The Catholic Educator

Quarterly Journal of the Catholic Education Foundation

Calendar Reminder:

Annual Priests’ Seminar Seton Hall, New Jersey July 14-16, 2020

Volume 27 – Winter 2019

A Word From Our Editor

Homily preached for the Pilgrimage Mass of Holy Innocents Parish in Manhattan to the National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini on 21 December 2019

The Archdiocese of New York – and Holy Innocents Parish in particular – recently hosted the Pilgrim Virgin statue of Fatima. Today, you show yourselves as loyal sons and daughters of Mary by imitating her example by embarking upon a pilgrimage yourselves. The phenomenon of pilgrimage is as old as Christianity itself; indeed, it goes all the way back to our elder brothers in Judaism. And the New Testament informs us that the Holy Family observed the sacred tradition of pilgrimage, which Our Lord Himself adopted into His own personal practice and spirituality. A mini-pilgrimage from Midtown Manhattan to the tip of the Boro is a microcosmic symbol of the much larger journey of the People of God moving from the Church-Here-Below to the Church-Beyond. Today we hope to gain a glimpse of that “Church-Beyond” through the person of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. May she help us do so.

I like to say that I grew up in Madre Cabrini’s shadow because, as a boy in grammar school, I played in a park in Newark, New Jersey, named for her and where a statue of her still graces its entrance.

For those of you not too familiar with this saint, permit me to rehearse but a few of the more salient elements of her life story.

Francesca Cabrini was born in 1850 in a small village near Milan. As a young girl, she was very much taken by the stories of missionaries and wanted to join a missionary order. Plagued by poor health, she was denied admission to the Daughters of the Sacred Heart, who had taught her and through whom she had gained her teaching certificate.

Undaunted, Francesca founded her own religious community, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, having gathered around her seven young women. With equal parts of prayerfulness and resourcefulness, she surfaced people willing to contribute to her new community with their time, treasure and talent. Her vision for the new institute was that they would be missionaries to China, for which she sought and obtained an audience with Pope Leo XIII to gain his blessing (it seems it was quite simple to get access to the Pope in those days). To her surprise and probable disappointment, Leo told her: “Not to the East, but to the West.” His goal for her and her Sisters was that they would establish a beachhead in the United States to provide pastoral care for the burgeoning population of Italian immigrants, who were not great Catholics when they reached Ellis Island and became even worse after a while in the anti- Catholic environment of nineteenth-century America.

In New York City, she established schools, hospitals and orphanages; her outreach extended to such far-flung American cities as Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Denver, Los Angeles, Omaha, St. Louis, and Seattle. Her work also brought her renown worldwide, with requests for her to open schools in Europe, Central and South America. Her love and respect for the United

2 States was so strong that she became a naturalized citizen in 1909. She traversed the Atlantic Ocean 23 times – quite remarkable for a woman who was terrified of sea travel! By the time of her death in 1917, she had established 67 institutions – one for each year of her life.

She did her great work for Christ and His Church out of a sincere conviction that God willed it and, that if He willed it, He would provide the means to accomplish His will.

Her reputation for sanctity was so great that Pope Pius XII canonized her in 1946, thus making her the first American citizen to be named a saint. In 1950, he declared her Patroness of Immigrants.

Mother Cabrini’s remains are entombed in the altar which lies before us; well, not all of her, parts of which were sent on to Chicago and Italy! This shrine is but a five-minute walk from The Cloisters Museum (part of the Metropolitan Museum network), which houses the most magnificent collection of medieval religious art and artifacts. For years, I have delighted in giving tours of The Cloisters to Catholic school children and then capping the day by offering Holy Mass for them over Mother Cabrini’s holy body.

Undoubtedly, you heard that some months ago, a process was established by Mayor DiBlasio’s wife to nominate women who had made important contributions to life in New York City. The hands-down winner was Mother Cabrini. Were you surprised to learn that the will of the people was coopted by the Mayor’s wife and the other secularists who run the City? Interestingly, Governor Mario Cuomo mounted his white steed to come to the rescue by declaring that he would take responsibility for erecting a monument to our saint of the day. Given his less-than- pious proclivities, I suspect it was Italian sensibilities more than Catholic ones, that were offended by the snub. It likewise gave him the chance to engage in yet another confrontation with the Mayor. I imagine that Mother Cabrini is probably not exactly ecstatic with having Cuomo for a defender. At any rate, as the saying goes, God can indeed “write straight with crooked lines.”

We know that when the Church presents us with saints for veneration, she also does so because she wants us to take them for emulation. Therefore, what are some lessons we should take from this holy and valiant woman? Let me offer six for your consideration.

First, we can suppose that she wasn’t exactly thrilled when Leo XIII upset her plans to evangelize the Orient. However, as a loyal daughter of the Church, she followed his counsel and God blessed her apostolate a hundred-fold. Sometimes, we have to believe that God does have a better plan – something beyond our present ability to see or comprehend.

Second, she had an indefatigable trust in Divine Providence. She was a penniless immigrant among penniless immigrants and yet founded sixty-seven institutions in the course of her relatively short life. She conducted no feasibility studies but knew, intuitively, what was unfeasible – namely, that a new generation of Italians would be unevangelized and uncatechized. That could never have been God’s intention; therefore, she incarnated St. Paul’s maxim, “Caritas Christi urget nos” (The love of Christ compels us; 2 Cor 5:14). She was no reckless dreamer, but

3 she would have been horrified to witness hundreds of parishes being built in the 1970s – and until the present day – with no school as part of the program. Which leads us to the next lesson.

Third, although it is unlikely that she had read any of the pastoral letters of the American bishops who preceded her, she certainly embodied the spirit of so many of them. Immediately comes to mind the assertion of John J. Hughes of New York: “The days have come, and the place, in which the school is more necessary than the church.” Or, that of Bishop John Lancaster Spaulding of Peoria: “Without parish schools, there is no hope that the Church will be able to maintain itself in America.” Closer to our own time, Pope Paul VI, in his bicentennial message to the Church in the United States declared that “the strength of the in America is in her Catholic schools.”

I would suggest further that it is no accident that almost every canonized saint of our nation was a promoter of Catholic education: Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton, Mother Katharine Drexel, Mother Theodore Guérin; Mother Rose-Phillipine Duchesne – and, oh yes, one man: John Neumann, the fourth bishop of Philadelphia. It is not only our privilege but our bounden duty to accept their legacy and to build on it.

Fourth, so often we hear that today parents cannot afford our schools any longer. Here are a few of my responses to what is supposed to be a conversation-stopper.

A few moments ago, I made reference to the “penniless” immigrants of Mother Cabrini’s day. I like to ask how it is that penniless immigrants built our Catholic institutions and that the most affluent Catholic population in the history of the Church cannot maintain them? Immediately, my own Ukrainian grandmother comes to mind. In the midst of the Great Depression, she was raising three children by herself and working under intolerable conditions for about five dollars a week – yet she gave a dollar a week to her parish. Years later, I asked her, “Grandma, how could you afford to give 20% of your paltry salary to the Church?” Her reply: “If we didn’t do it, who would?” You see, that is the answer of faith. Our problems in the contemporary Church are not financial; they are faith-related. One of the most embarrassing statistics thrown in our faces is that Catholics in this country give the least of any other religious group – although they have the highest standard of living. That realization prompted one of my boyhood pastors to chide the congregation around 1962: “Catholics are for the birds – cheap, cheap, cheap!”

To be sure, there are parents who truly cannot afford current tuition rates, but the vast majority of those who claim a financial obstacle do not hesitate to subscribe to hundreds of cable channels or to take wonderful winter vacations – and pastors are loathe to challenge such unevangelical priorities; in fact, most are totally intimidated.

As for parents in need of assistance, I can only echo the Code of Canon Law: “Christ’s faithful are to promote Catholic schools, doing everything possible to help in establishing and maintaining them” (canon 799 §2). In other words, the cost of Catholic education is not primarily that of parents, nor of a parish that happens to have a school on its premises; no, it is the responsibility of the entire Catholic community – an understanding that was firmly ensconced in the American Catholic consciousness prior to Vatican II (although, ironically, Vatican II was the first ecumenical council in history to devote an entire document to the

4 importance and centrality of Catholic schools in the life of the Church). If every Catholic were seen to be and became a supporter of our schools, we could return to that earlier era when “tuition” was unheard of and when Catholics pointed with pride to “our schools.”

Fifth, as we honor the Patroness of Immigrants, I would be woefully remiss were I not to allude to a huge elephant in the middle of the American Catholic living room – and that is the shockingly near-absence of Hispanic children in Catholic schools. Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston often bemoans the fact that there are more black Baptist children in our schools than Hispanic Catholics. For the first time in American Catholic history, the institutional Church has neglected an entire generation of immigrant children (it is probably two generations already). In every other era of the Church’s existence on these shores, the children of immigrants were integrated and rooted in the Catholic community and likewise inserted into the larger culture, precisely through our schools. The fact that I, a grandson of four immigrants, became a priest and have two doctorates is clear testimony to the effectiveness of the education apostolate. So many observers remark about the tragic hemorrhaging of Hispanics from the Catholic Church and the pitiful trinkle of Hispanic vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, yet they fail to connect the dots and conclude that this sad situation is due primarily to the hierarchy’s failure to ensure the Catholic education of these children.

We are assembled less than a hundred yards from a high school founded by Mother Cabrini in 1899. That school’s most famous – or perhaps infamous – alumna is none other than Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. She is also a graduate of Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in the Bronx; unfortunately, that Catholic school closed in 2013. “I am heartbroken,” Justice Sotomayor said in an interview with New York Times upon learning about the closure of her elementary school alma mater. “You know how important those eight years were? It’s symbolic of what it means for all our families, like my mother, who were dirt-poor. She watched what happened to my cousins in public school and worried if we went there, we might not get out. So she scrimped and saved. It was a road of opportunity for kids with no other alternative.” In 2014, this high school of Sotomayor’s also closed – and she did absolutely nothing to save it. What a lack of gratitude, what hypocrisy, what a disgrace!

Of late, so many people – Catholics included – are decrying the rise of the “nones”. I am amazed, however, to be unable to find a single Catholic commentator to connect the Catholic “nones” to the near-dismantling of our Catholic school system.

Simply put: We need Catholic schools – authentically and unabashedly Catholic schools – now more than ever before. An hour a week of catechesis – even in its best form – cannot undo the damage of thirty hours or more of institutional hostility to Christian values put forward in the godless government schools.

Just a few years before Mother Cabrini arrived on our shores, the Church’s newest saint, John Henry Cardinal Newman, reflected on this latter point in a response he wrote to the Archbishop of Sydney in 1879:

It is indeed the gravest of questions whether our people are to commence life with or without adequate instruction in those all-important truths which ought to colour all thought and to direct

5 all action;—whether they are or are not to accept this visible world for their god and their all, its teaching as their only truth, and its prizes as their highest aims;—for, if they do not gain, when young, that sacred knowledge which comes to us from Revelation, when will they acquire it?

Last but by no means least, we are honoring today a woman – a woman. This must be underscored in our contemporary context where all too many outside the Church – and sadly, even within the Church – accuse the Church of giving no place to the feminine genius in her life. The life and witness of this saint of ours puts the lie to this myth. The Church did not merely “tolerate” this holy woman; on the contrary, the Church encouraged and supported her. As I pointed out at the beginning of this homily, she was launched on her holy endeavor by none other than the Pope himself. As a matter of fact, the Church has always fostered the persons and contributions of women. If you were told in 1955 or even 1965, that the administrator of a hospital was a woman, you could have bet your bottom dollar that that person was a Catholic nun. The most effective and celebrated female educators in American history were Catholic Sisters. I venture to say that the vast majority of you – of us – here today are the beneficiaries of the professionalism and Christian commitment of thousands of women Religious who have trod the same path as Mother Cabrini. We must be strong adversaries of the pernicious and false assertion that the Church has no respect or place for women. Her two-millennia-long history proves precisely the opposite.

The traditional notion of a pilgrimage is that the sacrifices undertaken and endured are acts of penance, to be sure, but are also intended to provide the pilgrim with some insights for forming personal resolutions. So, Resolution I, in the via positiva: Mother Cabrini’s personal motto came from St. Paul’s confident proclamation: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Ph 4:13). Resolution II, in the via negativa: "I have already learned that whenever I failed in any undertaking, it was because I trusted too much in my own powers."

Our Saint’s favorite prayer admirably sums up her spirituality, which can and should most easily become our own:

Fortify me with the grace of your Holy Spirit and give your peace to my soul that I may be free from all needless anxiety, solicitude and worry. Help me to desire always that which is pleasing and acceptable to you so that your Will may be my will. Grant that I may rid myself of all unholy desires and that, for your love, I may remain obscure and unknown in this world, to be known only to you. Do not permit me to attribute to myself the good that you perform in me and through me, but rather, referring all honor to your Majesty, may I glory only in my infirmities, so that renouncing sincerely all vainglory which comes from the world, I may aspire to that true and lasting glory which comes from you.

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, pray for us, that we may be made worthy of the promises of the Christ, whose Coming in the flesh we so joyfully await.

Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas

(Cover photo credit: cfr. article on p. 65)

6 In This Edition

A Word From Our Editor Page 2 Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas

Why Teaching Your Kids Manners Is More Important Than Ever Page 14 Caryn Rivadeneira

How The Catholic Church Saved New York City, Part 1 Page 16 Jeffrey Bruno

Are You Enjoying Your Internet? Thank This Jesuit Page 18 Daniel Esparza

This Grandma Started A Global Ministry Page 19 To Honor Our Lady And Bring Kids Back to Church Patty Knap

The Father of Puerto Rico’s Public Schools: Meet Venerable Rafael Page 23 Larry Peterson

One Word Could Destroy Catholic Education Page 25 Patrick J. Reilly

How to Be The Kind Of Parent Your Child Needs in The Stands Page 28 Calah Alexander

How to Develop A Good Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher Page 30 Calah Alexander

Nassau Archbishop Assesses Post-Hurricane Challenges in Bahamas Page 33 Tom Tracy

Police Issue List of 15 Apps Your Children Should Avoid Page 35 Cerith Gardiner

Jharkhand, Hindu Radicals Devastate A Jesuit College. Page 37 'Completely Destroyed' Asia News/Agencies

When Children Are Separated from Their Parents Their Genetics Change Page 39 Calah Alexander

The Truth Behind Teens Who Self-Harm Page 41 Malgorzata Rybak


Philip Rivers Greets Catholic Sisters Before Kick-Off Page 43 Zelda Caldwell

Enrollment Loss Belies Test Score Rise Page 44 Cardinal Timothy Dolan

Arizona House Speaker Calls Out Planned Parenthood’s Page 46 ‘Business Plan of Hell’, And He’s Not Backing Down Calvin Freiburger

To Restore Integrity: Newman’s Idea of Education Page 48 Patrick Reilly

Eritrean Bishops Say Seizure of Catholic Schools Page 50 Is 'Hatred against The Faith' Catholic News Agency

Indian Jesuit School Attacked by 500 Armed Extremists Page 52 J-P Mauro

Scottish Church Says Catholics Schools Don’t Cause Violence Page 53 CNA Daily News

7 Tips for Helping Your Kids Do Their Homework Well Page 55 Mathilde de Robien

Rare Photos: How America’s First Saint Page 57 Nearly Went Down With The R.M.S. Titanic Jeffrey Bruno

Franciscan Brother Brings His Message to Washington, Page 59 The UN, and Silicon Valley Aleteia

Why We Need to Let Our Kids Be “Uncomfortable” As Much As Possible Page 60 Cynthia Dermody

Want Your kids to Be Emotionally Intelligent? Give Them Pen And Paper Page 62 Calah Alexander

Multilingual People Have Advantages in Avoiding Dementia, Study Suggests Page 64 John Burger

8 250,000 Children Were Saved from The Streets of New York Page 65 By These Holy Women Jeffrey Bruno

Brooklyn Church Honors Mother Cabrini Since The City Won’t Page 67 Larry Celona, Khristina Narizhnaya, and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

Getting to the Heart of Eucharistic Catechesis: Page 68 Content and Witness Key to Teaching Youth Joseph O’Brien

How I Accidentally Taught My Kids to Practice Gratitude Page 72 Calah Alexander

The First Newman Center Helped Catholic Culture Flourish at Oxford Page 74 Philip Kosloski

How to Help Children Overcome the Fear of Failure Page 75 Christine Ponsard

Faith and Reason, and Restless Hearts Page 77 The Regina Academies

Resolve Page 79 Raed Rafei

A Letter From Bethlehem Page 84 Peter Bray, FSC

Breaking Free Page 87 Emeline Wuilbercq

How to Speak about The Devil to Children Page 92 Christine Ponsard

Attorney General Says Education Is 'Ground Zero' Page 94 In Fight for Religious Freedom CNA

STD Rate at An All-Time High Page 97 Due to Promiscuity And Drug Use: CDC Report Calvin Freiburger

The Catholic Church in The Philippines Page 98 Is Giving Away Free Rosaries to Children J-P Mauro


Enough Evidence Now Exists to Prove Shakespeare Was Catholic, Page 99 Author Says John Burger

U.S. on Verge of ‘Digital Experience Addiction Epidemic,’ Professor Warns Page 101 Misty Severi

Georgia School District Delays Transgender Bathrooms After Parents Revolt Page 103 Calvin Freiburger

From Nast to Family Circus, Philadelphia Exhibit Shows Page 104 How Catholics Have Been Depicted in Cartoons John Burger

This Is What Happened When A School Banned Cellphones Page 106 Cerith Gardiner

How to Raise Your Children with Emotional Intelligence Page 107 Maria Veronica Degwitz

Are Children Naturally Religious? Page 109 Esteban Pittaro

Construction Begins Page 111 On Baltimore’s First New Catholic School in over 50 Years CNA

Newman’s Three Ideas of A University Page 113 Michael Pakaluk

Judge Allows Nicholas Sandmann’s Lawsuit Page 115 Against Washington Post to Move Forward Micaiah Bilger

The Fascinating History of Australia’s First Mass, Page 117 And The Priest Who Celebrated It Laura McAlister

After Years of Common Core, Betsy DeVos Announces 'Devastating' Results Page 119 Jared Harris

Should We Still Teach Our Children to “Obey”? Page 121 Christine Ponsard

10 Former Planned Parenthood Staffer Reveals Page 123 How Abortion Biz Grooms Kids for Sex and Abortions Micaiah Bilger

Tips For Dad: How to Talk to Your Son about Sexuality Page 125 Dr. Dominique Megglé

Why I’m Glad I Had The Strictest Parents on The Block Page 127 Jim Schroeder

Former Abortion Clinic Owner: Page 129 We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create A Market for Abortion Micaiah Bilger

This 17th-Century German Jesuit Was The Last Man to Know “Everything” Page 131 Ray Cavanaugh

Local Teenager Spends His Last Months in Presence to Others Page 133 Christina Gray

Latin: Living Language, Ancient Rite Page 135 Jerry Salyer

Why Not The Best? Page 138 Randall Smith

Mexican Beauty Queen Discerns ‘Radical’ Move to Religious Life Page 140 Catholic News Agency

Catholic Artists in New Documentary Film Remind You Page 142 To Make Your Life A Masterpiece Annabelle Moseley

Study Finds Children Not Getting Enough Sleep … Page 145 So How Much Should They Get? Mathilde De Robien

Free Online Course Explores Relationship between Superheroes Page 146 And Adventure and Christian Discipleship John Burger

6 Things Your Teens Should Do To Protect Their Online Reputation Page 148 Mathilde De Robien

U.S. Birthrates Down for Fourth Year in A Row Page 150 John Burger

11 “Angels Caught Me And Jesus Loves Me,” Page 151 Says 5-Year-Old Boy Thrown Off A 3rd Floor Balcony Sarah Robsdottir

Toronto’s Catholic Schools Bow to the Rainbow Mafia Page 152 Donald DeMarco

Advent: Finally, A Book Especially Designed for Children Page 154 Marzena Devoud

Five Dominican Friars Launch Podcast ‘Godsplaining’ Page 156 John Burger

Judge Rules Nicholas Sandmann’s $275 Million Lawsuit Against NBC Page 158 For Smearing Him Can Move Forward Micaiah Bilge

7 Tips for Celebrating Advent As A Family Page 160 Christine Ponsard

What Our 2nd American-Born Martyr, to Be Beatified Saturday, Page 162 Is Still Saying to Youth Today Aleteia

Why You Should Stop Doing So Much for Your Teens Page 164 And Let Them Make Mistakes Mathilde De Robien

This Beautiful Prayer to St. Nick Reminds Us Page 166 He’s More Than A Jolly Gift Giver Kathleen N. Hattrup

Philip Rivers Spreads Powerful Message of Faith during Press Conference Page 167 Cerith Gardiner

No Heart for Newman’s University Page 168 Randall Smith

Monks at St. Anselm Sue, Worried about College's Catholic Identity Page 170 Mark Hayward

Sainthood Cause Advances for Religious Sister, Page 172 Educator Who Fought Racism CNA

12 Archbishop Sheen’s Idea of Education Page 174 Patrick Reilly

Planned Parenthood Infiltrates 50 California Public Schools Page 176 Calvin Freiburger

Expert Reveals ‘Secret Sauce’ of Catholic Schools: Page 178 Equality of Every Child Before God Christopher White

Exorcists Condemn Children’s Demon Book As Seductive, Dangerous Page 180 Elise Harris

U.S. Has World’s Highest Rate of Children Page 183 Living in Single-Parent Households Stephanie Kramer

Italian Exorcist Says Society Risks Collapse Due to ‘Aggressive Satanism’ Page 186 Elise Harris

13 Why Teaching Your Kids Manners Is More Important Than Ever

Some people think being polite is inauthentic and old-fashioned, but here’s why they need to think again.

Not long ago, I overheard a group of moms use manipulation in attempts to meet their lamenting a girl in their daughters’ grade. needs.” (Note: I was writing in a coffee shop, one foot away from their table. I wasn’t meaning While I certainly want my kids to grow up to eavesdrop, but it’s hard to avoid when able and willing to express what they need you leave your earbuds at home!) and want in life, and to genuinely feel their Apparently, this girl never says “thank you” gratitude, frankly, reading this mom’s article to the moms who carpool her and never says caused me to better understand those other “please” when asked if she’d like moms’ lament. Though well meaning, the something. idea that teaching manners somehow robs our kids of true self-expression totally Though I bristled at the way these women misses the point of manners. gossiped about a young girl and the girl’s parents, who apparently “didn’t bother to Good manners are not about us. They’ve got teach her manners,” and found their remarks nothing to do with saying exactly ungracious (not to mention hypocritical; what we feel or being exactly who we are gossiping about a child is as ill-mannered as (other than well-mannered people). Good one can get!), I understood the moms’ manners are about others, about making frustration. Especially because lately, I’ve others know that they are worthy of been hearing more and more parents admit gratitude, worthy of a kind or even “magic” they don’t expect their kids to learn or to use word. Good manners are about letting others manners. It seems “old-fashioned,” I’ve know they are worthy of being respected. Of heard. Or “uppity,” even to lecture people being treated decently. Of being offered about their p’s and q’s. our bon mots — whether we feel like being polite or not. In a recent essay, another mom suggested that forcing her kids to practice good Honestly? I don’t often feel like being manners was teaching them to be polite. When it’s 20 degrees outside, I “inauthentic.” She wants them don’t feel like holding a door open at church to feel thankful more than she wants them to for the elderly man pushing his walker ever speak it. In the essay, she quotes a friend so slowly up the sidewalk. I feel like who once told her, “‘I want’ is the most pretending I don’t see him and rushing authentic thing anyone can say. The inside. But I don’t. I hold the door. Because emphasis on polite speech, and the need to it’s polite — and it’s not about me. say please and any real-time correction to that regard teaches the child that asking for I don’t often feel like smiling and saying what you want is not acceptable. It is my “please” when I’m rushing to get the belief that this type of grooming results in grocery store. But I do. I ask the butcher for adults who are unable to directly express four hand-trimmed chicken what they want. These adults learn to instead breasts please, not because I’m afraid to say

14 what I want, but because it’s good manners In some circles, this is called The Golden — and it’s not about me. Rule. In church circles, it’s about loving thy neighbor. In “uppity” circles, it’s called I don’t often feel like saying thank you to etiquette. But in each case, it’s about my husband or my kids when they do a treating others as you’d want to be treated. household chore (because, doesn’t thanking And that idea is anything BUT uppity or them make it seem like they did me a old-fashioned or inauthentic. Especially favor?! And not just something for the good because something magic happens the more of the household?), but I do. Because it’s we mind our manners: we start to feel the polite — and it’s not about me. words we say.

It’s about making that elderly man feel The more often I hold open doors, the more valued and welcomed. It’s about making the I appreciate the people who pass through. butcher feel appreciated. It’s about making The more often I say please, the more I my family feel loved. Good manners is value the people I ask. The more I thank my about others. And that’s what I want my family, the more grateful I feel for them. kids to learn. We value politeness because Feelings follow words. True story. we value kindness. And we practice both whether we feel like it or not, whether it’s If I want my kids to feel grateful authentic in the moment or not. and be kind, I’ll teach them to act that way with their words first.

Caryn Rivadeneira

15 How The Catholic Church Saved New York City, Part 1

Overcoming violent anti-Catholicism, poverty, and gangs, the Sisters of Charity opened the doors of opportunity to generations of immigrants.

The narrow hallways of 32 Prince Street in depositing a weary 68-year-old Bishop John Lower Manhattan silently echo with the Connolly on the bustling docks of the East stories of an age gone by: the long lost River. Connolly, being the second bishop of voices of orphan children clamoring in the New York, was the first to set foot on its small courtyard as the nuns would scurry cobbled streets, as the previous bishop lost about ushering them across the street for his life in the Napoleonic Wars before he Sunday Mass at the just dedicated “Old” St. could ever make the journey to the New Patrick’s Cathedral on Mott Street, a faded World. portrait of grace and beauty painted on a canvas that at the time could easily have Historian Monsignor Peter Guilday of been mistaken for hell. Catholic University remarks, “It may well be doubted if, in the entire history of the The Beginning Catholic Church in the United States, any other bishop began his episcopal life under The year was 1815, and New York “City” such disheartening conditions.” would be completely unrecognizable to those who identify it by its soaring Some 15,000 Catholics, four priests, and skyscrapers and broad avenues. It was a time three churches … one of which was 300 when Canal “Street,” actually a canal at the miles north, in Albany: This new flock, time, was the northernmost boundary. which was suffering abject poverty, disease, Beyond it were rolling hills, forests, and and anti-Catholic bigotry welcomed their farms leading clear up the Hudson River. new shepherd with hope. And he set about While the “teeming” population of 80,000 the business of serving his flock with supported itself through traditional trades, enviable zeal, attracting vocations, opening New York was rapidly becoming the parishes, and penning a letter that would import/export capital of the country with its ultimately lead to one his most notable expansive port and sheltered harbor. achievements.

The fledgling Catholic community, made up Among the imminent challenges facing the mainly of Irish, German, and French new bishop was that of homeless children. immigrants, was the religious minority, and Prostitution and contracted life expectancy anti-Catholic sentiment among the among adult parents due to disease led to an descendants of colonists was de rigueur. abundance of orphaned infants and children Few churches, and even fewer priests, made left to the streets. access to the sacraments a challenge. So in a letter dated July 14, 1817, to Mother On November 24, 1815, following a Elizabeth Ann Seton, whose growing order, grueling sea passage that had many the Sisters of Charity, had taken up convinced she had met her end in the depths residence in Emmitsburg, Maryland, Bishop of the Atlantic, the 147-ton brig ‘Sally’ Connolly implored her to send three nuns to dropped anchor in New York Harbor,

16 open an orphanage to serve the dire needs of educate orphans. Euphemia was laid to rest his burgeoning see. in view of the orphanage in the cemetery at St. Patrick’s on May 11, 1829. And barely a month later, on August 20, 1817, Sr. Rose White, Sr. Cecilia From humble beginnings in a city not yet O’Conway, and Sr. Felicite Brady of the realized, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Sisters of Charity arrived at their first home prophetic decision to send the three in New York, a small post-Revolutionary pioneering nuns to what would become the field hospital known as “The Dead House.” greatest city in the world laid the foundation Its wide plank floors were so stained with for over 180 schools, 28 hospitals, 23 soldiers’ blood that no amount of scrubbing childcare institutions and countless other would ever remove the memory of those ministries providing Faith-guided care that who crossed the threshold. allowed generations of impoverished immigrants to build lives filled with Within a week’s time, the Sisters welcomed promise, and build the city of dreams. the first five orphans into the shelter, and the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum of the Add to their litany of service, in 1862, their Sisters of Charity, the first Catholic care for the wounded soldiers returning from orphanage in the United States, was the Civil War, which dramatically altered established. By cleverly arranging the how Catholics were viewed at the time. In interior space, they managed to 1912 they received and cared for the accommodate 23 additional orphans, survivors of the ill fated R.M.S. Titanic at bringing the number to 28. St. Vincent’s Hospital, and in the 1950s taught a young Martin Scorsese how to read Over the next few years the orphanage grew and write at their St. Patrick’s School on in size and population, and was frequently Mott Street. visited by both benefactors and volunteers. Among them was a young black girl named In the dramatic tale of New York City, the Euphemia Toussaint and her uncle, Pierre, Sisters of Charity have played an epic role who would arrive bearing pastries and fruits as Catholic women, care givers, and to throw a great celebration for the young educators profoundly shaping the very soul girls’ birthdays. It is said that Euphemia’s of the city of concrete and steel. The legacy heart was with the orphans from her early of their heroic work is indivisibly woven in childhood, and after her tragic passing at the rich cultural fabric of a city of men and only 14 years of age, her uncle, who had women drawn by the promise of a better life previously been instrumental in raising … and a better life was exactly what the funds for both the church and orphanage, Sisters of Charity afforded them. redoubled his efforts, even opening his own home at 105 Reade Street to shelter and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, please pray for us.

Jeffrey Bruno

17 Are You Enjoying Your Internet? Thank This Jesuit.

Father Roberto Busa is credited with being Busa’s work stating that “if you browse the the inventor of the hyperlink. internet, you owe it to him; if you go from one site to another by clicking the links Father Roberto Busa was born on November marked in blue, you owe it to him. If you 28, 1913, in Vicenza, Italy, and died in use your PC to write emails and text August 2011. He entered the seminary in documents, you owe it to him.” 1928, joined the Jesuits in 1933, and was ordained a priest on May 30, 1940. He Once Busa finished his Index Thomisticus (a studied philosophy at the Pontifical job that took him about 50 years, covering Gregorian University in Rome, and his nine million words, as explained in this thesis on “the Thomistic terminology of article published by the Venezuelan Jesuit interiority” was published in 1949. SIC Magazine), he met with the founder of IBM, Thomas Watson, in order to produce a His thesis, however, was not his most digital version of the Index in which a important work on Aquinas: Father Busa is researcher could effectively search for also the author of the famous “Index related concepts in Aquinas’ work. Watson Thomisticus:” a work in 56 volumes, of told Busa that the computers they had back almost a thousand pages each. then could not relate the contents included in That’s quite a resume on its own. But Father the Index in any way. Busa, in a classic Jesuit fashion, went further: besides being a professor of Thomist Busa, of course, insisted. philosophy (and a polyglot who mastered Latin, Greek, German, French, English, and This conversation gave birth to the hypertext Spanish in addition to his native Italian) he project: a structure for sharing and linking is also considered the father of hypertext. information between different sources, through links. Next time you click on a link Stefano Lorenzetto, a journalist like this one, well, thank Busa! from L’Osservatore Romano, summarizes

Daniel Esparza

18 This Grandma Started A Global Ministry To Honor Our Lady And Bring Kids Back to Church

Conceived at Walsingham and born at Knock, the Catholic Grandparents Association is praying that families can be reunited in heaven, and on earth too.

Catherine Wiley was visiting the shrine of grandchildren. They wanted support, Our Lady of Walsingham in England on Our encouragement, guidance with interceding Lady’s birthday in 2002. As she prayed for their grandchildren and help in leading before a statue of Our Lady, she wondered them to heaven. So in 2009 Cathy decided to how she could bring some birthday joy as a form an association. gift to the Mother of Our Lord. She likes to say the Catholic Grandparents She thought of St. Anne and St. Joachim, Association was “conceived in Walsingham, parents of our Blessed Mother and and born in Knock!” grandparents of Jesus, and the idea of honoring Our Lady’s parents by supporting The Mission and Ministry of the Catholic grandparents in their role of spiritually Grandparents Association (CGA) is to “pass guiding their children came to mind. on our faith and keep prayer at the heart of family life.” As a grandmother herself, she knew many grandparents today suffer over their She says that these grandparents are grandchildren being raised without the faith, passionate about their most important or without proper catechesis. Many feel vocation, with a desire to leave their helpless and don’t know what to do to try to grandchildren a legacy of the gift of faith, guide their grandchildren to the beauty of which they received from their own parents our faith and the Sacraments. and grandparents.

Familiar with pilgrimages to the shrine at This year, the Knock pilgrimage will again Walsingham, Catherine proposed the idea of be held on September 8, Our Lady’s a pilgrimage especially for grandparents, to birthday. The pilgrimage consists of a be held on September 8, Our Lady’s special Mass said for all the grandchildren birthday. That first pilgrimage for represented by the grandparents there, and grandparents in 2003 was a beautiful start to recitation of the Grandparents Prayer. what is now an international ministry, with a Bishop of Elphin, with Mass for all the grandchildren represented Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo, by their grandparents that day. Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland, will celebrate the Mass. Many come by bus from all over An annual Grandparents Pilgrimage is now Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. held at Our Lady of Knock, Ireland. Before long, grandparents were telling Wiley that “Grandparents often feel that they are they felt they needed something more than failing,” Wiley commented. “They gain just an annual day of prayer. She was great peace and comfort knowing that they receiving calls from heartbroken are not alone in their anxieties for the future grandparents who knew how crucial faith in for their grandchildren. They are reassured God is, and wanted it so much for their to learn that we are practical as well as

19 spiritual, sharing ideas and resources to help the Cross during Lent. Both are open to all them with everyday anxieties and issues.” the children of the parish and have been well received and appreciated,” Henry said. Wiley wrote to Pope Benedict asking if he would write a special prayer for “One set of grandparents struggled to even grandparents. The Grandparents Prayer see their grandchildren. Faith was not below is the result. discussed in their home. Through sharing and prayer with others in the Ministry, the Joining in now from around the world are grandparents found strength to persist and branches of the Catholic Grandparents eventually, all three of their grandsons Association. There are several in the UK and celebrated their First Holy Communion on in Ireland, Australia, and now about 30 in the same day,” she added. the U.S. Nikki Mahn heads the CGA ministry at St The first one Catherine started herself at a Peter’s in Kirkwood, Missouri. parish in Florida, where she and her family vacation each year. One set of grandparents there has several adult children who are not sharing the faith Sowing The Seeds with their children. They continue to pray every day for every member of their family, Marilyn Henry was looking for something to including themselves. Yet now a grandson be involved with in her new parish in Texas. has entered the seminary to become a She’d recently been in a London church Catholic priest. where she’d picked up a CGA brochure titled, “Did you know that Jesus had One Missouri couple saw their grandparents?” With 11 grandchildren and grandchildren’s faith experience end at First fond memories of learning prayers at her Communion. But then a non-practicing adult grandmother’s knee, she saw the need for grandson starting asking questions, mostly such a ministry. She approached her pastor to refute Catholicism. With prayers for about starting a parish CGA ministry. Now guidance in these conversations, the it’s growing in her parish. grandparents responded gently and lovingly. Eventually, their grandson began to read “I think a wonderful tribute to our ministry about and study the Catholic faith and attend at my parish, Prince of Peace, Houston, is Mass. At 28, he made his Confirmation. that we were asked to be a team for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word — a perfect On fire for the faith, he now engages his fit — and the children love when it’s the own parents, who had been away from the grandparents turn. We have an ‘Adopt A Church for more than 50 years. His parents Prayer Child’ program where we add now attend church with him. He is the faith children’s names to our prayer book and leader of his family. The grandparents look pray for them at each meeting. Especially at their grandson as the shepherd Christ has touching was when a young mom asked us sent to bring their adult children back to the to include her children since they have no faith. grandparents to pray for them. This year we also added a monthly Children’s Rosary on A granddaughter shared her gratitude for her Sunday afternoon and Children’s Stations of grandparents’ prayers and guidance. “I

20 chose my Memaw for my sponsor. I wanted going to Mass. His parents did not go to her with me on my faith journey because she church. Father told him it was not his sin. was my biggest inspiration. Memaw is a Guess who brought him to confession. His Catholic woman that leads by example and grandmother.” says it meant the world that I chose to become Catholic. We both learned a lot Other ideas for the ministry include together, sharing a deeper love and celebrations of Bambinelli Sunday (Gaudete understanding of one another and Sunday), and an annual Grandparents Catholicism. Right now I am working while Picnic. One branch has a new program finishing my degree in Information called “Welcome, Little One,” where faith- Technology. I live with my Memaw and based packets are distributed to parents for Papaw and we share family dinners every children from birth/baptism to age 3, at 6- night and the 5 p.m. Mass every Saturday.” month intervals. The last packet encourages parents to enroll their little ones in the Wanting The Best Religious Education program.

While some of the chapters simply gather The New Paltz ministry is co-coordinated by the members to pray for their grandchildren, Donna Dietz, a grandmother of 20, with others invite a speaker on a topic of interest several great-grandchildren. Every to grandparents. Members worldwide can Wednesday, she has a family dinner for 35 view a monthly newsletter on the website. with grace before meals. Though the All meetings begin with the Grandparents ministry is still hoping to see more children Prayer and any updates on the grandchildren and grandchildren return to the Church, they represented. recognize that for now they are a source of security, comfort, structure and love to their In New Paltz, New York, Katherine families. Mironchik shares how important CGA has been at her parish of St. Joseph over the past Catherine Wiley remains an active part of four years. CGA in Ireland. “I consider that one of the most important achievements of the CGA “We raised our children in the faith, but since its inception has been to create sadly many of them are not practicing, awareness in the Church itself, of the untold which means that their children are not treasures parishes have in grandparents. being given the same opportunity for faith Grandparents are the same the world over. formation that we had given them. This is They simply want the best for their where we must come into the picture. If we grandchildren, for them to be good, decent don’t pass on our faith to our grandchildren, human beings, to develop a moral compass where will it be, in the future and for and to know that there is a loving God generations to come? … waiting for them with open arms whenever they go astray along the way.” “One pastor told me a boy came to confession to him and said his sin was not

Patty Knap

21 bring-kids-back-to-church

22 The Father of Puerto Rico’s Public Schools: Meet Venerable Rafael

He didn’t have the chances that other kids had, so he endeavored to change that for future generations.

