2011 Report to the Community

United Way Capital Region 1 2 Report to the Community 2011 Table of Contents

04 Message from the Chair of the Board and President & CEO 07 A Strategy for Change: 2011–12 Highlights Education Income Wellness 16 Change Started Here: Our 2011 Campaign 17 Engaging Our Community 20 Special Recognition 23 Days of Caring Participation 25 Loaned Representative Program 26 Awards of Distinction 27 Corporations 32 Employee Groups 38 Leaders of the Way

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United Way Alberta Capital Region 3 Message from the Chair of the Board and President & CEO “Change starts when someone sees the next step.”

These words by author and social entrepreneur Strategic Change Committee was established, Bill Drayton couldn’t be more fitting for the work consisting of select Board members and United our United Way has been undertaking over the last Way representatives. The important work of this year, and the work that will shape our collective committee will continue throughout 2012-13. efforts in the community in the years to come. Stewardship of Donor Dollars We are pleased to present the 2011-12 Report to Sound financial planning and stewardship of donor the Community, highlighting the work of United dollars are top priorities for United Way. To assist Way in the Alberta Capital Region. It captures our our overall planning and reporting processes, strategic planning efforts; the collective work of one of the first actions we took in the year was to caring corporations, non-profit organizations and change our fiscal year to run from April through community members; demonstrates the impact of March. This better aligns with our annual planning our collective efforts; and celebrates the thousands and business cycle; completing a successful of lives that we are changing in our community. transition so this year’s report could be brought to you in September, rather than the end of June. A Strategy for Change Early in 2011, we completed our Community Impact The fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 yielded solid Framework, focusing on three areas for community financial results. This will allow us to move forward investment – Education, Income and Wellness. with plans for key strategic initiatives to help us Each of these areas – and the over 100 social better serve the community, and ensure that we sector programs and initiatives that are part of the can maintain funding allocations to our more than mix – come together to create opportunities for 50 partner agencies. changing social conditions in the Alberta Capital Region. Partner & Community Consultations As part of developing strategies that will guide our These focus areas also became the foundation of collective efforts in the years to come, we began our refreshed brand promise and our efforts to extensive consultations with our agency partners. further develop donor relationships, connecting These collaborative discussions are critical in our work more clearly than ever before with what shaping our work in the community, the results our supporters care about. we can achieve together and our shared goal to greatly reduce the number of people living in The new frameworks and strategies for change poverty – and those at risk of falling into poverty – were presented to the Board of Directors at in the Capital Region. a planning retreat in June. Strong support was provided to advance the plans and begin This consultation approach continued to develop implementation. To help guide the process, the throughout the year, with plans now in place for

4 Report to the Community 2011 community-wide conversations to take place in We are also extremely grateful for the support of late 2012 that will include face-to-face discussions, our volunteer team and network of partners: from dialogue through social media channels, and a our Board of Directors and Campaign Cabinet, survey on approaches to addressing the complex to our Community Investment Committee and social issues in the region. agency partners, to the thousands of supporters and program volunteers who came together on A Supportive Community behalf of our community. Your commitment is This last year – our 70th in the Alberta Capital truly inspiring, as is the work of our professional Region – more than 35,000 community members staff. Through you, United Way of the Alberta rallied together to create lasting change for people Capital Region is creating meaningful impact for who needed our help. The result was astounding those living in poverty or at high risk of falling into as we exceeded our highest campaign goal ever, poverty. raising a total of $22.1 million, based on a set goal of $21.5 million. We hope you enjoy the highlights of 2011-12 that follow in the pages of this Report to the The 2011 Campaign was led by someone with a Community. These encouraging results are significant background in business and education, possible because of your record-breaking and a strong passion for supporting and building generosity and commitment to creating a stronger our community – Dr. Mike Percy, Stanley A. Milner community. Professor and Dean Emeritus, Alberta School of Business, . His leadership, and Thank you for your leadership and support. the efforts of his dedicated Cabinet team, drove this record-breaking year for our United Way. On behalf of United Way, our agency partners and the thousands of people who receive support, please accept our sincere appreciation and a very Lynne Duncan Anne Smith heartfelt “thanks.” Chair, 2011 Board President & CEO of Directors Moving forward, we have the pleasure of welcoming our incoming Chair, Dave Mowat, President and CEO of ATB Financial, to lead the 2012 fundraising efforts. As our 2011 Campaign Vice-Chair, Dave worked alongside Dr. Percy, and is committed to taking the upcoming campaign to a new level. His energy and vibrant spirit will help keep the momentum going!

United Way Alberta Capital Region 5 “The ability and willingness to change and grow over the past seventy years is our strength – it helps us to continue to meet the challenges and to contribute to positive results, year after year.”

Mike Percy 2011 Campaign Chair

6 Report to the Community 2011 A Strategy for Change: 2011–12 Highlights

As strategic community builders, United Way and its supporters focus on the areas that need change the most.

Through continuous research and strategic consultation with our colleagues in other United Ways across , we have successfully completed our Community Investment Strategy, leading us to focus on three areas of the Community Impact Framework – Education, Income and Wellness.

In 2011, our focused efforts in these three areas led to many successful outcomes.

United Way Alberta Capital Region 7 EDUCATION All That Kids Can Be

From the early years to high school completion, our collective efforts in the community support the full path of development to help children and youth achieve their potential.

Mentoring of funders, human service organizations and Research indicates that a student who is paired with education providers, the services are delivered a positive role-model is more likely to complete directly within a school or throughout an entire high school and go on to a higher education. neighbourhood. This includes student literacy, mentoring, therapeutic supports and in-house In 2011, more than 4,300 individual children and support for families, as well as complementary youth were provided with programs and mentoring services such as school lunch and family literacy relationships through Boys & Girls Clubs Big programs. Brothers Big Sisters of and Area. PFK is currently delivered in 13 elementary and Mentor relationships help youth realize their junior high schools, with over 50 staff (non- potential and their opportunity for success in life. educators now providing support to more than In some cases, these relationships can help break 3,000 kids. Collaborative work in 2011 has also been poor learning habits and high school drop out rates taking place in over 20 other schools, extending that may have persisted for generations. Students PFK’s influence to more than 4,000 children and are given opportunities to experience a healthy, youth. positive relationship with a stable adult and go on to achieve their full potential – to be all that Tools for Success they can be. In 2011, at the start of the school year, more than 12,000 school kits and backpacks were discreetly Partners for Kids and respectfully distributed to students in need It’s often said that it takes a village to raise a child, (kindergarten through grade 12) through United and it’s up to our community to be the village Way’s Tools for School program. our kids need. Through partnership and the right support, we can help children and youth achieve By bringing together community agencies, their full potential. educational institutions, corporate supporters, the general public and media to participate in this Partners for Kids (PFK) is both a team approach and initiative, students are able to have the right tools a set of collaborative, flexible services to support to help them achieve academic success. the long-term success of children and families with complex needs. Through the partnership

8 Report to the Community 2011 A special thanks to Staples, our key partner in the to being the best female softball player in the program. In addition to collecting school supplies community. Now 11, school has become more for the program, they also collected more than important to her, she realized she was falling $130,000 from customer donations to purchase the behind and began bringing homework to therapy balance of the tools necessary to fill backpacks. sessions.

Tessa’s Story* Things are looking up for Tessa – she has made When Tessa was just nine years old, she had been great strides and continues to be supported by her subjected to more than any little girl should ever teachers and therapist under the proven Partners have to experience. She was a child of addiction, for Kids model. her father had just died from complications with *name has been changed for privacy alcohol and her mother, a recovering addict, was dying from a degenerative condition.

Tessa was angry, defiant and disruptive in class. She had been identified as a bully and was involved in a lot of gang-like activity in the community.

Fortunately, Tessa attended a school that includes the multi-faceted Partners for Kids program and she was referred to an in-school community-based family therapist. Her lack of trust and defiant behaviour made counseling difficult. In an effort Results Snapshot to connect with the young girl, her therapist All That Kids Can Be introduced her to sports and began to teach her to • Over 2,600 books were lent to 240 families play softball. The focus of the therapy was mastery through the Centre for Family Literacy’s – creating a positive and powerful identity around Classroom on Wheels Bus, getting materials something she was motivated to be good at. into homes for shared reading, language and literacy development. That summer, the therapist started a drop-in softball program on evenings and weekends to • 735 youth were supported through the YMCA’s Youth Transitions Program providing give neighbourhood kids something positive to new learning opportunities, experience and do. This also gave him the opportunity to stay skills to encourage youth development. connected with kids like Tessa, teaching them • 1,200 adults participated in personal growth discipline, fairness and social skills, all while and parenting programs through the St. Albert having fun. Family Resource Centre.

• 2,000 children were provided a well-balanced Tessa was one of the first to ask if she could join lunch every school day through E4C’s School the softball program. Spending more time with Lunch Program, helping children concentrate her therapist and other children, her identity on their school work and not their hunger. slowly shifted from being a tough kid to be feared,

United Way Alberta Capital Region 9 INCOME From Poverty to Possibility

By helping community members who have low income, and those experiencing homelessness to gain financial stability and independence, we are helping our entire community to become stronger.

Welcome Home 160 volunteers in a year. Welcome Home is sure to For many, home is a couch in a friend’s living room, create a sense of comfort and hope. or a mat on the floor of a shelter or worse – on the streets. With nowhere to truly call home, having a The Power of Financial Literacy sense of stability, independence or safety is merely Literacy isn’t just about learning to read words – it’s a dream. also an essential element to financial success. Research has shown that financial literacy skills and Through the Housing First model, many more asset accumulation can have profoundly positive Capital Region residents have been housed, effects on people’s lives. In 2011, the groundwork helping to reduce the number of people began for a one-of-a-kind financial literacy experiencing homelessness. One such program and matched savings program that included a developed to help people stay in their homes was partnership with community organizations, funders created in 2011 – Welcome Home. and two corporate sponsors – EPCOR and ATB Financial. People who are newly housed say they experience loneliness, which may lead to not having success EMPOWER U is a financial literacy and matched staying housed. Welcome Home is designed to savings program that helps women struggling with help people adjust to their new surroundings, low income to be equipped with the tools and allowing community volunteers to work closely with knowledge to build financial independence and the person once they have been housed. assets.

This unique program came to fruition with the The commitment from EPCOR of $85,000 per vision and commitment of various community year over five years will provide a 2:1 matched partners, including: Enbridge Pipelines Inc., the savings program for those enrolled in the financial Edmonton Homeless Commission, Catholic Social literacy course, while ATB Financial will provide the Services, the Edmonton Interfaith Housing Initiative opportunity for each participant to have a bank and United Way of the Alberta Capital Region. account, money-mentoring and a $50 start once Welcome Home has begun interviewing and their account is open. training volunteers and meeting with interested clients from the Housing First programs. They are Financial literacy changes a person’s relationship planning to match 80 newly-housed people with with money, allowing them to build assets, save for

10 Report to the Community 2011 the future and be better prepared to support their Although Elaine was expected to handle the family’s day-to-day needs and expenses. finances, there was no communication between herself and her husband. For years, Elaine lived in Community Warmth fear – he would become enraged if he discovered This October marked an historic milestone for that she had made any errors in the couple’s Coats for Kids & Families, as the program entered bookkeeping, even though he racked up credit its 20th year. card bills and regularly used money from their joint Continued on Page 12 In the 20th year of the program, nearly 11,000 coats, with a fair market value of more than $112,000, went out into the community.

United Way and Page The Cleaner have been delivering the program since 1992, helping to create warmer winters for vulnerable families and individuals in the Alberta Capital Region.

Collected at Page locations, the coats are cleaned and sent to United Way’s InKind Exchange where they are sorted and bagged, ready for distribution to families in need. Results Snapshot From Poverty to Possibility

In the 20th year of the program, nearly 11,000 coats, • 99,000 meals were served to almost 500 with a fair market value of more than $112,000, went seniors through Operation Friendship Seniors out into the community. Society. • Approximately 15,000 people in need received A big thank you – from both United Way and those nutritional hampers from the Edmonton Food in the community who were supported – goes to Bank or one of its affiliates every month. Page for the nearly $135,000 worth of dry cleaning • E4C’s Crossroads Outreach counselors made services they provided to keep the program more than 3,500 contacts with 300 individuals running strong. involved in prostitution offering them caring and person-centered services to promote and reinforce positive choices and personal growth. Elaine’s Story For nearly thirty years, Elaine’s husband had told • More than 3,000 people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness her she wasn’t good enough. Even though she received dental care, haircuts, hot meals considered herself a good cook, and her house and medical care at two Homeless Connect was always spotless, the verbal, emotional and Edmonton events. controlling abuse was non-stop.

United Way Alberta Capital Region 11 bank account without telling her. Keeping records With the support of her community, and the was nearly impossible. She felt trapped in her education she has received from financial literacy relationship and trapped in the situation because courses, Elaine has not only re-built her life, but she didn’t have the financial resources to make it on she has been employed at the same company for her own. the past six years, owns a car, a condo and has a little money set aside for retirement. In addition Even though she had been employed and to her full-time job, she also works as a part-time contributed to their shared income, she had not associate with a financial investment company, built her own credit rating and, according to thanks to a lead from a friend who learned about financial lenders, had no personal financial history. her new found interest in finance.

Finally, after a few false starts, Elaine left the While she sometimes jokes about the ‘Freedom relationship and started over. It wasn’t easy and, 100’ retirement plan, Elaine is in a much better with no income, she relied on the kindness of position in her life than ever before. She has friends and family, as well as food banks and other investments and, every month, she sets aside social supports. She upgraded her skills at NAIT money for her granddaughter’s education. and, at the age of 51, she graduated and began working again. Indeed, Elaine has come a long way in her quest for independence, success and happiness. Her emotional scars were healing and, with the help of community programs, she learned to understand the psychology of abuse and move from the past to the future. These programs included helping her to learn to manage her financial life.

Bit by bit she was re-building her life. She knew that the only way she could do this would be to enroll in as many community programs as she could to help increase her financial skills.

Her emotional scars were healing and, with the help of community programs, she learned to understand the psychology of abuse and move from the past to the future. These programs included helping her to learn to manage her financial life.

12 Report to the Community 2011 Change starts when someone sees the next step.

William Drayton

United Way Alberta Capital Region 13 WELLNESS Healthy People, Strong Communities

In working for the overall well-being of community members, our focus builds positive environments and social capacity for caring, safe neighbourhoods where community members feel supported.

A Province Connected policing responses and gets those who live, work The Support Network’s 211 Information and Referral and play in the community involved. Program responded to 47,324 calls in 2011, and provided 68,457 referrals to community programs With NET teams that include an EPS constable, a and services, helping to create a social infrastructure City of Edmonton social worker and youth workers that supports people in times of need. from The Family Centre, the initiative is now active in six areas of Edmonton: Bonnie Doon, Calder, By dialing 211, callers have access to a free, Callingwood South, Inglewood, McCauley and confidential, multilingual single point of access for 118th Avenue. health, social and government services. Trained staff assess needs and provide referrals to As part of the NET difference in 2011, Violence appropriate services. 211 also identifies emerging Reduction Teams (consisting of a social worker community needs and gaps in services. It is and EPS constable assigned to NET) were currently operational in Calgary and Edmonton as deployed to the Central McDougall and McCauley well as some select outlying communities of these neighbourhoods. These teams worked with two cities. neighbourhood residents to identify and implement ways to reduce and prevent crime. After assessing In 2011, several partners, including United Way of the needs, the team connected residents with the Alberta Capital Region, United Way of Calgary services to help address graffiti, auto safety and and area, and community information and referral drug and alcohol abuse. services from across the province worked together to ensure 211 is available to all communities across An Age-Friendly Community the province. Community consultations and According to Statistics Canada, seniors are the communications for this much-needed resource will fastest growing segment of Edmonton’s population, be rolled out in 2012. especially those over age 85. By 2025, nearly 20 per cent of Canadians will be age 65 or older compared Casting a NET to 13.7% in 2006. Over the past 13 years, Neighbourhood Empowerment Teams (NETs) have focused on In 2011, United Way joined the Vision for an improving our community by reducing crime, and Age-Friendly Edmonton Action Plan, along with the fear of crime, in at-risk neighbourhoods. This Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council, the City shared project of the (EPS), of Edmonton, community groups and Edmonton City of Edmonton Community Services, The Family seniors. The plan is part of a commitment to Centre and United Way applies non-traditional creating an age-friendly Edmonton and sets out

14 Report to the Community 2011 goals and actions in nine strategic areas based on (SAGE) and was very impressed by the 42-year the WHO Global Age-Friendly Cities Guidelines. history of advocacy. The action plan provides a strong framework for improving the lives of Edmonton’s seniors and The feisty senior called SAGE and accessed their strengthening the communities where they live and Home Services Program. SAGE found service encourages other community groups, stakeholders provider options and worked with Marguerite to and businesses to help shape our community find the one that best fit for her personal situation. to be more inclusive to the needs of our aging population. Although her eye-sight is worsening and she fears that she will have to give up driving, Marguerite Marguerite’s Story is happy and content. She has reliable and For 82 years, Marguerite has been fairly trustworthy assistance taking care of her home independent. She has a university degree and and is able to remain in the comfort of her own worked as a researcher and then at her husband’s surroundings without worry or fear. retail business. For the last 18 years of his life, she was her husband’s primary caregiver when he became bed-ridden. A strong woman, she required little help.

