ADAMS, Bertrand Oswald, Q.C., B.A. (Lond.), ALLI-SHAW. Dr. Meer Saider, B.Sc. (Hons.) LL.B. (Lond.), B.C.L. (Oxon.), Barrister-at- 1947; M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. Medical Practitioner; Law. Born May 5, 1921, New Amsterdam, Poultry Farmer, Restaurateur, Surgeon, Phy­ . Educated Queen's College, George­ sician, Obstetrician, Dr. Alli-Shaw's Hosp,. Mng. town; St. Catherine's Society, Oxford Univ.; Dir. Alli-Shaw & Co. Ltd. Born Buxton, Guy­ Middle Temple, London, and external student, ana, Sept. 2, 1915, son of Akbar Alii, Courts London Univ. Govt Junior Scholar (first place Interpreter and his wife Jainab Alii, both dec'd. in Colony); twice placed at Guiana Scholarship; Educated Enmore and Johanna Cecilia Pri­ called to the Bar in England in April, 1947 mary Sch., Essequiboj Modern High Sch.; Wag­ and appointed Queen's Counsel, June 1960. ner Coll., Staten Is, N.Y. 1944-47 (B.Sc. Acted Puisne Judge 1961 -1962; Chairman (Hons); Gold Key 1946; Dean's List 1946-47; and Member Govt. Advisory C'ttees; Vice- rep. student body, 1946); Univ. Coll., Dublin, Pres. Bar Association 1959, Pres. I960.Married; 1948-53 (Anatomy prize 1949, distinction in 2 sons and 1 daughter. Address: 215 South & surgery and midwifery, 1953 finals). Languages: King Streets, Georgetown, Guyana. French, Hindustani, English. Religion: Islam. Married June 1, 1938, Alivan Raymon: 2 sons, ALEXANDER, Joseph Augustus, Educator; 5 daus. Career: Manager, Coconut and Rice Principal AUeyne (A.M.E.) Zion High School. Plantation, 1935-43; Civil Servant, Dist. Ad­ Born Georgetown, Aug. 2, 1909, son of the late ministration, 1943-44. Rep. & Dem- Joseph Winfield Alexander, chemist and drug­ erara at cricket, 1936, 1937, 1941, 1947, 1950, gist and his wife Agnes nee Marshall. Educated 1955, 1957, Captain Guyana Indians vs. Pakis­ Albouystown R.C., Jones High Sch., Queen's tan 1957 and locally in 1957 against Trinidad; Coll. For. Lang: French. Religion: A.M.E. Zion. won all five cups in one year; Chief de Mission Married Dec. 19, 1950, Sheelah Hyacinth: 1 son and Medical Officer, Guyana Olympic Team, Gordon Bradley. Career: 1937-39, Teaching; Tokyo, 1964. Affiliations: Theta Kappa, Br. 1946, founded Repton High Sch; 1950, merged Medical Fraternity (NY), Red Cross Society, Repton High with Washington High and Modern Olympic Assn. Clubs: Guyana S.C., E.I.C.C. Academy to form B.G. Education Trust; 1950- Georgetown C.C., D.C.C. Interests: Cricket, 56, Deputy Principal, B.G. Education Trust; music, dancing, minor industries development. 1966-67, Co-Principal, Alleyne A.M.E. Zion Watchword: "Make «n honest effort." Ad­ High School; present position since 1967. 1939, dress: 67 Croal St., Georgetown, Guyana. called to the Colours (B.G. Infantry Division); 1933-39, Rep. Guyana at Intercolonial Soccer vs. Surinam - Walcott Tournament; 1935, rep. ALLSOPP, Philip Anderson Desmond, M.Sc. Guyana in Trinidad in the Martinez Shield (Eng.), D.I.C., F.I.C.E., civil eng'r., Depy. Chief Competition (soccer); 1965, managed Cycle & Works & Hydraulics Officer; mem. Bd. of Athletic team to T'dad. Southern Inter'l. games, Industrial Training and Planning Authority. managed Guyana Cycle team at Inter'l. meeting Born Georgetown, Guyana, April 8, 1926, son in ; 1967, managed Athletic team at of Stanley Allsopp and late Eloise nee Archer Texaco Sports Club game in Trinidad. Affilia­ his wife. Educated St. Stephen's Sch., Queen's tion: Mem. Guyana Legion, African Welfare Coll., Imperial Coll. of Science & Technology Convention, People's National Congress, Ama­ (London Vniw.)Married Feb. 12,1957, O'Donna teur Athletic Assn. of Guyana (Secty.), Guyana nee Collins: 1 son (Roderic), 3 daus. (Judith, Cycling Federation, Guyana Cycle & Athletic Claire, Susan). Career: Several scholarships; Assn. (Secty). Hobbies/Recreation: Cinema, apprenticed civil eng'r. Pub. Works Dept., athletics, football, reading, stamp collecting. 1945-49; attended university (scholarships), Motto: Help others and you help yourself. Ad­ 1949-53 (thesis on "Stabilization of a Tropical dress: Alleyne High School, 150 Regent St., Clay for Highway Construction ); Construction Lacy town, (home) 117 Third St., Alberttown, Eng'r. roads, 1954-55; Dist. Eng'r. 1955-57;Exec. Guyana. Eng'r. 1957-59; A/g. Chief Eng'r. Roads, Dep. Dir. of P.W. and Dir., 1959-62; Chief Eng'r. ALLI, Jack Ameer, A.A.C.C.A., A.C.C.S.; Ac­ Roads, 1963; present post, 1968; author of countant and business executive. Born Jan.9, various . technical papers and reports (some 1910, son of Mohammed Alii and his wife Kan- published). Religion: Anglican. Affiliations: eage. Educated Rose Hall Scots, St. Joseph's Guyana Assn. of Professional Eng'rs. Hobby: Anglican, Queen's College. Religion: Muslim. Coin collecting. Recreations: Badminton, chess. Married Nov. 6, 1932, Rene: 3 sons,3 daughters. Address: (office) Ministry of Works and Hy­ Career: Village Overseer 1937-41, Accountant draulics, Georgetown, (home) 16 Enachu St., J. Jaikaran Sons Ltd. 1941-45; Accountant Campbellville, E.C D.; Guyana. B. G. Pawnbrokery Ltd (1945-47); Inland Revenue Dept. 1947-61; Dir. of Marketing, ARTHURS, Boris, banker; Mgr., Bank of Nova 1961-63; General Manager, Rice Marketing Scotia, Georgetown, Guyana. Born Nov. 1, Board 1964-65; Senior partner firm of Jack 1929, Sifton, Manitoba, C'da., son of the late A. Alii Sons & Co. Accountants and Company William F. Arthurs, restaurateur, and Olga Vio­ Secretaries 1966 to present. Address: 145 Crown let nee Dolphin, his wife. Educated Sift- St, Georgetown, Guyana . ton, Manitoba. Married June 7, 1952, Merle 270 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN






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Arlene Mitchell; 2 sons (John William, Bruce Missouri, 1954-58; Roosevelt Univ., 1959; Insti­ Mitchell). Career: Accounting staff, B. N. S. tute of Social Studies (Hague), 1965. Married Dauphlin, Manitoba; Mgr., Outlook, Sask.,1958- June 10, 1957, Ingrid Paape: 1 son, 2 daus. 60, North Battleford, Sask., 1960-66; Credit Career: Prim. Sch. teacher, 1948-49; accounts Officer, Winnipeg Regional Office, May-June clerk, Berbice Timber & Trading Co. Ltd. (sub- 1966, and Toronto, June-July, 1966; Mgr., sid. of S. Davson & Co. Ltd.); head, Economics San Fernando, Trinidad, 1966, Georgetown, Div., Min. of Agric, 1960-63; Agric. Officer, Guyana, Sept. 1968. Religion: Anglican. Affilia­ Land Settlements & Dev., 1963-66; Economist, tions: Ionic Lodge No. 31 A.F. & A.M.; Battle- Economic Analysis Div., F.A.O., Special Fund fords Cahpter No. 9 R.A.M.; Battlefords Pre- Project, Nicaragua, 1966 (Nov.)-1967 (May); ceptory No. 75 K.T.K.M.; WA-WA Temple Principal Agric. Officer (Development), 1967- A.A.O.N.M.S. Clubs: Georgetown, Georgetown 8 (assisted in gen. admin, of technical section of Cricket, Lusignan Golf, Battlefords Shrine, Min. of Ag.); represented Guyana at internat'l Asscn. Kinsmen. Recreation: Golf, fishing, conferences, served on many important com­ hunting. Address: (office) Bank of Nova Scotia, mittees, 1960-68; co-author, Agric. Statistical Georgetown, (home) 44 Bel Air Gardens, E.C.D., Abstract, 1961; adviser to Guyana Govt, Aid Guyana. Donors Conference, 1968; present post, 1968. Affiliation: Socy. for Internat'l Dev.; Amer. AUSTIN, Carl Benjamin, D.S.S., Commissioner Econ. Socy.; Amer. Agric. Econ. Assn. Interests: of Police, Guyana. Born July 28, 1919, Golden Cooking, literary debating. Hobby: Woodwork­ Grove, East Coast, , Guyana, son of ing. Address; (bus.) Georgetown Cham, of Joseph Cornelius Austin, metal worker and his Comm., P.O. Box 10, Georgetown, (home) A 8 wife Frances Maria nee Maison, both deceased. Shamrock Gardens, Ogle, E. C. D., Guyana. Educated at Cove & John Anglican, Golden Grove Methodist School, Police College, Brams- BAIRD, Dr. Robert Louis Stevenson, B.S., M.D. hill, England. For. Lang: Spanish. Religion: (Harvard), physician; a/g Chief Medical Officer, Anglican. Married June 17, 1940, Iris Agatha, Guyana. Born Guyana, May 4, 1924, son of daughter of the late Joseph Sealey: 8 daughters, Robert Reuben and Maude Beatrice Baird. 1 son (Joan - Mrs. Burke, housewife, , Educated Friendship Methodist Sch., Buxton Leslie Arnold, Illinois Univ., Marjorie, nurse, Village, Guyana; Queen's ColL, Georgetown, Desiree, U.S.A., Florence, Carla, Pamela, Marva, 1934-42; Coll. of Liberal Arts, Howard Univ. Barbara). Career: January, 1938, joined Guya­ (B.S., cum laude, 1947); Coll. of Medicine, na Police Force; 1949, promoted Detective Howard (MD., 1951); graduate work in card­ Corp for outstanding work in the investigation iology (1956) and paediatric neurology (1960 of crime in the city of Georgetown; 1951, and 1961). Married: Georgiana: no children. Head a newly formed Fraud Squad; 1952, Career: In U.SL, 1951-67, as intern, Resident, assisted in auditing police amnual "Constable psychiatrist, paediatrician, research associate, Guide" and was commended in the preface; school physician, laboratory instructor (How­ 1953, Senior Court Prosecutor, Georgetown ard), clinical asst prof, and associate prbl. Magistrates' Court; 1954, promoted from Ser­ (Howard); licentiate Amer. Bd. of Paediatrics, geant to Asst. Supt.; 1955 Resident Course, 1957; Fellow. Amer. Academy of Paediatrics, Police ColL, Ryton-on-Dunsmore (6 months); 1962; Chief Paediatrician, Georgetown Hosp., 1958, Deputy Supt. and 2nd in charge C.I.D. Guyana, 1967-69 (Jan.), on hospital commit­ Headquarters; June 28, 1959, Supt; 1960, tees; has published various medical studies, took command "B" Division, County of Ber- 1959-64. Religion: Moravian. Affiliation: Guy­ bice; 1961, Senior Supt. ;1963, Asst Commis­ ana Med. Assn. Interests: Reading,music, sports.. sioner; 1967, Acted Commissioner; 1968 Com­ Address: (office) Ministry of Health, Brickdam, missioner of Police. Awarded Queen's Police Guyana, (home) 105 New Garden St., Queens- Medal and Colonial Police Medal. Affiliations: town, Georgetown. Guyana Theatre Guild, Member of the Friends of St George's Society, Club: Guyana Police Officers. Interest: Equitation, gardening, music BAXTER-WILLIAMS, Joyce Egersis, Police and art. Motto - "Efficiency is the key to Officer; Assist Superintendent of Police i/c success. Moderation in all things", and Force Albert Town Division, Guyana Police Force; Motto - Service and Protection. Address:(off\ce) mem. Bd. of Film Censors. Born Georgetown, Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, Guyana,(home) Guyana, dau. of Prince Baxter of and Rabbit Walk, Eve Leary, Guyana. his wife Rachael Beatrice nee Walks, both dec'd. Educated Christ Church Anglican Sch, Miss Francis Sch. of Music, Bishop High Sch. BABURAM, Alfred Ramessar, agriculturalist, (Deputy Leader Sch. Guide Co., "Mary" House economist; Sen. Exec. Officer, Georgetown Vice-Capt, Mem. Literary & Magazine C'ttee. Cham, of Comm. Born , Corentyne, Colours for Netball, Capt. & games Rep.). Berbice, son of late Allan Horace Baburam and Speaks French. Career: Police Force since Alice S. his wife. Educated Berbice High Sch„ April, 1955, Sergeant, later confidential Secy, 1942-45; Loyola Univ., 1950-51; Mankato to the Commissioner, Inspector, 1962; present Teachers' ColL, Minnesota, 1952-54; Univ. ol position since 1966 (first police-woman to 272 PERSONALITIES- CARIBBEAN

achieve commissioned rank, Secy, to Sergeants Address: 43 Robb St., Georgetown; (home) Mess, and Leader debating team); special train­ 78 Exora Ave., Bel Air Park, Guyana. ing in delinquency control at Univ. of Southern California, 1963; represented country at UK, BENN, Brindley Horatio, M.P. (Independent) 1965; attended third congress on prevention of Leader, The Working People Vanguard Party. crime and treatment of offenders held in Born 1924, Br. Guiana. Educated St. James- Sweden. Represented Guyana at fifth InterL the-Less School, Kitty; Central High School. Criminological Congress on treatment of of­ Career: Closely associated with Youth Move­ fenders held in Montreal, Canada. Religion: ment in Guyana, for several years. Was Min. Anglican. Affiliations: Mem., National Youth of Community Development & Education; Min­ Council, Guyana Youth Corps Sub-C'ttee., Bd. ister of Agriculture, Forests & Lands. Elected of Mngmt Albouystown YWCA, Advisory Mem. of Legislative Council 1957. Married: 6 Council of Guyana YMCA's, Bd. of Governors, children. Address: Ogle Front, E.C., Demerara, Anglican Diocesan Youth Centre; Visiting Cttee Guyana. Qf the Belfield Girls Sch, Bishop's High Sch. Old Girls Guild, Toastmistresses dub. Interests: BERNARD, Desiree Patricia, LL.B. (Hons.) Attending cinema,1 dancing, gardening, reading, 1963, solicitor. Born March 2, 1939, George­ interior decorating. Motto: "Aim High". Ad­ town, Guyana, dau. of William C. Bernard dress: Albert Town, Guyana. (retd. Sgt Major of Police) and his wife Maud nee Baird. Educated Bishop's High Sch., Lond. BAYLEY, Dorothy Victoria, J.P. Town Coun­ Univ. (external). Religion: Anglican. Career: cillor (nominated) 1958; Lord Mayor of George­ 1958, articled to Mr. Fred Wills, barrister-at- town 1967-68; Pres. National Aid Bd., Deputy law; 1964, Solicitor's final; 1965, joined firm Mayor 1965-66. Born Georgetown, Guyana, of Cameron and Shepherd} 1967, private prac­ dau. of the late Ernest A. Humphrey Campbell tice. Affiliations: Pres. Toastmistress' Qub; and his wife Virginia Claudia nee Correia. Edu­ Treasurer, Business & Professional Women's cated St. Philip's Govt. Sch.; St. Joseph's Qub, Bishop's High Sch. Old Girls Guild. High School. For, Lang: French. Religion: Interest: Theatre, reading. Address: 6 Croal St., Catholic. Married June 27, 1925, Randolph Stabroek, Guyana; (home) 60 Victoria Rd., East Theodore Bay ley, M.D.: children, Dr. Theodore Coast Demerara, Guyana. Arnold, Gerard Anthony, B.Sc, John R. Affilia­ tions: Hon. Secty. La Penitence Branch, Infant BISSEMBER, Neville, M.P., Barrister-aMaw; Welfare Centre; Hon. Sec. King George V. Ch'man Guyana Telecommunication Corp., Feb. Municipal Infant Welfare Centre; past Hon. 1970,-Caribbean Region­ Secty. B.G. Voluntary Workers Assn. (Past al Rep. on the Exec. Pres.) President Our Lady's Sodality; Mem. Cttee. C.P.A., 1969-72. Ladies of Charity - St. Bernadette's Branch; Born 19 ^ 9, Berbice, Alliance Francaise; Hon. Mem. Red Cross Socy., Guyana. Educated Port Business & Professional Women's Club, Public Mourant and Berbice Free Library, People's National Congress, Bd. High Schools and Mid- of Governors Univ. of Guyana, Pres. George­ , die Temple, London. town Dramatic Club. M.B.E. (1962). Interest: [Married April 1, 1954, Music, art, drama. Address: (home) 5 Princess; Mary nee Durham: chil­ St.,Georgetown, Guyana. dren Michael, Elfreda & Neville Jnr. Career: Pri­ mary School Teacher (6 yrs.); Founder of the BEACH, Earl Francis: see General Listing. Youth Movement in the Canje Dist of the People's National Congress; 1961, elected Mem­ BELMONTE, Peter George Colaco, Real Estate ber of the Legislative Assembly. Attended the Agent & Restaurateur; DirectoiAUi-Shawr & Co. 1963 and 1966 London Constitutional Confer­ Ltd. Born Georgetown, Guyana, April 29, ences; formerly, Depy. Prime Minister and 1942, son of the late Cecil George C. Belmonte, Leader of the House; Minister of Health & civil servant and his wife Irma Ethel nee Housing. Recreation: Boxing, cricket. Address: McWatt. Educated Convent of the Good Shep­ (office) 53 Brickdam, Georgetown, Guyana. herd, St. Stanislaus Coll., Central High Sch. Religion: Methodist. Married May 4, 1963, BLACKMAN, Basil Brentnol, M.S., trade un­ Loleita, dau. of Dr. M. S. Alli-Shaw, medical ionist; Secy ./Treasurer, Caribbean Congress of practitioner: 1 son Andre, 1 dau. Simone. Labour. Born Dec, 1909. Career: Teacher (Gen. Career: Customs Clerk, Bookers Stores Ltd. Secy., B.G.T.A., 1943); Gen. Secy., Saw*mill 1959; joined staff of Guyana & Trinidad Mutual & Workers Union, 1947-54; Gen. Secy., B.G.- Fire & Life Insurance Cos. 1960; established T.U.C., 1947-53; Gen. Secy., Cosmopolitan timber business in Essequibo, 1965; took over Workers Union, 1947-48; Gen. Secy., B.G. & complete management of Golden Lotus Night W.I. Federated Seamen's Union, 1948-53; Gen. Club and Farm Fresh Inn Restaurant, 1967. Secy., Clerical & Commercial Workers Union, Club: Georgetown Cricket. Recreation: Lawn 1957-60; Asst Secy., B.G.T.U.C., 1957-60; Tennis, swimming. Motto: "Never Give Up". Organiser & Education Officer, B.G.T.U.C, GUYANA 273

1960-61; Asst Secy. (Education), C.C.L., 1961- received Anisfield Wolf Literary Award for 66; present post 1966; rec'd. Medal of Service "To Sir with Love", Lecturer and Education (Order of Service of Guyana, Grade III), 1970. Consultant U.N.E.S.C.O., Paris, 1963-66; Lec­ Address: Caribbean Congress of Labour, George­ ture tour to Australia, Tasmania and New Zea­ town, Guyana. land. Publications: "To Sir With Love"; 1959, "A Kind of Home Coming^, 1961; "Paid BLAIR, Basil Barnett, Dip. Ed. 1961; Head­ Servant", 1962; "A Choice of Straws", 1965. master, St. Theresa's Anglican Sch. Deputy Address: c/o Ministry of External Affairs, Car- Chairman Telecommunication Corp., Pres. Carib­ michael St., Georgetown, Guyana. bean Union of Teachers; Vice-Chairman Nation* al History & Arts Council; Executive Mem. BROWN, Jonathan Alford, Educationist; Head­ T.U.C. Born Oct. 7, 1921, Georgetown. Guy­ master, Kingston Government School, George­ ana, son of the late Isaac Newton Blair and his town I. Born July 22, 1907,G/Town, Guyana, wife the late Mrs. Isaac Blair nee Johnson. Ed­ son of the late Jonathan Richard Brown, I.S.O., ucated St. Stephen's Scots Sch., Govt. Training Chief Warder and Assist Supt, Georgetown Coll. 1941-43, Reading Univ. (England), Govt Prison and his wife Josephine Helena nee Nel­ Scholarship study, Etfp. Ed. 1960. For. Lang: son, also dec'd. Educated St Philip's Church of French. Religion: Anglican. Married July 3, England Sch., The Collegiate Sch., Govt Train­ 1945, Aileen Germaine: 2 sons, 3 daus. Career: ing Coll. for Teachers. For. Langs: French, 1943-50, Assist. Master; 1950, Senior Master; Spanish, Hindi. Religion: Methodist Married 1955, Headmaster; 1963, awarded I.L.O. Scho­ Feb. 11, 1943, Linda Erica, dau. of William S. larship, sjtudied at Institute of Labour Studies, Plowell, schoolmaster: 1 son, 1 dau. Career: Geneva, Switzerland; 1964, Pres. Guyana Union Teacher, Collegiate (Secondary) Sch. and'Trinity of Teachers; Club: Teachers' Sports. Recreation. Methodist Sch.; Assist. Master, Trinity High Sch. Cricket, table tennis, bridge. Address: St. Ther­ Assist Master, Kingston Govt Sch., 1934-43 ; esa's Ang. School, Peter's Hall, E.B.D.; (home) Pioneer in Adult Education Classes; P.T. In­ KK Hadfield St., Wortmanville, Georgetown, structor and Resident Tutor, Govt. Training Guyana. Coll., 1939-43; Headmaster, Johanna Cecilia Methodist Sch. 1944-51. Affiliation: Trustee BOTTOMORE, Thomas Burton: see General Guyana Union of Teachers. Interest: Photog­ Listing. raphy, music (piano), literature. Motto: Semper BOWMAN, George Wycliffe, Politician, civil Fidelis, Semper Idem. Address: Kingston Govt servant. Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Sch., Georgetown 1; (home) 60 Upper Robb St, Agriculture, Forests, Lands and Mines March , Georgetown 7, Guyana, S.A. 1,1967-68; mem. Interior Development C'ttee. Born March 23,1930, Plaisance Village, Demer­ BRYAN, Cyril George, B.Sc. (Econ) Lond. ara, son of Fred Bowman, former legislator. (1965), Economist; secy, and senior Adminis­ Educated St. Ambrose Anglican School and trative Officer, Guyana Telecommunication Progressive High School For. Langs:Portuguese, Corp. Born Georgetown, June 3, 1911, son of Spanish. Religion: Christian. Married, 3 sons. late C. H. Bryan, postmaster and Kate nee Career: 1961, elected to the Legislative Assem­ Burgan his wife. Educated St. Swithin's Col­ bly and apptd. Parliamentary Secty., Ministry legiate Sch., Woolwich Polytechnic, London of Natural Resources; Parliamentary Secty., Univ. Married (1) 1939, Muriel, dau. of late Ministry of Home Affairs, 1962; apptd. mem. Benjamin McDougall, official reporter: 1 son Advisory Council on the Prerogative of Mercy, (Cyril), 4 daus. (2) Winifred, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. July 1963; former mem. P.P.P. (resigned), W. Holland of Buxton, E.C. Dem.; 2 sons, 3 1966); apptd. Parliamentary Secty. Ministry of daus. Career: Govt. County Scholar, 1911; Labour & Social Security, Aug. 31, 1966 by Class 1 teacher, 1928; headmaster, various 7 schools, 1936-61; Woolwich Polytechnic, Lond. P.N.C. - UJ . coalition Govt, also member of Univ. 1961-64; Lecturer, Social Studies, Govt P.N.C. General Council. Interest: Boxing, weight- Training Coll.,Georgetown, 1964-66; Lecturer, lifting, reading, writing. Address (home) 220 Economics, Bishop's High Sch., 1967; Secy., Yuhani Ave., Eccles, E.B., Demerara, Guyana. Guyana Telecoms. Corp., June, 1967. Religion: BRAITHWAITE, Eustace Adolphe, B.Sc, M.Sc, Anglican. Clubs: Pipe-Shine. Hobbies: Journal­ Author, Diplomat. Born June 27, 1912, Guy­ ism, History (author, "An ABC of Guyanese ana. Educated St. Ambrose Sch., Albertown; History"). Address (office) c/o Telephone House, The Collegiate Sch., Georgetown; read external­ Brickdam, Georgetown, (home) 20a Company ly for credits, City Coll., N.Y.; City & Guilds Rd., Friendship, E.C. Demerara. Lond. Examination Telecommunications; B.Sc. Physics, New York Univ.; M.Sc. Cantab. 1946- BURCH-SMITH, Pearson M., O.B.E. (1966), 49. Career: 1943-46, Aircrew,Fighter Command. Solicitor. Born May 14, 1904, at Vergenoegen, Royal Air Force, England; Schoolmaster, Lon­ W.C., Demerara. Educated De Willem & Collegi­ don County Council, 1950-57;Sabbatical Lond. ate Schools, Georgetown (1947-49); Mayor Univ. 1957-58; Welfare Officer, Lond. County of New Amsterdam, 1951-57, Magistrate 1957- Council, 1958-60; Human Rights Officer, World 62; Crown Solicitor and Official Receiver. Veterans Federation, Paris, France, 1960-63; Married: 4 sons, 1 daughter. Address: 270 274 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

