the Inside this issue: Norwegian The best smørbrød start with the best rye bread american story on page 14 Volume 128, #3 • February 10, 2017 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $3 USD Welcome to the Education issue! Our annual education special issue features scholarships, students’ reflections, profiles of education opportunities, and more!

What’s inside? Nyheter / News 2-3 « Å vite hvordan man oppmuntrer, er kunsten ved Business 4-5 Summer school in å lære fra seg. » Opinion 6-7 – Henri Frédéric Amiel Sports 8 Norgesskolen’s mix of learning and global friendships Research & Science 9 Travel 10-11 Maria Vang Ormhaug Norway near you 12-13 Norgesskolen Taste of Norway 14-15 Norwegian Heritage 16-17 Norgesskolen is a summer school in Norwegian Language immersion language and culture. The students are children and The teaching is based on the curriculum plan of Education 18-23 youth between nine and 18 who wish to maintain con- elementary Norwegian. The students are first and fore- Norsk Språk 24-25 tact with the Norwegian language and culture. The most taught in Norwegian, but the cultural subjects of Books 26 school was founded in 2003 by Norwegians World- history and social science are also represented in the Puzzles 27 wide, and more than 800 students from all over the teaching. There are four Norwegian classes every day. world have attended since the beginning. The classes are divided based on age and knowledge Bulletin Board 28 “For families that are moving out of Norway or of the language. All teachers practice language immer- returning home from years abroad, this is a perfect sion, which means the Norwegian language is incorpo- $1 = NOK 8.260 arena. They meet others in the same situation, and the rated in all parts of the school. updated 02/06/2017 school helps them create an international network,” Every year Norgesskolen chooses a theme for the says Bodil Dahl, leader of Norgesskolen. school. The theme creates a frame for the teaching, In comparison 01/06/2017 8.5221 See > summer page 18 08/06/2016 8.5511 02/06/2016 8.5707 2 • February 10, 2017 Nyheter fra Norge theNorwegianamerican Nyheter Første homofile par viet i kirken Flere tas i juks på universiteter og høyskoler Ved midnatt 1. februar Tall fra fire universiteter og fra Høg­ ringte kirkeklokkene inn skolen i Oslo og Akershus viser samlet sett at antall studenter som jukser på eksa- for Kjell Frølich Benjamin­ men har steget i perioden 2011 til 2016. sen og Erik Skjelnæs Tall­materialet, som er samlet inn av For- skerforum, viser at Universitetet i Oslo Irene Rønold, Nora Evensmo Hvisten- (UiO) klart topper statistikken. I 2002 ble dahl & Siri Eggen bare én student herfra tatt i juks. I fjor var VG tallet 70, ifølge den sentrale klagenemnda ved universitetet. HF-fakultetet hadde Dermed ble de det første homofile pa- nesten 80 prosent av universitetets jukse- ret som giftet seg i kirken, etter at Kirke- saker i 2016. Rådgiver Signe I. Thorstad møtet 31. januar godkjente en ny liturgi for sier at dette har å gjøre med at de er blant likekjønnede par. Like etter midnatt—sam­ UiOs største fakulteter. Dessuten er de tidig som vedtaket trådte i kraft—gikk paret ansvarlige for examen philosophicum, til alters i Eidskog kirke i Hedmark. et emne alle studenter må ta. I tillegg har — Dagen i dag er historisk på flere de mange hjemmeeksamener. Hun på- måter. I dag feirer vi at lesbiske og homofile peker at det ble flere hjemmeeksamener endelig kan gifte seg i kirken, sier sogneprest Foto: Helge Mikalsen / VG etter kvalitetsreformen. — Så begynte vi Bettina Eckbo. Kjell Frølich Benjaminsen (63) og Erik Skjelnæs (70) giftet seg i Eidskog kirke natt til 1. februar. med dette plagiatkontrollsystemet i 2011, — Og så feirer vi dere. Dere er histo- og det var da tallene begynte å øke, sier riske sammen, sier hun, henvendt til paret. hun. Hun legger til at det sannsynligvis Hun forteller at hun gjennom dagen har andre sitt ja. Da de kysset brøt det ut spontan blir i juni, men at det nå venter et glass cham- er kontrollprogrammet som gjør at de blitt oppringt av flere journalister som lurte applaus i den fullsatte kirken. pagne til gjestene. har flere saker, ikke nødvendigvis at stu- på hva hun ville si til paret. Etter vielsen overrakte presten ekteparet — Men vi tenker på vennene vi har hatt, denter er mer uærlige enn før. Fra 2011 — Jeg vil snakke om verdiene dette pa- blomster fra statsminister Erna Solberg (H). som dessverre ikke fikk oppleve dette. Det er til 2012 gikk antall som ble tatt i juks ved ret har. Masse kjærlighet, og ikke minst fri- Da ekteparet gikk ut fra kirken til brude- også viktig for oss, sier Kjell. HF-fakultetet opp fra 11 til 37. NTNU i modighet. Det skal ganske mye frimodighet marsjen fra Seljord var det med trampeklapp Før vielsen var forlover Ingunn Kaal­ Trondheim ligger nederst på jukselista av til for å vente 36 år på kirken! Og mye tro på fra venner og familie. stad klar på at dette var en stor dag—både for de fem institusjonene. at størst av alt er kjærligheten, sier hun. — Jeg tror jo fortsatt. Vi kunne ikke likekjønnet ekteskap og for Kjell og Erik­s (Aftenposten) — Kjærligheten er velvillig, den tåler alt melde oss ut av kirken kun fordi det er noen venner og familie. og utholder alt. Her har man vært sammen i som ikke er enige med oss, sier Kjell. Mest snøfattige vinteren siden 1950-tallet 36 år, og sier: «Ja, jeg vil fortsatt ha deg». — Størst av alt er kjærligheten. Kjær- English Synopsis: On February 1, Kjell Frølich Ben- Det har ikke vært mindre snø i Valdres Deretter kom det alle hadde ventet på: ligheten seirer til slutt, legger han til. jaminsen (63) and Erik Skjelnæs (70) became the first same-sex couple to have a church wedding in Norway. siden 1950-tallet. Også hele Østlandet Etter 36 år ga Kjell (63) og Erik (70) hver­ Han røper at selve bryllupsfesten først og halve Sør-Norge er snøfritt. — Det er Østlandet som er ganske spesiell i vinter. Her er det barmark overalt, sier forsker Thomas Skaugen i Norges vassdrags- og Dataangrep energidirektorat (NVE) til avisa. Over Demonstrerer i Oslo store deler av Hardangervidda er årets snødekke blant de to-tre dårligste som 34 organisasjoner del­ ligger inne i NVEs modell. Også på Sør- mot Norge landet og Vestlandet må man langt opp i tar i en demonstrasjon dalene for å finne snø. — Det er to forhold PST ble varslet av en i Oslo i protest mot som gjør dette: mye typisk vestavær med høye temperaturer og lite nedbør når det sam­arbeidende tjeneste inn­reiseforbudet i USA har vært kaldt. Vi ser at vi for eksempel om et russisk hacker­ i Valdres-området må helt opp til 1400 Hibba Sarmadawy & Kristian Aaser meter for å finne normale snøforhold, sier angrep mot PST, UD, Ap VG Skaugen. (NRK) og flere statlige aktører Flere steder i Europa og verden har det blitt demonstrert mot det omstridte innreise- Nordmenn hedres for å redde jøder Sunniva Rebekka Skjeggestad et al. forbudet, og klokken 17 31. januar ble det under krigen NRK arrangert en demonstrasjon i Oslo. — Jeg er opprinnelig fra Libya, men jeg Israel gjør ære på fire nordmenn som red- — Enkeltpersoner i Utenriksdeparte- er ingen terrorist. Jeg har norsk statsborger- det livet til flere hundre norske jøder un- mentet, Arbeiderpartiet og Forsvaret har blitt skap, men får ikke lov til å komme inn i USA der andre verdenskrig. De fire, Alf Tollef utsatt for målrettede dataangrep. Også PST fordi Donald Trump sier jeg er en terrorist. og Gerd Julie Bergljot Pettersen, Reidar Foto: Helge Mikalsen / VG ble utsatt for angrepene, sier seksjonssjef i Da innreiseforbudet kom kjente jeg på sinne Larsen og Rolf Alexander Syversen, blir Sara Desantiago, som opprinnelig er fra Libya, PST, Arne Christian Haugstøyl, til NRK. og irritasjon. Jeg føler meg diskriminert og markerte motstand mot Trumps innreiseforbud. hedret posthumt med medalje og heder- — E-postene har mottatt ondsinnet mindreverdig, sier en av demonstrantene, sbetegnelsen Rettferdige blant nasjon­ skadevare, forklarer han videre. Sara Desantiago, til VG. ene i en seremoni i Oslo rådhus 26. jan- Detaljer rundt hvem kontoene tilhører Reaksjonene har vært mange etter at delig på hva han mener om innreiseforbudet uar. Blant gjestene som var til stede, var vil ikke PST kommentere, men bekrefter at USA innførte et midlertidig innreiseforbud Trump har innført. statsminister Erna Solberg og Oslo-ord- ni e-postkontoer ble forsøkt hacket hos disse for reisende fra sju land med overveiende — Forskjellsbehandling er helt forfer- fører Marianne Borgen. De fire blir hedret aktørene: Utenriksdepartementet, PST, Ar- muslimsk befolkning og for flyktninger. delig. Hudfarge og hvor man kommer fra bør for operasjonen «Carl Fredriksens Trans- beiderpartiets stortingsgruppe, En høyskole, Landene det gjelder er Libya, Somalia, ikke ha noe å si, så det er forferdelig. port», et kodenavn for organisert smug- Statens strålevern, og Forsvaret. Iran, Sudan, Irak, Jemen og Syria. For syriske Raja understreker at Norge er avhengig ling av jøder over grensen til Sverige. 2. februar meldte TV 2 at Aps stortings- flyktninger gjelder innreiseforbudet på ube- av et nært forhold til USA, men at det ikke Gjennom seks hektiske uker greide­ Carl gruppe var utsatt for et hackerangrep, men stemt tid, mens andre grupper foreløpig skal kan gå på akkord med slike diskriminerende Fredriksens Transport å få rundt 1.000 nå avslører PST at de ikke var de eneste. nektes innreise i noen måneder. forhold. flykt­ninger, av dem 358 jøder, over — Den åpne trusselvurderingen pek­ En annen av dem som deltar på demon- Partisekretær og førstekandidat for SV i grensen. Det var den største enkeltstående te på denne problemstillingen. Vi skal ikke strasjonen er Murhaf Fares fra Syria. Han Oslo Kari Elisabeth Kaski, holdt appell un- rednings­operasjonen for flyktninger un- være naive, sier justisminister, Per Willy er doktorgradsstipendiat ved Universitetet der demonstrasjonen. der andre verdenskrig i Norge. 26. januar i Oslo, og skulle fra februar dra på et fire mottar Øyvind Syversen Aasheim, samt Se > hackerangrep, side 24 måneder langt forskningsopphold i Colorado Se > INNREISEFORBUD, side 24 Reidun Klemmetsen, Jon Elling Whist i USA. Det har han fått beskjed om at blir og An-Magritt Munkeby medaljene på English Synopsis: Russian hackers have attempted to uaktuelt. vegne av sine foreldre. attack nine email accounts belonging to members of English Synopsis: On Jan. 31, 34 organizations and the Norwegian Police Security Service, the Ministry Stortingsrepresentant Abid Raja (V) (Aftenposten) around 800 people participated in a demonstration in of Foreign Affairs, and the Labor Party, among others. deltar også på demonstrasjonen. Han er ty- Oslo in protest of President Trump’s travel ban. theNorwegianamerican News February 10, 2017 • 3 Flight crews changed Norway sixth This week in brief Former Norwegian prime minister stopped least corrupt by new US entry controls over Trump’s travel EO Kjell Magne Bondevik was stopped and Norway is among the least questioned by U.S. border control agents SAS has adjusted corrupt according to a at Dulles Airport on Feb. 3. comparison of 176 countries Bondevik, who served as prime min- staffing on US-bound ister of Norway from 1997-2000 and 2001-05, said it should have been appar- flights to comply with The Local ent that he wasn’t a terrorist. “It should be enough when they found that I have a Norway was ranked sixth in this year’s the nation’s entry ban diplomatic passport, [that I’m a] former Corruption Perception Index (CPI), released prime minister,” Bondevik told ABC7. by anti-corruption campaign group Trans- “That should be enough for them to un- parency International on January 25. The Local derstand that I don’t represent any prob- The Nordic nation was given a score lem or threat to this country and [to] let Scandinavian airline SAS has had to of 85 on the 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very me go immediately, but they didn’t.” adjust its staffing on U.S.-bound flights in clean) scale, not too far behind Denmark and Instead, he was ordered to wait for order to comply with U.S. President Donald New Zealand, which tied for first place with about 40 minutes, placed in a room with Trump’s entry ban targeting the nationals of a score of 90. For Norway’s southern neigh- travelers from the Middle East and Africa seven predominately Muslim countries. bor Denmark, it was the fifth year in a row who were also facing extra scrutiny. An SAS spokeswoman told Danish news that it sat atop the list. “They started asking me why I had agency Ritzau that Trump’s hotly debated ban Fellow Nordic nations Finland and Swe- been in Iran and why I was coming to the “has meant changes for our personnel.” den were ranked third and fourth, respective- United States,” Bondevik told TV2. “We are moving personnel with dual ly, while Switzerland also narrowly beat out Bondevik is president of a human citizenship who can have problems entering Norway to claim fifth. Photo courtesy of SAS rights organization called The Oslo Cen- the U.S. over to other routes,” Mariam Skov- Norway’s position declined one spot A SAS spokeswoman said that the airline has had ter, and in 2014 he went to Iran to speak at foged said. “It is comprehensive work, but to switch dual citizens off U.S.-bound flights. from the fifth-place ranking it enjoyed on the a human rights conference there. we are of course doing it because we follow 2015, 2014, and 2013 lists, with its score de- Bondevik said the Iranian stamp nev- the laws and rules that are in place.” creasing two points from last year’s ranking. er gave him problems before Trump’s ex- Trump on Jan. 29 signed an executive Additionally, Trump suspended the U.S. As a whole, Transparency International ecutive order. His office had been told by order banning citizens from the Muslim-ma- refugee resettlement program for 120 days said that no nation in the world—top per- the U.S. embassy in Oslo that his passport jority countries Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and put an indefinite stop to the acceptance formers included—is doing enough to fight and a separate electronic travel authoriza- Syria, Sudan, and Yemen from entering the tion were all he needed. United States for 90 days. See > flight crews, page 6 See > corruption, page 6 “I was surprised, and I was provoked,” he said. “What will the reputation of the U.S. be if this happens not only to me, but also to other international leaders?” No end to Norway’s Oscar drought (Staff Compilation) Kongens Nei got a Norwegian Church adopts LGBT community marriage liturgy “nei” from the Oscar Same-sex couples may now get married in church in Norway following a historic committee decision. Eighty-three out of 112 members of the Church Council voted in favor of the new liturgy on January 30, following last The Local year’s approval of same-sex marriages. Previous practice dictated that same- Hopes that Norway would claim its first sex couples had to get married in a regis- Academy Award for Best Foreign Language try office. Civil same-sex marriages have Film were dashed when The King’s Choice been allowed in Norway since 2009. / Kongens nei was not among the nominees A printed version of the new liturgy announced on January 24. will be available May 2017. Director Erik Poppe’s film about King (Charlotte Bryan / The Foreigner) Haakon VII’s resistance to the Nazi invasion of Norway had survived the cut from 85 sub- Did Skam affect Norway baby names? missions to nine but was not among the five Latest data from Statistics Norway (SSB) finalists. Photo courtesy of Adding insult to injury, Norway’s two The King’s Choice / Kongens nei failed to make the cut for an Academy Award. reveals that William and Nora crowned Scandinavian neighbors Denmark and Swe- 2016’s list: 498 boys were named Wil- den are among the nominees for Best For- liam and 551 girls were given the name eign Language Film with Land of Mine and to take home the Oscar, so there were high of a Saab-driving curmudgeon who has his Nora (including Norah and Noora). A Man Called Ove, respectively. The other hopes that Kongens nei could make Norwe- heart opened by a warm new neighbor. William and Nora (spelled Noora) are films that will vie for the award at the Oscars gian film history and end the country’s Oscar The German entry Toni Erdmann is also also names of two characters in the inter- gala in Los Angeles later this month are The drought. a clear favorite, with the comedy winning nationally popular Norwegian TV series Salesman (Iran), Tanna (Australia) and Toni Instead, the best Norwegian film buffs best film, director, actress, actor, and screen- Skam. It covers the everyday life, scandals, Erdmann (Germany). can now hope for is that one of their neigh- writer at the European Film Awards earlier and troubles of teenagers at Oslo’s Hartvig Kongens nei was hoping to be just the bors claims the prize. The Danish entry Land this month. Nissen Upper Secondary School. sixth Norwegian nominee for the Best For- of Mine / Under Sanden is about a group of Some 720,000 Norwegians saw Kon- Jørgen Ouren, senior researcher at eign Language Film. The previous nomi- German POWs who are made to clear Dan- gens Nei in theatres, making the war drama Statistics Norway, says he does not wish nees were Ni liv in 1957, Veiviseren in 1987, ish beaches of Nazi mines following the war. the biggest box office draw in what was the to speculate about whether there is a link Søndagsengler in 1996, Elling in 2001, and Swedish hopeful A Man Called Ove / En Norwegian film industry’s best year in more between name choice and the series. “But Kon-Tiki in 2012. None of those managed man som heter Ove meanwhile tells the story than four decades. it doesn’t seem too far-fetched to suggest that the popularity of the TV series has something to do with it,” he says. This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: Visit Oslo has now developed a map of locations seen in the series. People go- ing to see the school or apartment build- ings are asked to show respect, however. “You cannot enter private property without permission,” Visit Oslo employees write. & (Michael Sandelson / The Foreigner) 4 • February 10, 2017 Business theNorwegianamerican Where education meets technology: Three trends to watch in the ed-tech industry

the teacher’s ability to stimulate students to collaborate, ignite their playfulness, and Lisa Mallner make them believe they can achieve any- Nordic Startup Bits thing they want,” he says.

