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Canadian Publications Mail Product Volume 27 Number 13 July 9—July 22, 2015 $57.75 Addressed Subscription Sales Agreement Nº 40020421

Photo: Toby Snelgrove, Juvenile sea lions hang out on the Belle admiring Mount Baker. Mature bulls and their harems are breeding in the northwest of , and juveniles are not welcome. Though daughters are allowed, the adolescent males over four-years-old are a threat to the bulls and are banished. Special Report by Patrick Brown News Shorts Vancouver Transit Referendum Voted Down Laudato si – the world of a Franciscan pope Results of the 2015 Metro Vancouver Transportation and ope Francis is the leader of over a billion Catholics. His assumptions. The first is that Creation is still happening, carried Transit Plebiscite voting referendum were announced on July publication of a 40,000 word encyclical in eight out by forces which include humanity. The second is that 2. The results were No: 61.68%, Yes: 38.32%. The voting languages concerning man and the environment should humans are obligated to carry on Creation as God would do it— question was ‘Do you support a new 0.5% Metro Vancouver be significant. I found ‘Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’Of The Holy we are responsible. The third is that everything is Congestion Improvement Tax, to be dedicated to the Mayors’ P Council transportation and transit plan?’ 759,869 ballots were Father Francis ‘On Care For Our Common Home’ interesting, interconnected. and stimulating. Faith And Science Meet considered, representing 48.64% of the voting population. After the plebicite, Mario Canseco, spokesperson for polling Pope Francis’ concept of Creation is of a work that is forever Francis is at that point in the development of his Church where company Insights West said, ‘This is an issue where Yes and No unfinished, and one in which humans play a key part. If there faith and science meet. This encyclical aims to reconcile voters are in agreement. Three-in-five residents believe that is a central unifying theme to this encyclical, it is his personal principles, and to include the details which have daily, practical major changes are required at TransLink, before we start to struggle to find a structure to understand today’s bewildering application, for he is a practical man. The concepts come thick figure out how the transportation projects are going to be mass of events, thoughts and theories, and relate them to and fast. funded.’ human dignity, rights, duties, and God. He speaks of our sister, Mother Earth—not of his Church, Same-sex Marriage Becomes Legal in US A Line Of Popes not of his congregations, not of a world full of grief—but of the Over the past half-century, various popes have attempted to earth on which we all stand, walk, live, and which we use and The US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide instruct Catholics, and the rest of the world, about the lack of abuse. in the United States on June 26. The 14 states with bans on same- wisdom in the consumerist lifestyle, the faults of capitalism, the The first of six chapters chronicles the condition of sister sex marriage will no longer be able to enforce them. President abuse of the earth, the condition of the poor, and so on. earth, who ‘cries out’ because of the abuse and harm inflicted Barack Obama said the decision was a ‘victory for America’. These ‘letters’ were comprehensive, authoritative, logical, in the pursuit of the idea that man has ‘dominion’ over her. This Cheers exploded outside of the court when the ruling was political, distributed within the Church, and often ignored. They is the concept that has been interpreted to justify human announced, and couples across the states lined up to be wed all followed, and referred to, a line of encyclicals issued by extraction of the riches of the earth, with little thought as to the within minutes. What had begun as a demonstration outside previous popes. resulting damage. We degrade the integrity of the earth, Francis the court house soon became a street party. For the modern Catholic Church, a Papal encyclical is a kind says. Saanich To Join Amalgamation Study of letter concerning Catholic doctrine sent by the Pope and He gives us a different idea. The earth, he says, is, in its Following public input, the Saanich Council will be drafting a addressed to bishops, patriarchs, primates, and archbishops entirety and in every natural detail, a sacrement of communion letter to send to the Province of BC asking to participate in a who are in communion with the Holy See. with God. It changes slowly, yet humans demand governance study for the Capital Region. Council has agreed to This latest encyclical bears the evidence of a man of humility ‘rapidification’, contrasting with the slow pace of biological participate in principle, subject to considering the terms of and his search for truth. It contains unimpeachable first evolution. reference. principles both philosophical and scientific, and articles of faith. Commons of Climate & Water In November, 75% of the Greater Victoria electorate There are new concepts and logical structures. There are details Francis introduces the concept of the ‘common good’, approved various non-binding questions signaling that can only have come from experience. This document is his identifying climate as the most important common. A ‘solid overwhelming support for studying levels of amalgamation for attempt to put them all together. scientific consensus’ he says, linking ‘warming’ to sea-level rise, the 13 municipalities in the Capital Regional District. Pope Francis has assumed the mantle of Saint Francis of NEWS SHORTS, please turn to page 8 Assisi, and he argues his case from a distinctly different set of LAUDATO SI, please turn to page 2 JTBUUIFTF6(5,286&2))(( MPDBUJPOT MPPLGPSUIFA*TMBOE5JEFTZFMMPXCPYFTPVUTJEFPSSBDLTJOTJEF 4JEOFZ#FBDPO"WFOVF /BOBJNP7*$POGFSFODF$FOUSF 1BSLTWJMMF)FSJUBHF$FOUSF.BMM 4PVUI%VODBO4VO7BMMFZ.BMM /BOBJNP#FBVGPSU$FOUSF $PVSUFOBZ4PVUIHBUF$FOUSF $MJòF"WFOVF %VODBO$PXJDIBO$PNNPOT.BMM /BOBJNP$PSOFS*TMBOE)XZ!)BNNPOE#BZ3E 1PSU"MCFSOJ4IPQQFST%SVH.BSU1MB[B UI"WF .JMM#BZ*TMBOE)JHIXBZ!'SBZOF3E /BOBJNP4PVUI1BSLXBZ1MB[B $BNQCFMM3JWFS5IF7JMMBHF 8JMMPX1PJOU Page 2, Island Tides, July 9, 2015

Photo: Nettie Adams Saturna’s annual Canada Day Lamb BBQ in full swing.

- James Evans AThe LionsWorthy Club of Mayne IslandCause marks the end— of eachMayne’s summer expenses Old are paid, Schoolhousegoes to a worthy cause. Two years ago, the Our ‘Old Schoolhouse’, was more commodious and its first with a salmon barbecue—with grilled chicken for the folks who money from the draw went to improve the playground at the teacher lasted nine years. It continued in use until the present dislike salmon. On the Sunday before Labour Day, the club School. Last year’s proceeds are helping to build Mayne Island School was built in 1950. It survived, unused, on pitches its tents at Dinner Bay Lions Park, overlooking Active a surfaced bicycle path from the ferry landing at Village Bay to the edge of the grounds until the volunteer firemen found a new Pass, and sells salmon dinners with beer or wine to almost five Miners Bay. use for it, the Firemans Rec Hall. In 1966 they moved it close to hundred patrons. There’s live entertainment, bingo and disc This year, the worthy cause will be the Mayne’s one-room the firehall. golf—and the Lions ‘222 Draw’. The 222 draw has become a schoolhouse. The Mayne Volunteer Firemen’s Association has It is the oldest building still standing on Mayne Island, older feature of the Lions salmon barbecue. Its origin is lost in the saved it and is restoring it for use as its clubhouse as well as a than the island’s jail (1896) and the picturesque Anglican church smog of time, but every year, the Mayne Island Lions print two meeting place for various community events. The firemen will of St Mary Magdalene (1898). This year, Mayne Island is hundred and twenty-two raffle tickets—hence the name of the provide it without charge to non-profit groups—it is already building a new firehall and the Old Schoolhouse had to be draw—and members peddle them at $20 each to their used by a teenager group. moved once again to make space for it. The Volunteer acquaintances, family, and friends, who sometimes are The Old Schoolhouse, an oblong wooden building held Firefighters Association decided that this was the time to restore converted to ex-friends thereby. together by hundreds of hand-forged iron nails, was constructed it. They will provide volunteer labour, but supplies cost money At the salmon barbecue, a white board is set up in a special in 1894 for $624. It replaced an even smaller structure built ten and the proceeds from the Lions draw will help. The Old 222 draw gazebo, with all names of the ticket holders printed on years earlier, which housed Mayne Island’s first educational Schoolhouse will be renamed the Paddy Lambert Memorial it. As the guests at the barbecue munch their dinners, they can institution, with a schoolmarm from England, Mrs Annie Monk. Hall after a former fire chief who is fondly remembered. It will watch a series of twelve draws being made. The lowest is for $25 She found the isolation of Mayne Island daunting, to say nothing be available for groups to use and it will add vibrancy to the dollars, but as the day wears on, the values increase. The 220th of the challenge of teaching thirty-three pupils in an overgrown island’s social life as well as recalling school days of a hundred ticket drawn is worth $150. Number 221 comes with a $200 prize shoebox for $50 a month. She left after the first term. She was years ago. 0 and the holder of ticket 222 wins $800. replaced by a man who lasted longer, but the school continued to The prize money totals $1,600 and what is left over, after have a high turnover of teachers. Laudato Si, from page 1 Franciscan idea, and is the foundation of the Pope’s power. Specialization makes it difficult to see the larger picture, and increases in extreme weather events, to approach to the environment. And all creatures are and finance dominates the real economy. greenhouse gases from human activity. connected, he says. The faults of ‘modern anthropocentrism’ are legion. It Early in this discourse he raises the ‘It is his discussion compromises the ‘intrinsic dignity’ of the world. It is here that question of water: the level of consumption Unsustainable System of biodiversity loss that Francis first introduces the concept of a social ecology, which in developed countries cannot be Francis identifies a decline in the quality of gives him the opportunity to recognizes free will, the value of knowledge, the role of sustained. There are shortages, human life, and laments unruly cities, the introduce his belief that each interpersonal relations and of openness to others, and of respect droughts, uneven distribution of supply. privatization of earthly space, inequitable for human dignity. Francis, however, insists that safe and every species is justified by distribution of wealth and income, and social Francis decries human preference for immediate drinking water is a basic and inalienable its very existence, and not decline. He points to global inequality, and convenience, which he terms ‘practical relativism’, leading one human right. necessarily for whatever the damage from emphasis on the political person to take advantage of another, and the exploitation of He predicts that the control of water by value humans may and economic. He insists that the true children and the elderly. He relates this exploitation to the large multinational businesses may become ecological approach is always the social place on it.’ ‘invisible forces of the market’, which consider their impact on a major source of conflict in this century. approach. He supports the idea of an ‘ecological All Species In Their Own Right debt’ that the north owes the south. nature and society as ‘collateral damage’. Human responses to these crises, he says, have been weak, Francis finds many areas where we need to take more It is his discussion of biodiversity loss that gives him the with ‘superficial rhetoric, sporadic philanthropy, perfunctory responsibilty: the need to protect and value employment, the opportunity to introduce his belief that each and every species expressions of concern’. Complacency and evasiveness give a need for networks of relationships of trust, productive diversity, is justified by its very existence, and not necessarily for whatever licence to carry on with the status quo. Decisions are delayed, business creativity, smaller scale food production; genetic value humans may place on it. This is the fundamental and we pretend nothing will happen. Humanity has modification and its results in the concentration of land disappointed God’s expectations. ownership. The creativity of artists and scientists comes in for And the present world system, he says, is unsustainable. special mention for what Francis identifies as power, with risks. Continuing Creation A technology, severed from ethics, will not easily be able to limit its own power, he concludes. The second chapter puts forward a gospel of continuing creation. We should ‘till and keep’ the earth; essentially, Integral Ecology gardening rather than bulldozing, acknowledging the fragility Chapter Four introduces the central concept of the papal of nature; emphasizing sustainability over efficiency of the encyclical—that of integral ecology and its three components. harvest. This is a unique responsibility for humans who, among Environmental ecology is familiar to us; the relationship of all beings, are capable of tenderness and compassion, he says. living things within a landscape and a climate. Peace, justice, and the preservation of creation are connected. Economic ecology transfers this concept to models of Francis credits Saint John Paul II with the idea that the development, production, consumption, power, wealth and ownership of private property carries with it a ‘social mortgage’: poverty. an obligation to benefit society with it. Social ecology applies the term to the behaviour of a species, Rich and poor, he says, have a right to equal dignity, land, but specifically humans. home, subsistence, security, education. And the nobility of work. Francis does not devote much space to describing these TALISMAN Human Roots concepts, but uses them to make his points. First of all, no event BOOKS &GALLERY or development can be properly considered without including Chapter Three identifies ‘the human roots of the ecological its social dimensions. Photography Show: crisis’. Second, that economics needs an injection of humanism Howard Cummer - Photos of Francis confirms: there is a crisis, and humans are with what he terms an ‘integrating vision’. and the Pacific responsible, through what he terms the ‘dominant technocratic Third, that the whole is greater than the parts, and social Northwest paradigm’. From steam engines to nanotechnology, a God- institutions must be effective; laws will be needed to protect the Show runs until July 31 given human creativity has led us to a uniquely human environment. fulfilment, but without responsibility, values, and conscience. 250-629-6944 Francis reserves special comment for what he calls ‘cultural Driftwood Ctr, Pender Island The objective has not been money or human well-being, but LAUDATO SI, please turn to page 3

