St. Peter’s Church Franciscans of the Sacred Heart Province

JULY 8, 2018

WEEKEND M ASSES Saturday: 12:00 noon Saturday evening: 5:00 p.m: (Sunday obligation satisfied)

Sundays: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 6:00 p.m.

WEEKDAY M ASSES 6:15 a.m., 7:15 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 11:40 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 1:15 p.m., 5:00 p.m.

Consult bulletin for special Holy day and holiday schedules .

CONFESSIONS Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. —6:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 12:00 p.m. —4:30 p.m.

Consult bulletin for special Holy day schedule


Mondays & Wednesdays: Evening Prayer after 5:00 p.m. Mass Tuesdays: St. Anthony devotions after every Mass Friday: Marian devotions after 1:15 Mass Eucharistic Adoration: Monday - Friday 1:45 —4:45 p.m.

Benediction: Monday through Friday at 4:45 p.m. OFFICE H OURS

Weekdays: 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 12 noon - 6:00 p.m. CHURCH H OURS

Weekdays: 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Sundays: 8:30 a.m.- 7:00 p.m.

110 West Madison Street ● Chicago, Illinois 60602-4196 312.372.5111 ● Welcome to St. Peter’s Church -2- July 8, 2018 Weekend Presiders FRANCISCAN F RIAR S TAFF

Saturday, July 7 Friar Confessors & Staff: 5:00 pm Fr. Elric Sampson O.F.M. Fr. Kurt Hartrich O.F.M., Pastor Fr. Ken Capalbo O.F.M. Sunday, July 8 Fr. Wenceslaus Church O.F.M. 9:00 am Fr. Kurt Hartrich O.F.M. Fr. Derran Combs O.F.M. 11:00 am Fr. Ken Capalbo O.F.M. Fr. Mario DiCicco O.F.M. 12:30 pm Fr. George Musial O.F.M. Fr. Tom Ess O.F.M. 6:00 pm Fr. Mario DiCicco O.F.M. Br. Leo Geurts O.F.M Fr. James Hoffman O.F.M. ’ Days and Observances Br. Clarence Klingert O.F.M. Br. Thomas Krull O.F.M. Sunday, July 8: 14th Sunday in OT Br. William Lanning O.F.M. Fr. Ed McKenzie O.F.M. Monday, July 9: Ss. Nicholas Pick, Willihald & Br. Guillermo Morales O.F.M. Companions Fr. George Musial O.F.M. Tuesday, July 10: St. Veronica Giuliani Fr. Carlos Ruiz O.F.M. Fr. Elric Sampson O.F.M. Wednesday, July 11: St. Benedict Fr. Ed Shea O.F.M. Thursday, July 12: Ordinary Time Friday, July 13: Ordinary Time Part-time Friar Staff : Saturday, July 14: St. Kateri Tekakwitha Fr. Arthur Anderson O.F.M. Br. Ed Tverdek O.F.M.

’ ST. P ETER S S TAFF In Resi dence: Director of Liturgy and Music Br. Doug Collins O.F.M. Gregory Ceurvorst 312-853-2412 Fr. Robert Hutmacher O.F.M. Activities & Communications Director Fr. Robert Karris O.F.M. Fr. Augustine Lee O.F.M. Carolyn Jarosz 312-853-2376 Br. Bill Schulte O.F.M. Associate Director of Liturgy and Music Br. Marc Sheckells O.F.M. Coordinator of Liturgical Ministers Br. Raymond Shuhert O.F.M. James Kapellas 312-853-2418 Br. Thom Smith O.F.M. (Vocation Office) Programs Director Fr. Paul Tuan O.F.M. Fr. Derran Combs O.F.M. 312-372-5111 Director of Environment and Sacristan Phil Bujnowski 312-628-1254 Director of Public Safety Weekly Collections Many thanks to those of you who have contributed to Gilbert Mathews 312-853-2334 St. Peter’s collection this past week. Your gifts Gift Shop Manager are essential to our ministry, and we are grateful.