As ed-tech is becoming the next indus- Adaptive learning tools try to watch in the Nordics—with success The most hyped companies within ed- stories like Kahoot, DigiExam, and Funzi— tech fall under adaptive learning tools, which we take a look at three major trends in the help teachers individualize education for stu- ed-tech world. dents and often have a strong interactive ele- ment. Adult education As schools look to digitize their tradi- Ed-tech is often thought about in terms of tional infrastructures to be more agile, adap- “gamified” learning tools like Duolingo, but tive learning tools are pushing the boundar- the real face of adult education is in the cor- ies of student engagement and even the func- porate world for continuous, lifelong learning. tion of a classroom. “Obviously, you can sell to schools and Hanna Kristín Skaftadóttir, founder of make a living off it, but in the Nordics, there Icelandic ed-tech company Mimi Creations, is much more money on the corporate side. has developed an adaptive learning tool that That is the way things are moving in our so- animates learning material for toddlers to ciety,” explains Hege Tollerud of the Oslo Photo courtesy of Nordic Startup Bits enhance and improve the development of EdTech Cluster. “Companies are thinking Using computers to learn is just the beginning. speech and communication. about how they can use education tools to She notes that adaptive learning tools make sure their staff are on top of what they form an important building block in increas- need to learn.” service provider. Service is competence. If administrators in their everyday business. It ing diversity within education and feels that Gone are the days when one would leave you don’t have the right competences, you can be, for example, class attendance, or in the current trend within ed-tech of “prosper- the workplace, get an MA, and return to the can’t sell anything,” says Jeppesen. our case, a system to manage the progress ing and fostering the individualism of stu- field. Now companies are turning towards of students, individually or in tailor-made dents” is a huge leap in making education ed-tech to train their workforce themselves. Learning management systems groups.” better worldwide. Jannie Jeppesen of EdTech Sweden Learning management systems are of- Tools like EdQu seek to better integrate Adaptive learning includes everything agrees that adult education is where the mon- ten overlooked by the general public but are computers into the learning experience of from intelligent tutoring systems to adap- ey is and that it will be a major market driver crucial to the continued development of the students and the teaching work of teachers tive testing and can be especially valuable for ed-tech companies in the Nordics. classroom. Viktor Sebes, founder of EdQu, by digitizing and streamlining frictions in the for self-directed learning. Probably the best- “There is a strong need for ed-tech in an education management tool from Sweden, learning and administration process. For the known examples of adaptive learning are larger businesses and SMEs because you explains, “Education management…is soft- students, this can make classroom time more educational computer games. don’t make products anymore—you are a ware that supports teachers, principals, and effective. On the administrative side, learn- As adaptive learning schools do not ing management systems free up more time need to stay within the classroom, they can to spend with students. serve a huge variety of students. For exam- the Geir Nilsen of Edtech Foundry, a ple, new refugees to Europe seeking to learn Norwegian education management system the languages of their new homelands can Hearthstone that puts students’ course-related commu- greatly benefit from access to adaptive learn- nications in a single place and automates ing tools. best-practice pedagogy with intelligent bots, believes these are the tools that will truly This article was originally published on Nor- change the way knowledge is shared. dic Startup Bits at www.nordicstartupbits. “We are working our ass off to improve com/2016/07/04/3-ed-tech-trends-watch-2. Subscribe today!

Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] Welcome to the Neighborhood! Vesterheim’s Folk Art School Vesterheim is coming to you— in Colorado, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Michigan with classes in rosemaling, woodcarving, and jewelry making. Creating connections through living traditions! the Hearthstone Find info and register at vesterheim. Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N , WA 98103 The National Norwegian-American at Seattle’s Green Lake Vesterheim Museum & Heritage Center (206) 517-2213 Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • theNorwegianamerican Business February 10, 2017 • 5 Business News & Notes From coal to biocoal AmCham Mentorship Program of the year, mentors and their mentees met AmCham has rounded off a success- over the course of eight planned sessions, Arbaflame’s timber-based biocoal enables ful debut year of the Mentorship Program, discussing various themes related to lead- environmentally friendly electricity production where mentors and mentees from eight Pa- ership and insight into how to succeed in a tron member businesses were paired across top-level business environment. industries to exchange experiences and learn “I really appreciated the opportunity from each other. to discuss career and personal goals with AmCham Norway introduced the Men- someone outside my own company. Addi- torship Program in 2016 as a Patron mem- tionally, it provided me with an objective ber benefit, aiming to promote inter-industry view of various opportunities and values to dialogue and to provide a platform where consider as a whole,” Wenche Setsaas, the young professionals and experienced inter- mentee representing Citibank, said at the fi- national leaders could share best practices nal meeting for the 2016 program, hosted at and gain new perspectives. Google’s offices in Oslo. The participating companies, all mem- Asked to reflect on the Mentorship Pro- bers of the Fortune 500 list, were McDon- gram, both mentors and mentees concluded ald’s, AIG, 3M, Citibank, Abbott, IBM, GE it was a highly enjoyable and educational Oil & Gas, Google, and MSD. All partici- experience. pants were therefore paired across industries The final session, a plenum gathering to add further substance to the learning ex- discussing experiences and ideas for the perience. Mentorship Program in 2017, also featured “Direct employee feedback is a gift guest speaker Maalfrid Brath, Managing to any corporation. One of my reflections Director at Manpower Group Norway, who of this mentoring relationship was around highlighted key employment trends. how to harness that information and use it to AmCham Norway is now in the plan- make positive changes that will also benefit ning phase of the 2017 Mentorship Program the bottom line,” said former McDonald’s and is looking to increase the number of par- Photos courtesy of Arbaflame Norway Country Director, Lauren Cody. ticipating companies. Above: These plant-based pellets burn just like Lasting from March 2016 until the end (AmCham Norway) coal. Right: Arbaflame CEO Håkon Knappskog. Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Feb. 6, 2017) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 8.2596 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Dansk Kr. 6.9243 Solstad Offshore ser. B 13.10 42.39% Farstad Shipping 3.40 -19.43% Solstad Offshore ser. A 13.30 20.91% I.M. Skaugen 7.84 -11.91% Svensk Kr. 8.8403 Oceanteam 3.94 8.84% Deep Sea Supply 1.50 -9.64% Islandsk Kr. 113.26 Solon Eiendom 0.14 7.69% RenoNorden 1.46 -8.18% Canadian $ 1.3115 IDEX 7.10 7.58% Wilson 7.01 -6.66% Euro 0.9310 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway SCANDINAVIAN CULTURAL CENTER The Norwegian company Arbaflame, The company expects that their first full- founded in 2005, has patented unique tech- scale production plant at Follum, a paper nology for producing biocoal—a sustainable mill until 2012, will give them the capacity form of energy that can give the Norwegian to deliver larger volumes and enable them to forest industry a much-needed boost. compete fully in the market. The biocoal to Arbaflame’s product is considered to be produced at Follum is one hundred per- be world leading. Biocoal replaces ordinary cent timber based; it is hard, water-resistant, coal without requiring major refits of coal- and dust-free and has almost identical han- fired power plants. This makes it easier for dling properties to fossil coal. The planned polluting coal-fired plants to begin produc- facility at Follum will have a production ca- MARCH IS ing environmentally friendly electricity. pacity of up to 200,000 tons per year, which The price of biocoal is currently higher will contribute to a 400,000-ton reduction in than the price of fossil coal, although the CO2 emissions. MEMBERSHIP difference is being reduced by rising CO2 Last November the EFTA Surveillance costs and incentives that promote renew- Authority (ESA) approved Enova’s decision able energy. The coal industry views biocoal to grant NOK 128 million to the production positively and considers it the most-efficient plant at Follum. A public enterprise owned instrument for reducing CO2 emissions. by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Over the past four years, Arbaflame Enova was established in 2001 in order to MONTH has conducted successful tests in close co- drive forward the changeover to move envi- operation with large energy companies. The ronmentally friendly consumption and gen- company has produced more than 100,000 eration of energy in Norway. The enterprise tons of biocoal at its own pilot facility at promotes more efficient energy consumption Kongsvinger. The first full-scale co-firing and increased production of “new” renewable Now is a better time than ever tests have been completed at twelve power energy through targeted programs and support plants in Europe and Canada, with the first schemes. For his hard work in the develop- to become a member of the carried out at the Swedish Vattenfall’s Reuter ment as well as the commercialization phase Scandinavian Cultural Center at Westcoal fire plant in Berlin. The first full of the new biocoal, Arbaflame’s Rune Brus- Pacific Lutheran University. conversion to advanced wood pellets was letto won the Enova Award in 2016! Visit www. with Thunder Bay Ontario Power Genera- today to discover why. tion; the company submitted a tender request Rasmus Falck is a strong for indicative prices for the pellets and Ar- innovation and entrepre- baflame was awarded the tender. neurship advocate. The au- “Arbaflame works with strategic part- Upcoming Events: thor of “What do the best Most events free for members! ners to increase production capacity through do better” and “The board a technology license program. The company of directors as a resource Exhibit: Luteran Education on the Frontier is currently in advanced discussions with in SME,” he received his Music: 2/21 Laura Loge in Concert, Lagerquist Hall $8 several potential manufacturing partners masters degree from the Classes: Norwegian Cooking 3/11, 3/21, 3/29 $5 including in the U.S.,” said CEO Håkon University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently Knappskog. lives in Oslo, Norway. More events on our website! 6 • February 10, 2017 Opinion theNorwegianamerican

< flight crews An opinion column about current issues in From page 3 Norway and the United States of Syrian refugees. Join the conversation! The Danish Foreign Ministry has con- On the EDGE firmed that Danes who also have citizenship from the seven blacklisted countries are also affected by the entry ban. Education isn’t one-size-fits-all SAS’s Swedish spokesman, Ferdrik Henriksson, said that there have been two cases thus far when a Sweden-based flight Emily C. Skaftun was forced to change personnel to comply The Norwegian American with the new rules. Norway-based flight personnel are like- In my mind, as a teenager, there was ly to be less affected by the rules as Norwe- never a backup plan: I was going to a gian immigration law only allows for dual four-year college, and I was going right citizenship in certain limited circumstances. away. Anything else would have felt like However, a Danish spokesman for bud- abject failure. get carrier Norwegian said that the airline is I’ll admit that my views were a bit also acutely aware that the new U.S. regula- extreme, but they weren’t created in a tions apply to flight crew as well. vacuum. Our society is constantly telling “We are closely following the situa- us that the only way to get ahead is to go tion and responding to the information that to a university and get a bachelor’s degree, is coming from the American authorities,” then perhaps a master’s or even a PhD. Daniel Kirchhoff told Ritzau. There are other paths, and not only SAS has announced that it will refund are other paths valid, it’s absolutely es- tickets purchased before January 28 by any sential to a functioning society that peo- dual citizens who are affected by Trump’s ple follow them. We have to change the executive order. narrative that says that the best way for- Photo: Daniel Lee / Flickr SAS is partially owned by the Danish, ward is a liberal arts education. Those burgers aren’t going to flip themselves. Not yet, anyway. When they do, another big chunk of Norwegian, and Swedish states. Sweden First, a clarification: when I say workers will find themselves needing training for new jobs. owns 17 percent of the airline, while Denmark “liberal arts,” I mean any education in a owns 14 percent and Norway 11 percent. four-year college or university, because they all employ the philosophy that well- path, only suitable for those who weren’t country. roundedness is a vital part of higher edu- good enough for “real” college. I suspect I There is no one best path for every- < corruption cation. And who’s to say that it’s not? I am not alone in this. one, and there is no one best path for so- From page 3 learned things in Psychology 101, and I Post-college I grew to envy those who’d ciety. Much analysis focuses on which learned a whole bunch in my Women in gone to beauty school or learned to weld and industries offer the best-paying jobs, with corruption. the Middle East seminar. For me person- had already been employed for years mak- computer-based skills a current darling. “There are no drastic changes in Europe ally, as an “undecided,” the first year or so ing more money than I could conceive of. I But a world of only coders makes no more and Central Asia in the Corruption Percep- of intros to everything was a feature, not worked office jobs, made coffee, bussed ta- sense than a world of only philosophers tions Index 2016, with only a few excep- a bug. An open mind is not, despite what bles—and occasionally was lucky enough to or a world of only assembly line workers. tions. However, this does not mean that the a local church once wrote on its marquee, land a job in my “field,” writing soul-sucking- We need lawyers and doctors and artists region is immune from corruption. The stag- “a waste of space” (no, I’m not kidding— ly boring copy for $10 an hour. Bussing tables and writers (though perhaps not as many nation does not indicate that the fight against I could write a whole separate article on paid better. Why had I gone to college? of some of these as are being produced) corruption has improved, but quite the oppo- my college town’s local church). Perhaps the point of a higher education and also plumbers and roofers and farm- site,” Transparency International wrote. But this kind of dabbling isn’t for ev- ought not be how much money you’ll make ers and auto mechanics and hairdressers “Last year in Denmark, the top country eryone, nor are most students privileged when you’re done. But it is sold to us that and yes, even grocery baggers and fast- on the index, 20 members of the Danish Par- enough to afford it. Shouldn’t there be an way: the promise of a bright and prosper- food burger-flippers. liament (11 percent of 179 members) did not option for students who know what they ous future is the carrot that gets students to It’s very popular right now to heap declare their outside activities or financial in- want to do with their lives to just get on go deeply into debt to attain the education scorn on those in the latter sorts of jobs. terests in their asset declarations,” the group with it? and the degree that goes along with it, both “Why should a burger-flipper make a liv- continued, adding that it is “highly alarming” Of course, technical and vocational in liberal arts and in vocational programs. ing wage?” someone with a “better” job that even the best-performing countries in Eu- schools exist. I would never in a million Meanwhile, American colleges continue to asks. But if that person wants to eat ham- rope aren’t immune to corruption scandals. years have gone to one, even if my true offer courses of study with few career op- burgers, someone must do the work of For the 10th year in a row, Somalia was and undying passion in life had been styl- tions waiting at the end (Creative Writing cooking it, and it would be nice, I think, if at the very bottom of the 176 CPI, with a ing hair or repairing cars, because I had MFA, anyone?), while we rely on immigrant score of 10. The United States ranks num- been trained to see that path as the lesser labor, both skilled and unskilled, to drive this See > one-size, page 7 ber 18, with a score of 74, two points down from 2015. The full ranking can be seen at The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. tion_perceptions_index_2016. the Norwegian american’s(secret) plan for personalglobal domina enrichment!tion: shhh... don’t tell! Step 1—send us your Your Name: Norwegian-American ^ Friend’s Name: friend’s address*** Step 2—???* Friend’s Address: Step 3—you PROFIT!** City/State/Zip: * Step 2 is that we send your non-subscriber friend a sample copy of the newspaper (no other nefarious purpose, we promise!) ** If your friend signs up for a year’s subscription, YOU get a free month added to your subscription *** Call (206) 784-4617, email [email protected], or mail 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 theNorwegianamerican Opinion February 10, 2017 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegianamerican Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tel: (206) 784-4617 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Assistant Editor / Nyheter, Business, Sports, Travel < one-size Molly Jones [email protected] From page 6 Opinion Editor even that employee could afford to eat. ments for a liberal arts degree is that it teach- we must have a living wage for all jobs, Linn Chloe Hagstrøm [email protected] There’s also been a lot of talk lately es people to think critically and exposes them across the board, period. Of course it’s rea- Taste of Norway Editor about jobs disappearing. Victims of plant to a wide range of ideas. Isn’t this something sonable for jobs requiring a higher education Daytona Strong [email protected] closures or automation are often told to re- that should be happening in high school? It’s to pay more, but the bottom must come up. Advertising train for “the jobs of the future,” which is now said that one needs a college education Every person who cannot make ends meet Ryan Pearson [email protected] on the surface a self-evident solution. But to get by in life—that college is the new high working full time is a person who isn’t living Subscriptions putting aside the difficulty of predicting the school. If that’s the case, let’s put the educa- up to his or her full potential, and that hurts [email protected] future, the fact remains that education of any tion one needs to get by in life back in high us all. Contributors kind is often prohibitively expensive, and school where it belongs! It doesn’t take an advanced degree to Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. this is doubly true for someone who has just And finally (beware, more socialism), see that. Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. been laid off. Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway So what is the solution? At the risk of Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. sounding like a socialist, first we must level Community Connections Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska the playing field by making higher education M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway affordable, or even free. Many first-world David Burke Skoppum, Norway Happy birthday, Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. countries (like Norway) manage this, and it Daughters of Norway Members Various seems to have a positive impact on overall Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. quality of life. engagement, birth, Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. It’s also crucial that we stop assigning Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. social status based on education level or family reunion, etc! Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway career. A hairdresser friend noted recently Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. that in demographics surveys the options for Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. education level rarely include vocational ed- Your name and Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. ucation. She bristles because her post-high- Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Ilan Kelman Agder, Norway school education is given no value. This is message here! Michael Kleiner Philadelphia, Penn. how great swathes of society feel about those Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. who choose the non-college path, and that Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Lexi Seattle, Wash. must change. For more information, call Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Third, we have to improve our primary us at (206) 784-4617 or email Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. and secondary education. One of the argu- Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. [email protected]. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Lawrence Piontak Little Falls MN Agnes Larson Porterville CA John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Greg Seaman New York NY Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. 15. februar Justin Sund Olympia WA Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Alfred Anderson Minot ND Henry Syvertsen Gilford CT Linda Warren Washington, D.C. Inger Ramsfjell Haave Hanford CA Kari Megan Virding Tigard OR Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway Marie Hanson Glenwood MN Judith Wood South Colby WA The Norwegian American strives to make Mrs. Lowell Leach Ada OK its news report fair and accurate. If you have a Clarence O. Steen Bottineau ND 20. februar question or comment about news coverage call Sue Waldrop Lynnwood WA Mikael Hoem Kristiansund Norway (206) 784-4617. • The Norwegian American re- serves the right to edit any and all submissions for 10. februar Halstein Morken Ålen Norway style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the Laila Berg Portland OR 16. februar Rev. Joel C. Rolf Radcliffe IA right not to print submissions deemed libelous, Olaf Enger Coeur d’Alene ID Liz Gjellstad Minot ND Mike Sevig Minneapolis MN in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this Ragna Aas Lichtwarck Svolvær Norway Odin Gjellstad Minot ND newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those George Solheim Drake CO Bertha Haukaas Sveio Norway 21. februar of The Norwegian American, and our publication Tore B. Carmel NY Lisa Chavez Goleta CA of those views is not an endorsement of them. 11. februar Mrs. John Kjelden Hendricks MN Karen Marie Hicks Custer WA Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials Einar Brekken Biri Norway Mrs. J. B. Kvinlog Volga SD Marie Anne Rinell Oak Harbor WA should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • The Nor- Elaine Christianson Sidney MT Norma Lind Chicago IL HM King Harald V Oslo Norway wegian American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473- Vicki A. Nelson Edmonds WA 1293) is published every other week by Norwegian Astrid Sørdahl Anaheim CA 17. februar 22. februar American Weekly, INC. 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Periodicals postage paid at Per-Erik Dyrvik New Canaan CT Karen Bendixen Boyd Olympia WA Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. 12. februar Scott Gehsmann Morristown NJ Inga Fritzen-Buan Harestua Norway • POSTMASTER: Please send address changes Bobbie Gosnell Pawnee OK Olga Hinderlie Sveio Norway Mrs. Axel Gidlof Los Angeles CA to The Norwegian American, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Vicki Nelson Edmonds WA Ida T. Wheeler Castro Valley CA Elisabeth Grambo Seattle WA Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US Patricia Ponnay Eureka CA $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Fritz Scholberg Minneapolis MN 18. februar 23. februar SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Leona Hanson Gordon Wauwatdsa WI Mrs. Richard Beck Victoria BC Canada 13. februar Ernest Haugen Coon Valley WI Lorraine Carlson Mandan ND Norwegian American Weekly Martin Ellefson LaFarge WI Knut Lunden Grimstad Norway Ross Davidson Seattle WA Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Western Viking & Washington Posten Edith Strom Hall Federal Way WA Ella McCauley Twin Falls ID Jay Erikson Tully NY Kari Hammon Seattle WA Svenn K. Lovlie Bremerton WA Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Laura Hanson Seattle WA 19. februar Annie Mathiesen Las Vegas NV Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven Loren Krusenstjerna Edmonds WA Anna Alquist Santa Cruz CA Gerd Nelson Bloomington MN Berdines Froyland Norway Inger Opdal Mjøndal Norway NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. 14. februar Martha Halseth Outlook Sask Canada Sivert Stupstad Hagen SK Canada Chuck Latourette Monterey CA Florence Johnson Running Springs CA

Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! 8 • February 10, 2017 Sports theNorwegianamerican Sports News & Notes Athletics: Norwegian records for Cross-country Skiing: Gold for Who’s the king? Warholm and Hynne Mæhlum Johansen Karsten Warholm improved his indoor re- Marte Mæhlum Johansen took gold in the Kristoffersen wins sixth slalom this season cord in the 400-meter race to 45.96 during Junior World Championship as the stron- the National Championships in Ulsteinvik gest competitor in the 10-kilometer skiath- on Feb. 4. This time is the best in Europe lon. The Norwegian finished 6.6 seconds and second best in the world this year. ahead of Swedish Ebba Andersson. Katha- Hedda Hynne also set a Norwegian in- rine Ogden of the U.S. took the bronze. door record with a time of 2:01.55 in the (NRK) 800-meter race. (NRK) Snowboarding: Kleveland number two Marcus Kleveland (17) finished second in Cross-country Skiing: Bjørgen takes the Air & Style final in Innsbruck, Austria, 19th national gold on Feb. 4, beaten only by Canadian Max Marit Bjørgen fired a warning shot to her Parrot. Kleveland was five points behind competitors when she won her 19th Nation- Parrot in the final. al Championship gold on Lygna on Feb. 4. The 17-year-old therefore managed to At the finish line, she was almost a minute retain his overall lead in Air & Style. The and a half ahead of Maiken Caspersen Falla tour ends in Los Angeles on Feb. 19. in second and Heidi Weng in third. (NRK) (NRK) Ski Jumping: Podium for Lundby Cross-country Skiing: Norway sprints On Feb. 5, Maren Lundby made her way to gold onto the podium in Hinzenbach, Austria, showing good form during the World Cup. The Norwegian team attained the gold in Lundby was in fifth place after the first the Junior World Championship in the 4 round, but with a 89.5-meter jump in the fi- x 5 kilometer relay in Soldier Hollow in nal round, the 22-year-old managed to get a Utah on Feb. 5. The anchor Thomas Hel- spot on the podium. Japan’s Sara Takanashi land Larsen outsprinted Russia to win the took her 52nd victory in the World Cup, race. Herman Meyer, Jon Hope, and Harald while Carina Vogt of Germany took second Amundsen also competed for Norway. place. (NRK) (NRK) Photo: Skirenn i Trysil / Flickr Henrik Kristoffersen looking excited after a bronze medal win in 2011.

Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway

More than 50,000 people were present just very happy,” he said afterwards. “I said Sealift Inc. in Schladming, Austria, to see Norwegian I didn’t care about what happened in Kitz- Henrik Kristoffersen win his sixth slalom in bühel, but I did. Winning today felt good.” an impressive World Cup season, a feat pre- “We have good reason to be optimistic • Ship Owners • viously achieved by only three of the biggest for the World Championship in February,” names in ski racing history. Austrian Mar- ski racing legend and now television expert cel Hirscher came in second, 0.09 seconds Kjetil Andre Aamodt said after watching • Ship & Cargo Brokers • behind, while Aleksandr Khoroshilov from Kristoffersen win his sixth race of the sea- Russia came in third, trailing Kristoffersen son. by 0.63 seconds. The other Norwegians skiers didn’t per- • Steamship Agents • Kristoffersen had disappointed on Janu- form up to their full potential, however. Leif ary 22 when he fell and didn’t finish in Kitz- Christian Haugen placed 15th after his first bühel, giving Marcel Hirscher an 80-point run but had a good second run and finished lead in the slalom cup, and he was clearly 11th. Sebastian Foss Solevaag had a decent ready for revenge. After a near perfect first second round and finished 17th, while Jona- run, he was in the lead, half a second faster than Nordbotten finished 21st after having than Hirscher. Kristoffersen has yet to be de- his second run spoiled by a big mistake half- feated when he’s in the lead after his first run. way through. Both Hirscher and Khoroshilov did well Henrik Kristoffersen specializes in the in their second run and were in first and sec- technical events of slalom and giant slalom. ond place respectively before Kristoffersen’s He made his World Cup debut in March of second run. The Norwegian did not perform 2012 in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, and at- up to his potential in the first half of the slope, tained his first podium in November 2013, and halfway through he had lost his lead to a third-place finish in slalom at Levi, Fin- Hirscher and was trailing by 0.14 seconds. land. At the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, But after a furious finish, he crossed the line Kristoffersen won the bronze medal in sla- 0.09 seconds faster than the Austrian. lom at Rosa Khutor at age 19 to become the After the race he revealed to the press youngest male medalist in Olympic alpine that he knew he had to speed up towards the skiing history. end to win: “I actually did not know that the Kristofferson is the first skier to win the finish bridge lights up green when you’re in four classic slalom races (Adelboden, Wen- 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 front and red when you’re behind. My team- gen, Kitzbühel, and Schladming) in a single Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 mate told me this summer. Before the second season and the first racer since Alberto Tom- run, I was like, ‘Don’t look at it! Don’t look ba in the 1992 season to win six slalom races E-mail: [email protected] at it!’ I came through the last split and was during a single season. He is also, at the age like, ‘I gotta look! No! It’s red; I gotta go!’ of 22, the Norwegian with most slalom vic- So I was a little stressed, but I think I charged tories in total. Funeral Home it at the bottom there so it was pretty good.” After he secured the victory, Kristoffer- Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lilleham- SOlie and Crematory sen celebrated with an emotional outburst. mer, Norway, but is currently living in Oslo. Honoring • Caring • Serving “Who’s the king? Who’s the king?” he yelled He has a BA in Archaeology from The Univer- continuously while the spectators were sity of Oslo and a BA in Business Administra- 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 cheering. “I’m not sure what I said. I was tion from BI Norwegian Business School. theNorwegianamerican Research & Science February 10, 2017 • 9 Out with the old, in with the new: Digital radio takes over for FM in Norway

M. Michael Brady Photos: (left) Illustration by, Asker, Norway (below) Bjørn Eirik Loftås / DinSide Left: Region-by-region FM switch-off illustration includes fylke In the course of this year, Norway will (county) names, percentage of population, radio sectors, and dates. Below: In Norway, new cars now are delivered with DAB radios, as become the first country to scrap FM radio in this Skoda. Many older cars still have FM radios. and replace it with digital radio. The change from FM to digital broadcasting is taking place progressively in six regions of the country. It started January 11 in Nordland County and is scheduled to end on December 13 in Troms and Finnmark Counties when the last FM transmitters will be switched off. Norkring, the subsidiary of the Telenor telecommunications group that builds, owns, and operates terrestrial TV (as opposed to satellite TV) and ser- vices in Norway, describes the new digital radio network as having 765 transmission points that together provide radio coverage Many media reports of the FM-to-DAB changeover, Nor- to 99.5% of the population. It was built from switchover raise the question as to why it is way’s commitment April 2012 to September 2014, at a total cost taking place in Norway. The answer might to DAB has its crit- of NOK 1 billion ($117 million). be that Norway has the requisite confidence, ics, within the coun- The principal reason for moving from built on experience in the early implementa- try and elsewhere. In analog FM broadcasting to digital broadcast- tion of a new communications technology. February 2016 in neighboring Sweden, after lions of cars with only FM receivers still will ing was to offer more radio channels without In 1981, the four Nordic countries launched 20 years of DAB trials, debates, and assess- be in use in ten years from now. taking up more space on the already over- Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT), the ments, the Riksdag (Parliament) rejected the Apparently the jury is still out on the fu- crowded radio-frequency band. The existing world’s first fully automatic mobile -(“cel FM-to-DAB proposals, and soon thereafter ture status of DAB on the global market. Norwegian national FM radio band can ac- lular” in the USA) phone system to replace the government issued an explanatory white commodate five national channels, while the their overloaded manual mobile phone net- paper (Further reading). It lists unresolved Further reading: digital network that replaces it can accom- works. The NMT standards were open to all administrative, social, and commercial ques- • “European Broadcasting Union modate 25 national channels. manufacturers, a strategy that triggered the tions. There also are 22 technical reasons for (EBU), Digital Radio Toolkit, Key Factors in Today there are four digital wireless ra- success of mobile phone makers Ericsson not closing down FM. A sample of the most the Deployment of Digital Radio,” December dio systems: two European systems, Digital of Sweden and Nokia of Finland. NMT was persuasive three: 2014, 30 page PDF, free download at: www. Audio Broadcasting (DAB) and its upgrade an analog system, later designated 1G (for • The first: FM is still the world stan- DAB+ for national services and Digital Ra- first-generation), to distinguish it from its dard for terrestrial broadcast radio in more EBU-MIS_Digital-Radio-Toolkit.pdf dio Mondiale (DRM) and its upgrade DRM+ digital successor (designated 2G), the Global than 200 countries. • WorldDAB, the industrial organi- for long-distance services (“mondiale” is System for Mobile Communications (GSM) • The 17th: The DAB system, pro- zation for digital radio, including the imple- French for “worldwide”); the Japanese Inte- developed by the European Telecommunica- moted by the EBU and WorldDAB, is not mentation of broadcast digital radio based on grated Services Digital Broadcasting-Terres- tions Standards Institute (ETSI), in which sanctioned by any European Union institu- DAB/ DAB+, website at trial (ISDB-T) system; and HD Radio (trade- Norway played a part. GSM now is the de tion and cannot be regarded as a “European • “The Facts Behind the DAB Radio mark) used in the U.S. As with the world’s facto global standard for mobile telephone standard” for terrestrial broadcasting. Failure in Sweden,” Public Sericerådet (Pub- different television broadcasting systems, systems around the world. • The 22nd and last: A premature lic Service Council), March 23, 2016, seven- these digital radio systems are not compat- Despite the capability demonstrated by switch-off of FM will also leave foreign mo- page white paper (in English) downloadable ible. A radio for one system won’t work in its involvement in GSM and the extent of torists in Norway without radio and possible at another system. the ongoing analog-to-digital broadcasting traffic and emergency alerts. In Sweden mil- den.pdf

Corrections to “Norway bids FM goodbye,” published on January 13, 2017 Subscribe today!

Staff The Norwegian American

It was recently brought to our atten- with no similar note on DAB. tion that an article we ran about Norway’s DAB was developed by a team at switch to DAB contained a few inaccura- the Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT) Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] cies or omissions. The following will at- in Munich, starting in 1981, and the first tempt to briefly correct some of the most demonstration was held at an internation- striking. al technical meeting in Geneva in 1985; information on its historical development First sentence: “Norway will no longer is available in English on the IRT website broadcast on VHF frequencies by the end at of this year...” Wrong. Norway will continue to 15th paragraph: “Switzerland is plan- broadcast in the Very High Frequency ning a similar move, set to happen some- (VHF) band, 30-300 MHz, particularly in time between 2020 and 2024. Denmark, Maritime VHF Radio, as on International Sweden, and South Korea are also con- Distress, Safety, and Calling channel 16. sidering the switch to DAB.” The misstatement likely arose because for Wrong. As stated March 23, 2016, in many years, the BBC called FM Radio a Swedish governmental white paper (in (the international term) “VHF Radio.” English) entitled “The Facts Behind the DAB Radio Failure in Sweden,” online at The seventh and eighth paragraphs give background info on FM. den.pdf, Sweden no longer considers “a Odd to include historical note on FM, similar move.” 10 • February 10, 2017 Travel theNorwegianamerican A historic city with a young soul Immerse yourself in Trondheim’s bustling student scene—from pubs and bars to soccer and board games—and truly experience the youth and vibrancy of the medieval city

Sofia Moen Seattle, Wash.

As the ancient capital of Norway, Trond- heim may seem a city of the past. It is home to the country’s oldest cathedral, Nidarosdo- men—where you can actually still find late runic inscriptions if you really look. Many streets are cobbled and lined with quaint wooden houses all in a row of yellow, red, and white. The small island of Munkhol- men, just a stone’s throw from the city, has seen the executions of medieval kings and a Benedictine abbey crumble to ruins. But now Trondheim is full to bursting with students—modern young scamps with cool clothes, shiny hair, and remarkably har- dy livers. According to NTNU, the Norwe- gian University of Science and Technology, one out of every five people in Trondheim is a student, which is not hard to believe as you walk down Kongens gate bracing your- self against a solid stream of devastatingly hip twentysomethings. This percentage of the population has caused the relatively quiet city to also be home to a thriving nightlife and student scene from late August to June. Though in theory these students spend a Photo: brumm / Foap / lot of their time at the libraries of Gløshau- Trondheim student life in one image: Studentersamfundet in the foreground with the imposing main building of NTNU behind it. gen or Dragvoll, occasionally they have been known to emerge from their caves. Here are some of my favorite places they can be seen, importantly, they have an excellent selection cery stores, perfect for picking up impromptu pilsner, nothing can beat the selection and whether you’re a student yourself or you’re of board games, video games, and pinball ma- picnic supplies (or, you know, beer), as well flavor of their handcrafted brews. Their beer just looking to have some fun. chines, as well as shuffleboard. It is also a rel- as a tram stop that will take you straight to is a bit pricier than most, but it is well worth atively easy place to meet new people; asking Bymarka, a nature reserve that overlooks the it. If you find something you like, make sure Work Work your neighbor table to join you in a card game city. Bymarka has hiking and skiing trails, as that you stop by again soon because their Would you consider going to a bar that is a low-pressure way of striking up a conver- well as a lake that is a popular spot for swim- selection changes often. I still have dreams contains the word work not once, but twice? sation. If there was ever a place to crack the ming, provided that you are brave enough to about the porter that got away—don’t live You may ask yourself if they’re referring to a icy exterior of a Norwegian and reveal the face the cold water. The views of Trondheim your life in regret. 9-5 slog or a sweaty dance floor showdown à sweet buttery goodness inside, this is it. from Bymarka are some of my favorite— la Rihanna. Either way you’d be wrong! The I’ve also heard that it is a great place to catch Circus idea behind Work Work was to create a space Ilaparken and Bymarka the Northern Lights if you can manage it! Descend into this pit of sweat and dis- that was conducive to both studying and fun. The park in Ila, adjacent to the down- honorable intentions to find the cheapest beer Personally though, I have not once managed town area of Trondheim, has a small fountain Bror at a bar in Trondheim—only 39 kroner! This to be productive here. They have lots of long and plenty of space to lie out in the single ray When you’ve found yourself in a strange is understandably one of the most crowded tables and benches, and they serve sandwich- of sunshine that occasionally blesses the city. country, speaking a different language, sur- bars in town. It can be a little claustrophobic es and coffee in addition to drinks—but most It is conveniently located near several gro- rounded by strangers, you might wish for a inside this basement bar, but every time I go bite of the sweet, sweet taste of home. If you out I invariably find myself ending up here find yourself in this situation in Trondheim, I once or twice and rethinking my life choices. recommend Bror for a delectable and reason- Where in Norway? ably priced ’Merican style burger. They have Rosenborg Soccer some unusual flavor combinations to choose Norwegians in general are not good at Two people correctly identified this as Håkon’s Hall (and from if you so please and are just greasy cheering enthusiastically for their soccer one really close second place answer of Rosenkrantz Tow- enough to remind you of home. teams. There is nothing sadder than hearing er—both are at Bergenshus Fortress). Congratulations, all! the single, half-hearted “hoorah” they meekly Studentersamfundet express whenever Rosenborg scores. Take Truly blighting Trondheim’s other- one for the team and help cheer on Trond- wise elegant cityscape is the atrocious red heim’s long-suffering soccer heroes for them! silo-shaped building housing Studenter­ samfundet. However, no university experi- Though Trondheim is a historic city, its ence would be complete without visiting this soul is very young. There is no better way student mecca at least once. Whether you’re to experience the youth and vibrancy that its looking for a dance club, trivia night, a film students bring than to spend a night among showing, or a poetry slam, Studentersam- them. Go forth, my friends, and have fun! fundet has got you covered. Generations of students have all come here to bask in their Sofia was an exchange stu- youth and/or make poor decisions. dent at NTNU in Trondheim for a year, where she spent Mikrobryggeriet most of her time obsessing This pub has a collection of microbrews over the TV show Skam to please even the snobbiest of hipsters, but (William + Noora forever). don’t let that put you off—it draws a varied She is about to gradu- Photo: Norman Jensen crowd and has something to offer everybody. ate from the University of Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]! Though there will always be a soft spot in Washington with a bachelor’s in Norwegian my heart for Dahls, Trondheim’s ubiquitous language and molecular biology. theNorwegianamerican Travel February 10, 2017 • 11 Adventures in Oz: Sydney has something for every traveler

