GS REF. NO. : GS 751

Monitoring Period: 2015-01-01 to 2015-12-31 (incl. both days)

Report No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071> GS751

Date: 2016-08-25

TÜV NORD CERT GmbH JI/CDM Certification Program Langemarckstraße, 20 45141 Essen, Germany Phone: +49-201-825-3329 Fax: +49-201-825-2139 S01-VA050-F01 Rev.02 / 2014-07-08 4th Periodic Verification and Certification Report: National Biodigester Programme, Cambodia

TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Verification Report: Report No. Rev. No. Date of 1st issue: Date of this rev. MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071> 1.2 2016-07-04 2016-08-25 Project: Title: Registration date: UNFCCC-No.: National Biodigester Programme, Cambodia N/A N/A Registration date: GS-ID.: 2011-05-24 GS751 Verification No.: 4th periodic verification Crediting period: From: To: Renewable (7y) Fixed (10y) 2012-01-01 2018-12-31 Project Scale: Large Scale Small Scale Project Participant(s): Client: National Biodigester Programme Non Annex 1 country: Annex 1 country: Cambodia N/A PP from non-Annex 1 country: PP from Annex 1 country: National Biodigester Programme N/A Applied Title: No.: Scope(s) / TA(s) methodology/ies: Technologies and practices to displace decentralized 1, 3, 13 / 1.2, Ver. 2.0 thermal energy consumption 3.1, 13.2 Monitoring period and Monitoring period (MP): Monitoring Report: monitoring report From: To: No. of days: Draft version: Final version:

2015-01-01 2015-12-31 365 2016-05-10 v 1.4 2016-08-22 v 2.0 Verification team / Verification Team: Technical review: Final approval: Technical Review and Cheong, Chun Yuen Pham, Van Trung (PVT) - Lubanga, David Winter, Stefan Final Approval: (Robert) (RC) – TL/TE TM Winter, Stefan Key dates of Publication of the work plan: On-site (to): On-site (to): verification: 2016-05-02 2016-05-30 2016-06-01

Summary of National Biodigester Programme has commissioned the TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Verification opinion Program to carry out the 4th periodic verification of the project: “National Biodigester Programme, Cambodia”, with regard to the relevant requirements for CDM project activities. As a result of this verification, the verifier confirms that: all operations of the project are implemented and installed as planned and described in the validated project design document, the carbon monitoring plan is in accordance with the applied approved GS methodology, the Sustainable Development Indicators have been monitored in accordance with the registered GS Sustainability Monitoring Plan, the installed equipment essential for measuring parameters required for calculating emission reductions are calibrated appropriately, the monitoring system is in place and functional. The project has generated GHG emission reductions, and the GHG emission reductions are calculated without material misstatements in a conservative and appropriate manner. TÜV NORD JI/CDM CP herewith confirms that the project has achieved emission reductions in the above mentioned reporting period as listed below (verified amount). Total verified amount As per draft MR: As per GSPDD: 128,321 84,038 /a

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Emission reductions: 117,437 ER achieved up to ER achieved from [t CO2e] 2012-12-31 for this MP NA 117,437 Document Filename: No. of pages: information: 16-071 NBP MPIII MR4 GS 751 FVerR clean 124

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CA Corrective Action / Clarification Action CAR Corrective Action Request CDM Clean Development Mechanism CDM M&P Clean Development Mechanism Modalities and Procedures CER Certified Emission Reduction CI Confidence Interval

CO2 Carbon dioxide

CO2eq Carbon dioxide equivalent COP Conference of the Parties CP Crediting Period CL Clarification Request DOE Designated Operational Entity DVerR Draft Verification Report EB UNFCCC CDM Executive Board ER Emission Reduction FAR Forward Action Request GHG Greenhouse gas(es) GS Gold Standard MP Monitoring Plan MR Monitoring Report PA Project Activity PRC Post Registration Changes PDD Project Design Document PP Project Participant QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control RECs Renewable Energy Credits SD Sustainable Development UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change VVS Validation and Verification Standard XLS Emission Reduction Calculation Spread Sheet

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Table of Contents Page

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 7 1.1. Objective 7 1.2. Scope 7

2. GHG PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...... 9 2.1. Technical Project Description 9 2.2. Project Location 9 2.3. Project Verification History 10

3. METHODOLOGY AND VERIFICATION SEQUENCE ...... 12 3.1. Verification Steps 12 3.2. Contract review 12 3.3. Appointment of team members and technical reviewers 12 3.4. Publication of the Monitoring Report 13 3.5. Verification Planning 13 3.6. Desk review 15 3.7. On-site assessment 16 3.8. Draft verification reporting 17 3.9. Resolution of CARs, CLs and FARs 17 3.10. Final reporting 18 3.11. Technical review 18 3.12. Final approval 19


5. SUMMARY OF VERIFICATION ASSESSMENTS ...... 30 5.1. Involved Parties and Project Participants 30 5.2. Implementation of the project 30 5.3. Project history 31 5.4. Post registration changes 32 5.5. Compliance with the monitoring plan 33 5.6. Compliance with the monitoring methodology 33 5.7. Monitoring parameters 34 5.8. Monitoring report 40 5.9. Sampling 40 5.9.1. Implementation of the sampling plan 40 5.9.2. Sampling approaches during verification 41 5.10. ER Calculation 41

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5.11. Quality Management 41 5.12. Actual emission reductions during the first commitment period and the period from 1 January 2013 onwards 41 5.13. Comparison with ex-ante estimated emission reductions 42 5.14. Overall Aspects of the Verification 49 5.15. Hints for next periodic Verification 50


7. REFERENCES ...... 52




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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

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National Biodigester Programme has commissioned the TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program (CP) to carry out the 4th periodic verification of the project “National Biodigester Programme, Cambodia” with regard to the relevant requirements for GS/CDM project activities. The verifiers have reviewed the implementation of the carbon monitoring plan (MP) and the Sustainability Monitoring Plan in the registered GS project activity. GHG data for the monitoring period was verified in detailed manner applying the set of requirements, audit practices and principles as required under the Validation and Verification Standard /VVS/ of the UNFCCC. Sustainable Development Indicators for the monitoring period was verified in detailed manner applying the set of requirements, audit practices and principles as required under the GS Validation and Verification Manual /GS-VVM/ of the GS as well as relevant GS Annexes (GSv2.1) This report summarizes the findings and conclusions of this 4th periodic verification of the above mentioned GS registered project activity.

1.1. Objective

The objective of the verification is the review and ex-post determination by an independent entity of the GHG emission reductions and sustainable development attributable to the project activity. It includes the verification of the: - implementation and operation of the project activity as given in the GSPDD, - compliance with applied approved methodology and the provisions of the both the carbon and sustainability monitoring plans, - data given in the monitoring report by checking the monitoring records, the emissions reduction calculation and supporting evidence, - accuracy of the monitoring equipment, - quality of evidence, - significance of reporting risks and risks of material misstatements.

1.2. Scope

The verification of this registered project is based on the validated project design document /GSPDD/, the registered GS Passport/GSP/, the monitoring report /MR/, emission reduction calculation spread sheet /ER1/, GS Annexes and supporting documents made available to the verifier and information collected through performing interviews and during the on-site assessment. Furthermore publicly available information was considered as far as available and required.

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The verification is carried out on the basis of the following requirements, applicable for this project activity: - Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol /KP/, - guidelines for the implementation of Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol as presented in the Marrakech Accords under decision 3/CMP.1 /MA/, and subsequent decisions made by the Executive Board and COP/MOP, - other relevant rules, including the host country legislation, /VVS/ - CDM Validation and Verification Standard , /GS-VVM/ - GS Validation and Verification Manual , - monitoring plan as given in the revised GSPDD /RGSPDD/, - sustainability monitoring plan as given in the revised GS Passport /RGSP/, - approved GS Methodology(ies). - Gold Standard version 2.1

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2.1. Technical Project Description

The project activity is aimed to install biodigesters at household level to treat animal manure to generate biogas as cooking and lighting fuel and the bio-slurry from the systems will be used as organic fertilizer. Animal manure is fed into the biodigester and anaerobically degraded by microbes to produce biogas. The biogas is captured in an integrated gasholder and stored for various household thermal energy services, mainly for cooking and lighting. A typical system shall be comprised of a biodigester, an overflow pit, a biogas lamp, number of biogas stoves and the necessary piping. A toilet is connected to the biodigester is optional (recommended by the programme). The installation of a slurry compost facility for the effluent from a biodigester will further decompose the slurry under aerobic conditions. The composted slurry will be utilized as an organic fertilizer and/or fish feed. The technology of the project activity will reduce GHG emissions with (1) displacement of firewood used for cooking; (2) avoidance of methane emissions from the animal waste; and (3) displacement of chemical fertilizers. The key parameters of the biodigesters are given in table below: Table 2-1: Technical data of the biodigesters Plant size 4 m3 6 m3 8 m3 10 m3 15 m3 Dung requirements (kg/day) 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-150 Estimated biogas production 0.8-1.6 1.6-2.4 2.4-3.2 3.2-4.0 4.0-6.0 (m3/day) Estimated firewood savings (kg/day) 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 20-30

2.2. Project Location

The details of the project location are given in Table 2-2: Table 2-2: Project Location

Description Project Location Host Country Cambodia

Region: 15 active out of 201 provinces in Cambodia during the monitoring period III of crediting period II/O1/

1 During the MP II of crediting period II, there were 19 provinces, there figure now is 20 since Kampong Cham now is divided into 2 provinces, namely Kampong Cham and Tbong Kmum.

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Project location address: 15 / 20 provinces in Cambodia during crediting period II (active from MP III of CP II)

Latitude: # Province Latitude Longitude (xx° xx’ xx » N) (xx° xx’ xx” E) Longitude: 1 Kampong Cham 11° 59’ 00” N 105° 27’ 00” E 2 Kandal 11° 78’ 30” N 104° 81’ 70” E 3 Svay Reang 11° 05’ 00” N 105° 48’ 00” E 4 Takeo 10° 59’ 00” N 104° 47’ 00” E 5 Kampong Speu 11° 27’ 00” N 104° 30’ 00” E 6 Kampong Chhnang 12° 00’ 00” N 104° 30’ 00” E 7 Kampot 10° 36’ 00” N 104° 10’ 00” E 8 Kampong Som 10°38′00” N 103°30′00” E 9 Kep 10°29′00” N 104°18′00” E 10 11° 29’ 00” N 105° 19’ 00” E 11 Pursat 12°32′00” N 103°55′00” E 12 Battambang 13°06′00” N 103°12′00” E 13 Kampong Thom 12°42′00” N 104°53′00” E 14 Siem Reap 13°21′44″ N 103°51′35″E 15 Tbong khmum 11°54′34″N 105°38′49″E

2.3. Project Verification History

Essential events since the registration of the project are presented in the following Table 2-3. Table 2-3: Status of previous Monitoring Periods

# Item Time Status 1 Date of GS registration 2011-05-24 Registered 2 Crediting period I (CPI) 2009-05-24 to 2011-12-312 Completed 3 Monitoring period 1 (CPI) 2009-05-24 to 2010-08-31 Issued 4 Monitoring period 2 (CPI) 2010-09-01 to 2011-12-31 Issued Renewed and revised 5 2012-01-01 to 2018-12-313 Approved crediting period II (CPII) 6 Monitoring period 1 (CPII) 2012-01-01 to 2012-12-31 Issued 7. Monitoring period 2 (CPII) 2013-01-01 to 2013-12-31 Issued 8. Monitoring period 3 (CPII) 2014-01-01 to 2014-12-31 Issued 9. Monitoring period 4 (CPII) 2015-01-01 to 2015-12-31 Issuance Request

An overview of all Post Registration Changes is given in the following table.

