upon-Tweed & G. A, ~I. Harle lll.R.C. v.s Coldstream~ Supt. John Weddell, Hawthorn rd. Gosforth; Alexander ; Tindale Ward, W. C. Crondace M.R.C.v.s. Young, The Mootball, .:'{ewcastle & Rnbert Clementson, Hill street, & F. J. L. Crondace l\LR.C. v.s. Hazelrigg; No. 506 , Robert H. Taylor, Police Hill street, Corbridge station, Abbey grounds, Hexham ; Thomas J. Shell, Inspectors of Weightll & Measures with their Distrids: ~o. Police 11tation, Bellingham; John A. T. Wright, Prudhoe 501 Wallsend,Peter Halliday, Police station, Forest Hall & & William G. Walton, Police station, Haydon Bridge William Douglas, 1 Durham st. west, Wallsend; No. 502 Main Road Surveyors, Eastern District, W. Wade, 3~ Aln wiek, Waiter Reid Cl ark, Green Hat, ; No. Woodbine road, Gosforth, Newcastle. Northern District, 'i03 Blyth, Thomas W. Hudson, Pohce station, Northum· William :Fish, IJO Main street, . Western berla.nd street, Bl~·th; :'{a. so.;. ::\Iorpe~h. Tho1na, A. District, B. Dunning, 5 St. Oswalrl's raai, Hexham Spratt, Count r building:;, )lorpeth ; No. so.'i Castle,


THE DUKE OF ~ORTHUMBERLAND K.G., P.C., F.R.S. , Alnwick; & 2 Gros•enor place, SW.


~rarked thus* are also Deputy Lien tenants. * A.damson Lieut. -Col. John George, Linden hall, Long Cairns Hon. Douglas Halyburton, Sauchrie house, May­ Horsley bole, Aitchison Henry Hyslop ~I.E. Park villa, Wallsend, New­ Capper Richard Harcourt, N orthgate Park, Ross, Here­

