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We are gathered here at this point oftime, a crucial moment in the history of our country, a moment of great challenge tci afr p'olitical parties a.Ild both Governments. It is a time for reflection and indeed for our Party at this Conference to reflect on our past policies, attitudes and achievements. It is something that we have not been inclined to do. We have never boasted about our success or achievements but perhaps it is both timely and appropriate at this point of time as we seek to lead all sections of our people and to persuade certain other parties to come down a totally non-violent road, a road of total dialogue, a road to lasting peace and stability, to reflect on the basic principles and attitudes that have governed our philosophy and our strategy peace and stability over for the years since our foundation. We can demonstrate consistency of our the total approach and the real persistence of our efforts.

For us Ireland has always been its people. It has never been a piece of earth. We have challenged and rejected the territorial mentality that has shaped the definition of - patriotism and nationalism in this country for so long. Without its people Ireland is but a jungle and the piece of earth called Ireland is already united. It is the people of Ireland who are divided and they cannot be brought together by any form of force or coercion but only by agreement. Victories are not solutions in divided societies. Our philosophy has been and will always be a total commitment to non-violent peaceful methods of resolving our difference. Indeed our philosophy of non violence is best summed up in the words of one of my great heroes of the 20th Century, whom I have quoted often, Martin Luther King:-

"Violence as a way of achieving justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather that win his understand; it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers."

As we agreed at the , the problem of our divided people can be summed up as follows. There are two sets oflegitimate rights- the rights of the unionist people to their identity and their ethos and the rights of to the nationalist people the same. The challenge of agreement is to accommodate both, a challenge that will require new thinking of all sides, a challenge that cannot be pursued by violence. The logic of promoting such agreement is that all resources and energies should be devoted to that objective. That means in practice, as we in the SDLP put forward in 1979 that the two governments should abandon the megaphone aiplomacy that had characterised their relationships since 1920 and work together to promote agreement. Indeed on 15 April, 1981 the SDLP published a document calling for an Anglo-Irish Inter­ Governmental Council backed up by an Anglo-Irish secretariat and a parliamentary tier. Those three proposals became the basis of the Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1985, the first major step in the peace process. Indeed to reassure the unionist tradition that agreement reiterated that there could be no change on the constitutional position of without the consent of the majority of its people. It also made clear, proposed by the SDLP, that if a majority did give its consent to change that the British Government would legislate for it. That statement led directly to the serious public _I

debate between SDLP and Sinn Fein which led directly to the direct dialogue between the two parties in 1988. As I pointed out at the time, this declaration by the British Government was a declaration of its neutrality on the question of Irish unity, that it had no selfish interests of its own in remaining in Ireland, that the future of Northern Ireland was a matter for its own people and that that declaration removed the traditional reasons given by Irish republicans for the use of physical force. The dialogue between delegations of the SDLP and Sinn Fein did not succeed in reaching agreement but we agreed to carry on the debate in public and in private. This led to the direct dialogue between Geny Adams and myself.

The objective ofthat dialogue as we repeatedly stated was a total end to violence followed by all party talks with both Governments whose objective was agreement among our divided people that would earn the allegiance of all traditions - a process that offered no threat to the rights of any section of our people. In the course of that dialogue I proposed a joint declaration by both Governments that would lead to those objectives. I presented the first draft to Gerry Adams in October, 1991. After many exchanges between us, in consultation with the Irish Governments of Charles Haughey and Albert Reynolds a final draft was agreed in June, 1993 and presented to the British Government by Albert Reynolds. Indeed throughout the dialogue I had kept the British Government fully informed. I would also reiterate that at no stage in the process were we threatening the rights of the unionist people. The objective remained an end to violence followed by all party agreement and indeed in the only joint statement issued by Gerry Adams, Albert Reynolds, and myself it made clear that our problem could not be solved without the participation and agreement of the unionist people. Indeed that is underlined by the principles in the test of the first document which I presented in October, 1991, the principles of which remained throughout the process.

"Aim:- A joint declaration by both British and Irish Prime Ministers.

1. Leaving the past aside and regretting the pain and suffering caused by past failures to settle the relationships of the people of both islands satisfactorily.

