§ 544.7 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–00 Edition)

that such vehicles are more likely to (3) The total number of recoveries of be stolen. vehicles manufactured in the 1983 or (3) Identify any other rating rules subsequent model years that received a and plans used by the insurer to estab- reduction under each listed criterion. lish its comprehensive pre- Beginning with the report due not later miums and premium penalties for than October 25, 1987, indicate how motor vehicles it considers as more many of the total number of recoveries likely to be stolen, and explain how were— such rating rules and plans are used to (i) Recoveries intact; establish the premiums and premium (ii) Recoveries-in-whole; and penalties. (iii) Recoveries-in-part. (4) Explain the basis for the insurer’s (g)(1) List each action taken by the insurer to assist in deterring or reduc- comprehensive insurance premiums ing thefts of motor vehicles. For each and the premium penalties charged for action, describe the action and explain motor vehicles it considers as more why the insurer believed it would be ef- likely to be stolen. This requirement fective in deterring or reducing motor may be satisfied by providing the perti- vehicle thefts. nent sections of materials filed with (2)(i) State the insurer’s policy re- State insurance regulatory officials garding the use of used parts to effect and clearly indicating which informa- repairs paid for by the insurer on vehi- tion in those sections is being sub- cles it insures. Indicate whether the in- mitted in compliance with this para- surer required, promoted, allowed, or graph. forbade the use of used parts in those (e) List each action taken by the in- repairs. surer to reduce the premiums it (ii) In the case of insurers requiring, charges for comprehensive insurance promoting, or allowing the use of used coverage because of a reduction in parts to make repairs paid for by the thefts of this type of motor vehicle. insurer on vehicles it insures, indicate For each action: the precautions taken by or on behalf (1) State the conditions that must be of the insurer to identify the origin of satisfied to receive such a reduction those used parts. (e.g., installation of antitheft device, marking of vehicle in accordance with [52 FR 76, Jan. 2, 1987, as amended at 55 FR theft prevention standard, etc.); 25610, June 22, 1990] (2) State the number of the insurer’s § 544.7 Incorporating previously filed policyholders and the total number of documents. vehicles insured by the insurer that re- (a) In any report required by this ceived this reduction; and part, an insurer may incorporate by (3) State the difference in average reference any document or portion comprehensive insurance premiums for thereof previously filed with any Fed- those policyholders that received this eral or State agency or department reduction versus those policyholders within the past four years. that did not receive the reduction. (b) An insurer that incorporates by (f) In the case of an insurer that of- reference a document not previously fered a reduction in its comprehensive submitted to the National Highway insurance premiums for vehicles Traffic Safety Administration shall ap- equipped with antitheft devices, pro- pend that document or the pertinent vide: sections of that document to its report, (1) The specific criteria used by the and clearly indicate on the cover or insurer to determine whether a vehicle first page of the document or pertinent is eligible for the reduction (original section the regulatory requirement in equipment antitheft device, passive response to which the document is antitheft device, etc.); being submitted. (2) The total number of vehicle thefts (c) An insurer that incorporates by for vehicles manufactured in the 1983 reference a document shall clearly or subsequent model years that re- identify the document and the specific ceived a reduction under each listed portions thereof sought to be incor- criterion; and porated, and, in the case of a document


VerDate 112000 01:26 Dec 13, 2000 Jkt 190199 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\190199T.XXX pfrm04 PsN: 190199T Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 551.1

previously submitted to the National Fleet Services, Hertz Rent-A-Car Division Highway Traffic Safety Administra- (subsidiary of Hertz Corporation), Lease tion, indicate the date on which the Plan USA, Inc., National Car Rental Sys- document was submitted to the agency tem, Inc., PHH Vehicle Management Serv- and the person whose signature ap- ices, Ryder System, Inc. (both rental and peared on the document. leasing operations), U-Haul International, Inc. (Subsidiary of AMERCO), USL Capital APPENDIX A TO PART 544—INSURERS OF Fleet Services, Wheels Inc. MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE POLICIES [65 FR 49507, Aug. 14, 2000] SUBJECT TO THE REPORTING RE- QUIREMENTS IN EACH STATE IN PART 551—PROCEDURAL RULES WHICH THEY DO BUSINESS Insurance Group, American Family Subpart A—General Insurance Group, American Financial Group, American International Group, Sec. State Auto Association, CNA In- 551.1 Scope. surance Group, Erie Insurance Group, Farmers Insurance Group, Berkshire Subpart B [Reserved] Hathaway/GEICO Corporation Group, Hart- ford Insurance Group, Subpart C—Submittals in Writing Group, Nationwide Group, Progressive Group, Prudential of America Group, State 551.31 Form of communications. Farm Group, Travelers PC Group, USAA 551.33 Address of communications. Group, -U.S. 551.35 Subscription of communications. [65 FR 49507, Aug. 14, 2000] 551.37 Language of communications.

APPENDIX B TO PART 544—ISSUERS OF Subpart D—Service of Process; Agents MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE POLICIES SUBJECT TO THE REPORTING RE- 551.45 Service of process on foreign manu- QUIREMENTS ONLY IN DESIGNATED facturers and importers. STATES AUTHORITY: Secs. 110(e), 119, 80 Stat. 719, 728 (15 U.S.C. 1399, 1407); 23 U.S.C. 315, 401–404; Insurance Group (Alabama), Allmerica P&C Companies (Michigan), Arbella Mu- delegation of authority, 31 FR 13952, 32 FR tual Insurance (Massachusetts), Auto Club 5606. of Michigan Group (Michigan), Commerce SOURCE: 33 FR 19700, Dec. 25, 1968, unless Group, Inc. (Massachusetts), Commercial otherwise noted. Redesignated at 35 FR 5118, Union Insurance Companies (Maine), Con- Mar. 26, 1970. Group Insurance Companies (Vermont), Kentucky Farm Bureau Group (Kentucky), Nodak Mutual Insurance Com- Subpart A—General pany (North Dakota), Southern Farm Bu- reau Group (Arkansas, Mississippi), Ten- § 551.1 Scope. nessee Farmers Companies (Tennessee). This part contains rules of procedure [65 FR 49507, Aug. 14, 2000] generally applicable to the transaction APPENDIX C TO PART 544—MOTOR VEHI- of official business under the National CLE RENTAL AND LEASING COMPA- Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act NIES (INCLUDING LICENSEES AND of 1966, the Motor Vehicle Information FRANCHISEES) SUBJECT TO THE RE- and Cost Savings Act, and the Highway PORTING REQUIREMENTS OF PART 544 Safety Act of 1966. These rules apply in addition to the rules governing specific Alamo Rent-A-Car, Inc., ARI (Automotive proceedings. In case of inconsistency Rentals, Inc.), Associates Leasing Inc., AT&T Automotive Services, Inc., Avis, with these general rules, the specific Inc., Budget Rent-A-Car Corporation, Dol- rules prevail. lar Rent-A-Car Systems, Inc., Donlen Cor- [33 FR 19700, Dec. 25, 1968. Redesignated at 35 poration, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Ford FR 5118, Mar. 26, 1970, and amended at 38 FR Rent-A-Car Systems, Inc.,1 GE Capital 20086, July 27, 1973]

1 Indicates a newly listed company which must file a report beginning with the report Subpart B [Reserved] due on October 25, 2000.


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