Readers, help us afford all these pages of news! Paying for your Island Tides makes all the difference. If you get an unaddressed copy in your mailbox, or pick one up at our racks or yellow boxes, have you sent in your $30 annual voluntary subscription? Additional amounts joyfully accepted! Addressed subscription available for Vancouver Islanders: $57.75. Island Tides, July 9, 2015, Page 3 Salish Sea Solutions Tour — an ideas BULLETIN exchange - Andrea Palframan hough we may feel overwhelmed at times in the summer by Luke Wallace. (Transition Salt Spring projects to date include BOARD with swarms of visitors pouring off of ferries onto our the largest school installed solar power array in BC, community islands, there is a lively exchange when urban meets allotment gardens, regular speakers’ and a film series devoted Trural: visitors meet residents, visitors meet visitors. to building local resilience and reducing fossil fuel dependency.) FREE REMOVAL! Such exchanges are the spirit behind the Salish Sea Solutions SSI Eco-Living and Home Tour Scrap Car, Truck, Bus • WATER WELLS tour, planned for July and August around the Salish Sea. On Salt Spring, two weeks later, Transition Salt Spring will be & Equipment • HYDROFRACTURING Brainchild of Ben West and Eoin Madden of the Wilderness fostering the growing edge of green on Sunday, July 26 at its TO IMPROVE WELL YIELDS No Wheels? No Problem! Arial Sea Committee, a trio of urban activists are hopping aboard , biennial Eco-Living and Home Tour. Aside from having the joy • DRILLING FOR GEOSOURCE Metal Clean-up Bins Also a solar-powered catamaran, for a sailing trip through the islands Available of snooping through lovingly handbuilt homes, tour participants • Victoria • Sooke to discover and share solutions for green living. learn about energy efficiency, water conservation, food      Sidney • Duncan Departing from North Vancouver’s Cates Park (Whey-ah- production, renewable energy, transportation alternatives, and      250-744-6842 Arial Sea Wichen) on July 4, will travel along the proposed ecological protection. The homes—from tiny to grand—all share wwwdrillwellcom 250-732-4285 bitumen tanker route, making stops in North Vancouver, one thing in common: a dedication to push the boundaries of drill@drillwellcom Vancouver, Richmond, , Pender Island, and sustainable living. On the same weekend there is an Electric An Island Family Business For  Years! Victoria Harbour. Vehicle Show on Salt Spring. The travellers aim is to highlight projects, designs, and Despite the threat the Salish Sea faces from the proposed WAHL MARINE LTD. innovations that proliferate on the growing edges of coastal Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion, coal and LNG projects, 135 McGill Road culture. Salt Spring Island denizens of these edge worlds are busy crafting alternatives, All Types of Residential The Salish Sea Tour touches down on Pender on July 14 and 30 years experience proof that there is opportunity in even the most challenging & Commercial on Salt Spring on Sunday, July 12 in Centennial Park in the situations. dock building & repair heart of Ganges. Transition Salt Spring are hosting an evening Details of Salt Spring events are in ‘What’s On?’, on page 7. pile driving & drilling VINCE SMYTHE potluck at All Saints by the Sea, followed by a discussion and Learn more about the Salish Sea tour at aluminum gangways & ramps 250-213-6316 presentation by sailor-activists Madden and West, with music 0 wood piers & wood floats Quality Workmanship crane barge service & towing Reliable Service Laudato Si, from page 2 produce results in one government term. mooring systems & service Free Estimates [email protected] ecology’. He defines it as the shared identity of a place, the Pope Francis seeks dialogue and transparency in decision Gord Wahl 250-537-1886 foundation of a habitable city, and a relationship between making. This includes a free exchange of views in an cell 250-537-7804 humans and their environment, informed by what he terms the environmental impact review which should be part of any E-BIKES historic, natural, architectural, and cultural patrimony of place. evaluation process from the beginning. He favours following By David He speaks of the consumerist culture as having a levelling effect. the precautionary principle. Besley Elderton Finally, Pope Francis calls for the involvement of churches, Design & Build He is concerned about respect for peoples and their cultures, Sales, service, batteries, bikes in discussion of ethical issues, and the sciences, on scientific 3D Computer Design and their rights in the presence of change and development. A and kits. Authorized dealer for issues. He would promote dialogue between churches of Permit Plans dominant lifestyle, he says, cannot be imposed from without. Foundations & Framing Juiced Riders and He is particularly concerned for indigenous communities differing denominations, and scientists of different disciplines; Siding & Roofing and their close identification with the land. and between religion and science. Finishing Salt Spring Island Decks & Fences 250-538-0911 • [email protected] A further ecological subset he calls the ‘ecology of daily life’. Clearly, he represents both religion and science; unusual for Renovations & Additions Its settings are rooms, homes, workplaces and neighbourhoods. a pope. Timberworks & Arbors These environments may be chaotic—lacking harmony and Ecological Spirituality 25 years experience