After her husband passed away in 2003, Marguerite decided that the large home they had shared as a couple was too big and she made the move to a smaller, safer, more manageable home at a condominium development.

Results Snapshot She took up volunteering and other activities, and Healthy People, Strong Communities soon her independence was renewed. • 3,585 clients received therapeutic support through Therapy and Counselling Services at Unfortunately, over time, she had developed a few the Family Centre. conditions that prevented her from completing • Last year, the Canadian Mental Health housekeeping tasks to keep her home clean and Association’s Community Education Program safe. Marguerite and her husband didn’t have any educated 5,284 people about maintaining children or family members to help out with her and enhancing mental health, and provided care. information on securing proper treatment and support for a mental illness.

Marguerite faced a difficult decision. She knew • Today Family Violence Centre provided on-site information, assessment support she would either have to get help or make another and appropriate referrals (internal, external) move to a facility that provided the basic necessities through 993 contacts with individuals. for seniors. She didn’t want to face the alternative, • The Home Services Program at the Seniors’ wishing to stay in her own home as long as possible. Association of Greater Edmonton fulfilled 2,128 requests by referring them to registered service One day, Marguerite came across information about providers. These services are necessary to the Seniors’ Association of Greater Edmonton assist seniors to remain in their homes longer.

United Way Alberta Capital Region 15 Change Started Here Our 2011 Campaign

With great passion and personal drive to change social conditions in the region, Dr. Mike Percy took the helm of our 2011 fundraising campaign.

The efforts began with our mid-September launch The past year also marked the launch of a United event where Dr. Percy told his personal story of the Way Major Donor Cabinet. Under the leadership struggles he and his family experienced in his youth of past 2010 Campaign Chair, the Hon. A. Anne and how important it is to support community McLellan and Eric Young, QC, this newly-formed members trying to overcome the many struggles team worked to strengthen relationships with some that life can bring forward. of our most steadfast and generous supporters, as well as introducing the work of United Way to With a Campaign Cabinet 38 strong and inspired potential major donors. to make a difference – we watched the momentum build and the incredible response from a Enriched by support from nearly 5,000 workplace community joining together. The end result was volunteers coordinating campaign efforts, and a record-breaking total of $22.1 million raised, participation by individuals in over 200 Days of exceeding our largest-ever goal that was set at Caring, United Way’s 70th year in the Alberta $21.5 million. Capital Region could not have been brighter.

PCL raised the largest amount ever for a single organization in the history of United Way of the Alberta Capital Region — over $2 million from corporate and employee contributions!

Part of this total included the significant achievement of a long-time corporate and workplace supporter – the PCL family of companies. It was an incredible achievement recognized throughout the community, and a contribution that is making a profound impact in changing the lives of so many individuals, children and families in the region.

16 Report to the Community 2011 Engaging Our Community

Change Has Rhythm The Value of an Exchange Launching a refreshed brand and a new look and Increased capacity for our not-for-profit community feel is no small task. When it’s all packaged around partners is always a priority, and the United Way a tagline like “Change starts here,” you know it InKind Centre has always played a part in this role. has to be unique. And, for an organization with a With the recent move to a new facility in 2010, 70-year history, it was indeed time to change and and the evolving nature of the initiative to include usher in a new generational feel for our United the volunteer efforts that take place on-site, a Way. refreshed name and visual representation was needed. With this in mind, the spring of 2011 In June of 2011, local company PlanIT Sound included the reveal of the newly-named facility – came on board for collaborative efforts to create The InKind Exchange. the first-ever United Way R&B/Hip-Hop song and music video. We knew it would need to be Promoting the call to action of “Support, Shop, educational, uplifting and motivating. Through Serve,” IKE (as it is now affectionately called) had an incredible collection of local talent, the song its official grand re-opening complete with tours, and video tells the story of a man struggling with refreshments and product demonstrations. More homelessness and his personal battle to overcome than 200 people, existing and potential store significant challenges, and get life back on track for members, from 114 area not-for-profits attended him and the son he needs to care for. Sound bytes the afternoon open house. The event included from personal testimonials of real people who participation by one of our key corporate partners have been helped in the Capital Region are also Staples, and highlighted our many corporate featured in the project. supporters connected to the outlet, including City of Edmonton, PCL family of companies and Page The song and video hit the right notes, turning The Cleaner. into numerous live performances at many events, extensive media coverage, a variation of the video WE Magazine developed for national United Way use, and 14,000 Two of the most common questions we are asked online views – by far the greatest number of views as an organization are: “Where does my money for any campaign or United Way-related video. go?” and, “What are the results we are seeing in the community?” A special thanks goes to all the talented local artists who put such a high degree of care into this With so many avenues of communication, it was project, understanding every step of the way that important to share the answers through the most it was greater than ourselves and an opportunity impactful and wide-reaching method possible, yet to inspire the changing of many lives in our keeping it as cost-efficient as possible. The answer community. is WE Magazine.

United Way Alberta Capital Region 17 A magazine about our community and for our between different groups, sharing their stories with community, WE explores all the challenges and about 1,400 employees. facts related to the most pressing social issues in the Alberta Capital Region, and shares the stories Our sincere thanks to our Discovery Speakers for of so many individuals, children and families that the courage to share your inspiring stories and have been helped in our community. giving your own time to encourage even more support for our community. Working with Venture Publishing on the development of each issue, and with sponsorship Experiencing the Impact support to bring the publication to the community, Connecting people to the issues that surround us WE Magazine is delivered in part through the in the community is an enlightening experience. Edmonton Journal, through mail subscriptions and online. In 2011, more than 100 individuals representing 10 corporate organizations participated in a United WE has received a very positive reaction from Way Community Impact Tour to visit agencies the community and won the Best New Magazine throughout the Alberta Capital Region. in Alberta Award through the Alberta Magazine Publishers Association. While the recognition is The six tours targeted United Way’s three much appreciated, the greatest meaning is felt as focus areas and invited people to explore their WE continues to educate the community on the community, see priority social needs and the challenges people experience, dispels the myths solutions being offered. and explains the complexities of social issues, and shares the incredible results we can achieve in “Learning how United Way working together for our community. funding can support all of Discovering the Stories these complementary programs We continue to be inspired by our community and at different agencies to their willingness to learn, to do more and to share accomplish things together; [and their stories. understanding] the number of

In 2011, United Way Discovery Speakers were families helped is enormous.” invited to share their personal stories – and how Anonymous Participant community investments in United Way contributed September 6, 2011 Community Impact Tour visiting to their success – at 220 presentations in 132 KARA Family Resource Centre, Norwood Child & Family workplaces in the Alberta Capital Region. Resource Centre and the Youth Emergency Shelter Society.

In addition to the individual presentations, the most significant and original approach happened one day with a speaker blitz at Enbridge and , with a total of 11 speakers rotating

18 Report to the Community 2011 The Difference a Day Makes Feeling the impact of the work we do in the community is an experience like none other. In 2011, over 1,500 individuals volunteered their time to participate in 209 Days of Caring in support of:

• United Way’s Care Kits for Homeless Connect • Coats for Kids & Families • Tools for School • Partner agencies and initiatives throughout our community

In addition to these activities, the fifth consecutive Engineering Challenge Day of Caring took place. A group of 15 competing engineering firms joined together to achieve epic accomplishments at the YWCA’s YoWoChAs Outdoor Education Centre — window and insulation installation in four camper cabins, the repainting of a retreat cabin and completing a compost and recycle centre build in support of the development of people through environmentally-sensitive programs and facilities.

United Way Alberta Capital Region 19 Hailey Jennings Special Recognition Don Lehman Mary Totman Volunteerism is key to a healthy community. Gail Steeves Volunteers offer their time, their expertise, and most importantly their hearts. We St. Albert Community appreciate the efforts of people who help Investment Commitee make the Alberta Capital Region a better Jeff Coulombe place to live and work. Warren Dosko Tim Gillis United Way of the Alberta Capital Region Dean Kurpjuweit Board of Directors David Quick Lynne Duncan, Chair Scott Rodda Anne Smith, Secretary/Treasurer Trina Shipanoff Yvonne Bootsman Barry Wowk Kathryn Chisholm Cheryl Gibson Strathcona County Community Mona Hale Investment CommitteE Keray Henke Trina Boymook Dr. Zaheer Lakhani Dawn Bradshaw Lloyd Lewis Marion Bulmer Gordon Maron Jill Dorsch Debra Osburn Lise Durand Edgar Schmidt Annastasia Jickling Elaine Shannon Lasha MacLeod Doug Thomas Marilyn Spilchen Lori Tootoosis-Friesen Community Investment Taylor Wagar Committee Jackie Winter Chris Astle Michael Capus Campaign Cabinet Team Lisa Fairweather Dr. Michael B. Percy, Campaign Chair Cameron Fani Dave Mowat, Campaign Vice Chair Darren Goerz Honourable A. Anne McLellan, P.C., O.C., Past Campaign Johana Gomez Chair Don Gordon David Aplin Wes Hodinski Dr. Jagdeep Singh Bachher Antony Ngo Dianne Balon Phillip Wong R. C. (Reg) Basken Laura Wynychuk Yvonne Bootsman Chung Yeol Lee Gary Bosgoed Lori Zaparniuk Lieutenant-Colonel John Reiffenstein Stuart Carter Fort Saskatchewan Community John Connolly Investment Committee Cindy de Bruijn Jef Bowes Dr. Harry Fernhout April Jennings Douglas O. Goss

20 Report to the Community 2011 Ray Guidinger Geoff Rackette Brian Henderson Austin Ritchie Brent Hesje David Rumbold Ken Knowles Randy Schellenberg Bernie Kollman Mark Swaenepoel Donald MacDonald Darren Ward Carman McNary, Q.C. Mark Wiesner Susan Mumme Everett Wong Nancy Petersen Tom Redl Labour Participation Janet M. Riopel Elaine Alt David M. Ross Deborah Foster Elaine Shannon Amanda Freistadt Keith Shillington, P.Eng. Brian Henderson Duncan Sinclair Brenda Lekochinsky Marianne Stewart Darlene Lewis Tyler Tollefson Laura Lowrie Peter Watson Jack McMorran Sheila Weatherill Garry Pucci Bill Werry Kevin Tamblyn Dr. Robert Westbury Jim Woodland Jadeene Wheaton Eric D. Young Q.C. Public Service Leon Zupan Katrina Bonnycastle Barbara Boulton Account Executive Team Laurel Bounds Angela Armstrong J. Diann Bowes Patricia Borger Carol Ching Bob Bowhay Patricia Colling Timothy Button Angela Croteau Dustin Caouette Shannon Davis Tony Chang Diane Diamond Aric Fleming James Doherty Colleen Guldbrand Robbyn Ducheminsky Cameron John Greg Findlay Melanie Johnson Jillian Flett Margaret Lair Randall Gagne Andrew Lutic Shane Gauthier Carmen MacKenzie Matthew Good Gordon Maron Colleen Highet Monique May Trudy Iwanyshyn Cameron McFadyen Donald Kwas Keith Meagher Christine Lazaruk Dale Mulek Garnet Lewis Bob Mulligan Richard Marks Dave Parker Sonya McAdam Leslie Petryshen Cameron McCormick

United Way Alberta Capital Region 21 Nikki McKenzie Leaders of the Way Team Megan McNeill Dianne Balon Alyssa Moritz Barry Callele Patricia Neale John Connolly Samuel Radke Corrine Fuhr-Hughes Sean Rathwell Jonathan MacKay Melissa Re Karen Mottershead Colin Robertson Scott Riddell Gillian Rutherford Mike Wieninger Dena Saam Jacquie Sabourin Leaders of the Way Speakers Brian Sawyer Dianne Balon Val Seidel John Connolly James Skitsko Ray Guidinger Catherine Waterton Lloyd Lewis Lisa Weber Jonathan MacKay Honourable A. Anne McLellan, P.C., O.C. Prospecting Team Paul Mennier Angela Armstrong Gord Mooney Shane Asbell Karen Mottershead Don Hornsberger Eric Newell Ken Knowles Liz O’Neill Robert Markowski Dr. Michael B. Percy Keith Meagher Scott Riddell Paul Mennier David Ross Keith Shillington Peter Watson Jeff Stephen Bill Werry Mark Wiesner Leon Zupan

Major Individual Gifts Team Discovery Speakers Dr. Jagdeep Singh Bachher Terra Ambassadors Brent Buchanan Deb Cautley Kathryn Chisholm Kim Chung Greg Christenson Elaine Comeau Randell Garvey Jean Cremer Douglas Goss, Q.C. Larry Derkach Brent Hesje Tamara Gaudet Terry Kilburn Edgar Jackson Honourable A. Anne McLellan, P.C., O,C. Dianne Jackson Fay Orr Nimera Kalmbach Duncan Sinclair Margarita Lara Douglas R. Stollery Kristina Lloyd Roger Swainson Donna Mackey Sheila Weatherill Ann Mah Dr. Robert Westbury Joshua Marshall Donald Wheaton Maureen MacFarlane Eric D. Young Q.C. Brian McPherson Leon Zupan Lincoln Nanaquawetung

22 Report to the Community 2011 Breanne Noel Alberta Justice & Attorney General/ Alberta Solicitor Ross Norton General & Public Security Gary Sampley Alberta Seniors & Community Supports Debbie Severinsen Alberta Tourism, Parks & Recreation Laura Slomp - Booy Alberta Treasury Board Pam Spurvey ATB Financial Kuen Tang Athletes in Action Jennifer Wilde Avalon Junior High School Judy Yawney Bantrel BMO Bank of Montreal InKind Exchange Volunteers Boardwalk Rental Communities Kevin Dong Bobcat of Edmonton J.P. Chiasson Canada Revenue Agency Abdu Gotme Capital Power Corporation Nicholle Pasechnik CGI Information Systems & Management Consultants Inc. Cam Reid CoSyn Technology, a division of WorleyParsons Des Williamson Direct Energy Dow Chemical Canada ULC. United Way Year Round Volunteers Dynalife DX Colleen Mahon EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Lara Wiebe Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Days of Caring Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign IBM Canada Ltd. A Day of Caring is an initiative that brings Imperial Oil volunteers, on loan from their regular Canada workplace for the day, together with ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. resources in a way that directly contributes to Jasper Place Interact Club the betterment of our community. Volunteers KPMG LLP may paint a fence, perform minor renovations, Krawford Construction Inc. or participate in other activities that benefit Ledcor Group of Companies member agencies. Lilydale Inc., A Sofina Foods Company Meeting Professionals International Days of Caring Participants NAIT ABSA the pressure equipment safety authority Native Counselling Services of Alberta Alberta Advanced Education & Technology PCL family of companies Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development Rotary Club of Parkland after Dark Alberta Corporate Human Resources Russell A. Farrow Ltd. Alberta Culture & Community Spirit Scotiabank Alberta Education Ltd. Alberta Energy Spartan Controls Ltd. Alberta Environment Stantec Alberta Exchanger Staples Business Depot Alberta Finance & Enterprise Suncor Energy Inc. Alberta Housing & Urban Affairs TD Bank Group Alberta Human Services TELUS Alberta Infrastructure TransAlta

United Way Alberta Capital Region 23 Edmonton Public Schools Fujitsu Consulting (Canada) Inc. Umicore Canada Inc. Hobart Food Equipment Group Canada United Way of the Alberta Capital Region Investors Group Financial Services Inc. (Edmonton University of Alberta Capital) Vector Marketing MacKay LLP Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. Marsh Canada Ltd. Welcome Centre Public Works & Government Services Canada Western Economic Diversification Service Canada Westlawn Junior High School Sherritt International Corporation Williams Engineering Canada Ltd The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company Workers’ Compensation Board The Economical Insurance Group WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd. University of Alberta Upside Software Inc. Engineering Days of Caring Participants Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. AECOM Weldco Companies AMEC Earth & Environmental APEGGA UDodge Participants Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd. ATB Financial Bantrel Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton C-FER Technologies and Area CoSyn Technology, a division of WorleyParsons Crystal Kids DIALOG Da Bom Squad EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Enterprise Rent-A-Car ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. Firma Foreign Exchange Magna IV Engineering Fort Saskatchewan Boys & Girls Club Morrison Hershfield Ltd. Imperial Oil & CEP Local 21A SNC-LAVALIN Inc. Northlands Stantec REACH Edmonton Williams Engineering Canada Ltd Stantec WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd. The Support Network

Community Impact Tour Participants ABSA the pressure equipment safety authority BDO Canada LLP BMO Bank of Montreal Brookfield Residential Canada Border Services Agency Canada Revenue Agency Century Vallen Christenson Developments Ltd. Cushman & Wakefield Delcon Development Group Ltd. Design Group Staffing Inc. Edmonton Economic Development Corporation Enmax Energy Federated Insurance Company of Canada Firma Foreign Exchange

24 Report to the Community 2011 Cintia Kezerle Loaned Program Sponsoring Companies

Representative Luwam Kiflemariam Program Canada Revenue Agency Krystyna Lloyd A company loans an employee to United Government of Alberta Way for a 15-week-period during our annual campaign. Not only does the employee David Martinson assist United Way in reaching the campaign CN goal, but also the employee returns to the workplace with enhanced skills that impact Ian McPherson the company in a positive way. Program Sponsoring Companies

