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ta local I^OTs aid SiitErests/ ieftral 3atelligeart, Iitei^'rE, ^nlitirs, %Eciillnrf, -jfficcjianira, tfjt lite, (Etontinn, &r.'&c.--- m j? 1800. W; l,; ' .'>• !l I i/i-n ; >;•*.; . ';> tj,j

NUMBER 439-NEW SERIES. 1 NORWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1856. VOLUME XXXIX.—NUMBER 22. n.* maidens. He succeeded, of course.— The Expenses of Queendom. The Parliamentary allowance to the Nine Rational ' Recreations-r-For Seasonable NORWALK PAINTING | ; ^s-asd- . Sensible men, of his age and prospects al­ Several years ago, a body of mer­ Queen, large as it is, is only a portion of the Amusement and Instruction of the A. H. BTINOTON Editor &Proprietor. GOODS. Paper Hanging Establishment. ! " " Fot the Gazette. ways do, when they try. And as his chants residing in the town of Liverpool what she actually receives. She has Young, and others, during Winter HE Subscriber would return his thanks for *ye wandered in conversation from one (in England,) organized a Financial Re­ the life-use of a variety of palaces, the Evenings.—1. Take a tumbler, and fill Subscription Rates: T the very liberal patronage with which his HE Subscriber would announce that in It-tTfc!'.tf-jfiT V.'Kill't Jj Jl N E S j handsome intelligent face to another, he form Association, with the avowed pur­ minutest cost of keeping up and repair­ it nearly full of water. Then insert a Village Subscribers by Carrier, per year, $2.00 Store has been favored the year past, and hopes T connection with his House and Sign Paint­ On the Death of Mis* Emily Willard, ing which is delayed, not by her as fee- lump of sugar in the water, and contin­ By Mail, PoBt Riders and Wagoners, 2.00 ing, he now carries on a general caught himself several times mentally pose of examining into and fully expo­ by a constant attention to the wants of the daughter of Dr. David IVillard, of Wii., tenant, but out of the public revenue — ue to stir it. In a few minute the sugar Those living out of any Carrier's District, 1.50 PAPER HAJYGIJVG BUSINESS, inquiring, "Which would make the bet­ sing all cases where the public revenue trading public and by a system of fair and lion ter wife ?" When she travels by land, even the tolls will become invisible For fractional partsof a year, at the rate of 2.00 orable dealing, to retain his share of trade for and will keep constantly on hand a complete tori, Conn. of England appeared to be'"made ducks JffV* Single copies 5 cents, in wrapper, the year ensuing. His Stock comprises at all assortment of plain and ornamental Papers for She bath fallen asleep I In the beauty of Youth, ' The mother and a . neat looking maid and drakes of," by neglect, wilful or payable at turnpike gates are remitted. 2. Place a candlestick, with a lighted- times a choice and varied selection of fashiona­ When Hope twined her loveliest flowers ; When she'Voyages by sea, the Admiralty candle, in the middle of a table. Ma­ ? s? side walls, ceilings, halls, &c. His establish­ were seen at intervals passing from the careless, by extravagance, by waste, or Advertising Rates: ble and seasonable Dry Goods, of every quality ment is one door north of Skiddy's Block, When affection was,bound in the garland of truth, kitchen preparing the supper. The girl by corrupt appropriation. This Liver­ (who hate built and keep in repair her hogany is best, deal will answer the pur­ One Square, one insertion $1.00 and price. He is., confident that purchasers where he will be happy to execute all orders And the moments seemed glorious hours. steam yacht,) provide her table out of pose. Place an extinguisher upon the do do iwo do But no I she hath sighed 'midst the buddings o who set out the table, and spread the pool Association have published various 1.25 will find every artg cle purchased at his store, in House and Sign Painting, and Paper Hang­ the public money. Moreover, she is ac­ candle, and tbe apartment will be left in do do three do :•M 1.50 equal in quality, aj|d as cheap in price, as can ing. Paints and Oils for sale, and Paints Spring, white, stainless cloth, and arranged the Financial Reform Tracts, from time to do do one month, ;< U'i^r 1.75 be obtained elsewhere. Particular attention mixed ready for use. For the flowers which,never decaj ; ; - plates, seemed to do it gracefully and time, plain-spoken documents, which tually exempted from payment of every darkness, unless there are other lights in do do two months, . : 3.00 devoted to the selection of Cloths, Yestings, GEORGE MARVIN. And the Shepherd unfolded His heavenly wing, quietly, as if she had made such duties a showed the waste and mismanagement impest to which her "loyal subjects,"are it. do do three monthB, 4.00 &c., &c., for Gentlemens wear, which will be And bore our dear Emmie away. . , ' ' ' ; i JvS study as a science, and won a passing of the public money, under a succession liable; the few postage stamps which 3. Take a kitten (one of a kindly dia- do' do six months, 7.00 sold at the lowest market prices. Tomllnson • iU do one year, She hath fallen asleep I, asleep in her God, ^ p '•tS glsAce of admiration as a very neat and of Administrations, who clamored for she uses form the sole exception! position is preferable) and place it upon do 13.00 L. H. RANDLE. SPRING & AXLE CO., When the Income Tax was imposed your lap. Stroke it gently for a few ...Two ,•/•• dpi .. •, ,do.,, 20.00 No longer to suffer b|elow.; ' pretty .servant—a mpddla of a "help."— economy and retrenchment, while out of " .E^bb' .additibilal iBqaare, per year, 8.00 NORWALK EMPORIUM MANUFACTURERS OF She hath felt the last stroke of His chastening rod, Altogether, he thought it was a charm­ office, but have been visited, when in by Sir Robert Peel, in 1842, he announ­ seconds, and the animal will be distinct­ On«^b!nn,i»iie.y«iir, 75.00 Has conquered her t>ittere*t foe. ^ ing family. When they sat at the cheer­ power, with sudden but adamantine con­ ced, with a great flourish of trumpets, ly heard to purr. This experiment may : /AdV'fcnisers' occupying two or more squares, G1 SPRINGS & AXLES With a smile, snch aa angels alone aver wear, ' " ' lESjfr ful supper: and he tasted the light home- victions that; if there were abuses, it that the Queen bad "most graciously" be varied by pinching its tail, in which aii entiled to the paper free of charge. BOTH oonmowai PATENT, She hath whispered £er.happy "Good bye determined to submit her own ihcome Of all kind* and sizes, Hath crossed the dark waters of sorrow and care, made bread, and the sweet, fresh butter would be troublesome to reform or re­ case it will spit, and jump down. "Futeen jutes'of Brevier or 100 words make a to this impost. At the original rate of 4. Let the cinders be thrown upon the j-,—r-J. jPractionalparts of asquare, charged PROVISIONS, FRUITS. Cinnon-st., opposite Tomlinson's Carriage Manufactory, And entered the realms of the sky. and the thinly sliced home curled beef, move them, and that, after all, they were v the hot, well flavored tea, the,excellency good, old family abuses, and therefore to sevenpence in the pound, this would fire, and then take a common hearth- ; ; BRIDGEPORT, CONN. She hath fallen asjeep I <^h, .a beautiful rest, ~":f f _ prised to find that the neat iservaht girl the Tract does not indicate that Queen tary write to the Treasury, inquiring will join the severed parts together again HE subscriber would extend his thanks to " And the Evening ,^nd the Morning war* whose handiwork had won his admira­ Victoria's Household in any respect is a whether tbe Queen and Prince Albert 6. Place the palms of your hands to­ Timber and Laths, H T the public for their liberal patronage du­ the sixth tlay."—(&enesis l, 3l. actually paid their quota of the Income AT SOUTH NORWALK. ring the last fifteen years and at the same time tion, was one of their sisters. He found model to the nation, or even to families, gether crosswise, and holding them some­ . ^^USINBSS DIRECTORY. 'Twas diawn over Eien—yet brightly on high her sprightly, cheerful, as accomplished, but that^ it should be so. Let us men­ Tax, and whether the Queen paid on the what loosely, strike them on your knee. 350,000 Plastering Laths. | express his conviction that the business expe­ The morning stir lihone iii the jiearl-tint^d sky ; 50,000 Eeet Pine and Spruce Timber.; f rience lie has acquired during so long a period and he thought a little more graceful tion a few particulars respecting it.— full amount voted by Parliament or only A sound will be produced somewhat re­ = Union Telegraph Office, has peculiarly qualified him for judging of 'Twas'dawn over, Eden, and dimly, 7ft Air, 10,000 Pine Pickets just received aud for Showed vall*y ai}d j^tream in the pur^ balmy air. ttian Jane, who was oldfer, or Charlotte They will probably astound some of our oh the £60,000 allotted to the Privy sembling the chink of money. This is GaittteRooins^ over F. St.John's Store. sale by THOS. L. PECK. the tastes and requirements of those baying purse ? The reply given by the Treas­ quite a» good as having money itself, occasion to patronize an extensive Saddlery ivbo was younger than herself. He simple minded republicans, who are at i! MesAk sbnt-to all parts ot the Union with There Silence and Slumber; twin spirit#, reclined, thought a little'more meanly of himself, present ignorant of the hereditary Eng­ ury was short aud sharp, to wit, that it which only leads to outlay and extrav­ establishment. He is constantly manufactur­ Unwooed by the breath: of a floirerTSOinted wind; ! 1 ^promptness aqd accuracy. LUMBER! LUMBER! ing and keeps on hand a full assortment; of for having taken her to be a Hired girl in lish method of supporting the "divinity,'' was not the practice to answer inquiries agance. ' Q$cg Hpqrs from 8 A.M, to 9 P. M.. Sundays >o itirkss each .leaf jrithjn finest and, ^lade ILL & HUBBELL have recently com­ Harness, of all descriptions, comprising all That it seemed like a viaion by fancy ^sjiiayed. ^ ^ the family, but not a whit more meanly which Shakspeare affirms, "doth hedge! of this nature, and that "such informa­ 7. Take a common ruled copy-book, excepted. , menced the Lumber Business at the old kinds of Buggy, Gig, Express, Cart, Coach, 45 B. J*. CO AN, Operator. H of her for having revealed* herself in that a King." tion as you are anxious to obtain is only and at the top of a page let a confederate t stand lately occupied by Mr. Charles Thomas; Farm and Wagon Harness ; also, a'great vari­ .But Piihf*. you, j" eacb, covert of ^r«n, furnished through the medium of Par­ inscribe Bounty Commands Esteem, or and intend to keep on sale ety of Ladies and gentlemen's Riding Saddles ,What .wonder of joypthrilling life had you geen ; capacity. Abd his perplexity wis«ome- In June, 1837, at the age 18, Victoria liamentary returns, or when called for some other moral sentiment. Copy this J ACKBON& QUINTARS'S Timber, Lath ai^d Lime, I Bridles, Martingales, &c. also Collars in great From brings of grandeur, Of grace and of power Vrhat increased as he sat down oh his of England succeeded to the crown on variety and every style of pattern, Fly Nets, To the brightest a^nd least ilia*. Have tirth in a bedside in the chamber to which he was the death of her'uncle, William IV.— in either House of Parliament.'' on every line of the page, and when you together with every variety of Lumber sold in Horsecloths, Stable Furniture, Saddler's hard­ This reply is dated Diec. 4, 1855, and have done show it to the company.— AMBROTVPE ROOMS, this market; We shall be happy to accommo­ flower. . shown by his host, and said to himself, Soon after, as is the custom at the com­ ware, Whips in endless variety, Trunks of all " Which of the three ?" mencement of a new reign, the existing. the Liverpool Association has not found This experiment is not only interesting . OT«r P. & N, Depot, date customers with any thing in our line at sizes and descriptions, Valices, Carpet :Bags, Then, gem-like in beauty, with a aoffc throbbing ! ,i! any Member of Parliament (though sev­ in itself, but tends to improve the hand­ :::;rr;_;-L::L korwaik. liberal prices. M.' HILL, Satchels, &o. &c. All in want of any of the breast, In the morning after a'night's sound Parliament was dissolved, an election 15 J, C. HUBBELL, above named articles will do well to give us a Each warbler of Eden had flutterd to rest ; '> > ' ' sleep—for he was not sufficiently in love took place, and the. Legislature, among eral belong to its body) bold enough to writing. tikoness eg call, as we are bonnd to sell our wares at sat­ . With golden winged insects, ^o,brilliant and fair, to keep him awake—he entered the important business, had to settle the ask the simple question—Has the Queen 8. Take the tumbler of water men­ Warranted to please all Good Judges. SPANG & BARDWELL'S isfactory prices. Orders for any kind of work They seemed, as if painted by angels in air. breakfast room, and was soon joined by question of the Civil List—in other kept faith with the country ? tioned in the first experiment, and show promptly, executed. Repairing done neatly The truth is. whoever would put such Dry Good 4 Clothing Store, and cheaply. WM. B. SWAN. Yet strange was the'stillness. No song loving sprlto the two young ladies who had first wel­ words, to fix and vote the amount of the the company that the glass is nearly full Dentistry, At Westport, Conn Enchanted the. echoes round mountaiii and height j comed him. Sarah was not yet visible; annual allowance or pension to be paid a question in Parliamient might reckon to Drink it off, and instantly make them ob­ HE above firm would inform the inhabitants Something New. ' ' Why came not the sun from his palace on high, but when Jane poured the c'bffee, Sarah to "Her Most Gracious Majesty.'' Ac­ a dead certainty, on getting what is cal­ serve that the glass is entirely empty.— j Doctors HILL & f ITQB, To waken the bluBhes of day in the «ky t J < > J T of Westport and vicinity, that they have WNERS of Horses will find a new and val­ bame smiling in behind a clean white cordingly, two days before the Christmas led "the cold shoulder" from the court for The success of this feat depends on its SwgiQal ft fflecbameal on hand a complete and extensive assortment O uable invention in the way of Horse Col­ But lo I a pale glory, a tremulous ray " ' apron, and" with a steaming pile of hot of 1837, the Queen had the pleasure of the rest of his life. This is a consumma­ rapidity. of DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, lars, known as Briggs' Patent Horse Collars. From a bow in the shadowy distance away I ; 11 buckwheat cakes in her hand which, giving her. official assent to an Act of tion which the greatest (nominal) demo­ 9. Go to bed.—Punch, A ' DENTISTS, and every kind and style of goods adapted to In their construction they correspond exactly Ah, well knew the angels that tavored retreat, from the hue of her cheeks, she bad been Porliament, settling £385,000 a year crat in Parliament is afraid to precipitate! Ofloe over the Store of C. J.Gruman, Mens wear. to, the anatomy of the Horse's neck, and will For it imaged the homes where the seraphim meet, Found his Father:—My son, can The Clothinp and Tailoring department is neither scald, bruise, or gall the animal. They baking. If there was a blush on her (or nearly $2,000,000) "upon herself for We have included, as a great pecuni­ NORWALK, CONN. conducted by the senior partner (J. Spang,) give full scope and action to the shoulder- There, moveless as death, yet all radiant and lair, cheek any eye might see it was forced life. -This allowance, which was £10,- ary advantage to Queya Victoria, her be­ you take a trunk up to the hotel ?' said A. HIIX. > V CHARLES FITCH. whose reputation as a outter is well established. blade and joints, and altogether are the most A form with whose beauty nought else might com- there by the fire and not by any sense of 000 more than had been paid to her tin- ing lodged rent-free in the Royal Pal­ a passenger stepping from a boat on the There can always b,e found a better assort* perfect application ever applied to the neck of pare, degradation, on account of the office she clea, '"Gentleman George,'' and "sailor aces, without being called upon, as ten­ levee, to a ragged youngster who sat meat Of $faek aiid Col'd, Cloths, Black, and the Horse. They have been fully tested al­ Uuliving I yet stilled not by death to repose, j , s{ s6 well filled. She greeted the guest Billy," was voted as "adequate provis­ ants usually are, to-incur the cost of re­ balancing himself on the. Jail end of a J. 1% FOOTE, Ipancyj Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Kentucky Janes ready, and are so constructed that they com­ With a cheek and a bosom like new fallen snow. dray. . Attorney and CQt&s$l$r ftt fcawj Merinos, Cassimers, Linens, and Cdtton Goods mend themselves to the judgment of every with a welcome smile, deposited her ion for the support of the honor and dig­ pairs and alterations. This may appear far JSummer wear, than is or ever has been kept sensible and humane man. No crown her brow needed—her glory was there load ot edibles and returned to the kitch­ lr to be not very considerable, but really is "Your son!' cried the boy, eyeing him QFFfC.E QV&R M4LL.O.RVS STORE nity of the Crown.'' '' ' in the ^>/ace. Cloth etc., is cut free of charge Also, every variety, quality and quantity of In the soft, silken tresses of sunny hued hair; , en, whence she tripped again in few mo­ At that time, though the maisses grum­ enormous. The sum voted in the esti­ from head to foot; "Well I'll be dod Norwalk, Conn. when bought at this Establishment. Harness, Saddles and Horse Equipments in No robes of adorning in loving embrace, ments with another plate of cakes, most bled at such a disposition of their money mates foi Royal Palaces, buildings, dropped if I ain't in luck. I've been try­ SPANG & BARDWELL. general, may b.e found at the Store of the Enfolded those limbs that were peerless in grace!' ing to find daddy these three years, and Subscribe*. WM. S. JONES. beautifully baked by her own skill.— few members of either House of Parlia­ parks, and gardens, was £221,885 in Could an angel but die—so transcendent her air, all of a sudden up comes the old||boss AMOS HUNT, Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goo^8. Westport, (East side the Bridge.) Horace ate a large quantity of them, ment ventured to speak of the Civil List 1854; increased to £224,496 in 1855; That you'd deem a lost seraph you gated upon more than enough merely to satisfy hun* as too great. At the sam? time, by the and further extended to £249,693 in the himself, and knows me right off. How General Pension & Patent Agent NEW SPRING STOCK I f there, present year. Add to this the sum of are you?' stretching out his muddy And Prosecutor of Claims before $5,000 Wanted. So lifeless the hands, though by flowers caressed, ger, because of the beautiful little hands way, the public allowance to the Queen's ?HE Subscriber has just returned from GENTLEMAN, owner of a Patent Ma­ that made them. And then he wander­ mother, an excellent and highly-rouged £668,000 which is the Queen's actual paw. New York with a new Stock of Fash- So BtirlcsB the feet, that on lilies are pressed. ( the several Departments and chine in extensive demand, desiring to ed over the farm with the old man, and old lady, was increased from $22,000 to income; and £60,000 to Prince,Albert The traveller was non plussed. Be­ _____ ionable Jewelry, Watches, Plated A But hark 1 a calm voice 1 yet with majesty rife— ^ ihv Omri ¥ Claims. , make Norwalk his Residence, who will put in prated of horses and cows and crops, as $30,000 a year. When the Civil List from all sources, (withou: including the tween a smile and a frown he. enquired- Ware and Fancy Goods, which he offers to his his Patent against the above capital, in carry­ 'TIB the voice of her llaker—in an instant to life customers very Qheap. though he knew something about them was discussed in the Commons, neither annuities to the Duchess of Kent, Duch­ 'What is your name, sir ?. i: -1-sWasliingt6n, D. C. ing on the business in this town. The invest­ Serenely uprising, with soul beaming eyes, Clock? and Watches repaired. ment will b$ shown to the satisfaction of any See woke into rapture 'neath Eden's blue skies. as well as broadcloths and calicoes. At Hume nor sibthorpe raised his voice ess of Gloucester, Duchess of Cambridge ' My name. You dont know. Well Accordeons tuned and repaired, one, to he safe and profitable. Address " M." :'f i dinner-time Jane and Charlotte were in against it. Whittle Harvey, it is true, Duke of Cambfidge, Princess Augusta it's nothing in these parts to have so ;H. C. HANDLE, 1 Coffin Plates, Spoqns, Icings, &c., jieatly en­ care of Norwalk Gazette, or confer with Edi­ A moment she stood, as in statued repoBe, many children that they don't know their Ere her cheek and her lips wore the hue of the rose the parlor waiting for him and Sarah, as suggested that, before voting away so of Cambridge, Princess Mary of Cam­ —DEALER IN— graved. 0. S. CLARK, tor, Then slowly, adoring, she knelt on the sod, usual was bustling about the kitchen.— much money, it would be well to inquire bridge, and King Leopold of Belgium, names. My name's William, but some P. S.—All the capital would not be requir­ (< people call me ragged Bill, for short. Hats, Capsr-Men's ft Soy's Cheaper than Ever ed down. 3n»*4fi And veiled her bright brow at the feet of her God, I do wish,'' said he sotto voice, "that how it was to be spent; but .he was making £110-000 extra,) and the Queen the South JVarwaik one of those girls would take Sarah's choked off with the. promise of a Com­ of England and her husband will be What tbe other part is you knoWj if you Then forth looked the sun like a monarch on high, found to receive as much as £997,693 a don't you must ax the old oman.'— aROCSBY STORE. Gentlemen's Hats. While the angel of glory swept silently by ; place in the kitchen a little while, that mittee been appointed to investigate iuto I might find out some oi her house-keep- the abuses of the pension list—a commit­ year, and all this for wholly personal And shouldering the trunk he marched S,ad)eg Pqrs, dents Gloves, Caues, HE Subscriber has on hand by far the lar~ SPRING STYLES. All Eden, melodious, rejoiced to receive, t • Erom the hand of Jehovah, the beautiful Eve I ing qualities, and that I might have a tee duly organized to do nothing! In and domestic expenditure—and savings. off towards the hotel mumbling to him­ Umlarellas, dsc., Tgest and best selection of Family Groce­ HE Subscriber is now receiving his invoi­ self: ries and Provisions, to be found in South Nor* Tces oS Spiring Fashions of Gentlemens little chat with her." the House of Lords, there was a speech No. a Skiddv's Block. walk, which he offers to his customers and the Hats, which for beauty of design and elegance From the Musiegt Pioneer. But he waited for such a ehange (one of his best) by Brougham, boldly How to behave in Church. : v 'Well that is a go. The old gemman public, at greatly reduced prices. His facili­ of finish, have never been surpassed. By an in vain, though he found some opportu­ declaring that the proposed grant was Our readers shall have the benefit of come home at last. Good clothes, big ties are such that he will be constantly receiv­ ingenious improvement in' their manufacture, "Come, and I'll give you Rest." trunk, must have the tin. Well I'am /•-M, C. J. GRUMAN, ing new and fresh si^Ues erf goods; as the nities of converse, and discovered all he too large, that a check should be put on the following hints on church etiquette: S-i'-tji.'' the Silk Hat of the Spring Fashion is as easy ?• .. V BT I. B. WOODBPKT. ' wished to know just then about: her its expenditure, and that it should not be in luck., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic wants of Q^stoiners may require, which will upon the head as the Soft Hat, Also, Men's " When storms of sorrow darken; , ^ For Gentlemen.