ROGLOG FNewsletter of the IUCN/SSC Specialist Group

Habitat change and amphibian conservation in the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, Brazil Moacir S. Tinoco, Henrique C. Browne Ribeiro, Rodrigo Cerqueira, Vol 89 Oct 2008 Marcelo A. Dias, Itaquaracy A. Nascimento What’s Inside dyllic weather invites an early morning walk on the sandy Ibeaches of the coast of Bahia. Tourists experiencing the Cover story beach can’t imagine that about 10 Habitat change and amphbian con- cm below the sand surface lies a tiny servation in Bahia, Brazil Page 1 – the four eyed frog (Pleurodema diplolistris). This anuran digs into the Seed Grant Reports clean, clear sand, searching for mois- Malformations in Sri Lankan Page 4 ture and escaping the heat of the day. Every year thousands of people visit DAPTF Seed Grants Page 5 this part of the country; this increas- ing popularity is stimulating all types Around the World of human development, which results Possible competition between two in severe habitat change and loss. of frogs in the Restinga The northeast of Bahia houses a Islands Page 6 unique ecosystem – the Restinga. Bahia contains around 4% Seven new species of Ecuadorian of all Restinga in Brazil glassfrogs discovered Page 7 (SCHINEIDER and TEIXEIRA, 2001), Announcements including a portion of Dr SD Biju receives 2008 Sabin this habitat in the At- Award for Amphibian Conservation lantic Forest, classified Page 10 as a high biological importance area (SOS, Instructions to Authors Page 12 2008). Four eyed frog, Pleurodema diplolistris

1 Habitat Change and amphibian conservation in Bahia, Brazil Continued from Cover page rent protected areas network. Because the Restinga is a hot Field work consists of sur- and dry ecosystem, amphib- veying anurans within the re- ians have specific requirements gion, classifying species threats for the resources there. The and population dynamics, as maintenance of these habitats well as applying environmen- is crucial for the conservation tal techniques to reduce habi- of this (ROCHA tat loss and minimize the risks Allobates olfersioides to ecological commu- nities, by preserving or auspices of the Centro ECOA restoring habitats. we are conducting the Pro- We are covering 19 Restinga, an NGO project localities in eight coast- working alongside IBAMA al municipalities, from (National Environmental In- Salvador to Jandaíra on stitute) and ICMBio (Chico a long term study that Mendes Biodiversity Insti- began in January 2005 tute), to create protected ar- and is ongoing. The eas in the region. These will et al., 2007). As a result of their study area includes all Rest- represent the first PA’s with adaptations and environmental inga habitat types (sand dune integral protection and may quality requirements, habitat beaches; scrub vegetation; serve as important refuge for degradation and loss represent ponds; and dry forest). endangered and a big threat to frogs. These studies will help us to other . These areas identify priorites for amphib- are intended to cover 1/3 of Tourists can’t imag- ian conservation within the the total Restinga range, with ine that 10cm below region. Most of the protected over 78,000 ha protected. areas allow sustainable the surface of the use, which compro- sand lies a tiny frog mises species survival because of intense habi- There is a pressing need to tat change promoted by measure to what extent habitat urban and tourism de- changes are affecting amphib- velopment. Therefore, ian populations and communi- understanding species ties, and find out which species geographic distribu- are suffering its direct effects. tions is crucial to direct Leptodactylus troglodytes The aim of this study is to in- and reinforce conserva- vestigate the impact of habitat tion public policies. There are some significant loss on anurans along 220 km In addition to environmen- outcomes from the project: of coast covering the entire cur- tal management, under the During the last three years we

