. Pr» s!«lri:t Hits Nrl< «»; «1 GciuraU Otis of other result than a of that the action nations, political conscience hierarchy Kl>WAKl) MILLl(iAN, Secretary. fr in the coining International con- have to ooerce the religious con- AssT and n ml r. ing B. KNOX, Secretary. Shaft MU CH WANG LOAN SJfiTTLUD. Washington, March 9.—A change in bishops JoHN 95 cts., SI .45, $1.95 $2.23. ference, could make It possihle for us to sell nee. Luther did nnc become tin cut- m;tr2 eod3w at — of the United States army can a Loudon, March 10. The Duily Graphic diminish or modify the programme while, command cast when hi dotted Home nor *o,e s: of course, malntuiolng our standard and Iloilo will occur March resulting from Democrat or a or a l'opull“t »u, March 1).—The President say 27, Kepubllcun tir1* lows ca Wasliii.gt crisis lelative lie lead out of his creed by the frankM lne Niu Chwaug Joan contract position tho retirement of Gen. Marcus Miller political J has made up the list ol gener- »etiled u ex- Mr. tie when then announced in behaif anathema of practically has been amicably by direct of poltitoal organization. that the who, on that day reaches the age limit and other like YOUNG’S al ollieiTs to be retained iu the volunteer ccungo of views between British ui.d the of Her Majesty's government if “Imperialism, ezpanstou lne Km-sian a* other naval were to t<4 Gen. Miller is In the regular follies and crimes come anti go. out all nussian governments. povsern prepared yeais. may branch of tin* service. The basis of Britain Let the com- s .races are comp etely satisiactoty. The diminish their programmes, Great service, having been promoted only re- the republic will survive. HATS. 2/8 MIDDLE ST.^MONUMENT 50, the cab-id ttion is an of bo,000 men «vi.ide i» ended aud ti.« two wan to modify hem. But, If the mands of fall upon public men, un- army uifbcuity gov- prepared to the rank of brigadier geueriti. duty a scheme Uzur's v ere not the cently heeded and and the for the Prc>ident has so far insisted that ernments are arranging by hopes realized, pro aisregarded republic j If he were in the volunteer service, bis widen tueii relations jn the lar east may gtamme would have to stand an i ho, Mr. he would not call for volunteers in ad- thoae followed oe permanently regulated. '•ufccben, expressed the hope that Hon. Charles Fronds Adame CONTRACT AM* INVESTMENT. —-----— to uttack the vein and in the course of bis AVAILABLE dition to tint number unless an enter- who were proponing tbe been in the same COAL. precedent to contrary having before the public a new would not lemark* of the tribute re- si oi u.in the New York Life Insurance oinpuny put country’s expenditure attempt spoke feelingly ni*(In ,n*the first or this mouth ri.... established in the oase of several other to ltv ttiir. just iiiul liberal features to dissuade the people from bearing the cently paid to Hon. Carl Soburz at the corre- Free London, March 10.—The Pekin uu uunen A Fail Assonmont oi anl tiou act limits tin- number of major gen- luxation necesHHurj iu carry me general officers who held commands dur- tauciLet iu honor of his birthday, at New Lehigh spondent of the limes says: to to one for each of the empire. war. York. erals be appointed 12,- hus notified ing the Spanish for Domestic Use. 1 no 1 sung Li ^ union big- In conclusion, the llrst lord of the art A number of other members of the club Burning Coils to Miller's services in the 000 men and the brigadier generals i) ir Martino, trie Italian minister, t int <»aia the estimates were Gen. Philippines of the miralty “simplv discussed the future policy govern- ami .Assets 01 #215.000.000) over inepouoy cuuwww ms for a concession at Focahontus (Seml-Hltuiulnous) Policy oue for every 4»kn» men in active service despatch asking the embodiment of the feelings of a peace have been leoojnlzed by th* waridepart- ment. *t ol,lv Pan-V. 5 cent at any time on demand of »uii aiun was vaturned to niiu he- ! ss value, his of 1? Lift s iaes for loans at per this > mere are tliree bay. determined nation.” (Cheers.) ment nf giM«t capture Coals are rhe N«*w mlv t nc> p Ou basis, already loving, Georges Creek Cumberland com|lul!l,.,i ao not provide loans at at all, and cause it was impossible to comply with tjosclieu the de- Jioilo without loss to the American forces J Major Generals in the rmy in the per- M. emphasized purely A RARE OPPORTUNITY. at end if third year, and still other companies do the reques* and Ucause retu.-ai mlgnt of but an In the for steam and lo Genet a; .M Brooke fensive object the naval Increase, having uiurked important epoch unsurpassed general l^e^wll-'^i^'rhiirSw'SldMiuo sons of iles, General to the relations between have mannered said that, in view of the construction of operations in the islands. His compul- There are many weak men almost in materially Increased. and General Memtt. there is room for and it with that use. "°t'*nd11 UThls’t;<*m!iany’a loaifs'havebeen Italy China, but, arided, her rivals of fust cruisers, with the sory retirement is a matter of regret to condition. have torge two despair over their The? but more. as me action had been inisundtr-tood the of Hi Utah the He will he succeeded in Wlthta nve years, have the avowed purpose preyiug upon department. remedies without \ Franklin, To fill these two tees the President Chinese minister in Hume hud been iu- tried numerous any Genuine l.ykens alley SJ- sum to ‘mAV^anythat of annual tv.m Installments. j commerce and Ure*f Britain's load sup- the natural order of promotion b> Col. privilege o[ chan ting the payment from one has selected General Muiftcr ami General stiuc.ed to the Li Yauieu’s ranks anJ now look to the futur* from dat'of express 'isung In the event of war, England was Thomas M. Anderson, who imw benedt they ai.,1 American « sunel. Mh. Non.lorfeU ihle or Medical Examiner's ply Fnglish ,r# ,t n0 cpv pi application Otis, now in command it M anila. It is egrets. to build live new cruisers as a of volunteers. But should take are recited above j forced particu- brigadier general without hope. they so^drawn utat'i.U the conditions and henellts to that tli .»f to iet’es^.try i/aiiiSs safe say Brigadiers larly swift, in ordor to circumvent these An is to Constant- repuri'henltT j BY' GAs EXPLOSION. courage. opportunity presented Above Coals the nffloers'signatures be appointed will iuelude the following: KILLED ncheiue*. lie ul-o said that the four APHHODI IE FAST. with end of hrst vear under this policy (some THE them of advlcs and assistance at end of second, and still at cruisers now beinz hoilt und r obtaioiug Hand. otb c do so only Gcueral Wood Santiago; General Pa.. March an ex- nrinorod ly On gram exieufled iusS?anee)%vhlle Pottsville. 0.—By March 9. —The new steel 6team In the comp’itiies'lioio't Wilson at Gwicimi Lee in the the programme would be the Hath, of the greatest specialist country ... otheysttteud of'h!rd year only. Matauzas; plosion of gas in a gangway of the Ala- original rF.f.irnoNE anytime within live years. The majority of the in the world. constructed the Mil. me I.wc Iiv 4» province of Havana: (ieueral Davis, now honoy City colliery operated by the Phila- most powerful ships yacht Aphrodite. by on the disease that causes weakness in vvu.^ic ... v lilIIH or on Rnv terms, and those who ithiu on with the court ot into and coal und iron com- Hath Iron Works for Oliver H. of Dr. 34 Bos- OFFICE: duty inquiry delphia ltradiug NOT Payne men. Ureene, Temple Place, or less MITCHELL FOUND UULTY. the be.-f supplies; General Ludlow, in pany, 13 men were more serious- was her first builder's New York, given ton, Mass., the most successful physician 7b Commercial & 70 Euhinn Sts- hile command of Havana ( ity; General Law- ly burned; two probably fatally, 'ihe Mass., March 9.—The trial M. W5ir ti Plymouth, trial trip today and she developed a speed in curing diseases, csn be consulted by *i>r3 ton. nearing Manila; Geuera Me Vrtlmr. cause ot the explosion is a mystery. of John L. Mitchell, chief of police of of 17 knots an hour. Write to him him all at Manila, and General (.'bailee and Gen- A great mass of limber aim com fell In Hull, and John Smith, chairman of the letter, free. telling S also"as tontiabiu oUife ilnd us to SIS the re,l!£.tS5!»aK» the gangway und hindered work of Hull board of selectmen who were The worked through ubout case and he will give you the eral Frank. engiuos smoothly your of ktnd will he for mili- lescue. ihe men were brought to the with money that no or extra charge any required charged bribery by uccepttag out tbe trip, wnile the yacht under the advice that will make you woll. It will ““Mr a &*sTamment permit rurfuce ns us and for of rapidly porsiulo phy- from parsons the privilege selling tary m naval is tncontestible from any cause front VETOED STATEHOOD BILL. wounds. hurst of speed behaved splendidly. I be cost nothing. eiciaas dressed tneir an«l carrying on gambling at Nau- you ^”wl^0f,;t\‘ [plV"m'imcri‘um'iisiy“0f;’'ii'y ter business lor year liquor Tim New York life Insurance Company's actually paid March —Gov. iica came to an termina- yacht was in charge of .Scott of the the dale uflssue Wichita, Kus., Barnes of tasket h, abrupt Ci«j)t. follows: CHAMPIONSHIP. this the NAVY TO BK RECRUITED. lK9d was as Oklahoma has vetoed the statehood bill RACQUET tion late afternoon. Although Hath Iron Works, while Superintendent ot Premhinvs. to WALL PAPERS No. of Policies. Amt. Insurance.-Amt.^ot I witnesses < : — i.efense ha twenty-one put on thegrouudoftbeesien.se various Montreal, Quo., March ib Holland of Charles K. Hamcom who designed her Washington, March ‘J.—The navy de- Sti,Oa4,»t>y stand were so confident of the -y-jf-ill---—--SI.VJ,093,3«U elections and because he believes single Moiireal.iast year's American .in the they has instructed the commandants chamiior, of their evidence that a few and Charles K. Hyde were Also on board. partment world to be the ultimate tud of too trength only — — In the by statehood and Shuw of Boston, lust year's Canadi- of receiving ships along the Atlantic FOB T1IE Which exceeds its nearest competitor wituesses were called. A conference be- of of territorles. an and this year’s American ciminpion. coast to resume the enlistment of ordi- No of Policies Amt. Insurance._Amt, Premiums._ District Attorney R. O. Harris nuys.ooo will in the final for the Canadian tween WANT TO JOIN MARINE COUPS. seamen bolding honorable discharges *93,313, w»o p ay U. O. re- nary -317555- and his assistant, R. Shultz, rendertd the of all REAR END COLLISION. championship tomorrow. for service* during Spanish are from the Sworn Statements companies. racquet sulted in the court a verdict of Washington. March 9.—rio ease the pres- Above figures fids is the result ot the semi-deals ordering war. The officer in churge of the naval T. S. Itl lt\S hfiural Afitut. that sure in tbe selection of for ap- Altoona, Fa., March U.—A passenger not guilty, the prosecution deciding applicants station in t hicago has b*eu played Lday, Shaw defeating Applegarth combatted to the vacancies In the Unit- recruiting HEKHEKT S. DYER, Agent. traiu ran into the rear end of a fiv ght their side had been full/ by pointment in Season. Instructed and addition bus Spring ot ^At»ntreal thiee while Koliand similarly straight, for There were ed States marine created the train at Aiiegrippus today. Engineer the attorney's the defence. corps by to landsmen umtor the disposed of Lamontagne of New ^ urk In has been told enlist John 'larr of the passenger train, and seventeen counts against Smith and ruval personnel act, Secretary Long the Mtuie Both outclassed their op- same conditions. The purpose of tbe-e were way. aud the same number against a rigid examination which cum George Keini. the liran.un killed. Mitchell, prescribed orders is to seoure the men needed to meet Our New stork in now ponents. a of Hull, must be successfully as a condi- No passengers were hurt. The accidentia Eugene Mitchell, policeman passed the increase of the ealLted force from the in All Gruites, and we textual on tion of There are 40b ap- plrte said to have resulted from a wrong signal. who was found guilty days ago appointment. best material. CAN PROVE AN ALIBI. the 90 created the an examination of ■ ■ v three only. plicants for places by solicit styles act and It is possible that tbe examina- i CAM SWEPT BY HURRICANE. Montreal, ie., March U.— ihe man and prices. CUR Q tions will thin out tbe available list to ‘‘Joe/’ suspected by Chief Detective NEW AUTOMATIC GUN. OF Workmen March 9.—The the desired. FREE CHARGE. Competent Supplied THE PAH Brisbane, Queensland, Carpenter ot being the Brookfield, Mass., proportions northeust coast is now being swept by a March 9.—There was a at Keusomiblc Price*. KILLER._ murderer, he answering the description Washington, from a cold settled severe hurricane. there hHS been the of a Any adultsuftering Already of the wanted” circular was test at navy yard today KIPLING STILL DOING WELL. and serious perfectly, private on the breast, bronchitis, throat or luog much loss of life aud property new magazine rifle, the Invention of S. claim a over all today identiben as Joseph bhone, a horse to- who .vill call at 50 It is all very Hell to superiority fears aie entertained the safety of Ohio. General N»»w York, March U.—At 10 o'clock troubles of any uature, regarding toief, who was in bt. Vinoeut de Paul M. MeClane Cleveland, is in the ot the lleet which witnessed night It wax announced t< at Mr. Kipling F. E. Ficketrs, 21k Danforth, K. W. f JCIliS liniments but the proof of the pudding eating. pearl shelling employs at the time the murder was Miles and other army officers penuentury was anl had Lem for A a thou.Mind men. committed. the test. The new gun uses the gases sleeping soundly Stevens’, 107 Portland. McDonough When your rheumatic pain, your nfiralgia trouble, several hours. He was as being by its bring to operate the reported Sheridan’s. 235 Congress, or J. E. Goold, disease has almost induced generated much batter. the afternoon be your sore back or your skin mechanism. It can he so ar- During A 201 Federal St., will be SHORT & HARMON gm WITNESS FOUND MURDERED. THK LZAlt’S PEACE CONGKESS. magazine ck-roora Co.’s, presented L0RIN6, 1 AN. was from old s in human skill GUli-I-C that one of the transferred hie bottle of Bost'ltee's (eUKeodif you to give up all faith try ranged pull trigger much with a sample ‘ihe March U — to parlor No. l, and seemed pleased Forth Worth. Texas., March 8. —The Hague, ihe peace con- empties the magazine or 1 t o* lie bred as GermiKii styrup, free of charge. III1CC does not relieve you, you pay nothing. ference otherwise the with tbe The child Elsie was dead of Mrs. M. Davis was found congress of repre- aa desired, the automatic arrange- change. to one body slowly that the Only one bottle given peison and o AN cures when doctors fail. Use of this sentatives of the powers, celled the the so much Improved t nlay phy- It tile. CUK-I-f last night on the roadside mar Azle, by ment ejecting empty shells, reloading to children without order from Czar to discuss the sicians allowed the little brother into the none is of no avail. county stabbed in a horrible manner. pusaibllltv of taking and cocking the pi«foe. lhe test on the worthless patent medicines steps towards a room to play with his sister. parents. The woman was a luading witness in a general disarmament, whole was satisfactory. For It is in form and one trial will meet Cere on No throat or remedy ever had put up generous sensational iuunler case to be tried at the will May 18. lung FOR such a sale as B»»cliee’» Reriiiiin establish it in your home. present term of couit. NICE KIND OF EOLDIEHS. DYNAMITE CARTRIDGES SS|B<> firmly iu nil of the civilized GKADY SIGNS. JOKE. Syrup parts It has cured others. lie sure that it will cure you. N. C.t March a—The tour of world. Twenty years ago millions of ENG LA ND’fc KKPRESKN TA TiON. Philadelphia, March — Catcher Mich- Raleigh, the jt is for internal as well as external applioation and the loth Inimunes through this state was Paris, March 9.-The Gaulois says bottles were away, and your drug- ^ ael Grady a New York club con- 'lou- given London, March 10.—The signed marked drunken rioting and shoot- found near the tell its success was marvel- .* II contains no noxious or harmful iugredieuis. Dally Graphic tract by dynamite cartridges gists will you today. horses and oattle the Ion arsenal were there as a practi- nays it understands that Sir Julian ing at people, along plaeed ous. It is really the only Throat and STEPHEN BERRY, the the few minutes tha train cal and that °° ntalned a Panncefote, British ambassador at road. During joke adds they Lung Remedy generally enddorsed phy- Druggists. has “A dose in time saves lives." there was and harmless Washington,* been appointed to repre- Dr, stopped here, drinking blasting powder. cure or ft') the sicians. One 75 cent bottlewill orxl fnu/ vie'., sent Grtat Britain at the Wood’s Norway Pine .Syrup; natures disorder among the men. Several shots The Gaulois may be correct, but, fficokj RELIEF 13 SO CHEAP AND SO SUFSE. forthcoming until the its value. Sold all druggists in J<‘‘ WHY SUFFER WHEN conferci oi for the limitation of arma- remedy for coughs, colds, were tired at the ground or In the air. real truth will not be known prove by omTtlfuSrb 5i pulmouary this «i'L 37 I'.una faLroau | ment. diseases of every sort. All along the route their oonduot was ofliolal Inquiry Is oonoltidsd city. MIHCKLU1CBUW. MUCmXAiraOCi. riHAKClAU PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. The letter which General Manager A CARLISLE BOY. Evans of the Maine Central wrote to Rep- AND JEFFERSON THEATRE, ~’JSS.*JSaS„ resentative Webb, and which was read Why fit'» * “Blanket Indian" Oner MAINE STATE Til KM. in tin* House yesterday places the Maine More. investments: Unto*. THE Subscription 1 OLDEST BOYIN WORLD. Central railroad In a very favorable light THE : PRINCE 7OF 4a POLILLO, Daily (In advance) |8 per year; $3 ft* before the as it docs people, expressing ( Kansas USty Journal.) march IA and 16, 50 cents a mont 14, months; $1.60 a quarter; willingness on the part of the road to What, is probably the most interesting Him. WE OFFER The Daily is delivered every morutni by All Men Know Him—None Ever Saw make reasonable concession to Its patrons un«l unprecedented case of an Indian re- PRESENTED BY THE PORTLAND ATHLETIC CLUB. within tho limit* an* at due 1902-M2 carrier anywhere city of Portland 4s, fi.oo, Ti»f, i»o«. Seat* on office Saturday mornlnt at 9o'clock. as fast as they can be made without seri- turning to his former life and habits City Hale at Bov Woodfords w ithout extra charge. due 1907 Auction Hair of ( holer at Crruff, .fours Sl Allrn'a today- at 9 a. m. ihe ously crippltng the road’e finances. It after a four year’s ooune to the Carlisle ■ ■ of Portland Daily (not in advance), invariably at ■■ He, whose vitality ia impaired, seek* City 6s, ofTera, as an Immediate concession, that Indian School has just been brought to rate >197 a year. I and when he finds him, shuns him of 4s. due 1919 the road will for noti?e of the at him, City Owering Maine State Prkse. (Weekly) published sell mileage tickets gtiod the people Darlington, He avoids PORTLAND THEATRE. year; 00 cents (or e and’ hates himself. society, every Thursday. 91.00/)er a man and his wife and will Investigate I. T. It Is that of the young Cheyenne Maine Central R. R. 7s, due 1912 mouths; 20 cents (or 3 months. smile is a and he is a TOMfJIIT and and Even In* Th!» Week. local rates with a view to their revision if known to his tribe as Spotted Horse. woman’s dagger, Every Afternoon Pei sons wishing to (oave town fur long or mental coward. Woman Cable R. R. 5s, was to Darl- and Cleveland City Iklwln Majrnard and Mara MaoDonald of their any Injustice exists In them. If the emi- When the rumor brought physical short periods may have Ihe addresses t>» a coterie of exc.ilent pi.rert In . repertoire ot big b cla«» pit ye. fair and shown to those secs weakness and abhors while she 1909 Supported as desired. nently conciliatory spirit ington It appeared preposterous his due papers changed as often is This Afternoon, THE l*AKIA Him; OF LOfDO*. In this letter were always manifested by who knew the Indian, nod leinem bated him He breathes and moves, yet Advertising Kate*. pities Co. Tonight, THE tiOLDIEB'S KETCH*. rh*' railroads they would have very mush his complete transforanitlon upon his re- dead to himself, and dead to the world Erie Telwgraph & Telephone I* Daily Precis $1.60 per sqnsre, for jn* Saturday Afternoon. The Two Orphans | Saturday Night, Shamrock and Itoae less trouble with the and wonld turn from school. 'Ihuu he had saun- to be A Mas. one in«>nlh. Three insertions people which he would gladly give Trust due 1926 week; $4.00for Collateral 5s, Matinee BUN to be announced. NumerousSpeclaltlea, New Scenery. Naw Costumes, other Ad- much loss the victims of the tered into the Indians village dressed in or less, $1.00 per square. Every ALIV week or $2.r»0 for one month. of revenge. If the railroad and cane. indicated him to management Everything and cure known to "A is a space of the width of a coJ* quick square” would ceaso to assume that the people be an intelligent yonng man and a stu- positive oinn and one inch long. medicine for Lost Vitality—Dr. F. O. BAILEY & CO. were always inclined to be hostile, and dent, his general deportment showed close SWAN&BARRETT, Sol ices, on first page, one-third addi- R. C. Flower’s Vigor ! EVERY... Special would repoRe more confidence in their attention to discipline; In faot, his traus Improved tional. Youth. 186 MIDDLE Asetisieers andCtnaiiwiss Nercham and fairness would and Tablets and New They ST., and Auction Sale*. $2.00 per justice they get along formation from ulankets gee strings Ammements restore Lost room insertions or less, much better. had been enough to Hartle the vitalise old age, Vigor ME. ... MAN Sales 46 fcxcbaflfe Street. square each week. Three complete PORTLAND, and Nerve, f»B20«U j effect civilisation had of Ambition $1.50 per square. whole tilts* at the Youth, r. O.BAIM'X c. w. allc and classed of mind and m*iu Hearting Settee* m nonpareil type CURRENT COMMENT. wrought on one of their most promising prevent depression '_TO HIS TRADE line each «rliU other paid notices. 16 cents per braves. They sre the only panacea for Lost Vitality. THE DAILY MEU insertion. A for the Journal” paralysis. MR. REED’S correspondent is made from the private w. k*T. nitoMi I P,;re Heading Sol ice* In reading matter 1} pe, TRIUMPH. This marvelous remedy started out to And Spotted Horse. In- which he has Can always be found at the pertodia id cents per line each Insertion. of Dr. R. C. Flower, one with com. to maonable." N. ii. Fessenden, 626 expired. much First Five Per Cent !a advance, will bo charged er occasion all was said; “Huh, Spotted Horse good Advice is Free to All. Mortgage YV. H. Jewett. 