—Fancy upon open­ t^ways Wof the best quality and sold at the and Boys' Caps in endless y&rlety; Umbrellas, My soul with earthly ill, mental qualifications and acquirements voted for life. Nevertheless, the grant DRY GOODS, CARfSTWOS very lowest possible price, and he would re­ was made, as-proposed by the Queen's ing the door everybody will look at you, A Baby Elephant.—Tbe editor of Canes, &c., with an immense assortment of When dearest ties are broken j and at the close of the fourth day, just and bear yourself bravely till you get to s Qarriage trimmings, Cloths, Cassi- spectfully solicit an examination'and trial of Soft Hats of every price, size, color and qual­ By death's unftiaohiag will; - at before be got into bed, he clapped the Ministers; Harvey being abused,most the N. Y. Sunday Times has seen the the same. GEO. W. SMITH. your seat. Then pass yonr hand over i meres, Satinetts,( Vestings. and Tail­ ity, all fox sale cheap for cash, at . , Then steal o'er mem'ry, cheering - ; white counterpane 'emphatically, and unanimously, as an ill-conditioned Rad­ H. C: RANDLE'S. your hair to see if the hour's labor that baby elephant that was recently in that or's Trimmings, by the Yard, r My soul with sweet beheat, said to it— aa there was nobody in the ical, and Brougham being set down as i; Piece or Package. Land For Salo/ P. S, Also, Agent for the sale of th Grafen- : fl Jlieae words of tendefest feeling, yon spent on it has not been in vain ; city, and gives a pretty account of the ABOUT erght acres of §p,<$ ^nd, near berg Co.'s Celebrated Medicines. , :, ,, «' Come, and I'll give you rest." room, I supposed he must have spoken anything but a "loyal, loving, and duti­ s ;i RifEETQraS, SHIRTINGS, JEANS, BATTS AND WARP ful'' subject to Her Majesty. then take a good long stare over the little creature. : ^ ^ f', Main-st., one mile n^y.^ p,f t«e Bridge, is offer­ to the counterpane or the bedpost—"She congregation to see who is there- If J-VJ •; -I At the lowest possible prices. ed for sale. i\PAQ very reasouable terms. It is Alkaline Dentifrice, ".sir Whenthoughts come sadly o'er me, is the wife for me." The statute which granted $385,000 "These baby elephants are very inter­ ^ NO R W A LK, CONN. admirably adapted for building lots, or for ,j;j: Of tender ones Mag dead, r : you chew tobacco, blaze away into the esting objects. They are perfectly for­ R. BARBOUR manufacture* and keeps !i The next day was the limit of his vis­ per annum to the Queen, with £10,000 0 So kind and truly lovely, : 6 : seat behind, if unoccupied, or else let gardening purposes, having a quick and rich D constantly on hand th& above preparation it ; and as he stood at the window after per annum additional for "home secret med throughout, and differ from their soil, and a large bed of vegetable mould or for preserving an<^ $l$ansing the teeth. It is ' v Ere transient life had fled, , , . . | j drive at your neighbor's patent leathers. 4 m. M. I.OOKWOOD, 9L CO. : y 1 service," provided for the particular ap­ parents only in size—but that difference compost manure, tiyeon ; or it is well calcu­ unhesitatingly pronounced the best prepara­ v ' Methinks their voice is ringing, ~ j breakfast, he saw Sarah, with the witch­ Scratch your name on the back of the 'V NORWALK. CONN., ; lated for a first rate meadow. It is well fenced ing white apron, trip out into the or­ plication of the money as followa: 1.— is so amazing that it becomes ludicrous tion in the market, for the purposes indicated, c-i. So sweetly with the blest, • J' f'.t, front seats, with the likeness of a one KASDFAOTURERS OF and in a very eligible location. For further hy all who have ever used it. It may be had f«iis1? fH In heaven's high anthem7 singing, y ? i chard to shake down some apples, for as For her Majesty's privy purse, £00,000 —and when you see the "baby'' walk­ particulars enquire at this OfBoe, t(3 at all the principal stores in Town. Try it. " Come, and I'll give you rest.". it was bakingday 2. For salariea for her household, £131, eyed hippogriff, stare frequently at the ing to and fro under its mother, you can­ Tin; Sieet Iron &Copper Wares, pies were to be made. pretty looking girl behind you, and if • When pulse is slowly beating, •" Horace strolled out after her, and shook 260. 3. Expenses of the liousehnld, (i. not resist the impulse to laugh at the od­ • AND DEALERS IN ifcllgtoS Moving, possible send her a note assuring her Further Notice, •A' Nor long on earth I stay ; , v ' ' the trees and helped to pick up the e., what Paddy would call "the best of dity of the comparison.—And then the Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Qy$le%%, ' 8V CBABZtSB TUBBS. rT>HE undersigned having extended his bust' that she has the prettiest hand, or the bulky mother's care of her "baby" is so LL orders for building raising and moving* v4{; But, like the flowers so flyting, apples, and carried the basket as. they ating and drinking,'') £172,500. 4.— X ness is now no.t only prepared to repair I soon must pass away. most exquisite eye of blue^ this side of human like and affectionate. Give the ^fiiatmia. Porcelain and Wooden left with the subscriber, will receive and re'-paint Carriages and Wagons as usual, returned slowly, very slowly, to the Royal bounty, alms and special services promptA attention and be executed in the safest ^ Then, O my Saviour, hear me, r £13,200. 5. Pensions to the extent of Paradise. After having exhausted all baby an apple for instance. Tbe moth- - Ware, and Kitchen Furniture but Qiao, prepared to make the same to Or- Y ? house. What it was he whispered in j And take me with the blest; ' r" reasonable amusements you may shut and most expeditious manner. fler- Tasteful Carriages or heavy Wagons £1,200. 6. Unappropriated moneys, er first takes it in her trunk, examines it :in general, Pumps, Sheet ; ^| ^ Still let these dear voids eheer me, ' her ear, she never told, but she seemed JOSEPH SHEPHKRfl, made in every style to suit the purchaser, and not displeased though evidently surpri­ your eyes, open your mouth, and favor closely, and then returns it to her infant ly41 Carrie p Ma,^e^, 4gtytt. ••Come, and I'll give you rest." £8,040. the congregation with an extempore ; Lead f LeadxPipe, I at prices to suit thetimes. sed and a little frightened. When this Civil List was thus settled to eat, having satisfied herself, apparent­ Crockery, Glass EDSON BEERS. there was a sort of understanding (indeed snore. After the service is over, do the ly, of its innocuousness. And so with ItflX&Iire UAT^RIALS. At the establishment formerly occupied by A year after Horace was at the house agreeable if possible, to tome divinity ; ':iuli/i ar$Chinq, >• :5 Charles Isaacs. of his old friend again, and this time Sa­ it was specially pnt into the statute) that everything else. The watchful care, Brassed ft Oommon Brick Lime the Queen would surrender, for, her life­ thereafter write yourself a brick. the jealous fondness, the assiduous and rah was not so much in the kitchen.— For Young Ladies.—Spend four • . Ww*. ' (' ' Cement, Calcined Plaster. Hair There was great paeparations for a wed­ time, the hereditary revenues which her untiring attention of the parent monster Blacksmithing. ^ J .."The Witt Pdr Me." hours in fixing out before starting, for it and Marble Dust. ding going forward and in a few days, immediate predecessor had been posses­ is eminently worthy of imitation by ma­ HE Subscriber having taken a shop adjoin­ BT HUNT ALHRINU8KR. ia every young lady's duty to look pret­ V. A. HE Subscriber having dissolved hisconnec ing the old stand of Joseph Shepherd, is sed of—in a word that the £385,000 a ny a being who makes profession to a E. CHICHESTER, T Sarah became Mrs. Horace Hastings;— ty, bearing in mind that ladies were T tion with W. C. STREET, Esq. in the above prepared to. execute every order in the line of Horace Hasting was a sober, sensible and now, in a splendid Boston mansion year should be her entire income. On much greater share of intelligence." irdw£ business, will continue it on his own ^QCQU^tn e, general Blacksmithing Establishment. All enterprising batchelor, of some teven she fully justifies the wisdom of her dear the contrary, except that the hereditary oreated for the especial purpose of being and will keep a good assortment t^e a,bo.ve work left with him will be well and promptly worshipped by gentlemen, and attract­ Union of Whigs and K. N.' s.—The ;; DEALER, and twenty years, who, having obtained husband's choice, by being tabim a most duties on beer, ale and cider were sur- named artiQlea constantly qq haind which will done, and every effort made to please and sub­ an excellent reputation by his industry ing their unqualified admiration. Step Boston Journal thus insinuates a pro­ NORWALK, CONN be sold cheap, fp,r < ia,sV serve the interests of all who mayfeel disposed excellent wife and a superlative house­ rended by the Queen, and now figure 15 1 'T CHAS.CHi T. LEONARD. to favor and integrity, and having made bimself daintily and gracefully up the aisle, seat ject : c him with their patronage, keeper. among the excise assets, there was no yourself, straighten up, seat yourself Ofifce at tfye litore of W. C, STREET. tf THOMAS FANCHES, useful to the mercantile firm in Boston relinquishment of any one shilling of he­ "No intelligent observer can fail to: with whom he bad served an appren­ The Whip at Washington. 3 reditary revenue heretofore receivably again, and repeat aix consecutive times. remark the affinity which exists between ^pppESeRR Tfi c :New Styles. M .. ~ S. E. OLMSlteAD* ticeship, was at length invited to a part Horace Greeley writes from Washing­ Pull the outer garment a little way over the old Whig party, and the youthful by tee Sovereign. What is called ''The the left shoulder, then back on the right, . JAMBS SHERWOOD,t New Goods & low prices. Wholesale and Retail Demlet; im Groceries, nership in the concern. For some time ton as follows to the Tribune': Civil List" of Ireland and of Scotland American party in certain leading prin­ Bookseller, Stationer &. Binder, Provisions, 8tc,, )4 and 16 Main-st. he had been encouraged to anticipate A conference of some fifteen or twen­ and after doing this a few times leave ciples. It is the natural conservation of HARLES FIELDS has now on hand as add £115,000 per annum to the £385.- it where you found it. Straighten down 17 Main Street, Norwalk. C large and varied an assortment of Gentle­ ASj^st received an entirely new and ex­ this elevation, and he soberly and' ener ty gentlemen, now or formerly in public 000 in question—the Duchy of Lancas­ the Whigs, and the radicalism of some men and Ladies' Gaiters, Boots, and Slipner?, H tensive assortment of goods which he getically entered upon the new duties of life, who have heretofore acted with the your collar, then straighten it up, pull of the measures of the new party, more as has ever been presented to the ttiis will sell on as favorable terms as any in the ter also yields £12,000 per annum net out a highly perfumed pocket handker­ trade. The public are respectfully invited to his position. When business crowded, old Whig party, waaassembled last week addition to the Queen's income; there than any real difference on leading P. H. NASH, market. Thestyles a^.pevif; tie workmanship chief, pass it over your lips, and then princiles, which keep them apart. The neat ai}d ; While the material is of call. he had but little leisure to mourn over on the invitation of one of the Senators is £38,000,extra, every year from the WHOLESALE AND ETATI. DEALER IN return it; smooth down both sides of R tlie'flhest texture and most durable quality.— Norwalk, March 6th, 1855.', - J bis celibate'condition; but when the who stUl acknowledges his Whig allegi­ Duchy of Cornwall, (which ought to be American party wants just the elements - 1 1! 9 f B S j " He has some very elegant, plain and fancy hurrying season was over, and hours ance for the purpose of counseling as to but is not, kept for the future use of the your dress, and thrust the toe of your which the Whig party could furnish, colored, Ladies Gaiters; also, -Gent's Patent Cabinet Ware Rooms at eaeh day hung heavily upon his hands* the policy pursued in the ensuing Presi­ exquisite foot just a little out, and then should they be brought to act in unison MAXUPACTDBEK OF Leather Boots and Shoes, with an endless as­ Prince of Wales, to whom it belongs,) he could not-help thinking hov? delight­ dential canvas," and especially of .calling and there are also large annual accesso­ after rising up and sitUpg again, you in the approaching Presidential campaign- ^Tin, Sheet Iron & Copper Waresj sortment of Boys and Misses Shoes, all of which WESTPORT! will be prepared for farther develop­ will be sold very low for cash. The public are inriBiJ Subscriber would respectfully inform ful it would be, had h£ bv.t a house and a National Convention. Mr. Vinton, ries of revenue from the Counties Pala­ It wants a more liberal infusion of the las constantly on hand a large assort- are invited to call and examine his for | his friends and the public generally, that a gentle,wife of own. His pecunia­ who was appointed chairman of the." ments. Being properly fixed, you will conservative element. It wants more ow tine of Chester and Durham, the amounts iment •of general House-keeping themselves. * tft?l he is still located a few doors north of the ry circwQStanoes » warranted such Committee of States at the last Whig of which can only be approximated by rise up again and sit down, and then, liberality and toleration, more dignity turnpike, opposite th£ Store of Alva Gray, after rising up and sitting down ouce, and stability, and more available talent. Furniture, at So. Norwalk, luxuries, and he resolved to marry when Convention in Baltimore, was present, striking an average. On the whole, Norwalk Iron Foundry. where may be founi a general assortc^P.t cif he could find a lady ''just suited to hit The persons who attended tepreSented it would be well to repeat it, If the A union of effort between the Whigs and CABINET FURNITURE. however, independent of the waifs which Oonn. ,, VERY description of CASTING done at the mind." the four sections of the Union. After gentleman in front sends you a note, Americans to elect a President would shortest notice and in the best manner, Undertaking in allies}departments attended occasionally fall into the Queen's lap E to at the shortest notice and upon reasonable Near a country village in Maine, not some discussion it was determined to. hide it under your prayer book or fan, indeed be a formidable combination and H. M. PROWITT, as cheap as can be obtained at any other es­ from other sources, (for instance, she is tablishment in the State. Galvanized Chains, t,ejW,ar 13 ALLEN RENOUD. a thousand miles from Bangor lived an make no movement toward a National heir.to all persons without legal heirs, and read it when he is not looking.— it would pobably be the only one by toiler of Music. Chain Pumps,Iron Fence, Pos^s, old friend of his father; and being on Convention, and for the plain reason that You need pay no particular attention to which the re-election of General Pierce Lon the Piano Forte, Melodeon, and in who die intestate in any part of her Em­ furnished tp "Patterns executed at Something New S collection tour in that region during the those who had heretofore acted together pire,) Queen Victoria's annual income the preaching—that will be for the ben­ could be defeated. Even this might fail \ Vocal Music. siiWt Hotice'and upon reasonable terms, autumn month, he determined to accept politically, and *ti,ll sympathised in prin­ efit of sinners. If you have blue eyes, of obtaining a result, so desirable, if the Ei^os W Ifelpdeons' selected, with great lyl ALEXANDER AUSTIN. Horse Shoeing and General is £668,000 oi nearly doable what even oare atto tone and quality, for those desi­ Blao^smltliing. an oft repeated invitation tb spend a few ciple, b*di become so identified with oth- George IV. luxuriated upon. turn them upward once in a while—if Southern Americans insist on retaining ring. to|urchase. tfl6 days with the old gentleman, and sent a, associations as - to render a return to black, partly close the lids and look the twelfth section of the Philadelphia For Sale Cheap. WATJBRBURY 4c DUNCAN, As we may have an early opportunity dreamy. If there is a gentleman at note announcing his coming. the former organization impracticable.-— of showing, it is customary with royalty platform. rwalk Post Office. GOOD opportunity is offered to any per­ AVtNG taken their old stand, occupied At the appointed, time lie reaehed the Still the conviction prevailed that the ' church whom you particularly fancy, sons desiring to purchase Horses, Carria­ H the last year by J. Deady, would inform in England) to have a large allowance don't look but once at him, and then Reader.—Did you know that every gesA or Harness, as the subscriber intends redu­ their customers and the public that they are resi^leQpe of bis'old friend, and found that object intended could be even more ef­ mad$i "to support its honor and dignity,'' .&T, 7.30 A. M.. 8.00, P.M drop your glance immediately. After column of a newspaper contained from Mail ClosesV-Wr cing his stock in trade. Several first rate now prepared to shoe Horses, Qsett,' the family were prepared and pleased fectually accomplished by a union thro' have the amount nearly duplicated do do \ EAST, 8.30 A. M., 4.30 P. M church don't accept .a gentleman's com­ ten to twenty thousand disttet pieces of Horses will be sold much less than their value, ™cb e, n^anfler as will gtVe entire satisfaction; tojwelcome him as a guest. In the par­ popular nominations in the different from other sources than those provided do do \D. & N. R. R., 8.45. if applied for spog. REES-1' Tftey are aware of the mischief done to hor­ lor were two youug ladies, well dressed States, which would render nil concur­ pany unless he proffers it—and let your metal, the misplacing, of any one of EW ; by what is called ''the liberality of Par­ ' S3 4? _SF York City, 4.3Q. IR Stititti NorWaik,' Oct. 4,1855. tf41 ses by inexperienced workmen, and they are judgment guide you thereafter. , . which would cause a blunder, a typo­ lYecday A'SATUM^Y a!t 2.00 P.M determined that no cause of complaint shall and quite handsome, he was duly intro­ ring interests at liberty to, act with inde­ liament." Prince Albert, as a case in 1 graphical error ? With this curious *Mail Due.—S. & N R. R. 8.00 A. M. T Sulky For Sale, be found against their work. They will also duced to Misses Jane and Charlotte, and pendence in {ejgnrd to ajl platforms and point, was provided for with a yearly life do do WEST, 9.30 A. M., 6.00 P: M.GL: • •' Sonny, who ia your father 1" ' fact before you, don't you wonder at IGHT and in good condition,COl will be sold continue their general Blacksmithing busi­ found them accomplished and sensible other party obligations. allowance of £30,000 as the Queen's do do EA^T, 8.30 A. u., 4.45 p M. ness at their old stand, where -Repairing, For­ young ladies. Being just now very sus­ '•Mr. Jenkins." •. , . •/' the general accuracy of newspapers ? A.WILLIAMS P.M. L cheap if applied for soon. Enquire at husband, and her Majesty has heaped lu­ •« What Jenkins1?" 4 Gazette Office. ging, &c., will be done as heretofore. ceptible to bis tender passion, he was ea­ ^auny Fern says there are but three t Knowing this to be the fact, you will handsome men in New York city, and crative appointments upon him, which "The Jenkins what . kicked you yes­ be more disposed, we hope, to excuse >OTASH, No. 1,\ NOTHER VELVETS sily pleased, and exerted hi^ ^^ers to ACKEREL in Bbl». and half Bbls., at lot of those , of »u one' of them is Horace Greeley ! more than double bis income. terday for sassin' our servant girl.'' than magnify errors of the press. OLMSTEAD'S. OLMSTEAD'S. widths, »t ' , # O.~ S. GLASK'3.— render himsalf tiigreeable to the flatiered M A \ •' .i v.,

- ,J;r; .. "V •' ii XI "T j ' 1 " jl" ""**Foul Violence to a Northern Sen­ Attack upon Senator Su.Biner. ator. • A^nHdd,' uih in,t.; by Rev. Mr. Star- From the Y. Tribune The roll was called, and 227 mem­ This outrageous act of dastardly cowardice The public .were all a»og and cger lor ges. Mr.;Saniu»l B-tis to Mrs. LucindaMeclce , ('oisaecticnt Legislature. that the'gentleman from Waterbury of­ ] KANSAS. and villainy, which was perpetVated in tlie^ the full report of the great .speech ol both ol Greenfield. fered this res. on Friday, when there bers answered to their names—all but 5. Moved that four tellers be appointed Marshal Donaldson Leading ttoe Senate Chamber on Senator Sumner, of Mas­ Senator Sumner, and his c.ti.ng replies MAY SESSION—18511. was not a quorum. Now, too, this Norwalk, Tuesday, Way 27,1856. to receive and count the votes; carried Ruffians. sachusetts, on Thursday last, receives, as it to Cass Douglas and Mason, before the .asises. house is not full. As to the practice in uews of this f.lraracteris'.ic Southern SENATE. and Ingersoll, Train, Beck with and GH^ MEETING OF THE PEOPLE OF HKNKY OLAY ON SLAVEKV.—" I have siiiil that 1 never deserves, the execration of every honest man. In this town, mi the 2'.id inst., Chauncey Monday, May 19.—Prayer by Rev- former years, in the two cases alluded to conld vote for it myself, anil I repeat that I never can, Preston Brooks, the South Carolina loafer and mode of dealing with a troublesome op- vacancies existed, which called for im dings so appointed. M? LAWRENCE. and never will vote', and no earthly p.iwer .vill ever make Snillin, nsfed 11 years. ,f Mr. Strong. The House then proceeded to ballot, me vote to spread slavery over territory wlicro it does pugilist, has now covered himself with a halo pobent, the knocking down of an un­ In this town, on the 18th inst., Nancy, wiie mediate filling. He defied the gentle­ LEAVENWORTH CITY, K. T., May 14, 06. Res. extending the time of R. It. com­ not now exist."—Henry Clay's Speech, feb. 6, 1850. of glory which will render his name a bye- armed man by an armed rufhan, arrived. of John AV. 11 uI.)he 11, aged 26 years and 7 mos. man to dhow that this subject had ever with the following result. , Yesterday morning a meeting of the " I FEEL there is nothing which thp civilized world, if missioners in presenting report, Senate • 227 But now, the speech will become as In Wilton, April 4tb, Emily M., daughter ol Whole number of votes citizens of Lawrence was convened in they take notice of.so humble a person as mysell, will, word and reproach throughout the length and Dr. David Willard, aged 23 years^ been pressed before, when so mauy con­ reproach me with, when, 1 say, as I said the other day, classic as Webster's reply to liayne.—- concurred in ref. Necessary to a choice" * •*114 front of the Free-State Hotel, to pro­ breadth of the land. If it has indeed come to Bill relating to Turnpike Roads, from tested election cases were before the I had made up my mind, for one, that under no circum­ Alieady had Sumner earned the title ot James Dixon had 88 test against the proclamation of the stances would I consent to the farther extension of the this, that a representative of a free people, the house; read twice and ref. house, All the minority asked was fair­ area of Slavery in the United States, or to the farthei •'the American Burke." He is a more Norwalk Gas Light Company. ness He wanted a time fixed when Isaac Toncey 103 Marshal, which I senWn my last. Judge increase of Slave Representation in the House of Keprt- while in the discharge of his Senatorial dnt.es. Mr. Ferry introduced a bill providing attractive speaker than Burke ever was. OTICE is hereby given, that in accord­ we should all be ready to go into an elep- 20 Wakefield was Secretary. The follow­ sentatives.''