2 Habitat change and amphibian conservation in Bahia, Brazil Continued from previous page abundance. However, even P. components (Restinga scrub have censused over 2,000 indi- diplolistris and L. troglodytes, and temporary pond). viduals from 49 anuran and 1 which occurred in high densi- • Structural complexity within species, representing ties on preserved habitats, were Restinga (large scrub vegeta- over 5% of Brazilian diversity. absent from sites further south tion surrounded by “blow- For the next three years, the with more human pressure. outs” formations (ME- project will focus on five tar- Therefore, species were well NEZES, 2007)) influenced get species. Our preliminary represented in the far north, the persistence of anurans, results indicate that these are where human development especially P. melanomystax the most threatened by the en- has not yet resulted in exten- which is endemic to the eco- vironmental loss in the region: sive habitat change. system in the states of Bahia Allobates olfersioides, Phyl- and Sergipe (IUCN, 2008). lodytes melanomystax, Hyal- • We strongly recommend, inobatrachium eurygnathum, in the short term, measures Pleurodema diplolistris and to create public and private Leptodactylus troglodytes. protected areas, to preserve, These frogs exhibit specific study, monitor and describe habitat use strategies within population trends for these Hyalinobatrachium eurygnathum this ecosystem. The first three amphibian species in the re- are closely tied to bromeliad gion. species’ (Hohenbergia littora- eneral findings to date in- lis, CR), endemic to this por- Gclude: Corresponding author: moacir- tion of the Atlantic Forest. • Landscape context is im- [email protected]; moacirst@ Pleurodema diplolistris lives portant for amphibians — buried into the sand to escape conditions in the matrix in- dehydration, especially during fluence their presence and Acknowledgements the dry season, and L. troglo- abundance in remnants. We thank Centro ECOA –UC- dytes depends on the quality • Larger remnants supported SAL – coordination for pro- of permanent and temporary more amphibians. How- moting amphibian conserva- ponds throughout the year. ever, smaller heterogeneous tion in Bahia; IBAMA for the We have already found that remnants were used by partnership. APA de Mangue H. eurygnathum (not previ- many species for shelter Seco management council, for ously described for the re- and breeding. the support; Lacerta Ambi- gion), Allobates olfersioides, • Important interactions oc- ental for the financial aids on and P. melanomystax are curred between patches and projects; Dr. Richard Griffiths, strongly associated with bro- amphibians. Many species DICE/Kent for helping on this meliad abundance, and where occurred in the matrix be- article and especially the IUCN/ these plants are removed frogs cause of the spatial juxta- SSC ASG for the opportunity. are absent or exhibit very low position of two landscape

3 Seed Grant Reports Limb malformations in Microhylids in Mihintale, Sri Lanka Anslem de Silva, W.P.R. Chandrathna, H.M.N. Chalaochani, M.M Gooneksekera, T.V Sundarabarathi & S. Nathaneal

reliminary studies on mal- FAMILY: MICROHYLI- Pformations, abnormalities, DAE Günther, 1858 injuries and parasitic infections : Gray, 1831 in amphibians in the country Kaloula taprobanica (Com- by one of the authors (Anslem mon bull frog) checked 21 de Silva) have observed mal- specimens and malformations formed and parasitic infected observed in 1 (5 %). amphibians in several loca- Genus: Microhyla Tschudi, tions of the country. This com- 1838 munication is on the investi- Microhyla rubra (Red nar- gations conducted from May row mouth frog) checked 9 to August 2008 on congenital specimens and malformations malformations in Microhylids observed in 1 (11 %) inhabiting the campus park Figure 2. Ecotmelia in hind limb of the Rajarata University and within a one kilometre radius from the campus, located in were identified using the guide Mihintale (80021’ 11.7’’N by Meteyer (2000. Field Guide and 080 30’ 09.6’’ E) in the to Malformation of Frogs and dry zone lowlands (150-170 m Toads. Biological Science Re- above sea level), in Sri Lanka. port). The following malformations

Figure 3. Ectrodactly in Ramanella variegata

Genus: Ramanella Rao and Ramanna, 1925 Ramanella variegata (White- bellied pug snout frog) checked 79 specimens and malforma- tions observed in 9 (11%) Genus: Dumeril and Bibron, 1841 (Balloon Figure 1. Ectomelia in hind limb

4 Seed Grants

Limb malformations in Sri Lanka Continued from previous page etc) in Sri Lanka. A number of research articles on mal- formations due to the effects of agrochemicals and Trema- todes which acts at the ‘limb- bud’ during its formation are available in Froglog past is- sues. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used extensively in agriculture and plantations in Mihintale area where there are many paddy and maize Figure 4. Missing finger inK aloula taprobanica fields and vegetable cultiva- tions. Presently detail inves- frog) checked 8 specimens and (Figure 4). The first report on tigations are in progress on malformations observed in 1 malformations of Ramanella these aspects. (13%) variegata from Mihintale on Of the deformities observed missing fingers was reported Corresponding author: in our preliminary series, three by Chalalochni (2007). Ra- Anslem de Silva: kalds@slt- specimens of Ramanella varie- diography of the malformed gata and one Microhyla rubra frogs showed that the bones had ectromelia in the hind limb of the particular malformed Acknowledgements (Figure 1 & 2) and six specimens limb when compared to the The Amphibian Conservation had missing digits (fingers and normal limb were smaller Seed Grant to the first author toes). Ectrodactyly in Ramanella (Figure 5). A high rate of and permission for the study variegata (Figure 3) and miss- agrochemicals is used in ag- granted by the Dept of Wild- ing finger inKaloula taprobanica riculture and plantations (tea life Conservation.

