Official Weekly Information Sheet

Issue Number 37 NEW WEB SITE FORMAT Week Ending 4th – 6th April 08

New Training arrangements until END OF MAY …..Starting this weekend ……..

FRIDAY NIGHT Jock Stein (Hillhouse, Hamilton) Pitch One Pitch Two Pitch Three

6.00 pm – 7.00 pm 1998 Navy – R.Gormley We do not have this pitch We do not have this pitch 1998 White – I.Blair 1998 Red – P.Macmillan

NO BLADES ALLOWED FRIDAY NIGHT Jock Stein (Hillhouse, Hamilton) Pitch One Pitch Two Pitch Three

7.00 pm – 8.00 pm 1998 Navy – R.Gormley 1998 Navy – R.Gormley Aberdeen 1998’s – 1998 White – I.Blair 1998 White – I.Blair 1998 Red – P.Macmillan 1998 Red – P.Macmillan B.McDonald E.Gibson


FRIDAY NIGHT Hamilton Palace (INDOORS and OUTDOORS) Rotation System Week One - INDOORS Week One - OUTDOORS

7.00 pm – 9.00 pm 1999 Navy - S.Walker 1999 White - J.Renwick (Senior) 1998 Yellow - I.Houston

ALL SBC Goalies : R.Bullough / J.Matthews / I.Houston

FRIDAY NIGHT Hamilton Palace (INDOORS and OUTDOORS) Rotation System Week Two - INDOORS Week Two - OUTDOORS

7.00 pm – 9.00 pm 1999 White - J.Renwick (Senior) 1999 Navy - S.Walker 1998 Yellow - I.Houston

ALL SBC Goalies :

R.Bullough / J.Matthews / I.Houston

SUNDAY MORNING Hamilton Palace (INDOORS) Top Half Bottom Half

10.00 am – Aberdeen 1999’s / 2000’s – B.Mc Donald Aberdeen 1999’s / 2000’s – B.Mc Donald 11.00 noon R.Bullough R.Bullough

SUNDAY MORNING Top Half Bottom Half

SBC – 2000 ‘Navy’ – SBC - 2000 ‘White’ 11.00 am – 12.00 noon B.Mc Donald / J.Mallin SBC – ‘Development Squad (‘Colts’) 2000 / 2001

R. Sands & DG Mc Donald

SUNDAY MORNING Hamilton Palace (OUTDOORS) Pitch One Pitch Two Pitch Three

10.00 am – SBC - 2000 ‘White’ SBC – ‘Development Squad SBC – 2000 ‘Navy’ Squad 11.00 am (‘Colts’)

R. Sands & DG Mc Donald R. Sands & DG Mc Donald J.Mallin

1999 ‘White’ - 11.00 am – FREE FOR GAMES FREE FOR GAMES 12.00 noon J.Renwick (Senior)


7.00 pm - Aberdeen 1999’s – B.Mc Donald 8.00 pm I.Houston G.Burt MONDAY NIGHT Hamilton Palace (OUTDOORS) - Enclosed Sevens

8.00 pm - Aberdeen 1999’s – B.Mc Donald 9.00 pm I.Houston G.Burt


7.00 pm - 1999 “White’ - J.Renwick (Senior) 9.00 pm

7.00 pm - ALL SBC Goalkeepers (Mandatory) - Iain Houston & J.Matthews & R.Bullough 8.00 pm

(One hour only) ALL AFC Goalkeepers (Optional) - Iain Houston & J.Matthews & R.Bullough

WEDNESDAY NIGHT Hamilton Palace (OUTDOORS) - Enclosed Sevens

7.00 pm - SBC - 2000 ‘White’ 9.00 pm SBC – ‘Development Squad (‘Colts’)

R. Sands & DG Mc Donald & Gordon Burt

Monthly Fees Due

Please note that the MONTHLY FEES are due this weekend. Sharon Holland will be collecting the FEES at Hamilton Palace at 7.00 pm……and Theresa O Hara will be collecting the FEES at Jock Stein. Because of the issues re- Belfast and the Craig Tara tournament, we may have trouble catching up with everyone this weekend….and therefore we may have to collect some fees the following weekend. REMEMBER EVERYONE MUST PAY MONTHLY FROM NOW ON…..WEEKLY PAYMENTS CAUSE US MAJOR OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES.