SALT SPRING ISLAND Licensed & Insured open space—encouraging brutality and criminal exploitation, Chapter Six focuses on ecological education and spirituality. Call Ron for free estimate Hy-Geo overcrowding, social anonymity, uprootedness. But, says This is Francis’ clear message: a fundamental change in [email protected] • 250.537.8885 Consulting Francis, love will prove more powerful; the walls of ego are torn personal lifestyle towards a new simplicity which recognizes the down, barriers of selfishness overcome. gravity of today’s cultural and ecological crises and adopts new Technical services for He refers again to the Principle of the Common Good, as a habits: ‘as never before in history, common destiny beckons us MOORINGS Water Wells central, unifying principle of social ethics. It should permit and INSTALLED, REPAIRED, to seek a new beginning… Let ours be a time remembered for MAINTAINED Aquifers promote individual fulfilment. He seeks social peace, stability, the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to Dock Chain Inspection Groundwater security and distributive justice. And for the poor, he identifies achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice & Replacement solidarity as an ethical imperative in achieving this. and peace, and the joyful celebration of life.’ (250) 658-1701 Francis looks for justice between generations; sustainable Education, he says, should lead us to a new covenant Chris West [email protected] development, he says, requires intergenerational solidarity. The between humanity and the environment. And this covenant Dive Services concept? The environment is just ‘on loan’ to each generation. would not be based on laws and regulations, and their 250-888-7199/250-538-1667 [email protected] The world is a gift which we have freely received and which we enforcement, but on personal commitment to an ethics of must share with others. ecology, reinforced by family, Christian communities, and the What To Do ability to see and appreciate beauty. Francis’ fifth chapter starts to set out what to do. Remarkably, For Saint Francis of Assisi, a healthy relationship with God’s he moves rapidly from the conceptual to the realistic and creation was an essential dimension of his own personal practical. conversion. This Francis’ Christian spirituality includes an He first despairs of the failures of the international ecological spirituality; the protection of God’s handiwork Done Right - Safely community to recognize our interdependent world, home to receives emphasis as a basic tenet of Christianity. As we • Foreshore Applications humanity. A failure, he says, to create ‘one world, with a continue creation, our responsibility is to do it as God would do • Docks • Moorings it, for we are carrying it out on God’s behalf. • Durable dock systems for common plan’. Unilateral actions by individual countries cannot exposed locations solve problems such as sustainable agriculture, renewable Pope Francis links this to a life of simplicity, avoiding a ‘mere accumulation of pleasures’. Each person, and each thing, is to Ross Walker & Corey Johnson energy, efficient use of energy, management of marine and 250-537-9710 forest resources, and universal access to drinking water. Fossil be appreciated. Inner peace includes care for ecology and the fuel technology must be replaced without delay. common good, and the capacity for wonder. Such an integral Civic responses may be committed and generous, but politics ecology leads to ‘serene harmony’ with creation. and business are slow to react. Pope Francis has hopes for the This is combined with love for the environment, for society, Downtown Victoria 21st century, and we now understand that the publication of and care for the poor; the ability to discover God in all things— Rental – Ferncliff House One bedroom self-catering this encyclical is timed for the Paris climate summit this ‘a leaf, a mountain trail, a dewdrop’. with full kitchen, living room, Everything, says Francis again, is interconnected. December. bath, tv, wifi, on quiet street World summits, he feels, have failed to make advances, An Ecology Of Ideas & private duplex home in through lack of political will. The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio This Pope is on a journey through an ecology of ideas. He is Fernwood/ Oakland district, developed sound ideas, but its accords were poorly aided by an appreciation of science and a certainty of God. He less than 5 minutes from implemented. There were no good provisions for oversight or displays an awareness of the way the world is, hope for how it Jubilee Hospital, Hillside periodic review, and no penalties for non-compliance. might be, and a very human uncertainty as to how it will all turn Mall, and downtown. There have been some good examples such as the Basel out. He cares for all humans, and particularly cares for the poor. No smoking/pets. Convention on Hazardous Wastes, the Convention on We should find it useful to trace the route of his journey, and 250-539-2463 International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and follow his attempts to structure a logical procession of ideas. At Flora (CITES), and the Montreal Protocol. times he seems lost; at times we are also. There is so much to NEXT DEADLINE: July 15 Reducing greenhouse gases requires honesty, courage, and explore, to discuss. Clearly, much is omitted. The English is responsibility, particularly from those countries that pollute the clear, but it is rather long. Never mind. most. And Rio+20, in 2012, showed clearly that international What is new for a pope is his adoption of Saint Francis’ negotiations cannot make progress with countries that place mantle, and with it an attitude towards nature, the SHORELINE • Specializing in water their interests above the common good. environment, and ecology that makes them all part of a Francis thinks that: developed countries, which have Christian sacrament. DESIGN access over steep produced the majority of existing GHGs, must shoulder greater Saint Francis of Assisi was one of Creation’s gardeners; thus & rugged responsibilities for a cure; carbon credits are just a new form of his work was both guided and sanctified by God. This Pope of terrain speculative market structure; we need ethical decisions; we the same name aspires to the same direct line to the Creator. need international agreements: enforceable, regional, respectful What is remarkable about this encyclical is that there is • Fully insured of sovereignty; we need global regulatory patterns enforceable almost no reference to the Catholic Church. There is the • Excellent against powerful international corporations; we need occasional note to Christianity, but Pope Francis has his line to references governance for a range of ‘global commons’ through God, without the Vatican’s panoply, without the intercession of empowered international institutions; and we need a dialogue confessor or priest. ‘Discover God in all things,’ he advises. Peter Christenson • 250-858-9575 for new national and local policies. Citizens need to control A Franciscan in the Vatican’s garden. What will grow there?0 political power at all levels, since some programs may not Page 4, Island Tides, July 9, 2015 Readers’ Letters Drought Impacts Fraser River Salmon? universities, many in Europe, some in North America. They Dear Editor: spoke of the growing number of dangers—neurological and reproductive cancers and neurological conditions (Parkinson, Every Second Thursday Scientists today are saying that the drought in the summer and fall of 1941 is what we might be facing once again for our Fraser ALS, Alzheimer) which appear to be caused by EMR. A list of ’s only lesser debilitating conditions, known as electromagnetic Free & Mail-Delivered Newspaper River Salmon. Let’s look at what happened and compare it to what seems to be happening today. hypersensitivity, is now recognized by many countries and 22,500 copies this edition In the winter of 1940/1941 there had been an exceptionally doctors as a verified diagnosis. light snowfall in the upper reaches of the Fraser River, which I know that fear for my health, that of young children and 14,965 print copies delivered to all the flora and fauna in the area fuelled my active participation households on 14 Gulf Islands caused 37-year record low water levels throughout the watershed. in opposing this application. In late August, the record low water in the lower Fraser Those opposing the tower had a petition, signed by 214 Salt Spring • Mayne • Galiano • Pender • Saturna canyon exposed new rocks in the channel of the river and, people, which ultimately asked that the precautionary principle Gabriola • Denman • Hornby • Quadra • Cortes be respected, ‘When an activity raises threats of harm to human Read • Texada • Lasqueti • Thetis specifically near Hells Gate, they created new rapids and whirlpools which were insurmountable to migrating salmon. health or the environment, precautionary measures should be The Pacific Salmon Commission at the time noted that the large taken even if some cause-and-effect relationships are not fully mortality of salmon trying to move up the river during the established scientifically.’ record low water levels was very complicated and the numbers Now, however, those who felt that a cell tower was essential of salmon killed could not be scientifically estimated. to their well-being are circulating their own petition to re-apply The massive numbers of salmon that could not pass Hells to Rogers. One of the arguments they are putting forward is that 4,035 print copies on Ferry Routes and in: Capital Regional Emergency Services Telecommunications Victoria • Saanich • Sidney • Cobble Hill Gate and died in the canyon was somewhat a mirror of the effect Mill Bay • Crofton • Duncan • of the Hells Gate Slide in 1913. (CREST) needs to be upgraded on Galiano and that that Ladysmith • Nanaimo • Bowser • Courtenay This record Fraser River low water event in 1941 was upgrade was to be part of Rogers’ proposal; CREST could put Port Alberni • Campbell River following by very low sockeye salmon cycle year returns in 1945 their antennae at the top of the new tower. Without the tower, 3,500 online readers each edition and 1949. the fear is that the upgrade costs will be borne by the people of Owner, Publisher & Editor: Could it happen again in 2015? We will have to wait and see. Galiano in the form of new taxes. This is simply not true. Terry Slack, Vancouver There exists a fund for such upgrades provided by the Christa Grace-Warrick services which use this system, remembering that the service is Editorial & Publishing Assistant: Natalie Dunsmuir BC Government Invites Input on Great Bear Rainforest a ‘regional’ one. So the ugly spectre of tax increases need not Contributors: Priscilla Ewbank, Elizabeth May, Patrick Brown, raise fear, though what are taxes, when collected sanely and Natalie Dunsmuir, Toby Snelgrove, James Evans, Andrea Dear Editor: fairly, but a way of sharing the wealth of our society so that all Palframan, Lisa Pettit, Mike Yip, Barry Cotton, Jim Standen, We just returned from a ten-day trip of a lifetime in the ancient, citizens may have access to necessary services? pristine Great Bear Rainforest (GBR). When I read the BC Audrey Cadieux, Tom Hobley Each time this spectre of a renewed cell tower threat raises government’s entire piece inviting input on the GBR, I had to its head, I am alarmed. Science is beginning to find other ways Island Tides Publishing Ltd restrain myself from using obscenities. Box 55, Pender Island, BC V0N 2M0 of transmitting wireless messages other than through Tel: 250.216.2267• News: [email protected] Based on what we witnessed in that sacred place, this is what electromagnetic radiation as used by cell towers. Advertising: [email protected] I submitted in response to the BC Government’s call for public In France there is ongoing work with using light from LED Advertising Deadline: Wednesday Between Publications input on the proposals and potential for ‘new biodiversity, bulbs to transmit messages over shorter distances. In San Diego, Canadian Addressed Subscription: $57.75pa mining and tourism areas in the Great Bear Rainforest.’ a firm is claiming to transmit, without infrastructure, messages US Addressed Subscription: $80.00pa If the BC government wishes to preserve and protect the up to a mile, underground. intricate biodiversity in the Great Bear Rainforest, it could For unaddressed copies & online readers: In the meantime, the evidence of the harm that EMR is support the ongoing work by such organizations as Pacific Wild, having on the health and wellbeing of life, where such Suggested Voluntary Subscription is $30pa the Spirit Bear Research Foundation, the Coastal Guardian infrastructure exists, is mounting (see the upgraded 2012 Watchmen Network, scientists, communities and others, who Bioinitiatives Report from WHO, or check Google Scholar). combine innovative technology, wildlife fieldwork studies, EMR is fast becoming the new tobacco, the new asbestos. education projects and monitoring of threats to find Insurance companies will no longer insure against disease Your Total conservation and protective solutions for this unique coastal (cancers) caused by cellphone usage, nor will they provide Water Solution rainforest ecosystem. insurance for the property owners where cell towers are erected. Should the BC government be unable to support these We do not need to abandon our wireless devices (as if we Gulf Islands Water Treatmeent experienced, knowledgeable people, then they could cease could), but we need to be aware that they pose a real danger. contributing to the biodiversity endangerment. I urge them to We need not to be ‘wilfully blind’ once more when seduced by stop all mining, all logging, all trophy and ‘sport’ hunting ~ Rainwater Harvesting ‘more and better’. everywhere in the Great Bear Rainforest. Nature always tries to Elizabeth Latta, ~ Water treatment for wells, rebalance the environmental biodiversity in spite of human surface supplies & seawater Getting At The Truth greed to use it (up) for profit. Proposals that any part of this last ~ Filtration & Disinfection Editors Note: The Palestine-Israeli issue is clearly a volcanic pristine, wild ecosystem on earth be exploited as a potential topic. Also a situation where getting down to the truth depends ~ Slow sand filtration commodity—dug up, pumped out, cut down, or shot—is a on understanding its long history. It is a very complicated topic ~ Small systems Health colossal, immoral crime. to cover in a newspaper. Authority approvals If none of these suggestions are of interest to the BC What started a few weeks back as a reader’s simple review Bacteria, Arsenic, Turbidity, Tannins-TOC, Hardnesss, much more! government, it would help if it stayed out of the sacred Great of a presentation she had attended has become a very Bear Rainforest entirely. Celeste Varley, Pender Island passionate argument on and off our pages—interestingly one without a single Palestinian respondent. Victoria Burnaby Coourtenay Serving The Gulf Islands & BC since 1988 Truth and Reconciliation It is certainly a debate in which I have no desire to stir up (250) 412-1110 (604) 630-1114 (2500) 339-6914 [email protected] TF: 1-855-777-1220 Dear Editor: further hatreds, but it seems I can’t, in good faith, ignore it, After six years spent visiting 380 communities and listening to though I’m certainly out of my depth. I would be very obliged 7000 Canadians’ perspectives on the troubling issue of the B.C.’s leading professionals on the if readers can suggest to me, and others, books we might read Disability Tax Credit,  with a 99.5% success rate Residential Schools’ legacy, the Truth and Reconciliation to educate ourselves.        Commission has finally introduced its Summary report and Please if you are going to write a letter: be succinct, stick to For People With Chronic Medical Conditions (several categories) Recommendations. They needn’t have bothered. the facts, and acknowledge your opinions. Leave out blaming  DISABILITY  TAX  CREDIT SPECIALIST Teresa Young      For in less time than it takes to read—let alone absorb—the and name-calling—because I won’t print that and the whole Northern/Southern Gulf Islands, 400-page report our Right Honourable Steve—armed with his letter will have to be left out. That said, I can’t promise space      Sidney and  Saanich   Regions         own personal truth—nixed the commissioners’ findings and or guarantee publication but I will do my best. FREE eligibility assessments  available           rejected their recommendations. (by appointment). Disability Tax credits For more info please contact Teresa (refunds) are retroactive up  to 10 (250)  629-3461  or (250) 222-0095 Imagine the temerity of those commissioners! Suggesting Dear Editor: years/filed any time of year. [email protected] that Canada adopt the UN’s global standard? Not if it means I am writing in regard to ‘Letter Contains Important Error’ Age/whether working or not are not (Island Tides’ Reader’s Letters of June 25), which rebutted a determining factors for the tax credit. uttering the dread words ‘cultural genocide’. Establish an inquiry into the Highway of Tears bloody stain on our nation’s previous letter from Frants Attorp. Michael Friedman may Members of the BBB, B.C. Seniors Living Association and Royal Canadian Legion honour? But Steve’s already apologized to those people once actually believe what he says but believing it does not make it already. Enough already! true. He repeats the standard Israeli trope about their Our Steve has his own truth; I wonder what his justification for the military aggression of the 1967 Six-Day War. IS YOUR ‘reconciliation’ will look like. He cites as justification ‘Arab aggression’. Just what John How, aggression was that? Is he referring to the resistance to the Galiano Cell Tower annexation of Palestine by authority of a British and a French WELLSAFE TO WATER DRINK? diplomat (Sykes-Picot) following WW1 and the subsequent Dear Editor: decision by the newly formed UN to assuage European World Contamination can occur During the late winter and early spring months this year, a War II holocaust guilt at the expense of Palestine? without changes in colour or debate took place on Galiano regarding an application by Palestine was and is a nation but the European colonialists Rogers to erect a cell tower on Stockade Hill. This exercise was taste. Be safe, test annually. who arbitrarily set national boundaries, such as Trans-Jordan divisive and threatened to fracture our island, ending in a and virtually the entire middle east, chose to ignore this, narrow rejection or ‘non compliance with the application’ by the allowing David Ben Gurion and Golda Meir to deny its 250-656-1334 Local Trust Committee. In the final analysis, our bylaws did not existence. allow it, nor did the bylaws on PMFL land where it was to stand. When Mr Friedman refers to Arab agression he is promoting During the debate, many of us who live within the vicinity of a mantra of circular logic. The claim of aggression is the main, the proposed site (we live approximately 340 meters away) if not only, evidence of the aggression itself. It was reported worked hard to educate the island on the dangers of cell towers years after the fact that the Israeli high command promoted a fax: 250-656-0443 Website: and wireless technology from electro magnetic radiation pre-emptive military action to forestall the days when ‘Arab’ Email: [email protected] (EMR). military capacity might actually represent a threat. This was why The independent scientists whose studies we relied upon 2062 Unit 4 Henry Ave. West, Sidney, B.C. V8L 5Y1 the Six-Day War happened, to catch the Arabs, specifically were not funded by the cell industry but by institutes and LETTERS, please turn to next page Island Tides, July 9, 2015, Page 5

Summerill July 19, Gabriola’s Readsremarkable New The Color of Food teaches us that the food Society Publishers is offering a great sale and farm movement is about more than on the five summer reads reviewed buying local and protecting our soil. It is about Tbelow. These ones can be ordered online at preserving culture and community, digging Don’t forget to go to your deeply into the places we’ve overlooked, and local bookstore and browse all the titles on their honoring those who have come before us. shelves for even more great choices. See Blending storytelling, photography, oral Pender’s Talisman Books ad on page 2, and Salt history, and unique insight, these pages Spring’s Black Sheep Books ad on page 6. remind us that true food sovereignty means a The Color of Food: Stories of place at the table for everyone. Race, Resilience and Farming 20 Essential Herbs for Do-it- Imagine the typical American farmer. Many Yourself Home Healthcare people visualize sun-roughened skin, faded Most of us understand the value of eating and overalls, and calloused hand—hands that are buying local. Taking back our food, goods, and usually white. While there’s no doubt the services from multinational corporations and growing trend of organic farming and sourcing them from small growers, producers, homesteading is changing how the farmer is artisans, and entrepreneurs benefits our portrayed in mainstream media, farmers of families, our environment, and our color are still largely left out of the picture. communities. Heal Localargues that ‘100 mile The Color of Food recognizes the critical healthcare’ can be equally valuable in terms of issues that lie at the intersection of race and how we treat illness and injury and maintain food; this vivid collection of portraits and wellness. stories challenges the status quo of agrarian This innovative guide demonstrates that by identity. Author, photographer and biracial harnessing multifaceted whole plants, we can farmer Natasha Bowens’ quest to explore her rely on homegrown or regionally produced own roots in the soil leads her to unearth a herbs, rather than importing exotics and non- larger story, weaving together the seemingly natives. Based on the small apothecary model, forgotten history of agriculture for people of author Dawn Combs explains how to: color, the issues they face, and the culture and maximize the benefits of homegrown first aid, resilience they bring to food and farming. SUMMER READS, please turn to page 9

