La passion reste en suspens dans le monde, -- - prEte a traverser les gens qui veulent bien se laisser traverser par elle

MargueRite DUraS

Sexualité et sentiments, voici la trame dans laquelle le festival de littérature franco-irlan- dais de Dublin a choisi de se plonger corps et âme à l’occasion de sa 19ème édition, du 23 au 25 mars 2018. Aussi universel que complexe, ce sujet con- voque toute une palette de réalités allant de la beauté la plus éclatante, celle de la relation libre et consentie, à la noirceur de la prédation. Ces trois jours de discussions seront l’occasion d’explorer les méandres psychologiques, poli- tiques, comportementaux, économiques et bien sûr culturels et artistiques d’un thème qui lie intimement singulier et collectif.

Témoignage de la multiplicité du sujet, les treize invités du festival seront auteurs irlan- dais ou francophones, mais aussi romanciers, psychiatres, poètes, musiciens, psychologues, humanitaires, philosophes ou encore péda- gogues. Nous les remercions chaleureusement Writers Centre, ainsi qu’aux entreprises fran- de leur participation à cet événement qui nous çaises et irlandaises, et en particulier les labo- tient particulièrement à cœur. Comme chaque ratoires Servier Monde et l’entreprise CRH. année, ce rendez-vous littéraire, trait d’union entre nos deux pays, proposera des tables Quant à vous, chers participantes et par- rondes dont vous allez découvrir les intitulés ticipants, c’est avec une immense reconnais- au fil des pages de ce programme. En plus de sance que nous vous remercions pour votre ces débats, lectures, séances de dédicaces fidélité et votre enthousiasme, sans lesquels et espace librairie seront proposés. Et cette ce festival ne serait pas à l’aube de sa 20ème année, c’est autour de la chaleur des artistes année. de cabaret que la soirée festive d’ouverture nous réunira à l’Alliance Française. Frédérique Tarride Organisé de concert par l’Alliance Française de Conseillère de coopération et Dublin et le service culturel de l’Ambassade de d’action culturelle France, cet événement doit son succès et sa Ambassade de France en Irlande pérennité à de précieux alliés et sponsors dont Thierry Lagnau nous soulignons la générosité. Notre gratitude Directeur / Délégué Général s’adresse à l’Arts Council, , Alliance Française Dublin Foras na Gaeilge, Poetry Ireland, the Irish Passion lies in wait all around us, ready to overcome those who wish to be overcome by it.

MargueRite DUraS

We want to extend our warmest thanks to them for their participation in this event, which we hold so dear. As in previous years, this literary gathering will bring our two countries together by holding roundtable discussions, details of which can be found within the pages of this programme. In addition to these debates, lectures, signings and a popup bookshop will be offered. And this year, cabaret artists will provide a delightfully festive showpiece for the opening evening at the Alliance Française.

Jointly organised by the Alliance Française Dublin and the Cultural Service of the French Embassy, this event owes its continued success to the precious partners and sponsors whose generosity we are delighted to acknow- ledge. Our sincere thanks to the Arts Council, Literature Ireland, Foras na Gaeilge, Poetry Ireland, the Irish Writers Centre, and to the sex and Sensibility: this is the theme which French and Irish companies, in particular the Dublin Franco-Irish Literary Festival has Servier Monde Laboratories and CRH. chosen to explore from head to toe for its 19th edition, on 23 to 25 March 2018. As for you, our dear guests, we are immensely grateful as always for your ongoing loyalty and This universal yet complex subject conjures up enthusiasm, without which this festival would a full spectrum of possibilities, from the most not be on the cusp of its 20th year. dazzling beauty, that of free and consensual relations, to the darkness of predation. These three days of discussion will present an oppor- Frédérique Tarride tunity to explore the intricacies — psychologi- Cultural Counsellor Ambassade de France en Irlande cal, political, behavioural or economic and, of course, cultural and artistic — of a theme which Thierry Lagnau intimately binds the singular with the collective. Director / Délégué Général Alliance Française Dublin Reflecting the multiplicity of this subject, the Festival’s thirteen guests will include Irish and French speaking authors, as well as novelists, a psychiatrist, a poet, a musician, a psychologist, a humanitarian, a philosopher, and a teacher. P Saturday 24 r march Castle Hall O Dublin Castle, Dublin 2 g 10.30am Fáilte, Welcome, Bienvenue 10.45am Panel Discussion 12noon Ag ceapadh na colainne R Fleshing out the Text Au corps du texte Moderator: Julie Rodgers With A Rob Doyle, Dairena Ní Chinnéide, Marie-Christine Pinel m 12.15pm Panel Discussion 1.15pm An chéad bhlaiseadh / Like a M virgin / Toute première fois Moderator: Dominique Le Meur With Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill, Myriam e Gallot, Paul McVeigh

