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leva ' V 'Among the veteran ball players who witnessed Cleveland's victory-- yesterday and , who were among the first to congratulate Speaker were Larry Lajoie (left), former f Cleveland , and (right), a former Cleveland . Speaker is shown in the center between, the old timers. '. Cleveland In Furore Neville's Polo Men Brooklyn Gould Not GARPENTIER PUTS Over Winning Series To Play New Bedford LEVINSKY AWAY Climbs Into Grand Stand at Conclusion of Bridgeport Outclassed in Game at Hartford Where Quin- Have Won T Team Anyway Last Game and Kisses His Gray Haired Mother tet Was Unable to Show Any Play Quigley -- to to Show Individual Work. Critics Unanimous That Dodgers Were Unable Win Former Bridgeport Man Her Congratulations Coihe First. Fails i ' Weaknesses Under Any Circumstances Makes Poor Showing GAWK TONIGHT. Bared Shamelessly. Boxer. Cleveland. O.. Oct 13 Wltb. thei pltchou-t- s on these plays. Each time COMMANDER ROSS Against French fifth city of tlte United States- in the the play was broken up and (the New Bedford at Bridgeport. matter of population definitely assur- Cleveland base runner easily (By Sid Mercer.) ed of being the first city of the base trapped. THE STANIHNG.S - 13. team Georges Carpentier, heavweight The pitching superiority of Cleve- CHARGES BOGASH New York,- Oct. The best champion of Europe, knocked out Bat- ball universe for at least 12 months; is indicated in won in Cleveland settled back to en land's trio cf flingers W. . L. P.C RACE the world's championship Levinsky, light heavyweight today ip tling world's-championsh- the scores of the games. Backing New 12 3 .800 AMAZEDJT 1920. champion of America, in (the fourth joyment of the up Coveleskie's almost unheralded Bedford, y round of a one sided contest last baseball honors brought here Dy Jim came 9 7 .563 This statement is often made and ' defeated work, Walter (Mails through ijrritd 8 7 .531 L0UGHL1N in the Jersey City baseball Dunn's Indians when they IS 1-- 3 f ' Worlds FEARS nearly as often disputed. It Is seldom night of 15,000 S to 0, with shutout innings including 9 7 .563 Says No Horse In grounds in the presence the Brooklyn Dodgers yester- Jim j T Ad that the experts agree on what the annual series a three hit ' game and Bagby f;,, 7 7 .500 team persons. day and captured the piS.eb.ed two contests, winning ilnH-f- , Can Man losing might have accomplished five to two. i good - 7 8 .467 Equal O'War with better breaks in the luckv This The knockout blow, a short right by games n one and losing one. , 5 10 .333 42 a hanger-o- In f- i is one "of those times, however. The to the jaw, was delivered after one Cleveland, years secuiiu avrxixs uuiivi, .uiwucu. j (.., , orr) 4 12 .250 Now. Local Boxer Refuses to Box dec- seven of professional baseball. turned Its critics unanimously united in a minute and seconds boxing to new ways of laration that the Brooklyn Dodgers in the fourth round. Levinsky was thoughts today devising Caldwell, who, was knocked out of LAST NIGHT'S KESTHTS. in Hartford Because a won cir- in a neu'tral corner at the time he of showing appreciation of thei the box in on-- inning, fell down. Windsor, Ontario, Oct. 13 No ex- could not have under any of athletes who finally cuses offered in . cumstances. were received the blow and he fell through prowess the two for were being defense Sore Throat. , They up against on made this city the world's baseball Smith twirled fine games Hartford 7, Bridgeport 0. of Sir Barton's defeat the the class and it turned the scales after the ropes and lay on his back had misfortune 3, 2-- 5. by great where the Dodgers but the Fall River New Bedford Man O'War in their race for a $75,- -. third game. the edge of the ring platform, capital. to be Mails in one, and 11-1- 0, 6-- 7. a core throat tjie he was counted out Referee Har- Although several watches, medals, pitted against Lowell Salem 000 purse yesterday. The easy man-- ! Claiming: that he has The weaknesses of, the Brooklyn by and half a lost ft. Grimes turned in a shutout j' ner in which Samuel D. Riddle's three! will bo unable to light, Lou team were never barer! so shamelessly ry Ertle. The Frenchman left the automobiles, loving cups victory and then twice was knocked and, to ring at once, and Levinsky on being dozen floral wreaths of unusual size out of the box. The othesr Bridgeport