Framework for an Architectural Knowledge Ecosystem Through the Distribution of Authorship
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FRAMEWORK FOR AN ARCHITECTURAL KNOWLEDGE ECOSYSTEM THROUGH THE DISTRIBUTION OF AUTHORSHIP A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY CANAN ALBAYRAK DE BRITO COLAÇO IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ARCHITECTURE SEPTEMBER 2018 Approval of the thesis: FRAMEWORK FOR AN ARCHITECTURAL KNOWLEDGE ECOSYSTEM THROUGH THE DISTRIBUTION OF AUTHORSHIP submitted by CANAN ALBAYRAK DE BRITO COLAÇO in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture Department, Middle East Technical University by, Prof. Dr. Halil Kalıpçılar Dean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ Bilsel Head of Department, Architecture Prof. Dr. Zeynep Mennan Supervisor, Architecture., METU Examining Committee Members: Prof. Dr. C. Abdi Güzer Architecture Dept., METU Prof. Dr. Zeynep Mennan Architecture Dept., METU Prof. Dr. Şule Taşlı Pektaş Architecture Dept., Başkent University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fehmi Doğan Architecture Dept., Izmir Institute of Technology Assist. Prof. Dr. Başak Uçar Architecture Dept., TED University Date: 04.09.2018 I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Signature : iv ABSTRACT FRAMEWORK FOR AN ARCHITECTURAL KNOWLEDGE ECOSYSTEM THROUGH THE DISTRIBUTION OF AUTHORSHIP Albayrak de Brito Colaço, Canan Ph.D., Department of Architecture Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Zeynep Mennan September 2018, 128 pages Shifts from centralized towards socially distributed knowledge production modes are having a great impact on many fields and reshaping the understanding of knowledge production. New paradigms in the sociology of knowledge challenge the notion of single authorship through distribution, and ultimately, by means of dissolution of authorship. Accordingly, the concepts of professional expertise and professionalism lose their previous significance by the blurring of long-held demarcations between expert and non-expert knowledge. The main motivation of this research is to study the way emergent modes of social construction, organization and distribution of knowledge affect the architectural discipline and its modes of practice. In this context, the knowledge ecosystem approach becomes prominent as it provides a new perspective to analyze knowledge assets in relation to knowledge communities, environments and the interactions between them. The main goal of this thesis is to define a knowledge ecosystem framework for architecture with a focus on the diversity of participants and the openness of the system. The use of formal language and methods are proposed as a common language in this regard. For this purpose, this thesis scrutinizes the actors in the architectural knowledge ecosystem under three different modes: single authorship, distributed authorship and dissolution of architectural authorship. It further discusses contributions of v architectural knowledge ecosystems to design knowledge and issues related to the dissolution of architectural authorship through a detailed analysis of study-case projects from milestone conferences and exhibitions. Keywords: Knowledge Ecosystem, Distributed Modes of Architectural Design, Dissolution of Authorship, Formal Language. vi ÖZ TASARIM MÜELLEFLİĞİNİN DAĞILIMI ARACILIĞIYLA BİR MİMARİ BİLGİ EKOSİSTEMİ ÇERÇEVESİ Albayrak de Brito Colaço, Canan Doktora, Mimarlık Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Zeynep Mennan Eylül 2018, 128 sayfa Merkezi bilgi üretiminden sosyal dağılımlı modlara geçiş, pek çok alanı önemli derecede etkilemekte ve bilgi üretimine bakışı yeniden biçimlendirmektedir. Bilgi sosyolojilerinde ortaya çıkan yeni paradigmalar, müellifliğin dağılımı ve en nihayetinde tamamen erimesi aracılığıyla, tekil müelliflik kavramını sorgulamaktadır. Uzman olan ve ya uzman olmayanlar tarafından üretilmiş olan bilginin ayrımının ortadan kalkmasıyla, mesleki uzmanlık ve profesyonellik kavramları da önceki önemlerini yitirmeye başlamıştır. Bu araştırmanın ana yönelimi, bilginin sosyal oluşumu, örgütlenmesi ve dağılımı ile ilgili ortaya çıkan bu modların, mimarlık disiplini üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktır. Bu kapsamda bilgi ekosistemi yaklaşımı, bilgi ile ilgili kavramların incelenmesinde, bilgi toplumları, bilgi çevreleri ve bunlar arasındaki etkileşimler gibi yeni bakış açıları sunarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu bağlamda tezin ana amacı, mimarlık için katılımcıların çeşitliliği ve sistemin açıklığına vurgu yapan bir bilgi ekosistemi çerçevesi oluşturmaktır. Mimari bilgi ekosistemindeki aktörlerin detaylı incelemesi vii öncelikli olarak üç kategoride yapılmıştır: tekil tasarım müellifliği, dağılımlı tasarım müellifliği ve tamamen erimiş müelliflik. Buna ek olarak bir mimari bilgi ekosistemi oluşması adına dönüm noktası sayılan uluslararası konferans ve sergilerden seçilen örnek proje incelemesi çalışmasıyla mimari bilgi ekosistemi modelinin mimarlık disiplinine katkısı olumlu ve olumsuz yönleriyle tartışılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilgi Ekosistemi, Dağılımlı Mimari Tasarım Modları, Müellifliğin Erimesi, Formel Dil viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to numerous people whose support was indispensable for the completion of this work. First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis supervisor Prof. Dr. Zeynep Mennan for her guidance and stimulating feedback in all stages of this study. I would like to acknowledge and thank the examining committee members for their contributions: Prof. Dr. Şule Taşlı Pektaş and Assist. Prof. Dr. Başak Uçar, who are the members of my thesis monitoring committee, offered invaluable contributions to the discussions for the development of research ideas since 2015; Prof. Dr. C. Abdi Güzer and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fehmi Doğan, who provided invaluable comments on the thesis defense. My parents Ertuğrul and Neslihan Albayrak, and my sister Ceren Albayrak, deserve special thanks for their endless support and encouragement throughout all my education life. Every single member of my big Portuguese family deserves a very special credit because they were all a great support to me while writing this thesis. The time I spent in Lisbon was very fruitful thanks to all of them. I would also like to express gratitude to my husband, Rui Colaço, who not only has been a great companion in my academic and daily life, but also provided his time for language editing of this work and for full support. Finally, my son Rui Eren Albayrak Colaço deserves special thanks for being an amazing inspiration and great source of motivation to finish this work. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. v ÖZ .............................................................................................................................. vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. x LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................... xiii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. xiv CHAPTERS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Research Scope and Problem Definition ........................................................... 2 1.2 Research Arguments .......................................................................................... 4 1.3 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Overview of the Thesis ...................................................................................... 6 2. KNOWLEDGE ECOSYSTEM ............................................................................. 11 2.1 Biological Analogies and Knowledge Management ........................................ 11 2.2 What is a Knowledge Ecosystem? ................................................................... 14 2.2.1 Knowledge Community ............................................................................ 14 2.2.2 Knowledge Environments ......................................................................... 17 2.2.3 Interactions Types ..................................................................................... 18 2.3 Diversity of Species and Openness of System ................................................. 23 2.3.1 Open Source Movement ........................................................................... 26 2.3 Different Modes of Authorship ........................................................................ 32 2.3.1 Mode 1 Single Authorial Paradigm .......................................................... 32 2.3.2 Mode 2 Distributed Modes of Authorship ................................................ 33 2.3.3 Mode 3 Dissolution of Authorship ........................................................... 34 2.4 A Knowledge Ecosystem for Architecture ...................................................... 36 3. ARCHITECTURAL KNOWLEDGE ECOSYSTEM ..........................................