2. Recognising that the implementation of the Single Market and the coming into being of the European Union with the effective removal of all borders fundamentally changes the nature of British/Irish relationships. Further recognising that future developments which leave both parts oflreland as the only part of the new Europe with no land links with the other regions, will intensify the common ground between both parts of Ireland and intensify the need for maximum co-operation to achieve maximum benefit from European Union.

3. Regret, however, that there remains a serious legacy of past relationships - a deeply divided people on the island oflreland. This is a major concern ofboth governments and both deeply regret that these are the last remaining such divisions in the new European order.

4. Both governments recognise that these divisions can only end with the agreement of the people North and South in Ireland. I

5. Both governments therefore commit create the themselves to atmosphere in which using the maximum find such agreement resources to it unacceptable that is made easier. these are the last Both governments already ended many remaining divisions more deep and bitter in a Europe that has intensive co-operation quarrels. They at all levels will, therefore, in order to strengthen promote the process of agreement. 6. The British Government reiterate political yet again that they or strategic interest no longer have any peace in remaining in Ireland. selfish and agreement among Their sole interest the people who is to see their available resources inhabit the island to that end. and will devote all 7. For its part the Irish Government recognises nationalism - that the traditional the exercise of self-determination objective oflrish cannot be achieved by the people without the agreement of Ireland as a whole would, therefore, of the people - commit itself ofNorthern Ireland. South to working for It which would respect institutions of government work the diversity of the North and their substantial people oflreland but common ground together allow them to for an agreed future. in order to build the necessary trust In order to pursue that strategy the Irish Government Convention in order would set to plan and implement up a permanent Irish down the barriers the steps and policies which divide the people required to break agreed self-determination. of Ireland and which If the prevent the exercise Irish Government British Government of would proceed refuse the joint declaration, objective to set up the Convention the of planning and implementing with the additional Goverru:nent the policies to adopt required to persuade our strategy and objectives. the British Membership of the Convention Ireland would consist who share the objective of elected representatives of a united of all parties in self-determined Ireland." All of this led eventually to the ceasefire Downing Street Declaration and subsequently which led to the loyalist ceasefire. to the IRA Tragically and unfortunately the second stage did not take place of the peace process, as soon as we expected. the all party commenced Indeed after talks and the IRA ceasefire eighteen months they human lives. broke down leading had not Historians will judge to the loss of more in starting the reasons for innocent -the all party talks the delay by the British soon but it is my own strong Government after the ceasefire conviction that that we would have had they started no point in development lasting peace_ by now. argument on that However, there with responsibility subject. Let history is do all in our power judge it but let current to have the ceasefire all of us talks take place in restored and a totally peaceful atmosphere have the Fein, involved. I believe with all that Prime Minister parties including Sinn he wants to achieve John Major wants lasting peace in to see that happen, by reiterating our country and that that in the clearest possible his government talks terms the nature, can achieve it together with confidence objectives and building measures timeframe ofthe the talks themselves. that can improve the atmosphere at I/

Let me also say to the IRA that, in spite of any months distrust that they may have, the ceasefire transformed the mood 18 of the people of Ireland North strengthened massively the and South, will for peace and created massive particularly in Europe international good will and the United State which can benefits for be translated into real economic all sections of our people. I ask create the IRA to renew their ceasefire the circumstances where all the and energies of all our people are building a new Ireland based devoted to on respect for ?oth of our traditions. In doing so we will be strengthening the international good We will also be recognising will towards our country. the reality that 1996 is neither today in a post-nationalist 1690 nor 1916. We are Europe. Because of telecommunications the technological, transport and revolution, we are living today closer to in a much smaller world. Ireland France and other European countries is hundred today than Deny was to Kerry years ago. We are in a post one nation state Europe. We cannot have to shape our evolving live apart. We relationships in the Single Europe. Europe has been a central preoccupation of our Party since continue to be the foundation. It will so. We are not an inward looking represent. Party, nor are the people we Our pro-European commitment is beyond doubt and recognised our colleagues in the rest of Europe. to be so by Our commitment to Europe development and evolution and to the continued ofEuropean Union is motivated of peoples of Europe by the inspiring example over the last 50 years. If the traditional slaughter enmities which led to of millions of people in two world wars the by peaceful in this century alone can be removed co-operation and respect for diversity then surely we can do Ireland. The knowledge ,that the same in peace and prosperity are possible, utopian illusions, that that they are not we do not have to imprison ourselves hatreds are in past conflicts and powerful incentives in our search for peace and political agreement. Thanks to European Union we know it can be done. Our future not what the past dictates. is what we make it,