Sultan Merchant Loaned Representatives Scotiabank Samuel Baron Program Sponsoring Companies Michelle Puckett ATCO Gas Nora Begoray Government of Alberta Mary Ryan Government of Alberta Iwona Borowka TD Bank Group Debbie Smith WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd. Mary Chomyn Government of Alberta Gail Smith Government of Alberta Zak Dennis CoSyn Technology, a division of WorleyParsons Erin Vande Brink Government of Alberta Kory Fedorak Imperial Oil & CEP Local 21A Tim Ward Government of Alberta Don Gordon Government of Alberta Laura Wynychuk Val Gorgichuk Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Government of Alberta Program Sponsoring Companies Andrew Graham Alberta Blue Cross Government of Alberta Agrium Government of Alberta Lorna Hallam KPMG LLP University of Alberta PCL family of companies RBC Royal Bank Sharon Howie PCL family of companies

United Way Alberta Capital Region 25 Workplace Ambassador of the Year Awards Private Sector Richard Gora, Metal Fabricators and Welding Ltd. of Distinction Employee Campaign Chair of the Year Awards of Distinction are presented to Public Sector organizations that generate outstanding Alyssa Moritz, Alberta Housing & Urban Affairs results in their workplace and corporate campaigns. Congratulations to this year’s Employee Campaign Chair of the Year winners and thank you for your generous Private Sector support. Matthew Fellows, Dow Chemical Canada ULC/Dow AgroSciences/MEGlobal Canada Outstanding Employee Support Mike Killick, PepsiCo Beverages Company (PepsiCo Provincial Employees’ United Way Campaign Canada ULC)

Outstanding Corporate & Employee Support Campaign Special Event of the Year $2,000,000+ PCL family of companies Halloween Carnival - Alberta Advanced Education and $1,000,000+ Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Technology

Outstanding Leaders of the Way Campaign Kathleen Huber Outstanding Discovery Speaker PCL family of companies Tamara Gaudet, CNIB

Outstanding Campaign Donation George Letki Outstanding Volunteer Under 50 Employees Leon Zupan, Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Metal Fabricators and Welding Ltd. Labour Awards Largest Employee Fund Gift Canadian Office & Professional Employees Union Local Edmonton Civic Employees’ Charitable Assistance Fund 458 International Union of Operating Engineers Local 955 Outstanding InKind Support International Association of Machinists & Aerospace TD Bank Group Workers Local 1722

Rising Star Conroy Ross Partners

Quantum Leap The CAT Rental Store

Education and Engagement Spartan Controls Ltd.

Outstanding Campaign Committee Enbridge Pipelines Inc.

Workplace Ambassador of the Year Public Sector Tony Fernandes, Service Alberta

26 Report to the Community 2011 $25,000 - $49,999 Corporations Acklands-Grainger Inc. AltaSteel/United Steel Workers Local 5220 Combined, more than 37,000 employee BMO Bank of Montreal and residential individual donors along with BURNCO Rock Products Ltd. over 400 corporate donors contributed to the United Way Campaign in 2011. We Chandos Construction Ltd. appreciate each and every gift and recognize Devon Canada Corporation how important individual generosity is to our Dianne & Irving Kipnes Foundation community. More than 3,500 Leaders of the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation Way provided over $7.9 million dollars. Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Intact Financial Corporation $500,000+ Lehigh Hanson Materials Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Lilydale Inc., A Sofina Foods Company PCL family of companies Nexen Inc. Canadian Oil & Gas Division PepsiCo Beverages Company (PepsiCo Canada ULC) $250,000 - $499,999 Servus Credit Union Ltd. WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd.

$10,000 - $24,999 $100,000 - $249,999 ABB Inc. Agrium AECOM ATB Financial AltaLink Capital Power Corporation AMEC Environment & Infrastructure EPCOR ATCO Gas (Canada) & The Cat Rental Store ATCO Midstream Imperial Oil & CEP Local 21A Bantrel Ledcor Group of Companies Bell Shell Canada Limited Bunge Canada Stollery Charitable Foundation Cessco Fabrication & Engineering Ltd. Suncor Inc. CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Inc. $50,000 - $99,999 Cougar Drilling Solutions Alberta Blue Cross Crane Carrier Canada CIBC CTV CN Delcon Development Group Ltd. Costco Wholesale Edmonton Valve & Fitting Inc. Don Wheaton Ltd. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Dow Chemical Canada ULC/Dow AgroSciences/ Firma Foreign Exchange MEGlobal Canada FortisAlberta Edmonton Journal RBC Foundation Fujitsu Consulting (Canada) Inc. Scotiabank Future Shop TD Bank Group Gibson Energy ULC. TELUS John Deere Foundation of Canada TransAlta Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse M.A.P Water & Sewer Services Ltd.

United Way Alberta Capital Region 27 Metal Fabricators and Welding Ltd. Maclab Enterprises Millar Western Forest Products Ltd. Magna IV Engineering National Oilwell Varco Marsulex Inc. Parlee McLaws LLP Barristers & Solicitors McCuaig Desrochers LLP Pembina Pipeline Corporation Melcor Developments Ltd. Provident Energy Ltd. Molson Coors Canada Spartan Controls Ltd. National Bank Financial Stantec North West Paving Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Raywalt Construction Co. Ltd The Tenaquip Foundation Ricoh Canada Ltd. Upside Software Inc. Saxon International Van Leeuwen Pipe & Tube Sherritt Coal WAM Development Group SNC-LAVALIN Inc. Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. Staples/Business Depot Weldco Companies Sysco Edmonton The Economical Insurance Group $5,000 - $9,999 TransCanada PipeLines Limited Acron Roofing Systems Inc. Umicore Canada Inc. AGS Group Inc. UPS Canada Alberta Envirofuels Inc. Wade Engineering Ltd. AMEC Williams Engineering Canada Ltd Argus Machine Co. Ltd. ZCL Composites Inc. Associated Engineering Anonymous ATCO Pipelines Best Buy Canada $1,000 - $4,999 Brinsmead Kennedy Architecture A B C Press (1979) Ltd. Building Products of Canada Corp. A.R.W. Truck Equipment Limited Cameron Development Corporation ABSA - The Pressure Equipment Safety Authority CenturyVallen Acrodex City Lumber AGRA Foundations Limited Clean Harbors Family of Companies Air Liquide Canada Corus Entertainment Alberta Truss D+H Alldritt Development Limited David Aplin Group Allstate Insurance Company of Canada Deloitte. Allstream Inc. Duncan & Craig LLP Alstom Canada Inc. Eagle Professionals Resources AltaGas Utilities Inc. Edmonton Kenworth Ltd. Aluma Systems Canada Ensign Energy Services Inc. Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. Evonik Degussa Canada Inc. ATCO I-Tek Field Law ATCO Ltd. Henry Singer Fashion Group Ltd. Bird Construction HSBC Bank Canada Brenntag Canada Inc. IBM Canada Ltd. Brytex Building Systems Inc. Kelson Group Bunge Canada Lakewood Chevrolet Bunge Canada Lee Valley Tools Canada Bread Company Limited

28 Report to the Community 2011 Canadian Pacific Railway Morrison Hershfield Limited Canadian Tire Associate Store - West Edmonton NAV CANADA Canexus Limited Northern Alberta Processing Co. Carlson Construction Ltd O’Hanlon Paving Ltd. and The Fath Group Centre-Core Realty Ltd Owens Corning Ceridian Canada Ltd. Park Paving Ltd. C-FER Technologies Peterson Walker LLP CH2M Hill Canada Limited Petrin Mechanical Ltd. Coca-Cola Refreshments Plainsman Manufacturing Inc. Comco Pipe & Supply Co. Praxair Canada Inc. Command Energy Services Procor Limited Rail Car Division ConocoPhillips Canada RGO Office Products Edmonton Ltd. Crosstown Motors (1982) Ltd. Rick LeMieux Realty Cushman & Wakefield Edmonton Rogers Communications Design Group Staffing Inc. Running Room DIALOG Schneider Electric EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Seleca Enterprises Corporation Ltd. Edmonton Airports Shores Jardine LLP Edmonton Economic Development Corporation Sinclair Supply Ltd. Edmonton Eskimo Alumni Association SIRVA Canada LP ESRI Canada Skilite Construction Ltd. Extendicare (Canada) Inc. Stefan Roland & Co. Ltd. Farm Credit Canada The Co-Operators Federated Insurance Company of Canada The Rain Man Irrigation & Plumbing Ltd. Fire Protection Thermex Metal Treating Ltd. Fluor Canada Ltd. Thurber Engineering Ltd. Fort Garry Industries Universe Machine Corporation Freeze Maxwell (A Division of Fremax Holdings Ltd) Volvo of Edmonton GE Canada Weight Watchers of Alberta Ltd. General Motors of Canada Limited Xerox Canada Ltd. Goodyear Canada Inc Zurich North America Canada Great West Newspapers LP 7 Anonymous Holt Renfrew & Co. Ltd. Horton CBI $1 - $999 IPEX Inc. ADP Canada ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. Alberta School Boards Association Ivanhoe Cambridge Alberta Senior Citizens Housing Association Keyera Energy Alex Bene Professional Corp. Kinder Morgan Canada Alphacom Consultants KPMG LLP Anexco Properties Ltd. Lafarge Canada Inc. Antex Western Maanaw Seva Association Aqua Air Systems Manulife Financial Armor Machine & Manufacturing Ltd. McBain Camera Ltd. ATCO Electric McKenna Agencies Ltd. ATCO Power Millennium Modular Homes Ltd B.G.E. Service & Supply Ltd. MMM Group Belfor (Canada) Inc.

United Way Alberta Capital Region 29 Better Hearing Centre Inc Leduc Meat Packers Ltd. BPTEC-DNW Engineering Ltd. Leon’s Furniture & Appliance Warehouse Brookfield Residential (Alberta) LP-Edmonton Lorman Education Services Business Development Bank of Canada Marsh Canada Limited Business Intelligence Forge Corp. McDougall United Church C. Campbell Dental Laboratory Ltd. Michael Field Inc C. Wylie Financial Ltd. Newwest Travel Ltd. Cahlo Industries Ltd. Nintendo of Canada Ltd. Caithness Realty Ltd. Northstar Financial Corp. Canada Lands Company Notables Stationers Inc. Canadian Direct Insurance Ondrack Cartons (1979) Ltd. Capital Estate Planning Corporation Optimax Benefits Castledowns Bingo Corporation Park Memorial Limited Certified Tool & Supply Park Realty & Investments Ltd. Citi Canada PennWest Exploration Coliseum Pizza & Steak Ltd. Penta Completions Supply & Services Ltd Consolidated Monitoring Ltd. PepsiCo Foods Canada CRS Brown Landscape Services Ltd. Pfizer Canada Inc. CSA International PIC Industrial Equipment Ltd. Cummins Inc. Pitney Bowes of Canada Davies & Company Ltd. Plaza Recreation Ltd. Dawson Motors Ltd. PPM 2000 Inc. Dynalife DX R. C. Purdy Chocolates Ltd. E. Mirth Professional Corp. Rand Investments Ltd. Edmonton Electro Plating Limited RBK Millwork Ltd. Edmonton Strathcona Federal NDP Reliable Parts Ltd. EIDOS Consultants Incorporated Rice Engineering & Operating Ltd. élan Data Makers Rig Service Tools Ltd. Environics Research Group Limited Robinson Dale Insurance Ltd. Eton-West Construction Inc. Savvia Inc. Feehan Law Office School Councils Association Focal Customer Development Inc. SGI Freedom Ford Sales Limited Skylark Construction Limited G. W. Hood Ltd. Sonoco Canada Corporation Gene’s Excavating & Bobcat Services Ltd. South Side Animal Hospital Global Heat Transfer Spectra Canada H. J. Heinz Company of Canada Ltd State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Harry Rosen Steels Industrial Products Ltd. Harvey McKinnon Associates The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company Humford Management Inc. The Empire Life Insurance Company Intergraph Canada Ltd. The Workun Garrick Partnership Architecture and Interior International Truck & Engine Corporation Canada Design Inc. Janssen-Ortho Inc. The Wusyk Financial Group Johnson & Johnson Medical Products Thermo King Western Inc. KBR Canada Ltd. Truck-All Depot Ltd. Kiter Enterprises Ltd. Unisource Canada Inc. Koester Insurance Services Valcon Partitions Ltd.

30 Report to the Community 2011 Wal-Mart CAW Canada Local 4050 Weir Canada Communications, Energy & Paperworkers Union of Western Refractory Services Ltd. Canada Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd. Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Local 445 Winner Garment Industries Ltd. Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Local 501A Youth Unlimited Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Local 530A 8 Anonymous Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Local 777 (Celanese Unit) Edmonton Community Foundation Funds Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Local 777 Barb Tarbox Legacy Fund (Procor Unit) Bicentennial Fund Edmonton & District Labour Council Crescent Hill Fund General Teamsters, Local Union No.362 Darlene & Doug McNally Family Fund Health Sciences Association of Alberta Doris Tanner Pimm Fund International Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees Dr. & Mrs. Herman & Elly de Jongh Local 210 Edmonton Community Foundation for Partners for Kids International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators & Eldon & Anne Foote Fund Allied Workers Local 110 George & Lillian McEwen Family Fund International Association of Machinists & Aerospace H. J. (Jock) Dawe Family Fund Workers Local 1722 Harold & Linda Banister Family Fund International Association of Machinists and Aerospace John Edward & Mary Ann Hockin & Family Fund Workers Local 99 Lillian A. Simonet United Way Fund International Union of Operating Engineers Local 955 Martin & Sarah Gouin Fund for Children UNITE HERE Local 47 Our Children’s Millenium Fund United Food & Commercial Workers Local 401 Randy Diamond & Dree Thomson-Diamond Fund United Steel Workers Local 1-207 Steven & Patty Glover Fund The Bacon Family Fund InKind Exchange Corporate 4 Anonymous Contributors Acklands-Grainger Inc. Unions Acrodex Alberta Federation of Labour Alberta Blue Cross Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Bennett Jones Alberta Workers’ Health Centre Beverage Container Management Board Canadian Auto Workers - Local 250 Blessing Marketing Ltd. Canadian Auto Workers - Local 350 Canadian Western Bank Canadian Labour Congress Capital Power Corporation Canadian Office & Professional Employees - Local 491 Chenomx Inc. Canadian Office & Professional Employees - Local 458 Edmonton Economic Development Corporation Canadian Union of Postal Workers Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 1368 EPCOR Utilities Inc Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 182 Gibson Energy ULC. Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 2111 HSBC Bank Canada Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 30 Incite Solutions Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3550 Kunitz Shoes Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 474 KWB LLP Canadian Union of Public Employees Regional Office London Drugs CAW Canada ONPA Architects

United Way Alberta Capital Region 31 PCL family of companies Edmonton Sun Qualico Developments Ltd. Mac’s Convenience Stores Redengine Inc Page The Cleaner Servus Credit Union Ltd. The Running Room Shaw Conference Centre West 49 Sierra Systems Group Inc. TD Bank Group Tools for School Trader Corporation ABC Press (1979) Ltd. Urban Outfitters Butler Family Foundation ZCL Composites Inc. Citytv Edmonton Eskimo Alumni InKind Exchange Edmonton Eskimo Football Club Individual Contributors Edmonton Examiner Alvin Goldsman Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation Chris Stark Edmonton Sun Dale Unruh First Student Canada Dave Lucy Newcap Radio: 790CFCW, 96.3 Capital FM, K97 David Krauss Shippers Supply Ralph Hechter Staples Canada Inc. Laurie Dersch Mike Slobodan Graeme T. G. Young Employee Groups

Event Sponsorship and Support $1,000,000 + Axe Productions PCL family of companies Christy Dean Photography Provincial Employees’ United Way Campaign Edmonton Journal Fantasyland Hotel $500,000 - $999,999 LEP Group Enbridge Pipelines Inc. McCallum Printing Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign Northlands University of Alberta

WE Magazine Sponsorship $250,000 - $499,999 City of Edmonton Community Services Edmonton Civic Employees’ Charitable Assistance Fund Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 569 EPCOR Alberta Health Services Community Care & Public Health, Association of Management Care Kits and Non-Union Affiliates Parlee McLaws LLP Alberta Health Services, United Nurses of Alberta, Local 196 Coats for Kids C.E.M.A City of Edmonton Management Association and Families Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union, Citytv Local 829 Corus Radio: 630 Ched, CISN Country, inews 880 CUPE, Local 30 (Edmonton Civic Employees) Edmonton Eskimo Football Club Edmonton Fire Fighters Union Edmonton Examiner Edmonton Police Senior Officers Association Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1007