PLEASE, PLEASE PAY MONTHLY. THIS IS THE LAST MONTH @ ₤20 per month…..FROM ST 1 MAY…2008….THE FEES WILL BE GOING UP TO ₤25 per month. (1st rise in four and a half years).

The Weekly TOTE !!!!

Fantastic, wonderful, terrific !!!!!!! We are absolutely OVER THE MOON that most parents are now starting to contribute to this fantastic fund raising effort. We had a brilliant response last week and I cannot thank everyone enough for making it a ‘bumper week’.

As we have already said….it doesn’t matter if you contribute a POUND a week or a FIVER or whatever….your son WILL BENEFIT. Hopefully (yes!!! A pound a week if FINE….) this week we can announce in next week’s newsletter that ALL 80 student’s parents are participating……how brilliant would that be.

We now have ‘collectors’ in every squad – (thank you for our ‘new collector’s) … or you can give the sheet to the Team Manager / Coach……or you can give it to me…..or you can email it to Suzanne / Michael.

It’s not the money we need in by Kick Off time…we can get that later….IT’s THE SHEET WE NEED. We have early kick offs this week too…….so we need the sheets in before 12.00 noon if possible. Please think seriously about taking the same results EVERY week and handing your sheet in monthly….how easy would that be……..₤5 (or whatever you choose) a month……paid at the same time as your subs……fantastic….saves all the hassle.




The BUS will be leaving HAMILTON PALACE SPORTS GROUND on Sunday morning at 6.00 am sharp as it is a three hour coach drive to Stranraer. Please be on time !!!!!! We WILL leave without you because we do not have a list of who is taking their own cars down………even though I asked for one last week….only a few people advised us !!! Sarah Reid’s three spare places have been taken up. There are still places on the FERRY although you would need to book ‘off your own back’ ….online !!! If you do this, I need to know…..and it is possible that I may have spaces on the buses. Phone me if you want to do this……and of course if any extra players are going I need to know for insurance purposes….so let me know at your earliest convenience. I sent an email to all during the week giving the venue and the directions. Please consult that email.

IMPORTANT : I have been instructed that you CANNOT park up your cars at Hamilton Palace Sports Ground. If you do so, you MAY find it clamped when you return. Best place to park is the retail park nearby….do not park in ASDA !!! The students will NOT need packed lunches as the ferry has full catering facilities including the world famous ‘lifesaver’ …Burger King !!! They do a good breakfast too. For those of you travelling down to Stranraer ‘on your own steam’ …..please be there for 9.00 am SHARP or you will NOT get on the Ferry. They are very strict. When on the Ferry, LOOK AFTER YOUR CHILD… terms of behaviour. There are 1500 people on this ferry and hundreds of cars….so kids can easily get lost, get into mischief….and I will be wandering around anyway….so if I see any groups, or cliques….there will be trouble….and they will not kick a ball on the other side …believe me !!!