—Speech Daniel Websteron Oregon. Bill, w. and in, his seat in the Senate Chamber, is to for release of. mortgages ; ref. 5 " THE ABOLITION OF DOMESTIC SLAVERY is th« greatestob­ and his scholar-like range of thought' ance with the provisions of the Charter R. S. Baldwin ing preamble and resolutions were adop­ ject of desire in these Colonies, where it was unhappily be pounced upon by a skulking bandit armed Nof the " Norwalk Gas Light Company," grant- • Mr. Mathewson introduced a bill for tion. 1 and quotation, will charm the mind while Mr Kellogg said his action here was A. H. Holley ted : introduced in their infant state."—Jefferson, in 1714. with a bludgeon, and beat over the head to ed at the Mav Session, 1856, the undersigned act for assessment and collection of Tax­ 1 his mellifluous tones and graceful bear­ will open Boo'kP of Subscription for the Capi­ Sam. Ingham s " Whereas, By a proclamation to the insensibility, and the murderous blows con es; in pursuance of the vote of Friday. ing fascinate the ear and eye. .Jndge tal Ptock of said Company, on Wednesday, read twice and ref. No choice. ;,r '•••') V ; . people of Kansas Territory by J. B. Do­ TheSenatorship. v , Mr. Calhoun presented a'bill relating Mr. Ingersoll said the understanding tinued even after he has sunk to the floor, and Butler had denounced the fanatics of June 4th 1856. at the Store or Wm. C. Street, The Second, Third and Fourth nearly naldson, United States, Marshal for Kan­ We were disappointed and pleased at the to doings of school districts and socie­ on Friday was not that he (Mr. I.) con­ his blood bespattered the adjoining seats—lor the North. Sumner, retorted; "If in Norwalk, from the hours of 10 o'clock, A. sented that on Tuesday they should pass the same ; on the Fifth it stood thus: sas Territory, issued on the 11th day of nomination of the Hon. James Dixon ot Hart­ expressing his honest convictions concerning M to 12 M , and from 7 to 9 o'clock, P. M.; ties ; read twice and ref. die Senator wishes to see fanatics, let and at the Store of T. B. Griffietli, in South the res. to go into a ballot for Senator OH Whole number of votes 228 May, 1856, it is alleged that ''certain ju­ ford-as the candidate for United States Sena­ the accursed institution of Slavery then the Mr. Ferry moved to reconsider the ] 15 him look around at his own associ­ Norwalk, from the hours of 3 to 6 o clock, P. t Necessary to a choice dicial writs of arrest have been directed tor. Disappointed, because we had supposed petition of Sheldon Smith and others, Wednesday. 91 sooner we. have universal freedom, or univer- ates ' let him look at himself." And for M The Shares are Twenty-five Dollars each, Mr. Russell of Stonington, spoke to James Dixon had to him by the Courts of the United and to concur 'with the house in ref, 103 other names would be urged in advance of gal disunion, the better. In the name o this Senator Sumner had nis head beaten and an installment of 10 per cent, will be re- . correct the gentleman from Hartford in Iaac Toucey States, &c„ to be executed within the quired at the time of subscription. Senate con. Adj. his, and pleased that the merits of a sound Heaven, whither is the present Slavery prop­ to jelly ! A Southern slave-holder cau Francis Gillette 27 county of Douglas, and that an attempt HENRY I. HOYT, EBKNKZEH HILL,. ^ HOUSE. a statement. 5 uncompromising and working man, were in a aganda headed by the President and the Cab­ freely vent his choicest epithets up­ Mr. Chapman said he had never clai R. S. Baldwin to execute them by the United States measure confessed and acknowledged. No ASA E. SMITH, ^ Prayer by Ra^v. Dr. Phelps. 1 inet, precipitating us'? Two Editors publicly on the purest and respected of the A. E. BEARD, ; ^.C. STREET, med that the gentleman from Stoning­ Sam. Ingham Deputy-Marshal was violently resisted J Various res. and reports came from the 1 organization or party can hope for success if and brutally assaulted ; one man, an humble Mnrth • but if a Northern Senator dares GEO. G-. BISHOP, I* CHAS. G. DEAN. ton had made the statement. It was a S. W. Kellogg ' by a large number of the citizens of Senate, and their reference and passage it discards its efficient working men and casts waiter at a Washington Hotel, shot down in retort,'brutal violence is the result.- deduction of his own, which he was jus­ No choice. . Lawrence, and that there iS every rea> Fairfield Co. Bank.' v- were concurred in by the House. its honors upon those who participate in none cold blood ; the free men of Kansas butchered Every one knows that Butler is in point Moved that the order of the day be son to believe that an attempt to execute NORWALK, CT., MAY 26, 1856. Res. concerning Com. to superintend tified in. , of its active struggles, and take no part in its in scores, their villages pillaged and their of fact just whal Sumner described him Mr. Maddox replied to Mr. Kellogg postponed till to morrow at ll a. m.— these writs will be resisted by a large HE Annual Election for Directors of this printing of house, came from Senate, successes or reverses. But the ballotings of to be devoted to the slave cause with a saying that all the minority askpd for Trumbull of Stonington opposed the body of armed men therefore, it is .bouses burned—and last, though not leas*, an Bank will be held at the Banking House, and House voted to appoint two of their the past week clearly indicate that at the ardor, amounting to fanaticism. But, Ton Tuesday the 10th day of June next. The was due time to get ready for^an elec­ motion. Motion withdrawn but re­ «' Resolved by this public meeting of American Senator, in the American Senate number on that Com. Speaker appoin­ present juncture, Mr. Dixon is not the availa­ you must not say so, says the Southerner poll will be open at 12 M. and close at 1 P. M. tion. He did not expect that Mr. K. newed by Goddard. Motion carried. the citizens of Lawrence, held this 18th Chamber, surrounded by the protecting aegis J. A. MOOKHEAD, Cashier. ted Scranton of Madison, and Whitney ble candidate, and that a new name must be because Butler is grey haired. Pray, is would come to him or his tyarty for ad­ Petitions—Of Geo. Kellogg and 68 day of May, 1856, That the delegations of the Constitution, fiendishly and murderous­ presented to unite all the conflicting interests notGiddings grey-haired ? Do you hesi­ of Stamford. vice. The cases referred to were entire­ others for alteration of law de Savings and charges against us contained in the ly assaulted, and all because they dare to Ground Plaster. • • Res. offered that the Gov. the Sec. of and preferences^ the opposition. tate to call him a fanatic ? Was not ly dissimilar. Neither party had yet Banks and Building Associations; of Eli aforesaid proclamation are wholly untrue While we utter truths which our Southern brethren OR SALE by the Ton or Hundred, at State, and Hon. Win. L. Storrs, be ap­ what little hair the old man eloquent, J. made their nomination. He knevv that Barnett in relation to Savings Banks and in fac!, and that the conclusion is entire­ regret this condition ot' things, the necessity themselves admit, and have themselves confes F_ Gr_ regory's Mill. pointed Com. on State Lib. for the year Quincy Adams had, grey ? Did you Norwalk, May *24th, 1856.' 3t*22 the minority had not got a nomination, or Building Associations; each referred. ly false that is drawn therefrom ; that appears none the less apparent, and in this ged over and over again. hesitate to call him a fanatic r I ensuing ; pas. > were ready for the election. The con­ Adjourned to 10 a. m. Friday. the aforesaid Deputy-Marshal was resis state of the case we would take the liberty of "Opposition to tyrants is obedience to The'Speaker appointed Committees blood of the North will kindle to mfy, For Sale. tested election cases should be disposed SENATE. ted in no manner whatever by finy per­ suggesting a name which is ''a tower of God," and our Southern friends will find that if these things are to go on! FARM consisting of about fifty acres of as follows : Friday, May 23.— Prayer by Mr. son whomsoever in the execution of the strength," and which we think will at once they have now kindled a flame of indigna­ Land, well proportioned lor meadow, On Engrossed Bills.—Baldwin of of first. Cowrant. A ' Mr. Kellogg said he would go to-mor Benedict. , said writs, ezcept by them whose arrest unite all opposing elements, and receive a tri­ plow, pasture and wood land, with Dwelling Milford, Veasey of Chatham, Barnes of tion which will never brook a similar out­ Re6. that the Hon, Edward Everett the Deputy Marshal was seeking to make umphant election, We refer to HON. TRDMAN The steamer Robert L. Stephens House and Barn, on the same, and abundantly row for the postponement, if the conteK rage. Freedom of speech, and the freedom watered, apd stocked with good fruit. Said Roxbury. ted case reported to-day was not disposed be invited to deliver his oration on the and that we now, as we have done here- SMITH. It is known that at the time of his a boat which has recently commenced On Federal Relations.—Kellogg of of the press we must have, will have, and if property is situated in Wilton, at Nod so pal­ of at the time assigned. As to others, it character of Washington, before the tofore, declare our willingness and de­ resignation of his seat in the Senate, he was daily excursions to the Fishing Banks, led, being the property recently o^Lgd apft "Waterbury, Wild man of Danbury, Hoi- thelawBot the country are too weak to se­ had not been the practice of the house General Assembly, during the present termination, without resistance to acqui­ President of the Lake Superior Copper Com­ cure them to us, or our rulers too corrupt to yesterday took down nearly 200 persons occupied by Bela St. John, deceased. comb of Granby, Canfield of New Mil- For terms and a further description of said to wait until all were reported on. session, passed the house. Senate con esce in the service upon as of any judi­ pany, an office which he feared might inter­ and had nat returned at the hour of execute them, theu let every free man of the property, apply toCHARLES CHAPMAN, of West- ford, Johnson of Bozrah, Denison of cial writs against us by the United States session has ta­ less witnout h.er machinery, she must May 26, 1856. lt*22 Report of Joint Standing Com. on dell and Fox. that place at midnight last night. The ence of statesmanship, or one more peculiar­ Wednesday, in the res. He hoped the ken prompt action on the outragC. Meetings be in iujnaiuent danger of foundering. APIOCA, Vermacilla and Maccaroni, at Education, in favor of petition of Union Res. to make the election of Jubge of enemy's force, or Marshal s posse, were question would be soon disposed of. the Supreme Court the order of the day ly adapted by the exigencies of the times for have been held »t Lowell, Worcester, Spr».n*' Tribune, Monday. S.^p. OLtySTEAD'S. School District in Norwalk, with reso­ closing up around Lawrence,and resum­ the position, does not dwell in ! T Mr. Maddox asked Messrs. Train and for Thursday next at 11 a. m., pas. ing the pillaging and devastations that field, &c., and the most intense excitement INGER Preserves, and Fruit of a}l kinds, lution; res. pas. and report accepted. We have suggested his name without consul­ at S. E. OtMSTEAD'S: ' Kellogg if they ever knew a session of 11 o'clock having arrived the order of characterized the invasion of last No- prevails. The tone of the opposition papers Since Greenwood Cemetery on Long G Report of Mechanics Savings Bank tation with any man, or concert of action on and Building Association of Bethel;— the Gen. Association of Conn., or any the day, the election of U. S. Senator, vember. Another misfortune befel the all over the country, with an occasional Island was opened for use, ^ p other State, where they fixed a day for the part of any, simply and solely from our one among the Democratic portion, de­ 1840, the interments amount to 47,*.-' referred. Adj...... was called for. The roll was called and Free-State men during the night before the election, before parties had nomina 221 members answered to their names, knowledge of his peculiar fitness for the posi­ nounce the cowardly miscreant in unmeasured What a City of the Dead ! iy. > SENATE. •: last. A man named Stoel went down Ci ted ? (all but 11.) to Kansas City a few days ago for some tion. The place would confer no honor upon terms of condemnation. Cf ENTRY *•* 'KOLMTEAP'S. • '••••••'Tuesday, May 20.—Prayer by Rev. Mr. Train said he had never known Three ballots were then taken, which breach-loading rifles,—seventy-five— him not aJready enjoyed—Ac would rather ONE DAY LATER! (FKOlttNBW YORK.) UST received a cargo of North River Flag­ Mr. Hill. any necessity of pressing such a res. be­ resulted as follows: that he had stored there. On his return honor the places-neither could it be accepted The telegraph reports Mi. Sumner as ging Stones, Steps, Coping and Curb A-communication from Young Men's 6th bal. 7th bal. 8th bal. fore. on the night referred to he was stopped without some persona} sacrifices on his part, in a more comfortable conditien on Monday, Arrival of the Norwalk! Stones,J Window Sills and Lintels. Institute offering the free use of the Vote taken on question of taking up 102 100 102 ' J. M. SMITH. at Franklin by a company encamped but these sacrifices, we bejieve,he would wil and the fears at first entertained of his recov­ No news of Capt.Collins new Steamer! • Reading Room of the Institute, to mem­ res.—ayes 99, nays 75. So the res. James Dixon 89 89 92 there, of one hundred men. They sear­ lingly make for the good of his constituents, ery, have given place to the assurance that BY this arrival we have news of the ut­ bers c' the General Assembly during th* came before the house! Francis Gillette 25 21 % Plu-ri-bus-taJj! 8 ched his wagon and took the rifles, and the State and the cause of human freedom he is not fatally injured. He is not able to most importance to the people of Norwalk. session, was read and accepted. Mr. Wildman moved to amend by R. S. Baldwin 5 7 Another invoice of Ready-made SPRING AND SONG that's by no author—a deed with­ have got them in their hands, and it was While he would prove entirely acceptable to out a name, perpetrated by Q- K. Philan­ On motion ol Mr. Cutler, the Clerk substituting Thursday for Wednesday. .2 3 3 leave his i\oom. SUMMER CLOTHING, has been received by Scattering learned yesterday that they were moul­ our more ardent republican friends, he would derA Doesticks, P. B., may be had of was instructed to tender the thanks of the Mr. Kellogg wanted Wednesday be­ After the 2d ballot, au ineffectual ef- TURK, which will be sold off cheaper than JCNAPP & LYNEg. ding bullets for them. A gentleman who not be obnoxious to any portion of the more We met the Hon. Thomas R. Whitney, ever before known. Shout the glad tidings! Senate. cause the house was fullest then. He feet was made to postpone the subject was riding ahead of them, having got Sundry petitions from the house ref. conservative portions of ojir people. And M. C., from N. Y., at the Norwalk Hotel .on Commissioners Notice. hoped the gentleman would withdraw till next Wednesday. through the party, galioped up to Law­ were concurred in. ' ' from personal knowledge, w& know that the Friday last. He is in very precarious health Dissolution. his amendment. No ohoice. Moved that the consider­ rence, and urged that men go down to rppp subscribers appointed by the Court of Reports ot Banks from the house ref. Administration would rather see the maddest and on a visit to his relatives in Wilton. HE copartnership heretofore existing un­ X Probate for the District of Norwalk, Com­ The gentleman from Winsted would ation of the motion to postpone the elec­ save them. The "Stubs" were called der the name of Allen, Meeker & Co., is , concurred in. abolitionist that ever went roaring through T missioners to receive, examine and decide upon guarantee a full house on Thursday. tion until Wednesday next, be resumed out (a gallant volunteer company in spa- Campbell opened his Ice Cream Saloon this day dissolved by mutual consent. • the claims of the Creditors of the Estate of Res. of Mr. Billings that the Com. on the land, enter the Senate from Connecticut, INCREASE ALLEN, • Mr. Beckwith thought the same.— and passed. Motion carried. Lawrence,) and were ready to march on Saturday, and crowds resorted thither to JOSEPH DAYENPORT, an insolvent debtor Agriculture be instructed to inquire into than the old '-Ironsides Senator." If our GEORGE R. MEEKER, He had objected to the res. because it Adjourned to 8 a. m. Saturday. down, but conservatism or fear prevailed of New Canaan, in said District, assigned in the act providing for sheep culture, pas. friends doubt this, let our nomination be sec cool their heated pajates. It was a splendid CHARLES OLMSTEAD. trust for the benefit of his creditors, hereby was introduced on Friday, in the other and the order for their marchwas recalled The business will be continued by Meeker Mr. Northway presented a bill for act house. All he wanted was fairness. One Week from Europe. ond.ed.WJd such a howl as will go up from the article—such as Campbell avyays keeps give notice that we will attend to thebusinesa This was a fatal error. These men were and has had a serious effect upon the weatljer. & Olmstead, who are authorized to collect all of our said appointment at the Dwelling House concerning school meetings, ref. Mr. Carter"was against the amend­ Administration kennels all over the State Arrival of the Canada. acting as highwaymen ; they were not debts, and will sattle all claims against the of WILLIAM ST.JOHN, iu said New Canaan, on ' Mr, Dickinson introduced a bill for ment. He thought the house was full and all over the land, will verify our asser­ old firm. . 3t,)" the 23d day of July, 1856, and on the 24th HALIFAX, May 20—12 P. M. under a Marshal at the time ; they had act relating to steamboats, ref. now. tions. The cause so dew to every free man We have received from H. S. Baily, day of September, JS56, at 1 o'clock iii'the Af­ The steamship Canada, from. Liver­ been taking prisoners and stopping wag DBNTAIa ESTABLISHMENT? Mr. Ferry moved a reconsideration of Vote taken on amendment—ayes 87, Esq., a neatly printed and ably written address East Avenue, Norwalk, Ct. ternoon on each of said days. Said Coult Has ons, and then was the time to strike (a in the free North, could be placed in no safer act relating to Estates, Intestates and In­ nays 58. So the amendment was adop­ pool, arrived at Halifax, Tuesday, May delivered at the Dedication of the first Public limited and allowed four months from the date blow and recover the guns. There was hands, and nothing short of the "last frum OK. JAMES KAKBOTJU. hereof for the exhibition to us of claims against solvent. ted. 20. High Scheol in St. Louis. We are glad to Having permanently located himself as above and in The Queen held a court at Bucking­ not even a pretended legal difficulty in peter," would make Douglass & Co. quake so said Estate. Mr. Hendee desired to know if ^this Res. passed amended. observe that p»r brethren of Missiouri are not tending to devote all his time to his Norwalk practice, JAMES C. LOOMIS, ? Commissioners ham Palace, on the 7th, for the purpose the way. effectually, as the appearance on the floor of . WILLIAM ST.JOHN, i Commissioners. law would affect a will already proved. Pet. Of J. Stephens, et al., for repeal all engaged in'border ruffianism- would respectfully announce that he may be found at of receiving addresses on the Peace from the Senate of the much abuBed "nutmeg Sen- all hours at his residence, as above, ready to perform Dated at New Canaan, May 24th, 1856. 4t22 Mr. Ferry thought it would not apply to of act de planting oysters ; Of J. W. Nicaragua. a will already adjudicated upon. Bill the House of Lords, Commons and City ator/' Mr. Smith has the mental and the all operations appertaining to the Dental Profession, in Pinckney, et al., of Wilton for same. It is rather funny says the Courent, The Vacant Judgeship. the most approved scientific manner, and upon a scale Commissioners Motive- passed and r,ef. accepted. of Londotf. Deputations came m great physical ability to defend himself, and the Adj. to Wednesday. We have heard the name of Ex-Gov. Dut- of prices as low as iscompatible with the use of the very state, and numbered nearly one hundred that our government have at lengtn ac­ cause so near his heart, Mm any assault the HE Subscribers appointed by the Coart of Mr. Curtis introduced a bill for an best materials and the most skillful execution. AU work SENATE. knowledged the legality of Walker's in- adversaries of Human Freedouj fliay make,, ton of New Haven mentioned as one of the T Probate for the ' District 6f Greenwich act relating to assess, and collection of persons. emanating from his establishment will be warranted-to Commissioners to .receive and ex&min^ the Wednesday, May 21—Prayer by Rev yasion, after having made the fuss which prominent candidates for the vacant Judge­ taxes. Ref. Adj. In Parliament, Lord Elgin postponed and Connecticut could do herself w greater give satisfaction. • claims ofthe'Creditors of the'Estate Of CUR­ Dr. Bacon. his motion of enquiiy respecting the ihey did in New York, respecting the service or honor than in conferring the ap­ ship. We doubt whether in the whole State, TIS MERRITT, an insolyept debtor of jGreen- HOUSE. Mr. Northway introduced a bill for enlistment and sailing of filibusters.— E. Gould, of Lawrenceville, Georgia, was troubled troops ordered to North America until pointment upon him. a man mpre eminently fitted for the place with a humor which broke out in his face. Frequently wich in said Distript, assigned in trust fpr the Prayer by Rev. Mr. Benedict. Walker's Government was as much one benefit of his creditors, hereby give notipe that act regulating the use of railroads, ref. after the Holidays. We know that it is usual in such cases to could be found, afld t&is iye say without any he was obliged to desist from shaving ; but after two Com. from Young Men's Institute, in­ de facto when Parker H. Fiench came we will attend to the business of our said ap­ Res. of Mr. Whiring that the Com. To celebrate the Peace, the Queen urge the claims of the different sections of disparagement to the many eminent persons days application of the "Massasoit Salve," lie was viting the members to the free use of as Minister when Padre Vijil reached pointment at the store of JOHN BANKS, in on Judiciary pe instructed to inquire in­ has granted amnesty to all political of­ the State, but on this score we choose to bring which grace the Connecticut Bar. Gov. put- able to shave again without pain or trouble. Banksville in said District, on Tuesday the ... th«ir reading room, during the remain to the expediency of making a law au­ Washington; If 'he laws of nations at- J. P. SULLIVAN', Proprietor, Boston, Mass. fenders, consequently Smith O'Brien, no argument, although much might be said in ton's great legal attainments, his quick per­ 24th day of June, and on Thursday the 24th der of the session. thorizing Trustees of assigned estates to low ofirs recogniijon now, the same was Price, 26 cents per box, and may be had «f the Agents day of July . 