Photos: John Jones Above: Skip the bridge climb and make your way Molly Jones up to the Harbour Bridge Pylon Lookout for stun- The Norwegian American ning and inexpensive panoramic views overlook- ing the harbor. “Oh, beautiful!” Left: When one beach just won’t cut it, follow That’s the response we got every single four miles of Sydney’s vibrant turquoise coastline time we told Sydneysiders where we were along the Bondi to Coogee walk. Below: Visitors to the Hunter Valley can delight in staying. The location inspiring such awe is some tasty beer flights and classic Aussie potato Mount Kuring-gai, a small suburb located wedges at Hope Estate. just about 20 miles northwest of Sydney. With the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park on one side of town and the Berowra Valley Regional Park on the other, it truly is a won- drous place. It also happens to be where my brother and sister-in-law live—lucky me! Naturally, that is the reason that my hus- band and I decided to endure the 16-some hours of flights to experience life on the completely free option, look over Sydney to me), you can make it a shorter trek other side of the globe for two weeks last au- Harbour as you walk across the bridge, just and stop at Tamarama, Bronte, or Clo- tumn—or should I say spring? under three-quarters of a mile. velly beaches. While most tourists to Australia will To get to the famed Manly Beach, spend their time traveling around the coun- Going back in time in The Rocks you can take a 30-minute ferry from try, we decided to stick to the Sydney area, Adjacent to Circular Quay you’ll find Circular Quay through the Sydney enjoying spending time with our hosts and The Rocks, the site of the country’s first Eu- Harbour. Once you’ve arrived, enjoy taking advantage of our budget-friendly ropean settlement and definitely one of my some fish & chips and a walk along (read free) accommodations. Not everyone favorite areas of the city. This neighborhood the sandy beach. (Whether or not you is as fortunate as us in this matter, of course, has fought over many decades to preserve its choose to embrace your manliness is but I do suggest taking several days in Syd- history and keep the original buildings intact, up to you.) ney if you ever find yourself down under— providing a stark contrast to the plethora of and definitely venturing out to Mount Kur- skyscrapers hovering in the background. The Wine tasting in the Hunter Valley ing-gai for a bush walk or two. streets are lined with historic pubs where For all of the oenophiles visiting you’re sure to find a schooner of something Sydney, the Hunter Valley is the place Exploring Sydney’s icons good, served alongside the Aussie pub fa- to be. It is located just over two hours You simply cannot visit Sydney without vorite of potato wedges with sour cream and by car north of the city, but you can wandering around Circular Quay as you snap sweet chili sauce. also get there by bus, train, or plane. several dozen pictures of the Opera House— We stopped at the Lord Nelson Brewery We started with a wine tasting and at least that’s my experience! The thing that Hotel, which claims to be Sydney’s oldest a plate at McGuigan Wines, I find most intriguing about the iconic struc- surviving pub. While that statistic is up for one of the most awarded wineries in ture—besides the fact that it was designed debate, the Lord Nelson can confirm that it the world having won International by a Danish architect, Jørn Utzon—is how is the city’s oldest continually licensed hotel Winemaker of the Year three times. If different it looks from various distances and with its liquor license dating back to 1831. I you’re going to the Hunter, you won’t perspectives. While the standard view seems can also confirm that the beer is great and the want to miss this one. Spend the rest to depict a single building with smooth, experience worthwhile! of the day exploring the many wineries in the ticles and water vapor—strange, huh? white shells, from close up you will discover region to your liking. And if you keep an eye The biggest tourist attraction here is that it is composed of three separate struc- Wandering on the beaches on the vineyards, you may just see a wallaby the Three Sisters, a unique sandstone rock tures with over a million tiny tiles. It’s no secret that Australia is known for or two hopping around—we did! formation formed by land erosion. You can From the Opera House, you will look its beaches. And the most famous of those is We also checked out Hope Estate, a win- view the Three Sisters from an easily acces- out at another Sydney icon—the Harbour Bondi Beach, located just a bus ride away ery and a brewery that is sure to have some- sible lookout point, but for better views of Bridge, also known as The Coathanger. from the city center. thing for everyone. the region, take some time to hike around the While you’ve probably seen photos of tour- If you are researching free things to do various trails. ists climbing the bridge in their gray jump- in Sydney, you will undoubtedly come across Bush walking in the Blue Mountains suits, this experience doesn’t come cheap- the Bondi to Coogee walk—and for good Another popular excursion from Sydney And there’s so much more to consider, ly—it will set you back a couple hundred reason. This incredible trail leads you right is venturing out to Katoomba to see the Blue depending on your interests. There’s the dollars in fact. Instead, I recommend climb- along the coast as you overlook a series of Mountains, which takes about two hours by footy for sports fans, opportunities for ani- ing the 200 stairs to the top of the Harbour gorgeous beaches, bays, and coves. It is just train. mal lovers to interact with kangaroos and Bridge Pylon Lookout for a much more under four miles and will take you about two It’s true that when you look over the pelicans, and a multitude of museums and reasonable cost of AUD $13 (currently just hours, and there are several benches right mountains, the distant mountains do in fact historical buildings for history buffs and art under USD $10). You’ll still get the incred- along the coastline if you wish to take a rest. look blue. It is believed that this blue haze is enthusiasts alike. Or you can always follow ible views and you’ll actually be allowed to If you forgot to bring your walking shoes to caused by the dispersed oil droplets from the my lead, giving yourself a couple weeks in capture those views on your camera. For a the beach (which seems perfectly reasonable eucalyptus trees combining with dust par- Sydney and enjoying it all! 12 • February 10, 2017 Norway near you theNorwegianamerican What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california iowa cacy of this springtime sponge cake heaped with Washington Lapskaus and Bingo Fifty Years of Folk Art custard, jam, and berries. Cost is $20 for NNW The Photography of Anders Beer Wilse Feb. 17, 6:00 p.m. now—April 23 members and $25 for non-members. Buy tickets now—Feb. 28 Santa Rosa, Calif. Decorah, Iowa at Seattle, Wash. Join Freya Lodge for lapskaus and bingo! Din- Learn about the history of Norwegian folk arts, Norwegian engineer and self-taught photog- ner is served at 6:00 p.m. and bingo will begin explore how Vesterheim has helped preserve and The Women of Vinland: Controversy and the Vi- rapher Anders Beer Wilse lived in Seattle from by 6:45. Tickets are $20 and available at www. promote them, and imagine what the future holds king Age Exploration of North America 1892-1900 and left a legacy of early photo- or by for Norwegian-American folk arts. Visit the exhibi- March 3, 7:30 p.m. graphs documenting this period of unprecen- calling 1 (800) 838-3006. At Norway Hall. tion to discover more about this unique commu- Portland, Ore. tend growth and change in the city’s history. nity and how it has supported creativity, cultural In her talk titled “The Women of Vinland: Con- This exhibition includes Wilse’s photographic Nordahl Grieg Lodge Anniversary Dinner exchange, and growth over the last 50 years! troversy and the Viking Age Exploration of North images taken both in the Pacific Northwest re- Feb. 18, 6:00 p.m. America,” Dr. Elisabeth Ward will compare what gion, as well as from select regions in Norway Los Gatos, Calif. minnesota is told in the Vinland sagas with current archaeo- after 1900. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. logical findings and investigations into the Viking In recognition of the 70th anniversary of Thor At the Table by Woodworker Jim Sannerud Age settlement and exploration of the Western Heyerdahl’s historic Kon-Tiki expedition, join now—Feb. 14 Youth Camp Breakfast North Atlantic: Iceland, Greenland, and the Ca- Nordahl Grieg Lodge for a Polynesian-style Minneapolis, Minn. Feb. 18, 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. nadian Maritimes, as well as asking what the role dinner. Be sure to wear your island attire! After visiting his family’s farm in Rauland,- Nor Bothell, Wash. of women was in the discovery of North America. The Membership Longevity Awards and 2017 way, master woodcarver Jim Sannerud felt com- The Bothell Sons of Norway will serve Viking In Room 171 of Cramer Hall at Portland State Uni- Presidential Awards will be presented after pelled to create a set of furniture in the tradition (French) toast, troll sausage, fruit, coffee, tea, versity. Free and open to the public. dinner. Cost is $28 for adults and free for chil- of brukskunst—art used in everyday life. The re- and milk. The cost is $10 or $7 for children un- dren 12 and under. RSVP and payment must sult is a beautifully crafted table and eight unique der 11. Proceeds will benefit the Youth Sum- Cook and Eat: Lefse be received by Feb. 13; make checks payable chairs. As part of this exhibit, Norway House mer Camp Scholarships. March 14, 6:30—8:30 p.m. to “Nordahl Grieg Lodge” and mail to Kari War- invites you to book the table for your next pro- Portland, Ore. ner, Financial Secretary, 1000 El Camino Real, fessional meeting, community discussion, book Mostly Nordic: Nynorsk! Guest chef Jean Akre will show you the ins and Apt. 107, Santa Clara, CA 95050-4284. Please club, or study group. To reserve the table, contact Feb. 19, 4:00 p.m. outs of Norway’s most famous culinary export: bring donations of non-perishable food, used Rachel Peterson at [email protected] or Seattle, Wash. lefse! This beloved potato pancake is a peren- paperback books, and 2017 calendars. (612) 423-9094. Soprano Laura Lodge is joined by Canadian- nial hit with Cook and Eat participants. At Nordia Danish pianist Sandra Mogensen. Together House. Cost is $20 for members and $25 for non- Viking Raiders, Traders, Neighbors Oleana Trunk Show they bring to life Grieg’s duplicitous Vinje members. Learn more and buy tickets at www. Feb. 24—25 Feb. 17—18, 12:00—5:00 p.m. songs, highlighting the poetry O. E. Vinje San Francisco, Calif. St. Louis Park, Minn. wrote in nynorsk, steeped with elements of From the sacking of Lindisfarne Abbey in 793 Signe Aarhus, the founder of Oleana, and Solveig the Telemark dialect and selected lyric pieces until the end of the 11th century, voyaging Hisdal, an Oleana designer, will be at a special pennsylvania for piano. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. Scandinavian traders and warriors played a trunk show at Iverson’s Imports. A portion of all Northeast Pennsylvania Regional Ski for Light Tickets on sale at decisive role in the formation of European Oleana knitwear sales during the trunk show will Feb. 19—26 culture. Lean more about the Vikings through benefit Norway House. Sherman, Penn. Anders Beer Wilse Photo Coloring lectures, discussions, and performances from The Northeast Pennsylvania Regional Ski for Light Feb. 22, 10:00—11:30 a.m. Humanities West. Visit Oleana: From Dream to Fairytale Reality program will be held at Land of the Vikings. For Seattle, Wash. wanderlust-793-1066-viking-raiders-traders- Feb. 17—March 26 more information please go to the website at In conjunction with the Nordic Heritage neighbors/ for schedule and tickets. At Ma- Minneapolis, Minn. or email [email protected]. Museum’s exhibit People, Places, Changing rines’ Memorial Theatre. Learn about Oleana in this exhibit at Norway Lands, kids handcolor copies of black and House. Oleana founder Signe Aarhus and de- Virginia white photographs taken by Wilse. Cost is free Bjørnson Lodge Pancake Breakfast signer Solveig Hisdal will be giving a presentation Love, Loss, and the Cycle of Life with admission to the museum. March 5, 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Feb. 17 and 18 to now—Feb. 20 Oakland, Calif. open the exhibit. Registration is required to- at Richmond, Va. Wisconsin Join Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Lodge for their an- tend presentation; contact rebecca@jorgenson- At a crossroads in the middle of his career, pre- Fosselyngen Lodge Torsk Supper nual pancake breakfast. Shop at the white el- or (612) 871-2211. eminent American artist Jasper Johns found his Feb. 18, 4:00—7:00 p.m. ephant table to help support the lodge’s char- way forward in part by looking to the work of Milwaukee, Wis. ity projects. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for new york Norwegian Expressionist painter Edvard Munch. This buffet at Norway House includes boiled children 12 and under. This exhihibit assembles more than 120 paint- Keys to Romance codfish, Norwegian meatballs, boiled pota- ings, drawings, and prints in once-in-a-lifetime Feb. 24, 8:00 p.m. toes, vegetables, pickled beets, cranberry combinations to trace the route Johns traveled in Colorado New York, N.Y. sauce, flat bread, dessert, and coffee. It also relation to Munch’s work. At Altria Group Gallery, 10th Mountain Division Association’s Ski-In DCINY presents 19th-century piano technique includes sales of homemade baked goods and NewMarket Gallery. Feb. 17 expert Christina Kobb in a performance of her other various items. Cost is $13 for adults and Leadville, Colo. program titled Keys to Romance. The Norwegian $5 for children ages 4 to 11. Open seating is US 99th Infantry Battalion Program For the third year in a row, the local Chapter of pianist and scholar makes her Carnegie Hall de- on a first-come, first-serve basis. Call (414) Feb. 18, 5:00 p.m. the Special Forces Association has partnered but performing an evening of selected Roman- 321-2637 for more information or to make Fairfax, Va. with the 99th Infantry Battalion Foundation to tic piano pieces including works by Schubert, reservations for large parties. Join the Washington Lodge to learn about the help “show the flags.” The ski-in is an annual Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Grieg, and elite unit composed of Norwegians and Ameri- celebration of the three units that trained at Liszt. For fifteen years, Christina Kobb has been “Norwegian in Norwegian-America” cans with direct Norwegian descent in this pre- nearby Camp Hale. The activities for the day specializing in historical pianos and performance Feb. 25, 1:00—2:00 p.m. sentation by Erik Brun, President of the US 99th are centered at Ski Cooper, the popular family practice. Tickets for the concert are now on Stoughton, Wis. Infantry Battalion Foundation. At Norway House. ski run, originally built by the Army as Cooper sale from $50 at David Natvig is a Ph.D. Candidate in Scandina- Hill training area. The highlight of the event dar/2017/2/24/0800/PM/Christina-Kobb-Piano/. vian Linguistics at the University of Wiscon- is the mass flag run down the hill and the Reading Circle: The League of Youth sin–Madison. He studies Norwegian dialects memorial service at the 10th and Norwegian Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m. and bilingualism, both in Norway and the U.S. Monuments on Highway 24. For more info, north dakota Fairfax, Va. He will present his research in Ulen, Minn., contact Erik Brun at [email protected]. Organizing Daughters of Norway Lodge The League of Youth features a protagonist Stens- and discuss changes in the community that Feb. 26, 1:30 p.m. gaard who poses as a political idealist and gath- lead to the loss of Norwegian language use. Barneløpet 2017 Minot, N.D. ers a new party around him and aims to eliminate At Livsreise. Feb. 25, 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. A new Daughters of Norway Lodge in Minot, N.D., corruption along the “old” guard and bring his Granby, Colo. is organizing. Be a part of over 100 years of his- new “young” group to power. If you plan to at- “The Viking Sword That Wasn’t” This cross-country ski event for the entire tory. Bring a Nordic item to share a story about. tend, send your RSVP to Christine Meloni at read- March 11, 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. family is located at beautiful Snow Mountain Refreshments will be served. To RSVP and for [email protected]. At Norway House. Stoughton, Wis. Ranch/YMCA outside Winter Park. There will more info, contact Jill Beatty at norskjill@gmail. B. Marcus Cederström received his Ph.D. be kids races of 1K, 2.5K, and 5K loops while com, visit, or call Nisse Workshop from the University of Wisconsin–Madison parents cheer them on. Contact (970) 412- (415) 350-6492. At the Minot Public Library in Feb. 25, 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. in Scandinavian Studies and Folklore. His 0433 or [email protected] for more info. the South Room. Fairfax, Va. research focuses on Scandinavian immigra- This workshop will be led by one of the Sons of tion to the United States, identity formation, Florida oregon Norway Washington Lodge’s festival artisans, Kar- North American Indigenous communities, Norwegian Church Service Cook and Eat: Bløtkaken en Richardson. Participants will leave with a com- and sustainability. In his talk, he will present March 5, 4:00 p.m. Feb. 14, 6:30—8:30 p.m. pleted nisse of their own made of natural fibers. his research about how Viking legends shaped Naples, Fla. Portland, Ore. Light lunch provided. $15. Limited space. Email a community’s history and identity as a Nor- The Norwegian Seamen’s Church in Davie is This soft Norwegian layer cake was made for cele- [email protected] to reserve your spot. wegian-American town. At Livsreise. sending pastors to conduct worship services brating! Construct a delicious bløtkake with guest in either Norwegian or Swedish at Christus cook Sonja Haugen. The Cook and Eat Commit- Victor Lutheran Church. tee will assist the class in learning the eggy deli- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to The Norwegian American! Check for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. theNorwegianamerican Norway near you February 10, 2017 • 13 The Norwegian Edvard Grieg Society Immigration Assoc. has exciting news: string competition Nordisk Tidende is available online

Rigmor Swensen Norwegian Immigration Association

Nordisk Tidende is now available at American Historical Association at St. Olaf your fingertips. Congratulations to all mem- College of Northfield Minn., and with Luther bers and friends of the NIA who have made College of Decorah, Iowa, but neither source it happen! had photocopies of the entire collection. When Nordisk Tidende merged with Then the committee looked into the cost. Af- Western Viking, a new entity was born. This ter tracking down companies that could do new publication is certainly called for with the digitizing from copies, the cheapest price the changing times, and the NIA is an ardent offered was $50,000. supporter of editor Emily C. Skaftun and NIA incoming dues cover only operat- The Norwegian American, which reaches ing expenses, so it was back to the drawing out across the nation to all interested in the board. Norwegian immigration story. Eureka! In 2013 The Atlantic reported However, the specter that the story of the following: the Norwegian immigrant colony in New “The National Library of Norway is York, recorded in the venerable pages of planning to digitize all the books by the mid Nordisk Tidende from 1891 to 1984, might 2020s. Yes. All. The. Books. In Norwegian, crumble to dust on some long-abandoned at least. Hundreds of thousands of them. Ev- shelves became a reality when the New York ery book in the library’s holdings. By law, office closed after the merger. ‘all published content, in all media {must} Leslee Lane Hoyum The NIA was founded in 1995 to pre- be deposited in the National Library of Nor- Rockford, Minn. serve the history of Norwegian immigrants way,’ so when the library is finished scan- to the New York area and took the first step— ning, the entire record of a people’s language The Edvard Grieg Society of Minne- As part of the competition, a master producing Norwegians in New York 1825 to and literature will be machine-readable and sota (EGS) announces its first-ever String class will be held on April 22 in Minneapo- 2000, the Ellis Island millennium exhibit. sitting in whatever we call the cloud in 15 Competition to promote string music and lis for applicants preparing for the competi- With the closing of Nordisk Tidende, a years.” (The Atlantic, Dec. 3, 2013). encourage young string players to explore tion’s final rounds in June. The instructor will new commission presented itself. It followed Nordisk Tidende is a Norwegian-lan- and study the music of Norwegian composer be Espen Lilleslåtten, former concertmaster that the story told in the exhibit should be pre- guage newspaper. It was arguably the only Edvard Grieg and other Nordic composers. of the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra and served as an original printed document. The free Norwegian newspaper published dur- The competition is open to all string currently an associate professor of violin at 21st century presents the perfect format— ing World War II. Of course, the National players aged 18-26 from or studying in Iowa, Louisiana State University. the computer, the scanner, the internet, the Library in Oslo has all editions of Nordisk Minnesota, North and South Dakota, or Wis- Lilleslåtten also will appear in concert at cloud… a place for preservation in perpetuity. Tidende. consin. Awards include cash prizes of up to the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church, After five years of unrelenting persis- The NIA contacted Nasjonal Biblioteket $1,500, scholarship opportunities, and the 924 E 21st Street, Minneapolis, on Fri- tence and not a little naiveté, the NIA digiti- in Oslo requesting Nordisk Tidende be in- honor of performing at an international festi- day, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. He will perform zation project has been realized. cluded in the digitization program. There en- val in Bergen, Norway. Grieg’s Violin Sonata No. 2 in G Major, Op. At first, flush with the success of the ex- sued multiple negotiations and a number of To apply for the EGS String Competi- 13, and Nordic works by Johan Halvorsen, hibit, the NIA committee “Project Digitiza- copyright verifications, but three years later tion, submit applications and audio perfor- Carl Nielsen, and others. He will be ac- tion” conceived of it as an easy, if time-con- Nordisk Tidende is online. mance recordings in MP3 format to EGSMN. companied by pianist Michael Gurt, a Paula suming, do-it-yourself project. The commit- Here is your story. [email protected] on or before March Garvey Manship distinguished professor of tee conferred with NAHA, the Norwegian- Read about it. 1, 2017. Also mail a $50 non-refundable ap- piano at Louisiana State University. The cost plication fee payable to Norway House, Attn: is $20 per person or free to students with ap- EGS String Competition, 913 E. Franklin, propriate identification. Minneapolis, MN 55404. Indicate EGS To access Nordisk Tidende: Competition on the memo line. Applications The Edvard Grieg Society of Minnesota cel- and rules are found at ebrates and promotes the music of Edvard At this time, there is no access to the National Library archives in English edvard-grieg-society. The final performance Grieg and other Nordic composers through (but then again, most of the content in these issues of Nordisk Tidende is in rounds will take place on Saturday, June 3, an annual concert series that features both Norwegian, so presumably if you’re looking things up you read Norwegian, 2017, at the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial local and international musicians. right?). Church in Minneapolis. Here are the directions to search for content:

1) Go to (website of Nasjonalbiblioteket). Don’t forget about digital! 2) Click on “Avansert Søk” (advanced search) under the search bar. 3) Click on “Aviser” (newspapers). 4) Write “Nordisk Tidende” in the “Tittel” (title) box to limit your search to Your print subscription results from Nordisk Tidende. includes access to our 5) Write your search subject in quotation marks in the “Noen av disse or- digital site, which contains dene” (some of these words) box. For example, if you’re searching for a story web-only content! Don’t about your grandmother, Kari Nordmann, use “Kari Nordmann.” Without the miss a thing—email quotation marks you’ll get results on every Kari AND every Nordmann. And [email protected] that’s probably a lot of results. to set up your digital 6) Insert the search dates, if known, in the “fra dato” (from date) and “til account today. dato” (to date) fields. This is optional. 7) Click “Søk” or hit enter to run the search. 14 • February 10, 2017 Taste of Norway theNorwegianamerican Whole-grain comfort for winter warmth

Trine Hahnemann’s hearty Scandinavian rye bread is easy to make at home— it just requires patience and the right ingredients