Rafael Cordero y Molina came into this from other places. As time went by, world on October 24, 1790, in San Juan, underprivileged white children also began Puerto Rico. He was born into a poor family attending. At a time when racial segregation and had two older sisters. His dad, Lucas was a dominant factor in many places Cordero, worked on a tobacco farm and his around the world, Rafael treated all people mom, Rita Molina, took care of the children the same and never discriminated against and the home. Although technically not anyone. enslaved, they were black, and because of that, their children were not allowed to He would be at this school for the next 58 attend school. years. He taught children not only how to read and write, but also arithmetic, history, Rafael’s parents had a small amount of Catholic doctrine, and even calligraphy. The education and imparted what they could to place was not only a school — it was also their children. Rafael showed an instant love his home and a tobacco shop. He would of reading and began to read as much as he instruct the children, and while they studied, could. He developed a passion for literature he would roll cigars to sell. On the walls, he and that dedication, coupled with his had images of Our Lady of Mount Carmel determination to become a teacher, led him and his personal patron, St. Anthony of on his arduous journey to achieve his goal. Padua. There also was a large crucifix hanging for all to see. Rafael’s mom and dad did their best to instill the faith into their children. In 1847, Juan Prim Prats became the Instruction in the faith by the local priest Governor. He hated all non-whites and was open to all. At the age of 14, he immediately set out to subjugate them. He received the Sacrament of Confirmation and decreed the “Bando Negro” law, which from that point forward would continue to justified any aggression against blacks, be grow in faith and remain a devout Catholic they free or enslaved. Nevertheless, writings his entire life. show that Prim visited Rafael’s school several times and, unexpectedly, always Rafael began working in the tobacco fields approved of its operation. at a young age. When he was 20, he managed to open a school in the town of San Rafael attributed that to prayer and German. From the very beginning of his protection from Our Lady. Luckily, Prim career as a teacher, the young man would lasted in power only a year. never accept any money or gifts for his teaching. His earnings as a tobacco farmer Rafael Cordero’s reputation as a saintly and maker of tobacco products were the teacher grew, and more people wanted to only monies he would ever consider using. send their children to him, including the Rafael’s school in San German was on the rich. People began calling him the street known as Moon of San Juan. In the “Maestro.” Some of those who studied beginning, his students were those excluded under him included Alejandro Tapia y

23 Rivera, a famous poet and playwright, known as the “Father of Public Education in Roman Baldorioty de Castro, a professor Puerto Rico.” and politician, and Jose Julian Acosta, a journalist. Each year in Puerto Rico, the Rafael Cordero National Medal is given to the “Maestro” Rafael Cordero devoted his entire Teacher of the Year. Schools are named life to the free education of children and after him not only in Puerto Rico but also in young people. In 1868, sensing the end of Jersey City, New Jersey, and Brooklyn, New his life was near, he called his students York. together and prayed with them. He gave them his blessing saying, “My children, pray The schoolhouse he taught in is registered as for this poor old man who has taught you a historical site in the National registry of how much he knew; he has nothing left but a Historical Places of the United States. breath of life.” In 2004 the process of Rafael Cordero’s A few minutes later, at 5 p.m., he died. The canonization was begun. On December 9, date was July 5, 1868. Next to him was a 2013, declared that he had burning candle and scapulars sent to his lived a life of “heroic virtue” and was bedside by the Carmelites. More than 2,000 worthy of the title Venerable. people attended his funeral, and he became Venerable Rafael Cordero y Molina, please pray for us. Larry Peterson

24 One Word Could Destroy Catholic Education

In three amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme sexism may do less to protect the human Court filed last month, the bishops and rights of the minority than to erode the Catholic educators—together with other human rights of others, including their major religious groups—urged the Court to religious freedom. uphold the meaning of “sex.” “Were this Court to declare that ‘sex’ as It’s one little word. But if the Court gets it used in Title VII includes ‘gender identity,’” wrong, our religious freedom could be warns the U.S. Conference of Catholic quickly eroded. Bishops (USCCB) in two nearly identical And while all Catholics and Catholic briefs (here and here) to the Supreme Court, institutions would be endangered, there is a “it would open the floodgates to a host of double threat to Catholic education: both to problems, including for persons and the integrity of its employees, and to its institutions with religious and moral ability to teach young people the authentic convictions about sexual identity and sexual Catholic faith. difference.”

In its new term, the Supreme Court will take For Catholic educators, an added danger is up three cases considering whether Title that when the Education Department VII, the federal law prohibiting employment enforces Title IX, the federal law concerning discrimination, covers “gender identity” and sex discrimination in schools and colleges, it “sexual orientation” within the protected generally adopts the Court’s interpretation category of “sex.” of Title VII. So while the latter is focused only on employment, a distorted view of sex Congress has repeatedly voted to reject such discrimination could be applied to every an expansion of Title VII’s scope, but circuit activity of a school or college that courts have legislated from the bench and participates in any federal program. added the new categories in two Accreditors, state licensing agencies, and rulings: Altitude Express Inc. v. athletic associations would also embrace the Zarda and R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral new standards, even when applied to Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Catholic schools and colleges that take no Opportunity Commission. In Bostock v. federal money. Clayton County, Georgia, the 11th Circuit upheld the longstanding meaning of “sex The Cardinal Newman Society signed on to discrimination” as ensuring fairness between both USCCB briefs with special concern for men and women. Catholic education, which has been the target of lawsuits claiming It’s been said repeatedly: the Church could discrimination. These suits often challenge never support outright discrimination. But educators’ right to dismiss employees who the law can be a blunt and powerful weapon, announce same-sex marriages. The amicus and adding or expanding categories of briefs explain: protected classes is a very serious business. Enshrining in law the notion that moral To carry out their religious mission, faith- judgments about behaviors and lifestyles are based schools must be able to hire and retain illegal discrimination akin to racism or employees who agree with, and abide by the

25 tenets of, the faith that it is the school’s Government action that infringes purpose to impart. Few things undermine a the school’s right to convey its religious faith-based school’s religious message as message would also infringe upon the rights much as speech or conduct on the part of of parents who want their children to be school administrators and teachers that reared in that faith tradition. Parents contradict, reject, or distort that message. naturally expect that the faith-based school Children and young adults will hardly find will be led by administrators, and their religious faith attractive or persuasive— children will be taught by faculty, who agree quite the opposite—when those in positions with and model that tradition for their of authority contradict the faith by word or children. example. If this Court were to decide that Title VII forbids sexual orientation A separate amicus brief petitioning the discrimination in the workplace, it could Supreme Court on the three upcoming “sex” require that religious schools hire and retain cases, was filed last month by more than 40 employees who, by their speech and religious colleges including several conduct, violate the religious teaching, faithful Newman Guide colleges: Belmont including teaching on sexual ethics, that is a Abbey College, Benedictine College, The constitutive part of the school’s professed Catholic University of America, Franciscan faith. And that in turn will imperil the ability University of Steubenville, and John Paul of the school to effectively teach its faith. the Great Catholic University.

See how that happens? If Catholic In addition to many good arguments against institutions cannot uphold moral standards inserting “gender identity” and “sexual for employees, they lose their integrity as orientation” into nondiscrimination statutes, Catholic. And furthermore, because schools the colleges also make the important point and colleges are specifically dedicated to that, if such a change were to be made, forming young people in the faith, a change Congress is far better suited than the courts to Title VII would threaten their ability to to write law that considers the many ensure that no employee teaches anything intricacies and likely conflicts with the First contrary to Catholic doctrine—especially by Amendment’s guarantee of free exercise of the witness of their behaviors and public religion: actions outside the classroom. … interpreting “sex” to include sexual Hypocrisy does not simply diminish orientation and gender identity would grant Catholic education. It is, as we have LGBTQ employees protected class status tragically seen in many schools and colleges without carefully balancing that protection over the last few decades, the greatest against liberty-protecting provisions tailored impediment to authentic Catholic education. to fit the risks and conflicts that arise for religious universities and their exercise of This is not simply a threat to Church religion. institutions. It is a threat to parents, who are the primary educators of their children and At the very least, the Supreme Court must have the natural right to choose the acknowledge that expanding the scope of education that helps form their children in Title VII to categories that directly challenge truth. The USCCB rightly acknowledges moral standards and the Christian this: understanding of marriage, sexuality, and

26 the human person is extremely Catholic institutions need to prepare for such complicated—unless the court chooses to growing threats to their religious integrity. If simply diminish freedom of religion we are to stand any chance of preserving altogether. And that’s what’s at stake in truly Catholic institutions within the law, these cases. then we need to do so with the greatest fortitude, fidelity, consistency, and I urge all Catholics to pray fervently for transparency regarding our Catholic beliefs wisdom for the Court and a good outcome. and why we can never compromise them. Meanwhile, Catholic educators and all

Patrick J. Reilly

27 How to Be The Kind Of Parent Your Child Needs in The Stands

The popular tendency of parents coaching on the sidelines can have adverse effects — here’s a way to correct it.

In our house, fall sports season is underway. experience, peer pressure among groups of Sienna, my 8th grader, is in her second year parents is usually a manifestation of our of JH Volleyball. Charlotte, my 5th grader, desire to show that we’re invested, is playing volleyball for the first time. As involved, good parents. The definition of they settle into the familiar routine of what makes a good parent can differ wildly practices, games, and frantic searches for from group to group. Often it differs wildly kneepads, I’m settling back into my own from parent to parent in the same group. But familiar routine on the sidelines: being when it comes to sports, there seems to be a silent. consensus: good parents should also be good coaches, understanding both the sport and Okay, not totally silent. I cheer for them their child in the sport enough to when they serve and return volleys, and say, troubleshoot. Out loud. “That’s okay, shake it off” when they miss one. I shout general encouragement to the My 9-year-old son Liam played indoor team as a whole. Other than that, I keep my soccer over the summer, and I loved mouth shut. watching him play. He wasn’t very good, and he clearly didn’t have a solid grasp of If your kids play sports, or you played sports the game, but he ran around the field with as a kid, or you’ve ever been to youth sports this goofy-happy smile on his face the whole game–heck, even if you’ve ever seen The time. He loved playing soccer, and I loved Mighty Ducks, you know that this puts me watching him enjoy the game. in the minority of parents. Most grade school volleyball, soccer, and basketball I don’t know the first thing about soccer, games echo with the shouts of parents though I slowly became aware of just how coaching from the stands, totally invested in much the parents around me understood it. their children’s performance. Not just the basic rules, but strategy — they shouted out tips and tricks and used soccer I get it. I’ve been there — in fact, I wrote an terms I had to google later. It made me feel article a few years ago on the moment I kind of dumb, and for the first time in years realized that sideline-coaching was doing I felt the urge to shout out my own more harm than good. My conviction that instructions. Not to actually instruct, mind parents need to stick to parenting and let the you. To fit in. To prove that I, too was a coaches do their job hasn’t wavered since savvy soccer mom. then. The more sports my kids have participated in, the stronger that conviction Here’s the thing: I am not a savvy soccer becomes. But I’ve started to become aware mom. So I stayed in my lane and contented of the subtle power of parental peer pressure myself with watching. As I watched, I saw at these after-school games. many a child’s heads turn like a swivel at the sound of their parents’ voice. No matter Peer pressure doesn’t just disappear once what was happening, when kids on the you turn 30, y’all. It’s pervasive. In my

28 playing field heard their parents, they voice to focus on and only one instruction at immediately lost focus on the game. a time to implement. I’m giving them the unadulterated experience of playing the Our kids are attuned to us. They want to game for is own sake, not for mine. please us and make us proud. They don’t want to disappoint us. The strength of the So my fellow parents, I encourage you to do parent-child bond is so strong that it can pull the same. It might feel awkward at first, a kid right out of the intense state of focus especially if you’ve always been a savvy that team sports foster. It can distract them sports mom (or dad). But just try it. For one at a critical juncture. It can also drive them game, resist the temptation to instruct, to extraordinary feats — but that drive isn’t coach, or correct from the stands. Resist the coming from the competition itself. It’s temptation to join in with the other parents, coming from the desire to please — or either out of habit or peer pressure. worse, the fear of disappointing — a parent. Just watch. Watch your kid, watch the other I don’t like sitting on the sidelines like a kids — then afterward, ask your child if they lump on a log. It makes me feel disengaged, noticed a difference. Ask them how they feel and I get self-conscious that other parents about you being silent instead of vocal. I are judging me. But when I watch my don’t know what their answer will be, but I daughter get drawn into an intense play, or know my kids appreciate me showing up as my son run around the field with a goofy their mom, and leaving the coaching up to grin, I know it’s worth it. My silence is a gift the actual coach. Because that’s the way it to my kids. I’m giving them the gift of should be. hearing only one coach, of having only one

Calah Alexander

29 How to Develop A Good Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher

It can make all the difference for a great school year.

I’ll be honest, y’all — when my kids first don’ts to help foster a solid relationship with started school, I wasn’t very invested in my your child’s teacher. own relationship with their teachers. Part of it was sheer overwhelm. With four kids 1. DO: SIGN UP AS A VOLUNTEER under 7, being able to send one out the door to a full day of kindergarten was nothing When that sheet got passed around on Meet short of miraculous, yet it didn’t exactly free the Teacher night, did you sign up? If not, up my time. But the other part was mostly check your email and see if the teacher has ignorance. I figured that since teachers are asked for additional help or mentioned professionals, I would leave the teaching volunteer spots that haven’t been filled. Pick thing to them and stay in my lane. one — even if it’s not your cup of tea — and just do it. I signed up to help in the 3rd grade It wasn’t until my kids got older, when both garden last year (despite the fact that plants their education and their emotional lives have been known to die just from being in became more complex, that I realized how my presence) because it was the last slot much overlap there is between the parents available. But I knew that face time was and the teacher in a child’s life. It’s so much important, both for my son and for his easier for everyone — not to mention teacher. And guess what? I learned that the infinitely more beneficial for kids — if that garden is actually a pretty cool place to overlap develops into a harmonious volunteer. As long as someone else is in relationship. After all, teachers aren’t charge. exactly in this for the cash. They are 100% invested in our kids, but they can’t help 2. DON'T: SHOW UP UNNANOUNCED teach and guide them if they don’t have a fuller understanding of their lives at home One year, my daughter’s 1st grade teacher and their struggles outside the classroom. — who was brand new to teaching — got a trial by fire in the form of an overly The same can be said for us parents. The involved but unhelpful parent. This mom reports our kids bring home are had some separation anxiety combined with understandably one-sided, and it’s definite expectations about what kind of impossible for us to help teach them how to education her daughter should be getting, tackle academic struggles or navigate social and that mix made for an unnecessarily stress without seeing the bigger picture. stressful fall semester. She would show up at any hour and enter the side door instead of Establishing friendly and collaborative checking in at the front office (where they relationships with teachers is essential in certainly would have stopped her from order to give our kids a solid foundation of interrupting class). She would creep into the support. But you don’t have to go overboard classroom and just sit, observing and, and text your kid’s teacher so often that your eventually, correcting the teacher. This iPhone automatically sorts them under undermined the teacher’s authority and her “favorites” — I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t confidence, as well as disrupting the class. appreciate that. Here’s a list of dos and Eventually the faculty stepped in and

30 handled the situation, but the year had their lifeline to their own family, friends, started so poorly that the class never fully and children. Unless they’ve explicitly recovered … and the sweet teacher never requested communication via text, respect returned. those boundaries and go through proper channels. Second, don’t ask for special 3. DO: SCHEDULE PARENT-TEACHER favors unless it’s an emergency. Seriously, CONFERENCES these teachers work long, long hours … and yes, most of them will acquiesce and find I know, so many times stuff comes up with time for whatever it is you need, because our kids and we feel like the teacher needs they care about your kid that much. But to know right now, or respond to … also guess who’s paying for that time? Their own right now! Sometimes that’s true, but those family, or their church community, or times are much rarer than we tend to sometimes even their peace of mind. Don’t believe. If parent-teacher conferences are do that to them. Just pick a time slot and months away, it’s totally cool to send an make it work. email (NOT a text) and ask if the teacher can meet with you for half an hour at a time 5. DO: GIVE THOUGHTFUL GIFTS of his or her convenience. Put those parameters in there, because limiting the I am a terrible gift-giver. Luckily, my mom time and allowing flexibility to always has my back. She spent years accommodate their schedule makes them teaching before transitioning to much more likely to respond positively … administration, so she understands the and less likely to dread the meeting when it importance of teacher gifts and never fails to arrives. Remember, teachers are people too, have something thoughtful picked out for all and they spend every day trying to teach our the kids’ teachers for holidays and teacher kids the best they know how. Give them appreciation. It doesn’t have to be some grace and have patience. expensive, either — last year we gave Trader Joe’s mason jar cookie mixes to the 4. DON'T: BE INTRUSIVE OR kids’ teachers because they were cleverly DEMANDING named, “It’s Sedimentary, My Dear Watson.” Don’t break the bank, but do make My anxiety level skyrockets when I get that the effort. Sign Up Genius alert to schedule a parent- teacher conference and hastily log in only to 6. DON'T: SEND NEGATIVE SIGNALS find all the normal human hours taken, leaving me with 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. But guess Every year, someone puts a picture on what? I pick the least awful, because Facebook of a wine bottle with their kid’s the most awful choice would be to text the face printed on the label and some caption teacher and ask for a time outside the three like, “because my kid is why you drink.” It solid days she’s already blocked off for makes me wince, because that’s not funny. nothing but one-on-ones with parents. First That’s telling the teacher exactly what you of all, texting is intrusive. It’s impossible to think of your own child, and if you make compartmentalize texts the way you can your child take it in? Double whammy, with emails, because at least the inbox can because now you’re taking a blow at your be checked only during hours they’ve child’s self-worth in the process. Gifts that dedicated to work. But their cell? That’s undermine or denigrate either the amazing

31 work teachers do every day or the amazing with your child’s teacher than appropriate little creatures they do it for are completely gift-giving and resigning yourself to Sign- inappropriate. Remember that the gifts you Up Genius leftovers. But these are solid give your child’s teacher reveal a lot about ways to start building a foundation of you as a parent and as a human being. Make respect and goodwill that will give your them thoughtful, kind, and considerate. child, their teacher, and yourself the best chance for a wonderful school year. These things are just the basics — there’s a lot more to developing a solid relationship

Calah Alexander

32 Nassau Archbishop Assesses Post-Hurricane Challenges in Bahamas

Archbishop Patrick C. Pinder of Nassau, another and to "rely on the grace of the Holy Bahamas, celebrated Mass Sept. 8 for Spirit to give us the wisdom, the peace of evacuee families and Catholic school staff mind and the strength to make it through this members a week after Hurricane Dorian most difficult time in the history of our slammed into the islands. nation."

"I spoke about the hurricane aftermath, then In the phone interview with the Florida invited the people to come up for a blessing Catholic, archdiocesan newspaper of Miami, and we spent some time in quiet prayer he said two schools and one parish on Abaco commending to God the many who perished Island were destroyed: St. Francis de Sales in the storm," the archbishop said by phone Catholic School in Treasure Cay and Every Sept. 8 about the Mass he celebrated Mass at Child Counts School for Special Students in St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Nassau on Marsh Harbour, along with Ss. Mary and New Providence Island. Andrew Catholic Church and rectory in Treasure Cay, which the archbishop The archbishop described Hurricane Dorian described as now "a pile of rubble" as a "horrific experience" where many lost following Dorian. their homes, and some lost all their possessions. "It is sheer terror and confusion On Grand Bahama Island near Freeport, the for those who had their homes compromised retreat center and church of Mary Star of the in the middle of the storm and had to Sea was damaged. A group of storm relocate, and all the challenges that poses, evacuees have taken up temporary residence and then be taken to places where there were at St. Francis de Sales and Mary Star of the large crowds of people." Sea parishes.

He said most of the stories he is hearing are The archbishop noted that all of the of "terror, fear, pain, loss and so on." archdiocesan priests are accounted for following the hurricane. He also said he has The death toll in the Bahamas climbed to 45 received messages of support and offers of the morning of Sept. 9 and was expected to assistance from near and far, including a "lot continue rising as search and rescue of support from the Miami Archdiocese." operations continue from the storm which What worries him now is "making sure stalled over the northern Bahamas Sept. 1-3. everyone has the basic needs and that we The Bahamas government estimates that have a good assessment of the needs and Dorian affected 70,000, and 60% of those priorities." affected may have lost their homes. Many people are reportedly still unaccounted for. Archbishop Pinder said the plan is to In a Sept. 5 video statement posted on the accommodate all the displaced Catholic Nassau Archdiocesan website, the school students at Catholic schools in New archbishop said he believes the official death Providence Island and there has also been toll "is bound to increase." discussion about accommodating some of the displaced students from public schools. He said in the statement that in the aftermath of the storm it is important to care for one "We are still working through this. We have

33 only begun to understand the full depths of shuttling nearly 300 first responders and this catastrophe: This is a disaster on a scale volunteers to the Bahamas earlier in the that we have never seen before," he said. week.

Plans are also underway to offer post- - - - traumatic stress counseling for Dorian survivors. Hurricane relief donations to CRS can be sent here: Meanwhile in Florida, some 1,100 evacuated Bahamian residents arrived Sept. dorian and to Catholic Charities USA here: 7 at the Port of Palm Beach with transportation courtesy of Bahamas Paradise ?vid=1snqm. Cruise Line's Grand Celebration, which was

Tom Tracy

34 Police Issue List of 15 Apps Your Children Should Avoid

And your kids may already be using a few of these.

The minute children start getting going to or even detailed information about smartphones, tablets, or computers, parents vacations. If they’re desperate to share start to get concerned about what their holiday pics, make sure they post them once children are being exposed to, considering they’ve returned. all the potential cyber dangers out there. As it happens, parents are right to feel such Activate those privacy settings concern. We need to be very selective about the apps we allow our children access to. Insist on checking your child’s settings, keeping them as private as possible. Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office has released a useful graphic for parents to No meet-ups navigate the dangers of different apps, stating: Insist that your child never meet up with someone they or you don’t already know What originally began as a list of nine apps well. parents should know about quickly grew to 15 and there are more out there. During Honesty is key Operation Intercept VI, 25 men utilized these specific mobile applications to contact There’s a reason that apps require the age of and have sex with who they believed were their users. Make sure your child signs up 14-year-old children. We will continue to with their real age. This one can be hard to conduct these operations and add to this list monitor, so you’ll have to explain why they so long as the internet and social media is need to be truthful; avoiding adult content, used to lure and prey on our children. scary material, and those lurking predators.

While this list is by no means exhaustive, it Social networks are open to the public and is a great start. However, with thousands of store everything apps out there, children still remain vulnerable to predators. So in order to help Children can be silly and share inappropriate you and your children navigate new opinions they don’t really have, or photos technology, it’s important to consider these that are not suitable for sharing. This has extra points too that are based on guidelines even led to not getting jobs later in life. from Kids Health, and my own experience Encourage your children to post only things as a mom of four: that are kind or that they wouldn’t mind their parish priest seeing. You can insist that Anonymity is key you, or a family member they’re close to, is a “friend” or connection on the same site. Be Make sure your children post as little aware, though — kids often set up an extra personal information as possible, especially Facebook page or Instagram accounts. home and school address and date of birth. Also be sure that your child knows never to post about the location of a party they’re

35 Be wise them some examples of what not to click on. Tell them if they do come across something Sad though it is, people often lie in the that makes them feel remotely virtual world, especially those with bad uncomfortable to report it. If they’re not intentions. Make sure your kids are aware happy doing that, tell them to inform you. that people are not always who they appear to be. You can actually demonstrate this by Teach them there’s no such thing as a setting up a fake account and showing them freebie! just how easily it is done. Kids are very tempted to click on links Avoid inappropriate material offering them free goods, a trip to Disney World, or even the latest smartphone. Make Explain to your children what is sure your kids know that these ads are just a inappropriate so they avoid clicking on it. way of getting more information from them This can be tricky, so you can try and show and must be avoided at all costs.

Cerith Gardiner

36 Jharkhand, Hindu Radicals Devastate A Jesuit College. 'Completely Destroyed'

The St. John Berchmans Inter College in Mundli was destroyed and raided by a crowd of 500 people. The pretext of the attack was a quarrel between students and tribal boys hosted in the hostel adjacent to the school. The management asks for help from the National Commission for Human Rights and the Commission for Minorities.

A Jesuit-run Catholic school in Jharkhand Hostel and beat them fiercely. Two of them was devastated last week by a crowd of 500 suffered serious injuries and were saved people, presumed radical Hindu nationalists, only thanks to the intervention of the sisters and no one intervened to bring the culprits to who came between the attacked and the justice. criminals. The crowd also tried to block the ambulance called to transport the injured to The incident was denounced by Fr. Thomas the hospital. Kuzhively, secretary of the institute, who yesterday released an official statement Fr. Nobor Bilung, the principal, tried to calm condemning the inertia of government people, but "he just managed to dodge a authorities. The school is the St. John blow on the head. The crowd was in no Berchmans Inter College of Mundli and is condition to listen to anyone. " The attackers run by the Jesuits of the Dumka-Raiganj shattered the windows, bent the fan blades province. The priest complains: "Everything on the ceiling, damaged the exhaust pipes, is destroyed. We can't reopen college.” the furniture, the electrical panels and the stereo system. The school leadership appeals to the governor of Jharkhand, the Chief minister After devastating the school, they went on to and the presidents of the National the hostel, destroying CCTVs, bulletin Commission for Human Rights and the boards, chairs, benches, pictures hanging on National Commission for Minorities. The the wall and everything they encountered on incident took place last September 3, in a their way. long sequence of discriminatory acts against the state's Christian minority. "Not satisfied," he adds, they tried to harass the sisters and the girls; finally they broke According to Fr. Kuzhively, unleashing the into the veranda where some motorcycles fury of Hindu activists would have been a were parked, smashing them into pieces; quarrel between some students living in the then they stole three used phones from the adjacent hostel, which is home to tribal hostel's kids and the money stored in the youth. "Why - he asks - was no one arrested principal's office. The estimated damage of after eight days? Is this not letting these the entire devastation amounts to 1.5 million antisocial elements take over, being passive rupees (19 thousand euros). [to their] cynical activities? " Even the policemen from the Tinpahar The secretary said the crowd showed up at station were not spared from the crowd's the college armed with sticks, chains, iron fury: some of them were injured, including a clubs, knives and guns. Then they selected deputy inspector, after stopping a group of the tribal students of the Loyola Adivasi rioters. "It is obvious - concludes Fr.

37 Kuzhively - that someone from outside fomented them."

Asia News/Agencies,-Hindu-radicals-devastate-a-Jesuit-college.- 'Completley-destroyed'-47981.html

38 When Children Are Separated from Their Parents Their Genetics Change

But we can use this knowledge to help mitigate and heal the effects of childhood trauma.

The heated political battle currently being epigenetic changes — changes in the way waged over immigration has put children that the body turns genes on and off, and front and center in public awareness — regulates biological processes — that can namely, the trauma that children suffer when last into adulthood … they are separated from their parents. Multiple studies have confirmed differences It’s a trauma we don’t like to talk about. It in the activity levels of hundreds of genes of makes us uncomfortable for various reasons. adults who suffered childhood trauma versus For some, it’s a trauma they’ve personally adults who did not. Some of those genes known and experienced. For others, it’s a control cortisol levels and brain foreign concept, but one we should neuroplasticity, but the function of many nevertheless recognize the enormity of. genes altered by childhood trauma is still unknown. Scientists theorize that these For children, the trauma of being separated genetic changes could affect everything from their parents is not merely limited to an from growth and development to hormone emotional response … in fact, as Medium regulation — but what’s certain is that points out, this type of trauma effects childhood trauma causes measurable children permanently, at a genetic level: physical changes that last well into adulthood. Young children rely on their parents to help them handle unfamiliar, stressful situations Personally, I have a tendency to shy away because their ability to regulate their from the gritty details of the effects of emotional response to change, or threats in childhood trauma primarily because it the environment, isn’t fully developed yet. makes me feel helpless. The sad truth is that “Children use parents and familiar there’s nothing we can do to wholly prevent caregivers as a way to navigate uncertainty children being separated from their parents. and stress in the world,” says Seth Pollak, There will always be children who are who heads the Child Emotion Research abandoned, or whose parents have been Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin. killed. Even children whose parents decide “They can’t handle things alone the way they can’t raise them and make an adoption adults can.” plan for them can suffer effects from that separation. This kind of trauma will always So taking young children away from their be a reality for someone, somewhere. And parents and placing them in a confusing, the inevitability of the epigenetic changes overwhelming environment leaves them that result from that trauma seems largely unable to cope. “These children are completely overwhelming. likely having really, really extreme stress, and they don’t have a way to bring that But it occurs to me that as with everything, stress response down,” Pollak says. it’s a matter of perspective. Rather than looking at these studies as hard evidence of That sort of trauma, and exposure to large an inevitable reality, we can choose to see amounts of stress in childhood, is linked to them as guideposts for a new way forward.

39 It’s true that some children will suffer from they can help a child heal, and build a new this kind of trauma — but it’s also true that future on new, solid ground. there’s a lot we can do to alleviate that suffering. Being aware of the damage that Perhaps most significantly, these studies can separation does is the first step, one that just make us aware of the needs of children who might convince a parent or teacher to have suffered trauma. Whether we’re their embrace a child rather than take flight. caregivers, teachers, doctors, or friends, These studies might also be the push couples being aware of the physical and mental toll considering adoption need to take that leap trauma takes on a child can move us to be — not because they can replace the parents more understanding, patient, and loving — lost or erase their child’s past, but because and love is, after all, what these kids need the most. Calah Alexander change

40 The Truth Behind Teens Who Self-Harm

Adolescents who turn to cutting or other self-injury are really making cries for help.

Self-harm among teens is not a whim, relieve the stress and give an illusion of fashion, or way to attract attention. When some kind of control over a situation from we spread such views, we prove to many which they can’t see an exit, similar to teenagers that they’re correct in their deep alcohol or other drugs for addicts. feeling of being alone with their problems. Self-harming has complex causes, is Suicide “rehearsal” difficult to stop, and is a signal that help is necessary. Physical self-harming is sometimes a “rehearsal” of sorts for suicide. It manifests Teen rebellion an extreme lack of self-acceptance, or a feeling that the problems someone is When a child enters the teenage years, it’s experiencing are unbearable. It can also be easy for parents to succumb to the illusion an attempt to deal with anger that they find that they are needed less. After all, kids that no other way to express, name, and use age can reheat food from the fridge, and constructively. By mutilating themselves, maybe even cook something impressive; teenagers turn their anger against they can stay home alone, or go to the themselves. supermarket. Often this feeling is accompanied by the expectation that since Reading internet forums where teens vent they’re already growing up, they should their feelings offers nothing but sadness. somehow already be grownups: think, What do children who self-harm write in the behave and act like fully mature persons. abyss of cyberspace? “I’ve had enough of my life. Constant fights with my parents, Meanwhile, the period of adolescence can humiliation by my sister who on top of it all be full of anxiety and extremely difficult beats me, and other problems. I have no one experiences. What is superficially seen as I can trust completely.” “I’m cutting myself; “teenage rebellion” reflects an internal I want to kill myself because everyone conflict they feel while they seek answers to turned away from me, I have no friends, no questions about their identity, the meaning one. They call me names, I’m sick of it.” of life, and the laws that govern it. They become incredibly vigilant in finding Help needed immediately inconsistency between what parents say and what they do, and very sensitive to how In July, a Polish internet web page called society portrays teens. “Porcelain Angels” (“Porcelanowe Aniołki”), co-created by Amelia Self-harming is an external expression of the Gruszczyńska (a high-school student in great tension and stress of this time for Poland) and other teenagers who have teenagers. It’s a desperate attempt to deal experienced serious crises, offered a survey with mental pain. Physical pain helps asking about the needs of people who self- momentarily redirect attention from harm. In the responses to the survey, there emotional distress. Cutting and other forms are a few answers that come up very often, of self-mutilation are sought as a means to such as “I need someone to hug me,” and “I

41 need someone close to be with me, to tell me to know how to stay close to their children, that he/she needs me.” or where the teens have a hard time relating to others or expressing their pain. Self- These voices are moving. At the same time, harming is a signal that there is a need to they are an important and helpful clue. talk about feelings and hardships. It’s a Teenagers want us to be with them. They silent cry for help: suffering covered with a want a judgment-free closeness, the tender curtain of shame, and sometimes also a and accepting presence of a wise adult who mask of talking back or full-on rebellion. will guide them in a world full of questions It’s a clumsy way to express the innermost and pain. They need someone who will not needs of their being: “See me. Notice me. put up a wall of criticism, but who will Help me. Don’t leave me.” accept them as they are. We can’t ignore them. We need to help Loneliness them. If your child is involved in cutting or other forms of self- Teens suffer loneliness both in so-called mutilation, inform yourself and seek “dysfunctional families” and in “ordinary” professional counseling. homes where sometimes it’s hard for parents

Malgorzata Rybak

42 Philip Rivers Greets Catholic Sisters Before Kick-Off

The Dominican sisters from Ann Arbor are big fans of the Catholic quarterback.

When Los Angeles Chargers quarterback them on again for a ”where are they now?” Philip Rivers took to the field to face the show. Detroit Lions on their home turf, he spotted some very friendly faces on the sidelines. Along with his wife Tiffany, Rivers has been a supporter of the community since Several religious sisters from the Dominican 2012, and in 2015, the Sisters awarded him Sisters of Mary, based in Ann Arbor, the 2015 Medal of St. Dominic, recognizing Michigan, beamed as Rivers ran to greet his life of service and faith, highlighting the them at their seats at Detroit’s Ford Field seriousness which he sees himself as a role just before kick-off. model, his charity work with abandoned and orphaned children, and for serving as a Rivers, a devout Catholic, is an old friend of proponent of chastity and natural family the order, which was founded in 1997 by planning. He and his wife welcomed their four Sisters whose mission was to establish ninth child in March of 2019. a new religious community that combined their Dominican monastic heritage with their Known for attending Mass before every commitment to the New Evangelization. game, upon receiving an honorary degree from The Catholic University of America in In only 20 years, the community has grown 2014, Rivers told the assembled that his to over 140 Sisters, with an average age of priorities, were faith, family, and football – 32 years old. Their youth, inspiring faith, “in that order.” and infectious enthusiasm even drew the attention of Oprah, who featured them twice While Rivers’ visit with the Sisters didn’t on her show in 2010 and then, because the manage to help him beat the Lions, who shows were so popular, five years later had won 13-10, it certainly goes down as a win in our book. Zelda Caldwell

43 Enrollment Loss Belies Test Score Rise

Our wonderful principals, teachers, and volunteers tell us the sense of common students already have a week behind them as mission, cooperation, dedication, and joy is our renowned Catholic schools get back into tangible. session. Alleluia! All of this good news inspires me This is an appropriate moment to welcome to express once again my high confidence in all of them back, to thank God for the gift of our Catholic schools, my eagerness to the Church’s educational endeavors, and to strengthen them even beyond their A+ commend all those passionate about it. ratings, and my aversion to close any of Good news abounds as the academic year them. I believe our schools are one of the commences. most effective enterprises we have, celebrated for their service to God, Church, You saw, I hope, the stunning results from country, and community. It has been a the state administered tests: our schools hallmark of our Catholic family to support excel over all the competition! Public them vigorously, to the point of sacrifice, schools, even charters, are behind us. No and to enroll our children in them. We surprise to those of us long aware of the deeply believe they are well worth all the excellent scholastic success of our schools, blood, sweat, and tears they bring...or, at for generations. least, I thought so...

Of those freshmen who entered a Catholic Now, justice requires that I be equally blunt high school last week, 99% of them will about the looming somber news about our graduate in four years, and 98% will go on cherished schools: enrollment is down. to college. At the close of last academic year, last June, More good news: we are able to continue I wrote in this column about why our keeping the costs down, without sacrificing schools are worrisome. One would think that quality. You have seen the stat: it costs a the excellent academic record, respected public school $25,199 each year to educate a teachers, environment of faith, character, student; it runs us $8,660. and virtue, with revered discipline and order, would mean waiting lists to get in, as was Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, true in the recent past. our parishes, our archdiocese, no student has to pay that full freight. Our average Think that no more: the most pointed threat elementary school tuition is $5,906.78. It’s we face is low enrollment. Candor compels our people, our parishes, our archdiocese me to say it: more and more of our parents that makes up the difference, while, in are deciding not to enroll their children in a addition, $44,206,315 annually comes from Catholic school. the archdiocese, our parishes, and our When a school closes, we all look for the acclaimed Inner-City Scholarship Fund, to blame. We can’t blame the inferiority of a provide a boost to 62,605 students. school, since all our schools are good; we can’t blame the “mean old archdiocese,” And the spirit in our schools is reported since the generosity of God’s people in our high. Our principals, teachers, staff, and archdiocese and our parishes (as well as

44 plenty of grand people who are not even Many of our Catholic children go to them, Catholic) is towering. and a strong, safe, successful public school system is a sine qua non for the common But I am afraid we can blame the parents good. who are choosing not to enroll their kids in one. But, when all is said and done, there’s only one real, enduring value to our Catholic Even the Church is under the “law of supply schools. That value was articulated to me and demand.” That means that if the demand last month when I visited our friends at the for our schools shrinks, their supply will as Bruderhof Community, who have long well. admired and supported our Catholic schools.

Why would parents not enroll their children One of their leaders remarked, “We prize a in a Catholic school? Got me. You’d have to first-rate education for our children. We tell ask them. them to take school very seriously, because it will prepare them for life, and give them I’m told it’s because of expense, although the skills they need to flourish and be we run them so frugally and help those who responsible.” can’t pay as best we can. “But,” he went on, “it dawned on us: what Others speculate it’s because parents no are we saying to our children if they are in a longer have faith formation for their children school where God, faith, prayer, the Bible, as a priority. I sure hope that’s not true. and morality are not part of the ethos of the school? The answer is clear: we’re telling Then I hear that the public schools in some them that faith is not as important for a good districts are very good, plus they’re free. life as science, math, history, literature, and (They’re really not, of course, since they’re art. So, like you Catholics, we started our subsidized by soaring property taxes levied own.” on everyone, even upon parents who pay tuition to send their kids to a Catholic As Jesus taught, “What does it profit us if school.) We are certainly delighted that our we gain the world and lose our soul!” public schools are improving. Alleluia!

Cardinal Timothy Dolan,19726

45 Arizona House Speaker Calls Out Planned Parenthood’s ‘Business Plan of Hell’, And He’s Not Backing Down

The Republican Speaker of the Arizona children? How can I accept that and think of House is standing by comments this past my grandchildren?” weekend accusing Planned Parenthood of encouraging sexual promiscuity among The comments came in the context of a children so they can reap profits from debate over the state’s sex-education treating the resulting sexually-transmitted standards, and specifically changes backed diseases and aborting the unwanted babies. by Democrat Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman, which State Rep. Rusty Bowers was speaking at an were rejected in June. The proposal, event sponsored by the group Family Watch developed with the help of the LGBT group International, the Arizona Mirror reported. Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network He accused the “insidious” Planned (GLSEN), would have among other things Parenthood of having “created the business removed a ban on teaching “abnormal, plan of hell.” deviate, or unusual sexual acts and practices” and allowed schools to teach boys “That we can sexualize millions of children, and girls about sex in the same room. who will investigate and play together, and what would be the results?” he asked. “I don’t feel radical, but I know a radical,” “Sexually transmitted diseases, which we Bowers said. “When Kathy Hoffman treat for money. Abortion, which we do for promotes this, I don’t have any question it’s money. Even the heinous selling of body about radicalizing children and their parts, which we do for money. And the sexuality.” treatment of AIDS across the world, which we do for money.” The Arizona Capitol Times reported that Planned Parenthood Arizona spokeswoman Bowers told the audience that he has Tayler Tucker accused Bowers of 19 grandchildren, three of whom were “peddl(ing) in these myths to rob young nearly aborted by their biological parents. people in Arizona of comprehensive, He told the story of how one mother had inclusive sex ed,” but Bowers isn’t backing sought an abortion at Planned Parenthood down. but couldn’t afford to go through with it because Arizona bars taxpayer funding of “I stand by my opinions of Planned abortion. She took it as a sign from God, Parenthood and Superintendent Hoffman, leading her to eventually deliver the baby but I sincerely hope that they will prove me boy, who is currently in the process of being wrong,” he said. adopted by one of Bowers’ sons. Pro-lifers have long argued that Planned “When I think of this,” Bowers said, the Parenthood cannot be trusted to oversee sex thought of “the sexualizing of children, with education, based on its record the resultant sexual activity of children, and of curricula and resources that encourage the resultant pliability of children … and underage sexual activity via topics such as now I have state-sponsored pedophilia? condoms, BDSM, and anal and oral sex, and How can I condone that and think of my advice such as that losing virginity is “all

46 about picking the right age for you” and how and passed out – the low-dose birth control to procure birth control without parents’ pills we knew the girls would get pregnant knowledge. on. Our goal was to get three to five abortions between the ages of 13 and 18 “We passed out low-dose birth control pills from every young woman.” we knew must be taken effectively at the same time every day in order to provide a A 2016 report from the Obama-era U.S. level of effectiveness,” former abortion Office of Adolescent Health found that, worker Carol Everett told LifeSiteNews last across six different Planned Parenthood year. “We knew most girls would not take affiliate partners, more than 3,500 students, them accurately, and we knew that she and 87 schools, left students “significantly would become pregnant again. And actually, more likely than controls to have ever been those are the ones we went to the schools pregnant or to have caused a pregnancy.”