32 Report to the Community 2011 Imperial Oil & CEP Local 21A EBA Staff, Family and Friends WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd. Edmonton Journal Edmonton Public School Board $100,000 - $249,999 Edmonton Public Teachers’ Local #37 Charity Trust Fund Agrium Ernst & Young LLP Alberta Health Services Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP Alberta Justice & Attorney General/Alberta Solicitor Future Shop General & Public Security NAIT ATB Financial Northlands BMO Bank of Montreal ScotiaMcLeod Canada Revenue Agency Service Alberta Capital Power Corporation Service Canada CN Alberta United Way Campaign TransAlta Costco Wholesale United Way of the Alberta Capital Region Deloitte. Western Economic Diversification Department of National Defence Don Wheaton Ltd. $25,000 - $49,999 Dow Chemical Canada ULC/Dow AgroSciences/ AANDC Alberta Region Employee Campaign MEGlobal Canada Acklands-Grainger Inc. EPCOR AECOM Finning (Canada) Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development Ledcor Group of Companies Alberta Children and Youth Services RBC Foundation Alberta Corporate Human Resources Scotiabank Alberta Culture and Community Spirit Servus Credit Union Ltd. Alberta Education Shell Scotford Alberta Finance and Enterprise Spartan Controls Ltd. Alberta Municipal Affairs Stantec Alberta Seniors and Community Supports Staples Edmonton Area Stores Alberta Transportation Suncor Inc. AltaGas Utilities Inc. & CEPU Local 1947 TD Bank Group Associated Engineering Athabasca University $50,000 - $99,999 Bantrel Alberta Advanced Education and Technology Best Buy Canada Alberta Blue Cross Brownlee LLP Alberta Employment and Immigration BURNCO Rock Products Ltd. Alberta Energy CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Alberta Environment Inc. Alberta Health and Wellness Chandos Construction Ltd. Alberta Infrastructure City of St. Albert Staff Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMco) Devon Canada Coporation (Swan Hills) Alberta Motor Association DIALOG Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Edmonton Economic Development Corporation AMEC Environment & Infrastructure Enterprise Rent-A-Car Auditor General of Alberta Environment Canada Canadian Western Bank Federal Government Retirees CIBC Field Law

United Way Alberta Capital Region 33 Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd. Bissell Centre FortisAlberta Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton Fujitsu Consulting (Canada) Inc. & Area Society Grant MacEwan University Bunge Canada Wainwright Health Canada Canada Post Corporation IBM Canada Ltd. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Intact Financial Corporation Canadian Food Inspection Agency ISL Employees Case Processing Centre Vegreville Justice Canada CenturyVallen KPMG LLP Cessco Fabrication & Engineering Ltd. Lilydale Inc., A Sofina Foods Company C-FER Technologies London Drugs Ltd. Chivers Carpenter Lawyers McLennan Ross LLP Barristers & Solicitors Christenson Developments Ltd. National Oilwell Varco Conroy Ross Partners Ogilvie LLP Corus Entertainment Park Paving Ltd. Cougar Drilling Solutions PepsiCo Beverages Company (PepsiCo Canada ULC) Crane Carrier Canada PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation Sherritt International Employee Campaign Crystal Glass Canada Ltd. Syncrude Canada Research Centre Employees CSG International TELUS Employee Charitable Giving CTV Edmonton The Edmonton Sun/Examiner David Aplin Group UPS Canada Delcon Development Group Ltd. Witten LLP Edmonton John Howard Society 2 Anonymous Ensign Energy Services Inc. Evonik Degussa Canada Inc., Gibbons Site - Hydrogen $10,000 - $24,999 Peroxide ABB Inc. Ford Credit Canada Limited Alberta Aboriginal Relations Fountain Tire Alberta Envirofuels Inc. GE Canada Alberta Executive Council/Public Affairs Bureau General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada Alberta Housing & Urban Affairs Gibson Energy ULC. Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures (Edmonton) Global Edmonton a part of Shaw Alberta International and Intergovernmental Relations Henry Singer Fashion Group Ltd. Alberta Legislative Assembly Holt Renfrew & Co. Ltd. Alberta Medical Association Horton CBI Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation HSBC Bank Canada Alberta Treasury Board Magna IV Engineering AltaLink Melcor Developments Ltd. AMEC Americas Ltd. Metal Fabricators and Welding Ltd. APEGA Millar Western Forest Products Ltd. ATCO Gas EPIC Campaign Miller Thomson LLP ATCO Midstream Morrison Hershfield Limited Aviva Insurance Company of Canada National Bank Financial BDO Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service Bell NAV CANADA Bennett Jones O.E.M. Remanufacturing Company

34 Report to the Community 2011 O’Hanlon Paving Ltd. and The Fath Group Business Development Bank of Canada Parlee McLaws LLP Barristers & Solicitors Cameron Development Corporation Pembina Pipeline Corporation Canada Brokerlink Provident Energy Ltd. Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation PSAA - Bids for Kids Public Schools Admin. Assoc. Canadian Direct Insurance Public Safety Canada Canadian Mental Health Association-Edmonton Region RGO Office Products Edmonton Ltd. Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta) Richardson GMP Carlson Construction Ltd Ricoh Canada Ltd. Ceridian Canada Ltd. Royal Canadian Mounted Police CH2M Hill Canada Limited Sherritt Coal Chartered Accountants of Alberta SNC-LAVALIN Inc. Chemtrade West Limited Partnership Sysco Edmonton Citi Canada TELUS World of Science - Edmonton Citizenship & Immigration Canada - Edmonton The Alberta Teachers’ Association City of Fort Saskatchewan The CAT Rental Store Citytv The Family Centre CNIB The King’s University College Coca-Cola Refreshments Thurber Engineering Ltd. D+H Employees TransCanada PipeLines Limited Davis LLP Transport Canada Delaware North Sportservice Upside Software Inc. Design Group Staffing Inc. Van Leeuwen Pipe & Tube Duncan & Craig LLP Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. Edmonton Gleaners Association - Edmonton’s Food Bank Weldco Companies Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers Westgate Chevrolet Ltd. - “The Chevy Farm” Emery Jamieson LLP Xerox Canada Ltd. Employees of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce YMCA of Edmonton Federated Insurance Company of Canada Youth Emergency Shelter Society Flint Energy Services Ltd. 1 Anonymous Grant Thornton LLP Great-West Life and London Life $5,000 - $9,999 GWP Wealth Management Inc. ABSA the pressure equipment safety authority Hewlett Packard (Canada) Co. Accenture IBI Group Acuren Group Inc. Industry Canada Employees Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Lehigh Hanson Canada Region Alberta Geological Survey Maclab Enterprises Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund Board McBain Camera Ltd. Alberta Utilities Commission Molson Coors Canada AltaSteel/United Steel Workers Local 5220 National Research Council of Canada - Institute for Aon Consulting Inc. Nanotechnology ATCO Pipelines Employees Participating in Communities Natural Resources Canada, CanmetENERGY, Devon (EPIC) Norwood Child & Family Resource Centre Avison Young Real Estate Alberta Inc. Operation Friendship Seniors Society Beaver Plastics Ltd. Owens Corning BP Canada Energy Procor Limited Rail Car Division Building Products of Canada Corp. Public Health Agency of Canada - Alberta/NWT Region

United Way Alberta Capital Region 35 Public Prosecution Service of Canada, Alberta Region Canadian Pacific Railway (Edmonton) Canadian Tire Associate Store - West End Schlumberger Canada Limited, DBR Technology Center Canexus Limited Sierra Systems Group Inc. Centre for Family Literacy Society of Alberta Strathcona County Changing Together: Centre for Immigrant Women Sulzer Metco (Canada) Inc. Chubb Edwards Terra Centre For Teen Parents City of Leduc The DATA Group of Companies Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc. The Economical Insurance Group Connect Society The Employees of Command Energy Services and Courts Administration Service-Edmonton Accurate Oilfield Supply Ltd. Cushman & Wakefield Edmonton Umicore Canada Inc. Defence Construction Canada Woods & Company Drader Manufacturing Industries Ltd. YWCA Edmonton Eagle Professionals Resources 2 Anonymous Eaton Electrical Sector Edmonton & Area Parole Officers $1,000 - $4,999 Edmonton Airports ABC Press (1979) Ltd. Edmonton Social Planning Council Access Pipeline Inc. Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton Ackroyd LLP EMC Corporation of Canada Acrodex team Employee Campaign AGRA Foundations Limited ESRI Canada Air Liquide Canada Extendicare (Canada) Inc. Alberta Glass Company Fairmont Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures (Vegreville) Farm Credit Canada Alberta Ombudsman Firma Foreign Exchange Allstate Insurance Company of Canada Fluor Canada Ltd. Allstream Gateway Association ALS Laboratory Group-Edmonton General Motors of Canada Limited Alstom Canada Inc. Goodyear Canada Inc Amex Canada Inc, Business Travel - Edmonton Gordon Zwaenepoel Aramark H. J. Heinz Company of Canada Ltd Argus Machine Co. Ltd. Harvard Property Management Inc. Ashley Furniture Homestore Hub International Astral Media Radio - Edmonton Intergraph Canada Ltd. Edmonton ATCO EPIC (I-Tek) IPEX Inc. ATCO Ltd. IS2 Staffing Services Inc. Bank of America Canada Janssen-Ortho Inc. Bishop & McKenzie Jewish Family Services Brookfield Residential (Alberta) LP-Edmonton KARA Family Resource Centre Bunge Canada Edmonton Keyera Energy Bunge Canada Fort Saskatchewan Kinder Morgan Canada C. J. Campbell Insurance (Edmonton) Ltd. Koch Ford Lincoln Sales 2003 Ltd Canada Border Services Agency Kraft Foods Canada Bread Company Limited Lafarge Canada Inc. Canada School of Public Service Lakewood Chevrolet Canadian Heritage - Edmonton Leger Marketing Alberta

36 Report to the Community 2011 M D Management Limited Zurich North America Canada MacKay LLP 8 Anonymous Manulife Financial Marsh Canada Limited $1 - $999 MMM Group Abbott Laboratories Limited Natural Resources Canada - Surveyor General Branch Access Insurance Group North West Paving Ltd. Active Care Chiropractic Northern Alberta Processing Co. Adecco Employment Services Office of the Auditor General of Canada ADP Canada Office of the Chief Electoral Office Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner Alberta Traffic Supply Ltd ONPA architects Allen & Associates Chartered Accountants OPTIONS Sexual Health Association ARI Financial Services Inc. P.A.L.S. - Project Adult Literacy Society Astra Pharma Inc. Parole Board of Canada Edmonton Officer ATCO Electric Passport Canada ATCO Power Employees Pattison Outdoor Advertising B.G.E. Service & Supply Ltd. Payless Shoesource Canada LP Birdsell Grant LLP PepsiCo Foods Canada Blackjacks Roadhouse Peterson Walker LLP Canada Lands Company Pfizer Canada Inc. Canadian Accreditation Council of Human Services Public Service Commission of Canada Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Rig Service Tools Ltd. Canadian Tire Royal Lepage Noralta Real Estate Inc. Cargill RR Donnelley Christie Communications Schneider Electric City of Edmonton Special Events Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE) Cleankeys Inc. Sequeira Partners Combined Insurance Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton (SACE) Comco Pipe & Supply Co. Simplex Grinnell Concordia University College of Alberta Sinclair Supply Ltd. ConocoPhillips Canada SIRVA Canada LP Convergys Customer Management Canada Inc. Sobeys West Corix Waterworks Spark - The Branding Shop Creating Hope Society of Alberta Spicers Canada Limited CSA International St. Albert Gazette Cummins Inc. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Decima Research Statistics Canada Double D’s Lounge and Grill Dundee Realty Corporation The Canadian Red Cross Society Dupont Canada The Support Network Ecco Heating Products Ltd. Travelers Canada Edmonton Epilepsy Association Unisource Canada Inc. Eli Lilly Canada Inc. Veterans Affairs Canada Enform Volvo of Edmonton Entero Corporation Williams Engineering Canada Ltd Export Development Canada ZCL Composites Inc. Foreign Affairs & International Trade Canada

United Way Alberta Capital Region 37 Freedom Ford Sales Limited Steels Industrial Products Ltd. GlaxoSmithKline Strathcona Shelter Society Ltd. “A Safe Place” Goodwill Industries of Alberta The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company Harry Rosen The Elk Island Public Schools Regional Division No. 14 Hawkings Epp Dumont LLP The Empire Life Insurance Company Hobart Food Equipment Group Canada Top-Co LP Insurance Bureau of Canada Total E & P Canada ITW Insulation Systems Canada Town Shoes Limited Johnson & Johnson Medical Products Transportation Safety Board of Canada KBR Canada Ltd. UAP Inc. LEP Group United Way of Central Indiana, Inc. Lexmark Canada Inc. VF Imagewear Canada Inc Londonerry Mall Victorian Order of Nurses Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse Wal-Mart McCuaig Desrochers LLP Waterloo Mercury Sales (1981) Ltd. Mead Johnson Nutrition (Canada) Co. Weir Bowen MNP Whirlpool Canada Mobile Giving Foundation Canada 4 Anonymous Moen Inc. National Leasing Nexen Inc. Canadian Oil & Gas Division Leaders of the Way Nintendo of Canada Ltd. NorQuest College BENEFACTORS $100,000 + Office of the Ethics Commissioner C. J. Woods, FCA OnX Enterprise Solutions Ltd. Larry & Claudette Haggar Oxygen (GCWCC) PennWest Exploration GUARDIANS $50,000 - $99,999 Pitney Bowes Eldon & Anne Foote Fund of the Edmonton Community Pleasantview Physiotherapy Ltd. Foundation Procter & Gamble Inc. Tom & Bernie Lassu Procurity Pharmacy Services 1 Anonymous Purolator Courier Ltd. Raymond James Ltd. LEADERS’ COUNCIL $25,000 - $49,999 Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. Bob & Sheryl Bowhay Reliable Parts Ltd. Brent & Sheila Buchanan RioCan REIT/RioCan Property Services Paul & Cathy Douglas Royal LePage (Gateway Realty Inc.) Martin & Sarah Gouin Fund of the Edmonton Community Savvia Inc. Foundation Scott Builders Inc Kathy & Ross Grieve Sleep Country Canada Ken & Linda Johnson Source Medical Corporation Dianne & Irving Kipnes Foundation St. Albert Community Information and Volunteer Centre Barbara Leah St. Albert Family Resource Centre Bob & Maryanne MacLean Staff of the Edmonton Real Estate Board Cooperative Stan & Lorraine Milner Listing Bureau Ltd. Gordon & Jill Rawlinson Stahl Peterbilt Rob & Beth Reynolds Status of Women Canada Duncan L. Sinclair

38 Report to the Community 2011 The Wheaton Family Dr. John McIvor & Dr. Doris Kent Dr. Curtis Woods The Honourable A. Anne McLellan, P.C.,O.C. Leon & Vonnie Zupan R. Graham McLennan 2 Anonymous Alex & Anne McPherson Neil & Susan Melcher SUSTAINERS $10,000 - $24,999 Kevin & Jennifer Melnyk Daryl & Cathy Allen Art & Mary Meyer David & Grace Aplin Paul Miller & Family Irene & Fred Apon Jim & Linda Mitchell Jagdeep Singh Bachher, Jaspreet Kaur& Meher Kaur Hal & Marion Neldner Bachher Eric & Kathy Newell R. C. (Reg) Basken Suzanne & Terry Nickerson Hugh J. Bolton Fay Orr BURNCO Family Foundation Gordon & Monica Panas Kathryn Chisholm George E. Patton Greg Christenson Don & Rosemary Paulencu Douglas A. Cox Bryan & Susan Peacock Rick Cruickshank & Leslie Regelous Fred Pheasey Leo de Bever Janice & Bruce Rennie Kelly & Kathy Detheridge David D. Salloum Roger & Joan Dootson Bruce A. Saville Grant Dunlop & Erika Norheim Janet & Peter Stalenhoef Peter & Charlotte Edgar D.E. Stollery Prof. Corp. Dave Filipchuk & Delphine Brooker Douglas R. Stollery H. R. Gillespie Tom & Sandi Sutherland Bob & Diane Gomes Roger & Mary Swainson Gumbo Jim R. D. (Bob) Swift Cynthia Hansen & Joe Concini Robert Teskey David B. & Lena Harper Sue & Gary Trigg Brent & Deborah Hesje Max & Marjorie Ward Family The Hokanson Family Charitable Foundation Daniel Watson Harry & Muriel Hole Carrie & Jeff Watt Rob Holmberg Ron & Sheila Weatherill David G. Howatt & Anne M. Lambert Eric Wong Kathryn & Bill Howden Debra & Tom Wooding Jason & Tanya Idler Rob & Cara Yager Geri & Bill Jarvis Eric Young Drs. Royce & Mary Ann Johnson 7 Anonymous Ian & Giovanna Johnston Nancy & John Karvellas PATRONS $5,000 - $9,999 Kent & Jennifer Kaufield Robert Abells & Elizabeth Regan Barry Klein Kenneth Allers Brian & Mary Knight Ellen & Carl Amrhein Steven & Day LePoole Rick & Rose Anderson Dr. Andrew Liu George & Gay Andrews The Lord & The Cowboy Donna K. Axani Gordon Maron & June Helmle James R. Bain & Megan M. Hodge