604 Use.Ten is not paid acrimony nnd imna- cents in M no like stamps. A. Libby. 660 tienoe. The was Indian; paleface religion.” la .oak oaM* tfc. work la llnjl I, at regular rates. minority withholding but write 936 street from the Whle not to the point the answer wa- Don’t wait till to-morrow, to-day V. A. Jelllson. Congres State Press-;* 1.00 per square Speaker the usual revelations W3i a ( street In Maine woith heeding, and after a few minutes' To- utl.faotory and triagi aaaaUaad (.'has asIjImu. oogress (or of thank*, and the Speaker was standing for valuable book and blank. BONDS Donnell 136 Congress street for first insertion, and 50 cants per sqi’iro parleying the old fellow stated that Spot- symptom GOLD R. i„ in his place delivering a valedictory of C. Frederickson. 16 Inula street Insertion. ted Horse was located in the eastern late. Wonderful and Due January 1st, 1934, nanlta each subsequent defiance. On this latter occasion nil was part morrow may be too A. Stubbs. coi nor Federal and staple 8ts all communication! relating to sub* of the camp and described ths lepee as 87 India street Address enthusiastic and The minori- — j. J. Beardworth. good will. assured. — BY to Port land h vlng much white talk on It immediate improvement Improved FOR SALE TUB THURSTON HUNT, Kraklne. 43 Middle street ecrlpUo-H and advertisements ty through its leader had paid sincere “heap F 11 Street, After searchi g around through the viI will restore the L. D. J. Perkins, 2 Exchange street Fcbijsiiino Co., U7 Kxcuanob ana graceful tribute to the Speaker, and Tablets positively street hue a was found which was covered Vigor PORTLAND, MB. ft P, Dennis, 41 b Commercial lie was thanks in a ilt of tepee Fort lan o, Mu. returning sp weakest man. cost but t. 8 Cole, Cor. Boyd and Oxford street with figures and lettering in a fairly vigor of the They & BARRETT. -- hearty appreciation. And yet th same SWAN J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle street. good l' nglish hand, some bear- marl dtf Minn li'i nrisiiii il nc> fmt.li limit. nil expression a box, and their effect is immediate. W. L. Crane. 7« Exchange street evidence of the author's hatred of tho 50c. and the rules which had lie one ing Westman A West. 03 »6 Commerelal infuriated and am wbire race. Loud' Remedies h.v. bnn prescribe* by him for ywi apacilWt. H. Allen. 8811* Congress street House hud been applied eo as to fi-?OUre I*.lighter proceeded Dr. R. c. Flower’. C*l.brct.d PHES-^vr SAIJE3, TWO MILLIONS A VKKK. Join iron the In vide, and the correspondent, DeanetftCo. 646 Congress tu p: PEEBft the of the other. r-1 onrr-n mrmc A CCftr*I ▲ TlfkNI iei WfiAt approval •nl» rin.v found himself with four I;:- litH StfCCt. NH^V YORK. G. J. Hodgson. 96H Portland street It pays to he in earnest, it pay to go Long Island. ilium* who were squatted in a half circle T. M. Olendenlng, through with a task once it is honestly WOODBURY F. L. Brackett. Peaks faland. «»n the lloor. entered upon When Mr. Kcedte'ktl J E. Harmon, 1116 Congress street FRIDAY, MARCH 10. A fur touch one of th gavel in the Fifty-first Congress he found questioning J. H. Whitman & 8on, 422 Congress street number sai l: ‘*1 am .Spotted xiorse A PROUD MAN H M. 68 Pine street himself hampered by in tl «* Butler, practices W II. 221 street. to furnish the a it do you want?' J. Vickery, Bprlng 'The Kruppn have refused conduct of business wholly out jf date a cor. and He was sked if it was hie intention to is he who can bring tho doed of pretty FOR BILIOUS AND. NERVOUS DISORDERS II. D. McKenzie, Spring Clark until he has and positively a detriment to the t uhj4< ( apt. *8 Portland Pier. Multan with aDy more guns i• ho civil- & Long. ounce all that had learned of to to his MOULTON, fuch rb wind and Pain In service. Do set about at once cor cting and cosy home {present wife, the Stomach, q W. Hunt. 8 Custom house Whan. for those he has already received. zed y. 11* said tha. it was. He then Giddiness, Fullness after meals, Headache, Monument pall the evil. It required resolution ns well it at such a and on John cox. 23 square unseated f<> a brief of his after securing price Dizziness, Drowsiness, Flushings of Heat, 12 Elm street as a knowledge ct what was ne< snr give history Bankers, J F. Hutchinson. conveniently washes her Alter two bourn of conversation such terms a* we enable him to do lx** of Appetite, C '•liven* sh. Blotches on Peter Tliima. Forest Avenue Germany Fortunately ho possessed both. Ho hi. easy the ( old Chili Disturbed ■* s Hklu, Fleep. Also at the news stands in the Falmouth. for the friction t :i< fact were gtaiced: are offer- hands of all responsibility the courage to prepare and apple ml* when ho buys through us. We Frightful Dreams and all nervous and and l ulted Mates ho- >\ lun quit-* young spotted Horse w»»« Preble, Congress 8quare the German ami American fleet* so t.nliko the old cues that a Hit i? choicest lots Trembling Sensations THE FIRST ONE tel*. and Grand Trunk and Union Depots. It between d. d for his 1 right euranoe and ing some of the building CORNER OF MIDDLE & EXCHANGE STS W'lL GIVE RELIEF IN MINUTES. the House was several times during that r.p quick TWENTY can also he obtained of Chisholm Bros., Agents at Manila last summer by charging all at1 licet tie wan out with five around the at sufferer will them to be session but narrowly averted. singled and homes in ami city Every acknowledge on all trains of the Marne Central, Grand Trunk lack of tact. .»t t. rs as the aud l est in the Portland & Rochester railroads and of the trouble to her admiral’s 1 Ik reformer does not always tve > brightest and terms that will enable the and ;ri and wav Kent. t> prices ou any of the Boston Trains. out in a fruits of Mr. >, Carlisle School, agents Things might have turned way n ip the his labor. ^eeti to his WONDERFUL ! «v'ii he HOvujli* ply Interested iu man of moflerato means enjoy The Fuses can also oefouuu at the following as lack ol in t!ds matter Is an exception to the ri»t ,\vai that what is now condemned Nfu.»H**c H ■ Wa* with Securities, Auburn—G.H. Haskett, The next two Houses v.en Deni crate firaduated high own roof tree. Investment been In the >7 A ul'u.sI.i—J F. Pierce, tact would have rewarded. s ulas Upon leaving and he had the satisfaction of •t ing MEDICINE Bath—John.O. Shaw. t td. st ha I lie intended ro study Jaw or much of his work adopt d y ihe»u who Thmy promptly euro Slok Hoadmoho Berlin Falls, >'- H.-C.S. Clark. Sulzer of New ont ■I Iv o a certificate t,» teach. But after Congressman York, ac and the <1, mon- Biddeford—A. M. Burnham, had lirst denounced It; a * v lu i.'s from his ambition Credit. For Weak Stomach, Impaired Diges- whilom henchmen, has an crowned him as a freedom tudy Letters of i in idgum—A. W. Ingalls, of Croker’s stiation on Saturday M. LEIGHTON, tion, Disordered Lt\»r in Men, Women ur ivr iy, or, us Spotti 1 Horse put it: LLEWELLYN Brunswick— F. P. 8haw. nounoed himself as a candidate for tht p .rliamentary victor. No man In the1 Children Itiian* Tabnlos are without a i be i. light of study m do me sick. J marlO 53 l HI. lit Bangor J- D. Glynn. office of speaker ever enjoyed a m ra sig- aclinnge rival and they now h u e the largest sale of | K Kennison. Democratic leadership in the house, re udn v.v.nt more -o.*ke; I wanted I’.oothhay Harbor-/ nal triumph. any Drafts any patent medicine in the world. ! Brownfield- K. L 1-rink. a fun.' After two weeks of such life he Foreign abdicated in hoff by Congress Mr. Reed are not I A Jose. eently The rules devised by ■ _I FINANCIAL. tune Elizabeth—Dyer decided to return home io his trilie and JanlMtf .. i-. Mgrrmer. man of Texas. Sulzer goes bacli perfect.and he hes applied them at times Bailey | show them how he could dross. If, was If lt‘s a Localized Pain or Ache Mills—If. G. start. he it so us to rouse the protest even of men of It With a Cumberland on Croker announcing that to return to th»- You Can Promptly Kill Lewis. by concentrate a I bis intention, however, Camden—Fred hi- own party. They large WANTED .J. H. Gould, and for free silver. Fast On his arrival at his native camp against expansion power In the speaker, aud make it more ! L.L.E the first that his was A c..*e >f bad health that RTP\A,N*3 will not bene- torii.-li— light. that he should al- object greeted eyes S than ever important | fit. ffl'P'A'N'B. 10 for rent*, or i2 packet* for IS Deennk—N- J. Scanlon. One of the numerous senatorial dead his old known as cent*. be had of all who arc A. Melon* ways be a man of the U^t judgment aud ; sweetheart, “Cheyenne may druggtnta Milling Deer an *. Center—A. election ol I Fannie.” -Not since his departure to col- U» *fll a low priced medicine »i a inoderatB profit. il. Gamage. locks has been broken by the intentions. Rut that in the main, BENSON'S, PHILIP H. FARLEY unnian and life Dani.irisco.vii—M. they I They r*e> prolong an" BONDS hail heard from each GRADE be 11. Evans. and for lege they other, * me relief Accent no auhtitltiitc Fair id—E. L. to suocecd Senator A Her have worked for good expediting give* White*C* M. Hayward la their meeting the old lore 41 WALL STREET N >te the word R-1 !* A > S on the packet, F.inniugAii—H- P. the business 1bsomething for which unexpected Bond !. enta to Ripan* rheiulca) Co N<>. 10 W. Mitoheu. is a retired law public as much as be mo*** Spruce Freeport—A. of Nebraska. Hayward be was rekindled. However, NEW YORK New for 10 and 1.000 tcaUmutfiaia. the country is ami should grateful to BA. York, sample* Fi«enuig- A. C. rye. about 00 of and was Iasi thought of Cheyenne Fannie then, he was I yor years age, their author. 4 EXCHANGE STREET FryeDurtf-J. T. Wblunorc more Interested in showing off his Bussell Bros. fall candidate for governor, but was de deeply SAEAL, THE United States. 1908-1918, 3’s (iaruiii'-r— fine clothes aud the c istumes (ON PORTLAND R E M V A L»naiug—8. w Flfl.lt LITTLE GAME. ridiculing iGENUINE O LT~ hated by a small mujnrity. In California, CHAMBERLAIN’S h is old cronlus STAMP/ REPRESENTING J. Eermonu. of Ol or ooruamGorhaiu—E. United States. 1925, 4’s Tin KICK ^ *u ^ M# LeayittASoa. Delaware and Utah dead His first night in "amp caused him Pennsylvania, (The London Truth.) I- Btusel'. in or two Gore-i little ol discomfiture. Hut a day ‘>us. lo3ks are s ill on. with prospect There is an instructive little corres- great| M ine, 1902-12, 4’s FI.KDKK llli A. TOMPSON, Keunruunk—l H. he became reconciled to his old habits, Portland, Wilson & Miner. Stephens Keunebunkuort—i. E. solution. in The Times of Monday with would at < pondence and when the young bucks jeer Saco. Maine, l’oo. 4’s Architect Liwiino !■.»..■* to Mr. Chamberalaln’s jingoism his inability to perform some of the olu Lewiston—ci.andlei & Wlushl* the Journal Mr. respect t is the best BANKERS Iiris hepn r« moved to 111#* V. II. —11 Marston. According to Albany tricks or run ns fast as they could, in Long .siau in connection with the United States. Deering, Maine, 1919, 4’s «. 1. ISmld^lift(«4 :tl nunti*l 1 w < Grant. Croker will press Augu-tus Van YVy l their primitive costum s, lie was angered, LlmencK—8. A.^ who is cor- Mr. Henry Norman, London in made himself a cos- SECURITIES for the Democratic Presidential noiniua and, desperation, POROUS Portland Water Company, 1927, 4’s INVESTMENT I M. Gerry. respondent of The New York Times, tume which he donned in place of his t'.tus—Merrill A Denning. lion, and he is said to be so much ir MecUntile ii ui made suit. Aboil. that lime a k n -ms-.u Noyes. wrote that “English statesmen are grow- Portland Eieiator Company, 1908- Information furnished Bonds earnest about it that he will threater .ncil w is h Id f r the purpose of n ak- PLASTER cheerfully concerning n";„, Mr»u..r.t Nfi.-J.C. UuoUUmg* of the that the •* ing impatient charge a man- dealt In, on New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Balt —• i* with defeat any other candidate whe ;i trading expedition on tha Co 1919. 4’s NOIVk.io \u’ n want the United States to Stock and orders A. u. NovesCo. Van ii English people hes u. d K Jo was ami tin* young graduate more and Chicago Exchanges, 11. VV nil taker, muy the nomination. Wyok >. Co u was c. get u to of show- them to their hit was ho go along. Desirous Portland & Rumford Falls, 1927, 4’s therein executed on the usual terms n.i.u Libby. of Van and was help light European oitl in. >via the brother Mayor Wyok, If his education and tailor made suit '> 1 Mr. Carnegie wrote the next da> ing Klcniaoml- candidate for of New to is he went, lie was sub- Providence & Taunton Fails—-L. 1’reb.,®*lf•>. Boll®. Croker's governor neighbors, Railway, 1918,5*s marT • «itt Luuitortf t New York .he fol «•* ;irr* The Times, quoting not to gross indignities by the UccklAiid—Uuii York last year. jected only HllSlOtt. words of Mr. Chainberi tin. ir .i tint was handled the West 5’s v. 1"wing was, roughly by Chicago Railway, 1909, I atlTkticI i;ios. vicious who delighted in Nuiloru—n It is intimated that Herbert Putnan .rder to show that this impression was Com.inches, S-kowU'-iran—1* >& Buck. aubio-r Ms clothes and tormenting him. Joliet Railway. 5’s K. Merrimaa. the of librarian c; a reasonable one: “We now two our 1918, HouUi Bortmn‘1—J. declined appointment this time Horve said he be- »• 11. Uioker A Son. Isj fcpottod other choice him the President Atlantic the nod securities. iCbOKIN&KAHClSTO e VV. Bead. tendered ooiisins across the lt t an is \ Bonds, &lv by entering that Investment I V»iiai.iaui-J. Congress ’Uhlnk seriously Kug »e wsi-i E» vtoH I ^outb A cam A. I>. ^turlevant of Bar iists and in a task under idi.cation was not all it was cracked up t n Siouib l'.»‘ it the instigation Congressman sharing which, A TtRfEoT SATiSfACIIOM. 1 A. hlnirtlefT. he 11.s friends wore having more enjoy- States houi:. rows, and that now fbat Barrows ha^ the might have provei. United Coupon 3s, V» alt-M'Oi O— li. C. Downs circumstances, h. and seemed to on TtUY HAVE DEEM THE M MiUtli rut n* than was. get -H» B KeiuUicki & Co. he be to if too Mr. Norman |A jUiCo leollned may willing accopt heavy Torus.*’ having In •• as weil with«ulife desperation, PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, due 1908-1! 9TAMDARB EOF YEARS h. I. i’rehle. in to his ;,»• clothes lor a —N. W. invited Mr. Cham be rain explain burU dtl .Soulb Bristol liam&£» iv-/ dec31 Walsn. there is reason to believe it will be. vii that that he ex- : bomHSt*ui-ib. »ml ws, gentleman replies Me., 4s, •?;!—A. B. \ tnaL < ompaniirieots, hi-* costume was complete BICYCLES Washington County, V 111 ! ias Putnam is no doubt far better iioe.» not seek the of the f|\vORTMMd i -«ieo. Bliss. Mr. Wau'.oboro quali co-operation .via council meeting held that night h»j • A from taxation, due 19232! VV ai^rv.i.e— v\. l>. oilice than Bar- Li<;.eu lines iur ir jjij .n Fitted with the (». J. Detach- empt Spalding led for the Congressman any jmr« declare.1 himself once more a Uannock Wtsllrook—W. B. iiootbby. the st rtiii rows. teri.-t, and that he has never desired co- brave, and before .expedition able Tires, West St 5s, W v;o0. $30.00, Dart in the gigantic work of tropical tiansfonnaticu on the return to the vill- due 191! I a native in the to tht formation of army Philip- civilization, which seems, in a special age was as complete and marvelous Subject to discount for spot cash and in the Presi tribe as on his return from college 1824. pines Cuba. Probably sense, to bo the mission of the incorporated & Aroostook R. R. 5s, Anglo- This was in briefest Bangor the of neither th( narrative given 6CRPLU9 lent’s opinion allegiance tSaxon race. CAPITAL AND possible form us Spotted horse positively due 194! I nor the Cubans is r'illplnos yet sufficiently As an impartial reader or the correspon- declines 'to talk in Uinglish any more make it safe to use them at than His Cheyenne secured to dence, 1 think thut hlf. Chamberlain necessary. sjuaw, Water Co. 5s, due 191! i Fannie, he hml influenced his uc N.M. Perkins & Co., Newport if said, soldiers. Eventually, no doubt, w< rather evades than the souse disproves tlons, as he wished to marry her, and she Hardware Dealers, 8 Free M. ONE MILLION c hold we shal to his words o her se'ected Secu ontinue to the Philippines which Mr. Carnegie attaches had refused him unless he returned U feb23dt! And carefully if the raco has a special lind a native army there a necessity, jusi Anglo-Saxon his tribe and blankets. He lent Ifft he ani I mission to civilize (find to annex) tropi- in rities suitable tor Banks as the have in India. said, some belongings a Philadelphia Savings English if. 1- the mem- cal region-, evident that boarding house, which he wanted foi and bers of this chosen raco—should act Creamery Dairy Funds. they DOLLARS, Trust _ This has more dlscov trnointz purposes. legislature made on mission—would become allies this At the agency it is said Spotted Horse Lamson & Hubbard than that we have had foi be cries uny against other raves, whioh may pro- will be married this week to his ludiuu SUPPLIES. to contort this luis ion. The Ameri- many years back. Its latest is that tin pared maiden. TRUST CO. I cans have never pr. tend d that they have MERCANITLE of counse Btoddxrd and Hero Barrel Churns, De Laval Board, Agriculture employs so them any belief in it, tar regards Cream Separators, Babcock Milk Testers, Dog Interest Paid on to the bills it to be foi press conceives selves. As I iibderstui.d their present Powers aud Waters Butler Workers. 57 Exchange St. the benefit of the state and charges tht policy, it is that, bavin,; by the force of ...ALSO.. TIME : DEPOSITS. leb.-*-dtf circumstances, I erome responsible for the expense to the state. W hat would thi complete line of Butter Tubs and Boxes. Butter over whether the chainless or regular good government of the i’hilippines, they color and Paper. Butter Carriers and Moulds, farmers think if the railroads shoolc j ar& the best may settle propose to e-tai-lish good government i Milk Cans, Milk Bottles aud Cream Carriers. Drafts drawn on National Provincial chain bicycles of in or charge the state for their counsel, on tht there without anv ulterior intention to Prices and Duarauteed. Bank England, London, largo It as see tit. but they never argue the islands with tie ir domic* ({uality ■mall amounts, for «alo at enrrout rotes. they that the legislation they wen incorporate j of either the assumption Current Accounts *0001 vod on taverabU $50,000 about the merits ions. A general policy of joining with superior after was for the benefit of the state ant us in civilizing tropical Tvgions. or of SUTHERLAND KENDALL & WHITNEY, terms. Per Cent. Bond that therefore the state ought to pay foi aiding us to do so. Is utterly foreign to Correspondence solicited from Individ* First Mortgage 5 Gold CLIPPER. Federal and Temple Streets. Klauka and othsn COLUMBIA, Mr. ■•It, Corporations, — 1B99. it? could do it with about as mud their intentions. Chamberlain — OF THE Spring Style. They Ho'. 014-3. Ieb25(l2w desiring to open aocomnts. as wall as from FLf ETWING, wants an alliance between british and Qf^Tvlepliune 9 ENVOY, reason, for much of the legislation they those wishing to transact Banking hast American jingoe,-, because the jingo orted ; of any thli READ NG benefits the state ai bass description through & Electric Co. Lamson & MONARCH, STANDARD, get through quite is on this Hide of the Atlantic, SISTERS Council Blutfs Gas All weakening Bonk. genuine much as many of the bills originated by lie perceives that this tomfoolery is too LOW TELEPHONE KATES. — .. OF COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa. the ELORIDGE, FFATHERSTONE. for it to be that the craze Hubbard hats have tradt the .State Board of Agriculture. expensive likely STEPHEN R. SMALL. President will Iasi long with us. Therefore ho is GENuRON. HUDSON, MARSHALL ft Cashier that house on the in- anxious to persuade his jingo supporters CODING, mark ofJ in stock is a in PORTLAND EXCHANGE. feb7dtl These bonds are secured by a first mortgag or other wheel carried by 'There strong suspicion Washing- here that the cost will tw shared the ! any by both the Gas and I leotrie Light pi <>1*1 the canned roust beef which wan upon For sale these are bicy&es ton that Americans, and that they will join us in ties. Uuuer the terms of the mortgage a Mul- : side. by ledliinf. me. Among a complained of so much was£ horse lighting for the mission, it it oe-contested Only $85.00 year, parly ing fund of not less thau S-S.ooO. shall be se to the requirements ot any by othtr nations. measured aside each year for the purchase of said bond: dealers. febiiO-eodlmo adapted beef. The cans in which it was contains ■acta lie circuit, 1 WM. M. or for their redemption at too. and all people, easy running, graceful for a residence tele- MARKS, of the shows ne v, were all red, 6u the soldiers testified service, The statement Company i__——- and none bet- DEWEY’S HEALTH. carnlmis sufficient to pay a dividend 01 4 1-2 ne p and stylish, light strong; the cans exhibited to the court o: though phone. cent, on its stock, besides provl-lb iron successf ul practice In Maine can be March 9.—When his atten- capital EUjhtn ter procured. have been blue. Accidentally tht Washington, $5,000 tor the sinking fund. $.n».uoo o: thes 'treated without j».».u o inquiry afford to be with- PI ATIII A es of the above makes now tion was called to the. statement coming ( an jou bonds have been takeu m England for invest r_ I mr I III M detention tunn. bubincrs Samp otter a red can was found among th« day Vancouver to the effect that Admi- nud a like amount iu tins country b; k Ka&v; safe; uo knife. u. from out it ! Card meni, I «\ fill U on exhibition tor business day wol 1 Open government stores and when it was ral Dewey is breaking down and cannot Book, vinous Institutions. Council Bluffs is a | |y | U1 Ih5I tiuarnnteed! or No Pn> known substantially built city of about 25,00 until further notice. Be the contents last a month lotiger, Secretary Long suit will furnish all AND- and night opened correspond*-*! very Manager population, and is one of the important railwa; he had no Information whan v r on tlii- KecfiFliALf. Dr,CiT.FISK sure and see the Co umbia and Clipper closely to the meat described by the sol purticiilnrs. ceutrrs west 4>f Chicago, Main Street, Lewiston, Me. All polnt. The stories of the admiral's poor l’rice and further particulars on application yj f* ^ of the the diers. Though it has not yet been abso- health have been In circulation with Ad iet'ers answered. Consultation W* I S chainless—standards world, BY. Flll.T. : Send I. free it is believed that the meal mote or less persistency for Hie past four .FOR BALE pamphlet. | | wheels. lutely proved only coming months. They are all traceable to private Hair At f. fi. Hotel, J’ortlund: Ssturdayi as Grower and in this can is horse beef, inasmuch ii PRINTER, and though officers of the TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. in with the reports, navy NEW ENGLAND PRINTERS’ closely tallies appearance de returned from Manila who have recently PorilenU H. M.PAYS0N&C0., WEDDING RINCS. scription given of that kind of flesh by state that Dewey’s health, ho far as ii 07 1-3 Exchange H. W. McCAUSLAND, Irom. A1 chief of the of animal in could be from bin appearance, ap- Cleaner One hundred ot them to select the department gauged AND TELEGRAPH 14 and 1 same as Scalp CO., all weights, all in 10, 416-118 Congress St., pears to t e about the it bus beer, Banners. styles, prices Prof. Sulmon. It is said that PRINTING A SPECIALTY. Gold. and best »todt ol dustry. the that the FINE JOB Kt. Largest TELKFHOMi NO. 808-*, for past year, they agree pri For Over 14 Years thousand ot them. MoK.FNNh.ltrin| is an establishment in or 38 EXCHANGE 8THEE1'. in the citv. A eo<13l there Chicag vale reports probably have a fair basis of PORTLAND, ME. All orders by mall telephone promptly jifce.dtl cue hi about It •epaaeoau ;auiOdtf the A.veior» Mouument Square a k wbish put* up horse meat. fact. Ask your (It-Htsclst marGd-tw attended to. I — ■■ ---^- -; -ss.-ar'iiauiw ,l_j_■!.. idm aptertibkwf:*™. yrw mKKnsEimm NKW RWAonKnfltKKm ^ WHAT ONt WOMAN DID. AOTMT»MMBWa f