DAPTF Seed Grants Tim Halliday Gibble, R. E., Rollins-Smith, Hartel, T. (2008) Weather ecipients of DAPTF Seed L. & Baer, K. N. (2008) Devel- conditions, breeding date RGrants are generally expect- opment of an assay for testing and population fluctuation ed to publish the results of their the antimicrobial activity of skin in Rana dalmatina from cen- projects in refereed journals, or as peptides against the amphibian tral Romania. Herpetol. J: articles in Froglog. The following chytrid fungus (Batrachochy- 18; 40-44. papers report work supported by trium dendrobatidis) using Xe- ([email protected]) DAPTF Seed Grants awarded to nopus laevis. Ecotoxicology & Rebekah Gibble (2004) and Ti- Envtl. Safety: 71; 506-513. bor Hartel (2004): ([email protected])

5 Around the World Possible competition between two frog species in the Seychelles Islands Justin Gerlach

ix species of frog are re- Scorded from the Seychelles islands, the four endemic are all consid- ered to be Vulnerable and are restricted to high forest. The other two species are largely lowland species. The tree frog Tachycnemis seychellensis is widespread in lowland marsh- es on four islands and is con- sidered Least Concern, it also Tree frog Tachycnemis seychellensis occurs along mountain rivers and streams. The Mascarene frog Ptychadena mascariensis of larger in the stream Mascarene frogs may have is abundant in lowland habi- and some of these were collected the potential to exclude tree tats and was probably intro- and reared. Half of the tadpoles frogs. Competition could duced in the 19th century. were Mascarene frogs and half explain the scarcity of tree Although the tree frog is tree frogs. The Mascarene frogs frogs in lowland areas of Sil- frequently heard along moun- developed rapidly, leaving the houette where Mascarene tain streams on Mahé, Praslin water in a few days. In contrast, frogs are highly abundant. and La Digue and in lowland development of the tree frogs was Mascarene frogs have been marshes on the latter two is- extremely slow. recorded as far as 550m lands, it is very rarely encoun- The two species are ecologically above sea level these have tered on Silhouette island. separated as adults (Mascarene only been isolated individu- Over the past 10 years there frogs feeding in low vegetation als and it may unlikely that have been only four sight- and tree frogs feeding at least 1m they will exclude tree frogs ings of the species on Sil- above ground) and the mouth- from higher altitudes. Re- houette, three from within parts of the tadpoles indicate at search is continuing into the main settlement on the least some larval nice separation. the larval ecology of the two island. These have all been However, the extreme differences frogs to determine under single adult females and no in developmental rate suggest which conditions competi- calling males have been lo- that there is scope for significant tion may be important. cated. In July 2008 a female competition between the larvae if was found near a stream in resources are limiting. This may Author email: jstgerlach@ the settlement. Closer exami- mean that the highly abundant, nation revealed the presence adaptable and fast developing

6 Seven new species of Ecuadorian glassfrogs discovered: Future uncertain Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia Nymphargus laurae (IUCN urveys developed by Ec- 2008). While diseases have Suadorian researchers over been linked to some glass- the last two years resulted in frogs’ population declines the discovery of seven new (e.g., Lips et al., 2006), causes species of Glassfrogs and the for most declines are uncer- first country-reports of eight tain and remain poorly stud- species (Cisneros-Heredia & ied (Bustamante et al., 2005; McDiarmid, 2007 and cita- Nymphargus cochranae IUCN 2008). tions therein; Bustamante et © Roy McDiarmid al. 2007; Cisneros-Heredia & Morales-Mite, 2008; Yánez- cal America and with over 140 Muñoz & Cisneros-Heredia species constitute one of the 2008; Cisneros-Heredia et al. most diverse families (Frost, in press). These studies were 2008). Currently, 46 species of developed by the Museo Ecu- Glassfrogs are known to inhab- atoriano de Ciencias Naturales it Ecuador (Cisneros-Heredia