2.45pm Panel Discussion 3.45pm Caidrimh chontúirteacha / Les Liaisons Dangereuses Moderator: Jean-Philippe Imbert With Philipe Brenot, Anne Enright, Friday 23 Marie-Christine Pinel march 4.00pm Panel Discussion Alliance Française 5.00pm I gcoim na hoíche / Into the 1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Night / Quand vient la nuit Moderator: Sinéad Mac Aodha 6.30pm Special Event With Sylvain Bosselet, Léonor de Cabaret liteartha / Literary Récondo, Micheál Ó Conghaile Cabaret / Cabaret littéraire With Dusty Limits (host & singer), Bryan Mullen (piano), Azaria 5.15pm Interview Starfire (dancer), Kat Moiselle 6.15pm Conducted by Jean-Michel Picard (dancer), Kate Finnegan and Ilias With Françoise Rey Athanasiadis (acrobatic duo). Sunday 25 march Alliance Française 1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2

11.30am Literary Brunch 1.00pm An 21ú céad: gnéas fíor nó fíorúil The 21th Sex / Le 21eme Sexe Moderator: Michael Cronin With Lisa McInerney, Françoise Rey, Paul McVeigh, Sylvain Bos- selet Exhibition

Au coeur de Mai 68

Admission free. All events open to the public. 8 March - 9 April First come, first served! To avoid disappointment, we advise people to come early. To mark the 50th anniversary of the events This programme is subject to change. of May 1968, the Alliance Française will host, in the margins of the Festival, Au cœur de Mai 68, an exhibition based on the con- Simultaneous interpreting in English and French temporary photographs of Philippe Gras. with the exception of the readings to be done in French, English or Irish. The Franco-Irish Literary Festival, dedicated to sexuality, will showcase contemporary Please note that books by the participating literature and its representation of sexual writers will be on sale at International Books (18 relations which can often trace its roots back Sth Frederick St, Dublin 2) and will also be availa- to the seismic events of May 1968. ble for sale at Dublin Castle, Castle Hall during the Festival. The exhibition, which is free and is open to everyone, will take place in the restaurant of Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the Alliance Française, La Cocotte. regular updates. LiteraRy

CaBAreT- Friday 23 March 6.30pm Alliance Française cabAret LiTtErAiRe 1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 CABaRET lIteArTha

Admission Free The curtains of the 2018 Franco-Irish But on reservation only. Literary Festival on “Sex and Sensibility” will open on March 23rd at Alliance Française Book online: with a night of Literary Cabaret. Join inter- national cabaret superstar Dusty Limits and fellow performers as they explore sex in litera- ture in an intimate evening of readings, music and dance. Starring: Dusty Limits (host and singer), Bryan Mullen (piano), Azaria Starfire (dancer), Kat Moiselle (dancer), Kate Finnegan and Ilias Athanasiadis (acrobatic duo). Produced by Film Fatale. France France

Sylvain PhilipPe BoSsElet brENot

Petite philosophie du cul. Je suis un médecin de l’amour Liberté Vérité Volupté 2018 2015

Sylvain Bosselet is both a doctor of psycho- Philippe Brenot is a psychiatrist and writer. logy and a philosophy graduate. A former He is director of courses in Sexology and Seminar Director at the Collège Interna- Human Sexuality at Paris Descartes Univer- tional de Philosophie, IUFM teacher training sity, and chairs the Observatoire Interna- college lecturer, and secondary-level phi- tional du Couple. He has written a number losophy teacher, he now devotes himself to of books on couples, sex and love. He is writing philosophy textbooks and essays. also literary director of the publishing house L’Esprit du Temps. Sylvain Bosselet est à la fois docteur en psy- chologie et agrégé de philosophie. Ancien Philippe Brenot est psychiatre et écrivain. directeur de séminaire au Collège Interna- Il dirige les enseignements de Sexologie tional de Philosophie, enseignant en IUFM et Sexualité Humaine à l’université Paris (aux professeurs des écoles en formation) Descartes et préside l’Observatoire Inter- et enseignant de philosophie dans le secon- national du Couple. Il a écrit de nombreux daire, il se consacre désormais à l’écriture ouvrages sur le couple, le sexe et l’amour. Il de manuels de philosophie et d’essais. est en outre directeur littéraire des Editions L’Esprit du Temps.