United Way Alberta Capital Region 39 Barbara Ballermann Keray Henke Harold & Linda Banister John Edward & Mary Jane Hockin & Family Fund of the Brian J. Banks Edmonton Community Foundation Carole & John Belamisca Steve & Cathy Hogle Jean Bell Brent & Terrie Holdner David & Jan Bentley Doug & Dorothy Hollands Gail & Mark Blanchard J. Gary Ibbotson Richard & Tina Bourne Glen Kayne (in memory of Neil Crawley) James & Sandra Boyes Keglowitsch Family Bert & Edna Braiden Gordon & Tiffany Keiller Barrie Bridgeman & Family Maie & Jacob Kellerman Jack Brown M.D. Graham & Anne Knight Neil C. Brown George & Nora Knowles Butler Family Foundation Brian & Brenda Knysh Michael Carroll Alan & Michelle Kuysters Jack & Margaret Charlesworth Foundation Rod Kyle Travis & Tina Chorney Bruce Laverty Donna Clare & James Talbot L.J. Lemay Stephen Craik Drs. Bernard Lemire & Catherine McPhalen The Crawfords Oryssia & Malcolm Lennie Jerry Danielson Andrew T. Leung Glen & Kristie Demke Stephen J. Luck Tracey Derwing Hilliard MacBeth William J. Dickout Professional Corp. John MacDiarmid & Cheryl McWatters Brian & Marie Dompé Darren & Irene MacLean Denis & Brenda Dubord John & Alayne MacManus Jeff Duncan John & Peggy Maher Dr. Roger G. Eamer Nicole & Larry Mallet William Elliott David & Pam Margolus Gordon & Lorraine English Hadi & Hiba Masri Earl & Llana Fair Ursula Matthews Lisa Fairweather James & Gail Mazurenko Dave & Colleen Fath Doug McConnell & Claire Desrochers The Fournier Family Ian & Korey McDonald Allan Gatenby & Janet Craig Don & Maggie McFarlane Gordon Gent Roderick A. McLennan Brian & Cindy Gerdes Jan & Jim McMillan Shirley Gifford Averie & Carman McNary Don & Elaine Gordon Todd Michaud Douglas Goss, Q.C. H. MacKenzie Millar Tim & Sharon Grant James B. & Judith I. Millar Peter & Linda Greene Jay & Lesley Milner Diana & James Greer John & Maggie Mitchell Gail Haché & Guy A. Smith C.R.S. & Jean Montgomery Stewart & Julie Hamilton Jim & Jane Montgomery Ann Marie Heffernan Corey & Carlyn Morse Isabel Henderson Dave Mowat

40 Report to the Community 2011 David Mundy Walter & Germaine Walchuk John & Diana Musgreave Cheryl Walker & Owen Salava Laurie & Perry Nishiyama Dr. Lorne Warneke Sherry Noyes J. Angus Watt Leland & Lori Oberst Darrell & Terry Wenger Richard Oldford Mike & Jennifer Wieninger John & Bonnie Oldring Gerald M. Wiens Esther Ondrack Mike & Cheryl Williams Barb & Jim Oosterbaan Dave Wilson & Wendy Kotow Mike & Anna Opdendries Robert & Danica Wolkow Wayne & Irene Pettapiece Al & Darlene Wong Dale & Leslie Posein Graeme & Ann Young Geoff Rackette & Grace Hill-Rackette Ralph & Gay Young Family Capital Fund Tom Redl Connie Yuen Ian & Susan Reid Wade Zwicker Kathleen Rich 18 Anonymous Alain Rondeau William & Kathryn Ross BUILDERS $2,500 - $4,999 Karen & Fred Russell Chris & Marlene Aasen Merwan Saher Tom Abel Karen & Gerry Salm Aradhna & Mathews Abraham Penny Salmon & Alan Catalano Mary & Steve Adams Karen & Richard Savage Robin Adkins Schadan Family Hon. John & Ruth Agrios Tara Scheurwater Connie & Scott Alexander C. Shepherd Dave & Bonita Amirault James Silvers & Melanie Johnson Susan Ancel Hilda & Mike Simpson Arthur R. Anderson Ken & Christine Sklar Glen Anderson & Family George & Anne Smith Rhonda Anderson & Mark Hemmes Gordon & Debora Smith Al & Bonita Argue Vince & Barbara Smith Margaret-Ann Armour Diane & Doug Sollows Jim Armstrong B. L. Sparrow Linda & Bob Ascah Paige K. Stahl D. H. Ashcroft P.C. Trevor & Lana Stromberg Bill & Dorothy Astle Kaare Svidal & Cindy Polivchuk Jacqueline Astle Joe & Nancy Thompson Family Fund Wayne Atamanchuk Kelly & Whitney Tkachuk DJ & EM Atkinson Dan & Corinne Toronchuk Kelly & Rene Attwell Ron & Dorothy Triffo Edmund A. Aunger Gary & Denise Truhn Roger Babichuk Drs. Joan & Robert Turner Jocelyn Babin Uitvlugt Family E. C. Baker Grant Underschultz Dr. S. (Bala) Balakrishnan Brian & Dawn Vaasjo Tracey C. Ball Audrey & Tom Wakeling Elisabeth Ballermann

United Way Alberta Capital Region 41 Dianne Balon Reg S. Daniels Mark Bamford Mike Danilowich Barry Baptie Maria David-Evans Sian & Todd Barraclough Marcella & David deJong Jim Barry Tricia Dekort Daryl & Rosalie Bartz Douglas Der Roy Bedford Denis & Colleen Desmarais Nadine Bell Margaret Dewhurst Brendan Berg Garry Dlouhy Keith & Joyce Berriman Jill C. Doiron Annette Berry Joseph & Karen Doucet Ed & Sheila Bertram Kevin & Dee Dowhaniuk John & Barbara Blackstock Ian & Lynne Duncan Jim Boddez Wendy & Randy Dupree F. Loughlin Boros Wendy & David Edey Pierre Boulanger Charlie & Patricia Eigl Jamie & Candace Boyd Stuart Elliot Yvonne & Brian Boyd Ken Eng Ross & Helen Brassington Enslen Family Grace & Russell Bridgeman Aaron Erickson Derek & Ruth Brodersen Dennis & Doreen Erker James Brown Len & Jackie Evenson Ron & Phyllis Bryant W. Grant Fairley Al Burant David Falkner Chuck Burnett Michael Farris Laurier Bussiere David & Joan Fawcett Kirk S. Byrtus Robert Fedosejevs Chris Calef Donna & Heinz Feldberg Rob & Paige Campbell Kevin & Cynthia Feth John & Margo Carpenter Lois A. Field Sarah Carter Sandy Fitch Ken Casey Scott Fleischhacker Deb Cautley Douglas & Sylvia Flood Glen & Cindy Christensen Linda Foss Lance & Nancy Clark Robert & Debra Foss Pat & Rita Clark Sandra Foy & Rick Leaker Carl & Marianne Clayton Bernard Freiheit Marilyn Coates Corinne Fuhr-Hughes Geni & Mitch Colwell John Fulcher John Connolly John Fyvie Mike Corbett Troy Galvin Trudy Cormier Martin Garber-Conrad Douglas F. Cox Terry Gee Drs. Betty & Peter Crown Jaima, Jacqueline & Sheldon Geller David V. Cummings Mike & Erin Genereux Jim & Denise Dahl John & Ivonne Gerez Peter Daly Cheryl Gibson & Ralph Brokop

42 Report to the Community 2011 Dwayne & June Gibson Rod Karius Fred & Eilene Gibson Randy & Anne Karren Ron Gilbertson Tom Keating Beverly Gingras Ken & Colleen Keenleyside E. A. Giraldeau Tim & Carolyn Kelley Steven & Patty Glover Family Fund of the Edmonton Howard & Lori Kerr Community Foundation Ronald Klein Tom & Patricia Gooding Gordon Knight The Gormley Family Bernie Kollman Davis & Colleen Graham Martin Kopchia Douglas Grant Harvey Krahn Dr. Paul & Winifred Greenwood Suzanne Kresta Glenn G. Griener Gary Kriviak Dr. Karen Grimsrud Ronald Kruhlak Doug & Sondi Gross Elizabeth Krywolt Lori Grykuliak & Raul Valderrama Drs. Brian & Elena Kucey Stéphane & Mellissa Haché Richard & Lesley Kuna Ross Haffie Blaine Labonte Darcy P. Hale Janet L. Laibida Peter Hamilton Paul Lange & Judy Chepeha William Hamre Cam & Carol Langevin Cheryl Hansen Kenneth Larlee Wayne Hansen Loree Larratt Karin Harasym Jean LeBlanc Dave & Cathy Harbinson Len & Nicole LeBlanc Linda Hardy Byung Soon Lee J.J.K.L. Harris Pauline Lee Doug & Danielle Hay Dan & Brenda Lefaivre M. Henderson Stephen Livingstone Paul & Irene Henderson Maureen & Myron Liviniuk Toby Hendrie & Joan Hearn Rachelle Lukasewich Rick Hermann Anita Lunden Glen & Judy Heximer David & Joan Lynch Laura & Lonnie Hicks Diane Lyon & Yuri Drohomirecki Paul & Julie Hobern Bill & Jaime MacDonald Robert & Norma Hogg Maureen & Alexander MacInnis Ron & Peggy Horjus Wendy L. MacKay Blair S. D. Horn John Macklin Darin W. Hucul David K. Mah Dave Hudson & Bonnie Lovelace Wayne & Lillian Mah William & Isobel Hurlburt Robert & Lana Marik Judy Hurst & Barry Sjolie Robert & Carrie Markowski Ruben Jeffery Gary Martens Edward Stidworthy Johnson Dr. John S. Martin Dr. D.W.C. Johnston & Mary C. Ritchie Jolaine & Richard Martin Brad Jones Nettie Marvin David Kahane Peter Maser

United Way Alberta Capital Region 43 Jack & Lorraine McBain Peter & Sieka Pardee Betty Ann & William A. McBlain Ralph & Aleda Patterson Family Dorothy McCallister Marilea & Phil Pattison-Perry Dr. Norman A. McDonald Diane & Garry Paulson John & Irene McDougall J. Pedersen Wayne McFarlane Douglas & Paulette Penner Ramon & Beth McKall Randy & Barb Penney Marlene & Ian McKay Jackie Pennock Family Foundation Jim & Laurel McKillop Dr. Michael B. Percy Morag McLean Aaron & Judy Perdue Michael McNeil Michele Perret Michael & Rosana McRae Nigel & Janice Peters Ingrid & Mark McTavish Doug & Cathy Pettapiece Tim Melton Natalie & Barry Pfau Rich & Cheryl Miller Bruce Picton Jon & Debbie Mitchell Judy Piercey Carol & Jim Moen Karen Platten Bruce Moffatt Larry & Joanne Pollock Grant R. Mombourquette Scott & Christine Pratt Lee Monthei Steve Price Gord & Barb Mooney Brian Pritchard Candie & Roger Moore Tony & Corey Prsa Robert Moore John & Kathy Prusakowski Doug & Helen Morrice Marilyn Purdon Jack Morris Mark & Wendy Purdon Robert R. Morrison Brian & Debbie Ranger Rocky & Lorraine Morrow Randy & Donna Rawson Marilyn Mucha Darin & Barb Rayburn Sharon & Dale Mulek Henry Renz David Murphy Marvin Reschke Leonie Nadeau & Peter Blenis Peggy Roberts Tina Naqvi-Rota John Robinson Lyle & Sandra Neis Rod Rode Anthony Norrad & Hali Wells-Norrad Ed Rodenburg John & Bernadette Norris Doug & Terri Ross Patrick Nugent Neil Ross Tony Nutting Andrew Rosser Dan O’Brien Sean Rourke & Christine Ash Ron & Lynn Odynski Kent & Gail Rowan Brendan O’Flynn Cormac & Lesley Ryan Janice, Molly, Max & Phil O’Hara Rick & Elaine Rymek Marc & Christine Oleksiw Margaret Sagle Derrick & Kim Olesen Gordon Salembier David Onderwater Bud Salloum Christeen Overman Dr. Indira V. Samarasekera Steve & Janice Owens Allan Samm Mike Pankiw & Linda Grisley Sterling & Donna Sanderman

44 Report to the Community 2011 Karla & Robert Satchwell Gord & Marion VanGaalen Franco & Barbara Savoia David & Sheri Van Hooren Marinus & Sandra Scheffer Richard & Jennifer Verbeek John & Martha Schiel Elizabeth Vetsch Doug & Lesley Schindel Michael & Elsbeth von der Burg Toby Schneider & Wendy Ilott Timon Voyatzis & Dr. Colleen Johnston Bruce A. Scott Rod Wacowich Anthony Scozzafava Annemarie Wahl Brent Sharpe & Dawn Zohar-Sharpe Stephen Waite Wayne Sheridan Kimberley Wakefield Keith & Anne Shillington Kelly & Tracy Wallace Peter, Becki, Riley & Kole Sinclair Evelyn & Peter Watson Jim Sisson John Webster Craig & Connie Sneddon Don & Fran Weekes Sheila & Mitch Soetaert Betty Lou Weir Dan Sorochan Drs. Marilyn & Robert Westbury Colin L. Soskolne Richard Wetmore Geoff Spencer Kelly J. White Kirk Spencer Ronda White Ed & Marian Sperling Dr. E. J. Wiebe Mike & Claire Staines Daune & Dennis Wiens Bradley D. Steele M.E. Wildgoose Patrick & Joanne Steffes Bill & Beth Williams Gail & Bernhard Stepanik-Keber Dr. Douglas & Jane Wilson Alex Stephens Robert A. Wilson Gordon & Frances Stephenson Mark & Brenda Wiltzen Jim Stewart Mark Woltersdorf Laurel Strain Gane Wong Kevin & Debra Strate Steve & Susan Woodbeck Brian & Heather Summers Dan & Carolyn Woodruff Karen & Kevin Sundquist In Memory of Gerry Youell Rob Swart Michael Young D. Tapper Doug Younie Neil & Merle Taylor Joe & Paula Yurkovich Awet Tekie Barry Zalmanowitz & June Ross Tracy & Leanne Telford Ted Zandbeek Jay & Effie Thiessen Lil & Rick Zasada Justice Denny & Donna Thomas Tom & Wanda Zimmerman Doug & Terry Thomas Brian Zrobek & Pamela Chung Simon Thomas 49 Anonymous Jim Thompson Matthew Thompson & Maggie Slowinski Pacesetters $1,750 - $2,499 Tom Thurston Ross Abdurahman Michael Tkachuk Roger Adams Robert Joseph Turner Jeannie & Jack Agrios William A. & Eleanor Tymchuk James Aitken Gordon & Deborah Ulrich John A. Aitken

United Way Alberta Capital Region 45 Martin Akerboom Robert Butts & Amy Dieser Paul Alberto Luis Calderon Dr. Lemore Alima & Grant Vogel Rory Calhoun Gary & Karma Allen Barry & Patricia Callele Cindy J. Andrews Brenda Cameron Leroy & Patricia Anholt L. D. Cameron Dennis J. Appleton Michael Capus Walter Archer Harmony Carter Tracey Ardiel Ione Challborn Ken & Joyce Armstrong E.A. Chalmers Mike & Gloria Arthur Kourch Chan Chris & Lisa Atkins Christopher I. Cheeseman Jamie Bagan Barrie Chivers Glen Baker Lucinda Chodan Michael P. Baker Brenda Chomin Doug Banks Ron & Mary Christenson Rick Barlow Klint Clark & Family Darryl Baron & Sharon McMullan-Baron Phyllis Clark Annette & Fred Barth Ted & Benita Clark George & Sylvia Bawden Phil & Maggie Clarke Larry & Kathy Beatty Gerald Cliff Bart D. Becker Bruce Cockburn Karen C. Becker Alan Collins Barry Bennett Toller Conrad Ron Bennett Doug Cook Eleanor & Syd Bercov Dr. Lesley Cormack Elizabeth Berg J. & S. Cory Walter Biggar Richard Cotter Patrick Binns Wayne Crawley Rob & Patti Bligh Nancy Cuelenaere Laureta Blondin Ken Cummings & Norma Bach Laurie & Randy Boddez Barbara & Gurston Dacks Don & Heather Boonstra Bruce Dafoe Douglas & Cathy Borland Diane Davies & Doug Vokins Edouard Boulay & Penny Jang Boulay Ms Mary-Jane Dawson Anne & Gene Bourassa Carmen de la Chevrotiere Tom Bourgonje Mitch J. Demers Dr. Michael Richard Bow Professional Corp. Brian & Anita Denniss Rick Brick Jim Derkatch Guy Bridgeman Henry Dewald Lee & Claire Brown Dr. Leo Dieleman Harry & Judy Buddle Nicole & Danny Dodds D.M. Burfitt James Doherty Dale & Janet Burgess Magella Doiron Roger & Marta Burns Mike Donnelly Tim & Beth Burroughs Anne Douglas Tim & Allison Button Richard & Marjie Drewry