fell before the Hartford year old wonder horse ran away from Bogash of thia city has called off his thcworld in the National League assisted to his corner received the at- have been presented to the winning roller polo team at the Church Street Commander J. K. L. Ross' entry sur- as when the Cleveland team exposed Cleve- were hammered without favor. Auditorium last 7 to 0. The lo- even the most engagement with K. O. Loughlln them in the world's series. Man for tention of his seconds, who apparent- players by appreciative fans, Record. Fall. night, prised enthusiastic; ' In had considerable' trouble in reviv- land believes it has done little for the Many cals outplayed the visitors throughout backers of Man O'War. ncheduled for. tomorrow night man, position for position, the Dodjrers ly man. and is Numerous records of minor im- the game, Evans and Lewis featuring "It was was Hartford. The Hartford promoters did not measure up to their adversa- ing the beaten American Leaguers getting ball simply amazing," Ross.the; man is ready to let the world know just how portance were broken in the series, the offense. Evans whipped the comment of Commander charge that the local giving ries, with the possible exception of It was th worst looking bout that above all were Wams-gans- s into the net several times from diffi- "There's no horse in the world who ! it feels about possessing a champion- but standing that excuse to " out' of the match Ivy Olson, who outshone . Levinsky ever put up. The cleverness El- cult tries. Lewis was credited can Man Bo-gas- h. ball club. unassisted triple play, and with equal O'War." which would be a tough one for Cleveland and ring generalship he had exhibit- ship run several clever assisted pass- Had Quality. in all were The first of a series of celebrations mer Smith's home with the goals by Loughlin recently gave Benny ed previous bouts missing Fitzgerald baseg full. ing from Ilarkins, good teamwork one ox l i. They depended upon the quantity and he fougWt like an awkward no will be held tonight and Mayor on of Fined, ieonara ine luugucat of tTifir pnnH n!tiHfrsL Olpvpland vice. He not one effective has issued a proclamation Tha Brooklyn club today was making the goals possible. Lack Marquard bamplon ever experienced in pittas won did land citizens its way back home where it will dis- teamwork on the part of . Bridgeport h.i,r,hHn hout. the Lib- - with quality. Only one man can blow during the entire four rounds, calling on all good within season. the of to Dropped By Heydler. . T1 t Vi I Tiii n - Of band until next The eastern and failure Quigley shine , j o at a anu me xiiuiuiis or distance this - hp. ; nine, nu and did not seem to be able to get walking riding were In foi- was pruii.uucio "J, nrhn l,l till nft ni,nl (if out of his own elt alone avoid metropolis to be present tonight at players generous praise individually mainly responsible "'' ! timS tracks, official their conquerors, frankly admitting for the sorry showing of the visitors. O., Oct 13. Rube Mar--; IWrS,Sml wilta of Hartford. the Brooklyn boxmen any he the attack of his opponent. Wade Park and pay homage that the best team won. Cleveland, started. Stanley Coveleskie now takes The Frenchman cut loose In two to Tris Speaker and his tribe. NEW 3. quard has pitched his last game in ' i his stand with Mathewson, Adams,, scor When the players go home they BEDFORD 5. FALL RIVER the National if John A. Heyd - ??ate Siegal of Revere was last rounds, the second, in which he League, Dineen coombs,. Faber and Wood, ed Itwo and the probably will be honored further, for Two Touchdowns ler, President" of that organization crownea ew c vic- - knockdowns, fourth, Is In New Oct 13. nignt wnenrs..ne itc)lra wrencned off three m which he administered the coup Sandusky, O., already arranging Bedford. Mass., has his way. eight champion aeieaieu world's - a home-comin- g for Elmer Smith. Duggan, Cusick and Blount mixed it had a. irt of Law-- 1 previous champion- de grace. big i Yale Team's Practice Marquard special hearing ; Pommy" Kloby Corcoran ! He is one of five im- - a Kisses Mother, up m front of the Fall River cage last his case, from spec ien-ruur- iu f" ships. really Carpentier was top heavy favor Speaker resulting alleged the-fcerSe- rence in a cut"""'" M,r' r mortals for Wood and Faber were ite and there was an abundance of Joe Sewell night, which