tke *f Blerkeri PMMffr Army Bill rartlMd. Mint M, l«d •ad Obtained Her llnaband ’• Pro- motion. On Mimb 1* u>4 tl. April i, in a M four* will leave Boston for CONSTANT The following la the story of what Mr*. of in- LOVERS. stream A TO BOOK ol BOON of B. Williams A Williams, wife Capt. out- the Seventh Artillery, now rommandanl WASHINGTON coming and % of For* Preble, accomplished In Washing, MT. VERNON Hi ALEXANDRIA, going stock keeps the ton, as told by the Washington correepon Ylsffink'At eu roete. Stop oyct dent of the Boston Journal: Philadelphia Skirt fresh priritag. is at Washington, Behhnore, Phil- department oflloer now In the whc adelphia And New York. “Any army and to even graduated at the head of his class at West SEViVN DAYS, 823. interesting Point, end who Is not In the Corps o: j Sidct tr1f*» U> Old Point CoihIot t and Blch- you who make this store Out of the raoed. Am Going may be appointed thertti: of D. N. Engineers, Itinerary BELL, Tonrht Agent a visit. with the same rank that he would have PenneyIvaai a R. R.. LtJft Washington Street. daily .? B WC* »D. OIO. W. BOYl), hod If he had been appointed on the day Gen'i Pnee.A gent Ase t Uen'l Pass. Agent. Today some novelties of graduation." In in colored wool Business. This appears the atniy bill. Itjwas fancy Bookvj put there In spite of the disapproval ol vfl the: anxious ones. moreen, scarlet, French the war department,and notwithstanding an adverse report by the com blue, cerise, military Some of the (Midldetei ftor the City pink, greens ralttecs of the Senate and Huuie. Thret and shades *j Ofllift. I other popular about times the proposition was voted down. That’s right. And there are no qualifications conceajed Nevertheless It Is today law, and the at *3-75- The Republican cancne al which the credit belongs to an attraotlve woman, either. officer* wi.» be eeleoted occurs Satur- A lot of silk moreens, that statement! the wife or Capt. H. Williams of tbe 7th city day afternoon four o'clook. This hee rid of Book in the store of Artillery, now stationed at Fort Preble all colors, with cord- Just mean to get every regardless bean a busy wetec for the many candIdate* deep In Maine. Mrs. William^ wen a great it wouldn’t interest who are seeking under the city. ed umbrella or tell you why, but you victory. Her bnsband was graduated st poeitlone flounce, its oost value. Might The aldermen anil counoilmen have done the head of hlf class In 1870, bat did not at bul little sinc e election save entertain shape, $4.75. In the least. get Into the engineers where the top grad- candidates and to their arguments silk uates go when there are vaoanoles. This ll.|ten Changeable skirts, for to know that I’m done buying and selling its to why tbay slvould received the place It’s enough you ■ bit of legislation Is to do him Justice. of beautiful far whioh they are looking. Not only the great variety last of stock and Hen. W ilcox, at the bsad of the Engineer Books when I’ve sdeh the this wrapped up going candidate* tbeinee) ves but their friends as and Corps, said It would not do because Capt shades, plain colors well call upon the 'members elect of the store under somebody’s arm. Williams had not been an experienced at to out of the oitv council and Intrude upon them not fancy figured $4-98 washing soaps and powders, too, engineer. Tbe war department repulsed to sell book? So I am. That is, 'Cheap only during butlne|* hours but in their Talk as if I was going every With alkali are strong; tbe plucky woman and the military com- $21.00. homes and on the sil eet. The men whose will destruction which do mittee denied her prayer. each SET and each SINGLE BOOK The dire they lives are thus n.acp unpleasant for the Skirts of Italian cloth, the PRICES I shall put pn In her distress tbe captain’s wife found Is sure to show ere long. time being will be g |ud when the Repub- a In ot Mrs. * helper the person Belknap, black and ruffled, sell them for me. But will never hurt lican caucus Is a fchl 0 g of the past colored, Ivory Soap widow of Urant's secretary of war. Mrs. The howe'er tender; < Ah far as can be 1 tamed there are no umbrella to a little of in book lore. fabric, Belknap knows how to do things la shape, $1.50 The collection comprises everything work of stain and candidate* for the of city treas- It makes short dirt, (Senator Allen of Nebraeku petitions £ A c n Washington. » in some form. the mender. urer, city solicitor, ty clerk city mes- of a It does not touch upon But no work for Is a chl.alrlo man. The case was laid i| Hardly think subject senger and city ele-jtriolau, and the Illuminated or “Mer- COPYAI«MT IBM BY TMI PAOCTIA A OAMCLC CO CINCINNATI before him and be beoarae the in all sorts champion re- world-famous authors, pieeent incumbents ail) certain to be Fiction, Poetry, by ot Mrs. Williams He blocked the army cerized" Italian cloth History, nominated and re-elec at a bill until the military alfalrs committee |t*l. that can fill your bookcase with the contest will be of from cloth up, you forced and the Probably kaftwftt novel ef- binding series of In Westbrook am was to surrender aooept Skirts, stripe HARBOR NOTES. meetings over the various in the Are de- see measure fall. positions Cumberland March K* to 26 In amendments or the cost. <• Mills, partment. Every yeti' sees many canui- fects and odd irregular trifling ;; will be held as follows When at last the bill went to the Presl- elusive. Meetings dates for on the board of GRADES on counters Items of Interest Picked Cp Along the Senator appointment to the books in FOUR by March 19.—3.00 m.» Chi 1 dent with the amendment in, patterns, $2.89 $4.50. Have arranged’■ Sunday, p. engineers but this yois’ there are more WnOer front. (Iren’s Hally, Westbrook M. E. Church Allen walked out into the marble room be for your of 'leach than ever. Sateen Skirts, many in the rear of the store where they’ll ready Illustrated Address. Conference and received the thanks of Mrs. William; themselves Unioi chief 13. Fernald is now ers and Workers. 7.00 p. m., M. N Kldridge, tbs pf-emnt engi- The schooner I#illa Church, and Mrs. Belknap, who were waiting for or elabo- off Meeting, Warren Congregational neer of the department,; has only one op- styles, simply Saturday morning. fitting out here for a blue fishing trip Mills. the result. It will be necessary now tc inspection Cumberland W. Jackson is was pur- » 1 ponent. Ex-Chief Robert trimmed, blacks, books in a Cape Hatteras. She recently Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—3 obtain the President's action. Congress rately will find a number of clerks to put the wrapper Westbrook M. K. Church dusirious of • Ining his old You chased by New York parties and will sail and 7 3) p. ra., would Authorize the transfer, but would very reg at to see Oonventioi weeks. The For Thursday meetings position, so it Is said. 50c $2.50. for the Sooth In about two not make it mandatory on the President. and take mogey. Programme. For the four cti the board of Short Skirts for your fishermen say that blue fishing pays very anl 7.30 Warrei It is said that W illiams was in positions rainy Friday—3.30 p. m., CapU ig- and A little will a lot vessels are now en- Church. eugineers there are many applicants never miss the money. money buy well and that many Congregational norance of his wife’s efforts until the re- costumes, knitted But you’ll Sunday, March 26.—3.00 p. m., Chil the number increases aei the time draws day gaged In this Industry. sult was achieved. dren’s Hally, Warren Congregation* Out Sale. Sherman the local of the near. skirts and skirts of out- of Books here this Closing Captain agent Church. Illustrated Address. 7.00 p. m. ~"Vhe law applies to one other officer,Ma during that First Assistant Engineer John N. Long Manhattan Steamship company says Union Mee lug, Westbrook Congregation jor Birney of the Ordnance Department, You’ll out with a Book if you do. will Hugh T. Barker and ing flannel. Oome in and look around. go the first boat of this line probably al Church who graduated tlrst in his class, but tinds|Councilman first. The steam- As time will the following sub Assistant Chief Payn • as can- v arrive here about April penult missed the engineers because there was __ now holds. now outlive will be considered: The Bt ble, Th< didates for the position 1 m •hip company Is fitting jects no vaoanoy. If the President carries out Y'ork for this but Imitation, Adolesence Frank W. Moody of Deer In |% at presont steamers In New line, Will, Curiosity, the will jump <3 ma- provision, Blrney is slated of them will run to Portland Is Normal Classes. Objeo' the Deering depart oient, The issue of the which Imagination, jors, and Williams pass all of the captain; chlel|of April known. Home Department, Love, hear for a position ou the board of engineers, not yet Teaching, and eight majors. Gen. Wilson has tiled McCall Pattern sohooner will loud shook The Art of Teaching, The Art o: but just which one it is not known. All Paper The Boylston Anger. a against the transfers protest are and lumber at this port for I>as Palmas, Illustrating, Howards and Punishments of the present assistant engineers Fashion Book is ready last to sail to Mistakes and Difficulties, Teach PORTLAND DISTRICT SUNDAY candidates for re-election and all have Canary Islands. The ship Parents’ at B. esult of this for free distribution the Canaries front this port woo the old ers’ Mistakes and Difficulties. SCHOOLS. more or less backing. The I Frank Clark, to show be awaited with Interest. big Froteous some twelve years ago. Mr. Archibald will endeavor The Portland District S. S. association contest will the counter. for Linings Captain lillbert of the wrecked 6ohoonei How to Get Hid of a Bad Temper; Wha will bold iXs third annual convention in There are three candid • ts city 8. San- AND Kemlrlok Fish has been stripping bis ves- Makes a Person Impulsive; How to Keej Westbrook Congregational church, Thurs- auditor. Among them are is s oy BOOKSELLER to w friends STATIONER._ How born incumbent fiose sel daring the post few days. He has a Child Out of Misohief; Properl} day, March 23, morning, afternoon and the present some of her taokle. a How We Should Dresi claim for him the solid from saved bar sails and Punish Child; The is the excellent delegations — evening. following the Blorru:* uorum- biuiu™, live The Sales of AND DNANDk Kirs, How to Cbooet wards nine, one, three tad and special MUSIO Jin it will be cherished Our Children; Wisely programme prepared for the session: eight, | turn, always b: SCHOOL# CADETS. Mr. San- ter and selling agent THE UIUH What to Do with a Very Activi are oondhent of his winning.. and ends in the ! ill it. Toys; MORNING. odds work of the and warrior Mr. lhe adoption _ The February number of the High Child; What to Do with a Bad Tempered horn has held the position two years. rand; MAYNABD COMSDY COMPANY. * was on several Oui 10.00— Devotional lialf-hoar.led by Rev. candidate will degre exemplified School bus just been issued and Chili; Whether Wo Should Ha\u George F, Thompson is also a Drapery department at A LEATHER TRUST NOW. Kaoquet J. F. Clot Westbrook. audience* of the new of Rail Men hey, the most Stimulated by tbe large dates lodge la as and as ever. Ln its Children Believe in Santa Cians or Not and is backed by some if newsy breeay 10.30— Business. being continue, also the Sale of them at the tho ttam uf Machi March 9.—The Herald tomor- 1 greeted Stropdwater by degree Boston, columns the notes concerning How to Grade a Sunday School; How ti 10.50— An hour with the children. business men in the city. which yesterday following prominent of Portland. 'lhe hitraud- row will say that :i the beet of authority in of Geo. the theatre, the Maynard comedy gonDe tribe sohool Cadets battalion are Get How to Hold Our Youn^j Primary toufereace, charge There were rumors » day con- in Portland Arcus in the East have the High Teachers; vague yeste Japanese pottery and visit Manhigonne tribe the following H. ArohiLaid, general secretary of the a good deal of da*h woter tribe is to leath- found: Men in Sunday school; How to “Hold'* cerning a dark horse from Deer Lag whole company put agreed to entur tht proposed upper Maine State S. S. association. Offering. Basement. and *oored a next Monday evening. trust: drill and ball will for this nap to their production* er The eighth aiiDual Class. 12.00— Basket lunch at the church. looking place. the remains of Birard & Fried- at both The funeral aervloesjover White Bru*. of Boston; are made of aooea 12 executive session to is a candid; for re- big luooewi performance*. ; be given at City hall, Friday evening, These meetings easy 80—County pre- Assessor Hallett the viotim uf man Boston and Little Falls, N. Y.; J. for annual convention. tbe afternoon “Two.Pool* Met.,'* wio the late Reuben H. Prince, 1899. Committees of oflioers have electrics to Portland parents, teacher pare election. Joseph H. Hutchins md C. B. In H. Burnet & Bro., Boston; The Matthew April T, by saiolde of Inst 1’aeaday were held from attend for and in the evening they present- the Robson Leather Co., Balem; Wm. Kidd been to, take charge of the and workers, and delegations will AFTERNOON. ore also said to be cand Hates repeated Oak- appointed Varney _ \\ 1111am street. E. C. & •d “Dark Side ol London." The lattei his late residence, Cc Co Boston and ^toneham; affair. as well as from South Portland, Jaoarborc this OWEN. MOORE CO. 1 30-2.30—Quiet, hour. (Doors open each position. vcblcfc afternoon at d. 1j o clock. Cottle & Sons Woborn; Watauga 'Tan- In » melodrama—*a olas* of play* dale, yesterday The city government has now furnished and Gorham. .juarter hour). Led by Rsv. Thomas H There are four or live candidate is for the of ning Co., Boston and Tennessee. These with Portland Hev. Henry Blanchard, D. D., pastor number of btaoy, Saco. scht 10I build- teems to bo very popular concern* are all heavy oancerus in the the Cadets with a sufficient position of superintendent of rsalist- ohnrcb, OVERCOAT AND MONEY. Rev. Clifton K. ! 11 the Sijua l ni and the fact that they have been LOST 2.80—Solo, Flanders, uudlenoes—and the reojptlon given Congress b sicess rlfies. L’ermissiou bus also given by ings. Among them are Thomas Bowen, of members will tht Biddeford. BALL. McDonald ofliolated. A delegation the sign- d the combination agreement which will Ijoo O'Donald, who cam* over on dates in AN ELEGANT was of unusual warmth, hyse the city to eipend an amount 2.35—Pastors' oonierenee, opened with E. E. Brown, one or two cand or which! the with many others. an of tbe of Odd Fellows oan-y weight Lake Huron as steerage under Smith D. describee as an* of th as Edward*, had acting pan lodge tire the pay for equipments, when if has steamship an address by Rev. Baker, D., and the present inoumbei tt, Mr. A Roman paper May The| calfskin people standing probably Deering was a member were in attend- has Portland. aea her like a and Llttli deceased almost as a unit lu the tons* been decided wbat kind Is the most suit- steward on its last trip, complains handsomest and most elegant of the which fitted glove, ground 3 “The ken and liradley. was ut ceme- l*>—Address, kit, > Potter as Sam Willoughby, added ant*. The burial Evergreen movement. such as a “whit* ball’' given by Madam £Ue able. knack of Teaching,’’ Rev. Clifton K. For thelminor positions weigher son, The oupit2ilizution is not yet settled. on th< Ooun a little to the effectiveness of thi tery, been stolen from his stateroom t landers. assistant am \ other Pangirls Bey, wife of th* Imperial not miked is half ol Offering. of hay, assessors, board of which The figure fOO,000,000, his overooai In Home scenes. Edward a* the Lou Heerlng registration and the feat com* Waldron, Dris- vessel. The police found I are innui •erable selor of the Turkish Kmbaasy Maynard Jsl'be this to be preferred lance-corporals: Waddell, places of this kind there for w-Wks at ■ In session several a cattlemai of workers, oonducfced by I. N. Halllday, Pattei lad lu his dialect and work wu: hag boen uoon stock. ooll, Ulght, Merrill and Wilson. which had been stolen by candidates. lo honor of her niece, Mlse Claire cashite Portland, field worker Maine State K. S. as WU Odd Fellows' block liave oompluted and was for cents. Tht The bell was a t and Teresa Newoomb Mrs. the The battalion is now drilling for the pawned fifty association. Then too, about this time, every one Is son of Baltimore given good, 1 board has been wurklDg I and Herbert Prior in tbe role «hi their labors. Tbe TWO BARGES LOST. ball. The programme, so far as at thief had left the city. 6 00— Meeting of executive committee to who will be the ne it city the Calabrlnl Palace, whloh le ooouple loughby trying guess to thi the of Portland putting the voting a of district. end Mis » contributed ibelr quota for city arranged, includes the review, the marshals and teveral by M. and Mine, l’anglris Bey detective, w London, March 9.—Information present CO. Basket at Church. marshal, deputy books of the new Wards eight J. R. LIBBY 5.16— supper was beautlfall r excellence of the action. lists and here the Thame* battalion drill by companies A ana C, a other ollicers which are appointed by the Patterson. The palace general W2i» received today by the of EVENING. were satlSfaflboril; unit nine in order To '.s’ bout oompuuy of the loss of thd drill by oompany ii, and the setting Wash fabrics are special topic All kinds of rumors are ti mating decorated and there was an elaborate su[ Subordinate part* fancy mayor. Wilbur F. lierry of Portland, Dele barges Marion and Mayflower off Barne- the J. R. Co. write thb music. The 8 and many of the *oenm are nota Rev. exercises with rides by the whole which Libby 7.20—Peoples’ praise serv looked by Dea- but it is certain that no one knows per and ceaseless young girl taken N J i lust with the up about, of the Maine Civic is t< cat, ueeviay possible We un P. Cumberland Mills. of their realism. League battalion. morning in their advertisement. con Win. Varnum, the himael f, and wore whit*, as did aleo Miss Pattereor ble because secretary ions of tbt live*. The tug Waterman of Miss excepting mayor-elect Clark Memorial Method in the 7 15—Solo, Elizabeth Cutter, West- embroiders 1 will be at today' I lecture at tbe the lhu nt- lowbout ooniDany had the Mr. John T. has taken the band derstand that their buyer caught much about the n tatter whoa* was of sntli The pleoe repeated Fagan he Is not saying gown March 13tb a brook. ■ church on Sunday evening, s In tow and in the height of the market at the and bougd! and her were c f matinee and In the evening The Sold burg* In charge and doubtless will render it just right pitch 7.55— of committees. to one. with silver, Jewels ropes the Reports any SO under the the loon storm that prevailed along coast, low before the ad- Rev. wore sat 1 Return" will be played. 7. o’clock ausploeaof capable of making music. At any rate, at very prices, just 8.00—Address. Lmh^r Freeman, pearls. Mme. Pangirls Bey ler's 1 uesday, the hawser parted, leaving thj line. This means that Portland. auandonrd at ska. W. C. T. V. the the band Intends to make the ball pro- vance all along the Offering. brooade and point laoe, with magolhoei bur /t*s helpless. With great difficulty Mrs. Frail Stevens, West- THE phinoe of POLILLO. if. Dultou is on a buslnes the Marion were rescued have a chance which 8.35—Solo, r De- ootlllio J lit. Charles three men on by a success by its “ad our people are to London, March P.—The schoone oriental pearls and diamonds. A gramme hustling." brook. D. C. w of the but in the meantime from St. Johns, N. F., Jaona ry 22 1 Portland ha* some very clever player In Washington. ;he n tug, Some of the Deeung have will not come to them again this season, 8.40—Closing Consecration, conducted light, was danced. The assemblage include trip It Is feared High boys has been abandon- ttl at : th Mayflower drifted away. and for Pernambuco, tbe who make •omethlui 1 The last regular monthly meeting a desire to join the and, ihe wash fabrics are elegant goods by Mr. Archibald. members of tbe oldest and most distil among people that she 1ms foundered with her crew of expressed Cadets, sea. The captain .and six of the urew la to be hell 8.55— Prayer and Benediction, Rev. S. i- the their liefer the city government Waterman to it is too late for them to take ! at the they are to be oflered there have been landed at Lisbon the b*rk Homan families ami the Dlpn heaide stage occupation, Dealing three men. The attempted although prices by gulshed at Odd lei N. Adams, pastor. to the advertisement of “The Prints i, this evening at 7.3d o’oloek g.-t th Marlon in tow but was unsuc- some will to will be a rush for them. The sale Among them were th e ence part In the ball, probably go great Distriot S. S. association Neptune. matte oorpv. is tin essiui. Both were insured. The The Portland in another column wil 1 block, tVoodfords As this barges is now on. A word to the wise is Llul the Prlnoei s of PjIHIo" found lows' camp with us. Next year there may be enough. Marquis Corelnl, Mat