1857, at two o'clock in the after­ Frost Jcnes and other?, may return home justification of the claims of Fairfield County. ceptions, and discriminating logical mind, Speaker stated that he had received a work up stock and materials of such es­ true when the San Juan steamers were Beebe & Son, Norwalk ; J- W. Taylor, TVestport ; an^ noon, on each of said days. Said Court haa but special exception is made against At a crisis like the present, we prefer to give united ^ith fcis grace and dignity of manner, com. from the County Jailor, stating tate, when in the opinion of the Trus­ scearched with such zeal. But it is a any Druggists in the State. limited and allowed two months from the date those who escaped to the United States.. over any such minor considerations, and unite peculiarly adapt him for ijbe position, and we hereof for the exhibition to ua of claims that Sanford, the murderer, in confine tees the best interests of the creditors queer Administration, and takes sudden SCROFULA, EFFECTS OF MKRCBP.Y, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHI­ May 29th is to be a holiday through­ eet against said Estate. ' ment there, had broken out with the heartily upon the man who, above all others, haye nodo.ubt his appointents ^0^.^ 'b TIS, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Affections of the Stom­ shall be promoted thereby, ref. out Britain, to celebrate peace. stiange sheers. GIDEON CLOSE,' ' } n shall be^ound MOST AVAILABLE and MOST FIT general satisfaction. ach, Bowejs, Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Debility of the . small pox, and had been previously vis­ Rep. of Corn, on Ag. presented, and A regiment of German Juggers, at We presume that we shall soon be HI JONATHAN FINCH, 5 Commissioners, TI3SS for the place, and for the occasion. This Sexual System in both Males awl Females, &c. ited by many members of the Legisla­ res. ordering .2500 copies annually for Plymouth, mutinied. The ringleaders hot water with Costa Rica and the other Dated at Greenwich, the 24th day of May, ture ; suggesting that they protect them­ man, as ssre have said before, we believe to be Kansas; SCROFOTA and Genital Weakness will cause these and A.D. 1856. 4t22 Ag. Soc. of Ct. pas. were arrested. They complain of their Centril American powers, and very other chronic diseases, unless cured. Dr. HEATH, No. The most serious apprehensions exist .con­ selves by vaccination. Act de salaries and fees introduced. drills as too severe, and that they only probably with England or France, or Hotf. TBDMAJS SMITH. What say you Messrs 850 Broadway, New York, devotes his whole time to cu­ District of Ridgefield, ss. Probate 0ourt, Bill for public act de doings of Sch. cerning the fate of the Free State men of Senate adj. , enlisted until the end of the war. both, and all to satisfy tho rapacity of Legislators ? ring these and all chronic affections. He mvitos the af­ May Uth, 185'6. • ' ' ' • Soc. and School District Meetings, came HOUSE. Jefferson Davis, and Pierre Soule, and Lawrence. The Administration having placed flicted to call, especially thosa Tril.o have received no STATE of BRUSH, OLMSTEAD & CQ-, from Senate referred. House concur. FRANCE. "Norwallt ^MSht Company." the U. S. troops at the service of the Border beneat from previous treatment by other physicians. of Ridgefield, in said District, assigning legislation. Q,uitman, and men of that stamp, who andE insolvent Debtors, Bill for act de assessment of taxes Prayer by Rev. Mr. Strong. A bill is introduced into Ruffians, they have marched to the city, and We- were cured by Dr. Heath Colbnrp, 423 hope by such means eventually to seize It will be seen by refef^e to our adverti ' came from Senate ref. House concur. Res. that thanks of House be presen­ granting four hundred thousand francs Broadway; J. C. Beers, Jane Laugiiton, S. F. th9_appijQ3tign of Serenc Hnribntt, Cuba. •: 8 been obtaw are determined on cramming the odious en­ i: ted to Y. M's Institute ot New Haven, sing columns, that a Charter hJ* " and child (blindness), M. O. Chappie (deafness), F.Steb one of the Partners of said Firm of Brush, ' Other bills from the Senate were read ifor the imperial prince in June. actments of this bogus Legislature down the 00 8 bins, S. W. Rice and wife, &c. Olmstead & Co., to have the oath or affirma­ : i and ref. concur, iu. for invitation de their reading room. The Moniteur publishes a monthly News Summary. ed for the "Gas Company," and thatth^^ ^ of the Fr.ee State men, ]. turned, that he m^y be entitled {p |he benefits and Bank and Building Asso. Ref. Capron, City Judge, New YTO;. privileges of tne 3d Section of aji Apt passed Rep. of Jt. St. com., on Agriculture mercial papers warn British capitalists ex Bill for public act de alteration of act audience. with which this enterprise has been thus far and many of its citizens murdered, x.." " Patients at a dist&ncP can consult the doctor by let. May Session, A. D. 1855, entitled " An Act ifl 1 : v 1 de Judges of Probate, read and ref. de granting $2500 annually to State Ag­ agamstit. i The Religious Anniversaries were carried forward, and we trust the same good penses of performing this exploit are to be .. ,valr pases fully, and receive advice, anil al addition to ' An Act for the relief of Insolvent ter, s a in„ i- x,v or express, thereby ob' Pet. de failure to call borough meet- riculture Soc. with res. in favor, came DENMARK. attended in N^vV York' city, last feeling will continue to the end. paid for by the people out of the United the necessary remedies, «... '' - Debtors and for the more equal distrlbution of their effects among their Creditors.'" There­ ing in Greenwich, authorizing warden from Senate. Ree. passed and com. re­ Considerable excitement is caused by week, by the usual crowds. The New As stock in nearly every Gas Co., in the States Territory. viating the necessity ol' a personal visit. - tory work, with illustrative engravings, will be sent free fore .and burgesses to call one, ref. port accepted. the announcement that an American York Sunday School Union held its country is held at a large premium, we sup­ ORDERED—That the hearing and inquiry on Statement of Mechanics and Work- fleet is on the way to (Copenhagen. meetings in churches. There are Bishop Williams confirmed'nineteen io any address. , ,A1 R-ep. of Stamford Sav Bank, ref. ten pose there^iil be but little difficulty in filling N. B.—On the first pf May, Dr. Heath will move to101 said application be had, and the Debtor's Rep. of com on Contest. £]|ec. in fa ingmen's Sav, Bank and Building Asso­ 200 schools in th^ City, and 50,044 up the required amount, but we would earn­ persons at St. Paul's church yesterday. oath or affirmation be administered at the ciation of Bridgeport, Spring street, opposite the St. Njphplas Hotel. ; ,. vor of pet. of Joseph A. Foot for right ref. The Four Men in the Coal Mine.— scholars. Nothing of special interest estly recommend that every consumer, if pos­ Probate Office in Ridgefield, on the 7th day of Rill for pub. act de Justices of Peace, " Sparkling and bright in its liquid nr. Stone's~Liquid Cathar/ic.-Somebody says .that Jurje, 1856. at 10 o'clock, forenoon, and that to t lie seat held by Elias Harvey of Col­ The Zaneeville Courier of Saturday says: took place at the meetings excepting in sible, should become a stockholder even if not light"—is the Soda in Knapp's glasses. The the Americans "consume" more medicine than anj oth­ notice thereof be given to all persons interest­ chester, with res. Laid on table till to ref. Last night about 1 o'clock, thq four Tract Society. The old Board of Offi­ for more than fifty dollars, as we believe that er nation in the world, and the assertion is undoubted­ ed. by publishing this Order in Two Weekly Minority report of com. on contested Syrups are pure and delicious, and the bever­ ly true • for besides supporting an army of physicians incrrow, to give the minority time to men who were entombed in the Blue cers was elected, and the course of the such a course will be for the best interests of —"regulars" and "quacks"—we swallow every kind of Papers published in Fairfield County, and by rrport. elections, on pet. of Joseph A. Foote, Rock Coal Bank were released after Exexutive Committee sustained. age cool and refreshing, and this is the weath­ nostrum that is put into the market, no mattei wheth­ posting a copy thereof on the Public Sign both consumers and the company, and that it er it cojpes from » "vise man or a fool. There are, how­ Post in said Ridgefield. ' • . • R-.i;. to elect TJ. S. Senator, to-morrow read with res. granting petitioner leave having been confined fourteen days and The N. Y. City Common Council er to create an appetite for its Invigorating ever, several standard medicines, which, the longer they will ensure a good quality of gas, and at rea. 2t22 HIRAM K. SCOTT, J^dge. at 10a iii. called for. ' to withdraw. fourteen hours. They were all able to have voted to expend $1000 in giving draughts. are used, the mpre popular *l«!y become ; ajnpug this sonable prices. number, we know of none that so wolj.emors the confi­ M . Maddox of Killingworth," oppo­ Moved that minority rep. be laid on walk, and with one exception appeared Mr. Fillmore a public reception on his P. S. We wrote the above on Saturday. dence of the public as Dr. Stone's I.iquid Cathartic. It is We learn that the prospects for a large num­ District of Greemv^cb, ss. Probate Court, the table, to take up majority rep. Car­ particularly recommended for rheumatism, neuralgia, May'15th, 1858. * ? r rf!*. sed it? being taken up, because the still to have considerable strength; return from Europe. pains in the head, side, stomach, and the various pie\- : IU ber of consumers (and some of them for a large me** Tho Steamer Ericsson, which sailed house was not full, and again because ried, and rep. taken up. " . t .*.• Yesterday evening, another fall of rock Dubois, the Minister of the Nether­ lent diseases of the summer and autiimn months - and STATE of CURTIS MERRITT, an Insol­ amount) is' very flattering and it only needs from New York for Liverpool, Saturday week, especially is it used for the eradication ot humors IronT • there was no need of hurry, and it was a - Res. passed, and report accepted.—- and earth took place, aiid the hopes of lands, who refused to give evidence in E vent debtor of Greenwich, In said Pi8" took out one of Hoe's six cylinder lightning tiie blood.—American Citizen, Lowell. trict, assigned in trust for the benefit of bis question of impoitance—a question in Minority rep. and res. not passed. th« workmen were nearly given up;— the Herbert murder case because Sarti- one more united effort to have our factories, Beebe * Son, sole agent for Norwalk, Horace Taj lo., stores, churches and dwellings lit with gas on printing presses, for the London Tipjes. Six So. Norwaik, H. H, Taylor, Stamford. Creditors Under and pursuant to the statute whic'. the people of the State had great Mr. Foote appeared at the bar of the but still determined on effecting the re­ ges requested him not. to do it, it is said, law of this State, entitled " An Act for the men were sent out with the press as " feeders," , interest.. Again, he didn't believe that House, and was sworn. Adj. "" lease of their comrades, they decided up­ declares in conversation that the Irish the first of September next, J Ilolloway's Ointment «ml Hills.—Estraowlipar)- Cure relief of Insolvent Debtors, and for the more either party in the house were ready to on making an archway over the fallen waiter was not to blame and that a foul Push on the column. 1 ; accompanied by a foreman. This triumph of of a Bad Breast.—The wife of Jlr. Arthur Burn, of New equal distribution of their effects among their SENATE. Creditors,?' passed A. D. 1853. go into the election to morrow. Again earth, and thus affect an entrance. Sev­ murder was committed. In Jthe slave Yankee genuis and skill is better than a victo­ Orleans, Lousiana, was, after the birth of tlieir last ri hursday, May 22.--Three several child, a constant sufferor with a bad breast, there were Upon the application of siiid Curtis Meryiif, there vvure persons here not entitled to eral were willing to enter this dangerous states, Irish waiters are of no more ••; ;<•: Our UlliOD ScllOOl. i -i ry on the battle field. •' bills for act de sale of Foreign Goods. several holes in it, and despite .of the various remedies showing to this Court that he has' fully coin- ;. seats, and others out of the house, who place, but failed, owing to the falling value them negroes and can be shot The Legislature has also passed the act pe­ plied with all provisions and requirements' of Messrs. Ferry and English discussed the We cut the following touching tried, her husband could not get anythifl? *> causo it did really belong here. He did not be­ rocks. At length R. Lyons succeeded down accordingly. titioned for by the Norwalk School District to heal- After every other remedy had failed fp bpne saijl act incumbent on hijn tp do and'jperiShu, necessity of some legislation to prevent lieve the house would be forced into an in climbing over, ant2 with his assistance Cattle and horses are dyiag by the changing the time of holding the annual meet­ tribute to our our former fellow towns­ fit the sufferer, she had recourse M Hpilowfly's Oint­ in order to be entitled to have tiie oath or aft the sale of goods by sample, which was filiation provided in the 9th section of said , election until the contested election cases the men affected their escape. It is hundreds in a section of Illinois called ing in order that the Committees may more man, from the Philadelphia Daily Sun, ment and Pills, which, as a matter of course, fjui. kly ? j likely to be productive of fraud, and in­ caused an improvement in the appearance of the affec­ Act, administered to him, that be may be were disposed of. The notice given has supposed that the length of the entrance the American bottom. easily secure teachers, as under the old sys­ entitled to the benefits and privileges provi­ jury to individuals and to the State. of last Saturday : r ted parts, and by perseverance with these fine remedies , been very short. Justice and fairness dug out is over four hundred yards, or That excellent paper the Ohio State tem at the time of the Committees appoint­ ded in the 10th section of said Act, and that Mr. Ferry suggested that a new bill THE LATE LE GHAND SMITH —|^"E fo- a lew weeks, she was completely cured. This wop- would suggest the propriety of postpon­ nearly a quarter of a mile. Journal at (JoJumbus, has got into pe­ he has not in any way or manner, done or be prepared and acted upon, instead of ment, teachers were generally engaged for the have received a photograph likeness of derful Qintmeat "ill also readily cure all diseases of ing for a few days longer. It appears that they »did not suffer cuniary trouble, and rnav possibly be performed, any act or thing, contrary to the , acting upon the old bill. The bills were year. The annual meeting for the present our unfortunate friend, which was exe­ •lie skin. provisions of said Act, or which should hin-/ Mr. Meech, of Norwich, thought that much from hunger. The first day after suspended. The cause has been, that read the third time and rejected; report year will take place on Friday the 13th day of cuted by MCQLEES, and this memento Mew York Markets. der or prevent him from being entitled to thf if the house was no' ready now, it nevser the catastrophe, they made a bed of soft which has killed so many newspapers the aforesaid'benefits and privileges: and1 pra- June. Corrected weekly for the Norwalk Gazette, accepted. Adj. will he 4early cherished by us. It will ing this Court to appoibt a! tiihc and pla? would be. The subject delayed the bu­ earth and slept together. During their Credit System. by Bennett Sf Huntington, Produec Com• be remembered that he left Liverpool in where a hearing or enquiry shall be had siness of the house. » ^ HOUSE. sleep the lamps went out, and were not Geo. C. Fiejds, robbed and wounded mission Merchants, JVo. 4 Front st.. JV. Y. ^ On Friday afternoon a pair of horses the steamer Pacific, the fate pf which fore said Conrt, as to the truth' of the alle^- Mr. Carter of Derby, wanted the elec­ Certified statement de rates for future again lighted. There was ooiy a dinner in the Panama riot died on Tuesday, of EW ORK belonging to Mr. George Lockwood of Wilton, will ever be a mystery, though there is N Y , May 17. tions aforesaid, and the oath or affirma^oh tion to-morrow, because the small pox Justices of Peace, from Sec. of State, for one man in the mines, and this was his wounds in the N. V. Hospital. He Flour and Meal.—JLiopnapu to good State became frightened by the overturning of the no doubt of her loss. Of the many per­ provided 'in the 9t& sectiQR pf gaifl Afet, h fejr . was in the city. ref. to canvassers for Judge of Probate. soon exhausted They then useo fresh had a brother killed iu ihe riotj ;-•«• $5.50 a $6.00 ; Extra do 6.00 a $6.25 • com­ liijn made and supjnitigft. • ' • wagon, and dasheijl up Main street at full sons we have known in our eventful life Mr. Ingersoll thought the subject Rep. of Ilousatonic R. R. Commission­ water, three jugs of which were w'.'th The New Haven Kansas Company mon Ohio $6,00 a $6.37 ; Extra do. $6.50 a Therefore J-his Court doth order that M^day, speed running into severij ftther vehicles on there has been no one who commended $7.37; Canadian $5.75 a $8.50 ; Extra Gen­ should be deferred at least until the con­ ers received from Senate, ref. them,and after exhausting this they dranli' have settled at Wabosna, on the Kansas the 9th day of June, 1£56, at 9 o'clock fore­ lite 5vay, and the ocqupants very narrowly himself to our love and respect more esee $7.00 a $9.25 ; Rye Flour $3.2i> a noon, at the Probate Office In GrPn.TCicl,> tested elcetion cases were settled. The Message from Gov. received, with a sulphur water. One of the men got a sore tivet about 65 miles above Lawrence. 4.62 : Corn Meal $3.00 a 3.37. ville, in said District, be appointed fof the escaping S"th their lives.' Mr. Nathan Rob. strongly than LE GRAND SMITH. He action of that com. was to be primary by communication from Henry M. Waite, throat from the use of this, and took Mr. £ines writes in tolerably good spirits Grain.—Wheat red $1.25 a 1.65 ; white no hearing and enquiry aforesaid, and t-ltf admin­ ertsseeing Jadies imperiled.by the fright­ was ttuly without guile, a sincere $1.72 a $1.75 ; Rye 78 a 80c ; Oats 34c a the provisions of the house. They had Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Er­ swallow of oil for relief. This was all from tfi* settlement, though the company , . J i .... e . lf)Bt istering the oath or affirmation foresaid, friend ' and a notable specimep of Wc ; Corn57c a 59c ; Barley S1.20 a $l.2o: f been dilatory. This matter was of itself rors, stating that his term of office ex* of the latter article used by them 1 0 ened animal, .fct the ^ of his life nobly pursuant to the Act aforesaid, and d ects that had hardly got anc. ' ^' Two of the greatest of God's works—-an honest man. \Vjiite Beans 32..Q0 » 2.25 ; Marrowfat Teas enough to call for delay in proceeding to pires Feb. 9, 1857 ; transmitted to Sec. When getting out, the boy was asked if seized them by the'head; # ^f>e 0 notice be given by advertising in wo weekly company had.tjiye fltjeasles, b^t the feeling The restless sea that hymfls hii requiem $1.00 a 1.12. ^ ljewspapers printed in F^irfie^Cq#!?' .? the election of Senator, lie hoped the State. < he was hungry; he said not, but was release his hold, and escapt>$ severe y; y,r,. Seeds.—'Timothy Seed 3.00 a X00 ; Clover of contentment, says,'waS V«y contaipjs "no gem of purest ray serene" posting;® npfige' tjigreqf ,Rn"iftp'<»g9 majority would act with fairness. Res. by Mr. Stockwell, passed, invi­ anxious for a chew of tobacco. The horses proceeded home, and ''P- Seed 10ic per il). • said Greenwich, nearest the pl4c"W(te^ fl general. ; J V '•'-iore pure than the heart than the heart Provisions.—Mess Pork $18.25 a $1S.50 J Mr. Kellogg said the question was ting Hon. Edward Everett to de.liy,er his The Audience were cautioned against debtor-dwells, at least two week' before MUM jured. 5 ^ flow lie's'.e.ijtpm.bed between its ev- Prime $15.00 a $15,00 ;• Country Mess Beef not as to the choice of a Senator, now Oration on George Washington. crowding around the entrance ot the O^^Tlie Meriden Light Guards, ^pt. 2d dav of June, 1856. T J ^ $8.00 a 9.50 ; Prime T.50 a S.00 ; re-packed 2t21 AUGUSTUS M*AD, Jndge. but as to whether the house would now Res. authorizing clerk to draw money Biine, or exhibiting any undue degree of Buxbee, make their May parade to day, ttib. waves. Western $3,50 a $12 ; Beef Hams $14 a $17 ; Reports from Washington affirm that proceed to the performance of its consti­ for Joseph A. Foot's expenses in con. satisfaction upon the appearance of the (Saturday). They receive the New 0am3'in pickle. 9 1-2 a IPS.; Shoulders 7c a " Passing Away. Jtfr.,Qra.ipptpn, the British Minister, with the "'•"'"S ^Toatbs. Y 3-'*Jc j"pressed'; fcogs 74c • a .8c.} juard 94c a tutional duties. As to the time, he testing right to seat in the house ; read men, a.nd ,tiie .advice was strictly follow­ Britain Greys, Capt Sperry, tvlio go to Ol. i ihe llrA-, Jlieo and Insects a? passing aw hle 10 9 3-4 T,VMA>RS, tired situation, with a fine view of the Village large, well stocked with young fruit, a good M From S. M. PhTTENGILJ.&CO.'S Advertising Agency From SKILLIN, VISCHER It OWEN'S General Adrer and Long Island Sound. Spring Millinery which she offers to the Ladies 122 Nassau Street, New York, nnd No. 1 StateStreet, taiing House, Appleton'sBuilding 346 i 348 Broadway. Nos. 31 and 33 Beekman street. New York. From the Advertising Oftici*. Broadway V'< Rrtpiihrnii. t in nrr "f hi:/',i< -A7- .Vrt" York, barn, cow sheds, &c. Will be sold cheap and of Norwalk and vicinity,"at prices that cannot Boston. S. M. PETTENGILl. & CO., arc Agentsfor the Possession given immediately. For terms, upon reasonable terms. Apply to the Editor Norwalk Gazette and the most influential and largest Conducted on the European Plan Wa?e is new, and fitted up with all country, and view all the beauties of natnre House," situated a short distance from the T the store of Hubbell & Co., Phoenix of Lime of the most approved brands. By addressing the Subscriber, a copy of the modfc/n improvements. THe rooms are say to our customers that we will leave noth­ Also, a girl accustomed to starching Shirts "Bridge."'in the Borough ol' Norwalk, is now statements from may Ladies and Gentlemen they ride forth over hill and dale ; they sail ing undone in our efforts still further to in­ in a Laundry. Block, (foot of Mill Hill.) . WM. POST, Sole Agent, large and well ventilated. forth over the rivers and lakes. But thuse prepared to accommodate Families, and sia if 19 JOSEPH W. HUBBELL, Treas. 4ml9 128 Front Street, New York. who have fully testea this application, with Gentlemen visiting New York, will find a crease its celebrity, and for that purpose em­ To any persons competent to fill the above gle Gentlemen with first class board either other general information upon the subject, things bring them very little happiness 1'r'oin ploy but the very best cutters, and have only situations good wages will be given. Apply home at this establishment, at more moderate the very fact that they are afflictedwith Rheuin- by letter, or personally, to by the year, or the summer months. Mrs. R House For Sale. Reauty! Elegance! Economy! will be forwarded free of charge. charges than at any other Hotel in the city. such workmen as we can depend upon. 3m21 would refer to Wm. C. Street, Jonathan Also, a Pamphlet of 36 pages, upon Improve­ atism. Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Ac. Dr. 2t21 HENRY SMITH, CONVENIENT well built House contain­ NGLISH Valvet Carpets 12, 13 and 14 The location is central, being near the Park, STORMS' GREAT ANTI-RHEUMATIC LINIMKNT Camp, George R. Cholwell, S. E. Olmstead ing 11 orl2 Rooms,'situated near the con­ ments in Artificial Dentistry. Address City Hall, Post Office, and down town Whole­ Large N, York Clothing House! Ridgefield Shirt Factory, Ridgetoeld, Ct and C. F. Osborn. v , 5t*tfl9 A E shillings per yard. English Brussels, 7s. C.S.PUTNAM, is used for just such cases as these, and is war­ ;; gregational Church. Enquire of 3m20 1 Norwalk, May 1st, 1856. . 