France Ireland -

Leonor- de Rob Recondo Doyle Point Cardinal This is the ritual 2017 2016

Léonor de Récondo was born in 1976. Rob Doyle’s first novel, Here Are the Young Men, She began playing violin at the age of five, was selected as one of Hot Press magazine’s honing her talents in the United States and 20 Greatest Irish Novels from 1916-2016. His the Netherlands in the Baroque repertoire. second book, This Is the Ritual, was a book of the year in the New Statesman, Irish Times and She has recorded more than a dozen CDs Sunday Times. The Sunday Independent called and DVDs. In 2010, she published her first it ‘a masterstroke in experimental short fiction novel, La Grâce du cyprès blanc. Since then, brimming with ideas, vulgarity and intelligence.’ four more novels have been published and His writing has been published in the Guar- translated into several languages. For her dian, Vice, BBC World Service, Observer, Dublin novel Amours, she received the Grand Prix Review, Irish Times and elsewhere. He is the RTL and the Prix des Libraires 2015. She editor of the Dalkey Archive’s anthology of Irish continues to pursue her parallel career as a Literature to be published in 2018. violinist. Le premier roman de Rob Doyle, Here Are the Young Men, a été sélectionné par le magazine Léonor de Récondo est née en 1976. Elle Hot Press parmi les 20 plus grands romans débute le violon à l’âge de cinq ans, puis irlandais de 1916 à 2016. Son second livre, This se perfectionne aux États-Unis et aux Pays- is the ritual, a été nommé livre de l’année pour Bas dans le répertoire baroque. Elle enre- The New Statesman, The Irish Times et The Sun- gistre une quinzaine de CD et DVD. En 2010, day Times. The Sunday Independent l’a qualifié elle publie son premier roman, La Grâce de « coup de génie pour une courte fiction ex- périmentale, débordant d’idées, de vulgarité et du cyprès blanc. Depuis, ses quatre autres d’intelligence ». Ses écrits ont été publiés, en- romans ont été publiés et traduits dans plu- tre autres, dans The Guardian, Vice, BBC World sieurs langues. Pour son roman Amours, elle Service, The Observer, The Dublin Review et The reçoit le Grand prix RTL et le Prix des Librai- Irish Times. Il est l’éditeur d’un recueil de littéra- res 2015. En parallèle, elle poursuit sa car- ture irlandaise du Dalkey Archive à paraître en rière de violoniste. 2018. The French Library

Opening hours: Have you seen it yet? Monday 4.30 - 7.30pm With a bright, redesigned and Tuesday-Thursday 12noon - 7.30pm multiform space, the new Alliance Friday 12noon - 5pm Française’s Library is a vital addition to the expansion of French culture in Ireland. Come and enjoy Saturday 9.30am - 2pm its physical and digital collections and brand new events: monthly cinéclub, weekly workshops for adults, children, toddlers and more!

€570 Literature Ireland – formerly Ireland Literature Ireland Literature Ireland Literature Ireland – formerly Ireland Trinity Centre for Literary Translation Literature Exchange – pLroitmeroatetus rIreis Eh xchange – proTrinimtoy Cetenst rIer fiorsh Li terary Translation 36 Fenian Street writing and writers interwnraittiionnga llayn. d writers intern36a Ftenianiona Sltlryeet. Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin It does this by awardingI tt rdanoselast itohni s by awarding tDublinrans Dla0t2i FK54on , Ireland Dublin D02 FK54, Ireland grants to publishers in ogtrhaner tcso utont prieusb, lishers in ot+h 3e53r 1c 8o96u4n184tries, + 353 1 8964184 [email protected] by coordinating the participation of Irish [email protected] by coordinating the particiliterpaaturteiioreland.comn of Irish writers at events and festivals around the world, by representiwngri Itreisrhs watri teevrse nts and festivals around at key international bootkh fea iwrs,o arnld , by representing Irish writers through its publicationsa atn kde tyr aninstleartonra tional book fairs, and residency programme. through its publications and translator residency programme.

Literature Ireland is the national organisation for the promotion of Irish literature abroad. The ways in which we promote Irish writing and writers include:

- co-ordinating the national stands at the London and Frankfurt book fairs - awarding translation grants to publishers around the world - securing opportunities for Irish writers at events and festivals abroad - hosting literary translators in Ireland - publishing the annual New Writing from Ireland catalogue.

Try your luck during the Festival! Win a Free Membership of the ------Irish Writers Centre! Membership of the Irish Writers Centre is open to writers of all stages ------and styles. Whether you are new to writing, have many publications under your belt, or simply have a healthy interest in the written word, all are welcome. You will find a relaxing space to come and work free of distraction or alternatively to use the resources and support of both the Centre and other writers.

Some of the benefits of membership include: • Discounts of up to 20% on courses and events • Use of workspace in beautiful Georgian surroundings • Free WiFi • Advance notice of events which may have limited places • Opportunities to mingle with other members and writers • Access to library and literary journals • Special offers with neighbour organisations and partners

More information: Ireland FranceFrance

AnNe Myriam Enright GaLlot The Green Road 760 générations 2015 2014

Anne Enright has published two collections of Myriam Gallot was born in 1978 in Saint- short stories, one book of non-fiction, and six Etienne and lives in Lyon. After studying at the novels. Her work has won literary prizes such Ecole Normale Supérieure, and qualifying as a as The Gathering (Irish Novel of the Year 2007, modern literature teacher, she turned away Irish Fiction Award 2007, Man Booker Prize from a career as lecturer and researcher, 2007) and The Green Road (Irish Novel of the preferring to dedicate herself to writing. ------Year 2015, shortlisted for Baileys Women’s Her work is divided between general literature Prize for Fiction, longlisted for the Man Booker and books for young people, mainly publishing Prize). Her short stories have appeared in seve- novels for children and teenagers. The common ral magazines including The New Yorker and the denominator is a strong preference for realism, ------Paris Review. Essays and articles are published a sense of genuine curiosity and compassion by the London Review, the Dublin Review, The for people, and a style which is clear, dynamic, Guardian and The New York Times. Her work sensitive and highly contemporary. has been translated into almost 40 languages. Myriam Gallot est née en 1978 à Saint-Etienne Anne Enright a publié deux recueils de nou- et habite à Lyon. Après des études à l’École velles, un essai et six romans qui ont été récom- Normale Supérieure, et une agrégation de pensés; parmi eux, Les Retrouvailles (Irish Novel Lettres modernes, elle s’est détournée d’une of the Year 2007, Irish Fiction Award 2007, Man carrière d’enseignante-chercheuse, préférant Booker Prize 2007) et L’Herbe maudite (Irish se consacrer à l’écriture. Novel of the Year 2015, nomination au Baileys Elle navigue entre littérature générale et jeu- Women’s Prize for Fiction 2015 et au Man Book- nesse, avec principalement des publications er Prize 2015). Ses nouvelles sont parues dans de romans pour enfants et adolescents. Leurs plusieurs magazines, dont The New Yorker et points communs ? Un goût prononcé pour le The Paris Review, ses essais et ses articles ont réalisme, une attention curieuse et bienveillante été publiés par The London Review, The Dublin aux vivants, une écriture claire, dynamique, sen- Review, The Guardian et The New York Times. sible et très contemporaine. Son œuvre a été traduite en plus de 40 langues.

1111 Ireland Ireland

Lisa Paul

Mc Inerney Mc Veigh The Blood Miracles The Good Son 2017 2016

Lisa McInerney’s work has featured in Winter Paul McVeigh’s debut novel, The Good Son, won Papers, The Stinging Fly, Granta, BBC Radio The Polari First Novel Prize, The McCrea Lite- 4 and in the anthologies Beyond The Centre, rary Award and was shortlisted for the Prix du The Long Gaze Back and Town and Country. Roman Cezam. The novel was Brighton’s City Her debut novel The Glorious Heresies won the Reads 2016 and part of the UK’s World Book 2016 Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction and the Night 2017. His short stories have appeared in 2016 Desmond Elliott Prize. Her second novel, journals and anthologies, on BBC Radio 3, 4 & 5 The Blood Miracles, was published in 2017. Her and he was shortlisted for the Irish Short Story books have been translated in French. of the Year at the Irish Book Awards in 2017. He is also the co-founder of the London Short Story L’œuvre de Lisa McInerney est parue dans Festival. His work has appeared on TV, on Lon- Winter Papers, The Stinging Fly, Granta, BBC don’s West End stage and been translated into Radio 4 et dans les recueils Beyond The Centre, 8 languages. The Long Gaze Back et Town and Country. Son premier roman, Hérésies glorieuses, a remporté Le premier roman de Paul McVeigh, Un bon gar- les prix Baileys Women’s Prize pour une œuvre çon, a été récompensé du prix Polari First Novel de fiction et le Desmond Elliott Prize en 2016. Prize, du McCrea Literary Award et était dans Son second roman, The Blood Miracles, a été la dernière sélection retenue pour le Prix du publié en 2017. Ses ouvrages ont été traduits Roman Cezam. Le roman a été choisi pour le en français. City Reads 2016 du Brighton Festival et a par- ticipé à la World Book Night au Royaume-Uni en 2017. Ses nouvelles sont parues dans des journaux et des recueils, sur les BBC Radio 3, 4 et 5 et il était en lice dans la dernière sélection pour le Prix de la nouvelle irlandaise de l’année du Irish Book Awards en 2017. Il est aussi le co-fondateur du London Short Story Festival, festival de nouvelles. Son œuvre a été diffusée à la télévision, sur la scène londonienne de West End et a été traduite en 8 langues. -

Leamh filIochta GaEilge Irish PoEtry Wednesday 14 March 6pm Poetry Ireland ReadiNgs LEctures dE 11 Parnell Square East - Dublin 1 pOemes en irlandais Éigse Éireann, 11 Cearnóg Parnell Thoir, Baile Átha Cliath 1

Poetry Ireland, in partnership with the Franco Irish Literary Festival will host a reading with poets Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill and Dairena Ní Chinnéide. Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill is one of the leading poets writing in the Irish language, and her work has been translated into English by poets including and Paul Muldoon. Dairena Ní Chinnéide has published a number of bilingual collections and is the Irish-Language Writer-in-Residence at Dublin City University this year. The evening will be introduced by poet and former director of Poetry Ireland, Theo Dorgan.

Free event but booking is essential. For more details, please visit

The School of Applied Language and In- tercultural Studies (SALIS) and EROSS are Sex MATtErs: delighted to welcome Sylvain Bosselet in Dublin City University for a public seminar on contemporary Sexuality, Culture and From PlEasuRes Society. The Seminar, supported by the Alliance Française Dublin and the French to PanicS Embassy in Ireland, will consist of an interview (in English), followed by a Q&A.

Free event. No registration, all welcome.

Thursday 22 March 5-7pm Henry Grattan Building, Room C124 DCU Glasnevin Campus

Ireland Ireland

- -

DAirena- NI NuAla ni ChinNEide DhomhnaiLl Fé Gheasa: Spellbound The Fifty Minute Mermaid 2016 2007

Dairena Ní Chinnéide is a bilingual poet from Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill was born in England but the Peninsula. Among her nine published fostered out to the West Kerry of Cor- poetry collections are the An Trodaí & Dánta Eile ca Dhuibhne at the age of 5. She studied Eng- (The Warrior & Other Poems) and most recently lish and Irish in UCC and was the only original Fé Gheasa: Spellbound. She received a Patrick female member of the group of Irish-language Kavanagh Fellowship in 2016 for her work and is poets associated with the magazine . the current Irish Language Writer-in-Residence After 7 years abroad, assiduously following at DCU. Her first English collection Deleted will Joyce’s advice of “exile, silence and cunning“, be published in 2019. she realised she was living in the wrong book. She returned to Ireland determined to write a Dairena Ní Chinnéide est une poète bilingue “Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman”, but anglo-gaélique de la péninsule de Dingle. Parmi in Poetry and in Irish, which she has been doing ses neuf recueils de poésie publiés, on retrouve ever since. An Trodaí & Dánta Eile / The Warrior & Other Poems et plus récemment, Fé Gheasa : Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill est née en Angleterre mais Spellbound. En 2016, elle a reçu une bourse a grandi dans l’ouest du Kerry dans le Gaeltacht d’étude pour son œuvre, le Patrick Kavanagh de Corca Dhuibhne à partir de ses cinq ans. Elle Fellowship, et elle est actuellement l’écrivain a étudié l’anglais et l’irlandais à l’University de langue irlandaise en résidence à DCU. Son College Cork et elle fut la seule femme à premier recueil en anglais, Deleted, sera publié rejoindre dès ses débuts le groupe de poètes de en 2019. langue irlandaise associé au magazine INNTI. Après sept années passées à l’étranger à suivre assidûment les conseils de Joyce, « le silence, l’exil et la ruse », elle réalise qu’elle ne vivait pas le bon livre. Elle est rentrée en Irlande bien décidée à écrire un “Portrait de l’artiste en jeune femme”, mais en poèmes et en irlandais, ce à quoi elle s’attèlle depuis lors.

14 14

- Ireland -

ScRIbhneoirI GaEilge

File sa dá theanga í Dairena Ní Chinnéide. I measc naoi gcnuasach léi atá foilsithe, tá An Trodaí & Dánta Eile agus le gairid Fé Gheasa : Spellbound. Bronnadh Patrick Kavanagh Fel-

lowship uirthi i 2016 agus tá sí ina Scríbhneoir - Cónaithe Gaeilge do DCU i láthair na huaire. Foilseófar a céad cnuasach as Béarla Deleted i - 2019. Maireann sí i gCorca Dhuibhne lena mac. Micheal O Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill – Rugadh i Lancashire Shasana i 1952 ach cuireadh í ar dheoraíocht go Corca Dhuibhne nuair nach raibh sí ach 5 bhliana d’aois. Dhein sí céim le Béarla agus ConghAile Gaeilge i UCC mar a raibh sí ar an t-aon bhean Colourful Irish Phrases ar an ngrúpa filí a bhunaigh an iris INNTI. Tar éis 7 mbliana ar an seachrán, san Ollóin agus sa 2018 Tuirc, ag cloí go dúthrachtach le ráiteas Joyce, thuig sí go raibh sí ag maireachtáil sa ‘leabhar’ Micheál Ó Conghaile is from . He mícheart. D’fhill sí ar Éirinn mar a bhfuil sí ina established the publishing company Cló Iar- cónaí agus ag scríobh ó shoin. Tá leabhar aistí Chonnacht in 1985, and he is a member of Aos- scríofa aici as Béarla, ag cur cúis na Gaeilge dána. He writes in Irish and has published poetry, chun cinn. short stories, a novel, plays, and a novella, and has also done several translations. He has won Is mar scríbhneoir cruthaitheach is mó aithne ar The Butler Literary Award from the Irish Ameri- Mhicheál Ó Conghaile, go háirithe ó foilsíodh can Cultural Institute and the Hennessy Lite- a dhara cnuasach gearrscéalta An Fear a Phlé- rary Award. His works have been translated into asc (1997), an t-úrscéal Sna Fir (2000) a bhí ar 10 languages. He was writer in Residence at ghearrliosta Dhuais Liteartha The Irish Times, Queen’s University, Belfast and at the University agus an nóibhille Seachrán Jeaic Sheáin Johnny of Ulster Coleraine and he received an honorary (2002). Diabhlaíocht Dé a chnuasach gearrs- degree from the NUI, Galway. céalta is deireannaí. Léirigh An Taibhdhearc trí dhráma dá chuid agus bronnadh breis agus trío- Micheál Ó Conghaile vient du Connemara. Il a cha duais Oireachtais air thar na blianta chomh créé la maison d’édition Cló Iar-Chonnacht en maith le duais Stewart Parker/BBC Raidió Ul- 1985 et il est membre d’Aosdána, organisme adh, Duais Fhoras na Gaeilge/Sheachtain na visant à honorer les artistes irlandais. Il écrit en Scríbhneoirí i Lios Tuathail, Duais Ionadaíochta irlandais et a publié poésie, nouvelles, roman, an Choimisiúin Eorpaigh/Anois agus Gradam Uí œuvres de théâtre et il a également fait plu- Shúilleabháin. Tá gearrscéalta leis aistrithe go sieurs traductions. Il a été récompensé par breis agus deich dteanga. Ball d’Aos Dána é. The Butler Literary Award de l’Irish American Cultural Institute et par le Hennessy Literary Award. Ses œuvres ont été traduites dans 10 langues. Il a été écrivain en résidence à Queen’s University, à Belfast, ainsi qu’à l’University of Ul- ster, à Coleraine, et il a reçu un diplôme honorai- re de la National University of Ireland de Galway.

14 Québec France

Marie-ChRistinE Francoise- Pinel Rey Fontaine de feu et autres mouillures Les Attributs du sujet 2016 2016

A sexologist for over twenty years, Marie- Françoise Rey was born in 1951 in a small town Christine Pinel has vast experience of human in Savoie. She has Italian roots on her mother’s sexuality in a wide variety of contexts, inclu- side and a French farming background on her ding research and prevention, field interven- father’s. After studying literature at Grenoble, tion and humanitarian cooperation. As General she qualified as a teacher. Director of Unisexéducation, she campaigns for Following a serious personal crisis, she turned accessible, meaningful and sensitive education her hand to literature – of the erotic variety – enabling people of all ages to understand their and won immediate success with her first novel, own sexuality. She has also written a collection La Femme de Papier. Now widowed, she has of short stories, Fontaine de feu et autres mouil- three children and six grandchildren, and has lures. written around fifty books on the subject of sex.

Sexologue depuis vingt ans, Marie-Christine Françoise Rey est née en 1951 dans une petite Pinel s’est construit une expérience de la sexua- ville savoyarde. D’origine italienne par sa mère lité humaine dans de nombreux contextes : et française par son père, elle est issue d’un recherche et prévention, pratique de terrain, milieu paysan modeste. Après des études de coopération humanitaire. Directrice générale lettres à Grenoble, elle passe avec succès les d’Unisexéducation, elle œuvre à une éduca- concours de l’enseignement (IPES puis CAPES). tion accessible, pertinente et sensible pour Devenue auteur de littérature - érotique - à la permettre aux individus de tous âges d’évoluer suite d’une grave crise personnelle, elle rencon- dans une sexualité qui leur ressemble. Elle tre un succès immédiat avec son premier ro- est également auteur du recueil de nouvelles man, La Femme de Papier. Actuellement veuve, Fontaine de feu et autres mouillures. elle a trois enfants et six petits-enfants. Elle a écrit une cinquantaine de livres concernant le sexe.

16 Ireland

French Courses Ideal if you’re going to France this Easter Term summer ! 9 April – 2 June 2018


1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2

INTERNATIONAL BOOKS The Language Specialists

Find the books by all the writers participating in the Franco-Irish Literary Festival 2018 Alliance Française Members get 10% off!

18 Frederick Street South, Dublin 2 / (01) 679 9375 Ireland

Pestos Chutneys Soups Dressings Sauces Dips Oils Jams

T he Skinny Chef is an Award winning creative food artisan and producer, he uses local natural and wild foods in delicious pesto, sauces and soups, chutney and jams. He is proud and delighted to share this passion for real food with you at Dublin Castle on March 24th and will have plenty of new creations for you to try! / @leskinnychef


Michael CroNin (Ireland) Michael Cronin is Professor of French (1776) at Trinity College Dublin. Author of Translating Ireland: Translation, Languages, Iden- tities (1996), Translation and Globalization (2003), Time Tracks: Scenes from the Irish Everyday (2003), Irish in the New Century / An Ghaeilge san Aois Nua (2005), Translation and Identity (2006), The Barrytown Trilogy (Ireland into Film series, 2007), Translation goes to the Movies (2009), The Expanding World: Towards a Politics of Microspection (2012), Translation in the Digital Age (2013) and Eco-Translation: translation and ecology in the Age of the Anthro- pocene (2017). He is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy and an Officier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques.

Jean-PhilIpPE Imbert (France) Jean-Philippe Imbert is Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature and Sexuality Studies at Dublin City University where he created the first MA in Sexuality Studies in Ireland. He runsa Research Centre in Sexuality Studies, called EROSS (Expressions, Research, Orientations: Sexuality Studies). He has translated Thomas Kinsella’s Tain into French. Focused on Mexican and French and their relation to teratology and the mons- trous, he researches and publishes either on literary and artistic representations of monsters and the monstrous in Mexican and French 20th and 21st century literatures, or on the relationships between sexuality, evil, trauma, art and literature.

DoMInique LE Meur (France) Dominique Le Meur was born in Auxerre (France) in 1964 and has been a lecturer at the University of Limerick since 1992. His first two novels, Où vas-tu Irlande ? (1998), which was awarded the Prix des Ecrivains Bretons in 1999, and Báine (2001), are both set against the background of Northern Ireland’s troubled history. L’Eire des amants, published in 2005, is set in Ireland and deals with the theme of the unsaid through a devastating and passionate love story. With Retour vers l’ailleurs (2009), and Irlande Nuit Celtique (2014) Dominique Le Meur looks at the deep changes that have taken place in Irish society over the last few years. -

SineAd Mac Aodha (Ireland) Sinéad Mac Aodha is the Director of Literature Ireland, a govern- ment-funded organisation which promotes Irish literature abroad. Since 1995 Literature Ireland (formerly Ireland Literature Exchange) has awarded over 2000 translation grants in 57 languages, inclu- ding over 250 titles in French. The organisation also regularly hosts literary translators in Ireland and coordinates the participa- tion of Irish writers at events and festivals around the world. Before joining Literature Ireland, Sinéad was the Literature Officer at the Arts Council. She is currently working on a number of projects, in- cluding author and translator events in Dublin, Shanghai and Paris.

