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Ive! FREE Catholic Monthly Newspaper Liar Journalist, Fake No INSIDE Alive! FREE Catholic Monthly Newspaper Liar journalist, fake No. 252 February 2019 250,000 copies nationwide www.alive.ie news, cover-up at German magazine Ashley Bratcher Pages 7 & 8 Pro-choice poet’s pain at loss of her baby G See Page 6 Being a Catholic is most wonderful thing in the world Page 3 Higher Ed Unplanned star shocked deforming students’ to learn her own story minds See Page 5 G See Page 7 Mindfulness: story What is driving leftwing behind the latest hatred for marriage mega bucks fad Page 12 and the family Page 13 Liberals wrong: Human beings are not chemical scum Page 7 G The content of the newspaper Alive! and the views expressed in it are those of the editor and contributors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Irish Dominican Province. Alive! 2 February 2019 English bishop launches Christians in NE Syria fear Turkish army SPEAKING to young CHRISTIANS in the north east of Syria are alarmed at people in the year 2000 ‘Year of Holiness’ the threat posed to their very existence if the US Pope John Paul II quot- withdraws its troops and gives the green light for ed St. Catherine of Turkey to take over the war against Islamic State. Siena, “If you are what that sheds light on this for us in every moment of “We certainly want you should be, you will problem?” our lives.” to see no Turkish set the world ablaze.” Truth of faith And it is in the Church, troops entering Syria, given the bru- For Bishop Mark Davies in holy yet made up of sinners, Applying that principle, tal history of the England, being “what you that “we find everything we the bishop of Shrewsbury need to grow towards holi- 1915 massacres of should be” means being a Christians carried concluded that “the call to ness.” saint. In his latest pastoral out by the Turks,” holiness is the truth of faith In terms of Church renew- letter the bishop has called Fr. Samir Kanoon, we need to recall at this al, the Bishop of on his people to keep 2019 told Catholic News moment in history.” Shrewsbury added: “No as a “Year of Holiness”, with Service. the focus on becoming This echoed the central lengthy discussions message of Vatican Council Turkey, he said, saints. between us, no restructur- “is still viewed by The renowned French II, that every single person ing or new programmes can is called to become “nothing many as the enemy author, Leon Bloy, he noted, ever be a substitute for the of Christians who spoke the truth when he less than a saint”. striving for holiness.” This teaching on the “uni- Bishop Mark Davies were forced to escape from Turkey, and fled to this region said, “the only great tragedy People dismayed by the and to Aleppo.” in life is not to become a versal call to holiness” turmoil in the Church and was the constant reading of Now Turkey wants to interfere again in Christian affairs in saint.” means that becoming a saint in society should recall past the lives of the saints. northern Syria “and it has a political agenda.” He warned is the ultimate goal of every times, often more difficult This is true for every per- “We have so much to learn that problems could result with more Christians fleeing human life. And it is only than the present, when the son whether “a student, a from them!,” he said. “We northern Syria. when helped by God’s grace saints remained faithful. busy parent, a banker, a fac- find encouragement in their that people achieve it. During the English refor- No-fly zone tory worker or a frail elderly words, which are often sim- Pope Benedict had the mation, for example, saints Syriac Christian groups in the US, and the EU are also person.” ple and profound; and, if we same vision when, visiting like John Fisher and Thomas deeply troubled and have called for a no-fly zone over north- On the same theme Bloy are attentive to their lives, England in 2010, he told a More were willing to give ern Syria to stop any possible Turkish attack. also stated: “The more holy we can draw some of the youth gathering that God their lives rather than betray They issued a statement saying “We urgently need protec- a woman is the more greatest lessons. woman she is,” a truth that never wants anyone to ‘Spirituality’ the Faith. tion from Turkey’s threats to invade and ‘cleanse’ our terri- applies to men too. aspire for second best in life. Pope Francis, said Bishop tory from Christianity, religious freedom, and democracy.” The bishop wants to pro- He wants the very best for The bishop warned, how- Davies, likes to speak of Handing over to Turkey, they said, “leaves us powerless mote daily prayer, frequent every person, and the best is ever, that many books today people whom he describes and open to be destroyed by either Turkey, or other regimes