There is a smoking area which everyone has access to, which is the only ‘outside’ part of the ferry that is dangerous…..please ensure that STUDENTS DO NOT ENTER THIS AREA….ESPECIALLY YOUNG CHILDREN, AS THEY COULD QUITE EASILY SQUEEZE THROUGH THE RAILINGS. This would take them to the bottom of the Irish Sea….so keep an eye on your kids…..The coaches cannot be held responsible for looking after your kids in transit. Jean Thomson has very kindly supplied sick bowls, kitchen rolls and poly bags, and black bags to take rubbish from buses etc. She is also bringing raffle tickets and bingo tickets. The boys loved the bingo the last time. Can EVERY FAMILY going on the bus bring ONE small raffle prize (for kids). Also can everyone make sure they bring a pen for THREE fun games of bingo on the bus. We have ONE bingo game but we are looking for another for the second bus. Numbers must go up to 90. Please give me a ring if you can help us out with another bingo game. NO ALCOHOL … must be consumed on the Coaches…especially by the students …Ha! Ha! Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can blades be worn of 4G Astrograss surfaces. Players must play in Training Shoes, Astroturf Trainers, or round moulded studs.


TEAMS for BELFAST (36 players)

1998’s 1999’s 2000 ‘A’ 2000 ‘B’

David Thomson (GK) Ross Bordon (GK) Conor Reid (GK) Colm Mc Laren (GK) Anthony Croal 99 Paul Croal Callum Holland Michael Curran Andrew Gallagher Calum Jack Keary Kian Mallin Danny Scally 99 Morgan Smith Anthony Maguire Declin Martin Anthony Ralston Scott Ballantyne Cameron Stewart Michael Mc Laughlin Liam Burt 99 Alex Keenan Christopher Mc Connell Qaid Somerville Aiden Gray Craig Butler Anton Gray Padraig Dolan Aaron Gray Struan Paton Matthew Innes Kieron Dolan Ross Henderson 99 Gilbert Mc Lean Conor Burt Jordan Houston

Manager : G.Burt Manager : S.Walker Manager : J.Renwick Manager : B.Mc Donald

9 Players 9 Players 9 Players 9 Players

The Craig Tara Under 8’s Tournament

I have decided to put the 2000 ‘White’ Group into this weekend’s Craig Tara Tournament at the Old Racecourse Ground in Ayr. The fixtures are listed below. John Renwick’s team will take the place of the 2000 ‘White’ squad in the fixture with Wolves Boys Club. They will also fulfil their own fixture.

Couple of points relating to this change of event. …….Conor Reid is in Belfast therefore :-

• Could Colm Mc Laren make himself available for John Renwick’s squad for the game with Wolves on Saturday, (see this newsletter for details) then travel to the Bent to play for his own squad after the Wolves game.

• Could Grant Mackie (after the Wolves game) travel to the Bent to play for John Renwick’s team against Mill United. We will arrange for Grant and his dad to get transport from Carmyle to the Bent and also arrange for him to get a lift either to Hamilton Train Station or perhaps Michael Butler could arrange to take him home to the Knightswood area after the game….would this be possible Michael ?

• The Craig Tara Tournament is a TWO day tournament as you can see. However, because some of the 2000 ‘White’ Squad are going to Belfast on Sunday….they will only be able to play on the Saturday. Therefore if any of my ‘2000 Navy’ Squad, that are not going to Belfast, would like to play in the Craig Tara tournament on Sunday for Robert Sands, please give him a ring and he will organise it. The student will get a medal for playing. Phone Robert Sands direct (his number is on the contacts part of this Newsletter).


• If playing in the Craig Tara Tournament, you must be at the stipulated pitch at least 30 minutes before the kick off time.

• On the Sunday at Craig Tara, the last kick off time is 11.00 am and the presentation is not until 3.00 pm in the Craig Tara Camp (big personality presenting the Awards, photos …the works) ….so there is a gap. Because we have taken up this invitation last minute to replace a team that has withdrawn, the tournament organisers have organised us (team, players, coaches and parents) free passes into the holiday to participate in swimming or any activities we like to pass the time away until the presentation takes place.

