Q1. Which kingdom did Maharana Pratap rule over? Ans. Maharana Pratap ruled over the kingdom of Mewar.

Q2. Name the fort where Pratap was born. Ans. Pratap was born in Kumbhalgarh fort.

Q3. What were the names of Pratap's parents? Ans. Pratap was the son of Maharana Udai Singh ll and Rani Jaiwanta Bai.

Q4. What was the promise that Maharana Pratap made? Ans. He made a promise that he would not live a life of comfort until he had won back Chittor.

Q5. Name the tribe that helped Maharana Pratap. Ans. The Bhil tribals who lived in the Aravalli hills around Mewar, helped Maharana Pratap.

Q6. Why did Maharana Udai Singh leave the fort of Chittor? Ans. The huge Mughal army surrounded the fort of Chittorgarh and captured it. So, Maharana Udai Singh left the fort and made , the new capital of Mewar.

Q7. What did Rajput kings have to do if they did not want to fight Akbar? What did they get in return? Ans. If Rajput kings did not want to fight Akbar then they had to accept him as their ruler. They got their kingdom back in return but had to pay taxes to the Mughal emperor. They also had to support Mughals during wars.

Q8. Why did Maharana Pratap choose a life of hardship instead of comfort? What hardship did he face? Ans. Maharana Pratap chose a life of hardships because he vowed to win his Chittor back and did not accept Akbar as his ruler. He faced hardships as,he ate on leaf plates, slept on a bed of straw and lived in a mud hut like his soldiers.

Q9. Who fought against whom in the battle of ? What happened in the end? Ans. The Mughal emperor Akbar fought against Maharana Pratap in the in 1576 A.D. At the end of the of the battle, when the Rajputs saw that they could not defeat the Mughals, they decided to save their king instead. So Maharana Pratap escaped on his horse Chetak. The battle of Haldighati was a draw.

Q10. How did Maharana Pratap die? Ans. Maharana Pratap died after he was hurt in a hunting accident.