was the feature of the ulation in a set of box (tickets for , of 15 000 fans. ! From the time little 13. team lost on ac- a crowd fight not ted three but merely money .to back him for a knockout his of Kon-etch- y's New Haven, Oct. Two touch game. Each a goal for which he was arrested. .e.L- made ,wonderful stop downs were made Aldrich for the count of fouls. New Bedofrd finally He was d- J.4 finished their third tis,game in four rounds. This condition of af- the series, by Saturday. found guilty and grounder, ending defeated Fall River 5 to 3. !i"t?"jrL! ! One to to fairs, coupled with the poor climbed into the Tale varsity in its scrimmage yester a fine of SI assessed, which he paid. him so that no questiorf-of- has go back Matty's per, palpably and Tris Speaker afternoon - scrub decisively I d day against the The Rube was himself existed in the minds of formance of 190o against the contest put up byr the Battler, gave stands to kiss his gray-haire- mother. eleven. One of was on FALL RIVER 2. congratulating superiority - letics to find a to Coveleskie the onlookers an - unpleasan't in a furore. them made 8, NEW BEDFORD on his lucky escape, when he heard Idol's most ardent ad- parallel - impres Cleveland has been, itne in ses- even the fallen I performer.-Matty-blank- - aion. a line plunge alter varsity, the National Commission was in 'S! as a shutout Coveleskie himself close had the ball - Stanley pitched formations, rushed Fall River. Mass.: Oct. 13. Fall sion. Messrs. Heydler and Johnson ' j ed iflve-ya- rd is. the Mjckmen- three times and of to . line. second J into the hall fame by the The River completely outclassed New held up share of the Coveleskie did the same ten-yar- d Marquard's ... iT On practically King of Horses Now throwing back the Dodgers three touchdown was made on a Bedford here yest&rday afternoon, de series money, and the report is that UOVeieSKl WlUS (to the Dodgers. They scored one run also end run, after the varied s 2. he will be fined. one run Satur-- U successive times, and equalled varsityhad feating them to Kehoe. Pierce heavily Ort "Di znTnol Tlons!i!. Brooklyn and last Holds Records ana JTllt-Xie- id-l-l Five some of the greatest pitching feats in its offense, Had gone eight yards and Jean starred for the locals. Dug- "The National League has no place day but on both occasions Covey had on close a forward Bed- men vtvH history. Only one man Christy formations, pass gan and Jette featured for New for like Marquard," said Mr. the game in hand. Two runs Cleve-lander- 's from to and an end allowed 2 Man O' War, in" running the mile Mathewson has surpassed the Kempton Kelly ford. Heydler. "Ha will not ba 13.- - of the in "S3 "s1" battfc? it a. in in run by Kempton. with National Cleveland Oct. Analysis . I There are no aissenlt- - and quarter in 2:03 in his match work the biggest games again any League: nltchine records in th good pitching. race witn ki iiarton at Windsor, ac- baseball. Mathewson pitched three Kelly, who was left halfback on LOWELL 10, SALEM 7. Club." m?i from the opinion that the Indian ut Cove- Series game indicates that theWorlasjerssuper complished another remarkable feat shut-o- victories back in 1905. the second tteam, was moved over to was are a much superior team to the from a time In leskie three games; allowed halfback on The Lowell, Mass., 13. Lowell and lor control ot .oye.iesKie respon j Brook, a, tne w When standpoint. the opin pitched two right the varsity. 0t. Two Records Fall Bible lor tne a wi twothrough. ion of good judges, this corresponded two runs, 15 hits, walked only line continued with the changes made Salem played a hard driving game viciory, jusl t scores onlv runs in the to 2.00 5 of Mac-- in the nrevlous two games he won 32 at Belmont Park, in reality men and, what is most remarkable Quaile ana Into at guards and last night, with Lowell on the long At Tracki last in'hings of a World's Series, for Shevlin try-o- ut end of a 10-- 7 score. Salem Lexington The Cleveland pitcher kept putting when is and uener man vvnisK Broom XL's freak all, threw the sphere plateward kay at tackle. had a started and Brook- it outbatted all its best record of 2:00. . 