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Thomas St., Georgetown, Guyana. teacher, Dolphin Govt. Sch., 1950-54; Secon­ dary Sch. teacher, Bishop's High Sch. Recrea­ BURNHAM,The Hon. Linden Forbes Sampson, tion: Swimming, horse-riding, handicraft Ad­ S.C., M.P., LL.B. (Hons.) Lond. 1947; BA dress: The Residence, Botanic Gardens, George­ Lond. 1944, Barrister- town, Guyana. at-Law, Politician, Prime Minister of Guyana; Min­ BUTCHER, Basil A. A., internat'l cricketer; ister of Economic Dev­ P.R.O., Demerara Bauxite Co.; prop. Sports elopment, Public Ser­ Shop. Born , Sept. 3, 1933, son of vice; Leader of the Bertie Butcher and late Matilda nee Lowe People's National Con­ his wife. Educated Corentyne High Sch. Mar­ gress. Born Kitty, Brit­ ried Valerie Pamela: 2 sons (Basil,Brian)i?e//- ish Guiana, Feb. 20, gion: Christian. Affiliations: Jaycees of Greater 1923; son of James Eth- Mackenzie (Vice-Pres.); Nat'l. Assn. of Person­ elbert Burnham, school­ nel Officers. Club: Mackenzie Sports. Interest: master and Rachel Abi­ Promotion of sporting activities; rec'd. Golden gail nee Sampson, his wife, both deceased. Arrow of Achievement (Order of Service of Educated Kitty Methodist School; Queen's Guyana, Grade II), 1970. Recreation: Cricket College, Guyana; London University. Speaks (rep. Guyana, 1955; Test against India, 1955- French. Married twice: (1) May 5, 1951, Sheila has played in 32 Tests; Capt of Guyana team, Bernice, daughter of the late John Ciprian Shell Shield Tournament, 1970. Address:(bus.) Lataste, shipping contractor of Trinidad; 3 c/o Personnel Dept., Demerara Bauxite Co., daughters (Roxanne, Annabelle, Francesca); (2) Mackenzie, Guyana, (home) 93 Riverside Dr., Feb. 24, 1967, Viola Victorine Harper; 2 Mackenzie. daughters (Melanie Abiola, Imoinda Ulele). Career: Pres. West Indian Students' Union, BYRNE, Mrs. Olga Millicent, teacher; Deputy London, 1947-48; delegate of the Union to the Headmistress; Pres., Guyana Teachers Asscru, International Union of Students' Congress in mem. Bd. of Governors, Univ. of Guyana, mem. Prague and Paris, respectively, 1947-48; called Civic Pride C'ttee., Georgetown. Born Trinidad, to the Bar 1948; returned to Guyana and with May 20, 1917, dau. of late Thomas Louis Payne Dr. Jagan and others helped to found the People's and Beatrice his wife. Educated St. Stephen's Progressive Party and was first Chairman before Ch. of Scotland Sch., Bishop's High Sch. Mar­ split 1955; founded and became leader of ried Aug, 23, 1939, Euster Gustavus Byrne: 1 People's National Congress; elected to George­ son, 3 daus. (incl. Mrs. Joycelin Massiah, Re­ town Council 1952; held the Mayoralty in search Fellow, Demography, U.W.I., Cave Hill, 1959; elected House of Assembly and appoint- Barbados). Career: Senior Mistress, Supervisor, ted Minister of Education 1953, elected to Legis­ St. Andrew's C. of S. Sch. Co-operative Thrift lative Council, 1957 and continued a member Socy., Treas., G.TA. Credit Union, 1955-68; until its dissolution 1961 when elected member Pres. Caribbean Union of Teachers Women's of Legislative Assembly; President, British Gui­ Auxiliary, 1962-66; mem., Exec, of C.U.T., ana Labour Union, 1952-56 and 1963-65; 1966-; Secy. Deacon's Court, St. Andrew's C. former President, Bar Association. Religion: of S. 1968-; Pres. G.T.A, 1968-; mem. Bd. of Methodist Clubs: Maltenoes Sports, Demerara Govs. Univ. of Guyana, 196&. Religion: Presby­ Cricket Recreation: Swimming, reading, bil­ terian. Interest: Stimulating young people to liards, chess. Watchword: "Service is the great­ advancement intellectually and morally. Rec­ est pleasure and is its own reward". Address: reation: Cake-decorating, reading. Affiliations: Premier's Office, Georgetown, Guyana, and A G.T.A. (Pres.) - organised joint G.T.A. and Can­ 183 Bel Air Park, E.C.D., Guyana. adian Teachers Fed. upgrading courses for un­ qualified teachers, 1969, 1970, and Learning BURNHAM, Viola Victorine, B. A. (Hons.) Aids Exhibition for 85th Conference, instituted Lond., 1958; MJL (Chicago) 1963; teacher of Welfare Fund. Address (bus.) St. Stephen's C. Latin up to 1967; patron John Howard League; of S. School, Evans & St. Stephen's Sts., George­ Mem., Guyana Mental Health Assn., Maternity town, (home) 284 Forshaw St., Queenstown, & Child Welfare C'ttee (Advisory to Mayor & Georgetown. Town C'CL), Hospital Management C'ttee (Ad­ visory to Min. of Health); Inst, for the Blind, BYRNE, Peter Fergus, M.R.C.V.S. (Dub.) 1948, Ch'man Health Careers C'ttee 1969. Born New Veterinary Surgeon; private practice. Born Dub­ Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana, Nov. 26, 1930, lin, Ireland, March 26, 1925, son of Patrick dau. of late James Nathaniel Harper, school­ J. Byrne, retired Civil servant and Evelyn nee master, and Marion nee Chin his wife. Educa­ Dunleavy his wife. Educated St. Paul's Christian ted Bishop's High Sch. for girls, Univ. ColL of Brothers School, Dublm.Married Feb. 28, 1957, Leicester, 1954-58, Univ. of Chicago, Dept of Ena, daughter of Edward A >Luckhoo, OJB.E., Education, 1962-63. Married Feb. 24, 1967, Solicitor and ex-Mayor, New Amsterdam: 1 son Hon. Lindon Forbes Sampson Burnham, Q.C., (Adrian), 1 daughter (Denise). Career: Private Prime Minister: 1 dau. Career: Newspaper practice in Ireland and England (Yorkshire and Reporter, "Daily Argosy" 1949-50, Prim. Sch. Norfolk); Joined H.M. Overseas Civil Service and 276 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

appointed Veterinary Officer to the Guyana travelling. Recreation: Cricket, reading, swim­ Government August 1956. Subsequently Veter­ ming. Address (bus.) Congress Place, Camp St., inary Officer, Georgetown; Assistant Director Georgetown, (home) EVi 237 Forshaw St., of Agriculture (Veterinary and Animal Hus­ Queenstown, Georgetown, Guyana. bandry); and Officer-in-Charge St. Ignatius Livestock Station, Rupununi. Obtained certifi­ CAMPBELL of ESKHAN, Baron: see General cate of the Pan-American Health Organization Listing. following veterinary course at Bogota University, , South America, in 1960. Founder- CARRINGTON, Hon. Winslow George, M.P., member, past President and former Secretary trade unionist, legislator; Minister of Labour & of the Guyana Veterinary Association; Past Social Security. Born Hon. Secretary/Treasurer of the British Carib­ Georgetown, Feb. 22, bean Veterinary Association and arranged con­ 1923. Educated Christ vention of Veterinary Surgeons held in George­ Church Moravian and St town in 1962 attended by representatives from Barnabas Prim. Schools. more than twenty countries; resigned from Married: 7 sons, 2 daus. Government service March 1967 to commence Career: Pres., Transport private ranching and cattle breeding in the Workers Union; Organ­ Parubara Savannahs of the Southern Rupununi. ising Secy., Trade Union Religion: Roman Catholic. Affiliations: Guyana C'cl; Mem. of Execu­ tive, Federation of Un­ and Caribbean Veterinary Associations. Clubs: ions of Govt. Employ­ Georgetown Cricket and Demerara Turf. Recrea­ ees; Mem. Exec, Transport & Harbours Dept tions: HOISQ lacing. Address: 17 Lamaha Street,Co-operativ e Socy. and Transport & Harbours Queenstown, Georgetown and Parubara Savan­ Dept Sports Club; elected M.P. 1966; re­ nahs, South Rupununi, Essequibo, Guyana. elected 1968. Address: (office) Ministry of CAMERON, Norman Eustace, M.A., M.B.E., Labour & Social Security, Georgetown, (home) formerly Professor of Mathematics, Guyana 106 Campbell Ave., Blygezight, East Coast, Univ.; Retired Deputy Principal Queen s Col­ Demerara, Guyana. lege. Born Jan. 26, 1903, New Amsterdam, CARTER, Hon. Martin Wylde, M.P., C.C.H. Berbice. Educated Christ Church Sehool;Queen's (Grade I Order of Service, Guyana), Minister College; FitzWilliam Hall, Camb., Eng. Married of Information. Born Lurline Daley: 1 daughter. Career: 1926-34, 1927. Edu. Queen's founded, Guianese Academy; 1934, staff College. Career: Former Queen's College; founder of the A.M.M.; Presi­ ; Civil Servant, Informa- dent of R.A. and C.S.; Trustee and Chairman I tion Officer Booker Advisory Cttee Y.W.C.A.; author of various | Group of Companies, works on sociology, history, plays, poetry and | 1959- 67; represented mathematics. Address: Subryanville, East Coast, I Guyana at the Common- Demerara. j wealth Poetry Confer­ CAMERON, Walter Stuart, Principal Assistant ence, Cardiff, Wales, Secretary (Ministry of Information). Born Oc­ 1965; Mem. of the dele­ tober 11, 1918, Georgetown, Guyana, son of gation to the 1965 Con­ William Stuart Cameron, solicitor and Mabel stitutional Conference; served as first Secty. Albertha nee Weeks (both deceased). Educated of the Guyana Mission to the United Nations at Queen's College. Religion: Anglican. Married the 21st General Assembly and Ch'man of October 16, 1946, Dorothy Leonie, 3rd daugh­ Delegations, 1967 and 1968. Author of "Poems ter of the late Charles L. D'Ornellas, clerk. of Resistance" (which has been published in Children, Therese, David and Peter Trevor. Guyana, United Kingdom, China (In Chinese) Clubs: Guyana Sports Club and Lions Service. and the Soviet Union (in Russian). Address . Motto: "Service". Address: Ministry of Informa­ Ministry of Information & Culture, G/Town, tion, Brickdam and (home) 62 Robb Street, Guyana. ^ourda, Geor£etown,Guyana. CARTER, His Excell. John, S.C., LL.B. (Lond), CAMPBELL, Frank Ulan August, journalist; Barrister-at-law, Diplomat; High Commissioner Editor, "New Nation". Born Wales, W.B.D., to London, Jan. 1970 & Ambassador to France, Guyana, son of Sylvanus Campbell and late Holland, West Germany. Born Guyana, Jan. Iona nee August his wife. Educated Wales Govt, 27, 1919, son of the late Kemp Ridley Carter Sen., W.B.D. Married Sept. 3, 1968, Barbara and his wife Gertrude Beatrice nee Humphreys. nee Sandiford. Career: Worked as messenger Educated Queen's Coll., Guyana; Univ. of Lon­ porter, dispenser's asst.; reporter, "Guyana don (B.A. LL.B.); Middle Temple, England. Graphic"; teacher, Wales Govt. Sen.; Senior Married July 4, 1959, 4 children. Religion: Reporter, "Sunday Chronicle". Religion: Chris- Roman Catholic. Career: Qualified as Barrister- tian. Affiliation: Guyana Institute of Journalists:. at-law, 1942; practiced Law in Guyana 1945- 1ub: Tower Gavel. Interests: Public speaking, 66; apptd. Queen's Counsel, 1962; Member of GUYANA 277

the Guyana Legislature, 1948-53 and 1961-64; ana). Married Nov. 4, 1944, Fannetta Verbeke: Pro-Chancellor, Univ. of Guyana, 1962-66; no children. Career: Former journalist, reporter Knighted June 11, 1966; Permanent Represen­ 'Daily Chronicle' (Guyana); notary public, Aug. tative of Guyana to the United Nations (Sept. - 1950;U.W.L, Extra Mural, Public Admin., 1954. Dec.) 1966; Ambassador to the U.S. and High Religion: Presbyterian. Affiliation: Civil Service Commr. to Canada 1966-70. Affiliations: Vice- Assn. Club: Y.M.C.A. Recreation: Football, Pres. Guyana Cricket Bd.;Mem. W.I. Cricket Bd. volley ball. Address (bus.) Deeds Registry, Clubs: Guyana Cricket, Demerara Cricket, Victoria Law Courts, Georgetwon, Guyana, Georgetown Cricket. Interest: Cricket, swim­ (home) 337 Murray St, Georgetown. ming. Address: Guyana High Commission, Cock- spur House, Lond. S.W. 1, England. CHEEKS, Randolph Emanuel, M.P., Dip. Rural Science and Agri. (1936), B.A. (Lond. 1956), CATES, The Very Rev. Geoffrey Charles, B.A. Teacher; Independent Member of Parliament (Leeds Univ. 1942), Dean of Georgetown. Born Georgetown, Guyana, Nov. 12, 1912, son Born Wimbledon, London, June 13, 1918, son of Emanuel Cheeks and his wife Margaret Dul- of the late Charles Bertram Cates and his wife cina nee Edwards, both deceased. Educated Frances Margaret Anne nee Towers. Educated Smith's Church Congregational School; The King's College Sch., Wimbledon, Univ. of Leeds, Collegiate Sch.; Govt. Training College for College of the Resurrection, Mirfield, England. Teachers. Speaks French. Career: Taught in Married Mary Lee nee Buckton in 1945. Career: Government-aided schools from 1934-46; Prin. Curate in the Diocese of Durham, U.K., 1944; Modern Academy; Joint Principal Guyana Edu­ Chaplain to Butlin's Holiday Camps, U.K., cation Trust; Politician since 1960; formerly 1949; Chaplain to the Bishop of Accra, Ghana, Minister of Local Govt. Married Georgeana 1952; Rector of Kumasi, Ghana, 1954; Dean of Margaret nee Rohlehr Dec. 2, 1942; 7 children; Georgetown, B.G., 1961. Religion: Anglican. Dolores, Myrtle, Joan, Dawn, Randolph, An­ Affiliation: B.G. Theatre Guild.Interests: Read­ thony and Michael. Religion: Roman Catholic. ing, music and conversation. Address: The Affiliations: President Guild of Blessed Sacra­ Deanery, Carmichael St., Georgetown, Guyana. ment; Member Education Committee; Gen. Secy. Guyana Assn. of Private Secondary CHAN-A-SUE, Capt Michael, A.C., air pilot; Schools. Club: Catholic Guild. Interests: Swim­ Senior Pilot, Guyana Airways. Career: Joined ming, reading, politics and philosophy. Motto: G.A. (then B.G. Airways) as Co-Pilot, 1962 Reach for the stars. Address: 2 Henry Street, (trained and qualified in U.K.); took part in Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, Guyana. dangerous military missions in Rupununi up­ rising, Jan., 1969; rec'd. Golden Arrow of CHEONG, Richard Archibald, Civil Servant; Courage, 1970, for bravery in Defence of Guya­ Princ. Assist. Secy. Min. of Finance. Born Jan. na. A ddress: A16,1 Duncan St, B.A.P., George­ 14, 1926, Vreed en-hoop, West Bank, Demerara, town, Guyana. son of Richard A. Cheong, retired Accountant and his wife Mary Perpetuna nee Stoll. Edu ca- CHASE, Ashton, LL.B. (Hons.)London (1957), ted St. Swithun's School and Central High Barrister-at-Law. Born G/Town, Guyana, July School, Georgetown; Univ. Coll., Oxford. For. 18, 1926, son of Oswald Chase and his late Lang: French. Religion: Anglican. Married April wife Cleopatra nee King. Educated Excelsior 14, 1948, Clarice, dau. of the' late Charles T. Private School; St Andrew's Scots School; Fook; children Patricia, Pamela, Paul Career: Alleyne High School; Ruskin College, Oxford; Civil Service, Local Govt. Dept, 1944; Assist. Gray's Inn, London Univ. Career: Minister of Secty. Ministry of Finance, 1961; Setty. to the Labour, Trade and Industry 1953; Pres. of Office of the Governor, 1963-69; qualified as Senate and Joint Chairman Guyana Branch Sworn Land Surveyor, 1947; also Sworn Weigh­ C.P.A. 1961; Member of the Legislative As­ er; attended Overseas Services Training Course sembly 1965; Author of "133 Days Towards B, Univ. Coll., Oxford; course in Pub. Adminis­ Freedom" (1954) and "The Laws of Workmen's tration, Carlton Univ., Canada, 1965. Affilia­ Compensation" (1963). Married Audrey nee tion: Guyana Civil Service Asscn., Royal Insti­ Salamalay February 1955. Affiliations: Guyana tute of Public Administration. Recreation: Fish­ Labour Union, P.P.P. Interest: Tennis. Address: ing, archery, swimming. Address: Ministry of (chambers) 7 Croal Street and Manget Place, Finance, Govt. Bldg., Georgetown, (home) 11 Georgetown (home) 109 Barrack Street, George - Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown, Guyana. town, Guyana. CHICHESTER, Charles James, journalist; Edi­ CHASE, Malcolm Rupert, civil servant, notary tor "Daily Chronicle". Born Blairmont, West public; Registrar of Deeds, of Lands, of Com­ Bank, Berbice, Jan, 4,1930, son of late William panies, of Trade Unions, of Patents & Designs, Theophilus Chichester. Educated Georgetown. of Trade Marks, of Business Names. Born Has 1 son, 1 dau. by former marriage. Career: Georgetown, Guyana, May 2, 1918, son of late High Sch. teacher, 1945-51; reporter, "Daily Louis Rupert Chase and late Alice Millicent nee Argosy", 1951-56; sub-editor, "Guyana Graph­ Pounder his wife. Educated Comenius Moravian ic", 1956-57; Sports Editor, "Daily Chronicle", Sch., Collegiate High Sch., Queen's Coll. (Guy­ 1957-61; Chief Sub-editor, 1961-66; Editor, 278 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN




1966. Religion: R.C. Address (bus.) 23 Main mingham Hosp. Bd., Eng.; post-doctoral Fellow, St. Georgetown, (home) 28 Horton St., George­ Albany Med. Coll. of Union Univ., New York; town, Guyana. conducted 3 year survey of T.B., with preventive work, in interior of Guyana, leading to check of CHOLMONDELEY, Hugh Maybrick Emanuel, disease then reaching epidemic proportions; C.C.H., ret'd. civil servant Born Henrietta, rep. Guyana at various Caribbean and Pan- Essequibo Coast, Dec. 8, 1910. Educated Hen­ American health meetings. Religion: Hindu. rietta R.C.; St Lawrence Anglican SchooL Speaks Hindi, Bengali. Affiliations: Brit. Med. Teachers Training ColL Career: Prim. Sch. Asscn., Brit. Tuberculosis Asscn. Address (of­ teacher, 1924; London Univ., 1950, Assoe. fice) Ministry of Health, Brickdam, Georgetown, Institute of Education, 1951; Asst. Ed. Officer, (home) 22b Wight's Lane, Kingston, George­ Dept of Ed., 1952; Headmaster, St. Philip's town. Anglican Sch., 1951-52; Secy., Examinations Div., Min. of Ed., 1952; a/g Senior Ed. Officer ; CHUNG, His Excell. Arthur, President of the ret'd. 1960; Personal Political Asst to Prime Republic. Born Windsor Forest, West Demerara, Minister Forbes Burnham, 1964-68; Depy. Perm. Jan.l0,1918,sonoflate | Rep. of Guyana, U.N., for part of 1966; ret'd., Joseph and Lucy Chung. Dec. 1968; rec'd. Cacique's Crown of Honour Educated Windsor Forest I (Order of Service of Guyana, Grade 1) 1970, and Blankenburg Prim. | for political services. Affiliation: Guyana Teach­ Sens; Modern High Sch. | ers Assn. (Vice-Pres. 1947, Pres., 1948, 1949). George to wn;Middle | Address: Georgetown, Guyana. Temple, London. Mar- \ ried Doreen Pamela | CHOLMONDELEY. Hugh Neville James, broad­ nee Ng-Se-Quan: 1 son casting exec; Director, Guyana Broadcasting (Raymond Arthur), Service. Born Georgetown, April 13, 1940, son 1 dau. (Diane Pamela). of Hugh Martin Cholmondeley and May Edna Career: Surveyor Ap­ nee Fraser his wife. Educated Comenius Mora­ prentice, Lands & Mines Dept, 1938; Sworn vian Sch.; Queen's Coll.; course at Univ. of Land Surveyor, 1940; Asst. Hydrographic Sur­ Syracuse, N.Y., Internat'l Broadcasting Seminar, veyor, 1942-45; qualified Middle Temple, 1947; 1963. 3 daus. by former marriage. Career: admitted to Guyana Bar, 1948; private prac­ Studied broadcasting systems, U.S.A., Canada, tice, 1948-53; Magistrate 1953; Senior Magis­ Germany, U.K., Caribbean; started broadcasting trate 1960; Registrar of Deeds and of the Sup­ career with Guyana Broadcasting Co., 1957-65; reme Court 1961; a/g Puisne Judge 1962; lived in Canada, 1966, later Germany, doing Puisne Judge 1963; President, 1970. Religion: broadcasting; returned to Guyana late 1966 to Christian. Affiliations: Patron of numerous take responsibility for establishing G.B.S. broad­ charitable and social welfare organisations. Rec­ casting system. Religion: Anglican. Recreation: reations: Horse-racing, travel, gardening. Watch­ Cricket, reading, table tennis. Address (bus.) word: "If you can say nothing good of anyone, 68 Hadfield St., Lodge, Georgetown, (home) say nothing at all". Address: Guyana House, 493rd Ave., Subryanville, Georgetown. Georgetown. CHOONG, Stanley Leslie Chan, civil servant; CLARKE, Fitz Stephen, Educator; Principal, Comptroller of Customs & Excise, Guyana Chatham High School. Born July 20, 1912, Independence Medal. Born Guyana, May 30, Essequibo, son of James Clarke and his wife 1918, son of late James Chan Choong and late Mabel Cornette, both dee'd. Educated Trinity Hannah his wife. Educated Queen's Coll., Guy­ High School and St. Crispin's Coll. For. Lang.: ana. Married May 17, 1947, Joycelyn nee Low: French. Religion: Roman Catholic. Married 2 sons, 2 daus. Religion: Christian Brethren Dec. 19, 1953, Elaine, dau. of William Daly, Church. Clubs: Georgetown Football, George­ contractor: 1 son. Career: Former teacher town Cricket Recreations: Cricket, tennis, read­ Modern Educational Institute; founded Chatham ing. Address (bus.) Customs & Excise Dept, High Sch. 194*3 (from which several prominent Main St., Georgetown, (home) 239 Murray St., Guyanese citizens have graduated; coached Georgetown. several winners of government Senior Scholar­ ship including first place winners). Recreation: CHOUDHURY, Dr. Joyanta Kumar, M.B., B.S. Reading. Watchword: "He lives most, who acts (Calcutta 1956), M.R.C.P. (Edin. 1963), physi­ the best". Address: 83 Robb & Albert Sts., cian; Chest Physician, Ministry of Health, i/c Bourda; (home) 73 Robb St, Bourda, George­ tuberculosis services and Sen. Consultant Phy­ town, Guyana. sician, Georgetown and New Amsterdam Chest Clinics. Born India, Nov. 1, 1932, son of Deb- CODRINGTON, Archibald, A.A„ trade unionist, endra Choudhury, LL.B., and Shovana his wife. mem. Georgetown City C'cl. Born Georgetown, Educated Calcutta Med. Coll., India. Married Feb. 5, 1901. Educated St. Thomas's Sch. Aug. 9, 1963, in England, Rezvan (Persian Career: Boat-builder; associated with union birth & nationality): 1 son, 1 dau. Career: Medi­ movement from 19 20;was friend of late Nathan­ cal Registrar, Windsor Group Hospitals & Bir­ iel Critchlow, founder* of Guyana Labour Un- 280 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

ion; Lord Mayor, Georgetown, 1968> 1969; Ltd., Box 341, Georgetown, Guyana, (home) rec'd. Golden Arrow of Achievement (Order of 47 Main St., Georgetown. Service of Guyana, Grade II) 1970 (for service to city of Georgetown). Address: 32 Third St., COLLINS, Bertrand Aggrey Nathaniel, M.A., Alberttown, Georgetown. Ph.D ; university professor; Sandbach Prof, of Pub. Admin, and Govt. Born Georgetown, COLE, Charles Stephen, GEng., S.L.S. (1945) , Guyana, Sept. 3t 1930, son of S. N. Collins, A.C.S.M. (1951), A.M.I.M.M. (1956), mining businessman, and Sylvia nee Simon his wife. engineer; Mine Planning Engr., Mackenzie Mines. Educated Queen's Coll.; Univ. Coll. of W.I. Born Georgetown, Guyana, Nov. 18, 1924, son (now U.W.I.); Univ. of Paris; Univ. of Oregon; of Charles Alexander Cole, civil servant, and B.A. 1953, M.A. 1955, Ph.D 1:959. Married Daisy nee Andrews his wife. Educated Dolphin Nov. 28, 1959, Claire Cynthia, dau. of Philip Govt. Sch.; Queen's Coll.; Camborne Sch. of Beauchamp, ret'd. planter. Religion: Methodist. Mines. Married Sept. 10, 1949, Annie Olga, Speaks French. Recreation: Reading. Address dau. of late Ernest McWatt, planter: 3 sons. (bus.) Univ. of Guyana, Georgetown, (home) Career: Entered civil service as Clerk, Colonial 1 Pere St., Kitty, Guyana. Secy's. Office, 1942; Clerk, Education Dept, 1943; Surveyor's Apprentice, Lands & Mines CORREIA, Eugene Francis, Prospector, Miner, Dept., 1944; qualified Sworn Land Surveyor, Merchant; Ch'man Interior Development Corp. 1945; seconded Land Settlement Dept, 1946; Born Aug. 21, 1899, Guyana. Educated Buxton Sub-Warden, Potaro Mining District, 1947 ^war­ and Friendship Roman Catholic School; private­ ded Govt scholarship, 1948; gained diploma, ly. For. Lang: English. Religion: Roman Cathol­ apptd. Inspector of Mines, 1951; Guyana dele­ ic. Married May 19, 1926, Alexandrina, dau. of gate, 3rd Inter-Guiana Geological Conference, Manuel Gomez, merchant, dec'd.: 2 daus. Car- 1953; elected mem. Institution of Mining & eer: Formerly, mem. Legislative Assembly and Metallurgy, 1956; Guyana delegate to 5th Minister of Communications. Affiliation: Peo­ Inter-Guiana Geol. Conf., 1959, and to U.N. ple's National Congress. Clubs: Georgetown, Seminar on Techniques of Petroleum Develop­ Georgetown Cricket, etc. Maxim: "Fair Play". ment, 1962; Commissioner of Lands & Mines, Address: Interior Development Corp., Wales 1964; resigned, 1966, joined Demerara Bauxite St., G/Tn., (home) 240 Camp St, Georgetown, Co. Ltd. as Mines Supt; Asst. to Chief Mining Guyana. Engr., 1967; awarded Fellowship in Manage­ CORREIA, Vincent Jerome, Civil Servant, per­ ment of Production Operations, Internat'l. manent Secty., Ministry of Housing & Recon­ Centre for Advanced Tech. and Vocational struction. Born March 23, 1923, East Coast, Training, Turin, Italy, 1968; Mine Planning Demerara, Guyana, son of P. Correia, business­ Engr., Mackenzie Mines, 1969. Religion: Presby­ man and his wife Olga nee Long. Educated terian. Speaks French. Affiliations: Guyana St Anthony's & St. Mary's Primary Sch,, Central Land Surveyors' Socy., Institutions of Mining High Sch., Queen's Coll. For. Lang: French. & Metallurgy, Guyana Asscn. of Prof. Engrs. Religion: Roman Catholic. Married Aug. 27, Club: Watooka. Recreation: Gardening, read­ 1955, Stephanie Helene, dau. of Stephen Camp­ ing. Watchword: "Take nothing for granted." bell, dec'd.: 4 sons, 3 daus. Career: Joined Address: 68 Riverside Drive, Mackenzie, Guy­ Guyana Civil Service Jan. 1945 - served in cleri­ ana. cal capacity, Chief Secty's. Office & Interior Dept. 1943-52; Assist Dist Commissioner, COLES, William Russell, Bach, of Eng. (1951), Interior Dept. 1953, Assist Secty., Min. of Dip. Centre d'Etudes Industrielles, 1959; Civil Health & Labour, Housing 1960; Principal Assist Engineer; Mng. Dir., Sprostons (Guyana) Ltd., Secty., Min. of Works & Hydraulics, 1963; Dir. Demerara Bauxite Co. Ltd. Born Viking, Acted as Perm. Secty., Min. of Agric. & Miri. Alberta, Canada, Nov. 16, 1923, son of Lewis of Labour; Perm. Secty., Min. of Local Govt Russell Coles, mgr., Bank of Montreal, and 1966-68; attended Colonial Service course "B" Jane nee Daniel, his wife. Educated Carleton Oxford Univ. 1959-60. Affiliation: Guyana Coll., Ottawa; McGill Univ., Montreal, Centre Civil Service Asscn., St. Vincent de Paul Society. d'Etudes Industrielles, Geneva, Switz. Married Recreation: Fishing. Address: Ministry of Hous­ Sept. 6, 1947, Shirley Evaleen: 3 daus. (Barbara ing & Reconstruction, Waterloo & Newmar­ Jane, Janet Ruth, Catherine Lorraine). Career: ket Sts., G/Town, (home) 101 Light St., Albert- Office Engineer, Aluminum Co. of Canada town, Georgetown, Guyana. Ltd., 1951-4; Asst. to Mgr., Demerara Bauxite Co. Ltd. 1954-63; Mng. Dir., Ghana Aluminium CRANE, Victor Emanuel, LL.B. (Lond.); Judge, Products Ltd., 1963-64; Mng. Dir., Alcan Alum­ Court of Appeal since 1968; Editor 2nd Edi­ inium of Nigeria Ltd. and Flag Aluminium Pro­ tion Law of Unlawful Possession etc. Born ducts Ltd. 1964-68; Mng. Dir., Sprostons (Guy­ Sept. 18, 1919, Georgetown, Guyana, son of ana) Ltd., 1969. Religion: Protestant Affilia­ Sir Alfred Crane and his wife Mildred E. nee tions: Engineering Institute of Can., Asscn. of Garrat, both dec'd. Educated Queen's Coll, Prof. Engineers of the Prov. of Br. Columbia. Middle Temple, Univ. Coll., London. Religion: Recreations: Outdoor activities, fishing, swim­ Church of England. Married Feb. 11, 1955, ming, golf. Address (bus.) Sprostons (Guyana) Stella Doreen nee Bellamy: 2 sons, 2 daus. GUYANA 281

