Radon Level at Mary Cable Above EPA Action Mark ■ University Has Not Is That the EPA Now Recommends the Gated Any At-Risk Areas

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Radon Level at Mary Cable Above EPA Action Mark ■ University Has Not Is That the EPA Now Recommends the Gated Any At-Risk Areas Radon level at Mary Cable above EPA action mark ■ University has not is that the EPA now recommends the gated any at-risk areas. Thi MHMrtty kit On same radon action level for resi­ followed campus policy on According to the EPA, radon — a W tilmw.TtoyMdbi dences as it does for schools and controlling radioactive gas. commercial buildings. frequently in Indiana due to the high activity try* t* MpM Strong believes the EPA’s research level of uranium in the stale's soil — Bt |.M . Blown (tin ratiMT is inherently flawed because the is the second leading cause of lung Editor t» Cmiv Ud taixit agency’s action level is based on test­ , causing about 15.000 deaths IPA radon kprvultft ing performed only in residences. A recent Sagamore investigation Yet the university's action policy revealed ration gas levels in the Mary on radon monitoring and removal similar testing material* a* the EHS Cable building to be needy twice the cites the EPA's standards os the cus­ did in 1994 when it tested Room 096 action level set by the US Environ- tomary measurements for determin­ Last week. The Sagamore hired — the former administrative office of mcnul Protection Agency. ing whether campus buildings should Micro Air, a local environmental ser­ the child care center which is just Furthermore, the test has uncov­ be monitored regularly fee radon. vices firm, to perform 48-hour air down the hall from the stairwell and ered a pattern of non-compliance “If you arc looking at large build­ in the basement of the bathroom where The Sagamore per­ with the university's policy on radon ings, more than single family or Mary Cable building, the site of mul­ formed its lest. monitoring and removal. townhouse type of buildings, no real tiple classrooms. Rich Strong. EHS director, said the According to the policy, adopted in recommendations have been made re­ The building is also home to the newspaper's findings do not shock February 1997, If radon cooccntra- garding re-testing at this time,'* said School of Music and the JUPUl Child him and that his department has taken lions n e found to be above the EPA's Michael Murphy, health physicist in Care Center. “adequate steps'* in dealing with the action level of 4.0 picocurics per liter the air and radiation division of EPA's The testing canisters, placed near radon issue. - the standard unit of measurement Region 5 office in Chicago. center stairwell and in­ The best and only action taken, in for radon gas — “action should be Murphy, however, added. “Region 's restroom, recorded five yean. Strong said, was moving initiated within several years (up to 5 has taken the view that the same the child care office to the ground three years), sooner if levels arc at the type of procedures for these struc­ While the canister under the stairs floor. upper end of this range." tures (large buildings) be used as for yielded a radon level in the 1 to 2 The EHS has no plans to mitigate single family homes." pCi/L range, the two tests in the bath- the radon, he said, because the univer­ which towered in the 11 to 12pCVL Jack Barnett, chief of the radon sity has “no long-term plan to main­ range in a 1994 study of Room 096 and indoor air section at EPA's Re- level of 7.4 pCi/L. tain the building for classrooms “ (Mary Cable), the Environmental Micro Air representatives used What does shock Strong, however, The haJJowaf kasaasaat hall of t o Mary Cato building, wharf stw tots, Health and Safety department has not staff and faculty aUka gathac, la Hm m to high lovoli of radon gas. HPUcohcts Campus reacts newly HOOK mildly to Clinton k 1988 dm exoneration ■ Small crowd watches ■ Parking Services director senators cast votes in historic estimates university owed impeachment proceedings. S200K more on annual basis. B y Dole; | ago its By D oug Ja c g ii i , V ittro ifc it E m to i Viivpoinyi Editoi President William Jcffenon Nearly 27,000. That’s how many Clinton was acquitted Friday on both parking tickets IUPU1 Parking Ser­ article* of impeachment. vices wrote last year. Tb put that in Senators voted 55 not guilty to 45 perspective, if each violation entitled guilty on the first article, lacking the one holder to a seat in the IU Natato- two-third* majority vote needed to rium, the facility would fill to capac­ convict him of perjury and providing ity more than four times. false testimony. The allegation* Many might assume the school is