Survival Skills Badge Show That You Know Basic Or Multi-Tool Skills, Including Safety And Sharpening Knife Activities©

By Samantha Eagle © All Rights Reserved 2019

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Survival Skills Badge Show That You Know Basic Knife Or Multi-Tool Skills, Including Safety And Sharpening Knife Activities©

IMPORTANT NOTE TO LEADER EasierScouting holds no responsibility from injuries that have occurred as a result of using this resource. Whenever a knife is to be used in an activity a risk assessment must be made and suitable controls put in place.

Overview For this task the group will do 4 activities; 1. Learn about the types of available for Scouting 2. Learn about the safety procedures 3. A chance to use a knife and 4. How to sharpen a knife

Preparation Before The Meeting 1. Print out the ‘Types of Knives’ handout – found in this document – you need one for each person and there are 3 on the page 2. Print out the ‘Multifunction Pocket Knife – Uses’ handout found in this document – you need one between 4 people 3. Print out the blank ‘Multifunction Pocket Knife Picture’ handout found in this document – you need one between 4 people and there are 4 on the page 4. Print out the ‘Knife Safety Quiz’ - found in this document – you need one for each person

Materials Needed • for each person • A selection of different knives used in the kitchen - one set for demonstration • A and a vegetable knife – one set for each team of four • with a lock - ideally one per person or get them to share

Preparation At The Meeting 1. Layout your materials in secure place where the group cannot just come up and touch them

Directions/Leader Speak 1. Speak – Tonight you are going to start your ‘Survival Skills Badge’. The first task you need to carry out is to show that you know how to use basic knife skills including safety. Before we start I want to point out that in the UK anyone caught carrying an illegal knife in public currently faces a maximum fine of £5,000 and four years in prison. So under no circumstances should you carry or use a knife outside of our supervision at our meeting or at camp with a leader 2. Speak - Knives come in many shapes and sizes. Some have only one blade others may have many and tools. Some are small; some are big. Generally, a good Scouting knife will have a blade, a can opener a screwdriver blade and a punch, in a foldable design. This sort of knife is usually all that a resourceful Scout will need. (A punch is something that you can use to punch a hole or use as a needle).

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Activity One - Types of Knives 1. Speak - You are going to do a quick activity that will give you an idea of the types of knives that people might use when they go camping 2. Action – Hand out the ‘Types of Knives’ handout to each person and give them 5-10 minutes to complete the activity 3. Action – Once they’ve finished read out the answers

Knife for Carving Multifunction Pocket for Wood Knife Chopping Wood

Activity Two - Multifunction Pocket Knife Uses Game 1. Direction - Split the group into teams of 4 2. Action – Handout the ‘Multifunction Pocket Knife – Uses’ handout to share between 4 people 3. Speak – This picture shows you a Multifunction Pocket Knife which has 33 different parts to it. Not all pocket knives are this extensive. Have a quick look at the uses for the parts of this knife 4. Action - Collect the handout from all teams and handout a blank diagram of the knife to each team 5. Direction – Using a flipchart or board write down team names so you can record points for each team 6. Direction – Now ask each team either for the use or the name of a part of the knife. For example, you would say “give me a use for part number 1 of this knife” or “give me the name of part 20 of this knife 7. Direction – When they give you the name of the part don’t be too strict because they’ve only looked at it for a few minutes and as long as they’ve given you a close answer then that’s good enough 8. Direction – Each team are allowed to confer before their spokesperson gives you the answer 9. Action - Record the points in your board Note: Because there are a total of 66 questions you should have enough even if you have a large group

Activity Three - Knife Safety Quiz 1. Speak - Now you’re going to do a ‘Knife Safety Quiz’. Once you’ve done this, you’ll perform a couple of activities using a knife 2. Action – Hand out the ‘Knife Safety Quiz’ to each person and give them 15-20 minutes to complete. Then you can read out the answers


1. A 6. A 11. Cutting edge and the point 2. B 7. D 12. G 3. B 8. C 13. D 4. B 9. A 14. a. Fire b. Bow c. Shelter d. Rope e. Carving 5. A 10. A f. Game g. Reflective Surface

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Activity Four – Knife Demonstration & Usage

Directions/Leader Speak 1. Speak - I’m going to demonstrate how to use some different knives then you will use them too. Anytime you use a knife you should have a “safety zone” around you. You are responsible for this zone and making sure it stays safe at all times. You had a similar question in the quiz so what do you think a safety zone is? 2. Direction - Take answers, praise and reiterate… A Safe Zone includes the following…

a) The ground is level b) There are no small children or pets close c) You have at least an arm’s length of empty space all around you d) Your feet are not on slippery ground

3. Speak - If someone else enters your safety zone for any reason you should close your knife and lay it down. 4. Speak - Remember someone could surprise you from behind and if you turn quickly holding a knife, you could hurt someone. So put the knife down before you turn around.