(Colin & Edward, Maureen & Ann). Career: Bank Breweries Ltd. Born Guyana, Oct 9, Entered Civil Service, Treasury Dept. 1940-42; 1912, son of the late John D'Aguiar, M.D. and World War II, R.A.F. Canada and England his wife Philomina Maria. Educated Stonyhurst 1942-46; Read Law at Middle Temple and College and Birmingham Univ. Married July 23, Univ. Coll., Lond. 1946-49; admitted to prac­ 1940, Kathleen, dau. of the late William Bras- tice at the St. Lucia Bar 1949; admitted to sington, business executive: 1 dau, 1 son. practice at the Guyana Bar 1949; apptd. Magis­ Religion: Roman Catholic. Clubs: Georgetown, trate 1953; transferred to Nigeria 1956; Chief Georgetown Cricket. Recreation: Tennis, water- Magistrate Nigeria 1957-63; held acting appts. skiing. Interest: Red Cross, Rotary. Address: of Director of Public Prosecutions and Puisne P. Q Box 81, Georgetown and "Byways", Judge in Nigeria; re-transferred to Guyana as Kitty, Demerara, Guyana. Puisne Judge, May 1963. Address: Court of Ap­ peal, High St., Georgteown, (home) 13 Fifth DALY, Vere Trevelyan, A.A., educator, histor­ Ave., Subryanville, Demerara, Guyana. ian; Lecturer, In-Service Teacher Training Pro­ gramme. Born Nov. 29, 1909. Educated Regent St. R.C. Sen.; Christ Church Anglican Sen.; CRANSTON, Prof. Maurice (Williams): See Govt. Training Coll. for Teachers, 1930-32 General Listing. (1st class Trained Teacher Cert). Career: Head­ master, De Willem Anglican Prim. Sch. (W.C.D.), CROSTHWAIT, Timothy Leland: See General Diamond Govt Sch. (1950); interested in trade Listing. unionism throughout teaching career; did his­ CUMMINGS, Hon. Justice Percival Augustus, torical research, wrote articles, published "Short Barrister-at-law; Judge Court of Appeal Born History of the Guyanese People" 1966, and Dec. 3, 1912, New Amsterdam, Berbice. Edu­ "The Making of Guyana" (for children) 1967; cated Queen's College; Univ. College, London took part in symposia on the Co-operative Univ.; Gray's Inn. Married: 7 children. Career: Republic prior to Independence, awarded Gold­ Mem. of State Council, 1953; Mem. of Interim en Arrow of Achievement (Order of Service of Govt., and Minister of Labour, Health and Hous­ Guyana, 2nd Class), 1970. Address: 5 Pere St, ing, 1954; represented Guyana as observer at Kitty, Demerara, Georgetown, Guyana. Federation Conferences in London, Barbados, D'ANDRADE, William Petsr, B. Com. (Lond.) and Trinidad, 1956-57. Address: 54 C.M.G., central banker; Governor Bank of New Garden St., Georgetown, Guyana. Guyana, mem. Bd. of Governors Univ. of CUNNINGHAM, Dr. Albert Major, B.Sc, M.D. Guyana. Born Georgetown, Guyana, Jan. 31, (Howard, 1928, 1932), M.C.P. & S. (Manitoba, JL917, son of Manoel D'Andrade, merchant and 1934), medical/practitioner; Casualty, Qfficef, late Emily nee Belgrave. Educated $t. Ambrose Georgetown Public Hosp. Born La Bagatelle, Sch., St Stanislaus Coll. Married Oct 27, 1945, Leguan, Essequibo, Guyana, Jan. 9, 1896, sbn Thelma Agatha dau. of Augustus Hyderkhan, of late Jacob Francis and Sara Eliza Cunning­ merchant: 11 children. Career: Served with ham. Educated Enterprise Prim. Sen., High Mayor and Town C'cL of Georgetown, 1938- Schools in New York; Howard Univ. (U*S.); 48; Census Commissioner, 1946 Census; Guya­ Univ. of Manitoba (C'da). Married Hyacinth na Civil Service, 1948, Financial Secy. 1960 ; Dorothy: 2 sons (incl. Donald A., M.D», of C.M.G. 1960;Secy. to Treasury (1961-67); Gov­ New York); 3 daus. (incl. Judith A., private ernor (Jan. 1968). Religion: R.C. Affiliation: nurse, New York, and Sheila B., Howard Univ. Mem. Bd. of Governors, Univ. of Guyana. student)." Career: Private practice, 1934-43; in Address (bus.) Bank of Guyana, P.O Box 658, Govt, employment from 1943 (Port Health Georgetown, (home) 94/95 Upper Robb St., Officer, Georgetown, hospital work in George­ Bourda, Georgetown. town, M.D. West Coast Dem., West Coast Ber­ DASH, Bibhu Peshad: see General Listing. bice, Dist, West Bank Dist, Esse­ quibo Islds.; Resident Surgeon, and DaSILVA, Capt Roland, C.C.V., air pilot, Mabarume Pub. Hospitals. Religion: Anglican. business exec; Operations Mgr., Guyana Air­ Affiliations: Masonic Lodges - Lodge Unity ways Corp. Born 1937. Career: Trained and 797 S.C (RW.M; 1959), Unity R.A. Chapter qualified as pilot in U.K.; Commercial Pilot's No. 353 (Principal 1961), Sovereign Rose licence, joined Guyana Airways (then B.G. Air­ Croix Chap. Victory No. 46 (M.W.S. 1959), ways), 1957; Chief Pilot, 1969; on dangerqus Unity Sovereign C'cL of 30th Deg. No. 29, missions to Rupununi, Jan., 1969, took part in Lodge Alpha 1594 S.C. (co-founder, R.W.M., military action leading to capture of Fort 1964), Dist Grand Lodge, Guyana, Dist Grand Jaguar in New River Triangle, Aug., 1969; Royal Area Chap, of Guyana. Recreation: ree'd. Cacique's Crown of Valour 1970, for Dancing. Motto: "Live in peace". Address (of­ conspicuous bravery. Address: c/o Guyana Air­ fice) Public Hospital, Georgetown, (home) 290 ways Corp., 33 Main St., Georgetown, Guyana. Thomas St., Georgetown. d'AGUIAR, Peter Stanislaus, Business Execu­ DAVID, Dr. Wilfred Lascelles, Ph.D„ economist; tive; Chairman d'Aguiar Bros. (DJ.H.) Ltd., Sen. Lecturer, Economics, Univ. of Guyana; 282 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN.

Economic Adviser, Min. of Economic Develop­ J.P. Santos & Co. Ltd. and Letter "T" Estates ment Born Guyana, Nov. 12, 1938, son of Ltd. Awarded C.B.E. 1961. Married: has two Philbert & Estelle David. Educated Berbice sons and two daughters. Address: Arlington High Sch.; London & Oxford Unircs. 'Married House, 26 Brickdam, Georgetown, Guyana. Frances Margaret: 1 son, 2 daus. Career: B.A. (Hons.) Lond., 1963; Ph.D., Oxford, 1966; DEMAS, William Gilbert, M.A. (Cantab.), econ­ author of "Economic Development of Guyana" omist, internat'l civil servant; Secy. Gen., Com­ (O.U.P. 1969) and of various papers in learned monwealth Caribbean Regional Secretariat periodicals. Address: (bus.) Univ. of Guyana, (CARIFTAX Born Port of Spain, Nov. 14, Box 841, Georgetown, (home) 41 Croal St., 1929, son of late Herman Horatio Demas, jeorgetown, Guyana. police sergeant, and late Audrey Edith nee Walters his wife. Educated Tranquillity Boys DAVIDSON, Winslow Arthur, B.Sc.1961, M.Sc. Intermediate Sch., Queen's Roy. Coll.; Em­ 1962, Agriculture; Principal Guyana School of manuel Coll., Cambridge, Eng. (B.A. 1951, Agriculture Corporation. Born Aug. 25, 1928, MJV. 1955). Married Jan., 1958, Norma Taylor, , Guyana, son of Handel Arthur dau. of Herman Taylor, ret'd. civil servant: 1 Davidson, blacksmith and his wife Belinda nee dau., Allison. Career: Island Scholarship, 1947; Stephens. Educated Anna Regina Govt. Sch., did research on economic development of the Govt. Training Coll. for Teachers; private study, W.I. (1870-1913), 1948-52; Research Fellow, Cornell Univ. Religion: Anglican. Married Aug. Economics, Queen's House, Oxford, 1955-57: 11, 1955, Cicely Ernestine nee Reid: 1 son, 3 Adviser, WJ. Trade Commission, Lond., on, daus. (Winsley, Valerie, Monique, Sandra). Af­ trade policy, 1957-58; Adviser, Min. of Finance, filiation: Guyana fnst. of International Affairs. T. & T. Govt., Jan.-June 1959; Head, Economic Interest: Musical appreciation, reading, athletics. Planning Div., Office of Prime Minister, 1960- Motto: Everyone owes service to humanity. Ad­ 67; represented Govt, of T. & T, at several dress: Guyana Sch. of Agric.,Mon Repos, East internat'l. conferences; rec'd. Humming Bird Coast, Demerara, Guyana. Medal (Gold); author of "Economics of W.I. Customs Union" in Social & Economic Studies, DAVIS, Harold Arlington, D.S.M., Director of March, 1960, and "Economics of Development Prisons. Born 1919. Career: Joined Prison Ser­ of Small Countries", 1965. Religion: C. of E. vice 1941 (Casual Warder); Supt. of Prisons, Speaks French, Spanish. Recreations: Music, 1963; Director, 1967; rec'd. Disciplined Ser­ films, reading. Address: (office) Commonwealth vices Medal, 1970, for meritorious services. Caribbean Regional Secretariat, Georgetown, Address: Prisons Dept., Brickdam, Georgetown. Guyana, (home) Colgrain House, Georgetown, Guyana, and La Fantasie Gardens, St Ann's, DAVIS, Harold Bamngton, B Sc, M.A.; Person­ Trinidad. nel Officer; Chief P.Q, Bookers Sugar Estate Ltd. Born Bagotville Village, West Bank, Dem­ DENBOW, Dr. Claude Hicks Augustus, D.D.S., erara, Sept. 16, 1924, son of late B. Davis, far­ Dental Surgeon; Ch'man Waterfront Enquiry mer, and Doris nee McGowan his wife. Educa­ Comm. Member, Guyana Med. Bd, Bd. of ted: Ohio State Univ., U.S.A. Married Aug. 11, Governors Queen's Coll., Bd. of Governors, 1951, Mayleen: 2 sons, 3 daus. Career: Primary Univ. of Guyana, National Industrial Bd., Bd. of Sch. teacher 13 yrs., rising to deputy headmaster, Governors Crichlow Labour Institute. Born Bedford Methodist Sch., studied in U.S. (B.Sc. March 25, 1911, Georgetown. Educated Queen's Social Admin., 1967, M.A. 1968)- specific College; College of Liberal Arts (Howard Univ., interest in crime and Industrial Sociology; Asst. D.C.); School of Dentistry (Howard Univ.). Af­ Personnel Mgr., Bookers Sugar Estates Ltd., filiation: Member PA Chapter of Omincron; 1959; Education and training Adviser 1961; Kappa Upsilon (National) Dental Honour Socty. Personnel Officer 1965; Chief P.O. 1968; has (USA); Chi Lambda Kappa Fraternity (Hon. served on various committees incl. Collins Society of Howard Univ. Dental School); Asso­ Commission on Public service teachers and ciate Member of the Pierre Faunchard Academy Police. Religion: Methodist. Affiliations: Adult (Inter'l. Dental Society); Pres. Guyana Dental Education Assn. of Guyana, (Pres.) mem. bd. of Society, Guyana League of Coloured People. Governors, Univ. of Guyana. Recreations: Gar­ Married: 2 sons. Address: 67, Second Ave., dening, photography. Watchword: "Service to Subryanville, Kitty, E.C. Demerara, Guyana. the Community". Address (bus.) Bookers Sugar Estates Ltd., 22 Church St.Georgetown, (home) DENNIS, William Gilbert: See Trinidad & 157 E. Waterloo St., Georgetown, Guyana. Tobago Section. DESOUZA, Anthony Joaquim, Barrister-at-Law DeFREITAS, Joseph Edward, C.B.E„ Solicitor. (Middle Temple, 1952, Lond.); Judge of Sup­ Born Nov. 16, 1902, Georgetown, B.G Educa­ reme Court, Guyana. Born Georgetown, Dec. ted Stonyhurst College, Lancashire, England 24, 1925, son of the late Antonio Joaquim De Notary Public; Chairman, Council of Manage­ Souza, Governing Dir., De Souza & Co. Ltd., ment of St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Director, and his wife Olinda. Educated in Portugal and Guiana Graphic Ltd., Guyana Match Co. Ltd., Guyana. Married Phyllis, daughter of the late GUYANA 283

Anthony Packenas of England, Feb. 4, 1950: Cyril McCracken, accountant: 1 son, 1 dau. 1 son. Religion: Roman Catholic. Clubs: George­ Speaks French. Interests: Reading (history and town Cricket, Non Pareil Park Tennis. Interests: politics). Address (office) Univ. of Guyana, Tennis, reading, cinemas, dancing. Address: P.O. Box 841, Georgetown, (home) 2 Queen's Supreme Court, Independence Square, G/Town, Coll. Compound, Georgetown, Guyana. DRAYTON, Kathleen Bibiana, B.A., Dip. Ed., DESPRES, Prof. Leo A.: See General Listing. university teacher; Lecturer, Faculty of Educa­ tion, Univ. of Guyana. Born Trinidad, Dec. 2, DOLPHIN, Miss Lynette de Weever, A.A., 1930, dau. of Cyril McCracken and Ticahis wife. L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., teacher, musician; Senior Educated Bishop Anstey High Sch. for Girls, Mistress, Queen's Coll.; mem., Bd. of Governors, Port of Spain, T'dad, U.C.W.I. (now U.W.I.), Bishop's High Sen.; local rep., Roy. School of B.A. (U.C.W.I. - London) 1953, Dip. Ed., Music; Secy. Music Festival C'ttee. Educated U.C.W.I., 1954 (with Distinction in Practice of De Willem Anglican Sch. (W.C.D.)j Bishop's Education), Scottish Teachers Cert. 1955. Mar­ High Sch.; Teachers Training Coll.; studied ried July 1954, Harold Alexander Drayton: 1 music in London (Licentiate, Roy. Academy son (Richard Harry), 1 dau. (Katharine Alison). of Music, and Associate, Roy. Coll. of Music); Career: Teacher in sec. schools, Edinburgh, grad., Roy. Schools of Music (on Brit. C'cl. Scotland, 1954-60; Lecturer, Govt. Teachers Schol., 1950). Career: Responsible for organi­ Training Coll., Guyana. Speaks French. Inter­ sing Schools Music Festival, 1942-50; awarded ests: Dramatics, cinema, history, literature, Golden Arrow of Achievement (Order of Service cooking. Address: c/o University of Guyana, of Guyana, Grade II), 1970 (for achievement P. O. Box 841, Georgetown. in the arts and service in their promotion). Affiliation: Guyana Music Teachers Assn.(Pres.). DUNCAN, Philip Pius, M.P., J.P., Pari. Secy, Address: 186 Waterloo St., Georgetown, Guyana. for Amerindian Affairs. Born , South Rupununi, Jan. 7, 1943; son of P. Duncan and DOW, Lionel Ernest, M.A. (Oxon.), Conserva­ and Lily his wife. Educated Aishalton Prim. tor of Forests, Forest Dept., Guyana. Born Sch., Govt. Technical Institute. Married Ap­ March 12, 1922, son of late John Osbourne ril 11, 1966, Edith: 3 daus. Career: Prim. Dow and Ada nee Farnum his wife. Educated School Teacher; private motor vehicle mechan­ Queen's Coll., Guyana; Jesus Coll., Oxford. ic; started political career, 1960; M.P. 1964; on Married Yvonne nee Mossop: 2 daus. Speaks Bd. of Directors, Agric. Corp.; mem. Nat'l. French. Hobby: Cabinet-making. Recreations: History & Arts C'cl. delegate to U.N., 1970; Reading, walking. Address (bus.) Forest Dept, J.P., 1970. Religion: R.C. Speaks Wapi-Chan P. O. Box 406, Kingston, Georgetown, (home) (Amerindian dialect). Affiliations: People's 10 Thome's Dr., Durban Park, East Coast, Nat'l. Congress, Guy. Nat'l. Consumers Co-op. Demerara, Guyana. Socy. Ltd. Recreations: Hunting and camping in DOWERS, Fitzroy, Dip. Pub. Admin., civil forests; photography. Address (bus.) Lot 1, servant; Senior Admin. Officer, Caribbean Re­ Water & Cornhill Sts., Georgetown, (home) gional Secretariat. Born Kingstown, St. Vincent, 201 Yorbani Ave., Eccles, East Bank, Demerara. Oct. 14, 1934, son of William C. Dowers. Edu­ cated St. Vincent Boys' Gram. Sch.; Dip. Pub. EDUN, Shirin, Barrister-at-Law (Gray's Inn); Admin., U.W.I., 1969. Married July 26, 1959, Senior Magistrate. Born East Bank, Demerara, Joan Barbara nee Joachim: 2 daus. (Jo-Anne, April 30, 1929, daughter of S. M. Edun, Susanne). Career: Customs Officer, St. Vincent, Chemist and Druggist, and S. Edun, his wife. Educated Dolphin Govt. School, Central High 1954-56. 1961-64; District Officer, Southern School (The County Scholarship), London Uni­ Grenadines (St. Vincent), 1966-68; Govt. P.R.O. versity. Speaks French. Career: Called to the & Information Officer, St. Vincent, 1968-69. Bar, Michaelmas 1954; first lady Magistrate in Religion: Methodist. Affiliation: Civil Service Guyana, appointed June 1958 after private Assn. Club: Olympiad Sport. Interest: Short practice for four years. Religion: Roman Cath­ story writing. Recreations: Boxing, cricket. olic. Affiliation: Theatre Guild. Recreation: Address (office) c/o Caribbean Regional Secre­ Horseracing, tennis, music. Watchword: "Per tariat, Georgetown, Guyana, (home) 552 D Aspera ad Astra". Address: The Magistrate's Church St., Alberttown, Georgetown. Court, High St., Georgetown, Guyana, and 28 DRAYTON, Dr. Harold Alexander, B. Sc, Public Road, Revinveldt, West Bank, Demerara, Ph.D., Prof, and Head of Dept. of Biology, Guyana. Univ. of Guyana. Born Georgetown, Aug. 20, EGBERT, Dr. Alwyn Meredith, M.B.,B.S., 1929, son of late Alexander Drayton, accoun­ (Lond.), 1963, D.P.H. (Toronto) 1968, phys­ tant, and Agnes Da Camara his wife. Educated ician; Principal Med. Officer, Guyana; mem. Modern High Sch., 1936-42; Queen's Coll., Medical Bd. Born Georgetown, Guyana, May 1943-47; Univ. of Edinburgh, 1954-60 (B.Sc, 5, 1938, son of Walrene Egbert. Educated Hons., 1958, Ph.D. 1960). Married July 1954, Queen's Coll., Guyana. Married Phyllis: 1 dau. Kathleen Bibriane nee McCracken, dau. of Career: Formerly Asst. Lecturer in Public 284 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN.

Health, U.W.I.; M.O.H., Guyana; Surgical Reg­ Maria nee Franco. Educated Bourda High Sch., istrar, Guyana. Religion: R.C. Clubs: Cosmos St. Stanislaus College. Married: 7 sons, 7 daugh­ Sports, Enmore Sports. Recreations: Outdoor ters (1 son and 2 daughters dee'd.) Religion: games. Address (bus.) c/o Ministry of Health, Roman Catholic. Affiliations: Pres. The Socy. Brickdam, Georgetown, Guyana, (home) 148A for the Blind, Vice-Pres. St. Vincent de Paul Barima & Rupununi Sts., Belair Park, Society, Georgetown Lions Club, the Christo­ pher Movement, Member Legislative Council, EVELYN, Joseph* Wesley, Transport Executive, 1947-52; formerly Ch'man. Rice Marketing Civil Servant; Grad. Institute of Transport Bd. Interests: Social Welfare Work and the (1961); General Manager, Transport & Har­ Goodwill Radio Programme. Address (home) bour Dept. Born Georgetown, Guyana, June 69 Third Ave., Subryanville, Kitty, Guyana. 17,1919, son of the late Edwin Evelyn and Constance nee Cleghorn his wife, also dec'd. FORD, Ernest David, A.A., civil servant; Perm. Educated St Philip's Anglican, St. George's Secy., Public Service Ministry. Born April 6, Anglican, St Joseph's Intermediate-Secondary. 1922. Educated Queen's Colt; London Sch. of Religion: Anglican. Married Oct. 6, 1961, Brid­ Economics; qualified in Industrial Finance, has get Eleanor nee Danney: 2 sons. Career: 1938- Dip. in Pub. Admin., Univ. of London (1951). 53, Traffic, Accounts, Personnel Branches, Career: Audit Dept. (Probationer) 1939; clerk Transport & Harbour Dept; 1954, Traffic In­ 1942-52; Asst. Inspector Labour, 1952; Admin. spector; 1954-57, Scholarship U.K.; 1960, Assist Asst, 1953; Principal Asst. Secy., 1960; Perm. to the Gen. Mgr.; 1961 Traffic Supt, 1962 Secy., Office of Prime Minister, & Secy, to Traffic Mgr.; 1964 Actg. Gen. Mgr.; Gen. Mgr. Cabinet, 1965; instrumental in setting up Public since 1965. Clubs: Trans. & Harbour Dept Service Min., 1967; rec'd. Golden Arrow of Sports (Pres). Recreation: Swimming. Address: Achievement (Order of Service of Guyana, Head Office, Transport & Harbour Dept., Main Grade II), 1970. Address: T Enachu St., St., Georgetown, (home) 6 Oleander Ave., Bel South C'ville, Georgetown, Guyana. Air Park East, East Coast, Demerara, Guyana. FORSYTHE, Victor Leonard Consort, B.Sc. (Hons.) 1963; Civil Servant and Information FARIA, Joseph, M.S., civil servant; Cumioller Specialist; Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Govt Printing & Stationery. Born 1916. of Information & Culture, Guyana. Born Feb. Career: Entered civil service, Post Office; re- 20, 1925, L'OrwOire, W.B. Demerara, Guyana, equipped P.O. after two fire disasters; in Col­ son of George William Forsy the,headteacher and onial Secretary's Office, 12 yrs., Office of Chief his late wife Letilia nee Harding. Educated De- Secy.; Asst. Secy.., 1959; present post 1960 hoops CM. Sch. & Enterprise High Sch. (matri­ (due to retire July 1970); rec'd. Medal of Ser­ culated at 15 yrs); New Coll., Lond. Univ.; vice, 1970. Address: Wight's Lane, Georgetown. Sch. of Public Communications & Sch. of Fine Arts, Boston Univ. (B.Sc. Hons. in Communi­ FIELD-RIDLEY, Hon. Miss Shirley Merle, B.A., cations; 1963 Prizeman gaining First in Com­ LL.B., M.P., barrister, legislator; Minister of munication Arts). For. Lang: French. Religion: Education. Born George­ Congregational. Married Ana Alleyne. Career: town, Aug. 24, 1937. High Sch. Teacher 1942-43; Public Service of Educated Smith Con­ Guyana 1944-54 - Customs, Social Welfare gregational Sen.; Bish­ Division, Local Govt. Ministry, Min. of Agric; op's High Sch.; U.W.I., Broadcasting Officer, Bureau of Public Informa­ B.A. (Hons.) (History) - tion, 1954-56; Acting Youth* Organiser 1956- was on netball team, 57; Secretary of the Youth Advisory Comm., Marathon Champion two 1957-58; Senior Broadcasting Officer, Guyana successive years, Pres. Information Service 1958-63; Principal Informa­ Political Club, Student tion Officer April 1963; Chief Information Of­ of the Year; London ficer, July 1967 (acted for a while); served as • Univ. LL.B. (was Vice- National Delegate to Overseas Youth Confer­ Pres. Students Union). Married: 1 dau. Career: ence sponsored by the World Assembly of Sec. sch. teacher; barrister, legal firm of Clark Youth and also Manager of National Table & Martin; Princ. Asst Secy., Min. of External Tennis Teams; worked as Broadcaster at B.B.C., Affairs; Adviser, Mixed Commission on Vene­ Lond., C.B.C. Quebec, Voice of America, Wash­ zuela - Guyana border question; elected M.P. ington and the English Speaking Caribbean 1968. Address: (office) Ministry of Education, Broadcasting Organisations; was guest Commen­ Georgetown, (home) 159 New Garden St, tator for the West Indies on the inauguration of Queenstown, Georgetown. the late President John F. Kennedy, 1961. Has written three prize-winning plays - entered in FERNANDES, John Alvaro (C.M.G. Queen's national competition. Affiliations: Associate of Birthday Hons. 1965), Company Director and the Inst, of Public Relations, Lond., Vice-Pres. Social Welfare Worker, Chairman John Fernan- Caribbean Table Tennis Federation, Theatre des Ltd. Born Georgetown, Demerara, June 12, Guild of Guyana, Pres. Guyana Table Tennis 1901, son of John Fernandes and Deolinda Asscn. Interests: Drama, play-writing, collecting GUYANA 285