*- % 'A. f 1 V v y „ M— .—/- — msciLumoiii. AflKNTS WANTED. , rou sAi.m, FOR KALE. MliCBLLAltlOCT. TOMB or TUB MARIN MAINE TOWNS. NOUiii iOUTLAXO j Forty words Iniwrted aoder thl« hMil Forfy wnril* 'na«-tt<>d under fill* licml Forty wot i]t iRMnrrt ano*> tnt« Hm4 ndtuir*. "«• »f«'< for *JA reof«. rwsh In me week for 25 win*. cash >n advance. im *Mk for tA cvnu. rMh m mdwmor*. of tgMrm Gathered hr <"onO» Slrarture Dated and Boil lkH B WKKKB’B A N ted-Agents to ae.t fhe I Drop La!'. ef the Prtlfc WAL OUBKHVA-j VV everywhere 9A I K- riiolfc line tine t in % new block fMHlagM short * v ooking I'm an oilier house- A Dingo a or dress suit ca»c OX HUB 1 HIl’ hold New selling which [|OVT tuy trunk, hag h'UKof two lio -»e«. flu hic! this year and orni Ileal roje I. XIOXB TO CUBA. novelties. quick |pWh until you have address 1/ nem whst I». RRY- , !«• I by no4 tenants paving 4 ft r> annum | (•av a large prom. For particulars • 01,1)8, the trunk and Walter M. W*»k« at the out of bagman. 01*3 Congress mated en t#»f Franklin Ht, ,P ie**f,i3io Will CUMBERLAND bilking K. 15. IIAKVEY, FroeiHirt. iirret, cm do for OPAcu&knifc I _UEI you. He maniifrtrtures his t ••Hr r «M cxamlaoiimi. W. ti. WaLOKon St ~ the war with Siw»ln wnv at the cm goods, nmi can tin r*tore *ell voil ■ < Art JnaMflrS ■■ a Measure In Pmni Weal Cumberland, March ».— Mr. Leal | employed all over New Kr»- good (>. is Middle st. in i VVf ANTED—Larlv agents j oods at a low prke. Telephone 8784.' '>1 ! Lovell bicycle factory ami enlisted a** smoke ▼ v gland to sell toilet gbods; will sell at j the Pier* «» Morrill wee aood one laai ‘ Hrrumlai the Mere* hauling day I*. O. Box Ho. MOH HA f.F A Challenge Inetfbafor. .VM) eirfl machinist on ihe Montnuk. Aft^r bh’ tight, santplts by mail 10c. 227. lm)7; sai.k—To c.Fse no a substantid I j, a florae I I estate, p'7’' ht wood * r*Pr Price reasonable. Kanilln ay the Part Hsu ret Is, hen Mi becoming right Poi tlnmi. »M brick residence with *ta> le and I STOCKINGS Keveallag service __ ground*, r » gddrex* Box Cumber I.mil ulscherge.from Ihe at located on Inf rniHti !*.<, rin d he was ihriwn fiom Me tied and | i'lilladelpiim deasnt.tly Flue si. convene- t b» He wee Only A (Ser e II. WANTED all over New England. ! < e liter, Mr* IM be secured a on the steuni nrifeiou; price vety moderate. niihtleaie to, out wear I position yacht is wanted oftene/: than Vlil-.NTHl>s*t -elltnu articles in market. Write IKE I any quite badly Injured. lesirable parry. or posses-don and oth par- A Icedo and ehlle on board (his eiaft and IRISH 272 Middle HI.. Portland. Me. M 9 A I slock or lm% turn; w ill la on alok llat. EL, leu ar* R**al estate office, hr*i National nOft F-A good others two to (Boston Tranaotlpt.) Mrs. N. Ij. Wilton the apply term*. Ii of o. W. of lb he tank bululliig, FREDERICK 8. YaILL. t I be Hold rn easy quire £ bear under date .Fob. write* from a one—and T be action taken Lord Kitchener In Miaa Horenoe Leighton who bee ^ I OK ft ILL, WMtCum erl n.d. lo-l one. by de t uha as follow*: We left long every J with her Mm. Mount fort, Santiago 1XW5T AND rOODi DOli SALK—A eholrn hue of Fhono.. great Intereet. In many mind* th 1 At cltard: sircet r.n pass *h# I about three days in er and laid in :*nvun It. I.. M. on a suitable reward lari s, t’ases. Strugs. Trimmings. ln-tt u u-mi Lin* buy. irord Mr, KdaIn Morrill of fio ith Portland feels his conscience •gram cover; price *io«n. \x ll act appear* quite ble It I* cun took*. Sheet Music atilt al M listed *1 i..n- t ktnlxrs Hot liDit* offi r*,(l; juitlOa four It was a case of all will he given hy returning lo office of Congtes* nah about days. j t mon • v ai l>rp*\ A in, p«.» Middle 1 with lilt Use. all and get tour worth. Weary tended that although at flrat on spent a few days of last week tqnare ys ht._'■> nDouble tight on summer underclothe* hotel._7-1 J HAWKS. 4d Congress street, suck.ii., and Mra. Leal Morrill band* putting him when throw- POK SALK—Kite thousand roll** of v.al be to or bl , Mr. | ni .r IJ might blame tbe «lrdar parentt, -Large Newfoundland dog. black sml Chandler. u » apt Savannah Is a __ white o.iek at oat*! a roll IT It was so warm. veiy prick 2 paper: paper IOST-while with white ring around neck, welch-* j a • qflicyra tor the In till RAYMOND. at cl :.it "ip.’r 6 .tiid cents roil; mlnpri! papei SHIRT LUXURY. deteoratlng dead. _ with wide In the about answers to name of had t oil 8AI.K—Two story bouse lot No. 7i pretty city quite streets. so much 120.lbs., Watch; «• •■•■n border to match ill** r n iidi; piper* Instance there was other course open collar neck without name Flud-r will Dt-erlng. corner Mellon St.. It orns. su Geo. L. Warren'* Cua«oin Shirts. no Raymond, Mar. 7.—Mra. Ida Hayden It which runs a lawn and mg away just around M.i.sWOU II Y*s Book Slore irj I xciiangf middle of large he to <11 AS. mid convenient; will be .sold al A r- non ibP» The liberally rewarded hy returiitug L. ly '• ■■>* 1 Fit Best. following r*Moni era put forward: at her home wlih an BENJAMIN sllAvy ill pneumonia. there are a lot of soldiers camped on the IH»W. West Pownal, Maine. mar.'tdtf .rice to clo'e estate. _ __0 Wear half- 1-2 st. -»-i Best, the tomb-bad soffered to teeera Is ax I us w CO,. 51 1.xchange < o d Ktntly, Mrs. Roger Mason reported in one street. We lift Savannah good money—in L’oi; sm.i Forest and '■d.or'b dn< Best. lawn ■ Look ly from tbe bombardment that tbs struc 1st, between Commercial and Wyer, Hip m i nSeoul and spy bv < hariel prosing. where we arrived IOST—March2 HA KK— in our ‘u- ade stret-g” Just try them once. Junction Middle lor Matanzas, Cuba, smoked Montgomery Ht.. a pair rimless spectacle*, Bargains 11*ley Tinare In ti u stories of Pert; nrf tore was unsafe In that ooodltlon. Mias Alta Strout baa been htOR we sell for <**. gl.£>, M.50. S2.ni t aisttlng run. Me a l**au cigar's. gold hows, finder wilt please leave same at 285 trousers .>1 Krinnul i. Wp diiam. and Ya tie* itn. a Ivi pi er. mod Federal St*. after a three days' found value lor the .tbe ant I frlsmis In Portland. Commercial Ht. and receive reward. ;;-l md |»er pair, besi money n*«rs p i-« ocenis. • ry Hook Si ire. »2 exchange st c*t. *»-1 Soudanese troupe bad not embraced Mab |If the lady that rode ill By sleigh ion tnotiey will be refunded by returnln ou* under the elholent management ol side of the harbor about one 1^01'N a- * tidily On the north ■ iiom Forest worn. HAMKKI.l. ,N SALK OU f\ I! \M11!—Ne/r r7: t 1 Avenue. Woodfords, one da) •efore having been ditto, there I* no duubt that bad Mr. Qua XV. There are it I^OKI'r. in mu t < Nasal many Cblpamn. thousand soldiers are encamped with three last week, nu«l left ;»A -orner of Preble and Con- IONKS, Lancaster miking. Monument S|tiare. sto* y fandi. u-o Secret belief was mr In attendance BETWEEN gress tn.ir.t-i ■'•tifHbd L- s and all !■ .ax. that, tha MabiH pupils streets will Bill at 19 street. piped on the hill*. Spring e. The whist were troops of cavalry adjoining pi| « ! cv. w,|! p.iv i.v. rlOpei burled within he Eeai Raymond party Wood fords,a he can have the pocketbook she tha Milky but that hat ■*•11? ou tnvps*»p«',.t; c- :o pur'-ift-xer CATARRH entertained at the home of lets. Hattie morning they have a dres* parade dropped in flic sletgli. fehiultf L"OH s.\ I.K—Florida village home e cap A pr quick iCvery <2: > y. IPm, 1 st t ‘lie.-. FKLPl.ni' K In all its nt*s*i thorn vanished Into Paradise aad (t.RA* An r frame of six room* and closets; Apj* hub Leavitt. Saturday earning oyster and we can see It all from our deck and dwelling ft VAfLi.. tM be clean, mesa. I well of coo', soft water ■! the d ••r should the fact of etbumlng the body, ahu ac supper was aeraad. FEMALE II ELI* WANTED. cep good. hear the martial strains of the military a; cli. an I orange trees in | Mr. and Mra Irlang D. Morton who (rape hor. p« pecan 1*'Oft SAP; Not ••Ingo’-t of buxine-•< We Cream Balm tually It to tbe troop* prnsen THE ACTS mrd ; two jm*ie hearing ar orchard; two min ■ r-i Ely’s ethlbltlng with band. p In e'al.ii.' p.t f Ceifoa.i mac hare spent the last three months ANTED—Lady hook It ee per for double en- rt -.s’ school. rail cleanse*,soothe* and heal* that convinced them that b* was an ordl VV wa. to postoflb e. storm, vay female ..ics. I in mm ages. Al-fl her Mr. and Mrs. h. A. Plum- street* are narrow hew and v v try hooks, one who understands the norturm lutli membrane. parents. The very nation; two mails tally «nn *eeds a I *ued? *•- aova s n Iiaiid. We like 'fl the discard mortal and an with references nary Ituposter. have returned to tbelr home. typewriter preferred. Apply >or*; also *3 acres near above, good liij. li i;- *** and drives mer, there Is room for one to walk on the side very net* our i m and nn: v more. FUKIJ It cares catarrh to K. Box m-,7, ctly. 1(E1 and. all ft r WATSON, l- Thirdly, had tbe tomb been allowed *< Senator Cyrus 8. XVItbum tans at home Little Cigars $hoj; cash only. A. ft U<*M I A To .grtra* *; *•** s* J * cold in the head at a time. Me left JMatunzas for 4 1 away to atthnd town-meeting. walk dotiume.il M(|. remain untouched there 1* qu doubt I Stitchers on Hhirt Waists. Wrap OU SA LI !" Ah‘k's c i! quickly. Mra. Brown was in about GO miles past WANTED I, g Indian x’om- Annie recently Clenfuegos gud got vv and Di ess skirts. We can furnish ■ Balm ia Into the nostril*, spreads would have become a (ooous pers «< Ii and I 1 d rem dv *>:1| pi t ct-. Cream placed eventually commenced. We ran for ;»d or Portland. Havana when fun are excellent permanent employment at fair wages iVANTFU. I> W l'»**-e!t‘ A < or !-liv r* and is absorbed. Relief is im- qnart over the membrane Mecca, a* for many the khallfs Mias title Tenney of Cooke Mills, Is really 5. T HLCHFNEKV M’F’t. < U.. 2«;-.-2« Mhtd.e ed ? lnii.se t*. lx M-.\V( 1;;; year* of wind and had to lay you? UMll, Ve-i- follows. It la not for her Mra. Ida Into a heavy gale Ht. 10-1 mediate end a cure drying—doea tbs working aunt, Hayden. words i««ftrtoi ntelsr lM« h#*d 1 tbl* doctrine, and forty _ _ preached elreplatCd visited to for 8 1-2 hours, ihe wave* ran moun are sneezing. Large Size, BO tents at Drug- Mr William Hancock of Gray small ip» swl for 2j cmIi In advsridis not produce mine far and wide. Even now h* I* en- cigars. They ienred waitresses at SALK -Nicely Mirnisi'**d lodgin' Pnu«e Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. the high school recently. tain high and when the wind abated we WANTED Expei or by mail; ol D 8WETT H 1M Fjft.'ftof 14 rniiitis c-n-ap for cash. A• 1 n*ss MKS. gists deavoring to Imbue the Inhabitants HOTLL.__ 1» To two idles w !i BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York. turned back lor Havana tc wait for the well made \VTAVn purchase by II.. 4: 1 ■*: Spriogfiejo S P.ost<>||. Mass pr.V CASCO. si Kordofan and dlatrlct with tbe mm* Idea thoroughl custom maker on ▼V hiiihII app.al. a small store ol in kiml mats I on me har- y WANTED—A pantaloon ese to go down and entering ** and *t ijorl _ _ town fine work. HA8K ELI. & .ION E8. 7-tt pt-rlodi'al* supplies preferred) j tbat atlll rouse Casco, March 0.—The following — < hoping they may rally bor the surf went right over the light and contain the rotn which they can realize a livelihood, local- dAl.l \ n'liable hinP in.' mt. <*r:i r !•»! officers ware elected: •d in some or growing town. Ad ipe-s A. J^OHfropflcg on O .*1 and m- Port him, and another severe blow must yet bt only ANTED—A smart, young lady to clerk in a city *pro r '~~.rn house at Morro Cable which the way 1 by VVTT B. C.. care Ftes* ofhee. Me. I xal*. esr'■ ! atm.ee. I p u ,-rs. Moderator—8, A. Hill, Rep. fancy goods store. Address C. t. C., ivril.md. lo-l land; par deelt before the khalifa1* power Is flnall) term-. t»*,. call on 1 cadres ii. II UAV- Clark—K. C. Jordan, lfem. Is quite an antlquatd affair. On entering best of to bacco. Press Uftlce. 7-1 and They ti’ ANTED—1 has cue or NAltl>. W I'moo r*!.. Port and. 'I 7 1 absolutely overthrown. Assessors and Overseers of the &■ myone tw# Selectmen, the harbor we steamed past U. V v ilr»-n Dur 25c uottee th( Miian, neat, willing Protestant ahove'i\yt-arsof age need mg «pec- Lord Cromer quite concur* In the Poor—S. O. Hancock, Dem.; Clar- WANTED—A"* Brooklyn and Kesolute and dropped an- are young o Huddle aged lady to do general sl care. 1 can sij-ges got./t h n t them on SAI-K UK K\ ilWtil •...* I firm. 4f ence Wilber F. —any farm a |?0R as demolition of the tomb for the reason Winslow, Hep.; Tenney, work In a ol two. o-.e that prefers good near M.issachiueit village where they ■ eu 2 • ion 1 nt. ]■ actually at good a throw from the remains of inexpensive family s*cre<. hay. gom ohor stone's liMVf Hap. home, light work ami fair pav. Address E. eU places party. Collector— Poor, a number of t;e<> Icon our hooks em- Ires* "1'AIM N t ot.i e. 13-1 F’OIIiv. fiodly 1'icaied I Tm 1 i.i’o ecsier. We can it to in the bean rose from hard by the spot where be died, vv'.siting give you No Road Commissioner was chosen. with some kind of leave* and bunt- ioc. for 10. i P2*acit* *20 *1 an ildlio s, } conspicuous above tha huge mud city ol green Ifvouwill ployment. DlltlOO KM I'LUY.MEN 1 ASSO- Parts lines were not constadared In the *.tj Me. ANTKli- Man .rut w ft- for a farm. M.m mile 10 Maine On'ial or .1 1 1 1- n«, or a* you want, if Oindurman. You see It from aver) with an Amerlcau tl«»r nt half mast, CIATION, Exchange H;., Portland, ground, just cbpld ing ff mu si be ca of titan.,ging a farm and ti v.'J iRbl" milk f rni. 11ni r .l* *Jl > WLI.I.S, hnnaa In f.h« lluptlafi n tritnl fanri for election of town officers. 'ihe sains most house in Ha deliver ___7-J__ retcret no lx S... Foitla.nl. Me 7 1 will try a lialf pound of It, day every svc will bring good *. children. Address change you twelve miles to the north at yon oame RICHMOND. try 50 'ii.tinKtnr.jv- .11111113 iii'm num.ui of * coatiiMker well w ltd the mak- we know it will suit over the plan from Bgpyt.. The tombs acquainted LOTION SAI.L Tiin V. ..reh {Wli. *4 you. U. — Jr serrioes were Mussulman are as Richmond. March John Merrill, of tbe Maine and religious them to for ing ol the best class ol work wanted at ouce. XV ANTED- to know that * i() oVJOCK a. A <• ! lilt Hi. USO- ell regarded holj "" Everyone 50c. None but COM- I>\( at bui Post No. 137, U. A. H., entertained It* and business was you such need apply. ALLEN & AIkiU'n grc. t in in Atomicl) and hi <> I i hold Furniture, l/niptO and .rtper.es ton. We are still selling a 60 cent ahrlnaa which pi (grime ebpuld pray bold In the churches 4 { friends at Urand Arms ball XVedneeday PA NY. Mid tie street. m r6-l is tin* |.**m .•?.*! niedi lain <1 111 house No. •.* l-' iliim h> J>-er. this was far more than'the sanctuary ol Ami :rican Tobacco Co., remedy cheapest spring reet, Pine on tin* market, in .• h*rhs ami ha- k !' Mr. < haries \. lu.-ker. oosd cf Tea at a tbe occasion having been the suspended. outs, g. occupied l»y grade Oolong an ordinary holyraan Amongst popu evening, IVANTED—A very first girl to t of tbe a lot of American soldiers W 22d St.. New-York ’* competent I gather cm lore lie ds and gardens. (.’. K *\ WIJ.SON. Auctioneer. »-l »i formal presentation to the post There are 507-529 City. w hom wid ue latlon of half Arab, half negro blood, highest wages paid. Ap- N KWlOMH. Vesj cr st. b-i 40 ots. Incline Memorial Heoord hook.fiusntloaefl In the etreets all the time ply corner Hrandmll .street nd Western half Mohammedan, halt heathen here patrolling the saI.K at Trafton'-. .s\ai>le, ? umb. In wbloh Is Promenade. MKS. K. f. 4-1 Mills, PHKB.S a few weeks ago, It BUJRKOWES. IVANiEh-A rc-. table to onto > ths was to "" pec family go f rtv w*- from 1." to Fina Eneli.h Freak fast Tea, tlons, Mahdl'y lpmp eometblnj with their ritles on tbelr shoulders recom- I?okMe., horses to reoottl tbe war rec compiniea oi * New York and the a :arm a l'• »• an old gentleman, either mors then a holy ehrlno—It' Wat also ■ proposed personal in to lbs., several exf a m leln-d pairs, pr.. of are not so very peace- IVANTED—Experienced Chocolate for the use ot tin* in or :»> reeefYc In ln:i I. fetish. a ol ord of each member of the post and keep peace. Things mendations of the board will be forward- flippers. p y (lit. J. A Til A FTON'. 30 ots. great It W|lnot only symbol work xml kllWE Addiess P. <». Box » Me. 1*3 each soldier and sailor wbo represented able here from what a soldier ISteady good pay Deertng enter. the people'* religious belief*—a remindei judging ed to the pr oper parties in New York. It BKOS. CO., Springfield. Mass. G-1 »1 im>k Isalf-f -r in', s m ! r.i ( In the Civil War.' ser- _ _ ■ Ooode delivered In any of the to her# m Klrhmond Fifty told me that "he had to load hou-es. I t* ii tn-*:ii-. '.nnroiigiiiy built, in prophet'e Injunctions said. One is thought 1 iiat a recommendation, for the hli vlqes have already been recorded and discreet call Mcure It ANTED-To ( iircli.ise a ch ld's Wheel 22 >»r g- oil rep nr, oceup e«i ii paying ten- of the peaceful dcallage with uabellgvets—of and tlx hlB time lady rnpt pari city. tbe book will contain the bis gnn bayonet eight needed will be made. j ’’ .1 uuist conditio.i an 1 m retiia! d?.:n; aiinum; must to those who died fighting In thi when Unlshed rep* iir§ INTELLIGENT,handsome income qtueily at home, no can- inch. l»o In good its, yieluimr pet of more than three hundred men. in one to trouble and that he to sen. Address l.KONAliD cheap tor ca-di Andress H. o. 1).. P. O. U b© sold lo lose a e>l Will b t! UI X II- war—the war against thoei rceords night stop vassing nothing Eremitesoly .waged MEDICINE t O.. Kansas kans. 3-1 ii« ■, City. M nt ition; one minute i:..:n ti-’. It I’m*© mm—of hit A number of Invited gueets accompanied knew of soldiers that had been City. who would hot acknowledge eight John Bat ,z, former member of Battery W. II. W a 1.0 Ko > A in,, i-n .Middle ladles, were present from Sadgwlok 11'ANTI D P.v cxi' Tlenced ituse who is prophecy that the whit* man should b» by stabbed since he had been here." St. 4-1 NEOU'S TEA No. U. A. H. end Kennebec Na- JC 2d Artil lery, has re-enlisted at Fort ana le to non a, pa h nt w »o wi MARKET, at some future time be routed and Poet 4, TO LET. slaogh We left Havana for instaud of for home comfoit* and gcod caic hcioie end the Der vel Veterans of Batb. The presentation .Santiago Preble. U adore his new battery j \ well established store 441 Street. tend near Omdurman but alto joining during coiiflneineiit. Kelerence given u' dc- I^OHsAl.l- Jewelry Congress was made Mr. George B. Han- and arrived there after a • in a f.e-i. a!»,« |< can be Tithes believed the tomb to ;be In Itself speech by Clenfuegos Private Bi stz and wife will visit relatives f orty works inserted under this hrxd sired. Tein.s r* a-onalbe but stndlyin ad-, eality purchased e.iN « a isc of wo bones o; dlette. In behalf af the donor, Mr. Wil- the one week for *45 cents, rash is silvsnce. M E. Maui v .thoiit iiiiu h r -)y s;»ie. .lust below Monument St. powrrfn 1 obarm. The tomb aad trip of 73 hours. We saw in for about ten vanca/ A duress Its. M, WIGHT, ; and was to pleasant Canada days. are going in ot business. Addiess I 11.. Box febe (tawtf tbs Muhdl wan to the Dervlsbee thi liam H. Btuart, responded by son. Me. 4 1 Comrade C. W. Price, M. U.. who acted Spanish war ships that were detroyed ty John F. Place is patting the finishing 1567, cl«y. 4 1 greatest obsfm which they possessed ore as of the Post the our are and We TO LET Modern houses; 15 rooms $500; that their fetish Commander during navy. They high dry. touches01 1 his new house in Willard which < They thought this, great ■ one 0 ro< ms $40; one 11 rooms $_•© rim.; WATCHES CN INSTALLMENTS. SA LI*—. 1 J st ry house oulaluin/ li end who the 't on we per de for them whatever the densest evenlDg, aocepted gll close to the Merrimac as * room*, iivi ied into tvs*» rt ms. wi ll ail would also passed is located In Cottage street next to the rooms $:t6(»; 7 rooms $16 87 per mo.; rooms W altham ami Elgin Watches, a large stock I^OR and s. behalf of the [lost In a few appropriate modern altna'e 1 corner of superstition demanded of It, that, steamed Into the harbor of Santiago Signer mo.; 7 rooms each,|2pnoderu flits, one of new model Wa.cites will be sold on easy pay- improvement'*; remarks. A had residence of John B Chase. Forest Avemn* aid Fessf-'-den St. Oakdale, as It stood, the wouk pleasing programme modern fiat, t3u, two rtfhdern flats, 8 ments at reasonable All All long unbelievers is about ten miles and a beau- prices. Styles. 4-M-J thi been arranged, oonslstisg of songs and whloh up Mr. M< )sher is adding a second story and‘J rooms $25. N. s. G AKhlNLK, 55 Ex- Prices. McKEN NEY. the Monument inquire of A. ('. LIBBY'a TO., Kvcnaiige never triumph. It was ths centre of Jeweler, 2-2 recitations, which was Interspersed with was afforded us between the change and *h Market sta. ;*-i marlOdtt St. religious and military life of the city. I tiful sail to his ba j-n just oft ^Broadway on Mar- Square. walled ln< brief remarks by tbe and members here stood In the midst of the gnat guests mountains. It Is terribly hot down str > LET—To a small a rent of * visitors wbo re- riner net. family pleasant ANTED—To lease a good farm within ten !£!){) lloivu l 2 ). it were thi of tbe post. Among the IV rooms ou near llicyilfs closure, and aronnd quartered further south we 5 York 81., Brackett; price Ur mues oi m.t< kei. Address P. O. were and as we aie going still Waltei Webber has entered the good a new ism model es of the knallfe sponded to tbe oall for remarks, employ $8.00. at FlisllEll'S iioe More. 'J-l Men’s id women's ieye devoted booyguard Inquire Hoi 12, Kails. Me. 27-2 t-Ti ml Form of Inflammation; Comrades Beth T, Bnlpe, Charles H. are melt before we get back. store steep are mow I elng offer tl d 5s.b,i to s- Cures Every ■ with all the rltlee In Om likely.to of the £ tenth Portland Co-operative quipped room or sen to Icift r u l **xiin uano Ur. H. M. and LET—Pleasant with without WANTED fa- <• had health that It-1 I* A N S any-lie anyw as much as EXTERNAL. tlurman. In the In front of thi Greenleaf, Kagon Cyrus Jamaica, is our next stopping ;he of Oliver. rpo aud INTERNAL mosque. Kingston. taking place Mr. * hoard, 5 Congress Park. MKS. SKIL- Win not h« ue?it. Send f» cents t<> lltpan* < hciulral before aynn i»t !■* ni de. For catalogu full real from known ailment of theli W Gongley. Carpenter Milton Koberts. and I to The danger every Mahdl's tomb, tbelr military spirit, and thenoe to Porto Hlco and Is the LING.8 1 Co..Neve \ <>i K, for 10 -an ,>le ami 1.000 h-nine n at purlieu1 is, cu» tin-* notice -ait ma is caused inflammation. Cuip tb© In- now on at tbe place, Miss ffdlth Nelson of Wutervllle mankind by devotion ware imbibed. It wai U. S. N., Inspection duty —--- — —-- s i. a ns. Iiinn u A < ■> rfm-am. m 1.1 L~m and the disease. Inflam- ardor and we return to flammation you conquer Bath Iron Works, was also present and llaytl, from the latter place 0 f Mrs. L. W. Gould, Pickett street. LET—At mation is manifested the of the faith which appeal* guest Wood lords, dwelling pleasantly outwardly by redness.swelling simplicity fpo*■ W.’JCFIX&l.KOHS. SAI.K t>B TO 1.1 l —11 i'e. sfabie and of the blood gave a brief account of the of tbe States. located on st.. bath room ami sud heat. Inwardly by congestion to and the Mahd trip the United Davl Aeon 6c Griffin, tbe South Portland Arlington from the Pacltlo to good heam.g apparatus. $16. o0; also small store growth were their The khalifa battleship Oregon house store Is a good ta:.d lor k- ping as bonis, bron- trinity. prrachln) SUPPKK AND boat are two wards ln«i i«a «uder This ht*sn disease; asthma, abscesses, bruises, THE UNIVEKSALIST builders, constructing and room or office. 