87 times each at left end. Sourbeck was in uni- well but Lowell finished :the'ball over the plate, to. an average of" only strong. Hart, were to hit at his pitchers sent tho junk pile there Man O' War has established five form for Ithe first time in several Davies and Williams were the stars. Lexington, Oct 13. A new-world'- lyn batters forced is no other answer. game. " Ky., . records this season, three of which over weeks, and will have a at end on record of 2:02 4 for three-- ; first offerings. Cleveland's superiority the try e - Coveleskie 90 times in The one spot in which the National are world's marks, and in only one in' the scrub team. He is twenty-on- LOWELL 11, SALEM 8. year-ol- d trotters, was set by pitched only excelled was in National Leaguers was evident the six 185 Sister, the nine innings, while Grimes and League champions race, the Dwyer, was he ever fully series, for the years old, feet tall and weighs Bertha in a race against time pre-- : the Brooklyn twirlers, were the fielding. Sewell alone made extenaed. out and pounds. Tne end situation i3 one of Salfm, Mass., Oct 13. Lowell de- ceding1 the afternoon programme and; Mamaux, chamnions out hit. played ld forced to throw 135 times. Only 21 of enough errors to prevent Cleveland A list of his remarkable perform out their senior circuit rivals. the hardest ones Tane has to face. feated Salem .here at polo yesterday the mark Npr three-year-o- pacing Coveleskie's efforts were called balls. from leading in defense too. But ances follows: guessed a Clarance F. Alcott, end afternoon. The final result was colts was broken twice in tthe same 4- into the series with pitch- V. . i I : ...... - -3 Coming 1907 Lowell f UT-f HiriKITH. O 1UU1 BtXirfcCC l J 'iirl U11U1D ' .j One mile in 1:35 American rec- the best either in and coach of ends in 1916. 11, Salem 8. "Bob" Hart was event first by Trampsafe to 2:02 ! ing staff considered jn .1-- fouls. He retired 12 men on flie and the Dodgers, and Brooklyn bobbles ord for competition, made in the ion em TSrooklvn went out with a bat- - assisted Vaughn and Mosely with the the big goal getter, scoring six; while and then by Frisco June to 2:01 4 16 sent out easy grounders. Five, hits were costly. One gave Cleveland the Withers at Belmont Park on May 29. srronTi two of ends. Davies secured four. Williams starred here. I torpd of hurlers. only three-year-o- ld were made by Brooklyn. Coveleskie winning run yesterday, One mile and a furlong in 1:49 5; whom Grimes and Smith were able for the losers. The pacing colt rec- pitched only four times in the fourth j world's record, made in the Dwyer at o nitch winning ball. Ana Chain Eleven To ord was set in the Tennessee, In inning. . 0 Aqueduct on July 10. nnri Smith both eot their beatings. which Frisco June scored a victory two sent! Indians Outbat One mile and three in Cleveland a New taking ithe last two heats in fast' Thn Brooklyn 1-- furlongs the bat hung up Haven CRISP SINGLES ly pitchers 5: With 2:14 world's record, made in the of .244 to .200 for Play time after having finished last in the over more strikes than Coveleskie hut Rivals Series Belmont team average PLEAE Keep mile. She was W. In Stakes at Belmont Park on figures give " together)))) first driven by W. ' 12. . - Brooklyn. Fielding The American Chain football team of the St Louis in innings they pitched - June Krooklvn an advantage of .976 to Browns has down an of Fleming. gther eight 7 One mile a 5: will the Washington Glees at turned offer 51 balls, 35 strikes. 14 foul strikes. A rcView 0f the box scores of the and half in 2:28 925. However, few will contend play receive $4,881 for their share of the 11 10 on American record, made in the defense at Weiss Park, New Haven, Sunday fouls. men on flies, rollers WOrld's serios which was brought to Cluib Jockey Cleveland's superior crit when the New Haven team York Yankees. Man O'War First and allowed 7 hits. in Cleveland with Stakes at Belmont Park on Sept. ical moments.. . afternoon seven a ci0.e yesterday Was will open its season. Grimes's record for innings the Indians vinning the title shows One Miller Strong. St. Paul and Baltimore are play- To Drink From Cup WSLB 41 16 out-batt- ed mile and five in one branch of inside base OailS, dl BiriRes, mill th0 new world's 5; furlongs Only in the fifth of 4 9 men out on flies that champion 2:40 world's record, made in the show real filed suit against Will- ing game the "Junior strikes, fouls, the National league champions Lawrence ball did Brooklyn super- iam A. and Herbert H. World Series" at St "Paul today. St and 10 on ground balls and 7 hits. 53 to 44 in itne. seven Realization Stakes at Bel- ior! tv; so far as the spectator could Shea Tudkin, Paul won Windsor, Ont, Oct 13. Man O' 4 4 2 by hits games mont Park on 4. that be restained from has lost three and only one Mahaux threw halls, strikes, played. The Dodgers, however, did Sept. see. That was in the almost uncan asking they game. i War was the first to drink from the stfikes. 