ca.stle-on-TYne• fordshire Alexander W1lliam, Long close, Hexham Carr RolJPrt Cornfoot, 14 Percy gardens, Tynemouth, _-\llenby Capt. Frederick Chnde Hynman R . .:'{. Loan End North Shields house, Berwick-upon-Tweed Carr-Ellison Lieut.-CoL Ralph Hy.Hedgeley hall,A.lnwick *_\J]endale Viscount P.C. Bywell hall, Stocksfield-on- Charlton Ulric Edmund Emmanuel, Reedsmouth hall, Tyne; & 14-4 Piccadilly, Lm' don W Brllingharn Allgood Capt. Adrian Geo. R.N .Blindburn,Wark-on-Tyne Chre.mgh, Long Horsley Chri.sp Francis Odavins," Prendwick, 'Vhittingharn * Anderson Georgt' ~LA. Little Harle tower, Newcastle Cl ark J ames Smith, Rosedalc, Gosforth, Newcastle *Andrews Hugh, Toddingt.on manor, Winchcombe, Glos Clark John McClare, , Angus George Michael, Matfen High house, Corbridge Cochrane Cecil Algernon, Oakfield house, Gosforth *-1ngus Col. William Mathwin C.B., V.D. The Cottage, Collingwood Arthur Burdett, Lilburn tower, Alnwick Old Benwell, Newcastle-on-Tyne Collingwood Col.Cut.hbert Geo.C.B.Glanton Pyke,Glanton *A.rmstrong Lord, Cragside, Rothbury Collingwood John Carnaby, Cornhill house, Cornhill-on- Askew David Hugh Watson B .A. Castle Hills, Berwick- Tweed upon-Tweed Cookson ~ajar Ph~lip Blencowe, Meldon park, Morpeth Askew Thomas Hordon, I Park parade, Whitley Bay Craig.- Herbert J ames LL.B., M.P. I I Prior's 1:€rrace, Askwith Arthur Albert, 'l'he Croft, ~Iarine ter. Dlyth Tynemouth; & 3 Audley house, Margaret st. London W Atkinson Frank Buddle, Gallowhill hall, Morpeth Craigs John, Station villa, ABhington Atkinson John, Ncwbiggin, Hexham Craster Thomas William, Craster tower, Lesbury Atkinson Thos. Hy.Hollis, The Vicarage,Melton Mowbny *Cresswell "\ddison Franci~ Baker *Atkinson-Clark Geo. Dixon B .A. (chairman of quarter Cromie John, Auchencairn, by Castle Douglas N .B sessions), Belford hall, Belford Culley Rev. _Matthew, Coupland castle, Kirk Newton Atkinson-Clark Hy. Geo. Farm ho. Normanby, Doncaster Cuthbert Capt.Jas .Harold D. S. 0 .Beaufront castle,Hexhm" Aynsley Robert John, Fencer Ilill, Gosforth Dal'ling Thomas, Adderstone home, Derwick-on-Tweed Bainbridge George Bargate, Espley hall, Morpeth DaYidson Ed ward, Elmfield, Hay don Bridge Baker-Cresswell Gilfrid George, Barndale, .llnwick Davy Lionel Crawford, North Eastern Bank ho.Rothbury *Bates Col. Charles Loftus D.S.O. The Spital, Hexham Dawson Robert Pittillo .M_B_ Philipson street, Walker, .X Bate~ Sidney, The Grange, Prudhoe, Ovingham, Nort:h- ewca stlc-on-TYne• umbPrland Dees Rohert Irwin, Beacon Banl•s, Hu~thwaite, Easing- Bell Alfred Ernest, Low Gosford ho . .Xewcastle-on-Tyne wold, Y or ks *Bell Charles Loraine, Woolsington hall, Newcastle ~Dcmhn Richard Sims, Albemarle, Park side, Wiroble- Bell Henry Os win, I .X orthumbel'-lanti--ter. Tynemouth don, Surrey Bell John Lowthian Donkin Robert, Haw Hill house, Rothbury Benson Waiter .T ohn, N ewbrough hall, Fourstones, Dowlin~ William Lapsley, n Linden ter. Whitley Bay Dunn J oseph Black John, Sea house, Scremerston,Berwick-upon-Tweed Earnshaw James, Kiln Bank house, Amble Blackett Sir Hugh Douglas hart. Matfen hall, Corbridge Elliott Thomas William, The Cottage, :\1onkseaton Blackett-Ord John Reginald, Whitfield hall, Whitfield Ellis J ames William, Ingleford, Moor road, Gosforth Blair Hunter, II Hig-h st. Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne Evers Chas. Henry, ton, ~ e"~Thiggin- by-the-Sea *lllake Sir Francis Douglas bart. Tillmouth park, Corn- Fairbairn Andrew, Hirst terrace, Bedlington hill-on-Tweed Falconer Thomas Munroe, School ho. Prudhoe,Ovingham *Bowes-Lyon Hon. Francis, Ridley hall, Bardon Mill Fenwick Rt. Hon. Charles P.C., M.P. 14 Tankerville ter_ Boyd William, Benton house, The Park, Cheltenham Newcastle-on-Tyne; & gsVauxhallBridge rd.LondonSW Bradley Rev. William Hy. M.A. Chapel Hill lo. Margate Fenwiek Gerard, Higham Dykes hall, Newcastle Brough Edward, The Gables, Long Benton, Newcastle Fen wick .T ohn G'harles J ames :M .D. Long Framlington, Browne Alexander, castle, Whittingham ~Iorpeth *Browne Sir Benjamin Ohapman D.C.L. West Acres, Feu wick Laneelot, Brink burn High House, Pauperhaugh Benwell, Newcastle Fenwick :Mark, Abbotswood, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glos Browne Capt. Charles Edmund, Brunton, Chathill *Fenwicke-Clennell Thomas Clennell, , Brumell Arthnr, Pethgate .house, Morpeth Rothbury Burrell Capt. Wn1."Matthew, Car ham hall,Coldstream N .}l Fisher Jsph. Higbam, Bassenthwaite Lake, Cockermouth Butler George Grey M.A. Ewart park, Wooler Fcremar> Edward, Amble, Acklington Byng Hon. Ivo Francis, West Townhead, Otterburn Forster .Tame.~ Edward, Brunswick ho. Exmoutlr ,.:D'~n Caine John, Front street, Bed'lingt.on Forster William RidleY,. The Oakn- Knowe, .lfM!whi;>tl_e.