folk music, lawn tennis, table tennis, swimming. Primary Schools, Queen's Coll., Guyana; Lond. Motto: "If we give to the world the best that School of Economics (Lond. Univ.). For. Lang: we have, the best will come back to us. Address: French. Married Aug. 22, 1940, Iris Nichols: (office) Ministry of Information & Culture, 18 3 daus., 1 son. Religion: Muslim. Club: George­ Brickdam, Georgetown, (home) "Beachwords", town. Address: 13 Water & Bentinck Streets, 23 First St,, Alberttown, Georgetown, Guyana. P.O. Box 440, Georgetown, Guyana; (home) 22 Fort St., Kingston, Georgetown, Guyana, FOX, Gaston OrvUle, M.A. (Ed.), civil servant; S.A. Chief Education Officer. Bom Guyana, April 6, 1917, son of late Jacob Nathaniel Fox and late GAJRAJ. His Excell. Rahman Baccus, B.A. Julia nee Blackman his wife. Educated Collegi­ Business (1937), Diplomat, Ambassador for ate Sen., Guyana, Govt. Training Coll., Univs. Guyana,U.S.,and High Commissioner to Canada, of London, West Indies, Leicester, Chicago, Feb. 1970; Ch'man & Governing Director, Toronto, Pittsburgh. B.A. 1948, Dip. Ed. 1954, H.B. Gajraj Ltd.; Director Hand-in-Hand Mutual M.A. Ed. 1969. Married Dec. 1951, Sheila Fire Insce. Co. Ltd., Sterling Products Ltd.; Ann nee Cameron: 2 sons, 1 dau. Career: Head­ Ch'man Bd. of Governors Bishop High Sch.; master, Charlestown Sec. Sen., St. Kitts-Nevis, mem. Bd. of Governors Queen's Coll. for Boys. County Education Officer, Guyana; Asst. Chief Born Georgetown, May 11,1910, son of Hussian Education Officer. Religion: C. of E. Affil­ Bakish Gajraj (merchant) and Lateefan Bakish iations: Court Georgetown Diamond (A.O.F.), nee McDooni. Educated Queen's College. Mar­ Unity Masonic Lodge, Guyana. Club: Demerara ried Nov. 6, 1933, Hannah, daughter of B.A. Cricket. Interest: Music. Hobbies: Stamp Col­ Rohoman, merchant (dee'd); 2 sons, 3 daugh­ lecting, gardening. Address (bus.) Ministry of ters. Career: Mayor, City of Georgetown, 2 Education, 21 Brickdam, Georgetown, (home) terms, Depy. Mayor, one term; Mem. Legislative 36 Blygezight Gardens, E.C. Demerara, Guyana. Council, 1951-64; Minister without Portfolio 1954-57; Ch'man, Sewerage & Water Commis­ FRANKER, Neville Ley ton, Civil Servant; Per­ sioners (3 terms), B.G Rice Marketing Bd., manent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Mem. Bd., 1955-60, B.G. Rice Development Co., 1960-62, Guyana Airways Corp. Born Georgetown, Guya­ Transport & Harbours Advisory Council, 1959- na, Feb. 24, 1923, son of Fred Reginald Frank­ 62; M.P. 1968-70; Speaker Legislative Assembly er and his wife Julie Agnes Gomes. Ed­ 1961-64; rep. B.G. at many Inter'l conferences; ucated Queen's College, Guyana. Society: Royal Awarded Queen's Coronation Medal, and Past Commonwealth (U.K.). Recreation: Tennis and Mayors Badge, 1953; C.RE, 1965. Religion: hockey. Address: Ministry of Health, George­ Muslim. Affiliation: Wazir, The Muslim League town, Guyana. 6f Guyana. Clubs: Rotary, Cricket, Turf. In­ terests: Public affairs, photography, philately. FRASER, Walter Ogle, O.B.E. Retired Civil Recreation: Woodwork. Watchword: "Let no Servant, Guyana. Chairman Daily Chronicle descending sun leave on thy hand no worthy Ltd., Bushy Park Ltd. Mem. Bd. of Review, action done." Address: Embassy, Republic of Income Tax, 1966. Born Nov. 3, 1896. Educa­ Guyana, Washington D.C. ted Middle Sch., Georgetown. Married. 3» sons, 4 daus. Career: 1918-19, Military Service, GANGADIN, Victor Jeet, B.Sc. (Econ.) Lond., 1917-40, served in Customs, Harbours & Pilot­ LL.B. (Lond), A.A.C.C.A., A.T.I.I., public age, Treasury & Education Depts. *, Treasury; accountant; partner, Barcellos, Gangadin & Co.; 1940, Accountant; 1943, Assist. Treasurer; dir., Guyana Unit Trust Management Ltd. Born 1946, Deputy Colonial Treasurer; 1949 re­ Bath, West Coast, Berbice, son of Thomas Gan­ designated Deputy Financial Secty. & Treasur­ gadin, ret'd foreman, and Bhagwantia Johnnie er; 1952-56 Financial Secty., Commissioner of his wife. Educated St. Nicholas Anglican Sch. Income Tax and Commissioner of Currency; and London Univ. (B.Sc. 1958, LL.B. 1963). Member Executive & Legislative Councils under Married Nov. 17, 1946, Selina Gafooran, dau. Interim Govt. Chairman Development Trust of late Rasul Baksh: 3 sons, 2 daus. (Krishna, Fund Advisory Committee, Acting Director Vijal, Chandra, Sobhana, Indira). Career: Served New Widows & Orphans Fund; member Trot- in R.A.S.C., 1954-57; Commissioner of Inland man Trust Fund C'ttee; retired from civil ser­ Revenue, Guyana; Internal Auditor, U.N.I.C.- vice 1956. Address: Earl's Ave., Fraserville, E.F.; part-time lecturer, Univ. of Guyana. Kitty, Demerara, Guyana. Religion: Hindu. Speaks Hindi. Affiliation: Asscn. of Certified & Corporate Accountants GAJRAJ, Mohamed Bakish, B.Com. (Lond.) and Inst, of Taxation, Mahatma Gandhi Organi­ Company Director; Mng. Dir. H. B. Gajraj Ltd. zation. Recreation: Cricket, reading. Address Chairman Rice Deve. Co. Ltd., Timber Deve. (bus.) 11 Broad St., P.O. Box 609, Georgetown, (B.G.) Ltd., Director: Guyana & Trkiidad Mu­ (home) 32 Canira St., Georgetown. tual Fire Insurance Co. Ltd., New Building Society Ltd., Royal Agricultural Commercial GASKIN, Winifred, High Commission to the Society; Mem. Bd. of Governors, University of Commonwealth Caribbean, Ch. Peoples Nation­ Guyana. Born Aug. 1, 1918, Georgetown, son al Congress; former Minister of Youth Work, of the late H. B. and Lateefan Gajraj. Educated Race Relations & Social Development, former 286 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

Editor Booker News. Born Buxton, East Coast, Sch.; Drax Grammar Sch.; St. Catherine's Coll., Demerara. Educated St. Anthony Roman Cath­ Cambridge;Univ. Coll., London. Married Sept olic Sch. St Joseph's High School (Convent of 17, 1936, Cynthia Mary, M.C.S.P.: 1 son (Dr. Mercy) & Bishop's High School. Holds the Robert Goodland, Ph.D. McGill), 1 dau. (Vic­ Oxford & Cambridge Senior Certificate and toria Leech). Career: Appleby Frodingham gained exemption from Inter-Arts at the Guy­ Steel Co., 1936-45; Birmingham Gas Dept, ana Scholarship examination. Did an attachment and West Midlands Gas Bd., 1945-51; Gen. Mgr., course in journalism with the Express Syndica­ United Sulphuric Acid Corp., Widnes, Eng. tion and Times, London. Former Pres. Guyana Speaks French, Portuguese. Affiliations: Mem. Press Association. Married Dec. 9, 1939, Ber­ Bd. of Governors, Univ. of Guyana; Bd. of Dir. kley Bertram Gaskin: 1 son, Gregory Delmar. Royal Agricultural & Commercial Socy., Address: Guyana High Commission, Old Georgetown; Museum & Zoo C'ttee, George­ Hope Rd., Kingston 5, Jamaica. town. Interests: Archaeology, wood sculpture. Address: i (bus.) c/o Bookers Sugar Estates Ltd., GIGLIOLI, Dr. George, M.D., F.R.C.P., (Lond.), 22 Church St., Georgetown, (home) 57 High D.T.M. & H., O.B.E., physician; Hon. Govt. St., Kingston, Georgetown, Guyana. Malariologist, B.G., and Mem., WHO Expert Panel on Malaria. Born Portici, Italy, Feb. 19, GREEN, The Honourable Hamilton Belal, Leg­ 1897. Educated Univ. of Pisa, Italy, 1915-21; islator; Minister of Works & Hydraulics, 1969; London Sch. of Tropical Medicine. Married General Secretary Peo­ Gina Perret: 2 sons, Euro George (b. 1924), Mgr., Immigration Bd., Kenya; and Marso E.C. ple's National Congress (b. 1927), Dir. Mosquito Research and Control of Guyana.BornGeorge- Unit, Grand Cayman. Career: Med. Adviser, town,B.G„ Nov. 9,1934, Guyana Sugar Producers Assn., 1933-66; Hon. son of Wilfred A. Green Govt. Malariologist, 1945-;OtB.E„ 1948; author (pharmacist) and his of about 80 contributions to medical literature wife Edith Ophilia nee on tropical medicine and malariology, rec'd. Licorish). Educated Darling Foundation Prize & Medal for achieve­ Stanislaus Coll., Church ment in Malariology, 1968 (presented at XXI of Cong. Sch., Queen's World Health Assembly, Geneva, May 14). Coll. Married. Career: Speaks French, Italian. Affiliations: Roy. Socy . Joined Civil Service in of Trop. Medicine, Amer. Socy. of Trop. Medi­ 1956; entered active politics in 1961; active cine, Amer. Mosquito Control Assn. Address: Trade Unionist. Religion: Muslim. Affiliation: P. O. Box 53, Georgetown, Guyana. United Sad'r Islamic Anjuman. Interests: Ath­ letics (Champion athlete at college), boating. GOMES, Carlos, C.RE. (1966), Solicitor; Senior Motto: "To live you have takeep on fighting." Partner Gomes & Gomes, Solicitors. Born Address (office) Ministry of Works & Hydraulics, September 14, 1894, Georgetown. Educated (home) 58 Howes St., Charlestown, Georgetown, St. Stanislaus College; St. Dunstan's College, Guyana. Catford, Eng. Solicitor of the Supreme Court of GREEN, William Maurice, Company Director; England 1917; B.G. Supreme Court 1917, Ch'man J. F. Green & Co. Ltd., V. P. Banks Member Rules C'ttee., Supreme Court of Guya­ ! ---r ——— - DJ.H. Ltd. Dir: Royal na since 1928; Mem. Legal Practitioners Disct- \ Bank Trust Co. (Guya­ plinary C'ttee. since its inception 1925, also member of other committees in connection na) Ltd., Demerara Mu­ ipippi^ tual Life Assurance So- with Land Registration and Property Law. | ciety Ltd., Hotel Tower Married: 9 children. Address: 298 Thomas St., •"%*** Ltd. Born March 19, G/Town, Guyana. 1900, Georgetown, Guy­ ana, son of James Fred- GOMEZ, John, comp. director; Dir. Guyana Ki ^\&'/ A t, . erick Green and his wife Import Export Ltd. Born Santa Rosa Mission, 4 V- i Katherine Angela nee North-west Dist, Guyana. Educated Main St I f JH'J V i Abraham, both dec'd. R.C. Sch. Married Ula nee Chaves: 2 sons I UML—^ 1 Educated Miss Helen (Julian, Mark), 1 dau. (Eva). Religion: R.C. McCowan's Sch. and Mr. H. D. Jones' SchooL Recreation: Sports. Address (bus.) Guyana Im­ Religion: Anglican. Married Sept 5, 1925, port Export Ltd., Georgetown, (home) Regent Ruth Winifred, dau. of the late Benjamin Slim St., Lacy Town, Georgetown, Guyana. Newsam, Registrar of Deeds: no children. Career: 1925, acquired business of J. F. Green & Co.; GOODLAND, Edward Arthur, M.A. (Cantab.), President, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce C. Engr., F.I. Mech. E., M.I. Chem. E., F.B.I.M., 1954-57; Pres. Commission Agents Assn. 1938- Chartered Engineer, Technical Dir., Bookers 46; Vice-Chairman B.G. Credit Corporation Sugar Estates Ltd., Georgetown, and Dir. Dem­ 1956-60; Member of the Coronation Celebra­ erara Foundry Ltd., Georgetown. Born Taun­ tions Advisory and Co-ordinating Cttee 1953; ton, Eng., Nov. 24, 1911. Educated Taunton Member of the Br. Guiana Hurricane Relief GUYANA 287

Cttee 1955; Mem. of the Central Cttee under Recreation: Climbing, skiing, reading, weight- Chairmanship of Sir Patrick Renison for visit of lifting, raising flowers. Address :Q>us.) Sandbach Princess Margaret 1958; Town Planning Com­ Parker Bldg. Georgetown, Guyana, (home) missioner (Georgetown Fire Area) Ordinance 96 Duke Street, Georgetown, Guyana. 1957-67; Mem. Cttee apptd. by Financial Secty. (1956) to investigate workings of Cus­ HAMILTON, Cleveland Wycliffe, J.P.,Barrister- toms Dept; Capt Georgetown Cricket Club at-IaWinprlvate practice, journalist, broadcaster; 1929-43; Vice-Pres. 1954-59. Capt B.G Crickel Born Oct. 3, 1919, , Guyana, son of Team that won Intercolonial Cricket Cup Thomas T. Hamilton and his wife Francina nee (1929) after 34 years; former mem. and selector Halley, both dec* d. Educated Mahaica Church of West Indies Cricket Bd.; Delegate of West Indies Scotland School, Mahaicony Church of Scot­ Cricket Bd. at Imperial Cricket Conference land Sch., Govt. Training Coll. for Teachers, at Lords 1952; rep. Br. Guiana in Inter-Colonial 1939-41; Middle Temple, Lond. 1955-62, Dip. Soccer 1922-25. Affiliation: Georgetown Cham­ Journalism, London Sch. of Journalism, 1945. ber of Commerce. Clubs: Marylebone Cricket, Religion: Presbyterian. Married May 24, 1950, Lords (Lond); Forty Club (Lond); West Indian Sheila Verda nee Henry: 3 sons, 1 dau. Career: (Lond); Georgetown; Georgetown Cricket; Dem- 1941-44, Assist Master, Bush Lot CM. & Novar erara Turf; Nonpareil Tennis(Guyana). Address: CM. Schools; 1944-48, Royal Air Force, UJC. 78 Church St, Georgetown, (home) 157 Crown (Radar Operator); 1948-55, Deputy Headmas­ & New Garden Sts., Georgetown, Guyana. ter, Novar CM. & Wash Clothes CM. Schools; 1963 - feature writer: "Evening Post", "Week­ GREEN, Sydney B. Businessman & Night dub end Post & Sunday Argosy", "Daily Chronicle", Proprietor, The El Globo Nite Club. Born Dec. "Sunday Graphic", "Guyana Broadcasting Ser­ 30, 1924, New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana, vice"; 1964, City Council. Affiliations: Guyana son of the late William N. Green, book-keeper Legion of Ex-Servicemen? The Glim Society; and his wife Lilian E. nee Munroe. Educated Guyana Institute of International Affairs. In­ Wortmanville R.C. Sen., Central High Sch. For. terest: Reading, literary criticism, the cinema, Lang: Spanish, Dutch. Married March 24, 1951, poetry writing. Motto: "All things come to those Nina E., dau. of John Van Gurp, building con­ who wait". Address: (chambers) Croal St., Sta- tractor: 2 sons, 2 daus. Career: Lawyer's broek, Georgetown, (home) 57 David St., Kitty, Clerk; later travelled to N.A., employed as East Coast, Demerara, Guyana. Section Head, Catering Division with Lago Oil & Transport Co. Ltd., (subsidiary of HARPER, Henry Thompson, Civil Servant; Standard Oil of New Jersey), 1946-61; returned Chief" Community Dev. Officer. Holds the to Guyana 1961, established present business. Mergenthaler Award 1963 - Scroll- $500 (U.S.). Affiliation: Frontiers Organ, of U.S.A. Club: Born July 23, 1923, Sans Souci, Wakenaam, Demerara Cricket. Recreation: Fishing, billiards. Essequibo, son of Samuel Newton Harper, Address: 118 Regent Rd., Bourda, Georgetown, AME Minister, and Dora Agatha nee Roberts. Guyana. Educated Sans Souci and Agricola Method­ ist Schools, and Central High School. Speaks GUILLY, Rt Rev. Richard Lester, SJ., D.D., French. Married July 28, 1951, Lynette Emelda, M.A. (Oxon), O.B.E., Roman Catholic Bishop dau. of Peter Koulen, music teacher: 4 children. ot Georgetown, Guyana. Born Glasgow, Scot­ Career: Formerly Editor in Chief, Daily Chron­ land, July 6, 1905. Educated Stonyhurst Col­ icle; Mergenthaler Award for defence of free­ lege, Campion Hall, Oxford. Speaks French. dom of the press, 1963. Religion: Methodist Religion: Roman Catholic. Address: Bishop's Club: Chronicle Sports, Mariner. Recreation: House, 27 Brickdam, Georgetown, Guyana. Swimming, cricket, sports fan. Watchword: "No executive is too big to make notes; check, HAILWOOD, John Anthony Forrestal, business check, check "Address: Dept. of Community exec; Ch'man, Demerara Co. Ltd., Sandbach Development, High St., Georgetown. Parker & Co. Ltd., Dem. Development Co. Ltd., Dem. Rum Co. Ltd., Diamond Liquors Ltd., HAYNES, William, legislator; Pari. Secy., Min­ Dem. Investment Trust Ltd., Caribbean Finance istry of Hydraulics & Supply; Ch'man, Young Ltd., Brodie & Rainer Agencies Ltd., Sandbach Socialist Movement of People's Nat'l. Congress. Jessel Insnce Co. Ltd., Guyana Unit Trust Born Georgetown, Aug. 13, 1936. Educated Management Co. Ltd., Guyana Sugar Producers Smith Congregational Prim. Sch.; Cambridge Academy; Tutorial High Sch. Married: 4 daus. Assn., Vice-Ch'man. Nat'l Cane Farming Cttee., Career: Formerly bailiff; class II clerk, Civil Depy. Ch'man. Guyana Development Corp., Service. Address: (office) Ministry of Hydraul­ Dir. Demerara Comp. Holdings Ltd., Dem. ics & Supply, Georgetown, (home) 18/19 Haley Sugar Terminals Ltd., Guyana & T'dad. Mutual St., Georgetown, Guyana. Fire & Life Insnce. Cos., Cane Farming Dev. Corp.; mem. Natl. Efficiency Ccl. (and Exec . HEAL, Robert E., See Barbados Section. Cttee.), Hon. Swedish Consul. Born Seaford, Eng., April 30, 1923. Educated Manchester HERTZMAN, Dr. Lewis, Ph.D: see General Gram. Sch., Cambridge Univ. Interest: Music. Listing. 288 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

HOYTE, Hon. Hugh Desmond, S.C., M.P., Educated St. Andrew's Scots Sch., Modern barrister, legislator; Minister of Home Affairs. Educational Inst., Gettysburg Coll., New York ._ Born Georgetown, Mar. Inst. Religion: Lutheran. Married Jan. 9, 1949, y*1'^^ 9, 1929, Educated St. Inez: 4 daus., 1 son (Donna, Ruth, Gail, Grace, ^-.^^^^ Barnabas Anglican Sch. Richard, Jr.). Affiliations: Pres. Guyana Trades S**^*^ 1934-42, Progressive Union Council, Pres. Man-Power citizens Assn., High Sch. 1943-48 ; Guyana Plantation Workers Federation, Execu­ Univ. of London (B.A., tive Mem. International Federation Plantation, LL.B.) and Middle Tem­ Agricultural & Allied Workers, Labour Rep. ple 1957-60. Married: 2 Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund Cttee., daus. Career: Master, Exec. Mem. Carib. Congress of Labour, Alter­ Grenada Boys' Sec. Sch., nate Exec. Mem. I.C.F.T.U.; Chairman Bd. of 1955 - 57; mem., Legal Governors Critchlow Labour College, Mem. Bd. Practitioners Cttee 1964- of Governors Univ. of Guyana. Recreation: 68, Customs Tariff Tribunal 1966-69, Timber Boating, photography. Motto: The greatest Grants Wages C'cl. 1967-69; mem. Elections good to the greatest number. Address: Indian Commission 1967-68; elected M.P. 1968. Affili­ Education Trust Coll., Non-Pareil Park, Thomas ation: Guyana Bar Assn. (Vice-Pres. 1967-68). Lands, (home) 27-29 Courida Park, E.C. Dem­ Interests: Literature, historical research. Ad­ erara, Guyana. dress: (office) Ministry of Home Affairs, George­ town, (home) 46 Bent St., Werk-en-Rust,George­ JACK, Alasdair McLeman, hotelier; Gen. Mgr. town, Guyana. Pegasus Hotel, Georgetown. Born Tarbert, Scot­ land, Oct. 30, 1936, son of John and Betsy IRVINE, Dr. Dennis Horace, Ph.D., (Cantab), Jack. Educated Hutcheson Boys Grammar B.Sc. (Leeds), Scientist; Vice-Chancellor, Univ. Sch., Glasgow. Married March 3, 1962, Sylvia of Guyana. Born Jamaica, Jan. 15,° 1926, son Esther Arbour of Sussex: 1 son (Gregory), 1 of William Victor Irvine and Inez nee Phillips. dau. (Suzanne). Career: Brit. Transport hotels Educated Wolmer's Boys' Sch.-, Leeds Univ. (incl. Gleneagles and Twinbery) 11 yrs., Trianon (1946-50); Cambridge Univ. (1950-54). Mar­ Palace Hotel, Versailles, France, 1 yr.; Supervi­ ried Mona Valborg nee Bergman: 3 sons, 1 dau. sor responsible for 16 hotels with Scottish New­ Career: Ja. Scholar, 1946; B.Sc. (Leeds), 1st castle Breweries Ltd.; Mgr. Angus Hotel, Scot­ Class Hons., 1950; Univ. of Leeds Schol., 1946; land, 3 yrs.;came to Guyana Nov. 1968, to open Whytlaw Gray Prize (1946); Lecturer, Univ. of and manage Pegasus. Religion: Ch. of Scotland. Ibadan, Nigeria, 1954; Professor of Chemistry, Speaks French. Affiliations: Guyana Hotel Ibadan, 1963; Dean, Faculty of Science, and Assn., Caribbean Hotel Assn., mem. Hotel & Ca­ Mem. of C'cl. Univ. of Ibadan, 1966-69. Reli­ tering Institute, Eng. (M.H.C.I.); mem. Cookery gion: R.C. Affiliation: Chemical Society (Lon­ & Food Assn. (M.C.F.A.). Recreation: Golf, don). Recreation: Music, reading, cricket. Ad­ squash. Address (bus.) Guyana Pegasus, George­ dress (office) University of Guyana, Box 841, town, (home) P. O. Box 871, Georgetown. Georgetown, (home) 1 Pere St., Kitty, East Coast Demerara, Guyana. JACK, Hon. Hubert Oliver, barrister, legislator; Minister without portfolio; mem. Film Censor­ ISAACS, Ewart Neil Malcolm, C.P.M. (1963); ship Bd. Born George­ Head, Security Police, Booker Group in Guy­ town, Nov. 8, 1927. ana. Born Georgetown, Guyana, July 4, 1923. Educated Modern High Educated St. Stephen's Scots Sch., Queen's i •" •"•fcT -s*^A i Sch., Georgetown. Mar- Coll., Scottish Police College. Married June 26, ^^^ ried: 2 sons, 1 dau. 1959, Jessie McRuvie Mitchell. Career: Spros- - Career: Called to the tons Ltd. 1940; Wietings & Richter Ltd., fj'^LZT^W 1 1940-43, and 1948-51; Military Service (B.G. r*t -wlte i^^ . g^ (Lmcoin's jnn, Lon­ Home Guard 1941-43, 1st Caribbean Regt, don); mem., Guyana Del­ 1943-45; 1st Royal Regt. 1945-48, demobbed egation to 23rd session with rank of Capt.); Guyana Police Force 1951, of U.N. Gen. Assembly Depy. Supt. 1954, Supt. 1959, Senior Supt. 1968; mem. Film Cen­ 1960, Asst. Commissioner, 1963; Depy. Com­ sorship Bd., Feb., 1969. missioner, 1965. Religion: Church of Scotland. Address: (home) Lot K, Section N, Campbell- Affiliation: Guyana Legion, RLoyal Common­ ville, East Coast, Demerara. wealth of Socy., Internat'l. Assn. of. Chiefs of Police. Address: c/o Booker Central Services JACKSON, Donald Edward, C.C.H. (Grade I Ltd., 22 Church St., Georgetown, Guyana. Order of Service Guyana), LL.B. (Lond.), Ch. Guyana Elections Commission 1966; Ch'- ISHMAEL, Richard Alexander, B.A., B.Sc, man Guyana Section, Guyana - Mixed High School Principal; Trade Unionist, Hotelier; Border Comm.-, Vice-Pres. of the Conference Principal, Indian Education Trust College. Born of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and Guyana, Dec. 26, 1924, son of the late Augus­ the Americas. Born May 17, 1892, B.G., son of tus Ishmael and his wife Bibi Halima nee Hussain. the late Joseph W. Jackson, O.B.E., J.P., of B.G. GUYANA 289

Educated Middle School, Georgetown? Univ. of F.B.O.A. (1951), OJ). (1962), F.R.S.H. (1965). London. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple Married Feb. 21, 1951, Ellen nee Hartmann 1927. Career: 1933-36, Acting Asst. Attorney (of Germany): 1 son, 2 daus. Career: In family General; 1936, Senior Magistrate, B.G.; 1944, business to 1941; civilian employee, later Chief Registrar of Deeds of Supreme Court and of of Safety & Workmen's Compensation Section, West Indian Court of Appeal, British Guiana; U.S. Army Eng'r. Dept., Br. Guiana Base 1945-49, Acting Puisne Judge (various periods); Command, 1941-45 (rec'd. Special Commenda­ 1948-49, Member of Commission on Unification tion from Commanding General, Antilles Div.); of the Public Services in the British Caribbean Co-founder Optometric Assn. (1954), Secy. - area; 1949, Puisne Judge, Windward & Lee­ Treas. (1954-61); elected M.P., 1961-68* Reli­ ward Islands; 1950-57, Chief Justice of Wind­ gion: Protestant. Affiliations: PJ?.P. (formerly ward & Leeward Islands and Judge of West In­ Secy. Educational & Research C'ttee); Roy. dian Court of Appeal; 1950, sole Commissioner Economic Socy. London; Guyana Optometric of Fire Enquiry Commission, Antigua, Chair­ Assn. (Vice-Pres.). Interests: Politics, economics, man Labour Inquiry Commission, St. Lucia; internat'l affairs. Hobby: Philately. Address: 1951, Ch'man Commission of Inquiry into the 115 Third St., Georgetown, Guyana. Nutmeg Industry, Grenada; 1953, Kt Bach., 1954, Member B.G. Constitutional Commis­ JAGAN, Dr. Cheddi Berrett, B.Sc. (Y.M.C.A. sion; 1957, Ch'man Commission of Inquiry College, Chicago, U.S.A.), D.D.S. (Northwestern into the working of the Sugar Industry, St , Dental School, Chicago, Lucia; 1957-61, Speaker Legislative Council, j U.S.A.)., Leader of the B.G.; 1960, Chairman of Commission to review j Opposition, 1965; Pre- salaries and structure of the Federal Civil Ser­ \ mier of British Guiana & vice of the West Indies and also to inquire into Minister of Development the remuneration of Ministers and other mem­ and Planning from 1961- bers of the Federal Legislature; 1960, Officer 1964; Leader of the of the Order of St. John; 1961-62, Federal People's Progressive Par­ Justice, Federal Supreme Court of the West ty. Born Port Mourant Indies; Justice of Appeal, British Court of Br. Guiana, March 22, Appeal 19 62-66 Jieligion: Methodist. Married 1918, son of the late Amy B. Reynolds: 1 daughter (Wendela). Mr. Jaganand Bachonai, Address: "Carlton", 21-22 Lame Ave. Bel Air his wife. Educated Queen's College, British Park, Guyana. Guiana; Howard Univ., Washington, B.C.'Mar­ ried Aug. 5, 1943, Janet Rosenberg: 1 son, 1 JACKSON, Rashleigh Esmond, B.A. (General), daughter (Cheddi, Nadira). Career: Practised as B.A. (Hons.), Lond. Post graduate Certificate a Dental Surgeon in Georgetown, British Guiana, in Education (Leicester); Public Servant; Per­ 1943-57; Treasurer, M.P.C.A., 1945; one of the manent Secy. Min. of External Affairs, Jan. 1, Founders of Political Affairs Committee 1946, 1969. Born New Amsterdam, Guyana, Jan. 12, founder and leader People's Progressive Party, 1929, son of Harold S. Jackson, M.B.E. and his 1950; Member, Legislative Council, 1947-March wife Muriel Evangeline nee Jack. Educated 1953; Minister of Agric. April, 1953-Oct 1953; Central High School (1939-40), Queens Coll. served six months political prison sentence,1954 (1940-48); Univ. ColL of Leicester (1954-57). and restricted to Georgetown; Minister of Trade Univ. of Leicester (1960-61); Columbia Univ. & Industry, 1957-61. Recreation: Tennis, swim­ Sept. 1966-Feb. 1967, Carnegie Fellow in Dip­ ming. Address: Freedom House, 41 Robb Street, lomacy. Married June 22, 1961, Jacqueline Georgetown, Guyana. Marie, dau. of Laurence Devine: 1 dau. Vikki Renate, 1 son Lawrence Martin. Career: Joined JAGAN, Derek Chunilall, M.P. (1961), barrister- Guyana Public Service July 1948; appointed at-Law, Dir., New Guyana Co. Ltd., Guyana Master, Queens Coll. Sept. 1957; Principal Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd.; Secty. & Gov­ Assist Secty. appointed to Ministry of External ernor, People's Progressive Party Education Affairs Nov. 1965. Recreation: Reading, music. Trust Born Port Mourant, Guyana, May 25, Address: Ministry of External Affairs, George­ 1930. Educated Central High Sen., George­ town, Guyana. town; Middle Temple, Lond. Married Oct 20, 1962, Roshenara: 1 son Brian Arvind, 1 dau. JACOB, Dr. Charles, Jr., F.B.O.A., O.D., F.R.- Renita Savita. Career: Mem. of Selection, Privi­ S.H., ophthalmic optical practitioner; formerly lege & Standing Orders C'ttees of the National Min. of Finance and Hon. Treasurer, Univ. of Assembly; attended Commonwealth Parliamen­ Guyana; Asst. Gen. Secy., People's Progressive tary Conferences in Jamaica, 1964, Trinidad Party; Editor of 'Thunder', P.P.R. quarterly & Tobago, 1969; attended Parliamentary Course journal. Born Vigilance, Guyana, Nov. 15, 1917, U.K. 1969; participated in C.P.A. parliamentary eldest son of C. R. Jacob, merchant and former visit, U.K., 1967. Affiliation:, Mem., General legislator. Educated Queen's Coll., Guyana; & Exec. C'cls. of the People's Progressive Party. Carthage Coll., U.S.A.; West Ham ColL of Clubs: Demerara Turf, Indian Cricket. Recrea­ Technology (Lond.); London Refraction Hosp., tion: Cricket, horse-racing. Address:(bus.) Cham- 290 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