Day Meeting Kick Opposition Pitch Number Time Time Saturday 1.15 pm 1.45 pm Bellfield Royals (Dublin) M3 Saturday 2.30 pm 2.50 pm Hillsborough Boys (Sheffield) M6 Saturday 3.30 pm 4.00 pm Girdle Toll (Ayr) M1

Sunday 9.30 am 10.00 am Cumnock Juniors (Cumnock) M2 Sunday 11.00 am 11.20 am Port Glasgow Juniors (Port Glasgow) M3

Sunday after the Port Glasgow game, you will head back to Craig Tara, we will have passes for you, and you can have a few leisure hours before the Awards Ceremony at 3.00 pm. Have Fun !!!!!!

Tracksuit Debt

Money Owed to Academy For Coaches Tracksuits…………..can we get this paid please ?

Name Amount Gordon Burt £11.50 Robert Sands £60.00 John Renwick Jnr £38.50 Alen Slamin £38.50 Jim Matthews £38.50 Sub Total £187.00

I will NOT be ordering any further tracksuits for coaches unless this payment is made UP FRONT…sorry !!! Any coaches (even parents acting as coaches) must get themselves equipped with the Club Tracksuit if they are to participate in Club activities. This is a part of the ‘dress code’ criteria for the SFA Quality Mark which we are thriving to achieve.

David Mc Carthy

Has been invited along to St Mirren for coaching with a view to signing pro-youth in June of this year. We wish him well.

‘NEW’ strips

As you are very aware, Scotland are going to be changing their ‘ome strip’ very shortly – hence the reason why JJB Sports are selling off their current stock fairly cheaply. Now two parents put a very plausible idea to me about the changing of the strip. Their suggestion was for us to go to a manufacturer and ‘design’ a similar or replica strip which would make the overall cost of ‘buying strips’ a bit cheaper. A good idea I thought….and we did try it many years ago with great success I have to say. I decided to ‘test the waters’ with a couple of dozen parents….and get their thoughts. Unfortunately my head almost got blown off my shoulders !!! They came up with ALL SORTS of reasons why they think we should stick with the official Scotland strip….some of which I have detailed below :

‘…they don’t change the strip that often’

‘…Other teams/kids would laugh at us wearing copies’

‘…it gives us two goals of a start in every game’

‘….it makes teams fear us’

;…it’s as if we are the ‘real’ Scotland’

‘…its our trademark, our identity….why change the habit of a lifetime’.


Coach Numbers Changes…. for your Information……..Numbers are as follows :

• Ian Blair 07843525055 • Robert Gormley 07956840045 • Paul Macmillan 07939153681 • John Renwick (Sen) 07510723103 • Bobby Mc Donald 07922121722 • Robert Sands 07891502440 • John Renwick (Junior) 07716233063 • Stevie Walker 07955856180


Theresa is taking


‘Player of the Year’

Awards Ceremony 2008

The Annual Awards Ceremony. This event will be held at the National Stadium at Hampden TH Park in Glasgow on FRIDAY 16 MAY 2008. Tickets for this sell out event are priced at ₤5.00 per person. Children under the age of FIVE, Academy Students, Academy Coaches, and Scotland Boys Club committee members DO NOT PAY for tickets.

7.00 pm - 11.00 pm

Southport Trip is Cancelled

Due to LOW numbers in terms of Under 8/9’s players, I have had to cancel the above trip – my apologies to all concerned. Those who have paid money can have their money back …please see Theresa !!


Day Date Squad Opposition Venue Meeting At Kick Off

Sat 5 April 1998 ‘Navy’ East Kilbride Diamonds Brancumhall Parks 11.15 am 11.45 am Ian Blair

Sat 5 April 1998 ‘White’ East Kilbride Diamonds Brancumhall Parks 11.15 am 11.45 am Robert Gormley

Sat 5 April 1999 ‘White’ St. Joachim’s Primary School. John Renwick Wolves Boys Club Montrose Avenue, Carmyle, 9.30 am 10.00 am (Senior) Glasgow G32 8BZ

Colm Mc Laren to be available for this game as well as his own

Sat 5 April 2000 ‘Navy’ St. Joachim’s Primary School. Bobby McDonald Wolves Boys Club Montrose Avenue, Carmyle, 9.30 am 10.00 am Glasgow G32 8BZ

Sat 5 April 1999 ‘White’ John Renwick Mill United BC Bent Recreation Area (Grass) 11.30 am 12.00 noon (Senior) Grant Mackie to be available for this game as well as his own game.