LETTERS from previous page tankers that is dumped into the ocean and the Egypt in the Sinai, unprepared, and unable to considerable contribution to air pollution in Photo: Lisa Pettit respond to such actions as the Israeli air force Vancouver from the engines of freighters and Joining up the island(er)s. Travellers on a ‘Tour des Iles’ boat are helped to disembark by ‘captain’ bombing Egyptian planes on the runway. tankers sitting in English Bay and the Port of (and Galiano Islands Trustee) George Harris. Harris, with Salt Spring Trustee George Grams and Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Minister Vancouver. skipper Dan White, gave 800 passages to and from Fernwood, Salt Spring Island and Retreat Cove, without portfolio in Eshkol’s cabinet, while In addition, there are often two to four Galiano Island. addressing Israel’s National Defence College enormous marine vessels parked in Plumper on 8 August 1982 stated: ‘In June, 1967, we Sound between Pender and Mayne Island The leg from Sturdies Bay, Galiano, to Miners Bay, Mayne Island, across Active Pass, was provided again had a choice. The Egyptian army similarly fouling the ocean and the air. These by Toby Snelgrove and David Rees-Thomas with 600 passages. concentrations in the Sinai did not prove that vessels can be heard, seen and smelled from my The Plumper Sound Three circuit from Horton Bay, Mayne Island, to Lyall Harbour, Nasser was really about to attack us. We must home on Pender Island. The increased tanker and Hope Bay, Pender Island was with Inter Islands Sea Tours’s Andy Pearson who went nonstop, be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack traffic of the Trans Mountain project will giving 465 passages in 103 sailings. him.’ (New York Times, 21 August 1982) increase these sources of environmental The 4-day scheduled service (June 18-21) in small craft was a success beyond the organizers’ Meir Amit, chief of Israel’s Mossad stated: degradation, decrease the quality of life for wildest dreams, with close to 2,000 passages between the Southern Islands. ‘Egypt was not ready for a war and Nasser did myself, my family, and my fellow citizens and BC Ferry CEO at Trust Council said he was informed about the spectacular success and the need not want a war.’ threaten the health of all those surrounding to re-connect the southern islands. He said BC Ferries wants to support the Tour des Iles, In his letter, Michael Friedman goes on to Burrard Inlet and the Salish Sea. according to Harris. say, ‘The question of what part of the Particulate air pollution is now ranked as territories—if any—is to be Palestinian remains one of the ten top threats to human health. to be resolved through negotiations; per There is compelling evidence that air pollution UNSCR242 and by agreement with the PLO at contributes to increased cardiovascular and Oslo.’ This is disingenuous in the extreme. respiratory mortality in North American cities. If it isn’t delivered to your Canada Post First, the UN Security Council has been Recent studies from the University of British repeatedly hamstrung by the existence of the Columbia show that exposure to particulate air mailbox, you can pick up your copy of veto and the US lockstep support for all Israeli pollution increases the risk for development of positions. asthma in Vancouver children. There is also at the following locations: Second, the claim to support negotiation is solid evidence that emissions from ships while fraudulent because Israel has repeatedly in harbour represent a substantial contributor ‘Serious Coffee’ locations in Sidney, Mill Bay, Duncan, sabotaged negotiations and then claimed to air pollution in ports such as Vancouver. Nanaimo, Parksville, Courtenay, Campbell River & Port Alberni victimhood as being unable to find a ‘partner Freighters and tankers have old engines and for peace’ or anybody with whom to negotiate. burn dirty fuel resulting in increased air Prime Minister Netanyahu continues to pollution. Saanich: Red Barn Market, Mattick’s Farm (yellow box outside) expand the Israeli colonization of the occupied If this proposal was to receive approval I Deep Cove Market (yellow box outside) territories and is on record as saying that there strongly recommend that strict controls of The Roost Farm Bakery (yellow box outside) will never be a Palestinian state during his time emissions from parked vessels be enacted and in office. enforced. This should include emissions into Brentwood-Mill Bay Ferry (yellow box outside) Richard Fahlman, Texada Island the air and the ocean. Sidney: Fairway Market (yellow box outside) Tanker Air Pollution My grandchildren live in Vancouver close Green Party Campaign Office, 2355 James White Blvd (inside) A version of the following letter was submitted to English Bay. As such they are directly to the National Energy Board. affected by this pollution and will be Victoria: Victoria Public Library Atrium I am writing to recommend that the Trans- increasingly affected if the traffic increased. Mill Bay: Mill Bay PetroCan, Cobble Hill/Kilmalu Rds, (yellow box outside) Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project be Since they do not yet have an opportunity to rejected. speak on this issue I speak for them. Cobble Hill Country Grocer, Valley View Mall (yellow box outside) I am a long time resident of British Increased tanker parking in remote inlets Crofton: Russell Farm Market (yellow box outside) Columbia. I have a home in Vancouver and a and bays such as is happening in the Strait of cottage on Pender Island, one of the Southern Georgia will progressively degrade the ocean Chemainus: Haida Way Restaurant (rack outside) NEW Gulf Islands which is situated in a unique environment in these sensitive waters and will 49th Parallel Grocery (rack by exit door) marine environment called the Salish Sea contribute to poor air quality in these rural and (otherwise known as the Strait of Georgia). recreational areas. Ladysmith: Coronation Mall (yellow box outside Bank of Montreal) NEW Thus I feel personally involved in the decision Finally, the threat of a large oil or bitumen 49th Parallel Grocery (yellow box outside) making regarding this pipeline since it affects spill, however unlikely, is not worth the risk, my wife and I, my children, grandchildren, and given the staggering potential for Ferries: Swartz Bay, Salt Spring Lanes (yellow box) my properties. environmental degradation and threat to Brentwood/ Mill Bay, Moodyville General Store (yellow box outside) human health, not to mention the threat to the I am a medical doctor and lung specialist as Protection Island Ferry, Waiting Room well as a respiratory researcher at the many marine organisms who inhabit these University of and my waters. I am one of those organisms; I swim in Gabriola Ferry Terminal in Nanaimo Harbour (yellow box) expertise includes the study of the adverse the water, paddle on its surface and benefit Chemainus/Thetis Terminal (yellow box) from its important environmental services. health effects of gaseous and particulate air Queen of Nanaimo, Mayne Queen, & Queen of Cumberland pollution. The possibility of such a spill has a direct effect The formerly pristine environment of on my property values and as well on my Do you know a location that should carry Island Tides Burrard Inlet and of the Salish Sea has already emotional and psychological well being. been adversely affected by marine traffic using I strongly believe that the risk entailed by newspaper? Phone 250-216-2267 or email the Strait of Juan de Fuca and channels between increased tanker traffic outweighs the potential [email protected] with your suggestions. long-term benefits for British Columbians and the Gulf Islands and into Burrard inlet. These We’ll see what we can do! effects are related to the effluent from the Canadians. Peter Paré, Vancouver 0 Page 6, Island Tides, July 9, 2015

Photo: Mike Yip Just ducky! Common merganser chicks, at French Creek near Parksville, stick close to mom. The common merganser is a large duck that nests locally in tree cavities. Dad has a bright green head.

Logging company Teal Jones edges closer to Castle- NatalieGrove Dunsmuir

Maps obtained by the Wilderness Committee last month show that logging provides critical habitat to endangered species, and sequesters far more carbon company Teal Jones, which holds cutting rights to an unprotected section of the than younger forests. Logging has already decimated old growth habitat across BUY | RAISE | MOVE | LEVEL Walbran Valley, has laid out eight new cutblocks, all within old growth forests Vancouver Island and BC. At low elevations, only 10% or less of original forests BUY RECYCLED HOMES in the central valley. The company has filed an application for logging in one remain intact, reports the Wilderness Committee. RAISE Increase Square Footage cutblock, number 4424, and environmentalists worry that more may be to come Torrace Coste has stated that activists are ready once again to jump in to help MOVE Subdivide Your Lot! for the other seven planned areas. LEVEL Repair Foundation Issues This iconic forest was the focal point to the so-called ‘War in the Woods’ protests over 20 years ago, which raged on for years and resulted in one of Canada’s largest mass arrests, of some 856 1-866-320-2268 activists. The new logging plans are located on the north side of the Walbran Valley, near the boundary of Carmanah-Walbran provincial park and too close for comfort—says Wilderness Committee—to Castle Grove, one of the valley’s most monumental old growth stand. • harvesting systems The alarm bells first went off for environmentalists in the fall • design • installation of 2014, when survey tape was found throughout the Walbran • service Valley. The Wilderness Committee jumped into action VISIT OUR WEBSITE! immediately, with a flurry of emails back and forth with Teal Jones as they tried to negotiate protection of the most important BOB BURGESS sections of the valley. 250-246-2155 Torrance Coste, of the Wilderness Committee, says he was [email protected] surprised by Teal Jones’ initial response, which he says promised to incorporate his concerns into any logging plans. Now, Teal Experience Counts! Jones has revealed its eight cutblocks—which surround Castle Grove in a semi-circle and include large old growth stands that the Wilderness Committee had marked as priority areas for   protection. The company manages 99,000 hectares. Coste says that the  area the Wilderness Committee was asking Teal Jones to protect    was 486 hectares—less than 0.5% of the area available to them.     In 1991 following the ‘War in the Woods’, when the BC government protect the Walbran Valley if necessary. Over 500 people have written to the established the Carmanah-Walbran Provincial Park, a ‘bite-sized’ area was left government asking them to deny any permits and work towards protection for unprotected. A compromise that Torrace Coste says environmentalists have long the valley. Activists will be on the watch this summer and will continue to spread regretted, and exactly where Teal Jones’ current logging plans are located. the word to the hundreds of environmentalists, young and old, who feel that the The Walbran Valley is home to some of the world’s largest spruce and cedar Walbran Valley is ‘simply too special to lose,’ Coste says. 0    trees, some taller than 65 metres and over a thousand years old. The area  Did you appreciate this article? Help Island Tides pay for publishing the news! Mail or phone in your annual voluntary subscription Moon Date