2 The end date of the crediting period I has been changed from 2014-03-12 to 2011-12-31 3 The crediting period II has been renewed and approved by GS from 2012-01-01 to 2018-12-31

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Table 2-4: Overview Post Registration Changes # Applicable MP Type of post Description Status2) / from – to / registration Date as of change 1) 1 2015-10-19 NA CoPD 1. Updated of methodology GS approved version on 2015-10- 2. Update of technology 19 3. Revision of ex-ante parameters 4. Revision of SD parameters in Passport 2. 2016-08-04 MPIV PCfMM Inclusion of monitoring parameter Acceptance W(site) Average pig weight at the by DOE 2016- project site by pig type (sow, boar, 08-08 fattening pig and piglet (kg) Inclusion of ex-ante parameter W(default) Default average pig weight by pig type (sow, boar, fattening pig and piglet (kg)

1) TDfrMP : Temporary deviation from registered monitoring plan TDfMM : Temporary deviation from the monitoring methodology CrPDD : Corrections to the registered GSPDD PCfrMP : Permanent changes from registered Monitoring Plan PCfMM : Permanent changes from Monitoring Methodology CoPD : Changes to the project design of a registered project activity 2) Approval (by GS) or Acceptance (by DOE)

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3.1. Verification Steps

The verification consisted of the following steps:  Contract review  Appointment of team members and technical reviewers  Publication of the monitoring report  A desk review of the Monitoring Report/MR/ submitted by the client and additional supporting documents with the use of customised verification protocol,  Verification planning,  On-Site assessment,  Background investigation and follow-up interviews with personnel of the project developer and its contractors,  Draft verification reporting  Resolution of corrective actions (if any)  Final verification reporting  Technical review  Final approval of the verification.

3.2. Contract review

To assure that  the project falls within the scopes for which accreditation is held,  the necessary competences to carry out the verification can be provided,  Impartiality issues are clear and in line with the CDM accreditation requirements a contract review was carried out before the contract was signed.

3.3. Appointment of team members and technical reviewers

On the basis of a competence analysis and individual availabilities a verification team, consisting of one team leader and 1 additional team members, was appointed. The list of involved personnel, the tasks assigned and the qualification status are summarized in the Table 3-1 below. Table 3-1: Involved Personnel

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3) 4) 5)


2) Name Company

site visit site


Scheme Scheme

Status Status

Technical Technical


Verification Verification



Qualification Qualification

Host country Host country

competence competence competence competence

Mr. 1.2, Cheong, Chun TUV NORD Ms. TL SA 3.1, Yuen (Robert) Malaysia 13.2

Mr. Pham, Van - TMA) A 1.2 Ms. Trung

Mr. Lubanga, TUV NORD OR LA 1.2, 3.1 - Ms. David Cert GmbH

Mr. Winter, Stefan TUV NORD 1.2, Ms. Cert GmbH TR/FAB) SA 3.1, - 13.2

1) TL: Team Leader; TM: Team Member, TR: Technical review; OT: Observer-Team, OR: Observer-TR; FA: Final approval 2) GHG Auditor Status: A: Assessor; LA: Lead Assessor; SA: Senior Assessor; T: Trainee; TE: Technical Expert 3) GHG auditor status (at least Assessor) 4) As per S01-MU03 or S01-VA070-A2 (such as 1.1, 1.2, …) 5) In case of verification projects

A) Team Member: GHG auditor (at least Assessor status), Technical Expert (incl. Host Country Expert or Verification Expert), not ETE B) No team member The team member contributed to the review of documents, the assessment of the project activity and to the preparation of this report under the leadership of the team leader. Statements of competence for the above mentioned team member is enclosed in annex 2 of this report.

3.4. Publication of the Monitoring Report

The draft monitoring report, as received from the project participants by the DOE, prior to the verification activity commenced..

3.5. Verification Planning

In order to ensure a complete, transparent and timely execution of the verification task the team leader has planned the complete sequence of events necessary to arrive at a substantiated final verification opinion.

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Various tools have been established in order to ensure an effective verification planning. Risk analysis and detailed audit testing planning For the identification of potential reporting risks and the necessary detailed audit testing procedures for residual risk areas table A-1 is used. The structure and content of this table is given in Table 3-2 below. Table 3-2: Table A-1; Identification of verification risk areas Table A-1: GHG calculation procedures and management control testing / Detailed audit testing of residual risk areas and random testing Conclusions and Identification, Areas Requiring Identification assessment and Areas of Additional Improvement of potential testing of residual verification testing (including reporting risk management risks performed Forward Action controls Requests) The following The potential risks Despite the The additional Having investigated potential risks of raw data measures verification testing the residual risks, were identified generation have implemented performed is the conclusions and divided and been identified in in order to described. Testing should be noted structured the course of the reduce the may include: here. Errors and according to the monitoring system occurrence - Sample cross uncertainties are possible areas implementation. probability the checking of highlighted. of occurrence. The following following manual transfers of

measures were residual risks data taken in order to remain and - Recalculation minimize the have to be - Spreadsheet ‘walk corresponding addressed in throughs’ to check risks. the course of links and equations every - Inspection of The following verification. calibration and measures are maintenance implemented: records for key equipment - Check sampling analysis results Discussions with process engineers who have detailed knowledge of process uncertainty/error bands. The completed table A-1 is enclosed in Annex 1 (table A-1) to this report. Project specific periodic verification checklist In order to ensure transparency and consideration of all relevant assessment criteria, a project specific verification protocol has been developed. The protocol shows, in a

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transparent manner, criteria and requirements, means and results of the verification. The verification protocol serves the following purposes: - It organises, details and clarifies the requirements a GS project is expected to meet for verification - It ensures a transparent verification process where the verifying DOE documents how a particular requirement has been proved and the result of the verification. The basic structure of this project specific verification protocol for the periodic verification is described in Table 3-3. Table 3-3: Table A-2; Structure of the project specific periodic verification checklist Table A-2: Periodic verification checklist Checklist Item Reference Verification Team Draft Final Comments Conclusion Conclusion The checklist items in Gives The section is used to Assessment In case of a Table A-2 are linked to reference to elaborate and discuss the based on corrective the various require- the checklist item in detail. It evidence action or a ments the monitoring information includes the assessment provided if the clarification of the project should source on of the verification team criterion is the final meet. The checklist is which the and how the assessment fulfilled (OK), or assessment organised in various assessment was carried out. The a CAR, CL or at the final sections as per the is based on. reporting requirements of FAR (see verification requirements of the the VVS shall be covered below) is stage is topic and the individual in this section. raised. The given. project activity. It assessment further includes refers to the guidance for the draft verifi- verification team. cation stage. The periodic verification checklist (verification protocol) is the backbone of the complete verification starting from the desk review until final assessment. Detailed assessments and findings are discussed within this checklist and not necessarily repeated in the main text of this report. The completed verification protocol is enclosed in Annex 1 (table A-2) to this report.

3.6. Desk review

During the desk review all documents initially provided by the client and publicly available documents relevant for the verification were reviewed. The main documents are listed below:  the last revision of the GSPDD & GS Passport including the monitoring plan/GSPDD//GSP/,  the last revision of the GS validation report/GSVAL/,  documentation of previous verifications/VER/

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 the monitoring report, including the claimed emission reductions and achieved sustainable development for the project/MR/,  the emission reduction calculation spreadsheet/ER1/. Other supporting documents, such as publicly available information on the GS website(s) and background information were also reviewed.

3.7. On-site assessment

As most essential part of the verification exercise, it is indispensable to carry out an inspection on site in order to verify that the project is implemented in accordance with the applicable criteria. Furthermore the on-site assessment is necessary to check the monitoring data with respect to accuracy to ensure the calculation of emission reductions. The main tasks covered during the site visit include, but are not limited to:  The monitoring data were checked completely.  An assessment of the implementation and operation of the registered project activity as per the registered GSPDD or an approved revised GSPDD;  A review of information flows for generating, aggregating and reporting the monitoring parameters;  Interviews with relevant personnel to determine whether the operational and data collection procedures are implemented in accordance with the monitoring plan in the GSPDD;  A cross check between information provided in the monitoring report and data from other sources such as plant logbooks, inventories, purchase records, sales database, or similar data sources;  A check of the monitoring equipment including calibration performance and observations of monitoring practices against the requirements of the GSPDD and the selected methodology and corresponding tool(s), where applicable;  A review of calculations and assumptions made in determining the GHG data and emission reductions;  Possibility of leakage was also checked.  Investigating whether all relevant GS SD aspects as reported in the monitoring report are achieved.  An identification of quality control and quality assurance procedures in place to prevent or identify and correct any errors or omissions in the reported monitoring parameters. Before and during the on-site visit the verification team performed interviews with the project participants to confirm selected information and to resolve issues identified in the document review.

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Representatives of National Biodigesters Programme and Mr. Eric Buysman (project consultant) including the operational staff were interviewed. The main topics of the interviews are summarised in Table 3-4. Table 3-4: Interviewed persons and interview topics

Interviewed Persons / Interview topics Entities

1. Project Participant & - General aspects of the project Operations Personnel: - Technical equipment and operation National Biodigesters - Changes since validation / previous verification Programme - Monitoring and measurement equipment Ms. Lam Saoleng - Remaining issues from validation/ previous verification Mr. Sam Prasoeu - Calibration procedures Mr. Him Sambath - Quality management system Ms. In Nimol - Involved personnel and responsibilities Mr. Phuong Dara - Training and practice of the operational personnel - Implementation of the monitoring plan 2. Consultant: - Monitoring data management Mr. Eric Buysman - Data uncertainty and residual risks Mr. Patrick Kooijman - GHG emission reduction calculation - Procedural aspects of the verification - Maintenance - Environmental aspects - Sustainability indicators - Mitigation/compensation measures of any project impacts - GS Issuance Review Report

The list of interviewees is included in chapter 7.4.

3.8. Draft verification reporting

On the basis of the desk review, the on-site visit, follow-up interviews and further background investigation the verification protocol is completed. This protocol together with a general project and procedural description of the verification and a detailed list of the verification findings form the draft verification report. This report is sent to the client for resolution of raised CARs, CLs and FARs.

3.9. Resolution of CARs, CLs and FARs

Nonconformities raised during the verification can either be seen as a non-fulfilment of criteria ensuring the proper implementation of a project or where a risk to deliver high quality emission reductions is identified. Corrective Action Requests (CARs) are issued, if:

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 Non-conformities with the monitoring plan or methodology are found in monitoring and reporting, or if the evidence provided to prove conformity is insufficient;  Mistakes have been made in applying assumptions, data or calculations of emission reductions which will impair the estimate of emission reductions;  Issues identified in a FAR during validation or previous verifications requiring actions by the project participants to be verified during verification have not been resolved. The verification team uses the term Clarification Request (CL), which is be issued if:  information is insufficient or not clear enough to determine whether the applicable GS requirements have been met. Forward Action Requests (FAR) indicate essential risks for further periodic verifications. Forward Action Requests are issued, if:  the monitoring and reporting require attention and / or adjustment for the next verification period. For a detailed list of all CARs, CLs and FARs raised in the course of the verification pl. refer to chapter 4.

3.10. Final reporting

Upon successful closure of all raised CARs and CLs the final verification report including a positive verification opinion can be issued. In case not all essential issues could finally be resolved, a final report including a negative verification opinion is issued. The final report summarizes the final assessments w.r.t. all applicable criteria.

3.11. Technical review

Before submission of the final verification report a technical review of the whole verification procedure is carried out. The technical reviewer is a competent GHG auditor being appointed for the scope this project falls under. The technical reviewer is not considered to be part of the verification team and thus not involved in the decision making process up to the technical review. As a result of the technical review process the verification opinion and the topic specific assessments as prepared by the verification team leader may be confirmed or revised. Furthermore reporting improvements might be achieved.

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3.12. Final approval

After successful technical review an overall (esp. procedural) assessment of the complete verification will be carried out by a senior assessor located in the accredited premises of TÜV NORD. After this step the request for issuance can be started.

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In the following paragraphs the findings from the desk review of the monitoring report/MR/, the calculation spreadsheet/ER1/, GSPDD/GSPDD/, the Validation Report/GSVAL/ and other supporting documents, as well as from the on-site assessment and the interviews are summarised. The summary of CAR, CL and FAR issued are shown in Table 4-1: Table 4-1: Summary of CAR, CL and FAR

Verification topic No. of CAR No. of CL No. of FAR

A – Description of project activity 6 0 0

B – Implementation of project activity 0 0 0

C – Description of Monitoring System 1 1 0

D – Carbon Data and Parameters 5 0 0

E - Calculation of Emission Reductions 1 0 0

F – Sustainability Monitoring Parameters 4 0 0

SUM 17 1 0

The following tables include all raised CARs, CLs and FARs and the assessments of the same by the verification team. For an in depth evaluation of all verification items it should be referred to the verification protocols (see Annex). Carbon (GHG) Monitoring

Finding A1 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4, Section 1.2: The PP is requested to include further biguous style; address the information to justify the reasons for the increase in ERs. context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- The MR v1.5 is updated accordingly, see section 1.2 rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 1.2: The PP has included information to justify the The assessment shall encom- reasons for the increase in ERs were due to: pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, 1. Higher average animal population additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) 2. Average of pig was 80.1kg as compared to IPCC of 28kg applied shall be added. as ex-ante data.