(Ecuador’s national museum), and McDiarmid 2007; Co- Centrolene Mariaelenae King’s College London, and loma 2008; Frost 2008). Six © Jesse Delia Universidad San Francisco de of the new species (Centrolene Quito in coordination with condor, Centrolene durrellorum, researchers from other insti- Centrolene mariaelenae, Co- Rapid destruction of natu- tutions, i.e. US Geological chranella amelie, ral habitats is one of the most Survey and Pontificia Univer- sp. nov. Cisneros-Heredia et serious human-generated fac- sidad Católica del Ecuador. al. in press, Nymphargus lau- tors threatening biodiversity rae) and three of the recently (IUCN, 2008). Deforestation recorded species (Centrolene alters energy budgets and wa- medemi, Cochranella oyampi- ter cycles, changing local cli- ensis, Hyalinobatrachium rue- mate patterns (Lawton et al., dai) were found on eastern Ec- 2001). Despite being iden- uador, one of the least known tified as a major threat for areas in the country. amphibians together with in- About 40% of the Cen- fectious diseases and climate Centrolene durrellorum © Mario trolenidae are threatened by change (Stuart et al., 2004; Yánez-Muñoz , including three Lips et al., 2005); very few of the recently-described spe- research and conservation ef- Glassfrogs (family Centro- cies: Centrolene mariaelenae, forts have focussed on the ef- lenidae) are endemic to tropi- Centrolene durrellorum, and fects of habitat loss and the

7 Seven new Species of Ecuadorian Glassfrogs discovered Continued from previous page ready reduced up to 40% of ian populations, not just de- importance of in-situ conserva- the distribution ranges of all stroying natural ecosystems tion (Gardner et al., 2007; Bick- studied species. Models were but greatly diminishing the ford et al., 2008). Most attention developed using climate and capacity of species to adapt has been on infectious diseases, elevation data at a resolution to future changes, such as their link with climate change of 30 arc-seconds and the climate change. It should be and the development of expen- most recent deforestation consider a primary factor in sive ex-situ initiatives (Lips et al., map of Ecuador (2001). Re- amphibian declines (Bick- 2008; Mendelson et al., 2006; sults indicate that deforesta- ford et al. 2008) and not re- Pounds et al., 2006). tion has intensively affected garded beyond other threats the eastern Andean foothills such as diseases. In-situ con- (300–800 m above sea level), servation actions must be in- upper montane forests and corporated in every conser- inter-Andean valleys (above vation plan and lead ahead 2000 m a.s.l.), and the north- of ex-situ actions. In Ecua- ern Amazonian lowlands of dor, public protected areas Ecuador. Predictions suggest part of the National System that almost half of the habi- of Protected Areas (SNAP) tats suitable for Centrolene significantly mitigate the Hyalinobatrachium ruedai © Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia audax, Centrolene buckleyi, impact of habitat loss by Centrolene mariaelenae, Co- conserving large areas with A study developed to predict chranella flavopunctata, Hy- high species richness that in the distribution of glassfrogs alinobatrachium pellucidum, the future may help to miti- from eastern Ecuador and to esti- and Nymphargus cochranae mate the impacts of deforestation have been deforested. These (Cisneros-Heredia, 2008) show species have been reported that deforestation may have al- as largely absent in histori- cal localities and are considered threat- ened (Bustamante et al. 2005; Cisneros- Heredia and McDi- armid 2007; IUCN 2008).

Habitat loss rep- Predicted deforestation in relation resents a significant to the impacted centrolenid species Predicted distribution ranges for Cochranella fla- factor that threatens richness. Green areas = SNAP. Light to vopunctata (left) and Centrolene buckleyi (right). Green dark blue scale from 1 to 8 sympatric = Remaining areas; Red = Areas lost to deforestation; the long-term con- species. Notice the few areas defor- Dark Gray = Forested areas of Ecuador; Light gray = servation of amphib- ested inside protected areas. General Deforestation in Ecuador. Green lines = SNAP.