We have never boasted about, or gloried in our successes we should have as a political party. Perhaps done more over the years to point as testimony out the extent of our achievements, to the fact that the political process enough, can be made to work, if you care and put enough effort into it. Nowhere is this more true than in the European framework. As has always been an enthusiastically I have said the SDLP European Party. We were the Northern Ireland to actively only major Party in campaign for membership ofthe through our membership European Union and of the Socialist Group - the -we have largest political family in Europe been able to deliver a series of initiatives and programmes which every citizen ofNorthern Ireland. benefit

Our membership of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament Party of European Socialists and indeed of the right across Europe in which our sister parties in we are directly linked to all every European society gives level us enormous influence at European for the people ofNorthern Ireland. Indeed as Leader ofyour Party years I have been invited to in recent be the guest speaker at the Annual Spanish Socialist Party Conference of the by Felipe Gonzalez who was then by the powerful Prime Minister of Spain and German Social Democrat Party. The leader of the Dutch Labour \, \

Party Wim Kok now Prime Minister of Holland invited election campaign in Holland me to speak during their and Jorge Sampaio invited inauguration as President me as his personal guest of Portugal. Above all, to his Socialist Group is in the European Parliament by far the largest and we have the Green is with us 217 members. Our leader today and I d.elighted to be Pauline her with all able to express my public you members today for assuring appreciation to Parliament that all the Socialist votes made sure that there was in the European programme. no redqction in our peace Similarly in the European and reconciliation socialist Com.irussion we have many family as was Jacques Delors members of our declared who came to me when and asked how he could the ceasefires were help and I suggested an agreed immediately. In addition economic programme. He the Commissioner for Mathies takes a great interest Regional Policy Monika Wulf­ in our region and has been policy is one of our main a regular visitor. Regional sources of European funding inward investment. in roads, harbours, airports Monika is a member of our and Democrats. German sister party the Social

At present, district partnerships in every district council local enterprises and area are allocating grants initiatives from the Peace and to Ireland Partnership Reconciliation Fund. The Board, and a number of Northern · part of this voluntary agencies, are also funding. Many of our councillors distributing that work. in this conference hall, are £240 million in total will be involved in was delivered allocated over a three year through the good offices period. That money member of our friend and colleague, of the European socialist family- Jacques Delors - a support for as a tangible demonstration the peace process here, concrete of European our citizens evidence of the benefit to be from committed political representation. gained for It is the latest in a serious of European initiatives over the some pride. It may be worth years in which we can take recalling some of those initiatives. Our relenting campaign in Europe to have the Less Favoured major part in bringing Areas extended played it about, and extending increased a farmers. resources to thousands of

It was our initiative which led to the first and second Favoured areas- again ADP programmes for the bringing over a £100 million Less Favoured Areas. in extra resources to the Less

It was our·initiative, leading to the Martin Report, which housing Belfast. brought £63 million for

Our initiative was central to the establishment in Dublin, Lesser Spoken Languages. of the European Bureau of (The Martin Report which integrated rural development laid down a blueprint for an programme, and the Haagerup political affairs of Northern Report which placed the Ireland on the European Agenda, our initiative.) were also the result of

The political process can work and we can make above all, because it work in the European context of the vast reservoir of sympathy which exists and concern for ·our among our European neighbours. predicament