4 Arlington tuny ■ thi I the At antic Utet, and her servloe In upstairs Apply v\ bailee for b.tliin nmnufac- chitis, colds, coughs, croup, catarrh, chans, all forms from near the great fetish, whore join St.. Woodfords. 7-2 on«* week lor ?S coni* cosh hi advanr*. groeerl* and the destruc- steam launches for western Darties. on > d floor. Will exeb mge t -r of sore throat, la grippe, mumps, muscularsoreness. bones of the prophet lay, seemed to then the blockading squadron ENTEHTAIMENF TONIGHT. tor\ city tion of Cervera's fleet. Hoberti who has been the pmnertv if des red. Apply to .loll .v I’K'T. the and of al Carpenter Mrs. James Brown, LET—Upper flat No Ji; Lincoln St., Woou- IVK t’HAKGK to cr cent; watch Boston representative spokesman A is in store for every- I OB | .c a,i e Stree’.l *r to Kl>W.\BJ> was attached to the Oregon longer thau pleasant evening TO fords. (now Po'land), modern improve- b e list three. guest of Mrs. L. J. Boss, Cushing's paw loi ms. senu an pusi 11 l: ?.r<*. n Boriland. arl-tf othsr oflloer who has served on that enter- ments, all In Hue order. to F. W. a lock- a>TY. street, _u The khalifa's over his wai any who atleuds tbe supper and Apply money order u» the KAKK PUKC’HAni Nil powsr people body has returned to her home Id 'd AN. u o*». famous vessel. At tbe close ol tbe exer- Point, at Wilson & :-i BUKEAE. 2 Pan; K |imie, room 2i. l-o^lou. s Irresistible—It was the power of supsrstl tainment to be given Ibis evening at the S U.K— is \;11.1 best quality Brussels $AfE$0IJTHlN6$ATISfntf was attention. I our d**parinu*ut 1 Originated by an old Family Physician In 1810. tion which ths of the olses a beautiful supper served, after Boito o. fro LET—Farm in Wests rook.ten minutes' walk Prompt millinery IM)Kcarp '. l.db- I; triplicate mirror, possssslon greal house the ladles room lor a iu 1 a have existed for over eighty years the Beth Union Opera by young ■ tew pupil high class designing. './••• -1 /f.1 1 I■!!.•«.* dress forms; Could remedy fetish him. Tbelr ardor for thi which tbe company dispersed from electilc >t ition ; large barn, buildings la!L,.- unless it has cured family Ills? There Is not gsvs PLEA SANT DALE. Ib b rnn. HASKKLI. many home on The _ ; zeti children dug the confidence of a visitors returning the midnight of the Univereallet society. pro- in good repair, good milk farm. Address BOX _mi a remedy In use today which has tenets of to them devntlot A jOU.v 1..:n.Mstei Monument extent as this Mabdlsmgare train. Ken who has been 3t>, Westbrook, or Inquire at NO. 20 HASKELL ..tiildiug. the public to so great an Anodyne. and a valor on the battlefield at whloh thi gramme is quite out of the ordlnary.as Mi s. George nedy, NT— Ml tan Arviile. magnetic 24 It Si'.. Cumberland Mills, Me. 7-1 (’LAIKYOYA•> clairvoyant. ci lie consulted daily, on square._ Our Book on INFLAMMATION Mailed free. whole olvillzed world stood amazed, vthicl the Indicates: pass! ag a few weeks with her parents, AND WISDUM following copy health, bu-m»^s or tamllv matters at SALK—Modern out--Mown residence, Doctor’s signature and directions on every bott le. In i, to Ant WiT fro LET—Lower tenenrem 232 street all private The model of bravery Kurope. Mrs. High ■ u -i -i tland. beautl- hr I Price,» cents. Six bottles, t-W. Selection, Tbe Filibuster March, Mr. and Clifford. Manchester, N. 15 Portland street, few di.ors from Preble. All Isoi;si? nine miles Bold all »rugglrts. ibis to their faith was India ■ modem QMovenfences. hoi water xsux< CU- n Custom House Bt^ Boston, Maw. devotion Club. Mai, uti »1 ml r •liable. 7 1 fully 1 t«* I, sloping to ..i b. in Hie pretty \ S.JOH Phlllbustrlalacaka H., has returned to her home on Atlantic shades, screens, and a good rciubly associated with the great fetish A soft, and flnely medicated paper is awnings yard. to vu of *\ uidiiam. ten l.ng- and bath in silky, Another Hose Is J ust as Sweet. Address F. K. Dot Ik IK \\ Box 1818. 7-2 “Best Liver Bill Made,” brs Solo, Ave aue. IV ANTED— I am now to buv all kinds n. finished In li t water ithe tomb lot their prophet. My ; Pond'* Ex raft Toilet Palter. A little higher ready im In se. of cast off ladies’, gents’ and children’s ■ iai ittraetiv© sumps* of It was In the early boors o M Cole and have re- having rooms to let will do well to iu'.i*, i. large fireplace- than tbs common papers, but north it. O’Kourke, p. Chat». family fpilOSK I more .nan iu 1 price Heading, Teddy them on our list ; it costs clothing. pay any purchaser veranda. li niHgtiilicein lawns; .rge. xpae* last pyramid register nothing tfiM li-tiw r; lit M I! nr AIK’S Ikv September—a bogs yellow John Fennerty. tan ird to their home in Fa mouth. io.is .ib..- acci mmodatiotis a so cottage ont brown stretch ol to register and will bring lug returns. DIKIGti rising of the great 7k Middle St.A f- > h elegaut Duett, Life's See-sow. M Mi ler is ill at her EMPLOYMENT ASS< CIA 1'ION. 92 GKOOi, house -even rooms ga ner; Pills mod whloh line the backs of tbs Jt rx Geo. quite home Exchange 1< ■arsons’ hovels Change. V lighted cure biliousness and sick headache, Gen. und Mrs. Tom Thumb St.. Portland. 7-1 ut-l If, l\ Windin'li; by Positively be MORTGAGES NEGOTIATE D~ We have liver and bowel They expel all Impurities Nile for eight miles. In the plain T know a feller out our way Four Hun- complaints. Coon Tbe Blaok * .1 ■ women And relief from 01 Song, funds of llents to mve in first n .rt- .it I wire from the Mood. Delicate tween the "Signal Mill ana tne oity u.'ho holleis loud an long Anderson > irs. Jns. Kennison rOU LEASE OK SALE—A farm of 70acres, Viiiion, by five free. dreds’ Bull, Kmma passed Wednesday ^ gages on rta! e>ta e serially at 5 per emit in- w sing t hem. Price 2ft cts.: $1.00. Pamphlet Omdurman were then hither anti near geographic il ciMtict "f ity of Port- ft-t.i in* property i> : cry .y new, House moving An leaves us all In deep dismay. Our © *taIt v is loans on 1 ,8. JOHNSON A CO., 22 Custom 6UBoston* Heading, Tbe Whistling Keglment, as the guest of Mrs. W. E. Dyer. 21-4 miles irom < Hull, terest. >| placing city Min icriiiv equipped ami arru can only I thither crowds of armed men, bnt It wai fierce an land, u> especially 1 He seems so strong. Nina and suburban pioneiiy \,piy. Real iiat •!> <1 it * probity, And I will buy you such a pretty King at bank on the tomb Itself, tbai He "You go ahead an or sell a or the whole. of K. C. ir f er pad ticuiai < apph «• I. c. opposite aays. figh^ Mandolin (juartette, Hed, White and gu eritc Osgood to elect new officers. part Inquire IIrE WILL Bl \ hou leho .. r McKeuney's. A thousand solid gold Rings the whole male roshed to ormi referee." JORDAN, 311 a Si. inarBtf \N\KI.E. First National bank Building, population An I will Blue Exchange TT fixtures of any de*< riptlnu. or hi re- Diamonds, Opai-Pearls, Rubies, Emerfclds and thi Medley, dr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Pert land, Me. -’11: and formed up In battle array outside Augustus ceive the same at our uu lion r. -. 1 «ll other precious stones. Engagement and Msses Merriman, Willard and Pierce. LET—At Woodford* Corner. Forest walls It was that which roused then wonder If that ain't the urwlnk as the sale on com mission. GOSS .x UilXiY, Kings a Largest stock In I plan Sf spent Wednesday guests TO Avenue, three 6-room tenements, $8 to of kinds recalled for Wedding specialty. ol fl.r> is lebu-lf FliS all ;and to frenzy—the firing upon their Holy The kaiser's got tn mind? HOSE COMPANY MEETING. Auctioneers, Flee street. «-• city. McKENNEY, The Jeweler. Monument of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cool Hum- ner mouth. Inquire of E. C. JORDAN. :tlVa UJilNCs it fm; n.and Kiln’d i; -09 fetish. broth, Square. marJMti Holies, the desecration of the great He seems a most liallig'rent man— street. niarrdtt r Tbe Hose transacted some im- m ar street. Exchange poods repaired It was to them outside (be beginning o: One of the gamest kind. Company WHAT'S THAT? at its last It has MURDER, SA1E— Violins, Mando- the abomination of and 1 Yet when the chorus seems to strike portant business meeting. Some of the K. P.'s will be pleased to VAILL the On® of Alarm Hooks. l'>c Elegant Pianos, jtesftlattoo; HOUSES-FREDERICK8.largest list of houses for sale uul to let of McKenney’a I,’(»K;i:is, Guitars. Banjos, Music Boxes, DR. F. AUSTIN was that which inada them hurl them A warlike key committee of of •3.00. Warranted to wake the dead. M<>; t T LI LI C V truly authorized the composed It arn that three young npen this place real e-*Hte office In Portlai.u His special- if ■•gin,is. harmonica*. Minerior Violin a.d selves the zareba with such reckless sort of stands round, any clock than all the other dealers eombim-J upon He peacefulltlMt Geo. and D. e to the llrst of that or- is rents and B stt itr.s, non short, music. instruction Capt. Geo. Upton. Crlbby cpect take degree ty negotiating mortgages,code- ting McKENNEY, the Jeweler. Monument n guard lay In the gateway—killed by thi on real estate security at 5 p«r cent Iuleres and Ophthalmic Optician, villa was present, and as he is likely to OVER. firing party which precelej the sirdar We make a specialty of plaeuu loans on city he the of EYES TESTED FREE and li t! Estate 153y3 Congress St., opp. Scldlers’ Monument. They had thrown away their lives at thi build tbe new truok got views Rlddeford. March 9.—The police officers suburban property. Apply \T7ANTED—A man with energy. snap and We have made this a branch First Bank FBKD- in a entranoe to their When I anc kind of a truck special Office. National Building. M business al>i!>.■ y. as partner money Hours: S* a. m. to 6 Y. M. holy plnee. the members touching the c ftmrged with technical as- * CASTORIA committing of our business and can give you glasses KKICK S, V bu lues* in iliis city about $tOu re- my were sent away from Gin All.U__j-Hidh-4 making colleagues wanted. The committee on the fair t .nulls at the Democratic wurd caucuses of any for DIKIGO of Chas. H. Ft. wrens*. they description. quired. Address. puti-n rturman the shattered tomb Still stood, Bears the signature All or re- Ann TO LOAN on 1st and 2nd was glasses warranted uiouey MPl.OYM ENT ASSOCIATION, 92 Exchange The still In Its It wai which waa recently held given fur- held Wednesday evening, March 1, were vF" F F on real * —late at body lay grave. Jg use for more then thirty years, and funded. $Fj mortgages St., Portland, Me. 10-1 < »■ obtained in not until we arrived In Cairo that wi ther time to finish their repott arraigned In the municipal court this as low rate of Interest a- an ! CAUCUS. on stork*, heard that the tomb bad been snbae. Tkt Kind Von //aw Always Bought. McKENNEY the 1‘ortland; also loans made bonds, 117 ANTE 1MVc can give a good r- li dd.; man morning. They entered a of not Mender, an\ security. In- to bouv tbrowr POOL TOURNAMENT. plea personal property or good rr in your town a first-class opportunity quently demolished and the 1-.' < APK KLI/AKETII. waived examination M ou ii in rut ot A. C. LlllBY & l.'U., 42 Exchange some money without mr.-tr mg with into the Nile—the embalmed head made guilty,* and were Nqnurr. junlGdtf quire nmke being These are the scores Wednesday St. JnullM other business. Address, Gl> TEIt GROCERY 1 he ot face Klizabeth are re- to H K bound over In tbe sum of each for Republicans presented Major Gordon, (Gen at the lournament in Nat $500 Boston, Mass. 6-1 to me»*t in caucus at on evening pool CO., quested Grange Hall, eral Gordon's nephew). at the term of the Su- MAY HAVhi BEEN PORTLAND VIC- March at 4 o’clock for the rooms: appearance May 75c. Friday. loth, p. ni., liv some the fact that the mahdls' tomt Gordon's billiard Hersey, 73, M AINSPR1NCS, purpose ot candidates for the sev- preme court. The officers with TIMS. best American made by the nominating such a in ft, charged The Mainsprings, eral town olllces. possessed curiously powerful Front All Sidra. Judge, 33; McManus, Doughty. 75; (onuiann s. Warranted are Marshal Elgin and Waltham buence among the Dirvishse may tare assault Deputy James Megan March 9.—The of the PKR ORDER. “It's hard luck, said “I Doughty 70, Harford, 70; Harford, 75, Chatham, Mag*., body for one year. McKENNEY. Jeweler as a reason the etrdar sboulc Agonclllo. Aldenl Martin a man was on gardtd why Patrolman and Fred M. found Monomuy beach at Monument Square. marlBdtl CLOCK REPAIRING. ai don't seem able to please anybody. Smart, 37; Hinokley, 57, McManus, 67; have respected It more— by others a officer. a point about throe quartesr of a mile have made a of clock repairing the trouble!" askod the salaried Goodwin, special 14' E specialty reason tor Its destruction. rulei “What's Smart, 66, Judge, 75; Judge, 66t below the Chatham life station, y* for ana are p»*rf-etly iniiiiliar wiih MISS A. L. SAWYER'S European The complaint in Officer Goodwin's saving years of oonriuot cannot always ba followed It friend. Doughty, 75. at an early hour this morning, by Wil- REPAIRING. it in all ot its branches. Our rices me reason- JEWELRY stai aud we will call for your the of Afrlon. The juetlfloa “In the United States they complain case Is Harold Kelley, secretary of the liam a fisherman. able. Drop us a p atmosphere Patterson, done without extra oon A clock and return it when tlon which Is urged for the sirdar's I'm a and in the JOHN V. SMITH GOT DUCKING Democratic committee. The body is to be that of one are familiar with all kinds of Jewelry that spy Philippines they city Napoleon supposed di McKENNEV, the Jeweler, Mouiitnent School of Shorthand and Is hat until that 1 men lost ou and nave made it a rge. Typewriting duot superstition—whld that I'm not.”—Washington and John F. of the the steamship Fort- WE: repairing specialty Portland. janl2dtf complain John V. Smith got a good ducking a B. Osgood Berry, both of now to make to order bquare, was the life of Mahdl'in,. which had glvei land. It is In a fair condition, but the for years We are ready EXCHANGE Star. were in the or of any 03 STREET. the dervishes all their dash and devotion few nights since while at work on th e whom prominent factional head and hands are ami it Is anything in rings pins special design missing wish at very short notice. MclvEN- all their cruelty and uncompromising whloh is just off the Feri disturbances In the ward t> caucus, make feared that identification will be difficult. you may I*orilatt«ly Maine. dredge digging y MF;y D»e Jeweler. Monument Square, Portland. hostility—was entirely uprooted, there On the leet were black shoes and black 12d tf SPANIARDS READY TO FIGHT. landing. In attempting to catch u rop a the complaints in the other oases. Bonds Jan could be no peace In the .Soudan and tha stockings. The trousers were of blue eodtf attached to one of tbe scows he t n were furnished for the officers by Robert sepJi until the tomb had soflered every posel N. March b —The slipped material and the underclothes were oi CHalifax, S„ .steamer it' E have a large assortment of Diamond ble that woulc mud nnd went head llret into U je McArthur, agent of the and same color. The degredatlan. superstition bake Ontario, which carried a load ol the Pepperell the body wus removed y* Mbs. l-arKlng3 and Scarf Pins, 1 Bings, on to the of thi and to the Chattmm life elution and YOUR a linger RHEUMATISM m NOTICE. clinging precincts Spanish soldiers from Uleofuegos tn Ca water between tbe dredge and scow. It Laconia mills, by ex-Mayor Edward saving all good quality and perfect. This very EXECUTRIX’S fetish. become me 1 <1111 IS«‘ Cured great It would 111 t< la at at this treasurer Medical Kxamiuer Munsell has been no- l»y likiug easy way to buy a Diamond as we make ihe diz, present purt. Capt. Carey was a cloee call for Mr. Smith as ho is W. Staples, of the Biddeford — notice that she say whether or not the sirdar's trsatnmn 1 tified. so eusv tout you will not miss tlie ■illsubscriber hereby gives says that the Spaniards who were on A. W. Moore’s Blood and Nerve Medicine. payments I KxeOutrix of the of 1 not an swimmer und the time ol bank. MchtNNKV, the Moimineut !».s been tiulv appointed the tomb was is solely ti were a moat lot and the expert savings are not tow ns in Maine that sonic jiionet. Jeweler, justifiable—It board unruly There many febuutf la t \\ .11 .id testament ot the fact that It was tha ogle Square. approved by craw had a lot of trouble In arranging his tumble was .midnight. The splash ot COLBY'S FOOTBALL MANAUKU. of tliis remedy lias not been sent to by friends late of New •rs of In ,'IARV 1 lt’KKTT, Gloucester, the Nile expeditionary force tha When the Teasels was ont two cries MAINE PENSIONS. in Massachusetts who know of its merits. matters. the water and hie loud for hi s. il of deceased. I would wish to J; March ath- the iuiure you can obtain it of the reliable \v AN 1 I I» AT10N8. in the Couniv Cumberland, iwtify. a number of the men were Wnterville, 9.—The general demands the days, large aroused tbe men of the dredge and haste u- Washington, March 9.—The II. II. HAV dk SON, 1'or:land. All persons having against sons following committee of have druggists. found to have wine on board. The letic Colby college who have it in stock. a industrious Am- e.-.iato of said deceased are desire^ to pr»*- A have been granted to Malno Me., febUM,WKF’Jm ANTED—By competent LUMBKK MAN KILLED. of Mara became and when lng to hie assistance they pulled tr. pensions peo- Uf as nurse or work- scni Use same for settlement, amt all indebted tinallj unruly elected Fred F. luiwreuce of Skowhegan erican woman, situation ini* the seamen to oontrol them out of his oold salt water hath. hous in the or country, where thereto are requested to make payment attempted Smith ple: a member of the ing keep- city Walervllla. March ft—Word comes junior class, manager 1 r with mediately. frpo some of the Spaniards drew knives. INCREASE. she can take 12 years old daughter Alder stream J. H. MAMLK.V of next season's root bail team Mr. EVERY WOMAN best of re., .i es giveu and Ap- HANNAH FICKETT. townshlp|that Peter Peril Capt. Carey was app reached and asked BAHtjUK her, required. X B. Ho Sometimes needs a reliable at Mission, 9 to 12 a. III., 2 to5 p. III. New Gloucester, Feb. 21, of an of Edward I to turn back, but the was lost on of made of James instead, Palmyra, $13 to Lawrence Id tne leader of hie class in ply Gospel feb21 dlawSwF* Fairfield, employe Wan request A board survey up P .mt moatniy regulating medicine. b. F. s-1 the oommander who threatened to do all $14; Cyrus Oliver, East Palermo, $8 to PEAKSO^ _ of this olty, was accidentally killed thsr< Warden U C. Jones, Capt. Gllky and A. scholarship and popular socially. sorts of dreadful things unless order was $1S5. DR. PEAL’S 11’ AN 1 ED A Scandinavian girl would like to Wednesday. He was a teamster. Th. 1 P. were exam lin- yy have a si uatiou for gem ral house-worn ; restorod. K. Leighton yesterday REISSUE AND INCREASE. A THOUSAND RINGS Hives are a terrible torment to the lit- good references. Please call 22 Federal street. body will be brought home Friday. Alter the mutineers were warned that ing and Inspecting the barque J. U. piLLS, Teat, i to tle and to some older ones. PENNYROYAL mi o select from. Diamonds. Op»U. to Quinn, ogus, $ti $:o. folks, Easily _ J the ship would lie allowed look alter whlob is hauled un Are safe and certain in result. The genu* s'ones, Hanrlen up uh< Ointment never fails. prompt, buoys sud all other precious lounge order was cured. Doan's tne Sent anywhere, 1 as book- Dr. Hull's Cough syrup will eavo Itr HI , herself better preserved, things Tbe ORIGINAL, WIDOWS, BTC. (Dr. Peal's) neverdiaappoint. ll’ANTED— Position in an office ;en. and Weddmg Kings a specialty. Urgesl marine railway. inspection viai Instant cure. At Peal Medicine Co., Cleveland, O. 11 the Jewelei of your child when attackid by croup. Mother! took a turn ror the better and the voyage relief, permanent any $1.00. keeper or assistant; first class references. mock iu Uie city. McKENNKY. instance this remedy never lolls to cure. was tlnisbsa la ana made at the of the ineuri act Martha A. Benner, Winslow's MMV ($, 60 cents. t. B. GUPPY Portland. Me. Address K, Room 5, 390 Congress St. fetyfi-ft .M .iiument Utiuase. marchisJU pesoe quletnesi. drug store, &COH Agts., |

■ ft i "T

