The Effect of State on User Behavior in an On-Line Computer Mediated Conference

Terence C. Ahem

Texas Tech University

Abstract Social learning environments create situations in The goal of this study was to investigate the effect the which schoolwork is perceived not as a "task" or window state and management on the ability of users "chore" but as an opportunity to interact on issues of to maintain coherent interaction within an on-line me­ personal importance. The advantage of authentic inter­ .diated conference. Industry design practice suggests action provides not only individual cognitive develop­ that users should be able have direct control of the ment but also creates an important social environment windowing display system. In order to conform to in­ with far reaching consequences. One of the many ben­ dustry practice the IdeaWeb was redesigned from a efitsof collaborative learningis that it requires students . single window display system to a modeless tiled win­ to challenge, reject or integrate the new information [2] dow display system. It was assumed that a modeless which leads to deeper understanding. In a social windowing system would be preferable because the environment students engage their peers with talk that underlying graphic display system was dynamic. informs, explains, persuades or even entertains. This The results indicate that the students generally process is provides what Stasser and Davis [3) terms opted for a single window display system which is knowledge building and is accomplished when one consistent with much of the previous research. Se­ tests an understanding against the "common authority" quence data from the event logs demonstrate that stu­ and requires access to multiple perspectives other than dents chose to treat the modeless window as static or one's own. modal. It appears that the students were concentrating Even though collaborative learning is viewed as a on the cognitive task of managing the on-going com­ legitimate method for classroom instruction, experts puter mediated discussion. suggest that less than 10 percent of the nations schools This study has important consequences for screen regularly use cooperative learning techniques [4). Im­ and window design not only for developing on-line plementing a change from the traditional classroom to conference systems, but within multimedia systems one that values discourse, therefore, is not a simple that have dense cognitive material. If the cognitive re­ matter. However, networking technology may provide quirements of the main window are high, then a titled a solution to this dilemma. In fact "Technology is a windowing system that requires little user intervention great Trojan Horse... It is a great way to get coopera­ appears to be the design choice. However, if the re­ tive learning in the door" [4, p. 27). By providing the quirement to recall information from window to win­ opportunity for authentic peer interaction, each student dow is low then a single window system display sys­ will development an awareness of authorship and the tem is more appropriate. This would reduce not only need for rhetorical competence. However, most com­ the cognitive but the design and programming over­ puter systems were initially not developed forthe more head as well. dynamic simultaneous multi-channel interaction of group interaction. Typically, "E-mail is a great tool for person-to-person messaging but it fallflat when you 're Keywords - windows, computer -mediated commu­ coordinating a discussion ... Traditional E-mail pack­ nication, small group discussion. ages just weren't designed with work groups in mind: [5]. R. L. Bangert-Drowns [6) suggests that "different 1. Introduction communication interfaces might be suited to different instructional tasks. In situations where students are not Collaborative learning as an instructionalmethod has a just discussing, but collaborating on goal-focused long history. It can be found in the Academy of Plato work... different interfaces might be needed". Levin, to the one room school house of the 19th century. The Kirnand Riel concur and speculate that "once we have positive effectsof the many differentforms of collabo­ a more detailed understanding of the nature of the in- rative learning have been well documented. [l).