Sat 5 April 1999 ‘Navy’ Stevie Walker Mill United BC Bent Recreation Area (Grass) 11.30 am 12.00 noon

Sat 5 April 1998 ‘Yellow’ Bathgate Rose Torphichen Playing Fields. 11.00 am 11.30 am John Renwick (Junior) This was same venue as before. Either drive through Bathgate and past Balbardie Centre to Torphichen or follow signs for Linlithgow from J4 M8.

There are 2 roads signed to Torphichen which will take you to the village.


Sun 6 April 1998 ‘Red’ SEE NEW FIXTURES SEE NEW FIXTURES N/A N/A Paul Macmillan (Attached to this (Attached to this Newsletter) Newsletter)


Sun 6 April Aberdeen 1998’s Westpark United 1997’s Hamilton Palace Sports Ground 10.30 am 11.00 am (GRASS)

Scotland Boys Club (RED SQUAD)

1. Hillington YC 7. Partick Thistle 99 2. Broomhill SC 1 8. Pollok Utd 3. Partick Thistle BC 9. North Kelvin Utd 4. Broomhill SC 2 10. Scotland BC 5. St Bride’s BC 11. Hillwood BC 6. Castlemilk BC 12. Partick Thistle 98

1v5 2v4 3v6 1000-1025 06/04/08 1v2 3v4 5v6 1030-1055 06/04/08 7v12 8v9 11v10 1100-1125 06/04/08 7v8 9v10 11v12 1130-1155 06/04/08

1v4 2v6 5v3 1000-1025 13/04/08 1v6 2v3 4v5 1030-1055 13/04/08 7v10 8v12 9v11 1100-1125 13/04/08 7v11 8v10 9v12 1130-1155 13/04/08

1v12 2v11 3v10 1000-1025 20/04/08 1v11 2v10 3v12 1030-1055 20/04/08 4v7 5v8 6v9 1100-1125 20/04/08 4v8 5v9 6v7 1130-1155 20/04/08

1v7 2v8 3v9 1000-1025 27/04/08 1v8 2v9 3v7 1030-1055 27/04/08 4v10 5v11 6v12 1100-1125 27/04/08 4v11 5v12 6v10 1130-1155 27/04/08

1v9 2v7 3v8 1000-1025 04/05/08 4v9 5v7 6v8 1030-1055 04/05/08 1v10 2v12 3v11 1100-1125 04/05/08 5v10 4v12 6v11 1130-1155 04/05/08

Scotland Boys Club - 1998 ‘Yellow Group’ - West Lothian Soccer Sevens

Current Squad, Training Arrangements and availability

Due to circumstances beyond our current control, this team will be ‘split’ when it comes to training arrangements. Details are in this Newsletter. However, this Friday, the Group will train with the 1999’s due to the fact that Aberdeen 1998’s are OFF !!!!

1 David Thomson (GK) 2 Daniel Scally 1999 3 Gary Keenan 4 Anthony Croal 1999 5 Gilbert Mc Lean 1999 6 Liam Burt 1999 7 Anthony Ralston 8 Regan Glackin 9 Paul Croal 1999 10 Ross Henderson 1999 11 Calum Glasgow 1999

In RED = Cannot make it this weekend


• We will be organising this years’ PENALTY KING COMPETITION AND NEW FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME ……A ‘GOLDEN’ SHOT COMPETITION …..very shortly for students / coaches / parents (male & female). Prizes to be made available at the Awards Ceremony in May. Parents (male and female) wishing to take part in their competition, please give your name to Sharon Holland NOW !! (₤10 donation same as last year please). Students will be given donation cards as usual. (attached). IT IS IMPERATIVE AND MANDATORY THAT ALL STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN BOTH THESE COMPETITIONS. Even if you only donate ₤10 to each competition….it all helps !! But …EVERYONE MUST CONTRIBUTE…….