stemmed from Clinton's testimony raking in the money by collecting before a grand jury in the Paula Jonea fines. Wrong. While, parking fines sexual harassment lawsuit and about garnered $98,430 Last year, according his relationship with former White to Parking Services' records. Carol House intern Monica Lew insky. Pfcrer, director of Parking Services, The vote on second article of im­ peachment alleging that President out on more than $200,000 annually. Clinton obstructed justice in an at- According to Parking Service policy', the department can initiate An Acute Attack of IMKACTM • fa t a l payment of fines, including: ■ faculty and staff with unpaid ■ students could have debt added Long-time alumni to their bursar account and not be al­ lowed lo register for daises or gradu- secretary, general If a student goes into the Registrar ness assembly liaison dies unpaid ticket, he or she is likely to get ■ There are various treatment options for suffers of Seasonal Affective Disorder. * m R i m »i t a puzzled look from the clerk behind experience a few or many of the afore mentioned Claude T Rich former secretary of It is tine students can By Ini L. Hi *u111 AtBiGxmsT Em toi symptoms with vary ing degrees of severity. the IU Alumni Association and liai­ for classes if there is a Around 25 percent of people who habituate the son to the Indiana General Assembly, It'* a brisk February morning. The alarm clangs middle-to-noetbem Imiudcs experience a subclinical died Feb 10. the Bursar Office Parking Services loudly to awaken all from their slumber. The body's in­ lo c i of SAD called “winter doldrums" or “winter He w as 91 must first provide a list of accounts ternal clock says it's loo early. With eyes barely open blues." Unlike SAD. however, “the winter blues" Rich served the uniservity in vari­ squinted toward the window, there is a seme of dark­ leave people feeling fully functional ous capacities for 41 yean. •The process has to be initiated by ness glooming outside. Why not roll over and sleep a The short days of winter reduce exposure to sun­ He w as secretary of the alumni as­ Parking Services" said Michael couple more hours? light, which alters chemicals in the brain. According to sociation for 20 year* and legislative m. “A system was in- Something must be wrong. Double check the time medical research, the body 's internal clock, presented liaison for 17 A 1929 IU graduate, on (he clock. It screams that it's lime lo start the regular with bright light, controls the body 's temperature, hor­ Rich ^received numerous service ’ office with a database of daily routine. Where is the glimmer of sunlight? Why monal release and sleep patterns awards including the distinguished tfus' and they use that data- is the body fatigued? Lack of sunlight decreases the creation of serotonin, Sagamore i>( the Wahash. Along with these symptoms, the appetite has greatly a mood regulator, and increases the release of a mela­ Service* for Rich were held In increase accompanied with the craving for sugar and tonin, a sleep regulator. These two chemicals affect Bloomington Saturday in Trinity carbohydrates. Withdrawal, lack of interest in usual ac­ the depressive state and can evoke SAD symptoms. Episcopal Church. log Service's computer system makes tivities, weight gain — the symptoms goon and on. Scientists and researcher* worldwide have studied Memorial contributions may be it difficult to get the information to Seasonal Affective Disorder effects millions of made to the church or the Claude T: people during the fall and winter. A SAD sufferer may Rich Student Scl^ilarvhip Program m r a a n m through the IU Foundation. S p o r t s L i f e s t y l e s V i e w p o i n t s © 1999 T h i s P ack 4 P a g i 5 Page 6 T he IUPUI Sagamore W e e k • Woman hooptiart baal UMKC. man tot, ■ Tha Sagamore's 1999 Oscar Pol. ■ Vk* prattler* d the Buck Student Uraon Indianapolis, I n d . ; to Oakland Untvarfcfy cava rtviaw lor •Ooobar Sky' author, Ant piaca in 8SU adrtonal tanas _ 1 ________________________ ______ _______ ,4. „ _____ V VI PAl.t 1 • Mnxhat, Fininn 15. 1999 T h « 1UPUI Sacamom • Niwi sagamore NEWS BRIEFS Campus Day around corner USA officers staff of the Career Cenfter is there to­ work to form ■ Mm tla fi|i' a warts tcMaraMpi gether.” added Boreczky. can be resources for them ll is a good For students who art undecided an With lUPUI's new "Jam the Gym” promotion, vtudent* could win up to IUPUI Student etwaridng opportunity.” • major, the Career Censer will spon­ $500 in wholanhtp money hy attending Jaguar basketball g im o through Feh While still Boreczky said that Student Em­ sor a M^or Decisions Wnkshop.
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