8 Seven new Species of Ecuadorian Glassfrogs discovered Continued from previous page McDiarmid, R. W. (2007) gate climate change impacts. References Revision of the characters of The SNAP is not a perfect Bickford, D. et al. (2008) Centrolenidae (Amphibia: system, but if not for its exis- Forgetting Habitat Loss in Anura: Athesphatanura), tence, more hectares of forests Amphibian – with comments on its taxon- would have been destroyed al- Missing the Forest for the Dis- omy and the description of ready. ease. Response to Lips, K., Dif- new taxa of glassfrogs. Zoot- fendorfer, J., Mendelson III, J. axa, 1572: 1–82. Acknowledgements. R. and Sears, M. W. (2008) Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. I am thankful to M. Yánez- Riding the wave: Reconciling and Morales-Mite, M. A. Muñoz, R. W. McDiarmid, the roles of disease and climate (2008) A new species of glass- J. Delia, M. Ortega-Andrade, change in amphibian declines. frog from the elfin forests of and M. Mulligan for their PLoS Biology, 6(3): e72. the Cordillera del Cóndor, continuous support. To all Bustamante, M. R., Ron, S. southeastern Ecuador (Anu- curators and institutions R. and Coloma, L. A. (2005) ra: Centrolenidae). Herpeto- that provided access to speci- Cambios en la diversidad de zoa, 21(1/2): 49–56. mens and information (see siete comunidades de anuros Cisneros-Heredia, D. F., Cisneros-Heredia & McDi- en los Andes de Ecuador. Bio- Venegas, P. J., Rada, M. and armid 2007 for a complete tropica, 37(2): 180–189. Schulte, R. (in press) A new list), to J. M. Guayasamin, F. Bustamante, M.R., Cisneros- species of glassfrog (Anura: Nogales, and J. Valencia for Heredia, D. F., Yanez-Muñoz, Centrolenidae) from the their helpful comments, and M.H., Ortega-Andrade, H.M. Foothill Andean forests of to M. Yánez-Muñoz, R. W. and Guayasamin, J.M. (2007) Ecuador and Peru. Herpeto- McDiarmid, and J. Delia for Amphibia, Anura, Centroleni- logica, 64(3), 341–353. their photographs. Financial dae, Cochranella pulverata, Coloma, L. A. (2008) An- support was kindly provided Hyalinobatrachium aureogut- fibios de Ecuador. Ver. 2.0 by M. E. Heredia; L. Here- tatum: distribution extension, Museo de Zoología, Pontifi- dia; the Smithsonian Wom- Ecuador. CheckList, 3(3): cia Universidad Católica del en’s Committee, the 2002 271–276. Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador. Research Training Program Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. [Online] Available at E. Train Education for Na- for in-situ conservation. A case [Accessed 09 October 2008]. ture Program—WWF; Con- study with Glassfrogs from Frost, D. R. (2008) Am- servation International; and eastern Ecuador (Amphibia: phibian Species of the World: the “Fernando Ortíz-Crespo” Anura: Centrolenidae). Thesis an Online Reference. Version Endangered Species Program (MSc), King’s College Lon- 5.2. American Museum of managed by EcoCiencia and don, UK. Natural History, New York. Conservation International. Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. and [Online] Available at http://

9 Seven new Species of Ecuadorian Glassfrogs discovered Continued from previous page cloud forests. Science, 294: Biology, 6 (3): e72. 584–587. Mendelson, J. R. et al. (2006) tology/amphibia/index. Lips, K. R., Burrowes, P. A., Confronting amphibian de- php. [Accessed 09 October Mendelson III, J. R. and Par- clines and extinctions. Science, 2008]. ra-Olea, G. (2005) Amphibi- 313, 48. Gardner, T. A., Barlow, J. an declines in Latin America: Pounds, J. A. et al. (2006) and Peres, C. A. (2007) Par- widespread declines, extinc- Widespread amphibian extinc- adox, presumption and pit- tions and impacts. Biotropi- tions from epidemic disease falls in : ca, 37(2), 163–165. driven by global warming. Na- the importance of habitat Lips K. R., Brem, F., Brenes, ture, 439: 161–167. change for amphibians and R., Reeve, J. D. and Alford, Stuart, S. N. et al. (2004) reptiles. Biological Conser- R. A. (2006) Emerging infec- Status and trends of amphib- vation, 138, 166–179. tious disease and the loss of ian declines and extinctions IUCN (2008) 2008 IUCN biodiversity in a Neotropi- worldwide. Science, 306, Red List of Threatened Spe- cal amphibian community. 1783–1786. cies. [Online] Available at Proceedings of the National Yanez-Muñoz, M.H. and http://www.iucnredlist. Academy of Science USA, Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. (2008) org. [Accessed 09 October 103, 3165–3170. Amphibia, Anura, Centroleni- 2008]. Lips, K. R., Diffendorfer, dae, Cochranella orejuela: First Lawton, R. O., Nair, U. S., J., Mendelson III, J.R., Sears, country records from Ecuador. Pielke, R. A. and Welch., R M.W. (2008) Riding the CheckList, 4(1): 50–54. M. (2001) Climatic impact wave: Reconciling the roles of tropical lowland defores- of disease and climate change Author email: diegofrancis- tation on nearby montane in amphibian declines. PLoS [email protected]