CSCL '95 Proceedings October 1995 teraction, we will be in a good position to address the much better on the task using the single window dis­ issue of which medium is effective and for what pur­ play. However, as the users became more proficient in pose" [7,p.185]. Consequently, group interaction is the task and more efficient in using the interface, the hampered by the design of the . readers "benefited more from multi-windowing dis­ One area in which the typical social computing plays because these helped them locate the information application breaks down is in its inability to manage they have just read" [14, p. 613]. Further, Aspillaga the development of coherent discourse over time. [15] investigated the effect of window location in con­ McGrath [8] observed that when members can choose junction with the overlapping of graphic information in when to participate an unpredictable lag in feedbackis a language tutorial. She found that a consistent win­ created in contrast to typical face-to-face. In real time dow position had a significant effect on performance interaction an individual has the ability to index multi­ than the overlapping of a graphic illustration. Ben­ ple speakers by tracking who-said-what-to whom­ shoof and Hooper [16] in a study using a CAI tutorial when. The ability to keep track of an ongoing conver­ foundthat high ability students performedsignificantly sation is accomplished through the use of turn-taking better in the single window treatment than all other rules where one participant takes control of the floor students.. They suggest that the single window display and continues until they relinquish it to another which may have helped the students to process information results in an orderly "distribution of talk among the more deeply. They caution however, that these results various members" [9, p 296]. This indexing mecha­ may be due to the superior cognitive skills of the high nism allows an individual to cogently and appropri­ ability students who were able to overcome the higher ately respond to a variety of different speakers at dif­ processing memory requirements of the single window ferent times [9 p 296]. display. In a more recent study this caution seems to In a typical on-line system, however, individual be well foundedas Benshoof, Graves and Hooper [17] responses are managed linearly making the thread of a report that all students performed significantly better in discourse sequence difficult to follow. This break a tiled multi-window display system because it acted as down in the ability of members to engage in a coherent supplementary memory aid in support of the main interaction leads to "individual reasoning, not collec­ window. tive reasoning" [10, p.149] However, by merging the Modern windowing systems allow for not only the pragmatic needs of interaction with a conventionalized positioning of windows such as overlapping and tiling graphical representation participants in a collaborative but also different window states. The primary state for learning system are be able to locally manage turns. most applications has the foremost windowactive and This results in sustainable, coherent interaction. is considered the top window. If other windows are The IdeaWeb© addressed this need by merging simultaneously open, they are inactive and are located the pragmatic principles of conversation with a visually behind the main window. To activate a background oriented interface. [11,12]. A salient feature of the window, a user would choose a window by clicking the IdeaWeb is the user display system which requires mouse somewhere within its boundary. This action each group member to map their interactions visually changes the state of the current main window to inac­ thereby enabling group members to quickly determine tive and moves it to the background while bringing the not only to whom a message was intended but also the selected window to the top. Normally, a user could position of that message in an on-going sequence of perform this action at any time. However if the top messages [12] . window is in a modal state, the user must first com­ The intial version of the IdeaWeb used a single plete a task in order to either dismiss, activate or ma­ window display system. However, it was assumed that nipulate another window. On the other hand if the top the visual display system played an important role in window is in a floating, modeless state, moving be­ helping the user to contextualize previous messages. tween windows does not require activation or result in With the current design, the graphic display is ob­ a state change because all windows are active. scured while the user is reading previous messages. Schneiderman [18] suggests that a "general prob­ Consequently, in order to improve performance within lem for computer users is the need to consult multiple the system and to conform with current interface prac­ sources rapidly, while minimally disrupting their con­ tice the IdeaWeb was redesigned in order to implement centration on their task." [18, p. 337]. The IdeaWeb a multiple window system providing the users with was designed to enhance coherence by inhibiting the more control [13]. breakdown of interaction by supporting context build­ Previous window design research indicates that ing through the graphic display of the links between user performance is effected not only by type of the messages in an going sequence of interaction. It was window display system but also by the cognitive re­ assumed that maintaining coherence in the IdeaWeb quirements of the task. For example, in a study that would be enhanced by allowing the user not only to explored the ability of users to find information in a read continuous sequences of comments but also to single text window in contrast to multiple overlapping reposition or resize the window in order to be able to windows, it was found that novice users performed view the position of the current node in a sequence of

CSCL '95 Proceedings 2 October 1995 nodes. Therefore to conform with current interface 2. Method design principles a modeless window system would permit the user to reposition, resize the window thus 2.1. Subjects would allowing the user to view the underlying graphic In order to investigate the effect of window modality with minimal interferencefrom the system. 32 undergraduates in a self-paced introductory com­ In contrast, Shneiderman [18] also argues that puter literacy course at a majorsouthwestern university dense, crowded and complicated displays are difficult volunteered to participate in this study. The students for novices to use, the typical student in most instruc­ had little previous computer experience. Students who tional situations. If Schneiderman is correct then the met the minimum requirements of participation re­ high cognitive requirements of managing asynchronous ceived bonus academic credit for the course. interaction in a computer mediated system would sug­ gest a single system would be prefer­ 2.2. Materials able. The system would require each user to view a As indicated before the salient feature of the IdeaWeb sequence of interaction without the distracting interfer­ is the displaying of previous comments as a web of ence of the graphic display or the need to mangage the interactions. (Figure 1). window such as resizing or repositioning. Conse­ The IdeaWeb was modified so that there were two quently this study investigated the effectof the window conditions. The first condition used a floating, ­ state on user's behavior in an on-line mediated coher­ less tiled window display system which could be repo­ ence. sitioned, resized or closed at any time by the user. (Figure 2).

DOUG 10128194 HOLLY 1111194

DOUG 1112194 Stacie 1111194 Trish 1111194 DOUG 1113194 Wil.li3 1114194

DOUG 1114194 Wil.li3 1114194 HOLLY 1118194 DOUG 1118194

DOUG 11112194 HOLLY 11111194

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A � A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Link Return Ne'ti Comment

Figure 1. Web of interactions.