Calvin Freiburger parenthoods-business-plan-of-hell

47 To Restore Integrity: Newman’s Idea of Education

Over the course of his lifetime, John Henry intellect, so that a Catholic can recognize, Newman was many things: scholar, share, and defend truth. reformer, preacher, convert, theologian, priest, and cardinal. Through it all, however, The Vatican chose Newman to establish a he was an educator. Cor ad cor university in Dublin, and prominent English loquitur (“Heart speaks to heart”) was his Catholics chose him to establish his Oratory motto, and he believed strongly that School because Newman clearly had the “personal influence” is the best means of vocation of an educator. He spoke teaching the truths of our Catholic faith. eloquently to a culture beginning to slide into secularism; having seen the results, “Speaking from heart to heart” was so much Newman’s lessons resound today. his manner that students at Oxford and later Dublin’s Catholic University would flock to It’s good to contemplate the constitution of a hear his sermons. His guidance inspired the great saint, but it was the integrity of high-school boys at the Oratory School in Catholic laypeople that most concerned Birmingham, England, including Hilaire Newman. His sermons, lectures, and Belloc. And Newman met personally with writings were often driven, not by general parents to forge genuine partnerships in the musings on theology and theories of care of souls – an unusual practice at the education, but instead by the very practical time for English boarding schools. concerns of a shepherd tending his flock.

The practical schoolmaster was also a great Newman looked to faithful Catholic visionary, whose Idea of a education for the repair of the human University and University Sketches helped person, which had been disintegrated by define the Catholic university at a time when original sin. In his fascinating 1856 sermon education was splintering into diverse at the University Church in Dublin, models and objectives. Amid many pastoral Newman lamented that we tend to focus on works, Newman also wrote numerous texts knowledge to the exclusion of morality – or of devotion and theology on topics such as conversely, on morality without regard for the Blessed Virgin Mary, development of sound reasoning. Each person’s soul is doctrine, the role of the laity in the Church, subject to conflicting appeals of intellect, and the nature of conscience. conscience, passion, and appetite, all “warring in his own breast” and each trying It is extraordinary to find so many “to get possession of him.” achievements in one man. And how do we reconcile the private Newman with the This, Newman argued, was not our original public intellectual, who eagerly battled state. At creation, God’s grace “blended “liberalism in religion”? together” all of our human faculties, so that We might explain Newman’s integrity in his they “acted in common towards one end.” It devotion to education – both the moral was the Fall that confused the soul, and we imperative of forming every person have lived so long in this fragmented state individually according to God’s plan and the that many people doubt whether the various educational objective of cultivating the human faculties can ever be reconciled. Thus society is divided into centers devoted

48 to the mind, or the body, or secular pursuits, It is not that you will at once reject and we despair of the integral unity that our Catholicism, but you will measure and souls truly desire. proportion it by an earthly standard. You will throw its highest and most momentous Newman, however, believed that integrity disclosures into the background, you will can be achieved by authentic formation in deny its principles, explain away its Christ and development of the intellect. The doctrines, rearrange its precepts, and make Church’s objective in education is “to light of its practices, even while you profess reunite things which were in the beginning it. joined by God, and have been put asunder by man.” Newman believed strongly in the personal witness and influence of teachers, especially Such a project, of course, cannot focus for moral formation. He envisioned several exclusively on accumulating information or tiers of influence at the Dublin university: even on cultivating the intellect. An integral lecturers, tutors to help guide students and formation of the person is ordered toward teach the liberal arts, and house staff focused truth in all its aspects. on the moral training and personal habits of about 20 students per residence. The Oratory The integrity of schools and universities was School had a similar structure. also important to Newman. In his Idea of a Newman looked after his students in prayer: University, he conceded that a university “May I engage in them, remembering that I can be devoted to teaching and learning am a minister of Christ . . . remembering the truth without ties to the Catholic Church. worth of souls and that I shall have to But the integrity of university education answer for the opportunities given me of would be suspect, because it fails to benefitting those who are under my care.” acknowledge divinely revealed truth and the Here we see the heart of Newman as relevance of Christianity to all learning. Catholic educator, cooperating with both the In practice, a secular university “cannot be Church and parents to restore the human what it professes, if there be a God,” integrity of young people. Newman claimed. To exclude the truth of God from education diminishes an Likewise today, we can reach students’ institution’s ability to teach truth. It hearts with the zeal that Newman showed especially interferes with moral formation, for truth and the formation of young souls. which is necessary to restore the integrity of By renewing the integrity of faithful young people. Catholic education, we can help bring about the springtime of faith that Newman yearned A university that does not assent to the for. authority of the Church with regard to faith and morals is headed toward complete Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, ora secularization – and the same is true of pro nobis! elementary and secondary schools:

Patrick Reilly

49 Eritrean Bishops Say Seizure of Catholic Schools Is 'Hatred against The Faith'

Seven religious schools in Eritrea, four of It is believed the seizures are retaliatory, them sponsored by the Catholic Church, after the Church in April called for reforms have been seized by the country’s to reduce emigration. government this month. Catholic bishops in the country say the move was motivated by The bishops had also called for national “hatred against the faith.” reconciliation.

“If this is not hatred against the faith and Government seizure of Church property is against religion what else can it be?” not new, however. Eritrea’s bishops asked in a Sept. 4 letter addressed to the Minister of Public A 1995 decree restricting social and welfare Education, Semere Re’esom. projects to the state has been used intermittently since then to seize or close The seven schools seized by the government ecclesial services. include three run Protestant and Muslim groups, according to Comboni Catholic In July 2018, an Eritrean Catholic priest missionaries serving in the area. The schools helping immigrants and refugees in Italy have been nationalized, and will reportedly told EWTN that authorities had recently shut now be run by the country’s education down eight free Catholic-run medical ministry. clinics. He said authorities claimed the clinics were unnecessary because of the The Eritrean government has also seized presence of state clinics. Church-run health facilities. Christian and Muslim schools have also "The actions that are being taken against our been closed under the 1995 decree, educational and health institutions are according to the US Commission on contrary to the rights and to the legitimate International Religious Freedom's 2019 freedom of the Church,” the bishops wrote annual report. in their Sept. 4 letter. Eritrea has been designated a Country of The bishops also suggested that the Particular Concern since 2004 for its government raise to them any objections to religious freedom abuses by the US the way in which Catholic schools and Department of State. hospitals are administered in Eritrea. Many Eritreans, especially youth, emigrate, “If there are situations that need to be due to a military conscription, and a lack of corrected or adjusted, not only is it good, but opportunities, freedom, education, and even the only viable way, in order for this to health care. take place in a context of an open and constructive dialogue,” the bishops wrote. A July 2018 peace agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea, which ended a conflict Eritrea is a one-party state whose human over their mutual border, led to an open rights record has frequently been deplored.

50 border which has allowed for easier Catholics make up 4 percent of Eritrea’s emigration. population.

ACI Africa contributed to this report.

Catholic News Agency hatred-against-the-faith-10732

51 Indian Jesuit School Attacked by 500 Armed Extremists

Catholic officials ask why there have been no arrests made.

The Catholic communities of the taken against the assailants, after over a Archdiocese of Ranchi, India, are expressing week. Asia News has his remarks: their outrage after their local Catholic school was attacked by armed Hindu extremists last “Why – he asks – was no one arrested after week. The attack targeted the school, as well eight days? Is this not letting these antisocial as the on-site hostel where students are elements take over, being passive [to their] housed. cynical activities? “

Matt Hadro, of Catholic News Agency, Crux News reports that the principal of the reports that St. John Berchman’s Inter school attempted to open a dialogue with the College, a Jesuit-run facility was beset by crowd in the midst of the attack, but he nearly 500 assailants. The group caused narrowly escaped injury himself. They have substantial damage to the grounds, and Father Kuzhively’s account of the severely injured two students. CNA destruction caused by the mob: describes the attack: “They began to destroy everything on their The mob also tried to sexually harass female move. The smashed things include – the cctv students, tried to prevent the transport of cameras, notice boards, chairs, benches, injured students to a hospital, destroyed and pictures hanged on the wall, main switch, vandalized school property, stole cash, and fuse sets, water pipes and taps both for the attacked an attached hostel for tribal drinking water as well as for washing faces students… and plates, the starter switch of the bore- well… they broke open the gate of the In response to the attack and vandalism, the grilled verandah where our motorbikes were Catholic leaders of the Archdiocese of kept. They smashed four of the bikes kept Ranchi have appealed to Indian authorities there. Then they broke open the Hostel for protection and decisive action against the Director’s Office room where they aggressors. destroyed the cctv DVR, the TV set, a desk Fr. Thomas Kuzhively, secretary of the top computer, the printer, the inverter, the institute, released an official statement in furniture, most of the files and document…” which he noted that there has been no action the priest documented in his statement.

J-P Mauro

52 Scottish Church Says Catholics Schools Don’t Cause Violence

A spokesman for the Catholic Church in “As Scotland moves forward with equality Scotland said Wednesday the suggestion as our watchword, our century-old practice that Catholic schools in the country are a of segregated education is contradictory to cause for bigotry is “staggeringly say the least,” he wrote, adding that “if we intolerant.” really want to dig out the roots of sectarianism, we must do what’s difficult, “Scotland’s peculiar obsession with and have the courage to tackle the historical religious intolerance has been in the anomaly of religious segregation in our spotlight again recently following the schools.” offensive and ill-informed comments of a former police chief, who claimed that the Kearney wrote that “there is not a shred of existence of denominational schools are at empirical evidence to back up” Woods’ the root of the problem and suggested that claims. sectarianism and bigotry can best be tackled by closing Catholic schools,” Peter Kearney, “To suggest that children who aren’t director of the Scottish Catholic Media schooled together can never interact or relate Office, wrote in an op-ed Sept. 18. harmoniously to one another in adult life is clearly absurd. Taken to its extreme this “This staggeringly intolerant attitude is would suggest that children from different symptomatic of a simplistic belief that parts of the country or from different educating children in a faith-based countries or with different languages are environment is wrong and will inevitably doomed to perpetual strife as adults, since lead to conflict and strife in society,” he they didn't share a playground.” added. The disagreement emerged after several Kearney’s comments came in response to a political marches and demonstrations have Sept. 16 column in The Scotsman, a leading turned violent in Scotland in recent weeks, newspaper in Scotland. The column, penned with clashes between Republican and by Tom Woods, a former deputy chief Loyalist groups leading to a ban on some constable in Edinburgh’s regional police political marches in the city of Glasgow. force, argued that “religiously segregated education” is the source of sectarian Scotland has experienced significant demonstrations and violence in the country. sectarian division since the Scottish Reformation of the 16th century, which led “I have no doubt that the provision for to the formation of the Church of Scotland, separate Roman Catholic education as an ecclesial community in the Calvinist and enshrined by The Education (Scotland) Act Presbyterian tradition which is the country's 1918, was a good idea 100 years ago, but is largest religious community. it acceptable that in the 21st century, we emphasise differences by separating five- Sectarianism and crimes motivated by anti- year-old children based on their parents’ Catholicism have been on the rise in religion?” Woods asked. Scotland in recent years.

53 An April 2018 poll of Catholics in Scotland Kearney said that schools are not to blame found that 20 percent reported personally for the strife, which he attributed partially to experiencing abuse of prejudice toward their anti-Catholicism. faith; and a government report on religiously-motivated crime in 2016 and “Sectarian, like racial, discrimination is not 2017 found a concentration of incidents in taught in schools but bred, through Glasgow. ignorance, in homes and spread through society at large.” CNA Daily News cause-violence/

54 7 Tips for Helping Your Kids Do Their Homework Well

Organization and the formation of habits are key to academic success.

There are different schools of thought read the instructions yet. On the other hand, regarding whether and how much parents by 6th grade, many children can do much of should intervene in their children’s their homework entirely on their own. homework. Indeed, some children need little support or motivation from their parents to 3. GET ORGANIZED get homework done, while others need more. While the goal is for children, For writing assignments, children should especially the older they get, to be self- have a draft notebook that stays at home sufficient with their homework, they may rather than loose sheets. This way, you’ll be need some help getting there. Here are some able to check their work for mistakes and tips that can help parents train their children help them go over their own work. If you in the habit of being responsible with their have younger children who don’t have assigned tasks. homework yet, explain to them that you need to be available for the older ones, and 1. SET A SCHEDULE give them a task they can do independently. If you have several children who have Whether it’s right after school, after a snack, homework, try to accompany each of them or after dinner—depending on your as needed, having them do their homework schedule—set a time for homework that is at the same time. This will help them be fixed, and stick to it every day. This is a way more focused; one may have trouble to establish a ritual, which helps our children concentrating if the other is playing in the form a habit. It’s easier to form a homework room next door. Ideally, they shouldn’t be habit when it’s tied to a regular and sitting side by side. necessary daily activity than if the homework time is random. For the weekends, try to work out in advance with 4. TEACH THEM GOOD HABITS OF your children if they will do their homework ORDERLINESS AND AUTONOMY on Friday evening or on Saturday, to avoid having to face cold sweats on Sunday Doing as much as they can on their own, evenings. checking their own work when it’s done, emptying their pencil sharpener when it’s 2. DETERMINE A PLACE full, asking for a tube of glue when it’s empty, storing their backpack … These are Children need benchmarks. Decide which among the many habits children are quite place is most convenient for you and the capable of acquiring, and which will help quietest for them: their bedroom, a home them gain autonomy. Don’t do things for office, or the kitchen … and don’t change it! them that they can do themselves. According to their age and needs, you can decide how nearby you need to be—not 5. DISCOVER YOUR CHILD’S necessarily next to them, but close enough to STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES be available. In first grade, children aren’t autonomous; they may not even be able to

55 Homework is the moment when you all is well. St. John Bosco, a great teacher discover what your children are like as who worked with young people from students. It will help us gradually become disadvantaged neighborhoods of Turin in the familiar with another aspect of their 19th century, says in a letter to his personality: the subjects they love, and their colleagues, “It’s always easier to be angry way of working, managing failures, than to wait, or to threaten a child than to handling frustration. We will surely find persuade him!” And later, he said, “Since many things to appreciate about them, too: they are our children, let us avoid all anger their abilities, their progress, their memory when we must correct their failings—or at skills, their curiosity, their insightful least moderate our anger so that it seems questions … Being there for our children totally hidden. We must allow no agitation and asking them about their homework can in our heart, no contempt in our looks, and be a way of bonding with them and no insults on our lips.” This is a law of love understanding them in a different way than that can be particularly useful in these we do by playing with them or doing general moments. family activities. 7. SET AN EXAMPLE 6. START WITH A PRAYER We can hardly expect our children to be Why not start homework time with a small diligent and organized in doing their prayer—even just a single sentence—to homework if they see that we leave things entrust this moment to the Lord? First, this until the last moment and don’t try to keep allows children to calm down and turn their some semblance of order in our own things focus inwards after the hustle and bustle of and activities. If they see that we make an the bus or car ride home, or of other effort to be responsible and at least afternoon activities. Having a thought for minimally orderly, as well as open-minded God at that time can be a great help. You and interested in learning new things, it will can simply ask Him to awaken your child’s be much easier for us to inculcate those intelligence, ask for help to keep calm, same virtues in them. focused, and patient, and thank God when

Mathilde de Robien

56 Rare Photos: How America’s First Saint Nearly Went Down With The R.M.S. Titanic

The little known story of St. Mother Cabrini’s last transatlantic crossing.

They would be disappointed of course. They comparison to her profound trust in God and wanted to see her one more time before she radical zeal to serve others, two qualities left for New York. They were also working that carried her through a lifetime’s worth of to secure passage for her, Sister Antony, and triumphs and tragedies. Sister Mary aboard this grand new ship that was to depart from the port in Southampton, In March of 1889, Mother and her Sister about a day’s ride to the south of the companions set out on their first voyage to Convent in Honor Oak, which is near New York aboard the SS La Bourgogne, a Charing Cross Station. ship that would meet its end on the high seas Perhaps it was Mother’s frail health, or a few short months later. On the 12-day perhaps it was the urgency with which she voyage through two storms and heavy seas, felt compelled to cut her trip to Europe short the Sisters met their first charges — the due to new challenges facing the expansion Italian immigrants who were traveling in of Columbus Hospital, or perhaps, more third class, otherwise known as “steerage.” probably, it was Divine intervention. The immigrants were berthed below deck and suffering greatly when Mother and her Whatever it was, it prevented Mother crew set about immediately to care for them, Frances Xavier Cabrini from setting off on providing what comfort they could and her journey to London to board the R.M.S. leading them in prayer — a harbinger of Titanic, and put her aboard the SS Berlin in things to come. Naples bound for New York instead. It spared her life. And a side note: When they first arrived in New York, they initially lived with the As a child, Maria Francesca Cabrini had a Sisters of Charity, the same sisters who brush with death at age seven in a near would care for the survivors of the Titanic. drowning accident thought to have occurred at Lambro Meridionale, a canal that runs It was Pope Leo XIII who famously directed through her home town of Sant’Angelo the young Cabrini, who wished to travel to Lodigiano. This traumatic event forever China as a missionary, “Not to the East, but scarred her with a profound fear of the to the West …” This landed her in the slums water. This, however, did not get in the way of New York among her suffering of her undertaking 23 trans-Atlantic voyages countrymen. on her mission to establish schools, orphanages, and religious communities Discrimination was rampant and the living around the globe. conditions that they would be absorbed into atrocious. From an early age Cabrini longed to be a missionary, a longing only second to her A famous Italian saying goes, “Before I desire to serve Christ. Her diminutive figure, came to America, I thought the streets were frail health and the culture’s resistance to the paved in gold. When I came here I learned idea of a female missionary all paled in three things: First, the streets were not paved

57 in gold, second, the streets weren’t paved, and third, that I was expected to pave them.” Mother and her Sisters became the loving arm of Christ wrapped around the shoulder Over the span of 28 years, Mother Frances of the immigrant restoring the Faith and Cabrini and her missionary Sisters dignity of these people who arrived to established 67 institutions. Her mission to America seeking of a better life. acculturate, educate and inspire Faith laid the foundation for a hope-filled future for St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Patroness of the Italian immigrants who, like most Immigrants, please pray for us. immigrants, were greeted by hardship and rejection.

Jeffrey Bruno r-m-s-titanic

58 Franciscan Brother Brings His Message to Washington, The UN, and Silicon Valley

Br. Peter Tabichi, winner of the Global Teacher Prize, is working to get more support for education in Africa.

Peter Tabichi is a Franciscan brother world, and prayed that “our hands and hearts who won the Global Teacher Prize from the be stretched out in compassion and in Varkey Foundation earlier this year. service of others,” calling to mind the words of Jesus, who said that “whoever wants to be Brother Peter teaches math and physics at a first must take last place, and be the servant secondary school in the village of Pwani, in of everyone else.” Kenya, in the middle of the Rift Valley. He donates 80% of his salary to help the poor in The Franciscan, who is participating in the the community. The school where he gives 74th assembly of the United Nations classes welcomes economically (September 24-30), met with President disadvantaged students from various ethnic Donald Trump on Monday, September 16, groups and religions, united in their effort to talking to him about promoting education in create a brighter future for themselves and Kenya, Brother Peter’s home their country. country. During this trip to America, he also visited the headquarters of tech companies This past September 17, brother Peter Google, Facebook, and Cisco, encouraging Tabichi opened the session of Congress in them to “do more with STEM education in Washington, D.C. with the Franciscan Peace Africa.” Prayer. On Twitter, he said, “It was a great privilege and honor to open the US For Brother Peter, education is a tool to help Congress with the Franciscan prayer for give his students a brighter future. May his peace at the Capitol, Washington DC. What efforts to bring a better education to the a great day! God bless us all.” youth of Africa bear fruit, bearing witness to the fact that the Church continues to play an After the well-known prayer, which begins, important role in providing and promoting “Make me an instrument of your peace …”, education throughout the world. Brother Peter asked God for peace in the

Aleteia silicon-valley

59 Why We Need to Let Our Kids Be “Uncomfortable” As Much As Possible

Developing your child’s coping skills is one of the best ways to keep them away from drugs, alcohol, and other risky behaviors.

At a teen drug prevention program last Think about it. Our kids are so used to weekend, the speaker showed a slide listing getting “instant” fixes to everything, all the measures parents should undertake to whether it’s their parents jumping in to solve lower the risk of their children getting their problems or make them feel better involved with drugs and alcohol. Along with immediately, or turning to social media for the more intuitive bullet points, like having entertainment the second they get bored. open communication and setting a high bar That’s all just a short step away from trying of expectations, was one unexpected one: let a substance because they feel pressured by your kids be uncomfortable as much as friends or need a fast “release.” Bottom line, possible. our kids don’t get a lot of practice feeling bad or enduring any kind of suffering, and A light went on for most parents in the we’re hurting them for it. room. What a weird thing to include, but in this specific context it made total sense. Kids need to learn that everyday emotional and physical discomfort is a temporary state Parents of Gen Z (or iGen as they are — this too shall pass, your friends won’t be sometimes called) — me included — are all mad at you forever (and if they are, it’s time members of a (flawed) parenting school that to get new friends). You can support them, tried to make life as easy as possible for our and suggest they say a prayer or talk to God kids, from feeding them the second they during these stressful times, but don’t fix were hungry, buying Velcro sneakers that everything for them. The coping avoided all that complicated lace-tying, mechanisms they use and build during these defusing potential conflicts at the times of stress will be critical for the more playground the moment a single voice was serious things they’ll encounter in life. raised, to making homework planning, supervision, and execution our second (or “So often, we as parents make life so much third, or fourth) job. Never in a million years more difficult on ourselves and confusing would we let our kids get a C on an for our kids because we don’t allow natural assignment that we should have been on top consequences to take place (when the results of! are relatively benign, but instructive) before the natural consequences (like from drug “We don’t let our kids be uncomfortable use) become really serious,” adds Jim enough,” the certified substance abuse Schroeder, a child psychologist and father of counselor told the group. “Our natural seven. “In essence, we repeatedly interfere instinct as parents is to make our kids happy, with the natural development of so we do everything for them. But in doing understanding cause and effect, and then so, we’re robbing them of the opportunity to wonder why our kids seem confused about build the skills they need to weather difficult handling situations that occur every day.” situations in life, including drugs.” Of course, when it comes to drugs and alcohol and other risky behaviors like sex,

60 brain development plays a big part. Contrary Don’t pick her up just because she’s to what everyone believed when we were homesick. growing up, a child’s prefrontal cortex isn’t fully developed until their mid-20s. This is Let him go to school in shorts and without a the part of the brain that allows us as adults coat in 20-degree weather. to say no to that third glass of wine that we know will give us a headache and make us Don’t drop the forgotten lunch to school. totally unproductive the next day. Kids simply don’t have the capacity to think Sure, they’ll be hungry but they’ll survive. about long-term consequences — they are in They’ll learn that they can still make it the here and now and only concerned with through the day, even on an empty stomach, activating the immediate pleasure center of and maybe they’ll remember to pick the bag their brains. off the counter next time (and perhaps even get a lesson in empathy for others who go So when one of their friends offers them a without food on a daily basis, which hit of a vape device to feel good during a wouldn’t hurt either.) time of stress, or to take a sip of beer because everyone else in the room is doing So let Operation Discomfort begin. And it, what hope do we have to get our kids to remember, the longer you can keep your make good decisions? This is where being teen or tween from experimenting, their risk uncomfortable comes in. of developing a substance abuse problem It’s a hard issue for parents to resolve, drops dramatically. In other words, if you especially if your child is older and your can somehow get them to the magic age of parenting and their expectations are 21 relatively unscathed, consider that a seemingly already set — but it’s never too parenting win. late to start introducing a little discomfort, even in simple ways: (Obviously, this advice does NOT apply if you suspect a deeper mental health or abuse Let him fail the test. issue — in that case their “discomfort” is something much bigger and more serious Let her feel sad about the breakup. and you need to seek help right away.)

Cynthia Dermody possible

61 Want Your kids to Be Emotionally Intelligent? Give Them Pen And Paper

Handriting is more than a skill — it develops neural pathways that intersect with our emotions.

Confession: I have terrible handwriting. And recalled, but not without dedicating hours of no, I don’t meant the doctor-sprawl that’s practice that working moms don’t have at illegible yet beautiful — I mean 4th-grade their disposal. chicken-scratch print that looks like a child couldn’t quite decide which line the letters I’ve felt the loss of longhand writing keenly belonged nearer, top or bottom. for decades. As a result, I’ve encouraged my kids to use and develop their handwriting This isn’t a historical truth for me. In 4th with what sometimes seems like a grade, I had beautiful handwriting. So disproportionate vehemence. But it might beautiful that my teacher had me write our not be quite as disproportionate as I thought. class Bible verse out to hang on the wall. It According to Medium, writing things out by was perfect — all loops and slant and even hand actually accesses emotional pathways letter placement. I retained that handwriting in the brain that remain otherwise dormant. until high school, when it suddenly became cool to write in print again. Slowly, I “When we write a letter of the alphabet, we abandoned my handwriting. By college, I form it component stroke by component had developed a weird print-cursive stroke, and that process of production mishmash that wasn’t beautiful by any involves pathways in the brain that go near stretch, but wasn’t rudimentary either. Then or through parts that manage emotion,” says came the advent of laptops, and my Virginia Berninger, a professor emerita of notetaking-by-hand was replaced by typed education at the University of Washington. outlines. Hitting a fully formed letter on a keyboard is a very different sort of task — one that No longer did I scrawl lines of poetry in doesn’t involve these same brain pathways. swirly letters in the margins — how could “It’s possible that there’s not the same one even do that in Microsoft Word? My connection to the emotional part of the notetaking began to transform my thinking brain” when people type, as opposed to in ways I didn’t even realize until it was too writing in longhand, Berninger says. late. Focused on the task at hand, in stark and unforgiving Times New Roman, my Honestly, I feel both relieved and newly sad mind lost the freedom to wander, to create, about this. It explains why I no longer write to explore. It was given rigid lines in which poetry, and also why I feel so sad when I to think, and so it conformed. think about the handwriting I’ve lost … but it also makes me wonder just what I don’t write poetry anymore. I don’t write emotional pathways have been left to gather much of anything, actually, and I cringe in dust and go dim in the years since I scrawled humiliation when I have to fill out field trip poetry in the margins of my notebooks. forms or write thank-you notes. I know I once had the ability to write beautifully, but Nevertheless, there’s a lesson here. as it turns out, handwriting is not like riding Practicing handwriting isn’t some kind of a bike. It doesn’t just come back. Once you 19th-century torture, like corsets and deep lose it, it’s elusive … perhaps it can be knee bends. It’s a genuine skill that is worth

62 learning for the cognitive benefits alone. Instead, just back up their teacher. Tell them Encouraging our kids to develop their it’s important. Leave the details for later — handwriting is a way to help them connect say, when they’re in high school and they their minds with their emotions. It’s a way insist on typing everything, from term to help them live a more self-aware, papers to notecards. That’s the time to emotionally intelligent life. explain neural pathways and emotional intelligence. Now, when they’re just That being said, the next time your 4th learning, all you have to do is reinforce the grader complains about having to rewrite an fact that they should learn. Because the essay because the handwriting is messy, do beautiful thing about the brain is that those not wax eloquent about the cognitive and pathways, once formed, don’t just disappear. emotional benefits. I’m here to tell you that They can always be found again and those arguments will have your kid’s eyes reinforced. So give your kids the gift of glazing over in no time as they nod vacantly establishing them now, when they’re young. and wonder privately about your grasp on You never know how it might benefit them reality. in the future.

Calah Alexander should-give-them-pen-and-paper

63 Multilingual People Have Advantages in Avoiding Dementia, Study Suggests

Drawn from the Nun Study, new research suggests that those who speak four or more languages have better chance of keeping brain healthy.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease continue Tyas pointed out that language is a complex to afflict older people and put strains on ability of the human brain, and “switching their families. A new study suggests that between different languages takes cognitive learning foreign languages may offer a way flexibility. So it makes sense that the extra to keep one’s brain healthy into older mental exercise multilinguals would get adulthood. from speaking four or more languages might help their brains be in better shape than In looking at a well-known study conducted monolinguals.” with Catholic religious sisters several years ago, researchers found that only 6% of nuns The researchers also examined 106 samples studied who spoke four or more languages of the nuns’ written work and compared it to developed dementia, while 31% of those the broader findings. They found that who only spoke one language developed written linguistic ability affected whether dementia. the individuals were at greater risk of developing dementia. For example, idea The research, led by Suzanne Tyas, a public density—the number of ideas expressed health professor at the University of succinctly in written work—helped reduce Waterloo in Ontario, examined the health the risk even more than multilingualism. outcomes of 325 Roman Catholic nuns who were members of the School Sisters of Notre “This study shows that while Dame in the United States. The data were multilingualism may be important, we drawn from a larger, internationally should also be looking further into other recognized study examining the sisters, examples of linguistic ability,” said Tyas. known as the Nun Study. “In addition, we need to know more about multilingualism and what aspects are “The Nun Study is unique: It is a natural important—such as the age when a language experiment, with very different lives in is first learned, how often each language is childhood and adolescence before entering spoken, and how similar or different these the convent, contrasted with very similar languages are. This knowledge can guide adult lives in the convent,” said Tyas. “This strategies to promote multilingualism and gives us the ability to look at early-life other linguistic training to reduce the risk of factors on health later in life without developing dementia.” worrying about all the other factors, such as socioeconomic status and genetics, which The study was published in the Journal of usually vary from person to person during Alzheimer’s Disease. adulthood and can weaken other studies.”

John Burger suggests

64 250,000 Children Were Saved from The Streets of New York By These Holy Women

The Sisters of Charity of New York celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the New York Foundling Hospital.

Childhood memories are generally few and for her. Over the next few weeks they far between, but there are those that are received more than 40 babies and it became indelibly etched in the annals of our mind. apparent that they would need a strategy to They’re not always of incredibly significant care for this massive influx, and fast. importance, or necessarily of some trauma we experienced. Often there’s no apparent They organized the neighborhood and reason why we remember what we placed some children in the care of Catholic remember … but for whatever reason, the families, while making arrangements to memories remain. move from the overpacked house they resided in to a larger home at 3 N. On a warm spring day in 1973 I sat with my Washington Square. In the four years that parents in a cavernous room with a few followed, the Sisters took in more than other adults somewhere in New York City. 2,500 children. A door opened on the far side of the room and bunch of small children ran in, The steady increase of children entering accompanied by all noise and disorder that their care gave birth to a robust foster care children bring. To my mother and father’s and adoption program that remains one of credit, they agreed to choose the first child the hallmarks of New York Foundling’s that entered the room, who was a 2 ½ year work. As the years passed, the Sisters old Black/Puerto Rican boy named Vincent. responded with great innovation to the This is what I remembered when I learned changing needs of those they served, adding that the New York Foundling Hospital was services including a shelter for women in about to celebrate its 150th anniversary this crisis pregnancy, healthcare and parenting year. education. One notable innovation was the creation of the “Crisis Nursery” in the 1970s When Sister Mary Irene and her companions in collaboration with Dr. V. Fontana, so a set about the work of rescuing orphans from parents who felt that were losing control the teeming streets of post-Civil War New could place their child there temporarily York in 1869, they began a work of charity while they took some time to calm down. and mercy the impact of which would live on far beyond their days. Vincent, who changed his name to Jamaal, is my brother. He was one of the over It began one October evening when Sister 250,000 children who passed through the Irene placed a small white, wicker cradle Sisters of Charity’s New York Foundling inside the doorway of their rented house at Hospital over the years and found a 17 East 12th Street with a sign that read, permanent home with a family that loves “Let it be known far and wide, do not him. And we grew up together as naturally abandon your children, bring them to me.” as blood, but with the added benefit of our They awoke to find a crying infant named lack of resemblance, which allowed us to Sara with a note begging the Sisters to care play a number of tricks on the unsuspecting.

65 Its one thing to write about the heroic efforts those whose lives hang in the balance and of a particular person or religious order, but are most vulnerable. it’s quite another to be directly impacted by their works. The Sisters of Charity and New So Happy 150th Anniversary, New York York Foundling continue on carrying the Foundling. May the work you do continue to spirit and mission of their original give hope to children and families, and foundress, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and speaking as a once-young boy who grew up continue to bring hope and loving support to with a brother thanks to you, know that we are eternally grateful. Jeffrey Bruno these-holy-women

66 Brooklyn Church Honors Mother Cabrini Since The City Won’t

More than 1,000 parishioners packed a They carried an Italian flag and banners with Brooklyn church on Sunday to give Saint the names of their Catholic parishes while Frances Cabrini her dues — after the city singing “Ave Maria.” passed her over for a statue, despite a groundswell of support. “We are against the decision of the mayor and his wife to promote another person for The overflow crowd at Sacred Heart of the statue after Mother Cabrini was elected Jesus and Mary & St. Stephen church was by the people of New York,” said Deacon the latest outcry from Catholics and Big Carlos Martinez of All Saints Parish in Apple Italian-Americans after Cabrini was Brooklyn. “They are pushing down the snubbed by First Lady Chirlane McCray’s Italian Catholic community to lift someone “She Built NYC” statue program. else up.”

Cabrini, an Italian immigrant who founded Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, who 67 institutions to help the needy, finished presided over the Mass, never mentioned first in a citywide poll asking who should McCray by name, but he didn’t have to — get an effigy — but McCray and former boos rose up whenever the city’s snub of Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen nonetheless Cabrini was mentioned. decided not to grant her the honor. “More than 50 years ago I fell in love with a “That’s a disgrace,” said Connie Gessler, woman. Her name was Frances Xavier who said Cabrini taught her grandmother. Cabrini, ” DiMarzio said. “She probably “Why did they have an election if they said, ‘I don’t need a statue. I’m a saint in weren’t going to give one to the person with heaven.’ But we need a statue to recognize the most votes? How would she like it if we what she did here.” didn’t make her husband mayor if he got the most votes.” DiMarzio said the Brooklyn church would raise funds to erect its own statue to The Mass came after hundreds of Cabrini honor Cabrini — and even got $8,000 in supporters gathered at Mother Cabrini Park donations from parishioners after Sunday’s on President Street and to the church. Mass.

Larry Celona, Khristina Narizhnaya, and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

67 Getting to the Heart of Eucharistic Catechesis: Content and Witness Key to Teaching Youth

Catechesis have proven most effective when the right content is combined with clear witness to the reality that this content conveys.

Catechesis begins in the head but must also Those words were quoted frequently integrate the heart and soul — something throughout the papacy of Pope John Paul II, that is especially true in teaching the faithful but they were elaborated upon greatly in his about the Eucharist. 1979 apostolic exhortation Catechesi Tradendae (Catechesis in Our Time). For this reason, a call for more effective catechesis might be a good initial response “Catechesis is intrinsically linked with the to the July 23 Pew study that shows that whole of liturgical and sacramental only a third of all Catholics believe in the activity,” John Paul II writes, “for it is in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, but sacraments, especially in the Eucharist, that such a response must take into account not Christ Jesus works in fullness for the only what needs to be taught but also how transformation of human beings.” and when it should be taught. Crisis in Catechesis In teaching the Eucharist to young children, high-school students or college students, Yet, a decade later, John Paul II recognized recent efforts in catechesis have recognized what many who had attended Catholic this fact — and have proven most effective schools or CCD programs in the 1970s and when the right content in teaching the 1980s could attest to — and the Pew study Eucharist is matched by a clear witness to has now confirmed: that catechesis was not the reality that this content conveys. up to the challenge of integrating faith taught with faith lived. Thus the faithful must not only know that when the priest utters the words of Accordingly, when John Paul II issued his consecration at the altar the bread and wine call for a New Evangelization in his 1990 become Christ truly present, Body, Blood, encyclical Redemptoris Soul and Divinity, but they must also grow Missio (The Mission of the Redeemer), he in devotional and liturgical witness to the did so acknowledging that “entire groups of reality of the Real Presence. the baptized have lost a living sense of the faith, or even no longer consider themselves Put simply by some of the best teachers in members of the Church, and live a life far Church history, learning about the Blessed removed from Christ and his Gospel.” Sacrament must necessarily involve a life of faith dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament. In answering this challenge, nearly 20 years later, when the U.S. Conference of Catholic In 1974, Pope Paul VI preached in a general Bishops (USCCB) issued its “Doctrinal audience, “Contemporary man listens more Elements of a Curriculum Framework for willingly to witnesses than to teachers, or if the Development of Catechetical Materials he listens to teachers, he does so because for Young People of High-School Age,” the they are witnesses.”

68 U.S. bishops took a major step forward in According to Maggie Radzik, a teacher at renovating catechesis for U.S. Catholics. St. Jerome Academy in Hyattsville, Maryland, the first step toward a Eucharistic Serving as a mandate for content in high- faith begins even before the age of reason. school catechetical textbooks, “Framework” Radzik is one of about 6,000 teachers who requires that all high-school textbooks are have adopted the Catechesis of the Good submitted to a process of review that ensures Shepherd (CGS) program to form children they reflect a core curriculum solidly in the faith. Each CGS catechist establishes grounded in the teachings of the Catechism an “Atrium” within the classroom — a place of the Catholic Church and that they of discovery for students, which includes explicitly state that the “Eucharist in the models and figurines (including a miniature Catholic Church is the Body and Blood of altar complete with paten and chalice) as a Jesus Christ” and that “reception of Holy way to encourage the child to discover the Communion in the Catholic Church is a Eucharist through role-playing. statement of belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and of unity with all CGS was developed by Catholic educators, Catholics throughout the world.” Italians Sofia Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi, in 1954 as an offshoot of the pedagogy of Laura Ehrhardt is marketing director for another Italian Catholic, Maria Montessori, the Midwestern Theological Forum (MTF), who stressed wonder and play rather than a Catholic nonprofit publisher of liturgical academic rigor in the early education of the and catechetical materials, including its child. popular Didache catechetical textbook series. According to Ehrhardt, the USCCB’s According to Radzik, early childhood years “Framework” is a great boon to the Church do not need facts and figures to learn about in the U.S. the faith so much as an environment to foster wonder, such as the CGS atrium For religion textbook publishers, she said, provides. the document “tightens the playing field. There won’t be books approved that are “When 7-year-old Tommy [having reached watered down or lacking in appropriate the age of reason] goes to open the door and theology.” finds a dragon behind it, he’s fascinated,” she said, citing G.K. Chesterton’s famous “So a focus on the truths of the Eucharist,” illustration of childhood wonder, “but when she said, “for example on the meaning of 3-year-old Tommy opens the door he’s just transubstantiation, is going to be in all the so happy to be able to open the door.” publishers’ books. It has to be.” For this reason, children in the CGS Lessons in Wonder program are taught first about the Eucharist.

Yet efforts are also underway to provide “We don’t begin at Genesis with these catechesis on the Eucharist in all its richness children,” she said. “They don’t need to without the use of textbooks at all — at least know the Fall — they haven’t experienced among the very young. the Fall yet. They’ve just been baptized and they’re living in that grace. Instead, as Cavalletti says, we go right to the heart of

69 the matter: the Eucharist. We instruct the “When you’re teaching kids about the young child that the Good Shepherd is Eucharist, you’re teaching the good doctrine calling them by name and longs to be with which is in the Didache Series and other them forever. How does he do that? By the good catechetical series,” she said, “but I Eucharist.” think it’s also important to be modeling prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, But when parents see their children specifically in Eucharistic adoration.” accepting belief in the Real Presence, she Both formal catechesis and a cultivation of added, they see a truly Eucharistic faith, the devotional life in the Eucharist, Sister which inspires them in turn to learn more Anne Catherine said, are “essential.” about their faith. “If we want young people not only to know “When the adult is there side by side with the truth about Christ but have a living faith the child and we make that simple statement that will sustain them in joy and sorrow for that Christ is present in the Eucharist, no the remainder of their life, and get them to child questions it. Instead, they receive it,” heaven, where they’re going to be ultimately Radzik said. “The joy they have in his happy,” she said, “teach them those truths presence is what adults are missing.” — but also show them the devotional life.