1 6d., 8s. and 9s. Floor Oil Cloths, 2s. 6d., 4s. lm2l "f a ; No. 35 Bond-st., New York. sale Merchants. ranted to remove deep-seated pain in any part TERMS, STRICTLY CASH . . Norwalk Institute—Notice. tfl8 S. E. OLMSTEAD. and 5s. Splendid Ingrain Carpets, 3s. 6d., 4s. of the body. E. FERRIS, Proprietor, Good customers not made to pay for losse.t bv crediting-, and 5s. Gold Window Shades, $2 to $5, at UNION CLOTHING 185 Washington-st., N. Y. WING to a misapprehension of the ar­ South Norwalk Hotel. Notice. CARPETING, ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION, O rangement heretofore made between the the largest Carpet Establishment in the United N. B.—Responsible agents wanted. 6m22 as it is graduated to the lowest possible living profit HE Subscriber, having leased that beauti­ LL Persons indebted to F. BRADLEY, are States. v, HIRAM ANDERSON, Ladies' Union and the Institute, the call for No. 432 Pearl Street, N. Y. No. 20 Fourth Avenue. OUR attention is directed to the most ex DBUMOOLD Oc PROCH, the payment of the annual membership fee in T ful and central location recently occupied A requested to call and settle immediately. 3ml7 ( , ,, No. 99 Bowery, New York. by Fowler Ray, Esq., on the corner, a few steps By so doing they will oblige. DAMS & SPENCER, having taken the (Opposite the Cooper Institute.) NEW YORK. Y traordinary and astonishing improve­ No.120 Fulton-st.. near Nassau,New York the latter, on May 1st, 1856, was erroneously old stand, 432 Pearl-st., wifi now offering ment ever made in ICE CREAM FREEZERS.— so drawn as to include the Members of the from the New York & New Haven Railroad Furniture. A HE largest and most varied selection of SU­ HITLOCK'S HOES.—A superior arti­ a large stock of new Carpetings, Oil Cloth, Allen & Daland, After seven years' trial we can assure our cus­ former. Depot, is now prepared to entertain transient NAMELED FURNITURE.—HORACE F. PERFINE MEDIUM and low priced READY- or permanent guests. As a summer retreat, cle at 44 cts. &c., consisting of Velvet Tapestry, Brussels AVING leased the above mentioned store> tomers that this article performs everything T Notice is therefore hereby given, that the W FARRINOTON, Manufacturer of all kinds of Tapestry, Ingrain Three Ply, Fine and Super­ we say it does. ; r MADE CLOTHING to be found in the United call before mentioned extends only to those few places can compare with this location. E. Y.A. CHICHESTER. E H and stocked with an entire new and fash­ v States. Our stock is got up in the most fash­ Enameled, Painted and Grained Cottage Cham­ fine Ingrain. OIL CLOTHS from 3 feet to 24 ionable assortment of THROUGH IN SIX MINUTES. ' Members of the Institute who are not Members JAMES LUCAS ber Furniture, wholesale and retail, at the feet wide. Matting, Mats, Bugs, Druggets, ionable style, and from choice selections of of the Ladies' Union. South Norwalk, May 12,1856. tf20 Ridgrefield Taxes. manufactory and warerooms, Nos. 46 and 48 Stair Bods, Shades, Sfc., gfc., and at the LOW­ SPBIJVG AND SUMMER CLOTHING, Austin's Patent Cream Freezer. goods, both at HOME and ABROAD. Tasty cut­ By Order of the Board of Directors. LL persons liable to pay Taxes in the Town Wooster Street, between Grand and Broome- EST PRICES for CASH. Purchasers are invited Would invite strangers visiting the city to ex­ An extraordinary and astonishing improve­ ters and the best hands are employed. Our 2t21 O. S. FERRY,Pres. SOMETHING NEW. A of Ridgefield, both residents and non-resi­ sts., New York. 3ml7 to call and examine our Goods, which will be amine the same. As our entire stock has been ment in Cream Freezing; will freeze in six CASH SYSTEM gives us an advantage over oth­ Teeth Extracted without pain by Local dents. are hereby notified that I will attend to freely shown, and all Goods warranted as rep­ bought for cash, and manufactured expressly minutes, by a simple and elegant application er houses in the trade. We respectfully invite For Sale. Anesthesia. Process safe and simple. By receiving their Taxes on the Assessment List NCAUSTIC TILES, for vestibules, Hails, resented. ADAMS & SPENCER. for this store. We offe'r the greatest induce­ of well-known principles, producing this de­ an examination by strangers visiting the city. FAIR of truck wheels ten feet in diameter HILL & FITC5 Dentists. of 1855, at the following named places and E Hearths, Dining Rooms, Conservatories, 3m 18 Remember the No., 432 Pearl-st. ments to those who wish to buy well cut, well sirable and surprising result. A child of ten Polite and obliging salesmen will be found to with one iron screw capable of raising six Office foot ef Main St. Norwalk. times, viz : at the Town Clerks Office in said &c. GARNKIRK CHIMNEY TOPS, DRAIN PIPES. made and stylish Garments. We will easily years can manage it without difficulty. wait upon you. 3m21 " orA eight tons suitable for carrying Stone or Ridgefield on Friday the 6th day of June, 1856, Also, Plumbers Materials and Fixtures, for Tremendous Rargains convince you that we sell as low as any house THREB SILVER MEDAI.S awarded by the Ma New Hduse ; . from 9 o'clock, A. M., until five o'clock, P. M. sale by MILLER & COATES, in the city. For instance, ryland Institute, and First Class Diploma of Kelley's Polishing Powder. Timber. For further particulars enquire of IN the subscriber near the Greenwich Railroad FURNISHING' STORE! At the Post Office in Ridgebury Parish, on 3ml7 279 Pearl St., New York, Black if rock Coata, in good style, $4 00 to $10 00 the Metropolitan Mechanics Institute, attest HE best article in use for polishing alii it- Station. AUGUSTUS MEAD. Saturday June 7th, 1856, from 8 o'clock, A. M. " extra do, lined through with silk, 8 00 to 12 00 the superiority of this apparatusover all others. kinds of METALLIC and GLASS WARES.— HE Subscribers, having opened a new until 12 noon; and at' the store of Isaac Havi- AS and WATER. JOHN JOHNSON & DRY GOODS! An extensive assortment of Business Coats, 2 00 to 4 00 T Greenwich, May 15th, 1856. 2m*21 BROTHER, Gas and Steam Fitters, Fine Business Coats, 4 00 to 6 00 As a further and convincing proof of the For sale by retail Grocers and Country Mer-" T-House Furnishing Store, in PHQSNIX land, (Limestone District,) on the same day, G At the old established store of Extra Business Coats, C 00 to 8 00 excellence of this Freezer, the undersigned chants everywhere, and at wholesale by JOHN BLOCK, are prepared to offer to the inhabit­ from 2 o'clock until 5 o'clock, P. M. Plumbers, 4c., erect Gas and Water Works PANTS, a great variety or working Pants, 1 00 to 2 00 Place for Sale. for Cities, Towns, Villages, and Residences; M C. G. HOOK, ^ Fine Satmett Pants, would state, that THOUSANDS have been ,KELLEY & CO., No. 20 Cedar-st., New York. , ants of Norwalk and vicinity,' a much larger All persons neglecting to pay their Taxes, 1 SO to 2 00 sold since the patent was issued. N: B.—AGENTS wanted in every city and rppE subscriber offers his Homestead for sale and better selected assortment of Housekeep­ on or before said times appointed,-must expect also furnish and keep for sale Fittings, Fix. 380 BOWERY, NEW YORK, Good Black Pants, (all wool,) . 2 00 to 3 SO ± upon very reasonable terms, and for much tures, Fountains, Jets, U USE Gallon; Oil Varnish, for China gloss, $1.25 and Guardians to our immense assortment of Freezer, for the convenience of those wanting for Wells, Factories, Mines, Ships, failing Springs. There is a large quantity of. French China Tea Setts—plain and decorated New Subscription List. The Selling Off a single one. fuel on the place. For further particulars en­ English do.,—Blue and White Granite Dining, per gallon PAIKTS fbr buildings, fences, roofs, Has now commenced, and will be continued Youths' and Children's Clothing. The U.S. Steamboat Inspectorsdeclare them AMP will open a Subscription List for Ac., 1J cent per pound by : the Best. quire at the Gazette Gffice, or of the subscri­ Breakfast and Tea Setts,—Marble, White and until the greater part is disposed of, He par­ Furnishing Goods,' Price of Freezer: j \-; ber on the premises. 3m21 BURR SMITH. C Harper's Magazine at 25 Cents a number, J. HENRY SMITH, Two Quarts, $2. Six Quarts, The U. S. Army Officers have adopted them. Blue Toilet Setts,—common Yellow and Stone and when the Volume is completed will Bind ticularly invites attention to the following ar­ Ware of every kind. No. 113 Maiden Lane, N. Y. ticles, all of which are offered at very decided We have aB fine a selection of Furnisluag Three Quarts, 3. Nine Quarts. 6. They have saved numerous factories and; them free of charge. The June No. commen­ Goods as can be found in any House in the "Spring has Opened/' , GLASS WARE. Bai gains. An immense variety of Linens and Pour Quarts, 4. Fourteen Quarts, 8. other buildings^nd steamboats from burning. ces a new Volume. Now is the time to sub­ WM. PARTRIDGE «&, SON, city, which we offer at Great Bargains. ere Bowls, Dishes, Nappies, Lamps, Candlesticks, scribe. Housekeeping Goods generally, comprising Twenty Quarts, $11. r! i desires a PUMP which is also ND so has CAMP opened the largest, finest, CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Address, J. & C. BERR1AN, a FIRE ENGINE, he cannot have a better one. ^ ^ and best assortment of Books, Cap, Letter Tumblers, Salts, Molasses Jugs, &c. MPORTERS, Dealers and Manufacturers of Damask Table Linens, Sheetings and I INDIGO, MADDERS, COCHINEAL, DYE WOODS, Our Custom Department is under the charge 601 Broadway, New York. {I- State Agricultural Society. For ftnd Note Paper, Envelopes, Blank Books of all BRITANNIA WARE. Guano & Superphosphate of Lime DYE STDPFS and Acids. Shirtings, Tomlings, Long Cloths of experienced Cutters, and with our choice Agents for patentee. 22 evidence of universal approval, call at our sizes and qualities, which he offers to the Pub­ Tea and Coffee Pots, Castors, Lamps, Candle­ Y the pound, bag or ton to suit purchasers, Office of Gravesend Dye Wood Mills, Quilts, Counterpanes, 4*c., fyc. selection of fabrics, culled from the market, it store. lic, Teachers, and Storekeepers at prices which 19; sticks, Spoons, &c. B for sale by CHAS. T. LEONARD. 29 Cliff Street, New York. Also, Dress Goods, such as SILKS, CHALUES, is needless to say that satisfaction is guaran Thaddeus Davids & Co.'s fee feels assured will satisfy all. Also a fine TABLE CUTLERY. teed to every customer. lot of Extracts, and Fancy Soaps, which he DE LAINES, BAREGES, LAWNS, BRILLUNTES, WRITING INKS, Bargains! Bargains! Fine Ivory Handled Dining and Tea Knives, RUFITS STORY, SHAWM, In every variety. CLOTHS & CASSI- Our Goods having been bought for Cash, it recommends to the Ladies as a superior arti­ For Sale or to Let. Pronounced by the best chemists to be more THE following lots of desirable Mourning Carvers, Steels, and every variety of common THE Homestead recently owned by MERES, VESTINGS DOMESTICS, of all gradeB.— will be necessary to sell for pash. Under Goods, bought from recent auctions at 50 cle. Fancy and Pocket Inkstands, Toy Books Wholesale'Grocer, these circumstances, we mark our Goods at the durable than any other yet made. ^ fpr cl}il^n, anfl a variety pf Goods too nu­ Table Cutlery, Mrs SARAH GRIOOR, deceased : enquire of AND DEALER IN Hosiery, Gloves, Lace and Mttslin Curtains. per cent, less than cost of importation, will be TEA TRAYS. SAMUEL R. P. CAMP. All of which is subjected to a uniform rate of lowest Cash price, and no deviation. *, For sale to the trade only, by 6 n M aday May 5tb dnd merous tp meation/all of vyhich is offered on GEO. W. ALLEN, WM. B. DALAND. days -—° ° ' > following advantageous' terms. All kinds of Maga­ In Setts, or sin.gle, Norwalk, March 31st, 1856. Teas, Coffe, Ginger, Pepper, reduction. t THADDEUS DAVIDS & CO., H zines bound in any style. PLATED And all kinds of Spices. Nos. 749 Front-st., This Store to Let, wither without Fix­ 500Q yards Black and White Tissue, Is. 6t? Extra Cheap Dry Goods 1 lOANUFAOTURERS Or XNSS, 3000 yards Black and White Barege, Is. fed. This is'the only Book Bindery in Norwalk Castors, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Butter Sash and Rlind Machinery New York. tures, inquire of C. G. HOOK, 380 Bowery. ! in all their varieties. ; " and the Prppjietor having learned his trade 3ml7 WO immense and attractive stocks of en­ 300 dresses Foulard Silks, $4.50. Knives, 8fc. FOR SALE tirely new Goods at SEALING WAX, WAFERS, MUCILAGE, &c. j ' / in New York, is enabled to execute work, as JAPANNED WARE. Portable Gas Works. T LADIES, CALL EARLY. well'as can be done in that city. NE of Fay's improved Sash, Blind Mould­ Notice. J 26 Cliff Street, New York. N. B.-The subscriber calls the attention of ! ! Tcilet Tubs, Water Carriers, Foot Baths, E desire to call public attention to our LORD & TAYLOR'S, ' V ALFRED H. CAMP. O ing and Slat Machines; also, Mortising O the Ladies of Norwalk and vicinity.— wholesale buyers to the above. Trunks, Canisters, Spittoons, &c. and Tenoning Machines, Circular Saws, Man­ W newly invented GAS APPARATUS, design­ Rich Dress Silks, Shawls, Mantillas, DeLaines, PAPER HANGINGS, DQOFT J* ATS. ed for lighting Country Residences, Factories, T Those Ladies wishing to obtain their sup­ O . ^ ^ w. JACKSON TKe Friends of Hon T. B Butler drills, &c., which will be sold together or sep­ ply of GAITER BOOTS AND SHOE9 for the coming Alpacas, Coburgs, P,e Beiges, Challies, Tis­ Successor to C. F. Bartholomew, New Mourn- arately at a bargain. For further particulars Hotels, &e. These works are efficient an 1 tablishment needs no appeal to public patron­ Bugs, a pjire shot, §pl<] at the Sadiron's, Gridirons, Enamelled Kettles, Sauce for the very liberal patronage which the J. Njo. 139 Front-st,, offer for sale in lots to Ladies' Gaiter Boots, of all the fashionable Rich fpit Cornices, Window Shades, Curtain Kuo.w you desire to look well ar.a to do so ef- ' P^SFENSARY. T age, ft will suffice to say that every variety Pans, Fry Pans. Public have favored him with for the.la,st two suit purchasers-— colors, at 12s., 16s., and 18s. per pair. This Materials, Tapestry, Brussels,* Velvet and dV y0U to have beautiful article of ladies.' wear is warranted low priced Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Rugs. Can there be found, and artists whose work £ w»'riV w recourse to FANCY CHINA ORNAMENTS. years, and wou!4 respectfully inform his cus­ Linseed Oil, English and American—En­ will be guaranteed. the large Clothing Warehouse of G. A. Hunter ^"ioMETHINa NEW, tomers that he is pjrejp.area to, execute all or­ glish in bond. equal to $ny in the. city. Misses' and Child­ Matting, Ac., Ac. ' *>^ew York. Ifwith his superior Yases, Match Boxes, Toilet Bottles, Motto Sperm, Whale and Elephant Oil, in hhds ren's Gainer'Spots and Shoes of all kinds and Such as may require tq visit the establish­ s Cups and Saucers, Segar Sta.ftA8, Lighter ders it\ a superior iqanner. Silks, M erinoes, KF" Special Invitatim to CalL ment, will hardly fail to consult tlleir own in­ wwu* readymade goods, he cannot hit your Under the (Sun; Ct. Hotel. Parame^as, t)e Laines, Shawls, Ribbons, tierces and bbls. ' pricesj tlip l'argestj assortment of any in New ^e, then our word for it, no man in New Holders, Card Receivers, Tojs, $c. Whale Oil, Foot's and Oil Soap, i York. White and Black Satin, Black and Parties about to visit Now York are reques- terest in point of economy. • mURK has now on hand and is constantly Glove's, and Stockings, dyed all colors, every O'SULLLVAN & FAYP York can. tfia Parian and &ohemian Ware. Qirandi/ies, Linseed Cake and Meal. , - ; Bronze French Kid Slippers for evenings; with tedto call before purchasing elsewhere, and i it. renewing one of the largest, qfld mqst ju­ week. T1 • tl\eae. the largest. cheapest and most ^^Manufacturers and Importers. diciously selected stocks of ' ' ahd Hall Lqntet;ns„ Broche Shawls cleaned equal to new, Crape Rape Seed Oil. a compete assortment of India Rubber Over­ J. B. CORNELL'S S'QLAR LAMPa, Shawls cleaned and dyed all colors, and the Olive Oil, ca% and.quarter casks. shoes, of all the different styles. All who wish desirable stocks of Dry Goods in'the city. iV-EIf ANQ ZfiJ! SPRING AND SUMMER* % : OA N'T Of every sige, Fluid and Lard Lamps. new China finish put on equal to new. Judd s Patent Candles, Judd's Sperm Can- good Shoes at moderate prices will please call 256, 257, 259 & 261 Grand Street, PATENT VAULT LIGHTS Btyle at the ald and examine for themselves. Sold at wl^o^e- ap$ new numbers, l-aper H„ |lslngs; READY made clothing. jee- New House-Keepers are particularly All orders left with the Subscriber, in the "tend 19, 1856. of SAMUEL JUDD & JOHN BRIDGE, 139 sale and retail. MILLER & Q{>f, 3ml8 47 & 49 Catharine Street. Patented February Ever exhibited in this vicinity. Those in invited to call and examine our Goods before rear of the old Bakery at the foot of Mi^iHill, svxi ®>aPflr Hanging, Border purchasing elsewhere. or at Shepherd's Bakery, Newark, G.^'Ran- Front Street, New Ywk, . 3ml7 3ml6 134 Canal-st, near Tt^upj^Qn, Ny *Y. ERSONS interested in the improvement want of good substantial tasty and durable Beekman dc Company. f, turinir ."d-Box Importing and Manufac- of Real Estate are invited to examine our garments, can find them of every size and va­ E. A. BLANK & CO., dle, Winnipauk, Isaa^ Selleek,' Wfest Norwalk, ; -I'qhouse, No. 51 Canal and 61 Lispe- P Norwalk, April 28,1856. Phcenix Block. Benedict, Brotfaets, Dahbury, Horace Lock- . ginger's Sewing Machines. A AT O BROADWAY, between and much improved Style of Illuminating Tile for riety, ready made for less than they will have Patent System Qf Writing. ' street,New York. Fire floardi, Ppints, the covering of Vaults, Areas, Roofs, Floors, to pay elsewhere for the cloth alone. Remem­ A LL persons who desire to obtain full and rr|0 Broome st„ (lateof <$,CapaJ,sti„), . ate Aprons, 8,'c. All orders promptly at­ liL reliable information respectingSINGER'S EVEZX 9NE ms OWN TEACHER! New York. Having opened the al)ov^ tended to. ' tf21 Ac., for which, by order of the United States ber the place for good and cheap clothing is at ConnecticQt Saddle and Hayuess ' ^ Supreme Court, a Patent has been granted, as TURKS, under the Ct. Hotel,Mai-nst., Norwalk, SEWING MACHINES—their price, capabili­ Tlyf Ap LAURIN'S MANUAL GYMNATIC lishment a new and Elegants assoi;tmy»' ***" •JEt It"I'XJ Mi S ties, advantages, sizes, improvements, zsetqod lfJJ. EXERCISES In WRITING, —Patented .c of above. TEPHEN" SWANN, successor toTREDKRiCf RUPTURE. The price of our new Illuminating Tile and Foudrette. of working, means of procuring tbenij and all by tfcs U, S. Government Feb. 14,1855. Viz :—of ri?i,^d.Sn%$P , . t Xiand Fluster, BRADLEY, manufactures AND inters to other particulars—cqn do so by1 atmlvintr at NLY Prize Medal awarded to MARSH & Covers is less than one half that has been S HE Lodi Manufacturing Company have In a set of 8 Books. Price 92 per Prints, tyuege robS9.to* " - Silks, Delaines, CO., by the Industrial Exhibition of all charged heretofore for a much inferior article. AND or Farmer's Plaster in bbls., just re­ keep constantly on hand a full fVBgortmeqt of T our office No. 323 Broadway, flJew York by Printed Muslim ai * - oareges, by the yard O ceived and for sale by Harness, of all descriptions, light Buggy and made arrangements for keeping a supply set. Nations, at the Crystal Palace, as also at the For full particulars apply at J. B. & W. W. of their celebrated Fertilizers constantly on letter or in ^ersoft^CJ '$ Jtf. Singer 9e Co/i hrnifjfirjpg' " every description. Em- L CHAS. T. LEONARD. Coach, and light double Harness; also, a new Gazette, ^ One set can he used by a dozen learners. late Fair of the American Institute, for their CORNFLL'S, 135 to 143 Centre st.,New York. hand at Five Mile River Landing, whioh will kins. At\ »' -stings, Linens, Damasks, Nap- new Patent Radical Cure Truss. Manufacturers of every description of Iron style of Wagon Harness, of superior make.— This paper is devoiea to the Sewing Machine Sent by mail prepaid, to any part of the mf&4»r- 'Mantillas of the most beautiful COLLARS of every variety, consisting of Coach, be sold in any quantity at the. same pric.e as ion, on receipt of the price. Schools.and DeaJ- References as to its Superiority. Work required for building purposes; also, ftraffenberg Co's Medicines. at their oflfioe ir. New York. For further par­ interest. Copies. be supplied gratis to all " * ad finish, for which this House has a E have the agency for the above Com­ Buggy, Gig, Cart, Team and Breast, all of the interested. lers supplied on liberal terms. deserved Reputation, &c.,&e., respectful- Professors Valentine Mott, Williard Parker, Cemetery, Office and Desk Railings. tfJ9 best materials. Also, Riding Saddles, Bridles, ticulars enquire of C. L. Raymond or A. DIB- This perfectly novel series, cqpprisqs 9ft and John M. Carnachan. An extensive list of W pany's valuable preparations, and keep BLfi. N-. B-^-The unparalleled success of our Sew­ y request the ladies of this vicinity to call and a laree assortment on hand at the Dispensary. Martingales, &P-, together with a large assort­ ing Machines has induced several fraudulent ges 8x1% inches, of beautifully examine their stock before purchasing else­ names of mercantile and other gentlemen, Christadoro's Excelsior Hair ment of Whips of eveVy description,' Trunks, P. S. The a.bove .manures wa,rrante$ to models, with tfcp applicatiqji,'o/( cured by this Truss, may be seen at their office, * BEBBE &*SON. give entire satisfaction or the moggy refunded. imitations ot them, besides numerous infringe­ where. BEEKMAN & COMPANY, Dye. W ' ' '—1 • J Valines, Satchels, Catpet "Bags, Leather do. ments of our patents^-of which we own sixteen. device for overrunning •*" - patented 3ml8 473 Broadway, New York. No. 24 Maiden Lane, New York. for School children, which he intends to sell 6 barrels and over are l^ere,' for' t'tie fii;st[ ine sure means Also Silk Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps, OR years ago this preparation was an ex­ New Books. Suits for the infringement of our patents have periment. Now the demand for it nearly' cheap. recently been decided in our favor in the U. every one', ipithojiftt %*"" offered, to enable Ankle Socks for Varicose Veins, Ladies, F TTIRNBST Linwoodi by Caroline LeeHentz. All in want of any of the above named arti­ Important to Farmers. talent to acmitf#1 gard to years or special JOHN 1H. ATWOOD, Gents, Misses and Boys' Superior Shoulder equals the consumption of all other hair dyes Iti Married xiot Mated; by' Alicd Carey. S, Circuit Courts in New York and New Jer­ in existence. The sale for the first 4 months cled wiil do tpel] tci'give a qaU', f6r''he is. The subscriber having made arrangements sey, In these suits the gre^Jj principle of teaqher, *n his own room, without a O. 148 Chatham street, corner Mulberry, Braces. Instruments for all Physical Deform­ "^Off Hand Takings aii4 Crayon Sketches ot hicktjifc5', . «ra a fortnight's time, the very of this year has been six times larger than du­ bouni to iell his gOrids at satisfactory prices. for the sale of Guano is now ready ta receive HOLDING DOWN THE FABRIY TO BE SEWED TO THE N New York. Invites attention to his ities made to order and warranted. Open from tjie no|ice^]ile Men pf opr ' Orders for any description of work promptly orders for 1st quality Peruvian and Iohaboe at uegree of skill and rapidity in current large assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver 7 A.M. till 9 P.M. MARSH & CO. ring the same months of 1855. This shows fc 'Spafrowgrass Papers. SDRFACE OF THE MACHINE, BY A TIELDIKG PIPWR- that even overpuffed nostrums cannot check executed. Repairing done at the shortest New York Prices also Super Phosphate of SURE, which. i« used' in all Sewing IfagjysU- -uing. The system can be used with the Ware, and Fancy Articles. 