CSCL '95 Proceedings 3 October 1995 DOUG 1112194

Trish 1111194 DOUG 1113194 DOUG 1113194

i!O Willis 11 / 4/94 DOUG 1114194 HO Willis 1114194 I don't thinkth.ere is aproblemvith the ------1Police having access, the question is DOUG 11112 should John? Would it make a -----•difference ifJohn vorked for the Police Departmentor sr.r:�oth.ergovemmen18l. agency? We have severalthings inour scoeitythat have been labelled PUBLIC RECORDS. Th.ese are avsilable 1D anyone andincluded in this is Departmentof Mo1DrVehicle de.18. (licenseplates, drivers license,eu:.). Since this isvhatJohn is accessing it is the vay he did it that botheredsome of you. Or maybe it is a genderthing ( tryingo . .

Figure 2. Modeless window moved and resized.

The second condition used a single window modal variable of group. Each group was randomly assigned display system that not only obscured the graphic, but and trained in the use of a particular window condition. also required the user to review a sequence of At the end of a two week period, each group was re­ messages prior to returningto the graphic display. assigned and re-trained during an interim week on the use of the new window condition .. The study continued 2.3. Procedure for a second two weeks and maintained an event log Experimental conditions were based on the window for each member each time they logged on. display system. The students were randomly assigned to 8 discussion groups of approximately 5 members per group. They were to participate in a laissez-faire dis­ 3. Analysis cussion concerning some topic. In addition, other top­ The dependent variables of participation, time, number ics provided an area for announcements of interest to of messages, and length of messages were analyzed members of the group and another for the users to using a completely randomized block design with voice concerns about the study, credit, and problems repeated measures. There was no main effect for with the software etc. The students were required to groups. However, there was a main significant use the system at least twice a week during study. (WILKS' LAMBDA [3,22)= 62.5251775 P=0.000) effect within subjects by interface. However, subse­ 2.4. Data Collection quent univariate investigations were not significant for This study used a mixed design with an within-subject number of visits, length of messages, number of mes­ independent variable of window state [modal and sages or number of words per message. modeless window] and a between subject independent

CSCL '95 Proceedings 4 October 1995 Table I. Repeated Measures Table Table 2. LinkFrequency by State Between 1 2 3 4 Total Subjects Modeless 10 89 26 9 134 Source ss DF MS F p Modal 18 117 21 2 158 Group 2393.61 7 341.9 1.3 0.288 Total 28 206 47 11 292 Error 6263.29 4 260.9 Statistic VALUE DF p Within Chi-Square 9.17 3 .03 Subjects Interface 79528.7 3 26509.5 154 0 Interface* 7886.3 21 375.5 2.2 0.007 Group Error 12367 72 171.7 The adjacency matrix also allows for the construc­ tion of a distance matrix [19] which tabulates the length of interconnected nodes. By raising the adja­ cency matrix to a power indicates the length of the path Link data was modeled using directed graph the­ between the nodes. If an integer appears in any of the ory. Initially, the individual messages by window state cells, it indicates that the row node is a specificnumber were arrayed into an adjacency matrix for each group's of links away from the column node as determined by subtopic. Formally, an adjacency matrix A(D) = (aij) the power to which the matrix was raised. Therefore, is defined as a square matrix in which aij represents if the adjacency matrix is squared (A x A) the data can each individual message as defined by the intersection be arrayed in a distance matrix for further analysis. of row i with column j [19 ,20,21]. If a message in row The resulting analysis indicates that there was no statis­ (vi) is linked to a message in column vj the resulting tical difference between the two window states in the value of aij is scored 1, otherwise the value of aij is length of discourse sequences (see table 3). scored 0. Finally, a tally matrix according to events was An adjacency table allows for the investigation of constructed out of the sequential data as recorded by additional information. The outdgree or row sum indi­ the event log. A first order Markov processwas found cates the number of directed links a particular node in the sequence data (see table 4) as indicated by the makes to any other node. transition probability matrix. The outdegree data was found to be was signifi­ This table shows the events and the probabity of cant (x2= (3,N=292)=9.167, 1t = 0.027) by window an event following an event. For example a window type. The modal window environment produced more opening followedby a node was 100%. Additionally it multiple node links than the modaless windowing sys­ indicates that a node followed by a window occured tem. almost 42% of the time. The window-node-window or

Table 3. Frequency of Sequence Lengthby Window State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8+ Total Modeless 170 141 107 58 30 15 11 12 544 Modal 167 150 123 86 40 18 7 6 597 Total 337 291 230 144 70 33 18 18 1141 Statistic Value DF p Chi-Square 9.010 7 0.25

Table 4. Event Probabilities Event Window Node Resize Move Comment Window 0 1 0 0 0 Node 0.417 0.386 0.020 0.020 0.155 Resize 0.571 0 0.142 0 0.285 Move 0.078 0 0.026 0.842 0.052 Comment 0.446 0 0 0 0.553 Statistic Value DF p Chi-Square 377.7 16 .000