So now‘Praise the Pope is on our side, Be’ to verify Groups along the Sea to Sky corridor have organized highway everyday, say opposers. Woodfibre’s plan from Thetis Island to you That scientists have not been telling us a lie; a day of action on July 11 in Howe Sound to to use seawater cooling—which would flush 17,000 And all those feisty climate-change-deniers demonstrate that Woodfibre LNG is not welcome in tonnes of hot, chlorinated water into the Sound every Stand out exposed as being bare-faced liars. the sound. Kayakers, paddle boarders, sailors and hour—seriously threatens the Sound’s recovering boaters will join a horn-blown procession up Howe marine life, activists stated. With the world in such a crisis situation, Sound in the morning, ending at the northern end Locating an LNG plant directly over two known It’s nice to feel some moral vindication. of by 2pm to listen to live music and seismic thrust faults is also a concern to residents of Now if it’s truth you want to hear, speakers. the area, as are the consequences of the plant to the It couldn’t be expressed more loud and clear, Momentum has been growing along the Sea to tourism and recreational economy of the Sea to Sky Or be more critical of today’s humanity; Sky corridor against the proposed Woodfibre LNG corridor. As in the encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ facility located at the north end of Howe Sound in Sandia National Laboratories, a US Government We have neglected stewardship of the Earth Squamish. Numerous community groups have agency, has researched safety requirements for LNG With grand delusions as to what we’re worth. sprung up to raise awareness and engage local tankers. Sandia indicates a tanker should be 1600- 1.888.296.8059 governments around opposition to bringing a 3500 metres away from human populations. And climate-change is only one result liquefied fracked gas processing facility to the Howe However, the tankers carrying liquefied gas down Of human’s perverse economic cult; Sound. Howe Sound will pass as close as 1,000 metres from You’ll be right at home! Whereby the rich get more than they deserve, The LNG project is set to receive its residential areas. And use up the resources that should serve environmental assessment results in July. Over Recently-elected Squamish Mayor Patricia For future generations. Waste must stop— 1,700 people submitted comments during the public Heintzman has declared that the Woodfibre LNG This is a call for action from the top. comment period and the overwhelming majority project is unsupportable as it stands and does not fit were strongly opposed or showed serious concerns within Squamish’s burgeoning economy and fast- The message is just what we need, for marine life and human health and safety. growing population. Municipal Councils around the Addressed to every race and creed— Woodfibre is proposing to process fracked gas Sound—West Vancouver, Lions Bay, Bowen, ‘Clean up your act, you human-kind, from northeastern BC in a process that would emit Gibsons and —have each passed Or pretty soon you’re going to find over 142,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases annually resolutions questioning the wisdom of this project. You’re stalled at Armageddon Junction— into the Sea to Sky airshed that stretches up to The Future of Howe Sound Society also promotes Where basic human needs won’t function!’ Pemberton. This amount of emissions is equivalent the protection of Howe Sound through the —H Barry Cotton to adding over 36,000 new cars on the Sea to Sky development of a regional management plan. 0 ROUND THE ISLANDS Island Tides, July 9, 2015, Page 7 Salt Spring Charged Up About the ocean and goes through a variety of Award was directed to Jacqueline Gaby, a student at Parkland. Electric Vehicles - Jim Standen ecosystems—alpine meadows, old growth Public Input Sought on Wastewater Options cedar and fir groves and high elevation Are electric vehicles the ideal solution for Public input is being sought on potential wastewater treatment maple forests. The river is never far from the transportation on the Gulf Islands? Residents options for Vancouver Island. The Eastside and Westside track, which passes several waterfalls. of Salt Spring Island seem to think so. They Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery Select Hikers must be experienced and fit and have vigorously embraced zero-carbon Committees presented option sets for both sides of the island are expected to carry everything they need emission vehicles by purchasing electric cars during an open house on June 24. The meeting had an for shelter, food, clothing and comfort. The and bikes. attendance of around 400 people. trip, which usually takes four days, has been Salt Spring has grown from under 10 to a Options for wastewater sites and facilities can be found at extended to five to allow more time for total of almost 50 electric cars within the past or Public enjoying the scenery. Participants will be year. In addition, initiatives by local groups comments are open for the east side until July 13. Input about asked to cover the costs of transportation, including Transition Salt Spring, the CRD, the the west side treatment options will be accepted until July 22. including the water taxi in and out of Tofino. Chamber of Commerce and local businesses The two committees have been working on technical For more information contact Kel Kelly at have collaborated to support the installation of assessments and public engagement to find sites and methods 778-992-0246 or by email at Level 2 chargers at local B&B’s and commercial that work best for the areas impacted. PETER LAMB GETS A CHARGE [email protected]. locations. We now have nine charging ports. Order of Canada for Salt Spring Musician There’s an etiquette card which goes on your dashboard and Beacon Community Services Student Awards Bill Henderson, a musician and Salt Spring Island resident, has communicates with any other driver arriving at the station after Beacon Community Services, a charity organization based in been awarded the Order of Canada for his accomplishments as you. You indicate, by which side of the card is up, what action the Saanich Peninsula, has awarded $6,500 to local students a musician, singer, songwriter and copyright advocate. the driver can take, if they are in urgent need of charging. This for community services and volunteerism. $1500 scholarships Henderson is best known for his work with the band allows a 2-stall charging station to be used for 4-stalls. The went to Dhanisi Modi (SD 61, Mount Douglas Secondary ‘Chilliwack’, one of Canada’s top recording acts in the 1970s and etiquette card is unique to SSI and only works because of our School); Maryna Ell (SD 62, Edward Milne Community ’80s. He now performs solo at folk festivals and clubs, kind, generous and sharing natures. School); Kelly Dinh (SD 63, Parkland Secondary School); and This summer, EV fans thought that it was time to celebrate community theatres, classic rock concerts and workshop Noal Balint (SD 64, Gulf Islands Secondary). A Beacon 0 achievements and we thought an EV show on the same Community Services’ $500 Donna Godwin Humanitarian gatherings of singers and performers. weekend as the Eco Living and Home Tour on Sunday, July 26 would be a good fit. Single-venue (50 words): $39.90 includes image The 2-day EV Show starts on Friday evening at Moby’s pub Multi-venue (70 words): $52.50 includes image and carries on on Saturday with a talk, up the road at the Fritz What’sOn? Payment with order by Visa or MasterCard, please Cinema, and a host of events in Ganges. This a great VANCOUVER ISLAND & ALL THE GULF ISLANDS [email protected] or 250.216.2267 opportunity to see a number of EV vehicles and learn about government subsidies. Look for details in ‘What’s On?’ this Saturday, July 11 Friday and Saturday, July 24 & 25 page. Savage Rose & The Inevitables—Free Electric Vehicle Show—FRI, JuL 24: Meet and Islands Trust Stewardship Recipients outdoor evening concert; by donation towards Greet at Moby's Pub, 5-8pm O SAT, JuL 25: Learn the finishing of the bandshell; dancing and fun! about your EV: Fritz Movie Theater, 9:30am-11am; Three individuals and four groups have received the Islands Trust O Ag Hall Fairground O 7:00pm O MAYNE Electric Car Show: Tesla, Mercedes, Kia, and Community Stewardship award this year. Islands Trust chair Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, July 11, 12 and 14 Nissan, at Country Grocer and Island Savings, 1pm-4pm; Electric Bike and drone show: Salt Spring Middle School Peter Luckham thanked all nominees, stating that it was a tough Giambori Quartet—Amazing chamber music musicians originating park, 1pm-4pm O All events are free O Info: from Northern Tuscany O SAT: Galiano, St Margaret of Scotland decision to pick only seven recipients out of the 17 nominees. O SALT SPRING Recipients in the individual category were Michael Dunn of Church, 7pm O SuN: Saturna, Community Hall, 7pm O TuES: Mayne, St Mary Friday to Sunday, July 24-26 Mayne Island, for fostering ecological and community Magdalene Church, 7pm, tickets at 31st Islands Folk Festival—featuring: sustainability for 20 years; Susan Yates of , for Home Hardware, Happy Tides & Farm Bombolessé, Cóig, Doug Cox & Radoslav contributing to literary arts and environmental stewardship for Gate O Tickets: $25 O GALIANO, Lorkovic, Fred Eaglesmith, HuDost, Kat 30 years; and, Leigh Ann Milman of Gabriola Island for leading SATuRNA, MAYNE Danser, Martyn Joseph, Russell deCarle, land protection for 20 years. Sunday, Tuesday, Saturday, July 12, 14 and 18 Shred Kelly, and many more O Providence Farm, Duncan, onsite camping O Advance Salish Sea Tour 2015—Solar-powered catamaran journey to The Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society tickets online and at Thrifty Foods locations celebrate the Salish Sea; live music, storytelling, discussion; learn (SIMRES) was named a recipient in the organization category until July 22nd O Weekend Pass: $125 O Kids how you can help fight climate change O SuN, for marine research and education, along with Island Futures 12 & under Free O Info: JuLY 12: Ganges Harbour, Salt Spring Island O, 250.748.3975 O DuNCAN Society, for the Gabriola Environmentally Responsible Trans- TuES, JuLY 14: Hope Bay, Pender Island O SAT, Isle Express (GERTIE) bus service. JuLY 18: Victoria’s Inner Harbour, Vancouver Sunday, July 26 The Protect Grace Islet Group on Salt Spring Island received Island O Info: O Mandolin Orange—North Carolina duo; their music is laced with an award for advocacy and First Nations relationship building. SALT SPRING, PENDER, VICTORIA bluegrass, country & folk; perfect entertainers The Mayne Island Agricultural Society received an Enduring Thurs thru Sun, July 16-19 for an evening ‘under the stars’ O Ag Hall Fairground O 7:00pm O Tickets: $25 at Home Annual Readers and Writers Festival— Achievement award for promoting agriculture and the fall fair Hardware, Happy Tides & Farm Gate O Mainstage events, solo readings and workshops; for 53 years. MAYNE featuring Luanne Armstrong, Bob Bossin, Michael Starting 2015, the stewardship program will run every two Crummey, Donald Gutstein, Aislinn Hunter, Eliza Friday-Monday, July 31-August 3 years, rather than annually, to increase the number of Robertson, Fred Stenson, Siling Zhang, and Steven 33rd annual Filberg Festival—celebrating the best of arts, crafts & applicants in each round while reducing program costs. The Price as Writer-in-Residence; moderated by music from across Canada, 130+ juried next award nominations will open in March 2017. Stewart Goodings, Des Kennedy, Jo-Ann Roberts O arts & crafts; fundraiser for Filberg Heritage New Salt Spring Campers Bus Route Info and registration: Lodge & Park O 61 Filberg Road O Festival O DENMAN tickets $15 daily, 12 and under free, Salt Spring and BC Transit are piloting new summer bus Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 17, 18 and 19 advance tickets $13 daily or $45 for four- day festival pass, Cowboy Junkies concert services on the island. The new service, Route #9, will connect unstructART—Abstract painter Eha Onno and $39; available online or at Thrifty Foods O Fulford with Ruckle Park. The bus will run two trips a day, photographic artist Ani Feuermann present their Info:, latest works; refreshments served O Sea Star seven days a week. Extra runs are also being added to Route 250.941.0727 O COMOX #2, the Fulford Harbour route. Winery, 6621 Harbour Hills Drive O Opening Saturday and Sunday, August 1 and 2 For more info, visit reception, Friday, 4-8pm O Saturday and Sunday: Garlic & Music Festival 11-4pm O PENDER Texada Island Sandcastle Weekend—family fun and Saturday, July 18 entertainment; people’s choice voting, cash prizes; skim board classes, food, craft vendors, beer garden; softball tournament O SAT: Salt Spring is evolving a new festival in August, a garlic and Celebrating Orca of the Salish Sea—Event by CPS Squadron; parade, bedraces, kids play area, bingo, pork roast dinner O SAT music festival. The idea is to enjoy two of Salt Spring’s favourite featuring Centre of Whale Research Biologist Ken Balcomb from the EVENING: lip sync contest, moonbags, laser light show, at Shelter Pt Whale Museum, San Juan County, & Orca Network; music with things. Music, obviously, and the island’s love of producing and Park O SuN: pancake breakfast; sandcastle construction at Gillies Lester Quitzau; bring chair, picnic lunch and water; parking limited, consuming homegrown organic food, symbolized by garlic, Bay; O Info: use car stops, walk or carpool and shuttle service is offered from 2015/ O TEXADA served up in many ways. Music workshops for all ages are Pender school parking lot O Thieves Bay Park O 1:30pm to 4:30pm O another attraction of the festival. The venue is Paradise Farm Admission by donation O Info: Sara Steil, [email protected] O PENDER Saturday, August 8 on Musgrave Road at Salt Spring’s south end. Sat & Sun, July 18 & 19 23rd Annual Galiano Wine and Beer Festival—wines, ciders and beers from near & far, souvenir wine and beer Headliner band is ‘Chilliwack’. Musical Director Mike 19th Annual ‘Art Off the Fence’—Informal outdoor art show & glasses, music by Jack Garton, a variety of Stefancsik plays drums in ‘Salt’, one of the local bands in the sale; featuring the work of Peggy Bagshaw, Frank Ducote, Diane local artists, silent auction, delicious finger food, Island Tides Kremmer, Diane MacDonald, Wendy lineup. Mike is better known to as the owner of Galiano Health Care fundraiser O Walking Munroe, Susan Taylor, John Windsor Plywood. Like many islanders he has more than one distance from ferry terminal O 1-4pm O Tickets Bagshaw, Monica Bennett, David life. $45 @ the door but better to reserve at Fox, Colin Hamilton, Debbie Katz, [email protected] O Adult-only Proceeds of the festival go to student music bursaries and Kathleen Lightman & Nora Noriko event O Info: O organic farming initiatives; feeding soul and body. Sasaki; painting, drawing, mixed media, folk art, photography, GALIANO As August 8 and 9 gets closer, lots more volunteers will be pastel, sculptural wood, pottery and felt work; come for the art, needed. For more info, go to bring a picnic & stay to enjoy the music! O 8964 Gowlland Point Rd O Monday to Friday , August 10-14 Magic Lake Wastewater and Sewage Vote 11am-4pm O Info: 250.629.6241 O PENDER Sign-up Now! Youth Soccer Camp—ages 3.5 to 14, led by World Wednesday to Sunday, July 22-26 Cup Soccer Camp coaches O School field O 6 –14 years: 3:30pm- Members of Pender Island’s Magic Lake Estates Sewage Local 6:30pm, $95; 3-1/2 –5 years: 3:30-4:30pm, $45 O Get print forms at 5th Annual Quadra Island Festival of Chamber Music—WED:, or pick-up at Southridge Store, Service Area turned down the Capital Regional District’s Our Native BC, United Church, 7pm, $20 O ThuRS: Tangles and then drop off completed form and full payment at store O Local info: referendum which would have authorized the CRD to borrow Tunes Family event, South End Farm & Vineyard, Roz Kempe 250.629.3622 O PENDER an amount up $6,050,000 for the purpose of administering, 12:30pm, $20 O FRI: Sold out O SAT: Eastern Europe, planning, designing, acquiring and constructing the renewal and StoneHouse, 7pm, family: $20 O SuN: Back in Thursday to Sunday, August 13 to 16 Buenos Aires, Brunch, Concert, Tango Dancers, 33rd Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts—featuring upgrade of Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System. The Quadra Community Centre, 11am, $35 O Tickets: some of Canada’s and BC’s finest writers of preliminary results were ‘No’: 126 and ‘Yes’: 94. Inspirations, 250.285.3334; Works of H’Art fiction, non-fiction, memoir and spoken Friends of Strathcona Park Public Hike 250.285.2834 O Info: O word O Rockwood Gardens O Tickets: $15 O The Friends of Strathcona Park are hosting a public hike QuADRA [email protected], 1.800.565.9631 O SEChELT through the Bedwell Valley again this August. The trip is five days and four nights long and will follow a route discovered by email: [email protected] • call: 250.216.2267 • Next Deadline July 15 the Friends several years ago. The path goes from the alpine to Page 8, Island Tides, July 9, 2015 Jumbo Resort’s environmental certificate expires- Natalie Dunsmuir Jumbo Glacier Resort—a curious municipality—slated for a destination ski resort has hit a roadblock. The billion dollar project in the Purcell Mountains near Invermere has lost its environmental assessment certificate after Environment Minister Mary Polak deemed the project to not be ‘substantially started’ within the necessary time-frame set out in the certificate. First proposed in 1991, construction of the resort has barely started. The project has long been a source of conflict, due to its location in the center of important grizzly bear habitat and the traditional land of the Ktunaxa First Nations. The economic feasibility of the resort has also been questioned. Located in the Jumbo Valley, it is a so-called mountain resort municipality (although it has no human residents). It was incorporated in February 2013. The municipality is 6,000 hectares and accesses four glaciers. If fully built, the resort would include 5,500 visitor beds and 750 staff beds, along with 20 lifts—including a gondola, T-bars and chairlifts. In making her decision to remove the certificate, Minister Mary Polak considered submissions from Glacier Resorts Ltd, the Kyunaxa Nation Council and the Shuswap Indian Band. She also took guidance from the court decision in Taku River Tlingit First Nation v British Columbia, the Environmental Assessment Offices substantially started Photo: Audrey Cadieux determination report, and her own observations from a visit to the Jumbo Glacier Resort project site on October 11, 2014. A visitor from Australia, Karinya Kosh, gets a sunset picture of a blue heron in Montague Harbour, Galiano Environmental groups, such as the Wilderness Committee, Island. are now pushing to have the Jumbo Valley area given protection against any further development proposals. 0 NEWS SHORTS, from page 1 Immediately following the election, Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Oakes confirmed the availability of staff and resources to examine governance structures. Minister Oakes has also confirmed that she has been KNOW THE ADVERTISING RULES waiting to hear from municipalities so that the study can commence. Victoria, Esquimalt, Colwood, North Saanich, Central 2015 GANGES WASTEWATER SEWER SYSTEM Saanich, Sidney and Metchosin have written to the Minister, with Langford indicating their intent to do so. Oak Bay will be tabling (SALT SPRING ISLAND) a motion to join the study at an upcoming council meeting. Preparation For Lyme Disease Conference ASSENT VOTING The Private Member’s Bill C-442, An Act Respecting a Federal Framework on Lyme Disease passed unanimously last year, received Royal assent in December of 2014 and is now law. The Non-election assent voting advertising is any advertising during Act requires that the Minister of Health holds a conference with provincial and territorial health ministers, stakeholders, a non-election assent voting proceedings period that promotes or representatives of the medical community, and patients’ opposes, directly or indirectly, a particular outcome for the vote. groups, for the purpose of developing a comprehensive federal framework to combat the disease. The federal government has begun planning for the If you advertise from June 25 to July 25, 2015 in the non-election assent voting known conference and has now been announced that it will take place as the Ganges Wastewater System Loan Authorization, you have rules to follow under in mid-November of this year. To find out more, or to apply to the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act. participate, please contact Health Canada by e-mail ([email protected]) and ensure to ■ include ‘Conference’ in the subject line. You must register with Elections BC as a non-election assent voting advertising Shawnigan Residents Protest Soil Dump sponsor before conducting any advertising. Around 75 Shawnigan Lake residents gathered on June 15 to ■ You must include your name and contact information on all advertising. block the entrance to SIA Aggregates and stop trucks from arriving on the site with loads of contaminated soil. The protest came after the provincial government approved a 50-year ■ You must file a disclosure statement with Elections BC by October 23. permit for a contaminated soil dump site uphill from the water source for Shawnigan Lake, despite three years of heavy To learn more about the rules and ask for registration forms, contact Elections BC opposition to the project. The permit would see 100,000 tonnes at 1-855-952-0280. of contaminated soil dumped every year at a quarry on Stebbings Road, owned by Cobble Hill Holdings Ltd. This non-election assent voting takes place in the Ganges wastewater sewer system Residents took matters into their hands in March; hundreds area on Salt Spring Island. rallied in front of the BC Legislature. Protest continues; activists say the blockade is the tip of the iceberg. Media outlets cannot publish or transmit non-election assent voting advertising on Among those attending the June 15 rally were Elizabeth May, MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands and Leader of the Green General Voting Day, Saturday, July 25, 2015. Party, Gary Holman, MLA for Saanich-North and the Islands, and Doug Routley, MLA for Nanaimo-North Cowichan. MP May called the approval of the permit a ‘tragedy’, stating that she was very distressed that the provincial government ‘wasn’t listening’. The June 15 blockade did not lead to any direct 1-855-952-0280 confrontations, though one pick-up truck was prevented from entering the site. Activists Confront Shell’s Arctic Drill Rig First Nation activist Audrey Siegl confronted Shell Oil Canada’s Polar Pioneer drill rig as it made its way to the Arctic, where Readers, help us afford all these pages of news! Paying for your Island Shell plans to begin drilling this month. C Tides makes all the difference. If you get an unaddressed copy in your Thirty-five nautical miles west of Vancouver Island, Siegl launched an inflatable raft from the Greenpeace ship MV