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That sympathy and concern is not confined States and throughout to our European partners. the world- especially In the United there is an enormous in the countries of willingness to help the Irish diaspora­ beset us. We us overcome the should be concentrating difficulties which presently good will and all of our efforts on support, to help us tapping that reservoir we know make progress, politically of from our recent experience and economically. us enormously. during the ceasefire And as peace on our ' streets will help There must be an end to all violence not only not only for the advancement for the lives which of negotiations would be taken and that we can secure - there must the life, and the be an end to all violence table, a job livelihood, of everyone so to go to, a place in living here - bread college, medical care. on the Let me give you just two figures to show 1995 tourism from how much we are the South to the held back by violence. North to the North increased by In South by 45%. When 67% and exports from figures, you reflect on the the the nights spend in human reality behind the Northern hotels, restaurants these friendships struck and bars, the up, the exposure ofthe conversations, the modern economy North's business of the South people to the reality for reconciliation you realise the potential of that has been not just for employment put at risk by the but collapse of the ceasefire. In the twenty six years of its life the SDLP seeking to get priority has ploughed a sometimes for tackling Northern lonely furrow in poverty, unemployment Ireland's deep-~eated and exclusion. problems of open, outward-looking We have a vision tolerant of the Ireland we linkages single island economy want; an into the US and Europe, with carefully constructed solidarity. with high levels We have a method; of education, employment partnership it is practical and and social both within pragmatic; it is non-partisan Northern Ireland and and seeks throughout the world. With my fellow MEPs we have worked successfully European Peace and to maintain Reconciliation Package. funding for the ofRory Quinn, the I pay tribute to their President of the Council support, the support Commissioner Wulf-Mathies. ofMinisters of finance In particular and of Santer that I welcome the 'the European Union commitment of efforts will support, with President of the two governments all the means at its to keep the disposal, the peace process on track'. But let me say this. It should never have been funding. That funding necessary to defend should never have and restore the ... bureaucratic delays been put at risk by inefficiency here in Belfast. Government and - the superb work must support- of reconciliation and not hamper and hinder the social partners, economic development voluntary and community which is under way which SDLP groups, and by Councillors and Party by local partnerships, members are playing in an important role. With my fellow Northern Ireland rvrEPs crisis- BSF- we have worked facing our most hard to resolve the to the important local sector- biggest support we have received agriculture. Again from Ivan Yates I pay tribute Council. Let us be who is President clear about the situation; ofthe Agriculture there is only one principle obstacle to the ', .. \

lifting of the ban on the export ofbeeffrom British Gc>Vemment. Northern Ireland; that obstacle is the The BSE crisis, as my colleague .· Parliament, Eddie McGrady pointed is the greatest crisis out in the Westminster has been a facing our rural communities catastrophic drop since the throughout in farm-incomes which famine. There our society, and is having severe greatest not least in our, small repercussions economic crisis rural towns and in the lifetime of everyone villages. It is the in Northern Ireland. The backlog of cattle on farms, as they eating into scare farm wait to go through resources and the cull system, is of many farmers. exacerbating the already literally severe financial problems The downright unfairness of and there this situation is has been an angry, keenly felt throughout representative but united and reasoned this community, bodies, the 17 MPs response from the and the three 'MEPs. farmers' BSE is a problem which Ireland, arose in Great Britain not least because and spread from incidence of the incompetence there to Northern ofBSE in Northern of successive Ireland is Tory administrations. yet we are the ones only 1110 ofthe incidence The suffering most from in Great Britain, 20% of its beef product, the EU ban on exports. and whereas we have Britain exports only been exporting 80%. The united, in fact unanimous demand response of farmers, separate status MPs and 'MEPs had, for Northern Ireland has been to along with my colleagues, beef. In pursuit of with a number that demand I have the President-in-Office of meetings with Commissioner Eddie of the EU Agriculture Fischler and McGrady participated Council, Minister later initiated in a meeting with !van Yates. a special debate Prime Minister Major Spokesperson in the House on the issue, and of Commons. And Baroness has had a series our Agriculture Denton, and of meetings with the farmers' with Agriculture Minister representative bodies. The consequence of this sympathetic political representation to our case has been that expressed for special status, Commissioner Fischler support for the President of the is request our case, but the UK Agriculture Council which is necessary government has refused has under European Law. to make the The present situation is Conference completely unacceptable. a policy document We have produced, for setting out this Annual and we will continue a strategy for recovery to work as hard as from the BSE we can to have government crisis, There must adopt it. be immediate measures 30 month to speed cull, so as to up the throughput least reduce the pressure of animals in the over some income into on scarce farm resources, farmers' accounts. and to put at We must continue to demand that payments compensation rates are topped up to make are increased, up some of the and that headage losses in farm incomes. .//

Measures have to taken urgently to deal holdings. with the desperate problem We need to insist that flagging of flagged that attach to the herd and a buy-out scheme be introduced not to the holding, and rebuild to en~ble farmers with their enterprises. flagged suclder herds to