Br. Clarence Klingert O.F.M. 312-372-5111 Weekly Goal ...... $ 12,000 Young Adult Ministry June 21 - 27 ………. Total ...... $ 9,045 Fr. Ed She a O.F.M. 773 -892-4134 ………………………. .Difference ………………..…. $ - 2,955 -3- July 8, 2018 THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR years have revealed the spiritual habits necessary for From time to time we read new statistics about personal and church growth and revealed the “why ” be- fewer and fewer people attending church on a regular hind disengagement in the church. The truth is, if we basis. This is true not only in the United States but al- don ’t feel passionate about something, we don ’t do it. If most everywhere in the world. Here in Chicago Cardi- we don ’t like something that happens in the church, we nal Cupich established the Renew My Church initiative find another one. If the spiritual practices don ’t fit out several years ago—and it is now in process lifestyle, we don ’t do them. in many areas of the Archdiocese—in order This mindset permeates our “I to revitalize our parishes so that they would want it now, and I want it my way ” culture be alive in faith, full of energy, and ready to and is only reinforced through social me- evangelize in new and contemporary ways. dia, website choices, TV options and Just how well we accomplish those goals re- countless other platforms that have risen in mains to be seen. prominence in our lives. This is not the Recently I read a summary of a book way God intended the church to live. The written by Chris Sonksen. The title of his local church is not a building; it is a body book is Quit Church , which might seem a of believers fulfilling God ’s purpose in our strange title for a Pastor wanting to energize lives. When these believers approach their all kinds of people to know, love and serve individual involvement and commitment Jesus Christ better by their lives and actions. in a casual manner, it weakens the entire He is the founder of a church called South body of Christ and the impact we are Hills Church, whose main campus is in Corona, Califor- called to have. nia, but now has satellite campuses in several other cit- As a result, we lose, and so does the local ies in California, Washington and Puerto Rico. Chris church. God wants us to win, to thrive, to fulfill our po- and his wife Laura are the lead pastors, and th ey have tential in him. We will not experience the abundance he done all k inds of research and coaching of other pastors desires for us until we quit our current approach, and we as part of their ministry. are all -in. Once you go all -in on generosity, serving, Pastor Sonksen claims that only 39 percent of outreach, discipleship and the other biblical behaviors active believers consider the Bible as the literal word of laid out in his word, then look out, because God will God. Less than 20 percent of professing believers fol- rain on your life with his blessings like you have never low the biblical principle of giving. Only 5 percent have experienced. shared their faith with a non -believer. More than half of Pastor Sonksen concludes with these words, all church members attend church once a month or less. “Jesus felt the church was worth dying for—it should be He says, “Something has to change! ” our mission as Christians to value living for it. ” Casual attendance and the belief that others will Even though these observations are written from serve, give and share the Gospel are tearing down a Protestant pastor who has founded a mega church, I churches across our country brick by brick. As believ- think we Catholics can identify with a fair amount of ers, it ’s time we are either all in or we get out. The solu- what he has written. All this could serve as a solid re- tion is simple: quit! That ’s right—quit! If we quit the flection for how we view our Christian life and our in- casual way we approach God ’s principles, can you im- volvement in church life. Are we really “all -in ” or have agine what would happen in our personal walks of faith we been content to stay more on the surface in our faith and in our community of believers? life? What if every believer exercised generosity? What if every Christian fought for loyalty in the local FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME church? What if everyone served in their God -given Biblical prophets speak God ’s Word to God ’s purpose? What would happen if we stopped simply be- people. They come as God ’s messengers proclaiming an lieving and started belonging? If we would only quit the uncomfortable message that challenges their hearers. way we approach our relationship to Christ and our lo- Throughout the Scriptures, God ’s prophets encounter cal church, the blessing, the reward, the joy, the fulfill- opposition and rejection. Today ’s readings offer three ment, the purpose, and the increase would radically examples of God ’s messengers of mercy and grace be- transform our lives and the world. Together, we can rev- ing rejected because of their challenging message. ”Hard olutionize the church, but the only way we can do this is of face and obstinate of heart are they to whom I am if we quit. sending you, ” says God to the prophet Ezekiel in the He says his conversations over the past several First Reading. Even though the people of Israel contin- Welcome to St. Peter’s Church -4- July 8, 2018 THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR - CONTINUED ued to rebel against God by worshipping other gods, monks into one “Grand Monastery ” to give them the God never gave up calling them back. benefit of unity, fraternity, and permanent worship in Because of internal jealousy and rivalries, Paul one house. Finally he began to build what was to be- had to defend himself to the Corinthian community that come one of the most famous