bers 217 South St, Georgetown, (home) 356, Fire & Life Group, Guyana Biscuit (Holdings) East St., Gerogetown. Ltd., Sterling Products Ltd., Roy. Bank Trust Co. (Guyana) Ltd. Born Guyana, March 9, JAGAN, Janet, General Secty. People's Progres­ 1905. Educated Guyana. Married June 9, 1934, sive Party. Born Oct. 20, 1920s Chicago, U.S.A. Olive Claire nee Santos: 2 sons, 4 daus. Career! Educated Wayne Univ., Detroit Univ., Cook Asst. Mgr., Caribbean Molasses Co. Ltd., 1932- County Hospital Nursing School. Married Aug. 44, Mng. Dir. Antigua Distillery Ltd. 1944-52; 5. 1943, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, Leader People's present position 1952. Religion: R.C. Speaks Progressive Party & former Premier; 1 son, 1 Portuguese. Affiliations: Guyana Asscn. of Ac­ dau. (Cheddi, Nadira). Career: Deputy Speaker countants, Economic Socy. in Guyana. Clubs: House of Assembly, 1953; Minister of Labour, Georgetown, Georgetown Cricket, Demerara Health & Housing, 1957-61; Member of Senate, Rowing & Aquatic. Recreation: Hunting, row­ 1963; Minister of Home Affairs, 1963-64. Ad­ ing, walking. Address:(bus.) J. P. Santos & Co. dress; Freedom House, 41 Robb St., George­ Ltd., 53-55 Water St., Georgetown, (home) town, Guyana. 90-91 Robb & Oronoque Sts., Georgetown, JAINARAIN, Iserdeo, B.Sc. (Econ.), M.A.; JARDIM, Capt. Philip Desmond, A.C., air pilot; Dip. Econ. and Social Admin.*, Economist; Lec­ senior capt., Guyana Airways. Born 1938. turer, Univ. of Guyana, Georgetown. Born Career: Trained in U.K., obtained Commercial Canal 2 Polder, West Bank, Demerara, son of Pilot's Licence, joined G.A. (then B.G. Air­ late Jainarain, farmer. Educated Perpetua Ka- ways), 1958; flew on very dangerous military wall CM. Sen., W.B., Dem.; London School missions in Rupununi uprising, Jan., 1969; of Economics; Uniy. of Manitoba. Married ree'd. Golden Arrow of Courage in recognition, 1951, Edith Rohini, dau. of E. J. Rambali, 1970. Address: 226 Camp St., Georgetown. Minister of Religion: 1 son, 4 daus. incl. Enrica Lakshmi, student Univ. of Manitoba. Career: JARVIS, Carmen Enid, B.A. (Lond.), P.G.C.E. Elem. Sch. teacher, Mar. 1946-Mar. 1956; (Lond); Deputy Headmistress, Bishop's High Sec. Sch. teacher, Ap. 1956-Jan. 1962; B. Sc. School, 1962, Depy. Chief Commissioner Guya­ Econ. (2nd Class Hons.), 1959; Dip. Econ. & na Girl Guides, 1969. Born Nov. 12, 1924, Soc. Admin., 1961; Economist, Central Plan­ Georgetown, dau. of Abram Dalton Peterkin, ning Div., Oct. 1962-Oct. 1963; A/g. Sen. Ec­ physiotherapist and his wife Leotta Geraldine onomist to Dec. 1964; Lecturer, Univ. of Guya­ nee Peers, both dee'd. Educated Freeburg na, 1965; study leave in Canada, 1966-69; M.A., (Church of England) Sch., Bishops High Sch., 1967. Religion: Presbyterian. Affiliation: Mem. London Univ. For. Lang: French. Religion: of Trade Unions. Interests: Woodwork, garden­ Congregational. Married July 17, 1954, Clement ing, travel. Address: Univ. of Guyana, George­ Randolph Jarvis: 2 daus. Career: Teacher , town, Guyana. Smith Church Congregational Sch. (2 yrs.); Jnr. Assist. Mistress, Queens Coll. (5 yrs); JAIPRAKASH, Dr. Goel, M.B., B.S. (1958, Br. Council Bursary to study Girl Guiding in Bombay), D.O. (London),ophthalmologist; Snr. Britain; 1949, obtained guide trainer's cert.; Govt. Ophthalmologist. Born Kaithal, India, Mistress Bishops High Sch., 1950; post grad. Oct. 5, 1932, son of Brijlal Jaiprakash and cert, of Education, Inst, of Education, Lond., Bhagwan Dai his wife. Educated India. Mar­ 1954, first Guyanese to receive guide trainer's ried Sneh Lata: 1 son, 1 dau. Religion: Hindu. Dip.; was apptd. training adviser and trainer for Speaks Hindu. Interest: Photography. Recrea­ the Colony on return to Guyana. Affiliations: tion: Badminton. Address (office) Georgetown Business & Professional Women's Club; Training Hospital, Georgetown, (home) 252 Thomas & Adviser, Guyana Girl Guides Assn; Mem. of Murray Sts., Georgetown. Council, Children's Dorcas Club; Mental Health Assn, Alliance Francaise,]B.H.S. Old Girls Guild, JAMES, Louis D.: see General Listing. Guild of Graduates. Recreation: Girl Guiding, reading, cooking. Address: The Bishops High JARDIM, H.E. Dr. Anne, diplomat; Ambassador Sch., 84 Carmichael St., Georgetown, (home) to Venezuela. Born Georgetown, Guyana, Sept. 301 New Garden St., Queenstown, Georgetown, 17, 1930, dau. of John Jardim and Olive Claire Guyana. nee Santos. Educated Convent Sch., Antigua; Bishop's High Sch., Guyana; B.Sc. (Hons.) JOAQUIN, John Gabriel, O.B.E. (1965), M.P., London Sch. of Econ.-, doctorate, Harvard, Village Councillor; Pari. Secty., Ministry of Business Sch., Cambridge, Mass. Speaks French, Finance, 1969 and Min. of Works & Hydraulics Spanish. Address (bus.)c/o Ministry of External 1966-69; Ch'man. Poor Law Comm.; Trustee Affairs, Georgetown, (home) Carmichael St., Trotman Trust Fund. Born Dec. 27, 1905, Georgetown, Guyana. Kitty, East Coast, Demerara, Guyana, son of the late Antonio Joaquin, businessman and his JARDIM, John, F.A.C.C.A., business exec; wife Mary nee Rodriques. Educated St. James- Mng. Dir., J.P. Santos & Co. Ltd., Ch'man. The-Less, Sacred Heart R. C, special tuition Continental Bis. Co. Ltd.; Dir^Guyana & T'dad. from the late Dr. Rankin, Ph.D. (Oxon). Reli- JUYANA 291

gion: Roman Catholic. Married Oct. 11, 1933, Club) 1951-56; Br. Guiana (Dir. of Audit) Janeve Caroline, dau. of the late B. dos Ramos, 1957-60; Sierra Leone (Dir. of Audit, Pres. businessman: 4 sons. Career: Staff, William Freetown Club) 1960-63; retired from service; Fogarty Ltd., 1920-67, ret'd. Senior Supervisor; Consultant, Hawker Siddeley Group Manage­ 1938-67, Village Councillor, Kitty & Alexander- ment Services, 1964; Special Duty as Dep. Aud. ville (Deputy Ch. 1951-53, Ch. 1953-54); 1960 Gen., Malaysia, 1964-65; Bursar, Univ. of Niger­ Assist Mgr. B.G. Team, A.A. & C.U. to W.I. ia, 1966-67 (forced to leave by civil war); Championships in Jamaica; 1964-65, Ch. East Bursar, Univ. of Guyana, 1967 (co-ordinated Demerara Union of Local Authorities; 1965, new campus building project); author of various awarded Medal, of Merit by London Scout Asscn. official reports, etc. Religion: C. of E. Speaks Delegate to Guyana Independence Conference, French, Spanish, Swahili, Malay. Affiliations: Lond. 1965. Affiliations: Mem. - United Demo­ Brit. Institute of Management, Institute of In­ cratic Party, Peoples National Congress (Junior ternal Auditors, Institute of Bankers. Recrea­ Vice-Chairman 1960-67); Pres. Guyana Road tions: Golf, shooting, bridge. Interest: Business Safety Assn. 1966-67; Secy. B.G. Football studies. Motto: "Plaid Cymru". Address: Box Assn. 1943-46; mem. Guyana Legion, St. John's 841, Georgetown, Guyana. Ambulance Assn.; Deputy Ch. Boys Scout Assn. Recreation: Swimming, football, cricket, KALADEEN, Neville Rajpaul, master mariner; athletics. Motto: "Efficiency in all things". Marine Mgr. Bookers Shipping; Lieut., R.N.R. Address: Ministry of Finance, G/Town, Guyana, Born Demerara, May 30, 1939, son of Ramdeen (home) 80 David St., Kitty, East Coast, Dem­ Kaladeen and Kowsilia nee Jaikarran. Educated erara, Guyana. Central High Sch.*, Liverpool Tech. Coll., Eng. Married May 16, 1967, Chan Drawati. Career: JORDAN, Hon. Robert James, Legislator; Min­ Served with Roy. Navy; Navigating Officer, ister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Harrison Line, Master Mariner, Jan. 1968. since 1966, Founder Religion: Agnostic. Affiliation: Mem. Institute Member & Chairman of Navigation. Address (bus.) Bookers Shipping, Wismar-Christianburg 5-9 Lombard St., Georgetown, (home) 37 Electricity Supply Co­ Bagotstown, East Bank, Demerara (temporary), op Ltd. Born 1917. Ed­ and 3 Field 3, Providence, E.B.D. ucated Agricola Method* ist Sen., Collegiate Sch., KARRAN, David Dharampal, LL.B., barrister; Queen's College, George­ a/g Registrar, Univ. of Guyana. Born Leguan, town. Married: 2 sons, 2 Essequibo, Feb. 24, 1930, son of Karran and daus. Career: High Sch. Gangia Singh. Educated Leguan (primary); pri­ Teacher, Matthews High vate study (secondary level); Univ. of London Sch., Georgetown 1935- (LL.B., Aug. 1963). Married July 25, 1953, 40; with Demba 1940-45 in the Accounting Edna Ismay: 2 sons, 2 daus. Career: Prim. Sch. Dept; Secty/Mgr. Hamilton Transport Service teacher; Guide Lecturer, Guyana Museum, 195 7- Ltd. (Proprietors, Wismar Saw Mills), 1945-61; 58; Senior master, 1958-61; called to the bar, elected to the Legislature 1961, 1964, 1968 ; Inner Temple, Dec, 1962; practised law 1963- Min. of Lands, Forests, Mines, 1965-66. 64, present post 1964. Religion: Christian Address: (office) Ministry of Agriculture & (Canadian Presbyterian). Affiliations: Doric Natural Resources, Georgetown, Guyana and Mechanic Lodge, Georgetown; G'town Rotary; Silvertown, Wismar, Guyana. former mem. G'town Y.M.C.A. Interests: Gar­ dening, poultry-rearing. Recreations: Reading, JONES, Dennis Watkin, A.F.C. (1946), D.F.C., cricket. Address: (office) c/o Univ. of Guyana, (1944), Univ. Administrator (business); Bursar Box 841, Georgetown, (home) 10-11 Bel Air and Chief Administrative Officer* Univ. of Guya­ Promenade, E.C. Demerara, Guyana. na (Technical Assistance); Dir., Moss Brae Hold­ ings Ltd. Born Cardiff, S. Wales, March 30, KASSIM,JMohamed, Business Executive, Man./ 1922, son of Herbert Frew Jones, Comp. Dir., Dir. Guyana Import Export Ltd. Born Nov. 20, and Hilda nee Fogwill, his wife. Educated 1931, G\xyaLTiaL.Educated Llandaff Cathedral Sch.-, King's ColL, Taunton; Dolphin Gov't. Sch., Al- Univ. of Wales, 1 yr. at Sch. of Engineering, leyne High Sch. Married left to join R.A.F*;Gen. Management course, 1951, Safdoora: 1 son, Ashridge Pk. Management Coll. Married (1) 1 dau., Kazim, Mezan. 1943, Patricia Dorothy Mary: 2 sons (Anthony Career: 1950, own ag­ B.Sc. Eng., and Peter at Cambridge Univ.), 1 ency; 1961, established dau. (2) 1963, Margaret Joan: 1 dau. Career: Guyana Import-Export Trainee, Nat. Prov. Bank, 1940; RAF, 1941-46 Corporation (Gimpex); (decorations); in Overseas Civil Service, Hong * 1961-63, Mem. Board of Kong (Auditor) 1947-51; Uganda (Sen. Auditor Directors Guyana El­ and a/g Aud. Gen., mem. joint Consultative ectricity Corp. Affilia­ C'cl., Pres. Uganda RAFA, Treas. Kampala tion: Mem. People's Progressive Party, Mem. 292 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

Progressive Youth Organization. Hobbies: Boat­ Science, Michigan State Univ., Purdue Univ. ing, swimming, travelling. Address: (business) Holds D.I.C.T.A., A.I.C.T.A. and graduate dip­ 104-106 Regent St., Georgetown, (home) 82 lomas in Agric. Economics. Married' 4 daus. Ixora Ave., Bel Air Park, Georgetown, Career: Was member of several Govt Bds., C'ttees, Comms., including Chairmanship of KASIM, Hon. Mohamed, M.P., farmer, legisla­ Rice Deve. Co., Sugar Industry Price Stabilisa­ tor; Minister of Communications; owner of tion and Rehabilitation Fund C'ttees, Market­ Plantation La Resource, ing and Fisheries C'ttees, Rehabilitation of Essequibo Coast, and Displaced Persons C'ttee. Has been member of Pin. Glenhurst, Pome- or adviser to several delegations including trade roon River, producing missions to Venezuela and India, Rice Missions rice, coconuts, copra. to West Indies, U.N. Meetings in U.S.A., Rome, Bqrn Plantation Ogle, and Vietnam. Advised Govt, of Zambia East Coast Demerara, on resettlement of refugees. Formerly Director Opt. 22, 1912. Educa­ of Agriculture, Guyana; awarded C.B.E., 1964 ted Ogle Canadian Mis- for service to agriculture./lcfcfress: Guyana Deve. siqn Sen.; Berterverwag- Corp. Georgetown, (home) 274 Forshaw St., tin,g Sch. of Accountan­ Georgetown, Guyana. cy. Married: 3 sons, 1 dau. Career: Sugar es­ KHAN, Mooner Ahmad, M.P., farmer, former tate clerk, Pin. Ogle, 1932-42; rice miller, Senator; Chairman, Rice Marketing Board. Born 1942-47; dealer in dry goods, etc., George­ Demerara, Guyana, Dec. 15, 1930, son of John town, 1947-50; Minister of Works & Hydraulics, Mohamed Khan and Khadizan his wife. Educa­ Dec. 1964-Feb. 1967; first Ch'man, Guyana ted in Guyana. Married Jan. 4, 1953, Maimum Telecommunications Corp., March 1967-Oct. Nisa: 3 sons. Speaks Arabic, Urdu, Hindi. 1968. Address: (office) Ministry of Communica­ Religion: Muslim. Affiliations: Member,People's tions, (home) 320 East St, North , Progressive Party, General Council People's Georgetown, Guyana. Progressive Party; Treasurer, Progressive Youth Organization; member, United Sadi Islamic KENDALL, William Oscar Rudyard, C.B.E. Anguman; member, Muslim Youth Organisa­ (1966), J.P., Diplomat, Consul General, Surinam, tion. Recreation: Cricket, hunting. Address: S.A.vDir: B.G. & Trinidad Life & Fire Insurance 60 Anira St., Queenstown, Georgetown, Guyana. Companies, Banks Breweries Ltd. (Guyana). Born Aug. 12, 1909, Berbice, Guyana, son of KHAN, Noor Mohamed, J.P., business exec, Joseph MacDonald Kendall and his wife Maria Asst. Mgr., Guyana Rice Marketing Bd. Born Elizabeth nee Robertson. Educated All Saints Berbice, 1911. Educated Prim. & Sec. Schools, Anglican Sch., Berbice; St. Stephens & Collegiate Guyana. Married Dec. 1940, Clara Vivian nee High Sch. Religion: Congregational (Deacon). Magalse: 2 sons (Michael, Alan). 1 dau. (Patricia). Married Sept. 4, 1938, Anetha Jones: 4 sons, 4 Career: Joined R.M.B. 1943-Supt of Spring- daus. Career: Entered politics as Member New lands Warehouse and responsible for all the Amsterdam Town Council 1943, Mayor 1959 B ds.i Berbice operations, over 10 yrs., Secy. and 1960, formerly represented New Amster­ 1962; present post 1965. Religion: Lutheran. dam in House of Assembly; Minister of Com­ Affiliation: Lions. Hobby: Woodwork. Ad­ munications & Works in Interim Government dress (bus.) Water St., Georgetown, (home) 1954-57; Deputy Speaker 1961-64; returned 252 Forshaw St., Georgetown, Guyana. to House 1964 and apptd. Minister of Trade & Industry; Minister of Health & Housing, 1967 KING, Percy William, C.B.E., Solicitor and until present apptment. Represented Guyana - Company Director. Born Nov. 23,1891, George - Festival of Britain 1951, inauguration of W.I. town. Educated Seminary, Quebec, Can., Mun- Federation, 1958, Jamaica Independence Cele­ gret College, Limerick, Ireland. Retired Crown u brations, 1962; mem. of Constitutional delega­ Solicitor, Official Receiver and Public Trustee. tion to London, 1960; Affiliation: Mechanics, Widower: 2 children. Address: 259 Middle Forestry, Masonic Lodges. Interest: Reading Street, Georgetown, Guyana. (Economics & History). Address: P. O. Box 785, Paramaribo, Surinam, S.A. KISSOON, Hemeaj, bus. executive; Gen. Mgr./ Secy./Dir., A. H. & I. Kissoon Ltd., Modern KENNARD, Gavin Bonston, C.B.E., General" Industries Ltd., Canada Bed Co. Ltd., Guyana Manager Guyana Development Corporation; Foam Products Ltd., Guyana Paper Products Chairman, Guyana Rice Marketing Board, Ltd.; also in housing and land development. Guyana Rice Marketing Corporation; Mem­ Born Jan. 26, 1937, Corentyne, Guyana, son of ber Economic Council; Director Timber Ltd., K. Kissoon and Seelochnie his wife. Educated Founding Dir. Guyana Stockfeeds Ltd. Born Central High Sch. Married June 26, 1969, July 8, 1920, Berbice, Guyana. Educated Ber­ Lyla nee Sanka. Affiliation: Central Demerara bice High Sch., Imperial Coll. of Tropical Ag­ Lions. Club: Demerara Rowing. Recreations: riculture, Lond. Sch. of Economics and Political Boating, swimming, hunting, fishing. Address

mk\'i,if~ GUYANA 293

(bus.) 80 Camp St., Lacy Town, Georgetown, Born Georgetown, Guyana, Feb. 24, 1931, son (home) 54 Main St., Georgetown. of late Harry Silent and Rebecca Lashley. Edu­ cated Central High Sch., Balham & Tooting KISSOON, Lyla (nee Sankar), Business Execu­ Coll. of Commerce (now South-West London tive; Governing Director A.H. & L. Kissoon Coll. of Comm.), City of Westminster Coll. J,td. (Modern Industries Ltd), Canada Bed Co. Career: Civil servant, 1949-63, Inspector of Tax - Ltd., Guyana Foam Products Ltd., Guyana ex, 1967-68; present post 1968. Religion: Angli­ Paper Products Ltd., also appts. housing, land, can. Address: (bus.) Guyana Telecommunica­ developments. Born Feb. 19, 1930, Nickerie tion Corp., Administrative Bldg., 55 Brickdam, Dutch Guiana, dau. of A. Sankar and his wife Georgetown, Guyana, (home) 39 Howes St., Zohora nee Chan. Educated Bishop's High Georgetown. School, Guyana. For. Lang: French. Religion: Catholic. Married Jan. 26, 1967, Hemeaj Kis­ LEE, Gilbert Henry Clifton: see General Listing. soon: 3 sons, 3 daus. by previous marriage. Career: 1952, joined firm of A.H. & L. Kissoon LILLEYMAN, Dennis, M.B.I.M.,F.B.B.I., F.I.D., as co-partner; 1962, pioneered establishment business exec; Executive Dir. Banks D.I.H. in industrial site, Ruimveldt, East Bank, Deme- Ltd. Born Leeds, U.K., son of Ann Elizabeth rara. Affiliation: Business & Professional Wo­ Lilleyman, widow. Educated Leeds Grammar men's Assn.; Hon. Mem. G.D.F. Interests: Sch-., Leeds Univ. Divorced, son, Timothy Movies, walking, travelling, other people's wel­ David. Career: Apprentice tanner, Wm Paul Ltd., fare. Motto: Do unto others as you would like Kirkstall Rd., Leeds, 1936-39; H.M. Forces, them do unto you. Address: 80 Camp St., 1939-53; commissioned to R.A., 1941; over­ Georgetown, (home) 54 Main St., Georgetown, seas service, 1941-53; R.A.R.O., 1953-56; Sales Guyana. Mgr., Bottlers (B'dos) Ltd., and Bottlers (B.G.) Ltd., 1954-58, Banks D.I.H. Ltd., Georgetown, KNIGHT, His Grace The Most Rev. Alan John, 195 8-. Religion: C. of E. Affiliations: St. C.M.G. (1954), LL.B. (Cantab) 1923, M.A. John Ambulance Brig. (Divisional Vice-Pres.). 1927, D.D. Lambeth 1950, Fellow of the Col­ Clubs: Frontier Internat'l/, Carlton Wheelers lege of Preceptors 1966, Sub-Prelate of the Cycle (Pres.); Georgetown and Georgetown Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1954. Arch­ Cricket; Lusignan Golf; Special Forces (Life bishop. The Lord Archbishop of the West Indies Mem.), London; Theatre Guild; Rotary. Inter­ and Metropolitan since 1950. Born London, ests: Theatre, people, reading, travelling, steel Jan. 23, 1902, son of the late John William bands. Recreation: Under-water diving. Ad­ Knight, schoolmaster, and Henrietta Evelyn dress: (bus.) Banks D.I.H., Thirst Park, Meadow Anne Shillito, his wife. Educated Owen's Sch., Bank, East Bank Demerara, Georgetown, (home) London; Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge 1920- Fulton Court, Church & Irving Sts.,Georgetown. 23. Speaks French, Latin, German, Fanti and Twi. Career: Student teacher, London County LODGE, R. B., M.A., F.R.G.S., British Coun­ Council, 1919; Asst. Master University College cil Officer; Rep., The British Council, Guyana. School, London, 1923; student, Bishop's Col­ Born Calcutta, India, Nov. 22, 1923. Career: lege (Theological) Cheshunt, 1924; ordained Formerly Br. C'cl, Depy. Rep., Wales; Rep. , Deacon 1925, Priest 1926, Diocese of London; North Borneo (Sabah); Dir., Kano, Nigeria. Assistant Curate, St. James', Enfield Highway, Affiliation: Geographical Society. Address: Middlesex, 1925-28; Headmaster, Adisadel Col­ (bus.) The British Council, P.O. Box 365, lege, Ghana, and Missionary Priest in Diocese of Georgetown, Guyana. Accra, 1928-37; consecrated Bishop on St Peter's Day, June 29, 1937; Lord Bishop of LONDON, Howard, M.S., teacher; Head Teach­ Guyana since 1937. Religion: Anglican. Affilia­ er, No. 29 Government Sch., West Coast, tions: Royal Commonwealth Society, Navy Berbice. Career: Teacher, 1943; entered Govt. League, West India C'ttee, Old Owen's Society, Training Coll., 1948; Head Teacher, St. Ignatius Billy Goats' Club. Recreation: Reading, walking, Sch., Rupununi, 10 yrs.; rec'd. Medal of Service, music. Address: Austin House, Georgetown, 1970, for educational service in the Hinterland. Guyana. Address: No. 29 Government Sch., West Coast, Berbice. LALL, Harry, M.P., President Guyana Agricul­ tural Workers Union, Member: General Council LUCK, Joseph Clement, B.A.(Lond); Educator; P.P.P., Berbice Educational Institute Trust. Principal, Kitty High School. Born Aug. 26, Born Dec. 7, 1920, Blairmont, Berbice. Reli­ 1896, son of Isaac Luck and his wife Annie nee gion: Hindu. Married May 10, 1941, Clara Wong, both dec'd. Educated Queen's Coll., Harry Lall: 2 sons, 6 daus. Address: Lot 8, Guyana. Religion: Anglican. Married twice: Croal St., Georgetown, (home) 47 Stanley town, (2nd) June 17, 1956, Alma, dau. of Alexander G/Town, Guyana. Fung-Kee-Fung: 1 dau.-, 6 sons, 4 daus. (by first marriage. Career: Formerly Principal, Central LASHLEY, Samuel Fontious, accountant; Chief High Sch., Master Antonio Ladies College, Can­ Accountant, Guyana Telecommunication Corp., ada. Clubs: Chinese Sports and Malteenoes mem. Guyana Inland* Revenue Bd. of Review Sports (life mem.) Interest: Carpentry, educa- 294 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