This same model of integration is also “These are not just cute little devotional central to learning about the Eucharist in practices you learn when you’re in the high school, says Dominican Sister Anne second grade; but you are receiving the Catherine Burleigh, vicaress general of the foundation of the life of faith that’s only St. Cecilia Congregation in Nashville, going to continue to grow and grow until Tennessee. Sister Anne Catherine served as your dying day.” The Fellowship of an educator, including 10 years as principal Catholic University Students (FOCUS) of St. Cecilia Academy, a Catholic high missionary outreach recognized this same school for girls in Nashville. need to integrate catechetical teaching on the Eucharist among students on secular As current development director for St. campuses across the United States. Like the Cecilia’s and Overbrook School, the Dominican Sisters, FOCUS also recognizes congregation’s coed elementary school in that formal catechesis must go hand in hand Nashville, she has seen the Eucharist with witness to the Eucharist through a successfully taught through both CGS, strong devotional and liturgical life. which is part of Overbrook’s curriculum, and the Didache Series, used in St. Cecilia’s Terry Bell is FOCUS team director at the curriculum. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL), and with Father Billy Dodge, the chaplain at The Dominican sisters operate about 50 the Roncalli Newman Center on campus, his schools around the country, Sister Anne team seeks to teach the faith through the Catherine noted, and in all of them the Eucharist to non-Catholics and to Catholics students are receiving what she and many weak in their faith. others of her generation were missing: a solid foundation in Eucharistic catechesis According to Bell, the Pew report doesn’t enhanced by what the students receive necessarily represent what he sees on outside the classroom, as well. campus regarding the Catholic faith, but he

70 does find Catholics who lack a true admitting that he didn’t fully understand the understanding of the Eucharist. Eucharist even at the time, he became “a little cold” in his faith before attending “It varies, but the more the person was college. In his freshman year at UWL, involved in their faith in their adolescent Edwards met Bell and the other FOCUS life, the more they understand that the missionaries, who invited him to attend Eucharist is Christ truly present,” he said. “It daily Mass, regular Thursday night depends on how involved they were early adoration and weekly Bible studies. on; and if that’s not the case, we usually do all we can in a lot of different ways to help In the Bible studies, Edwards discovered them to get there.” through discussion of the “Bread of Life” discourse in John 6:51 that the truth of the While FOCUS provides no formal Eucharist made sense. “I know many turned catechetical program, Bell said, the away in the discourse because they didn’t missionaries approach catechesis with a want to hear it,” he said. “But in reading this central focus on the Eucharist in three ways: passage, it just made sense to me.” He through building mentoring relationships, added, “Why wouldn’t the Eucharist be the providing devotional and liturgical witness, Body and Blood of Christ? Jesus said it and conducting regular Bible studies. himself.”

FOCUS’ weekly Bible study program, His growing understanding of the Eucharist which Bell calls “the meat and potatoes” of and his frequent reception, Edwards said, led their catechetical efforts, shows students the him to begin discerning a call from God Eucharist’s solid scriptural basis and with the Missionaries of the Poor. “provides students with an intellectual encounter” with Jesus. Bell said that through “I noticed a radical change in receiving the FOCUS’ catechizing on the Eucharist, many Eucharist every day,” he said. “I really students had come back to the Church or started having a desire to give my life more come into the Church. to Christ.”

Derek Edwards graduated from UWL in “I was in tune enough to hear the voice of December 2018 and is now discerning a God say to me, ‘Have you ever considered vocation as an aspirant with the Jamaica- the priesthood or religious life?’” he said, based Missionaries of the Poor, whom he adding that, on a more basic level, he also had encountered on a FOCUS missionary recognized that he was being called to be “a trip to Haiti during his time at UWL. steward of God’s love. I remember every Edwards told the Register that he was raised day, little by little, growing in that love in a non-practicing Lutheran household and through the Eucharist.” entered the Church in high school, but,

Joseph O’Brien and-witness-key-to-t

71 How I Accidentally Taught My Kids to Practice Gratitude

Sometimes parental exhaustion and overwhelm can have unexpected positive results!

My kids and I have developed a ritual when the car just so they could list all the things I pick them up from school. They aren’t they hated about school, life, and the allowed to say anything negative about their universe. day until they each tell me 3 good things they experienced that day. Y’all, it was exhausting. Even before I worked, I stayed busy at home. I cleaned, It doesn’t have to be a major occurrence — cooked, changed diapers, fed babies, something as simple as seeing a bluebird corralled toddlers, wrote articles — there’s land on a flower in the garden, or a friend never been a shortage of work to go around sharing their Oreos. Nor does it have to be in my adult life. I was often drained by the something that the rest of us would time I picked them up, and listening to their experience as a “good.” For example, my complaints patiently required every ounce of 10-year-old Charlotte came home a few days patience and motherly love I had left. ago elated because the boys had to run laps around the field that day, when for two But once I started working, I ran out of weeks it had been the girls’ turn to run laps. ounces. I went from being drained when I I simply ask them to identify three things picked them up to being utterly spent. Some that made them feel happy that day. days, I had to fight to stay awake in the school pick-up line. Trying to muster up the Hold up, though — before you start to think patience to listen to four tales of woe was I’m some kind of parenting sensei, let me impossible, never mind finding the explain how this came about … bandwidth to actively seek answers to their many, varying complaints. Like most parents, I’ve been picking my kids up from school since my oldest was in It was only when I realized the striking kindergarten. Over the years, my eagerness similarity between my kids’ endless to see my children, to hear about their days complaints and the exhausted, sometimes and to share their experiences in whatever bitter narrative in my own mind that I small way I could gradually morphed into understood why my kids did it — they dread, then resignation. Why? Because my were tired. kids never had anything positive to share about their day. Eight hours of school is exhausting and overstimulating. My kids were every bit as Rather, from the second they got in the car drained as I was, and had I myself had a until they were otherwise distracted with captive audience, I could have launched snacks, homework, or playing outside, they diatribes 10,000 times longer and more recited a constant litany of complaints. bleak. But one thing I’ve learned in my Every day, it seemed, was terrible. None of years of parenting is that “venting” doesn’t them had any friends, their teachers were all actually provide you the emotional release spiteful, their lunches were terrible (even you’re seeking. All it actually does is fan the when they packed them themselves). It was fires of disappointment, frustration, and like they had been waiting all day to get in resentment.

72 So I treated my kids the same way I had an inadvertent process of weeding out the treated myself for many years — I put a trivial to find what matters. moratorium on complaints until after a threefold greater expression of gratitude. Recently, two solid years after I instituted The “three things I’m grateful for” ritual is the practice, my kids have started telling me my internal toll tax before ruminating on a their “three good things” spontaneously. single instance of injustice or rankled They’ve gotten into the habit of reaching for feelings. Since I started this many years ago three good things to tell me. In the process, at the encouragement of my therapist, I’ve I’ve learned infinitely more about their lives, found that in the process of describing three friends, teachers, and even their characters things I’m grateful for, the complaint than I would have learned if I had spent waiting in the wings fades away. these last two years listening to complaints until I couldn’t stand it anymore. The same thing has proven true for my kids. Not only do their resentments and bitterness Gratitude is so important for human beings, subside after they think of things they’re but it’s not an innate gift. It has to be taught grateful for, but I get a clearer picture of and practiced. And one thing that I’m which complaints are real complaints. If infinitely grateful for is that in my own they come find me later, once snacks and exhaustion and impatience, I stumbled into homework are finished, and tell me about teaching my kids something that will benefit something that’s bothering them — then I them throughout their lives. know it’s something to pay attention to. It’s

Calah Alexander

73 The First Newman Center Helped Catholic Culture Flourish at Oxford

Tolkien, Chesterton, Belloc, and Hopkins were among the many literary giants who were involved with the first Newman Center.

Many are familiar with the Newman Centers According to the Newman Society’s that are stationed strategically at thousands website, they even were mentioned by of public universities around the globe. They Evelyn Waugh in his highly celebrated are often associated with a university parish novel Brideshead Revisted. where Catholic students can attend Mass and receive the sacraments while living on In 1945 the Newman was sufficiently campus. established to merit two mentions in Waugh’s “Oxford novel,” Brideshead The Newman Center that started it all was Revisited. The first reference comes in the born at Oxford in 1888, and was inspired by course of Lady Marchmain’s comments to John Henry Cardinal Newman, who died in Charles Ryder about her son, Sebastian: “I 1890 and was well known throughout want Sebastian to have all sorts of friends, England for his conversion to the Catholic not just one. Monsignor Bell tells me he Church. Newman was a big proponent of never mixes with the other Catholics, never Catholic culture and wrote extensively about goes to the Newman, very rarely goes to his ideas regarding education in a volume of Mass even. Heaven forbid that he should lectures entitled The Idea of a University. only know Catholics, but he must know some.” With this in mind, Hartwell de la Garde Grissell founded the Newman Society at This first Newman Center was a haven for Oxford with the intention of supporting Catholic students, and fostered a unique Catholic students attending the non-Catholic Catholic culture for many decades during university. Grissell was similarly a convert the golden age of Catholic literature in to Catholicism and was inspired by England. Newman’s life. The success of this Newman Center quickly Along with Grissell, Jesuit poet Gerard spread to the United States, with the first Manley Hopkins was a founding member of Newman Center established in 1893 at the the Newman Society. In the years that University of Pennsylvania. After that, followed, nearly all of the Catholic literary Newman Centers spread to many other giants of the 19th and 20th centuries would secular universities and to this day remain a be involved with the Newman Society and focal point of Catholic culture at each major gave lectures to the Catholic students at university. Even though Cardinal Newman Oxford. This would include such prolific was never involved directly with the writers as J.R.R. Tolkien, Evelyn Waugh, Newman Centers, his influence continues to Hilaire Belloc, G. K. Chesterton, and Robert inspire college students today and his Hugh Benson. teachings are a foundation upon which the Newman Centers are built. Philip Kosloski

74 How to Help Children Overcome the Fear of Failure

There are moments when all children are confronted with fear of failure. But what should we do if this fear leads to negative thoughts and permanent stress?

How many kids (and adults!) are paralyzed Willpower can do wonders but it is not with the fear of failure, the terror of making enough. This is why “if you want to, you mistakes or of performing poorly? And yet, can” should be handled with a lot of we all know full well that failure and defeat precaution. Children can defeat their fear of of every kind are inevitable, from the very failure, if they feel otherwise sufficiently first fall as a child learning how to walk to secure. The better they have learned how to the poor performance at school, from the feel good about themselves, the better they first heartbreak to the problems in are apt to face the defeat of any kind with workplace. How can we help children to serenity. More often than not, the fear of transform each failure into victory? How can failure stems from children consciously or we free them from the fear of failing? unconsciously telling themselves: “If I don’t succeed, I am going to lose the love and the Cultivating willpower in children trust of my parents, my teachers and so on.”

First, let us avoid the temptation of Children needs constant encouragement overprotecting children from eventually experiencing failure. On the one hand, no The fear of failure also has to do with the matter what we do to postpone it, sooner or fact that kids (and this is also true for adults) later they are bound to be confronted with do not know how to put their defeat into their own limitations. On the other hand, and perspective. Deep inside, they feel that they this is essential, it is the only way to are destined to fail: “I did not make it, I am a overcome the fear of obstacles and to learn loser.” Parents need to show their children how to cope with them. that their lives have not come crashing down because they failed, that this failure does not Confronting any obstacle requires two resume their life and their person. And the things: the will and the capacity to overcome only way to prove this to children is to it. In other words, in order to defeat the fear encourage every single one of their of failure, first, you must yearn to do so. triumphs. Failure could deal a crushing Courage does not consist in the lack of fear blow, if you have never savored victory. –- it is the capacity to be liberated from it Sometimes, a small initial success is enough, through determination. One of the main on the condition that it has been amply goals of parenting is to make children praised. discover their willpower: “If you wish it, you can do more than you have ever A calm and confident child can go far and imagined.” When faced with failure I can discover that with the resurrected Christ, we give up or transform it into a triumph –- are definitely on the winning side. For His primarily over my fear and timidity. total victory over every kind of evil is However, the question remains: “Do I really assured. Our own failures can only be want to?” And there is no one who can trivial and passing if we live through them answer this question in my stead, even if I by the side of the resurrected Christ – “in am just a 7- or 8-year-old kid.

75 dying like Him, only to rise again alongside Him.”

Christine Ponsard

76 Faith and Reason, and Restless Hearts

St. John Paul II began the 13th of his 14 It is no secret that religious belief is on the encyclical letters, Fides et Ratio (Faith and decline in the West. In the U.S., the average Reason) with a beautiful image of the age children stop identifying as Catholic is importance of both faith and reason in 13! (Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of humanity’s quest for truth. He said that: Disaffiliation in Young Catholics, 2018). A recent article at stated “Faith and reason are like two wings upon that since 1969, parish school enrollment in which the human spirit rises to the the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has contemplation of truth; and God has placed declined 77% and high school enrollment in the human heart the desire to know the 70%. Nationally, in the 1960s there were 5.2 truth — in a word, to know himself — so million students enrolled in Catholic that by knowing and loving God, men and schools. Today that number is just about 1.8 women can come to the fullness of the truth million. In the last 10 years alone, Catholic about themselves”. elementary school enrollment has declined by 27.5% in the 12 urban dioceses (NCEA, The Regina Academies adopted the 2018-2019 Annual Report). tagline, “A Joyful Exploration of Faith and Reason” intentionally. Some might be Reading Fides et Ratio in 2019 is a different tempted to prioritize faith, or others reason, experience than reading it when it was but St. John Paul II reaffirmed the Catholic published 21 years ago. The challenges to belief that the two must exist together if one faith and reason that inspired St. John Paul is to come to the fullness of truth. Faith II’s encyclical letter have advanced rapidly without reason leads to superstition, and with devastating consequences for the reason without faith to nihilism and wellbeing and faith of children, and for their rationalism. The Regina Academies parents. The statistics cited above are clear challenge students’ reason in an evidence that the sainted pope’s warnings academically rigorous environment infused about the future consequences of certain with faith. philosophical and theological trends were very real. Contemplation of truth fulfills a desire of the human heart for knowledge of God, and that The letter is addressed to bishops to knowledge, in turn, leads to knowledge of encourage them to bear witness to the truth ourselves. As St. Augustine stated so in order to restore a genuine trust in beautifully in his Confessions, “Our hearts Catholics’ capacity to pursue and know the are restless until the rest in you, O Lord.” truth. Further, he wished to draw attention to the distortion and denial of “certain Restless hearts are filled with joy when they fundamental truths of Catholic doctrine continue in the love of Christ and obey him which… risk being distorted or denied.” (Jn. 15.11). (Fides et Ratio, #6). He warned that:

Faith and Reason 21 Years after Fides et “Rapid and complex change can leave Ratio especially the younger generation, to whom the future belongs and on whom it depends,

77 with a sense that they have no valid points “Reason, rather than voicing the human of reference.” orientation towards truth, has wilted under the weight of so much knowledge and little Reference the statistics above and you will by little has lost the capacity to lift its gaze see he was correct. to the heights, not daring to rise to the truth of being” (Fides et Ratio #5). Catholic Liberal Education and the Restoration of Faith and Reason Regina Academies students learn that Truth can only be known in the person of Jesus We wrote in an earlier blog that the Regina Christ. That is why all subjects in our Academies “form students in faith and classical curriculum ultimately lead back to reason so that they can be truly free, not the incarnation. That is where we learn we enslaved to contemporary addictions like are loved, discover our true purpose, the technology, radical individualism, source of our dignity as human persons, and materialism, or scientism that fail at every the unity between faith and reason that level to bring true freedom and happiness.” informs all subjects in the curriculum, from math and science to history and literature. These “isms” are the result of what St. John Paul II wrote are “various doctrines which It is this education that led a 7th grade tend to devalue even the truths which [in student at one of our schools to recently earlier times] had been judged certain. He state with absolute confidence: continues, “God takes care of us no matter what. If we “A legitimate plurality of positions has just follow his will, we will eventually end yielded to an undifferentiated pluralism, up in heaven with him, and that’s amazing.” based upon the assumption that all positions are equally valid, which is one of today’s Under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin, most widespread symptoms of the lack of the incarnational focus of the Regina confidence in truth… everything is reduced Academy’s curriculum gives equal to opinion” (Fides et Ratio, #5). importance to faith and reason. That is why our parents say that JOY is the In the catechetical void of the last many differentiating factor in a Regina years, perhaps this explains why only 7% of education. It is the antidote for restless, millennials who were raised Catholic still youthful hearts. practice their faith.

The Regina Academies

78 Resolve

Two years after ISIS, Iraqi Christians fight for their homeland.

The tangy smell of dried lime saturates the “After our church was blown up, we were in cramped living room. Issam Matti, 43, is a state of constant anguish,” he says. “We brewing the fruit into an herbal tea known wanted to live among our people.” as noomi basra chai. To sweeten the popular Iraqi beverage, he adds a spoonful of For a while they moved between temporary homemade wildflower honey produced by homes with relatives in a village near Mosul, bees he keeps in the mountains outside of a major city home to centuries-old churches the city of Dohuk. and monasteries. But soon after, ISIS invaded Mosul and the entire Nineveh Dohuk, in the Iraqi autonomous region of Valley in August 2014, displacing hundreds Kurdistan, with its nearby suburbs and of thousands of Iraqi Christians and Yazidis. villages, remains a refuge for thousands of Fleeing north, the family was forced to stay Iraqi Christians displaced from their homes in a tent in a makeshift refugee camp near by ISIS five years ago. Dohuk.

“I lost everything, but gained my family,” Finally, they were able to relocate to a says Mr. Matti of his displacement. On this caravan tucked behind a group of new typically hot August afternoon, he passes the apartment buildings on a hill overlooking tea to his guests, two clerics from the the city. Containing eight apartments each, Church of the East. The memories are the four structures were built by the church written on his exhausted face: a destroyed to accommodate some of the many home, a ruined business, a past that can internally displaced people sheltering in never be reclaimed. His face brightens Dohuk. momentarily; he hears the joyful voices of his two boys playing outside and the Today, Mr. Matti relies on a meager income squeaking sounds of their bicycles filtering from the small amount of honey he produces through the thin walls of his two-room yearly and sells to relatives, a few odd jobs caravan home. and support from the church.

Mr. Matti’s story is all too common among Despite the routing of ISIS two years ago, Iraqi Christians — a story of relentless and a relatively stable security situation in instability and recurrent displacements in the Iraqi Kurdistan, many displaced Christians past five years. For years, Mr. Matti, a are wary of returning to their homes. For graduate of a vocational college, had lived in some, their homes have been destroyed Sinjar in a small Christian community on the outright; for others, there exists no guarantee border with Syria. He made a comfortable of employment or services; others still are living distributing water to the town, held back by a lingering sense of mistrust running a print and copy center and toward their Muslim neighbors. producing honey. But when the regional violence became local, he hastily left with “The future is lost,” says the Rev. Afram his then-pregnant wife, Aline, and their two Philipos, who helped provide medical boys, Aram and Oline. services during the years of displacement in

79 Dohuk. “We used to preach the importance dressed and flocking into the church — for Christians to remain in their ancestral vibrant amid the scorched walls, broken lands. But now we simply nod our heads in statues and ruined icons — shows a silence when people express their wish to returning population determined to revive leave Iraq.” their town.

From a population of 1.5 million — Assyro- Heavily armed security members of the Chaldean Catholics and non-Catholics, Nineveh Plain Protection Units, a Christian Syriac Catholics and Orthodox, and other militia formed after the invasion by ISIS, minorities — before the U.S. invasion of have blocked the streets with military trucks Iraq in 2003, Christians today are estimated to protect churchgoers, reflecting a around a quarter million, or just over half of heightened sense of vigilance and alarm. 1 percent of the overall Iraqi population. The presence of security cameras on lampposts near churches is another sign Throughout a decade of targeted killings and people fear they are being targeted. kidnappings in Baghdad and Mosul, Safety aside, people seem most preoccupied emigration continued to impact the Christian with pressing financial needs. population of Iraq. Many who remained chose to relocate to their ancestral “Giving should be regarded as an act of communities in the Nineveh Valley, turning sharing and not of charity,” says the Rev. these once rural villages into thriving towns Awfi Ignatius in his homily, alluding to the with shopping malls, cinemas and economic difficulties faced by the people of restaurants. However, the two-year Qaraqosh since their return a couple of years occupation by ISIS — and the ensuing ago. The Divine Liturgy is being held in a destruction and looting of these towns — makeshift tent adjacent to the church, which drove many to leave for Lebanon, Turkey is still undergoing restoration. and Jordan and, from there, to seek asylum in Australia, Europe, Canada and the United Outside the church, three 30-something men States. with groomed beards and elegant, tightly pressed shirts stop to talk. Despite their To visit Iraq today is to encounter a people appearances, they say that even after struggling to rebuild — and struggling, as returning from displacement, they have been well, with the question of whether they struggling to make ends meet, doing odd should even remain in Iraq. jobs as salesmen or working in construction. They all express the desire to leave Iraq. Roughly 65 miles away from Dohuk, church Two are hoping that their relatives will help bells ring to mark the beginning of another sponsor their immigration to France. The Sunday Divine Liturgy in Qaraqosh, other says he jumped on a boat in Turkey a currently the largest Christian enclave in few years ago to try and cross to Europe, but Iraq. The main church tower of the fourth- was caught before reaching Greece; he was century Syriac Catholic Church of Sts. returned to Iraq. He says he may try again, Behnam and Sarah lies in pieces to the side, but this time through legal channels. attesting to the brutality of the conflict that had left much of the town burned and “We [Iraqi Christians] are like a scattered destroyed. But the sight of hundreds of pearl necklace,” says Hanaa Ibrahim, 53, a people of all ages and walks of life neatly mother who spends her free time knitting

80 and gardening. Mrs. Ibrahim’s home is discouraged to return until better conditions undergoing repairs with the help of the prevail — such as some guarantee of church, so she currently lives with her four services, job opportunities and, most sons and husband in the house of a relative importantly, safety. With very little who immigrated to Australia. representation in political and administrative institutions, many Christians here say they She attributes part of the problem to an do not feel they have a place in the country. ongoing “psychological warfare” to Yet some also express a deep-seated fear demoralize Christians, and explains that her that the demographics could shift children cannot find stable jobs. dramatically in traditionally Christian towns if departing families start selling their homes Despite that, she hopes she can find a way to to non-Christians, or if the state decides to stay in Iraq. reconfigure land and administrative sectors.

“I don’t like to think about leaving,” she While Christians in Qaraqosh and other explains. “My whole life has been here.” towns of the Nineveh Valley say they prefer to live in tightly knit Christian communities Strolling through the streets of Qaraqosh for reasons of safety, the laggard pace of evokes the ambivalence of the current restoring economic ties with the surrounding situation. Busy restaurants serve grilled Muslim community has been crippling the meat, while freshly painted homes and local economy. The church is supporting active construction sites reflect a people agricultural projects in the fertile lands struggling to return to normality. But, on the around Qaraqosh — such as the growing of other hand, abandoned, burned and grapes, corn and roses — but these activities destroyed homes; unpaved roads; and piles have yet to generate much income. of rubble and tangled wires on the sides of streets are a constant reminder that nothing In the old market of Qaraqosh, Haitham is truly normal, that the wound is still fresh. Habib moves boxes of shoes from a truck into his shop with the help of his two And there is a pervasive feeling among brothers and nephew. The shoe shop was many in the city that those who left will entirely burned during the ISIS occupation. never come back. With financial support from his family — and suppliers willing to provide him with Syriac Catholic Archbishop Nathanael Nizar merchandise without any cost until he sells Semaan of Hadiab-Erbil says that roughly it — he was able to reopen the shop. But half of Qaraqosh’s 45,000 inhabitants have business has been slow. Previously, many of returned. his customers were Muslims who would come from nearby villages. Not anymore. “The reconstruction and return of our people has been a testimony of heroism,” he says. “There is no trust in our neighbors,” says “But the situation remains shaky.” Mr. Habib, who has a 6-year-old son suffering from cerebral palsy, requiring $60 Even though damaged homes have been every month for medical care. “If I had the undergoing reconstruction with the support means,” he says, “I would have left.” of the church and international organizations, many people remain too

81 For Mr. Habib and many other parents, the who teaches math at the Dominican Sisters’ main encouragement for them to stay is the school. She says instability and the lack of church’s strong commitment to the jobs affect the children’s morale. education of their children. “They need a lot of motivation, because the In the lively St. Paul Center for Church atmosphere in most households is Services, hundreds of children come every depressing,” she explains. “Parents are day to take summer lessons in catechetics constantly preoccupied with life’s many and Christian values, learn hymns and watch needs.” animated films about Jesus and the saints. The center, run by priests and young The high rate of success of their students in volunteers, also offers classes in music, official exams and the increasing demand computer literacy and English, as well as for education have prompted the sisters to counseling and courses for young couples build a larger secondary school that will preparing for marriage. accommodate around 350 students. The new school will be equipped with laboratories “We focus on entertaining methods that and computer rooms. foster cooperation among children,” says But college education and securing jobs later Father Ignatius, who manages Christian on are the biggest challenges for Christian teaching for children, stressing the Iraqi youths. importance of such a program in encouraging the return of families, despite Faten Butros, 24, is a fresh college graduate difficult economic conditions. Nearby, with a degree in computer engineering. “We, children participate in a group activity that as Christians, work and fight hard to get a tests their knowledge of the Bible in a good education,” she says, reflecting on her playful environment. difficult years in college in Kirkuk. In 2016, she had to hide with her classmates under “We need to plant the seeds of endurance mattresses in their dorm rooms when ISIS and of Christian values in the hearts of our stormed the city. Despite the worries of her kids,” the priest explains. “They are the parents after she escaped that ordeal, Ms. future.” Butros insisted on returning to her studies when ISIS was defeated. For months after Educators are routinely trained to help tackle that, she spent five hours a day on the road social issues that might affect youth, such as to get to school, braving many checkpoints. drinking and excessive online gaming. Her sister, Rita, 21, is currently studying medicine in Mosul. Teaching is also the priority for the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, “I don’t feel always safe going there. The who reside in Qaraqosh at the Immaculate mentalities are backwards,” she says, adding Conception Convent, a building from the that she commutes with nine other Christian 1960’s restored a year and half ago after students from Qaraqosh to Mosul frequently. sustaining heavy damage during the years of “But my desire for the best education occupation and war. possible keeps me going.”

“The psychological situation of our students Mosul was emptied of its Christian is difficult,” says Sister Muntaha Hadaya, inhabitants after ISIS seized control in 2014.

82 Despite the city’s liberation two years ago, Christians. He lives now in Dohuk with his Christians now feel unsafe living there. five children, all college graduates with no Nearly all of its storied churches and fixed jobs. They help him run an eyewear monasteries now lie abandoned or in ruins. shop.

Dr. Jamil Nicholas Jako, an ophthalmologist “I would never go back to Mosul, but I want working at the Mar Narsai charity health to remain in Iraq. I can’t leave now,” he center in Dohuk, is a former resident. Dr. explains. Jako sold his house in Mosul in 2012 because of the growing prevalence of an “Every stone is best in its natural place.” extreme Islamist ideology hostile to

Raed Rafei

83 A Letter From Bethlehem

“I have never seen the sea.” “I have never brother. At first I was not really interested, been to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.” but over the course of a year I prayerfully “I have never been able to visit my relatives reflected on what he had said and watched in Jerusalem.” “I have never been able to the brothers more closely. I became much visit Al Aqsa Mosque.” more aware of their community life, their joy in being together and the deep sense of These are statements made to me recently by mission that energized them. I decided to students of Bethlehem University in explore their life some more and went to Palestine. The students are from the West Sydney, Australia, to begin my preparation Bank and have green Israeli-issued for life as a De La Salle brother. Palestinian IDs, which means they need special Israeli military permission to go The first teaching opportunities I had in through the separation wall to get to the sea Sydney provided me with the best possible or to Jerusalem. start to my life in community and my professional life as a teacher. Over the years, They have never received it. the brothers I have lived and worked with have inspired, encouraged, supported and As I listened to those students, I reflected on enabled me to grow as a person and as a my own life, having grown up with the teacher. freedom to go where I wanted and to do what I liked. This was in the small town of In May 2008, I was invited to consider Waitara in Taranaki, on the west coast of the becoming the vice chancellor to Bethlehem North Island of New Zealand. It was a far University. I had never thought about cry from the experiences of these students at coming to this part of the world, but I Bethlehem University. My older sister and responded positively to the invitation and two brothers had a very safe, peaceful, arrived in Bethlehem toward the end of predictable childhood in a beautiful country 2008. with wonderful opportunities, all of which are denied to our students. I came to Palestine, where less than 2 percent of the population is Christian, and I I had the privilege of being a first-day pupil have often been asked: What is an when the De La Salle Christian Brothers unashamedly Catholic university trying to opened a new school in New Plymouth do here? My response is to go back more about seven miles southwest of Waitara. The than 2,000 years to when Jesus began his school, Francis Douglas Memorial College, ministry in this part of the world. There was named after a young priest who was were no Christians here at all, then, so what killed by Japanese soldiers during World was he trying to do? Jesus makes it very War II for not revealing where the men who clear in the Gospel of St. John, Chapter 10, came to him for confession were hiding. verse 10: “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” That is The brothers who taught me were not what Jesus was seeking to do and that is exceptional men, but they were dedicated exactly what Bethlehem University is and sought to do the best for us. One of seeking to do. It is at the core of everything them invited me to think about being a we are doing.

84 We are seeking to create an environment, that arises: What can we do to help them develop an atmosphere, provide deal with this unpredictability, this injustice? opportunities for our students to acquire the knowledge, gain the skills and develop the I focus on three things: attitudes and values that are going to enable them to do what Jesus wanted — that is, to First, when students step onto our campus, I live life as fully as they possibly can, despite want them to know they are safe. No one is the military occupation with its various going to interrogate them or arrest them restrictions and confinement within the here. No one is going to point a gun at them concrete wall and other barriers surrounding on our campus. the West Bank. Secondly, we are a Lasallian institution and One of the opportunities offered by the so I keep emphasizing something that was university is a place for Christians and key for our founder, St. Jean Baptiste de La Muslims to come together. For a significant Salle: I keep reminding the faculty and staff number of the Muslim students, coming to here that they need to be brothers and sisters Bethlehem University is the first time they to one another — and older brothers and have met a Christian. Many speak about it as sisters to the young people entrusted to an enlightening experience for them. them. This means when our young men and women come here, I want them to know that There are many challenges facing us as we the adults they are engaging with are their seek to provide quality higher education for older brothers and sisters who are really our students. The most obvious are the looking out for them and want the best for restrictions on movement. At present, 46 them. percent of our students come from East Jerusalem. To attend class they must pass Thirdly, when they step onto campus, through a military checkpoint at the wall students are walking into a predictable each day — an unpredictable and environment. There are classes at set times. humiliating experience. What these students There are expectations of them in class. face on their way to and from the university There are assignments they have to do and is the possibility that their bus may be exams they have to take. They know what to stopped once or twice or even three times by expect. different groups of Israeli soldiers. They can be questioned, interrogated, arrested; they My hope is that all of this will develop could have a gun held to their face without peaceful minds and hearts, forming young any warning. You can imagine how they people who are able to keep hope alive. At might feel by the time they arrive at school. Bethlehem University, we are seeking to develop a community that is an oasis of I am deeply concerned about our peace in the midst of the uncertainty and undergraduates and the potentially adversity that characterizes so much of their disheartening lives they face. We need to lives. In this community, we work in keep them aware of and committed to their solidarity with the students to educate for dreams. Yet every day, they live with the justice as we help them recognize and possibility of their homes being raided in the develop their gifts. middle of the night and some member of their family being taken away. The question

85 As a De La Salle brother, I walk in the footsteps of St. John Baptist de La Salle, the One thing that sustains me through all those founder of the Brothers of the Christian times is the awareness that I am part of Schools more than 300 years ago and the something much larger than my little patron saint of all teachers. As such, I seek agendas. This is God’s work I am about. So, to work with people at Bethlehem with others, I seek to figure out the most University to create here an authentically life-giving thing to do, and then move with Lasallian institution. This means we are confidence and trust. sensitive to the needs of individuals and respect them as God’s beloved creatures. Being in Bethlehem has been a life-changing We are seeking to provide a human and experience for me. It has been by far the Christian education for the young people most difficult job I have ever had because of entrusted to us. the complexity of the situation, the unpredictability of life and the restrictions At the heart of De La Salle’s mission was the Israeli military put on us. Learning to his awareness of living in the presence of live with the ambiguity of the situation is an God. Therefore, an important aspect of my ongoing challenge. life as a brother is to recall that, in the midst of the busyness of the day, I exist in the However, it is only in the dark that we can presence of God. see the stars. I have never been in a place where it is so obvious that what we are One aspect of this is De La Salle’s comment doing is worthwhile. To see secondary toward the end of his life. When it seemed school graduates come here and watch so as if all that he had devoted himself to many of them grow into these amazingly establish was going to collapse, he confident, articulate, knowledgeable, responded: “Lord, the work is yours!” This principled young people means I can put up is a mantra that has characterized my life with all those things that make it here at Bethlehem University. So many challenging. times, I have been confronted with situations where I had no idea what to do. I sought I am so blessed — and I am so grateful that I advice, listened to people, read, prayed and am so blessed! reflected deeply — but in the last analysis, it was a step out in faith.

Peter Bray, FSC

86 Breaking Free

The church helps Ethiopians battle a growing addiction to khat

When she crosses the courtyard of her In the eastern part of the country, people condominium, Rahel tries not to attract consume it in large quantities; khat chewing attention. Since moving into her new is an integral part of the culture. Ethiopians residence in Dire Dawa, a city about 280 customarily gather together to chew the miles east of the Ethiopian capital of Addis plant, especially in the afternoon, and the Ababa, she has not spoken with her routine can last for hours. Users keep the neighbors, dreading the inevitable questions small leaves in their cheeks as they chew, about why she is rearing her daughter alone. drinking soda or eating peanuts to mask the bitter taste. Many people, including Rahel’s Rahel is a Catholic who works as an husband, say chewing khat enhances their emergency project coordinator at the concentration. Hararghe Catholic Secretariat, the charity of the local church in eastern Ethiopia. Her “People think it’s normal to chew, that it has faith matters deeply, as does the well-being no harm, that they’re not addicted,” she of her family — especially her daughter, says. Some even treat it as a medicine. But Lydia. As fights between Rahel and her as with any addictive substance, these leaves husband became ever more frequent, can also have a devastating effect on the however, the 31-year-old woman — on the users’ lives. In Rahel’s case, her husband advice of her parish priest and bishop — was wholly consumed by his habit, separated from her husband. She hopes that purchasing khat to the exclusion of this time apart will force her husband to face providing for his family, and even going into an addiction that has torn their marriage debt in the process. apart. “It’s mostly my salary that allowed us to buy Explaining it, the frank young woman does food. At the end of the month it was hard to not mince words. make ends meet,” Rahel says. After a few futile warnings, frustrated and despairing “Khat,” she says without blinking, “is the that her husband would not change, she cause of my separation.” made the decision to leave their house and care for Lydia on her own. A plant cultivated in the Horn of Africa, khat is a stimulant said to induce excitement That was a year ago. But even since and euphoria. While classified as a drug of separating, his pricy addiction leaves him abuse by the World Health Organization in only enough disposable income to pay for 1980, and declared illegal in many countries his daughter’s monthly school fees. — such as the United States and most European Union member states — it is For Rahel, the choice to leave her husband completely legal in the Horn of Africa, carries a stigma. In a patriarchal society such where the practice of chewing khat as Ethiopia’s, if a woman separates from her recreationally dates back thousands of years. husband, many consider her to be the one at Ethiopia is the biggest exporter of khat in fault. Some friends turned their backs on the world. her.

87 In her mother’s apartment, lying on the The physical effects of the plant, however, couch, 5-year-old Lydia quietly watches pale beside the social and economic ones. cartoons on television. Rahel says she lets For some, addiction leads to poverty and Lydia spend time with her father on special unemployment. It is a painful cycle: They do occasions, such as birthdays, adding that, in not work, so they chew to pass the time, but her own youth, she suffered too much from then the time spent chewing, coupled with the absence of her parents to allow her the effects of khat, robs them of both the husband to fade from Lydia’s life. time and desire to work.

Abandoned when she was a child, Rahel was Making matters worse, khat is reaching eventually helped by the Catholic Mission in younger consumers. There are not enough Harar. She went to Abune Endrias School, a recreational outlets in the country for young boarding school that welcomes orphans and people, laments the Rev. Andreas Michael children from families of limited means. of the Catholic Mission, so they are drawn to the plant. Rahel credits the school and the mission with saving her life. Without it, she says, “I But in this boarding school, he says, the would have ended up as a street child.” teachers explain to their students the dangers of khat. It is a fate that could affect countless young “We have to keep them mentally, physically people in Ethiopia. But a visit to the and spiritually strong,” the priest says. Catholic Mission shows how the church is trying to change that and, in every sense, is Argaw Fantu, CNEWA’s regional director working to save the next generation. for Ethiopia, believes engaging children in their early stages of development, instilling Inside the ancient fortified city center of solid ideals and values as well as a healthy Harar, one of Islam’s holiest cities, the sense of self and purpose, is the right way to compound of the Catholic Mission is a shape their future. haven of peace. The Capuchin sisters and father who administer the boarding facility “We need to help them develop the right guide their wards, teaching them good moral attitude — to help them avoid manners as well as how to live a healthy exposing themselves to destructive behavior, lifestyle. One of their important goals is to such as chewing khat,” he says. “We try to keep children from becoming addicted to instruct them in the Catholic faith, teach khat. them how to live a worthy life, knowing the purpose of their existence and their final In this predominantly Muslim town, where destination.” khat addiction prevails, many succumb to the temptation of chewing. Outside the Catholic schools, Mr. Fantu says, highlight church compound, in the maze of colorful these matters in various ways — such ethics alleyways in the old town, many locals chew classes that discuss destructive behaviors the best leaves, forming a big ball inside and school dramas that demonstrate the their cheek; after several hours, they feel the effects of drug addiction on individuals and effects of mirkana, the dreamlike phase that families. follows the consumption of khat that differs according to the person.

88 Although a tiny minority, making up no “People who chew khat do not realize where more than 1 percent of the country’s they are, they might lose their population, Ethiopia’s Catholic Church is consciousness,” says Abel Yohannis, a tall, disproportionately influential in a nation wiry 16-year-old. He has told his parents dominated by Orthodox Christianity and that chewing khat is not good for their Islam. Its social development outreach and health, but it has proven difficult for them to emergency services — such as rushing food stop. Their situation is hardly unique. Life is during times of food shortage and potable difficult in Abel’s village, which lies just water in times of drought — and its system outside the town of Karamile, about 60 of Catholic schools, has heightened the miles from Dire Dawa. Many farmers use church’s profile. Saving young people from khat to help them carry out their strenuous the devastating effects of khat is an work. extension of that work, but it is an uphill battle. In Ethiopia, khat is pervasive, even Abel’s parents are struggling to make ends inescapable. “Khat,” says Abba Michael, “is meet for their eight children. That is why deeply rooted in Ethiopian culture.” one bishop proposed to his mother, Rosa Yosef, now 38, to take care of her son’s From the courtyard of Abune Endrias education. School, one can see the fields of khat and cereals extend across the horizon. Although On a recent July morning, the tall woman, noted for the cultivation of its coffee beans, whose face is framed by a pink scarf, more and more of Ethiopia’s farmers prefer prepares coffee in a very dark house with to cultivate khat. Its cultivation is also swarming flies. She started to chew khat as tolerated by the Ethiopian government, for an adult. Now she cannot stop. whom the khat trade is immensely profitable. “It helps me relax, it gives me energy. I have a lot of children, a lot of responsibilities,” In December 2018, the Ethiopian Business she explains. Her husband also decided to Review reported that khat exports have more grow khat in their field, to earn more money, than doubled in the last decade. Other but he now complains about the middlemen sources note that khat generates more who benefit far more than he does. revenue per acre than coffee, the nation’s largest export. The money this lucrative For Abel, it is difficult to see his parents product generates represents a significant chewing khat; he knows the side effects of barrier to any effort to curtail its use, even the leaves can include a weakened immune for public health concerns. Moreover, with system, heart disease, and kidney and liver Ethiopia’s changing climate, khat is easier to problems. While his parents continue on in grow than coffee, which requires regular this way, he does not expect life to improve. irrigation. Khat can also be harvested multiple times a year, making it a practical But he also understands the circumstances choice for many families. that precipitated their habit.

But talk to some of the students at Abune His father seems unconcerned. Endrias School, and you sense they are coming to understand just how dangerous “As a farmer, it gives me motivation and and destructive khat can be. strength,” his father says. “It’s like my

89 engine. But I’m thinking of stopping little by their communities: doctors, engineers and little.” teachers.