Daytona Strong Taste of Norway Editor

It’s hard to imagine a more iconic Scan- dinavian food than smørbrød. Of course, heart-shaped waffles and curls of creamy brown goat cheese are up there too, but gen- erous quantities of shrimp, smoked salmon, or beef piled high atop a slice of hearty bread hint at the simple elegance and hospitality that I so associate with the food of my heri- tage. Often, though, it seems like the bread is treated as merely the vehicle for the top- pings, an afterthought rather than an impor- tant foundation. That shouldn’t be the case. I hear people from time to time say they’d like a good rye bread recipe, one rem- iniscent of those they’ve had in Scandinavia, and I’m on a quest to find or develop some recipes worthy of the smørbrød that so many of us love. Photo courtesy of Quadrille Press The world of Scandinavian breads is Just look at the texture of this hearty rye—this is rich and varied. In fact, Magnus Nilsson— bread that takes itself seriously. Rye Bread two-star chef of Sweden’s celebrated restau- rant Fäviken and author of The Nordic Cook- Reprinted from Scandinavian Comfort Food: Embracing the Art of Hygge, book—has said that bread is one of the things the basis of a number of other Norwegian by Trine Hahnemann, with permission from Quadrille Press that all the parts of the Nordic region, with treats, from skoleboller to fastelavnsboller its wide range of natural resources and tradi- (for which I’ll be sharing a recipe in our next Making rye bread needs some planning, as you have to start by making a sourdough tions, have in common. So rather than wait issue). But just about any bread baked with starter. Read the whole recipe carefully before you start. until I have my own signature bread recipe love—from the most rustic of baguettes to to share with you, I’m looking to an expert the densest ryes—serves a purpose and is For the rye sourdough starter: 15g / 1/2 oz. sea salt in Scandinavian cooking, Danish food writer worth giving attention to. Bread is the ba- 300ml / 1 1/4 cups buttermilk 750g / 6 1/2 cups wholegrain Trine Hahnemann. sis of many wonderful meals and its quality 300g / 2 2/3 cups wholegrain stoneground rye flour Recently the rye bread from her latest should not be chosen lightly. stoneground rye flour book, Scandinavian Comfort Food, caught Hahnemann writes in Scandinavian Day 2: my attention, and I asked the publisher if I Comfort Food that her husband bakes rye Day 1: 500g / 1 lb 2 oz. cracked rye could share it with you. (For more informa- bread weekly, and they enjoy it often for sourdough starter from above 250ml / 1 cup cold water tion about the book—and several recipes— both breakfast and lunch. It occupies a space 850ml / 3 1/2 cups lukewarm water a little oil for the tin see “Redefining comfort food, celebrating in their kitchen along with crispbread, dense hygge” in The Norwegian American’s De- breads packed with fiber and grains, and To make the rye sourdough starter: cember 30, 2016 issue, available online at sweet bread for afternoon tea. Mix the buttermilk and rye flour well in a bowl, cover, and leave at room temperature for Bread baking creates space for hygge 3 days. It’s important that it doesn’t develop mold but starts bubbling, and a temperature of defining-comfort-food-celebrating-hygge). at home, she writes, as the rhythm of mak- 23–25ºC / 73–77ºF is ideal for this. Hahnemann’s recipe begins with a rye sour- ing the dough and waiting, then baking and dough and builds from there with little more noticing its fragrance, very much ties you to Day 1: than stoneground rye flour, cracked rye, and the moment. If making your first loaf from the starter, dissolve all the starter in the lukewarm water water. Just look at the texture in the photo— I think that smørbrød is like that, too— in a large mixing bowl (for the next loaf use just 3 tbsps. of the starter; the whole quantity of this is bread that takes itself seriously. its very form, a sandwich with piles of top- starter is just for the first attempt, and the loaf will be a little bigger). Stir in the salt and rye If you’re new to making a sourdough pings artfully arranged, demands attention flour, cover the bowl with a tea towel, and leave at room temperature for 12–24 hours. After starter—as I am—be patient and be prepared and time, a knife and fork experience that you have taken out the 3 tbsps. for the next rye bread you are going to make, this starter does to have to give it a couple of tries. Starters can’t be eaten on the go but rather invites the not need taking care of. Just let it rest in the refrigerator until next time you need it. are notoriously tricky to get just right, and eater to slow down and savor the experience, Hahnemann herself has written (zesterdaily. ideally even within the company of friends. Day 2: com/world/danish-smorrebrod) that you Add the cracked rye and cold water to the dough mixture and stir with a wooden spoon shouldn’t give up if it molds the first time. until smooth. It will be too runny to knead. Remove 3 tbsps. of the mixture to an airtight con- Daytona Strong is The Nor- Also, you may need to add more buttermilk tainer and refrigerate; this will become your sourdough starter for the next loaf you make (it wegian American’s Taste of to the starter than the recipe calls for. Norway editor. She writes will need to rest for at least 3 days before you use it and will last up to 8 weeks). This time of year, when it’s still cold about her family’s Norwe- Lightly oil a large loaf tin, about 30 x 10 cm / 12 x 4” and 10 cm / 4” deep. Pour in the outside and the night continues to come ear- gian heritage through the dough, cover with a damp tea towel, and leave to rise for 3–6 hours or until the dough has ly while the days gradually stretch out their lens of food at her Scandi- almost reached the top of the tin. length, baking seems like one of the coziest navian food blog, www.out- When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F / gas mark 4. Bake the loaf for things to do. I’m partial to the soft, yeasted Find her on 1 hour 45 minutes and then immediately turn the loaf out of the tin onto a wire rack to cool. buns, slightly sweet and fragrant with car- Facebook (, This is great to eat just out of the oven, but as it’s difficult to cut, it’s better the next day… if damom. Those boller conjure up some of Twitter (@daytonastrong), Pinterest (@dayton- you can wait! the warmest memories of my youth and are astrong), and Instagram (@daytonastrong). Makes 1 large loaf. theNorwegianamerican Taste of Norway February 10, 2017 • 15 But wait, there’s smørbrød! Top your rye bread with Nordic flavors

Daytona Strong Taste of Norway Editor

I read some years ago in The New Yorker about an elderly woman who attributed her longevity to eating herring. I’d like to think she was onto something. Even as a child I appreciated the bold flavor of pickled herring, savoring it like fish candy. But while the punch of salt and may be pleasing, Scandina- vians also value balance and restraint, as demonstrated in this smørbrød. Beginning with a simple egg carefully mounded on slices of buttered rye bread, it’s clear that the smørbrød will be a meal in itself. The intense flavor of pickled herring is there, as bold as ever, but softened on the bed of soft eggs.

Pickled Herring, Egg, and Radish Smørbrød

Adapted from Simon Bajada’s lovely book, The New Nordic: Reci- pes from a Scandinavian Kitchen (Hardie Grant Books, 2015)

6 hard-boiled eggs, peeled & 8 ounces pickled herring finely chopped fillets, cut into 1- to 1 1/2- 3 tbsps. inch pieces, onions reserved salt, to taste if possible 2 tbsps. butter 4 radishes, sliced paper thin 4 slices rye bread Fresh dill, for garnish

In a small bowl, mix the chopped eggs and mayonnaise together with a fork. Give it a taste and add a little salt if necessary. Spread butter on Photo: Daytona Strong the slices of bread. Spoon the egg salad evenly over them, then top with Eating herring may or may not give you a longer life, but just in case, why not try it in this bold yet refined smørbrød? Fresh the pickled herring, including some of the sliced onion from the jar if you radish and dill atop herring and egg salad point to the changing seasons and offer a contrast—not only in texture and color have them. Arrange the radish slices over the top and garnish with dill. but also in fresh versus preserved, a signal that winter is transitioning to spring.

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Áegis of Shoreline ∙ [email protected] ∙ (800) 639-0058 14900 1st Avenue NE Shoreline, WA 98152 206-367-6700 Subscribe to The Norwegian American (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] 16 • February 10, 2017 Norwegian Heritage theNorwegianamerican

cussing her work, Dahl said, “Every person who writes draws on his own life or his en- Norwegian & American vironment or what others tell him or what he reads. However indirect these may be, they still reflect some phase of his own living.” A miracle happened in 1943, when she Women of Distinction was 52 years old. A new eye correction sur- gery was available at the famous Mayo Clin- ic. She had the surgery and it corrected her • vision, so she could see 40 times as well as she had ever been able to see before. Borghild Margrethe Dahl (1890-1984), A new and exciting world of loveliness opened before her. She now found it thrill- an inspirational educator ing even to wash dishes in the kitchen sink. “I begin to play with the white fluffy suds in the dishpan,” she writes. “I dip my hands Norma Kjenstad Barnes & Jill Beatty into them and I pick up a ball of tiny soap Daughters of Norway bubbles. I hold them up against the light and in each of them, I can see the brilliant colors Borghild Margrethe Dahl was born on markings. So after the other children had of a miniature rainbow.” February 6, 1890, in Minneapolis, Minneso- gone home, she got down on the ground and Photo: As she looked through the window ta, to Norwegian immigrants Peder Mogens crawled along with her eye near to the marks. Borghild Margrethe Dahl. above the kitchen sink, she saw “the flap- Dahl and Ingeborg Knudsdatter Haugseth. She memorized every bit of the ground where ping gray-back wings of the sparrows flying Her parents emigrated from the Rendal area she and her friends played and soon became through the thick, falling snow.” in Hedmark to Minneapolis in the 1880s. As an expert. She did her reading at home, hold- Dakota. She taught there for 13 years, lectur- She found such ecstasy looking at the a young child, she suffered with severely im- ing a book of large print so close to her eye ing before women’s clubs and giving radio soap bubbles and sparrows and small won- paired vision. She had a tremendous desire that her eyelashes brushed the pages. talks about books and authors. “In the back ders of life that she closed her book with these to participate in everyday life, and through In spite of her vision impairment and of my mind,” she writes, “there had always words: “‘Dear Lord,’ I whisper, ‘Our Father in her tenacity she succeeded. against the advice of many, Dahl attended lurked a fear of total blindness. In order to heaven, I thank Thee. I thank Thee.’” “I had only one eye, and it was so cov- college and received her Bachelor’s Degree overcome this, I had adopted a cheerful, al- Dahl’s 1944 autobiography I Wanted to ered with dense scars that I had to do all my from the University of Minnesota in 1912. most hilarious, attitude toward life.” See told the inspirational story of her strug- seeing through one small opening in the left From 1912 to 1922 she taught at several In 1924 she became the first woman of gles and successes. In all, she wrote 16 books of the eye. I could see a book only by holding Midwest high schools. Dahl earned an M.A. a foreign country to be selected Norsk Aka- for young people during her career, most of it up close to my face and by straining my one at Columbia University in 1923. She started demiker at the University of Oslo in Norway. which drew heavily on her experiences as eye as hard as I could to the left.” She refused teaching in the tiny village of Twin Valley, Her first book,Glimpses of Norway, was pri- the daughter of Norwegian parents living in to be pitied, refused to be considered “differ- Minnesota, and continued until she became vately printed in 1935, and was followed by the Midwest. ent.” As a child, she wanted to play hopscotch a professor of journalism and literature at numerous books of interest to young adults. with other children, but she couldn’t see the Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South She also wrote for younger children. In dis- See > Dahl, page 17

Anders Beer Wilse Photography: Life of a Young Norwegian Pioneer En Emigrants Ungdomserindringer Volume 1 Written and photographed by Anders Beer Wilse Bilingual English Norwegian, translated into English by Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Edited by Deb Nelson Gourley and Christian Wilse. Copyright © 2015 Anders Beer Wilse Family

Anders Beer Wilse, 1865-1949, is one of Norway’s most famous photographers. He worked in the USA from 1884-1900 before returning to Norway, and docu- mented all his adventures—and his homeland—in photography and writing. Wilse wrote En Emigrants Ungdomserin- dringer (1936) and Norsk Landskap og Norske Menn (1943). The first of these is serialized here. When spring arrived many a ship went into ice trafficking. — Når våren kom gikk mange av skutene inn i istrafikken.

But then one summer I visited father at Graatenmoen [military exercise camp Men så en sommer fikk jeg besøke far på Graatenmoen, hvor han var kaptein in Skien], where he was a captain and had his own tent. There I was placed in a og hadde sitt eget telt. Der blev jeg anbragt i en tom pistolkasse som stod på pistol gun case, which stood on a trestle under the writing desk. For this reason bukker under skrivebordet. Av den grunn kalte offiserene mig «Pistolen». the officers called me Pistolen [The Pistol]. Hver formiddag blev mannskapene sendt ned til Skienselven for å bade, og Every forenoon the men were sent down to the River Skien to bathe, and it der var det jeg lærte å svømme. Jeg vilde ikke være dårligere kar jeg som kom was there that I learned how to swim. I, who came from a coastal town, did not fra en kystby enn guttene oppe fra dalene. want to be a lesser person than the boys from over in the valleys. Da jeg kom hjem efter ferien, var jeg ikke lite stolt over å kunne kaste mig ut When I came home after holidays, I was not just a little proud, being able to fra bergrabbene og svømme om kapp med mine kamerater. Vi lå i vannet største- throw myself out from the barren mountain ridges and swim in a race against my delen av eftermiddagen og gjorde alle slags karstykker i svømning. Hovedsakelig friends. We were in the water most of the afternoon and made all sorts of swim- bestod de i å dukke og ta op ting fra bunnen på forskjellige dybder. Slik lærte vi ming stunts. Mainly they consisted of duck diving and picking up things from å svømme under vannet med åpne øine. Det mest dumdristige vi foretok oss—og the bottom at different depths. Hence, we learned to swim under water with our det grøsser ennu i mig når jeg tenker på det—var å svømme tvers under tøm- eyes open. The most foolhardy thing we did—and I still shudder when I think merflåter som hang efter slepedamperne. Tømmerflåtene var nokså brede, og jeg about it—was to swim from one side to the other under the log rafts, which were tenker med gru på det som vilde skjedd hvis vi ikke hadde kunnet holde pusten towed by steam tugboats. The log rafts were rather wide, and I think now with lenge nok. Men alt dette—klyvningen, balanseringen, og særlig svømningen un- horror as to what would have happened if we could not have held our breath der vann med åpne øine—kom mig til god nytte senere. Jeg var nemlig med i et long enough. But all this—climbing, balancing, and especially swimming under forlis utenfor New-Foundland [Newfoundland], og da skyldtes min redning uteluk- water with eyes open—came into good stead later. I was actually in a shipwreck kende praksisen fra guttedagene, selv om jeg på det tidspunkt var ute av trening. off Newfoundland, and my rescue was without doubt due to the antics from my boyhood days, even though I was out of practice. Get the book! • Wilse Vol 1 • $11.95 + $4.95 shipping • theNorwegianamerican Norwegian Heritage February 10, 2017 • 17 Why bestemor never taught you Norwegian Norwegian immigrants to the US had it easier than many from other countries, but still faced xenophobic pressure—and legislation—that forced assimilation history swept away much of the original vi- brancy of Norwegian-American culture and Terje Birkedal heritage in the United States. Nevertheless, Anchorage, Alaska Norwegians went on the offensive after the end of World War I in an effort to regain their With so much recent talk of immigrants standing in American life. They openly pro- and their place in American society, I got to moted the story of Leif Erikson as the “first wondering about the reception that Norwe- American” to point out that Norwegians in gian immigrants received when they came to North America pre-dated the Mayflower by the United States in the 19th and 20th centu- some 600 years. Rebuilding their status soon ries. Between 1825 and 1925, over 850,000 converged around planning for the Norse- Norwegians entered the United States. In American Centennial in 1925, which was to those hundred years, around one-third of celebrate the arrival of the first Norwegian Norway’s population crossed the Atlantic. immigrants to America on the ship Restaura- Other than Ireland no other European coun- tion in 1825. President Calvin Coolidge was try lost a larger proportion of its population persuaded to give the keynote address, and to out-migration. a hundred thousand people gathered at the On the whole early Norwegian immi- State of Minnesota Fairgrounds to hear him grants appeared to have largely escaped overt and others openly celebrate Norwegian cul- discrimination. One reason they managed to ture, history, and heritage. This event, which avoid ridicule was their tendency to settle was highly publicized across the nation, al- down in rural communities largely occupied lowed Norwegian Americans to again take or surrounded by other Norwegians or related open pride in their heritage. recent immigrant groups like Swedes, Finns, However, the overall trend after 1925 or Germans. Also, many Norwegians served was toward cultural assimilation and inte- gallantly in the Civil War on the side of the gration; the distinct language-bound Norwe- victorious North, and therefore their patrio- gian-American communities and neighbor- tism could not be easily challenged. One new hoods that were so common at the beginning Norwegian immigrant of the period, Eling Photo: Public Domain of the 20th century gradually disappeared Haaland, wrote his relatives back in Norway A five-cent stamp celebrating the Norse-American Centennial in 1925. one by one over the remainder of the century. saying, “of all Nations Norwegians are those Also, the flow of new Norwegian immigrants who are most favored by Americans.” to the United States dropped radically after Things began to change starting in the tury, Norwegian immigrants also found out foreign languages in the schools, in public 1925 as living conditions and opportunities 1880s when the United States started expe- they could not get some of the basic services places, on the telephone, and in churches. in Norway began to improve and restrictions riencing a rising xenophobia as immigration that were offered to native-born Americans, To its credit Sons of Norway rose in official were set on the number of immigrants that by all groups, including Norwegians, was like life insurance. This is one reason behind protest of the governor’s order, but it was ig- could enter the United States. on a steep upswing. Suspicion of foreigners the founding of Sons of Norway in 1895. As nored. continued to increase into the 1890s and then a fraternal organization, Sons of Norway of- During this period many Norwegians grew to a feverish intensity in the first two fered insurance and financial assistance in changed their names to appear more Ameri- decades of the 20th century. American xeno- times of need to Norwegian immigrants who can (for example, from “Thorstensen” to Terje “Ted” Birkedal was phobic nativism reached its peak just after could not otherwise obtain protection. “Thompson”). A number of the Norwegian- born in , Norway, World War I and then began to slowly ebb Politicians and “yellow journalism” language publications, if not shut down by in 1946. He grew up in Col- during the rest of the century. newspapers particularly attacked Norwe- the government, lost their readers and went orado and earned a Ph.D. gian-language newspapers and magazines as out of business. Some Norwegians even In the 1880s many states began passing in Anthropology from the laws that banned the use of foreign languag- veiled engines of anti-Americanism. Once went to the “dark side” and joined the Ku University of Colorado. He es in the schools or even in places of wor- the United States entered into World War I, Klux Klan as it enjoyed an unparalleled as- retired in 2012 but remains ship. Norwegians and Germans joined their the attacks on Norwegian-language publica- cendancy in the northern prairie states. As active in his field and has voices in protesting the Wisconsin Bennett tions doubled down and many were outright the great Norwegian-American historian, served as the President of Sons of Norway Bernt Law of 1889, which required that courses in censored. Some, like Gaa Paa, a left-leaning Odd S. Lovell, has written in his book, The Balchen Lodge in Anchorage since 2012. He has the schools could only be taught in English. journal, were shut down permanently by the Promise of America, the “prevailing fear in conducted archeological fieldwork in the Ameri- Many Norwegian communities of the time authorities. At the height of this anti-foreign the American people of anything foreign al- can South, the Great Plains, Norway, Canada, had schools where Norwegian was the main mania, Governor Warren L. Harding of Iowa lowed little room for argument.” Guam, and Alaska. He has always been passion- language of instruction. In the late 19th cen- issued a proclamation that forbade the use of This xenophobic phase of American ate about Norwegian prehistory and history.

< dahl Business and individual From page 16 tax returns; audits; forensic

In 1950, Dahl received the St. Olaf new Borghild Dahl Lodge #54 in a ceremo- accounting; financial award from the King of Norway for her work ny at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 6, 2017, statement preparation; in promoting good relations between Nor- at Peace Lutheran Church, 5509 W. 41st St., Certified Public Accountants litigation support. way and the United States. In 1980, she re- Sioux Falls, SD 57106. Borghild Dahl’s in- ceived the Outstanding Achievement Award spirational life story and cultural contribu- 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. from the University of Minn. She died on tions will be highlighted in the program at Seattle, Washington 98119 February 20, 1984, in Burnsville, Minn., at the Institution. the age of 94. For information on joining the new Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: • Email: [email protected] Her inspirational life also inspired the lodge, any women of Scandinavian ancestry women who have been meeting to organize in the Sioux Falls area can contact Norma a new Daughters of Norway lodge in Sioux Barnes at [email protected] or call Falls, South Dakota. Part of that process is (605) 362-5898. The website is www.daugh- Newspaper ads never go out researching a Norwegian woman who has made a significant contribution in life to name of style. Place yours today! the lodge after. After narrowing it down to Sources: five candidates, the women all voted for the University of Success, Og Mandino, one they felt exemplified their lodge identity. pgs. 22-23 (Bantam Books Inc, 1982). Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] Borghild Dahl was chosen as the namesake Something About the Author, ed. Anne to request a personalized advertising proposal for the new Daughters of Norway lodge. Commire (Detroit: Gale Research, 1975), Daughters of Norway will institute the 7:56-58. 18 • February 10, 2017 Education theNorwegianamerican Norgesskolen, a summer of learning Every year kids from all over the world meet for three weeks of everything Norwegian

< summer From page 1 and is implemented in different ways. The theme for 2016 was Telemark county, where the school takes place at Sagavoll Folke- høgskole. Dahl is excited about the school venue: “Telemark county, like a Norway in miniature, is a great place to teach Nor- wegian language, culture, and history,” she says. This year, the theme is: What is typical Norwegian?