mailbox, or pick one up at our racks or yellow boxes, have you sent in Esperanza and floated into the course of the 300ft tall rig. She your $30 annual voluntary subscription? Additional amounts joyfully was accompanied by Greenpeace swimmers who were

determined to put their bodies in the way of the ship. accepted! Addressed subscription available for Vancouver Islanders: Seigl, dressed in traditional regalia of the Musqueam people,

$57.75. Thank You! stood at the front of the boat with her drum out in front of her, NEWS SHORTS, please turn to page 9 Island Tides, July 9, 2015, Page 9 The remaking of Canada’s refugee policies - Elizabeth May fter four years in Parliament, the number of dreadful the costs of jailing refugee families?’ question, a Somali refugee, died while incarcerated in Ontario. bills I have opposed can become a bit of a blur. But the There was no answer to that question then. No cost estimates He had already spent three years in prison and was diabetic and reality is clear enough. Nearly every area of public policy were tabled in Parliament and it is hard to know if any ever mentally ill, with no prospect of release. Ahas undergone something like transformational change. None existed. With a Conservative majority, the bill became law. And In another publicized case, Michael Mvogo, a refugee from of these changes were adequately studied in Parliament, nor has now the evidence is beginning to surface. Thanks to Cameroon, has been held in custody for over eight-and-a-half the mainstream media exhibited more than a cursory interest parliamentary colleague Andrew Cash, NDP immigration critic, years. He is unable to convince the CBSA that his name is really in the extent of the public policy wreckage. One of those areas we now have a glimpse of what this bill has done to refugee Michael Mvogo, nor that he is actually from Cameroon. So he significantly damaged has been the nature of Canada’s welcome claimants. is stuck in limbo. He is stuck in a prison. to refugees. While there has been some coverage of changes to While in the past, the system did allow for refugee claimants At the same time we are moving far too slowly to make good deny medical coverage to refugee claimants, thanks to the to be held in jail, the conditions under which this was allowed our commitment, expressed by the Minister of Immigration, to courageous work of many doctors across Canada who have were very precise. According to the Canadian Association of accept 10,000 refugees from the on-going conflict in Syria. So protested the cuts, the broad range of harsh policies and Refugee Lawyers, in the past a refugee ‘could be detained if she far only a small portion of that number have been accepted. It legislative changes made to our immigration laws is less known. or he was a danger to Canada, a flight risk, or lacked proof of seems the government is screening to give priority to Christian As we prepare for an election campaign, the legislation has identity. In addition, the Immigration and Refugee Board was refugees more than Muslim refugees. The factional war in Syria taken effect and the damage is beginning to become evident. Back required to review reasons for the detention within 48 hours, puts all civilians, regardless of religion, at risk. The burden on in spring 2012, I worked hard to expose—and hopefully to stop— and then again after seven days and every subsequent 30-day sponsoring organizations is far tougher than it was when proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Act known period to ensure detention was no longer than necessary.’ Canada welcomed over 55,000 Vietnamese ‘boat people’. The as Bill C-31. These changes were designed to play on public fear International law recognizes the legitimacy of refugees humanitarian crisis in Syria should prick our conscience to do of ships full with refugees landing on our shores, loaded with arriving with no identification at all, or even with false identity far more to help, yet we are adopting a glacial approach to potential terrorists. C-31 set in place a system to require the papers. Depending on the conditions from which a refugee is meeting the promise to help only 10,000. automatic jailing of refugee claimants if they arrived in Canada escaping, it is entirely possible that a desperate person would We are blessed in this country. We have trouble even by some means judged by the minister to be ‘irregular entry.’ be unable to present documentation. Refugees historically have imagining the conditions that would lead a family to be so Here is what I said in one part of the debate on the bill: had to escape with no more than the clothes on their back. desperate as to pay for passage on a risky over-crowded vessel ‘We know that the refugee claimants who are deemed to Over the last five years, over $265 million has been spent to a country they have not even visited. Canadians may assume arrive by irregular entry are to be detained for up to a year; that incarcerating refugee claimants. The Canada Border Services we are as compassionate as we always were. Certainly is, men, women, and children 16 and over. (Under international Agency (BBSA) does not have any arm of government Canadians are compassionate as a people. But our government law, those between between 16 and 18 are still children). And, overseeing its activities. Unlike the RCMP and CSIS, it does not has created a Canada where a refugee might wish they had children under 16—if we use what happened with the Sun Sea even have a weak review agency. The information recently never arrived on our shores. 0 as an example—are likely to stay with their mother in released confirms that hundreds of children under 17 are among Elizabeth May OC has been writing an ‘Ottawa’ column for incarceration. those held in custody. Island Tides since September 2009. She has increased readers’ ‘What will all of that cost the Canadian economy and are the Recently, increased attention was paid to the treatment of knowledge of the workings of their country and democracy figures the Conservatives using about cost savings netting out refugees when a man died while in custody. The man in tremendously.