But we must not lose sight of the case 'certified for separate status. I sincerely herd scheme' proposal becomes hope that the the a reality, in which case export situation since about it will greatly ease 97% of our 'herds will accelerated cull agreed qualify. In any event at Florence must go the Ireland within ahead and it can be completed a week. But in the medium in Northern agriculture and long term we cannot industry's fortunes should afford that our different be in the hands of a government agricultural interests from which has quite ours, and which has shown our farming community. such scant regard for

Partnership means working on joint practical through projects North and the Internal Market has South. Europe, created an economic space grow together instead of on the island were we can apart. In almost· every sector energy, the main interests - agriculture, business, tourism, and groupings on both more integrated, sides of the border are calling harmonised and united approach for a taxation, to - to marketing, to planning, regulation. This is an economic to parties and political reality will have to adjust. David to which all political Trimble's speech in Dublin of Directors on these matters last May to the Institute was disappointing. He sense and widely supported dismisses out-of-hand common­ proposals such as the development economic corridor, a single of a Belfast-Dublin agency to promote tourism promotion of Northern on the island and the Ireland's interests in Europe Ministers. by both Irish and British

We think we have a better vision, which better serves Northern Ireland. the interests of all people Partnership means no of they are boycotts. Boycotts leave a breeding group for suspicion, everyone worse-off, sectarian hatred, and intimidation. Partnership means that we will continue to promote multi-party The SDLP will step up its investment missions. commercial diplomacy, exploiting American politics and its support within business for the benefit of America to invest all the people encouraging here. Our European and Corporate America American activities reinforce now sees Ireland as its privileged each other. gate-way into Europe. And we have been to the forefront special over many years as a political links with America. We party in building have built very special links Congress where we have with the Senate and.. many constructive and helpful of Ireland group was set friends and where the friends up in contact with us. In in the SDLP the 1977 in consultation with four horsemen as they were ourselves Speaker Tip called - Senators Kennedy O'Neill and Governor Hugh and Moyihan, Patrick's Carey, persuaded President Day to issue the first Presidential Carter on St the statement on Northern two governments to act Ireland calling on together and offering economic agreement. In 1985 assistance to back when the Anglo-Irish Agreement any told me, when was signed, Speaker I asked him, that they would Tip O'Neill Senate keep their promise and and Congress he set up the with the support of International Fund for Ireland created 27,000 jobs in the which to date has North and the border counties. His successor Speaker I \

Foley brought a Congressional delegation maintained to visit us in Northern the International Fund. Ireland and personally In addition as your with every American Party Leader I have met meeting president since Jimmy with President Carter and have had a Clinton and his Vice President series of you know from his AI Gore. There historic visit to us, ofPresident is no doubt, as our country Clinton's commitment and I have no doubt that to peace in sending all the people of this him our warmest congratulations island would join us today on his re-election in States. as President of · the United The Irish diaspora in the United States can million people be a major factor in in America have declared our future. Over 40 indeed have their Irish roots from now reached the top both our traditions and industry in politics, in the professions and because we live and in business and in a much smaller world will and sympathy to today we can harness help us with the real development their good organised they can of our country. give us powerful assistance If we are fully marketing the products in both seeking inward of our small industry. investment and to the forefront Indeed we in the in beginning this SDLP have again been links process. between Newry and has been building special Pittsburgh. Eddie McGrady Chicago and Co Down, has been doing the same Joe Hendron with Belfast with Derry and Boston. and California and To date we have taken myselfwith Northern Ireland 200 small companies to America to market from all parts of political their products and contacts and friends create jobs, using our in ;\merica to help us. million of orders and To date we have achieved I have got inward investment $42 the past two years. into my city creating If we can create lasting 3,000 jobs in ourselves thoroughly peace on our streets and on a cross community organise have very positive basis to do the same thing success and in the I believe we can more process build the trust difficult political front. that will help us on the

\Ve are at present facing the challenge in the more process. In these difficult political front talks and not for the in the talks misrepresenting first time others are perniciously the SDLP. We are getting unionist newspapers fed up with the unionist accusing the· parties and SDLP of holding up The SDLP have not held the talks to get Sinn up the talks and are F ein in. continually not holding them back. proposed and never opposed We have three strands. the commencement of substantive talks in the