Advantages As many as 70% of the students who at- tend return for a second or even third year and form lifelong friendships with other Norwe- gians abroad in the same situation as them. Many also go with their siblings. “Seeing the children reunited again this year was fun. Old friendships grow stronger at the same time as new ones are created,” says Dahl. “The cultural diversity at the school is in- Photos courtesy of Norgesskolen Above: At Norgesskolen, celebrating both May spiring both for the students and the teachers 17th and Christmas the Norwegian way is part of and allows the students to increase their cul- the plan, even if it takes place in July. tural tolerance and understanding,” she says. Right: The school is first and foremost a place to Regarding dual citizenship, Norges­ learn or improve your Norwegian language and skolen is a great way of maintaining a con- cultural skills. nection with Norway. Children who are born outside Norway and allowed dual citizenship are required to apply to keep this before they become 22. In these cases, they are obliged to show their connection to Norway, and a stay at a Norwegian school will help in this pro-

June 24-August 4, 2017

cess. It’s a way of showing your affiliation. residing outside of Norway and promote Six Weeks of Academic Achievement “The stay at Norgesskolen helps the Norwegian values. Norwegians Worldwide children strengthen their Norwegian iden- has members all over the world in 47 coun- tity,” says Dahl. “Many of the students have tries and local chapters and representatives and International Goodwill a dual identity, as many of them origin from in eight countries. They all work to promote Norway as well as another country.” the relationship between Norway and Nor- wegians living abroad. Activities at the school To learn more go to www.norgesskolen. All of the activities are closely linked to no or e-mail [email protected]. the Norwegian tradition of “friluftsliv”—life in open air, meaning lots of outdoor fun. Ev- About Norgesskolen ery day there are culture and activity hours • A two-and-a-half-week summer school where the students participate in a wide for children between 9 and 18 range of activities. They get to experience • Established in 2002 by Nordmanns- Norwegian traditions under the guidance Forbundet / Norwegians Worldwide of qualified instructors. These activities are • Takes place at Sagavoll Folkehøgskole an important part of learning Norwegian. A in Gvarv, Telemark lot of time is spent outdoors making use of • Includes 4 hours of language training the school facilities and the area around the every weekday of the school school. The students go canoeing, camping, • Open to all nationalities and hiking. • No prior Norwegian-language training required About Norwegians Worldwide • Classes are formed based on age and Norwegians Worldwide is a mem- level of Norwegian-language skills bership organization for Norwegians liv- • The school is concluded with a show ing abroad. The mission is to maintain the put on by the students on the last day, which contact between Norway and Norwegians is open to parents and relatives Subscribe today! ∙ [email protected] ∙ 1-800-639-0058 Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] theNorwegianamerican Education February 10, 2017 • 19 Academic achievement, international goodwill: Reflections from Oslo Int. Summer School

Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn.

It’s been 47 years since I walked the grounds of the Blindern campus in Oslo. Then I was an excited, very young, and ambitious student at the Oslo International Summer School (OISS). It was a summer that changed my life. The first OISS session, which was held in 1947, was created specifically for Ameri- can students in gratitude to the U.S. for educational opportunities provided to Nor- wegian students during and after World War II. Shortly thereafter, participation by non- American students steadily increased, and in 1958 the name was changed from the Sum- mer School for American Students to the In- ternational Summer School. In 1969, the director of the school was a very colorful, animated character named Philip Boardman. His sense of humor is leg- endary. Flamboyant personalities must run in his family, since his grandson, also named Photos: (left) Leslee Lane Hoyum, (right) Marit Nord Philip Boardman and better known in Nor- Left: Einar Arvid Vannebo has been director of the Oslo International Summer School since 1992. “The summer school is a wonderful place to study,” said way as Admiral P, performed reggae and Vannebo. “It allows for concentrated study in familiar, supportive, and friendly surroundings.” hip­hop this year at the opening ceremony Right: Leslee Lane Hoyum stands outside the doors of her former dorm at Blindern. “Nothing much has changed with the dorms,” said Hoyum. “In fact, of OISS’s 70th session. Today, however, the they are now protected buildings. However, the main campus is absolutely huge compared with its size in 1969!” director is Einar Arvid Vannebo, perhaps a bit more reserved but just as dedicated to the excellent education the OISS provides. all involved.” “new” Norwegians become better integrated article&id=176&Itemid=2151. Americans “I always have been interested in multi- Throughout his academic career, Van- into Norwegian society. interested in attending the OISS may contact cultural educational settings,” said Vannebo. nebo found his passion in academic leader- “OISS is a wonderful place to study,” the American office at International Sum- “We find that educational environments nur- ship. “As director of OISS,” said Vannebo, said Vannebo. “It allows for concentrated mer School, University of Oslo, c/o St. Olaf ture peace. Since 1947 we have seen nearly “I am well challenged. We have a great staff, study in familiar, supportive, and friendly College, 1520 St. Olaf Ave., Northfield, MN 28,000 students from more than 150 coun- but no one who is permanent. So I work with surroundings. If a student is happy, he or she 55057-1098 or e-mail at [email protected]. tries attend the summer program. In recent all university faculty to develop a curriculum performs better. Our students also make life- years, the sessions averaged about 550 stu- in 20 academic disciplines at both the under- long friends, create international networks, dents from approximately 90 countries.” graduate and master’s levels each session. and we’ve even seen students marry.” The Leslee Lane Hoyum has Conflicts throughout the world have We also were challenged to comply with the school truly lives up to its motto: Six Weeks been a reporter for versions come and gone, and new ones have surfaced European Credit Transfer System and feel of Academic Achievement and International of this newspaper since over the OISS’s 70 sessions. The world and we are now academically integrated. We also Goodwill. 2002. Born and raised in OISS students have experienced the Indochi- work hand-in-hand with the Higher Educa- Vannebo grew up in Steinkjer, a city Minnesota, she attended na War, Basque Conflict, Cold War, Cuban tion Consortium for Urban Affairs (HECUA) in Nord-Trøndelag county. He attended the the University of Minnesota Crisis, Korean War, Vietnam War, Paraguay- based in Minnesota, which has been very University in Oslo (UIO), taught in London and University of Oslo. An honorary citizen of Sarps- an Civil War, Soviet invasion of Czechoslo- helpful in enhancing our Norway-America for three years, served as professor of Scan- borg, Norway, she does PR for that city’s mil- vakia, Balkan Conflict, internal conflicts of cooperation.” dinavian Studies at UIO, taught an interim lennium committee. Leslee is or has been in- Vannebo says there is no plan to build class at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., Burma, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, on- volved with almost every Norwegian-American going conflict between Israel and Palestine, a larger OISS program in the next 10 years. and now has been the director of the OISS organization, including Sons of Norway, Sons numerous conflicts throughout Africa, plus Logistically it would be difficult if not im- since 1992. of Norway Foundation, Ski For Light, NAHA, Tiananmen Square and the Berlin Wall going possible. There would not be enough dorms, Leif Eriksson International Festival and Mind- up and coming down, to name a few. Each and the auditoriums cannot hold more stu- Two organizations to which students may ap- ekirken. Leslee is a co-founder of Lakselaget class faces a new conflict, sometimes distant, dents. “Our goal is to focus on academic ply for scholarships to the OISS are Sons of and a founding member of Norway House, and sometimes personal. quality throughout the whole program while Norway Foundation at has been decorated by His Majesty King Harald “We are now experiencing our fourth integrating it into the University of Oslo dation and Lakselaget at www.lakselaget. with the St. Olav Medal. She currently lives in generation of students,” said Vannebo. “All academics without losing our independence. org/index.php?option=com_content&view= Rockford, Minn., with husband George. four have experienced world conflict. It is This can be accomplished through bilateral in a setting such as OISS that the seeds of relationships featuring a mutual exchange of peace and understanding are planted. Our research, personnel, knowledge, and the like. diverse learning community comes together For example, since 2010, the OISS has oper- to study, interact, and increase understanding ated language courses for foreign-born em- have a story to tell? and goodwill among nations. This requires ployees of the University in Oslo who need friendliness, frankness, and tolerance among to develop their language skills. OISS helps NAW is now a market for fiction! NAW is now accepting fiction of • up to 1,500 words up to 1,500 words (1,000 or fewer • English-language preferred) of any genre that have • Norway-themed or mystery The Scandinavian Hour something to do with Norway, or • $50 payment Celebrating over 50 years on the air! crime/mystery stories even if they • [email protected] KKNW – 1150 AM have nothing to do with Norway (but Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST bonus points if they do). We pay a flat rate of $50 for stories, on publication. Streaming live on the internet at: Submit your best (English-language) stories to [email protected]! 20 • February 10, 2017 Education theNorwegianamerican Adventures of a Texan in the snow How studying abroad in Norway taught one American about more than literal clothing

ferent than I had expected: sometimes, the questions you ask are more important than Grace McClure their answers. Dallas, Texas When I was a child, I was a bookworm. I was always more likely to be curled up in “There is no such thing as bad weather; a corner with a new tome than outside play- there is only bad clothing.” ing pirates with my brothers. As I attended These were the words of wisdom given academically rigorous schools growing up, to our class on the first day of class at Nord my desire for knowledge was stoked further University in Levanger. As it turns out, this and further and I learned to ask questions phrase often taught to Norwegian children at every opportunity. I had some incredible would come to define what has been one of teachers and am grateful for the education the most incredible experiences of my life to I received. It was excellent in many ways. date. But let me start at the beginning. But I think that due to the increasingly com- I was born and raised in Texas and cur- petitive nature of education (and particularly rently attend the University of Texas at Dal- college) today, many of the questions I be- las where I study Cognitive Science. I am a gan asking leaned toward head-knowledge McDermott Scholar at the University, which over heart-knowledge or hand-knowledge. I means (among other things) that I am ex- became interested only in questions I could pected to spend part of my undergraduate answer in traditional academia, and I fear experience studying abroad. When the time that the American school system is headed came for this, my specific interests within the same way. Cognitive Science had turned towards edu- You know what I’m talking about: in cation. How do we design curriculum that the race for high SAT scores and admis- takes advantage of nascent research in the sion into increasingly selective universities, neurosciences, which shows that children woodshop and home economics classes have learn better if they get the same information all but disappeared from American schools. through multiple sensory systems? How can Music and arts electives are headed the same our knowledge of children’s development direction. Even physical education programs and psychology affect how we train teachers, and outdoor recess are shrinking. This is not preparing them to observe and take advan- to say that mathematics or history are not im- tage of the various stages of brain develop- portant, or that well-roundedness is overrat- ment? What is the best way to present infor- ed; certainly, having a wide base of knowl- mation to children in a way that is tailored to edge allows us to approach problems in cre- the ways their brains work? Photo courtesy of Grace McClure ative ways. But I would posit that we should I wanted to study these questions in an Dressed for the weather in Norway. push for more well-roundedness in American environment that had a different philosophy schools. As much as we need good teachers, of education than I had experienced in the we also need after-school music societies States. I had heard good things about edu- a smidgeon of Norwegian, and a Texas-sized chemistry, sociology, and pedagogy). Day 5: and theater clubs. We need vocational train- cation in the Scandinavian countries and in smile, I packed my bags and flew to Norway. Review how to paddle a canoe. Wait, what? ing programs for high schoolers who want to my research found that Norway had a much Week 1, Day 1: Introduction to the Nor- Week 2: Canoe through Femundsmarka pursue alternative post-secondary education. different philosophy than I had encountered wegian alphabet. Y’all have three extra let- nasjonalpark on the Swedish border for four We need biology teachers who have the time anywhere before. I was fascinated by the ters in the alphabet? How do I even make days and three nights. Experience nature as and resources to take their class camping, to emphasis on holistic education, developing those sounds? Day 2: Hike up a mountain. a learning arena that teaches the values of experience what they’re learning in the “real civic/social skills as well as academic skills, Day 3: Hike to a remote mountain lake in cooperation, humility, and knowledge as es- world.” The way we go about asking and an- and some strange thing called friluftsliv; as I Sweden. Stop to examine the marshes and sential for survival; as an intoxicating bazaar swering questions in music composition is would later learn, it’s a term that means liv- a methane pocket in the middle of the bog. for the senses as well as the imagination; as very different from the way we ask and an- ing in concert with and fully engaged in the Have a discussion on climate change and its a place where the earth is kind if you treat it swer in electrical engineering, anthropology, natural world in our daily lives. On a study very real, visible effects in our immediate with respect and might kill you if you don’t. or graphic design. abroad matching website, I came across a surroundings. Talk about how students learn Learn from classmates how to start a fire and In a TED talk in 2006, Sir Ken Robin- listing for the perfect program—a semester best when they can see and hear and feel and put up a tent. Sit around the fire until the late son said, “We have a huge vested interest package for international students, taught engage their sense of curiosity, and know hours of the night teaching each other tra- in [education], partly because it’s education in English, called Nordic and International that what they are learning has important ditional songs from our respective cultures: that’s meant to take us into this future that we Perspectives in Teaching and Learning. And relevance to their lives and the world. Day American, Norwegian, Yakut, Russian, Ger- can’t grasp. If you think of it, children start- so, armed with good hiking boots, a whole 4: Review what we learned on the hikes (we man, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, and Spanish. ing school this year will be retiring in 2065. three days of camping experience, not even managed to hit history, mythology, biology, Fall in love with the stars and the sound of Nobody has a clue… what the world will the wind as it lilts across the water and danc- look like in five years’ time. And yet we’re es into the birches. meant to be educating them for it.” The goal The rest of the semester unfolded in of education is to prepare students to solve Community Connections much the same way. We of course had days problems in the future that we can’t begin in traditional classrooms, but even those to imagine today. The best way to do that were filled with hands-on inquiries and is to familiarize them with a whole range of group activities. We compared experiences problem-solving options, so that they have Seeking long- from all of the countries represented. Slow- as many tools at their disposal as possible. ly I noticed that my questions had started As they say, “There is no bad weather, only changing: How can you use maps to explore bad clothing.” So let’s give the next genera- psychology? How do you teach children tion the benefit of a whole wardrobe in a loSt brother about the responsibility and relationship of world that changes as soon as we blink. Let’s a prevailing society to native minorities? teach them not to ask what they have to wear, Name of Nils Anders Wik. How do you integrate a second language into but to ask what the weather is, secure in the a generation without losing the first? How knowledge that they can face it, whatever it Last seen becoming a do you use traditional academic topics as a will be. medium for teaching respect for others, self, magically enchanted and the earth? A veritable host of professors Grace McClure is interested in human learn- from across topics helped us begin to answer ing and language and is currently pursuing a cabinet in Norway 128 these, both in theory and by example. Behind B.S. in Cognitive Science at UT Dallas. Born all of it was the scientific research I had been in Texas, she loves two-stepping, peanut but- years ago interested in before I left the States, but my ter fudge, her long-haired Chihuahua, and experiences had taught me something dif- learning new words. theNorwegianamerican Education February 10, 2017 • 21 The future of education: Technology enables Which countries get an “A” in education? self-directed learning Singapore tops, US and Norway above average in latest PISA education rankings

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

Global sports fans must wait four years between Olympic Games. Since 2000 when it was initiated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), educators need wait only three for the results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests of the sci- ence, reading, and mathematics skills of 15-year-olds around the world. The sixth tri- ennial PISA was held in 2015; the results of Image: Public Domain it were released December 6, 2016. France in the year 2000, an illustration from either 1901 or 1910 depicting the future of learning. In PISA 2015, the tests were taken by Someday we may have it this easy, but until then there are still a lot of great technological solutions about 540,000 school pupils in 72 countries, for education. each of whom had finished schooling at least equivalent to the American junior-high- school level. The OECD then compiled the Larrie Wanberg statistics of the test results. The tests differ Features Editor from country to country, so individual coun- are educational policymakers who maintain try scores were scaled to permit comparison. that PISA is unfair. In some instances it may The future of education is currently a in 2014 in a high-tech classroom along with Initially (for the first PISA in 2000), scaling be, as considering its scope and global span, national debate in Congress, with ongoing a dozen campus students and an instructor, was to a score of 500 for the average of all it cannot cover every conceivable influence discussions of a host of issues concerning my study partner in a simultaneous online countries for each of the three subjects. Sub- on education. It’s not a cure-all but rather an what are the best pathways of learning for class was in Kansas City. With my student sequent PISA are statistically linked to their indicator of what works and what does not our diverse populations. ID card, the registrar told me that I was the predecessors to permit comparison over the work in a country’s educational policy. A core principle of educators is learner- oldest registered freshman on campus. years. In 2015, the average score for each centered methods that ideally offer choices The quality of public education is un- of the three subjects was 490. A score of Relevant PISA publications: that extend in a range from home-school- der scrutiny because of its tie to econom- 30 points above the average is more or less • “Singapore tops latest OECD PISA ing by a parent to a global classroom with ics—because schools are funded so much by equivalent to an additional year of schooling. global education survey,” link: www.oecd. 14,000 or more in attendance online around property taxes, lower income families gener- The scores for Singapore, unfailingly org/education/singapore-tops-latest-oecd- the world. ally have limited choices. Conversely, with among the high-scorers in PISA, illustrate pisa-global-education-survey.htm Lifelong Learning combined with the greater financial resources available, includ- how that translates to everyday reality. In • “PISA 2015 Results in Focus,” technologies of Distance Learning is on a ing student loans, some students can join a 2015, pupils in Singapore attained a sci- download: fast track to the future. “club” of prestigious degree holders, ending ence score of 556, which suggests that they sults-in-focus.pdf As a college teacher with over 60 years up with huge burdensome debt for years. are nearly two years ahead of pupils in Nor- • “PISA 2015 Results (Volume in academia, there is value in reviewing how Technology, though, is the great equal- way and the U.S. In mathematics, the gap I), Excellence and Equity in Educa- far education has advanced by looking at izer of economic segregation. A trend is is greater, with the Singapore pupils’ score tion,” OECD, December 6, 2016, DOI: three time periods in my time in a classroom. emerging from the private sector, originally of 564 suggesting that they are three years 10.1787/9789264266490-en, link: www. At the beginning, my role was at the po- in Silicon Valley, to offer free competency- ahead of American pupils with a score of 470 dium, teaching four nights a week in evening based learning to vast numbers of students (see table). sults-volume-i_9789264266490-en classes for active duty service personnel dur- online. PISA rankings and their changes over • U.S. National Center for Education ing off-duty times offered by University of The concept is essentially that the ne- time reflect factors that should be of con- Statistics website, a comprehensive gateway Maryland in Germany. cessity of knowledge is focused on the com- cern to educational policy makers. Pupils to PISA publications with extracted docu- Later at Letterman Hospital in San Fran- petency needed to advance a learner into the from poor families tend to perform poorly in ments for the USA, link: cisco, I looked over the shoulders of univer- job market. Certificate-oriented rather than PISA tests. But low family financial standing veys/pisa sity students from Berkeley, North Dakota, degree-attaining, the project is called Mas- can be overcome, as illustrated by its lower • University of Oslo, Faculty of Edu- and Colorado, while mentoring students in sive Open Online Courses (MOOC), and impact on the scores of American pupils. In cational Sciences, Department of Teacher field placements that provided hands-on ser- major universities are promoting programs some countries, scores have declined, most Education and School Research, gateway to vices as a mirror clinic to their future settings that have global reach online in a variety of likely due to a decline in the quality of teach- Norwegian PISA, including downloadable in human care programs. offerings. ing, reflecting the decline in grades of appli- report, link: Lastly, while facilitating an honors class Top universities, such as Stanford, UC cants to teacher-training programs. prosjekt-sider/pisa (in Norwegian only) in Global Education that studied Indigenous Berkeley, MIT, Duke, Harvard, UCLA, and Over the years, there have been increas- Peoples, I sat in a half circle of students fac- Yale offer MOOC courses. The New York es as well as declines in individual country Further reading: ing a large digital screen and talked with Times reports that the website www.udemy. scores and rankings. But overall, the aver- “Norway-USA in contrast: A brief look Tribal (Sámi) leaders in north Norway, high com consolidates courses of three other age score for all countries has changed little at two educational systems,” The Norwegian mountain tribes in South America, and sev- universities that have 100,000 students en- since PISA started in 2000, which suggests American, October 20, 2016, link: www. eral American Indian communities in North rolled—some free and some for a few dol- that PSIA is a well-designed, fair, and rig- America. lars. Courses are led by senior faculty or ex- orous test. Yet, like lackadaisical pupils who norway-usa-in-contrast-a-brief-look-at-two- Technologies are driving the future of perts in the field. blame the examiner for a test failed, there education-systems education, as illustrated, and economic fac- My favorite for self-directed learning is tors play a vital role in finding ways to offer the image of a digital screen or device in the school choice with vouchers for alternative kitchen that illuminates a virtual teacher with education. whom I interact for learning, while I have a Extract of 2015 PISA: Alternative education includes charter cup of coffee and munch on some chips and Individual subject scores: schools, private and faith-based schools, dip. Rank country Science reading mathematics home-based schooling, and even virtual edu- Who knows where the future of educa- 1 Singapore 556 535 564 cation. tion will lead us, but we are on the cusp of 17 Norway 498 513 502 When I audited a class in Digital Hu- change, as they say. 31 USA 496 497 470 manities at the University of North Dakota 22 • February 10, 2017 Education theNorwegianamerican A Norwegian political “exchange student” This unique cross-cultural fellowship gives Norwegians a peek inside American politics