46 Report to the Community 2011 Maurice Dubois John W. Hagerman Stuart & Teresa Dunn Mona Hale In Memory of Ted Dykstra J. Halford Douglas M. Eggert Reginald J. Hamnett Nicole Eifler Darcy J. Harrod EJSE Professional Services Timothy Hartnagel Brent R. Elder D. M. Hastings Kevin Elias Kenneth R. Hayward Norm & Bev Ellingson Steven Heipel Jack Ellis L. Heise Adrian Elmslie Denise Hemmings Jeanette Espie Abe & Karen Hering Patricia Etheridge Angela Heydemann Greg & Cathy Farnell Randy Hills Ron Fath Karen Hofmann Thomas Fath Bruce & Pauline Hollinshead Harry & Hilda Fernhout Sharon M. Hollohan Nevin Filipchuk & Lorna Dancey Christopher & Cindy Holly Finbar (Barry) Fitzsimons Donna Holmes Donna Shew Fong Maria Holowinsky Diane M. Foreman Mike Huang & Min Wang Dan Fournel Liz Hughes Drs. J. Frank & Ruth M. Henderson Stephanie Hui Archie Fraser John Hummel Samuel Friedman Joseph Hunder Elaine Friedrich Maureen Hutson & John Chase Howard Fritz Colleen & Orest Ilkiw Ron Froh Randy J. Jahrig Michelle Gagnon & Kevin Lorne Sen Keith & Elizabeth Jarvis Daniel & Catherine Garon Scott & Mary Jefferies Shirley Gee Carol J. Jeffrey Suja George Shane Jennings Melissa Gibson Heather & Cameron John Robert Gillard Roger K. Johnson Steve Gilson Greg Johnston Pauline & Bill Girgulis Wendy Johnston & Richard Camiciolo Tony Gnanasihamany Hon W. Kan Don Good Will & Shannon Kanda Greg & Peggy Goth Brenda Karran Janice & Bill Grace Rod Kause Dan Graham Dale & Catherine Kay Gwen Gray Norah Keating Kevin Greene, CMA Krista Keen Lori Grykuliak David & Gillian Keir Bradley Gulka Jill Donalda Kelland Sylvia Haak Kevin & Jeannine Kelly Luther & Bonnie Haave Ron & Noreen Kelly

United Way Alberta Capital Region 47 Adam Kemezis Dana Marshall Terry Kilburn Ksenia Maryniak Sunny Kim Eric Matson Vern Klein Don & Eleanore Matthew Lori Klingbeil Lynette McAvoy Mike & Lynn Kluttig Marilyn McAvoy Kathy & Ken Knowles Bryon & Bobbie-Jo McCarthy Terry Knysh David A. McClelland Ian Koch Jeanne & Dean McCurdy Shannon Krause Glenn McEown Larry Krushelnitzky Art McIntosh Len Kryzanowski M. McIntosh Dah Fong Kuan Lori Mclachlin Prince & Soniya Kumar Diane McLean John & Baerbel Lackey Dr. David McNeil Barry Lake Laura M. Meadows Harold & Kathy Lake Shaylene Melenius T. Lalonde Thomas & Lisa Milan Stephen J. Lamoureux Arliss Miller C.M. Gordon & Urania Langford Colleen & Chris Miller Susan & Harold Larson Peter & Sandra Moloney Dave & Danelle Lawson Kim & Myron Monea The Legge Family Bill C. Moore Lona Leiren Peter Morrison Heinz R. Lemke C.A. Michael Morton Christine Leonard & Jim Pepin Rick & Melanie Mosmann Jim & Cathy Leonard Jeremy Mouat Katherine & David Leskie George Moussa Lloyd Lewis Claus & Sandra Mueller Bernard Linsky Glad & Gary Munro Andrew Litwin Thomas Munro Robert & Leah Lloyd Robin P. Murray Shannon Lloyd David Mussell Vito & Carmen Loconte Catherine & Darrell Myles Jim Loebach Leslie A. Natyshen Peter Loney & Mary Catharine Macdonald Sandra Neis Richard Lorente Steve Nicely Cathy Ludwig Nolte Family Ann & Trevor Lukey Sid Obeidat Chris Lumb & Kathleen Griffin Dianne Oberg The Lyne Family Tom K. O’Reilly Steve & Laura MacDonald H. Ostergaard Jonathan & Colleen Mackay Roger & Catherine Page Laura & David Majeski Linda L. Palladino Randy Mak Lucy & Larry Pana Rande & Ardith Malcolm Darwin & Betty Park Ken & Andrea Manning Alan Passmore

48 Report to the Community 2011 Monique Paul David & Jody Spencer Carol Pawlenchuk Jory & Betty Anne Spinks D. Perich Kelley D. Storrier Philip Perry Hon. J. J. & P. Stratton Naidene Petersen Rob Sutcliffe J. Perry R. Piche Doug Svarich Guy & Denise Postey Gregory & Jane Taylor Gary & Sheila Praught Barry Thompson Sherryl Prebushewski Craig & Danielle Thorkelsson David & Cindy Primrose Peter & Vivian Thut Phil Prins Terry & Gail Tomkins Karen Raitz Cecil R. Toner Hans Raj Roger W. Toogood Mr. & Mrs. James Redmond Rajpal Toor Deborah Reinhart Audrey & Darcy Trufyn Charles A. Repka Ulrich Trumpener Tanja Reszat David A. Turner Nathan Richuk Jason Turnpenny Angela & Don Risdon Dr. Maggie Tweddle Roberto Robles D. Lorne Tyrrell Klaas Rodenburg Mike & Mariette Unger Walker Rogers Margo Valens Robert Roth Sehra H. Van Balen Allan Rowswell Biljana & Rade Vukadin J. Paul Ruffell Geoff & Taletta Wagner Charles Russell Darcy Walberg Stan Rutwind Andrew Wallace Barbara Saint Don Warden Joan Sametz Dave Warwaruk Gregory Sasaki Elaine Wasylenchuk & Rick MacTaggart Jody Savage Andrew & Susan Watts Lori Schmidt Brent & Jacquie Webster Barb & Rudy Schmidtke Darrell Weichel Warren Schmitz William & Joyce Werry Todd & Shilo Schultz Catherine Whalley Sharon Schwindt Jeff & Daphne Willan Gary Seehagen Pamela Willoughby Michael Seneka Donald & Betty Wilson Ron & Elaine Shannon Kevin & Shawna Wolff Richard G. Shaw R. Kirk Wolff Kevin & Jennifer Sherburne Teresa Wong Mike Sherman Eric Woolgar Len Shrimpton Dennis Woolsey Leita Siever Darcy & Fay Yamada & Family Steven Sinclair Paul & Barbara Yasinski Randall Sonnenberg Silvan & Sue Zorzut & Family David & Vivianne Sparrow 69 Anonymous

United Way Alberta Capital Region 49 FOUNDERS $1,000 - $1,749 Jocelyne April Brenda Abbott Greg Arbuckle Judith R. & Harvey Abbott Christine Archibald Laili Abolghasemi Allison Rippin Armstrong Lyle & Kay Abraham Jim & Laura Armstrong Marco Accadia Ken E. Armstrong Katherine Acheson Paul Armstrong S. Adair-Wolf Marc Arnal Susan Adam Peter Arnold Deanna Adams Varinder K. Arora Dr. Leyland M. Adams Nicholas Arscott & Frances Alty-Arscott Thomas Adams Chris Arsenault Peter Adamski & Sandy Bowhay Ed Arsenault Brian Adeney Jason Arsenault & Joelle Fawcett-Arsenault Helder Afonso Shane Asbell Colette & Taylor Agnew David Ash Ademola Ajidagba Bradley A. Ashcroft Karen Albarda Penny Ashe Shirley Alberda Adam Asquini Ray Albiston Riad Assaf Joseph Alexandrovitch Steve Assen Dorothy & Ted Allan David Atkinson Jessica Allan Sal Augruso Brenda Allbright G. W. Austin E. Dianne Allen Lindsay Austrom Jane & Mark Alm Troy Avis Kirk Al-Sam Tim & Teri Baalam Rob & Shaune Altarui Judith Babcock Thomas Altmann Jason & Sarah Babiak Bruce & Kathy Ambrose Deon Babiuk Ken Ambrose Todd Babiuk Mazina Ammar Kim Bablitz Richard Andersen Andrew Bacon Jo-Anne Anderson Jalal Bageri Laurie Anderson Lynne & Paul Bagnall Rodney Anderson Clint Baier Terry Anderson Terry Baillie Susan Andrew Jeff Baker Victoria Andrews Joan & Monty Baker Lenny Andrichuk Maude Baker Derek Andrychuk Noah & Hannah Baker Paul Angelas Steve Baker & Family Julie & Rick Angus David Ball Reid & Carmen Antonello Karyn Ball Doug Antonio Brian Ballantyne Alcides Antunes Mary Bamford Paula Appah Agata Banach

50 Report to the Community 2011 Mary Banack Connie & Guy Bellerose Ida & Tommy Banks Pascal Bellerose Linda Banks Gino & Colleen Bellina Jay Baraniecki Tim Belter Peter Barber Marjorie Bencz Greg Barbour Kevin Bender Laraine Barby & Robert Peters Coleen Benesocky David Barnet Amy L. Bentley Jay Barnfather Dennis & Katie Bergen Alan L. Barrett Ken Berry Margaret Barretto Adele Berube Brian Barrett-Park Al Bevan Ken Barry Ray Bevan William Barschel Wendy Beveridge Mark & Danielle Bartell Humayun Bhatti Becky Barthelette Connie Biel Colin Bartman Ray Bindon Elaine Barton Shelley Bindon Don & Trudy Bartsch Robert Bioletti Deborah Basaraba Karen Birss Debbie Bassett & Bob Ferguson Philip Bisaillon Cory & Debbie Bates & Family Gary Bjornstad Gwen Bauer Tracy L. Black Allan D. Baumgartner Brett Blackwell Joanne Baxter John Blazenko Toni Bayans Corinne Bleakley John Beamish Neil Bleakney Dale Beard Morley & Susan Bleviss Jason L. Beaton Victoria Blezard Ron & Marnie Beaudoin Catherine Block Jacques Beaupre Donald Block M.R. Beauregard Arlene Blood David Bechtel Lynn D. Blouin John Beck Mike & Mary Bludd Kathy L. Beck & Family R. Blue Tom F. Beck Dennis Blumenthal Grant Becker Todd Blumentrath Art Beckett James & Leticia Bodner Jon & Marilyn Been George Body Mark & Janine Beeston Daniel (Dan) A. Boehm Dr. Dean Befus Frank Boenig Joe Bekavac & Family Michael Bohaychuk J. Howard Bell Elizabeth Bohill Murray Douglas Bell Gail Boire Rory S. Bell Andre Boissonnault Steven G. Bell Vivianne Boisvert Susan Bell Daniel Bokenfohr

United Way Alberta Capital Region 51 Jason Bole Jeffrey Bulger Phil Bolin Sarah Bulger Travis M. Bolinski Pamela Bunclark Donna Bonk Dustin Burbank Yvonne Bootsman Christine Burdett Wayne Borley Trent M. Burgardt Paul Borrett Stacy Burge David Borynec Kevin & Sarah Burghardt Gary Bosgoed B. Burns Tim Boston Michelle L. Burns Steven & Michelle Bott Eugene Burnstick Nicole Boucher John Burton Ype Bouma Tim & Jill Burton Laurel Bounds Chelle Busch Terry Bourbonnie Karen G. Busch Pierre & Christine Bourret Linda Lou Busch Lisa Bowes Bill & Mary Jane Buss Kerri-Lynn Bowser Noah Bussey Chris Boyes David Butler Kieran Bozman Ingrid Rose Butler-Sieben Susan & Rick Bramm Butterfield Family Matthias Braun Boyd Bysterveld W. Braun Warren Cabral Shawn & Tricia Bravender Blair Cairns Dean Brayer Bob Campbell Norm Breadner Brad Campbell Linda Breitkreitz Carolyn Campbell Paul Brennan Cathy Campbell Carleen Brenneis Derek Campbell Fraser Ralph Brenneis Graham Campbell Allan Brinker Jim Campbell William Bristow Kevin Campbell Stan J. Brock Dr. Lori Campbell Larry & Betti Brockman S. D. Campbell Steven Bromling Scott & Melanie Camplin Liz Bron Joe Cannataro Laurie Bronson Jeffrey R. A. Caouette B. Brothwell Thomas Carbone Kevin Brouwer Darlene Cardinal Jamie Brown Patrick Cardinal Janice Brown S. Cardinal Phyllis Brown Dave Carefoot Randall Brown Sean E. Carey Christopher Bruce & Michelle Pollard Vern & Janice Carlson Laura Bruyer Doug Carlyle Philip Bryden Allan Carr David & Betty Jean Buchanan Brad & Tracy Carson

52 Report to the Community 2011 Shane Carstens Lars Christensen Bryan Carter Lee Christopherson Paul & Vivian Carter Mike & Sheena Christopherson Stuart Carter Pamela Jane Chung & Brian Zrobek James T. Casey Colin Clark Derek & Christina Cathro James W. Clark Teresa M. Cawston David M. Clarke Frances Cearns Scott Clarke Jeff Ceccano & Shelley Madro Teren Clarke Cettiga Family Patricia Clements Brij Chadha D. Luanne Climenhaga Keith Chafe Billy Clyburn David Chalus George Cockle Cogburn Chan Bob Cole Sally Chan Doreen Cole Donna Chapman Gordon & Maxine Cole Bruce & Christina Chaput Brian & Lynda Colgan Denise & Ron Charbonneau Collard Family Denis Charest Patricia Colling Dan Charrette Maureen Collins Karen Chartrand Jacquelyn Colville Mauricio Chavez Roger & Audrey Conant Daphne Cheel J. Martin Connolly Calvin Cheng Kristine Connor Fredda & Ron Cherlet Bryan Conroy Joanne Chernish Georgina Cooley Sheila A. Chessor Stephanie Coombs S. Chester George & Heather Coon Tina Chiakowski Sheryl Coonan Michelle Chimko David Cooper Shane & Brandy Chimko Dean & Carmelle Cooper King Chin Jerad Cooper Carol Ching Carla Corbett Christine Chomiak Mike Corbett Elizabeth Chomyn Vince & Pam Corkery & Family Mary Chomyn Alex Cormier Dave Chong James Corrigan Ryan Chopin James Corrigan CJ & DM Chorney & Family Tom & Bobbie Corrigan Donna M. Chovanec Alejandro Cortes Audrey Chow Carol Cotton Campbell Chow Guy P. Coulombe Gordon Chow Christine Couture Jeff Chow Gerry Couture Ashimabha Chowdhury Jodi Couzens Dave Chowne Dr. Roger Cowles Dale & Linda Christensen Renee Craig

United Way Alberta Capital Region 53 Teresa & Lawrence Craig Shannon Dean Al Crane Jocelyn Dean-Smith Andrew W. Crawford Ray L. Deane Robb Crawley Jim & Colette deBeurs Marilyn Cree Pam Degraaf Doug & Joey Creighton Diana DeHaan Cindy Crewe Brian Deighton Randal James Cripps G. Delaney Don Crisall Tyler H. Delwisch Hugh & Nancy Critchley Randy DeMarco Peter Crosman Stephen Dembicki David & Sandra Cross Grant M. Dembinski Lorna Cross-Verhun Dan Denette L. Roger Crossman Keith Denman Johanna Cruz Doug Densmore Robert Cummings Larry Derkach David Curran Dwayne Derksen Mavis C. Curry Elizabeth Descheneaux Joanne Currie & Dwayne Von Sprecken Curtis Devereux Joanne Czekanski Gerry & Kay Devine Derek Da Silva Jerry E. DeZutter Michelle Dagenais Gulnar Dhalwani J. Douglas Dale Seema Dhanda Colleen Marie Daley Perry & Jacqueline Dickson Jean Dalton Randy Didrikson Dr. Bruce Dancik & Brenda Laishley Gordon Dinwoodie Martin Danesik John Ditto Jesse Huy Dang Amy Dixon Carrie Dann Warren Dixon Rick Darda Michelle Docking Bryan & Jo-Ann Darke Leonard Dolgoy Barbara & Bill Dart Jon Dominski Douglas Darwish Audra & Chris Donovan David Das Wade Dool Keith C. Davidson Theresa Doolittle Robin R. Davidson Janet C. Dorey Trish Davies Marilyn Doronski Erin Davis David & Janice Dorward Karen Davis Wayne C. Dosman Steve Davis Bryan Down Tom & Jane Davis James S. Dozorec Kent Davison Gary Draper H. J. (Jock) Dawe Family Fund Chad Drvaric S. Dawe & Family Dion & Pauline Dube Geoffrey & Ann Dawrant Willie Ducherer Kerry Day Mike & Sharon Duff Gerda de Vries Jeffrey A. Duffield