• This year I will be putting the onus and responsibility of COACHES to run their own competitions on their respective training days / nights. I will be wanting a ‘Winner & Runner Up’ for EACH Squad – NOT for each age group. The squads are the squads that are listed in THIS NEWSLETTER. Use your own squad goalies. DONATION SHEETS ARE ATTACHED TO THIS NEWSLETTER.

• You will need to PRE-BOOK in ADVANCE ….from ME……the WEE SPEED MACHINE MANNY……so I can bring it along.

• Sharon Holland will organise and run the Parents / Coaches Competition (one for ladies and one for gents). Donation to participate is ₤10 and this year NO-ONE will take a kick until the cash is PAID…unlike last year….this is a strict rule. Ross & David as usual will be ‘goalies’ for the Adult competitions.


• We need a ‘famous’ person to present the Awards this year…so get searching folks. Names to myself as soon as possible. PREFERABLY A BIG NAME PLAYER or PLAYERS – A COUPLE OF PLAYERS WOULD BE BETTER. The more the merrier. A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE SAID THEY KNOW THIS ONE AND THAT ONE….BUT NO-ONE HAS COME UP WITH A NAME.



• Richard Bullough (CURRENTLY ON HOLIDAY) & Jim Matthews will coach the SBC Goalkeepers on a Friday night along with Iain Houston when available. Jim Matthews & Iain Houston will coach the AFC (optional) / SBC (mandatory) goalies on a Tuesday night. (OFF for the next two Tuesdays).


• Club Uniform - The Academy is changing the club badge on ALL equipment ordered or purchased after 1st April 2008. So if you order anything after that date….the new badge will apply.

• Also, we are adding a REVERSIBLE FLEECE to our uniform. This is because of the adverse weather conditions which are prevailing and are likely to prevail over the coming months. All students should purchase the new jacket NOW so that we can place an order with the supplier. The new jacket will be ‘badged up’ with the new badge, have your initials on it, and have ‘Scotland Boys Club’ on the back of it.

• The cost is ₤20 each and is also available for coaches AND supporters in adult sizes. The badge is illustrated. ET THE MONEY IN….ONLY 20 PLAYERS HAVE PAID FOR THEIR JACKETS……WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE OTHER 50 PLAYERS…..I CANNOT PUT AN ORDER IN UNTIL I GET THIS money PAID NOW !!!