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Finding A1 Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding A2 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding MR version 1.4, Section 1.3: Describe the finding in unam- biguous style; address the 1. The project has undergone a design change and approved GS on context (e.g. section) 2015-10-19. The PP is requested to include details of the design change. 2. With the design change to remove monitoring of biogas lamp, however is it still mention lighting fuel in technology and emission reductions section. Corrective Action #1 1. Details on this are include at the end of chapter 1.3 in MR v1.5 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- 2. This is also removed rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 1.3: The assessment shall encom- pass all open issues in annex A- 1. The details of the project design changes approved GS on 2015- 1. In case of non-closure, 10-19 is include in revised MR and consistent with the revised PDD additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) and Passport. shall be added. 2. The usage of biogas for lighting fuel using biogas lamp is deleted and consistent with the design change. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding A3 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding MR version 1.4, section 1.4: Biogas lamps and lighting fuel is removed from Describe the finding in unam- monitoring in section 4.2 in according to the revised Passport version 2.1. biguous style; address the context (e.g. section) However, is still mention in the following sections: 1. Social benefits 2. Economic benefits Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- It is removed in both sections in MR V1.5, see section 1.4 rective action taken in details.

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Finding A3

Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, section 1.4: Biogas lamps and lighting fuel is deleted in The assessment shall encom- sections social and economic benefits to be consistent with monitoring in pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, section 4.2 and revised Passport version 2.1. additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding A4 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4 Annex I: According to the revised PDD version 2.1, SNV biguous style; address the Cambodia is one of the PP. context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the SNV was removed as project participant after the registration of the revised PP. It shall address the cor- PDD. Evidences of this have been shared to the DOE. rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5 Annex I: Confirmation submitted by PP to GS confirmed The assessment shall encom- SNV Cambodia is no longer the PP. The submission was made after pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, approval of the revised PDD version 2.1 additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding A5 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding MR version 1.4, Section 1.8: Describe the finding in unam- biguous style; address the 1. The representation for the FARs shall be change to FAR SD8, FAR context (e.g. section) SD9 and FAR SD10 according MPIII verification report. 2. The sentence “the indicators that addressed in FAR 02 and FAR 03 are updated in the revised PDD, see section 1.9 and chapter 4. The update is not indicated in revised PDD. Corrective Action #1 1.The representation of the FARs are addressed in revised MRV1.5 section This section shall be filled by the 1.8 PP. It shall address the cor- rective action taken in details. 2. The reference is now changed to the GS Passport and the MR v1.5 section 1.8 has been updated accordingly

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Finding A5

Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 1.8: The assessment shall encom- pass all open issues in annex A- 1. The representation for the FARs has been corrected in accordance 1. In case of non-closure, to MPIII verification report as FAR SD8, FAR SD9 and FAR SD10. additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) 2. The reference in the sentence “the indicators that addressed in FAR shall be added. 02 and FAR 03 is change to GS Passport and is correct. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding A6 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4 section 1.9: Refer paragraph 2 the mention MP shall be biguous style; address the MPIV and not MPVI. context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- This is updated accordingly in MR v1.5 section 1.9 rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5 section 1.9: Refer paragraph 2 the mention MP is corrected The assessment shall encom- as MPIV. pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding C1 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4 Section 6.3: The PP is requested to clarify on the comments biguous style; address the of the MR received on 2016-05-06 context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- This is updated in MR1.5 section 6.3, no comments were received rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5 Section 6.3: The PP has corrected since there is no The assessment shall encom- comments received from the internal reviewed of the MR by NBP and pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, HIVOS. additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.

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Finding C1 Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding C2 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4, Annex II: The date stated is inconsistent with the Statement biguous style; address the of Conformity. context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- Updated in MRv1.5 Annex II rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Annex II: The date stated is corrected and consistent with The assessment shall encom- the Statement of Conformity. pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding D1 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding MR version 1.4, Section 3.1 table 16 & Sampling and Data Entry Describe the finding in unam- Spreadsheet, Analysis sheet: The total number for biogas plants in biguous style; address the context (e.g. section) operation is incorrect calculated. In this aspect all sections where the usage rate that are linked to ERs calculations have to be corrected appropriately and conservativeness. Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the Updated in MRv.1.5 section 3.1 and in other places where the usage rate is PP. It shall address the cor- linked to the calculations. rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 3.1 table 16 & Sampling and Data Entry The assessment shall encom- Spreadsheet, Analysis sheet: The total number for biogas plants in pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, operation is corrected. additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) All other sections where the usage rate that are linked to ERs calculations shall be added. have been corrected appropriately and conservative. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

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Finding D2 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding MR version 1.4, Section 3.1 table 17 & Sampling and Data Entry Describe the finding in unam- biguous style; address the Spreadsheet, Analysis sheet: The uptime corrected usage rate is incorrect context (e.g. section) determined. Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the The calculation is updated, see sheet analysis cell G15 and all other linked PP. It shall address the cor- cells, the MR is also updated accordingly in version 1.5 rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 3.1 table 17 & Sampling and Data Entry The assessment shall encom- Spreadsheet, Analysis sheet: The uptime corrected usage rate is corrected pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, and consistent with the data at the spreadsheet of 90.06%. additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding D3 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding MR version 1.4 Section 3.21: The linked for following are incorrect. Describe the finding in unam- biguous style; address the 1. Biogas Stove IE178 context (e.g. section) 2. Table 19 linked is not included. 3. Table 20: Baseline stoves owned IT178 is incorrect. Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- 1, 2, and 3 is updated in MR v1.5 rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5 Section 3.21: The linked for following are corrected. The assessment shall encom- pass all open issues in annex A- 1. Biogas Stove linked is corrected to link to cell IC178 of CMS sheet. 1. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action and 2. Table 19 linked is added which linked to cell IN177 of CMS sheet VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) and is correct. shall be added. 3. Table 20: Baseline stoves owned is corrected to link to cell IS178 of CMS sheet Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding D4 Classification CAR CL FAR

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Finding D4

Description of finding MR version 1.4, Section 3.22, table 21: Describe the finding in unam- biguous style; address the 1. The data for Pp,y is not traceable to the source stated. context (e.g. section) 2. Data for Up,y shall be updated after correction to CAR D1 Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the Section 3.22 is updated in MR v1.5 and it is now traceable. Up,y is also PP. It shall address the cor- updated. rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 3.22, table 21: The assessment shall encom- pass all open issues in annex A- 1. The data for Pp,y is corrected and traceable to the source stated. 1. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action and 2. Data for Up,y is updated according to corrected data in CAR D1 of VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) 90.06% shall be added. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding D5 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4, Section 3.23 Table 23: The reference below the table is not biguous style; address the linked to the stated page of PDD version 2.1. context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 See the screenshot below, this is included on page 23 of the PDD v2.1 and This section shall be filled by the therefore the reference is correct. PP. It shall address the cor- rective action taken in details.

Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 3.23 Table 23: The reference below the table is The assessment shall encom- correctly linked to the stated page of PDD version 2.1 as per screenshot pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, above. additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.

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Finding D5 Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding E1 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding MR version 1.4, Section 3.24: Describe the finding in unam- biguous style; address the 1. Table 38: The data PL_biodigester is incorrect. context (e.g. section) 2. Table 39: The data for physical leakage is incorrect 3. Table 49: The cumulative ERs to be corrected after correction of CAR D1. Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- Table 38, 39 and 49 are updated in MR v1.5 to the correct data. rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 3.24: The assessment shall encom- pass all open issues in annex A- 1. Table 38: The data PL_biodigester is corrected and consistent with the 1. In case of non-closure, data at ER_AWMS sheet cells G38 to G40. additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) 2. Table 39: The data for physical leakage is corrected and consistent shall be added. with data at ER_AWMS sheet cell D44 3. Table 49: The cumulative ERs are corrected with the correction of CAR D1 data. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed SD Monitoring

Finding SD1 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding MR version 1.4, Section 4.21, SD 1: Describe the finding in unam- biguous style; address the 1. During the design change charcoal is being removed from the revised context (e.g. section) Passport version 2.1 and it is still mention in the table. 2. The situation as at 31/12/2011 is not according to the revised Passport and MRIII CPI. Corrective Action #1 1. Charcoal is removed in MR v1.5 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- 2. The situation has been updated to reflect the revised GS Passport rective action taken in details. v2.1

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Finding SD1

Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 4.21, SD 1: The assessment shall encom- pass all open issues in annex A- 1. Charcoal is removed since it is no longer applicable in the revised 1. In case of non-closure, Passport version 2.1. additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) 2. The situation at 31/12/2011 is revised and consistent with revised shall be added. GS Passport version 2.1. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding SD2 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4, Section 4.21, SD 3: The situation as at 31/12/2015 shall be biguous style; address the corrected. context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- This is updated in v1.5 as per corrected usage rate. rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 4.21, SD 3: The situation at 31/12/2015 is corrected The assessment shall encom- according to the usage rate. pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding SD3 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4, Section 4.21, SD 6: The situation as at 31/12/2015 shall be biguous style; address the corrected for both chosen parameter. context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- Updated as per revised usage rate calculation in MR v1.5 rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 4.21, SD 6: The situation at 31/12/2015 is corrected The assessment shall encom- for both chosen parameter according to the usage rate calculation. pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.

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Finding SD3 Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

Finding SD4 Classification CAR CL FAR Description of finding Describe the finding in unam- MR version 1.4, Section 4.21, SD7: The situation as at 31/12/2015 is biguous style; address the incorrectly determined. context (e.g. section) Corrective Action #1 This section shall be filled by the PP. It shall address the cor- Updated as per revised usage rate calculation in MR v1.5 rective action taken in details. Assessment #1 MR version 1.5, Section 4.21, SD7: The situation at 31/12/2015 is corrected The assessment shall encom- and determined according to the usage rate calculation. pass all open issues in annex A- 1. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action and VT assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added. Conclusion To be checked during the next verification Tick the appropriate checkbox Additional action should be taken (finding remains open) The finding is closed

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The following paragraphs include the summary of the final verification assessments after all CARs and CLs are closed out. For details of the assessments pl. refer to the discussion of the verification findings in chapter 4 and the verification protocol (Annex 1).

5.1. Involved Parties and Project Participants

The following parties to the Kyoto Protocol and project participants are involved in this project activity. Table 5-1: Project Parties and project participants

Characteristic Party Project Participant

Non-Annex 1 Cambodia National Biodigester Programme

Annex 1 N/A N/A

The PPs have submitted a declaration that the VERs issued for this project will not be traded under the Environmental Benefits on double counting in the context of RECs. /O1/ The verification team has cross checked at the Voluntary Carbon Standard registry, California Carbon Registry, RECS International registry and could not trace the project name is in these trading platforms. The project is only found in Markit Meta Registry listed under the Gold Standard platform. It could be concluded the project activity is not involved in RECs. SNV Cambodia has wiithdrawn as a PP with effective from 2015-09-15 with the notificaiton Annex S was submitted to GS on 2015-11-02. /O3/ Refer CAR A4 raised and closed out

5.2. Implementation of the project

During the verification, a site visit was carried out from 2016-05-30 to 2016-06-01. On the basis of this site visit and the reviewed project documentation it can be confirmed that w.r.t. the realized technology, the project equipment, as well as the monitoring, the project has been implemented and operated as described in the revised GSPDD version 2.1 and revised GS Passport version 2.1. During this is the 4th monitoring period of CPII a site visit is conducted. Refer CAR A1, CAR A2 and CAR A3 raised and closed out.

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5.3. Project history

During the validation the validating DOE might have raised issues that could not be closed or resolved during the validation stage. For this purpose FARs might have been raised. No such issues were identified for this project. During the verification for the previous MPIII CPII, FAR SD8, FAR SD9 and FAR SD10 were raised. FAR SD8 (FAR 01): SD Indicator 1: According to finding FAR SD1, the PP proposed to organise another PFT during MPIV. The PP has conducted PFT for MPIV on March 2016 with the results are applied appropriately in this MPIV. FAR SD9 (FAR 02): SD Indicator 6: The PP has applied for a design change and submitted a revised GS Passport to GS for approval to remove the monitoring of this parameter in the next MP. The PP has submitted the revised GS Passport version 2.1 and approval by GS on 2015-10-19 to remove the monitoring of this parameter number of households that benefit from biogas lamps. FAR SD10 (FAR 03): SD Indicator 7: The PP has applied for a design change and submitted a revised PDD to GS for approval to remove the monitoring of the indicator lighting saving in this parameter in the next MP. GS has approved the change on 2015- 10-09 The PP has include justification in section 1.8 of MR. The verification team could confirm the responses are appropriate and all FARs were closed out. Refer CAR A5 raised and closed out. In the last monitoring period GS issuance review, FAR 01 was raised as regards to: The PP is requested to conduct outlier analysis for the future field test and monitoring survey result to ensure the representativeness of the sample household i.e. the selected household shall be typical and consume fuel normally. The PP has responded in section 1.8 of revised MR as follows: 1. The selected survey consultant was asked as per the terms of reference to double check any value that is 3 times higher or lower than the average. 2. The PP has conducted an outlier analysis on the PFT results. The outcome was that all the households that continue to use fuel are considered outliers and should be removed as per statistical analysis. This was not deemed conservative. Based on this the PP observed that the application of outlier analysis to heterogeneous groups is not possible. For example, the smallest digester is 4 m3 and the largest 15 m3. The feeding of these 2 digesters is a factor 7.5 difference at maximum (20 and 150 kg per day respectively). An outlier analysis would consider these differences as outliers and would remove these. This is not realistic and as a consequence it was decided not

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keep the original values and to take into account the emissions from project fuel use that have been double checked by the survey consultant. The above explanation by the PP that the survey is based on the terms of reference between PP and consultant to check on any values that are 3 times higher or lower than average the household will be contacted to verify the results. In the PFT results there are outliers as most of the value are 0 and some are not 0. The application of the analysis would mean that all values above 0 will be rejected. All values below 0 or higher than 0 are considered outliers and if removed will result in an increase in ERs which is not conservative. There are variations of the biodigesters size, animal population, family size, usage of biogas varies and not homogenous therefore the outlier analysis is not applicable. In this aspect, it is not realistic and as a consequence not to keep the original values but take into account the emissions from project fuel use and considered to be conservative to ensure the ERs will not be overestimated.

5.4. Post registration changes

The below post registration changes were submitted and approved by GS on 2015-10- 19 for following: GSPDD version 2.1: 1. Inclusion of biodigesters of capacity 2, 3 m3 and 20m3 for future installation; 2. Charcoal consumption is expressed in wood equivalents in the ER calculations according to applied methodology version 2.0 TPDDTEC on page 16 GS Passport version 2.1: 1. SD Indicator 1: Air quality: Chosen Parameter: Reduction in wood consumption for cooking in the project compared to the baseline instead of Reduction in wood and charcoal consumption for cooking in the project compared to the baseline; 2. SD Indicator 2: Water quality and quantity: Chosen parameter: Cumulative number of toilets connected to the biodigesters instead of Number of toilets connected to the biodigester 3. SD Indicator 3: Soil condition: Chosen Parameter: Cumulative number of households that use bio-slurry instead of Cumulative number of households that use bio-slurry as fertilizer 4. SD Indicator 6: Livelihood of the poor: Removal of chosen parameter Cumulative number of biogas lamps in use and replaced with Number of household members that benefit from having an improve waste management system; 5. SD Indicator 7: Access to affordable and clean energy services: Chosen parameter: Total reduction in cooking fuel expenditure compared to the baseline

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calculated at current prices instead of Reduction in cooking and lighting fuel expenditure compared to the baseline calculated at current prices. 6. SD Indicator 9: Quantitative employment and income generation: The chosen parameter is revised to Cumulative number of masons working years instead of Cumulative number of masons working days. The following parameters are included in revised GS PDD version 2.2 dated 2016-08- 04 and updated in this monitoring period MRIV. 1. Inclusion of monitoring parameter W(site) in section B.7.1 of revised GS PDD version 2.2 dated 2016-08-04 for monitoring of the pig weight by pig type as described in the parameter. The method of measurement is described in MR section 3.24 VS from pigs and could be assessed as appropriate. Therefore, the inclusion of this parameter is relevant to determine the pig type weight in the project scenario. 2. Inclusion of ex-ante parameter W(default) in section B.6.2 of revised GS PDD version 2.2 dated 2016-08-04 for the default value of pig weight derived from 2006 IPCC guidelines. The default data is cross-checked with Volume 4 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, chapter 10 and are consistent. The PP has applied the above changes in the current MPIV MR correctly.

5.5. Compliance with the monitoring plan

The monitoring system and all applied procedures are in compliance to monitoring plan of the GS renewed registered GSPDD for both carbon and SD indicators monitoring plans. Evidence was available to the verification team to check the compliance of the monitoring plan. The reporting procedures reflect the requirements of the monitoring plan for the carbon monitoring and sustainable development criteria. All relevant data is stored during the whole monitoring period and traceable to the computer server at the PP office. The PP has recalibration of the weight stone conducted by DTW on 01/07/2016. /O4/ The PP verify the weight scale by using the calibrated weight stone prior to the start of the PFT.

5.6. Compliance with the monitoring methodology

The monitoring system is in compliance with the applied monitoring methodology “Technologies and practices to displace decentralized thermal energy consumption”, version 2.0.

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5.7. Monitoring parameters

During the verification all relevant monitoring parameters as listed in the revised GSPDD version 2.1 have been verified with regard to the appropriateness of the applied measurement / determination method, the correctness of the values applied for ER calculation, the accuracy and applied QA/QC measures. The results as well as the verification procedure are described parameter-wise in the project specific verification checklist. After appropriate corrections were carried out by the project participant it can be confirmed that all monitoring parameters have been measured / determined without material misstatements and in line with all applicable standards and relevant requirements. The calibration for the weight stone was verified as listed in Annex II of the MR. /OM2/

Data and parameters monitored:

Parameter Value Verification opinion

/ER1/ Pp,y: Quantity of Fuel Kg/y/hh The data was based on the KPT, which fuel that is LPG 0.000 was conducted by a third party. According consumed in the to Annex 4 of the applied methodology Charcoal in /GSM/ project scenario in wood 215.496 TPDDTEC version 2.0, it recommends year y equivalent a minimum test period of 3 days. However, the KPT survey was conducted for one day Firewood 1,435.107 only. The PP has demonstrated the representativeness of the survey properly in Table 27 of the Monitoring Report appropriately. The verification team has sought confirmation from the GS representative that one day survey is possible if representativeness is sufficiently demonstrated. Hence, it can be assessed the one day test period is appropriate and plausible. An excel worksheet on the calculation of these values has been reviewed. /ER1/ In the project scenario, no LPG was used. As observed during the onsite inspection and interviewed of households, some households still used firewood and in very rare case charcoal is used in some special family or festive events. The data and calculations in the excel worksheet could be confirmed as correct.

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Parameter Value Verification opinion

The survey was conducted by a third party at a frequency in accordance with the carbon monitoring plan in the revised GSPDD.

fNRB: Fraction of 77.00% 76% is the default value applied in Non-Renewable accordance with Section B7.1 of the Biomass GSPDD and Annex 20, 35th Meeting of the CDM Small-Scale Working Group (SSC WG). /NRB-1/. However, this has been updated to 77% in accordance with the SSC WG 43 Annex 4 as approved in EB77 meeting report paragraph 58./NRB-2/ The value was checked and could be confirmed as correctly applied.

Up,y: Percentage 90.06% The value was derived from the usage of bio-digesters in survey, which was conducted by a third use in monitoring party. /S2/ER1/ The excel worksheet of the period y usage survey has been checked and the calculation of the percentage of bio- digesters in use could be confirmed as correct.

LEp,y: Leakage 0.1571 tCO2e/hh/y The leakage emission in the project emission in project scenario within the current monitoring scenario during period is comprised of physical leakage year y from bio-digesters and leakage from incomplete combustion of biogas in the stoves. /ER1/ Leakage from bio-digesters: 6.2509 kgCH4/year or 0.1563 tCO2e/hh/year. Leakage from biogas stoves: 0.0338 kgCH4/year or 0.0008 tCO2e/hh/year. The IPCC default physical leakage of the bio-digesters of 10% was applied according to the applied methodology. /IPCC/ The combustion efficiency of the biogas stoves of 99.4% was applied based on study report conducted by the SNV. /O2/ Tab AWMS of the excel worksheet /ER1/ has been checked and the calculations and data could be confirmed as correct and in

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Parameter Value Verification opinion

line with the monitoring plan of the revised GSPDD.

Np,y: Number of 24,159 The value was based on the project biogas plants database which has been reviewed by the commissioned verification team./ER1/ New biodigesters constructed and commissioned are reported by the BCCs to the database manager situated in the NBP central office in .

MS : Fraction ∑MCF.MS The data was based on the carbon (P,s,k) Category T of livestock i monitoring survey (CMS), which was /S1/ category T’s Cow 7.360% conducted by a third party. The excel manure fed in the worksheet on the calculation of these biodigester and Pig 16.630% values has been reviewed./ER1/ other MS Buffalo 6.935% The data and calculations in the excel worksheet could be confirmed as correct. The survey was conducted by a third party at a frequency in accordance with the carbon monitoring plan in the revised GSPDD.

N(T): Number of Category T LCT The data was based on the carbon animals of Non-dairy 3.909 monitoring survey (CMS), which was livestock category cow conducted by a third party. The excel T Pig 3.908 worksheet on the calculation of these values has been reviewed. /ER1,/S1/ Buffalo 1.024 The data and calculations in the excel worksheet could be confirmed as correct. The survey was conducted by a third party at a frequency in accordance with the carbon monitoring plan in the revised GSPDD.

EFawms,T: kgCH4 EF The value was calculated. Tab AWMS B,P, per animal per Category T (kgCH4/head/ section 2 of the excel worksheet on the year for livestock y) calculation of these values have been non-dairy /ER1/ type T in the 4.140 reviewed. project cow The data and calculations in the excel Pig 10.121 worksheet could be confirmed as correct. Buffalo 6.614 The survey was conducted by a third party at a frequency in accordance with the

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Parameter Value Verification opinion

carbon monitoring plan in the registered GSPDD.

Storage systems of slurry Bio-slurry: The Referring to the SD indicator No. 3 – Soil by the households: end-use systems condition, chosen parameter is the of bio-slurry cumulative number of households that use Percentag bio-slurry as fertilizer. The CMS results DMS e show the number of households that use 1 liquid -wet 3.0% bio-slurry was 18,056 by the end of current /S1/ 2 liquid - 15.1% monitoring period. wet/solid The emission source from the use of bio- 3 medium dry 12.1% slurry was not covered by the applied 4 sun dry 10.3% methodology. Therefore, the PP had 5 compost 14.9% calculated the project emission from the with roof end-use of bio-slurry (digestate) to account 6. compost 42.4% for the project emission in case the bio- with no roof slurry was handled aerobically. The value 6 others / 2.2% was 0.0166tCO2/year/hh which is lower don’t use than the emission reductions per household Sum 100% per year 6.333 tCO2e/hh/year in current End use of bio-slurry: monitoring period. - 18,056 households use Tab Bio-slurry of the excel worksheet has been checked, the data and calculations bio-slurry for their farming /ER1/ and/or gardening activities could be confirmed as correct. Based on the VVS, version 09.0, paragraph - emission from the bio- /VVS/ slurry was derived at 96, only emission source results in 0.0176CO /year/hh emissions that contribute more than 1% of 2 the total average annual emission reduction will be considered. Therefore, this emission source can be considered as negligible and can be excluded from the ER assessment for this monitoring period.

PL 10% The 10% is the default value derived from IPCC guidelines and any future changes will be updated accordingly. /IPCC/

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Parameter Value Verification opinion

Pig type W (site) W (site) kg The weight of the pigs of different type /ER1/ Sow 150.36 measured at site during the survey Boar 103.75 Fattening pig The measurement method is described in bought as piglet 35.18 section 3.24 of MR. Fatting pig born at farm 37.95 Piglet producer 4.10

Data and parameters not monitored:

Parameter Value Verification opinion / Data source

Default VS VST - Volatile Category T The IPCC default value has been applied. solids excretion of (kg/day) Volume 4 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for animal category T Non-dairy National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2.3 cow chapter 10 The VS of pigs is based on the Pig 0.3 (0.51) IPCC default and adjusted to reflect the real situation in Cambodia. /IPCC/ Buffalo 3.9

Bo ( Bo - Maximum Category T The IPCC default value has been applied. Biochemical VS) Volume 4 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for Methane Potential Non-dairy National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 0.1 cow chapter 10 The VS of pigs is based on the Pig 0.29 IPCC default and adjusted to reflect the real situation in Cambodia. /IPCC/ Buffalo 0.1

GWPCH4 - Global 25 tCO2e/tCH4 The value indicated in Section B.6.2 of the Warming Potential revised GSPDD for the 2nd commitment of Methane period from 2013-01-01.

GWPN2O - Global 298 tCO2e/tN2O The value indicated in Section B.6.2 of the Warming Potential revised GSPDD for the 2nd commitment of Nitrous Oxide period from 2013-01-01.

Lagoon: 80% Default value from IPCC has been applied. MCF - Methane Liquid/Slurry: 78% Volume 4 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for conversion factor Solid Storage: 5% National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, for each manure Compost: 1.5% (passive chapter 10. /IPCC/ management windrow assumed as system mixing is often infrequent) Dry lot: 2% Pasture/Range/Paddock: 2%

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Parameter Value Verification opinion / Data source

Daily spread: 1% Digester: 10% Burned for fuel: 10% Other: 1%

ηbiogasstove - 99.40% Data from a study report conducted and Combustion completed in 2001 by the Centre for Energy efficiency of the Studies, Institute of Engineering for the biogas stove Nepal Biogas Support Programme was applied. ment_of_biogas_kerosene_and_lpg_stove s_nepal_2001.pdf The value estimated ex-ante in the revised GSPDD was 98%. However, during the current monitoring period, the PP had applied the value 99.40% from the study report. Higher efficiency value applied resulted in less methane emission from the stoves used. The difference is between 0.016kgCH4/hh/y (efficiency 99.40%) and 0.055kgCH4/hh/y (efficiency 98%). Based on the GS methodology Indicative programme, baseline, and monitoring methodology for Small Scale Biodigester, the combustion efficiency of the stoves can be obtained from literature or a default value of 98%. According to the methodology Technologies and practices to displace decentralized thermal energy consumption, version 2.0 does not specify any default value for biogas stove combustion efficiency. Since the most recent data source is applied, the difference in leakage emission is negligible, therefore, the verification team considered it as appropriate.

EFawmsT - kgCH4 EF IPCC default values for the region Asia from per animal per Category T (kgCH4/hea volume 4 of the 2006 IPCC year for livestock d/y) Non-dairy Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas type T 8.139 cow Inventories, chapter 10 Pig 8.976

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Parameter Value Verification opinion / Data source

Buffalo 15.173 However, this parameter has been recalculated in the project scenario using the IPCC Tier 2 approach using default values for the maximum methane potential (Bo), volatile solids excretion (VS) and methane density and the manure management category biodigester. The results are as shown in Data and Parameters Monitored above.

Pig type W (default) W(default) Default average pig weight by pig type Sow 28 Boar 28 (sow, boar, fattening pig and piglet (kg) Fattening pig 28 derived from Volume 4 of the 2006 IPCC Piglet 28 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, chapter 10

Refer CAR D1, CAR D2, CAR D3, CAR D4 and CAR D5 were raised and closed out.

5.8. Monitoring report

A Gold Standard Monitoring Report along with relevant supporting documents was submitted to the verification team by the project participants. These documents form the basis for the verification opinion of TÜV NORD. During the verification, mistakes and needs for clarification were identified. The PP has carried out the requested corrections so that it can be confirmed that the Monitoring report is complete and transparent and accordance with the revised GSPDD version 2.1, revised GS Passport version 2.1 and relevant GS requirements.

5.9. Sampling

5.9.1. Implementation of the sampling plan

The PP has taken the approach for the sampling plan by adopting EB69 Annex 05 which includes level of assurance. /SSS/ The CMS has a design confidence precision level of at least 90/10 and the KPT at 90/30. The CMS sample size is 165 and the usage survey sample size is 315. The verification team has checked on the sampling plan and considered appropriate since an addition of 10% has been included to ensure the level of assurance and the number of households is representative.

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5.9.2. Sampling approaches during verification

The verification team has applied the sampling plan based on 90/30 confidence level according to GS recommendation to ensure the households interviewed are representative. The sample size is 104 of households from the different village in different districts and provinces. /LHH/ The verification team has cross checked with the below link to ensure the sample size of 104 is sufficient. With the number of households, the sample size for 90/10 CI is 68. Therefore, the 104 sample of households is sufficient and meets the GS sampling requirements. /SZ/

5.10. ER Calculation

During the verification mistakes in the ER calculation were identified. Corresponding findings CAR E1 was raised. A revised ER calculation was prepared by the PP and presented to the verification team. All raised issues were addressed appropriately so that the corresponding CAR could be closed out. Thus it is confirmed that the ER calculation is overall correct.

5.11. Quality Management

Quality Management procedures for measurements, collection and compilation of data, data storage and archiving, calibration, maintenance and training of personnel in the framework of this GS project activity have been defined. The procedures defined can be assessed as appropriate for the purpose. No significant deviations thereof have been observed during the verification.

5.12. Actual emission reductions during the first commitment period and the period from 1 January 2013 onwards

The MR includes actual ER values achieved during the period from 2013-01-01 onwards as follows: Table 5-2: Emission reductions after 2013

During the period up to Achieved during the period 2012-12-31 from 2013-01-01 onwards

Emission reductions [tCO2e] NA 117,437

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5.13. Comparison with ex-ante estimated emission reductions

The MR includes a comparison of the calculated actual emission reductions with the ex-ante calculated values in the registered GSPDD for the MRIV of CP II.

Ex-Ante ERs: 84,038 tCO2e

Ex-Post ERs: 117,437 tCO2e

Difference: 33,399 tCO2e The ex-ante calculated value was found to be lower than the ex-post determined value. In section 1.2 of the MR, the PP has justified the increased in ex-post ER are due to: • Higher average pig and buffalo population in for this monitoring period of 3.9 for pigs and 1.0 for buffalo when compared to the ex- ante in PDD was 2.2 for pig and 0.14 buffalo respectively • Higher average pig weight of 57.35 kg for this monitoring period as compared to the IPCC default value of 28 kg applied as ex-ante in PDD. The verification team has cross-checked the data and could consider as comprehendible and correct.

5.14. Contribution to Sustainable Development

The SD indicators as per the GS matrix are monitored and reported appropriately and cross-verified by means of desk review of supporting documents, interviews with the PP and relevant stakeholders. The monitoring system and all applied procedures are in compliance to the sustainability monitoring plan in the revised GS Passport version 2.1 and Gold Standard principle. During the site visit, the verification team has randomly selected 104 households to conduct interviews by means of personal visits and telephone calls in several . The questions asked were basically based on requirements of the Annex I, Rules and Toolkit to the Gold Standard version 2.1. /GSAI/ A summary of interview questions and feedback received are presented in the below table:

Questions for households Summary of feedback during the site interviews 1. What do you use the biogas The households reported that they are using the from the biodigesters for? biogas primarily for their daily cooking. In general the biogas from their biodigesters is sufficient and in good quality. 2. What do you do with the bio- The interviewed households said they are using slurry from the biodigesters bio-slurry for their rice fields and vegetable and how it is stored? gardens. Most households are happy with the

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Questions for households Summary of feedback during the site interviews quality of the bio-slurry as it helps to increase crop yield and brings them significant financial savings from chemical fertilizers. The bio-slurry is kept in the bio-slurry huts before it is taken for application in the fields. Households expressed that the bio-slurry does not produce unpleasant odour as compared to fresh dung since it has been processed in the biodigesters. 3. How are the biogas stoves Households are happy with the biogas for daily and rice cookers as cooking. The households reported using biogas compared with using stoves have resulted in cleaner kitchen and firewood and charcoal savings from spending on firewood or charcoal. before? Using biogas has improve indoor air quality. 4. Are you using firewood and The visited households have sufficient biogas for / or charcoal now? their daily cooking. They only use firewood when they need to cook large amount of food during festive events or water for making tea or grill meat like fish, pork or beef. Charcoal is seldom used. 5. What are the benefits Have clean and free-of-charge energy source for brought to you by this cooking. Households can save time and money in biodigesters program? the absence of the program. The houses and villages roads have become cleaner, improve environmental & hygiene conditions and free of unpleasant smell as compared with before introducing of biodigesters. 6. What are your concerns In general, the biodigesters have help to the regarding the operation of villagers to reduce cooking time and spend less biodigesters in your home? time to collect firewood. 7. How do you find the salary Masons working for NBP projects found themselves working as masons under satisfied with the income earned. They are this program? expecting more biodigesters to be built in order to increase the income. 8. Do you have any person in Households recognized that a lot of local residents your family involved in the have been employed for the construction of construction of biodigesters biodigesters in their villages. in your village? 9. Do you think that this project Those households involved in the building of could provide more biodigesters reported that they are having a better permanent jobs? and permanent job from this biodigesters project.

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Questions for households Summary of feedback during the site interviews Two of the PBPO representatives were interviewed and said the BCCs under their management have increased in income for year 2015. Sustainable Development Indicators: The SD indicators are as follows: 1. Air quality 2. Water quality and quantity 3. Soil condition 4. Biodiversity 5. Quality of employment 6. Livelihood of the poor 7. Access to affordable and clean energy services 8. Human and institutional capacity 9. Quantitative employment and income generation 10. Balance of payments and investments 11. Technology transfer and technological self-reliance During this monitoring period, the PP has revised the chosen parameters and approved by GS the revised GS Passport version 2.1 on 2015-10-19. Table 5-1: Assessment of monitored SD Indicators Indicator Parameter Value Verification Opinion

Air Quality Reduction in Firewood: 89% The value was derived from the Kitchen wood reduction Performance Test (KPT) conducted in consumption year 2015 indicate there was a reported for cooking in 89% reduction in firewood usage for this the project monitoring period. /ER1/ During the onsite compared to visit, the verification team had randomly the baseline. selected 104 households to conduct interviews. /LHH/ It was revealed that households do no use firewood for their daily cooking. Firewood is only used in cases for cooking a lot of food for family or festive events or grill meat and water for drinking. The same situation was observed for the households that run small business which requires intensive fuel for cooking, for example, water for

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Indicator Parameter Value Verification Opinion making tea or coffee. A few of the interviewed households still using firewood to grill fish or to cook food that takes long time or making cakes for business. As compared with the baseline scenario, the usage of charcoal and firewood has reduced significantly. However, as compared with the situation at the end of previous MR, there was reduction in the usage of firewood. Nevertheless, the reductions archived are still significant hence, the score of this SD indicator is positive.

Water quality Number of 2,886 The value was derived from the project and quantity toilets database. The verification team had connected to checked the database kept on computer the biodigester at the NBP central office in Phnom Penh/ER1/ and interview the database manager. The total number of toilets connected to biodigesters system was reported at 2,886 units as at 2015-12-31. Based on the interviews with the randomly selected households/LHH/, some households have constructed their toilets, but some have not. Out of the 41 visited households, 13 households have toilets connected to the biodigesters. Those households do not have toilets connection because they had constructed the toilet before the existence of the biodigesters or the toilet is located too far from the biodigesters and thus connection is not feasible. Based on the project database and onsite interviews with local residents, it is assumed that there is progressive improvement in water quality and quantity due to increasing of toilets connected to the biodigesters. Thus, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Soil condition Cumulative 21,271 The value was derived from the Carbon number of Monitoring Survey (CMS)./ER1/ The

households survey results were checked by the

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Indicator Parameter Value Verification Opinion that use bio- verification team on randomly selected slurry as households said that they used and fertilizer found bio-slurry is a much better fertilizer for their crops, as compared with the traditional chemical fertilizers prior to the implementation of the programme. Most of households that use bio-slurry as an alternative for their rice field and crops reported considerable savings from buying chemical fertilizers and better yield. From the onsite visit, the verification team was impressed that soil condition and soil hygiene have been significantly improved due to the usage of bio-slurry. The use of bio-slurry in for this monitoring period has increased as compared to the last monitoring period. Since in the baseline scenario, none of the households used bio-slurry, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Biodiversity Cumulative 26.8 Gg and 173.9 The value was calculated from the savings of Gg from start of difference between the baseline and wood project project fuel usage, multiplied by the number of biodigester units installed during this monitoring period. The baseline and project fuel usage were based on the Carbon Monitoring Survey (CMS), which has been checked by the verification team. /ER1/S2/S1/ The savings of firewood for this monitoring period is higher than last monitoring period MRIII of 25.3 Gg totalling 148.1 Gg. Since in the baseline scenario, firewood is commonly used for daily cooking by households, the score for this SD indication is positive.

Quality of Number of Total certified The value was based on the records of Employment trained masons: 604 training of masons in the project masons and database. /ER1/,/T1/ Supervisors: 162 supervisors During this monitoring period the total (quality number masons and supervisors certified continue to increase when

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Indicator Parameter Value Verification Opinion inspectors of compared to the last monitoring period biodigesters) MRIII was 578 and 132 respectively. Prior to the programme implementation, there was no such vocational training; therefore, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Livelihood of Cumulative 97.6% usage of The value was derived from the Carbon the Poor number of biogas as main Monitoring Survey (CMS). /ER1/S1/S2/ The users that use cooking fuel or verification team has checked the CMS biogas for 21,231 households data worksheet to confirm this cooking information. /ER1/ Over the last MPs, the rate of using biogas for cooking is consistently reported at 100%. According to the usage survey 2.4% cook every other day. During the interviews of visited household every household uses biogas for their daily cooking except for some special family or festive events where they need intensive fuel to cook a lot of food or to stew food or grill meat. In the baseline scenario, there is usage of biogas for cooking therefore, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Number of 104,226 people The value is calculated using the number household of plants x share of plants in use x members that number of household members. benefit from This parameter is added to replace the having an usage of biogas lamp. improve waste management In the baseline scenario, the number of system people benefited is zero, therefore, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Access to Reduction in Cooking fuels: The value was derived from the Carbon affordable cooking fuel $10.03 savings per Monitoring Survey. /ER1/ The baseline and clean expenditure month scenario estimated an expenditure of energy compared to 36,366 riel (about $9) of the target services the baseline population per month. By the end of calculated at MRIII of CPII, the programme has current prices achieved an expenditure savings of $13.51 savings per month for cooking fuel. During the visit to the households, the price of firewood was cross checked with

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Indicator Parameter Value Verification Opinion local shop selling wood and charcoal and households, the savings calculated by the PP can be assessed as reasonable. It could be confirmed from the onsite inspection the households have better quality life in terms of access to low-cost and clean energy (biogas) for their daily cooking. Although the savings is lower compared to MRIII CPII, whereby in the baseline scenario is zero. Therefore, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Human and Cumulative 93 of which 69 are The value was based on the records of institutional number of in operation BCC established in the project database. capacity established /ER1/ The number has increased as Biogas compared with the end of previous Construction monitoring period of MPIII. Companies These Biogas Construction Companies (BCC) have created employment for local residents and promoted local related business. During the site visit, three BBCs were interviewed and they were confident that they can construct more biodigesters in 2016. /IM04-IM06/ Since the BCCs are specific for this programme only, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Qualitative Cumulative 2,323 working The value was based on the records of employment number of years constructing biodigesters from the and income masons project database. /ER1/ generation working years It was calculated based on the number of digesters built as per total sales records times the default number of days required for the construction divided by the number of days worked per year (220) During the MRIII of CPII the number of man-years was 2,131. With the number of man years have increased during this MPIV, which led to improvement in qualitative employment

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Indicator Parameter Value Verification Opinion and income generation. Therefore, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Balance of Net cash inflow US$2,015,739.32 The value was based on the accounting payments and records of the project cash inflow and investments outflows. /SD1/ The net cash inflow is higher than the value of from $1,013,040.34 at the end of MRIII of CPII. The increase of net cash inflow for the monitoring period is due the income for the sales of VERs in year 2014 was received in year 2015. In the baseline scenario the value was zero. Hence, the score for this SD indicator is positive.

Technology Number of 24,159 The value was based on the records of transfer and biodigesters constructed biodigesters in the project technological built database. /ER1/ The value has increased self-reliance by 2,042 units from 22,117 units at the end of MPIII, CPII. In the baseline scenario, there was no biodigester built, the score for this SD indicator is positive. The verification team could confirm that the project has achieved the mitigation / compensation measures as per the revised monitoring plan. For further details concerning the sustainability indicators please refer to Annex 2. Refer CAR SD1, CAR SD2, CAR SD3 and CAR SD4 raised and closed out.

5.15. Overall Aspects of the Verification

All necessary and requested documentation was provided by the project participants so that a complete verification of all relevant issues could be carried out. Access was granted to all installations of the plant which are relevant for the project performance and the monitoring activities. No issues have been identified indicating that the implementation of the project activity and the steps to claim emission reductions are not compliant with the GS and relevant guidance provided by the COP/CMP and the CDM EB (clarifications and/or guidance).

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5.16. Grievances

There is no grievance raised by stakeholder for the program during this monitoring period. NBP has setup a facebook to receive comments and no negative comments were received so far. The verification team has checked the facebook and comments received were positive.

5.17. Hints for next periodic Verification

No FAR raised for consideration in the netx verificaiton.

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6. VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT National Biodigester Programme has commissioned the TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program to carry out the 4th periodic verification of the project: “National Biodigester Programme, Cambodia”, with regard to the relevant requirements for GS/CDM project activities. The project reduces GHG emissions due to displacement of non-renewable cooking and lighting fuel by biogas, avoidance of methane emission from animal and human waste by capturing and destroying methane for thermal energy use, and displacement of chemical fertilizers by bio-slurry. This verification covers the period from 2015-01-012016-08-22 v 2.0 to 2015-12-31 (including both days). In the course of the verification, 17 Corrective Action Requests (CAR) and 01 Clarification Requests (CL) were raised and successfully closed. No FARs were raised to improve the monitoring system in the future. The verification is based on the draft monitoring report, revised monitoring report, the monitoring plan as set out in the revised GSPDD, revised GS Passport, validation report, emission reduction calculation spreadsheet and supporting documents made available to the TÜV NORD JI/CDM CP by the project participant. As a result of this verification, the verifier confirms that:  all operations of the project are implemented and installed as planned and described in the validated project design document.  the monitoring plan is in accordance with the applied approved GS methodology, i.e., Technologies and practices to displace decentralized thermal energy consumption, version 2.0  the installed equipment essential for measuring parameters required for calculating emission reductions are calibrated appropriately.  the monitoring system is in place and functional. The project has generated GHG emission reductions.  the project contributes to sustainable development As the result of the 4th periodic verification, the verifier confirms that the GHG emission reductions are calculated without material misstatements in a conservative and appropriate manner. TÜV NORD JI/CDM CP herewith confirms that the project has achieved emission reductions in the above mentioned reporting period as follows:

Emission reductions: 117,437 tCO2e

Subang Jaya, 2016-08-08 Essen, 2016-08-08

Cheong, Chun Yuen (Robert) Winter, Stefan TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program Program Verification Team Leader Final Approval

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7. REFERENCES Table 7-1: Documents provided by the project participant(s)

Reference Document

Monitoring Report

/MR/ Monitoring Report version 1.4 dated 2016-05-10 Monitoring Report version 1.5 dated 2016-06-13 Monitoring Report version 1.6 dated 2016-06-26 Monitoring Report version 1.7 dated 2016-08-04 Monitoring report version 2.0 dated 2016-08-22

ER spreadsheet

/ER1/ ER database spreadsheet version 1.4 dated 2016-05-10 ER database spreadsheet version 1.5 dated 2016-06-05 ER database spreadsheet version 1.6 dated 2016-06-26 ER database spreadsheet version 1.7 dated 2016-08-04


/S1/ Combine CMS and KPT final district and household sampling selection GS Clarification on 1 day suitability for KPT studies dated 2013-05-29

/S2/ USAGE survey final data dated 2016-06-01 Usage Survey questionnaire V3-Final Questionnaire Biodigester User Survey 2016 - Khmer & English (FINAL) v2 Questionnaire Carbon Monitoring Survey and Fuel Test 2016 Questionnaire Cooking Fuel Prices

SD Indicators

/SD1/ Cash inflow and outflow statement for year 2015

/SD2/ Fuel Prices for coal and wood

Operation Manual

/OM1/ Operations Manual for Private Biodigester Construction Companies (BCCs)

/OM2/ Daily Scale Checked for KPT


/T1/ Usage survey training dated 2016-01-09 CMS and Fuel test training report dated 2016-02-11 Biodigester User Survey, CMS / PFT training dated 2016-02-11 & 2016-02-11

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Reference Document


/O1/ Declaration on units not sold under Environmental Benefits dated 2015-08-24

/O2/ Study on biogas combustion efficiency by the Center for Energy Studies, Institute of Engineering for the Nepal Biogas Support Programme

/O3/ SNV withdrawal letter to GS dated 2015-09-11 Annex S notification to GS dated 2015-11-02

/O4/ Statement of Conformity by DTW dated 2016-07-01

Table 7-2: Background investigation and assessment documents

Reference Document

/AT/ Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality, version 6.1

/CPM/ TÜV NORD JI / CDM CP Manual (incl. CP procedures and forms)

/GSAI/ Annex I, Rules and Toolkit to the Gold Standard version 2.1

/GSDDR/ Gold Standard Design Change Review last round feedback dated 2015-10-19

/GSM/ Technologies and practices to displace decentralized thermal energy consumption, version 2.0 (TPDDTEC)

/GSPDD/ Registered GS PDD Version 1.9 dated 2013-02-06

/GSPDD1/ GS PDD version 2.1 dated 2015-10-15

/GSPDD2/ GS PDD version 2.2 dated 2016-08-04 GSPDD version 2.3 dated 2016-08-22

/GSR/ Gold Standard Requirements (GSv2.1)

/GSS/ Guidelines for Sampling and Surveys for CDM Project Activities and Programme Of Activities, EB 69, Annex 5

/GST/ Gold Standard Toolkit (GSv2.1)

/IPCC/ Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: 1. Non-CO2 Stationery Combustion 2. Emissions from Livestock and Manure Management (Chapter 10)

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Reference Document

3. IPCC Second Assessment Report – Climate Change 1995: A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

/LSC/ Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Version 8 dated 2010-10-27

/NRB/ 1. Default values of fNRB for LDCs and SIDs, Annex 20, 35th Meeting of CDM Small Scale Working Group (76%) 2. Default value of fNRB for LDCs and SIDs, Annex 4, 43rd Meeting of CDM Small Scale Working Group (77%)

/PLEAD/ Tool “Project and leakage emissions from anaerobic digesters” version 01.0.0 EB 66, Annex 32

/RGSP/ Revised GS Passport version 2.1 dated 2015-10-15

/RGSPDD/ Revised GS PDD version 2.1 dated 2015-10-15

/RRCPII/ Review Report for Renewal of 2nd Crediting Period by the Gold Standard Foundation, undated

/SSS/ Standard for Sampling and Surveys for CDM Project Activities and Programme Of Activities, EB 74, Annex 06, version 04.0


/VAL/ Sustainability Validation Report, by TUV-Rheinland, Version 01.6 dated 2013-02-06 (renewal of 2nd crediting period)

/VER/ Sustainability Verification Report for 2nd monitoring period of 1st crediting period by TUV Rheinland, Version 01.2 dated 2012-08-15

/VVS/ CDM Validation and Verification Standard (Version 09.0)

Table 7-3: Websites used

Reference Link Organisation

/dnaHP/ DNA of Cambodia

/gs/ Gold Standard

/unfccc/ UNFCCC

/ipcc/ IPCC publications

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Table 7-4: List of interviewed persons

Reference MoI1 Name Organisation / Function

Mr. Lam Saoleng NBP / Programme Coordinator V Ms

Mr. Sam Prasoeu NBP / Technical Officer V Ms

Mr. Him Sambath NBP / Technical Manager V /IM01/ Ms

Mr. In Nimol NBP / Database Officer V Ms

Mr. Chheng Rottanak NBP / Admin & Finance Manager V Ms

Mr. Phuong Dara NBP / Bio-slurry Extension Officer V Ms

Mr. Eric Buysman Independent Carbon Consultant /IM02/ V Ms

Mr. Patrick Kooijman Survey Consultant /IM03/ V Ms

Mr. Lor Sam Oeun BCC / Svay Rieng, /IM04/ V Ms

Mr. Kom Sak Hom BCC / Prey Veng, Ba Phnum district /IM05/ V Ms

Mr. Phuong Sophin PBPO / Kompong Chor, Prey Chor V Ms district, Lvea commune /IM06/ Mr. Sam Thy BCC / Kompong Chor, Prey Chor V Ms district, Lvea commune

List of randomly selected 104 households for interview (61 visited and 43 interviewed via /LHH/ telephone calls) during the site visit. Details are as in the below table.

Location Household Household No. MoI1 Number Name Village Commune District Province

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Tang Prey Kompong 1 V 313091019 Ny Song Lvea Trapeang Chhor Cham

Tang Prey Kompong 2 V 313101474 Chhim Eng Lvea Trapeang Chhor Cham

Tang Prey Kompong 3 V 313101475 Moul Reun Lvea Trapeang Chhor Cham

Tang Prey Kompong 4 V 313101498 Ong Phal Lvea Trapeang Chhor Cham

Tang Prey Kompong 5 V 313101499 Oy Em Lvea Trapeang Chhor Cham

Trapeang Prey Kompong 6 V 313101573 Suon Mon Chi Lvea Chhor Cham Neang

Trapeang Prey Kompong 7 V 313101583 Tith Phon Chi Lvea Chhor Cham Neang

Trapeang Kompong 8 V 313101594 Not Soy Chi Lvea Chum Kiri Cham Neang

Trapeang Kompong 9 V 313101586 Kong Mat Chi Lvea Chum Kiri Cham Neang

Trapeang Kompong 10 V 313101664 Soem Poeun Chi Lvea Chum Kiri Cham Neang

Trapeang Kompong 11 V 313101685 Chhoem Mon Chi Lvea Chum Kiri Cham Neang

Trapeang Kompong 12 V 313101697 Kranh Srim Chi Lvea Chum Kiri Cham Neang

Trapeang Kompong 13 V 313101719 Toem Ten Chi Lvea Chum Kiri Cham Neang

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Trapeang Kompong 14 V 313101720 Lach Chea Chi Lvea Chum Kiri Cham Neang

Trapeang Kompong 15 V 313101732 Sum Maov Chi Lvea Chum Kiri Cham Neang

Trapeang Prey Kompong 16 V 313111777 Hom Khum Chi Lvea Kabbas Cham Neang

Trapeang Prey Kompong 17 V 313111836 Sim Thy Chi Lvea Kabbas Cham Neang

Tang Prey Kompong 18 V 313122435 Chhet Oy Lvea Trapeang Kabbas Cham

Trapeang Prey Kompong 19 V 313122545 Set Phally Chi Lvea Kabbas Cham Neang

Trapeang Prey Kompong 20 V 313122571 Set mau Chi Lvea Kabbas Cham Neang

Trapeang Prey Kompong 21 V 313132646 Oech Tay Chi Lvea Kabbas Cham Neang

22 V 1401110863 Sim Nan Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

23 V 1401111145 Mau Sot Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

24 V 1401111267 Chou Cheng Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

25 V 1401100562 Nou Samuon Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

26 V 1401121381 Sang Soeun Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

27 V 1401100613 Long Hout Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

28 V 1401080009 Nao Leat Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

29 V 1401121456 Meak Norn Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

30 V 1401121666 Seng Sokhom Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

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31 V 1401080007 Kon Sakhom Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

32 V 1401121765 Khin Neang Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

33 V 1401121713 Touch Horn Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

Choun Prey Veng 34 V 1401121592 Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Sokoeun

Kruoch Prey Veng 35 V 1401121543 Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Khoeurn

36 V 1401152094 Kruoch Im Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

37 V 1401152118 Chom Phany Ba Phnum Spueu Ka Prech Prey Veng

Chheu Trapeang Prey Veng 38 V 1401110710 Chhon Lat Ba Phnum Kach Sala

Chheu Trapeang Prey Veng 39 V 1401121382 Out Sinat Ba Phnum Kach Sala

Chheu Trapeang Prey Veng 40 V 1401141978 Ut Sat Ba Phnum Kach Sala

Chheu Trapeang 41 V 1401152075 Sok Noeurn Ba Phnum Prey Veng Kach Sala

Svay Svay 42 V 2005132982 Sek Sophea Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Svay Svay 43 V 2005133063 Mao Souen Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Svay Svay 44 V 2005111872 Horng Sophy Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Svay Svay 45 V 2005122516 Hok Savon Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Svay Svay 46 V 2005122288 Mum Non Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Svay Svay 47 V 2005111919 Mom Muth Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Svay Svay 48 V 2005122212 Khean Noeun Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

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Svay Svay 49 V 2005111626 Koem Sakhan Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Svay Svay 50 V 2005122145 Mom thang Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Svay Svay 51 V 2005111782 Moeng Savan Chamlang Ta Chey Chrum Rieng

Meng Hean Svay Veal Svay 52 V 2005132974 Chamlang Sokea Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Svay Veal Svay 53 V 2005132975 Sao Samath Chamlang Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Svay Veal Svay 54 V 2005143281 Brak Saran Chamlang Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Svay Veal Svay 55 V 2005153495 Yuos Samean Chamlang Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Svay Veal Svay 56 V 2005111924 Sok Thol Chamlang Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Svay Veal Svay 57 V 2005122660 Sek SoPhon Chamlang Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Loek Svay Veal Svay 58 V 2005111678 Chamlang Samoeum Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Svay Veal Svay 59 V 2005122287 Vor Chanvon Chamlang Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Svay Veal Svay 60 V 2005111728 Tep Ratana Chamlang Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Svay Veal Svay 61 V 2005122210 Ros Ny Chamlang Chrum Lngeut Rieng

Khtum Samraong Kampong 62 T 507142381 Chum Buy Tasal Krang Tong Speu

Tuol Kandaol Ponhea Tboung 63 T 2505150087 Torn Lak Chamkar Chrum Kreak Khmum

64 T 2302153783 Mao Koem Ou Krasar Ou Krasar Kaeb Krong Kep

Svay Svay 65 T 2005153478 Ngoun Vony Ta S'ang Chamlang Chrum Rieng

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Sdok kandaol Kampong Tboung 66 T 2505150068 Chorn Dun Sambat Chrum Rou Khmun

Prey Ponhea Kampong 67 T 505142327 Yan Nget Tuol Krasang Kreak Speu

Prey 68 T 1407151995 Chhoun Soy Chan Peam Ro Prey Veng Kandieng

Thorng Kampong Svay 69 T 2002153511 Pou Tnaot Kruoch Rou Rieng

Koun Kampong 70 T 503142354 Trav Veal Kong Pisei SouSdey Speu

Veal Svay Svay 71 T 2005143281 Brak Saran Chamlang Lngeut Chrum Rieng

Sakhakka Peam Kampong 72 T 1403152040 Muk Thea Prey Veng r Montear Trabaek

Kong Tramung Komar 73 T 2102154197 Bati Takeo Sopheap Chrum Reachea

Cheung 74 T 2107154158 Koun Davuth Anhchanh Samraong Takeo Kuon

Svay Svay 75 T 2005143287 Sek Suphor Ta S'ang Chamlang Chrum Rieng

Ou Stueng Kampong 76 T 603150609 Chum Rithy Kanthor Ou Kanthor Saen Thom Cheung

Nearea Chheu Svay Svay 77 T 2005143266 Neang Pisith Ten Teal Chrum Rieng

Ponhea Kompong 78 T 312142791 Hoy Neat khsak Popel Kraek Cham

Khim Ta Daeng Kampong 79 T 501152455 Pou Mreal Basedth Sukhieng Thmei Speu

Khcheay Kamraeng 80 T 705153684 Chan Hoem Khang Dang Tong Kampot Krasang Cheung

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Angk 81 T 808151129 Sor Chhoeurn Rumdeng Mkak Kandal Snuol

Prey Prey Kompong 82 T 313152882 Hoch Khan Baray Rumdeng Chhor Cham

Preaek Preaek 83 T 802120942 Chea Saveth Kien Svay Kandal Thmei Thmei

Kampong Kampong 84 T 602110169 Eng Vang Prasat San Kor Svay Thom

Kampong Kampong 85 T 602110134 Chou Then Ta Ream Tbaeng Svay Thom

Boeng Preah Ou Reang Kompong 86 T 311091021 Try Pov Kang Theat Ov Cham

Damnak Anhchaeu Tboung Kompong 87 T 316080711 Hun Sophea Char m Khmum Cham

Kampong Kampong 88 T 405090233 Som Sen Ta Sokh Saeb Tralach Chhnang

Prasoutr Kandieng Svay 89 T 2007090645 Pot Sameth Svay teab Ti Pir Reay Rieng

Svay Svay 90 T 2006080294 Srey Soam Veal Yon Svay Rieng Rieng Rieng

Vihear Tboung Kompong 91 T 316080570 Chhun Seab Kandal luong Khmum Cham

Tboung Kompong 92 T 316070121 Sim San Khnar Sralab Khmum Cham

Pann Krang Komar 93 T 2102070130 Bati Takeo Sotheara Pongro Reachea

Thma Trapeang Samraong Kampong 94 T 507070070 Seang Spean Bang Kong Tong Speu

Kbal Kampong Svay 95 T 2002060026 Van Chab Tnaot Thnal Rou Rieng

96 T 810070114 So Seng Roka Leu Khpob S'ang Kandal

Tuol Sang Angkor Angkor 97 T 2101081149 Leng Pha Takeo Kha Borei Borei

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Chong Born Sang Kaoh Kaoh 98 T 804070097 Kaoh Kandal Em Thum Ka Thum Thum

Trapeang Kampong 99 T 501070072 Seang Phorn Toul Ampil Basedth Khyang Speu

Trapeang Trapeang Samraong Kampong 100 T 507080337 Pen Chantha Kong Kong Tong Speu

Tuol Sang Angkor Angkor 101 T 2101081115 Sun Vy Takeo Kha Borei Borei

Trapeang Prey Kompomg 102 T 313060026 Meang Vuthy Doung Preah Chhor Cham

Herm Chamkar Kompomg 103 T 302080544 Ta Ong Ta Ong Bunchhoeun Leu Cham

Trapeang Cheung 104 T 2107070299 Neang Sokun Samraong Takeo Vihear Kuon

1) Means of Interview: (Telephone, E-Mail, Visit)

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A1: Verification Protocol A2: Calibration dates and validity of installed monitoring equipment A3: Statements of Competence of involved Personnel

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ANNEX 1: VERIFICATION PROTOCOL Table A-1: GHG calculation procedures and management control testing / detailed audit testing of residual risk areas and random testing Conclusions and Identification, Areas Requiring Identification of Additional verification assessment and testing Areas of residual risks Improvement potential reporting risk testing of management controls (including Forward Action Requests) Raw data generation  Installation of  Installation of modern  Inadequate installation /  Site – visit  See Table A-2 measuring equipment and state of the art operation of the monitoring  Check of equipment equipment equipment  Dysfunction of  Check of technical data installed equipment  Process control  Inadequate exchange of sheets automation equipment  Maloperation by  Check of suppliers operational personnel  Internal data review  Change of personnel information / guarantees  Downtimes of  Regular visual inspect-  Undetected measurement  Check of calibration equipment ions of installed equip- errors records, if applicable ment  Exchange of  Inappropriateness of  Check of maintenance equipment  Only skilled and trained Management system records personnel operates the procedures w.r.t. monitoring  Change of  Counter-check of raw measurement relevant equipment plan requirements (e.g. substitute value strategies) data and commercial equipment  Daily raw data checks data characteristic  Non-application of  Immediate exchange of  Check of CDM  Insufficient accuracy dysfunctional equipment management system procedures management system  Change of  Stand-by duty is  Insufficient accuracy  Check of CDM related technology organized procedures

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Conclusions and Identification, Areas Requiring Identification of Additional verification assessment and testing Areas of residual risks Improvement potential reporting risk testing of management controls (including Forward Action Requests)  Accuracy of values  Training  Inappropriate QA/QC  Application of CDM supplied by Third  Internal audit measures of Third Parties management system Parties procedures procedures  Internal check of QA/QC  Check of trainings measures of involved  Check of responsibilities Third Parties  Check of QA/QC documentation / eviden- ces of involved Third Parties Raw data collection and data aggregation  Wrong data transfer  Cross-check of data  Unintended usage of old  Check of data  See Table A-2 from raw data to daily  Plausibility checks of data that has been revised aggregation steps and monthly various parameters.  Incomplete documentation  Counter-calculation aggregated reporting forms  Appropriate archiving  Ex-post corrections of  Data integrity checks by system records means of graphical data  IT Systems  Clear allocation of  Ambiguous sources of analysis and calculation  Spread sheet responsibilities information of specific performance programming figures  Application of CDM  Non-application of  Manual data Management system management system  Check of management transmission procedures procedures system certification  Data protection  Manual data transfer  Check of data archiving  Responsibilities mistakes system

