PROGRAMMING FAMILY DAY LIVING IN AMERICA An afternoon of art-making activities that October 7, 1–3pm invites families to re-imagine together their homes and communities. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT, SYMPOSIUM HARLEM & MODERN HOUSING The question of how to live in America preoccupied many architects and planners—from ROUNDTABLE: PUBLIC HOUSING TODAY Frank Lloyd Wright to the consortium behind Harlem’s first public housing proposals—in This conversation carries the Living November 1, 6–7:30pm the mid-twentieth century. This symposium, in America exhibition premise forward, which accompanies the exhibition by the same considering current challenges for New York name, gathers scholars of mid–20th Century City public housing. housing for a conversation that bridges what might otherwise seem like disparate realms of inquiry in order to reassess received histories and to provoke new questions about SATURDAY GALLERY TALKS how we live in America, together, today. October 21, November 4 and December 2 from 1pm SEPTEMBER 28 THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, NEW YORK All talks meet at To register for MoMA please RSVP before September 28 the Wallach Art September 25 to
[email protected] 6pm Gallery entrance. Viewing of Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive at The Museum of For more information about these events visit Modern Art 7–8:30pm Symposium Keynote Presentation, Dianne Harris, University of Utah SEPTEMBER 29 WALLACH ART GALLERY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY LENFEST CENTER FOR THE ARTS Symposium speakers are Shiben Banerji, School September 29, of the Art Institute of Chicago; Jana Cephas, 10am–5:30pm Living in America has been curated by The Temple Hoyne University of Michigan; Brian Goldstein, Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, September 9–December 17 Swarthmore College; Jennifer Gray, The Planning, and Preservation (GSAPP), and is co-presented Museum of Modern Art; Jennifer Hock, Maryland by The Miriam and Ira D.