Current Squads

1998 ‘Yellow’ West Lothian Soccer Sevens Saturday League 1999 ‘Navy’ LYFA Soccer Sevens Saturday League Manager : John Renwick (Junior) Coach : Derek Mc Donald Manager : Stephen Walker Coach : Stephen Walker 1 David Thomson (GK) (1a) FRIDAY Palace 1 Colm Mc Laren (GK) (1j) FRIDAY Palace 2 Daniel Scally 1999 (7) FRIDAY Celtic 1 Ross Bordon (GK) (1f) FRIDAY Palace 3 Gary Keenan (12) FRIDAY Palace 2 Morgan Smith (48) FRIDAY Palace 4 Anthony Croal 1999 (26) FRIDAY Celtic 3 Frazer Hood (81) FRIDAY Palace 5 Gilbert Mc Lean 1999 (34) FRIDAY Palace 4 Euan Mair (71) FRIDAY Palace 6 Liam Burt 1999 (27) FRIDAY Celtic 5 Josh Mc Fall (35) FRIDAY Palace 7 Anthony Ralston (23) FRIDAY Palace 6 Scott Ballantyne (29) FRIDAY Palace 8 Calum Glasgow 1999 (40) FRIDAY Palace 7 Craig Butler (64) FRIDAY Palace 9 Paul Croal 1999 (60) FRIDAY Palace 8 Struan Paton (43) FRIDAY Palace 10 Ross Henderson 1999 (46) FRIDAY Palace 9 Sonny Stewart (61) FRIDAY Palace 11 Regan Glackin (19) FRIDAY Palace 10 Jordan Houston (47) FRIDAY Palace 1998 ‘Navy’ LYFA Soccer Sevens Saturday League 1999 ‘White’ LYFA Soccer Sevens Saturday League Manager : Ian Blair Coach : Ian Blair Manager : John Renwick (Senior) Coach : John Renwick (Sen) 1 Paul O Hara (GK) (1b) FRIDAY J Stein 1 Connor Reid (GK) (1g) TU /FR/ SU Palace 1 Ewan Dickson (GK) (1c) FRIDAY J Stein 2 Calum Holland (68) TU /FR/ SU Palace 2 Thomas Blair (24) FRIDAY J Stein 3 Anton Gray (74) TU /FR/ SU Palace 3 Carla Boyce (53) FRIDAY J Stein 4 Antony Maguire (84) TU /FR/ SU Palace 4 Lewis Lennox (62) FRIDAY J Stein 5 Christopher Mc Connell (85) TU /FR/ SU Palace 5 Aidan Gray (11) FRIDAY J Stein 6 Cameron Stewart (57) TU /FR/ SU Palace 6 Aaron Gray (75) FRIDAY J Stein 7 Matthew Innes (3) TU /FR/ SU Palace 7 Josh Mac Donald (39) FRIDAY J Stein 8 Jack Keary (76) TU /FR/ SU Palace 8 Andrew Gallagher (42) FRIDAY J Stein 9 Vacancy ( ) TU /FR/ SU Palace 9 Scott Black (90) FRIDAY J Stein 10 Vacancy ( ) TU /FR/ SU Palace 10 Paul Chalmers (44) FRIDAY J Stein 11 Paul Macmillan (49) FRIDAY J Stein 1998 ‘White’ LYFA Soccer Sevens Saturday League 2000 ‘ Navy’ LYFA Soccer Sevens Saturday League Manager : Robert Gormley Coach : Robert Gormley Manager : Bobby Mc Donald Coach : Bobby Mc Donald 1 Scott Matthews (GK) (1d) FRIDAY J Stein 1 Grant Mackie (GK) (1e) MONDAY Palace 2 David Mc Carthy (55) FRIDAY J Stein 2 Fraser Stewart (77) SUNDAY Palace 3 Samuel Bullough (20) FRIDAY J Stein 3 Declin Martin (28) SUNDAY Palace 4 Ryan White (65) FRIDAY J Stein 4 Stephen Devlin (96) SUNDAY Palace 5 Ryan Gormley (52) FRIDAY J Stein 5 Kian Mallin (51) SUNDAY Palace 6 Jonathan Mc Avoy (63) FRIDAY J Stein 6 Kyle Mac Donald (86) SUNDAY Palace 7 Jack Lang (54) FRIDAY J Stein 7 Nathan Mc Allister (66) SUNDAY Palace 8 John Smith (31) FRIDAY J Stein 8 Jamie Neeson (83) SUNDAY Palace 9 Liam Bowie (6) FRIDAY J Stein 9 Padraig Dolan (59) SUNDAY Palace 10 Declin Andrews (50) FRIDAY J Stein 10 Alexander Easdale (58) MONDAY Palace 11 Michael Mc Laughlin (5) SUNDAY Palace 2000 ‘White’ LYFA Soccer Sevens Saturday League 1998 ‘Red’ SYCA ‘Sunday’ Morning League Manager : Robert Sands Coach : Robert Sands Manager : Paul Macmillan Coach : Paul Macmillan 1 Calum Hymas (GK) (1k) WED / SUN Palace 1 Scott Matthews & Ewan Dickson (alternate weeks) (GK) 2 Derrin Cross (70) WED / SUN Palace 2 Alex Keenan (22) FRIDAY J Stein 3 Qaid Somerville (69) WED / SUN Palace 3 Lewis Liddell (32) FRIDAY J Stein 4 Michael Curran (36) WED / SUN Palace 4 Brian Duris (67) FRIDAY J Stein 5 Jamie Walker (87) WED / SUN Palace 5 Andrew Cochrane ( 56) FRIDAY J Stein 6 Cameron Waugh (79) WED / SUN Palace 6 Vacancy ( ) FRIDAY J Stein 7 Lewis Murdoch (95) WED / SUN Palace 7 Vacancy ( ) FRIDAY J Stein 8 Conor Burt (37) WED / SUN Palace 8 Vacancy ( ) FRIDAY J Stein 9 Harry Cochrane (97) WED / SUN Palace 9 Vacancy ( ) FRIDAY J Stein 10 Declin Campbell (72) WED / SUN Palace 10 Vacancy ( ) FRIDAY J Stein Scotland ‘Colts’ (Development Squad) 2000 Age Group Manager : David G Mc Donald Coach : David G Mc Donald 1 Grant Ritchie 89 WED / SUN Palace 2 Kieran Dolan 88 WED / SUN Palace 3 Lewis Mc Dowell 91 WED / SUN Palace 4 Matthew Hood 73 WED / SUN Palace 5 Ross Inman 80 WED / SUN Palace 6 Vacancy ( ) SUNDAY Palace 7 Vacancy ( ) SUNDAY Palace 8 Vacancy ( ) SUNDAY Palace 9 Vacancy ( ) SUNDAY Palace 10 Vacancy ( ) SUNDAY Palace