CSCL '95 Proceedings 5 October 1995 window-node-node-comment were typical sequences node prior to returning to the discussion screen the stu­ within the modeless environment. These sequences dents could read previous comments without the visual mimic the modal environment which was controlled by interference of the graphic display. Even though this the system. Notice that it illustrates that the partici­ did not result in any significant improvement in the pants chose to manipulate the modeless window sys­ length of the interaction chains, it appears that the stu­ tem a litle more than 2% of the time either to reposition dents had a better grasp of individual comments. or resize the window. This study has important consequences forscreen and window design not only for developing on-line conference systems, but within multimedia systems 4. Discussion that have dense cognitive material. If the cognitive re­ The goal of this study was to investigate the effect the quirements of the main window are high, then a titled window state and management on the ability of users windowing system that requires little user intervention to maintain coherent interaction within an on-line me­ appears to be the design choice. However, if the re­ diated conference. Industry design practice suggests quirement to recall information from window to win­ that users should be able have direct control of the dow is low then a single window system display sys­ windowing display system. In order to conform to in­ tem is more appropriate. This would reduce not only dustry practice the IdeaWeb was redesigned from a the cognitive but the design and programming over­ single window display system to a modeless tiled win­ head as well. dow display system. It was assumed that a modeless This study also suggests further research. It would windowing system would be preferable because the be of important to investigate if the users' performance underlying graphic display system was dynamic. or behavior would be altered as their expertise within Previous research on user performance in using the system improved. Additionally, if a tiling system . different types of window display systems indicate that was adopted, what is the saturation limit on the number the cognitive task is an important design factor. Ben­ of windows open simultaneously. Finally, what is the shoof et al. (in press) found that when the main win­ effect of a moveable, modal window system on user If dow was cognitively important, the tiling of the win­ behavior. social learning systems are to become in­ dow provided a useful device to help recall important tegrated within the school we need not only an under­ information. Aspillaga (1991), discovered that an standing of mediated interaction but also the most ap­ overlapping window did not diminsh performance propriate interface design for the task. when the data being displayed was more important than viewing an underlying graphic on the main win­ dow. However, when the overlapping window was in­ consistently located created a higher cognitive load References 1. Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (1990). Co­ with a subsequent decrease in user performance. The results indicate that the students generally operative learning and achievement. In S. Sharan opted for a single window display system which is (Eds.), Cooperative learning . (pp. pp. 23-37). consistent with much of the previous research. Se­ New York: Praeger. quence data from the event logs demonstrate that stu­ 2. dents chose to treat the modeless window as static or Daiute, C., & Dalton, B. (1988). "Let's Brighten it up a bit": Collaboration and cognition in writ­ modal because they so infrequentlymoved or resized it even though they were permitted to do so. It appears ing. In B. A. Raforth & D. L. Rubbin (Eds.), The social construction of written communication that the students were concentrating on the cognitive task of managing the on-going computer mediated dis­ (pp. 249-269). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. c ssion. This explains why there were no significant � 3. Stasser, G., & Davis, J. H. (1981). Group deci­ differences between the two window systems in terms sion making and social influence: A social inter­ of amount or length of the messages or in the length of action sequence model. Psychological Review, the interaction sequences. The underlying graphic dis­ 88(6), 523-551. play of the link nodes served as a orienting device which once viewed could be obscured without disrupt­ 4. ing the comprehension of the ongoing discussion. Strommen, E. (1995). Cooperative learning. 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CSCL '95 Proceedings 6 October 1995 7. Levin, J. A., Kim, H., & Riel, M. M. (1990). An­ 18. Shneiderman, B. (1992). Designing the user in­ alyzing instructional interactions on electronic terface: Strategiesfor effectivehuman-computer message networks. In L. M. Harasim (Eds.), On­ interaction (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison line education: Perspectives on a new environ­ Wesley. ment . (pp. pp. 185-213). New York: Praeger. 19. Hage, P., & Harary, F. (1983). Structural models 8. McGrath, J. E. (1990). Time matters in groups. in anthropology. New York: Cambridge Univer­ In J. Galegher, R. E. Kraut, & C. Egido (Eds.), sity. Intellectual teamwork: Social and technological foundations of cooperative work . (pp. 23-61). 20. Harary, F., Norman, R. Z., & Cartwright, D. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. (1965). Structural Models: An introduction to the theory of directed graphs. New York: John 9. Levinson, S. (1983). Pragmatics. Cambridge: Wiley & Sons. Cambridge University Press. 21. Tatsuoka, M. M. (1986). Graph theory and its 10. Hiltz, S. R., Dufner, D., Holmes, M., & Poole, S. applications in educational research: A review (1991). Distributed group support systems: So­ and integration. Review of Educational Re­ cial dynamics and design delimmas. Journal of search, 56(3), 291-329. organizational computing, 1(2), 135-159.

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CSCL '95 Proceedings 7 October 1995