3 fouls, retired 2 men as did of Catcher xo caitcn selling or exchanging the picture $5,000 he won so foul not make as many mispays the ny ability ,uiier. gold cup impres- on files. non on and ed was Indians hit and run and base "Headin Home," until he can collect here. grounders American Leaguers. Brooklyn JOHN REED PLLAYS the in $35,000 for in the He Seaback of Torrington is sively no hits. . with five errors in the seven stealing signals. 'Five times the acting picture. tne Connecticut in Na- After receiving it from the hands charged vm- - back says he was promised $50,000 and has only entry the grain cs, while Cleveland had twelve PROMINENT ROLE here the Brooklyn tional Pocket Billiard Championship of A. M. Orphen, Samuel D. Riddle Drafted errors chalked up against it. stop called the turn by signalling for received only $15,uuu. which starts in Chicago on October hurried over ito the stable to congrat- McGowan Is The Indians blanked the Dodgers ulate Louis Feastel,- his trainer, and Baltimore Club in two r of the seven games, while London, Oct. 13. John Read, there the huge bowl was filled with I American bolshevik By Brooklyn .hut out Cleveland in only writer and the Battling Levinsky, of this water and offered first to the great first agent the Reds att formerly three-year-ol- d. oiip game. Cleveland scored a total tablish in America, city, made a sorry showing against i Bran ford of nineteen runs in seven took a prominent Later it was filled filled Frankie McGowan, the 'ihe games, part in the activities of the. Coveleskie last night. Levinsky ap- and again who played with New Haven while Brooklyn tallied eight. "Third Replaces peared fat and slow. One smash on for others to. drink from, but that Is youth, bafe Communist Internationale" held in chin another during the past baseball soaso". . Cleveland Moscow in the in the second aDnarentlv story. been drafwd by the Baltimoii Inur-- Each of the team wiT! The AssociatedJuly took what fight Levinsky had right to i e ? (.:1S81 ".heir Press As out of cfub, for share of the correspondent Present him and from then on was according rrc( Walsh it national League who Ed from N. Y. while each recently crossed Russia talked a of SWIMMERS MEAT. nrr! rnceivert Auburn., series, Brooklyn player to Reed at the Bolshevik of- only question time. Owner expccien to ,ii;tve wiii vi. xnu iiurse. tor me fice in Moscow the foreign Spit-Ba- ll ' Mc(?owan-bac- k with New Haven ncxt secoml and third place, .teams of day before the EATING TIGERS " Sessions began. Reed - ieason. ; each league amounts to $5", 770. was one stated that he King AIRMEN WILL of the first accredited Ameri- Day u, can delegates to "Third Inter- HAVE CELEBRATION Paris, Oct. 13. "Duke" Kahana-mok- nationale." has been Cleveland Giant's Work in Series Just Closed Recalls Keoloha and Norman Ross, was (It stated that Hawaiian and American swimmers, Reed elected by Russians in New York, Oct 13. Airmen of not Moscow to "represent American com- of Who Made the only smashed French swimming munists in Great Work Bridgeport Manager army and navy including many who records during Itheir recent visit to that convention.) won fame by their exnloits riiirino Paris, but established marks in an- Uunng the first session Reed made , Sox Famous in 1906. a speecn as a White the war will gather here on the night other branch of sport that will stand representative of the of November 11 to celebrate h for all times, to the man- - American communist party. He told second J according of the work of 'the must go anniversary of tha signing of ager of the hotel at which they or communists in (By Jack Veiock.) ed, that the pitcher Liie ariiiisiut;. jl ne committee in stopped. He is willing to hand them America ana wnat ho s xne 3,-1- . 