3.2 SUMMER 2012 Reviews in Cultural Theory is a journal of reviews and review essays, published twice annually. We welcome offers to review or suggestions of forthcoming books engaged with contemporary theories of culture. We also wecome suggestions for review es- says and similiar, lengthier variations on the review form. We can be reached by email at
[email protected], or by mail at Reviews in Cultural Theory Department of English and Film Studies 3-5 Humanities Centre University of Alberta Edmonton, AB T6G 2E5 Canada http://reviewsinculture.com Editors: Sarah Blacker, Justin Sully, Imre Szeman Copyright for reviews published in Reviews in Cultural Theory is owned by the review author. ©Copyright 2009-2012 Reviews in Cultural Theory ISSN 1918-9710 Contents 1 Deconstructing the “Middle Class” MEHITA IQANI 6 The Art World’s Dark Matter BRUCE BARBER 14 Colonial Trains, Postcolonial Tracks NILAK DATTA 19 Rethinking Race and Digital Divides LISA PATTI 22 Psycho-History THEO FINIGAN 27 Moving Mountains DANIELLE CHILD 35 Understanding Collaboration in Contemporary Artistic Practice SARAH E.K. SMITH 40 No Faith in Form KRIS COHEN 47 Middle Games and Possible Communisms RYAN CULPEPPER 55 Establishing Binaries JEFF HEYDON 59 Inquiry into the Truth of Communism MARC JAMES LÉGER Deconstructing the “Middle Class”; Constructing its Transnational History MEHITA IQANI A. Ricardo Lopez and Barbara Weinstein (eds.) The Making of the Middle Class: To- ward a Transnational History. Duke University Press, 2012. 446pp. he Making of the Middle Class is an edited collection that spans an impressive— Talmost intimidating—amount of material. Featuring chapters and commentar- ies by 21 writers, it provides a collection of historical analyses of the formation of the middle class in a variety of historical moments and geographical contexts, offering the resources through which a detailed and global picture of its formation can emerge.