The Signal, Vol. 77, No. 19 (March 15, 1963)
i The Students9 Paper Since 1885 MEMBER dt friHav. March 1 5, 1963 TRENTON STATE COLLEGE. TRENTON, N. J. Vol. LXXffVII No. T#- Juried Exhibits DEBATE SQUAD By TSC Prof SCORES IN Junior-Senior Soiree LOCAL CONTEST March 30 At Ivy Stone Inn Just recently seventy-five high school debaters competed in Tren ton State's first annual invitational debate tournament, sponsored by the Debate Squad under the direc tion of Frank Clark, a member of the Speech Department. Arriving early in the day, the visiting teams drew for positions on the schedule which included four rounds of debating on the subject of the European Common Market, had two rounds before lunch, and completed the day with two more rounds in the afternoon. Judged primarily by students from our own squad, with the assistance of other student majors from Speech Arts and Speech Correc tion, the visitors appeared to be well pleased with the evaluations given. Our own students felt that the experience had provided an excellent opportunity to observe some of the outstanding work done Howard Goldstein by the seven schools represented, j The art work of Mr. Howard namely Ewing Senior High School, Goldstein, Assistant Professor of Pennington Senior High School, 1 A rt a t Trent on State College, will Cathedral High School, Notre be s hown at four major national Dame High School, Trenton Cen juried exhibitions during the tral High School, Hamilton High month o f March. School, and Steinert High School. Mr. Goldstei n, a frequent prize An interesting innovation was '•inner and ex hibitor in local and tried in the third round of debates {or th e in which the visitors were given ference national exhibitions, will have seri- ?raph prints on view at the North an impromptu topic to see if they could analyze a subject quickly, starters west Printmakers, Thirty-Fourth International Exhibition to be prepare cases under duress, com by Lou municate ideas effectively, and de e L ions shown a t the Seattle and Portland Art M useums and a t the American fend arguments against opposition.
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