In the room, only Abel and the youngest “The number of patients is increasing,” says children do not chew. One of his little psychiatrist Henok Nega, 42, who brothers grabs a branch of khat near him, but volunteers at the center. When he’s not his mother takes it back. providing care to the center’s patients, he works at a public hospital. “We are not on the right path,” Rosa Yosef admits, adding that Abel sometimes tells “It needs more study, but the illnesses we them, in a joking tone, that khat is for goats. find here are mostly related to khat,” he It is clear to her, however, that her son explains. He is worried because of the low remains disappointed his family does not capacity to admit people. “The demand to heed his advice. get mental health services in the country is high,” he adds. In Ethiopia, there are very “Convincing them is easy, but changing few institutions for people suffering from them is difficult,” Abel says. “If they get addiction. another income and don’t have to rely on farming, they will stop. But it is difficult for It is sometimes difficult to convey the them.” dangers of this culturally entrenched herb; many people presume that if there is a The Missionaries of Charity run a treatment problem, it is the result of another drug, such center in Dire Dawa for those battling as cannabis. Others believe a rival has cast a mental illnesses and khat addiction, which spell on them, though the Catholic Church are commonly linked. The sisters and their does all it can to dispel such superstitious volunteer network of health care thinking. professionals, however, are overwhelmed: Most patients — brought to the center by In Dire Dawa, the 40 girls of the boarding family members or the Labor and Social school Abune Andreas Girls’ Home Office of Dire Dawa — stay an average of sometimes go to neighborhood homes to three months. The center offers them explain the dangerous effects of khat, says medical care and psychological counseling. the young priest of the parish, the Much of the latter centers on group Rev.Wondwossen Wube. meetings, as costs of one-on-one care are high and the center is understaffed. “In the eastern part of Ethiopia, khat is like While the government has agreed to provide bread or injera for the people,” he explains, water and electricity for free, the sisters referencing a traditional spongy flatbread must raise funds to cover everything else. staple of Ethiopian cuisine.

Despite the limited resources, more than 600 “We are concerned about that because it patients were treated in the last year. And implies child labor: the children go fetch while the sisters and their health care water or collect wood [while their parents partners care for many patients from the chew],” he says. It places the youth in a more marginalized segments of society, they difficult situation, as they recognize that also care for people who are the leaders of their parents are earning their living by growing this crop.


“It’s not easy for parents to accept their For Abba Wube, it is important to teach child’s advice because their life depends on them about the dangers of khat — to do khat,” he adds. everything they can, with what little resources they have, to reduce consumption, Abba Wube watches the girls play near the open minds and, hopefully, save lives. volleyball court. He has also suffered from the effects of khat. He never chewed, but his “I tell them about my experience,” he says. father was a habitual consumer. As a result, “We are trying to save our daughters from he ate almost nothing and lost weight. He this.” passed away a few years ago.

Emeline Wuilbercq

91 How to Speak about The Devil to Children

The devil is no mythical creature; he truly exists and constantly seeks to distance us from God.

After watching cartoons, children often us believe he doesn’t exist, that he’s just a think of Satan as an imaginary character. fantasy figure, or a metaphor. But the devil is no mythical creature; he truly exists and constantly seeks to distance Satan is not a god us from God. It’s important for young children to know and understand that to How should we speak about the devil to stand up to the great Tempter we must above children? Let’s get real and clear-sighted. all hold to our faith and pray to God. Let’s hold on to revealed Truth. We mustn’t teach anything in childhood that has to be Should we speak to children about Satan, discarded later on. That’s why we must stick about demons? And if so, how? These to what the Gospels reveal, nothing more, questions come back over and over again. nothing less, without watering it down. It’s Let’s try to answer them. Let’s first ask not about criticizing what’s been done but, ourselves if it’s useful and if it’s important, in the transmission of the faith, in relying from the point of view of the awakening of upon truths with a sound foundation in holy the Faith, to speak about the devil. Scripture.

Why speak to children about the devil In speaking of the devil to children, it’s not necessary to have recourse to images of The devil exists. And not only does he exist, horned and cloven creatures, nor to more or he’s not a detail, a bit player in our spiritual less fantasy descriptions. On the contrary, life. He’s the enemy who seeks our we must explain that Satan is very strong downfall, to turn us away from God. It is he and powerful, but that he is infinitely who sets everything in motion to distance us inferior to God. “He has no power over me,” from God. In explaining the parable of the said Jesus (Jn 14:30). The power of Satan is sower, Jesus tells us: “These are the ones on nothing next to God. Only God is all- the path where the word is sown. As soon as powerful. Satan is not a god. We must be they hear, Satan comes at once and takes careful to make this clear in the minds of away the word sown in them” (Mk 4:15). children: the difference between God and Satan is a difference in nature. Of course, A great number of cartoons (among other we’re not going to tell children that, for the things) feature the devil and diabolical word “nature” doesn’t have any meaning to creatures. Not only do these cartoons fail to them. But they must understand that Satan is portray Satan in the light of faith, they a being, dependent upon God. He cannot encourage children to believe he’s an destroy God; God could destroy him. imaginary figure like the heroes he battles, as in fairy tales, with no direct relationship “If it was God who created him, why is he to their everyday lives as children of God. evil?” children will wonder. When we speak As they grow up, they will consign Satan to about evil, about Satan, and hell, we must the wastebin, along with Batman and Dora always insist on the idea of freedom. God the Explorer. Satan’s finest ruse is to make created us good, but with free will. If we weren’t free, we wouldn’t be able to love. If

92 I don’t know how to say “no,” my “yes” is explained that when we do something bad, without value. Satan chose to say “no” to the devil and God, both in their own way, God; the archangel Gabriel (for example) one lying, the other true, will tell him, “It’s chose to say “yes.” not as bad as that.” But the devil will try to convince him, “It’s not serious, because it’s Offer children concrete examples not bad.” At the same time, God will tell him, “That was bad, but if you wish, you can Beware of presentations (or representations) admit what you did was wrong and ask me of the devil that show him as a hideous, for forgiveness. And I will forgive you. frightening, repulsive creature. Of course, in Whatever you did, my love is stronger.” reality, he is frightening and repulsive. But rarely in appearance. That’s where we get it When we speak of the devil to children, wrong. Satan is the seducer, the wily one. when we respond to their questions about He presents himself to us under the guise of him, don’t ever forget to remind them of the charm and seduction. Think of this in the One whom God chose to crush the head of light of a few examples in a child’s life: to Satan underfoot: the Virgin Mary. Let’s tempt you not to do your homework, he show children, for example, a Miraculous suggests how much more fun it would be to Medal, where Mary is represented with a play; to tempt you, he reminds you of the serpent under her feet. That serpent is a delicious taste of the chocolates you got at representation of Satan. In Mary, Satan is Christmas; when you do something naughty, vanquished, crushed, because Mary refused he tries to persuade you that it’s not that bad, to ever listen to him, to ever obey him. From it’s of no importance, that you were quite the first instant of her existence, Mary right to satisfy your own desire… remained without sin. Let us pray to her to keep us from the snares of the Evil One. There too, we must be careful to avoid any confusion in the child’s mind. It must be

Christine Ponsard

93 Attorney General Says Education Is 'Ground Zero' In Fight for Religious Freedom

Education is “ground zero” in the fight for He recently drew criticism for his decision religious freedom, the U.S. Attorney to resume federal executions of some General told an audience at the Notre Dame prisoners on death row, after Pope Francis Law School on Friday. had declared the death penalty “inadmissible” in 2018 and the U.S. bishops While speaking on the threats posed to had long pushed for its abolition. freedom of religion in the U.S. by aggressive secularism, Attorney General In his Friday remarks, Barr warned of a rise William Barr told law students that nowhere in secularism that is intent upon the is the threat to religious freedom so great as “organized destruction” of the Judeo- in education. Christian ethic, which he said the U.S. was founded upon. Education, he said, should lead students to the truth and teach them to “love the truth” This secular effort, he said, marshals the and to develop the “discipline to live by it.” resources of academia and the entertainment However, he added, “the times are hostile to and communications industries to promote a this.” vision of life and morality that is fundamentally at odds with Christianity; it Barr addressed law students at Notre Dame uses social ostracization, lawsuits, and other on religious freedom Oct. 11, while a crowd threats to push compliance, and even of protesters had gathered outside the law functions as a religion of sorts, he said. school reportedly blowing whistles and holding signs that included asking the Education, Barr said, is “ground zero” in Trump administration to end the practice of this fight where secularism seeks to impose separations of immigrant families at the itself on the populace even in violation of border. religious freedom.

The protest of blowing whistles was in Public school curricula are being pushed by reference to a whistleblower complaint that states and local boards of education that are President Donald Trump, on an official “incompatible with Judeo-Christian phone call with the Ukrainian president, had principles,” he said, with no opt-outs being offered Barr’s services to help investigate offered to parents with religious objections. the son of opposing presidential candidate Barr referenced the states of Illinois, Joe Biden and his business dealings in the California, New Jersey and Colorado which Ukraine. require by law that public schools teach “LGBT history.” A Catholic, Barr was previously the U.S. attorney general from 1991 to 1993 under The right of parents to transmit faith to their President George H.W. Bush. He was children is paramount, he said, and “for the confirmed as the 85th attorney general of the government to interfere in that process is a U.S. on February 14, after former attorney monstrous invasion of religious liberty.” general Jeff Sessions resigned in November of 2018 at the request of President Trump.

94 For instance, the New Jersey law was passed said, saying that the situation painted “ a without any opt-out for parents when the disturbing picture.” policy takes effect in middle and high Barr encouraged Catholics to “do all we can schools in 2020-2021. to promote and support authentic Catholic education at all levels,” while promising that The Orange County Department of the Department of Justice would “fight” for Education in California issued a memo in religious freedom, “the most cherished of all 2018 stating that parents who objected to American liberties.” comprehensive sexual education could not withdraw their children from instruction on In 2018, a religious liberty task force was gender, gender identity, gender expression, created at the Department of Justice to and sexual orientation. implement a 2017 religious liberty executive order. Barr said that the task force involves These cases are part of an effort of the “state the Solicitor General, the Office of Legal requiring local public schools to insert Counsel and others to meet regularly and themselves into contentious social debates discuss cases where the Establishment without regard to the religious views of their Clause is misapplied or abused by states students or parents,” Barr said. “Those against people of faith, or where the free families are implicitly told that they should exercise of religion is being violated. conform or leave.” In his remarks on Friday, Barr blamed the In other cases, religious schools are being “erosion” of traditional morality for the singled out and marginalized simply because subsequent rise in secularism that now of their religious status when they are being threatens religious freedom, and represents a considered for public benefits, he said. break with the founding values which underpin the American constitutional order. Long-standing laws such as Blaine Amendment statutes—once passed in many The Constitution, he said, was created for states as anti-Catholic measures—are now people who could govern themselves and being used to “starve religious schools of practice “moral discipline,” but in the last generally available funds” such as tax several decades there has been a decline in credits to help underprivileged students the common understanding and adaptation attend the school of their choice, Barr said, of Judeo-Christian principles and adherence pointing to a Montana case, currently before to the natural law. the Supreme Court in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue. “The campaign to destroy the traditional moral order,” he said, “I believe has brought In Indiana, a lawsuit brought by a former with it immense suffering and misery,” Barr teacher at Cathedral Catholic High School is said, while noting that the rise of secularism challenging the authority of the Archbishop had come with an attack on organized of Indianapolis to determine the Catholic religion brought with “force, fervor, and identity of a school in his archdiocese, Barr comprehensiveness.”


95 fight-for-religious-freedom-25982

96 STD Rate at An All-Time High Due to Promiscuity And Drug Use: CDC Report

In 2018, cases of syphilis, gonorrhea, and On Thursday, Family Research Council chlamydia were at an all-time high in (FRC) president Tony America, according to a report released last Perkins interviewed Dr. Michelle Cretella of week by the U.S. Centers for Disease the American College of Pediatricians and Control and Prevention (CDC). FRC’s own David Closson, who attributed the numbers to “liv(ing) in such a sexually The three most common sexually- saturated culture” and to venturing “outside transmitted diseases (STDs) rose to more of God's design and the boundaries that he's than 115,000 cases of syphilis, more given us,” respectively. than 580,000 cases of gonorrhea, and more than 1.7 million cases of chlamydia, the Cretella faulted the CDC's statement for CDC said in a press release. While all three emphasizing secondary prevention are treatable by antibiotics, without (treatment after the fact) over primary treatment they can be spread to other people prevention (discouraging risky behavior). and lead to heightened risks of HIV, She noted that government and society have infertility and ectopic pregnancies. no hesitation about telling young people to abstain from smoking (often The most alarming detail in the new report is employing frightening and judgmental a 40 percent spike in the number of infants language and imagery in the process), but born with syphilis to 1,300. tends to treat sexual promiscuity differently.

“There are tools available to prevent every Pro-lifers have long argued that so-called case of congenital syphilis,” Gail Bolan of “comprehensive” sex education, the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention said. particularly as operated by Planned “Testing is simple and can help women to Parenthood, actually encourages underage protect their babies from syphilis – a sexual activity, partly out of far-left preventable disease that can have ideology and partly in order to generate irreversible consequences.” more demand for Planned Parenthood’s services. The CDC report attributes the increases A 2016 report from the Obama-era U.S. partly to drug use and decreased condom Office of Adolescent Health found that, usage, as well as “poverty, stigma, and across six different Planned Parenthood unstable housing” reducing “access to STD affiliate partners, more than 3,500 students, prevention and care,” as well as “cuts to and 87 schools, a Planned Parenthood- STD programs at the state and local level.” backed sex-ed program left students “significantly more likely than Social conservatives argue that something controls to have ever been pregnant or to more fundamental is at work. have caused a pregnancy.”

Calvin Freiburger heightened-drug-use-promiscuity-cdc

97 The Catholic Church in The Philippines Is Giving Away Free Rosaries to Children

The giveaway is part of the worldwide “Actually this is a call to families. If event,”One Million Children Praying the children don’t see their parents or elders’ Rosary.” praying it’s going to be very difficult for them to imbibe the importance of praying The Catholic Church in the Philippines will the Rosary and prayer for that matter,” he distribute rosary beads to children as part of said. a worldwide event, “One Million Children Praying the Rosary,” which would have The program expects to draw participants children all in the world united in prayer. from 80 countries on all continents. On the ACN’s website,, The event was organized by the international children are provided a Prayer Kit that Catholic pastoral aid organization, Aid to contains fliers, a cover letter, and religious the Church in Need (ACN). The campaign instruction on the prayers of the Rosary in was envisioned in 2005, when a group of 29 different languages. children were praying in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. While they prayed, a group of This year will also feature a live stream of women who were present reported that they the Rosary, broadcast from the Chapel of felt the presence of the Blessed Virgin, Apparitions from the Sanctuary of Fatima, which brought to mind the promise of St. to better unify the prayer. Families and Pio: communities can join the stream and pray along with Catholics from all over the world “When one million children pray the at 6 p.m. local (1 p.m. EST). The stream is Rosary, the world will change.” viewable through a link on the banner of the ACN website, or by clicking here. The “One Million Children Praying the Rosary,” stream is live right now, so take a look to scheduled to take place on October 18, see what’s happening in Fatima at any time! encourages parents, teachers, and priests to lead their children through the devotion. In The “One Million Children Praying the the Philippines, ACN is distributing rosary Rosary” worldwide campaign aims to pray beads to the children, some of which The for peace and harmony among nations and Manila Bulletin reports are left overs from reconciliation, especially in the Middle East. World Youth Day, and were blessed by For more information on how your children Pope Francis himself. Of the event, Aid to can participate in “One Million Children the Church in Need Philippines National Praying the Rosary,” visit the website here. Director Jonathan Luciano commented:

J-P Mauro rosaries-to-children

98 Enough Evidence Now Exists to Prove Shakespeare Was Catholic, Author Says

Joseph Pearce points to the Bard’s purchase of a house known as a “notorious center for recusant Catholics” in London.

Enough evidence exists now to prove that indeed his own hands, which were William Shakespeare was a Catholic, said Catholic.” Joseph Pearce, author of The Quest for Shakespeare. In addition, Pearce noted, the Bard’s family was one of the most notorious recusant Pearce, known for his biographies of families in the country: some of his relatives Catholic converts and others, said in an were executed for their involvement in so- interview with America magazine that called Catholic plots, and his father was Shakespeare was, “beyond any reasonable fined for his Catholic recusancy. doubt,” at least a “Catholic in sympathy” and “to one degree or another a “So he was certainly raised militantly practicing, recusant Catholic.” Catholic,” the author stated. “It’s been presumed in some circles that he lost his Recusant Catholics were those who, in the faith when he came to London and started time of the English Reformation, remained writing the plays, but as I show in my loyal to the pope and the Roman Catholic book The Quest for Shakespeare and as Church and who did not attend Church of other authors have shown, all the evidence England services. shows that Shakespeare retains his Catholic faith during the 25 years or so that he’s For Pearce, one of the strongest pieces of writing the plays and sonnets.” evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism was his purchase of the Blackfriars Gatehouse in Pearce said he would like to write a separate London in 1612, just before he retired and book on each of Shakespeare’s plays, went back to Stratford-Upon-Avon. “because I think the evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism really emerges “This was a notorious center for recusant when you go scene-by-scene, not plucking Catholic activity in London,” Pearce told lines out of context.” America’s Fr. Sean Salai. The gatehouse “had remained in Catholic hands from the “What we really need are dozens of new dissolution of the monasteries to books looking at the plays from the Shakespeare’s purchase of it 80 years later, perspective of Shakespeare as a Catholic,” and Shakespeare insisted that John he concluded. “That’s far too big a job for Robinson—whose brother had left that same one person, but I do think we need a whole year to study for the priesthood at the new field of young scholars taking up the English College in Rome—should remain as challenge to actually go through the plays. the tenant, indicating that the house would Every time I visit a play, new aspects of continue to be used as a center of Catholic Shakespeare’s Catholicism leap up at me, so recusant activity. There can be no real it’s very exciting and much remains to be denying that Shakespeare purchased the done.” house to remain in Catholic hands and


John Burger author-says

100 U.S. on Verge of ‘Digital Experience Addiction Epidemic,’ Professor Warns

Americans are on the brink of a “digital interactions that bring about an experience experience addiction epidemic,” according of escape from suffering are very to a recent analysis done by Professor Pierre compelling. Nothing new here, just changes Berthon of Bentley University, who warns in means.” “we are addicted to our digital devices—or, more precisely, the digital experiences they The United States is not the only country enable.” that is struggling with this emerging epidemic. “Addictive De-Vices: A Public Policy Analysis of Sources and Solutions to Digital Countries such as China and South Korea, Addiction,” published in the Journal of and countries in the Middle East, are also Public Policy and Marketing, warns dealing with higher usages of digital America is “in the early stages of what is devices, whereas countries in Europe have likely to become a digital experience reported lower digital device usage, addiction epidemic.” according to the analysis. Berthon told The Fix he believes this has to do with the That encompasses cell phone apps, video culture, technology, infrastructure and games, social media platforms — the “entire individuals of the countries. ecology of digital devices, media platforms and content,” the professor said in an email According to Berthon, who cites in his interview with The College Fix last week. analysis an earlier study done by Dr. Daria Kuss and Dr. Olatz Lopez-Fernandez, the Berthon, an information design professor, negative side effects of this addiction described digital addiction as the include four different categories: compulsive and detrimental over-use of psychological, such as narcissism and low digital devices such as cell phones and self esteem: physical, such as sleep computers and associated social media, disturbances and traffic accidents; social, online games, dating apps, and other digital such as relationship problems and impaired experiences. socialization; and economic, such as productivity and treatment costs. The average teenager spends approximately nine hours a day on a digital device, while Berthon said the reason digital device adults spend two hours a day on social addiction is such a problem is because the media and five hours a day on their goals of the marketer and of the user are smartphones, according to the analysis. misaligned and will continue that way unless a third party, such as the government, steps While the “digital experience addiction in. epidemic” may be new, the reason for it may be as old as humanity — the need for “This is an emergent phenomenon, which escape, the professor said. was not planned in prospect and only understood in retrospect,” Berthon told The “The Buddha had it pretty much right: life is College Fix. “Consumers are addicted to suffering (or at least suffering is digital experiences; companies are addicted existential),” Berthon told The Fix. “Thus, to business models that harvest consumer

101 attention. All parties need to take people. If people would validate each other responsibility.” in person I think the need for our phones would be a lot less.” He said his solutions include informing and educating the public on the addictive Davison said she spends approximately six behaviors, highlighting their negative hours on her phone a day, less than the effects, redesigning the digital experience to average teenager, but more than the average minimize the addictive qualities, and adult. Even after cutting herself off from restricting digital experiences at specific social media a year ago, Davison said she times and places. had a relapse because her friends were on their phones so much. For college students in particular, Berthon’s ideas revolve around intentional awareness. While change does not occur overnight, Student Courtney Davison, a senior at Berthon said students can also limit the time California Baptist University, said she they spend on the devices by setting specific agrees that Americans need to ease off their goals and rules and using external devices digital devices. and people to hold them accountable.

“There are a lot of things we miss when we “The wonderful thing is that even as we are have our noses in our phones,” Davison all affected, we are all agents that come up told The College Fix. “We have a relentless with innovative and empowering solutions,” need to constantly check our phones because Berthon said. we have this need for validation from other

Misty Severi warns/

102 Georgia School District Delays Transgender Bathrooms After Parents Revolt

The Pickens County School District in Some LGBT former students also testified in Georgia announced this week it will delay support of the accommodation, with one implementation of a plan to let gender- claiming that “too many LGBTQ youth confused students use bathrooms meant for avoid using the bathroom at all at school, to the opposite sex, following a massive the detriment of their health.” These did not turnout of angered parents before the school win over the many in attendance who felt board. that the school was disregarding the rights of non-trans students. Previously, Pickens County allowed “transgender” students to simply use single- The school district insists that school staff occupancy restrooms. But following “monitors all restrooms during class demands for full access to opposite-sex changes; we are asking the staff to be even restrooms, the district announced Monday it more diligent in their duties to ensure that ... would be following recent court rulings that safety concerns do not materialize.” “establish the right of a transgender student However, bowing to pressure, to use the restroom which the student Superintendent Carlton Wilson said the identifies with,” the Atlanta Journal- district was delaying implementation of Constitution reports. transgender bathrooms, pending further discussion by the board. The news didn’t sit well with area parents, hundreds of whom attended a board meeting Conservatives argue that forcing children that night to make their displeasure known. and teens to share intimate facilities with members of the opposite sex violates their “Most people won’t say anything because privacy rights, subjects them to they fear retaliation,” said Nathan Barfield, needless emotional stress, and who testified that his two children were gives potential male predators a viable uncomfortable with the new rules. pretext to enter female bathrooms or lockers. “Accommodations have already been made for transgender students. This is nothing but In May, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to a political stunt to gain attention!” His hear a case challenging a Pennsylvania declaration reportedly received school district’s transgender locker room “thunderous” affirmation from the audience. policy. Last month, the Gloucester County School District in Virginia announced it “Once you give into this, you’ll open the would appeal a suit forcing it to implement floodgates,” testified Lisa Ray, another transgender bathrooms to the 4th U.S. parent. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Calvin Freiburger parents-revolt

103 From Nast to Family Circus, Philadelphia Exhibit Shows How Catholics Have Been Depicted in Cartoons

Catholic Historical Research Center mounts display of drawings by and about Catholics.

“Cartooning Catholics” is an exhibit in the Northeast Times. “He saw the rise of Philadelphia examining how Catholics were parochial parish schools and high schools as portrayed in secular drawings and how an attack against public schools.” Catholics portrayed their own beliefs through cartoons. There are also modern depictions that are critical of the Church, such as comics from Bob Humble, an area cartoonist who had a Jack Chick. long running feature in the Delaware County Daily Times, kicked off the exhibit with a “These cartoons deal with Anti-Catholicism lecture at the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s in two different ways, the first focused on Catholic Historical Research Center, housed the menace of the pope and the second dealt in the former Our Lady of Ransom with the threat to the public school system,” School, October 17. The free exhibit will be the research center says in a press release. there until October 1, 2020. But there are other other cartoons, drawn by It features some specimens of cartoons that Catholics and often published in Catholic would be considered highly offensive today, newspapers, that served two different but which once expressed the anti-Catholic functions. feelings of a good portion of the American population. “The first was to offer commentary on Exhibit A for that history is Thomas Nast’s current events and the second was to offer “The American River Ganges,” which humor on daily Catholic life,” the center depicts a group of frightened children said. “The editorial cartoons drawn from the standing on a river bank, cowering as a 1950s through the 1970s cover major bunch of crocodiles emerge from the water. historical events, including the Second Look a little closer, and the crocodiles are Vatican Council and the Civil Rights actually bishops wearing miters. On the Movement. Featured here are cartoonists opposite shore is a building in the form of Earl H. Wolf (1915-1999), Robert F St. Peter’s Basilica, but with “Tammany McGovern (1933-2011), and John James Hall” written across the front. On the near Knudsen (1923-2008). Examining the shore is an American public school in ruins, drawings reveals how Catholics reacted to flying the U.S. flag upside down, a symbol world events. of distress. One, from the now-defunct Catholic Nast, who published in Harper’s Weekly in Standard & Times, is a 1964 drawing titled the latter half of the 19th century, was “very “Complete Education,” showing a student fearful of Irish-Catholics coming in and kind working at a desk strewn with books on of changing the cultural landscape of math, science, economics and other secular America,” Patrick Shank, an archivist at the subjects, but also a Bible at hand. center who curated the exhibit, told

104 The exhibit also features Marvel comics Keane’s cartoons, said the center, “reveal based on the lives of St. Francis of Assisi, the lighter side of Catholic social thought by Pope John Paul II and others, as well as highlighting religion as expressed in daily some strips from “Family Circus,” a comic life.” created by Philadelphia native Bill Keane.

John Burger catholics-have-been-depicted-in-cartoons

105 This Is What Happened When A School Banned Cellphones

And teachers were asked to join in, too!

With the rise in smartphone addiction, and morning and ensure all phones are stowed the disturbing effects it has on children and away. In the corridors kids are monitored to adults alike, a school in Llandudno, Wales, make sure they’re sticking to the rules, and has taken drastic action to address the anyone who is spotted with a cellphone has problem. Since 2018, the school has decided it confiscated for the day — repeat offenders to ban students from using phones while on have their parents or guardians brought into the school campus — even during recess. school to pick up the offending phone. And to set a positive example, members of staff have been asked to refrain from using Although the increase in exam performance their phones in front of the students. is obviously an excellent outcome of the ban, the fact that children are According to Wales Online, the headteacher communicating with each other and learning of Ysgol John Bright, Ann Webb, reports key social skills is possibly even more that the ban — which has been in effect for a important. It forces them to pull away from year — has “made a massive difference” a digital world that engenders insecurity; a with children focusing on real-life world of “likes,” criticism, and inappropriate socializing and being more engaged in their selfies. It allows them to be school kids lessons. again.

With no distraction or temptation to check “I genuinely think the pupils have welcomed social media or message friends or family, the break from social media and, because the children are forced to focus on the job in situation is clear cut, everybody hand. It’s therefore not surprising that the complies,” Webb states. “It’s a black and carpet ban has had a very positive effect on white rule that’s applied consistently.” exam results, with a 10% rise in exam performance. Now, if more schools and also the rest of us could all follow this example, we might be a The ban is also easily monitored by teachers. little more contented and perform better. They’re out greeting the students in the

Cerith Gardiner

106 How to Raise Your Children with Emotional Intelligence

We need to teach them to “accept feelings, limit actions.”

Nowadays, we know that it’s important to In the past, it was very common to reject raise our children with emotional feelings in order to try to correct intelligence, which includes the ability to inappropriate behavior. People would use understand, evaluate, and control our phrases like, “You shouldn’t get angry about emotions. In our efforts to raise children that,” or “You don’t have any reason to be with these abilities, we as parents must also sad.” Parents thought that if they could train understand the importance of accepting our their children’s emotions, they could also children’s feelings. correct their behavior. This ended up making children insecure and lacking in It’s a common mistake to think that emotional intelligence, since on the one accepting feelings means accepting the hand they were unable to stop feeling what actions that may result from those feelings, they were feeling, and on the other, they which leads to children who are rebellious, didn’t learn to control their behavior. disrespectful, and/or spoiled. At the other extreme, there arose the theory These ideas led author Rebecca Eanes, that we had to accept all our children’s founder of Positive Parenting, to come up emotions and reactions in order to respect with a very simple phrase that parents can their natural self-expression. Consequently, easily remember: “accept feelings, limit parents were afraid to teach their children to actions.” control inappropriate behavior. As a result, we ended up with children who thought that Distinguishing feelings from actions any and all behavior was acceptable, if it was sincerely felt, including behavior that Feelings are neither right nor wrong, they had a negative effect on others. simply are what they are. We feel what we feel. However, what we do with those Responsibility feelings is extremely important, and this is the key to raising our children with When we accept emotions and limit actions, emotional intelligence so that they will we teach our children that their feelings are understand their responsibility for their a normal human experience, but that they’re actions. also responsible for how their actions affect themselves and those around them. It’s not just about understanding and accepting their feelings, but also about This guideline helps us not only in raising teaching our children how to react our children, but it can also be applied in appropriately to those feelings. If we accept many aspects of our own lives. Our our children’s every reaction as correct, we relationships, above all with our spouses, won’t be teaching them how to handle their can benefit greatly if we understand that our feelings during difficult moments or how to emotions don’t give us a blank check to respond to others when they feel engage in just any kind of behavior. We are emotionally overwhelmed. the ones who, with our force of will, have the ability to direct our lives and our actions.


Maria Veronica Degwitz

108 Are Children Naturally Religious?

Prof. Justin Barrett shares the result of his research.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says showing a sort of eagerness to think it and literature from other sources and religious thoughts, sometimes to the disciplines agree: man is a religious being embarrassment or disappointment of their with the tendency to believe in and seek to parents.” relate to a transcendent being whom he cannot see but is related to man’s origin. Indeed, he says, it’s surprising how children are “really eager to think about gods of However, as the Church also recognizes, different sorts, and to pray and to engage in todays’ adults don’t seem overwhelmingly rituals,” and this leads to the obvious concerned with the religious dimension of question: “Why?” It turns out that the life—at least not many of them, particularly answer is similar to the question itself: it’s in urban settings. But what about children? rooted in the inquisitive nature of children. Are they open to the transcendent, even when their parents seem to deny its “By the time children are about three or four existence? years old,” Barrett says, “they already look around the natural world. They see The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and mountains and trees and rivers and animals, Religion at Oxford University has shared on and they think that they have purposes, that its site and on YouTube a series of they are here for some kind of reason, and videos called “Explorations.” In one of then they start wondering, ‘Well, but, who them, Prof. Justin Barrett, professor of brought them about? Why do they have psychology and program chair for PhD in those reasons, those purposes?’” Children Psychological Science at the Department of learn early on that human beings can’t Doctoral Psychology at Fuller Theological manufacture animals or anything on the Seminary, one of the founders of the field of scale of the natural world around us, so they cognitive science of religion, argues that conclude that there must be one or more children are naturally religious. beings greater than human beings, responsible for creation. Barrett, author of the book Born Believers, explains that many studies of children’s “Children have this tendency to assume that religious beliefs have been carried out in all of these other possible beings, gods, have different countries, cultures, and continents super knowledge, are super perceiving, and around the world. In all of them, he says, possibly immortal as well; they’ll go on “we’re seeing an emerging pattern. On the living forever,” Barrett explains. In other broadest level, it’s really remarkable: words, children are living evidence of St. children seem to have this real openness and Paul’s words to the Romans: “Ever since the receptivity to religious beliefs.” This applies creation of the world, God’s invisible to children in general, not just to those attributes of eternal power and divinity have raised in religious families. been able to be understood and perceived in what He has made.” (Romans 1:20) “Even children who are being raised by non- religious parents,” Barrett says, “often are

109 Barrett is one of two professors who, at the thought are rooted in religious concepts and University of Oxford, headed up a that people living in cities in highly collaborative project a few years ago developed countries were less likely to have involving 57 academics from 20 countries religious beliefs than people living in more around the world. Among other findings, rural settings. they concluded that the processes of human

Esteban Pittaro

110 Construction Begins On Baltimore’s First New Catholic School in over 50 Years

Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore and some form of tuition assistance, either from other leaders from the city broke ground on the archdiocese or from another partner. October 23 for the first new Catholic school in the city of Baltimore in nearly 60 years. Maryland is home to the Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Mother Mary Lange School is set to open in Today (BOOST) program, which provides 2021. It will teach about 520 students in scholarships for some lower-income grades pre-kindergarten through eighth. The students to attend private schools. school is located in the West Baltimore The area where the school is to be located is neighborhood of Poppleton. part of a gap created by the closing of other Catholic schools, officials said. The school The school is located near a part of the city will become the home for current students at facing high levels of crime and poverty, nearby Holy Angels Catholic School and which was home to riots after the 2015 death Saints James and John Catholic School. of Freddie Gray while in police custody. In an interview last week, Archbishop Lori Lori said that his experience in the area at said that he hoped the location of the school the time made him realize that the residents would attract families and students from of that neighborhood had “had enough of the other parts of the city as well. status quo, of being marginalized, of being cast aside, of being expected to settle for “I’m excited to see a beautiful new school what was presumed to be a life be created on that site,” said Lori. “I’m predetermined by others, by circumstances thinking about all the opportunity that this outside of their control.” school will provide young people who live in our city, to grow in every way–spiritually, It was the role of the Church, said Lori, to physically, intellectually, emotionally, help improve this situation and to create a socially.” better future for the children who live there. The archdiocese said the $24-million school “That is why the archdiocese is making a will host a chapel, STEM suite, two bold statement and an even bolder classrooms for each grade, a robotics lab, a investment of $24 million in Baltimore City gym, and athletic fields. Some of these and in this neighborhood, because we facilities will be available for the public to believe it is the right thing to do for our use. Over $20 million for the construction of children and for this community,” said Lori the school has already been raised. at the groundbreaking. Eric Costello, a member of the Baltimore The Archdiocese of Baltimore said in a City Council whose district includes Mother news article about the school that the Mary Lange School, told The Catholic majority of the students who will attend Review that he was looking forward to the Mother Mary Lange School are not completion of the project as an investment Catholic, and that about 80-90% will receive into the neighborhood’s future.

111 “We’re going to have more folks in the foundress of the religious order the Oblate neighborhood on a daily basis,” said Sisters of Providence. Costello. “It’s important because we’re The order was the first religious order for going to have community use of the facility black freewoman religious, and was on the inside and the outside, so it’s dedicated to the education of African- something that’s really exciting for the American girls and the training of African- neighborhood.” American teachers. The Oblate Sisters of Providence were founded in Baltimore, Costello said he thought the school is “going where Mother Mary Lange lived for most of to be something that is really incredible, and her life after immigrating to the United is really going to benefit our kids.” States from Cuba.

The namesake of the school, Servant of God In 2004, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Mary Elizabeth Lange, O.S.P., was the Causes of Saints opened her cause for canonization.

CNA catholic-school-in-over-50-years/

112 Newman’s Three Ideas of A University

The basic idea of John Henry Newman’s the cultivation of virtue, while, at the same great work, The Idea of a University, is one time, it is absolutely distinct from it.” of those brilliant arguments that take your breath away for its simplicity and power. A This too is an audacious idea. Sure, we’re university, he says, as its name implies, is a used to the argument that a university should place of universal learning. Therefore, an emphasize the “liberal arts,” not simply institution that failed to teach about God, the offering specialized or pre-vocational central reality, the origin and end of disciplines. But Newman’s critique is much everything else, whatever its other merits, broader. If you are thinking about a simply could not be called a university. It university in terms of grades, programs, and would be a sham university, like a dodgy majors, he is saying, and not (so to place that on principle excluded chemistry speak) the intellectual personalities you are or physics. With devastating logic, Newman forming, then you are missing the mark then traces out the disorders that must afflict entirely. It’s not clear whether any existing an academic community that has plucked university at all has the right goal, on out its very heart. Newman’s view.

It’s an audacious idea, that our most For a long time, I wondered what the prestigious universities are, most of them, connection was, between these two rather not genuine universities at all. different ideas. Recently, I discovered it, in a passage from Newman’s congenial novel Trouble is, there’s a second and different about university life at Oxford, Loss and idea in Newman’s work. He also describes Gain. a university as a place where the distinctive beauty of the intellect is imparted, just for its The protagonist of that work, Charles own sake: Reding, begins his studies supposing that “it was a duty to be pleased with everyone.” “There is a physical beauty and a moral: His working principle is relativism, really, there is a beauty of person, there is a beauty the same relativism which American of our moral being, which is natural virtue; students carry along with them. But then he and in like manner there is a beauty, there is has an intellectual conversion. First, he a perfection, of the intellect. . . .The artist realizes that “Contradictions could not both puts before him beauty of feature and form; be real: when an affirmative was true, a the poet, beauty of mind; the preacher, the negative was false. All doctrines could not beauty of grace: then intellect too, I repeat, be equally sound: there was a right and a has its beauty, and it has those who aim at it. wrong.” Second, he comes to see that “it is To open the mind, to correct it, to refine it, our duty to hold true opinions” and, thus, it to enable it to know, and to digest, master, is disfiguring to believe something false: rule, and use its knowledge, to give it power over its own faculties, application, It was not respectable in any great question flexibility, method, critical exactness, to hold false opinions. It did not matter that sagacity, resource, address, eloquent such false opinions were sincerely held,— expression, is an object as intelligible. . .as …He might redeem and cover this blot by a

113 thousand excellences, but a blot it would which will not be the case in a “university” remain; just as we should feel a handsome which excludes teaching about God. man disfigured by the loss of an eye or a What links the two ideas – the “third idea” – hand. . . .if a professing Christian made the is just the “principle of dogmatism,” that we Almighty a being of simple benevolence, have a duty to seek the truth and reject and He was, on the contrary. . .a God who strenuously what is false, in the “great punishes for the sake of justice, such a questions.” person was making an idol or unreality the object of his religion, and. . .so far [Charles] Many Catholics are aware that Newman, in could not respect him. his famous Biglietto Speech, reflected back over his life and observed that “for thirty, Newman writes, “Thus the principle of forty, fifty years I have resisted to the best of dogmatism gradually became an essential my powers the spirit of liberalism in element in Charles’s religious views.” religion.” By “liberalism” he meant relativism and indifferentism. The opposite So here is the link between the two ideas. of liberalism, then, is this very “principle of The beauty of intellect, which a university dogmatism” that Charles Reding came to should aim to impart, is not attainable by embrace. No doubt the young Newman at someone who holds false views in deeply Oxford embraced that principle too. important matters, in “great questions,” as Newman calls them. But whether God We admire Newman and, I hope, want to be exists, and what his attributes are, including like him. We love the beauty of his whether he has revealed himself, and how, intellect. Yet, chances are, when we look at are surely “great questions.” Thus, if a the Biglietto Speech, we are merely grateful university is to impart beauty of intellect, it that Newman, for his part, opposed must at least provide the opportunity for liberalism. However, if we take Newman’s students to seek the truth about God. three ideas of a university seriously, we too should sincerely embrace the principle of Alternatively, beauty of the intellect, like all dogmatism, and be satisfied with nothing beauty, implies unity and proportion. But less than an education equally opposed to students cannot attain these in what they “liberalism” – which prompts students to be learn unless a similar unity and proportion relentless in pursuing truth in “great are found in the subjects that are taught, questions,” and tenacious in latching onto the truth when found. Michael Pakaluk

114 Judge Allows Nicholas Sandmann’s Lawsuit Against Washington Post to Move Forward

A federal judge granted a small victory longer video showed that Phillips was the Monday to Covington Catholic High School one who approached Sandmann. student Nicholas Sandmann in his defamation lawsuit against The Washington Judge Bertelsman then noted that after Post. giving “this matter careful review,” he had decided that Sandmann sufficiently alleged a Sandmann and other students from the claim for defamation against The Post based Kentucky high school became the subject of on the statements identified as “Statements national media criticism in January after the 10, 11, and 33,” “to the extent that these March for Life in Washington, D.C. A video three statements state that plaintiff ‘blocked’ clip showing part of the students’ interaction Nathan Phillips and ‘would not allow him to with Native American activist Nathan retreat.’” Phillips led to the students being branded as racists and instigators. Later, a longer video … the court also noted that in his amended of the interaction surfaced, disproving complaint, Sandmann alleged in great detail claims against Sandmann and the other “that Phillips deliberately lied concerning students. the events at issue,” and that but for The Washington Post’s negligence or malice, Sandmann’s lawyers are accusing the they would have realized as much. newspaper of negligently reporting on what happened and damaging the teen’s The news brings hope for Sandmann’s reputation. defamation cases against NBC and CNN as well, McMurtry wrote on Twitter this week. Fox News reports District Judge William O. They are seeking $250 million in damages. Bertelsman allowed the lawsuit to move forward Monday, reversing his initial ruling “The law must protect innocent minors in the case. Bertelsman initially threw out targeted by journalists publishing click-bait the lawsuit in July, but Sandmann’s lawyers sensationalized news,” McMurtry said asked him to reconsider his ruling based on previously. “This is especially true in the additional evidence. current hyper-partisan political environment.” The new ruling means the lawsuit can begin discovery, which will allow the teen’s The students and their families received lawyers to obtain documents from The Post death threats because of the accusations, and about their coverage of the incident, their school was forced to close several days according to the report. because of security concerns.