tion. Watchword: Whatever you do, do well. (Cantab.), Administrative Secy. Bookers Sugar Address: 42 Public Rd.,Kitty; (home) 38 Public Estates Ltd., Director of R.A. & C.S., Bookers Rd., Kitty, Guyana. Shipping (Demerara) Ltd. Mem. of the Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund C'ttee. Born LUCKHOO, Claude Lloyd, Q.C. Barrister-at- April 18,1933, Trinidad, W'.I, Educated Queen's law. Born Guyana, Aug. 11, 1918, son of the Royal College, Trinidad, and Cambridge Univ., late Edward A. Luckhoo and his wife Evelyn 1955, Capt. Cambridge Lawn Tennis; 1955-62, nee Mungal. Educated Queen's Coll.; Univ. of Capt. W.I. Davis Cup Teams and Guyana later London; Gray's Inn, London. Religion: Angli­ in various years. Married: 1 son. Author. New can. Married June 14, 1947, Dolores Ablack: novel "The Humming-Bird Tree" and poems in children Edward (student King's Coll. Lond); Bim and other magazines. Address: Bookers Keith (student); Saskia (student. Guyana). Ca­ Sugar Estates Ltd., Georgetown, Demerara, reer: Barrister-at-law 1940; practised in Guyana, Guyana, and C.12 Bel Air Gardens, East Coast, Barbados; also admitted to practice in Trinidad; Demerara, Guyana. appeared in the Pricy Council; acted as Crown Counsel in Guyana 1944; former Pres. of the MADRAMOOTOO, Harry, B Scf. (Columbia), Bar Assn. of Guyana. Clubs: Demerara Turf, M.Sc. (Iowa); Agriculturist; Director of Re­ Georgetown Cricket, Georgetown (owned and search, Guyana Rice Corp. Born Oct. 25, 1916, has race horses in Trinidad, Barbados, Guyana). Georgetown, Guyana, son of Madramootoo and Interest: Racing, cricket. Address: P.O. Box his wife Lily Lyken, both dec'd. Educated 163, 2 Croal St., Georgetown, (home) 18 Lam- Progressive High, Univ. of Br. Columbia, Cam­ aha St., Georgetown, Guyana. bridge Univ. For. Lang: French, Spanish. Reli­ gion: Anglican. Married Dec. 5, 1953, Maylene, LYKEN, Olive Adriana, B.Sc. (Hons) (Geog­ dau. of Lionel Yaukana, clerk, sugar estate: 1 raphy), Dip. Ed., educator; Lecturer Govt. dau., 3 sons. Career: Agricultural Instructor, Training Coll. Born Georgetown, Guyana, dau. Guyana Govt. 1942; Agricul. Supt., Ministry of of the late Joseph E. Lyken and Emily nee Agric. 1954; Agric. Officer 1956; Assist. Direc­ Burke, his wife. Educated Trinity Method - tor of Agric. 1961-62; Principal Agric. Officer ist School; Govt. Training Coll. (Guyana); 1963; Manager, Guyana Marketing Corp. 1964; Institute of Education, Lond. •, Birbeck Coll., Chief Agric. Officer, Min. of Agric. 1965-66; London University. Career: Assistant Teacher, was Gen. Mgr.Guyana Rice Marketing Bd. 1967. Trinity Methodist Sch. 1940-45; Govt. Training Affiliation: Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Coll., 1945-47; Grade I Teacher, Methodist Club: Rotary. Address: Guyana Rice Corp., Sch, 1948-54; Institute of Education, London Bank, of Guyana Bldg., Georgetown, (home) Univ. 1954-56; Assist. Education Officer, Puya- 49 Third Ave., Subryanville, Georgetown, na, 1956-59; courses in child development, Guyana. special study of maladjusted children; 1956- 59, first woman to be apptd. Assist. Education MAGALEE, Patrick Andrew, B. A., B.D., Master Officer in Guyana; practical training in remedial Sacred Theol.,. A.A., social worker; Depy. Secy/ education for sub-normal and mal-adjusted Manager, Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund children with Greater London Education Auth­ C'ttee.;mem. Perm. C'ttee for Republic Cele­ ority, 1959-67; read for special honours degree brations; Secy,Guyana Dramatic Festival C'ttee. in geography, present position since 1967. Born Rose Hall Village, Corentyne, April 1, Religion: Methodist. Affiliations: Y.M.C.A., 1919. Educated Albion Canadian Mission Sch., Women's Auxiliary; London Union of Teach­ Port Mourant Anglican Sch., Queen's Coll., stu­ ers. Interests: Singing, drama, sub-normal and died for degrees in U.S. Career: Present post maladjusted children. Motto: "To live each 1955; serves on many C'ttees and in various day well." Address: Govt. Training Coll., King­ organisations; rec'd. Golden Arrow of Achieve­ ston, Georgetown; (home) 18 Norton & John ment, 1970. Affiliations: Lions (Secy. George­ Sts., Newbury, Guyana. town Lions Club, Cabinet Secy./Treas.,Dist.60, MCCARTHY, Brian Patrick, F.C.A., Company Lions Internat'l., covering whole Caribbean), Director; Chairman Guyana Industrial Holdings Volleyball Assn. (Pres.); Theatre Guild (Secy.). Ltd., Booker-B.D.H. Ltd. (T'dad.) and Letch- Address: 60 D'Urban & Lime Sts., Georgetown. worth Press Ltd. (B'dos.), Member of Bookers Resident Board in Guyana. Born Oct. 10, 1914, MAINGOT, David Joseph, Mng. Director, Asso­ UK.jSon of the late D.F. McCarthy, Civil Ser­ ciated Industries Ltd. Born Nov. 2, 1930, Trini­ vant. Educated Oldershall School, Cheshire. dad, son of the late Raymond Anthony Maingot Religion: Roman Catholic. Married 1959, Janet, and his wife Lucy. Educated St. Benedict's Col­ dau. of Winston Kam: 4 sons, 1 dau. Clubs: lege, T'dad. Married Jan. 12, 1957, Anne O. Rotary Georgetown and Georgetown Cricket Affiliations: Mem. Council of Consultive Assn. Interest: Photography. Address: Guyana Indus­ of Guiana Industries, Council Chamber of Com­ trial Holdings Ltd., La Penitence, E.B.D., (home) merce. Religion: Roman Catholic. Clubs: George­ 9 Bel Air Gardens, E.C. Demerara, Guyana. town C.C., Georgetown Club. Recreation: Golf, boating and fishing. Address (office) 51 Camp McDONALD, Ian Archie, B.A. (Hons.) M.A. St., Georgetown, Guyana. GUYANA 295

MANRAJ, Abdool Shakoor, B A;(Hons) 1948, Ltd. 1963-65. Affiliation: Associate mem. As­ Barrister-at-law; Director Timber Developments sociation of Certified and Corporate Accoun­ (Guyana) Ltd., Associated Industries (Guyana) tants. Address (office) P.O. Box 658, George­ Ltd. Born July 25, 1925, Georgetown, Guyana, town; (home) 25 Princess St., Charlestown, son of Azeez Rahamat Manraj, retired police Georgetown, Guyana. officer and his wife Makburan Bunyadi. Edu­ cated Houston Methodist Sen., Enterprise High MAYERS, Elmore Leeland, J.P., Local Govt. Official, Town Clerk of Georgetown; Member Sch.s Central High Sen., Lincoln Univ., Penna., U.S.A.; Columbia Univ., N.Y.; Hon. Society of Central Board of Health; Member Working Party the Middle Temple, Lond. For. Lang: French. for the National Pension Scheme. Born George­ Religion: Muslim. Married Jan. 23, 1954, Gladys town, Jan. 16, 1923, son of the late Elmore May nee Goodway of Wimbledon, England: 2 Leon Mayers, insurance agent and his wife sons, 2 daus. Career: Was a member of Debating Winifred Hilda nee Ault. Educated Univ. of the team vs. Oxford Univ. in N.Y. 1947; prize win­ West Indies (course in Public & Bus. Admin.) ner of the Sophomore Oratorical Contest at 1958. Religion: Methodist. Married July 4, Lincoln Univ; Lecturer Imperial Institute, Ken­ 1945, Elaine nee Murray: 3 sons, 3 daus. Club: sington Lond. 195i-53; Leader of the Progres­ Rotary of Georgetown. Address: Town Hall, sive Liberal Party, 1960; Independent member Georgetown, (home) 9 Third Ave., Subryanville, of Building Trade Commission of Enquiry Guyana, 1961; Ch. Quarry Workers' Advisory C'ttee. MENEZES, Sister Mary Noel, M.A., Religious 1961; appeared before Privy Council, England Sister of Mercy; Lecturer, Univ. of Guyana in in the celebrated Mahaica Creek Murder Case; Latin American History. Born Georgetown, presented case on behalf of Guyana United July 14, 1930. Career: Entered Order of Sisters Muslim Party before the International Commis­ of Mercy 1947; Teachers Cert. Class l.Hons^ St. sion of Jurists, 1965; Judge in final round of the Joseph Training Coll., Ja., 1954; i/c Girls' Patrick Dargan Debating Shield contest held in Branch Sacred Heart R.C. Sch., Georgetown, Georgetown, Guyana 1967. Affiliation: Guyana Guyana, 1955-63; B.A., History, ColL Miseri- Bar Assn. Club: Guyana Motor Racing. Recrea­ cordia, Dallas, Penna., 1964; M.A., Latin Ameri­ tion: Motoring, swimming, tennis, reading. Ad­ can History, Georgetown Univ., Washington, dress (office) "Temple Chambers", 185 Char­ D.C., 1966; taught history, Coll. Misericordia & lotte & King Sts., Laceytown, (home) 24 North Sacred Heart Coll., Belmont, North Carolina; at Street, Laceytown, G/Town, Guyana. present lecturer, Univ. of Guyana, and contin­ uing research in Venezuela-Guyana Boundary MANSFIELD, Mildred Thomasina, Medal of Dispute for the Univ. Religion: R.C. Speaks Service (Rep. of Guyana), M.B.E. President- French and Spanish. Affiliations: American Founder The Children's Dorcas Club. Born Historical Assn., Latin American Studies Assn., March 3, 1892, Georgetown, Guyana, dau. of National Geographic Socy. Interests: Reading, Leonard J. Mansfield, first native ordained art, music. Address (bus.) Univ. .of Guyana, Minister of the Church of Scotland in Guyana Box 841, Georgetown, Guyana, (home) Sacred and his wife Alice Albertina Rebecca nee Hahn- Heart Convent, 61-62 High St., Georgetown. feld, both dee'd. Educated Fernley House, St. Thomas Scots, the Middle School and Lamaha MERRIMAN, Claude A., Ch'man. National and Woodside House Schools (now the Bishop's Insce.k Scheme. Born 1913, Guyana. Educated High School). Religion: Church of England. Smith Memorial Congregational School, Colle­ Career: 7 years Stenotypist, Messrs. S. Davson giate School, Guianese Academy. Career: Served & Co. Ltd.; 30 years Audit Clerk, Messrs. Fitz- Government Public Health Dept. for 2 years patrick Graham & Co., Chartered Accountants; and City Public Health Dept. for 10 years. 1953, 1926-33, Recording and later Organising Secty. elected member Georgetown Town Council; resuscitated Y.W.C.A.; member Executive of 1956, Deputy Mayor of Georgetown; 1957-58, Guyana Youth Council; member Juvenile Em­ Mayor of Georgetown; 1958, welcomed Her ployment Committee. Address: "The Haven", Royal Highness Princess Margaret to British 29 New North Rd., Bourda, Demerara, Guyana. Guiana as Mayor; 1961, elected member of the Legislative Assembly; 1962, Mayor of George­ MATTHEWS, Patrick Elliott, A.A.C.C.A.(1959), town, welcomed His Royal Highness Prince B.Sc. (Econ.) Lond., Banker; Manager Bank of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; member B.G. Con­ Guyana. Born Georgetown, Aug. 20, 1929, son gregational Union and member Board of Gov­ of William Elliott Matthews, engineer and his ernors Central High School. Married. Address: late wife Nellie Ann nee Nicholson. Educated National Insce. Scheme, Regent St., G/Town, St. Philip's Anglican Sen., Queen's Coll., Guyana and John Street, Georgetown, Guyana. Commercial Academy, Lond. Sch. of Economics. Married Nov. 9, 1954, Edna Elaine: 3 dau&, 1 MERRIMAN, Stella Evadne, Librarian (A.L.A. son. Career: Clerk Govt. Post Office 1949-53; 1960); Chief Librarian, Public Free Library Govt. Audit Dept. 1953-55; Junior Assessing Service, Guyana. Born Georgetown, dau. of the Officer and Inspector of Lands, Inland Revenue late Edward Remington and his late wife Sarah Dept. 1955-62; Chief Accountant, Booker Stores nee James. Educated: Berbice High Sch.Married 296 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

1941, Samuel Anthony, dec'd. (1955): 1 dau. MOORE, Robert James, M.A., B.D., Dip. Ed., Jacqueline. Religion: Evangelical. Career: 1949- Univ. lecturer; Lecturer in Guyanese History, 54, Teacher, Berbice High School, Supervisor Univ. of Guyana. Born Nov. 22, 1931, son of Sch. Meal Service, County of Berbice; 1955, late Edwin S. Moore, prospector, and Muriel joined Public Library Service; studied North­ Ismay nee Shanks, his wife. Educated Central western Polytechnic Sch. of Librarianship, Lond. High Sch., Georgetown; U.C.W.I. (Ja.); Fitzuil- 1958-60; Rural Librarian i/c of the Rural lian House, Cambridge Univ.; Sussex Univ. Mar - Library Service 1955-62; Chief Librarian since tied Jan. 15, 1957, AlymaKhan, 1 son, 2 daus. 1962. Affiliation: Vice-Pres. Adult Education Career: Won open Schol. to U.C.W.I., 1951; Asscn., on the Bd. of Directors Y.W.C.A., B.A. (1st Div.) 1956; Dip. Ed. 1955; won Founder & past Ch. Guyana Library Co-opera­ Luckhoo Memorial Prize, 1955; Master Queen's tive Group. Interest: Social Welfare Work, parti­ Coll., Georgetown, 1955-60; Cambridge, 1960- cularly young people groups. Address: Public 62; British Council Bursar in Adult Education, Library, Georgetown, (home) 46 Bent St., 1961; Senior History Master, Queen's Coll., Georgetown, Guyana. Lecturer Univ. of Guyana, Dept. of History, 1964; did research, Guyanese history, Sussex MINGO, Claude Vibert, Dip. Ed., M.P., educa­ Univ., 1965-68; Lecturer, Commonwealth Insti­ tor, legislator, social worker; Pari. Secy., Min. tute, 1966-68; lectured on race relations, Britain, of Local Govt; mem., Gen. C'cl., People's 1966-68; contributed to B.B.C. Caribbean Ser­ Nat'l Congress. Born , E.C. vice 1967-68. Religion: Anglican. Affiliations: Dem., Dec. 15,1926. EducatediTmimd. teacher; National History and Arts Council (Depy. Dip. Ed., Reading Univ., Eng. Married: 1 child. Ch'man. 1963-65); Fellow, Royal Common­ Career: Headmaster, St. Mary-ye-Virgin Anglican wealth Socy. Mem. Executive Comm. of Under- Sch., Beterverwagting; elected M.P. 1968. Reli­ craft. Project, and national Fund-ra'sing C'ttee. gion: Anglican (Vicar's Warden, St. Mary-ye-Vir­ of Univ. of Guyana. Interests: Broadcasting, gin Ch.). Affiliation: Beterverwagting/Triumph reading, music, conversation. Address (bus.) Community Ccl. (Treas.). Interests: Social work, Univ. of Guyana, Georgetown, Guyana, (home) community development, dramatics, sports. Ad­ 28 Albert & Anira Sts., Queenstown. dress: (office) Ministry of Local Government, Georgetown,(home) 79 Canterbury Walk, Beter­ MORIAH, Randolph Eric Oswald, B.A., LL.B. verwagting, East Coast, Demerara, Guyana. (Lond), Barrister-at-law; Assoc. I.E.E.; Secre­ tary Guyana Electricity Corporation. Born July MITCHELL, Ivor Sydney, B.Sc. (Econ), B.B.A. 5, 1914, Berbice River. Educated Berbice High (Marketing), M.B.A. (Marketing), economist, Sch.; Univ. of London; called to the Bar, business exec; Mng. Dir., Daily Chronicle Ltd.; Middle Temple; admitted to practice in Guyana Marketing Economist, Guyana Development 1959. Career: 1935, clerk in Magistrate's Of­ Corp. Born , N.-W. District, son of fice, New Amsterdam;. 1945, Secty. Social Horace Mitchell and Albertha his wife (now Mrs. Welfare Advisory C'ttee, Local Govt. Dept; I1 I Gorrick). Educated Univ. of Oregon. Married 1946, Acting Clerk of Court, Berbice Judicial M Ivy: 3 daus. (Karen, Andrea, Ivola). Career: District; 1948, Secty. Medical fid. of Health; Teacher 8 yrs (1955-62); managerial trainee of 1953, Administrative Asst. Ministry

liament Office, Public Bldgs., Georgetown; London. Eng., May 17, 1929. Educated Isle- (home) 94 Oronoque & Laluni Sts., Queens-1 worth County Sch. Married Nov. 29, 1956 , town, Georgetown, Guyana. Yvonne nee Swingler; 1 dau. (Michaela Anne). Religion: C. of E. Speaks French. Affiliation: MARINE, ShiwSahai, A.A., engineer; Chief West India C'ttee (Lond.) Clubs: West India, Works & Hydraulics Officer; Ch'man, Drainage Royal Commonwealth Socy. (London), George­ & Irrigation Bd.; Vice-Ch'man, Sea Defence town. Recreations: Swimming, reading. Ad- Bd.; 1st external examiner, Div. of Technical dress:(bus.)li&2 Water St.,George town, Guyana, Studies, Univ. of Guyana. Career: Civil engineer, (home) 105 t)uke St, Georgetown, Guyana. Guyana and abroad; Ch'man, D. & I.Bd., 1961; Vice-Ch'man, S.D.B., 1963; initiated 1st Carib­ NOEL, Roderick Aldwin David, LL.M., barris­ bean Conference of Engineering Organisations, ter; Legal Adviser, Commonwealth Caribbean Guyana, 1968; has published various technical Regional Secretariat (CARIFTA). Born T'dad. papers; rec'd. Golden Arrow of Achievement Jan. 27, 1927. Educated St. Mary's Coll. (Order of Service of Guyana, Grade II), 1970. (T'dad.); Univ. of Nottingham (Eng.)-, U.W.I.; Affiliations: Maha Sabha (mem. of exec); Ch'­ McGill, C'da:, has LL.B., LL.M., Dip. in Inter- man, B'ds of Governors of two schools; Guyana nat'l. Relations. Unmarried. Career: Formerly Assn. of Prof. Eng'rs (was 1st Pres.). Address: magistrate; Senior Crown Counsel, Attorney c/o Ministry of Works, Hydraulics & Supply, General's Dept.', Ch'man. Rent Assessment Wight's Lane, Kingston, Georgetown. Bd., Air Transport Licensing Authority, etc. Address (office) Commonwealth Caribbean Re­ NASCIMENTO, Christopher Anthony, B.Sc. gional Secretariat, Bank of Guyana Bldg., (Boston), Nat'l. Cert. Mech. Eng'ing. (Birming­ Georgetown, Guyana. ham), Public Communications Adviser to Govt, of Guyana. Born Georgetown, Guyana, Jan. 4, ODLE, Stanley Clifton, civil servant, Customs 1932, son of Cecil Anthony Nascimento, ret'd. & Trade Administrator, Caribbean Regional businessman, and late Marie nee D'Aguiar his Secretariat. Born Georgetown, Guyana, Oct. 11, wife. Educated St. Mary's Coll., T'dad;St. Ed­ 1930, son of James Odle and late Isidora nee mund's Coll., Ware, Herts. jEng., Chelsea Coll. Glasgow his wife. Educated Broad Street Govt of Auto and Aero Eng'rs.; Birmingham Coll. of Sch., Central High Sch., Guyana, Certificate in Technology, U.K. (Cert. Mech. Eng. 1953); Public Administration, Carle ton Univ., Ottawa. Boston Univ., U.S.A. (B.Sc. 1966).Married Married Dec. 8, 1956, Audrey Maud. Career: March 27, 1969, Elayne Maria, daughter of Grade I Officer, Customs & Excise Dept, a/g James Coyne (Post office executive,. Boston, Personnel Officer; mem., Prices Bd., attended U.S.A.); 1 son, 2 daus. by previous marriage. Regional Training School for C. & E. Officers, Career: Asst. Service Mgr., H.E. Robinson & Co. T'dad, 1961. Club: Demerara Cricket. Interests: Ltd., P.O.S., T'dad.; Service Mgr., Tractor & Art, reading. Recreations: Cricket, lawn tennis, Motor Co., Sprostons Ltd., Guyana; Gen. Mgr., football. Address: (bus.) Commonwealth Carib­ Dly. Chronicle Ltd., Guyana; Public Communi­ bean Regional Secretariat, Georgetown, Guyana, cations Adviser, Govt, of Guyana; candidate for (home) A 179, Rupa Place (East), Bel Air Park People's Nat'l. Congress, Gen. Elections, Dec, Demerara, Guyana. 1968; mem., Parliamentary Group C'ttee. P.N.C. PERRY, Guy Edward Adolphus, Dip. Eng. Affiliations: Guyana Rugby Football Union, (Brighton), M.G.A.P.E., C.Eng., M.I.E.E., A.M.- Guyana Motor Racing Club (P.R.O.); People's B.I.M., Grad. I.E.R.E., Deputy General Manager Nat. Congress Political Party. Club: George­ and Chief Engineer, Guyana Telecommunica­ town Cricket. Recreation: Rugby, water-skiing, tion Corp. Born Nov. 4, 1934, son of the late motor racing. Address: (bus.) c/o Ministry of Joseph Perry, postmaster and his wife, Beryl nee Information, Brickdam, Georgetown, Guyana, Cholmondeley. Educated Govt. High School, (home) 1 Belvoir Court, East Coast Demerara, Nassau, B'mas; Queen's College (Guyana); Brigh­ Guyana. ton Teachers Training College; Univ. of Lond. Institute of Education Teacher's Cert; Brighton NASSEER, Sheik Mohamed Victor, manufac­ College of Technology (Eng.), grad. 1960. turers' representative and commission agent; Married April 2, 1964, Edna Hazel, dau. of Pres. Georgetown Chamber of Commerce (1969), Audley Brennen, businessman; 2 daus., Gail and Born Guyana, Feb. b, wil. Educated Guyana. Dawn, 1 son Gary. Career: Telecommunica­ Religion: Muslim. Affiliations: Cham, of Comm., tion Apprentice, 1956; awarded four year con­ Lions. Club: The Georgetown. Interests: Read­ ditional scholarship in engineering, 1956; pro­ ing, movies, travel (has travelled three times moted Technician, 1959; Senior Technician, round the world, visiting 92 countries). Address: 1959; Assistant Engineer, 1961; Engineer, 1962; (bus.) 1 Croal St., P.O. Box 415, Georgetown, Senior Executive Engineer, 1967; present post, (home) 91 Old Public Rd., Eccles, East Bank, 1968. Religion: Anglican. Affiliations: Insti­ Demerara, Guyana. tution of Electrical Engineers; Guyana Group NEWNHAM, Raymond Leslie, company direc­ of Professional Engineers; Assoc. Mem. of Brit tor; Mng. Dir. Caribbean Molasses Co. Ltd., Instit of Management. Interest: Cricket, table- Caribbean Molasses Co. (T'dad.) Ltd. Born tennis, gardening, current events. Address: Guy- 298 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

ana Telecommunication Corp., ( home ) 42 T Playwright, acting, broadcasting. Address: Pub­ Duncan St.,CampbelMlle, Georgetown. lic Building, Georgetown; (home) 146 Crown & Oronoque Sts., Queenstown, Georgetown, PERSAUD, Bishnodat, see under Barbados. Guyana. PHILADELPHIA, James Lambert, Dip. Eng. POLLARD, Maurice Geoffrey, Insurance Agent (Hons.), C.Eng., M.I.E.E., M.I.E.R.E., NLG.A.- and Sportsman; Secretary Guyana Insurance P.E., Electrical Engineer, General Manager, Agencies Ltd., 1957. Born B.G. June 9, 1918, Guyana Telecommunication Corporation, Govt. son of William H.J. Pollard and his wife Flora Nominee Director, Guyana Broadcasting Co. (both deceased). Educated Nelly McCowan's Ltd. Born Nov. 23, 1929, Buxton, Guyana, son Kindergarten, Trinity High School, Queen's Col­ of William A. Philadelphia^ ret'd. bldg. supervi­ lege. Married Hyacinth Bridget, Jan. 15, 1944; sor, Min. of Ed. and his wife Geraldine. Educa­ 1 daughter. Religion: Roman Catholic. Clubs: ted: St. Stanislaus College, Central High Sen., Lions International, Georgetown Cricket, Dem­ Govt. Technical Inst., Brighton Coll. of Tech­ erara Rugby Union. Interests: Sports, represent­ nology 1955-58 (Govt Scholarship), Coll. Dip. ed and captained B.G. at home and abroad Hons. Religion: Roman Catholic. Married Feb. against Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados, ' 3, 1951, Mary Harriet, 1 son, 1 dau. (Lambert and Boa Vista (Brazil) at Soccer 1946-52; rep­ Andrew and Laverne Ann). Career: 1949-55, resented Guyana against Trinidad at home and Technician P.O. Telecoms. Dept. Min. of Com­ in Trinidad at Rugger 1952, 1954, 1957; rep­ munication; attached to British Post Office and resented Guyana against Trinidad, Suriname and Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturers, Jamaica at home and abroad at Field Hockey 18 months (England), post grad. work; assist. 1947-60. A First Class Soccer and Hockey Engineer, P . O. Telecommunication, Guyana Referee (refereed Test Matches); coached Guya­ 1959; Engineer Transmission 1960; 1961-64, na Ladies' Hockey Team; is a Radio Commenta­ assigned duties of Engineer, Radio & Carrier, tor for Football, Hockey and Rugby (Station Engineer External Lines and Engineer (Internal G.B.S.). Address: Guyana Insurance Agencies Exchange); 1964, Executive Engineer; 1965 act­ Ltd., Lot 18, Water Street, Georgetown and ed as Engineer-in-chief; 1967 Deputy General 255 Earl'5 Avenue, Kitty, East Coast, Demerara, Manager and Engineer-in-chief on the formation Guyana. of the Guyana Telecommunication Corp., at present General Manager. Affiliations: Insti­ POTTER, Kenneth Evan Duke, B.Sc, D.I.C., tution of Electrical Engineers (U.K.ynstitution M.I.C.E., civil engineer specialising in hydrology; of Radio & Electronic Engineers (U.K.); Past Director Hydrometeorological Service, Min. of Chairman of the Guyana Group of Professional Works & Hydraulics, Guyana. Born Georgetown, Engineers, Guyana Association of Professional Guyana, June 14, 1935, son of late Evan Alex­ Engineers. Interest: Automobile maintenance, ander Quintin Potter and Frederica Beatrice nee photography, swimming and amateur radio. Duke his wife. Educated Queen's Coll., Guyana, Address: 55 Brickdam, Georgetown (office); 1944-54; Aberdeen Univ., 1955-58 (B.Sc, Civil A170 Rupa Place East, Bel Air Park, East Coast Engineering, 1958); Imperial Coll., London Demerara, Guyana (home). Univ., 1962-.63 (Diploma in Hydrology, 1963). Career: Asst. Eng'r. (Designs), Drainage & Irriga­ PILGRIM, Frank Oliver, Journalist, Public Rela­ tion Dept., Guyana, 1958-60, and Dist. Eng'r. tions Officer; P.R.O. to the Prime Minister qf Whim Dist. (Berbice), 1960-62; Dist. Eng'r., Guyana. Born Dec. 5, 1926, Georgetown, Guya­ Benab Dist. (Berbice), Min. of Works & Hydraul­ na, son of Edward Oliver Pilgrim, former teacher, ics, 1963-64; Exec. Eng'r. (Research), Hydraul­ and his wife Enid Blanche nee Carrington. Edu­ ics Div., Min. of Works and Hydraulics, Guyana cated Miss Walcott's Kindergarten, Queen's 1965-68, and Director, 1968; M.I.C.E. 1966. Coll. For. Lang: French. Religion: Christian. Religion: Presbyterian. Speaks French. Affilia­ Career: Formerly Reporter on "Graphic" and tions: Guyana Assn. of Professional Eng'rs., In­ "The Daily Chronicle" in various capacities; stitution of Civil Eng'rs. (U.K.) Clubs: Demerara 1951-56, Journalist/writer England, Scotland, in­ Rowing and Aquatic, Guyana Sports, Guyana cluding contributions on B.B.C. "Calling West Motor Racing. Recreations: Rowing, sailing. Indies Programme", reporting on W.I. questions Address: (office) Min. of Works & Hydraulics, in Parliament-, P.R.O. Br. Caribbean Welfare P. O. Box 26, Georgetown, Guyana, (home) Commission, U.K. 1959-62. Representative B.B.- 272 Forshaw St., Georgetown. C, The Observer and other magazines at Inde­ pendence celebrations of former Br. & French POWELL, David: see General Listing. Colonies in West Africa; later attended Indepen-i dence celebration of Jamaica, Trinidad, Barba­ PRASAD, Bhairo, Q.C., barrister in private dos; was Vice-Chairman of Prime Minister's practice. Born Guyana, July 13, 1927, son of Advisory C'ttee., Guyana Independence, May late SeepersaudPrasad and late Sugia his wife. 26, 1966; covered Caribbean for B.B.C. and Educated New Amsterdam. Married July 16, London Observer, 1962-66, present position 1951 (wife dee'd.); 1 son (VishunX 3 daus. since 1966. Affiliations: National History & (Shanti, Vidya,Vijai). Career: Teacher 1943-48; Art Councils, Executive Theatre Guild. Interests: scholarship 1948; passed exams, 1951; returned GUYANA 299