SUMMER READS, from page 5 forestry, nature-centered philosophy or First Nations culture, balance and discipline to the role of technology in our lives. This from increased freshness, potency and effectiveness, to the author discovers that the greatest adventure is learning to book is a must-read for anyone wishing to rediscover quietness community resilience and local economic growth; make home align how she lives with what she loves. By turning her own of mind, and seeking a sense of peace amidst the cacophony of herbal healthcare less intimidating and more attainable, by despair into action she paves the way for us all to discover the the modern world. focusing on 20 herbs to effectively treat most common injuries many tools we have at hand to meet the biggest challenge Better: The Everyday Art of Sustainable and ailments; and implement a local medicine culture safely humanity has ever faced. Living and sustainably, while protecting and respecting wild plant The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in Intellectual arguments alone will not sway the dominant populations. a Wired World paradigm; to be motivated to create change, people must be Many herbal health books overwhelm their readers, There’s no doubt that technology has overrun our lives. Over moved. Art has the power to inform, influence, and inspire. The presenting a list of hundreds of herbs, each with a different the past few decades, the world has embraced ‘progress’ and creative impulse can, quite literally, change the world. Heal Local purpose. empowers readers by showing that you we’re living with the resultant clicking, beeping, anxiety- In Better Nicole Caldwell explores the intersection of don’t need to know everything about every herb on the planet inducing frenzy. But a creative backlash is gathering steam, sustainability and art, showing how each of us can reinvent our to create a complete home apothecary. helping us cope with the avalanche of data that threatens to lives as our greatest artistic achievement. Presented in the context Anyone can be self-sufficient with their wellness, regardless overwhelm us daily through our computers, tablets and of the unique story of Better Farm, a blueprint for environmentally of their previous knowledge, experience or available space. smartphones. conscious living originally established as an intentional The Big Swim: Coming Ashore in a World The Joy of Missing Out considers the technologically focused community, this unusual guide blends theory with practical, Adrift life, with its impacts on our children, relationships, hands-on, DIY ideas to incite your own creative adventures, The Big Swimputs forward the idea that personal growth arises communities, health, work and more, and suggests including: upcycling trash into treasure. turning your fish tank into from facing both inner tensions and threats to the biosphere. In opportunities for those of us longing to cultivate a richer on- and a garden, and making your yard or balcony a work of art. Better a collection of stories that is frequently touching, surprisingly off-line existence. By examining the connected world through is a concrete application of the Better Theory, which funny and always thought-provoking, author Carrie Saxifrage the lens of her own internet fast, author Christina Crook creates views every experience—good or bad—as an opportunity for seeks out the places where science meets self-discovery, inviting a convincing case for increasing intentionality in our day-to-day exponential personal growth. Packed with life lessons and tips us to join her as she learns the art of appreciation from an lives. Using historical data, typewritten letters, chapter for making any lifestyle more sustainable, while drawing on ancient jawbone; hikes solo through the wilderness to find challenges and personal accounts, she invites us to explore a everyone’s inherent creativity, this unique book provides the balance in a field of blueberries; and swims for four hours new way of living, beyond our steady state of distracted inspiration to live more simply, take more chances, and engage through cold, open water, seeking a fleeting state of grace. ‘connectedness’. more with the natural world. A must-read for anyone who Each of the stories in The Big Swim encourages possibilities Most of us can’t throw away our smartphone or cut ourselves questions the purpose of the daily grind or grapples with the 0 for greater personal satisfaction with lower environmental off from the Internet. But we can all rethink our relationship need for more meaning in his or her life. impacts. While exploring significant topics, such as sustainable with the digital world, discovering new ways of introducing NEWS SHORTS, from page 8 pitched in with the proceeds from chocolate bars, an eco-tourism Capital Regional District signaling thePolar Pioneerto stop. It refused to slow down even lodge, and even the sale of carrots. Pull Together is now aiming as it approached the swimmers. to raise $600,000 before court hearings begin this fall. Notice of Open Science Bill Introduced The action was part of a growing movement to stop Shell from Applications/Nominations for drilling in the Arctic. In April, six activists boarded and occupied A new bill that would make all publicly funded scientific Shell’s drill rig for seven days, while the boat was in the middle of research publicly accessible by law was introduced in the House Membership Southern Gulf the Pacific Ocean. In May, hundreds of ‘kayaktivists’ took to the of Commons on June 18. Elizabeth May, MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands Harbours Commission water to protest Shell’s Arctic drilling fleet. Islands and Leader of the Green Party of Canada, introduced Blue Dot Movement Grows the bill with the hope of ensuring ‘that no prime minister can The Capital Regional District (CRD) invites applications/ ever bury government science again’. May also added that The Blue Dot Movement, a campaign to see Canadians gain a nominations from residents interested in sitting on the Southern ‘science is too important to democracy to be kept in a legal right to a healthy environment, has reached another Gulf Islands Harbours Commission to provide direction with milestone. Since the signing of municipal declarations in government vault. New App Engages Citizen Scientists respect to the planning, acquisition, development, restructure Kitchener, Ontario, and in St John’s, Newfoundland, more than maintenance and operation of small craft harbour facilities 5 million Canadians live in a community that supports the Blue The Vancouver Aquarium is introducing a new app called to serve the residents of the Southern Gulf Islands. There are Dot Movement. WhaleReport. The app, developed with funding provided by upcoming vacancies for Commissioners representing Galiano The campaign goal is to grow a local, grassroots movement Mountain Equipment Co-op, provides an easy way for people Island, South Pender Island and . across the country which shows decision-makers in provinces to report sightings of cetaceans and sea turtles. Information Meetings are held at 9 am on the third Thursday of every and territories that the right to a healthy environment is collected will help to identify areas most important to these second month on the Saanich Peninsula. Appointments will be Canadian important. The movement hopes to amend the species at different times of the year, and changes in their for a two (2) year term commencing October 2015. Charter of Right and Freedoms once seven of 10 provinces distribution over time. In turn, those discoveries will inform Please send us a one-page summary telling about yourself, (representing over 50% of Canadians) have recognized this right. measures taken to aid the recovery of the species at risk. $100,000 For First Nations Challenges your area of expertise, which location you wish to represent Development of the app was a project of the BC Cetacean and why you would like to serve on the Commission. The Week to End Enbridge, which took place from June 13 to Sightings Network, part of the Aquarium’s Coastal Ocean Research Institute. Now in its 15 year, the Network has collected Deadline for receipt of applications is August 14, 2015. For June 21, raised nearly $100,000 for the Pull Together more information, please visit our website: sightings from more than 4,000 ‘citizen scientists’ and manages campaign. This province-wide project will support the legal fees of the Heiltsuk, Kitasoo-Xai’xais, Gitga’at, Haida, Gitxaala, a database over of 83,000 sighting reports, previously reported Mail, fax or email your application to: Nadleh Whut’en, and Nak’azdli First Nations who are in court on a toll-free phone line, a webform, email or using paper CRD Integrated Water Services Phone: 250.474.9606 to stop Northern Gateway from building the Enbridge pipeline. logbooks. Those options will all remain in place, although the 479 Island Highway Fax: 250.474.4012 So far the Pull Together campaign has raised over $500,000 app offers additional features including automatic recording of Victoria, BC V9B 1H7 Email: [email protected] towards these fees, with the help of citizens across BC. Dozens of the time and date, the option to include a photo from the fundraising events took place in June, including concerts, phone’s camera, and for GPS-equipped smartphones, the exact dinners, ocean paddles and yoga workshops. Small businesses location. The app also includes a species identification guide and a wealth of other information. 0 Page 10, Island Tides, July 9, 2015 FEDERAL ELECTION 2015 What Your Candidates Say This edition, Island Tides asks: Do you favour the adoption of proportional voting for the next federal election? What is your position on Bill C-586, the Reform Bill introduced by Michael Chong and recently passed by the Senate?

Randall Garrison, Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke (NDP) of PR best suited to Canada. Recommendations and draft Thomas Mulcair and I want the 2015 election to be the last legislation will be submitted to parliament within 12 months. unfair election in Canada. We can fix Ottawa and make The Green Party enthusiastically supported the original Parliament work better. The NDP has consistently proposed intent of the Reform Bill, but in its current form, Bill C-586, it and supported many reforms to Canadian democracy. is watered-down and toothless. The Green Party wants to see From its introduction, we in the NDP supported the meaningful reform for the conduct of political parties, not Reform Act. The Act has been watered down significantly by optional guidelines. senators. Elizabeth May, Saanich-Gulf Islands (Green) To really revitalize Canadian democracy we need more The Green Party has always been in the forefront of fundamental change to the way MPs are elected—which is why campaigning against the perverse and undemocratic ‘first- the NDP advocates for and supports proportional past-the-post’ voting system. We will work across party lines, representation. In December 2014 in Victoria, myself, Murray now that the NDP and Liberal campaigns are making similar Rankin and Thomas Mulcair signed a pledge from Fair Vote pledges, to make sure Canada will be using some form of Canada to implement proportional representation when the proportional representation before the next election. NDP forms government in Canada this autumn. Personally I prefer mixed member proportional, but the party Fran Hunt-Jinnouchi, Cowichan-Malahat-Langford (Green) policy is to support any acceptable system. Most Canadians are not fairly represented with their vote in The Reform Act brought forward by Michael Chong was, the current ‘first-past-the-post’ voting system. The Green Party in the beginning, absolutely fantastic. I had a similar private will work with the NDP and Liberals to make proportional members bill to do away with the power given to leaders by representation a reality in the next government. I support requiring their signature on every candidates’ nomination. thorough consultation with Canadians, experts, and MPs to Tragically, in order to get the bill through the House (over review all the options available, not just any one specific objections from all the other parties) Chong watered down his system. in place. While the Chong Reform Bill showed initial promise, bill. What just passed the Senate is very weak and still gives The Reform Act brought forward by MP Michael Chong the amendments made it weak and unsupportable. leaders far too much control. had the potential to greatly improve how Parliament, caucuses The Green Party’s position on good governance and Jo-Ann Roberts, Victoria (Green) proportional representation can be found here: and political parties function. It is unfortunate that the bill that We are ready for democratic reform in Canada. As a first step, ultimately passed the House and Senate is compromised to the Green Party is strongly in favour of instituting some form such an extent as to not have a meaningful impact to reduce presentation. Vision Green Alistair MacGregor, Cowichan-Malahat-Langford (NDP) of proportional. Our policy compendium calls the powers of party leaders and improve our democracy. for legislating an end to first-past-the-post (FPTP) voting As the NDP candidate for Cowichan-Malahat-Langford, I want Gord Johns, Courtenay-Alberni (NDP) system. the 2015 election to be the last unfair election, and I have made I stand behind the NDP commitment to revitalize our The Green Party doesn’t prescribe which form of a clear commitment to replace our current ‘winner takes all’ democratic process through a mixed member proportional proportional representation should replace FPTP, because it’s voting system, which often results in false majorities based on system, combining proportional representation of parties in important to hear from Canadians on this issue. We need an far less than 50% of the votes. In the next election, the NDP Parliament with the direct election of an MP in each riding. all-party Democratic Voting Commission established to will be seeking a mandate to introduce a system of mixed- The Harper Conservatives are currently governing with a consult Canadians and draft legislation. This also allows parties member proportional representation (MMP) during our first majority despite the fact that more than 60% of Canadians did term in office so that we can bring more diversity to Parliament which support PR to work together without bias toward one not vote for them. A fair electoral system would ensure that a and ensure every vote counts. form of PR over another. party receiving 40% of the vote would receive 40% of the seats. With respect to Michael Chong’s Reform Act, it should be I would have voted in support of C-586, to limit control of It isn’t fair that so many Canadians are currently represented noted that NDP leader Tom Mulcair was the first leader to party leaders over MPs. Bill C-586 is weaker than it was in Parliament by people they voted against. support the bill when it was introduced last year. I support originally written and for this reason, party leader Elizabeth I am satisfied that Bill C-586 was finally approved by the Michael Chong’s legislation, but the revitalization of Canadian May voted against it. I appreciate her concern and am glad I’m unelected Senate. For that body to have voted otherwise would democracy needs more than tweaks—I think more free to vote differently from my party leader. have been another violation of our democratic system. While fundamental change to the way MPs are elected is needed Brenda Sayers, North Island-Powell River (Green) this bill achieves some enhancements to our parliamentary through proportional representation. Greens around the world have demonstrated the merit of process, more comprehensive changes to our democratic Sheila Malcolmson, Nanaimo-Ladysmith (NDP) working with a proportionally representative system and the institutions are required, including the abolition of the Senate A New Democrat government would implement Proportional Green Party of Canada has long opposed the current un- itself. Representation in time for the next federal election. So after democratic ‘first-past-the-post’ process. I will work across Tim Kane, Saanich-Gulf Islands (Liberal) October 2015, every vote will count. party lines to make sure that draft legislation reflecting past Yes. Justin Trudeau has pledged that under a Liberal Higher voter turnout, more women, youth and minorities research and public input is put before Parliament within 12 government, 2015 will be the last federal election using the in office, and greater parliamentary cooperation are just what months of the election. I am optimistic that our next first-past-the-post system. An all-party parliamentary Canada needs, and I’m encouraged that the many western Parliament can get this job done with more Green MPs. committee will consider electoral reform proposals. Within 18 countries using proportional representation get these While I admire Michael Chong’s modest efforts to improve months of forming the government, we will submit an electoral outcomes. I was inspired to see this on a visit to Norway in the democratic processes within parties, the version just passed reform bill for effect in the next election. 2013. Because proportional governments represent a broader by the Senate leaves much to be desired. Party leaders still have We will not now commit ourselves to any particular cross-section of society, the policies they pass tend to be more too much control. The Green Party believes MPs must work electoral reform system. credible, stable and based on the common good. I’m delighted first and foremost for their constituents, and not be beholden We are delighted that the Senate has finally approved Bill Tom Mulcair committed to implement proportional to a party leader. C-586: Mr Trudeau has already made other commitments to representation if the NDP’s elected, so no referendum is Glenn Sollitt, Courtenay-Alberni (Green) a more transparent Parliament and government, including: needed. I’m absolutely in favour of proportional representation and greater accessibility to government information; public It’s fine the Reform Act passed, but it doesn’t make up for wish that it was already in place. During my campaign, the accountability for MPs’ expenses; more independent Harper’s cynical and anti-democratic voter interference tactics most prevalent issues raised have revolved around strategic parliamentary committees; more free votes; non-partisan and that turn voters off. Making every vote count is truly the voting and the potential for vote-splitting. This creates an merit-based Senate appointments; accountable Supreme antidote, and that’s what our democracy needs environment of fear-based voting, where one feels they must Court appointments; real independence for the Parliamentary Paul Manly, Nanaimo-Ladysmith (Green) vote against a party instead of ‘for’ a party/candidate. All of Budget Officer; greater oversight of taxpayer dollars; stronger The Green Party of Canada is committed to two fundamental those conversations disappear with the implementation of national security oversight; an end to abuse of prorogation and changes to restore democracy in Canada. The first is to proportional representation, since every vote would then omnibus bills. implement a system of proportional representation; the count. As a Green MP, I’d advocate and fight for proportional Frances Litman, Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke (Green) second is to end the requirement that party leaders sign representation in time for the next federal election because it I absolutely favour proportional representation (PR). Moving candidate nomination papers. Local constituencies must have is an integral component to restoring our democracy. to a democratic and progressive form of voting, that empowers the freedom to determine the candidates for their ridings Michael Chong’s Bill C-586 was another attempt at and encourages Canadians to vote, is a high priority for me. without interference from party headquarters. improving Parliament, however, it suffered many revisions There are many different forms of PR and I look forward to The Green Party will begin action on proportional prior to passing in the Senate. Despite these neutering edits, discussing their merits with people from all across the country, representation with a public consultation and the it’s still a step forward, albeit a small one. With the consent of whilst ensuring that we move quickly to putting a new system establishment of an all-party commission to research the forms my constituents, I would have voted in favour of Bill C-586.