• .? If I-. ,, ,. ■■ in ■-■j'l-'ijg"”™1" ■ r 11 *■' ~ t 99aSS9aB9BBC09 ITHAMEIA RAILROAD!. iYUrk I, i u>d Caaoo KAILMOAD* « Wwn. Carnage. Bay ] ^ hnc* T*rv. wtwk __ CMk.tVbMMtb*.’ 1* 8a»d Island Mo 7. la 4AA A AAAAA AA, A A |v Buoy. ipar. blank. V?"“»»»TV»»▼▼▼▼▼»▼▼▼▼»VVfVV Of HOPE. CORN ERCI AL N vd SOUTHWEST * dear acd baawfclfPl. m _ And the west growfl Leading Markets. Tnponaa*. 3 fOnfi (J. (Mam altar Mvn«w. i, uva. tmmmmmt A As > V 1,1 w-TTKIE A lIsDMruda o*i,_ — And the trembling bands grow strong. uuu*..>- T«» lions- receipts 30,000t a cake;; fair to choice i r-» -gr r««iD) .laying car* X Oik at 3 Bobbin. la taa- _1‘artUuAi X \< V• ami X And tlio lorkn of gray are with gold. quoted at 8 77Vs »S US; pac kiln; lota Meh B Barone Aaatc Uwb JuiwOm, Kaahua II Tampa Aiiffiiato. glH rmWtnmim, Cuauo. Ay«r IX'' ‘-mar- herlmtc. 3 76; huiehcrs at 3 6* I'M* »t 3 B5*f dergol.ig aoaie r e pairs to works, aad will ba I ■» And the whisper of a Rung a# 87H lap WladfeAin ud J£pptt« At M* A. m. Aad 1AM I m i> sT4 rto ka-t mail York Stork and Market 3 80; at ■ 0. M. Hauled oat m w-aetal. SWamer Bar Btaae, at v 2 o’er tho troubled of age, New Money |it(a aOsftS •f- * •* l'i drag 'Am oars. Breathe* Bleep • the Bor U. ba baulsd Ml Mink Y " sleeping Y Sheen reoaliita 17,000; active; sheer quoted | land an d Boston Hue. Is At \.. k n. .?* And the wanna aot Nr, Line, A k-mivliic Inn lag ♦ mining *7 Talaarapu. at 2 40*4 6« ; lambs 4 uW f. 10. out on the nil W ly lor repairs to bsttoai. YHifly «undny* Fxrentrd. low _ And 1 write a word ofbopo and Macnius I th a—son Manser b Oakes, whlek A NEW YORK, JIrhT"I*""" VKI mtw A.VDrmTMl. PTF a vim ♦ IDALnVTTXD X On the fa<*e of yonder star, Dcraeslle Markets. left Portland in a llrst part ot the winter with A iiik -"il v« » little. >rw Yum A A And tbo turns with a farou flmno Money t>n call was steady at 2^8; last loan at H or.11 grain for mu pi,- ee. has lust arrived Mia hav- A m I" M „"IMI o!ii|..***d exclu X oleepcr «!1 :i i". ••oiwwkar—lk«t lust with vai tons since she sailed ailAtAod Mla X -ivcl). library, ibwvaUon. X In the dreams of long ago. 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper at 3*4 (by Telegraph.) ing nilahaps For*0Jorbam Wt Mf X los I’.iMUnrfi •* lrom Portland. BAY STATE ADD TREMOtIT, rouipartmcnl lira*log rootn sleep- X with the loredand MARCH 9. 1839. a u Y And heetanda ngair in 41 4 pr cent Sterling Exchange strong. with Y lug-car* •artyin^ drawing kanm.. Vineyard.Have n. Nor H—Belt .lohn K Sonthor. < Neath the witching mistletoe. NFW YORK-The Kkiur market—receipt* •llanuitelj Pkanehn tv ha nr. Eort- r<-> » * i■1 ns' urs f*> Aiken. W actual business tu bankers bills at 4 86n* UroD mot.10 »a. .1 20 sales 4.500 Pool*. lrom l-.altl more for Bostou. arrived hove Ms? • MM FOi; ♦ come bunk for Bill! 28.743 bblt: exports 9.220 bills; *§2E!?H jrstfws teuC *T*rjr at To clock. )n rws THfOM.i THi. SOUTH And the wedding bella 4B. : and AM BveHlpi? a^rtvlu* 88 for and 4 83"'# a,4 84 for six- Hues. 8. Inactive, today with lures. ill and jib torn. IMS. MR Mo jn m., win' earliest traits ♦ I MAIUMI m.VNH I ION WITH todden o er. ,&4 demand, iiaekaftcs; steady. train iron, Portland nominate far From the grave long T. XT. 3.1*01 Winter at a 76-v4 09;wtnter straights New York, Me V 8—Ben Bnlneas W Sprague, ThcUJlp m. ♦ thi hm.omai. and federal him rates 4 84*4^4 87. Cuuimer- patenta of wltt -Hoomt. luti.iel Route" XThS"""*"1 If EXPRESS FROM BOSTON. And the songs Float from ter extras a 60a2 8ft; Unlup Wwifclr. York, X aEo » 1 > home- imh Bar .. «-*»!<> and snow fore ,% HAMELS, This la imw-age-bero u»T Stiver certificates 60Va \-t- 3 2ft; winter low 2 40*2 86 carrlei f away fevetopmatl, gat. Beturnteg l«*»e iwi»u W a ahp. Uoetoa, every X 4" V I> P. A Southern < I my £,60 oarioie»lo*ll. grdes Inst and near- Ry., of rent. straw. No2 Western *t8flVk fob afloat. i]dit *, Bo. Man 7. Ahseeca 7 o'clock. £2-4 S*‘h ri'«m “i Maec < 1 An ark—a place Bar Silver 69*4 Iron. Rye easy; N W wrack fJrcQlnjTiit and the hands that Wheat -receipts llf.uovhtjsh; exports ing 3& inilea ; passed a quautity of j.dr. LUKuttB. ifito*e * * ■ A14 X S THWP.ATT, < For the lip* that cheer toiamoB. ».. 1HB* 11'J.- z ** me « m Mexican dollars 47Vfr. 14 bus 4ales 1.986,000 busk futuras.and 272.- age, consisting ot deck house, preservers. Beuu L UMt. E A. .-outlieru Rv,. < > beat RaDasd.... l%*2t« Domestic.. 6Vfc*7 271 N.T Government bonds firmer. 0i8i Imsh and eutpcwU; spot htemily: No Sc, belonging to a .steamer. fij^sj^Marss Headway, and hands most blest! Norway— 3V4B4 Hoik. spot arrive at Portland from Worcester LA DAM-. Arc the lips I o b afloat io arrive. Boston. Match I—Bah Mupaag. whlcu waa TraS JlYl^ J. J steel.. 8*10 Tks ls.lb bd 300 0.2 60 Reil at 83' tc tA» # M <» I, A 1 <' .1 P. R • in New York Hbrne State bonds strong. Coal driven ashore in Dorchester la At IM B. M. i from hooBMMT At A. R„ —William B. Cbiobolm Corn- i6rt.tauo bush; export* 120.'68 Bay yesterday, MOJL N Y ..2 26 receipts an CASCO BAT STEAMBOAT CO. ♦ 333 Broadway. M.VFtf • Journal. Railroad bonus strong. teerman atsoi-•3*4 Liverpool 00*2 basil future#, 240,000 bash not ba ily darns gad aa supposed. She is full ______sales 86,000 DU’md Crye. bbl 2 26 bush; ot and out jaoeotool.*4 siwitend out t ateeim; No 2 at 4- is water, hut can ba patched pumped t'afctom Hobs? so*'* lrow— ■olorntn*. porta spot and Wharf, Porflan'S, Mr. Hides. 444kc fob afloat, new and eld. floated. Bolorntaa ...e*6H 9.1 .Iha W Ura- DAY TIM1 the ata-iwcamie llo.OOO hu.OpciporU 32 Baltimore. Meh 7—Bch Bigelow. WEliK TABU The follow inf quotations represent pay- RplMk Itam. sailed Jan u far Provi- taoai.RBaaiai3**iT4 sales — bush fcm; No 2 at 88',91 front Jacksonville & M AINE it. K. resurrection.^ In this market; A 1 *12 I OkMift. bus; snoMpot Jan. !BOSTON Sr* ing prices marl‘cnKaaalal pore_11*22 white No 3 white dence. and Ims not been beard from sines. CbmmMirlng Monday, H>v |K»**. steers.* • 7® ,b No 3 at 83; No 2 84nfbflVkO; ! In Klfect October 3rd, 1 .HUS. "Ah, Lore Is dead,” Cow and y «alr.**4*7 Mnee_ 900*100 A.derelict, anas boo urns, apparently hot For Fove»t Cl»v lund ng, l’<«ka —c; tratk Wfute 3&<$40c. g Inland, e.tO, She said; Bulls sau stags LaaUer Nutmeg*.66*66 In a that cood. kiou. aad lu the weak of sen- A. 4.1ft. .1 p. M. ;>VI..*** Beef Arm. long e.-lt, «. M-. *.1\ \S FMTERN division. Skins—No 1 quality New York— Popper.18*10 was Pen ztVIot "Flown through the open door I ** 6 CO. seis hound Vera Crur. passed \ ...1 • CUveo.161117 Lard iteadv; Western stetm at f ton frofolheo** F«nka I at n od, TrMm leaver i'ortianil, Union Matloi*, for No* Uafet...25*20 70 10, Ion hi 4i *. urir tatgiKifiaiKii,teigMia Never more Pork st*a«lK -1 Hi tmnn«J Island*, I S«g*i boro * 10.00 a. HU. MO, ED. : Ho® Mia weachl-aB*2oi Qinjrer ...... i4*15 _or. waiali * r'-Ring. p. at Portsmouth.Mah "•-Salt Jtoht Byron, ■ -. While the «nd winds blow .../.SS Hoary.43*201 Butter steal® .Wrftern erearoey at JarTTS «Lg!ef>*«U Seer bore Bench, line Point, 7.0u. 10.00 am.. CullS ttorek, Stale 14 waa thongnt to ho. ashore yesterday 1 the *ad brooks flow Hard fat... factory 150,1 Wc. Elgin* *0c; Mr* Oe4.ad.UBR trains Fob©*’* X.und‘i u 1 1 ::.30. (SJi, A.WT. rr... Mid Orchard, And .20*231 rolnt. Is all right. she dragged clone la, pet OB Mi after MONDAY For eland, «.#0. p. Cotoo pooka.. .84*3.1 M. Kiridnford 7.00. MR 10.00 A m.. 12.?.. Shall there be do did not touch. crew returned to th* vegmfr will leave ae follows; A. H. 8.KJP. ..! uh. TjOO ft. m-*.» p. ; North Ber- Portland. Hugftr—raw strong higher; tank at *or* ihaa two <1otan MiU to She forgot her woe^ ■% WlMSt. 96 test at 4 l.«-32c; molasses anchors and i From Lewiston and Auburn. 8.10, 11.30 a. wick, l)m'»c... CHICAGO—Canli quotations: Fond, AT It \«t. Export#. 70s*» 11.80 a. m. and 0.45 m. M)Wlv’* Li24Q.,4.Ul» 1X5. p. bl Leave Boston lor The clouds o’erhead. Closing .2ZZZ Fiour and p. |_j_ BRISTOL. ENO. Steamship Memnon—70.61 C quiet easy. Osiuimm «• Fort*. From aad Montreal, 8.M td «L aad Portkand, ftjfo. 7.H». *.3o a. m.. l.lft. ftJ5. ft ni. The darkness Corn. .N « 2 Chicago fled. buau oats 316 sacks buck- Wboat— spring at670690; *No?dpt.o'i, TUo* B UA0. a. lLia bush wheal 47,427 at NEW YORK—A« 7t» Garland, A.4A pm. < M. — Arrivt Portland. 10.K*, ft.fto, And then 1 May. July. 69c; No 2 Red at 70Mn#*7»c. Com—10) 2 icbf Altl.Y TO win it 2'** do rolled oat.s 140 bbls apples lobxs at Perth Amboy for Bosfcrt »: Phloea* W flpraguo. From Quebec, 8.10 a. m. 7350 p. in. Optn n*. •. Sbfy* No 2 -c. OMB>No 2 She looked with bales h 940 butter 67 bis ?$Va 3 v4Op35c ; yellow South Amboy tor x M7H1FAT TRAINS. joy k voodedware 861 y pk # at Port Spain: flattie A 1 Inrib, TRAINS. Closing.. 271 *e; No 2 white 3o« K)Hc; NoS white SUNDAY line Folak Old On tho laughing boy, leather i2 roll* paper 5527 boxes cheese 234; al Boatou. For Scat bom Beach, Oats. No 2 Rye at 54Vac; No 2 For Toronto end Kenne- had to life cat lie 160 loo lulls dowels Olo sacks of 29V*a30c Barley CW sen LUIlaa Wr. sodruff. San Montreal. Quebec. Ghleage P. Orchard lieai h, Saco, Blddeford, Xor Lore come again! sheep 1 atft 16; Timothy Mh, Juan._ T. MrOOWAN, j ^ boxes 8 tes do 60 cs of canned Mat. July. 42* 5lc; No Iflaxseed prime »th. Arthur C North Berwick, Dover, Kxeter. —S. E. Kiser in Cleveland Leader. hour 1628 meat* *9 0 lardl at Md fin th* lowor Ba f barquo bunk, 27 V® seed 2 40; He*.* Pork at Ofcfc 10; For l^/wlstonand 7.30 a. m. andi-ODp. flavnthill. Lvrmiw, Lowell, Boetee, 12.65. 4 < 80 pis lard. Opeataf.~ Wade »nh» John IkMikd *•». H Aubjurn, 271/* 6 27 V* A A 30; short rib slJes 90; Dry L? For Gorham and 7.ao a. rs. and 6.1ft p m. 42o L otiKrms m. Arrive Boston 842 m. Closing 4_6og4 clear Winslow. H J Raymond, Anal* B Mitchell. M Berlin, Si., 4.30 p. 5.18, p. meat*—shoulder* 4V*v<£4,Vi»; .short Alton *•72 Portland Wholesale Market. FORK, sal tod Wood. Hugh k*Mey, Mm rgioG Hart. WUHam 0 AUIVAUL AOBW foil II lltsT Cl.tlW Hot heeter. l armlngien, Bey S. A. 5 * Xitlfl. BOSTON U. May. l aouer, auu others. p. ni. PORTLAND. Mch 0. *i at 14($19Hc ;dalrlr* From Island Poad, Berlin. Gorham, Montreal lM%iremt. nr* > mpliratlou Out‘of Opening.. —. H otter eady4—creamery Abo A&i loch. Slsphto O Hart, J ASTKR*. DITISIOW. &J7 tailed, barque and West, Rlu a. mu Sowu twainum n re^p-etfuUy solicited The following quotations represent the whole- Closing. HVkJfil7c B schs Wm H Bumaar, ,1 lower-fresh 16 nrlg Hanrv Clearest From Lewtetoa and Auburn, 8.10 a. w fcMlco il ni ; For Blddeford, Portapjouth, Newbury- ftom for this market; Egg* weak, $11®. M Jamie _ Fount) it the Best Place to Itall sale prices Thursday’s qnotations. Bred B Beiano, Kta.oor Williams, I port, A njc-bnrv. Salem, Lvna, BwhalOO Cheese steady; creameries at 9*4'310V5c. John Pau*. and J B Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on lUgM Flow. *rn>ia wheat 74.000 Mftcarejior. PC Pendletois r y.Oft h. 12.46, 6.00 p. UL Arrive Boston, ft.6C When Travelling Abroad. Flour—fecetpto 20.000 bbls; trains. » Jl tti., Jan. Mar. July bush; oats 299,000 bush; U olden. a. m- Eon. H.06 p. m. Leave Boston for bush; cornl 41 ,000 t Burnside. Santiago AT OK ®yl* *2.000 hush. Alio nil Hth. U S traosixi DKi>Ul I’or'l ind, 7 30. 9.00 a.m.. 1X30, 7/M, 7.45 p. m Wheat Bakers.8 26 n 3 36 Opening.—.... 70J4 rye B.OOo bush; barley and Porto Rico. IlfDlA M PHILAOtLPHIA. Spring BOSTON A LE00. KE15. 71*. 70*. M STREET^ Arrive rorUaud, 11.45 de, 44 for do; 88 Ken- LINE. Louis clear.i oo Mav. bush; barley 27,000 bash. Vl NDAI TRAIN*. A mu eh-traveled American friend of Mich, and hL uo*4 rye 1.000 dall. do lor New Bedford; IN orris A Clift, do for Winter Wheat patents.4 26*435 Onenl.i...36^* MINNEAPOLIS—Wheat—Mch at 69%h ; May Rockland Sardinian. Amber. 1 lor Kook land ITKAMIIA. For Hlddcfo d. Port amen th. Vewhurr- a curious _ Frim Boston and mine has been trying experi- 36 . 3®^* hard on track #09% ; » eha Julia Krauoaa. eiarj Wettnasday Saturday; uori. Saiain. i.vnn. KottiiB. 2.00 a. HL. 11.41 ( oru and Feed. CI091M... 70Hc; JulvTOHc-.No Shi tut Harts lehied ttta. attiOVso. i*. 111. Arrive Boston 5.57 a. 4.00 m. ment in his wanderings, lie is a New OATS No l Northern 66-Vac; No 2 Northern Ponce for Now Haven; .1 8 Lamprey, Irotn From E/ty aid m., p. Corn, ear lots.old. OOn, 00 M»v* July. Flour—first patents at 3 7003 BOaamnd pat- Kdgewater fur Hooklaua; Nil t Ayer, do tor Boa- Pata.pjii .JEMBasil) L'av Boston for Portland. ».00 a m., 7.0S p. ru. Yorker birth, a man of some means 45 so. 10.30 m. by Corn, car lots, new... 44*) 37H ents 3 50.0,3 uo; first clear 2 ».o^2 lou. Mall, riobokon for Poi^Uawd; City of Au- HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT Arrive Portland, 12AU, p. 47 O^ulng. and at North und a deal of culture, who Corn, hag lots. Oo* *7'* at cash Lfnatu ITr.link am fur do Moll llOK StAT. JlTsef a. l»r*Gj except Monday stops good enjoys C109.A,. DETROIT—Wheat quoted 72V4o CQT Frem Central Wharf. Upilou. 3 u. m. Frefen lots. 44jai 48 71Vke. lor Boothbay; Jas Youtifl AmDoy for bwu- Berwick and Kx**ter only. and likes to know what people Meal, hag roHf White;cash Red7ac;»*ay 737*c; July CUy Flue $ tri m wharf, i'Uiiadfilphla. \t3y. m. In- society, ear lots. 38 ana others. a J- FLANDKRa. tt. P * T. A. Boston, Oats, (fi) May. ugton, _ surance ohe-half the rate vessels. him. 40 steamer H »»*rlek, Fossefc. ofsalliftf or u 4U think of Oats, bag lots. 00* Cones mtbu. BOSTON-Ar 8th, far IP* Wfcst opine !V*rm. K. K. ■< Opening... No 74 for Portland. Freights «*d after Cotton Seed, ear lots,.00 00*2 00 y2° Philadelphia. with hare* ; He has just reached Paris again Clog.-*. coal (.am South by couuecUiiit hues, >rwaedod free ot Cotton heed, hag lota.OO 00* 24 00 iBy Telegraph.) Bid Bib, jobs Alice M oolburn iiori; salon. most of the countries in car lots.JO 50*1 7 00 lor cofnmi visiting Europe, hacked Bran, 1899, ._ Portland Daily Proaadtock Qa.tasloa, MARCH. 9. Wlimln*tou. Passage $JA0t. Bound’Td» $14.00, MAINE CENTRAL R.R. hacked Bran, bag lota.17 Oo a 18 oo wu Ar 9th. sieamer Kvareen. Ilk* nbarg; and he declares that it is best to register Baukart. 1*11 NKW YORK-Th« Cotton market today tu*Ojt. Meals and room intruded. car lots.00 00* 18 00 t orroclod by Swan a Barr.tU do 6 13- tysbura. with barae* Ollbertou. and Franklm, Middling, auiet middling uplands 0 9-18<:, gulf Far freight or ua*sag> u> F. P. WING. as “from Boston, U. 8. A.,” when trav- lota...OOOOo-lHOO Mlddl. .’"a'' irom Philadelphia for Portland, and proceeded; 28 Middling, hag, — Wharf, JSoflfoa, yn effect Nov. im 00 STOCKS. 16c; sales bales. Newt t. AgerkciBlral abroad. His reason for this is that, Mixed teed.17 60&18 sob John Twoby, Newport MK a BAMPBOTN, TiMaduMr wM General eling for Value Bid. ASkec CHARLESTON—The Cotton market to-day Bdlib f« r JaokionrUle Trains leave Portlau as follows: Pork, Beef, Lard and Poultry, Description. Bid 9ib. teb McIntyre, Ife Stale b&» bTtke as a Bostonians receive deference National Bank.• •'00 HI* 10' 6 1616c. AM Manager, UulIrfAvg, Beiuuu, rale, ('anal closed quiet; middlings RORTLANP ROST OFFICE Maaa. matiBA d 7 00 a. ui. For Brum vick. Balia Roekland 60 National Bank...... 100 lot 1(0 closed sch 1 L Peek are not accorded in Pork—Heavy.-•••13 00*13 C asco KHTON—The Cotton market ,U«ALT'lMORK-Cld sth. lonry Augusta, Watervlile, bkowhegan. idsbon Falls and attention which :b « t2 50 Bank...40 85 GALV Pork—Medium.12 Cumberland National 6J4c. bam. Hardin Boston. Lewiston via Brunswick. B<* fast. from other 60 Bank. 100 101 easy; middlings Bangor like measure to those bailing Beet—light.10 00*10 ( i..iuinac Natloual Sid sch Oeo P Davenport, ft 'Sion. 1 ckbport, Iloulton, Woodstock and at 60 #8 MKMHH1S—The Cotton market to-day closed Bin, Beef—heavy.•••••11 00*11 Fliat National Bank.100 }0y Sid 8tn. ech Wm J Ur mood. 1 lupper, Vera Mepheu via Vanceboro and St John. American localities. Boneless, half bbls. 6 7-6*. 6 00 Bank.... 7o 100 101 steady; middlings ftVfco. ALLAN Merchanu’Natloual OFFICE HOUR8. > LINE 8.30 a, m. For Danville Jc., Mech&nte Falls, down at tes and half b>4 a 6‘^i Bank-luO market closed \ My friend has put himself Lard bbl,pure.... Natloual Trader*' NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton ^ISooTHBAY—Ar eth, sob Mollll1 Rhodes, fm ROYAL MAIL STI AMWII-^O; Kumfbrd Falls, I.**, wist on. Wlnthrop. Oakland, ... 6J 4 Vi 10* 104 Lard- tes ;uid half bql.com *5 Portland National Bank-.100 middlings 6c. coastwise port. r> ad field, Watervlile. Livermore Farm- various places In Europe as coming from 186 140 steady; Postmaster's OJJlc', (Sundays excepted) 9.00 Fails, l^ird—Palls, 7 W Portland Trust to.100 is CHATHAM— Passed »lb. sobs John K Sou- Liverpool /nut I'ortlrtiid Service. and Phillips. pure... 7J* 60 86 9t> MOBILE—Cotton market doll; middlings a. id. to ( p. m. ington every oily between New York and 8an Lard—Falls, compound. * '•% Portland lias Comoany. ther. Kdwln It Huut, John Twub y, and By* Kgoiu lo.►S a. in. For Brunswick. Bath, Augusta Water Co.100 103 106 at 6c. cashier's 8.oe a. Frotp and New Or- Lard—Pure leaf. 9 * 9H Portland four-marslers. Ojffloc. (Sundays exeepted.y Watervlile and Lewiston via Brunswick. Franoteoo, ‘.Minneapolis, 146 l6o Cotton market olosed m. to 6.00 m.: order Liverpool Stegtalihlps_Portland Hams... 9 (a 9*4 Portland 8t. Railroad Co. .100 SAVANNAH-The BBUNSWICK-Sld Bib, sab Suaii M Ptom- p. Money depHrtnsentt 9.0U 1A*> p. m. Express for Brunswick. Bath. 188 140 m. to 6.00 11 Mar. leans. at different times, and has been 17 Maine Central K’y.100 middlings 5*40. Laui s M Lunt, a. p. m.: Registry department, 9,00 u. 23 Feb, Castilian uew) Euckland an ! all stations on the Knox aud thickens. lft?’ quiet; raer, cjci*htou. Philadelphia; *• r a of in conse- 14 Portland % Ogdensburg H.S.I00 43 60 QL to 6.00 p. m. 28 •Turaputu i* treated in variety ways Fowl. Cummings. Boston. _ *' lincoln division. Augusta. Watervlile, Ban Msrlistt. >tta T Bib- General 7 Mar. •Btf«uos Avrean 26 The natives of the countries Turkeys 1*44 1& BUNDS. hsruyMU CH ARLK8TON—Bid 8tb, soli Gfcarli 780 *• Bar Harbor. Greenville, and iloulton, via quence. Delivery (Sundays excepted.) 14 *Sahtliitan 122 H* I New York. a. m. to 7.00 p. m. 9.00 to lo.utr a. m.. April for.t. & A. K. K. that he has seen have often been puzzled hucar. Coffe*. Tea. Molauaa.lUlilui. Portland 6a. ..120 ley, Coombs, Sundays 10* 103 neb HelenG Moe ely, Bolt, 1.00 to a00 m. 23 Nuinldlan MOpm. For Mechanic Falls. Rumford his residential cities. Portland 4*. 1902—1912 Pundtnjr.. March 1899—Consols closed at MOBILE—Cld 8th, p. *♦ 16 ty pretended They Sugar—Standard granulated. 6 216 108 LONDON. 9. jo Caatllian 1 alls Herais, Danville Jc.. Lewlstou, Llver- of New 6 Portland 4s. 1913. Funding.106 16 for and Ho 5-10 for account Norfolk. Carriers’ Deliveries, (Sundays excel)tod.)—In all know York, Boston, and Extra 11 uegranulated. 215 110 1 money schs Morn • Steamer* Abbs do net carry uiorc Farmington. Minefield. Carrabas hugar— 6*. 1899. K. Ji. aid.10O 1001* NEW LONDON-Ar 9th, tng Star, business section of the city between and marked pas- Falls, but many of them have never C.. 4 84 Bangor March 9. 1899.—The Cotton New High 3 .in and as an set. and t'h.ongo, Sugar—Kxtra Water.114 118 LIVERPOOL Jersey CUy lor Booth bay; Nelllo Baron, hidla streets at 740. 9.00 and n.oo a. m.. fao and sengers. ’.Mongolian, N#m till Phillips Kaugeley, Wimhrop. Oakland. in roasted. 1UB6 Bangor 6s. 1906., American middling at and heard of other places America Coffee—Kio, 103 market closed quiet; York for Calais; Morris & Cliff, Now York lor 6 other sections at n.oo .u ..» carry ail elnsse*. Fmgfiam. Watervlile Skowhegan. a 28 Bath 4 V*s, 1907, Mumoinal.101 p. tn.; In m.. p. m. Coffee—Java and Mocha. 26 3 sales estimated 12.000 bales, ol which m. For Bruiuwick, Au- A police official in Russia with whom 1921. 103 7-i6d; Rockland. delivery at Office wtndow, 9.00 to U.00 Ll5p. Freeport, Bath 4%. Refunding.101 were for aud Sunday KATES f*r PASSAGE. Watervlile. Belfast. Hart* mend had a little trouble about his Teas—4moy» 22*30 106 10OO bales speculation export. FFKNANDINA-Ar Sth, sch Flora Roiers, a. i.oo to 9.00 dl Cellectiofls from gusta, Skowhegan. my lH) Belfast 4s. Municipal.102 m., p. street hi Dover ami FoxcrofL l.eas—Congous. 36* loO 102 Bostou. a. CAItl N. no, Greenville. Bangor could not be made to believe ralais4a 1901—1911 Refunding— _ boxes at 7.00 and n.oo w.. 4.00 and 6.00 p. in. passport I eas—J apan. 3o.« 35 sch Chaa A Oidtown and Mattawamkeag. name of a 19«>1. Municipal .10* 107 OF PORT EADS-8U1 8th, Cmupboll, Sundays, 6.00 p. m. only. or Numi Han. and that Minneapolis is the city. Teas—Formosa. 36*65 l^ewlston6s,* HAILING 1»AYS STEAMSHIPS, Fer Mongolian $5<> $>/)• B.io p. m. For Brunswick. Bath, Lisbon 4m. Municiual.106 107 Robinson. New York. The official's of Greek was Molasses—For to Klco. 28*36 Lewiston 1913. mow 'on CasUUao, $uo. foo and $10. a reduction of 5 Falls. Gardiner. Augusta and Watervlile. knowledge loa PASCAGOULA—Cld 8th, sch W F Caaapbsl). AJtmiVAL AND DBPARTUBS OF MAIL*. 28*29 Saco 4s 19ol. Municipal.loo British Prince Now York. P’rnambucoMch 10 per oeul ls allowou op return tickets. 5.16 lor New Gloucester. Danville limited, and he Insisted that the word Molasses—Barbadoes. Strout, Caibaron. p.m. Kalslns, London Layers. 1 76*2 00 Maine Ceutral KK 7s.l913.cons.mtgl34 136 British Prluce. New York. Macelo. Sic. Men 10 June:. Mechanic Falls, Auburn aud Lewiston. was a female and that it ** ** sch LowelL Havana. 8£( ONU € Alt IN. appellation, Muscatel. 7 V* 4 103 110 l..Moh 11 Sid 8th, Herald, Boston, Southern end Western, intermediate 11.00 be written “Minnie A. Kalslns. Loose 64b VbS Castilian.Portland.. Llvyrpo 7th. sch Rebecca M p ui. Night Express, every night for should Polls.” *• PHILADELPHIA—Ar offices and connections via. Boston A Maine London of 4* cons. mtg. ... 104 106 Caracas ...... New York. L&guavra. Mch 11 To Liverpool. Londonderry—$36 1 Water- Walls. Little. Brunswick. Arrive uu.HWick. Bath, Lewlstou, Augusta, and then he wanted to know whether she Dry Fish and Mackerel. •• g«B,l9.exieu'sa.l0S 104 Launeuburg New York. M stanzas ..Mch 11 railroad (Eastern Division.) «U 12.16, single, $65.60 return. ville, Moosehead I^ike. AroostooK C ld bin, barque Jas W Elwell, Goodman, for 6.00 and 10.46 rn.: close 8.00 a. Bangor. was “Madame" or “Mademoiselle.” Portland & 1st iutgl04 1C6 Pennsylvania .New York. Hamburg...Men 11 p. in., li.00 in., county via Oidtown. Machlas. East and Cod, large Shore. 4 60® 4 76 Ogd’fi g«s,'9O0. bt Pierre. and arrive 8TEKRAOE, port .... A00 ».oo m.; Sundays, 12.46 \k m.. • He had a .funny experience in Turkey Portland Water (Vs 4a. 1»*7 .... 103 106 ('hampagne New York. Havre., .Mdh 11 p. Is via V ashlnuton R. K., Bar Harbor. 2 Small Shore. 2 25® 3 76 Ar 9th. sob Augustus Palma Haskell, Bath close 9.30 ana 9.oo in. Liverpool. Lorn Ion. Glasgow, Belfast, Lon- when he from 8kaneateloh. Lueania.New York. .Liverpool. .Mch 11 p. Bu«*ksport St. Stephens. Hi. Andrews, St. John registered Pollock. 2 60® 3 60 ▼la Noauk. donderry or Queens to* n, 522.60. Frepald MOOS Ethiopia.New York. Glasgow.. .Mch 11 Boston, Southern and Western, and in term*, a id Aroostook county via Vanceboro. Halifax Every one there took him to be an Indian Haddock. 2 00.5 2 25 RMMO PRO VIDE NCR-Bid Sth, sch John B Preocot, certificate* Mesaba.New York. .London —Mch 11 dlate offices ami connections, via Boston uid |2t. aud V Provinces. The train tour.” Hake. 2 Ot ®, 2 25 were the ciosiu uot>- under 12 half faro. Hates to baturday night chief doing the “grand My The following 11 Crowley. Philadelphia. at Children years, not a 14 Edam..,.New York. Amsterdam.Mch Maine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive does run to Belfast Dexter. Dover and name is and he has had Herrmg, per box, scaled. V) ons of Mocks at 'osion- PORTSMOUTH—Ar 8tb, sch Robert Byron. or from other, points -m tppilcauon lu T. F. friend's Barnes, Kaiser W de G New York. Bremen. ..Med 11 10.46 a. m.. 5.30 and 8.20 p. m.; close 6.00 and 8.00 Fox r u beyond Bangor, bleeping cars to Mackerel, Shore Is.23 00a25 00 M“Ueas*i entrai Z .. .. r,9M» Boston (or Rockland. MCMowau .436 Conftr >1.. .1 It. 51 1-2 much amusement and many good times .NewYork. Kingston... .Mch 11 a. m.. 12m. and 2.30 p. in. Keating, St John Shere 2s.2100a23 00 4* a an i» Fa. A. naw. 22 Alleghany L A A. A 1 India A Mackerel, .tchlsou. Too. Havana.Mch 11 RED BEACH—bid 9th. sch B Eaton, Rock- Kxchaure >Ht.. or 11. limy. 8u. White Mountain in eons jaence. Hungarian magnate 3s.16 18 00 Havana.New York. Mmstem. via Maine Ontral Railroad-Arrive Division. Large 00® l ostoa * Main*...... 170 Port 14 land and Boston. Portland. Me. flovl4lts News U bl t or This experience reminded me of the Beans Yellow Eyes..1 70® 1 75 A.n srtcas »u: Prince New York. Hue’s 16 aud jib torn); Bertha Dean, Newport 12.46 and 6.15 tn. jefoee at 7.46 a. ni. and 12.15 Maine Co. ft. bebago Lake. Cornish, BrMg- J43 Grecian AyresMch p. Steamship California Pea.17&M2 00 Aim Titian 3-ea;. lor do. m. tan and Hiram. ucheme of a Chicago*'drunmir” to got good beans, Santiago .. ...New York. .Booth Cuba Mch 16 p. Long lainuiiviHind tty lur’^ht. H Beans, Ked Kidney..2 OO® 2 15 guitar.oia. .•.-. 18 Ar 9th, sch Puritan, Perth Amboy for lit B.flo r. m. For nmuenand Mills. Sebago loumiodations at the various hotels where Tauraulan.Portland... Liverpool...Mch J V Wel- North Onions, natives. 2 76®3 25 ren *e«s. .... 