13. Tris Speaker Dy Doards. isoin major leieuea charge has made reservations for of ithe rnndj.j New York, Oct who-wi- the eating championship the wrongs in the American base- the moist de- ll -- ' of system fighting Indians are the world s have agreed to abolish diners be arranged ac- world. government. because in to such fellows to bif-tec- I ball champions today tbey livery, but justice cording squadrons, flying fields "Mon Dieu, they command ze k Early this year Reed attempted to to combine natural as Govey, it seems that some ruling and other units to which be- with i return to the United have been able old they pommes frites, three of arrested States, but was ability with fighting spirit. should be made to permit the longed, i. them," said the hotel man: The by Finnish authorities as a Tho newly crowned champions timers to continue. The Indians, as a Military rank will be forgotten at waiter produced what is bolshevik agent, and was confined in to the world's title team, are sure to be a factor in the the dinner, to announcem- hotel as generally prison in "Finland for plugged their way be- race of according thought at the sufficient He three months because they were fighting American. League pennarit ent-by the committee. General for three persons buit Norman Ross is had attempted to travel through partly in 1921, if the 'spitball rule holds will be mere pilots, to have confiscated Finland on seaman's hind the greatest spitball pitcher but Coveleskie's of exchanging alleged the whole American papers, but baseiball and partly because they axe, thev will be sdre to miss stories war experiences with air- platter while both Kahamamoku and forged passport whlcShe a doubt, the greatest come- effectiveness In the box next year. men who served with lower rank. Keoloha were where their carried, evidently for emergency" use, without in either however. s for was.inquiring gave him away. Diamonds back or money players major Taken as a team, Speaker Arrangements the reunion are own steak All the gesticulating valued at , " sure to figure strong in the in charge of a committee of which of the headwaiter to $30,000 which Reed carried were con-- league. tribe are eloquence failed : name ftof Stanley Coveleskie race next year, for there never has Laurence LaTourette Briggs, founder convince the trio that 'the steak was fiscated by the Finnish government, Tho Cleve- club with more fighting and first of the American i out in bold relief in been a ball president meant for three. Vegetables, ham and After the prison term he was deport--e- d stands The Pole, Flying Club, is chirman. Other mem- eggs, cheece, fruit desserts followed to Russia land's achievement. lanky - SPThe Dc-dger-3 no are James B... in- - to his has have alibi. Their bers Taylor, Jr., and turn while the manager moaned. with three victories credit, a few Albert G. Read of Sc.ir.-o- r name inrthe of defeat will be summed up in the navy; Eddie "Why they drink beer with all Harding left Marion, Ohio, emblazoned his annajs , for his baseball as one of the greatest words uttered by Ed. Eonetchy: Richenbacker, Elliott Springs, also their meals," said the headwaiter fourth speaking tour, which history of all and bis to make runs Charles J. Biddle, Charles . Hanson horrified at the of not drink- i "him In- world's serie3 t "Wa were fighting heresy will take Kentucky, pitchers gr.-ia- on. Harold E. diana and Tennessee.through brilliant victory recalls the work without as many men bases as the Towns, Hartney and Cole ing wine for dinner. "And right"' in old Ed. Walsh, who made the Indians hs.d," said Koney, "and that J. Younger of the army. the midst of their meal they absorb a ofgood bac n 1906. that we were not hit- bowl of sweet chocolate." , manager of the White Sox iamoas away simp'lyfme&nt Health vaccina- huge con- Hero. ting iica did." authorities ordered When informed that the men were Brooklyn Baseball Club, signe'd a Walsh Was RnKo Marrraardthey is through as a tion of 1.382 passengers of the steam- champion swimmers of the world, tract to manage the New York greatest opxtoaii Nleew sea-lion- s, - tfS ship Amsterdam which arrived regular the headwaiter Yankees, to from of Tht S3-- SSLS-- - according a report artr S2rf22?e'- of thanks at New Yorlt from Rotterdam, follow- said: , Cleveland. The contract is for three ranks as the greatest spitball pitcher maths the "Sea-lion- s, 11 Rube's "" in trying to scalp ing discovery of smallpox among' the not ranch, they are years, for a salary of $15,000 a year. of the present day, " eI"B steerage, passengers. meat-eati- ng tigers."