monasteries in the he had founded. In the Second Letter to the Corinthians, world—Monte Cassino, commanding three narrow val- Paul lays out his qualifications as an Apostle and proph- leys running toward the mountains north of Naples. et sent by God to preach God ’s message of salvation. The Rule that gradually developed prescribed a When Paul ’s critics focus on his weaknesses, he shows life of liturgical prayer, study, manual labor, and living how God ’s grace overcomes these weaknesses: “When I together in community under a common abbot. Bene- am weak, then I am strong. ” dictine is known for its moderation, and Ben- In the Gospel, Jesus also experiences opposition edictine charity has always shown concern for the peo- from those who know him best. His hometown of Naza- ple in the surrounding countryside. In the course of the reth rejects him. Despite his wisdom and miracles, they Middle Ages, all monasticism in the West was gradual- arrogantly reject him because, as they say, “Is he not the ly brought under the Rule of St. Benedict. carpenter, the son of Mary? ” Jesus quotes a proverb that says, in essence: “A prophet is only despised in his own IMMIGRATION NEWS country, among his own relatives, and in his own I call your attention to the house. ” He is one of us, so how could he attain such statement of the United States Bish- wisdom? St. Augustine saw jealousy and envy as “the ops dealing with the present situation diabolical sin. ” Envy keeps us from seeing God work- on our southern border, which they ing in our world and hinders us from responding to delivered after discussion at their re- God ’s vision for our world. Indeed, Jesus “was not able cent spring meeting in Florida (cf. to perform any mighty deed there. ” Chicago Catholic, June 24, 2018, pp. 5 -6) and that of A Christian does not stand alone in faith but is Cardinal Cupich on the same topic (cf. Archdiocese of surrounded by others, both those living in the present Chicago website). As we all try to digest and compre- and those who have gone before. As the Catechism of hend and decide what we will do in this regard, it is im- the explains, the Church is a commun- portant that we listen to the wisdom and the perspective ion of saints (##946 -959) through whom Jesus invites that our Catholic leaders offer to us. us to prophetic saintly holiness. The Cardinal says in part, “We have heard the For Your Reflection: When have you sought wails of toddlers crying ‘Mama ’ and ‘Papa! ’—children the Lord ’s mercy? Is there comfort in knowing that the too young to understand what it means to be used as Communion of Saints prays with you? Do you know bargaining chips in a political game whose stakes are anyone whose prophecy or wisdom is not accepted by their very lives. Their cries pierce the conscience. They those who know him or her well? If so, what have you remind us that every one of them, along with their par- done to accompany that person as a result? ents, are made in God ’s image, and therefore have a dignity no amount of demonizing can obscure. FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT “This is the dignity we Catholics defend when Wednesday, July 11, 2018 we work to protect the unborn. It is the dignity Jesus Benedict was born into a dis- Christ called us to uphold by feeding the hungry, cloth- tinguished family in central , ing the naked, and, yes, welcoming the stranger. It is the studied at Rome, and early in life was dignity that inheres regardless of one ’s nation of origin. drawn to monasticism. At first he be- It is not forfeited once one crosses another nation ’s bor- came a hermit, leaving a depressing der, whether to seek refuge from domestic or gang vio- world—pagan armies on the march, lence or persecution, or to work for a better life for the Church torn by schism, people suffering from war, one ’s family. ” morality at a low ebb. He soon realized that he could not live a hidden THEOLOGY ON TAP life in a small town any better than in a large city, so he Attention, Young Adults (20 -40 withdrew to a cave high in the mountains for three year olds)!! Theology on Tap 2018 at years. Some monks chose Benedict as their leader for a St. Peter ’s starts this Monday, July 9— while, but they found his strictness not to their taste. 5:30 -7:30 P.M. Still the shift from hermit to community life had begun Our first Theology on Tap for him. He had an idea of gathering various families of speaker is John Antonio, a former semi- continued on page 6 -5- July 8, 2018 THIS WEEK SCRIPTURE S TUDY Monday, July 9 Mk 6:1 -6 12:10 *Repair My House (A/B) see page 7 *Divorced & Separated (C) *San Damiano (P) “A prophet is not without honor except in his na- 5:00 *Men ’s Group (Chaste Living) (A) tive place and among his own kin…”. In law school Tim 5:30 *Theology on Tap (A/B/C) see below was a shining star, among the top 10% in his class and, by 5:40 * Evening Prayer (Ch) all accounts, destined for success. Everyone was sure that he would shoot up through the ranks once he had passed Tuesday, July 10 the Bar exams. The only problem was that, no matter how 6:45 * A.A. (C) often he took them, Tim just couldn’t seem to pass the Bar. 12:10 *Financial Workshop, Wills/Trusts (B) The last time I saw him Tim was still working as a *Debtor ’s Anonymous (C) paralegal at the same firm where he had worked as a law 5:30 *Legion of Mary (P) student. When I asked him why he had never gone on to get his Law Degree Tim explained that somewhere along Wednesday, July 11 the line he realized that, while he likes working at the law 6:45 *A.A. (C) firm, he prefers researching a case to preparing and trying it 12:10 * San Damiano (B/C) in court. In fact, he’s so good at researching issues that it’s 5:40 *Evening Prayer (Ch) not at all unusual for people 50 miles away to contract with