18 Desert; Commerce, do (or Rockland; Rock’‘ind lntefiMdlaAe offices and connec- 3 TRIPS PEN W£F F* Latok Bridgton. Fryeburg, Conway, Gita He was to his Weaterniaud .New York. Antwerp,..Mch obliged put up during bush. ttua.65 da common... do lor Mt Desert. tions via fiLnox *oq and Bartlett Potatoes, Matntou .New York.. London. .... Me b 18 lington. Idpcoln tallrqad—Arrive I ARE ON li MAY ONI t. 93.00. travels on business. Ho began a* plain sweet Potatoes. 2 3 00 WILMINGTON, NC—Cld Sth. sch D J Saw- 12.46 and 6.00 p. in.; elude at 6.00 A m aiul 11.30 76®. Brlnee.New York. Azores -....lflcb 18 ih*l. auu Mun- a Trojau a. m. The U«n4,lu SUNDAY TRAINS. **John Smith” and would be assigned Eastern fresh. 23 a 24 .. yer, Barbados. steamships Eggs. Aller.New York Genoa.... Mch 1* battan artecuatnrelv leavfj F:ih&Uu wharf, dark room at tue of the house Western fresh. 23 ‘7.20 a.m. train for Brunswick, Au- ?old, top Eggs, 22® Bretagne. New York. .Havre.Moh 18 Skou-began. Intermediate offices and conneo rortlaud, Tuenlavs. Thursday d rlhturtlays Paper held—•. a ork of Stocks and Bonds. Forelcn Porta via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at gusta Watervilv and Bunge*. 1’hen he prefixed “Judge” to his name Eggs, «s-t,w y Qaotdtloni Etruria.New York. Liverpool. Mch 18 tlons, at $ in. for New York direct, leave 21 22 1146 p. tteturniug, 17.jU it m. tram for Brunswick. Lewlstou, itid was given better quarters. At the Butter, fancy creamery.... «, (By Telegraph.) BraziUa .New York Hamburg,.. Mch 18 Passed St Helena Jan 31. ship Helen Brewer. p. re.; done at 19.15 p. m. Fler 38, E. K.. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur- Vermont...... 20 « 21 Bath. Augusta. Watervlile „ud Butter, Prince New York. P’ru’mbueo.Mch 2u Mahoney, from Batavia lor Delaware Break- Imlnm/t /VinW I’t. uit.irin.Ml ut.' nfAriW tnii < at ui. Bangor. jext he registered aw “lion and came M are the closing quotations of Cy»Tiau days 5 p. in. ( heese, N. York and VerTnt-1 a lSVfc The .tallowing New York. Banios.Mob 2 water. ll.oo p. Night Express for all points; a iloor. he Prince connections, via Grand Trunk Hallway—A£ steamers nr* superbly luted nnd fur- iown Presently commissioned a$ 14 These car for st John. Cheese, Sage. Bonds: York. P’ruauibueoMch 20 Bid fm Colon 8th last, steamer Advance, for rive at 11.45 A C OO m.; H.;» ntebed for uavt1 tnd at <*rd tiid most leeping Bin and a bathroom ar- Coleridge.New 8.30, m., p. Sundays passenger self “Major" got Mch 8. 21 .'C« Mch. 9. l.ahn .New York.. Bremen.Mch lum, а. m.; close at 7.80 a iu., l.oo and s.uu p.in. convenient and corniux iad.o route between >»uhsd lo'hls Then he went Fruit. 22 E quarters New 4s OR.138 128 State Nebraska New York. .Glasgow ...Mou Ar at Barbados Feb 86, sob Mary Palmer, Sundays 8.00 p. m. and Men 22 for From Ha tvtt. •>. < on and i.13 two better” promoted himself to Lemons.3 60-/4 00 New «>UP eutoulc.New York. Liverpool... Haskell, Buenos Ayres, and sailed Hampton way Bridftoo, 4s! or j. f. LIsc< »MB.General Agent. in Li- a. 1UIK. a ham, N. U.. Intermediate offices apd con- a. istou an Mechanic Falls, 8.30 OL; ‘‘Colonel,” when he was at once given a ranges, California Navels.3 ftO«3 75 ni 1,0111*..’On Bonds. M. BAKTLl l i 22 Feb sch T nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at THOS. AgL Watery ille uml Au ta. 8.35 a. m.: Raugor, rood room on the iiist floor. In the next Valencia.5 t5o 25 New im» Keuslngton_New York. .Antwerp-Mcfl At Barbados 8tb, Adella Carlton, oct^lU Baldwins.3 6o»4 Oo li .ti. 1st. Bremen.New York. Bremen Meh 23 Walt, from Charleston. б.80 and 11.46 a m., and b.0u p. rn., Sundays «.;to Au. uii;i .uiil Kook land l‘i.16 p. m.; Kingflehi, iown he registered as “General,” and wa> Apples, llenver & l Apples,Evap. 10®, 11 Buenos Portland. .Liverpool...Meh 26 At Ctenfuegos Mob 1. sch Andrew Adams, а. in., close at 7.30 a. m., l.oo, 6.oo p. m. Sun- Firtll*. b.irudngtou, ewis, Rumford Falls the “bridal suite”at a oiscount Ayrean m. in. >r lj.jo Bridaton and assigned Oil-. Turpe- line and ( oat. 34 67'! Philadelphia .New York. lAguayra. Mch 26 Meavey. for Boston, ldg sugar. day# at 7.80 a and 8.00 p. Portland & Smaii Point Steamboat Co. Lewist p. ui.; lllram, SXrTs::::: • oruislu ni: Watorrilte. Ligonia and Centennial oil.. bbL, 1©0 ut f-H & I X etflc eonsola-■ Menominee. ..New Y’ork.. London.Meh 26 At Mat&nzas 8d lusf, sch Hattie Luce, Heald, Montreal—Arrive at 8.30, 11.48 a id. ana o.go !■ Skowhegan Kansas Kocklaod and Bath, ft.20 w.;St. Ki-fined Petroleum. 12o tst. 8% Nav. 1 sl.HI Aoehoria;.New York. .Glasgow.. Meh 26 discharging. U m., close at l.oo. 6.00 p. m. Sunday close Augu-da. p. TO BE Oregon 26 iom- m* lol'U i' Harbor. Aroostook County, Mooae- CUBA READY ANNEXED. Pratt's Astral.. 1 OH oI Touralne.New York. .Havre.Mcli Ar at Ml Johu N B, i*th, sobs Emelins G Saw- 5.00 p. zn. Winter arriMigemeuLs, Closing quc * York. .Meh 26 Lizzie meftrinz November 1st, 1>*M M Mm head 1-. ; vua Bangor, 6.36 m., Range ley, Half bbls lc extra. 9. Mch. 8. Campania .... New Liverpool yer. Rogers. Jouesport; Cochran, Foss, p. March 9.—C. E. 8toeKsjJ<.h I Rumford Kalle. 6.46 p. Athmta, Ga., ilasklns, Linseed oil. 42 a 47 York Rotterdam.. Meh 26 do; Milter Mprsy. White, Mac bias. SwatUon, VU, intermediate office# And con- Steamer p br .*oy m/r Farmington. Lewiston, -. Sparndam.New Piet. Port- ■■ tu < » uul Montreal and all White the New York expert accountant, who Turpentine. 51 art Atchison..... jLft ?;!'* K Friedrich_New York. Bremen Meh 28 Cld yth. sobs Carrie C Were, Bagley, Bridge- nection*. via Mountain Division M. 0. It. K.— will leave Portland ; tr a* m Mountain h.io p. m.; from Bar is returning home from Havana, when Cumberland, coal. h e 00 Atchison pfd Sift So K.WUhelui II .New York. .Gonoa.Meh 28 port ; Onward, Colwell, New York. Arrive at &40 p. in.; close at 8.00 a in laud, U a. Mondays. 3 point*. Harbor, Central Pacific.£?. 28 Weduet-Uv* and a fur.. da l, mu Bangor, Bath and Lewiston 1.30 be was oalled by Gen. JLudlow to aid in stove ana lUrnace coal, retail.. 6 oo 8 York.. Liverpool.. .Meh offices Friday Si Cymric.Now BaarBatt. h\ U., Intermediate and cozy, Groat bast ItuMnclL hum.; !f i\ St. Jonu, Bar Harbor, Water- condition of Iruuklln. 8 00 Chcs. Ohio.... i73 Spoken. Orr's lsi«.v i, Island. looking Into the financial Alt- x n -.173 l72 nectiooa via Mountain Division M. C. it. it.- ille 3.50 a. m. Pea coal, retail. 4 50 Chicago A ▲sbable. Small Point an;* *.vuAtBrrs Fiarfor. and Augusta. except Mondays. the left Atlanta today for Mo--... Feb 24, >at 22 80, Ion fid 11. ship Bervle, from Arrive at twa m. and 8.40 p. m.; close at 8.00 Cuban capital, Chicago* Alton Rpt .rn, leave ( indy’s Harbor at 15.30 a. n n F. EVANS, V P. & G. M. 139 MINIAI'UUK Al.MANAi_MARCH 10. Man Francisco for New York. A m. and &A0 m. the north. Mr. Gaskins says the repre- nresd I.n tuner. Bur. «1 'lulucy.139 p. Thursdays arid Saturdays, tou. 1 I- BOO Ml B G. F. A X. A. Chicago, co.11 a 116V> TuoiUxy*, Y, sentative Cubans are annexationists and Del. Si Hud. Cam V Sunrises. 6 ** 80 intermediate offices and cod net; lug at all landings. 1898. Filu sup.... 7*8 V6 White wood— .*«® 08lHtcrh,Il*h w*-°r I Rridpton. Portland. Nov. & nov*4dtf & Wet! 6 46 .... 10 00 via M. It. K.— J. H. Manager j ire anxious to see the Unlteu Spates keep do sq. 7*8V§ Ho 1*2. 14n98',-*988 Del. L;u'k. Hun .. i aon# Mountain division. C. close MCDONALD, •• 0— i- ft K-!G. Moon rises .... 6 0*1 Height.0 oO it 18.48 p. in. Office, 158 Gimueuuai St Telepin ts army thereuntil everything is running er.tears.... B&PS.11&. 63 "4930 Denver Tit! th*. and Cuba Is ready to be an Cooperage. Coin’n, 1-lc 92 <93. Hocheeter. N. U., Intermediate offices and con- _uov* _* __*i;t imouthly hds— 1'463- taxed. 1 hd sliooks & m. nection#, vlaPortiauddi Hoc.lies ter railroad-- Mol.city. l«U®175 in. Hol*l'98..A$87 Arrive at 1.45 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.30 and Sug.couat’y t6 *1 00 l*,lVb*2-ie U-A-HITSTTC IVLCAVh and 1 00 h. m. Portland & Steaailwat Co. ©untry MoL 8a d*. S3'*$-}' Bcotiibay In KILLED IN SOUTHERN REVOLU- m ‘iiOf* !#»• Filed Oct 3. 1898. bhdsnoons Squares, 9554988 ('umberland MlOs, Gorham and Westbrook e_ i«4 tl. .. «rt DEPARTURES TION. bid bdgini L/y press— SSSMSmu:'. POUT Or PORTLAND Arrive at 8.45 A m. 1.48 and 6.00 1*2 Central. .*’4 (Baconmppa) 32 n. 14a No 930*932 Mexican 1 p. tn.; close 6*30 and LUW a u. and 6.3o p. in. WlNTlilk AttlUNtiPUKi^ * 30 A. M. and 1.10 F. M. From Union Station 2ff2« hdSBin 1>*,1^ *3. Central..113 “i? < for Mechanic Washington, March 0.—Minister barop bug 21*^8 Michigan 0 South Portland and W"Ulard—Arrive at Poland. Falla, LaokAeld. Can- 14 ft. 85*80 ; in.Noldk* 932(4984 Minn. Si St. Louis.. THURSDAY. March 9, 7.30, Dlxholu and Rumloid ion to the state Hoops £;•* gift 11.00 a. m. iclose 6.30 a ton. Pails. has reported departu.cni 1* S St. 1 mils ttfd. 99 [“Vitos” < ► in, 8.00p. in., 1.30 and 3m. Minn. In a Alter T>ec. 14th 12ft. 26*18 3*4-109 <6*3 99_i Arrived. breakfast cereal, ther r a. cio and 5.15 m. ihat in the battle which ended the re o « hub B th б. 30 p. BL »7* 8.30 nu n. From Union pine-936*9*4 Missouri Pacific.*X‘113 bunion dor Alucliamo Falls and intermediate utlon In 000 men were killed Cord ace. Clear yiao— Central.113 r Steamer St Croix, Pike, Bostou for Eastport and in the < | Eouador, New Jersey 11 b$gt cheapest PteasanUtale and Cash Cormr—Arrive 7.30 "■ stations. and wounded, a mer10 atii York Central 13o and St John. NB. several hundred mortally ppers.956A6'* Nctv 1"2 and 11.15 u. m. aud 4.30 p. in.; cloao 7.3d a. ul Steamer ConiiH ilous at Rumford Falls for all Uo- ■ 13Va 13Ve Steamer Cumber Boston, **** Enterprise were taken. Manilla... 0*10 Bated.$46*65 sew York, Chi. Si St Lot laud.Thompson. ;; !! m. points tnd 400 prisoners «*» 6 « orr's Island, ana 1.30 aud 6.80 p. on Hi-- K. F. A 1L L. K. It. Bowl* and Manilla Pots Fine oomraon .94**46 New York C. c st Louis it steamer Percy V, Howe, 7.15 a. u> including "3 s K from I*av»» Rau Bootobayat Monday, lhe Lukes. rope. .... 00*10^ corn.. CArbonero, loving barge UBU, Raugeley spruce. $J4 «lr> ou orthei 11 Pacific #1J» Tug ISI^ASD MAILS aud Friday lor Portland, lunch ituasia do. 18 *16v» 7 % 78V» Philadelphia—coal to A R Wrlgb* 0®. WodneAday Hewloca..911*13 Northern Pacnic|pfd. So. Bristol and Kootnbay Uaihur- A Lesson In *:1 4 S O 70 from Phila- mgrat R. C. BRADFORD. I*afflc Frugality. Msai. * « Clapboards— Northwestern lug Leader, towing barge Pag** IMomA— Arrive at io.» a m. j close Manager, and ..IJJVr }«>« to S O Co. EAST. Portland, Malna the founder of Guy's hospital in Drugs Dyes. Spruce. X.$83*86 orthwsstem pld.*Ji ‘Si*. delphia—oil 1.30 p. A. GOING Guy, Acid ... 12 ** ah'* E. L. LOVKJOT, Oxaue. Clear...... 938*80 Out Si 'vest. Cleared. Saporinteudent, was as in private Acid long and CKabeagut Isla/tdee—Arrive atC.OO Thursday and Saturdays leave )elfc dti Rumford Falla Maine. Loudon, parsimonious tart.3- *u 1Hand — Tuesday, dear.•16*37 9th Horatio Hall. New York— a si.; dose at L80p. m. a in. for East Btfotlihay. Touch- life as he was munificent in John Ammonia.in 0.201 No 1.816&S0 imshlp Bragg, j; Borland at 7 public. Llscoiub. and So. Bristol. sues. poi. .6^« A I fte > 1g • < > Ml 4*1 fc lug at Boothbaj Oarhor one of his contemporaries, who lino.$16*60 Race. South Bristol and rapidly becoming Hopkins, ba: s coDabia... 65*0:, shingles— steamer Enterprise. ljojkaa" clecUdU ALFRED RACE Manager. was nicknamed Vulture on ac- .1 26 Hast Boothbav. favorite, booauaa of ita ! i Hopkins beeswax.37*43 j X eeaar... 76*3 SLIPaulgMprd...... le-Jft & Omahii. >121,4 | OTAM MAXLA bIcb pow aers... 2 cedar 2 60*276 4,0 1 < > count of his rapacious mode of inquiring 7i*« Hear et Paul * Omaha Did.l<° SAILED—Tug GarOouero. towiug barge Key.) • merit aa a food borax. X No L_1 86*3 2b for product. Been* Arrive at 5.30 in.; cloee at his immense on one occasion 10*111 St. Minn. & Maun. stone, and Mahauey. Philadelphia. Bowery p. wealth, paid Crlmstone. .3H8K No 1 oeaar. .1 iw*11 76 24 2.00 m. \ Texas Pacific. ih'Vs p. Co. a visit to on 60 > Steamship Guy, who, Hopkins entering ... CORRKSPO!VDENT8. > Iiitcniatioiial. Cochineai.40*431 spruce.1 FROM OCR '■ 36#1 U nloo Pacific ptd. 7* Elizabeth and riOe— Arrive, at *— f OR the a candle. Copper** ... iWm 21 Leths.sp*o..l 30*3 0* ft 7*ft Cape Knight room, lighted farthing Hop- ROCK PORT, March 8- Ar, sch Aunle L Wild- 7-90 a. m. and 5.30 ai. oloec at 0.00 a in. and Cream uiruvi 7 V*. *:s * Id me—Oemeau 22 p. asked the reason of his visit, 3-1*, 4 Boston ; Swett, fin Lobec. Ca.ais. St Jt'n.N.3..Ha!itat. N.S- kins, being Kx logw ood.... 12*15 Lime.* csk. so* Wabash pfd. er. Greenlaw. Lady Antrim, 2.00 p. Uk Eastport. Boston & .Maine.,.170 170 Fannie Earl. Frankllu. all of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia said “I have been told that you, sir, are Oumaraoic. .TOvnl 211 Cement..... 1 20* Boothbay; Stauley. Backer and parts and Now It’s i; Duck Pride’s Corner, Windham, -Vo. Islam; and Breton. The New Y'ork Elfg. pf Meh 9—Sid, sch Thomas- ii Pqnd, Prince Edward Gape better versed in and Mlycenne .So 607 b' Mate bee. *01 Telegraph. Kelley, the prudent necessary Old Colon'. 201 ton aud New York, Windham, Jtaumoiul atut South Cdscor-Arrivo favorite route to CainpobeUu and bt. Andrews. Aloes cape.16*26! gross 66 44- art of than any man living, mid I Adams at iLOfta* na: tweeatloeik m. N. B- saving Camphor...... f>o«4 25i Bolts. 21 Vs Pacific Ar at Din. steamer Californian, fin ,; ;: Friday. Wednesday, 13th; you about, we Palace.158 ,!S Liverpool tom invito. • tore armaoto ate proettoiii* re- March &0di. v~’ 1.it once. rt. .16*201 Y M abeava.... 17 Pullman via sep29 Tu.Th&S < Monday, cuss the matter iai the und there- *■+*15J Si John. NB, Halifax, j union wmmt awourea uUiuUiiv ami dark, 2 l’0®2461 Y M Bolls.... 18 common.143 O < > poor quelume Returning, leavu, Syl. .John. pastpert Morptiine... Sugar, J4 Ar at Glasgow Pth, steamer Grecian, froiq .. Union. trltlvei. March March upon he blew out the candle. Hopkins Oil berc&niot* 76*120] Bottom* ....258131 Western 93% Boston. LuDec, Friday. 3rd; Wednesday. aaaaaaaaaaaa^AAAAAAAA AA. .N Ingot.... Southern W W FHBSCU I.MMIW VUBK. *th: Monday.March ridhy, Maiciv.|7Ui. on schedule via acknowledged that he had met his superior or.Codliyer200*2J6l 10*17 By pfd. »▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼»W W W W Fuma fast special Chicago American do 61411 251 Tie— Ftoim** ft tta *r«oct> Through uokeuk-hukueu and ij.va^jwe ehfctiked aufl lion. Iron H'Hinta" Route, Tex*ft in thrift. —ban Francisco Argonaut. 25 Notice to Mariners. M. Dapktat. to 4.00 Lemon.... 1 dob' 2H>| Straits.... *27 Bouton I’rodaue Market. Portland Khooi. oflor, to ovary U> doe filiation. Of" Freight jrecelvpd. up Mini 1'Heiilr, outhern at-lflc Co. Summer the Lightuoube inspector,! lunut »i tire out..looaiMi Fng&sl. >r« Office of p. m. route for winter travel. For particulars apply to BOSTON Mch. 9 1899—The felloe. *11 Mrfniii irintanr I«mw rra* on B.turday Ova- the o.i Char. LOe.. 60 First District, For Tickets xud ptaJeMqms at Jb Alt on, 286 St. r.ppt.i7f.(*a #6 a ji Prortsious. etc.: nine. apply Chicago Washington “I owe whole live to Burdock's nl 7 Char. LX.. *7 26 to-da> quotations Portland. Me.. March 9. 1899) Pine Tree Ticket Mtminnenf Squfare or my W lDtOTgrM 6**00 For student# two lesaeus will also be Office; Iron Mouinaln * I 13* Terns.• 00*860 private tor othar at Company's Offlex Washington St. Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered fotui brauM..•ostso1 nx)UW [.Kennebec River, from the Eastward.] SPOT CASH-OLD COLD. u urlaL Information, Texa» St ratdtlc, I Antimony.* given fool of State sheet. 9 State SL I seemed euro. CkloraM.. 13*14 write or call at PBOF. Railroad Whan, So. Pacific Co., my body. beyond B. B. 00 3 65 Notice Is hereby given that Toros Rock buoy, We give you the highest prhie for Old Gold as For iBfermation, loulit..* 40** 051 C.>kr.4 76*6 Muring patents «o®4 will J. F. LISCOMB, Supt. Hot ton. Mast. made me a well woman.” 0*84 8 40 spar, red. No, 2. has goo* adrltt. H be perfectly Quick surer. .. .70A«0 Spelter. Winter patent*. 80*4 BMrlSdtf U. F.O. liEKSCY AgeaL Ue«MWed4Sa4 §hasi*. Chas, Hutton, Beiwille, Mich. Quialu... 80*42 BoMervtxw 12*16. Clear land eMght, 8 80*4 00. replaced as soon as practicable. j

1 A -/ ■ .. ... ■ «BTfKnii»Km tncn AnniMimanmWL wiWiiDTKtnwww. ww ADTHrmwiwT*. _wkw THE PRESS. PROBABLE DEATH* A WILD RUNAWAY. WESTBROOK. I»ml Pnpli Kwashed Drew, lame ADVKHTIBKMKSIT* TODAf. Btehael of XBW DliDfHrutttf lofftj Bahayr Iwflttri and aw Bsrttlag Tbe following elate peris have been as- signed to tb* members of tbe graduate g Owen. Moore & tY». JU (Mia. J. L < »ubv / •last of Weatbrook High anbool: Valedli- l.loweliyti Leighton. torr, Kmsst Porter; salutatory, Susie Fl**ti Market. T» Rot* Malian flreei Raatan i»Q„ Cstiirmi Square Tknfkl Kthel t'HUk F. Tibbetts * Cu. •bout 11.81 o olock yesterday morning, Norton; prophetess, Knlgbt and §. tMk * Maine Bridge Nendejr gnnlnf- W. L t rd. knocked down several people aplllad the Clifford Lowell; history, Sarah Lit by; I re k H. Cork. Uet Seen Creeetag There—«'heww*l class Kthel Porter; • /!'.» iv« Notice. occupants of tha sleigh Into the street, poem, statistics, B ‘rtrmid U. Mm eh. far the olats News for the Mill-Workers ? Belmg Dragged Body, smashed the big plate glare window of Marlon Starr; oration, Luther liana Isn’t It Splendid tha room at presentation of gifts, Roy Spear; class New W»ni*. To Let, ror Sale, Lo«L Foend Mr. Mlohael CoBay left hla home an Portland Ballroad waiting elvenuement. will be fotnd under Gertrude Swan F renob; end .Imtler North avenue In morn- the bead of Preble street and Inflicted recitations, heeds on k Llgaaia, Monday ib«lr appropriate pat® poem, Polln; address to under- ing last and haa 1,0. bean there rlno* and aonatdarable damage. And for us all—for that matter ? H. Harry Lowell them li every reoaon to believe that ha* {hiring the forenoon Mr. Prank graduates, CA5TORTA At tbe of lienlnh mat hla death In the railroad McCann and wife drove Into the city from regular meeting eroaalng O. K. S. Beer* the signature of On as. H. FLwrcana. of tha their borne In Westbrook. Mr. MoOtnn chapter. No. S, ; resolutions weie at Fall brldga waatern dlvUlon of the Boa- ■v For wages are advanced River, at Biddeford, New than and on the death of tbe Mrs Saco, Xn use for more thirty years, ton* Maine on hie way home that even- had hliaJ a team from Pride's llrery paused late, Rolfs Divine Hooter. The Kind Yarn Ha it Always Bought. ing. Mr. Coffdy told hla family Monday atabls In that town, and the horae which Mary Bedford and at most all manufacturing centres ! And that means Mr. Warren Alexander Is III with yet CASTORIA morning that ho war going to the poll* ha had taken waa a small hut spirited pneu- Ureen monia at bis home on Cumberland street. for merchandise a little later, yes now. Bears the signature of CMaa. H. FLUTcena. in KnlghtvIUe to rota and ha did eo, far animal. Mr. McCann drove np higher prices The club observ ed aod he waa man The street and to rood to down Congrats Ammoncongln college In use for more than thirty year*, there by aoquatataaoee. go * at the borne of s a atsBdt day Wednesday Mrs.Lout The Kind You Have Always Bought. family beoaade alarmed Tueeday Doming on various the atreet Ayrr. Papers tb* colleges anil to CASTORIA by nla long dlaappanmaea and making croaalog No matter for that, who isn't glad pay what goods are worth In tho universities were read by eereral mem- of Chas. H. Fr.STcasn. eenroh and Inqnlrloa lonnd that Mr. Cdf- gb oaught Bears the signature Tbe olub voted to an Invita- r. MoCann waa not bers. accept and fey waa laat aaan Monday evealng about when cash is plenty. in use for more than thirty years, tion to attend tbs lecture under tbe 6 o’olook by Luke Coyne. He waa then tha time, and The Kind You Hart Always Bought. aosplte* of the Kxoelslor club next Mon- evidently nn hie home and waa orow wholly usable to way Tbe of the bonlrol horse. 1'he animal darted day evening. regular meeting /< our of WASH FABRICS -Mrs. Winslows sooUim mjrmp. elng the railroad brldga which Tuna from Mia np We saw it and buyer elub next Wednesday 1« to be beld wltb coming dispatched the round bourn to suddenly and nt hla liveliest over Vwere ay wlldene of liftala terminating proceeded Baa been uaed Fifty Mrs. Adeline Plokafdl Subject, "Current the choice he could in while t Mar tha tailin' Hot rfP'-ttmn paoe down tbs street. to market to in all things gather Percales, mothers for their children rolling of Mrs. gather Mr. and Mrs. Kvente," In obarge Warren, Mrs. success. It soothes tbs «1®4, home. ■.••"-i..-. Within a twinkling both with perfect Coffay'f and Mrs. WlthSm. manner of Washable Dress Stuffs. turns Win® the and Wesoott Prints and all softens the gums, allays Fain, The draw of tklt bridge It about tgfoet McCanh ware thrown from sleigh ^ Zephyrs, Ginghams, Is the beet Tbe Kxoelelor club.will bold a meeting Coll®, rsgulatos tho bow sis, end and between the double track* ftTSA MAIM In the atreet They ware not at all long March 18th at the War Diarrhoea whether arising Boa Monday evening new remedy for open tpbon about 11 feet wide anva for Injured. He the market two days before the schedule of other onuses. For sale by Drug- ren church. The members of the Ammon caught toothing or Hie Joanow walk about 3 feet which rone freed from hla driver, tha horae ran nart of the world. Be euro an® club sod the Kast Knd W. C. T. glete la every tha street for a faw ooogtn and rushed the in to us, and here they are, clean, U «*■ elggg one of tha rail*. It la ptababla that along only yards, higher prices goods aek for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Byru* U. are to be tbe guest* of the club on tbii CaBay In nttamptlng to walk tfcle nar- CTirelDg orer to the sidewalk oo tie a bottle occasion. Rev. Leroy 8. Uoen, pastor ol winsome for wear AND AT THE OLD row way alippad and Ml Into the northerly side, dlraotly in front of handsome, things Spring wtjer the Weet Knd Congregational churob, beneath and Wee drowned. Yeamrday of- Catm'a jewelry store. 'lheo strange to BRIEF JOTTtNOB. a on “The PRICES while the lot lasts. bourof the Portland Is to give reading LOW-WAGE Utdood imial ptrlln were In relate, at tbit, the busiest day. engaged Limitation* of .Suffrage." The next Alliance will for tha In tha ohimnel cn ha waa able to oonttnue uninterrupted The Unitarian Women’s dragging body the club will bo held Stouttah wool the oorners regular meeting of fliat is, they I’laid effects in bowildering ar- WINOOSKY at three o’oloek. dar tha draw, and at laat aoaount they slang .the sidewalk, passing Percale Yard 8c SCOTCH meet this afternoon March 80th at th* home of Mrs. Allie Wide, that of Oak, Caaoo and Brown streets, without are made in also SUITINCS. goods having The meeting of the State SU had aot been eaoqaaafoL It may be LOT. Half a couuter- BARNABY. ray, mourning. Regular until he bad reached the Hawk vs LAST held in the vestry this the waa carried farther out by the being molested and a beaded surface Auxiliary will be body Mr. B. Hamilton received full of new Rhode Island Probably tbo largost It corner of Prebla street. George quite I 3 o’olock. The will tide and eoine time may elapee before afternoon at eubjsol a eevere boro to hit left hand whllo al choicest collection of 25c Scotch in texture, cannot wrinkle But It la all the more wonderful to choice styles Per- from Scotch designs, twenty wiry China te recovered. Spring Crop, be work at tb* paper mill Tuesday. 