Attorney Todd McMurtry told Fox News Many mainstream media outlets wrongfully that a longer video showed that “Nathan accused Sandmann and other students of Phillips presented a false factual narrative harassment and racism in January after a when he described what happened” with heavily edited video surfaced of them face Sandmann. Phillips accused the student of to face with Phillips, a Native American blocking him from leaving; however, the activist. Longer footage of the incident later

115 disproved many of the claims against “There was a rush by the media to believe Sandmann and his peers. what it wanted to believe versus what actually happened,” McMurty said An independent investigation also disproved previously. many of the accusations. The report by Greater Cincinnati Investigation, Inc. states For example, McMurtry told The Cincinnati that the pro-life teens did not initiate the Enquirer that Sandmann was accused of confrontation or use any racial slurs against getting into the face of Phillips, but the full Phillips or the Black Hebrew Israelites footage of the incident disproved this claim. group, which also was protesting. Despite the new evidence, left-wing activist “We found no evidence of offensive or Kathy Griffin and others were adamant in racist statements by students to Mr. Phillips their criticism of the teens and the teens or members of his group,” the report states. only. There has been little condemnation of “We found no evidence that the students the Black Hebrew Israelite adults who performed a ‘Build the Wall’ chant.” shouted profanities and racial slurs at the students and Native Americans, or of Previously, attorney Lin Wood said Phillips Phillips who claimed the students got in his told “lies and false accusations” about face when video evidence indicates that he Sandmann and other students after the Jan. approached them, according to Reason. 18 incident. Phillips did not participate in the independent investigation. According to In a statement after the incident, Sandmann Townhall, he lied about the students said he was confused by the whole incident chanting “Build the wall!” and about his and he smiled only to let the other protesters Vietnam service. know that he would not be intimidated.

The student’s legal team sent letters to 52 “I am a faithful Christian and practicing different entities demanding that they retract Catholic, and I always try to live up to the their statements against the students. A list ideals my faith teaches me – to remain of the 52 entities can be found here. respectful of others, and to take no action that would lead to conflict or violence,” he said. Micaiah Bilger washington-post-to-move-forward/

116 The Fascinating History of Australia’s First Mass, And The Priest Who Celebrated It

Fr. James Dixon, himself a convict, brought the Eucharist to a country where Catholicism was illegal.

The first-ever Catholic Mass in Australia punishment: transportation to Botany Bay was celebrated by a wrongly convicted for life. priest, Fr. James Dixon. Botany Bay, as the new British colony of James Dixon seemed destined for an New South Wales was often called, unremarkable life. Born in 1758 to a well-to- occupied only a tiny part of the eastern coast do family from County Wexford in Ireland, of Australia. It had been founded in 1788 to he was educated by a local parish priest and relieve London’s over-crowded prisons. If then trained at the seminaries in Salamanca the convicts survived the months-long and Louvain. When he returned to Ireland to journey from England to the other side of take up his position as curate in Crossabeg, the world, they would be worked hard and Co. Wexford, he could hardly have expected often beaten. But for many, it was a far what the future would hold. better life than they expected and together, The year 1798 would change his world they cobbled together a new society. forever. When Fr. Dixon arrived in 1800, At the end of the 18th century, Ireland was Catholicism was illegal in the penal colony. seething under British rule. In 1798, a Despite this, New South Wales had a small rebellion erupted in and around Dublin. but growing Catholic population. About one Inspired by the American and French tenth of the convicts who arrived on the First revolutions, Catholics and Protestants Fleet were Irish Catholics and many of the banded together to oppose the tyranny of Royal Marines who controlled the fledgeling British rule in Ireland. They called colony were also Irish Catholics. themselves the United Irishmen and declared an all-out war on the British. Now, after the 1798 rising, there were even more Irish Catholic convicts and they were One of the battles, the Battle growing restless. Something had to be done. of Tubberneering, happened in Wexford In order to placate the new Irish convicts, near Fr, Dixon’s village. The United the Governor at the time agreed to allow Irishmen rebels were defeated and the priest Mass to be celebrated in the colony. After arrested. Fr, Dixon was accused of fighting permissions were also granted from Rome, in the battle. The evidence was flimsy and the Governor went to the nearest priest he according to his local bishop, Dixon was could find in a penal colony — the probably mistaken for his brother Nicholas convicted rebel James Dixon. who played an active role in the 1798 Rebellion. The first Catholic Mass in Australia took place in Sydney on May 15, 1803. The Fr. Dixon was court-martialed and sentenced colony of convicted felons, rebels, and to death. As was common at the time, his soldiers had no time or money for expensive sentence was commuted to a lesser

117 liturgical apparel or elaborate designs. They priest. He forced all the convicts, including had to do with what they had. the Catholic convicts, to attend Anglican church services. They made vestments out of old curtains and forged a chalice made of tin. With these Although he couldn’t celebrate Mass simple makeshift materials, the first public publicly, Fr. Dixon did what he could. He Mass on Australian soil was celebrated. continued to baptize, marry, and bury his Jesus had been condemned by the Roman Catholic parishioners in secret. Eventually, state, whipped, beaten, mocked, and rejected his good conduct was recognized. He was by society. Now, at the words of this convict granted early release and returned to Ireland priest, He became truly present on the altar in 1808, dying in his native Wexford in to take away the sins of the world. 1840.

The joy of the new Australian Catholics, For Australian Catholics, however, it would however, was short-lived. be 13 years before another Mass was allowed in Australia. Less than a year later, a rebellion broke out in Sydney among the convicts. Martial law Today, Catholics make up about 23% of was declared and the rebellion was quickly Australia’s population and form the largest and brutally suppressed. Although Fr. Dixon Christian church in the country. The Church did not take part in the uprising, even in Australia, however, began much humbler appealing to the rebels to put down their and poorer. It seems only right that the first arms when they were surrounded, the priest of this penal colony was also a Governor didn’t care. The rebellion involved convict. Probably innocent of his crimes, he Irish Catholics and the authorities were sure was ever-faithful to his vows as a Catholic that they used the cover of Mass to plot priest. against the British Army. Even on the other side of the world. The Governor outlawed Catholicism and revoked Fr. James’ right to act as a Catholic

Laura McAlister celebrated-it

118 After Years of Common Core, Betsy DeVos Announces 'Devastating' Results

Years after Common Core made its debut in only managed to score a single point above many state education systems, the disastrous their previous tests. long-term results of the program are finally being seen. Eighth graders failed to meet that low standard, sinking below their predecessors The revelation came as part of the from two years before. Department of Education’s 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress report. “This must be America’s wake-up call,” DeVos said. “We cannot abide these poor “Every American family needs to open The results any longer. We can neither excuse Nation’s Report Card this year and think them away nor simply throw more money at about what it means for their child and for the problem.” our country’s future,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said in a media The dip doesn’t seem to be without cause, release. “The results are, frankly, either. By 2015, most states had devastating.” implemented some form of Common Core standards, according to the Association for “This country is in a student achievement Supervision and Curriculum Development. crisis, and over the past decade it has continued to worsen, especially for our most Studies have linked Common Core to vulnerable students,” she added. declining test scores and generally poor student performance. The NAEP is a test administered in alternating years to students in the fourth This failure in U.S. schools comes at a time and eighth grades. The government- when Chinese students appear to be blowing mandated assessment covers both math and American children out of the water. reading proficiency. Results from the Program for International The students’ reading assessment paints a Student Assessment, which tests students grim picture of educational readiness, with internationally on their proficiency in math, tested fourth and eighth graders failing to science and reading, show that China ranks a best the previous test’s results. full 21 spots ahead of the United States.

This year’s results were only marginally The 21st century needs to remain an better than those from 1992. American century. Letting the Chinese take the global lead would have disastrous results The mathematics scores show the most across the world. damning results — an upward trend until the year 2015, when the momentum seemed to If we expect our future engineers, scientists, grind to a halt. Although there were double- and mathematicians to compete in an digit gains since the ’90s, fourth graders increasingly globalized world, it’s clear that Common Core needs to be abandoned.

Jared Harris


120 Should We Still Teach Our Children to “Obey”?

Listening to a parent isn’t just for practical reasons, but also spiritual ones.

Obedience has negative connotations these vice versa. If children must obey their days, but it’s still an important aspect of parents, it’s not because parents are stronger, child-rearing. A child has to learn not to more intelligent, or more clever than them, play with dangerous objects and to pay but because they hold their authority from attention when crossing the street. God. Obedience is also indispensable for peace in family life. Children who refuse to obey, How to teach a child obedience whether it’s to stop hitting their siblings, get ready for bed, or tidy their room, can make There’s no magic recipe, but there are life miserable for everyone else. A parent’s certain principles. It’s important to limit the patience can grow thin, which almost number of orders and restrictions on a child. inevitably leads to shouting, excessive We can’t demand everything all at once. It’s punishment, and sour moods. But what, better to firmly lay down a few rules rather really, is obedience? than set out dozens we give up on because they’re too numerous and not sufficiently Obedience: The condition of freedom precise. We also need to know how to adapt our requirements to a child’s abilities. That We all depend on someone or something; implies a good knowledge of our child, real God alone is subject to nothing and no one. attention to who they are, and unfailing Our freedom lies in obeying something patience. greater than ourselves. Our freedom lies in obeying God. The more God’s will is It’s sometimes difficult for us to accept our accomplished in us, the more we are free — child’s limitations — we’d like them to be and profoundly joyful. But God doesn’t perfect — but God calls us to perfection, it’s speak to us directly to tell us what His will He who perfects, and to do so He doesn’t is. He uses intermediaries, including our rush us. He asks us to take one step after parents. Our parental authority comes from another, never getting annoyed at our God. That’s why we can’t exercise that slowness, or even our backsliding. He never authority anyway we like. We must not loses confidence in us. God the Father forget that this is a mission we’ve been teaches us patience and serenity. Not entrusted with. superficial carelessness that could cause us to misjudge the limitations or faults of our We need to be careful not to confuse children, but that peace born of the sure authority with power. What makes a demand knowledge that we are instruments in the fair and legitimate is not the power we have hands of a Father much more far-sighted and to impose it, but the authority we’ve been loving than us. given to make it. Authority can take the form of different powers: the power to Once an order is given, remain firm and punish, for example, or to constrain by insist on being obeyed. If a child knows his physical force (by taking a child by the hand parents will not give in, it helps them to to stop them crossing the road). But these obey. On the other hand, if they’re sure they powers are the consequence of authority, not can get their way through tantrums or

121 passive resistance, they’ll use every means to make you give in. That’s why it’s so Many methods can be helpful in helping important not to make demands off the top your child more obedient, but there’s one of your head. It’s before making a demand that’s never justified or clever: telling a lie. that you have to think; afterwards, it’s too It destroys the confidence of the child who, late. sooner or later, will see through your ruse. Deeper than that, requiring obedience Another important point: don’t contradict an implies we ourselves know how to be order given by your spouse, even if it seems obedient, that we know we are dependent on debatable. A child has a deep need for God, and that we seek to have His will consistency and it’s of utmost importance accomplished in us. You don’t need to look they not feel torn between their parents. that far; in every moment, in the slightest There can be serious discussions between events of our everyday life, God is calling parents about the upbringing of their us. He invites us all — parent and child alike children, but never in front of them. — to obedience, the condition of our freedom and our joy. Set an example by being obedient yourself

Christine Ponsard

122 Former Planned Parenthood Staffer Reveals How Abortion Biz Grooms Kids for Sex and Abortions

Monica Cline used to be a Planned The first chapter of the book is titled “Can Parenthood volunteer educator who taught You Die from Masturbating Too Much?” sex education to students and young adults. Subsequent chapters include “Do Guys Really Cum in Their Sleep?” and “Is Twelve Now, she is a leading voice against the Too Young to Know I’m Bi?” abortion chain and its massive sex education program. On its website, Planned Parenthood brags Speaking to Breitbart, Cline said Planned about being the leading provider of sex Parenthood is targeting younger and education in the U.S. Among its worst younger children through its sex education teaching points, Planned Parenthood tells programs in public schools. children that promiscuity is ok. “There’s nothing bad or unhealthy about having a big In early October, for example, Planned number of sexual partners,” it tells Parenthood wrote on Twitter, “Abortion is students on its Tumbler page. Planned health care — and it needs to be included in Parenthood’s booklet for HIV-positive conversations about sex and sexual health at youth, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” also tells home and in the classroom.” Accompanying young people that it is their “human right” to the post was an article that recommended not tell their partner that they have HIV. “teach[ing] about abortion early” – as early as parents start talking to their children Cline said the abortion group manipulates about pregnancy. children’s natural curiosity to promote risky sexual behavior. Cline said this is all part of the billion-dollar abortion chain’s plan “to groom children” “Children’s curiosity is a positive indicator for risky sex and abortions. of proper development, but what they learn on that journey needs to be carefully Here’s more from the report: monitored and taught by parents, not Planned Parenthood,” she said. Monica Cline told Breitbart News that Planned Parenthood’s new sex ed book, “I can already hear some of you shouting, titled In Case You’re Curious, “targets ‘not all parents speak to their kids about children with just enough cuteness” to be this,’ or ‘some kids have awful parents,’” able to present itself as a resource for she continued. “We agree on that point. But curious children seeking answers to withholding the safest and most beneficial questions about sex. lessons for only those with good parents is advantage discrimination. … All children, Cline, who left Planned Parenthood after she from all walks of life, deserve the safest and learned the organization’s main goal was to most beneficial education that protects them develop a continued stream of abortions, physically and emotionally.” said the book gives the appearance of being “age appropriate” while it doles out “a Cline urged parents to be more active in whole lot of hypersexualized answers to teaching their children about sex and finding groom children for early onset of sex” … out what their child’s school is teaching.


“We can stop Planned Parenthood from In one recent case, parents at a Pennsylvania sexualizing our children by having parents school said a Planned Parenthood partner lead the conversation at home, in the group taught seventh-grade students graphic community and through legislation,” she details about oral sex during a science class. said. “It’s time we reject Planned In another case reported by CBS News, Parenthood’s practice of eliminating the North Carolina parents petitioned for parent from their children’s health care and Planned Parenthood to stop teaching their education.” middle school students. They said Planned Parenthood’s “Get Real” curriculum Numerous communities have rejected “encourages sixth graders to feel Planned Parenthood as a sex education ‘comfortable and ready’ for sex. The teacher. The whole Massachusetts petition says the curriculum provides flash legislature rejected a bill in 2017 that cards outlining proper condom usage, for recommended Planned Parenthood’s middle ‘vaginal, oral or anal sex’ and recommends school sex education curriculum. The the usage of ‘non-microwavable saran wrap’ program teaches children as young as 12 as a prophylactic for certain non- “how to perform oral and anal sex.” reproductive sex acts.”

Concerned parents Planned Parenthood is targeting very young in Pennsylvania, Michigan, California, Was children as well. In February, several hington state, New York, North Planned Parenthood partner groups launched Carolina, Florida and other parts of the a new YouTube channel called Amaze country also have protested Planned jr. with sex education videos for children as Parenthood’s involvement in their students’ young as 4. education in the past several years.

Micaiah Bilger biz-grooms-kids-for-sex-and-abortions/

124 Tips For Dad: How to Talk to Your Son about Sexuality

When, how, and at what pace should we impart information to our sons about sexuality?

When, how, and at what pace should we Explanations and diagrams impart information to our sons about sexuality? It seems a conundrum, especially Our own modesty as a father can lead us to in a society where—deviant, degraded, or accompany the normal development of a distorted—it’s splashed everywhere. This pubescent boy, without rushing through conundrum is further complicated by information that may reveal more about our another much greater difficulty, which is worries than our son’s real needs. We should that sex is a private affair in a healthy start with his curiosity, what he observes family. Without marital intimacy, our about himself, what he’s experiencing, such children (unless they were adopted) would as hair growth, erections, and sexual urges. never be sitting here in front of us asking certain questions—and we wouldn’t be It’s good to point out that these tormenting ourselves about what and how transformations are part of his growing up, we should tell them about sexuality. that they mean he’s becoming capable of being a husband and father one day himself. Parental modesty It’s something to be proud of, even if it’s a little scary and unfamiliar. In well-balanced parents who love one another there is a modesty that can lead to This can be followed up with some hesitation about discussing such matters, but explanations and diagrams, about anatomy our children need to hear answers to their and the function of the male and female questions directly from us in a respectful bodies —without pretending to be an expert and loving dialogue. Otherwise, their on biological reproduction. This curiosity will lead them to find answers conversation should be brought up elsewhere. That may include school, friend discreetly, without his brothers and sisters groups, magazines, and websites. What’s knowing. It should take place one-on-one missing in most in all of these places is the and doesn’t need to take a long time, as long sense of modesty, which in the end, is more as the child knows he can come back to you of a solution than a problem when it comes whenever he likes with more questions. to talking with children about sexual matters. The importance of the first father-son conversation Our modesty as parents leads us to delicacy and offers us the surest means of impressing In this way, the groundwork for the future upon boys the beauty of sexual intimacy. will be laid. Often, for some boys, this first Our delicacy will help us not to impart too conversation will be followed by a long much information — that is, more than they silence, for others (more rarely), by a can deal with at their age. multitude of questions. If a boy understands he’s in the process of becoming capable of fathering a child, he’ll more easily deduce the manner of his relationships with girls— which will become the occasion for further

125 conversations. But certainly, for the rest of Later on, when he’s gained a certain his life, a boy will remember this maturity, one could even have frank family conversation he had, when his father treated discussions about the way sexuality is him like an adult. He’ll be grateful to him experienced today and issues that come up for opening up beautiful horizons before in our culture. The main thing, however, is him. to have laid down a simple, solid grounding, centered on fatherhood.

Dr. Dominique Megglé

126 Why I’m Glad I Had The Strictest Parents on The Block

Don’t be afraid to go against the grain when raising kids — it usually pays off!

Growing up, it was widely known that the For starters, high school was full of alcohol Schroeder parents were some of the strictest use, and at times it was hard to find a party parents around. It wasn’t that they were or gathering that didn’t include alcohol. considered unfriendly by many of our Frankly, I had no desire to drink, whether it friends, some of whom still come around our was because I thought beer tasted horrible, parents’ house on their own these days. But or I didn’t envy the hangovers my friends it was no secret that the boundaries put on described, or because I wanted to avert legal our behavior were pretty stringent compared sanctions before I reached adulthood. But to most of our peers. just as much as I wanted to avoid it, I lacked the social fortitude to simply say “no,” so I Whether it was our tight curfews, limited needed a built-in excuse, or excuses. media options (even before the internet/mobile device age), regular chores, The first excuse was that I didn’t want to get or how little we were allowed to roam freely caught and risk being suspended from my (even at the mall), there were certainly a athletic endeavors. But even more effective number of boundaries placed on our was that since my parents carried the rep behavior. It seemed rather restrictive, and at they did, I simply said I didn’t want to lose times, we found ways around the limits. (I my social life for a long, long time, as I should have carried a 200+ average given knew that when I walked in the door there how many times Todd, my friend, and I was a good chance one my parents would be went “bowling.”) No doubt my siblings and awake enough to discern just what “I I had our own views, and even these days, smelled like.” each of us finds ourselves as parents making our own decisions, some of which differ Whereas others with more lax parents could from the way we were raised. find their way around this (or, of course, some simply had parents that didn’t care But beneath any critique we may have (or much about early drinking), I knew my had) of my parents’ specific decisions, early parents actually took this issue seriously, as in life I quickly realized the wisdom of their they did with other illegal or illicit decisions — even if I kept that to myself for behaviors. And my friends knew it, too, and some time. As I was becoming more although that didn’t mean no pressure came independent, and able to eventually drive on my way, my “true friends” generally my own, I began to see how my parents’ respected these limits (with a little razzing at tight behavioral control (with times) and we all went about our way. encouragement of independent, critical thinking) not only made it easier to avoid By the time I got to college, I found others pitfalls that many of my cohort did not, but that felt a similar way, and although we also gave me a built-in excuse to sidestep periodically indulged in a few adult many of the pressures that were all around beverages, we spent much of our time taking me. care of the drunks and finding sober ways to have a good time. Having seen 30% of my freshman class in college go on academic

127 probation, largely because they partied more was just that their wisdom came from than they studied, I was so glad to be on a knowing that we would eventually course where fun and scholarship could understand the source of their confidence peacefully coexist. and the purpose of their decisions even if we didn’t always like what they were doing. Fast forward more than two decades, as our oldest kids quickly approach high school, Decades later, that spirit lives on. Like them, and I have come to realize the genius by I know I do (and will) make mistakes. But I which my parents reared us, and it didn’t can still feel their parental resolve in making start with the individual details. It was the decisions based on what is best, not what’s overarching, abiding commitment to provide easy or trendy. I am blessed that I have a safe, stable sanctuary in which we could parents who paved a clear for road for me so develop, a home in which we knew that I don’t have to navigate alone. decisions were first and foremost based not on what was trendy or friendly, but rather But even for those who didn’t have this what they felt was truly best for our health pathway laid out in front of them by their and well-being and our future. own parents, it’s always possible. In addition to seeking out support from other I don’t remember a lot of the reasons given parents who share similar values, the key is for these counter-cultural decisions, nor do I to really take the time to envision your kids remember my parents providing a ton of growing older, days and years at a time. justifications. But what I most remember is When you do, it becomes much clearer what the sense of confidence they exuded in you desire for them, and how difficult doing what they felt was best for us, and decisions right now can make all the learning to live with whatever (parental or difference in helping that vision come to societal) pressure they may have felt in the fruition. Maybe, then, you will become the process. It wasn’t that they didn’t make North Star for generations to come. punitive or misguided mistakes at times. It

Jim Schroeder

128 Former Abortion Clinic Owner: We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create A Market for Abortion

Former abortion clinic workers are warning “You have to break down the natural parents about how the abortion industry uses modesty, separate them from their parent’s sex education programs to groom children values and you have to become an expert for risky sexual behavior and sell more (sexpert) in their life,” Everett continued. abortions. “In Texas, there is a program that targets kindergarteners and encourages students to Carol Everett, who owned and ran abortion experiment with intercourse in the third clinics for many years before she became grade.” pro-life, recently spoke about the problem at a fundraiser for an Arkansas pregnancy Everett said she used to teach sex education resource center, the Harrison Daily Times to fifth- and sixth-grade students, according reports. to the report.

“I sold abortions,” Everett told the crowd. “My goal was to get them pregnant. We “How do you do that? It’s called sex offered low-dose birth control pills for $45 a education.” month which we knew she would get pregnant on. Abortion is a method of birth She said her abortion clinics carefully control for many and there is more than a 50 crafted a sex education program that percent repeat rate,” she said. encouraged young students to have sex, making them vulnerable to pregnancy and It all came down to money. Everett said her abortions, a big money-maker. goal was to become rich by making money “You don’t take your kids out and get them off abortions. really good and drunk and teach them how to drive safely,” Everett explained. “We give “We tried to average 10-12 abortions an them a moral absolute — don’t drink and hour and the price varied between $300 to drive, you can be killed. Why would we $10,000 with the average at $500,” she said. compromise them in this important area of “Doctors were paid as independent their sexuality by giving them a low moral contractors at the end of the day — in cash. standard to live down to, rather than the Each clinic paid for itself in one month, then highest and best — God’s plan for marriage it was a cash cow.” which still works every time.” Eventually, she had a change of heart and When she traveled around to schools left the abortion industry. Today, she is a teaching sex education, she said she really pro-life speaker and advocate for pregnant was selling abortions. and parenting women and their children.

“Our goal was 3-5 abortions between the “I eventually came face to face with the ages of 13-18. But you can’t go to them at reality I had been involved with the murder the age of 12 and tell them ‘I want you to of 35,000 babies, the death of one woman get pregnant next year,’” she said. and maiming of 19 other women. In the last 18 months, one out of 500 women had a

129 hysterectomy and colostomy and one education, also quit after she realized how woman bled to death,” she said. the abortion chain’s sex education program was “grooming” students for abortions. Everett’s testimony is one of many. Now she also is speaking out against its Hundreds of former abortion workers have problematic programs and encouraging left the industry after realizing how it harms responsible education and parent women and kills children. Monica Cline, a involvement on the issues of sex and former Planned Parenthood volunteer abortion. educator who, like Everett, taught sex

Micaiah Bilger to-create-a-market-for-abortion/

130 This 17th-Century German Jesuit Was The Last Man to Know “Everything”

Centuries before the internet, this priest was compelled him to seek refuge in the French the world’s leading repository of cities of Avignon and Lyons. information. In the modern era, knowledge has become In 1634, he relocated to Rome, where he so specialized that even a brilliant person would spend most of his remaining years. can spend decades on the quest to gain He lectured on math, physics, and Oriental expertise in one particular subject. Centuries languages in the Roman College (now the ago, however, far less was known about Pontifical Gregorian University) for six math, medicine, chemistry, and basically years, before being granted a release from any other field of study. So it was possible teaching duties so that he could devote more for one extraordinary intellect to become time to his independent studies. With his acquainted with the bulk of existing reputation as a polymath established, he was scholarly information: Athanasius Kircher, a receiving patronage from both sacred and Jesuit of colossal erudition, could “rightfully secular sources. claim all knowledge as his domain.” Now in an ideal position to pursue his The son of a theology professor, he was research, Kircher proceeded to make born in central Germany on May 2, 1601 contributions to such varied fields as (some sources say 1602). Ironically, musicology, biblical studies, geology, Kircher, who would proceed to accumulate Orientalism, and bacteriology, among so much knowledge, was himself never others. Also a practitioner of the discipline entirely sure if he had been born in 1601 or now known as linguistics, he researched the 1602. relationship between such languages as Arabic, French, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, He began Jesuit schooling at about age 10, Persian, and Portuguese. He even undertook and Jesuit ideals “soon became his own,” to create a universal language. both in terms of scholarship and faith. In fact, over the course of his eight decades, He was also involved with technological Kircher does not once seem to have innovation. Indeed, some inventions have questioned Catholic doctrine. been incorrectly attributed to him. Of course, the very fact that he received credit He entered the Jesuit order as a novice in his suggests his former relevance in such mid-teens. In his early adulthood, he taught undertakings. math and ancient languages at Jesuit schools. Upon being ordained a priest in Active as an experimenter, he used a 1628, he joined the faculty at the University microscope to analyze the blood of plague of Würzburg, where he again taught math victims and formed some rather insightful, if and ancient languages, along with ethics. not entirely accurate, ideas about the causes of plague. In a separate experiment, he Kircher had wanted to head to China as a tested the possibility of using firefly missionary, but he could not receive extract to light houses. approval from his superiors for this endeavor. Further complicating things was Kircher could take his curiosity to extreme the tumult of the Thirty Years’ War, which lengths. For example, not long after a 1631

131 Mt. Vesuvius eruption, he climbed the volcano’s inner dimensions. Towards the notorious volcano and, with his body tied to end of his life, the results of his geologic a rope, he descended into the crater. He then investigations saw publication in a two- used a pantometer to accurately measure the volume work called Mundus Subterraneus.

Ray Cavanaugh everything

132 Local Teenager Spends His Last Months in Presence to Others

When 19-year-old Nicholas Peters of San cover 15 times over the course of his Carlos understood that his life would not be treatment, combined with the constant a long one, he decided to spend the days that presence of an adult companion, Mel, hired might be left to him ministering to the by the family, gave the young man the forgotten and the hopeless on the streets of spiritual and organizational support to make San Francisco. his mission possible.

“Nicholas’ biggest mission was spreading Nicholas and Mel headed out each day to God’s word and giving dignity to the “bring food and God” to those in need of homeless,” his mother, Becky Peters, said in both. a message she delivered at the St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Mateo County’s “He had no time left, but all the time in the annual awards luncheon in September. world” to be a presence to the vulnerable and the poor, Peters said. The organization recognized Nicholas’ legacy of Christian love by renaming its “I will never forget the morning I came into youth service award the Nicholas J. Peters Nick’s room and he looked at me with the Ozanam Spirit Award. The award, which biggest smile on his face,” she said. “He told recognizes service to the poor and needy by me he had the best sleep he ever had youth, pays tribute to Frederic Ozanam, a because he knew that a homeless man French university student who in 1833 named Joseph was warm, safe and dry.” founded of the St. Vincent de Paul Society to confront the dire poverty he saw on the Nicholas and Mel had found a motel room streets of Paris. for Joseph for the night. He spent the next week working on a resume for Joseph. The Peters family belongs to St. Charles Parish in San Carlos. Nicholas and his sister And then there was Anabel, a homeless Lauren attended St. Charles School from mother who had lost custody of her child kindergarten through eighth grade. because of drug abuse and told Nicholas that she was convinced God didn’t love her From January to July of this year, when anymore. Nicholas succumbed to the liver cancer he was diagnosed with at age 16, Peters said “After Nick assured her of God’s love, she her son spent up to 40 hours a week or more returned home to her parents’ home and with the homeless or homebound, began recovery,” Peters said. volunteering at soup kitchens and homeless encampments. Jennifer Kau, a registered nurse at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford When he felt he had still more to offer, she University, where Nicholas was treated, said, he would head to the urban parks wrote him a letter to express how his loving nearby afterward with soup kitchen courage had “changed me forever.” leftovers. “Nicholas, without ever intending to,” she Nicholas’ reading of the Bible cover-to- wrote, “you have taught me that the measure

133 of who we are lies in the person we choose to be as we face our darkest days.”

Christina Gray

134 Latin: Living Language, Ancient Rite

If we seek a restoration, it is necessary to Because of the general indifference towards promote a renewed appreciation of the the teaching of Latin, especially in the ancient liturgy and a revival of Latin- seminaries, the Church has reached a state in centered education. which many of her pastors no longer know her universal language. If it is absurd to “In vino veritas,” Doc Holliday reminds an think that seminarians may seriously study enemy in a gambling saloon in the 1993 theology, the sacred liturgy, and canon law film Tombstone, thereby insinuating that his without being able to read the primary texts own insulting behavior toward the outlaw is written in Latin, it is even more absurd that not mere drunkenness but instead reflects priests destined for higher studies of the Holliday’s real sentiments. “Age quod agis,” sacred sciences find themselves without this retorts the other man darkly. The two capacity. continue their brief but very hostile exchange of schoolboy phrases until an What Catholic “conservatives” might take anxious saloonkeeper tells them to break it away from this is that whenever they too up: “C’mon, boys, we don’t want any exhibit “indifference toward the teaching of trouble here—not in any language.” Latin,” they contribute to the environment which fosters the very looniness they Amusing Hollywood fiction or no, the scene themselves bemoan. If we shrug as a reminds us of a very different era, when Catholic prep school drops Virgil, we really even gunfighters such as Holliday received have no business complaining when our an intensive classical education. And just to universities host The Vagina Monologues. be clear, “classical education” did not mean Great Books programs or a curriculum As a matter of fact, some Protestant schools saturated with Greco-Roman mythology, but have picked up the slack, with a case in subjects such as trigonometry, logic, point being Hillsdale College. Hillsdale has rhetoric, and of course Latin. demonstrated its earnest commitment to reviving its once-defunct classics Along with the Tridentine Mass, which department by enlisting Patrick Owens, one employs it, this last subject is the focus of of the world’s foremost practitioners of Fr. Roberto Spataro’s new book In Praise of “living Latin” pedagog, and Owens’ the Tridentine Mass and of Latin, Language introduction alone justifies the purchase of the Church. Even the very title is fraught price of this book, as it offers the reader a with meaning, it seems to me, through its smooth, clear, and good-humored history of dual emphasis. If we seek a restoration, it is Latin education from someone who necessary to promote a renewed obviously knows his subject inside and out. appreciation of the ancient liturgy and a revival of Latin-centered education. In particular Professor Owens drives home the fact that Latin is not just about men in Certainly those who look up to Cardinal togas nor even the medievals, but is rather Raymond Burke as a bulwark against part of the very foundations of modernity: reckless Amazonian theology should take to heart the remarks of His Excellency’s After the watershed moment for vernacular uncompromising introductory foreword: literature at the start of the fourteenth

135 century when Dante composed his Divine peoples of Europe, in dialogue with one Comedy, scholars and artists of every stripe another through the use of the same like Petrarch, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, language, developed a unique spirit of their Leibniz, and even Nietzsche continued to own. write principal works in Latin. The use of Latin was so common up through the It seems to me that at least some of the nineteenth century as to be taken for granted rancorous controversies about “Western throughout Europe and its colonies. Until civilization” might be resolved by toning that time, there was no interval of time when down triumphalist phrases about Western Latin was not spoken in universities and democracy or science and instead matter-of- throughout the Church. For most of the factly defining “the West” as that cluster of modern period, a graduate student in any cultures networked together through Latin field would have been embarrassed to fluency. (This would of course raise the submit a dissertation that was not in Latin. question of how much of the West really still exists today, but such a question might For his part, Professor Owens emphasizes indeed be well worth asking.) that Catholics seeking an explanation for how and why we have moved so far away In any event, the “unique spirit” to which Fr. from this state of affairs should resist the Spataro refers was hardly confined to temptation to hastily scapegoat the Europe. For instance, other scholars have councilors of Vatican II, as the rise of the already demonstrated the debt the American modern, centralized nation-state played a colonies owed to the classical inheritance, role by displacing Latin in favor of national whether all the colonists themselves were languages. A vicious cycle ensued, for as willing to acknowledge said debt or not. fewer teachers were able to teach Latin well, fewer teachers were able to, well, teach And, of course, there is the religious Latin well. dimension. As Professor Owens plainly puts it, Latin is essential to who we are, as In the main body of the text Fr. Spataro Catholic Christians: looks to the more distant past, to the time when Latin first set aside its limited role as Languages are intrinsically bound to the tongue of a particular people and cultures, and Latin for nearly two-thousand assumed its lofty role as an international years had been the language not only of bond: Catholic culture in the West but of Western culture itself. It is for this reason that the I would like to recall that, after the fall of Church took pains to keep alive the tradition the Western Roman Empire, accompanied in of active Latin. Catholic intellectuals knew the fifth century by the influx of new well that since Latin was the vehicle of peoples, the Latin language became culture, a superficial familiarity would not immortal, destined never again to die. be sufficient. To ensure the ability to engage Beginning in the fifth century, civil and with past sources and contemporary political communities selected Latin for intellectuals as well as to protect the their daily conversations, to be the basis of transference of Catholic culture to relationships, for drawing up administrative subsequent generations, active language use acts, for composing literary works, and for is essential. the celebration of prayers. In this way the

136 For those seeking an authentically Christian great opportunity to restore spiritual and wholesomely cosmopolitan alternative profundity to Catholicism. This is the true to liberal globalism, the revival of Latin is pastoral priority, over and above transient critical. In contrast to American “Coca- circumstances. Colonialism,” classical culture allows for the diversity of provincial and national cultures The point here is neither to stamp out the even as it links such cultures into a larger Novus Ordo nor to disparage the priests who metaculture. Unlike Disney, Marvel, and reverently serve it or the many Catholics garish pop musicians, long-dead Romans do who faithfully attend it, but to recognize that not threaten to supplant all local identity and in a world of frenzied continual change we history, much less the Faith. could use some more spiritual anchors, which could well come in the form of more Just as the Eucharist is the heart of the Latin masses. Church, so the Latin Mass must be at the heart of any discussion of the role of Latin Our Latin-educated Catholic forebears were in Christian life. When Fr. Spataro calls “for not perfect, but we surely do have some a correction, a reorientation ad Deum,” he things to learn from them, too, even from means it quite literally. The theocentric dangerous and violent men like Doc counter-revolution, he explains, began with Holliday. As a postscript it is interesting to Benedict XVII’s Motu Proprio: note that Holliday’s devout cousin Mattie, a Sister of Mercy, had urged him to think of We would be mistaken to consider [the his soul as he lay dying of tuberculosis; he Motu Proprio] merely as an act of generosity followed her advice and was received into by the Supreme Pontiff to meet the spiritual the Church shortly before his passing. If the needs of a minority group of priests and past was an era when students had to sweat faithful. On the contrary, it is an invitation to over “dead” languages, it was also a time the whole Church. Knowledge, diffusion, when a nun might persuade a deadly and practice of the Holy Mass and the other gunfighter to accept the water of baptism. sacraments in the extraordinary form is a

Jerry Salyer

137 Why Not The Best?

Sending someone for catechesis in the And to be honest, no one really cared Catholic faith? “Uh-oh, where can we send enough after the announcement of any them where their faith won’t be ruined?” of those “bold, new initiatives” to make sure Preparing for marriage in the Catholic they were solving the problem either. It was Church? “Uh-oh. Well, you just have to gut announced. This made them feel good. The it out. Don’t listen to most of the silly stuff new program was said to result from hours they tell you.” And so, too, when bishops of “hard work” – meaning endless meetings send seminarians for training. “Uh-oh, of various “interest groups” that had to be where can we send them that they won’t be placated. The result was they hammered out corrupted and their faith undermined? a lowest common denominator everyone could agree on. Not the best, but not the Why are we constantly in this sad state of worst. Rather, the least bad option searching for the least bad option? Why are available. our Catholic educational institutions not the best in the country – and in the world? My friend who tutors seminarians tells of reading their assignments in “Advanced I have a friend who works with Homiletics.” A third of them have clearly seminarians. Year after year, she deals with plagiarized their assignments. She reports it. seminarians who can’t write and won’t do Nothing happens. Ever wonder why the reading. She complains to the Rector of preaching is so pitiful? Because we have Studies. “Yes,” he says, shaking his head, seminarians who don’t read and can’t write, “we need to do better.” But they never do. and rarely are they forced to do either. How They don’t care enough to make a are seminarians who never read and can’t difference. We see this in education all the write supposed to construct a sensible, let time. This sort of “caring” is a sentiment, alone lively, sermon? What else would you not a living intention to do something expect from such poorly trained young men concrete. More time spent outside of class. but pious platitudes or ideological jargon? More tutoring. More effort expended on difficult subjects. Future priests are found cheating in a class on advanced homiletics, and their superiors What we usually get instead are repeated simply look the other way? Why? Their “reorganizations” in which answer: “We need priests!” No, actually, nothing substantial changes. We are left we need good priests. And we will never doing mostly the same thing using different get them, never develop them, unless we categories and people shifted around with stop accepting mediocrity and the least bad different titles. Then the people in charge option and insist on excellence. will say, “We have a bold new initiative,” when nothing is bold or new about it. This My friend had a seminarian come to her “bold, new initiative” is, in fact, identifiably once at the end of the school year and say, “I similar in its shallowness to the last five need to read more.” What should he read, failed “bold, new” initiatives that didn’t he wanted to know. She recommended solve the problems. Augustine’s Confessions. When he came back after the summer, he had read that and the whole of Kristin

138 Lavransdatter (all 1000 pages). It changed his life, he said. We expect Olympic quality excellence in sports, but we give them baby pabulum in I am writing an introductory textbook on theology. It’s contemptible. And trust me, moral theology. Everyone says, “What level it earns their contempt. I am an adult are you writing for?” “Advanced high convert, and I remember being fed this tepid school kids and college students,” I tell pabulum when I was their age. I spat it out. them. “I have pitched it at the level I I didn’t become interested in Christianity usually use in my ‘Catholic Thing’ articles, until I read Augustine’s Confessions and but each chapter is roughly twenty pages.” Aquinas’s Treatise on Law in college. “No, no, no,” many people reply. “You “Wow,” I thought, “these guys are really can’t get kids to read this much or material something. Religion isn’t all this sickly this advanced. They won’t do it. Five to ten sweet stuff. There’s some real meat pages of simple prose is all you can expect.” here. Now, I’m interested.”