3ml9 2i Maiden Lane. New York. Widow Bedott's Papers. same advantage by children. The Ijooks are Gold Bracelets, Pins, Ear rings, Chate- the progress of an article of transcendant mer­ notice, and iu the best and neatest manner. Lime (Hoyt'e Brand,) a well known article. haa been fully established. The tfA- d at ALFRED H. CAMP'S, An aSfloftmeat of each just received and ^ accompanied by a pamphlet with full direc­ lain Vest and Fob Chains. SMITH BROTHERS, its. Agents in all parts of the United States 17 Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. Wilson, and the (jfroyer A ' ..eeler & have for many months required more of the ERUVIAN GUANO.— it lowest market be found it Selleck's Packet Office. tions, and the amplest testimony of the per­ Gold Necklaces, Crosses, Lockets. Rings, • , prices, wholesale anft y.et&il-^wHu1 Gov- chiries/a^e aflpge. . Sewing Ma- fection of the system and its results. There ONE PRICE Dye than the proprietor was able to furnish. P CHAS. T, ITEOJSFARD. tinct patjente oifyfio' .ufringe three dis- Spectacles, Pencils, Seals, Medals, Keys, . Straw Goods, erni$er;v weight and brand on each bag, fer Norwalk, April i§&6", 1,5 is no longer a necessity for any one not being Charms, &c. CLOTHING WAREHOUSES, Be has now, however, greatly increased his ^ oy us. • We have suits an elegant and very rapid writer. Cameo and Mosaic Bracelets, Pins, and Ear manufacturing facilities, and trusts that there UST received ft large lot of superior Straw sa}e ftt 'the IMPLEMENT AND SEED several of the U. S. Courts, WweUeuse Of R. L. ALLEN, Published by W. S. MAC LAUREN & CO., rings. 122 & 140 Fulton-st., NewYork. will bano further cause to complain of short tfati suitable for-men aiid boy's wear, Rooks,. .ii soon be tried. We hereby caution 345 Broadway, New York. Silver Tea Sets, Cups, Pitchers, Spoons, comings. The pressure of orders is not a pres­ J , NOB. 189 and 191 Water-st,, Ne^ ^ prk. .ae public not to buy any infringing Bfachines, HE Price is marked on all the Goods in Philosophy of the leather, by _ TO TEACHERS.—'The Author will at­ Napkin rings, Forks, Fruit and Butter Knives. Plain Figures. sure to be regretted, when due preparation has ALLEN'S CELEBRATED ^QVTINV* MACHINE jn T B as they can be compelled by law to stop using T ButleVv - - - tend personally, without charge, to the intro­ Silver Plated Tea Sets, Cups, Castors, Cake We have now a splendid assortment of our been made to meet it as is now the case. The CAJYJfO'H CLOG. Ct*17 them, and to pay costs and damages. duction of the system into Schools wishing to cause of the vast success of the Excelsior Dye, O, S. Clark, Local Agents wanted to make sales of Baskets, Urns, Teakettles, Card Baskets, &e. New Styles of SPRIXO RAGLANS, SPRING CAN- Caroline Lee Hentz. adopt it. 3ml6 For sale CHEAP FOR CASH, and warran­ ROBERTS, and SPRING PELISIERES, for Spring may be summed up in a few words ; it is the AS added to his stock of Fancy Goods, a M by Alice Carey. our improved sewing machines. To persons SalQi ted as represented. and Summer. only article which imparts a color identical fine lot of Parasols, Fans, Looking I he W dn Mountain Girls, by B. White, au­ properly qualified for the business, a rare op­ Glasses,H Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Gloves, DRV GOODS! DH7 GOODS!! Particular attention given to repair­ with the natural, black or brown ; its effect is 4 TON, Second-hand, Coal or Hay Scale; thor of Green Mountain Boys. portunity for profitable and pleasant employ­ ing and adjusting Duplex, Chronometer and more lasting than that of other Dyes; it is and Hosiery, to wljic'h he invites'the inspec­ nearly as good as New. Price 50 Dollars Toiling and Hoping, by Jenny Marsh. ment is offered. Great Openining of Spring Trade.' Notice to Firemen. tion o'f the Ladies of Norwalk and vicinity.— A Lever Watches. applied with less trouble, and in a shorter Enquire ot MALLOlfi' & CURTIS. The Seooind Marriage, by Charles Burdett. New and improved machines exchanged on REMSEN&DINGEE, New York, 1856. Iyl6 We are also the only manufacturers of FCRE time. It does not burn the hair, or discolor Another lot of 6 shilling Clocks. Norway june 15) 1855, liberal terms for old machines of every kind. C The Wonders ot Science, or young Humphrey 204 and 206 Sixth Avenue, near 14th street, LOTHES in New York. Always on hand a the skin ; it improves instead of destroying Davy, by Henry Maybew. I. M. SINGER & CO., large stock of Drab and Blue Beater Cloths. NEW YORK. the hair, and being carcfully prepared under s for Fnddinsrs and Like. For Sale, For eale by KNAPP & LYNES. 3ml7 Principal Office, 323 Broadway, N. Y. Hosiery! Hosiery! Hosiery! imported expressly for Firemen's use.' 3ml8 the personal supervision of the proprietor, its "ACCARONI, Vermicelli, Pearl Barley, AVING entirely disposed of all the re­ ALL at CLARK'S new Store in Main-st., proportions never vary, and the tints it pro­ FINE pacing Pp,n,y How, a very fast: EST India Molasses, something very . " Buy Me and I'll Do You Good ."' maining stock of Fall and Winter Gooda, and look at his immense stock of Ladies JOHN S. LOUNSBERY, Agent. . Oat-meal, Tapioca, Bermuda Arrow traveler;. ^ith, buggy a,nd harness—k-both nioe. ALLEN, MEEKER & Co. H C duces are uniform. Manufactured, sold whole­ Root, Sago, &c.. at the Dispensary. A w DR. LANGLEY'S will open on Monday, April 21st, and Children's Hosiery, Gloves, Mittens, sale and retail, and. applied in ten private ORMERLY of the firm of John S. Lounsbury nearly new. Enquire of EA and COFFEE, carefully selected, of $200,000 worth of Hoods, Capes. Boas, Under Garments, &c.— B B & SON. t'flO" ' ' ED WIN VA^ ANTWERP. 1 F & Co., and more recently of the firm of apartments, by Cristadore, No. 6 Astor House T superior quality, always to be had at Root & Herb Jaundice Bitters, New Spring and Summer Goods, of the latest He has just received the greatest variety of LOUNSBURY & BETTS, 32 Burling Slip. New in Broadway, New York. ALLEN, MEEKER & Co's. importations, bought at recent auction sales, ^ Hair Oils. Only 25 cents for a pint, and 37 cents for a large Bottle. these goods ever before offered in Norwalk and York, DISTILLKR OF Agents at manufacturer's prices :—Wm. H. OAIH N assortment of Wooden Ware, Willow and OMPOSED of the best Roots, Herbs and consisting of the following choice styles invites purchasers to call and examine his Cary & Co,, 245 Pearl st., M. Ward, Close & "TJARRY'S Tricopherous, Lyon'e Kathairon, Rich Shawls, Silks, Mantillas, and other stock, satisfied that no one will go away dis­ NONPAREIL CAMPHENE, _P Phalon's Hair Iiivigorato'r, Beebe's Hair AID for Soap Grease, rancid Lard or But­ A Splint Baskets, Cocoa Nut Dippers, Brush­ Barks in the world, in *uch a manner as Co., 115 Fulton st„ C. V. Clickener & Co., 81 ter, tainted Pork, &c. es, &c. ALLEN, MEEKER & Co. Cto act directly upon the seat of disease. This Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. appointed. Barolay st., A. B. & D. Sands, 100 Fulton st., Wash, Twigg's Hair Tonic, at the P 25,000 rich Stella Shawls, from $3 50 to $10. He has an assortment of Needles, Pins, 80 and 95 per cent Alcohol, Dispensary. 'i I*or Sale, " • • 1 '; is the best medicine ever discovered for the Also, Manufacturer of best quality of Barnes & Park, cor. Duane & Broadway, New cure of Bilious Diseases and Liver Complaints, 1,900 rich Jaspe and Raye Robes, from $15 Whalebone, Sewing Silks, Velvets, Dress Trim­ York. 3ml9 A superior quality of Soft Soap, for Cash or SPRING ARRANGEMENTS and may therefore be used as the best preven­ to $30. mings, Buttons, Thraad, Spool Cotton, Cords, S. B. Bulkley, 152 Main st., Norwich, Ct. ONNECTICUT STEAM HEATING CO., 1,000 Flounced Robes De Soie, from $10 to BURNING FLUID. have appointed us Iheir Agent for the sale exchange for Soap Grease; Also, on the sanje RE all Complete and our Store is fully tative and remedy for that afflicting scourge Tassel Buttons, Galloons, Tapes, Bobbins, terms, 100 bushels Of Leached Ashes for sale stocked with every variety of Merchan­ Fever and Ague. They also cure Ad eradi­ $15. French Cottca, Embroidery Leather, Linen For sale at the lowest market prices, together Cof their Heating Apparatus. We beg to call A 1,000 Pieces rich Foulard Silks, from 4s to5s. with a full assortment of by I. HENRIETTA, dize in our line, which we offer at wholesale cate from the system Jaundice in its worst and Cotton Floss, Pearl Buttons for Cloaks, Removal. the attention of the Public to the same. We 2m7 at t^p N^walt "Soap Factory. 15,000 Yards Rich India Plaid Silks, at 4s. Linen Thread on Spools, Embroidery Silk, are prepared to make estimates on all build- or retail at prices that all can profit by. forms, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Humors of the NAVAL STORES- Blood and Skin, Indigestion, Headache, Diz 1,500 rich Robe de Bareges, from $7 to $10. Italian Black Silk and every article to be Also, Agent for the sale of Pure Spirits. N. Clark has removed his quar­ ingB that need heating—for the superiority qf stovss: 1,500 rich Robe de Jaconets, at $3,50, worth found in a Fancy Store. Call and see. the article would refer to B. Brigham, Esq. NEW WOOD YARD ziness, Piles, Heartburn, Weakness, Pain in E. Rum, Foreign and Domestic Liquors of all We have everything that the public can de­ the side and Bowels, Languor, Flatulency, $5. kinds, which will be furnished at the lowest ters from Skiddy's Block, to the add the Union School Committee. sire. from the smallest charcoal furnace to the 5 Op Camp Street! I Loss of Appetite, and all kindred complaints, 10,000 Yards rich Printed Jacenets and Farm and Garden Utensils. prices. 6ml8 * * C; & E. K. LOCKWOOD & CP- largest heating and cooking arrangements. store adjoining George Hoyt's Hickory, caused by a disordered stomach or bad blood, Lawns, at Is, worth 2s. HE Subscriber has on hand, and intends to which all are more or less subject in spring 20,000 Yards rich Muslin de Laines at Is., keeping a large assortment of the most Ambrotypes. ©Old Medal! Tin, sheet Iron & Copper Ware worth 2s. T Shoe Establishment, where he O • ' and summer. They will cleanse, purify, heal, approved patterns of Farm and Garden Uten­ HE subscriber, having taken the well SIZiKS. Of all kinds constantly on hand and made to strengthen, regulate, build up and keep in or­ In connection with above they will also offer sils, which will be sold on reasonable terms, will sell as cheap as ever, his MAPLES . order; also, PLUMBING, ROOFING and job work 5,000 rich Mantillas, (Moire Antique) from T known Daguerriaa Gallery, 177 Green ^Hoth'pr lqt iff "* der the whole system. In a word they always The following comprise a portion of the wich Street, remodelled and fitted it up in the of all description done at the lowest rates. do good, try them. . , $3 50 to $7, richly worth from $8 to $15. immense stock of . 'I'hose beautiful and durable black Silks, Chestnut Wood, 1,090 extrarich Mantillas (GuipirS Lace), from goods on hand, viz: best style, is now prepared to furnish the pub­ Brittania and Japaned Wans, Office, 99 Union Street, Boston j nold by all Hull's Plows, believed to be the best plow lic with Ambrotypes or Daguerreotypes, fitted received this day, HE undersigned will be happy to receive dealers in medecine, every where. $10 to $15, worth from $25 to $30. for this County now in use. ... Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Sfc. orders for, and supply the public with the Of all styles and patterns, Also an extensive assortment of in fancy Cases or Frames, of which he has a They will be sold at the same low prices. T Sold by all. the dealers in Norwalk ; T. C. Eagle Plows, various sizes. i:--" large and splendid assortment. above kinds of Wood, in any quantity and of Crqokeryv Glass and China Ware, Worden, wholesale agent, Bridgeport, 6ml3 Rich Traveling Dresses, of various fabrics. Also in addition , . Ladies in waut will give me a call, Is. Peekskill Plows, No's 19, 20 and 21. DANLEY, the best quality, at the lowest market nrice. The former of which we import; the rest is Hoyle's English Prints, one yard wide, at Couch & Sanford's Plows,No's 1 D and 2 D. ' and examine them. 7 JAMES FJNNEY, Agfnt. 80 Cases New Styles Merrimac Prints, at lOd. 177 Greeuwich-st. near Cortlandt-st., bought only of Manufacturers for Cash so that C. Johnson's Horse Plows, Jlorse Rakes, Hay Cutters, 3m21 New York. •Ladies Dress Trimmings, C. J. GRUMAN. per yard. ' we can offer great inducements in this line of With an unequaled stock of Corn Shelters, Cultivators, (both horse and Now is the time to secure Bargains in oqr business. BAG MANUFACTORY, hand,) Hand-Plows, Spading Forks, Manure In endless variety. Hosiery, MOULTON Jr., has this day repeived 154 Maiden Lane, near South-st., N. Y. Housekeeper's Goods in every variety, com- Forks, Hay Forks, long and Bhort handled Premium Piano Fortes. q from auction a very cheap and desirable Dry Goods Z WOODEN WARS, jrising _ Gloves, Ladies' Silk Vests, &c., Tub3, Pails, Bowls, Trays, Ladles, Spoons, RAIN and Feed Bags of every description Shovels ana Spades, Grind Stones and fixtures SCAMALE & CO., Manufacturers, No §of goods among them are SPANG & BABDWELL, made to order for Shipping and Flour Pure Irish Linens, - Seed Spwers, Cast Steel and Maleable Iron H• 100 Centre Street, New York City, offer : Rolling Pins, Sieves, Brooms, &c. G Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes. &c. Call and see. Rich Lace bordered Curtains ita j AVE this day received a large lot of Merchants. Garden Rakes, Canal Barrows, Bush and Glass for sale a large variety of their selected stoek, 2Q0 pieces Rich White Cotton Fringes ROPES, Matts and Cordage. English Domestic Long ClothB. at WHOLESALE and RETAIL, 25 per cent.C HEAP­ Goods from Auction, which with our BRUSHES.—White-wash, Scrub, Paint, Dus­ flags hired out at the shortest notice Scythes, Axes, Hatches, Saws, &c. 4-4 French Printed Jaconets H Muslin Window Drapery, at Is, per yard. W. C. STREET. ER than any other ESTABLISHMENT in the UNION. Ladies' Merino Vests, present stock will make one of the largest and ters, Stove and Shoe. and on the most reasonable terms. Lace Bordered Drapery, at Is. 6d. per yard. Satin Plaid Poplin cheapest stocks ever o/Fered in this vicinity. Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Girandoles, &#. 40 C. JOHNSON. Norwalk, April 21st, 1856. EVERY INSTRUMENT FROM THEM WARRANTED. ND the largest assortment of Hosiery and VFine Scotch Ginghams—New Styles j ' Among them are the following goods which Lace Drapery, elaborately wrought, from 2s. BASKETS and Willow WARES. *11 kinds. 6d. to 6s. per yard. A Gloves ever offered in Norwalk, may be Vrish Linens—very cheap we are selling at about one half price, viz : RUIT and VEGETABLES of all kinds, in LOOS BSHSL found at the new Fancy Store, 15 Main-street. Colored Cotton Table Cloths CuTLERY.-r-Knives a#d forks, odd Forks, F0& SALE. Lace Curtains in setts, from $5 to $9, very wide their season, always at THE PATENT 100 pieces Irish Linen, " , i Carvers, Scissprs a,nd, Pocket Knives. F O. S. CLARK. Jhite and Colored Silk Pocket H'd'k'f's. . 25 " * " " very heavy, ' r TWO Story Dwelling House, nearly new, Laces and Embroideries, Hosiery, French Kid ALLEN, MEEKER & Co's. Gloves, &c., Ac. INDIA RUBBER ROTARY xok Italian Cloths—Silk Warp ; | Fine bleachcd and brown Linen fable Olpths, PUMPS: with Lot; situated within half a mile of "FEW MORE LEFT" of those Ladies' A RIED Apples, Plums, Peaches and Cher­ Lift and Force Fnmps. \ck and Brown broad Cloths " " " •' " by the yard. B,rass an,d Iron, both suction and force; also, the Bridge on Hoyt Street, near the Shirt Stockings, at 8s dozen pair, worth 12s. Blck and Colored Cambrics ... Factory. Said House is suitable for two fami­ The most extensive, - J D ries, at ALLEN, MEEKER & Co's. "VfOVELTY, Utility, Economj^ The cheap A * O.S.CLARK. 1Q0 dozen Linen Napkins, Chain Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, Sad The richest, "l\k Alpaccas 50 " Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs, Irons, Copper, Brass and Iron Wire, Coffee lies, with a good well, garden and choice fruit J3I est, best, simplest and mosflurable. A #MeiUe.8 Qtdlta < , > trees, Sic. For further particulars enguire of The best assorted;. Another, Fire Engine. Garden Engine, Air and Water gtf " V linen hdkfsv?itb colored borders, Mills, Churns, Refrigerators, Bells, Brass Ket­ And, tke prices at least Garden Seeds. Lini H'k'f's 3 4 5 and 6 cents, Is 2s,and up- 25 " Ladies' Hemstitched ftdkfs. tles, Porcelain Kettles and Sauce Pans, Cauld­ S. E. OLMSTEAD, WM. C. STREET, or the sub And the last lot of tfeose- PUMP COMBINED. Call and see it, try it, you'll Wds • ' • • scriber on the premises, 25 per cent lqu>ev than any retail house in Su- so buy it. No Yalves to choke or get out of or­ L'ARGE assortment, also Flower Seeds, 4'large lot of Embroidered "and Ror- ron Kettles, Steelyards, v Scales, Weights, at the Disp MarseUes Quilts at $2,25. CHARLES G, STREET. the United States. < HARSAIU^ QUILTS, der. Merohants, Farmers. Ship Captains and fjfred Curtain Muslin, Measures, Hydraulic Rams, Garden Engines, 0Sr The price'marked on each and every IJen'sWton Under Garment 86 pieces dotted Swiss Muslin, Bathing Tubs, Wire Cloth, Faucets, Lamps, Norwalk* Feb, 18,1,856. 3ip8 They will beeloss&aA the same low prices, Mechanics want the only Pumps worth having, Hats article in plain figures. For sale wholesale and retail, by Cigars. 20 " French Chambrays, all colors. Wicks and Glass, Bird Cages, Table Matts, Theme i#,^aAHALON Magical Hair tlje Girard House, Philadelphia. LBS, just received at the ' LAR^|j(lot, an^ftW che^p Dis- cellaneous and School books, kept constantly /CELEBRATED Cologne Water, warranted Thimbles, and a greHt variety of Fancy Goods 1 'S Dye, wholesale A Mngjggj t ' 1 X_ and retail, at the . DISPENSARY. 'Send fbr a Pamphlet. ' 3ml9 200, Dispensaryt A on band by KNAPP* LYNES. 1VJ genuine, BY KNAPP & LTNBS. and Fane, Ac'.; al^cheap lbr CaBlu lyl6 WOOSTZ8B HOUSE New Arrangement, Dr. Larmont's Paris and London CORNER OF MAIN AND WHITE STREET.-, CONVEYANCES. 1WBDICAX. ADVISER AND MAK- Near the Rail Road Depot. G-. STONE'S Utfo fork ^itefaratts. HEW CANAAN NOB|ERY. Accommodation Line. RIAGEOUIDB. VEGETABLE HE Subscribers respectfully solicit the at­ nnWENTIETH edition nearly 400 TP-and 100 Electro- HE Subscriber having leased the above tention of the public to their large Nurse­ named Hotel, is prepared^ receive board­ From Skillin Sf Visscher's Advertising Try Stock, consisting of Apple, Pear, Plum, Ters and transient visiters. The House_is abun- How to Expel Rats.—The last num­ LIQUID CATHARTIC! Agency, [Jlpphlon'nBuilding.'] organs if the male and female-Kidney: lilatlfter, Tlie public do not require to be told tliat a mild, sate Peach, Cherry, Quince and Apricot Trees; dantiv supplied with spring water, and has all °on?iriiFeroua"tubea,1 their number and length, >mpu- ber of the Farm Journal gives a scien­ and reliable cathartic in a liquid form, agreeable to the Raspberry, Gooseberry and Currant Bushes. Danbury & NoTwalk Railroad. • eminne ..... f T»ii\ls Boar, Kat, Beaver, Cainul, the conveniences necessary to make guests taste and one which purges without violence, is a de­ e a New Paper & Stationery Store, - oR WORWALK ! Hors e BUl ^ra Go^G"^ ^ comfortable, and the undersigned leelB conn- tific recipe for clearing a house of rats. sideratum in medieine ; this fact will be admitted by Ornamental Trees. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Doe' and Vish—Prostrate Gland, uborty 333 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK, . dent from the experience that he has had in all. Such a discovery has been often attempted but Norway Spnice, Balsam Fir, Arborvit® V COMMENCING MAY 5,1856. Landing at Rocky JVectr. the Changes i't produces in the system—Instinct, ditU-r- The plan is a chemical one, and the ed­ without success until the introduction of the above na­ ' (Harpers' Buildings.) i:, | ence between Man and Animals, Womb, I regnancy the business of hotel keeping, that he can med remedy...... j Larch, Mountain Ash, Horse Chestnuts, Kims, Trains run daily, (Sundays excepted,) as fol­ THE Steamboat JVORWALK, Capt. George and Parturition. Ovum, Ovaries, Process of Impregna­ itor decribes it as having been put in HE Subscribers have constantly on hand, satisfaction to those who favor him with tneir No patent medicine ever met with such ready appro­ Maples, Weeping Willow, Ac., &c. lows : T. Rodman, on and after TUESDAY, April tion, Foetal Circulation, Puberty, Duration ot \ lnle patronage. JOHN R. FORRESTER. val by physicians as this. Many regular practitioners and offer at wholesale and retail, at the N. B. We would particularly invite the at­ 22, 1856, will leave Pier east side Catharine Power, Impotency and Emissions, Sterility, Causes and force by a friend of his in Boston, to ex­ are using it daily, all of whom have spoken of it in the T N. B.—Warm and Cold Water Baths ready lowest possible rates, a general assortment of tention of Farmers to our large stock ot Apple DANBVBT TO SOUTH NOHWAIK. Slip, East River, daily, (Sundays excepted) at Cure, Barrenness, Causes of Unfruitful Marriages, l.ib- highest terms of praise. Persons for the w&nt of & bet* 1st Passenger at 7.00 A. M.—Arriving at ertinlsm, Self Abuse, Deaths in Parturition, Causes of at-all hours. pel an army of rats, after all other means, ter have been obliged to resort to the use of those dras­ wrapping, writing and printing paper, and a trees for orchard planting, for thriltiness of 3 o'clock, P. M.; returning, will leave Peck s South Norwalk at 8.10 A. M. and connecting Seminal bheases and Debility, Children diseased »y Danbury, 1855: 36 tic nauseous and oftimes injurious purgatives, such as large stock of domestic and staple stationery. growth and selection of varieties, not excelled Dock, Sonth Norwalk, daily. Nurses, Child-bearing, Fruitful months, Color o! tunr, a -•I'JI iji i'i had failed. The following is the ac­ cas'tor oil, salts, senna, jollop, rhubarb, alloes, gamboge with the 7.00 A.M. accommodation train on the 3mJ 2 MILLER & HOLBROOK. LeaveS. Norwalk, at 7 o clock; M.,fare60cts Epilepsy. Temper, Total Abstemiousness, Choice m » count of the affair: &c. all of which cause more or less debility, and fail to New York & New Haven Railroad from New " 38" Partner, Causes of difference of the Sexes, Royal fami­ X.BT US RBASON TOOSTHSB. accomplish the object for which they are taken ; on the ^Persons wishing to purchase, will do well " Rocky Neck,, at 8.15 " Haven. Stopping at all stations. lies, Persians and Mongolans, Marrying Age, Bachelors '• Raising a small board in the door, contrary they often increase the difficulty and render That New Gridiron. -1 to examine our stock or communicate with us Freight taken at reasonable rates and for­ and Old Maids, Formation of Ftetus, i.esemblance in FTr»llo'wav'a Pills. the patient less curable. None of these enter into i\lie 2d Passenger at 4.15 P. M.—Connecting at warded to place of destination promptly, pay­ the Offspring of the Parents, Quackery and Quacks, our friend opened a communication be­ composition or this invaluable remedy. It is composed jef.r. PARCH^GRF"^ HQYT A CO. WHY ARE WE SICK? ROBINSON'S PATENT. South Norwalk with the 4.30 p. M. accommo­ able on delivery of the goods. Spccefics, History of Venereal diseoses, Weakness pecu­ tween the floor and ceiling beneath, of barks, roots and seeds, the medical properties of dation train from New Haven. Stopping at liar to Females, Medicihes in restoring Menstruation, T has beeu.the lot tf the human race to be , which are exactly adapted to the cure of those com­ 66 a GOOD Beef-steak, well cooked, so All persons are forbid trusting any person or Syphilis, Primary and Constitutional Buboes, Gonor- which interior communicated with the plaints for which it is recommended. By a combination all stations. Passengers going East from weighed down by disease and suffering.