him to handle in-house research projects for them. They Thursday, July 12 respect his skill and expertise. Unfortunately, however, 12:00 * A.A. (C) many of the attorneys at the firm where he works still treat 12:10 *Scripture & Spirituality (B) Tim like a student. While neither he nor the clients with whom he collaborates doubt that Tim’s found his niche, as Friday, July 13 No Programs far as they’re concerned, without a Law Degree, Tim’s choice to continue working as a paralegal continues to make him somehow less than credible in their eyes. Tim is good at his job. He knows what he’s doing. The senior attorneys have mentored him well, but they’re Theology on Tap having trouble seeing just how good he is at what he does. Young Adults (20 - 40) They think they know all about him because they’ve known him for so long. “Where did this man get all this?” Per- Mondays, July 9, 16, 23 & 30 haps we’ve asked the same question from time to time. Do 5:30 —7:30 p.m. we value the gifts and talents of the young? Do we welcome what they have to offer? Are we willing to give them a Once again this year St. Peter's Young Adults (SPYA) chance to prove themselves? Or do we walk right by them is sponsoring a series of talks on the spiritual life as on our way to call in an expert from 50 miles away? part of the Archdiocesan Theology on Tap Pro- gram. Each week will begin with some food and fel- lowship and then a talk and some discussion. - Vinal Van Benthem, ofs