Really? These are kids who have read all I was not entirely convinced, but at least seven Harry Potter books and the they had my attention. None of the stuff entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, much of “for teens” ever earned my respect or got which they have memorized, and they can’t much of my attention. “Come back when be asked to read twenty pages of “Catholic you’ve got something serious to say,” I Thing”- level prose because it’s “too hard” thought – as serious as people who have and “too complicated” for them? That’s founded companies or been in war or landed insulting. And I don’t believe it. Why must an airliner without engines on the Hudson we always be dragged down by this magnet River. of mediocrity? Why are we not continually challenging them to strive for more – strive Young adults like to have fun, but when for excellence? they go to a lecture, they want something substantive and serious, or else you just Olympic athletes train endlessly, as St. Paul shouldn’t waste their time. As for pointed out. I have kids in my classes who seminarians, if you cannot convince them to train so hard in sports they can’t walk up the take their vocation seriously enough to read stairs. But we are so frightened like little important books and not cheat, then you rabbits that we will upset them, so should not allow them to waste everyone embarrassed at the faith, that we dare not else’s time. ask them to read twenty or thirty pages that could change their lives?

Randall Smith

139 Mexican Beauty Queen Discerns ‘Radical’ Move to Religious Life

Young woman joins the Poor Clare Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament.

Esmeralda Solís Gonzáles is a young “God’s timing is perfect. During this time Mexican woman who was crowned last year [of discernment] he allowed me to have as a beauty queen in her hometown — and some experiences, such as being a beauty now she’s joined the Poor Clare queen and other experiences, which forever Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament. left their mark and which allowed me to learn a lot for what was to come later.” Twenty-year-old Gonzáles has watched her story go viral over the last week on social The discovery of the vocation to which she media over a post on the “Miss Mexico” had been called was always present in her Facebook page. life like a “little thorn,” she said.

Gonzáles was born April 12, 1997, in Valle “I realized that I had to make room in my de Guadalupe, Jalisco State, to a Catholic life to know what it was that God had family. planned for me. In the process of discerning my vocation, there was also fear and doubts, She currently resides at the convent of the but the love that Our Lord was showing Poor Clare Missionaries of the Blessed every day made me overcome any feeling of Sacrament of Cuernavaca in Morelos State, discouragement,” she said. after leaving her career as a nutritionist. She said she had discovered that God was “You really don’t know what religious life is calling her “to serve him in a radical way,” until you’re within it. So far, I have been that is, changing her “life to embrace the able to see from another perspective what cross of Christ and live it more closely.” the world is and what it offers you,” the young novice told CNA. “I have been in religious life very little time, but I truly have been very happy,” she said. “I was very happy with everything I had, but it does not compare with the happiness that In order to discover her vocation, she spent a God now places in my heart.” lot of time in prayer and charity, “knowing from the outside or from the world” what The young postulant met the Poor Clare this change would involve. Missionaries five years ago, at the age of 14, when her concern for a religious vocation “Change is hard for the family because it “was awakening” through “vocational days, involves detachment, but I have always had missions and camps.” the support of my parents, siblings and true friends. Even though I could have developed In addition, she pointed out how it was myself in some other setting, I feel that if the hardly a month after this process of Lord needs me, then I can bear fruit in a discernment concluded, when on March different way,” she told CNA. 2017, she gave her first Yes to her vocation on the Solemnity of the Annunciation. Offering advice for young people, she said that in any vocation there will be difficulties,

140 “but if you go and take God’s hand, you'll The spirit of the order is Eucharistic, always be able to take the next step.” Marian, priestly and missionary and is centered on Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. “In religious life every new day is a new beginning and a new opportunity to extend The missionaries work in clinics, youth the Kingdom of God. This involves making groups, preschools and schools, university a lot of sacrifices, but they are always dorms, centers for the spiritual exercises and rewarded with happiness,” she said. missions, among others. They are present in Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina, the United The young novice also said that it is true that States, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Russia, Japan, “the reality and the supposed happiness that Korea, Indonesia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the world sells is very attractive,” but “it is Vietnam and India. necessary to fix your eyes on what lasts.” “You mustn’t be afraid,” the young novice The Poor Clare Missionaries of the Blessed encouraged her peers. “If God is calling you, Sacrament are a Religious Institute of he’ll take care of everything. All you need to Pontifical Right founded by Blessed María do is receive him with a lot of peace, joy and Inés Teresa Arias in 1945 in Cuernavaca, confidence. I believe fear is a big excuse Mexico. that is responsible for truncating the true happiness that only God can offer.” Catholic News Agency religious-life

141 Catholic Artists in New Documentary Film Remind You To Make Your Life A Masterpiece

‘Masterpieces’ is available to stream on Amazon Prime on November 15.

Did you know you are called to make your career as a Catholic artist? (Yes.) Does your life a masterpiece? Did you know, therefore, faith conflict with a life in the arts? (No.) that whether or not you have the ability to Are you ever looked down upon in the draw well or create a polished sonnet, you creative world for being a Catholic? are also an artist? The new Catholic (Probably. But Jesus was looked down upon documentary, Masterpieces, will inspire you plenty, so who cares? And, if you are true on this journey. both to your faith and your talent, “doors will open where you did not know there My own artistic identity as poet and writer were doors,” as Joseph Campbell would say was as intrinsic to me from early childhood when he encouraged people to “follow their as my faith. It was these twin gifts that I bliss.” We Catholics know who our bliss is: would lean on when I was only 11 years old it’s Jesus. And he is the Door to all good and my beloved father died. It was my faith things, after all.) JP II explains that “the and my poetry that saved my life. The career church needs artists” and “artists need the I’ve designed has been centered on the place church.” He reminds with these words that where faith and the arts meet. So last year, from the sculptures of Michelangelo to the when I received a call out of the blue verses of Dante, from the compositions of inviting me to be one of the Catholic artists Vivaldi to the paintings of Fra Angelico, the featured in the new greatest art the world has ever seen has been documentary, Masterpieces, I was filled Catholic. He also reminds that the with gratitude for the chance to be able to dispositions of artists, inclined to be show how, for me, a life as a Catholic and a visionary and prophetic at best and desperate life as an artist are two halves of the same or depressive at worst, needs the Church to heart. ground their God-given genius for beauty in Truth and Charity. Pope St. John Paul II thought so, too. He wrote about it eloquently in his 1999 “Letter I don’t think it would be right for any one to Artists.” This year, 2019, marks the 20th person who’s a part of this film to discuss it anniversary of the encyclical. To celebrate publicly without mentioning each of the it, the documentary Masterpieces, directed artists in the film, and so let me shine a light by Cristian Murphy, interviews five artists: a on each of the artists. All are fusing their sculptor, a poet/author, an actor/filmmaker, faith to their art and achieving success in the a dancer, and a playwright. As you meet process. The maker of the film, Cristian each artist through their interviews and Murphy, filmed a short drama footage of their creations, it quickly titled Nazarene (Follower of Christ), becomes clear: these are people who live illustrating the terror of a Christian held their art for the honor and glory of God. hostage by ISIS; produced pieces about an Agape community in central Massachusetts; There are common questions I receive when and filmed the faith of the O’Regan family, I’m interviewed about my role in this film. who have five beautiful children including They are: can you really make a successful two daughters with Down syndrome. Much

142 of Murphy’s work has aired on the Catholic and is credited with innovating a new poetic Faith Network, CFN. form, the “Mirror Sonnet.” My work has been featured in America Magazine, Our The sculptor in the film, Christopher Sunday Visitor, The New York Times, and O: Alles, is an accomplished working artist the Oprah Magazine. I’m an author of ten who is classically trained and who, like the books and host of the Catholic radio shows, Renaissance masters, is often commissioned “Then Sings My Soul,” and “Destination: by churches to sculpt patron saints such as Sainthood,” on WCAT Radio. St. Charles Borromeo or St. John Henry Cardinal Newman. Each one of the artists in Masterpieces is “successful” as a working and achieving The award-winning actor and artist. But for this documentary, each artist filmmaker Deniz Demirer‘s filmography speaks vulnerably and frankly of a vibrant includes five feature films as writer and relationship with God. director: Nocturnal Jake (2009), Not I (2010), American Mongrel (2014), Ezer Masterpieces is a worthwhile documentary Kenegdo (2016) and Chinaroom (2016) and to watch, bite-sized at 35 minutes, because it a short, Simon’s Agony (2019). His body of will inspire you with the confidence that work makes his faith apparent as it delivers YOU are an artist, too, whether or not a searing search for light in the darkness. you’re one in the conventional sense of the word. In the words of Pope St. John Paul II, Madison Mitchell, the dancer, was in the “Not all are called to be artists in the ensemble of the 2016 Broadway revival specific sense of the term. Yet, as Genesis of Cats and is currently touring the country has it, all men and women are entrusted with as part of the National Tour of Cats. the task of crafting their own life: in a In Masterpieces, as she speaks about the certain sense, they are to make of it a work connection she feels to God while she of art, a masterpiece.” dances, she is visibly joyful and as she gazes out a studio window, the scapular hanging In the end, to be a great artist is to take the down her back bears witness to a faith dark moments of life and juxtapose them brighter than any spotlight. with moments of great redemption. To be a great artist is to be vulnerable, to show Playwright Brother Joe Hoover, S.J. has an glimpses of your soul and to give of it in impressive resume of directing and acting order to create beauty. To be a great artist is credits in Manhattan and also happens to be to be willing to face rejection and to remain the Poetry Editor of America Magazine. He prophetic. To be a great Catholic is to do the eloquently describes the importance of story same. May God bless you on your journey as an “axe to break up the frozen sea within to follow the call of JPII to make your life a us.” masterpiece. If we are successful, in the end we will hear the only review of praise that Yours truly has served as Writer in- matters: “Well done, good and faithful Residence of the Walt Whitman Birthplace, servant.”

Annabelle Moseley

143 your-life-a-masterpiece

144 Study Finds Children Not Getting Enough Sleep … So How Much Should They Get?

Less than 50% of children are getting 9 or more hours of sleep.

In the United States, only 48% of school-age • Six- to 13-year-olds need a bit less, children sleep 9 hours or more per night (the on average about 10 hours per night, amount considered sufficient) during the although each kid is different and week, according to a study published at the might need one or two hours more or end of October by the American Academy less. of Pediatrics on the sleep duration of • Teens still need eight to 10 hours of children aged 6 to 17. In other words, half of sleep. American children do not have their quota of hours of sleep, based on this study that Sleep well to grow well analyzed data on nearly 50,000 children. Helping your kids get enough sleep means For Dr. Hoi See Tsao, author of this study, finding the right schedule and routines that this sleep deprivation is regrettable work for them. To make it easier to fall because it prevents children from reaching asleep, specialists recommend setting up a their full potential. “As healthcare providers, bedtime ritual and they warn against using we want every child to reach his or her full screens in the evening, which excite the potential,” Dr. Tsao told Science brain. “The screen, especially before going Daily. “Our research shows that children to sleep, excites the child’s brain and who get enough sleep are more likely to prevents melatonin from being secreted (a demonstrate measures of childhood hormone that induces sleep and is inhibited flourishing in comparison to children with by light),” says Eric Osika, a French insufficient sleep,” he said. pediatrician.

The study showed that the more children If anxiety is a problem for a child, sleep, the more interest and curiosity they psychotherapist Véronique Lemoine Cordier show in new things, and the more they suggests repeating to the child every night at become interested in school, do their bedtime: “You are safe. You can fall asleep homework, and are able to keep calm in peacefully because, even if I’m not right at stressful situations. your side, I continue to love you and watch over you. You can be sure that we will meet How much sleep to children actually need? again in the morning, and that everything is fine. Sleeping allows you to grow.” Here are some numbers from the National Sleep Foundation: Saying prayers before going to bed, besides • Three- to five-year-olds should get being a spiritually healthy practice, can also about 10 to 12 hours of sleep. be an important part of children’s bedtime ritual that helps them feel peaceful and calm. should-they-get

145 Free Online Course Explores Relationship between Superheroes And Adventure and Christian Discipleship

Daniel Keating, professor of theology at Sacred Heart Seminary, offers an insight that may aid Advent reflection.

As a professor of theology, Daniel Keating in a way that awakens them to see the life of is a serious man. He has a doctorate in the a disciple through the lens of an adventure subject from Oxford and has taught classes story.” such as Scripture, Theology, the Church Fathers, Evangelization, and Ecumenism. How is Christian discipleship an adventure? Keating explains that “Jesus tells us that to But he still looks back to the time when he be his disciple we must surrender everything made a weekly trip to the supermarket to and, with his grace, brave the path provided grab the latest comic books chronicling the for us by God. Such a sojourn will surely be adventures of Batman, Superman, the Green marked by joy, suffering, uncertainty, and Lantern and others. above all adventure.”

A sense of adventure is what drew Keating Literature such as The Lord of the Rings and to the tales, and it only got ramped up when The Chronicles of Narnia, as well as popular he graduated to books like The Chronicles of adventure movies, comic book superheroes, Narnia or The Lord of the Rings. and TV series are reflections of the great adventure of discipleship, he said, but “they “More than any other books, these ignited provide us with genuine insight into life within me a longing for adventure and a with Christ. desire for the heroic life,” Keating writes in his 2018 book The Adventure of “We must respond to the call of discipleship Discipleship. The book presents the Gospel with venturesome faith, as many great saints through the lens of great adventure stories have before us,” he adds. “Along the way of like The Lord of the Rings and even popular discipleship, we come to understand the cost adventure movies, comic book superheroes, of following Jesus, the importance of hope and TV series. in light of setbacks, and the gift of true friendship in this great adventure.” Now, Keating, a professor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Michigan, is sharing his One of the chapters of his book looks at work in a free online course. The four-week superheroes and asks why we are hungry for non-credit course runs from Dec. 1 to Dec. superhuman characters, Keating said. “There 28. It involves a weekly lecture video that is a huge link to Christ and the Incarnation,” lasts 20 minutes, supplemental reading he contends. “The final chapter of the book material, an online discussion forum and focuses on communion with God, eternal personal, non-graded quizzes. life and waiting for the Second Coming; like Advent, we are waiting for God to be with “I wanted to offer, especially to young us. That can be a useful meditation for people, a path into the Gospel I thought Advent.” would be more accessible to them,” Keating told the Detroit Catholic. “I wrote the book

146 Keating said he hopes everyone will come More information and registration can be away with a greater understanding of their found here. role in the great epoch that is a life in Christ.

John Burger and-adventure-and-christian-discipleship

147 6 Things Your Teens Should Do To Protect Their Online Reputation

These practical steps can help protect their information, reputation — and future.

Young people are increasingly connected to hacking, and the frequency of “leaks” of social networks at earlier ages. According to personal data by Internet giants unable to statistics from Pew Research, 95% of U.S. guarantee digital confidentiality. teens have access to a cell phone, 72% use Instagram, 69% use Snapchat, and 51% use 2. THEIR POSTS MAY HAVE Twitter. CONSEQUENCES ON THEIR FUTURE LIFE AND THAT OF OTHERS However, are they informed users? Not all of them! Hence the need to support teens in The internet forgets nothing, and the use of these applications and to awaken inappropriate content can stick around for a them to the notion of “digital reputation.” long time. The best example is that of job recruiters who are looking for information All content published on social networks, on candidates for employment. The slightest blogs, or video sharing platforms shows a slip-up or compromising photo can be a facet of a person, contributes to the disadvantage when someone is looking for a development of an online image, and above job. all, offers a foothold to cyberbullying. We need to teach our teens to take certain Teens must also be alerted to the precautions so they can use social media consequences that their posts may have on more safely. Here are six things teens should the privacy of others. Talking about their know: parents’ professional, financial, or marital difficulties can be harmful. This is where the 1. THEIR PERSONAL DATA IS notion of digital reputation comes in: while VALUABLE you can control part of your reputation online, there’s still a part that doesn’t Users need to be aware that their personal depend on you, but on what others will post information is very valuable. All about you. information posted on social media, including likes, geolocation data, photos, 3. THEY CAN TIGHTEN UP THEIR habits, etc., is used — at best for PRIVACY SETTINGS commercial purposes, at worst, for malicious intentions by unscrupulous By default most social media profiles are set people. A good way to discern what’s to “all public,” but you can limit who can publishable and what’s not is to ask yourself view your profile to “friends” or to only a if you would consider it “public” few people. Good settings management thus information. provides a certain level of protection. Not perfect, but better than nothing. The fact is, there is no way to guarantee that what is published will remain where the 4. IT'S IMPORTANT TO PROTECT author intends it to be seen. Evidence of this YOUR ACCOUNT PROPERLY appears constantly: so-called “private” messages shared by “friends,” account

148 In order to keep personal information additional protections and channels of private, it’s necessary to have a strong recourse to have information about you password (composed of upper and lower removed from the internet. case letters, symbols, and numbers), and to activate the “two-factor authentication” 6. FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF THE option, which requires two confirmations of VIRGIN MARY, AN OUTSTANDING the user’s identity. Online software allows INFLUENCER you to hack into poorly protected accounts in a matter of minutes. The Virgin Mary, this “young woman of Nazareth, was not part of the ‘social 5. THEY CAN REQUEST THE networks’ of the time. She was not an DELETION OF UNWANTED ‘influencer,’ but without wanting or trying MATERIAL to, she became the most influential woman in history,” Pope Francis pointed out last If someone has published something January in Panama City to the 600,000 involving you that you want removed, the young people gathered for World Youth first step is to ask the person who initiated Day. The pope exhorted young people to be the publication to remove it. If this isn’t “influencers” the same way Mary is — that possible, there is (according to each is, by living out the law of love. “Only love platform) a way of reporting a post. Some makes us more human and fulfilled; countries or regions (such as the European everything else is a pleasant but useless Union) also have legislation that offers placebo,” concluded the pontiff.

Mathilde De Robien

149 U.S. Birthrates Down for Fourth Year in A Row

And women are having children later in life.

Americans are having fewer babies, and The birth rate for females aged 15–19 fell those who are having them generally are 7% in 2018. Birth rates declined for women giving birth later in life. aged 20–34 and increased for women aged 35–44. The general fertility rate in the United States is down for the fourth year in a The total fertility rate declined to 1,729.5 row, following an increase in 2014. Before births per 1,000 women in 2018. that year, the number of births declined steadily from 2007 through 2013, according The center also reported some good news to a report by National Center for Health about baby-making in America: the Statistics issued Wednesday. The center percentage of women who began prenatal reported that there were 3,791,712 births care in the first trimester of pregnancy rose registered in the United States in 2018. to 77.5% in 2018; the percentage of all That’s down 2% from 2017. women who smoked during pregnancy declined to 6.5%. The cesarean delivery rate “Compared with rates in 2017, the general decreased to 31.9% in 2018 following an fertility rate declined to 59.1 births per 1,000 increase in 2017. women aged 15–44,” the center said. However, the preterm birth rate rose for the This is the fourth year that the number of fourth straight year to 10.02% in 2018; the births has declined rate of low birthweight was unchanged at 8.28%. John Burger

150 “Angels Caught Me And Jesus Loves Me,” Says 5-Year-Old Boy Thrown Off A 3rd Floor Balcony

This is a reminder to depend on our guardian angels!

After a 7-month recovery, 5-year-old And while Landen’s story is ultimately one Landen Hoffman is walking normally and of good triumphing over evil, it is also a back in Kindergarten with a smile on his sober reminder of the darkness that face. surrounds us. Landen’s attacker claimed he went to the mall “looking for someone to According to his GoFundMe page, which kill.” All the more reason to follow was set up after Landen was maliciously Landen’s family’s example of relying on thrown by a stranger over 40 feet from a God in prayer. balcony in the Mall of America in Minnesota on April 12th, Landen has made Prayer to Your Guardian Angel: a miraculous recovery and is now spreading a message of hope and survival. Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom [Note: The attacker pleaded guilty to the God’s love commits me here, Ever this day, crime and is now spending 19-years in jail]. be at my side, To light and guard, Rule and guide. Amen. “Landen loves life and Jesus!” His mother wrote on a November 22nd update. “He tells “From infancy to death human life is people all the time when they get hurt, surrounded by their (the angels) watchful ‘Don’t worry, I fell off a cliff but angels care and intercession. Beside each believer caught me and Jesus loves me, so I’m okay stands an angel as protector and shepherd and you will be too!’” leading him to life. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the The news comes from Landen’s GoFundMe blessed company of angels and men united page, which has exceeded its goal of 1 to God.” – from the Catechism of the million dollars to pay for Landen’s medical Catholic Church; 336. expenses incurred from extensive injuries including skull fractures and several broken Find out more about angels at our page limbs. dedicated to angels. How fast can they fly? Do they know our thoughts? And more. Sarah Robsdottir thrown-off-a-3rd-floor-balcony

151 Toronto’s Catholic Schools Bow to the Rainbow Mafia

On the night of November 8, 2019, the community? It is well known that such Toronto Catholic District School individuals are often the prey to bullies. Board, after a long and heated debate, voted When will the Catholic School Board to adopt four gender terms into its code of address their plight? conduct: “gender identity,” “gender expression,” “family status,” and “marriage The real issue involves the political aims of status”. The chairman of the board, who the LGBTQ group, whose aims go far supported the 8 to 4 vote, stated that “we beyond mere acceptance, which they’ve need to celebrate our differences and make achieved already and then some. As a sure our children from the LGBTQ political faction, they will not stop at community and families from the LGBTQ anything short of ridding others—especially community are supported and welcomed”. Christians—of any moral objection to their This view, however, is contrary to that of the practices. They have vandalized Chick-fil-A archdiocese, which responded: “We do not restaurants and forced one to close before accept the view of the human person which the fast food chain decided this week to underlies this terminology, since that view is cease donating to Christian charities. They not compatible with our faith.” have driven bakeries and wedding photographers out of business; they have This is a case of too many cooks spoiling the brought lawsuits against the Knights of broth. Students at Catholic schools are Columbus. And all because they cannot equally protected by law and school policy tolerate anyone who defends traditional from unjust discrimination, ridicule, and marriage. This is why the appellation assault and battery. Since everyone is “LGBT mafia” has been coined: this sordid equally protected, there is no need to give consortium has shown its true colors, and special attention to any specific group. they are not to be found anywhere in the Bullying is, fundamentally, indiscriminate. rainbow. Students are better protected by the enforcement of the regulations that are A mother of two who identifies as a Catholic already in the book, and not by the school strongly supports the Catholic School adding controversial terms to its code of Board’s decision. In an op-ed for conduct. Here, the responsibility lies with the Toronto Star, she states that all schools the administration and its teachers. should prioritize “the safety of LGBTQ students or of [sic] students who come from In addition, there is no such group as the queer families”. Of course, that sounds like “LGBTQ,” let alone the nonsense that they preferential treatment—if not prejudice. The live in a “community”. This fabrication even author does not seem to consider the vastly lacks logical cohesion: bisexual implies the greater and more prevalent needs of Catholic reality of two different sexes, while families seeking to teach their children the transgendered persons often deny that there Catholic faith in authentically Catholic are two sexes, and even deny that any environs. particular sex is enduring. Moreover, the notion of “queer” is unintelligible to most Catholic teachers in Toronto who oppose the people. Where is the NDDKO (Nerds, Board’s decision are rightly wary of what Dweebs, Dummies, Klutzes, and Oafs) the future holds for them and their students.

152 It has been well documented that the presenting to Catholic teachers—on their Catholic positions concerning homosexual day of spiritual development—his view on sex and same-sex marriage have been gender and sexuality. Another workshop is targeted by the LGBTQ not only as entitled, “Equity: Building Capacity for “offensive” but as constituting “hate LGBTQI2S+ Students.” Also on the speech.” In the unnecessary attempt to be program are activists from a company called more “inclusive,” Catholic teaching is in “unlearn.”, which promotes the notion of danger of being excluded. If the “offensive” multiple genders and the idea that white and the “hateful” are removed from the children are bigoted against other races due curriculum, Catholic education will suffer a to an “unconscious bias.” mortal blow. It is a case of stretching the rubber band until it breaks. The old bromide Catholic education should be Catholic. The comes into view: “give a person an inch and secular world can be enticing, but he thinks he’s a ruler”. Catholicism has something better to offer. Curiosity can be a dangerous temptation— In another Catholic school district— Josef Pieper has referred to the vice of Ontario—a workshop is scheduled for curiosity as “the roaming unrest of spirit.” December 6, 2019. One of the speakers is a Catholicism should not, as Jacques Maritain certain Kevin Weldes Godin, an advocate warned, find itself “kneeling before the for LGBTQ-inclusive education. He will be world.”

Donald DeMarco

153 Advent: Finally, A Book Especially Designed for Children

With Advent just around the corner, invite your children (or your grandchildren) to prepare for the wonderful mystery of Christmas with this lovely Advent companion. Let’s offer our little ones the chance to discover the true meaning of this beautiful season of expectation.

Just a few days from the start of Advent, a child will learn that God welcomes all our Magnificat offers an original book prayers. And those proposed here, couched guaranteed to communicate the true in a language at the same time child-friendly meaning of this beautiful time of waiting and deeply thoughtful, are the work of and preparation to children. And, in this Charlotte Grossetête, the well-known author fast-moving age of videos on demand and of children’s books. instantaneous music streaming, that’s a tall order. The frenetic holiday season, already The layout greatly eases the child’s on display in shop windows, doesn’t help navigation through the season, guiding them children to put themselves in the presence of simply to the correct reading for each day. God, nor to appreciate what is essential. But, Because, for each Sunday of Advent, you before Christmas, the period of Advent are offered the choice between liturgical offers us the time to relive the birth of Christ years A, B, or C, followed by a unique and deepen our faith. And thanks to its suggestion for the other days of the week it’s excellent Advent Companion for adults, a precious guide designed to accompany all Magnificat already has a proven track- your children toward Christmas over the record on the subject. years!

A gift bearing meaning and hope Easy to follow, and sets the pace of the day

To help your children grow in this journey Each day of Advent (Sundays included) is toward the divine birth, My Daily Advent laid out identically with four moments of Prayers is an ideal companion for all prayer centered on the Word of God and children aged seven and up along the texts (taken from the Mass of the day) that spiritual path of Advent. The selection of a can be read aloud, perhaps alternating Gospel reading for the day, beautifully between the parent and child. It’s an ideal enriched with poetry and the lovely lyrical occasion to share, meditate, and pray illustrations by award-winning illustrator together. An original and playful idea: at the Eric Puybaret, will lead them with joy, bottom right-hand page, the three Magi depth, and beauty toward the great night guide the child to the appropriate page for they all so eagerly await. Each day, an the day of that liturgical year. explanation allows the child to better understand the approach of the wonderful It’s a publication to be treasured for its celebration that is Christmas. quality, up to the same demanding standards and elegance of all Magnificat publications. A daily rendez-vous centered on prayer With its gilded cover and satin bookmark, it already offers a foretaste of Christmas. A My Daily Advent Prayers is also–and above “must” to ensure that the dreams of your all–a book that invites children to prayer. little loved ones are filled with the gentle Alone or with their parents or grandparents, presence of Jesus.


Marzena Devoud

155 Five Dominican Friars Launch Podcast ‘Godsplaining’

Priests trying to raise the level of conversation by injecting element of contemplation.

In the digital world where a great majority good friends, but after ordination, their of people spend much of their waking life, it assignments took them to far flung parts of sometimes seems that everyone is shouting the Province of St. Joseph, which covers the past one another with their tweets and posts. northeastern part of the United States. Using Issues of the day (or of the minute) seem to Skype and podcasting technology, they are demand an immediate response. Those who able to meet virtually on a regular basis to participate in social media take a stand often discuss topics and record new podcasts, as a knee-jerk reaction, without much quiet which are rolled out each Thursday. contemplation of the “backstory.” “The idea grew out of a conviction that our Silence is practically unknown. In fact, for conversations about theology and many people, silence is so unknown that it’s philosophy, arts, literature, and culture, scary. could be useful and encouraging, delightful, informative for a broader audience,” Fr. Pine Fr. Gregory Pine, a Dominican priest, wants said in an interview, “and so we thought to assure people that silence is not such a we’d record those conversations and make dark, scary room. He and four other them available through the podcast Dominican Friars have launched a podcast medium.” that not only adds to the conversation in the digital world but also seeks to encourage the But it’s also meant to be something quite the quiet contemplation of ideas that will help opposite of other projects Fr. Pine is elevate that conversation. involved in—Aquinas 101, an online course about one of the best known Dominicans, “I think a lot of people now are looking for the philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas—and podcasts to listen to, especially during their the Thomistic Institute, which brings highly commute and while they exercise, and I erudite Catholic speakers to secular college think sometimes those podcasts can be used campuses. as a way to kind of mask silence, which can be difficult and potentially sad,” Fr. Pine “We wanted it to be in a more laid back, less said, explaining the reason for the programmatic sort of way. Much more new Godsplaining podcast. “What we want conversational—having a conversation to do is offer something that is not an about a particular topic either about the faith alternative to silence but the kind of thing or how the faith relates to that topic,” said that helps you to grow an interior life and Fr. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, vocations enjoy those silences when they come, with a director for the province. It’s a way “people greater delight and a greater sense of the can listen to the truths of the faith that isn’t a Lord.” lecture.”

The five priests who are The choice of topics is meant to be relevant behind Godsplaining all went through their to concerns in society today, whether formation together, entering the Order of specifically Catholic or more general. Preachers in 2010. They have remained

156 “There might be Church issues that cause Chapman is a former Anglican who studied people some consternation, like the Pew in a seminary at Oxford and now is a study on belief in the Real Presence,” Fr. doctoral candidate in philosophy at Catholic Pine said. “We’ve also had literature University of America. Fr. Joseph Anthony episodes, like those on G.K. Chesterton, Kress is a chaplain at the University of Cormac McCarthy, and David Foster Virginia and has a background in liturgy and Wallace, another contemporary author. catechesis. And Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe We’ve had some philosophy things, like serves in a parish in Rhode Island and apologetics, or the difference between good teaches at Providence College. He also is an and evil and the modern view of the world.” editor at Aleteia and has a background in radio. Several friars, such as Fr. Pine, have a Other episodes have explored the topics of science background. loneliness and friendship, sports and virtue, Catholic social teaching, leisure, and “In general, the thought is ‘contemplative marriage. preachers, contemporary age,'” Fr. Pine explained, “to have something The diversity of backgrounds and specialties contemplative which helps you ask good of the five friars helps keep the show questions of life and good questions of the interesting: Fr. Janczyk is an athlete and Lord—not so much to have the definitive used to work at the college chaplaincy at answers that close down inquiry but the kind Dartmouth College. Fr. Bonaventure that help you to inquire further and deeper.”

John Burger

157 Judge Rules Nicholas Sandmann’s $275 Million Lawsuit Against NBC For Smearing Him Can Move Forward

Covington Catholic High School student happened” with Sandmann. Phillips accused Nicholas Sandmann won another small the student of blocking him from leaving; victory in court this week when a federal however, a longer video of the encounter judge allowed his libel lawsuit against NBC showed that Phillips was the one who Universal to move forward. approached Sandmann.

Students from the Kentucky high “The law must protect innocent minors school became the subject of national media targeted by journalists publishing click-bait criticism in January after the March for sensationalized news,” McMurtry said Life in Washington, D.C. A video clip previously. “This is especially true in the showing part of Sandmann’s interaction current hyper-partisan political with Native American activist Nathan environment.” Phillips led to the students being branded as racists and instigators. Later, a longer video The students and their families received of the interaction surfaced, disproving death threats because of the accusations, and claims against Sandmann and the other their school was forced to close several days students. because of security concerns.

Sandmann’s lawyers are accusing multiple Many mainstream media outlets accused news outlets of negligently reporting on Sandmann and other students of harassment what happened and damaging the teen’s and racism in January after a heavily edited reputation. video showed the teen face to face with Phillips, a Native American activist. Longer On Thursday, U.S. District Judge William video footage of the incident later disproved Bertelsman agreed that the case against many of the claims against Sandmann and NBC merits further examination by the his peers. court, Fox Business reports. The judge said the accusations are libelous if the teen’s An independent investigation also disproved lawyers can prove that NBC wrongly many of the accusations. The report by accused him of blocking Phillips and not Greater Cincinnati Investigation, Inc. states allowing Phillips to retreat. that the pro-life teens did not initiate the confrontation or use any racial slurs against Lawyer L. Lin Wood celebrated the decision Phillips or the Black Hebrew Israelites as a “huge win” for Sandmann. They are group, which also was protesting nearby. asking for $275 million in damages, according to the report. “We found no evidence of offensive or racist statements by students to Mr. Phillips In late October, Bertelsman ruled or members of his group,” the report states. that Sandmann’s lawsuit against the “We found no evidence that the students Washington Post also may move forward. performed a ‘Build the Wall’ chant.” Attorney Todd McMurtry told Fox News that “Nathan Phillips presented a false Previously, attorney Lin Wood said Phillips factual narrative when he described what told “lies and false accusations” about

158 Sandmann and other students after the Jan. Despite the evidence, left-wing activist 18 incident. Phillips did not participate in Kathy Griffin and others were adamant in the independent investigation. According to their criticism of the teens and the teens Townhall, Phillips lied about the students only. There was little condemnation of the chanting “Build the wall!” and about his Black Hebrew Israelite adults who shouted Vietnam service. profanities and racial slurs at the students and Native Americans, or of Phillips who The student’s legal team sent letters to 52 claimed the students got in his face when different entities demanding that they retract video evidence indicates that he approached their statements against the students. A list them, according to Reason. of the 52 entities can be found here. In a statement after the incident, Sandmann “There was a rush by the media to believe said he was confused by the whole situation what it wanted to believe versus what and he smiled only to let the other protesters actually happened,” McMurty said know that he would not be intimidated. previously. “I am a faithful Christian and practicing For example, McMurtry told The Cincinnati Catholic, and I always try to live up to the Enquirer that Sandmann was accused of ideals my faith teaches me – to remain getting into the face of Phillips, but the full respectful of others, and to take no action footage of the incident disproved this claim. that would lead to conflict or violence,” he said. Micaiah Bilge against-nbc-for-smearing-him-can-move-forward/

159 7 Tips for Celebrating Advent As A Family

The Advent season will be here soon … decide now how you’re going to spend it.

For thousands of years all of humanity, meant to correspond to good deeds through especially the Jewish nation, awaited the Advent. Children can cut them out of coming of Messiah. This is the amount of construction paper. time it took God to prepare the hearts of men, so they could receive his Son. And this Advent reading and chants is what we commemorate each year, in the course of the four weeks that precede Don’t forget about the nightly readings from Christmas. Here is an overview of things the Old Testament. This will allow your kids you can do together as a family to turn this to learn how the coming of Christ was waiting period into a festive occasion … prepared for. There are many stories in the lives of saints and the Old Testament that The Advent wreath you can choose from. You might suggest that kids illustrate them later. The drawings Don’t forget about the traditional Advent could be displayed around the house. Most wreath – a crown made from branches of children love to sing, so why not teach them holly, spruce, or straw (or cardboard, fabric, some beautiful chants and Christmas carols? dried flowers, etc.) with four candles (three Then perhaps organize a concert on purple and one rose) that you light in the December 25 for the whole family to enjoy course of the four weeks of Advent. (Never and celebrate the arrival of Christmas. leave the lit candles unattended for long periods of time, especially at night.) Find the time for prayer

The Advent calendar It is vital to be well prepared for each Mass on the four Sundays of Advent and on A store-bought or DIY Advent calendar Christmas Day. To do this, you can place makes this waiting time more fun. Like a one or two verses from the Gospel in a small clock, it counts down all the remaining prayer corner or elsewhere in the house days before December 25. where they will be seen: “Be on guard be alert” (on the first Sunday), “Prepare the A traditional crèche way for the Lord, make paths straight for him” (on the second Sunday), “Among you The whole crèche, or Nativity scene, can be stands one, you do not know” (on the third set up on the first day of Advent or Sunday), “You are to call him Jesus” (on the gradually throughout its duration. Just as a fourth Sunday); “A Savior has been born to reminder: the figure of Baby Jesus is placed you” (on Christmas Day). in the manger on Christmas Eve at midnight. Making resolutions and keeping them A sky full of Christmas stars For the duration of Advent, let us try to steer You can place a board representing the the actions of our children (and those of the Christmas sky in a prayer corner or above whole family) toward things like listening, the crèche. The stars reproduced on it are patience, hospitality, and poverty. This will

160 not require some grand speech on your part, passing judgment, and to cheerfully get out but a concrete suggestion: to never interrupt of bed. others while they speak, to serve others first during mealtime, to anticipate others’ needs These resolutions could be personal or made (make sure that they do not have to ask for by the whole family. bread, salt, water, etc), to forego dessert, a video game, the extra five minutes in bed in And don’t forget: Advent should not be the morning, a toy, you don’t really need, reduced to these four weeks. Our whole life etc, to seek out a classmate who stays alone is a big Advent, a time spent awaiting the in their corner and offer to play with them, coming of our Lord. to abstain from all forms of teasing and

Christine Ponsard

161 What Our 2nd American-Born Martyr, to Be Beatified Saturday, Is Still Saying to Youth Today

James Miller was an educator by vocation; his testimony makes the same invitation now that it did during his life.

Brother James Miller, a native of Wisconsin, Yet he dreamed of returning to his flock in will be beatified December 7 in Central America. Huehuetenango, Guatemala, the place where he was martyred on February 13, 1982, at It was in 1981 that he was assigned to the the age of 37. Colegio Indígena de Huehuetenango.

Pope Francis has sent Cardinal Jose Luis “Those were turbulent years for the Lacuna, bishop of David, Panama, to preside country,” explained Brother Meoli. “There over the ceremony. was a type of silent persecution whose victims were mostly Catholic religious, The cardinal spoke with Vatican News about ‘guilty’ of defending the poor. For example, Brother Miller, who was a member of the in the indigenous university where Brother De La Salle Christian Brothers. James was, many of the Mayan youth studying there were from families who had “A good Catholic educator is like a seed that land in the mountains, and had had their sooner or later will bear fruit,” the cardinal land taken from them by the landowners, said. “He teaches youth to reason with with the approval of the government.” criteria they’ve made their own, to make decisions that are consistent with their faith, The religious faced an increasingly greater as this brother-martyr did, remaining close threat as time went on; no one knew when to the boys up to the end.” the “death squads” supported by the army would strike. James Miller grew up on a farm in Wisconsin, a “very active man,” as It was in his second year in Guatemala that described by the postulator of his cause, one struck Miller. Brother Rodolfo Meoli. He met the Christian Brothers in 1955 when he began Brother James was killed as he lived — as school at Steven Point. There he discovered he was in the midst of completing a task at his vocation and began his novitiate in 1962. hand. He was hanging a light on the outside of one of the buildings, because the next He quickly won over his students and day, February 14, the kids would have a everyone else as well: a robust man with an dance. He was at the top of a ladder, intent ever present smile, ready to do whatever on his task. Gunmen shot him and task was at hand, including sweeping the disappeared within seconds. floors or cleaning the toilets. They didn’t understand the greatness of a He was sent to Central America in 1969, to martyr, reflected Brother Meoli: Nicaragua. But after a certain time, given the political situation there, he had to leave Martyrs continue speaking even after their for a year and returned to the family farm. death, in fact, especially after their death.