Scotland Boys Club – Academy of Football

Game 1 Arsenal v Liverpool (12.45 ko) Game 2 Blackburn v Tottenham Game 3 Fulham v Sunderland Game 4 Wigan v Birmingham Game 5 Man City v Chelsea Game 6 Scunthorpe v Sheffield Wed (12.00 ko)

WEEK ENDING : 5TH APRIL 08 Current Prize : ₤150

50 pence per line


Mark (1) or (2) or (X) below for each of the above games ….it’s 50p per line

Sheet MUST be handed in with your money before 12.00 noon on Saturday Afternoon

Name Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6

Students Name

Scotland Boys Club – Academy of Football

Game 1 Man Utd v Arsenal (Sunday) Game 2 Portsmouth v Newcastle Utd Game 3 Bolton v West Ham Game 4 Sunderland v Man City Game 5 West Brom v Watford Game 6 Bournemouth v Bristol Rovers

WEEK ENDING : 12TH APRIL 08 Current Prize : ₤XXX

50 pence per line


Mark (1) or (2) or (X) below for each of the above games ….it’s 50p per line

Sheet MUST be handed in with your money before kick offs on Sat/Sun Afternoon

Name Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 Game 6

Students Name

Players Name Squad Number

Name Donation Name Donation 1 44 2 45 3 46 4 47 5 48 6 49 7 50 8 51 9 52 10 53 11 54 12 55 13 56 14 57 15 58 16 59 17 60 18 61 19 62 20 63 21 64 22 65 23 66 24 67 25 68 26 69 27 70 28 71 29 72 30 73 31 74 32 75 33 76 34 77 35 78 36 79 37 80 38 Total Amount : 39 40 41 42

Players Name Squad Number

Name Donation Name Donation 1 44 2 45 3 46 4 47 5 48 6 49 7 50 8 51 9 52 10 53 11 54 12 55 13 56 14 57 15 58 16 59 17 60 18 61 19 62 20 63 21 64 22 65 23 66 24 67 25 68 26 69 27 70 28 71 29 72 30 73 31 74 32 75 33 76 34 77 35 78 36 79 37 80 38 Total Amount : 39 40 41 42