28A bus time schedule & line map

28A - Mount Charles - View In Website Mode

The 28A bus line (St Austell - Mount Charles - Lostwithiel) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Lostwithiel: 1:05 PM - 4:13 PM (2) St Austell: 8:03 AM - 1:55 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 28A bus station near you and nd out when is the next 28A bus arriving.

Direction: Lostwithiel 28A bus Time Schedule 37 stops Lostwithiel Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 1:05 PM - 4:13 PM South Street, St Austell Tuesday 1:05 PM - 4:13 PM Kings Avenue, St Austell King's Avenue, St Austell Wednesday 1:05 PM - 4:13 PM

Bus Station, St Austell Thursday 1:05 PM - 4:13 PM High Cross Street, St Austell Friday 1:05 PM - 4:13 PM

Library, St Austell Saturday 1:05 PM - 4:13 PM

Poltair Road, St Austell Poltair Road, St Austell

Poltair School, St Austell 28A bus Info Direction: Lostwithiel Coll Tregonissey Rd, St Austell Stops: 37 Trip Duration: 55 min Tesco Extra, St Austell Line Summary: South Street, St Austell, Kings Avenue, St Austell, Bus Station, St Austell, Library, St Tregonissey Lane End, Carclaze Austell, Poltair Road, St Austell, Poltair School, St Sylvan Close, St. Austell Civil Parish Austell, Cornwall Coll Tregonissey Rd, St Austell, Tesco Extra, St Austell, Tregonissey Lane End, Gwallon Road, St Austell Carclaze, Gwallon Road, St Austell, Trimmers, St Austell, Aldi, St Austell, Asda, St Austell, Recreation Trimmers, St Austell Ground, Mount Charles, Victoria Road, Mount Charles, Partco, Mount Charles, Sandy Hill School, Aldi, St Austell Mount Charles, Carlyon Arms, Bethel, Bethel Road, Bethel, Recreation Ground, Bethel, Chapel Field, Bethel, Dormwood, Tregrehan Mills, Bodelva Top Asda, St Austell Turn, Tregrehan Mills, Croft Farm Caravan Park, Rosemelling, Post Box, Rosemelling, Kings Arms, Recreation Ground, Mount Charles Luxulyan, School, Luxulyan, Kings Arms, Luxulyan, Woodland Road, St Austell Postbox, Rosemelling, Croft Farm Caravan Park, Rosemelling, Bridge Street, , Grove Parc, Victoria Road, Mount Charles Tywardreath Highway, Penpillick Farm, Penpillick, Cross, Lanlivery, Pelyn Cross, Lanlivery, The Partco, Mount Charles Royal Talbot, Lostwithiel, Cott Road, Lostwithiel Clifden Road, St. Austell Civil Parish

Sandy Hill School, Mount Charles Carlyon Arms, Bethel Treverbyn Gardens, St. Austell Civil Parish

Bethel Road, Bethel

Recreation Ground, Bethel

Chapel Field, Bethel

Dormwood, Tregrehan Mills

Bodelva Top Turn, Tregrehan Mills

Croft Farm Caravan Park, Rosemelling

Post Box, Rosemelling

Kings Arms, Luxulyan

School, Luxulyan

Kings Arms, Luxulyan

Postbox, Rosemelling

Croft Farm Caravan Park, Rosemelling

Bridge Street, St Blazey Bridge Street, St. Blaise Civil Parish

Grove Parc, Tywardreath Highway

Penpillick Farm, Penpillick

Fowey Cross, Lanlivery

Pelyn Cross, Lanlivery

The Royal Talbot, Lostwithiel 1 Duke Street, Lostwithiel

Cott Road, Lostwithiel Direction: St Austell 28A bus Time Schedule 27 stops St Austell Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:03 AM - 1:55 PM Cott Road, Lostwithiel Tuesday 8:03 AM - 1:55 PM The Royal Talbot, Lostwithiel 1 Duke Street, Lostwithiel Wednesday 8:03 AM - 1:55 PM

Pelyn Cross, Lanlivery Thursday 8:03 AM - 1:55 PM Friday 8:03 AM - 1:55 PM Fowey Cross, Lanlivery Saturday 8:03 AM - 1:55 PM Penpillick Farm, Penpillick

Grove Parc, Tywardreath Highway

Croft Farm Caravan Park, Rosemelling 28A bus Info Direction: St Austell Post Box, Rosemelling Stops: 27 Trip Duration: 48 min Line Summary: Cott Road, Lostwithiel, The Royal Kings Arms, Luxulyan Talbot, Lostwithiel, Pelyn Cross, Lanlivery, Fowey Cross, Lanlivery, Penpillick Farm, Penpillick, Grove School, Luxulyan Parc, Tywardreath Highway, Croft Farm Caravan Park, Rosemelling, Post Box, Rosemelling, Kings Kings Arms, Luxulyan Arms, Luxulyan, School, Luxulyan, Kings Arms, Luxulyan, Postbox, Rosemelling, Croft Farm Caravan Postbox, Rosemelling Park, Rosemelling, Bodelva Top Turn, Tregrehan Mills, Bodelva Turn, Tregrehan Mills, Chapel Field, Bethel, Croft Farm Caravan Park, Rosemelling Bethel Road, Bethel, Carlyon Arms, Bethel, Sandy Hill School, Mount Charles, Lytton Place, Mount Charles, Bodelva Top Turn, Tregrehan Mills Partco, Mount Charles, Victoria Road, Mount Charles, Recreation Ground, Mount Charles, Asda, St Bodelva Turn, Tregrehan Mills Austell, South Street, St Austell, Kings Avenue, St Austell, Bus Station, St Austell Chapel Field, Bethel

Bethel Road, Bethel

Carlyon Arms, Bethel Treverbyn Gardens, St. Austell Civil Parish

Sandy Hill School, Mount Charles

Lytton Place, Mount Charles

Partco, Mount Charles Clifden Road, St. Austell Civil Parish

Victoria Road, Mount Charles Victoria Road, St Austell

Recreation Ground, Mount Charles Woodland Road, St Austell

Asda, St Austell South Street, St Austell

Kings Avenue, St Austell King's Avenue, St Austell

Bus Station, St Austell High Cross Street, St Austell 28A bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved