Understanding Street Dog Ecology: the Importance of Programme Monitoring and Data Collection - Jack Reece, B.Sc.,B.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S
nimal itizen a C Vol No 42, No.1, January-March, 2013 Highlights of Regional Conference on Animal Welfare Chairman Maj. Gen. (Retd) Dr. R. M. Kharb, AVSM Vice-Chairman Dr. S. Chinny Krishna Director General of Forests, Animal Husbandry Commissioner, Ministry of Environment & Forests Ministry of Agriculture, Govt of India, Ex-officio Inspector General of Forests (WL) Ministry of Environment & Forests Shri Hem Pande, IAS, Additional Secretary, (Animal Welfare), Ministry of Environment and Forests Representative of Ministry of Human Resources Development Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dy. Director In-Charge, Representative of Central Research Institute (H) Representative of Ministry of Home Affairs Ms Jasjit Purewal, New Delhi Dr. Arun Varma, M.V.Sc.Ex.ADG ICAR Shri Rajeev Gupta, IAS Mrs. Anjali Sharma Secretary, Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Representative of SPCA, NOIDA Ministry of Defence Shri Doulat Jain, Shri Asgar Samoon, IAS, Representative of SPCA, Chennai Divisional Commissioner, Government of Jammu & Kashmir Smt. Amala Akkineni, Representative of Blue Cross of Hyderabad Dr. (Mrs.) M. Lahkar, MBBS, MD Professor, Govt. Medical College, Smt Norma Alvares, Guwahati,Assam Representative of PFA, Goa Representative of Municipal Representative of Municipal Corporation of Corporation of Gurgaon Kolkata Shri Guljari Lal Soni, Representative of Fatehpur, Pinjrapole Society, Rajasthan Dr. J. C. Kochar, Representative of SPCA,Chandigarh Editorial Sub-Committee Editorial Team Chairman Secretary: S. Uma Rani Maj. Gen. (Retd) Dr. R.M.Kharb, Assistant Secretary: S. Vinod Kumaar AVSM Humane Education Officer: S. Bharat Kumar, PhD Vice-Chairman Editor of Publications: R. B. Chaudhary, PhD Dr. S. Chinny Krishna Consultant Editor: Lakshmi Iyer, MVSc Members Assistant Editor: Rajesh Kaushik Smt.
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