54 Report to the Community 2011 Laura Duguay Jeffery Eschak Jeff & Connie Dumont James & Susan Eshpeter Malcolm Dunford & Cynthia Chan Riad Eter Penny Dunford Colleen Evanishen Charles W. Dunlop Chris & Shanna Eveleigh Estate of Catherine Dunlop Grant & Shirley Ewald Alan Dunn Jody Exell Randy Dunne Michael & Lee Ann Fahlman Frans & Denise Duplessis Alan Fair Wendy Dupree Tyler Justin Falt Benedict Dy Davis Farquharson John Dyble Jane Farquharson Sherry Dyck Lori Farquharson Persaud James Dykes Doug & Cathy Fawcett Richard Dylke Kory Fedorak Michal J. Dziarmaga Phillip Fedorak Curtis Eason Mike Fedunec Don & Lynn Eaton Crystal G. Feist Ralph Eckl Mark Feist Andrew T. Edmunds Braden Fellows Dan & Lori Edwards Matthew Fellows H. Edwards Glenn Feltham Kenneth Edwards Dan & Linda Feniak Lee & Linda Egan Daryl & Leslie Fenrich Micheal Ehnes Angela Ferguson G. Eisenbraun Bruce Ferguson Michael Ekelund Dan Ferguson Wade Ekstrom Norm Ferguson Marion Elder Martin & Peggi Ferguson-Pell Thomas Eley April Fermaniuk Russell Elgert Mark Fessenden Dustin Elias Kelly Feth Judith & Eslin Eling Colin Fetter Jim Eliuk Charlene & Jamie Feuffel Brian & Nancy Ellestad Rita Feutl & Gordon Kent Leigh Ellestad Rob Fewings James E. Ellis Franco Fiacco Robert Ellis Breanne Fibke Scott Ellis Trent Filthaut Becky Elniski Greg Findlay Robert Elphick John & Denise Findley Robert Emerson Gordon Finlay Dennis Emmerling Adam Finn Andy England Dr. Michael Fiorino Philippe Erdmer Doug Fischer Paul Erick Ian Fischer Judy Esak Kevin Fitzgerald & Colette Orieux

United Way Alberta Capital Region 55 Kim & Sean Fitzgerald Jessica Gagne Kevin Flaherty & Donna Gibbons Richard Gagnon Fraser Fleming Steven Galarneau Lou & Katrina Florence G. Galenza Brenda Flynn & Steve Colquhoun Terrence Gallagher Gaetan & Cathy Foisy John & Lynn Gallimore Gerald W. Foley Tyler Galm Ray A. Foley Darcy Gamelin Murray R. Folkersen The Gano Family Jill Folkins Fabio Garagiola Arnold & Dorothy Follinglo Judith Garber Angela Fong Amy & Shawn Gardener Charlie Foo Graham Gardener Al Ford Bev Gardner The Forster Family Adam & Cindy Gare Craig Forsyth Perri & Celestine Garvin Jennifer Forsyth Jason Gauley Derrick Forsythe Elaine Gauthier R. Fortier Susan Gauthier Sharilee Fossum Patricia Gawlik Marlis Foth Mike & Brenda Gendron Ryan Fournier Debbie Genovy Chris & Robyn Fowler Eric & Karen Germain Allison Foxwell Dwayne Germaine Linda Franche Ken Germaine Cam Fraser John Gerolamy Jody Fraser Andre Giasson Mary Fraser Jennifer & Ted Gibbens Nelson Fraser Donna Gibbons Jay & Pamela Freeman Michael & Victoria Gibbs Viriato Freire Diana Gibson Scott & Jacqueline Frend Marnie Giesbrecht Paul Marc Frenette Julien & Patty Gignac Christopher Frey Serge R. Gilbert Terry Friesen Dawna M. Gilchrist Val & Ralph Friesen Craig Giles Tim From Carol & Jim Gilfillan Rick & Janice Froment James Gilfillan Jesus R. Fuentes-Rosado Sandra & Donald Gill Marion & Doug Fulfit Debra Gillett Jean Fulker Rick Gilmore Terry Fung Brad Ginn Jeremy MacNeil Furzer Franck Giraudeau Zsolt Gabos Carol L. Glasgow Darlene Gadowsky Kevin Glebe & Judy Helmig Gino Gadowsky Adam Gmeinweser Darrell Gagne Joel Godbout

56 Report to the Community 2011 Ellen Goddard Kevin & Christine Gue Ralph Goertz C. Guerrero Jim Goertzen Vicente Guerrero Goerz Family Robin Guild Jim & Rhonda Gold Ray Guidinger & Family Nigel Goldup Arthur & Ana Guimaraes Butchi Gollpudi Glenn Gustafson Johana Gomez Kimberley Gutsche Marlon Gonzalez Clarence Guydash Matthew Good Alex Hadzariga Cheryel Goodale Keith Haigh C.D. Dennis & Sharon Goodhelpsen Dawn Haines Lloyd Goodine Malcolm Haines Vincent Goodman Kathleen Hakes Monique & Del Goodwin Agata M. Hall Kathleen Gora Dennis Hall Marie L. Gordon Don & Gail Hall Robin K. Gordon Michael Halliwell Sean Gordon Steven Hamagami Dan & Carol Goretzky Kevin Hamel & Donna McGougan Jeff Gornall Dave Hamilton Rachel Gosse Jen & Bill Hamilton Allan Gosselin Hamlett Family Tammy Gottschlich Robert Hamlin Laurie L. Gould Kevin Hamm & Shauna Bedingfield Trevor Grams Scott J. Hammel Dominic & Barb Grandinetti Louloua Hanano Jody Grant Jennifer Hancock Chris Grapel Rob Hancock Brent Gray Carol Hanna-Ackerman Ken Greanya James Hannah Linda & Richard Green Colin S. Harbarenko J. Greenough Shelley Hardeman Greenwell Family John & Nadine Harder Jeffery Greenwood & Family Sherry Hardin Royston Greenwood David Joseph Harding Russell Greiner Andrew Hardy & Jamie Davenport Jack Grey Donna Harle T. Griffith & Family Clint Harris Joy Griffiths Catherine Anne Harrison David Groff Gregory D. Hart Denise Grondin Gregory Hartman & Virginia Pow Robert Gruger Keith E. Hartry Jeneane Grundberg & Bruce Rimmer Francine Harvey Darryl Gruntman Dr. Daniel J. Hasinoff A. R. Grynoch & P. V. Sing Priscilla & Mike Haskin Louis H. Guay Peter Haspeck

United Way Alberta Capital Region 57 Ayan Hassan Darren Hogan M. V. Hassard Colby Hogemann W. L. Hassen Tyler Holdner Debra Hathaway Blair Holgate Kimberly & Daryl Hauer Calvin Hollings Barry Haughian Blaine Holmes Lynn Hawkins Christopher Holmes Daniel Hawrysh Kenneth Holmes Dean Hawthorne Mark Holmgren & Ruth Hill Louise Hayes Jeff Holt Amy J. Heard Bonnie Holte Michael J. Hebert Roman Holyk C. Hedlin Trina Homeniuk Heather Heffernan Chris Homme Lorenzo Heinrichs Emily Hon Elizabeth & Darren Helboe Jamie Honda-McNeil Ted Helboe Tracey Honey Shervin & Beajay Hemmati Sylvia Hooft Anne Henderson Justin Hookins Margaret E. Henderson Peter Hooper Patricia Henderson David J. Hopkins Travis Henderson Dennis Hopkins James O. Hennig Karla Horcica Amy Henry Harry & Rose-Marie Horn Dean Herrington Bill T. Horne Rainer Hessmann Barry & Colleen Horon Dr. Cressida Heyes Shane Hoskins Judith Hibberd Gordon Houlden Don L. Hickey Peter Hourihan Karen Hickie Michael House Nicole & David Hiebert Monica I. Howard Steve Hildebrand Brian Robert Howe Walter Hildebrandt Patrick Howe Brian Hill Susan Howes Terry & Lynn Hillaby William & Sharon Howie M. Hiller Kathleen Howlett Sandra & Real Hince Darcy Hrycauk Tom Hinch Craig Hryhorak Yasu Hiratsuka Fred J. Huber Mary Hitt Dr. Robert & Laurel Hudson Melanie Hladun Dave Hughes Andrew & Daria Hladyshevsky James Hughes Jeff Hlewka Katherine Huising Jayson Hlus Trevor Huisman Dee Hobbs Paul Humphreys Janet & Joe Hobbs Karen Hunder Andrea I. Hoeser Kevin Hung

58 Report to the Community 2011 Paul Hunt Karen L. Johnson Michael Hunter Larry & Trina Johnson James Hunting & Family Patricia N. Johnson Mahjabeen Hussain Shawn R. Johnson Robert W. Hutchinson & Gisele E. Cotta Yvonne Johnson Gerard Hyland Bruce Johnston Charles Inder Jim S. Johnston Lucinda Ingram Mandy & Doug Johnston Audrey Inkpen Kathy Johnston Umbach Christopher Irvine Rob Jolley Christopher Irving Kahled Jomha Michael Isaac Omer Jomha Wolodymyr Jaciuk Kayla & Cassidy Tim Jackie Dr. Adrian Jones Dianne Jackson Andy Jones Edgar Jackson Darrell Jones Maria & Scott Jackson Dennis Jones Mary Lynne & Dave Jackson Kevin Jones Sharon Jackson Richard D. Jones Jeff Jacobi Stuart & Crystal Jones Jennifer L. Jacobs Keila Jorge & Patricia Weber L. Jacobs S. Joshua Sheldon & Lisa Jacobs Gary R. Joys Harold & Shirley Jacobsen William Juarez Christian A. Jager Dr. Larry Judge Rahul Jairath Shaheer Juma Chris James Ken Kabat Sharon & Gary James Francis Pudlu Kadjulik Sheridan Mackenzie James Joe Kadylo Donald W. Jamison Richard Kalwajtys David & Maria Janzen Constance Kam Tina Jardine David Kaminsky Michael Jarrett Dr. Hubert Kammerer Jim Jeatt Arthur C. Kan Roy Jefferson Steve Karamouzis Paul Jehn CFA Louise Karp Bonnie L. Jenkins Steve Karpala & Family John Jenkins Adrian & Rosalie Karpluk Lorraine Jenkinson Rob & Tracey Karwacki Tom & April Jennings C. Kasapu Myles Jensen Christine Lorna Kasianiuk Soren Jensen W. R. Kaufman Lynn Jerchel Ramona A. Kearney Reinhard Jeske Mary L. Keddie Mike & Amanda Joblinski Ethan O. Kellman David A. Joe E. Kelly Frederic Johnson Gerald Kendal

United Way Alberta Capital Region 59 Thomas B. Kendall Rita Kowalchuk Martin Kennedy Megan Kowalkowski Paul Kennett Neil Kowalski Shawn Kenyon Gordon Kowaski Lylle & Jennifer Kephart Ken Kozyra Laureen Kerr Sandra Kraatz Cheryl Kerrison Russel Krause Kandice Kew Harold Krenkel Griffin Keyes Bella Krepps Katharine Keyes Jim Kresta Kassam Khakoo Terry & Dwain Krissa Oscar Khazam Jeffrey Kropinak Ritu Khullar Gary & Janet Kropp Lynn & Vern Kibblewhite Kim Krueger Arthur Kiddle Mark Kruger Thomas & Dianne Kieren Ron Kubsch Luwam Kiflemariam Herb Kuehne Bill Ralph Kilgour Barry Kulchisky Marion Kilgour The Kulig Family Brett Kimak Hank & Marjorie Kully Diana Kinnear Rex F. Kung Michele Kirchner Doug Kunyk & Ellen Stuart Neil Robert Kirkpatrick K. Gordon Kunz Rhonda Kirkpatrick Derek Kurszewski Real Kirouac & Debbie Kettner Bill & Donna Kutzner Brent Kitson Kevin Kuzio Donna & Ernie Kline T. L. Kuzyk Tanya & Kenneth Kloos Schubert Kwan Chris Knash Donald Kwas Norman & Valerie Kneteman Eddy Kwok Tanya Knobloch Diana Kwong Carl Knowler Elizabeth Lacika B. Kochtubajda Chantal Lacroix Kevin Kocil Jacob Laframboise Theresa Koetsier Lory Laing Vik Kohli Brent & Kim Lakeman Cathy Kokotilo Salma & Zaheer Lakhani Vera & Andrew Komarnjicki David Lalonde Hank Koning Robert J. Landry Crispin Kontz Jennifer Langley Noel Koo Rick & Leslie Lanyi Brent Korte Chris Larente Gary & Angie Kosch Teresa Larsen Clint Kosinski Geraldine Cecile Lasiuk David Kosolofski Sandra Latell Trisha Koss Elana J. Lavallee Ed Kotowski Patricia Lavender

60 Report to the Community 2011 Jayson Lavergne Nels Lindquist Chris Lavin Geoffrey & Patti Liogier Deborah Lavoie Ron Liteplo Gerald Lavoie John Little Joe Lavorato Pat Lobregt Mark A. Lawrence Bernadette M. Lockyer Kathy Lazowski & Brian Countryman Scott & Barb Logan Peter Le Mare Miles & Dawn Logie Roger & Kathy Leachman Alvin Loh Roxanne L. Lebeau Stephen Long Jennifer LeBlanc Anna Loparco & Gary Smith Marcel LeBlanc Sally Lore Lisa & Bruce Lecky Sharon Losinski Peter LeClair Ken Lough Carrie A. LeClaire Dr. Nancy C. Lovell Charles Lee Leonard & Oxanna Lozowy Edmund Lee Darrell Lu George Lee Gerald Lucas Heather Lee John Lucas Jason Lee Peter Luchak Jonathon Lee Jonathan Lund Stephen Lee Mark & Lois Lund Stuart Lee Mike Lux Swee Lai Lee Timothy P. Lydom Marguerite Lefeuvre David Lyle Mike & Cheryl Leggett Donna Lyseng Laurie R. Leighton Mel Lyster James Leitch John Ma Joanne & Bob Leman Glenn Mabbutt Beverly Lemire Alan Mabee Harvey Lemish Pat & Les MacCrimmon Brian Lemon Bill MacDonald & Natalia Krawetz Dennis Lenihan Dr. G. Fred MacDonald Ralph Leriger de Laplante Ian MacDonald Katherine Letawsky Nancy J. MacDonald David & Yvonne Leung Todd & Tracy MacDonald George Leung Duncan J. MacDougall Ivan Leung Jack MacGregor Jane Lewchuk The MacGregor Family Chris & Aliciela Lewis Jan Machalka Lisanne Lewis Vickie Macintosh Marjorie Lewis Gary & Susan Mack Jeffrey L’Hirondelle Bob Mackay Victor Lieffers Jason & Jackie MacKelvie David Liliedahl The MacKinnon Family Victor Lin Tom & Margaret Macklem Ginette Lindop Eric & Sharon Macklin

United Way Alberta Capital Region 61 Don MacLean Bryan Mast Dawn MacLeod Patrick Mastromatteo Ian MacLeod John Matemisz Mike MacLeod Daniel R. Mateyko Andrew D. Macmillan Gail Matheson John R. MacMillan Scott Matheson Christopher Macphee Scott A. Matheson N. Madhani Christine Maul Helen M. Madill Alan Mauricio Ken Madore Kris Mauthe Lisa Madore Jim Mawby Magdalinski Family Wexler Mayers Dennis Mah Sherri Mazur Hugh Mah Pat McAllister Mohammed Mahmud A. Ross McBain Grace Maier Neil McBain Andrew Maile Jan & Bob McBean Sunny Mak Mark McBride Adam Maki Margaret McCabe Doug & Glynis Maley Nancy J. McCalder Christine Maligec Allan McCallister & Rita Pomietlarz Judge Lloyd Malin Will, Trina, Jenna & Nathan McCartney Dr. K. I. Mallett Hugh McColl J. C. Malo Robb McColl & Family Derek Malone Brian & Noreen McConnell David J. Maltby Cameron Anthony McCormick Stephen & Lynn Mandel Jane McCreery Bob Mann Richard McCreery Randy D. Mann Don McCutchen Shirley Mann W. S. McCutcheon Dave & Jocelyn Marchand David & Elizabeth McDonald Boris Markin Judith McDonald Douglas Marner Kelly McDonald Mario A. Marouelli Alice McDonell Walter Marozoff Colin McDougall Thomas D. Marriott McDowell Family Scott Marsden Ronald & Neyma McElhaney Joshua Marshall Don McEwen Michelle Marshall Cameron N. McFadyen Lori & Wade Martens Ingrid A. McGillis Ann & Phil Martin R. McGillivray Brennan Martin Patrick McGregor Cathy Martin Carrie McIlveen Patrick Martins Timothy E. McIntosh Barbara Mason Dayna A. McIntyre James Mason Cyndie McIvor Linda Mason Marissa McKay

62 Report to the Community 2011 Mike McKay Darel & Terry Mesher Mr. & Mrs. Jim McKee Peter Metcalfe Ryan & Meredith McKeeman Doug Mewhort Stuart McKellar Philip M. Michaud Sandra & Bill McKenna David & Marlayne Migadel The McKenzie Family Dallas Miles Cindy McKnight Elizabeth Millar Helen McLachlin Janet Millar & John Collier Brian McLaughlin Brad Miller David McLaughlin Jarrod Miller Mary McLaughlin Kurt Miller Janet McLean Shelley Miller Stephen McLean Reg Milley Maureen McLellan Lorne Mills Keri McLeod Bruce Milne Kristan McLeod Greg & Michele Milne Stephen McMahon Dave Milton Joan & Bob McMaster Margaret Mines Steven Sanford McMaster Salvatore Miniaci & Dina Floreancig Christine McMeckan Alexander R. Mitchell Melville & Maureen McMillan G. Mitchell Doug McMullen Andrew & Sara Mitton James McMullin Marlene Moleski Glen J. Mcmurray Anita Molzahn Timothy McNair J. F. Mommersteeg Cheryl McNeil Albert & Colleen Mondor Earl McNeil Josh Monds Greg & Lynda McPhee Kevin Montgomery Charlene Mary McPherson R. Scott Montgomery Victor T. Meere Angela Moore Douglas Meggison Peter Moore Jerome P. Megyesi Dennis Morawski Fred Mehta Lorraine Moreau Richard Mein Philippe Moreau Paul Melancon David A Morhart Joanne Melin Dean & Zena Morie Ian Melligan John Morin Joyce Mellott Adele Morissette Mike R. Melnychuk Bryan Morlidge Janet Melnyk A. Morrison Jordan Melzar Chris W. Morrison Jeanne Mendryk Doug & Brenda Morrison Paul Mennier Paul Morrison Deepa Menon Dustin Morton Allaudin Merali Ron & Sue Motiuk Darcy Mercier Karen Mottershead James Merkosky Ab Mouallem