It was not us who wasted time first trying to get trying to get rid rid ofthe Independent of reasonable rules, trying Chairmen, they table or trying to get rid of some of to rewrite the International the parties around the legislation Body's Report governing the on Decommissioning negotiations. It is not and the which has transfixed our fixation with decornrnissioning the negotiating process. We have never made any preconditions two governments for substantive talks between and ourselves. Others other parties, the not are pushing preconditions us. about Sinn Fein­

We make no apology for working towards the same basis having all mandated parties - commitment to the at the table on cessation wlitchell Principles - in of violence. But trying the context of a total to achieve that very valid objective would not require f.

or justify the SDLP using presently stalling tactics constituted. or procedural diversions - within the Talks - as That is why we have not politics. done so. Turning Could our detractors objectives into preconditions please note? is not good While what has been seen from than confidence, the Talks has inspired it is important for confusion and concern We have all members of the more heard people saying SDLP to set things should be that we are wasting in perspective. wound up and a our time in new process created. the Talks, that they Yes, time is being wasted, as I time or mandate have pointed out. to ensure that But it has not been displaced. the international a waste of our Neither was Independent Chairman party it a waste of time were not to raise any issue or mandate to protect in the Talks without veto rules to allow our time or mandate by other any currently to parties. It is inclusive talks work to prevent not a waste of in the context the erection of further mandate of a restored ceasefire. obstacles to to try to find a Nor is it and way through with a waste of our differences bound others, including time or up in the decommissioning unionists, the issue. difficulties You have received a copy of our presentation are not blind to on that any of the sensitivities issue and can clearly avoid the or suspicions see that we issue, we are trying involved. We International to advance them are not trying to Body. on the rational terms suggested by the Our efforts, and those of believed others at the Talks, that just because should not be something is discounted. I have have suggested difficult, it is futile. never that we should stay Those nationalists collapsed to clear away from these who the way for Talks, or that they approach some different process should be would simply need to recognise want satisfy the short that their to see the whole term agenda of exercise diverted, those unionist parties subverted or aborted. who The sort of tensions and frustrations any inclusive all-party which we face in process no these talks will be Nobody should matter how much inherent in be under any it is re-designed timeframes illusions about that. or reconstructed. to help to concentrate That is why advance. minds it is important That does and create some to use not mean that incentive for meaningful I am not advocating we make the whole a political "sell process hostage process is by" or perhaps to a calendar. binned. "settle by" date after which th~ Businesses and other organisations developing use and setting timeframes in the up. They are context of planning, including the legislative used in public policy process. Have management all importance of we not heard the time a timetable for decomrnissioning a lot recently about express shock legislation? the and outrage at the From the helpful to suggestion that same people who negotiations? an indicative timeframe might be An unequivocal renewal negotiations of the IRA ceasefire because it would be an enormous would create a totally boost to peaceful atmosphere those and all parties ./ .

including. Sinn Fein would at last be around first time the table with both in our history. Governments for the

The challenge that we all face is both enormous time in our and historic. history to reach agreement It is a challenge for the and it will among our divided people. require new thinking It will not be easy on both sides but we knowledge of the massive should be strengthened international good by the good will that will that will be behind can be translated into our efforts, a economic benefits for all sections of our people. We should also be strengthened by the knowledge takes once our that whatever form quarrel is over and we the agreement then the begin to work together real healing process will in our common interests distrust. begin as we start to break down the barriers of

Out of that process over a generation or two new Ireland will evolve. relationships will evolve Its model will, as and a new any model I have said often, probably proposed in the past but be very different from differences. it will be based on agreement Central to that and respect for our healing process will be working together on both sections of our community the economic front using America and providing our substantial contacts hope for our young in Europe and new Century people. Let us face that is approaching. the challenge of this violence Let us make sure that on our streets and it is the first century without without emigration of smaller world of today, our young. Let us also, harness the Irish diaspora in our much become one of ofboth our traditions the most powerful peoples and we can Let us leave in the world. Our quarrel it behind us. Let us leave is out of date. now the past behind us. in a totally peaceful atmosphere Let us all sit down together future. and face up to our challenges ofbuilding a new