Locality Working Another Year of Working in Communities

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Locality Working Another Year of Working in Communities Locality Working another year of working in communities April March 2011/2012 LOCALITY WORKING IN YOUR AREA Contents & PurPose of DoCuMent Page 3 Contents and purpose This booklet highlights some of the ‘locality Page 4 Community development working’ projects which Page 5 Locality working were delivered during 2011/2012. Page 6 Amington ARCH The following pages Page 7 Belgrave ARCH illustrate and reflect on Page 8 Glascote ARCH what has happened within the communities that we Page 9 Stonydelph ARCH work in. All these initiatives Page 10 Participatory budgeting have involved significant contributions from Page 15 Locality profiles members of the Community Page 16 Improving the environment Development team, working closely with the Page 18 Community events local community and Page 20 Working with partners partners to help make them happen. Page 24 Consultation Page 26 Helping people into employment We would like to share our achievements with you, Page 28 Volunteers enabling you to learn from our experiences and Page 30 Invitation to engage possibly help stimulate your own ideas. It is a flavour of what locality working is all about and we hope it will encourage more community members and organisations to get involved. 2 Locality Working: another year of working in communities 3 WhAt is WhAt is CoMMunity DeveLoPMent LoCALity Working The Community Locality Working is a greatest concern and improve people’s lives Development vision is way of working aimed improve the “Quality of can be identified and to promote strong, at addressing Life” for residents in services can be inclusive and disadvantage within these areas. Using targeted where they are connected defined communities. statistical data to needed. Tamworth identify areas of need, Borough Council and communities that are As the name suggests, four areas in Tamworth strategic partners are not only sustainable, delivery operates on a have been chosen for fully committed to but active in realising neighbourhood level, Locality Working; developing locality their own potential. involving local people, Amington; Belgrave; working as a means to Overall this can be agencies and services. Glascote and better meet the needs quite a challenge, but The overall aim is to Stonydelph. By and aspirations of local by using recognised effect key changes, working together communities. community tackling issues of development principles locally, actions that and practices, we aim to provide the support to help things on the way. n lead on facilitation of partners to deliver There are four Tamworth effective integrated services, projects & Borough Council working with the aim activities to address Community of increasing service local issues; provision to address Development Officers agreed priority issues; n co-ordinate who work closely with engagement & particular communities. n build relationships in capacity building The major focus of their localities impacting activities within work is “locality working” on regenerating identified which involves working communities of communities; disadvantage and at the heart of the building community n engage, empower community. cohesion; and involve residents of identified Through locality working n negotiate locally with communities in we aim to:- statutory, third sector positive activities. and community 4 Locality Working: another year of working in communities 5 Did you know that the word ARCH stands for ‘Advice, Resource & Community Hub’? AMington ArCh BeLgrAve ArCh Amington was the pilot use the ARCH to meet members, community Partners have joined Play, Community Café, groups to join us and add for Locality Working. It residents and address organisations and forces at the Tamworth Job Club and of course value to this important was used to develop the local issues sensitively. It statutory organisations to community fire station in fire service events. In role of making our model of being based in is also used by local use as a means of Belgrave under locality addition, programmes communities healthier, the community to deliver community members who working within working with the idea that include volunteering safer and stronger. key services to the organise and deliver communities. the more partners who opportunities, student fire community and plan services to the work together, the more fighter course and dates in initiatives in partnership community like the effective ways of working the calendar to push with community weekly arts and crafts and delivery of services community fire safety members. The ARCHs are group and the annual become in the future. messages such as thinking neutral spaces which Santa’s Grotto. about electrical safety and support the planning and Mark Several services are encouraging local delivery of local services. The ARCH is also a Aston, already being delivered residents to make regular Stuart The ARCH offers a range centre for partnership Community from the station for the smoke alarm checks in Etheridge, of rooms for a variety of working to address local Development Officer whole of the