John Erik Stacy The Norwegian American

I am often surprised by how many dif- ferent programs there are promoting scholarly exchange between Norway and the U.S., and this year I learned of one more. At our Thanks- giving table, we were privileged to have as our guest the 2016 recipient of the Ambassa- dor Robert D. Stuart Fellowship, Lars Mattis Heikkonen Hanssen. Hanssen is a political advisor for the Norwegian Labor Party (Ar- beiderpartiet) and is not an “exchange stu- dent” in the usual sense of the word. But neither is the Stuart Fellowship a typ- ical scholarship. Rather, it is a program aimed at to bring young Norwegian politicians into contact with their counterparts in the U.S. This opportunity is awarded to candidates from the various partisan flavors of Norway. Photos courtesy of NORAM Since its first participant in 1995, the fellow- Left: Before traveling to D.C., Stuart Fellow Lars ship has hosted young politicians active in Mattis Hanssen was received by the US ambas- mainstream parties Høyre and Arbeiderparti- sador to Norway, Samuel D. Heins. et, as well as candidates from movements fur- Above: Hanssen and the Capitol Building in ther right and left of center, such as Kristelig Washington, D.C. Folkeparti, Sosialistisk Venstreparti, Venstre, and Fremskrittsparti (in fact, FrP Silvi List- haug, recently infamous for an aquatic stunt events, and I met several of my colleagues attempt to get Congress to adopt 40% fe- abling lecture time to be used for active dis- in the Mediterranean, was the 2005 recipient from the Norwegian Parliament. After com- male representation in business boards, as cussion between student and lecturer. of the fellowship). ing back to D.C., I have had many produc- well as representation from minorities and The lecturer in one of the subjects is the The fellowship is the brainchild of Rob- tive days at the U.S. Congress and at George employees. Norway is among the nations former Deputy Secretary of State John D. ert D. Stuart, Jr. He was one of the heirs of Washington University. that have been in the lead in this area: since Negroponte (also previous ambassador to the Quaker Oats Company and was also ac- 2003, publicly traded companies in Norway Honduras, Mexico, Iraq, and the Philippines tive in the political sphere. President Reagan Work in Congress have been required to have at least 40 per- as well as the U.S. Ambassador to the UN). appointed him to be the ambassador to Nor- Minnesota representative Keith Ellison, cent women on their boards, and employees’ Negroponte also told me that he knew Am- way, and he served there from 1984-1989. whom I work for in Congress, is a member right to demand representation is one of the bassador Robert D. Stuart Jr. and that he had The Fellowship is administered by Norway- of the Financial Services Committee in the foundations of Norwegian corporate deci- met my boss back home in Norway, Jonas America Association (NORAM) and The House of Representatives. Last week I par- sion making. Here we have experience from Gahr Støre, at a meeting of foreign ministers Norwegian Atlantic Committee (DNAK). ticipated in several exciting hearings in that Norway that is interesting for Ellison and his in Greenland in 2008. For more information, visit committee, among others with Federal Re- co-workers. fellowship. serve Bank Chair Janet Yellen. My first im- Rep. Ellison is up for re-election this fall American Presidential Election pression from work in the Congress is that [he was re-elected to the Minnesota 5th con- November 8 The following is Hanssen’s article about Ellison’s team works hard for the interests of gressional district for his sixth term in that The campaign between Hillary Clinton his experience in election year America: his constituents at home in Minnesota. Their election] and has traveled back to Minnesota and Donald Trump is naturally a recurring work includes everything from answering to campaign. I will soon follow to participate theme for much of what is happening in D.C. First, thanks to NORAM, DNAK, and the about 1,500 letters a week to helping Elli- in the work of campaigning, as well as meet and the USA going forward to November 8. Stuart Family foundation for making it pos- son to prepare for such things as questions some of Ellison’s “Norwegian” contacts at It is interesting to see how Trump and Clin- sible for me to live and work in the USA. My to be asked during hearings or presentations the University of Minnesota. Minnesota is ton organize their campaigns, as well as fol- expectations for the visit—and more—have made to the Congressional Black Caucus or the state with the greatest number of Norwe- low the debates and daily talk shows on TV. been met. I think it is fantastic to be in D.C., meetings of the Progressive Caucus (where gian Americans. I have also participated in Clinton campaign and I am learning something new every day! Ellison is co-chair). They are also very ac- grassroots work in swing states Pennsylva- In the course of my first week in the tive making suggestions for bills that Ellison Studying at one of the best universities in nia and Virginia, where I went door-to-door USA, I visited New York on the occasion of can sponsor. the world to register voters. the UN General Assembly. In New York, I Going forward, I will do research for At George Washington University, I have I look forward to the continuation— participated in interesting seminars and side a “Corporate Diversity Bill” where we will received office space at the Elliot School of there is still a lot to learn! International Affairs. Here I am studying two subjects: “Contemporary Issues in U.S. First published on the NORAM website EDVARD GRIEG SOCIETY INC. NEW YORK Diplomacy” and “Foreign Policy Decision ( on Oct. 10, & Making.” Classes are organized such that one 2016; translated for The Norwegian Ameri- MUSICIANS CLUB OF NEW YORK is required to read and prepare in advance, en- can by John Erik Stacy. Invite you to A CONCERT WITH MUSIC BY GRIEG, BRUSTAD, HALVORSEN AND SVENDSEN featuring violinist Espen Lilleslatten, 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 former concertmaster of Bergen (Norway) Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] Philharmonic Orchestra and renowned American pianist Rita Sloan Featuring great Nordic products Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • at Manhattan School of Music, Greenfield Recital Hall, Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats 122nd Street and Broadway, NYC, February 18th at 8 pm. and more! THE CONCERT IS FREE, BUT RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS, PLEASE CALL 201 750 0525 / 917 331 0202 Visit us online: theNorwegianamerican Education February 10, 2017 • 23 Community-supported education A short list of scholarships offered in the Norwegian-American community

Concordia Language Villages Scholarships cepted to a full-time program of study at an heritage. Norske Torske Klubben Foundation award is $1,000. The Velkommen Stipend provides assis- American undergraduate school of higher Scholarships are now available for Norwe- Applications are available at Leif - Erik tance to first-time residential Norwegian vil- learning. Application and instructions avail- gian, Swedish, Finnish, and Danish villagers son Hall, 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle WA lagers. This assistance is available to anyone able at at Concordia Language Villages. Preference 98107 or online at who plans to attend their first overnight/ Deadline: March 1, 2017 is given to members and their families, but Pages/ChildrensEvents.aspx and must be re- residential session. applicants are not required to be members. ceived by the deadline. The purpose of the Tripp Trapp Fund is The Norwegian National League of Chicago Application available at www.concor- Deadline: March 31, 2017 to provide scholarship assistance to Norwe- in Chicago, Ill. gian villagers who are stepping up from one The Norwegian National League of Chi- ship_Form_2017.pdf. The Norway-America Association level of the program to the next. For exam- cago is offering a scholarship in the amount Deadline: March 4, 2017 Every year, NORAM offers up to 10 ple, if a villager attended a one-week session of $1,000 to a college-bound high school se- scholarships to American students planning during summer 2016 and would like to move to study or currently studying in Norway. up to a two-week session for summer 2017, The amounts vary from $1,500 to $5,000. then they would qualify for this scholarship. Scholarships are only for graduate level- The Tove Irene Dahl Scholarship sup- studies, both exchange and whole degree ports villager longevity in the program at in Norway. The project description must be Skogfjorden while encouraging those same of academic merit, and the project must be villagers to give back to the program in the feasible within the framework proposed. form of a service project. Only villagers who Visit have completed five or more years qualify cans/ for application and more information. for this scholarship. Deadline: April 1, 2017 Applications and instructions are avail- able at Norwegian Commercial Club in Seattle youth-dates-and-rates/costs-and-scholar- The Norwegian Commercial Club is ships/additional-scholarship-opportunities. offering scholarships through its Scholar- Deadline: February 24, 2017 ship Fund. There will be four awards total- ing up to about $18,000. The first is for a Norwegian Society of Texas $5,000 cash-only award sent to the educa- The NST Scholarship Program provides tional institute of the award recipient. The financial assistance with focus on increas- Photo: 401(K) 2012 / Flickr second award for $5,000 total includes the ing membership, promoting member activ- cash award and one round trip airline ticket ity and loyalty, and developing future NST to Oslo, Norway, for study in Scandinavia. leaders. In 2017, NST is offering three aca- nior and additional cash prizes to deserving Leif Erikson Lodge No. 1, Sons of Norway, This ticket is supported by IcelandAir. The demic scholarships, each in the amount of students in first through 11th grades who Education Foundation third award for $5,000 is an NCC Fisheries $1,000, for incoming freshman students, are of Norwegian heritage residing in the Il- Leif Erikson Lodge in Seattle, Wash., an- Scholarship available to high school seniors for continuing education students, and for linois counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, nounces the following 2017 scholarships: or graduate students seeking to pursue a post-grad students. Find application re- Kendall, McHenry, or Will. To qualify, older • Camp Normanna or Camp Nidaros career in fisheries management or fisheries quirements and more information at www. students must submit an original essay on Endowed LEL Scholarship Award with research in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska, a Norwegian topic, and the students in first the Youth Camp Program for District or to students in fishery technical schools, scholarship-application. through fourth grades must submit an origi- 2, Sons of Norway, provides the recipi- such as the Maritime Academy. The fourth Deadline: February 28, 2017 nal drawing depicting a Norwegian topic. ent with a scholarship for 25% of the scholarship is toward tuition and expenses Applications and instructions are avail- fee for the camps. Camp Normanna is for the International Summer School at the Lakselaget able at near Everett, Washington, and Camp University of Oslo. The ISS scholarship is lim- The Lakselaget Scholarship and Oppor- Deadline: March 1, 2017 Nidaros is near Seaside, Oregon. ited to students who live or attend school in tunity Fund was established to celebrate, • Camp Trollhaugen Endowed LEL Schol- Washington. encourage, and advance the organization’s Sons of Norway Foundation arship Award with the Youth Camp Visit www.norwegiancommercialclub. motto, women who swim against the- cur The Sons of Norway Foundation awards Program for District 2, Sons of Norway, org/scholarships for more information. rent. Its goal is to promote the international approximately 25 scholarships to promising provides the recipient with a scholar- Deadline: April 5, 2017 connections between Norway and Minne- students each year. These programs promote ship for 25% of the fee for the camp. sota, and learn, teach, and share knowledge cultural exchange and support higher educa- • Douglas Warne Vocational Scholarship Daughters of Norway Grand Lodge that will benefit women in their complex tion to help students follow their dreams. will award a scholarship to an eligible The Grand Lodge Daughters of Norway roles in today’s society. • Astrid G. Cates/Myrtle Beinhauer person 18-25 attending or planning offers scholarships to full-time college, uni- Applicants for the Lakselaget Founda- Fund: For any students enrolled in on attending an accredited technical, versity, technical, or vocational students. The tion Scholarship Fund should have an inter- post-secondary training, vocational/ trade, or vocational program in Wash- applicant should have at least sophomore est in contemporary Norway and all things trade school, or college. ington State. standing, meet the grade requirement, and Norwegian and a desire to develop their • Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial • Queen and Princess Scholarship Pro- be a member of the Daughters of Norway or own interests in another field, such as the Scholarship: For female American citi- gram awards two young women who related to a member. The number of awards sciences, technology, business, politics, zens ages 17 to 35, studying chemis- represent the lodge as its Queen and varies with the funds, but at least one award language, and culture, and who seek to en- try, physics, or in chemical, electrical, Princess an award of $1000 or $400 of $1,000 is offered each year. hance and disseminate their knowledge. or mechanical engineering as a full- respectively. The winners will repre- Visit Applicants for the Lakselaget Founda- time undergraduate and meeting test sent Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, Sons of about/scholarships for more information. tion Opportunity or Work Study Fund should score requirements. Norway, in at least five events of their Deadline: July 14, 2017 be in a work situation where a short-term Please visit choosing during the year. The queen position in a similar job in Norway would be scholarships/ to view the guidelines and ap- applicant must be 18 by August 1 and The American Scandinavian Foundation beneficial to their career. This opportunity plications. enrolled or accepted at an accredited ASF offers fellowships (up to $23,000) could be used to supplement funding for an Deadlines: March 1 for Gates/Beinhau- college or university. The princess ap- and grants (up to $5,000) to U.S. residents international exchange or internship within er Fund; April 1 for Jensen Scholarship plicant must be between 10 and 18 on to pursue research, study, or creative arts the same field or for a short-term work op- *Please note that the deadline for many the date the award application is sub- projects in one or more Scandinavian coun- portunity that provides a chance to learn of the Sons of Norway Foundation’s scholar- mitted. try for up to one year. Applicants must have about another country. ships and grants were moved up this year • Youth Camp Instructor/Counselor completed their undergraduate education Visit for more info. and have already passed. Grant for persons who can provide a by the start of their project in Scandinavia Deadline: March 1, 2017 positive camp experience for young and have a well-defined project that makes Den Norske Torske Klubben people participating in the District Two a stay in Scandinavia essential. The Norwegian Children’s Home Den Norske Torske Klubben provides Sons of Norway Youth Camp Program. Visit Association in Brooklyn, N.Y. scholarship and grant opportunities for • Youth Leadership Award is for one and-grants/fellowshipsgrants-to-study-in- This organization offers grants to stu- young people to attend language and cul- young person 18-25 planning on at- scandinavia/ for more eligibility require- dents ages 17 to 23 with at least 25% Nor- tural camps, seminars, and other education- tending an institution of higher learn- ments and application. wegian heritage who are enrolled in or ac- al opportunities celebrating Scandinavian ing or trade school. The amount of the Deadline: Nov. 1, 2017 24 • February 10, 2017 Norsk Språk theNorwegianamerican

< hackerangrep Fra side 2

Amundsen (Frp) til NRK. « To know how to suggest Amundsen forteller at forholdene som is the art of teaching. » PST advarte mot under framleggingen av – Henri Frédéric Amiel trusselrapporten på 1. februar nå er en re- alitet. Justisministeren ønsket ikke å fortelle når han ble gjort kjent med cyberangrepene. Pondus by Frode Øverli PST sier til NRK at de som har gjen- nomført angrepet omtales som APT 29, i åpne kilder. De skal ha gjennomført en rekke angrep mot vestlige mål de siste årene og knyttes til russiske myndigheter. UDs kommunikasjonssjef, Frode An- dersen, sier de tar angrepet alvorlig og har gått gjennom rutinene for datasikkerhet. — Enkeltpersoner i UD har blitt forsøkt hacket. Det er en situasjon vi tar på det største alvor, men vi er ikke kjent med at de har lyktes i å komme inn i datasystemet, sier han til NRK. Men PST selv ønsker ikke å kommen- tere om angrepet har lyktes for alle som ble angrepet. Arbeiderpartiet omtaler det slik: Can I read your No! — Vi har ingen informasjon om at essay too? ...and it’s a math test! inntrengningen lyktes, men heller ikke at den mislyktes. Norske myndigheter jobber med å undersøke dette, skrev sekretariatslederen Lunch by Børge Lund i et brev til Aps stortingspolitikere etter an- grepet ble kjent. A quick look at ground-level, Regjeringspartiet Høyre har ikke blitt so you can easily find out... hacket, så vidt NRK er kjent med, men de er svært bekymret for manglende kompetanse på datakriminalitet. — Norge er et av verdens mest digital- iserte land, og dermed mer sårbart, sier stor­ tingsrepresentant for Høyre, Hårek Elvenes. Han vil nå ha en gjennomgang av Den nasjonale organisering av innsatsen mot datakriminalitet og cybertrusselen. — Nå ser vi at norske politiske par- tier og offentlige etater angripes av avansert datakriminalitet. På bakgrunn av angrepene PST trusselvurdering er det all mulig grunn We start the tour in the ...Who’s just sitting til en kritisk gjennomgang, sier han. bathroom, so I can show there and surfing? you how to choose a stall! They all are. No one poops with pants on! < INNREISEFORBUD Fra side 2 Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten — Trumps politikk er et soleklart brudd på flyktningekonvensjonen og retten til å No, not under! But let me tell you about something called mites! søke asyl. Nå må regjeringen kalle ambass­ adøren inn på teppet. Erna Solberg sier Norge ikke vil foreta seg noe mot USA. Alle vi er her foran stortinget for å si fra at det ikke holder, sa hun blant annet i appellen. VG møter en av initiativtagerne, Char- lotte Lysa, utenfor Stortinget. Hun forklarer bakgrunnen for demonstrasjonen: — Det var impulsivt. Vi var frustrerte over utviklingen med bruk av hatpolitikk og politikere som spiller ulike grupper opp mot hverandre. Det som fikk begeret til å renne over er nettopp innreiseforbudet. Vi følte Are there monsters et sterkt behov for å gjøre noe spesielt når under the bed, Uncle B? ingen andre tok initiativ i Norge. Noen må gjøre det, sier Lysa til VG. — Det er helt fantastisk at det er så stor Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy oppslutning i løpet av kort tid. Det forteller meg at vi traff en nerve hos folk og at det er behov for det. Vi håper at vi kan sende en signal med denne demonstrasjonen og få våre egne politikere til å være tydelige. Demonstrasjonen er et privat initiativ i regi av tre venninner. Ideen kom i stand over en prat foran kaffeautomaten 30. januar. På under et døgn har over 2.400 sagt de er inter- essert, og over 830 hadde sagt at de kommer. Blant organisasjoner som bekreftet sin deltakelse var Sosialistisk Venstreparti, Changemaker, Norsk Organisasjon for Asyl- What is it I am going out I feel sorry for you, I do. søkere, Amnesty International i Norge, Det to look for Lars. you’re going to Oh don’t you worry, Per. islamske forbundet og Islamsk Råd Norge. do, Værmor? theNorwegianamerican Norsk Språk February 10, 2017 • 25

Words about words: Norwegian Language Corner Job is surprisingly old NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS

Volume 2 With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo: Waugsberg / Wikimedia Commons Two b’s or not two b’s? Some spelling differences between Norwegian and English are to be expected.