162 And in particular, Brother James continues example of the need to ‘disconnect’ from the speaking today to youth, inviting them to many devices that are round us in daily life listen to their own interior voice, the voice and ‘connect’ with goodness, and with the of God, so often suffocated by the thousand call of God addressed to each one for us. voices that we have around us. He is an

Aleteia still-saying-to-youth-today

163 Why You Should Stop Doing So Much for Your Teens And Let Them Make Mistakes

There’s a difference between taking care of your kids and doing everything for them…

“Never do for a child what he is capable of One risk of doing such things for our doing alone,” wrote Maria Montessori in her children is that we’ll just keep doing them! book The Secret of Childhood, published in “I met parents who were still writing 1936, because “any unnecessary help is an applications for their 23-year-old children obstacle to the child’s development.” A after they had left business school. Would piece of advice from the famous Italian you still like to be carrying this pedagogue that applies both to very young responsibility when they reach that age and, children who know how to put on their above all, would you like to keep that kind shoes and to teenagers who are able to write of control over your children?” asks de their science report. And yet, Nathalie de Boisgrollier. Boisgrollier, a parenting coach for more than 20 years, notes that many parents stay Learning by making mistakes up late at night to do their children’s homework, replace lost bus tickets for the Yes, your teenage children will do things umpteenth time, or write their teen’s letter of less well and more slowly than you, and will application in search of a summer job. It’s make mistakes that you could have avoided! an “overflow of help” which, in reality, But mistakes actively contribute to learning doesn’t work in their favor. and education. That’s why Nathalie de Boisgrollier invites parents to let their Growth in autonomy teenagers make mistakes: “The parents’ job is not to protect children from the mistakes Raising and educating children they may make, nor to avoid any difficulties means helping them grow up so that one day or inconvenience for them. Parenting is also they can fly on their own. This not about anticipating all their desires and independence is achieved gradually and needs. This is even more true in according to the children’s age and abilities. adolescence! Rather, our role is to teach “There’s a difference between taking care of them that mistakes are part of any learning them and doing everything for them,” says process.” de Boisgrollier. By doing things in the place of their children, by trying to control Being present and offering guidance everything, parents prevent them from acquiring autonomy and independence. Letting children make mistakes is one thing; “Through these behaviors, you are hindering being there for them to help them deal with the happiness of your children and their their disappointments is another. That’s chances of succeeding in their lives,” she when parents come in! “Let your teens take warns. Let’s take the example of the résumé action even if you know they won’t succeed and the cover letter for a 16-year-old’s first or it’s not going well. The only important job. Is the real goal for our children to get a thing is to be present when they ask you to great job to impress friends and neighbors, be,” says de Boisgrollier. You can then help or for them to learn something useful for the them to find solutions on their own, by future? asking them: “What would be the ideal

164 solution? If you didn’t change anything, Raising children and sending them off into what would happen? Tell me three courses the world is a beautiful, difficult, and of action, even if they seem crazy to you. sometimes complicated process of Which one do you think is the best?” An transitioning from the complete dependence active and caring parental presence allows of an infant to the complete independence of teenagers to bounce back and reap the adulthood. Along the way, parents have to benefits of their mistakes. let go bit by bit, challenging their children to do more and more on their own, without That isn’t to say parents shouldn’t ever do abandoning them completely to their own anything for their teens either; a logical way devices on one hand or overprotecting them to help them grow in autonomy is to do on the other. There will probably be things for them the first time around, so they mistakes on all sides, and moments of can see and learn, and then let them try the progress and regress. All we can do is make next time on their own. our best effort so that the children God has entrusted to our care may become responsible adults. Mathilde De Robien make-mistakes

165 This Beautiful Prayer to St. Nick Reminds Us He’s More Than A Jolly Gift Giver

Put in my heart the spirit of childhood …

The modern-day mythical character of Santa O good Saint Nicholas, patron of children, Claus is well known for being a secret gift- sailors, and the helpless, watch over those giver. This is due in part to a popular story who pray to Jesus, your Lord and theirs, as surrounding the 4th-century bishop, St. well as over those who humble themselves Nicholas of Myra. before you. Bring us all in reverence to the Holy Child of Bethlehem, where true joy Many Catholic families celebrate St. and peace are found. Nicholas’ feast with great enthusiasm, Amen. especially as a reminder that Christmas itself, and even Santa Claus, are eminently During Advent religious celebrations. Good St Nicholas, Nevertheless, to focus only on St. Nicholas’ Help us prepare for the miracle of the gift-giving might allow us to forget that he is coming of Jesus. a saint and a powerful intercessor. Help us not to be blind to the gifts of getting ready. This beautiful prayer, part of a Little Office Help us be sincere in the greetings we send of St. Nicholas, reminds us that the holy and receive, with love and prayer. bishop can do much more for us than leave Kind St. Nicholas, protect us from shoppers’ chocolate coins (or oranges) in our shoes! fatigue, stress, overspending, yet help us to be kind and generous of heart to all, Prayer to Saint Nicholas especially those who are alone, financially poor and fearful. O good Saint Nicholas, you who are the joy May our celebration of your feast lead of the children, put in my heart the spirit of others to see the true meaning of giving and childhood, of which the Gospel speaks, and receiving and to guide all people to teach me to seed happiness around me. You, the greatest of all gifts, even Jesus Christ, whose feast prepares us for Christmas, open prince of peace and child of Mary, Our Lord my faith to the mystery of God made man. and only savior. You, good bishop and shepherd, help me to Amen find my place in the Church and inspire the Church to be faithful to the gospel.

Kathleen N. Hattrup gift-giver

166 Philip Rivers Spreads Powerful Message of Faith during Press Conference

The LA Chargers quarterback recently took to the podium with a message inspired by Venerable Bruno Lanteri.

Philip Rivers recently impressed a lot of It’s a message that was taught to the people with his ability to give a press quarterback by a priest friend a few years conference while also holding his youngest back, and although he believes it’s perfect daughter in his arms. And now the LA for a football player who has to begin Chargers quarterback has taken to the press again each time they take possession of the podium again and impressed fans with a ball, it also resonates strongly today as he powerful message of faith. has to pick himself up, along with his team, and find victory once more. Last Wednesday, the dad of nine spent a grueling 12 minutes discussing his team’s This belief echoes the teachings latest poor performance. With the Chargers of Venerable Bruno Lanteri when offering having a bad run in the last few games, spiritual advice for those who felt they were Rivers was taking full responsibility. Yet, he failing. The founder of the Oblates of Mary, wasn’t giving up. While many sportsmen who was born in the 18th century, would and women might feel discouraged when remind himself and others of this very they’re off their game, the devout Catholic message: “If I should fall even a thousand explained that although his game hadn’t times a day, a thousand times, with peaceful been good enough, this hadn’t affected his repentance, I will say immediately, Nunc confidence. And the reason might have coepi [Now I begin], my God, my God!” something to do with the Latin message on his cap: “Nunc Ceopi” which means, “Now I So even if you’re not a leading athlete, but begin.” just feeling you can’t succeed, find faith in these two powerful words: “Nunc Coepi!” Cerith Gardiner conference

167 No Heart for Newman’s University

In the midst of all the recent praise lavished Serious thinking – real theology with the on now-Saint John Henry Newman, there kind of sapiential thrust and metaphysical was perhaps not enough soul-searching depth Pope John Paul II called for in Fides about why we aren’t living up to his et Ratio – will, it is feared, detract from the standards. People were falling all over spirituality of feelings that it is assumed themselves in praise of Newman. That’s ought to rule the Church. Better to remain good. But how many are falling all over “down-to-earth,” someone who can “speak themselves to work for the kinds of the language of the workers.” educational institution Newman founded in Dublin and describes in The Idea of a Which brings us to the other major goal of University? most Catholic universities. After we give our students a smattering of Catholic Some parents were so dead-set on sending catechism and/or Catholic social justice, the their kids to Harvard, Princeton, and USC primary goal is to train them to get good that they paid bribes to get them in. How jobs and have successful careers. many parents would go to equally great lengths honestly to ensure that their son or The trick is, we can’t let these two goals daughter gets into a Catholic liberal arts overlap overmuch. If we fail to give them university of the sort Newman envisioned? the necessary smattering of Catholic thought and practice, we will lose them from the How many administrators of Catholic Church. And yet if we give them too institutions take Newman’s vision of much Catholic thought and practice – if it Catholic education as anything more than a bleeds over too much into the other source for advertising slogans that have little disciplines – then we might: (a) lose respect or no relationship to the curriculum the among the mainstream secularized school actually provides? Even the Catholic institutions we so desperately want to bishops of Ireland threw Newman out after impress; and (b) our students might not four years. Even they didn’t believe in become the successful professionals who Newman’s vision. A similar lack of faith can donate the money we need to keep up animates much of contemporary Catholic with our richer secular counterparts. education. I can’t tell you how many lectures I have What has dominated instead of Newman’s attended on social justice in wealthy, well- “Catholic liberal arts” vision is a crudely appointed universities (some Catholic) “instrumental” view of education. On this financed by the donations of those who view, one goal of Catholic education is made their multi-millions off of the labors of simply to “get kids into heaven.” “And you the working class. The “Catholic” ones don’t need a lot of book learnin’ for that,” it advertised themselves as “Catholic” because is claimed. Indeed, there often seems to be (a) they had a Catholic chapel on campus an anti-intellectual bias among some and (b) they still had one department or Catholic educators. They don’t want center on campus dedicated to Catholic Catholics to become too “intellectual.” thought and practice they could show to donors.


As for every other program or discipline on In a culture such as ours, where we enjoy campus, the suggestion that they should be high levels of secular education, we need “Catholic” in the sense of a continual deep, more than ever Newmanesque chaplains to serious engagement with the Catholic preach, and Newmanesque institutions to intellectual tradition was considered an teach. For the most part, we have neither. “unwarranted intrusion,” a “burden that they should not have to bear,” rather than a Given the truly stunning educational vision benefit we Catholics have that others don’t, bequeathed to us, and the importance of our and/or a “violation” of proper boundaries. calling, why are our Catholic educational Newman had different ideas for a university. institutions not the best in the country – and in the world? We must be honest with Then again, Newman was fired from the ourselves: they’re not. university he founded, likely because the bishops were suspicious that his and You may have a favorite school. I do, too. his educational vision were just too But loving them as I do, I am aware of how “British.” He was too much the Oxford- far short they fall from the goals Newman educated Anglican cleric for their tastes. envisioned in The Idea of a University and Just teach them their catechism and get them those John Paul II was seeking to foster ready for a job. when he wrote Ex Corde Ecclesiae and Fides et Ratio. One finds a similar anti-intellectual bias at many American Catholic institutions. Praises are great, but talk is cheap. We will People praise Newman, but it’s rare to find a honor these men if and when we seriously campus where they believe the chaplain try to educate the young in accord with the should preach like Newman. The prejudice exalted vision of a truly Catholic education seems to be that the chaplain should be bequeathed to us. Right now, very few “earthy” and “non-intellectual” as a sort of people even want to try. corrective to the dangerous “intellectualism” that might take over student’s lives. It was never easy, never popular. But these men had the wisdom to know that the easy Heaven forbid that they start thinking like paths, the short-cuts to “holiness” on the one Aquinas or writing like Newman! hand and worldly “success” on the other, would leave the Church without men and The students are rarely “corrected” by this women in the pews and without the wisdom sort of preaching, however. What they need the faithful need to serve as a leaven in is a St. Basil, St. Augustine, or St. Philip secular society. Neri – someone who blows them away with his own love of learning and shows them Sts. John Henry Newman and John Paul II, that “learning” and “faith” need not be pray for us. contraries.

Randall Smith

169 Monks at St. Anselm Sue, Worried about College's Catholic Identity

St. Anselm College monks have sued their unreasonable risk of the secularization of St. own school, claiming that trustees’ efforts to Anselm College,” Cooper wrote to trustees reduce the power of the on-campus in an Aug. 30 letter that was included in the Benedictine monks threaten the 130-year- lawsuit. old institution’s Catholic identity. Such language irks Catino, who said The lawsuit, filed late last month in Cooper’s claims are untrue, shocking and Hillsborough County Superior Court in reckless. Manchester, asks a judge to prohibit college She wrote a nine-page statement in response trustees from changing bylaws without the to the suit. consent of the monks, whose order founded the university. “(Cooper) accuses the trustees of secularizing the college and the discussion The suit exposes rifts that have developed has devolved to personal attacks on the since 2009, when monks handed over many motives of the trustees,” she wrote. of the responsibilities for the Catholic liberal arts college to a board of trustees. She said that changes are inevitable and long overdue to preserve the college for future Ann Catino, chair of the trustees, said the generations. board must strengthen its role to maintain re-accreditation for the college. Federal At present, the 2,000-student college is on grants and loans for tuition assistance can firm standing. Its freshman class of 2018 only be used at accredited colleges and was the largest ever. It has a $170 million universities. endowment and has raised almost $69 million in an ongoing capital campaign. In a letter to the college community, Catino called the lawsuit unnecessarily divisive. The lawsuit lays out the structure of the “We’re going to vigorously defend it,” she college and issues that have come up over said Monday. “This lawsuit is about the the past 10 years. present and future of the institution. We’re at a crossroads.” Benedictines founded the college in 1889. The monks take a vow of stability to remain The monks said efforts by the trustees to on campus. In their first 120 years, the obtain more power — especially over the Benedictine order ran the college with the campus ministry office, the health center, help of a lay advisory board. In 2009 that residential life and education — would changed, when the monks ceded much of the jeopardize the college’s Catholic tradition. responsibilities to a 20-member board of The head monk, Abbot Mark Cooper, said trustees. through his attorney that the college currently is not violating any Catholic The trustees have the ability to hire and fire doctrine. presidents and have hired lay presidents since taking over at the college. They “These changes put forward by the establish budgets and make decisions on leadership of the board of trustees carry an spending, capital spending, personnel and

170 tenure. They have determined that monks gave trustees the sole authority to govern the who teach or work at the college must be college. treated as regular employees, subject to firing. Cooper said those leadership powers “We love the board of trustees right now. are acceptable. We know them all. They like the school. They’re good for the school,” Cooper said. But in the suit, the monks say they must be But he said that could change, and the able to approve changes in bylaws; one Benedictines are in the best position to change they are seeking is a term limitation ensure the school remains Catholic. for trustees. They said they must keep “reserved powers” to ensure the college He said a judge now will resolve the maintains its Catholic and Benedictine trustees’ claim that the 1992 law applies in traditions. the case of the college.

Catino said the New England Commission “It’s much better, even if we lose, to get it of Higher Education, which accredits decided definitively and out of the way,” he colleges and universities, wants an said. independent board of trustees and a clear delineation of authority. Lamontagne said former Pope John Paul II supported laity governance of Catholic She said discussions, which have been going schools. on for nearly two decades, appear to be at an Lamontagne said New Hampshire has a impasse. The monks have rejected bringing strong tradition of lay involvement in church in an outside party to help reach an organizations, such as Catholic Medical agreement, she said. Center.

“This is not a rogue board of trustees,” said Michael Tierney, the lawyer representing Manchester lawyer Ovide Lamontagne, who Cooper and the monks, said Rivier represents the college and board of trustees. University in Nashua and Stonehill College “It’s unfortunate the decision was made to in Massachusetts are run by orders that exert bring a lawsuit in the secular realm to control over their colleges’ missions. resolve issues that should have been dealt Tierney said the college and trustees must with internally.” answer the suit by Jan. 3. He said a judge could decide the matter quickly because no Cooper said trustees forced the issue in facts are in dispute. October, when they claimed a 1992 state law

Mark Hayward catholic/article_3e54b642-07b4-5a0f-9353-ba663a10c548.html

171 Sainthood Cause Advances for Religious Sister, Educator Who Fought Racism

In the race to see who will become the first name, indicating that her parents were also canonized black American saint, one educated and well-off. candidate’s cause has advanced: Mother Mary Lange, a renowned educator and According to the Mother Lange Guild, founder of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, Lange was living in Baltimore by 1813, and the first community of religious sisters in the soon after realized that the children of her United States for women of color. fellow refugees were in desperate need of education, something that was hard to come In an announcement last week from the by for black children in pre-Civil War Archdiocese of Baltimore, where Mother America. Mary Lange lived and served, Archbishop William Lori said that “I’m happy to say her Together with a friend, Marie Magdelaine cause is moving along.” Balas, Lange began offering free education to children of color from her home. In 1828, After meeting with Vatican officials about Lange was approached by a priest, Reverend Lange’s cause last week, Lori reported that James Hector Joubert, S.S., about officially the paper arguing for her life of heroic virtue founding a Catholic school for girls of color. was nearly finished, and that the “positio,” Lange told the priest that she had been another document arguing for her cause for wanting to dedicate her life to God, and that canonization, was complete and being sent she wanted to start not only the school but to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. also a religious order of sisters for women of If approved, the document will be forwarded color. Permission was granted, and in 1829, to Pope Francis, who would then be able to Lange and three other women (including grant the title of “Venerable” to Mother Balas) took their first vows as Oblate Sisters Mary Lange. of Providence. Lange, who became the superior of the order, took the religious Scant concrete details are known about the name of Mary, and became known as early life of Mother Lange. She was born Mother Mary Lange. Elizabeth Clarisse Lange sometime around the year 1784, most likely in a French- The first paragraph of their order’s rule speaking area of Santiago, Cuba. Her spelled out their vocation and mission: “The parents were reportedly refugees who fled to Oblate Sisters of Providence are a religious Cuba from a revolution in their native Saint society of virgins and widows of color. Domingue (in present-day Haiti), according Their end is to consecrate themselves to God to the Black and Indian Mission Office. in a special manner not only to sanctify themselves and thereby secure the greater In the early 1800s, Lange emigrated to the glory of God, but also to work for the United States from Cuba, and settled in Christian education of colored children.” Baltimore, Maryland, a popular landing spot for other French-speaking Catholic Haitian “Our sole wish is to do the will of God,” refugees at the time. She arrived in the U.S. Mother Lange once said of her order, well-educated and with some money to her according to the Oblate Sisters.

172 The school founded by the sisters, St. begged on the streets to support those in Frances Academy, is the oldest, their care. In 1832, the sisters also cared for continuously running school for black the terminally ill during the cholera Catholics in the United States, and remains epidemic. After the Civil War, the sisters open today. By 1860, all children of color cared for dozens of black orphans who were attending Catholic school in Baltimore were living in Baltimore. On February 3, 1882, educated in schools run by the Oblate after a long life of service to others, Mother Sisters. Mary Lange died.

In 1843, the sisters suffered a blow at the “Mother Mary Lange practiced faith to an death of Fr. Joubert, who had been their extraordinary degree,” the Guild wrote of biggest supporter since the founding of the her. “In fact, it was her deep faith which order. Combating poverty and racism, the enabled her to persevere against all odds. To sisters scrambled to shore up their order as her black brothers and sisters she gave of some members left, and the Sulpician herself and her material possessions until priests, the order to which Joubert had she was empty of all but Jesus, whom she belonged, were no longer able to support the shared generously with all by being a living sisters. witness to his teaching.”

“There was a sense of abandonment at the Lori added that Mother Lange was “a person dwindling number of pupils and defections who was in every way a pioneer” who of her closest companions and co-workers,” “stood head and shoulders above the racism the Mother Lange Guild states in her of her era.” biography. “Yet, through it all Mother Mary never lost faith in Providence.” Should Lange be declared Venerable, the next step in her cause for canonization During her lifetime, Lange and her sisters would be for a miracle through her not only educated children of color, but they intercession to occur and be approved by the housed orphans and vulnerable elderly, and Vatican. took in extra washing and mending and

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173 Archbishop Sheen’s Idea of Education

“When life is meaningless, it is very dull. “When life is meaningless, it is very dull,” When you know the truth of life, then you Sheen continued. “When you know the truth are most free.” of life, then you are most free.”

Education should teach us the “truth about On the second point, the correlation of man,” said Archbishop Fulton Sheen. A studies refers to the idea that “there are graduate of and longtime professor at The certain subjects that ought to be regarded as Catholic University of America in essential, so that a man will be truly Washington, D.C., before he was a educated.” The tendency in education, television celebrity, Sheen should inspire Sheen explained, was to use the “shelf Catholics to seek out authentic education. theory” and “take any course that you please.” This leads to a “disconnected and For 23 years, Sheen taught courses such as disjointed” understanding. “Philosophy of Religion” and “God and Society” at Catholic University, making The “really educated man sees a relationship frequent use of Caldwell Chapel on campus. between various branches of knowledge,” After teaching, he moved into television and said Sheen, urging against radio programs, reaching greater numbers— “overspecification” in universities. A well- even until today—with his wisdom, wit and rounded curriculum “will teach a man how unparalleled teaching ability. to… know himself, know society, know his relationship to the universe, and above all, One of his former students, Father William he will understand his relationship to God.” Amann, said that Sheen’s strong faith was obvious in the classroom. “He was a very Finally, a truly educated person will have a holy man and it came out certainly in the “philosophy of life that is solid” and will presentation of his class. His holiness was “deepen the mystery of things” rather than evident in his demeanor and the classes he centering studies around various fads that gave, his belief in God, and his trust in the come and go. Lord.” Sheen’s thoughts on education may sound For Sheen, education was about training the lofty in our nation today, where many “whole man—the intellect and will, not just colleges, even Catholic ones, have become the mind alone.” Related to the intellect, he focused solely on job training. They lack the described the educated person as one who formation that Sheen insisted upon. Many will do three things: “seek truth,” have a colleges promote relativism, fail to provide a “correlation of studies” and have “depth, meaningful foundation in the liberal arts, particularly the deepening of mystery.” and leave students empty and unprepared for life. For the first, Sheen urged that the “one basic truth we have to learn is the truth of our own Sheen explains how a strong Catholic existence.” He lamented that people live education can make life worth living. If years of their lives without learning “why families look carefully, they can find strong they are here, and where they are going.” Catholic schools and colleges that are worthy of a saint.


Patrick Reilly

175 Planned Parenthood Infiltrates 50 California Public Schools

The abortion giant Planned Parenthood’s “Planned Parenthood has been targeting brand of sexual “health care” will soon be younger and younger girls, through their within the halls of dozens of California version of sex education, beginning as early public schools, and Los Angeles taxpayers as elementary school, which encourages will be footing the bill. people to make bad choices,” said Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of Planned Parenthood announced this week a America. “That’s how they make money as new program in which so-called “Wellbeing they profit from creating crisis through bad Centers” will be placed within 50 Los choices and then selling abortions to those Angeles public schools, the Washington same students.” Post reports. The program is funded for the next three years with Planned Parenthood “We don't let cigarette companies run putting up $6 million and Los Angeles smoking education. Why would we let an County spending $10 million. abortion sales team tells students about their choices for life?” Planned Parenthood says the centers will not commit surgical abortions onsite, but will Birth control is already widely available in offer sexually transmitted disease testing the U.S., and studies indicate that promoting and treatment, pregnancy counseling, and a it even more will actually increase range of birth control options, as well as unintended pregnancies by encouraging training for teens themselves to become people unprepared for parenthood to engage “peer advocates” to preach Planned in “safe sex” instead of abstinence. Parenthood’s ideas about “safe sex.” (Additionally, various “contraceptive” methods such as Plan B actually have the Students will be free to leave classes for capacity to function as abortifacients, rather appointments at the centers. School officials than being an alternative to abortion.) and parents alike will be barred from accessing details about what transpires in Pro-lifers have also argued that Planned these appointments without the student’s Parenthood’s ideas about “safe sex” actually consent. increase unintended pregnancy, by encouraging sexual “exploration” among Los Angeles County Department of Public minors rather than taking a firm line that sex Health director Barbara Ferrer defended the should be delayed until adulthood or program as a way to support students’ marriage. This is believed to come partly out “general well-being, the ups and downs of of the “progressive” movement’s far-left being a teen,” as well as to address high ideology and partly in order to generate rates of STDs among young people. “Teens more demand for Planned Parenthood’s listen to other teens,” added 23-year-old services. Planned Parenthood staffer Jennifer Rivera. A 2016 report from the Obama-era U.S. Pro-lifers suspect the program will only Office of Adolescent Health found that, harm youth welfare further, however. across six different Planned Parenthood affiliate partners, more than 3,500 students, and 87 schools, a Planned Parenthood-

176 backed sex-ed program left controls to have ever been pregnant or to students “significantly more likely than have caused a pregnancy.”

Calvin Freiburger

177 Expert Reveals ‘Secret Sauce’ of Catholic Schools: Equality of Every Child Before God

A new report claims that values-based “The focus on academic rigor,” she writes, education offered by Catholic schools can “is grounded in the belief that truth is serve as a model for all schools seeking to objective, and that one goal of education is reform and to improve the long-term success the search for objective truth.” of their students. As for the core value of belief that students The report, “Catholic On the Inside: Putting are made in the image of God, she maintains Values Back at the Center of Education that “this simultaneously demands that we Reform,” released last week by the honor our students for who they are and that Manhattan Institute, states that while debates we strive to bring out the best in them.” over school reform have intensified in the last two decades, “values, culture, and Ultimately, for Porter-Magee, the lesson of beliefs - the inside of a school - have largely Catholic education is that it challenges taken a backseat to these external, structural education reformers to think beyond changes.” individual-level achievement as a metric of success and that “by refocusing attention on The Manhattan Institute is a free-market values, culture, and beliefs, the education think tank focusing on economic growth, reform movement can ensure that the work education, energy and environment, health that we do today will serve students long care, legal reform, public sector, race, and after they graduate.” urban policy. At an event on December 12 on “The Future The author of the study, Kathleen Porter- of Catholic Schools in American Magee, raises the possibility that a Education,” timed to coincide with the commitment to treating “every student as report’s release, Ray Domanico, director of having equal worth before God” may be the education policy at the Manhattan Institute, “secret sauce” of Catholic schools, which, emphasized that education is not value according to her report, offer a strong track neutral and that while the Institute is non- record of success that many advocates of religious, since Catholic schools make up school reform seek to emulate. the largest group of private schools in the country, they were a logical place to start. Porter-Magee, who serves as superintendent at Partnership Schools in New York, The success of Catholic schools, he argued, outlines three major elements that she offers a public benefit given the number of believes to be drivers of the Catholic students - 1.8 million in the United States - educational model, but not necessarily that they educate. visible from the outside: the belief in objective truth, a commitment that all Nicole Stelle Garnett, professor of law at the humans are made in the image of God, and a University of Notre Dame, concurred, priority on teaching the habits of virtue and saying that Catholic schools have been “the the happiness of choosing to do good. most-effective anti-poverty organization devised in the history of the United States,” and that there have been a number of civic

178 effects spurred on by their existence, including safer neighborhoods and greater Murphy also bristled at the notion that tax social cohesion. credits or vouchers would be using public money to support a religious institution Panelist Peter Murphy, senior fellow for saying that using the private sector to fulfill education at the Empire Center, spoke of the the public good is standard practice and isn’t need for greater school choice, which he privileging religious identity. said would offer greater access to Catholic or private schools for parents. “Public money comes from the public and it would go back to the public,” he said. “We have an economic problem where Garnett added the United States is an outlier working and middle class families, even in the western, developed world for not modestly priced tuition, are having a hard having greater options for pluralistic time affording it,” he said, saying that education. parents need to become more involved in fighting for tax credits or vouchers. “The Yet she, along with Porter-Magee, also said key to it has to be a sustained political effort that while the push for greater options for to engage lawmakers.” school choice takes place, Catholic schools must also embrace greater measures of Porter-Magee, added that “from a simple transparency and accountability when it religious liberty standpoint, we should be comes to their results - something that can fighting hard for school choice and to be difficult for an institution that has often preserve Catholic schools, and not just for been wary of such efforts. the elite. One of the things that is most tragic…if we don’t act in an innovative way, “If we don’t get on board with what’s going to be left is only upper middle transparency,” Garnett warned of Catholic class and wealthy people will have the right schools, “the government will make us.” to educate their children in the faith in Catholic schools.”

Christopher White equality-of-every-child-before-god/

179 Exorcists Condemn Children’s Demon Book As Seductive, Dangerous

A group of international exorcists has raised “Summoning demons has never been so the alarm about a new children’s book fun!” it says. teaching kids how to interact with and summon demons, saying the publication is Several websites carrying the book have not only a spiritual threat, but is a disguised described it as a “playful guide” that allows attempt to lure young people into satanism. readers, most of whom will presumably be children, to conjure “gentle demons” by “You don’t mess around with demons. drawing their “sigil,” or magical symbol, Whoever invites a child to summon a demon after they wake up in the mornings. is like a person who puts a grenade in their hands to play with. Sooner or later the child Decked with colorful images of some 20 will pull the pin and the bomb will explode different demons, the book urges children to in their hands,” the International Association summon these dark creatures in order to do of Exorcists said in a statement last week. everything from making themselves sick in order to get out of school and eat ice cream “Whoever invites a child to summon a all day, to hypnotizing others and giving demon is telling them that it’s possible to get themselves “genius-level” smartness. help from a criminal to get something. Whoever invites a child to summon a demon After the description of each demon, some is causing them to lose their identity and to of which include disclaimers warning kids be morally, psychologically and spiritually that allowing a specific demon into their destroyed,” they said, adding that those who head can be a bit “freaky,” children are invite children to summon demons are instructed to draw the demon’s symbol in a already “an ‘ally’ of the demons.” specific color after they wake up in order to summon it. The statement, released Dec. 11 and signed by Father Francesco Bamonte, president of Coloring pages are also provided so kids can the association, was in reference to a new color in the demons they have been taught to children’s book titled, A Children’s Book of summon. The concept of summoning is Demons. Published in May, the book is simplified so as to be understood by young directed to children aged 5-10 and was children, with the symbols described as a penned by Aaron Leighton, an award- “telephone number” through which they can winning illustrator and known fan of occult contact the demons. practices. When doing an internet search, the book A description of the book speaks directly to falls under the genres of “humor,” “fantasy children, saying: “Don’t want to take out the fiction” and “children’s literature.” trash tonight? Maybe you’re swimming in homework? Perhaps that big bully is being a In their statement, the exorcists said the real drag? Well grab your coloured pencils book is part of a wider modern attempt to and sigil drawing skills and dial up some propose satanism “as a normal alternative” demons! This paranormal parody is filled to to other forms of worship or philosophies of the brim with funny spirits more silly than life. scary!”

180 “It goes so far as to affirm that if devil it as something positive, but which worship is limited to the simple celebration ultimately leads to devil worship. of the devil and those who practice it do not commit crimes, there is nothing wrong,” Exorcists for years have spoken out against they said, explaining that this points to a several common vehicles they believe are clear and complete lack of discernment used to open the door to demonic between good and evil. possession, such as an increasing devotion to “Santa Muerte,” meaning “Holy Death” Satanism, they said, not only allows the or “Saint Death,” in many parts of Latin person to be overcome by the demons they America. summon, but sooner or later it leads those who practice it into falling victim to a dark Documentaries and TV shows such as the internal transformation which leads them to hit series “Sabrina” on Netflix have also develop “a behavior according to principles been condemned by exorcists as that are destructive and harmful to human contributing to the normalization of dignity.” satanism and occultism, especially amongst the young. They condemned the book as part of a “nefarious project” initiated in the 1970s of Shamanism, a practice in which a person normalizing contact with demons and seeing strives to attain altered states of the practice of satanism as something consciousness in order to interact with what positive, cautioning that the symbols they believe to be a spirit world, has also provided are similar to those often found in increased among young people, as well as “grimoires,” or textbooks for magic which games such as Ouija boards and the offer instructions on how to create objects “Charlie Charlie challenge,” in which such as talismans and amulets, how to players cross two pencils on a grid with perform spells and invoke spirits. sectors marking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and ask a supernatural reality, “Charlie,” to answer the “Whoever invites a child to invoke demons questions they ask. is inviting them and preparing them to be unhappy,” they said, “because they do not In their statement, the exorcists condemned present them for what they really are: good the “dark practice” of these games and angels who voluntarily become evil, devotions, as well as Leighton’s book, enemies of God and of humanity, beings full saying they “totally [subvert] the of hatred toward every man, intent on discernment between what is good and what suggesting every evil and every perversity, is bad.” with the sole purpose of pitting ourselves against one another and in the end “Here, perhaps, more than elsewhere the definitively separating us from God and words of the Lord are valid,” they said, and leading us into eternal perdition, an endless quoting from Chapter 18 of Matthew’s suffering.” Gospel, added that “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it The book, they said, is one of many new would be better for him to have a great forms of occultism disguised as a game in millstone fastened round his neck and to be order to lure in young people by advertising drowned in the depth of the sea.”

181 Elise Harris seductive-dangerous/

182 U.S. Has World’s Highest Rate of Children Living in Single-Parent Households

For decades, the share of U.S. children Around the world, living in extended living with a single parent has been rising, families is linked with lower levels of accompanied by a decline in marriage rates economic development: Financial resources and a rise in births outside of marriage. A stretch further and domestic chores such as new Pew Research Center study of 130 childcare are more easily accomplished countries and territories shows that the U.S. when shared among several adults living has the world’s highest rate of children together. living in single-parent households. The U.S., like other economically advanced Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the countries, particularly in Europe and age of 18 live with one parent and no other northern Asia, has relatively small adults (23%), more than three times the households overall. The average person in share of children around the world who do the U.S. lives in a home of 3.4 people – so (7%). The study, which analyzed how which is less than the global average of 4.9, people’s living arrangements differ by but slightly higher than the European religion, also found that U.S. children from average of 3.1. In the U.S., Christians (3.4), Christian and religiously unaffiliated the unaffiliated (3.2) and Jews (3.0) live families are about equally likely to live in with roughly the same number of household this type of arrangement. members.

In comparison, 3% of children in China, 4% However, household sizes vary by age – the of children in Nigeria and 5% of children in average U.S. child under 18 lives in a India live in single-parent households. In household of 4.6 members, while the neighboring Canada, the share is 15%. average adult age 60 or older only lives with one other person. households, they’re much less likely to live in extended families. In the U.S., 8% of In early adulthood, Americans continue children live with relatives such as aunts and to live with their parents at relatively high grandparents, compared with 38% of rates. Adult child households account for children globally. 20% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34. (Adult child households are defined Researchers have different ways of as at least one parent living with one son or categorizing single-parent households. In daughter 18 or older and no minor children this report, single-parent households have a or other family members.) Young adults in sole adult living with at least one biological, the U.S. are similar to their Canadian step or foster child under age 18. Some other counterparts in this regard, and North organizations, including the U.S Census America has a higher share of young adults Bureau, also include households that have who live in this arrangement than any other grandparents, other relatives or cohabiting region. partners present. U.S. differs in living arrangements for Economic well-being a factor in household older adults size

183 Americans also differ from others around in safety nets, families often face greater the world in their living arrangements after responsibility to support aging relatives. age 60. Older adults in the U.S. are more Cultural norms also play a role, and, in likely than those around the world to age many parts of the world, it is expected that alone: More than a quarter of Americans adult children will care for their aging ages 60 and older live alone (27%), parents. compared with a global average of 16%. There are only 14 countries with higher Despite these many differences, U.S. shares of older adults living alone, and all household patterns are also similar to those are in Europe. They include Lithuania in other countries in some ways, and a few (41%), Denmark (39%) and Hungary (37%). of these commonalities are tied to gender.

The most common arrangement for older Women ages 35 to 59 in the U.S., for U.S. adults, however, is to live as a couple example, are more likely than men in the without any other children or relatives. same age group to live as single parents (9% Almost half of U.S. adults ages 60 and older vs. 2%), a pattern mirrored in every region live in such households (46%), compared and religious group around the world. with a global average of 31%. Conversely, older Americans are much less likely to live And women, on average, are younger than with a wider circle of relatives. Just 6% of their husbands or male cohabiting partners older U.S. adults live in extended-family in every country analyzed. That age gap is households, compared with 38% of adults 2.2 years in the U.S. and in the rest of the ages 60 and older globally. world ranges from 2 years in the Czech Republic to 14.5 years in Gambia. Within Living in smaller households after age 60 is the U.S., Jewish partners are closest in age, often tied to national rates of economic with only one year between them, while prosperity and life expectancy. Older adults Christians and the unaffiliated have an equal are more likely to live alone or as couples in gap (2.2 years). countries where an average person can expect to live more than 70 years. In Coupled with women’s longer life countries where lives are shorter, adults 60 expectancy, this tendency helps explain and older tend to live with other family some of the differences in how older men members instead. Life expectancy is often and women in the U.S. live. linked to other markers of prosperity within a country, so older adults who can expect to More than half of U.S. men ages 60 and live into their 80s also tend to live in older (55%) live with a partner and no one countries where living alone is more else, while roughly four-in-ten women affordable. (39%) do. And almost a third of women ages 60 and older live alone (32%), while And in countries where governments this is true of one-in-five men in the same provide fewer retirement benefits or other age group (20%).

Stephanie Kramer

184 other-countries-to-live-with-just-one-parent/

185 Italian Exorcist Says Society Risks Collapse Due to ‘Aggressive Satanism’

One long-time Catholic exorcist has With an ever-aging church-going population sounded an alarm over what he called an in Western society and a growing list of uptick in “aggressive Satanism,” especially scandals, the Church is no longer seen as a among young people, which he insists is due valid resource for youth looking for in part to the rapid growth of cultural answers, Dermine said, “so they try to find secularism and a lack of strong role models. something elsewhere. This something is, many times, the demonic world.” Among other things, Dominican Father Francois Dermine said, exposure to the One example of the normalization of demonic at a young age encourages Satanism, he said, is the recent book, A violence, ranging from bullying to more Children’s Book of Demons, which was serious manifestations. published in May and is directed to children aged 5-10 years of age. Penned by Aaron “There are many groups of satanism,” Leighton, an award-winning illustrator and Dermine said, noting that internet exposure known fan of occult practices, the book has also increased, and references to the contains colorful images of some 20 demonic are increasingly prevalent in different demons and teaches kids the sigil, videogames and school games such as the or magical symbol, for the demons and how “Charlie Charlie challenge,” in which to summon them. players cross two pencils on a grid with sectors marking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and ask a “Satanism is not always so explicit, but it is supernatural being, “Charlie,” to answer the becoming more and more so, and the questions they ask. publication of this book is a sign of this,” Dermine said, noting that just a few years “Satanism is getting much more aggressive ago a book like this would have been and also diffused,” Dermine said. Speaking inconceivable, “but now it’s not.” to Crux, he faulted growth in secularism, which he said retired pontiff Benedict XVI Pointing to the dangers of getting involved dedicated much of his papacy to fighting, as with the demonic at a young age, Dermine one of the main causes. said the risk is acquiring “a Satanist mentality” in which youth slowly become An exorcist for the Archdiocese of Ancona- familiar with the demonic world, which, at a Osimo in Italy, Dermine says he’s been certain point, becomes normal. And when it dealing with the demonic a quarter of a does, “they risk passing from the culture to century, since 1994. the acts. They can become evil themselves very easily.” “Secularization leaves a void,” he said, explaining that alongside it is a “sort of Part of the fault, he said, is due to the spiritual, ideological and also cultural void. breakdown of the family structure, which Young people do not have anything to often leaves children insecure, in unstable satisfy their spiritual and profound needs. environments and without trustworthy points They are thirsting for something, and the of reference. Church is not attractive anymore.”

186 “Education of young people is poorer and “If the adult world does not offer poorer,” he said. “Couples are collapsing. alternatives, it is more difficult for younger Children are left alone; they are destabilized, generations to adopt a stable way of life. It’s and they don’t have any defenses,” so when very difficult, it’s almost a miracle,” he said, they face pressure from peers to join in an adding that prayer is needed now “more than occult activity, especially with the promise ever.” that the devil will give them power in exchange for loyalty, it’s hard to resist. As Satanism and occult practices become increasingly normal among young people, “If (children) have received love in their they also face pressure not to feel out of the own families, it would be much more loop if friends and peers are involved, difficult to follow these kinds of ideologies. Dermine said, adding that the “real danger” It would be much more difficult to penetrate comes when someone becomes personally their minds,” he said, adding that, “If the involved in these activities. adult world does not offer alternatives, it is more difficult for younger generations to “It’s not only a vague fear, it’s a very adopt a stable way of life. It’s very difficult, concrete risk. We must not underestimate it’s almost a miracle.” this, because violence among young people is becoming more and more diffused,” he In his own analysis, Dermine said he said. believes young people, especially those without a stable background, are drawn to “A violent mentality is very dangerous for Satanic activity in part out of a desire to our society, very, very dangerous,” he said, overcome fears, and also as a means of adding, “Our society risks collapse if it breaking away from the “old ways” of how continues like this.” things were done in the past.

Elise Harris to-aggressive-satanism/