community of their home as part of the Community uses and also has IT issues via the Locality Belgrave / Kettlebrook and Push the Button Development Officer facilities, Wi-Fi and a Network. These projects Amington ARCH Tamworth. It is hoped that campaign. All services presentation / training are successful in bringing Unit 3 Kerria Centre more suitable services will mentioned at the fire Belgrave ARCH room. together front line workers Kerria Road have a presence in the station are either free or at Tamworth Community to collaborate and focus Amington area over time. a very reasonable cost. Fire Station The ARCH also has resources to address Tamworth Marlborough Way regular services delivered priorities. B77 4EW Partners at the fire station We welcome other Belgrave by organisations like include Community partners to bring much Tamworth HomeStart offering The ARCH is available to Tel: 01827 55017 Development, Street needed services to the B77 2NW money advice and welfare partners to deliver Wardens, Police, gentle area and community Email: Tel: 01827 709519 advice. Local councillors services, community amingtonarch@hotmail.co.uk exercise classes, Stay & Email: belgravearch@hotmail.co.uk Join us on facebook - Amington ARCH Locality Working: 6 another year of working in communities 7 gLAsCote ArCh stonyDeLPh ArCh In Glascote, we continue summerhouse. In August facilities in a spacious The former East Area Staffordshire College and to act as a stimulus for we staged our office area with Wi-Fi Housing Office, now the the Adult Learning joint working, enabling five “Community Together” available through the ARCH, is open four days Partnership in a host of projects to be delivered event, attracting over 350 library. If you are a week, Monday to topics which are open to through the Participatory residents and conducted interested in using these, Thursday 9.30am - all. There are activities for Budgeting initiative. This consultations with please get in touch. 4.30pm. There are various children, holiday and included the PACT “Big different sections of the services and themed events. People Tidy” project which community to contribute organisations that are can join in as a volunteer organised a successful to the Neighbourhood happy to help you or and help with the projects Tidy up event in June, the Plan. In November we provide information or and activities aimed to clearance and planting of launched the Glascote assistance on lots of help the community. flowerbeds in Ivatt and the Locality Forum, enabling topics. Most days at the Yssser installation of benches in partners to focus on Neil ARCH you can find the We also have rooms Din, Caledonian. Working with priority issues through Mushrow, Police, Street Wardens, available for meetings or Community the Bancroft Community action-based initiatives. In Community and local councillors only for groups to come along Centre, we secured more December, a lantern Development Officer Development Officer a phone call away. and use. If we can’t help than £16k of funding to parade event attracted a deliver SIA Door good number of residents, you, we probably know Stonydelph ARCH Supervisor training. More while linking the Catholic Glascote ARCH The ARCH also runs a someone who can. If you 44 Craven than 40 unemployed and Church of England Glascote Heath Library work club which in the have not been in before Stonydelph people benefited, 20 communities together. Caledonian short time they have been come along - we look Tamworth licenses were funded and Glascote running have already forward to meeting you B77 4HH Tamworth placed people into work. soon. several have since found The Glascote ARCH has Tel: 01827 709503 employment. In June, we one large meeting room, B77 2ED linked Morrison plc with three smaller private There are a variety of Email: Silver Court over 55s consultation rooms, Tel: 01827 254933 courses run by stonydelpharch@hotmail.co.uk resident group to install a together with hot desk Follow us on Twitter - Email: YasserDin_CDO glascotearch@hotmail.co.uk Join us on facebook - Locality Working: Glascote ARCH 8 another year of working in communities 9 PArtiCiPAtory PArtiCiPAtory BuDgeting BuDgeting stonyDeLPh Don’t Miss the Bus: A variety of specially equipped buses arrived in The Community Development team led the Participatory Budgeting (PB) pilots Stonydelph. They provided access to to distribute funding addressing key priorities within localities. The process of information that would not normally PB enables the community to become decision makers, deciding which have been available without travelling organisation should receive funds over others. The process in Tamworth added out of the community. a unique element by using £20,000 of “PB pounds” to each voter, to be distributed between one or more projects. Funds went to projects which got the most cash allocated i.e. votes. A total of almost 1,000 residents have participated in decision-making through this pilot. A full report will identify Staffordshire Fire Service: learning from the pilot and highlight key elements and barriers that may inform Young People were made aware of future use of PB over future years.
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