to Guyana and practised law, handled over 300 102 Lodge, Aruba (Senior Warden); mem., cases (successfully defended in 76 murder Dale Carnegie Chapter, Aruba - holds cert, in cases.) Religion: Christian. Affiliations: Berbice Effective Speaking, Leadership Training and Bar Assn. (Pres. 1961, 1963, 1968); Berbice Human Relations, Dale Carnegie Inst. Recrea­ Reading Club, Lions. Recreations: Cricket, tions: Travelling, bridge, swimming, meeting hunting, dancing. Address:(chambeis) 8 St. Ann people. Watchword: "Enthusiasm". Address St., New Amsterdam, Guyana, (home) 3 King (bus.) P.O. Box 538, Georgetown, (home) 21 St., New Amsterdam. John St., Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. PROCTOR, Joseph Alfred Maxwell, M.I.E.E.E., RAMSAHOYE, Fenton Harcourt Wilworth, B. A. electrical engineer; Gen. Mgr. Electricity Corp. (1949), LL.M. (1956), Ph.D. (1956) London, Born Georgetown, May 1, 1901, son of late barrister-at-law (Lincoln's Inn). Born May 20, Hector O. Proctor, chemist/druggist, and late 1929, Guyana, son of Edward JairadRamsahoye, Mary Agatha nee Roberts his wife. Educated St. retired Accountant and Wilhelmina Alverna nee Crispin's Coll., Collegiate Sch. Married Aug. 20, Fenton. Educated Alleyne High School, B.G. 1932, Alice wee Crawford: 1 son (Andre, student Married 1962, Phylis Gwendolyn nee Lutz :2 of sociology), 2 daus. (Joan Munroe, secy., sons, Fenton Harcourt, Bernard Harcourt. Ca­ Govt. County C'cl, Eng.; Bernice, Canada). reer: Barrister in private practice 1954-55; Asst. Career: Demerara Bauxite Co., electrician, 1919, Legal Draftsman and Clerk to Attorney General, Foreman 1928; Supervisor, 1934; Asst. Supt, B.G. 1956-58; Legal Draftsman, Local Govt. 1946; Mgr. of Mining Section, 1953; Reorganization- Team, B.G. 1958-59; private Electrical plant supt., Demba, 1959; ret'd and practice 1959-61; Attorney General 1961-64; apptd. Ch'man of Guyana Electricity Corp., private practice 1964 to present. Speaks French. 1966-70; present post Jan., 1970; Installed first Religion: Anglican. Interests: Riding, tennis, aluminium 10-mile long transmission line for photography. Address: 111 South Road, George­ 13,800 volts at Demba 1937; laid a submarine town, and 52 Canje St., Campbellville, Guyana. cable of 1,000 ft. across Demerara River - voltage 2,300 - 1946. Religion: K.C. Affilia­ RAMPHAL, The Hon. Shridath Surendranath, tion: Y.M.C. A. Clubs: Demerara Cricket, Legion- M.P., S.C., LL.B. (Lond.) 1950, Associate of aires. Interest: Billiards. Motto: "Honesty". I King's College, Barrister- Address: (bus.) Electricity Corp., Georgetown, at-Law. Attorney Gene­ Guyana, (home) 14 Norton St., Wortmanville, ral and Minister of State. Georgetown. Born Oct. 3,1928, Guy­ ana, son of James Isaac PROWELL, Harry, A.A., athlete. Born L.B.I. Ramphal, O.B.E., for­ Estate, E.C.D., July 10, 1936. Educated St. mer Commissioner of Mary's Govt. Sch., Beterverwagting. Career: Labour, Guyana, and Rep. Guyana, Inter-Caribbean Championship, Grace, nee AbdooL Edu­ T'dad, 1958 (Silver Medal); won Gold Medal, cated Queen's College, I.C.C., Jamaica, 1960, B'dos 1965, T'dad 1966, Arden & Atkin Prize­ and at Texaco games, T'dad, 1968;rec'd. Gold­ man; Gray's Inn 1952. en Arrow of Achievement (Order of Service of Married August 16,1951, Lois Winifred, daugh­ Guyana, Grade II), 1970. Address: George­ ter of Leslie King, retired Civil Servant: four town, Guyana. children, Susan, James, Andrew, Amanda. Religion: Anglican. Career: Crown Counsel, RAJROOP, Samuel Kenneth, photographer Asst. to the Attorney General, Legal Draftsman, (freelance). Born Leguan, Essequibo, April 24, Govt, of B.G., 1953-58; Legal Draftsman, Govt, 1917, son of late James -Rajroop and late of the West Indies 1958-59; Solicitor General, Susan nee Henry. Educated St. John's Anglican Govt, of B.G., 1959-61; Asst. Attorney General, Sch., Bartica; Central High, Georgetown. Mar­ Govt, of the West Indies 1961-62; Legal Adviser ried Jan. 17, 1948, Clara Isabella: 3 sons (James to Interim Commissioner for the West Indies Alfred, Ivor Joseph, Roland Samuel), 1 dau. 1962-63; John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, (Camille Susan). Career: Pharmaceutical student, Havard Law School, 1963; Attorney General, Pub. Hosp., Georgetown, 1935-37; Lab. Asst. 1965. Awarded C.M.G., 1965; Kt. Bach., New and Statistical Clerk, Puruni Prospecting Expe­ Year Honours, 1970. Address: Attorney General dition, 1938-39, Cuyuni Goldfields Ltd., 1939- Chambers, Georgetown, Guyana. Club: West In­ 40; tester, Oil Lab. Lago Oil Transport Co. Ltd. dian (Lond.). Recreation: Tennis, colour photo­ (Esso subsid.), Aruba (Neth. Antilles), 1940- graphy. 45; photographer, Lago O. & T. Co., Aruba, 1945-63, awards of merit for outstanding ex­ RAWLINS, Joseph Leonard, LL.B. (Lond), cellence in portraiture and commercial photog­ A.C.C.A., A.T.I.I. Accountant; Secy. Bank of raphy, N.Y. Institute of Photography, N.Y. Guyana. Born May 4, 1930, Guyana. Married: City, April 23, 1957; freelance, 1964; is grad. no children. Career: Audit Clerk, Govt. Audit in photography, N.Y. Inst, of Photography and Dept 1949-53; Inland Revenue Dept. 1953-63, Amer, Sch. of Photography. Religion: Method­ serving in various positions as Junior Assessing ist. Affiliations: Master Mason, Hiram No. Officer, Assist. Inspector of Taxes, Inspector of 300 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

Taxes, Senior Inspector of Taxes, Assist. Com­ late Edith Elizabeth nee Mallet. Educated: missioner of Inland Revenue. Affiliation: As­ Bracondale Sch., Norwich.Married Nov. 7,1940, sociate Mem. Assocn. of Certified & Corporate Lesley Margaret nee Barker: 2 sons, 1 dau. Accountants; Mem. Inst, of Taxation. Address: Career: Articled clerk, Harman & Gowen, Bank of Guyana, P.O. Box 658, Georgetown, Norwich, 1932-37; Asst. Auditor, Bengal & (home) 113 George Street, Werk-en-Rust, North-Western Rly, U.P., India, 1938-41; 14th Georgetown, Guyana. Punjab Regt, 1941-45 (prisoner of war, Sing­ apore & India-Burma Rly); Accounts Officer, RAMSAROOP, Hon. Bishwaishwar (Cammie), Indian Rly. Accounts Service, 1945-49; Asst. barrister, legislator; Minister of Trade. Born Accountant, Booker Bros. McConnell & Co. __ Albouystown, George­ Ltd., Demerara Branch, 1949-50; Finance Dir., town, Nov. 28, 1939, Bookers Sugar. Estates Ltd., 1951-62; Ch'man son of late Pandit Rams- 1962; Depy. Ch'man Resident Bd., Bookers aroop Maraj and his Group, Guyana; Ch'man Central Liaison C'ttee. wife nee Gangee. Educ­ Religion: Anglican. Affiliation: Inst, of Char­ ated Berbice High Sch.; tered Accountants, Eng. & Wales. Clubs: George­ Central High Sch.; Mid­ town, Georgetown Cricket, West Indian. Re­ dle Temple, London creation: Lawn tennis (Norfolk Jun. champ., (1959-62). Married Nov. Final Jun. Wimbledon Boys Doubles, 1933; rep. 1, 1965, Florence: 2 Norfolk when in Eng., 1933-59; Singles Champ., daus. (Amanda, Sara). 1950-52; Men's Doubles, 1950-52, 1955-61; Career: Teacher, Cen­ rep. Guyana, Brandon Trophy, 1950, '51, '53, tral High Sch. (Pres. C.H.S. Historical & De­ '55, '56, '57, '61; Singles Champ., Guyana 1965; bating Socy.); founder Freedom Assn., Lon­ Men's Doubles, 1965-66. Address: (bus.) Bookers don; observer at London Constitutional Con­ Sugar Estates Ltd., 22 Church St., Georgetown, ference, 1961; a/g Crown Counsel, 1964; coun­ (home) Ogle Estate, East Coast, Demerara, sel to Commission enquiring into Wismar dis­ Guyana, and 80 Victoria Dr., Bognor Regis,Eng. turbances, 1964; mem. Central Planning & Housing Authority, 1965-68; Ch'man, Labour REID, Hugh McGregor, A.R.I.B.A.,chartered Advisory C'ttee on wages, etc., of watchmen, architect, private practice. Born April 26,1906, 1968; Minister of Housing & Reconstruction, Georgetown, Guyana, son of William McGregor Jan. 1969-Jan. 1970; Minister of Trade, Jan. Reid and his wife Alice Albertinawee Fraser, 1970-. Religion: Hindu. Speaks Hindi Affilia­ both dec'd. Educated St. Stanislaus College. tions: Guyana Bar Assn. (mem. Exec, 1964); Religion: Anglican. Married June 30,1934, Ivy Caribbean Hindu Socy.; Lions Demerara (Pres. Marjorie: three sons, 2 daus. Career: Civil Ser­ 1968-69). Interests: Gardening, farming, lec­ vant, Public Works and Housing Dept. 1942-61. turing. Recreation: Running, reading. Watch­ Interest: Masonry, athletic games, football (rep. word: "It is the adventurers who accom­ Guyana in Inter-colonial vs. T'dad 1929; vs. plish things in life". Address: (office) Ministry Surinam 1928 and 1930). Club: Georgetown of Trade, Georgetown, Guyana. football Watchword: "A man's word is his bond." Address: (office) 70 Murray St., George­ RAYMAN, Dr. Hassan, M.B., Ch.B. (Liverpool), town; (home) 71 Church Rd.,Subryanville, E.C. L.M. (Dublin), D. (Obstet), R.C.O.G., M.M.S.A., Demerara, Guyana. Medical Practitioner in private practice since 1959. Born March 27, 1926, B.G., son of the REID, Hon. Ptolemy Alexander, M.P., D.V.M. Abdool Rayman, Landed Proprietor, and his (1955), M.R.C.V.S. (1958); Legislator; First wife Bibi Kalsum nee Insanally. Educated Deputy Prime Minister Modern Educational College and Queen's Col­ and Minister of Finance, lege. Qualified 1951. Married July 30, 1949, Govt, of Guyana. Born Cecilia, daughter of Henry Carroll, Businessman: May 8, 1918, Dart­ two sons, two daughters. Career: Govt. Medical mouth, Essequibo, Guy­ Officer, B.G., 1952-59; Acting Registrar, Obstet­ ana, son of Herman rics and Gynaecology, Georgetown Hospital, and Reid and his wife Flora later Acting Obstetrician, Gynaecologist. Did nee Munroe, both dec'd. first replacement transfusion in British Guiana, Educated Dartmouth \961. Affiliation: Lions (Georgetown). Recrea­ Anglican Sch.; Govt. tion: Photography, aviation, sports. Address: Teachers Coll.; Tusk- 265 Thomas St., Georgetown, Guyana. egee Sch. of Veterinary Medicine, Tuskegee Institute, (1949-55); Royal READWIN, Edgar Sealy, F.C.A., F. Comm. A., Coll. of Veterinary Surgeons, Lond. Univ. business exec, company dir.; Ch'man, Central (M.R.C.V.S.). Religion: Anglican. Married June Liaison C'ttee, Booker Group of Companies in 5, 1955, Ruth Augusta, dau. of the late Billy H. Guyana, Bookers Sugar Estates Ltd., Guyana Chalmers: one son, Herman A. Career: School Sugar Producers Assn. Ltd.; Dir., Brit. W.I. Teacher, 1934-41; Secty. Village C'ttee of Sugar Assn. Ltd. Born Wells, Norfolk, Eng., Management, 1941-49; Secty., Essequibo Nov. 7, 1915, son of late Ernest Readwin and Branch, Guyana Teachers Assn., 1946; Pres./ GUYANA 301

Founder Dartmouth Eye Opener Consumers 1926, dau. of James Rowe, radio engineer and Co-op., 1943-49; Employed, Health of Animals his wife Rhoda nee Walker. Educated Trinity Division, Canada, 1955-56; Veterinary Officer, Methodist; Wortma^ville Educational Inst.; Co­ private practice, Milestone, Saskatchewan, 1956- op Coll., Loughborough (England). Religion: 57; Veterinary Officer, Bookers Sugar Estate, Anglican. Career: Stores Ledger, Records Clerk, Guyana, 1958-64; Minister of Govt, since 1964. Daily Chronicle Ltd., 1946; Librarian 1948; Affiliations: Br. Veterinary Asscn.; Canadian Inspector of Friendly Societies, Co-op Dept, Veterinary Medical Assn., Tuskegee Alumni 1953; Co-op Officer, 1959; present position, Assn. Interests: Reading, crop & livestock 1965. Affiliation: Pres. National Co-op Women's farming. Address: Ministry of Finance, Public Guild. Club: Demerara Cricket. Recreation: Bldgs., Georgetown; (home) Supply, East Bank, Reading, sewing, tennis. Watchword: "Perse­ Demerara, Guyana. verance wins out; success means hard work". Address: Ministry of Economic Deve., Brickdam REIS, Eustace Henry: see General Listings. & High St., Georgetown, (home) 46 Evans St, Charlestown, Guyana. RODRIGUES, Eric Cyril, company exec; SALIM, Abdul, engineer, trade unionist, legis­ Ch'man Associated Industries Ltd.; Dir. Dia­ lator; Pari. Secy., Min. of Agriculture & Natural mond Liquor Ltd., Royal Bank Trust Co. Resources; mem., Bd. of Guyana Air Corp.; (Guyana) Ltd.; formerly Manager The Royal mem., Gen. C'cl. People's Nat'l Congress; Secy., Bank of Canada, Georgetown. Born New East Corentyne Regional C'ttee of P.N.C. Born Amsterdam, British Guiana. Married Sept. 26, Skeldon, Corentyne, June 12, 1931. Educated 1936, Eileen. Religion: Roman Catholic. Club: Skeldon Anglican Prim. Sch.; Skeldon Lutheran Non Pareil Park Tennis (President). Address: High Sch.; course in motor engineering, Bennett 11A Waterloo Street, Georgetown, Guyana, W.I. Coll.; courses in industrial relations and trade unionism. Married: 1 son, 4 daus. Career: RODRIGUES, Wilfred John, F. R. I. C. S., Mechanical eng'r, Skeldon Estate; Secy., Skel­ F.R.V.A., F.R.S.H. Chartered Valuation Sur­ don Estate Joint C'ttee, 1956-57; joined PNC, veyor; Sworn Land Surveyor; Valuation Officer 1958; regional officer, Man Power Citizens' to the Govt, of Guyana and Head of the Valua­ Assn.; Secy. & P.R.O., No. 78 & 79 Sunnatul tion Division, Ministry of Local Govt. Born Jamaat; mem. Gen. CcL of PNC, I960. Address: Nov. 22, 1921, Georgetown, Guyana, son of (office) Ministry of Agriculture & Natural Cyril I. Rodrigues and his wife Hepzibah Resources, Georgetown, (home) 56 Queenstown, Beatrice nee Humphrey, both dec'd. Educated Skeldon, Corentyne, Berbice. Christ Church Primary Sch.; Queen's Coll.; Coll. of Estate Management, Lond. Religion: SANCHO, Thomas Anson, A.C.P., Fr. Econs., Methodist. Married Sept. 20, 1949, Marcelene M.P., Journalist, Educator, Author, Legislator; Fay; one dau., one son. Career: Public Service, Senior History & Economics Master, Central Guyana; Govt. Surveyor at Consulting Engineer's High School Born Aug. 30, 1932, son of Joseph Office, P.W.D.; Lands & Mines Dept; Hydro- Thomas Sancho and his wife Mavis Irene nee graphic Survey Section, Transport & Harbour McLean. Educated St. Marks Elementary Sch., Dept. 1938-47, Senior Staff Surveyor, Lands & Paradise, East Coast; Queen's College. Religion: Survey Dept., St. Lucia; Valuation Officer to Anglican. Unmarried. Career: Sub-editor of the the Govt, of Guyana and Head of the Valuation L.C.P.'s weekly newspaper "The Sentinel", Division, Ministry of Local Govt, since 1959. 1951; taught at Tutorial High Sch. 1952 & Club: The West Indian (Lond). Recreation: 1953; in present ] position since 1953. Elected Cricket, football, reading, cinema. Motto: "Ex member Guyana's Parliament 1964. Has Cultu Robur". Address: (office) Valuation attended several Education & Trade Union Division, Min. of Local Govt, P.O. Box 58, 22 Seminars & Conferences; was leader of Par­ Brickdam, Georgetown; (home) 64 Fifth Ave., liamentary Delegation to the Regional Common­ Subryanville, Guyana. wealth Parliamentary Association's 1966 Conf. in Trinidad and also led the T.U.C. delegation ROMAO, Emanuel Alexis, S.C., barrister; Direc­ to the Trade Union Seminar in West Germany & tor of Public Prosecutions. Born Georgetown, Switzerland. Author of the following: "View­ Guyana, July 22, 1921, son of Emanuel Alexis point", "Supermen of History","Highlights of Romao and Viola nee De Pezer his wife. Edu­ Guyana History", "Spectacles for Drama" etc. cated St. Joseph's Intermediate; Alleyne High Affiliation: Vice-Pres. of the Association of Sch.; Central High Sch. Divorced: 2 sons, 1 dau. Masters & Mistresses; Chairman of the Critchlow Religion: Anglican. Recreations: Chess, reading. Labour Institute; Mem. T.U.C. Central Execu­ Address: (bus.) 65-67 High St., Kingston, tive; Guyana Writers Group; P.N.C. Executive Georgetown, (home) 18 Gordon St., Kitty, East Member; Alliance Francaise; Y.M.C.A. Interest: Coast, Demerara, Guyana. Dancing, drama, debating, travel Address: 91 Smyth St., Georgetown; (home) 84 Robb St., ROWE, Eileen Gordonia, A.C.C.S., CD., co-op Bourda, Georgetown, Guyana. officer; Senior Co-op Officer, Ministry of Eco­ nomic Development. Born Georgetown, July 11, SARGEANT, Mrs. Margaret Jane, M.S., educa- 302 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN- tionist. Born La Bonne Intention, East Coast, SHAHABUDDEEN, Mohammed, LL.M., B.Sc, Demerara, Oct. 22, 1878. Educated Mission barrister; SolicitorrGeneraL Born Essequibo, Chapel Sch., New Amsterdam. Career: Pupil 1932. Career: Private practice; Solicitor-General, teacher at 13 (St. George's Anglican Sch.), April, 1962; took silk, 1966; adviser to Govt in Asst. Teacher, St. Leonard's (Freeburg), and Venezuelan border issue, since 1962 (holds Christ Ch. Anglican (19 yrs.); started school for rank of Ambassador), was one of Guyana's reps, stenographers, 1911, still conducts it; rec'd. at Guyana/Netherlands talks, June, 1966; mem., Medal of Service, 1970, for dedicated education­ Guy ana/Venezuela Mixed Commission, 1966- al service in secretarial field. Religion: Congre- 70; led delegation in Guyana/Venezuela talks in gationalist (still Sunday Sch. teacher). Affilia­ Tobago, March, 1970. Affiliation: Guyana tions: Pitman Fellowship (1925), Incorp. Phon- Teachers? Assn. (Vice-Pres. 1962). Address: graphic Socy. (1961). Address: AlberttoWn, (office) Attorney General's Chambers, 61 Main Georgetown, Street Cummingsburg, Georgetown, Guyana. SCHULTZ, Samuel Alexander, M. S., ret'd. SHARMA, Pandit Deodot, M.S., priest i/c of building contractor; Pres., .Guyana Assn. of Diamond Hindu Temple; social worker. Born Local Authorities, West Demerara Union of 1919. Career: Hindu priest for 30 yrs, i/c Dia­ Local Authorities; mem., Bd. of Univ. of Guya­ mond Temple from 1953; has presided over na; mem., Local Govt Bd. Born 1894. Career: Hindu services in T'dad and Surinam, has done Overseer, Good Intent & Sisters Village C'cL; much to standardise Hindu ritual; rec'd. Medal Secy., G.A.L.A.; Pres., W.D.U.L.A., 1962; Pres., of Service, 1970, for work in voluntary social G.A.L.A., 1964; Medal of Service, 1970, for service and religious fields. Address: 26 Sandy services in field of local govt Address: 22 Babb St., Georgetown, Guyana. Brickdam & Sendall Place, Georgetown, Guyana. SINGH, Dr. Balwant, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., SEARWAR, JUoyd, Diploma in Economic and D.C.P. (London) 1954, M.C. Path. 1961, Political Science (Oxon.), Principal Assist. Secy., medical practitioner; Senior Govt Bacteriologist Ministry of External Affairs. Born G/Town, & Pathologist, Min. of Health. Born Mahaicony, Guyana, July 28, 1925, son of Humphrey Guyana, June 10,1924, son of late Lae Bahadur Searwar and his wife Lovisa {nee Moonsawmy). Singh and Befia»his wife. Educated Georgetown; Educated Modern High School; St. Stanislaus London Univ. Married Meezaun: 2 sons, 1 dau. (Jesuit) College; Oxford Univ. Career: B.G. Religion: Hindu. Affiliations: MahatmaGandhi Civil Service 1945-53; Information Officer Organisation (Gen. Secy.); Guyana Civil Service (Broadcasting) 1954; Senior Information Officer Assn. (past Pres.); Hindu Maha Sabha (past 1957; Chief Information Officer 1963; acted as Pres.). Club: Everest Cricket. Recreations: Superintendent of Archives. Religion: Roman Reading, tennis. Address: (office) Central Medi­ Catholic. Affiliations: Institute of Public Rela­ cal Laboratory, Georgetown, Guyana, (home) tions, Lond.; St. Ignatius and Mary Sodality 153 Regent & Oronoque Sts., Georgetown. (R.C.). Club: Challoner Club (Lond). Interests: Walking, talking, reading and travel. Address: SINGH, Hon. David Arthur, LL.B., M.P., bar­ Min. of External Affairs, Carmichael St., rister, legislator; Minister of Housing & Recon­ G/Town, (home) 148 Crown Street. struction. Born Golden Fleece, West Coast, Ber- bice, May 28, 1929. Ed- SELMAN, Neville, Diplomat; First Secy., Guy­ ucated Sec. sch., Guya­ ana High Comm., Ottawa, Canada. Born Nov. na; King's ColL, Lond. 19, 1920, Georgetown; British Guiana. Edu­ (LL.B., 1955). Married, cated Queen's Coll., B.G. Married 1957, Doreen: Career: Prim. Sch. teach­ no children. Career: Formerly Perm. Secy. er, 1945-52; practised Min. of External Affairs & Trade & Industry. as barrister, 1957-59; in Religion: Church of England. Interest: Reading. Attorney General's Address: c/o Guyana High Comm., Suite 200, Chambers, 1959, as Law 151 State St., Ottawa 4, Canada. Officer; returned to pri­ vate practice, 1967; elected M.P., 1968. Address: SEYMOUR, Arthur James, A.A., poet, author, (office) Ministry of Housing & Reconstruction, editor, critic. Born Georgetown, Jan. 12, 1914. Georgetown, (home) 55 Oleander Gardens, Educated Queen's Coll. Career: Teacher, civil East Coast, Demerara. servant; began writing before World War II; published various works; edited Kyk-Over-al SINGH, Marcellus Feilden, M.P., Barrister-at- Anthology of W.I. Poetry; Chief Information law, Legislator; Leader United Force Party. Officer, 1954-62; Development Officer (Culture Born 1933. Educated St. Anthony's Sch., & Information), Caribbean Organisation, 1962- Buxton; St. Stanislaus ColL Career: Employed 64; rec'd. Golden Arrow of Achievement (Order as Registrar of Deeds, Supreme Court before of Service of Guyana, Grade II), 1970. Address: going to U.K. to study law; Honours pass in 106 Riverside Drive, MacKenzie, Georgetown, Constitutional Law at the Trunks Bar Exami­ Guyana. nation, 1962; on post graduate course, spe- GUYANA 303