Demonstration 1 – The Kitchen 1. Speak - At camp you will be helping to cook so we want to make sure that you can use kitchen knives properly. 2. Action - Display various kitchen knives to show them the difference. Use the diagram below to help you. Explain what they’re used for and that they should be treated with the same respect and safety rules 3. Action - Demonstrate how to cut bread and some vegetables 4. Speak - Always hold the object you are cutting securely in front of you, and on a flat surface. Place the blade against the object and apply slight pressure while moving the blade away from your body. It’s better to make several cuts using light pressure than one cut by forcing the blade. 5. Direction - Now get each person to practise cutting some bread and vegetables. Observe them and correct them as they cut. This is a good foundation to using knives

Paring Knife Bread Knife MultiPurpose Carving Knife Used for peeling Used for slicing Used for Boning/ Fillet Used for slicing Used for cutting & de-seeding bread vegetables Knife meat through joints Use to removed and bones bones from meat or fish

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Demonstration 2 – The Lock Blade Knife 1. Speak - At camp you may need to use a penknife 2. Action - Show them a penknife with a lock blade. Explain that the lock is a safety feature 3. Action - Demonstrate how to open the knife… a. Hold the knife in one hand, with the blade side facing away from you, and open the blade with your other hand. Most blades have a small semi-circle cut into the blade near the top to give you a better hold on the blade while opening it. You can use your fingernail or grab that edge with your fingers to pull the blade open. Be sure to hold the sides of the knife firmly as you open the blade. It is often easier to open if you pull both the blade and the knife apart at the same time 4. Speak - Make sure that the blade opens all the way; some will “click” when the blade is fully opened. If necessary, immediately turn the knife so that the point and blade edge face away from you. 5. Speak - If you feel there is any damage to the knife you should not use it because it could cause you to cut yourself 6. Speak - If the knife is too small for your hands or too heavy to easily control, do not use the knife. 7. Speak - Always cut or carve by moving the knife blade away from you 8. Speak - If you are cutting completely thru something, be aware of what is under the object you are cutting. Cutting on rock, dirt, metal, some plastics, etc. can dull the knife blade as the cut is made. Always use something that ‘gives’ under the object (such as cardboard or a cutting board).

Making a Spear Using a Pocket Knife Before your meeting… This activity will depend on how many pocket knives you can get hold of. The group can make a spear in teams of two which will help with knife shortage. Ideally the more you have the less bored they will get. If you are at your meeting place it would be good to take them outside to find a stick that they could turn into a spear. If not, you may have to go out the week before and collect them or you could ask them all to bring one in. At the meeting… 1. Demonstrate how to strip the end of a stick and carve a point 2. Then in teams of two get them to make their own spear 3. Keep a close eye on them and reiterate the safety precautions they should take

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Activity Five – Sharpening your knife I’ve selected three great tools that you can use while camping and hiking. They are all very small, easy to use and even great in the kitchen. They all have great reviews from other campers. You may already have one or you can buy them all cheaply on Amazon. Once you have your tool give a demonstration to your group how to use it and get a couple of them to try it out. Whichever one you decide to buy it will come with its own instructions.

Any Sharp

Any Sharp Pocket Knife Sharpener

Blade Tech classic knife and tool V sharpener

1. Speak - We are going to have a quick look now at how to sharpen a penknife. There are many different tools you can use to sharpen your knives when camping. This little tool works great 2. Action - Show them the tool that you have chosen 3. Speak - Keeping your knives sharp makes them perform better, keeps you safer and helps them last longer 4. Direction - Demonstrate how to use the sharpener and allow some of the group to use it 5. Speak - Although it’s better to be prepared. You may find yourself in a survival situation where you need to sharpen your knife but don’t have a tool. Does anyone know of any methods you can use to sharpen your knife without using a knife sharpener? 6. Action – Take answers. Reiterate the two mentioned below if they haven’t mentioned them

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Ways to sharpen your knives in a survival situation… Using a Rock

Almost any stone is good enough to give a knife a good edge in the wild. River stones are easier because they’ve already been smoothed by the water.

If there’s no water around, find two similar rocks that are not too coarse. Rub them together. This will smooth them out and turn them into an acceptable whetstone.