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

The English word job is the source of the ally was spelled with two b’s: jobb. Why the Norwegian noun jobb and the corresponding version with two b’s did not get into modern verb jobbe. Yet the histories of both the origi- English is not explained by any of the rules nal word in English and the Norwegian words for double consonants. Kolbrennaren The Wood-collier derived from it are obscure. The origin of the Curiously, there’s at least one case of a del 3 av 6 part 3 of 6 word job in Old English is unknown; the ety- double consonant appearing in English and mology of it in the complete Oxford English being retained. The modern English word Han meinte at det var den fyrste av dei What he meant was that this was the Dictionary simply states that it “probably was Hell, in many religions the place to which the tre dagane han hadde att å leva. Men tena- first of the three days that he had left to in colloquial use some time before it appeared wicked are consigned after death, originally ren vart redd. — Denne presten kan meir live. But the servant was frightened. “This in literature.” in Old English had only one letter “l,” hel. enn mata seg, sa han til kameratane sine priest can do more than just eat,” he said Even so, there’s a theory about that col- With time it acquired another “l” to be the då han fekk dei for seg sjølv. — Eg var den to his friends when they were alone. “I am loquial use. The Old English word job is be- Hell of today. fyrste, sa han, og så såg han så underleg på the first one, he said, and then he looked so lieved to have entered the language from Old So the modern Norwegian word jobb meg. strangely at me.” Frankish in the word gobe, which means “a gives cause to reflect upon the many excep- Den andre, som varta han opp neste The one who serves him the next day, dagen, skulle merka seg vel det han sa. Å should take note of what he says. Oh aye, mouthful.” That is plausible, as job is believed tions for which English orthography is notori- jau, då han bar av bordet etter kveldsmat- when he cleared the table after the evening to have originally meant “piece of work,” and ous. en, glante kolbrennaren stort på han og meal, the wood-collier stared at him and other words with kindred meanings in modern sukka sårt. — Det var den andre, sa han. sighed in sadness. “This is the second one,” English also descend from the Old Frankish Originally published in Norwegian on the Tenaren var ikkje sein med å fortelja det til he said. The servant was not slow in telling gobe, including gobbet (lump of food), and Clue dictionaries blog at kameratane sine. his friends what had happened. goblet (wine cup). Så skulle den tredje leggja merke til Then the third one was to take note of On its historical wandering into mod- M. Michael Brady was korleis han bar seg dagen etter. Det gjekk what happened the following day. It went ern Norwegian, jobb acquired an extra letter educated as a scientist and verre og ikkje betre, for då tenaren tok i worse and not better, because when the “b.” Fair enough. That’s in conformance with with time turned to writing døra og skulle gå med koppar og fat, la kol- servant touched the door and was about to the Norwegian spelling rule tied to pronun- and translating. brennaren i hop hendene sine og sa: — Det take out the cups and plates, the wood-col- ciation: a double consonant follows a short var den tredje. Og han sukka som hjarta lier folded his hands and said: “This is the vowel. English is not as clear in the relation of ville bresta. third one.” And he let out such a sigh, as if the modern word to the sourceword; at least Tenaren kom ut så skremd at han mest his heart was about to burst. until the mid 18th century, job also occasion- ikkje kunne pusta, og sa det var grei sak at The servant ran out so frightened that presten visste alt. Og så gjekk dei inn og he could barely breathe, and said that this gjorde knefall for kolbrennaren og bad og was indeed a dark day, as the priest knew velsigna at han måtte ikkje seia det var dei everything. And so they went to the wood- som hadde teke ringen, så skulle dei gje han collier and begged and pleaded on their hundre dalar kvar. knees that he must not tell that it was they Han lova både visst og vel at han skulle who had taken the ring; and they would teia, når berre han fekk pengane og ringen each give him one hundred dollars. og ein stor grautklump. Den balla han rin- He promised both firmly and sternly gen vel inn i, og let så ein av dei gje graut- that he would keep quiet, if only he was klumpen til den største galten som kongen given the money and the ring and a big åtte. Dei tre hundre dalarane stakk han i helping of porridge. Inside the porridge he lomma. hid the ring, and then let one of them give Om morgonen kom kongen. Då var han the porridge to the biggest boar that the ikkje grei og ville ha rett på tjuven. — Ja, king owned. The three hundred dollars he no har eg rekna og skrive gjennom mange put in his pocket. land, sa kolbrennaren, — men det er ikkje In the morning, the king arrived. He noko menneske som har stole ringen. — was not happy and wanted to know who Pøh! Kven er det då, skal tru? spurde kon- the thief was. “Well, I have calculated and gen. written through many countries,” said the wood-collier, “but it is not a person that has taken your ring.” “Phooey, then in your mind what is it then?” asked the king.

Tuss og Troll 2-vol-set $35.95 with FREE shipping in USA. 26 • February 10, 2017 Books theNorwegianamerican Book review: The Orkneyinga Saga Odin speaks again Hávamál book presents Viking proverbs

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway Who were the Vikings? When this ques- tion is asked, what usually comes to mind? The Hávamál is a Viking Age poem Images of violent Norsemen, jumping into with a prominent pedigree. It is from the pre- their well-crafted ships to go off to raid, Christian era, as connoted by its title: Há- plunder, and kill in other lands before return- vamál literally means “Sayings of the High ing to Norway. One,” or Odin, the Norse All-father God. Sometimes, though, the Vikings decided It is a long poem of 164 stanzas that not to return home but to settle in other lands. divides into five parts, of which the first is Scotland’s Orkney Islands became one of the “Gestaþáttir” (guest’s section), a set of 80 sites of Norse colonialization. These islands terse proverbs and statements of gnomic wis- were strategically located in the middle of dom, the most quoted part, generally known the Vikings’ sea roads and therefore served as the Hávamál Proper. as an ideal base for raids on both Scotland It is the second of 29 poetic works of an and Ireland. And they provided land to set- Icelandic codex written on vellum leaves in tlers who had none in their home country of the late 13th century. It was called the Codex Norway. Regius (Latin for “Royal Book”), because in The first Viking raid in the Orkneys took 1662 Brynjólfur Sveinsson, the Bishop of place in A.D. 794 when the monastery on Skálholt (then one of Iceland’s two Episco- the island of Iona was attacked. The Vikings pal seats), presented it to King Frederick II of then returned in 839 with a large fleet and killed by mistake. One day he discovered his Denmark, who then ruled Norway, of which garments and some chainmail, closer to his- defeated both the King of the Picts and the mother and sisters sewing a most beautiful Iceland was a dependency. torical Viking garb. There were discrepan- King of the Scots, the two Orkney kings. garment. When he asked who it was for, he For some 200 years thereafter, the Co- cies among the texts of the published editions By the middle of the ninth century, the was told that it was for his brother Paul, who dex Regius was studied principally by schol- of the Hávamál Proper, so Neilsen and We- Vikings had settled in Orkney as well as in was sharing the rule of the earldom with him ars drawn to Nordic mythology. Then, in mundstad went to Iceland to study the origi- Shetland, the Hebrides, Man, and even parts at the time. Harald went into a jealous rage the 1930s, J.R.R. Tolkein, a professor at the nal 13th-century Codex Regius at the Árni of mainland Scotland. In 875 King Harald and grabbed the garment for himself. His sis- University of Oxford, lectured on the Codex Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies in Fairhair arrived to take “official” control of ters started pulling out their hair and yelled at Regius. That led to his writing stories that Reykjavík. The result is a new, wide-scope Orkney for Norway. him to stop. If not, he would die. He ignored captured the drama of Nordic mythology and view of Hávamál in text and color scenes, The Orkneyinga Saga, written by an un- their warning and put it on. His flesh im- later became The Lord of the Rings. Today, with ancillary anecdotes to set the backdrop, known Icelandic author, covers the period of mediately began to quiver and he died soon the Codex Regius is heard as well as read. between stanzas 1 and 80: colonialization up to approximately 1200. thereafter. The poisonous garment had been In the 2016 documentary film on volcanoes, The Vikings continued to control Orkney destined for Paul. (No shrinking violets these Into the Inferno, director Werner Herzog read Stanza 1: until James III of Scotland was betrothed women!) aloud two stanzas of the “Völuspá” (Proph- Before entering to Margaret, the daughter of Christian I of One of the earls, Earl Magnus, became a ecy of the Völva), the first of the 29 works of A place Norway, in 1468. Orkney then finally passed saint. He was killed in a rocky spot that was the Codex Regius. Look around from Norway back to Scotland. overgrown with moss. But after his death, the After studying the Hávamál, in 2013 Be aware Throughout these centuries Orkney was location turned into a beautiful green field. Viking Martial Arts expert Tyr Neilsen felt it You can never be sure ruled by earls appointed by the King of Nor- This proved that Magnus’s soul had been should be made available to a wider audience. Who is inside way. We meet these earls in the saga and see taken to the verdant fields of Paradise. After Many books of Hávamál Proper translated how they sometimes ruled peacefully with his burial, a strong light was visible over his into English were available, but none could Stanza 80: another family member (a brother, a son, grave and, when ill people came to pray at replicate its historical delivery as a perfor- When searching for an uncle, a cousin) and then broke up and the site, they were immediately healed. He, mance. So he teamed up with photojournal- Answers in the runes formed other alliances. Killing kin as well as therefore, was declared a saint. ist Bente Wemundstad to compile a book that Which were created by the gods foes was commonplace. Not all of the earls The saga is full of stories that cannot, would be a modern reflection of howHávamál And written by Odin died in their beds of natural causes. of course, be considered historical. Howev- was presented in the Viking Age. It is best to reflect While the reader may frequently get lost er, the saga is worth reading as it provides They knew that through the years, pre- Over the meaning in the succession of the earls, power shifts, the context for Norway’s historical occupa- sentations of Hávamál had mixed romantic and bloody battles, certain scenes stand out tion of the Orkney Islands. It also offers an traditions of the day with Viking artifacts and The book: Hávamál, The Sayings of for their magic or their gruesome humor (not animated account of some very memorable costumes. So instead of the wings or horns Odin by Tyr Neilsen and Bente Wemund- meant, of course, to be humorous). characters who accomplished rather amazing on helmets and Wagnerian women with long stad, published by Nova Forlag in 2014 is, Who can forget, for example, the un- feats (whether they are true or not). braids that conveyed the aura in Victorian at this writing, available in the U.S. as an e- fortunate death of the first earl, Sigurd the England, they chose black leather and fur book from and iBooks. Powerful? To consolidate his rule, he had to Orkneyinga Saga: The History of the Earls defeat a formidable enemy, Mælbrigte, Earl of Orkney. (1981). Hermann Pålsson and of the Scots. The battle was hard fought but, Paul Edwards, Translators. Penguin Classics. in the end, Sigurd was the victor. Mælbrigte and all of his men were killed. Sigurd wanted Christine Foster Meloni is to make a big show of his triumph, so he had professor emerita at The the heads of the dead strapped to the saddles George Washington Uni- of the victors. He had the head of Mælbrigte versity. She has degrees strapped to his own saddle. As he was rid- in Italian literature, lin- ing away after the battle, he began to spur guistics, and international his horse and a tooth protruding from his en- education. She was born in emy’s mouth scratched his calf. His leg be- Minneapolis and currently came infected and he died. lives in Washington, D.C. She values her Nor- There was then Earl Harald, who was wegian heritage. Newspaper ads never go out of style. Place yours today! Photo: Bente Wemundstad 206-784-4617 • [email protected] Tyr Neilsen studies the 13th-century Codex Regius at the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Stud- ies in Reykjavík, Iceland. theNorwegianamerican Puzzles February 10, 2017 • 27 Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland Norwenglish Crossword by Andrew R. Thurson

Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. #19 / 92 “Historisk kirker”

Across/ 49. Øl Vannrett 50. Last 1. Alliert 51. NNV 5. Vise 52. Trouble 9. Lead 53. Sand 12. Rent 54. Ti 13. Lion 55. Mister 14. Dypt hjulspor 56. Irritabel 15. Salmon 16. Practiced 17. Vein Down/ 18. Agreed Loddrett 19. Pretty 1. All 20. Weeks 2. Tynn 21. Aften 3. Enjoy 23. Plassere 4. Gårsdager 25. Changed 5. Blunted 28. Witty 6. Opportunity 32. Varer 7. Above, atop 33. Daglig 8. Våt 34. Dekorativt 9. Commotion 36. Sinks 10. Wonder 37. Søtpotet 11. Contributor 38. Eagle 20. Education 27. Ta på seg 36. Censorship 45. Vei 39. Oppstyr 22. Westerly 29. Rich 39. Hobo 46. Seaweed 42. Bait 24. Miracle 30. Hasten 40. Allow 47. Evje 44. Tease 25. Selvfølelse 31. Cows 41. Sydd 49. Aske 48. Imagine 26. Eller 35. Enamel 43. Redskap Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord by Ed Egerdahl of the Scandinavian Language Institute Ed Egerdahl wrote these puzzles for Scandinavian Language Institute’s classes at LODDRETT 55. De 3 største navn i norsk mytologi 70. Rettighet til noe nytt Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. It’s possible a few of the clues will make more 1. Løp eller kjørte veldig fort (skriv 3 navn) 71. Kjempe stor bok sense if you remember that—there may be some Seattle-centric answers. There’s 2. Spillkort med ti merker på det (N) a) med hammer og torden 72. Seksti minutter (N) definitely some wacky humor, and if you find yourself uncertain about a two-letter 3. Viltdyr fra sørøst USA b) med kryssord mysterium 74. Lager brød answer, try “Ed.” 4. Kryssordmesteren på hodet! c) på tronen med Geri 75. Skolisser (N) = skriv på norsk. Otherwise, the answers are in English. 5. Hull i huden 56. Tegneserie Hagar (Nesten! – kjøp 76. Vaske båtens gulv 6. Ble eldre en vokal?) 77. Noe godt med kaffe (N) 7. Gershwin lyriker 57. Ananas navn 78. Bjørnehull VANNRETT 53. Sommerbeite i fjellene (N) 8. Bondens hode 58. Berømt fransk vinområde 79. Brukte telefonen 1. Hoved______, nasjonal 56. Her og hit 9. En som “spiser opp” andre 59. Bære på 80. Om fart, mengde, grad administrasjons by (N) 57. Leder en tur eller orkester kortspillere 60. Plante begynnelse 81. Gikk hardt på føttene 5. Vaskevann holder 61. Norsk spørreord (N) 10. Gå nedover eller bakover 62. Vårt fellesnavn med vikingene 83. Stor vekt 9. H.C. Andersens and i virkelighet 62. Noen juleord 11. Pub servering 63. Veldig tett 84. Følge langsomt etter 13. Vann sniker seg inn / ut 63. Unger 12. Problematisk ord for barn 66. Bukser 87. Bibelsk “se” 17. En haug, stabel 64. Hageredskap 13. Skape, forme 67. Gripe tak i (også figurlig) 89. Endelig kommer han med 18. Et slags eventyr troll 65. Dikterens “over” 14. Hemmelig lytting (to ord) 68. Bare litt vått kryssordets siste ord! 19. Sirkelaktig engel lue 66. Spiser som en gris! 15. Ikke mindre, ikke mere 20. Eie, beholde 67. Sterk vind 16. Vakkert, fint (N) 21. Ålesunds fisk 68. Syttende mai for eks. 22. Lukkelig stemmelyd 22. H.C. Andersen, Victor Borge eller 69. Forbereder seg 23. Skjære poteter i terninger Margarethe II 71. Den beste slags venn 24. Feire, feste med iver 24. En svart fugl 72. Ikke lenger vill 26. Et gyndent funn 25. Letet etter olje 73. Norsk som er halvveis nede i 28. Skytevåpen 27. Bli trett, bildekk halsen, bare spør # 22. vann. (N) 30. En stor pakke bomull 28. Fastetidens verb 74. Sjøtransport 31. Røveri, innbrudd (slengord) 29. Motsatt av ankommer 75. Adjektiv som beskriver noe som 32. Slengord for munnen 30. Hankjønns kanin, dådyr dingler (kan man egentlig si det?) (spesielt når den bør lukkes) 31. Flere biehus 76. En fra Skottland (N) 33. Ta bussen 32. Handle, bytte 78. Overnatte ute i naturen 34. Bruser, eksploderer 34. Hvor fort man går 79. Det vi “så utover” i USAs 35. Vasker, skiller og ______med 35. Stod fast mot fienden nasjonalsang kopper eller klær 38. Kirkelig seremoni 82. Går i vann opp til knærne 36. Løse, slakke på 39. En film person 83. Hende, skje (to ord) 37. Forandre farge på 40. Steke koteletten ute 85. Kjælenavn for Seattle Mariners 39. Frukt som er ferdig 41. Rachael, laser, solstråle kjære #11. 40. Kort, tennis og sjakk 42. Oppstyr, bråk 86. I familien, likt 43. Henry VIIIs siste kone Catherine 43. Rør, skorstein, pipe 87. Største av Bibelens store tre 44. Funksjoner, oppgaver 44. Større lønn 88. En bane, en smal vei 45. Bakparten av nakken 45. Briller holder 89. Tellesystemets start (to ord) 47. Forstaving med “archy” 46. Kan hende 90. Den albuen som drikker 48. Flere svenske konger 48. Himmelsk stjernelyn 91. 1,111,111 for eks. 49. Kabriolet og stasjonsvogn 49. Horn, Godthåp og Torsk 92. Hønefrukt 51. Sjudager grupperinger 50. Det vises når man er sint 93. Eiendomspapir 52. Sitere 51. Der Charles er prins 53. Handle 52. Hodeklær 54. Noen gang Subscribe to The Norwegian American! $70/year • (206) 784-4617 • [email protected] •

news • business • sports • opinion • recipes • travel • heritage • events • entertainment • Norwegian language • more! 28 • February 10, 2017 Bulletin Board theNorwegianamerican

Ole, Lena, and Sven were lost in the North woods and were Neither rain, nor snow... becoming desperate, having run out of food several days ago. It was winter, the snow was deep, and their situation was looking N.A. notes very bleak. When Ole dug down Norwegian Mother’s Day into the snow to look for some- One of the benefits of thing to eat, he found an old claiming two cultures is that lamp and upon rubbing it to get you may get to celebrate certain the snow off, a genie came out. holidays twice. This one always The genie says, “I am the sneaks up on us here; Norway’s great genie of the North and I Morsdag is Feb. 12! So celebrate can grant each of you one wish.” your Norwegian mom this week- Ole says, “I vish I vas back on end. American moms must wait my farm.” Poof, Ole was gone. until May. Or celebrate twice! Lena quickly says, “I vish I vas Two breakfasts in bed are better back on da farm wit Ole.” than one. Poof, Lena was gone. Sven was sitting there looking Valentine’s Day sad and the genie finally says, In the mood for love? Don’t “What is your wish?” forget Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14). Sven says, “Gee, I’m really Couldn’t we all use a little ro- Photo: Emily C. Skaftun lonely. I vish Ole and Lena vas mance this year? Nothing will get in the way of The Norwegian American getting to you! Molly and Emily braved back here with me.” the rare Seattle snow to come to work today (Feb. 6) despite the (for Seattle) blizzard conditions Presidents’ Day (isn’t every day outside. Why? Because it’s press day. the president’s day?) This photo is a view from our office window today. You can’t really tell, but it is still Boy we have a lot of holi- snowing! While some areas of the city have as much as eight inches of the white stuff, we only days right now! It’s almost as have about two in Shoreline. I can practically hear some of you in the Midwest or Northeast though this is a gloomy time of laughing at us. It doesn’t seem like much to you, does it? Well, if you doubt the peril we put ourselves in by venturing out today, I challenge you to google “Seattle snow driving” and year and we’re looking for rea- watch the videos that pop up. Actually, it’s pretty good entertainment to watch all those cars sons (excuses?) to celebrate. I slipping and sliding! think this one comes with a day Such is our commitment to you, dear readers! off... if you’re not on the staff of With love, this paper. Enjoy it, readers! Emily & Molly Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

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