50 inches of the W. Mr. had llvud In for the reoyrd that during this entire distance, and dark 1254e Ginghams in the throe Northern wide, 75c The regular buslnese meeting Coffey Llgonla Allred lstrrabee, of the cale, medium, light styles, two ware atruok and Private Jr., at 2.3C re a heater by only persona Injured for shirt States. C. T. U. occurs this afternoon poet thirty yea and .waa 8. Al»o a tew black Correct waists, being iq ninth rvglment, U. regular Infantry, colorings. checks. trade and worked for the of by tha team. beverel people, however, ilamty stripes ana 3ti Oak street. greater part on a Anderson’s Exclu- o'clock, tbem- who bat been at heme brief furlougl Ginghams. NEW CRANITE Comes Portland to tbe time Id tbe mills. Ra leaves hwl very narrow aaoapaa, saving grounds. It will please many people Rolling has rrturned to his He Into the one of the regiment. expect: Come sive styles, unlike any previous from L. Gerrleh le one a wife end 7 children. Hie oldest eon Iplvea only by darting Fifteen different atvles. MADRAS Gingham, 32 that Mr. William | to be transferred to 8an Francisco. ol and hie oldest fanny stores on this busy thoroughfare. of the elected city councilman William le * married man, * while are hot. inches wide, styles, 37 Me Germauy. Ideal for Tailor-made recently animal had Minnehaha Council Nov H, D. of P. they hosts of friend* Celia, la the wife of Mr. Stephen Just before tba frrtgbunad Saco. Mr. Gerrlsh has danghter will entertain wenonan council or r'ort in and corner of Caaoo street a sum- Yard wide, 6c fine texture, great suits; plain illuminated, wltfc Hinds. them there am three reached the remarkably here who watch his municipal career J. Besides council of Scotch Lace. Similar to Scotch ha. eg laJIaa earn him nAtnlftir and (start land and Minnehaha Knight* combinations. and two the of whom variety of styles, stripes, checks, many and high expectation. girls boys youngest next but a lace eagerness store. All snoueeded ville, at their regular meeting. Over one Gingham, having like, worl Is about S old. Into Carter'* Jewelry SEA ISLAND 44 $1.00 lodge, 04, K. of P., will years entertainment has been broken plaids, etc., etc., 1254c inch, Trinity the Mrs. A line prepared or lattice-work weave. Mr. wee about <0 year* old. In gutting Into store, excepting hundred de- Bed, tbe rank of esquire this evening. Coffey a committee of ladles. A candidate !• PERCALE. Owen Woods, who was sttuek by tbe by Women will meet at W Fre: o f blue, heliotrope and moss Tbe Little to receive the degrees of the order, aftei , signB Thirty different pink, WOMAN'S LITERARY UNION. sleigh as It brushed up against the side of PIQUE. SOLEIL. New this spring street at a. 3a Quotations from with white. Saturday whloh a banquet Is to be enjoyed. these extra chic Percales. Much of now col- green, alternating The next afternoon of the W. L. U., the,block. She ws* thrown violently to styles and as pretty as it Shakespeare. are being made for thi March at three ran to her Arrangements Print of our Trice 33c will a Bibb Kill be bald Saturday, 11 qulokly the F'rench ored Pique, now shades of blue, does not Mrs. Mary Wilcox glvs tlihiif,0tt»ffci)qBwwn«skr of the graduating exorcises o ^like is new. Snug weave, In Y, M. O. A. hall. Tbe her Into Carter’s repetition at 10 Merrill *lceet. o'clock pro. aes^^qee A*dq*as»led The new small and reading this evening the Corner High School.” mothers. blues, cadet, in broken stripes, wrinkle. as follows; a was summoned “Blueberry Paris all French to the fot gramma will be •tart*, 'then carriage Organdy. over, Over 800 signatures petition End Whist club was other * The Kast delight robin's egg, dark and warranted fast 00 chemica Kduoatlon, aid tbs lady was conveyed to her home at sprawl figures, 40 inch, $1 a combination ladder truck and entertained evening a from selvage to selvage. Conducted by Ohlld Culture Club. forth street. Mrs. Wood* Is a fully Wednesday been obtainec aU» Dsn blues. colors, 1254c engine for Munjoy hill have Committee—Mies N. Norton, the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. March choice and others Abby about of She Is heliotrope, red, pink, Thirty styles BON E. Illumi- be torthi Mlea widow sixty years age. Uveedar. HERRING and the petition will presented Chairman; Mrs. Paul K. Stevens, The next of the club is to be belt hair lines, cheeks, polka dots. her right shoulder, meeting Stripes, arriving every I9c council early in the year. Eve Waterhouse. quite bndly Injured, Small and sprawl Injures WHITE A favor- week, nated. incoming olty H. Behrend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Cloudman PIQUE. frei Vocal Solo—Tbe Silt, A. side and ankle being badly swollen. Last | This month has been exceptionally Cobb. The Ladles* Social circle ol the West Y'ard wide, 12't,o ite this Twenty-live patterns, 25c •‘It's first appearance on any Mlae Helen Marie aa well There ha* beei evening she was reported as being from contagious diseases. Tbe New Kduoatlon, brook church held an en White and colored ground. be under the olroum- Congregational cords, plaids, all other stage.” 40 inch. $1.00 scarlet fever and none o Miss Sarah Adams. as eould expected spring, only one case of joyable social In the church parlors Wed END" Printed in The Bearing of the New Education s tames. ^WEST Prices range from 1254 diphtheria reported 60 far thi* month, figures. Extra fine quality in plain black on tbe Home, the street between Brown nosday evening. An old name, a nine the first ten days o: Coming up MADRAS. Gingham GERMAN against during Mrs. William & Ayres. At the regular meeting of Naoni , to 50c. also blue with end Casoo was tbe veteran, Mr. Lenny new navy ground fig- familiar weave March last year. Tbe Kindergarten a Product of the officers w«r atyle, « POPLIN. In Kebekah circle the following Plain French Satine, all colors, railroad has mad< New Kduoatlon, illustrated by M. C. Bunn, who has been for years tire, maybe twenty styles, 37 C The Boston & Maine elected: President, Mrs. Clyde Woodman ; and popular patterns and colors. with a new face, be Unger plays. the wholesale mlllnery business in this 25c a change of Jts monthly tickets, issued Mrs. Miss Grace P. Nash. and be vice president, Mary Skillings a dozen styles, |2'»C a finished look, irrldescent In city. Mr. Bunn esw the runaway Maybe French Satlne. Electric fig- tween different points. Hereafter, Tbe Infloenre of the New Educa- secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Kit r to out of Its But this he to of the first of thi tion on Schools and tried get path. Good imitation Cords. Similar effects and plain. etead always beginning Colleges. Graff am. ZEPHYR Kmpress ures, 19c Mra. Freeman. to do. Tne horse ran these tickets can be bought ti Luthsr was unable against and month, Ibere was an adjourned meeting of tbi •>* S°otcl> Scotch Zephyr, having single surface with 44 ini-lies, Some Results Already Attained, him and anocked him down Mr. Bunn CINCHAM. ISIack or blue begin at any time. Mrs. Oliver W. Westbrook scheduled fn Ramsay. Be was city government both cross cords, with colored stripes, Maine Trnok asso Wks also struck by the sleigh. Zephyr, white clots, different Clerk Harris of tbe Vocal Solo—.Selected, but it was difficult t polka A hundred other new populari- Use evening, very 22 oiatlon in ou Mrs. Lou Duncan Barney. taken Into SebJoturbeok’s arug store, light and cheeks, broken plaids, incites, is busily engaged sending secure a Grand Army ball who sizes, 25 c. clerks attended to bis quorum. ties. lists lor the different meetlugi 1 near by, where tbe entry SUGGESTION Ft)R INAUGURATION the meetings are usually held was oonti 27 styles, 19c \ held at the injuries There was a bad gash extend- dark, which are to be Klgby park last the Ladles’ A ■ New Wool Dress DAY. ,i two on tie left pled evening by A Stock season. The lists are forwarded ing over both eyes; gashes BLACK COCOS. coming society, so the aldermen adjourned to tl Scotch Lawn, Similar to Or- Coods. Robinson and tbe new olty gov- which were si d plaid, to horsemen throughout tb< Mayor forehead, quite long that iu prominent office of the Westbrook Trust company woven S ernment will be next Mon- and one on tbe forehead. Mr. with white figure It’s as much Inaugurated deep; right and gandy, OUR DUTY. be a country. wheri* the meeting was held. Preslden stripe * volume and would Berstofore tbe exercises taken to the and Bar In 1 styles The full board of commisslonsri day morning. Bunn was Bye rising above the surface. our to county Kaymond absent duty a mil- bare been held In the Common Council afternoon he G-ay pteslded. Mayor more credit to a store with half were at Armary and yesterday plain, and Sheriff Uespeaux Augusts Absent. Aldermen Quinby, Pome lsau Mercerized Illack Satine, 25c tell of 111-* new in-coming chamber, but It Is by many his borne at street. y»*u in attendance on the suggested walked to 7U!iCongress lion clients. yesterday hearing Watson, Lawrence, Haskell and ixmdon. ban is the Asso- cltlsens that the Inauguration this year Mr. Bunn was resting well last night. Dress things as it on tbe act reducing the fees of deputy Two records of all meetings of the rc Scotch Ginghams. In hall. There are several ot heard before th< take place City Dr. V. K. Largerson has charge the Press to toll thetele- sheriffs, which is being were by vote aii wenty At the time of this writing ciated you 1\ S. who wish to be at tiring city government committee of thn hundred people praeent case until U». Bunn,the family physician judiciary legislature. than two hun- news, The new tbe exercises and the Common Coancl! v proved. there are more graph LACE ODOS. members {of the senior class ol returns. ■tylos, Forty A report wns reoeivtd and ncoepte' of chamber will not ha large enough to meet Mr. Bunn Is severely cut and brnUed dred of Scotch Ginghams Anew crop Portland High school, accompanied by from the committee on drains and sewerc styles DOUBLE-WARP. the Is unless 7Sc A1 bro K attended tbi demand. but no various result expected arriving require mors Piincipal Chase, No atte npt vas made to pass the orde in our stock at 25c weave in Lacts just There am many people 111 wards eight some arise. Be was attend- session of the legislature at Augusta yes- complications to the Cumberlani than are likely to the granting pole rights A space they get, and nine who are anxious to witness ed at the and Kar Infirmary by Urs. There's 13V»C value lu every y.irJ. Some are double aod Double warp Storm-Serge. terday. The party returned home oh -th< Bye over the corded, will at- illuminating company, muyor* unless something is sacrificed. Inauguration, and many ladlte Largerson MarsfanlL fabric for the spring evening train after a most enjoyable day. ppd, veto. you know cords. Checks from tiny splendid Is The f, C. Ginghams, single on a lot tend It seating room provided. renq'loetaiae far as tbe ollloe and So down go the prices Tka.jWtfM There was to have been a meeting of th their intrinsic checks to one inf Ji and summer wear, dressy desks and chairs tor tbe aldermen and of company on the them, needle i*oint click will be held at the tkatDarttpnU. .ttptlcsptd officers held after the of left over laces. Theological to municipal adjourn wearable. Good widtli—Sold in counetlman could easHy be moved the head of L*re hie street. Be turned down their woarableness, their blocks. Sherwood, Wednesday next at 9.80 a. m. of the but owing to the ab yalue, central hall and settees men! council, 75c. Find them on bargain- ie centra of tbe floor In City Preble street and then rushed str.lgbt Inches wi je. the large New Yoik St.resat The following programme expected: guuo# of the mayor the meeting was no t atVa°tive style, 27 Stripes, pincil, j;raduat?jdf In tbe of the K. around tba hall. and galleries through the big plate glass window table. Essay, Rev. C. Uould; praotloa held. 20 10c broken and multi-colored. Our price 53 C would acoominodate all who Wish to be office. The was broken into bits. Maybe styles, topio, Kev. H. A. Roberts; sermon plan, glass present. The animal struck the big radiator, Key. G. S. Chase. He also Baker last be wrenohing it from Its holdings CO. Dr. Smith spoke evening WHY NO COURT' WAS HELD. Mrs. Walker Sawyer, Purk street, 1 i 09. J, R. LIBBY struck the settee which is on CO. S 3. J. R. LIBBY fore the Y. M. C. A., on “The Bealini long pluoed J. R. LIBBY J. LIBBY of the Portland ill at her buuiu with cutnrrhu ; ___— ...... >i,n nnu n«OT Reoorder 'Turner of the room. This settee was quite Man.” There was a the side An Ur iu umi- of the Blind largi to be recorder municipal court eeaaad its who con- pneumonia. of Bible students. hurled aside and occupants, 1VTEW POL.IOY attendance Slnoe toe Ten were given lodging at thi THE Wednesday night. resignation sisted of half a dozen ladles and one or tramps j^wywyvwwyw«v A sapper and a pleasant social toot OF THE pie of Judge Robinson the reoorder has I wen Westbrook polio* station last evening. Friends’ church Iasi two gentlemen, were tumbled to the floor many people to the of this conducting all of the buelneee of the ladies, Mrs. £>. M. Richard- SURPRISE PARTY. Life Insurance Go. The affair was under the auspl Olc PLEASANT HAY’S PHARMACY, Penn fi/uiual evening. but he wee no longer oourt, yesterday son, was the only person to receive In of th of riiil;i4l«‘l|iliia. ces of the W. F, M. S. A party of some twenty-live to on the benob and ao there FISH. sit at the car and these were Middle St. I qualifled statlou, innri ! FIRST.. the S. ol juries Mrs. U Ladles' Aid of friends cf U. Woodman, -■ -—-- -— | IN- The Society -' I* ABSOLPTBLY waa no session of the Municipal court. *■ •»TII I Si POIsKY not of a serious nature, fc$he was cut by with other “ —- X FMO.ll BATE OH V,, gave a supper and entertainment U tees of Naonrl Hebekah lodge OPEN m S' COYTESTABLE Mr. Wbelden. who was recently appointed the In several places about tlm fare, IS*I K FOB AW CM SK, EUEPT Post tall last glass from the at Woodford*, called o Bjsworth evening. and Mr. who has been ap- lodge XO.N-PAY.UKNT OF PREHirM." reoorder, Hill, but was able to go to her borne at noou. AGAIN. o? Mrs. Woodman at her home on t.'hurc Fish iset Should policy lapse lor non-payment municipal had not been AY hem eat always jg at time. PERSONAL pointed judge Mrs Webster of this city was also sitting t you premium it may be restored any street lnat evening and gave her a pUusuri £ fouirurf, issued oonflrmed anil had not rootiTed their is in AYK lliis is a VV'orlil-AVUl** on the settee and was badly shaken up by * Our new steel ceiling is the kind from a l co.'Ui- | arty. Mrs. Wooumi.n is a the best.. That only 5; lo first class rlsts. ami is free commissions so they could not act. In surprise X habits « place, of «i»*atn Port and was for a time l ie. ami as t» manner, tune or place of If ooDsequenca Several men who were close at hand ran a shelf bottles aro not X lor George D. Lindsay WatervlUe, hut showed herself quite % keep. permit or extra premium Is required without to uLly eurpriteri, «- iu time or yesterday any official qualified the office, the horse out ami wo of all or .YrvhI service either spen ling the week at the home of Mrs. loto pulled hostess during the evening. Hi back home. So ask you S To we have a full line Military teaue warrants. It is that capital day peace or in time of war. expected took him to Jewell’s livery stable, a he I »iu- L. B. McKenny. Monument etreet. bot^ froshments were served and a generi 1 to como just the same and Wuh the Automatic Kxtcimiou, Mr. W'helden and Hill will receive lowest market 2 l.t-au Value*. Portland Judge few floors away. X varieties at the very I'p liuiiiHiict-, «*1» ami The following ynnng men, time by all. as as possible o. and for the first good enjoyed indulgent Ills is the BOSI altradivc al.U sale COl.iract iheir commissions today, Dr. the veterinary surgeon, was I at the University of Maine, have Uotd, should we be a trifle slow in Idle luisurauce. m all its lemurei Juniors ou the cases LARCENY Ob j. ,s. tg suipassliu; tuns ei»1n judgment brought he found that the horse w»s ARRESTED FOR 15 price any o'.her company. been selected to contest for the Prentlw called, and any now issued by CH. serving you. A few days will im before not much the worse for his wild WAT S' which is given to the member ol theta._s*__ escapade. clean and in 5p prlie Sheriff A see us fresh, who writes and delivers tha W. F. BERRY. The animal's breast was slightly cut by Yesterday afternoon Deputy MARCH, the class /r^- RftV. order. g BERTRANlHi. and there was also a small out arrested a young man name \ Maine. best theme on any subject: Charlee H. the glass, C. Chute, Geueral Aaront for of t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* Frank H op one of the feet The sleigh was corn* Matt .ews for the larceny a gul , P=«TLAN3. ME Lombard, McDonald, Joseph Street M. K. churob and field secretary of Jofitpb 108 A EXCHANGE pletelr demolished. wuteh and chain from'hls mother. Mrs ST.^ Whitcomb. the Civic League, will address the Uospel *-'» of Mary K. Matlhews. Young Matthews ha ; H. HAY & Special Agents Bentz and Slone the Sunday at SON, Temperance meeting, evening from bis mother's horn * Fish the watch stolen __ Market, treasury department at Washington era Memorial church. Pleasant the Clark Mack’s Square sold it at pawn Confess visit to the and Uenjamin | an official Portland | paying Street, Woodforde, under tfie auspices of broker's shop in Portland. Dcput f HEVI) OF GltEEN STREET. 1899. were >7 S oustom house. They entertained Woman s Christian X CaNGEESS. 5; SPRING the Temperance the watch, an i officials Sheriff Chute recovered by the local customs Wed needs] Union. 65*- !. S’ learned that Matthews had puwned it fo T» Telephone evening at Riverton, and many are tbeli The la earnestly invited tq WA£K WALL A1 BOWDOIN. (public (0. The watch and obaln was value \ of the beaultaf ,y words praise concerning omne end beer thie able on te- Men’s Departmsnt. speaker Matthews was Lt at about (eU. arraigned ihe huso bull season ut Bowdo n prom- of Portland’s environments. at 7.80. is now forms. Service last H s Woolens lor Spring fore Judge Tolman eveniug. 1)0 one of the most successful )f Mv lino ol Count anti Countess M. De Morelrs ol iHes to embrace* choice so- to the and wa complete. It many or SPECIAL SERVICE; guilty charge the most successful seuson In the his- Brazil, will arrive at the kalmoutb LKN'ljEN pleaded doo in Worsted and t lieviot bmt- sentenced to kixty days In the county jai bis lute rcsidur.ce, lit Test lections Saturday.where they will stay a few days. On Vitdny evening. Marob 10th. Rsv. tory of the ^uine ut Wowdoln. Alaugatier CITY b'J .'HIKBS TO BANQUKT ON 10.80 fr mi Covert Overcoatings, lrouserinKS Chute Matthews to Pori music. Kev. Ltithei which cannot be P. Hatch of Damartsuotta Is ai of St church D'puty brought Whitney has been especially fortunate in street There w.ofcno Vestiiips Mrs J. J. B. Shephard Paal’a gives .* A 1 U H DA Y. and Fancy Hurt later in the evening and lodged hli J of of tbo Chestnut street M. K. 1 invite an early in- the sec md lecture on the life of Christ. securing a?* couches two men, both reerauu found elsewhere. the Falmouth. assortment is broken In ben issued for the the services. ‘Aho re- before the • were in Wash- lvctuns are lnurest. LOOKED LIKE RAW MEAT. jail. whom ure star jci formers in the Aineri- In vital ions buve church conducted Huection gsvernl Portland people Tiese proving very book orders for delivery later or the sent on the noon traiD tu ami will this week,among them being Mr, at a to Ot»T baby's face and neck was all raw meat, oin and great iv experienced in the banquet to Le given incoming city mains were ington log. The service begins quarter game time you may specify. Mrs. Will H. 'lhazter, Mr. and Mri awful to look at. The on will be at any and and something way SEAMEN’S INSTITUTE. Unties of i» coach. Air Walter ri Herman govern! i«nt by tue outgoing officials Gray where the interment Mr. and Mrs. Waldron. eight o'cl; ok. Kespcctlully, Cban B. Dolton. tbat ttdld suffered, i*ot bar and child never nt se •*" e the numerous aeroi-professionul teams Siturd evening, &larcb 11th, On Sunday afternoon at ♦ o'clock. Mr had any rest day or night as It constantly An entertainment will he glvnu at th of y will be head coach nrd o'einufe. This I will be served )M Shepherd gives the aeoond leoturo on itched, and the Mood used to flow down her Seamen’s Institute, Friday evening, con of Massachusetts, unqnet HOOK. SALK. % to cheeks. We had doctors and the dispensary Wocdock. the old Drown ana the ait ermen’s chambers and promise L. "Common to the to the seamen in th „ Mr hied sin- CARD, Objections Episcopal port street w. with no result. Cutiwia Rrann- pllmentary stin Fianlr 11 Clark, the Congress By using will i-ssht him ihisi* b > ian attended arid very Int* r Church..” Special subject, "It knows concert will be umiti the ImmedHt' si Pittsbutg player, jtdy thl issi OimcuttA (ointment), and CUTiouaa oner, bss a Lock breisdsice in OF FINE ILiTHES. | \vknt, been chosen after The ) are i>-ued In tile m me 1 t MAKER of a of heart" So An, the child was entirely healed. : of J. D Keating and u leei conches have only very nvitations o'1-o'e nothing change pervlslon i of the l’HKl-S that all lovers well known to the and with u view H. i unci ill. Mr. treo. II. York, Mis. OARS JOSS, t!3 Nassau Ave., Brooklyn. evening is anticipated. oureful consideration Miyr t Churles the l ok unt ..u-,u'il read, lie is out of can be found with me, BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS. to that a warm bath with Coticdea 1 field and going .i.wrinjx trade, ('ureHood’s nil liver ills, bilious- Rotosss. know of the Institute ti d< to build up fast playUw effeo- bis S will afford Friends ■ sn--- to serve all fl I •oar, ««ui « rfntia anoint*® with CirrieoBA. wishing W VV. >icJ HL'J- -a s airl offers nis entire i w here bo will do plad headache, sour atom- all a were filed of burning. Ahcv.lv »here are on a JXKKaL OT JOHN ness, Petitione in bankruptcy yes- i»»tant relief in the m*»t d**tre-*io* Itching, ami refreshment will 4 tive stick work (it* | ats o.tke pleas • of cost. His mi. tells oid customers and friends. ach, indigestion, const)pa- III do oi the late John \\ le i. ur.tless ■ terday IV Finals W 1 a of Whltedeld contribution* so men taking inuom raining prepare f fie funeral serving mariueodd tion. art easily, with- ■ • ■ b.**>!* / *• i, > V v