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A WORLD VISION JOURNAL OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT First Quarter, 2002 In thisthis issueissue...... World Bank President James D.Wolfensohn Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown MP,MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, UK OECD DAC Chairman Jean-Claude Faure EC Director for Development Koos Richelle IMFIMF DeputyDeputy DirectorDirector forfor PDRPDR MasoodMasood AhmedAhmed plus articles from... New Economics Foundation Bretton Woods Project Finance Focus on the Global South North South Institute for development ...and...and moremore It takes money FINANCING for development is undoubtedly one of the most impor- First Quarter, 2002 tant, if not the most important, issue facing the global movement today. Finance for development Without resolving the scandal of inadequate financing, we cannot Financing for development–a time for action 1 address the health, educational and World Bank President James D.Wolfensohn suggests five areas in which economic issues that face the poor, results from the March FfD conference could assist developing countries to nor can we hope to create a more reduce poverty and strengthen their economies. stable world. Conferences on child trafficking, say, or HIV/AIDS may grab FfD and children 3 media headlines, but such issues all The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown MP, Exchequer, UK, says ‘ensuring a require the world to solve the mat- better future for the world’s children means putting their needs at the ter of financing for development. centre of financial decision making and economic planning.’ We’ve prepared this edition with the March 2002 Financing for Development finance, policy coherence, governance 5 Development Conference in OECD’s Development Assistance Committee Chairman Jean-Claude Monterrey, Mexico, in mind, and have Faure emphasises the importance of good governance and the invited an array of leading thinkers inclusion of the poor as full partners in development financing.
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