— .A. seldom appears in the line of most persons on account of said boat and owners^ rhea. Gleet, Retention of Urine, Excoriation, Innocent IROLLOWAY'S PILLS are specially adapted spaces between the side walls and the of those properties the public were put in possession'Of Trees South Norwalk, will take the New York 4.00 without a written order from the Captain 17 and tJnforseen Affections, Strictures, their symptoms, the most valuable preparation ever produced. This men's lives, that we think a very great ad­ Inflammation of the Neck of Bladder, Varicocele, Hy­ to the relief of the WEAK and NERVOUS, the laths and planter over the whole house. p. M. Express train to Bridgeport and New Ha­ medicine is not intended simply as a cathartic ; its val­ vance has been made in civilization by the AT THE SOUTHJVORWALK ven, and the 5.00 ?. M. accommodation train drocele &c., with 140 Illustrative cases, aud certificates DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, Into this opening he placed a dish con­ ue as such is insignificant when compared with its pow­ introduction of a new Gridiron, which enables of the most unparalelled cures ever performed. sexes aud constitutions. Professor Holloway er of purifying the blood from all humors, regulating ST IT R S B R t • to all stations East ot Norwalk. N. Y. & Liverpool Packets. Sold by Stringer & Townsend, 222 Broadway, and taining finely pulverized black oxyd of the action of the bowels, curing Dyspepsia, restoring even a stupid attendant to cook a steak per­ mailed for $1 and three stamps, free of postage, closely personally superintends the manufacture of hia HE Proprietors wish to call the attention 3d Passenger and Freight at 5.40 P. M. fpBIS Line of Packets will hereafter be manganese, and poured over it asuitable the appetite, producing a healthy action of the Liver, fectly well. * # Arriving at South Norwalk in time for Pas­ sealed to any address, by the author, M. IJARMONT, medicines in the United States, and offers them freeing the stomach from bile, and invigorating and This new Gridiron accomplishes three desid- of their customers and the public to their A composed of the following ships, which Physician and Surgeon, No. 42 Reade street, corner of quantity of strong hydrochloric muriatic strengthening the whole system. It is a certain cure T sengers going West to take the 8.^5 P. M. Ex' 290 Broadway, New York, (formerly from Paris and to a free and enlightened people as the best choice stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will sail "from New York on the 6th and from remedy the world ever saw for the removal of acid. The floor board was then replaced for the Piles, and those suffering from that complaint consisting of Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, press Train from New Haven. Passing the liondon.) Address all letters Box No. 844, Post Office should give it a trial. It is also warranted to cure can­ 1. It saves all the gravy of the meat, none 6.00 P. M. Passenger train from South Norwalk Liverpool on the 21st of each month. Mew York. The author cures all the diseases treated disease. The effect of the chemical mixture of ker in its worst forms. For all the diseases of the Bow­ dropping into the tire. Peach, Apricot, Quince, Strawberries, Goose­ Aurora, Captain R. L. Bunting, 1300 on in this work, at his old office, No. 42 Reade street, els it cannot be recommended too highly. In Summer at Ridgefield at 6.43 p. M. corner of 290 Broadway, from 10 A. M. till 9 evening. black oxyd of manganese and hydrochlo­ 2. It cooks the steak through, without burn­ berries, White Blackberries, and black Naples Constantine, Macaduck JJ400 These Pills Purify the Blood. "Complaints, such as Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Mor­ ing the outside. SOUTH KOaVALB TO DANBUHT, Extracts from Editorial Notices of a number ot ric acid, is to disengage in the cold that bus, Sc., it will be found invaluable. Currants. m New World, H. Knight, IJ^OO Newspapers :—"We concur with the other papers in These famous Pills are expressly combined to operate Reader, as sure as the sun rises in east, just so sure 3. It prevents the passage of any smoke in Norway Spruce, White Pine, Balsam Fir, 1st Passenger at 9.20 A. M.—Receiving pas­ Albert Gallatin, Kelly .1500 recommending Dr. Larmont and his work."—[Courrier most powerful deodorising fumigating on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys the lungs, the you will be benefitted by the use of this medicine for the kitchen or house. American Spruce, Arboritas, Weeping willow sengers from the New York and the New Ha­ Ashburton, W. K. Bradish 1000 des Etats Unis, German Die Reform, Sudday Dispatch, skin, and the bowels, correcting any derangement in gas, chlorine, In common with all any of the above complaints, and as sure will it relieve The grand result, as we are made certain by Horse Chestnut, Mountain Ash. ven 7.00 A. M. Accommodation Trains, and Staat s Zeitnng, National Democrat, Day Book, Kssex their functions, purifying the blood, the very fountain of those suffering from Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Tic Do- the judgement of many experts, as well as our arriving at Danbury at 10.30 A. M. Stopping These vessels comprise the very best ships Standard, Rahway Advocate,. Empire City, 1 olice Ga­ life, ami thus curing disease in all its forma, gasses it gradually diffuses itself through lourcux, Gout, headache, and pain in the side and stom­ Also, the pure Red Antwerp, which we war, in the trade and every attention given to en­ zette, New York Pick, New Brunswick Times &c. ach, caused by Flatulency • Loss of Appetite, indiges­ our own more fallible taste, is, that with less rant, and hold ourselves responsible lor its at all stations. _ w R On the first ol May Dr. Larmont will ino\e to Dyspepsia and *Liver Complaints. the air, but having a greater weight tion, general debility &c.j is often produced by wind in 2d Passenger and Freight at 11.20 A. M.— sure the health and comfort of the passengers. the corner of Spring and M-rcer street, adjoining the trouble, meat is broiled better than ever be­ being the pure plant.^ c . Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills — than atmospheric air, it acumulates at the stomach, wliich this remedy will expel at once. It SEYM0UR& 0 Receiviitg Passengers from the 9.00 A. M. train Drafts and Bills ol'exchange for any amount, Prescott House, opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel. Iyi7 is also an excellent remedy for Sea Sickness. Those fore."—Boston Adv. It has been proved in all parts of the world, thatnothing the lowest levels. The tendency of the from New York, and the 9.35 A. M. accommo­ drawn on all the principal Bankers of Europe. has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of th« having occasion to travel by water will find it valuable. Price for the round 10 inches diameter, $2 00 cr We wish to call particular attention to For freight or passage, apply to gass liberated, therefore, was to pene­ MANUFACTURED BY G. W. STONfc & CO., Lowell, Mass. " " square. !) by 14 inches, 2 25 our large stock (beingthe largest in the btate) dation train from New Haven, receiving and A New and Valuable Discovery. liver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. BEEBE & SON, Sole Agents for Norwalk ; Horace CORNELIUS GRINNELL They soon give a hedlthy tone to these organs, however " " oblong, 7 by 16 " 2 00 of dwarf Pears, of 30 or 40,choice varieties. landing passengers and freight at all the Way much, deranged, and when all other means have failed, trate every vacant space between the Taylor, South Norwalk ; H. H. Taylor, Stamford. 21 Stations, and arriving at Danbury at 1.00 P. M. 87 South-street, New York, or to walls and ceiling, and at last found exit " " " 8 by 19 2 50 BOWMAN, GRINNELL & Co. DR. HAM'S {General Debility. Ill Health. District of Fairfield, ss. Probate Court, « •< " 9 by 21 " - 3 00 This train will wait twenty minutes, should in ihe cujiar. T O BiB'Sf ONES ANB either train be delayed as long. Fen wick Chambers, Liverpool, Many of the mo3t despotic Governments have bpened May 7th,1856. We will send by express, prepaid, one or 3d Passenger at 6.00P.M.—Receiving pas­ p. S.—Bills of Exchange or Passage Certifi­ Aromatic Invigorating Spirit. their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, It may be stated that the quantity of of , late of that they may become the medicine of the* masses.—' STATE LOUISA A. BETTS more of these sizes, to any part of the United MONUMENTS sengers from the 4.30 P. M. accommodation cates by the above Line may be procured on HIS delicious beverage is superior to all gas so liberated can exert no injurious E Fairfield, in said District, deceased. States, east of the Mississippi tor not far west invigorating cordials, schnapps, nervines, Learned Colleges admit that his medicine istke bestrem* The Court of Probate for the District of AT train from New Haven, and the 4.00 P. M. application to the Gazette Office. 31 T edy ever known for persons of delicate health, or where effect upon the house or its inmates; of it), on receipt of the price. Boston Express,train from New York, and ar­ &c..in use, for the cure of Dyspepsia, Ner­ the system has been impaired, as its invigorating prop, indeed, the result is rather benficial than Fairfield, hath limited and allowed six months Money may be sent by mail, " registered," The Norwalk Marble Yard, vousness, Heart-burn, Drowsiness, Kidney erties never fail to afford relief, from the date hereof, for the Creditors of said riving at Danbury at 7.10 P. M. Stopping at The best Remedy for Cholera. otherwise upon the general health . at onr risk. JYear the Bridge, JVorwalk, Conn. all stations. Complaint, Melancholy, Delerium Tremens, Female Complaints. Estate, to exhibit their claims for_ settlement. Agents wanted in every County, Town and Intemperance, etc., as it will invigorate and The chemical arrangment described, Those who neglect to present their accounts, EPULCHRAL Monuments*Grave Stones Stages from Ridgefield Centre run to Ridge­ Dr. Blake's Aromatic Bitters. No Female, young or old, should be without this cele­ City in the Union. Circulars, with full-de­ field Station so as to connect with the 7.00 strengthen, but will not intoxicate or stupify. brated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly had not been long in operation, when it properly attested, within said time,willbe de­ scription. sent on application. Address of every variety of patterns, and of the HIS Medicine is too well tested by the Smost skilful workmanship. The best assort­ A. M. and the 4.30 P. M. trains, and return on wide-spread experienceof the public, back­ Persons who have become habituated to the courses at aU periods, acting in many cases likea charm. became evedent that something unusual barred a recovery. All persons indebted to "AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENT AG LNCY CO," T use of Tobacco, Opium and Spirituous Liquors, It is also the best and safest medicine that can b« given said Estate are requested to make immediate 12 79 Duane street, New York. ment of American and Foreign Marble, kept the arrival at the Ridgefield Station of the 9.20 ed by thousands of certificates, to require ar­ to children of all ages, and for any complaint; conse­ was occurred in ratdom. All night long payment to the Subscriber, Administrator on constantly on hand. . . A M. and 6.00 P. M. trains. gument. These " Bitters" afford never failing will find speedy and permanent relief from the quently no family should be without it. desire to use these destroying agents, by.ta- it would seem, says the narrator, as if said Estate. Persons wishing to procure Monuments or HARVEY SMITH, Sup't. relief to the victims of Liver Diseases, Dyspep­ Rich Prairie Farms, any kind of Marble Works, are invited to call Danbury' April 27, 1856. sia, Costiveness, Indigestion, Languor, Loss of king a bottle or two of this Holloway's Piljs are the best remedy known Bedlam had broken loose between the 3t21 BURR H. BETTS. in the world for the following Diseases: partitions of my house.V-^Towards morn­ UNIMPROVED LANDS and give a personal inspection of his material Appetite, General Debility, &c.,—such relief Delicious Medical Beverage. aud workmanship, as this will be more satis­ as can be found in no other medicine. The Asthma Diarrhoea" , Indigestion - ing all had become quiet—the rats had District of Greenwich, ss. Probate Court, AND > ^ 0DK9RI tBBBf Weak and sickly families will find t>F- Ham's Bowel Coipplaipts bropsy . May 15th, 1856. factory tiian to purchase of Agents without undersigned has never heard of asingle fatal Coughs ' Debility ^fla^mat^o vamosed, big aud little, and for a period TOWN IjOTS, IN case of Cholera where the Bitters have been Invigorating Spirit a quick and sure cure for STATE of CURTIS MERRITT, an insol­ an opportunity of testing the quality of the all female difficulties, it being a regenerator Colds Fever and Ague Inward Weakness of nearly three months, not one was vent debtor of Greenwich, in said Dis­ ILLINOIS, IOWA AND ADJOINING STATES, article contracted for.. . N. Y. & N. H. Railroad. freely used. Chest Diseases JTejnale Com- Liver Complaints E as well as strengthener of the human system. Costiveness plaints ^^ownpss of Spirits heard or seen on the premises. trict, assigned in trust for the benefit of his OR sale in great variety, at low prices The Lettering and Ornamental work The "Bitters" are composted of simple ingre­ and on favorable terms. 1856. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, 1856. Each complaint that the Aromatic Invigora­ Dyspepsia Headaches ^—^Piles Creditors under and pursuant to the statute F Is executed by experienced workmen, and dients, and are as harmless as thCJ are effect­ Stone and Gravel Secondary Symp- Venereal Affections Commencing May 5, 1856. ive. Agreeable to the taste, they maj be ad­ ting Cordial is calculated to cure, is named Melons.—The various kinds of melons law of this State, entitled "An Act for the Pamphlet Catalogue Descriptions can warrant it to give entire satisfaction. on the wrappers accompanying each bottle, Worms of all kinds toms ministered with equal safety to children Sold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLIOWAT^ relief of Insolvent Debtors, and for the more of Property, with prices attached, forwarded J. M. SMITH. Trains to New York. and fliH directionsfor use app a)s,o minutely require a light soil, warm and enriched equal distribution of their effects among their adults. They are a delightful tonic, tending 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, ana by peculiar manures. Pasture lauds gratis by mail on application. From JVew Haven. given. by all respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicines Creditors," passed A. D. 1853. t6 invigorate the system, strengthen the stom­ throughout the tJni'ted States, and the civilized have been found to produce abundant­ Our extensive local connections will facili­ Hardware and Cutlery. CCOMMODATION.—At 5.30,7.00and 9.35 ach, purify the blood, and impart a vigorous, Upon the application of said Curtis Merritt, tate giving valuable information of any part Price, One Dollar per Bottle. La boxes, at 25 cents, 62 1-2 cents, and 91 each. . ly, if limed or dressed with house ashes. showing to this Court that he has fully com­ Mechanic's Tools. Farming Utensils, A. m. Local Expres?, and 4.30 p. m. healthy action to the Liver. Tnere is a'considerable saving by taking the lar- of the west to applicants desiring to locate. AThe 7.00 A. M. and 4.30 p. M. trains receives PREPARED BY DR. DARIUS HAM. The hills should not be less than six plied with all provisions and requirements, of For cases of Ship Fever, Sea Sickness, Bil­ srer sizes* „ _ , . Buyers of Illinois Central Railroad Lands Guns, Pistols, Iron and Steel, passengers from the Danbury Railroad at Nor Principal Office, No. 2 Liberty street, New N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every said act incumbent on him to do and perform, ious Colic, &c., the " Bitters" are a sure relief. disorder are affixed to each Box. Iy25 feet apart, and even at this distance the in order to be entitled to have the oath or af­ can avail themselves of the knowledge and ex­ Window Glass, Paints Every ship and hotel medicine chest should be York, where wholesale orders should be ad­ vines if thrifty, will interfere. While firmation provided in the 9th section of said perience of Mr. DUPUY, the late land agent of W^The 9.35 A. M. train receives passengers from provided with this valuable specific, and no dressed. For sale by Druggists throughout .fej. REMOVAL. the melon vine isdn the progress of de. Act, administered to him, that' he may be the company, to supply the difficulty of ma­ " and Oils. the Hartford, Springfield, and Canal Railroads family should be without it, as it is in most the United States. entitled to the benefits and privileges provi­ king judicious selections. HE Subscriber has now in store, and is at New Haven, and from the Naugatuck Rail­ cases cheaper and more effective than a physi- For Sale by JOHN A. WEED, H. N. SBAVER, UBBELL & CO- Jiftvp •rempyefl ft tfcft velopment, it will withstand a sharp de­ Particular attention given to locating war­ Norwalk ; T. B. GRIFFITH, South Norwalk ; Brick Store adjoining the pottery, wms gree of drought without suffering, but in ded in the 10th section of said Act, and that constantly receivinjg direct from the man road at Bridgeport. . H he has not in any way or manner, done or rants, examining lands, furnishing maps and Tufacturess, a large supply of Foreign and Do­ EXPRESS—At 1,50 P. M,, (in connection with C1 These'' Bitters" are a certain annihilator of L. M. MONROE, New Canaan ; J. W. TAYLOR. they are opening an extensive assortment of the fruiting period, it must- have water performed, any act or thing, contrary to the descriptions, payment of taxes, and to a gen­ mestic Goods, under the above denominations, Express Train from Boston,) receiving pas­ all prevalent " Spring Fever." Westport; S. PIKE, Southport, lyll Groceries, Provisions, &c. Thankful to the or the melon will be shrunken. This provisions of said Act, or which should hin­ eral Real Estate Business. which makes his assortment of articles suited sengers from the New London and Canal Rail­ Sold by BEEBE & SON, Norwalk, and by public for past patronage they Bolicit a contin­ can always be avoided by the use of der or prevent him from being entitled to the CHARLES M. DUPUY & CO., to this market, equal to any in the state, and road at New Haven ; from the Housatonic SIDNEY A. MERRILL, South Norwalk. uance of the same. Corner of Michigan avenue & South Water-st., A Beautiful Village Residence, soap suds, or urine, in which gypsum aforesaid benefits and privileges: and pray­ which will be sold either wholeyile or retail, Railroad at Bridgeport, stopping at Bridge­ Notioe. , ing this Court to appoint a time and place near Illinois Cen. R. R. Depot, port, Norwalk and Stamford. At 9.30 p. M., Dr. Sanford's Invigorator FOR SALE ATA SACRIFICE. has been mixed, or water from the barn­ on as favorable terms as can be purchased in where a hearing or enquiry shall be had be­ 3ml2 Chicago, Illinois. New York. For list of articles and prices, stopping at Bridgeport,Norwalk and Stamford. _ ONE of the most desirable resi- JijlL HE Subscribers cpntinup tp run a Packet yard. These not only furnish the vines CHARLES M. DUPUY. DAVID S. OGDEN. S offered to the public as a sure and effect­ to and from New Xork fof the ^ceofnmn? fore said Court, as to the truth of the allega­ purchasers are requested to call and examine SPECIAL TRAINS leave Norwalk at 4.45 and ual remedy for the cure of the following dences in the village ofNorwalk, is offered for T tions aforesaid, and the oath or affirmation - -50 I sale upon very easy terms and for much less dation of the Freighting Public, leaving Pifce with water, but a very grateful stimu­ for themselves. ^ & gmBgT_ 6.00 A. M., and 3.25 P. M. for New York. complaints ; all Bilious Derangements, Dys­ than its value, in consequence of the absence Slip, N. Y. every Saturday, and Norwafk eve­ lant, which never fails to yield an provided in the 9th section of said Act, be by J. H. Thompson's Vj : pepsia, Cholera Morbus, Chronic Diarrhea, him made and submitted. • ' Housatonic Railroad. of the owner. The house was built in the best ry Tuesday. Convenient Firejiroof Storage ebundant return. A fluid which will H A IR D YE. Passengers for Housatonic Railroad will Sour Stomach, General Debility, Female at all tinea. JIUBBELL & CO. Therefore this Court doth order that Monday, FINE assortment of Bohemian Ware, con­ Weakness, &c. For sale by T. B. GRIFFITH, manner and of the best materials; is new answer a similar purpose with these,and the 2d day of June 1856, at 9 o'clock forenoon, HIS Dye is, without any exception theBEST sisting of Vases of most exquisite finish, take the 9.35 A.M., and 4.30 P-TM. trains to most eligibly situatedupon the principalstreet in fact, all the garden vines, can be made South Norwalk and also by SANFORD & Co., at the store of John Banks, Esq., in Banks- T ever manufactured. Nothing sold in notA to be excelled by any in New York City, Bridgeport. J 188 Front-st., N. Y. City. 4m5 of the town. But a small portion of the pur­ Shaving and Hair-dressing. by placing in a barrel a few shovels full ville, in said District, be appointed for the America or Europe of any other make will for the price; Also, a splendid assortment or Danbury 8f JVorwalk Railroad. ' chase money is required down, the rferoainder HE Subscriber is still to be found 'at hia of lien manure, or rich compost, and fil­ faring and enquiry aforesaid, and the admin­ bear the least comparison to it. The proprie­ Bohemian Cologne Bottles from 5s. to $6 the Passengers for the Danbury & Norwalk Rail­ SOUKSTHXNCL NEW 1 can remain on bond and mortgage if desired. pld staqd, west side the Bridge, ready tg istering the oath or affirmation aforesaid, tor publicly guarantees that it will dye red or pair, at T.B.GRIFFITH'S. road will take the 7.00 and 9.35 A.M., and 4.30 For a genteel country residence, few places T ling with water, stir the whole together pursuant tothe Act aforesaid, and directs that grey hair to any shade of brown or black in can surpass it for beauty and desirableness of serve his customers in all the departments pf briskly. Do this several times until the p. M. trains to Norwalk. Important to keepers of Swine. Shaving, Hair Dressing, Head pleansing, &p. notice be given by advertising in two weekly one minute, and that so long as the hair re­ 1 Cheap fbr Cash. HE Subscriber has purchased the sole right location. This is an opportunity to secure a water has the salt of the manure in solu­ newspapers printea in Fairfield County, and by mains upon the head it will not fade or change comfortable home, seldom offered. Fbr further His many years experience in these branches, HE Subscriber would offer for sale, cheap Trains from New Yorlt for Fairfield County, for ABBES' PATENT he deems a sufficient guarantee pf his ability tion, and the liquid is ready. posting a notice thereof on the sign post in color. It differs from all other dyes in its ef­ TPIG TROUGH, which was exhibited at the late particulars apply to the Editor of the Gazette. said Greenwich, nearest tho place where said fect upon the fibres of the hair, as, instead of T for cash, French and American Window For JVew Haven. ' to please all who may favor him with their debtor dwells, at least two weeiw before said Glass, all sizes ; rich Fancy China and Bohe­ Agricultural Fair, and is now prepared to fill patronage. Particular attention paid to the Apple Tree Hedges.—It is said that making the hair harsh, it renders the most ACCOM.