Announcements Dr SD Biju receives Sabin Award for Amphibian Conservation n 17 September, 30 guests Dr Biju was selected from a Ogathered at the North Ca- pool of outstanding candidates bana of the Maritime Hotel in from around the world to receive New York to honor the 2008 the Sabin Award for Amphib- recipient of the Sabin Award ian Conservation. This Award, for Amphibian Conservation: which is in its second year, was . Dr Biju instigated by the ASG to recog- treated the guests an inspiring nize an individual or group that and visually stunning presenta- has made a significant contribu- tion about his discoveries in the tion to amphibian conservation . and/or research.

10 Dr SD Biju Receives Sabin Award Continued from previous page now leading an entirely new frog fam- a research ily (Nasikabatrachidae, ‘the group at the ’), sent ripples University through the entire scientific of Delhi as community and also caught an associate international attention of the professor. popular press. This species When he was described as a ‘the coela- initiated his canth of frogs’ and ‘a once in research in a century find’. Biju’s prolific the West- outputs brought a fresh fasci-

Claude Gascon addresses the guests ern Ghats, nation for amphibians among there was many Indian scientists and This years’ Award recognizes very little forest officials, and provided Dr. Biju’s extreme dedication objective evidence for assess- the ‘push’ needed to increase to discovering and conserv- ing conservation priorities of the pace of amphibian re- ing the amphibian fauna of the amphibian fauna. Biju search in . The borrow- the rapidly vanishing Western conducted over 1000 field ing purple frog also has im- Ghats biodiversity hotspot. visits throughout the For fifteen years , Dr. Biju Western Ghats and has been tirelessly working to documented over document the amphibians of 850 distinct popula- the Western Ghats, often using tions of amphibians. his personal earnings to fund Through directed his explorations. His mission: field expeditions, he to document and propose con- tracked and re-dis- servation priorities through covered rare species scientific methods. When he which were known started his self-funded research only from century project, he worked as a plant old descriptions. systematist in Tropical Botanic After 15 years of Garden and Research Institute exploration and re- in . Later, he quit this search, Biju has job to fully focus on frog re- gathered evidence search, and transferred to the for about 100 spe- Vrije Universiteit Brussel to cies new to science. obtain a PhD on amphibians The discovery and of the Western Ghats. He is description of Andy Sabin describes his passion for amphibians

11 Dr SD Biju Receives Sabin Award Continued from previous page portant conservation implications. Inundation of large chunks of valley forests in the Western Ghats by dam projects could spell disaster to this ancient amphibian and many other en- demic taxa. India now has to use as a flagship to promote the conservation of important habitats in the region. Biju has closely associated with IUCN/SSC- CI/CABS from 2002 onwards on the catego- rization of the Western Ghats and Sri Lankan amphibian fauna as part of Global Amphib- ian Assessment (GAA www.globalamphibians. org).Biju’s findings reveal exciting information on extraordinary diversity and local endemism. About 70 species (including undescribed spe- cies) of frogs are known only from a small area of roughly less than five-kilometers square. This finding has huge implications for the conser- vation of the amphibian fauna of the Western Ghats. The passion of Biju for his frog research is, just as his new family discovery, a ‘once in a Andy Sabin presents the plaque to Dr. Biju century find’.

Instructions to Authors ROGLOG publishes a words and follow the style FROGLOG is the bi-monthly Frange of articles on any of FROGLOG Vol 83 (as newsletter of the Amphibian Spe- research, discoveries or con- should references). You may cialist Group (ASG). Articles on servation news relating to the also submit images, maps, any subject relevant to the under- amphibian decline phenom- figures or tables. We encour- standing of amphibian conserva- enon. We encourage authors age the submission of pho- tion, research and / or assessments describing original research tographs to accompany text. should be sent to: Robin Moore, to first make submissions to Short news items and press Editor, Conservation Interna- a refereed journal and then, releases are also acceptable. tional, 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite if appropriate, to publish a Please submit potential con- 500, arlington, VA 22202, USA. synopsis in Froglog. Submis- tributions to Robin Moore E-mail: sions should be in English, at the address in the box to [email protected] normally no more than 1000 the right.