Monday, July 9: John Antonio “ ” Dating, Not Disappointed Our first TOT Speaker is John Antonio, a former seminari- Theology on Tap , continued an and lifestyle coach who has been featured on various channels including EWTN and . He Monday, July 16: Chelsea Piper will talk about reducing disappointment in dating and “Authentic Femininity and Masculinity ” building a healthy and active dating life. Over the last 5 years he has gained some valuable insights from surveying Monday, July 23: Mary Deeley young professionals and speaking at theology on tap, “Finding Our Story in THE Story ” churches, and universities. He also shares his message through blogging and personal coaching. Monday, July 30: Brother Joe Trout, OP “Engaging Young (and Younger) Adults in the Church ” (Continued in next column) ——— >>>>>

Welcome to St. Peter’s Church -6- July 8, 2018 narian and lifestyle coach who has been featured on various channels, including EWTN and Catholicsin- A SUMMERTIME CHUCKLE He will talk about reducing disappointment When I was in school, I used to ask a lot of in dating and building a healthy and active dating life. questions. One day I asked Ms. Doris, our English Over the last five years he has gained some valuable teacher, “Why do we ignore some letters ‘H’ like in insights from surveying young professionals and speak- hour, honest, honor, etc? ” ing at Theology on Tap, churches, and universities. He Ms. Doris replied, “We are not ignoring them. also shares his message through blogging and personal They are considered silent. ” coaching. The title of John ’s talk is “Dating, Not Disap- During the lunch break, Ms. Doris gave me her pointed: Identifying Stress Factors in new Relation- packed lunch and asked me to heat it in the cafeteria. I ships and Enjoying Life before Marriage. ” ate all the food and returned her an empty container. We hope to see you downstairs in the St. Clare Ms. Doris asked me, “What happened? I told Auditorium Monday for John ’s talk, some food, and you to go and HEAT my food, and you are returning hearty discussion. me an empty container. ” “I’m sorry, Ms. Doris. I thought the ‘H’ was ST. PETER ’S GALA silent. ” Our St. Peter ’s Gala is almost here, and, as of this writing, we still have 36 tickets to sell for the event. Several people have told us in the past they were just waiting until the time was closer to purchase their tickets. NOW is the time. We hope as many as possible will join us on Thursday, July 19, from 5:30 -8:30 at the Un- ion League Club for some delicious food, friendship and a time together in order to make the Gala a grand succes s once again this year. You won ’t regr et spend- ing quality time with many of your friends and helping us to reduce St. Peter ’s deficit at the same time. Tickets can be purchased from the volunteer in the lobby or from the receptionist at the office. If you think you can- not afford the price of a ticket, or if you are not availa- ble to attend on the 19, we would appreciate a donation toward the success of this fundraiser. Through the mail, indicate “Gala Donation ” on your check; you may also drop off your donation at the front office if no one is at the table in the lobby when you stop by. Thank you so much.

SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Each summer most dioceses in the United States ask each parish to host a missionary from somewhere in the world to educate us with the situation there, espe- cially what the Church faces dealing with catechesis, education of seminarians, building of churches, out- reach to the poor, and establishing faith communities, often in very difficult circumstances. Obviously these things can vary a great deal around the world. Next weekend we will be welcoming Rev. Bernard E. Okafor from the diocese of Okigwe in Nigeria. You may have read that in some parts of that country there has been a great deal of persecution of Christians, even to the point of murdering them and burning their churches. Please come prepared to listen to his message and to donate generously for the needs of his diocese. -7- July 8, 2018 ST. PETER’S BOOK & GIFT SHOP

Monday - Wednesday - Over 1500 Book Titles 10 a.m. 3 p.m . NEW HOURS ● ● Thursday & Friday Rosaries Bibles 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Wednesday ● Cards ● DVD’s Sunday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. ●Baptism Gifts ●Gold 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Medals ● CD’s Thursday & Friday ● - - Sterling Silver Medals 312 853 2341 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ● Religious Art / ’ Sunday Figurines Located on St. Peter s - ● lower level 9:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Prayer Cards

Financial Workshops Repair My House Mondays, 12:10 - 12:55 pm Tuesdays, July 10, 17, 24 St. Clare Auditorium $5 donation

12:10 - 12:50 p.m., St. Clare Auditorium “Time for Balance ” Tuesday, July 10: Wills/Trusts May 21, June 4, 18, 25 & July 9 The Wills and Trusts workshop includes: Why do I need a will or a living trust? Estate Planning, Distribution Tech- July 9, 2018: Dying and Death - While balancing your niques, Wills, Living Trust, and Beyond Wills and Trusts. Personal questions are welcome, this is an informal work- life, learn ways to cope with death and dying. shop designed to offer personalized insights and recom- mendations

Tuesday, July 17: Pre/Post Retirement 2018 Gala 1) What options do I have to maximize Social Security benefits? Thursday, July 19 2) How can I supplement my Social Security and my 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. pension? 3) How can I allocate my investments to help reduce risk Union League Club Chicago while maximizing return potential? Tickets Now on Sale Tuesday, July 24: Catastrophic Care

This session will cover the Emotional/Spiritual Tickets for the 2018 Gala are now on sale. Ticket Aspects of Aging, Medical Needs, Legal Needs, includes open bar, heavy hors d ’oeuvres, Who pays for Catastrophic Care and the need silent auction and live auction. to be remembered. You can buy tickets after many ’ morning and noon Masses in the No charge, if you d like to attend, lobby and anytime in the front of- you must call to reserve your space, fice. Tickets are $175. If you have any questions, please call Carolyn Carolyn Jarosz, 312 -853 -2376 Jarosz, 312 -853 -2376. 35 Years of Family Values and Family Business Offering a Full Range of Investment Services & Advice Timothy A. Sinal & Theodore A. Sinal , First Vice Presidents/Investments Three First National Plaza, Suite 2400 • Chicago, Illinois 60602 (312) 269-0393 [email protected] Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC and NYSE

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