Confession, reading the holiness. have the title of “spirituali- as “the saints next door.” scrambling to see our destruction.” lives of the saints, thinking “It is important to remem- ty,” but he would encourage They are the people who Yezidi groups, also fearing a Turkish assault on Kurds, have warned of “waves of refugees” from the region flooding into like a Catholic and, above ber that our striving for people not to waste time or “have a supernatural per- Iraq. They too have urged Washington to “delay withdrawal of all, taking part in Sunday holiness doesn’t consist in even risk reading books that spective on life and fill the forces for as long as possible.” Mass and receiving holy doing something strange or might prove misleading or ordinary moments, and In early 2019, Turkey amassed tanks, howitzers and Communion. eccentric,” said Bishop damaging. even the most difficult, with armoured personnel carriers along its border with Syria. In an interview with the Davies. “Holiness is found “It is sure guides we are great love.” US Catholic Register he in the framework of our looking for, and we will find As the pope points out, recalled how Pope John ordinary lives and amid our them in the saints!,” he said. “the Lord wants us to be Paul II, when faced with a daily work and duties.” In the saints people will saints and not to settle for a Number of murders big problem, always asked: An important help which learn that sanctity “consists bland and mediocre exis- “What is the truth of faith he especially recommended in wanting what God wants tence.” soaring in Latin America Abortion fundamentally transforms A NEW report from a Brazil-based think-tank says that more than 2.5 million people have been mur- dered in Latin America in the past 18 years. society: Guatemala Supreme Court Four countries alone, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela, account for a quarter of the world’s killings. through euphemisms such as the “right “The sheer dimensions of homicidal violence are breathtak- GUATEMALA’S Supreme Court to safe abortion” and “pregnancy ter- ing,” says the report. While the continent has only 8% of the has warned that aborting unborn Astrid mination”. Ríos world’s population it has 33% of its murders, with the rate set children “fundamentally trans- It also pointed out that “abortion is to continue rising and security decreasing. forms society, making it progres- never safe for the unborn child,” adding Nearly half the victims are aged 15 to 29, and 75% of deaths sively insensitive to human suffer- that it also hurts women’s minds and are due to guns, nearly twice the rate for the rest of the world. ing and the piecemeal destruction bodies. With elections looming in several countries some cam- ofIt humanalso gradually life.” leads “to the exclu- The Court shot down arguments from paigners are seeking to capitalise with radical proposals. sion of those most needy of protection, government officials about an interna- Earlier this year one Mexican presidential candidate suggest- such as, the unborn, the sick, the tional trend to progressively reduce ed that the hands of thieves be chopped off. elderly.” legal protection for unborn children. In Brazil the new president has promised to relax gun-con- As an example of what it meant, the The progressive realisation of rights trol laws. He told a local newspaper: “Everyone must have court pointed to “assisted suicide and “is not to be found in pushing the pos- the right to carry a gun, just like in the US. We already have a euthanasia, even for children,” in coun- sibility of annihilating the life of the ‘bang-bang’ going on in Brazil but only one side is allowed to tries that have legalised the destruc- innocent,” it said. shoot.” tion of the unborn. told the Friday Fax. This a “perversion” of what progress The report also highlighted “a major crisis” with the penal The ruling ordered the government to Ríos represented the Associacion la should mean. Helping women in crisis system in the continent. withdraw a pro-abortion “human rights” Familia Importa (AFI) which brought the pregnancies would be progress, it “Virtually every country in Latin America,” it said, “is fac- manual prepared with the help of challenge to the manual before the explained, “not violence against the ing a challenge with prison overpopulation, excessive pre- UNFPA, the UN Population Fund. Supreme Court. innocent.” trial detention, and a deterioration in services. “The Court surpassed all our expecta- The ruling described at length how the A pro-abortion group funded by multi- “Prison violence is explosive – especially in Central and tions in defending the protection of life manual promoted abortion directly as a billionaire George Soros and Planned South America.
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