—At 7 A.M., 12.30, 3.15 and 4.30 r.M. all orders for them upon very reasonable terms. 2d day of June, 1856. stubborn pliant and tractable. It is beauti­ mian Ware ; fine German Accordeons and Vi- EXPRESS TRAINS—At 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. for NEW MISAT. MARKET. cutting and dressing of children's hair. Sick apple trees make a .hedge equal if not 2t21 AUGUSTUS MBfAD, Jua . °Hns. Call and examiuB.^^^^n Their great value consists in the impossibility persons waited on at their residences. He has ee fully scented with violet, and will not stain Boston, via New Haven, Hartford,Springfield of the Swine wasting a particle of its food.— AVING taken the new building adjoining superior to any thing Blse, and by letting the skin. The following is the . ; and Worcester ; the 8 A. M. stopping at Stam­ the store of Messrs. Allen, Meeker & Co., also, all the leading Journals of the day, for To the Probate Court for the District of One may be seen in use at the stable of the H them grow pretty thick from the seed CERTIFICATE OF DR. CHILTON. v ford and Bridgeport; the 3 P. M. at Stamford, the Subscriber respectfully .cglls the attention sale at his New's Depot. Westport. T ; ^ Parian Ware. Editor of the Gazette, an examination of which GEO. W. JENNINGS. that they will grow scraggy and ugly " Having examined the Hair Dye prepared Norwalk and Bridgeport. will convince all of its great utilityand value. of the public, and especially the inhabitants pf HE application of DAVID S. GRAY, of Norwalk and vicinity, to his establishment.— enough to keep out anything- They by Mr> J. B. Thompson, I can recommend it as HIS rare and most beautiful kind of useful The 8 A. M. train connects with Housatonic, It is so simple that any farmer can construct T said Westport, respectfully showeth : and ornamental Ware, should be seen by Naugatuck, Canal and New London Railroads. H^ intends keeping always a good assortment —That he is Guardian to LTDIA GKAY, being properly prepared, and well calculated them himself. Rights to use and rights for wouid not probably need auy more pru­ to answer the purpose for which it is intended. Tall who have a taste for the beautiful. It is The 3.15 P.M. train connects with Naugatuck of the best quality of meats, served up in the BUILDING LOT HENRIETTA GRAY, ELEANOR GRAY and towns will be sold by the subscriber on appli­ FOR SALE. ning than they would get from the cat­ J AMES. R. CHILI ON, M. D. Chemist. impossible to describe this Ware, it must be Railroad. cation by mail or otherwise. Wit. J. FINL^T, best style. He believes they will greatly con­ FREDERICK GRAY, all of the _ town _ of sult tfyeir interest in buying their meats ofhim; The Building Lot recently owned and tle eating them off/ unless the farmers Westport, Minors belonging to said District, New York, June 8, 1854." seen to be appreciated, ^^^pj-ra. The 4 P. M. connects with New Lonaon is Aeent for their sale in Norwalk. improve from the way they are apt to This certificate from a scientific gentleman Railroad. 18 8 A. J. WHITNEY, having facilities for obtaining my stock at the occupied by Capt. Wm. Allen, on Flax and that said Minors are the owners of the fol­ The 7 and 9 A.M. Accommodation and 4 P.M. lowest prices andi selling for cash, I am confi­ Hill, is offered for sale on very reasona­ treat their young orchards! The advan­ lowing Real Estate, viz: four-tenths of the so well known as Dr. Chilton, renders tv pub­ 3m*j4 Newtown, Ct. lication of any other certificates unnecessary Axes. trains connect with Danbury & Norwalk Rail­ dent in saying I can furnish Customers with ble terms. It consists of about 11-4 acres of tages over the Hawthorn would be a undivided one-third part of the following meats at much lower rates than those who sell as it is a sufficient guaranty of the genuine­ fSoLLINS, Tenicks, Hends and otl^r makes, road at Norwalk. gofld land, with numerous thrifty and well- much quicker growth, easier obtaining real estate, situated in the town of Weston, BUILDING LOTS on credit. My business is transacted on the grbwu'fruit and shacje trees standing thefe^nj Fairfield County, State of Connectictt, and ness of the article. >rith and without handles, Simon's boy's seeds, and quite as hardy and durable. • Sold wholesale and retail by axes and Wtchets, all of which are warranted, Trains from JVorwalk to JVew York.—At most honorable method, the one price system, a well of good and never failipg Wafer, ^rifh bounded and described as follows, to wit: For Sale Cheap & No Humbug! believing one price better than a dozen, beside the cellar and foundation of the former build­ The pomace itself could be sown with­ North on land of Burr Coley, East on Highway J. H. THOMPSON, 6 Warren-st., N. Y. and for sale by . E. VA. CHICHESTER. 4.45, 6, 6.44, 8.15, and 10.53 A. M. (ex.); 2.55 (ex.), 3.25, 5.45 and 10.35 p. M., express. HE Subscriber offers for Sale, Fiv.e Build­ saving a great deal of time in bantering. All ing, flag stone walks, a newly erected picket out separating from the seed, when more South on land of Priscilla Gorham, West on Price $1 and $2 per case. Sent by express ing Lots 33 feet front and rear by 72 feet wh.o wish, can have their meats sent to their fence fronting the same, P. M% and Stonington at 8 o'clock, P. M., or more surface, twice as much as some, Giv® with peculiar interest: in Westport, on the 29th day of July, 1856, at 9 consisting of about 30 acres of good land, on arrival of the mail train which leaves Bos offered in this County of seasonable and "DURE Silver Lead for stovesand machinery o'clock, forenoon; and that notice thereof be T it a trial. "Modern ingenuity has suggested a suitably apportioned for farming operations. ton at 5,30 P. M. at F. H. NASH'S, E. VA. CHICHESTER, Agent. published in some public newspaper near the STew Triumpli! It is located at toe foot of Roton Hill about These steamers are unsurpassed for strength FEBFSCT aOODS. So. JVorwalk, Ct. well kuown method of warmiflg place where such Real Estate lies, three weeks STEINWAY & SONS have just bedta awarded half a mile from the South Norwalk Depot, safety, speed, comfort and elegance. The of­ Many of the goods will be sold at 50 per pent buildings by means of hot.water. Now successively, at least six weeks before said time the first Premium GOLD MEDAL (over all has a comfortable house, good barns, fruit ficers are experienced and attentive. Crockery, China & Glass Ware. less than the regular prices, and at Teas. the north-western parts of Europe are assigned. WILLIAM H. RICHARDS, competitors) at the late Fair of the American trees, well watered, &c.; and will be sola The C. VANDERBILT, from New York- Institute, Crystal Palace, for the best Piano HE Subscribers Jseep constantiy on hand a NE of the largest, richestand best selected warmed in exactly the same manner by 3t21 Judge. cheap and on accommodating terms if immedi­ Monday, .Wednesday and Friday From Sto­ less prices than wet or damaged large supply of frell) TPA?> pf qualities stocks of Crockery, Glass & China Wares, Forte. tflO nington—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, T O the Gulf Stream. The torrid zone is District of Redding ss. Probate Court, ate application is made. „„„ goods are offered. and prices. Don't forget to call at tp be found in Norwalk, can now be seen a| tf LUCRETIA SMITH. The PLYMOUTH ROCK, from New York HOLMES & Co's. the store of t&e subscriber at South' the furnace ; the Carribean Sea and Gulf April 30th, 1856. Fairbanks Platform & Counter —Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. From All are invited to call and examine the together with a general assortment of Groce­ of Mexico the boilers; the Gulf Stream STATE of ALFRED GREGORY, of Red­ Guano, Sec., fbr Gardens. Stonington—Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ding, in §aid District, an assigning, in­ SCALES. goods for themselves, as none will Mexican Guano. ries, &c., all of which will be sold atexc«te&ng- the conducting pipe; from the banks of E UANO, Super-phosphate, &c., put up in Passengers on arrival at Stonington, pro­ ly low prices. G. W. SMITH. solvent debtor. AIRBANKS & CO. have recently opened ceed immediately per railroad to Providence, be urged to buy. HIS celebrated fertilizer, which is pro­ Newfoundland to the shoies of Europe On the application of said Assignee for the a spacious Warehouse at 189 Broadway, pound packages, suitable for Flower and nounced by Agricultural Chemists and F GVegetable G.raen., for «1 , . Boston, Taunton and New Bedfoi'd, in the C. J. GRUMAN. T Zinc Paints. is the great hot air chamber, spread so benefits and privileges provided by the 10th New York, where they offer at wholesale and KANDLFj s Express Mail Train, reaching said places others whp h?ve used it, to be much superior as to present a large surface. Here the section of the act entitled ''An Act for the re­ retail the most complete assortment of Weigh­ several hours in advance of thooe by other to all other varieties, mj b,e had of the sub- HE Subscriber offers a full assortment of lief of insolvent debtors, and for the more ing Apparatus to be found in the United States. the celebrated Zinc Paints, dbmprising beat, conveyed into this warm air cham­ Fresh Garden Seeds. routes, and in ample time for all the early CARPETING. scribeF in .-J T equal distribution of their effects among their Among the articles offie^fed will be found up­ Morning Lines connecting North and East.— snow white, white, pearl pnjj bro^, gfO^ndi^ ber of mid ocean, is taken up by the pre­ creditors." wards of seventy different modifications of HE subscriber owing to the difficulty here­ : Received this day. oil, manufactured by tlie " ffew'feimj !ginp vailing, west winds, and dispersed, O Passengers that prefer it, remain on board the RDERED, That the hearing and inquiry on Fairbank's Scales. Also a great variety of tofore experienced iu procuring genuine steamer, enjoying a night's rest undisturbed, Pumps. Company," and for sale at their loWesft'prices. said application bo had, and the debtor's oath Bakers', Jewelers', Druggists', Grocers', and TGarden Seeds of the most approved varieties * Crossley's Tapestry Brussels. WM. C. STREET. over our own and other countries where breakfasting if desired, and leave Stonington FINE Assortment of Pumps, consisting it is SD much requried. as by statute provided, be made at the Pro­ other scales. Spring Balances, Patent Beams, has been induced to procure a large assort­ in the 7.00 A. M,, train, connecting at Provi­ English patent Tapestry Ingrains, bate Office in Redding, on the 2d day of June; Testers, Weights and Measures, etc. of Well Pumps, Weather Proof for Wells Such, in short, is the influence of the ment, and will hereafter keep on hand all dence with the li A.M., train for Boston, ofA wy depth, both Force and Suction, Hose Sledges and Hammers. 1856, at one o'clock, afternoon, of which all Hay and Coal Scales set in any part of the kinds of choice Garden Seeds, warranted pure Three Ply Superfine, Fine & common Ingrain TONE and Blacksmith's Sledges and Ham­ Gulf Stream upon our climate, that persoas in interest will, take notice, and ap­ country by experienced workmen. Taunton and New Bedford. and Pipe ^tjtach.ed, if wanted; Cistern Pumps and of good quality. H. C. RANDLE. A Baggage Master accompanies the Steamer Stair Carpeting, Mattings, do. various sizes ; Brass ^n.d frpn Cullenders mers, all sizes, just received by Ireland is clothed in robes of evergreen pear (if they see cause,) and "be heard, there­ Wholesale Agents for Brown's Improved S WM. C. STREET. on. -- LEMUEL SANFORD, Judge. Patent Self-heating Rotary Flat Iron. and Train through each way. at F. H. NOSH'S, South JVprywfk. grass, while in the same latitude on the Notice. Through tickets on Mondays, Wednesdays i Oil Cloths, and American side of the Atlantic, is the Orders by mail or otherwise will receive at­ District of Westport, ss. Probate Court, tention. ' i-' FAIRBANK'S & CO., HE Subscriber, having been compelled to and Fridays,for Nantncket, Holmes's Hole and • Paper Hangings. Nails. Feed* Feed* frost bound coast of Labrador. In 1851 May 3d, 1856. relinquish his business on account of ill Wood's Hole, via New Bedford, connecting ttlO 189 Broadway, New York. T The above were purchased at a Bargain and N quantities to suit purchasers, at lowest HE subscribers keeps constantly on hand the harbor of St. John's Newfound­ STATE of CHARITY JUDAH, late health, has disposed ot the same to STEPHEN with the new steamer Eagle Wing. rates, at CHICHESTER'S. every description of Feed, which it will SWANN. of New York, a gentlemen every For passage, berths,-state rooms or freight, I T land, was closed with ice as late in the E of Westport, in said District, deceased. PAINTS, GLASS, will be sold at the lowest possible prices be a pleasure to sell to his customers at all The Court of Probate for the District of way competent to conduct said business,'and application may be made at pier No. 2, North for Cash. HILDREN'S HOSIERY in great variety times and no growling. Give us a call. season as June; yet the port of Liver­ BRUSSXIS!!! worthy the confidence and patronage of my River, at the office, No. 10 Battery-place. Westport, hath limited'and allowed six months . I ; C. J. GRUMAN. at O. S. CLARK'S. HOLMES A CO. pool, two degrees farther north, has from the date hereof; for the Creditors of said Woodward, Pinckney & Clark, ol«jl customers. I will also remain about the C said establishment, for the present, for the never been closed in the severest win­ Estate, to exhibit their claims for settlement. •118 Fulton Street, JVew York, ' ^ • Plated Warp. Salt Salt! Those who neglect to present their accounts, purpose of settling up my accounts, and intro» New York and Liverpool U S. Choice and Selected Teas. ter. The Laplander cultivates barley in Importers of COMPLETE assortment of FJatedGast.ors, properly attested, within said time, will /be ducing my successor to the acquaintance of A A CHESTS of Green arid Black Teas. "I HA SAC$S pf prime Liveypppl Salt, jyist a latitude which in every other part of CHANCES, ENGLISH SHEET AND FRENCH GLASS, those who have so liberally extended tome MAIL STEAMERS. Cake Baskets, Spoons, Butter Knives, &c., 4-UU repeiyed and for sale; ajsp, "" debarred a recovery. AH persons indebted to 4U Coffee and Teas, warranted to please; &c.,A at O. S. CLARK'S. the world is doomed to perpetual sterili­ said Estate are requested to make immediate WHITE LEAD, ZINC, kc., Ac. their patronage during the past nine years. mHE Ships composing this line are the tol* in price and quality, they defy superiority. Sugars I ty. The benefit thus conferred on our Manufacturers of 3tl6 F. BRADLEY. p payment to NOAH W. BRADLEY, J_ lowing: * G. HOLMES & CO. AVE you seen those fine Stockings for 9d Cheaper than ever,'by G. HOLMES & CO."] conntry bv the Gulf Stream, is a remar­ 3t20 Administrator.with the will annexed EXTRA AND GROUND PAINT BRUSHES. - ATLANTIC, Capt. West. PACIFIC, Eldndge. Flower Seeds. a pair at CLARK'S, kable accident in our condition. It ob­ ENGLISH and AMERICAN COLORS, dry * ground BALTIC, Capt. Comstock. ADRIATIC. OODEN Ware and Mats, Sheet Lead and n UTLERY.—A splendid assortment of A- These ships have been built by contract ex­ viously depends upon the Gulf Stream Good Books Delight, Instruct & Refine. in oil, imported expressly for the trade, ADIES can obtain any description of Lead Pipe, at F.H.NASH'S. kOWPER and Shot, Patent Fuse, Caps.&c merican and English Cntlery, both table Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Roses, &c., on ap­ pressly for Government seryice._ Every care- W South Norwalk: C of Mexico continuing to be a Gulf, ,, which we offer on the most favorable L at - OLMSTEAD'S. and pocket. Please call and examine, at W T plication to H, C. RANDLE. bas been taken in their construction,as also in CHICHESTER'S. which, however, it might easily cease How AND HERE TO PROCURE HEM, terms. their engines., to insure strength, and. speed, Lime! Lime! Iron and Steel.. to be. A subsidence of the Isthmus of All goods warranted as represented. r'&LtM and Mould Candles, superior arti­ and their accommodations for passengers Please send for a copy of our cles, for sale by the Box or less quantity, unequalled for elegance and eomfort. Price ot LENS FALLS, Wood's and Hill's Lime, FULL assortment of Iron an,d Steel sni£ Qyst#rj?*ei|. Panama to the extent of a couple of , "Orders by Mail promptly attended to. S for sale by the Bushel, Barrel or Load, ed to this market, just received and for ® 3mU by HUBBELL & CO., Phoenix Block. passage from New York to Liverpool in first a A RINTEP Blanks for transfer- qf Qfqiidi hundred feet—and such subsidencies delivered if desired, at as low prices as can be Illustrated Catalogue! class eabin, $130, in second do. $75, exclusive gale by WM. C. STREET. P may be had at the Gazette Office r of have taken place in the geological times had from the kiln's, by T. B. GRIFFITH, South Norwalk. S3 of ISO different works, suitable for Family MEALIO, HATTER7 "VTEW Goods received this day, the balance use ot extra sijse staterooms, $325 ; from Liv­ CHAS. T- LEONARD. all over the world, would allow the equa­ and Fireside Reading, and embracing J3I of those cheap goods, an immense stock erpool to New York, 30 and 20 guineas. An O. 416 Broadway, New York, three doors Plastering Hair NEW assortment of Crockery.Chi® and torial current of the Atlantic to pass thro' Popular American Biographies, Nar­ now on hand. C. J. GRUMAN. experienced surgeon att&cbed to each ship. a superior quality, at wholesale or retail, from the New Haven Railroad Depot. No berth secured until paid for. Alpacas. Glass W are ,just ree'd, by into-'the Pacific, instead of being reflec­ rative^ and Ti avels, Agriculture, N U by CHAS. T. LEONARD. A Mealio's Spring Hats for 1856 ' For Sale. For freight or passage apply to JJP^ARD R A PIECES Black Alpacas, a great bar- ALLEN,MEEKER. - CO. ted back to our coasts. Britain would Temperance, Law, and School, Books are now ready, and he is prepared to offer to QUANTITY of Stable Manure. Enquire H.. COLLINS & Co., No. 56 Wall-st., W, ?, t)U gain from'ls. 6d. to 50cts., goods worth ALF Skins and Cattle Hides waniea, for then become a Labrador, and ceas to be for the Young, beautifully Printed his patronsand the public an assortment which, BROWN, SHIPLY & Co., Liverpool; E. G. ROB­ double jt.he money. C.J. GRUMAN. which the highest cash prices will be paid A at the Gazette Office. 3tl8* ERTS & Co., NO. 13 King's Arms Yard, London the seat of a numeious and powerful and Illustrated Family Bibles, Re­ for Cby S- E. OLMSTEAD. A DO BOXES American, Frenc and Bng- people." ligious Books, Standard and Select Elegance, Style and Durability, Cement, Plaster, &c. JOHN MONROE ft Co., Rue Notre Dame des lish window glass, assr-'ted, from Victories, Paris, or GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. OARSE (Gray) Rock Salt, for sale in any re, s Poetry, and a choice variety cf Mis­ ALL at the Store of C. I. GppW-N, if you 6x8 to 26x32. for sale at manufact ' prices cannot be surpassed. His long'experience in EMENT. Calcined Plaster and Marble Dnst, The owners of these ships will not be ac­ want good and perfect goods at less prices C quantity, by HUBBELL & CO. WM.mil. Cu STREET. Broke her Ribs.—The Bardstown cellaneous BOOKS. the business guarantees his patrons a superb C by the Bushel, Barrel or Load; for sale countable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jew­ Cthan ever offered before in this State* (Ky.) Gazette, says that a very singular WE WILL SEND IT WITHOUT CHARGE. article of his own manufacture, and his facili- by CHAS. T. LEONARD. elry, precious stones and metals, unless bills ' ' Brusiitfs. 'RlTTANiir Japan'd and ,liver Plated ities for the Importation of the finest quality of lading a*e signed therefor, and the value occurrence has happened, and occasioned It contains a full description of the best New Dress Trimmings AIR, Nail, Tooth, Flesh, Shaving, Clothes B'Wftfpg,: ppgjish and America Kmves and standard works on the above important sub­ of FREJ\ CH FELT HA TS, on the most fa­ Wanted to Hire. thereof therein expressed. and Shoe Brushes. In fact the largest Fork: much talk, in an adjacent county.— vorable terms, being unsurpassed, he with con­ ECEIVED every week, at the new Fancy H ' Soith Norwalk. jects, with their prices, and in a form conve­ ROM Three to Five Acres of good Pasture Shippers will please ts&e notice that the assortment in town, at the Dispensary. Some time since a preacher, and a most nient for reference and preservation. Every fidence assures his patrons the utmost saticfac- ships of this line cannot carry any goods con­ Goods Store, Main-street, next Door to BF.EBE & Sox. tion. He has also Children's Hats, Caps Land, well fenced and watered, not more R excellent man became much concerned reader and book-buyer, should have it. Fthan one mile distant from the Bridge, West traband of war. George Hoyt's Shoe store. Call and see, as I Lime, on a :count of the spiritual condition of We will send any of our books, Postage Umbrellas, Canes, Valises, and all other ar­ will not- t>P ujidersohl. ticles in the line, in great variety. 3ml4 side preferred. Enquire at the Gazette Office. Prints. W the Barrel or sma^ntUy,a^g( ; one of Ins female flock, a very exemplary prepaid, on receipt of the advertised price, AVE YOU SEEN those 50 cents Clocks Buttons, Bnttoaag, N immense stock of English and American lady, and hugued her so zealously that which may be sent to us by mail. STRAW GOODS, Rich Stella Shawls, at O. S. CLARK'S new store, if not. call South Norwalk. $nd get one, warranted perfect time keepers. RESS Buttons, Boy's Jacket Buttons,Coat Prints will be sold at a great sacrifice. he broke her ribs ! By judicious treat­ Ours are the Best Books for Agents, Ribbons & Millinery Goods for Cash HITE, Blue, Green, Drab and Scarlet H " r rf ' P. f GRUMAN. Centres, very cheap at and Vesi Buttons, Pearl Buttons. Agate UTTEKaudCheese ment she was set all right. Lately, because they are adapted to the wants of the OMER & KETCHUM are receiving direct W lot of Gloves and Hosiery from DButtons, Silk Buttons, Whalebone Buttons, people. Full particulars and practical In­ Westport, April 7. MOULTON'S. Auction, at about half the usual price. Umbrellas, B when the husband retimed home, he H from PARIS for their Spring Sales, Paper Buttons, Glass Buttons, Gilt Bnttons, structions to Agents sent gratis, on application at O. S. CLARK'S. Mosaic Buttons, and Buttons, at NE of the finest, if not the largest stocks Alexander's Kid Gloves. found that the reverend gentleman had to Straw Goods,French Flowers,Ribbons, Canary Seed. O. S. CLAKK. O of Umbrellas to be found in this market, HESE celebrated Tloves for sale in^any again t een there and again broken MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, Publishers, &c., of surpassing beauty, which they are offer­ BUSHELS Canary Seed, just received, Front Brick. may be seen at the Hat and Cap Emporium of his wife's libs! We are assured these 25 Park Row, New York, or 107 Genesee-st., ing exclusively for CASH. Country Merchants 10 at the Dispensary. BEEBE & SON. quantity, by <>• S- CLARK. SUPPLY of good Front Brick, for sal* Ginghams. H. C. RANDLE. T things have actually occurred, strange Auburn, N. Y. 4t20 and Milliners, adopting the CASH SYSTEM of r\AAA Yards French Ginghams, one yard ' ALSO, A superior assortment of gents Win business, will find it highly advantageous to LOVE#, Timothy, and Red Top Seeds, at cheap; also, common Hard and Pale Brick D EOIT e he as they may seem, and the parties are A ter Gloves, cheap. ™ j '^ " o"fsT^"r' YRENGES, all sizes, at the purchase their goods at No. 64 and 65 John C S. E. OLMSTEAD'S. b, «* „«go or l«s ^'^0NiUlD 20W D persons of the highest respectability s Dispensary. street, corner of Williai*,New York. 3mI4 April 14, 1856. r'