JEan-MIchel PicArd (France) Jean-Michel Picard was born in Marseille in 1952. He studied at the University of Provence in Aix-en-Provence, at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne and at the National University of Ireland, Dublin (UCD). As a specialist in medieval languages and literature, he has published several books and numerous articles on Irish hagio- graphical literature, on Hiberno-Latin language, and on the history of contacts between Ireland and the continent during the middle ages. Jean-Michel Picard is professor emeritus in the UCD School of Languages, Cultures & Linguistics, and a member of the Royal Irish Academy.

juliE RoDgers (Ireland) Julie Rodgers is lecturer in French at Maynooth University, Ire- land. Her research interests include the following: Contemporary Women’s Writing in French, Feminism, Narratives of Mothering, Quebec Literature, Migrant Writing, Contemporary French Cinema. She has published widely in all of these areas. Julie is currently the president of ACSI (Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland) and the secretary of ADEFFI (Association des études françaises et fran- cophones en Irlande). Team Special Thanks

Alliance Française Christian Bazantay Simon Madden 1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Secretary General Marketing Manager [email protected] Servier Monde ARYZTA Food Solutions Ireland Brigitte Bertout Eilís Ní Bheilbigh Political Affairs Attaché Feidhmeannach/Executive Thierry Lagnau Québec Government Office Officer, Rannóg na hEarnála Director / Délégué Général in London Poiblí/Na hEalaíona/Public Sector & the Arts Division Christine Weld Valerie Bistany Foras na Gaeilge Festival Manager Director, Irish Writers Centre Éamon Ó Ciosáin Ninon Cefalu Lecturer, NUI, Maynooth Cultural Assistant Michael Cronin Professor of French, School of Éamonn Ó hArgáin Annabelle Malandrin Lnguages, Literatures & Cultural Stiúrthóir Seirbhísí Forbartha The French Library Director Studies, TCD Director of Developmental Services, Foras na Gaeilge Vincent Lavergne Christiaan Feehan Artistic Director Conference Co-Ordinator Jane O’Hanlon Education Officer, Poetry Ireland Darragh McCormick The Office of Public Works Dublin Castle Proof Reader Jean-Michel Picard Mary Heffernan Professor Emeritus, School General Manager of Languages, Cultures & The French Embassy Linguistics, UCD Cultural Service The Office of Public Works Dublin Castle 66 Fitzwilliam Lane, Dublin 2 Julie Rodgers [email protected] Chantal Houdet Lecturer in French, Director, The Association NUI Maynooth Internationale des Etudes Frédérique Tarride Québécoises Frédéric Sécail Cultural Counsellor General Manager Jean-Philippe Imbert Servier Industries Ltd (Ireland) Stéphanie Muchint Assistant Professor Literature Project Manager School of Applied Language & Frédéric Tremblay Intercultural Studies, DCU Director, Political and Public Affairs, Québec Government And Pierre Joannon Office in London Interpreters Former President Gwen Billett Ireland Fund de France Sarah Kelly Maureen Kennelly Translators Director, Poetry Ireland Julie Moyne Dominique Le Meur Philip Taylor Photo Credits: Lecturer, University of Limerick De Récondo © Emilie Dubrul / Gal- Festival Photographer lot © Alicia Ensten / Pinel © Michel Anna Lynch Dompierre / Ní Dhomhnaill © Clann Elliott Browne-Clarke ui Mhaicin / Foras na Gaeilge / ó Director, Film Fatale Conghaile © Máire Uí Mhaicín / Mc Veigh © Roelof Bakker / Doyle © Frank Smith / Enright © Hugh Cha- Sinéad Mac Aodha loner / McInerney © Brid O Donovan [email protected] Director, Literature Ireland / Ní Chinnéide © Lelia Ní Chinnéide CULTUREFOX.IE


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