Using Paracord… Here’s how to do it…

You’ll need several feet of paracord, a firm object such as a tree, and some mud. 1. Tie one end of the paracord around a thin tree. Form a loop with the other end this is just for you to hold 2. Rub mud into a portion of the paracord (in the middle). You don’t want it sloppy, but you do want a layer of mud all the way around the cord 3. Grab the loop, pull the paracord taught, and strop (stroke each side of the blade continually) your knife on the muddy part of the paracord 4. The mud will provide enough abrasion to sharpen the edge 5. Then clean your knife

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Types of Knives used within Scouting activities

Select from the words below to write the correct label under each knife…

Pocket Wood for Carving Knife

Multifunction Knife Machete Wood Knife for Chopping Survival

 Types of Knives used within Scouting activities

Select from the words below to write the correct label under each knife…

Pocket Wood for Carving Knife Multifunction Knife Machete Wood Knife for Chopping Survival

 Types of Knives used within Scouting activities

Select from the words below to write the correct label under each knife…

Pocket Wood for Carving Knife

Multifunction Knife Machete Wood Knife for Chopping Survival

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Multifunction Pocket Knife – Uses

1. Large blade: Used for cutting and slicing. 2. Small blade: Used for cutting and slicing smaller jobs. 3. Corkscrew: Used for getting knots out and temporarily affix things like mosquito nets to beams. 4. Can opener: Used to open cans 5. Small screwdriver: Used to screw and unscrew things. 6. Bottle Opener: Used to open bottles. 7. Screwdriver: Used to screw and unscrew things. 8. Wire-stripper: The small notch in the side of the bottle opener acts as a tool to strip wire. 9. , punch: Used to enlarge holes in wood or leather. 10. Key ring: You can use this to attach things to. 11. Tweezers: Used to pick up something too small for hands. You can also use them to remove splinters. 12. Toothpick: Used for picking food out of your teeth. 13. : Used to cut things. 14. Multi-purpose hook: One use for the hook is to carry shopping bags with heavy items that may strangle your hands. 15. Wood saw: Good for sawing material like wood. 16. Fish scaler: Used for scaling fish or carving pumpkins. 17. Hook disgorger: The fork at the end of the scaler is a device used to safely remove a hook from the mouth of a fish. 18. Ruler: Used to measure things. 19. Nail file: Used to keep your nails in check. 20. Metal file: Used to file metals items. 21. Nail cleaner: At the tip of the file. Used for cleaning your nails. 22. Metal saw: Used to cut metal. 23. Fine screwdriver: Used to screw and unscrew things. 24. Wood : Used to carve or cut out wood. 25. Pliers: Used for gripping items and twisting wire. 26. Wire cutter: Used for cutting wire. 27. Wire crimping tool: Used for making a connection between two wires. 28. Phillips screwdriver: Used to screw and unscrew things. 29. Magnifying glass: Used to help see small things more clearly. 30. Ball point pen: Used to write. 31. Straight pin: Used for tasks such as pressing small reset buttons and removing splinters. 32. Mini screwdriver: Used to screw and unscrew things. 33. Sewing eye: This is a little hole in the reamer that's used for punching large thread through canvas.

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Knife Safety Quiz

1. What must a knife be strictly used for? 11.Name the two parts of a knife that are dangerous… a) A tool to help you complete a task b) Something to play with C _ t t _ _ _ E_ _ _ and the P _ _ _ _ c) Something to use to threaten other

people 12.Before you open or use your knife, what 2. When passing a knife to someone else should you check first? should your blade be open or closed? a) Your area is safe and secure b) The ground is level a) Open b) Closed c) There are no small children or pets close d) You have at least an arm’s length of 3. If you drop your knife what’s the best empty space around you thing to do? e) That your feet are not on slippery ground a) Try to catch it f) That your area is well lit b) Wait until it has fallen then pick it up g) All of the above 4. Is it safe to run or climb holding a knife? 13.You should always keep your knife clean and dry to prevent rust. What happens if it a) Yes becomes rusty? b) No a) It will get tight

5. When using a knife should you cut away b) It will become dull and can make the or towards yourself? blade weak a) Away c) It could cause you to have an accident b) Towards whilst using it d) All of the above 6. A _____ knife is more likely to slip and cut you. 14.There many uses for a survival knife in a a) Dull survival situation. Complete the sentences b) Sharp to learn what they are… 7. What should you do with your knife when a) When gathering materials for your _ _ _ e you’re not using it? b) For creating a B _ _ drill to light your fire a) Close the blade b) Cover the blade with its cover c) To help create a S ______c) Put the knife in a safe place away from d) To help make your own R _ _ _ others d) All of the above e) To make a C ______tool 8. Knife blades should be sharpened at an f) To prepare G _ _ _ to cook angle of? g) If you are in distress you can use the a) 90 Degrees b) 45 Degrees R e ______S ______to signal for help c) 25 Degrees 9. When closing the blade of your knife which part of your hand should you use? a) Palm b) Fingers c) Thumb 10.If your knife requires repairs, what’s the best course of action? a) Take it to a professional b) Do it yourself it can’t be that difficult

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