cialised in Commercial Law; Legal Adviser to and Copper Products, Ch. several Committees, the United Force Delegation at the 1965 1945-49; Magistrate in Nigeria 18 months; Independence Conference; Legislator since Registrar of Deeds B.G. (3 months); Puisne 1964; formerly Minister of Works &! Hydraulics. Judge, 1951-55; Puisne Judge, Trinidad 1955- Affiliation: United Force; The Guyana United 59; acted as Governor, Barbados 1961-63; Socy. Address: Cameron & Shepherd, 2 High formerly Chancellor of the Judiciary, Guyana. St., Georgetown, Guyana. Affiliation: Y.M.C.A. (Pres). Address: 245 Vlissengen Rd., G/Town, Guyana. SINGH, Dr. Sobharam, Ph.D„ A.M.I.M.M., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., geologist; Director of Geo­ SUKHU, James A., Dip. Ed., M.S., teacher; logical Surveys, Guyana. Born Jan. 27, 1932, Depy. Headmaster, Skeldon High Sch., Coren- son of Dallu Singh and Budhni his wife. tyne; Treasurer, Adult Education Assn. Born Educated Ogle Canadian Mission Sen.; Modern Whim, Corentyne, Berbice, Nov. 22, 1910. Academy (Guyana); London Univ.; Univ. of Educated Auchlyne Prim. Sch., Corentyne; Wales. Married Nov. 13,1957, Khhem Kamarie: passed teachers' exam., while teaching at 14; 3 daus. (Tara Aditi, Sita Kumarie, Rumani studied local govt. England', 1955 (Brit. C'cl. Shobha). Career: B.Sc. (Hons.) 1959, Ph.D. Bursary); Bristol Univ., 1 yr.-course, Dip. Ed. 1963. Religion: Hindu. Recreation: Cricket, 1959. Career: Headmaster, Mara Presbyterian tennis, hunting, fishing, riding. Address: (bus.) Sch., E. B. Berbice; Transfiguration Lutheran Geological Survey Dept, P.O. Box 789, George­ Sch., Betsy Ground, Canje; Redeemer Lutheran town, (home) Geological Compound, Brickdam, Sch., Campbellville; a/g Education Officer, Georgetown. 1964-69 (ret'd). Affiliations: Adult Education Assn.; Guyana Teachers Assn. (Pres. 1963); SINGH, Sohan Roopan, barrister-at-law; Senior ree'd. Medal of Service, 1970, for exceptional Magistrate, Guyana. Born June 4, 1926, son of dedication in service to education. Address: the late Roopan Singh, Farmer and Cattle Owner, and his wife Etwaria. Educated Nismes 77 Stone Ave., Section "M", C/Ville, George­ Methodist School; Standard High School, B.G.; town, Guyana. Middle Temple, Eng. Married July 31, 1951: SUTHERLAND, Neville Eustace, M.B.A., B.Sc. two children. Religion: Hindu. Affiliation: (Econ.), professional manager and economist; Berbice Reading Socy. Club: Catholic Men's. Gen. Mgr. (Ag.) Guyana Rice Marketing Bd. Interests: Cricket and gardening. Address: Born Georgetown, Dec. 13, 1931. Educated Magistrate's Office, Georgetown, Guyana. University of West Indies (B.Sc, upper 2nd class hons. Econ., #.I.** ondon, 1963); SPENCE, Hilbert Cedric, general insurance Univ. of Pittsburgh,U.S. A. (cert, in management underwriter. Born Sept. 22, 1921, Mahaica, of Development Project); York Univ., Toronto, Guyana, son of the late Cedric Spence and his C'da. (Master in Bus. Admin., 1969). Married wife Clementina nee Neblett. Educated Primary Hattie Eugenie: 1 son, 2 daus. Career: Planning Sch.; Mahaica Church of Scotland School; Officer, Min. of Education & Co-operatives, Kingston Methodist. Religion: Anglican. Mar­ Guyana; Industrial Economist, Guyana Dev. ried Aug. 14,1943, Constance Helene: one son. Corp. Religion: Anglican. Recreation: Music, Career: Colonial Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Agent Address(bus.) Guyana Rice Marketing Bd., 1 & & Mgr. 1952-67; Secty. Berbice Chamber of 2 Water St., Georgetown, Guyana. Commerce, 1953-56; Pres. Berbice Chamber of Commerce 1956- 66; Nominated member of SWEETNAM, John Albert, sworn land surveyor, New Amsterdam Town Council 1961-64; Pres. Guyana; Certificate in High Surveying from New Amsterdam Community Council 1956-61; Univ. of Toronto, Canada; Land Surveyor and Secty. Berbice Turf Club Ltd. 1961-64; Pres. Photogrammetrist; Commissioner of Lands & Berbice Lions Club 1967-68; Executive Mem. Mines, 1969 (Lands and Mines Dept.). Born United Force 1964-67; Minister of Govt. 1967- Georgetown, Oct. 30, 1920, son of. the late 69 (Trade). Affiliation: Lions Club, Masonry. Arthur Sweetnam, Mech. Engineer, and Mary Interest: Cinema, reading. Address: (home) 16 Angela nee Gouveia, his wife. Educated St. New Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana. Stanislaus College, Georgetown. Speaks Spanish. Married Feb. 15, 1947, Agnes, daughter of STOBY, Sir Kenneth, Kt. Bach., 1961 (Queen's Anthony Jardine (business manager): 2 sons, 3 New Year Hons.), Barrister-at-Law (Retired). daughters. Career: Sworn Land Surveyor 1941; Chief Justice Barbados, Jan. 1959-March 1965; Govt. Surveyor 1945; Land Officer, 1945-47; Ch. Judiciary Commission. Born Georgetown, Senior Govt. Surveyor 1953; Cartographer 1955; British Guiana, Oct. 19, 1903. Educated at Supt. of Surveys 1966; Lecturer in Astronomy Christ Church Sch. and Queen's College (junior to Govt.-run Courses for Training of Land champion Athletics); called to'the Bar, Lincoln's Surveyors 1950-62. Religion: Roman Catholic. Inn 1930. Married 1958, Eunice Badley: one Affiliation: Royal Institute of Chartered Sur­ son, one daughter. Career: In private practice, veyors; American Society of Photogrammetry; Br. Guiana 1930-38; Magistrate 1939-44; trans­ Station Officer Guyana Fire Brigade (Auxilliary); ferred to Commodity Control as Dep. Controller Scoutmaster, St. Mary's Own; Society St. Vin­ of Supplies & Prices; Controller of Marketing cent de Paul; Guyana Red Cross Socy. Re- 304 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

creation: Gardening. Interests: Scouting, pho­ French. Affiliations: Inst, of Public Admin, of tography. Address: c/o Lands and Mines Dept, C'da; Socy. for the Blind. Club: Guyana Victoria Law Courts, Georgetown, and 146 Bridge. Interests: Photography, music, reading, Crown Street, Queenstown, Guyana. bridge. Address: Min. of Labour & Social Security, Georgetown. TALBOT, Hon. Mrs. Sylvia Evadney, B.A., M.Sc, Ed.D.; health education specialist, Min- THOMPSON, Laurence Blackwood, M.B.E. i istry of Health; Pres., (1957), former Permanent Secretary Ministry I Directing C'cl, Pan of Local Govt. Born Berbice, June 18, 1914, | American Health Organ­ son of Claude Gill Austin Thompson and his ci isation. Born St. Croix, wife Magnolia Louise (nee Duncan). Educated U.S. Virgin Islds,,Jan. Berbice High School for Boys; St. Stanislaus 22, 1934, dau. of late College, Georgetown. Career: Taught at St Iver Hamilton Ross and Stanislaus College; joined Civil Service 1934; ! Rachael nee Peterson appointed Asst. District Commissioner 1950; | his wife (now Mrs. District Commissioner 1953; Community | Carter). Educated St. Development Officer 1957; Commissioner of Croix; ; Yale Local Govt 1961; Permanent Secretary, Min­ I Univ., Newhaven, Conn.; istry of Local Govt, 1965; Depy. Commissioner Columbia Univ., N.Y.; B.A. 1955, M.Sc. 1957, to the Guyana-Barbados Pavilion at Expo 67; Ed.D. 1969. Married July 11, 1958, Rev. Govt. Rep. for B'dos & Guyana at 'Man and Frederick H. Talbot: no children. Career: His World', Montreal, 1968. Religion: Pres­ Biology mistress, Bishop's High Sch., George­ byterian. Affiliation: Scout Movement (Chief town, Guyana; Instructor, Health Education, Comm.); Member of Committee of Management Teachers Training Coll., Georgetown; Staff and Action; Theatre Guild. Interest: Swimming. Associate, Family Planning Service,, Planned Address: 31 Blygezight, Guyana. Parenthood of New York City; Dir. of Health Education, Sacramento,: Calif.; Health Educa­ THOMSON, (Col.) Gavin Brown, C.B.E., Chair­ tion Officer, Min. of Health, Guyana. Religion: man, Consultative Association of Guyanese African Methodist Episc. Speaks Spanish. Affi­ Industry Ltd. Born Scotland, Jan. 6,1906, son liation: Business & Professional Women's Club of the late Robert Thomson (Supt of Works) of Georgetown (Patron). Interests: Reading & and Jean, nee Brown, his wife. Educated Balfron music. Address: (bus.) Min. of Health, Box Secondary School. Married 1932, Jean Drum- 157, Georgetown, Guyana, (home) Providence mond, daughter of the late J. Fyfe: 2 sons. Park II., East Bank Demerara, Guyana. Career: In traffic and Development Branches, London and North-Eastern Railways, London THOMAS, Jeffrey Ronald, M.P., legislator; Pari. (1921-39); war service Royal Engineers in Mid­ Secy., Office of Prime Minister (special respon­ dle East, Egypt, Sicily, Italy, (demobbed with sibility for Youth). Bom Georgetown, July 13, rank of Colonel); Transport Adviser, Office of 1944. Educated Wedgewood Junior Sch.; Cam­ Military Governor, Allied Control Commission, bridge Academy; Govt. Technical Institute. Berlin and Frankfurt am Maine, 1946-51; Traf­ Career: Draftsman surveyor; rep. Young Social­ fic Manager, Transport & Harbours Dept., ist Movement, 1965-68; Ch'man Y.S.M., 1967 British Guiana. 1952-53; General Manager Trans­ (acting); elected M.P., 1968. Affiliations: Mem. port and Harbours Department 1954-62. Mar­ many Youth Clubs; mem. of exec, of Young So­ ried 1932, Jean Drummond, daughter of the cialist Movement of P.N.C. (Ch'man Disciplin­ ary C'ttee, rep. on Exec. C'cl. of Institute of late F. Fyfe: 2 sons. Religion: Presbyterian. Decolonisation). Interests: Youth work, sport Affiliation: Institute of Transport, Caribbean Address: (office) Office of Prime Minister, Employers Federation. Recreation: Walking, Georgetown, (home) 8 North Rd., Bourda, gardening. Interests: Transport & Industrial Georgetown, Guyana. Relations. Address: (office) Bank of Guyana Bldg., G/Town, Guyana. THOMPSON, Desmond Micharl Arrindell, civil servant; a/g Perm. Secy., Min. of Labour & TYNDALL, Joseph Adolphus, B.A., B.Sc, ec­ Social Security; Ch'man, Guyana Industrial onomist, Chief Economist, Commonwealth Car­ Training Centre. Born Georgetown, June*6, ibbean Regional Secretariat on secondment from 1928, son of Leon Arrindell Thompson and post of Secy., Bank of Guyana. Born Guyana, Dorothy nee Selman his wife. Educated St. Sept. 12, 1927, son of Moses Tyndall, business­ Stanislaus Coll., Guyana; Carleton Univ., man and his wife Elfreda nee Bruce (nurse/ Ottawa, C'da (Cert. Public Admin., 1965). midwife). Educated Rose Hall Ch. of Scotland Married 1956, Pamela: 2 sons (Jolyon, Sean). Sch., New Amsterdam Ch. of Scotland Sch., Ber­ Career: Asst. Dist. Commissioner; Secy., Central bice High Sch., Bristol Univ., Exeter Univ., B.A. Housing & Planning Authority; Principal Asst. (Hons.) Philosophy (Lond.), B.Sc. (Econ.) (Lon-i Secy., Min. of Housing & Reconstruction; don), Advanced D.P.A. (Exeter). Married Aug. Ch'man Guyana C'ttee for ILO 50th Anniver­ 2, 1958, Belle Patricia nee Thorne: 1 son, 1 dau. sary Celebrations, 1969. Religion: R.C. Speaks Career: Teacher, 1945-59; Labour Officer, Min. GUYANA 305 of Labour, Guyana, 1959-61; Asst. Secy., national Cricket 1948-60; vs. India, 1948-49, Min. of Dev. & Planning, 1961-62, and Min. of 1952-53; vs. England 1948, 1950, 1953-54, Trade & Industry, 1962-64; Principal Asst. Secy. 1957, 1960; Australia 1951-52, 1956; New Zea­ Min. of T. & I., 1964-66; Secy., Bank of Guy­ land, 1955; Pakistan, 1958. Married Jan. 31, ana, 1966; seconded C.C.R.S., 1968. Religion: 1951, Muriel: 2 sons,Michael and Ian. Religion: Church of Scotland. Address: (bus.) Common­ Methodist. Affiliations: Member of the Inst, of wealth Caribbean Regional Secretariat, Bank of Welfare Officers, U.K.; Guyana National Sports Guyana Bldg., Georgetown, (home) 299 Church Council. Clubs: M.C.C. (Hon. Life Mem.); Forty. St., Queenstown, Georgetown, Guyana. Address: Regent & New Garden Sts., Agricul­ tural Compound, Bourda, Georgetown; (home) van SERTIMA, Hon. George Aubert Sydney, 15 Coralita Ave., Bel Air Park East, E.C. Dem­ LL.B. (Lond); Barrister-at-law; Puisne Judge, erara, Guyana. Supreme Court; Chancellor of the Diocese of Guyana; Provincial Registrar, Province of the WALLACE, Robert Nathaniel Adolphus, M.B.E. West Indies. Born July 20, 1926, MacKenzie, (1967), Ret'd. Educator. Treasurer Guyana Guyana, son of the late Joseph A. van Sertima, Teachers Asscn.; Dir. New Building Socy. Ltd. engineer and his wife Gladys Leonora nee Born Oct. 12, 1902, Cumberland Village, East Binning. Educated.Queen's ColL, Georgetown, Canje, Berbice, Guyana, son of William James Univ. Coll., London. For. Lang: French. Rel­ Wallace, Village Overseer and his wife Maria nee igion: Anglican. Married Aug. 11, 1956, Norma Qemenson, both dec'd. Educated Cumberland Gwendolyn, dau. of the late Lewis M. Evans, Methodist Sen., Berbice; Mico Training Coll., Ja. Religion: Methodist. Married Dec. 23, 1929, chemist: 2 children. Affiliation: Member, Vestry Amanda Ethelberta, dau. of Alexander Roberts, of Cathedral Parish of St. George. Club: West Chemist & Druggist. Career: Headteacher, India (Lond). Recreation: Art, reading, garden­ Sans Souci Methodist Sen., Wakenaam Is. 1924- ing. Address: Victoria Law Courts, Georgetown, 44; Supervisory Headteacher for Wakenaam (home) 63, Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown, Schools 1936-37; J.P. for Wakenaam 1937-44; Guyana. Chairman of and Melville & Sans VERBEKE, Winston McKannie, trade union of­ Souci Local Authorities and member of the ficer; Pres. Guyana Trades Union C'cl, Gen. Pres. Arthurville & Fredericksburgh Local Authorities Guyana Mine-Workers' Union; 1st Vice-Pres., 1937-44; Headteacher Trinity Methodist Sen., Caribbean Bauxite Mine & Metal Workers Fed., Georgetown Sept. 1944-1962 (Retd). Affilia­ mem. Bd. of Governors, Univ. of Guyana; mem., tions: Life membership conferred, Guyana GUyana Interior Development C'ttee (Govt. Teachers Asscn. (April 1964); Chairman George­ Corp.). Born Buxton, East Coast Demerara, town Branch, B.G.T.A. 1945 and 1955; nomina­ March 20, 1916, son of late J.C. & late Mirah ted by the Teachers Asscn. to the Education Verbecke nee McKannie., Educated Mackenzie Sub-C'ttee of the 10 year Deve. C'ttee; Pres. private schl., Demerara River. 'Married July 30, Guyana Teachers Assn. 1959-1961; mem. of 1949 Vivien: 1 dau. (Mrs. Rita Neils). Career: the Executive Council, Guyana Teachers Assn. Started in public life 1946 (trade union branch since 1945. Recreation: Gardening. Watchword: officer); former mem., Guyana Republic C'ttee., "Thoroughness in all things". Address: 141 Pres. Guyana T.U.C., 1968. Religion: Congre­ Crown St., Queenstown, Georgetown, Guyana. gationalism Recreation: Cricket, cinema. Watch­ word: "Honesty, determination and co-opera­ WHARTON, Leonard Randolph, Insurance Exe­ tion." Address: (bus.) 47 Hadfield St., Werk-en- cutive; Manager, Colonial Life Insurance Co. Rust, Georgetown, Demerara, (home) 107 D'Ur- Ltd., Guyana; Vice-Chairman Guyana Credit ban St., Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. Corp. Son of Edward Wharton, mechanical en­ gineer and his wife Ella nee Jessam, both WAITHE, Gerald Desmond, business exec, dec'd. Educated Bedford Methodist School. Advertising Sales Mgr. Daily Chronicle Ltd. Married April 9, 1950, Angela: 2 sons, 1 dau. Born Georgetown, Aug. 8, 1932, son of Wilfred Career: Clerk Garnett & Co. 1938-43; South Walter Waithe and Edith Cecelia nee Benjamin Caribbean Forces (serving in all Islands of the his wife. Educated Georgetown. Married April Caribbean except Ja.) as Wireless Operator and 23,1962, Joan Anita: 1 dau. (Joy Ann). Career: Wireless Instructor in Morse Code 1943-47; Formerly advertising sales clerk. Religion: R.C. joined Colonial Life Insce. Co., 1947. Affilia­ Recreations: Cricket, billiards, table tennis. tions: Mechanics Lodge (Inner Temple); In­ Address: (bus.) 23-24 Main St., Georgetown, surance Institute of Guyana. Clubs: Guyana (home) 243 South Rd., Bourda, Georgetown. Cricket (life mem.), Demerara Cricket. Recrea­ WALCOTT, Clyde Leopold, O.B.E. (1964), tion: Tennis, walking, reading. Motto: "Never Social Welfare Worker; Social Welfare Adviser, despair".Address:(offic&) 1 High St., Lacytown, Guyana Sugar Producers Association; Pres. Guy­ Georgetown, (home) 101 Fourth Ave., Sub- ana Cricket Bd. of Control, 1969. Born Jan. 17, ryanville, East Coast, Demerara. 1926, Barbados, son of the late Frank Walcott and his late wife Ruth. Educated Harrison WIGHT, Mrs. Muriel, Company Executive; Dir­ College, Barbados. Represented W.I. at Inter­ ector Gladys Hicken Ltd., Chief Commissioner 306 PERSONALITIES CARIBBEAN

for Guides, Guyana. Born Berbice, B.G. Educa­ Govt. Sch.) ana was Headmaster, 1962-66 ted at Miss Turner's Private School and Berbice Interest: Music (attending concerts), reading High School. Married Percy Wight, dec'd. Ad­ (books in music and geography). Address: 160 dress: c/o Guyana Girl Guide Asscn. H.Q., Regent Rd. & New Garden St, Bourda, George­ Brickdam, Georgetown, (home) 7 Epping Ave., town, (home) 23 Prince Wm. St., Plaisance, Bel Air Park, Guyana. Georgetown, Guyana. WILKINS, Raymond Augustine, O.B.E. (1964), WILLS, Joseph Lyttleton, C.M.G., LL.B., Bar- F.R.G.S. (1946), Land Surveyor, Company rister-at-Law; Retired Puisne Judge. Born June Director; Director,Bookers Sugar Estates Ltd.; 24, 1899, Georgetown. Educated at Middle Chairman East Coast Estates Ltd., Kabawer School, B.G.; Queen's College, B.G.; King's Cattle Ranch Co. Ltd.. Born London, July College, London; Inner Temple, London. Mar­ 8, 1925, son of the late Charles Wilkins and ried 1 daughter. Career: Magistrate, British his wife Daisy nee Wright. Educated Oratory Guiana; Additional Puisne Judge, B.G.; Puisne School, College of Estate Management, Eng­ Judge Leeward & Windward Islands; 1933-47, land. Speaks German, French and Italian. Mar­ elected member Georgetown Municipality for ried 1951, Mary, daughter of R. B. Craig, 3 Bourda Ward; 1941-42, Deputy Mayor of children. Religion: Roman Catholic. Affilia­ Georgetown; elected Member of Legislative tions: American Socy. of Photogrammetry, Council (Demerara River Dist); ex-President American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, B.G. Labour Union and B.G. Congregational American Geophysical Union. Clubs: Alpine Union. Address: Lyttleton House, 57 Chalmers Ski; Ski, Great Britain; Australian Alpine; Place, Stabroek, Guyana Georgetown Sailing. Interests/Recreation: Sail­ ing, tennis, boat-building, ski-mountaineering. WINTZ, Joseph Nathaniel, life underwriter; Address: Bookers Sugar Estates Ltd., 22 Church District Mgr., First Federation Life Insnce. Co. St, Georgetown. Guyana and Schoon Ord., Ltd. Born No. 78 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, West Bank, Demerara, Guyana. son of late Walter O. Wintz and Albertha his wife. Educated Skeldon Anglican Sch. Married WILLIAMS, Dr. Frank Middleton Warner, M.B., Oct. 17, 1956, Carmen Olga: 1 son. Career: B.S. (Lond.), M.R.C.P. (Edin.) 1954, Physician Jr. clerk, Guyana Rice Marketing Bd. 2 yrs.; in private practice; part-time Consultant George­ Mgr. M. DeMendonca & Co. Ltd., 15 yrs. town Hospital; mem. Bd. of Governors, Univer­ Religion: Anglican. Affiliation: Lions (Interna­ sity of Guyana and Bishop's High School. Born tional). Club: Georgetown. Recreations: Pho­ Dec. 28, 1916, West Coast, Demerara, son of the tography, gardening, swimming. Watchword: late Simon A. Williams, educator, and his wife "No man's education is ever complete". Ad­ Christable Rebecca wee James. Educated Stewart dress: (bus.) 6 Croal St. & Manget Place, ville Congregational Sch., Queen's College, Lon­ Georgetown, (home) 255 Purshottam Ave., don Hospital. Religion: Congregational. Married Prashad Nagar JEXJaemerara. Dec. 6, 1941, Lena Hazel: 1 dau. Affiliation: YEARWOOD, Stanley Newton, Merchant; Man­ Theatre Guild of Guyana, Guyana Branch Medi­ aging Prop. Amex House; Member Bd. of cal Assn. Clubs: Guyana C.C., Georgetown Directors, Guyana Credit Corp. and Guyana lions. Recreation: Music. Motto: Homo sum, Rice Marketing Bd. Born Dec. 13, 1910, Kitty, humani nihil a me alienum puto (motto of the E.C. Demerara son of the late George Elias London Hosp. Medical Centre). Address: 265 Yearwood and his wife Elvira nee Robinson. Thomas St., Georgetown, and (home) Beachcroft Educated Kitty Anglican School. Religion: , East Coast, Demerara, Guyana. Anglican. Married Alice; 2 sons. Career: Clerical Assist. Civil Engineering Branch T. & H. Dept WILLS, Edmund Evan, Trained Class I Teacher; 1933, retired as Senior Clerk, 1964. Affiliation: Office Manager, Guyana Civil Service Asscn., Member St. James-the-Less Vestry & Synod Councillor & Ex-Chairman Plaisance Village Representative; Chairman Financial C'ttee Chris­ Council, Secretary East Demerara Union of tian Stewardship Campaign, Str'James-the-Less. Local Authorities; Executive Mem. Guyana Recreation: Reading, listening to music, travel. Union of Teachers; Secty. East Demerara Local Address:(office) 143-144 Regent Street, George­ Asscn. of Boy Scouts. Born Jan. 13, 1906, town, (home) 36 Austin Street, Campbellville, Plaisance Village, E.C.D., Guyana, son of Prince E.C. Demerara, Guyana. Albert Wills and his wife Patsy Isabella nee Andries, both dec'd. Educated Plaisance Con­ YHAP, Alfred Randolph, O.B.E., chartered gregational, Clarkson Congregational, St. Paul's secy., incorporated accountant (Malaysia); comp. Anglican School. Religion: Anglican (Organist, director; mem., Public Service Commission; St Augustine's Anglican Church). Married Dec. Pres., Georgetown Chamber of Commerce;mem., 28, 1935, May Olga Wills: no children. Career: Bd. of Governors, Univ. of Guyana; Dir., Hand- Headmaster St. Paul's Anglican Sch., Wakenaam in-Hand Fire Insnce. Co. Ltd., Yhap & Co. 1944-51; Headmaster Anglican Ltd. and 3 other comps. Born Guyana, June Sch. 1951-52; Headmaster St. Augustine's An­ 6, 1914, son of late Johnson Yhap and late glican Sch. 1952-62 (later became Friendship Alice nee Wong, his wife. Educated St. An-

!ttil GUYANA 307

drew's Scots Sch.; won 3 yr. schol. to Collegiate mem. Guyana Rice Marketing Bd., Guyana Sch. Married Sept. 7, 1938, Ruth Victoria nee Credit Corp. Affiliations: Rotary, Georgetown Kam: 2 sons (Oswald L., Dir. Harold E. White (former Pres.); Cham, of Comm. (Pres., former & Co. Ltd., Bernard Montgomery, Mgr. Amer. Senior Vice-Pres.); Chartered Inst, of Secretaries Assnce. Co. Ltd., (Guyana), 1 dau. Joy Gwen- (Lond.); Brit. Inst, of Management (from dolin, princ. asst, Bank of Guyana. Career: In 1960); Malaysian Socy. of Inc. Accountants; business and public service; F.C.C.S., 1956; Fellow. Socy. of Commercial Accountants. F. Comm. A. (Eng.), 1956; O.B.E. 1967; A.S.- Interests: Stamp-collecting, photography. Ad­ A.A. (Malaysia) 1968; A.C.I.S. 1970; formerly dress: 31 High & Hadfield Sts., Georgetown.





MISCELLANEOUS 20. The Chief-of-Staff, TABLE OF PRECEDENCE FOR GUYANA 21. The Commissioner of Police 1. The President 22. The Mayor of the City of Georgetown 2. The Prime Minister 23. Mayors of Municipalities other than the 3. The Chancellor City of Georgetown 4. The Speaker 24. The Chairman of the Elections Commi- 5. The Deputy Prime Minister sion 6. Ministers 25. The Chairman of the Public Service 7. The Attorney General, if not a Minister Commission 8a. Ambassadors and High Commissioners 26. Permanent Secretaries 8b. The Secretary-General of the Common­ 27. The Governor of the Bank of Guyana wealth Caribbean Regional Secretariat 28. The Vice-Chancellor of the University 8c. The Senior Accredited Representative of of Guyana the United Nations 29. The Director of Audit 9. The Leader of the Opposition 30a. Deputy Chiefs of Mission, Deputy High 10. The Chief Justice Commissioners or other equivalent in 11. The Chancellor of the University of Embassies or High Commissions Guyana 30b. Consuls-General 12. Justices of Appeal 30c. Accredited Chief Representatives of 13. The Ombudsman International Organisations 14. Charges d'Affaires and acting High 31. Chairmen of Public Corporations Commissioners 32. Deputy Chairmen of the Public and Police 15. Parliamentary Secretaries Service Commissions 16. The Deputy Speaker 33a. Members of the Judicial, Public and 17a. Puisne Judges Police Service Commissions 17b. The Solicitor General 33b. Members of the Elections Commission 17c. The Director of Public Prosecutions 34a. Consuls 17d. The Chief Parliamentary Counsel 34b. First Secretaries in Embassies and High 18. Members of Parliament Commissions 19. The Permanent Secretary, Public Service 34c. Trade Commissioners Minister, Head of the Public Service 35. Heads of Government Departments If


36. Managers of Public Corporations Guyana Credit Corporation 37. Senior Government Officers Chairman - Mr. L. A. Wharton Guyana Development Corporation Chairman, Mr. C. B. J. Harris P.R.O. - Mr. R. F. Moore MINISTERS OF GOVERNMENT Guyana Electricity Corporation Chairman - Mr. R. C. Tello, M.B.E. Prime Minister P.R.O. - Mr. W. L. Carto Hon. L. F. S. Burnham, S.C. Guyana Marketing Corporation Minister of Finance Chairman - Mr. Eusi Kwayana The Hon. Dr. P. A. Reid P.R.O. - Miss Grace Joseph Minister of Agriculture & Natural Resources Guyana Rice Marketing Board Hon. R. J. Jordan Chairman- Mr. G. B. Kennard, C.B.E. Minister of Communications Guyana Rice Development Company Hon. Mohamed Kasim P.R.O. - Mr. Ivan De Harte Minister of Home Affairs Guyana Telecommunication Corporation Hon. Desmond Hoyte, S.C. Chairman - Mr. J. A. Proctor Prime Minister (performing duties of P.R.O. - Mr. Peter Small Minister of Local Government,) Bank of Guyana Hon. J. F. S. Burnham, S.C. Governor - Mr. W. P. D'Andrade, C.M.G. Minister of Labour & Social Security Hon. V. G. Carrington Minister of Education Hon. Shirley Field-Ridley Minister of Trade Hon. Bishwaishawar (Cammie) Ramsaroop Minister of Housing & Reconstruction Hon. David Singh Attorney General & Minister of State Hon. S. S. Ramphal Minister of Information & Culture Hon. M. W. Carter Minister of Works & Hydraulics Hon. Hamilton Green Minister Without Portfolio Hon. H. O. Jack Minister of Health Dr. The Hon. Sylvia Talbot

PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES Ministry of Finance Mr. John Joaquin, O.B.E., J.P. Ministry of Local Government (Amerindian Affairs) Mr. Philip Duncan Ministry of Works & Hydraulics Mr. William Haynes Ministry of Agriculture & Natural Resources Mr. Abdul Salim Ministry of Office of the Prime Minister (Youth Division) Mr. Jeffrey Thomas Ministry of Local-Government Mr. Vibart Mingo

HEADS OF CORPORATIONS Guyana School of Agriculture Chairman - Mr. Victor Ralph Guyana Airways Corporation Chairman - Mr. Joseph Vieira