United Way Alberta Capital Region 63 Deanna Kim Moyer & Rod Carty Paul Migishe Nicholson Sheila Mozejko Andre Nicolet David & Jenifer Muddle Hermiston Nicoll Family Jay Muench David Niebach Jack & Marilyn Mulkins Kimberly Nishikaze Brian Mullen Daryl & Bonnie Nixon Diane L. Mullen Shara Noad Dr. John C. Mullen Dolores Noga Bob Mulligan Dionne Norman J. Mulligan Kris & Marilyn Norman Keith Mulyk Laury North Deborah Munro Andrew Norton Karen Munro Michael Norton Daniel Munroe Ellen Nygaard Allison Murphy Wayne Nyman Anita Murphy Ashley P. Oatway Emily, Finn, Ava, Kathy & Jason Murphy Cindy O’Brien George Murphy Simon O’Byrne Glenn Murphy Charles J. O’Connor Audrey Murray Kirby O’Connor Kathy & Doug Murray Patricia O’Flaherty Lesley Mutschke Alan T. Ofstedahl Randy Mykitiuk Linda Ohlmann Jeff Myrfield Ethan Olechow-Smith & Josh Olechow Geoff Nagle Donald Olenek Kershran Naidoo Randy Oleschuk Shunny Naidoo Rick Oleschuk Angela Naismith Judy Oliver Doug Naka Grant Olsen Bryan Napper Maureen Olson Javaid & Henriette Naqui Rebecca Olson Albert Nashman Mike & Tammy Olsson J. Nath Felicitas C. Olympia-Moore Michelle Naylor Marianne Oman Alan Neid Laura & Dermot O’Neill James Neilson Liz O’Neill Charmaine Joyce Nelson Pauline A. O’Neill L. Richard Nelson Shane O’Neill Marcia Nelson Michael Rene Oostendorp Tracey Nelson Dan Opris Michelle Ng Lynne & Stu Orr Minh Nguy Debra Pozega Osburn Quan Nguyen E. Ruth & Dennis Ostafichuk Wayne Nichol Mike Oster Patricia Nicholl Lee Ostiguy Ginny Nicholson Darren Oswald Myrtle Nicholson Dr. F. D. Otto

64 Report to the Community 2011 Theodore Oud Gilbert Perras Tyler Ouellet Janet Perras Terry Owen Craig Edward Perry Jeff S. Paetz Jessica & Jonathan Perry Sue Page Doris Peter Heather Palberg Keith Peters Holly Palley Melissa Peters Chris & Tanis Palmer Keith Peterson Roger & Cathy Palmer Ryan C. Peterson Dave Palsat Todd Peterson & Family Jay & Leigh-Anne Palter & Family Pecha & Kim Petrovic C. Panaioti Barbara Petz Dilip Pandya Phat (Pat) Pham Paul & Denise Pankiw Phi & Mystique Phan Patti Papirnik Raymond Philipenko Stephen Paquette Rob Phillips Fred Paranchych Brad Pickering John J. Y. Park Rob Picton Bev Parks Karl & Caren Pierzchajlo Jeffrey Parrent James Pillipow Debbie Partsch Ray & Rita Pisani Earl Pasechnik Dr. Brian J. Pisesky James & Adrienne Paterson Sheilah Pittman & Kingsley Kelm Liddy & John Patra Trevor Place & Michelle Remesz Ronald Kori Patrick Maria Poburan Ray & Tania Patterson Jeffrey Podgurny Audrey Paul Jim Poelzer Debbie Paulon Nola Pogany John Pavich Trevor Pond Trent Payne Roger Poon John E. Peacey Sylvia & Scott Poon Rodney Peacock Wes Poon Dianne Peake Maury R. Porter Douglas Pearce Lucille Pouliot Alan Pearson Chris Poulton Charles Pearson Joan Powers Kelvin Lloyd Pearson Anne E. S. Pratt Gordon R. Pedden Serge R. Prefontaine Jacques & Jan Pelletier Jutta K. Preiksaitis Matt Pelletier Jana & Rick Prentice Delano Pellizzari Marcel G. J. Preville Stuart Pemberton Mick & Monica Price Luanne Penner Paul Pritchard Barbara Pennie Larry Prochner Timothy Pentland Norma Proudfoot John Peregoodoff Garry Pucci Juan Perez Michael J. Pucylo

United Way Alberta Capital Region 65 Pugliese Family David Richardson Lorrie Pullishy Georgina Riddell John Purdon Richard Riglin Marilyn A. Pushalik Janet M. Riopel Duane Pyear Austin Ritchie Daniel Qian Brad Ritchie Maurice Quaghebeur Colin Roberts Rob & Diane Quilley Jim Roberts Claire Quinn Scott Robertson H. Quinney Gary Rock Phil Rabby Brian R. Rodrigues Kenneth & Catherine Rabideau Thomas Roe Philippe Rabot Damian Rogers Andre Radtke Sandra Romaine Dr. Varagur S. V. Rajan, P.Eng. & Family Mary-Jo Romaniuk Gord & Carol Rajewski Donna M. Romyn Revathi Rajulu Barrie Ronaldson Pravind Ramdial Marilyn Rose Dale Ramey Michael Rose William Ramirez David Ross Jay Ramotar David Ross Florence Rankin Mike Ross Debra Ranville Thomas Ross Asha Rao William Ross David Rapley Jonathan P. Rossall Simone Rayment Joe Rosselli Dr. Heather Raymond Amanda Rosychuk Michel Raymond Rhonda Rosychuk The Reay Family Tony Rota Lorrie Rechlo Kevin Roulston Mike Redeker Wendy Routhier Douglas & Rae Rees David Routledge Sue Regier Glen Rovang Dr. Linda J. Reha-Krantz James Rowlett Dean Reidt & Debbie Hubbard Victorio M. Roxas Rob & Deb Reimer Derek Roy-Brenneis Karen Reiter-Stecyk Tony F. Ruban Dean Rendle Brent Rudko Dave & Heidi Reppert Jason Rudy Les Reschny Dave Rumbold Janet Resler Angie Ruptash Robert Michael Reynolds Rush & Stairs Family Chad R. Rezewski Laura Rushby Tim Rhodes Doug Rutherford James Richards Ray Rutman Dave Richardson Anita Ryan Edwin Ryan

66 Report to the Community 2011 Kathleen Ryan Elizabeth M. Schwab M. D. Shane Ryan Amanda Scott Heath Ryerse David Scott The Saavedra Family Laurie Scott Vanda Sadilek Margaret Scott Doug Sadler Dr. & G. Searles Martin & Samantha Salloum Duane Seelochan Lance K. Samoil Robert A. Seidel, Q.C. Patrick Samoil Gary, Fiona & Megan Semaniuk Betty Sampson Lisa Semenchuk Christopher Sampson Kevin Semeniuk Perry Sampson Trudy E. Senechal San Martin-Feeney Family Micah Seon-King Shirley Sandal Philip Andrew Sephton Kurt Sandstrom Aroon Sequeira Arina Sarac & Edim Cimic Carrie & Brad Serediak Rajdeep R. Saran J. Robin Serson Shannon & Brad Saretzky Marvin Severson & Christine Ens Deni Sarnelli Del Shafer J. W. Sattler Jane Shaheen Jim Saunderson Hassan Shaheen Kim & Darren Savard Dr. David A. Shamchuk Jennifer Savill Farhan Firoz Shariff Theodore Sawchuk Tannis Sharp Mark Scanlon John Shaw Thomas R. Schaller Douglas H. Shell Dave Schappert Paul A. Shenher James Schaufele Major Philip Shilling Jeff L. Scheers Riyaz Shivji Chris Scheetz Sandra Shores Russell Scheideman Michael Shorter Wayne Schiewe M .P. S h o r t t Kathleen Schirmaier Allen & Shirley Shostak Michael Schlack Orest Shostak Eric & Caralee Schmidt Stella Shrum Jaclyn Schmidt Stuart Shultz Rodney Schmidt Judith (Judy) Shuttleworth Naomi Schmold Vikram Sierra Marvin Schneider Vishnu Sieusahai Todd Schneider Amber Sigurdson Ruth Schneidmiller Donald S. Sigvaldason Scott Schram Dale Silver Alecia Schreyer Mila Simon Carolyn M. Schultz Rod & Jane Simpson Torsten Schulz Diane Simsovic Zac M. J. Schulz Toni Sinclair Dr. Nan Schuurmans Robyn Singleton

United Way Alberta Capital Region 67 Paula Siwik Clarence Stadlwieser Robert Siy Dr. Stephen Stanley Sandra Sjogren Jane Staples B. Skalski Graham R. Statt Randy Skarpinsky Mike Steacy Colleen Skidmore John & Sparkle Steeves Bonnie Skousbol Sharon Stefanyk Neil Skulski Peter Steffler Blair Slasynski Mark Steinhauer Linda Slater Raymond Stemp Pat & Linda Slocombe Dawn P. Stengal Steven & Cindy Slupsky Dusanka Stevahovic Don Smallwood Matthew Stevely Sheila Smigarowski Beverley Stevens Casey Smit Jason Stevens Bob Smith Deborah Stewart Bradley Smith Ian Stewart Caroline E. Smith Ruth Stewart David Smith Wendy E. Stewart-Fagnan Hal Smith & Marilyn Barr Michael & Shirley Stiles Michael J. Smith Paul Stocco Peter Smith Carlene & Martin Stoklossa Phyllis A. Smith Patrick Stolz Rod & Deanna Smith Barb Story Wayne Smith Tim Stothers Bonnie Smotkowicz Gerald Streefkerk Darren Smotkowicz Anna Strickland Simon Smotkowicz Barbara Sturdy Ian Sneddon David Styles Bob & Carol Snyder Barry Sudo Joan Snyder Douglas Sund Jenny K. So Nagula & Sutha Suthaker Beverly Sochatsky David Sutherland William L. Softley Thomas Sutherland Brian & Jo-Anne Somerville Laura Svajlenko & Derek Bleackley Reg & Kalyn Sopka Dean Svienson Eileen & Jan Sorensen Brenda-Lee Swindells Ronald Sorokin Karen Sydlowski Les Speakman Heather Sykes & Greg Powell P. D. Specht Gord Syme Dr. Thomas Spiers Christina Szaroz Phil, Kathy & Kaitlyn Spiller Mohammad Taher Bob & Stella Splane Dr. & Mrs. C. Tai Ryan & Teryl Sporns Tammie Talbot Dr. Brian J. Sproule Joan Tandy Lorna E. St. Thomas Hoac Tang Thomas Stachel Xiaoli Tang

68 Report to the Community 2011 Susan Tanghe Sharon Tone Beverley Taralson William Tonn Edwin Tarksis Tahneen Toope Johanne Tarleton Scott D. Toronchuk Barbara Tarnowski R. Mary Totman Jacki Tarr-Nagy Donato Traficante Jarrod Taschuk Jean David Tremblay-Frenette Warren Tasker Michael Trempner Anne E. Taylor Barb Trepanier Catherine Taylor Annette Trimbee Christopher Robert Taylor Tom Troppmann Connie Taylor & Martin Chamberlain Miro Trpin Drew & Melissa Teal Troy & Lori Trudgeon Caroline Tellier Marc Truitt Jesse & Kelly Temple Kevin Trumpour Dante Tenorio Thong & Duyen Truong Todd Terry C. Truscott Robert K. Teshima Charles Truscott Debra Tetteh-Wayoe Leonard Tufty & Family Greg Thiessen Dayna Tullock Mignon Thiffault Brad & Rebekah Tully Bernadette Thill Ken & Gale Tunnicliffe Michael Thistle Ken Turba Alan Thom Chris Turchansky Larry & Val Thomas Danna Michelle Turnbull Tina Thomas Stan & Sandy Turnbull William Thomas Ian R. Turner Bill Thompson Faye Tutton Molly Thompson Robert Tyrlik Shari & Don Thompson Ross Tyson William Thorne Ken Ulmer Greg Thorsley Kevin & Shari Underhill Tom Thorvaldson Allan & Angie Undheim Ruben Thunder David Upham Vivian Tidsbury Doug Upton Rod Tiedemann Eric & Nancy Upton Sue Timanson Carlos Urbina Penelope Timleck Frank Vagi Barry Timmons, CMA Gerard Vaillancourt Al R. Tingley Lisa & John Valens Rob Tintinaglia Gioele Valle Brian W. L. Tod Kevin & Jolene Van Den Bruel Fred Todemann Gerald Van Haaften Tyler & Velma Tollefson Family Hans Van Huystee Karon Tolonen Peter Van Kempen Wayne Tomlinson Helen Van Loo Cindy Tomnuk Peter & Jordyce Van Muyden

United Way Alberta Capital Region 69 Dennis & Jean Vance Melinda J. Weir Sheryl Vandale Gord Weisgerber Jessica Vandenberghe Keenan Wellwood Amanda R. VanderBurg P. A. S. Wendt Jean-Yves Vanier Justin D. Wenger Jeju Varghese Kevin Wenger Michael Veitch Bonni & Greg Wengreniuk Alexandra M. Veljkovic & John A. Nychka Kim Westcott Monchito M. Victoria C. Westover Gina Vliet Sharilyn Marie Westworth Shawna Vogel & Chris Gregson Colin Wetter Jeff Volk Collette D. Wetter David & Jennifer Vroon Yvonne Whelton Ted Wachno Jane White Cory Wald & Family Rich White Terry Wald Eric G. Whitley Candace Waldron Graham Whyte Meghan & Ian Walford Matt Whyte Robert Walker James H. Wickstrom Tim Walker Michael Widdifield Carmen Wall Lorane Wiebe D. Wallace Tyler & Angela Wiens Glenn B. Wallace Herman E. Wierenga Professor Jo-Ann Wallace Mark & Judy Wiesner Alanna C. Walters Glen Wigmore Gavin Walters The Wiles Family Chad Walz Karen Wilke Christine Wan Jones Peter & Susan Wilkes Paul Wandzura Bernie H. Wilkie Stephanie Wanke Billie Wilkins Daniel Ward Mary Anne Wilkinson Garth Warner Marc Willacy Crystal Warren Marc & Meredith Willacy Jennifer Warren Bev Williams Bob Warshawski Chet Williams Rod J. Wasylyshyn Lawrence Williams Sharon Watanabe Teresa Williams J. Waters Terry Williams John Waters Terry B. Williams Grant Watson Susan Williams Mark & Janet Watson Catherine L. Willisko Michelle Watson Ronald O. Willock Timothy H. Watson Alison & Travis Wilson Trudy Watson Anne Wilson William Watson D. Wilson Kevin Webster Daryl Wilson Douglas G. Weir Dave & Jodey Wilson

70 Report to the Community 2011 Duncan Wilson Lynette Young J. Douglas & Susan Wilson Ralph Young Kimberly Wilson Chloe Yu Mike & Monique Wilson Ted Yu Richard W. Wilson Jesse Yuen Wade, Sheara, Payton & Kennedy Wilson Kevin R. Zahara Rick Wilton Carolyn Zahovskis Trevor A. Wince Saul Zalik Orest Windjack Danny Zalmanowitz Gordon Richard Winkel Nadine Zanon Karen Wirtanen Kim Zapisocky Robert Wirtz Anas Zeineddine Matthew Wishman Dwayne Zembal Norman L Witten Q.C. ZEN Lilia Witzke Melissa Zimmerman Susan & Jonathan Woelber W. Greg Zinter Keith Wohland Dave & Peri Ziprick Robert Wojcik Neil Zubot Hans Wolf Stewart Zutz Shelley Wollin Kory Zwack Kristine Wolski 359 Anonymous Everett Wong Phillip Wong Phillip M. Wong Jim & Susan Woodland Gail Woodward Dr. Paul & Priscilla Woodward Bob & Connie Wooldridge Venita & Glenn Worbeck Allan Wright Bill & Margaret Wright Dan Wright Jack & Susan Wright Peter & Joan Wright Joseph Wuest Margaret Ann Wylie David Wynnychuk Laura P. Wynychuk Wilsun Xu Shane Yakemchuk Samuel Yau Anna Ho & John Ybema Hock Oon Yeap Beverly Yee Don & Lydia Yeomans Wendy Yewman Winnie Yiu-Young

United Way Alberta Capital Region 71 Alberta Capital Region 15132 Stony Plain Road Edmonton, AB T5P 3Y3

Charitable Registration Number 11926 0487 RR0001

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72 Report to the Community 2011