Island Tides emailed the above question to all contactable electoral district associations and contactable, declared candidates running in: Courtenay-Alberni, Cowichan-Malahat-Langford, Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke, Nanaimo-Ladysmith, North Island- Whoops! Powell River, Saanich-Gulf Islands, Victoria (Rachel Blaney, John Duncan, Randall Garrison, Fran Hunt-Jinnouchi, Gord Johns, Suspecting a typo, we changed moviemaker and Nanaimo-Ladysmith federal Tim Kane, Frances Litman, Shari Lukens, Mark MacDonald, Alistair MacGregor, Sheila Malcolmson, Paul Manly, Maria Manna, election campaign candidate Paul Manly’s response last edition from ‘no tanks’ Elizabeth May, David Merner, Carrie Powell-Davidson, Murray Rankin, Jo-Ann Roberts, Brenda Sayers, Peter Schwarzhoff, to ‘no tankers’ not realizing that this was a play on words which referred to the Laura Smith, Glenn Sollitt, Tim Tessier; Conservative, Liberal, Green and NDP electoral district associations in all ridings above). two-minute documentary he made for the ‘No Tanks’ campaign back in 2010. The documentary brought attention to Kinder Morgan’s expansion plans at a All received responses are above, and may have been edited for length. All candidates are invited to answer upcoming time when very few people were aware of it. The documentary is well worth questions. viewing at: https://youtube/6MVjZrmYgIE. Next Edition’s Question: What are your views about participation in warfare, with particular reference to the Middle East? Island Tides, July 9, 2015, Page 11

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The Saturna Ecological Education Center (SEEC) class, with grads (Nakira Woodcock, Noah Snizek- Libson, Ardeo Mann, and Cameron Lulua) sporting blue SEEC hoodies.

- Priscilla Ewbank Saturnaater; the feel of it,Notes the effect of it, drinking water, what the success of the program would be we didn’t know but buying water, watering plants, sweating, ice water, the faith and positive desire to create a new situation for dogs panting, rain... The talk and observation of sun learning was strong. Wand water is a constant in the community right now. Fire bans, Students animate and create their experience and from what limited water, heatstroke... The chatter is constant, as is the we all heard at the graduation, they have thrived and are proud nagging concern of when we will return to our normal range of of themselves. Their positive assessment is treasured by those temperatures and some rain. of us who worked in large and small ways to bring this Many tourists are coming, probably with the assurance of opportunity for them to fruition. clear skies to camp and explore the island. The sheep are Tour des Iles restless, roaming for forage in the brown grass and the chickens Solstice weekend, many Saturna Islanders participated in Tour storm the chicken bucket for the juicy scraps. We islanders des Iles. Saturna’s population is so small that it was like when barely recognize ourselves, swathed in hats and sunglasses and we had a large group that were enthusiastic about going round covered in light shirts. This is June and lovely is the blue sky, carolling on Christmas Eve—some people had to draw the short the shifting light and the sunsets—but the island’s vegetation straws to stay at home and host the singers! looks like it does at the end of September, before the rain comes. For Tour des Iles, some took advantage of the chance to SEEC Graduations travel to other islands and some stayed at home to host. One of This year saw the secondary school graduation of four of our the originators of the tour, Paul Brent, was the hardworking bus Saturna Ecological Education Centre students (pictured above). driver for the three days. His favourite memory is of the The ceremony was in the Shore House on East Point Road with newlyweds he took to East Point who lucked out and saw a Mount Baker framing the view and with the sound of the wonderful social orca display and were entranced. sunset-gilded Salish Sea lapping the sandstone shore across the Our own Breezy Bay Blues Band hit the concert tour trail road from the festivities. Yes, we live in paradise. courtesy of the Tour des Iles and was a smash hit on Galiano at After a wonderful potluck dinner, families and friends were the Hummingbird Pub. The plans are to repeat the idea next treated to a graduation ceremony created by the graduates and year, ironing out the wrinkles and adding even more MCed by graduating student Ardeo Mann. Comprised of inspiration. singing, poetry, and prose presentations, it was a celebration of Saturna SeaTalk the students’ obvious accomplishments. A Marine Mammal Rescue and Rehabilitation SeaTalk was The students spoke lovingly and clearly about the changes presented by the Saturna Island Marine Education group over they saw in themselves and the gifts they had experienced, as the solstice weekend. Paul Herara, a Marine Veterinarian at the they became a close group of friends. The students create their Vancouver Aquarium, narrated how he and others pioneered study program from their shared lives at Haggis Hollow, from a tranquilizing dart that allows for the tranquilizing of marine the inspiration and diligence of their teacher Steve Dunsmuir, mammals so that they can be approached for baseline research from their interactions with the Saturna community and or for care and have a very low risk of drowning. This innovative Saturna Elementary School students, and from the provincial tranquilizing dart was central to the success of learning why the education requirements. northern sealion populations in the Aleutians and Alaska are This year Steve, teacher since the program’s inception, read dropping alarmingly. a marvelous piece that he wrote about beginnings and Paul Cottrell from Fisheries & Oceans Canada had endings—the poignancy of ending something that has become marvelous footage of grey and humpback whales that had precious in its value and positive power and the draw of new gotten entangled in fishing, prawn and crab gear, and challenges and new growth. Steve is also ‘graduating’, moving techniques for cutting them free. Many animals get entangled. to Pender Island to head-up its outdoor learning program. A Despite time and monetary constrains, Parks Canada, Fisheries new SEEC teacher will take his place on Saturna. & Oceans and various foundations support the care given to Steve’s insight, humour and ability to both cradle and these distressed creatures. The success stories are a marvel of challenge our teenage students for the last seven years is a human ingenuity and interest for individual animal’s situations. testament to who he is as a person and a teacher. He has set a We all cheered as the animal escapes death and swims clear. very high standard. Having Steve and his wife Laura for those We, as a coastal community and a country, need to deal with years has been a blessing. When the school district hired the the nebulous and far reaching considerations for restricting teacher, we lucked out and got a dynamic, lively couple with policies to guard our wildlife that will allow whole populations hearts of goodwill. to flourish alongside us. Just one example is that we must have Seven years ago, Steve, then-Superintendent Jeff Hopkins, fishing restrictions on chinook salmon so that our children School Trustee Susanne Middleditch, landowners—Jon Guy experience the grandeur of an established and successful and I—and inspired islander architect Richard Blagborne got Southern Resident orca population. That would be something together with the Saturna community and created a shot in the to really cheer about. 0 dark educational program that is thriving. Back then, exactly

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Photo: Tom Hobley A talking circle forms during Mayne Island’s Aboriginal Day. The circle was conducted by John Aitken, at Emma and Felix Jack Park—the park named after John’s grandparents. The Honouring Figure, carved by John some years ago, stands in the background, arms outstetched.

Warmer water in the Pacific is causing havoc- Natalie Dunsmuir Annual Saturna Bike Ride! he weather on the west coast and all across western Discover new public access on Saturna Island! Effects on Wildlife Canada broke heat records this spring, while the other Sunday July 26, 2015 - 11 - 2:30! The warmer waters are having troubling effects on wildlife as side of the country dealt with extreme snowfall all winter. well as weather. People are beginning to spot creatures in BC Lunch will be provided for those who pre-register! The Alberta prairies are facing the driest spring in the 68 years that usually stay in the more southern parts of the continent. Contact Wes and Kathleen ! T of national record keeping, while BC’s ski mountains shut early, Albacore tuna, usually found south of the BC border, has at [email protected] ! and now forest fire danger has spiked. Meanwhile, the drought been seen as far north as Alaska. Pacific salmon have been Sponsored by Saturna Island Parks and ! in California is the worst to affect the state in 100 years. changing their route back to the Fraser River, with more and Recreation Commission The rest of the summer is not predicted to offer any relief. more of them taking the longer route through northern BC and Meteorologists have identified a warm patch in the Pacific back down to the river. !! Ocean that they have termed ‘The Blob’, which may be causing Ian Perry is worried that The Blob could also lead to a decrease Doug Routley, MLA all of these weather changes. in the population of Pacific salmon in the next few years, as the Nanaimo~North Cowichan In October and November of 2014, the BC coast saw some warmer water contains less zooplankton for them to feed on. of the highest water temperatures since record-keeping began It isn’t just fish that are feeling the effects of the unusual Unit 112 50 Tenth Street in the 1930s. Temperatures in The Blob measured about 3.5 to change in the waters off of the west coast either. The Cassin’s Nanaimo BC V9R 6L1 4ºC above normal, a kind of increase that Ian Perry, a research auklet, a seabird that lives in the western United States, has also T 250.716.5221 | F 250.716.5222 scientist with Fisheries & Oceans Canada, says should only be been found washing up dead on beaches in Washington and Box 269 | #1 – 16 High Street expected to happen once every 400 years. Oregon in populations almost 100 times greater than normal. Ladysmith BC V9G 1A2 What Is ‘The Blob’? Over 100,000 of the birds have been found so far. The die-off is T 250.245.9375 | F 250.245.8164 The Blob first appeared in the winter of 2013/14 and is believed one of the largest of its kind ever recorded, and scientists are still to have contributed to many of North America’s weather trying to determine the cause. Many suspect the warmer water Web: patterns since—droughts, floods, winter storms and extreme of The Blob to be leading to starvation in young birds who are Email: [email protected] snowmelt. This large body of warm water runs from Alaska all unused to gathering food in the changing climate. Dissection of the way to Baja California in Mexico. In 2013, when it was first the dead birds have shown no signs of viruses or bacteria—just spotted, it lay about 800km off the coast, but has since moved empty stomachs.  much closer. Scientists say that The Blob was most likely caused A Hot Summer Ahead of Us by an El Niño type pattern, characterized by a high pressure Meanwhile, those on the west coast would do best to conserve  center off the west coast of North America. water and avoid lighting any fires; predictions for this summer The warmer water of The Blob has an effect on air show no change in the troubling trend of the spring. temperatures and humidity levels over the nearby land, and Meteorologists are expecting a very hot July and August for the causes changes as far away as the east coast. Cold air is being west of Canada. 0 pulled east to places like Chicago, which set snowfall records this winter. Did you appreciate this article? Help Island Tides In BC, little snowpack is now left on the mountains, and the pay for publishing it! Mail or phone in your $30 decline of snowmelt has led to many rivers running lower than

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