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Conclusions and Identification, Areas Requiring Identification of Additional verification assessment and testing Areas of residual risks Improvement potential reporting risk testing of management controls (including Forward Action Requests)  Usage of standard  Unintended change of  Check of application of software solutions spread sheet programming Management system (Spreadsheets) or data base entries procedures  Limited access to IT  Problems caused by systems updating/upgrading or  Data protection change of applied software procedures Other calculation parameters  Emission factors,  The values and data  Unintended or intended  Update-check of  See Table A-2 oxidation factors, sources applied are Modification of calculation regulatory framework coefficients defined in the PDD and parameters  Countercheck of the monitoring plan  Wrong application of values applied MP in the MR  Misinterpretations of the against the methodology applied methodology and/ or and the PDD the PDD  Missing update of applicable regulatory framework (e.g. IPCC values) Calculation Methods

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Conclusions and Identification, Areas Requiring Identification of Additional verification assessment and testing Areas of residual risks Improvement potential reporting risk testing of management controls (including Forward Action Requests)  Applied formulae  Advanced calculation  The danger of miscal-  Countercheck on the  See Table A-2  Miscalculation and reporting tools culation can only be basis of own calculation. minimized.  Mistakes in spread-  A CDM coordinator is in  Spread sheet walk- sheet calculation charge of the CDM trough. related calculations  Plausibility checks  Usage of tested /  Check of plots counterchecked Excel spreadsheets  Involvement of external consultants Monitoring reporting  Data transfer to the  An experienced CDM  The danger of data transfer  Counter check with  See Table A-2 author of the consultant is mistakes can only be evidences provided. monitoring report responsible for minimized  Audit of procedure  Data transfer to the monitoring reporting.  Inappropriate application of application monitoring report  CDM QMS procedures QMS procedures  Unintended use of are defined outdated versions

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Table A-2: (Project specific) Periodic Verification Checklist

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

A. Description of the project activity A.1. Purpose and general description of the /MR/ The verification team has checked the MR and confirms that CAR A1 OK project activity the information provided is complete and correct with regards to the following: Check if the MR includes the following: Purpose of the PA and the measures taken to reduce - Purpose of the PA and the measures taken to GHG emissions reduce GHG emissions Brief description of the installed technology and - Brief description of the installed technology equipment and equipment Relevant dates for the project activity (e.g. construction, - Relevant dates for the project activity (e.g. commissioning, continued operation periods etc construction, commissioning, continued operation periods etc.) Total emission reductions achieved in this monitoring period - Total emission reductions achieved in this monitoring period In this context refer CAR A1 raised.

A.2. Location of project activity /MR/ The verification team has checked the MR and confirms by OK OK means of comparison with the information given in the revised /RGSPD Check if the MR reflects correctly the following: GSPDD version 2.1 and information gathered during the site D/ - Host Party(ies) visit that the information provided is complete and correct with /IM01/ regards to the following: - Region / State / Province etc. Host Party(ies) - City / Town / Community etc. Region / State / Province - Physical / geographical location (e.g. Latitude and Longitude) City / Town / Community Physical / Geographical location

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

In this context no findings have been identified. A.3. Parties and Project Participants /MR/ The verification team has checked the MR as well as the GS CAR A4 OK website and confirms that: Check if the MR includes all PPs: /RGSPD D/ all PPs as displayed on the project related GS website - All PPs as displayed on the GS website are correctly listed /GSDDR/ In this context refer CAR A4 raised. A.4. Reference of applied methodology /MR/ The verification team has checked the MR and confirms by OK OK means of comparison with the information given in the revised /RGSPD Check if the MR correctly describes / includes the GSPDD and displayed on the GS website that the information D/ following: provided is complete and correct with regards to the following: /gs/ - Reference to the applicable version of the Number, title and version of the applicable GSF methodology Methodology - Reference to the applicable version(s) of Name and version of applicable GSF methodological relevant methodological tools tools In this context no findings have been identified. A.5. Crediting period of project activity /MR/ The verification team has checked the MR and confirms by OK OK means of comparison with the information displayed on the GS /gs/ Check if the MR correctly includes the following: website that the information provided is complete and correct - Start date of the crediting period. with regards to the following: - Length and type of the crediting period Start date of the crediting period. Type and length of the crediting period In this context no findings have been identified.

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

A.6. Publication of the Verification Work Plan /gs/ The verification workplan has been uploaded to the Registry on OK OK and monitoring report 2016-05-02

B. Implementation of project activity B.1. Description of implemented registered /MR/ The verification team has checked the MR and confirms by CAR A2 OK means of comparison with the information given in the revised project activity /RGSPD CAR A3 OK GSPDD and revised GS Passport, the project standard and D/ Check if the MR correctly describes / includes the information gathered during the site visit that: following: /RGSP/ the description of the implementation status of the PA is /IM01/ - Implementation status of the PA in line with the applicable provisions of the Gold Standard - Detailed description of installed Requirements and Toolkit technology(ies) / technical processes and an appropriate description of the installed equipment applied technology(ies), technical process and equipment has been included In this context the following findings have been identified: Please refer to finding CAR A2 and CAR A3. B.1.1. Initial project implementation /MR/ The verification team has checked the implemented project OK OK activity and the MR and confirms by means of comparison with /RGSPD Assess whether the project has been implemented and the information given in the GSPDD, the applicable Gold D/ operated as per the registered GSPDD and are all Standard Requirements and Toolkit and information gathered physical features of the project in place? /RGSP/ during the site visit that: Further focus on the potential phase wise /GSM the project has been implemented and operated as per implementation and check the reporting on the the revised GSPDD and revised GS Passport and all corresponding status and starting dates accordingly. /IM01/ physical features of the project are in place

the project has been implemented phase wise and corresponding evidence has been provided

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

Check if the project is still in compliance with the the project is still in compliance with the applied applicability conditions of the methodology. methodology In this context no findings have been identified. B.1.2. Technical equipment changes /MR/ The verification team has checked the implemented project OK OK activity and the MR and confirms by means of comparison with /RGSPD Check if relevant technical equipment of the project the information given in the revised GSPDD, the applicable D/ activity has been exchanged or modified during the Gold Standard Requirements and Toolkit and information monitoring period. Further ensure that consistent /ER1/ gathered during the site visit and interviews that: notations of key equipment (meters etc.) in GSPDD, MR and calculation spreadsheet are applied. /IM01/ no technical equipment has been exchanged or modified during the monitoring period Consider e.g. interviews with operational personnel, QMS records, maintenance records, instrument the notations of key equipment are consistently applied specifications. in the project documentation In case of changes, check whether the project is still in In this context no findings have been identified. line with the registered GSPDD and assure that these changes have been considered in the monitoring report and the emission reduction calculation.

B.1.3. Operation of the project activity /MR/ The verification team has checked the implemented project OK OK activity and the MR and confirms by means of comparison with /IM01/ Check if relevant operation modes of the project the information given in the revised GSPDD, the applicable activity have been exchanged or modified during the /RGSPD Gold Standard Requirements and Toolkit and information monitoring period. D/ gathered during the site visit and interviews that: Consider e.g. interviews with operational personnel, no relevant operation modes of the project activity have operation log sheets, data management system been exchanged or modified during the monitoring period records. In case of changes, check whether the project is still in line with the registered GSPDD and assure that these

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

changes have been considered in the monitoring the following changes have been adopted during the report and the emission reduction calculation. monitoring period, however the project is still in line with the registered GSPDD: B.1.4. Incidents /IM01/ The verification team has checked the implemented project OK OK activity and the MR and confirms by means of comparison with /onsite/ Identify if there have been any significant incidents, the information given in the GSPDD, the applicable Gold deviant operation modes and / or downtimes of the Standard Requirements and Toolkit and information gathered equipment? during the site visit and interviews that: Consider e.g. interviews with operational personnel, no significant incidents, deviant operation modes and / or operational log sheets, analysis of performance data. downtimes of the equipment happened during the monitoring period the following incidents, deviant operation modes and / or downtimes of the equipment happened during the monitoring period: B.1.5. Legislation /MR/ The verification team has checked the host country legislation OK OK and confirms by means of comparison with the implemented Find out – esp. in the context of methodological /ER1/ requirements - whether relevant legislation with effect project that: /IM01/ on the project activity in the host country has been no relevant legislation with effect on the project activity in changed. the host country has been changed Assess, in case of changes, whether consequences In this context no findings have been identified. for the PA with regard to relevant GS requirements have been accounted for. In case of changes data sources shall be referenced.

B.1.6. Open issues from GS validation /GSVAL/ There were no open issues addressed in the validation OK OK report

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

Check (esp. in case of 1st periodic verification) whether All open issues from the validation have been there are any open issues indicated in the validation appropriately addressed. report (e.g. FAR)? The following issues related to the validation have not yet been appropriately addressed: B.1.7. Open issues from previous /VER/ There were no open issues addressed in the previous CAR A5 OK verification verification report Check in case of further periodic verifications whether All open issues from the previous verification have been there are any open issues indicated in previous appropriately addressed. verification reports (FAR). The following issues related to the previous verification have not yet been appropriately addressed: Refer to finding CAR A5 raised

C. Description of monitoring system C.1. Monitoring Plan – GSPDD and GS /MR/ By means of comparison of the MR with the revised GSPDD (or CAR A6 OK any revisions thereof) the verification team has checked Passport Compliance /RGSPD CAR C1 OK whether the MP is in compliance with the revised GSPDD and D/ Check if the monitoring plan is in accordance with the revised GS Passport. The outcome is as follows: CAR C2 OK monitoring plan contained in the registered GS /RGSP/ GSPDD (or any accepted revised MP). The MP is completely in accordance with the last registered/approved version of the GSPDD / MP / GS Please check esp. if Passport. - all parameters stated in the MP of the In this context refer CAR A6, CAR C1 amd CAR C2 raised. registered GSPDD have been monitored and updated as applicable - the monitoring equipment has been controlled and calibrated as per the MP

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

- the monitoring results are consistently recorded as per the approved frequency - QA/QC procedures have been applied in accordance with the MP

C.2. Monitoring Plan – Meth Compliance /MR/ By means of comparison of the MR with the applied Gold OK OK Standard methodology and related tools the verification team /RGSPD Check if the monitoring plan is in accordance with the has checked whether the MP is in compliance with the MP D/ applied methodology. related requirements of the applied methodology. The outcome In case the methodology references applicable tools it /GST/ is as follows: has to be ensured that the MP is also compliant with /AT/ The MP is completely in accordance with the applied those tools. methodology by the GS project (last registered/approved /PLEAD/ Also please specify if monitoring aspects have been version of the GSPDD) identified that are not specified in the methodology but The MP is completely in accordance with the applied may encance the level of accuracy and completeness tools which the methodology references. A breakdown of of the monitoring plan – this esp. applies for SSC PAs. the referenced tools is as follows: 1 Title (of the tool) Gold Standard Toolkit Version 2.1 MP compliance full compliance findings have been raised N/A (for MP) 2 Title (of the tool) Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality Version 6.1

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

MP compliance full compliance findings have been raised N/A (for MP) 3 Title (of the tool) Tool Project and leakage emissions from anaerobic digesters Version 01.0.0 MP compliance full compliance findings have been raised N/A (for MP) In this context no findings have been identified. C.3. Management System /MR/ Description: OK OK Check if the GHG data monitoring system can be /RGSP/ A third party independent consultant has been hired to conduct the monitoring of carbon parameters and Gold Standard assessed as appropriate. /RGSPD sustainability indicators for the national biodigesters D/ In case reference is made to a (certified) company programme. quality management system, check if all GHG related /ER1/ monitoring procedures have been fully integrated in The project activity has a project database managed at the NBP the project participant’s quality management system. /S2/ central office in Phnom Penh. In case of a stand-alone system, check how the GHG The organization chart for the monitoring activities includes management system has been implemented and carbon consultants (Eric Buysman & Patrick Kooijman) and effectiveness is ensured. NBP. Eric Buysman is responsible for CMS Survey (Carbon and SD monitoring), Patrick Kooijman is for KPT (BFT and PFT), and NBP for Usage Survey.

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

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Verifier´s action: The project database, survey procedures and forms have been reviewed by the verification team. Conclusion: The management system was set up as a stand-alone system and exclusively for the NBP. The system has been implemented effectively. C.4. Roles and Responsibilities /MR/ Description: OK OK Check if all roles and positions of each person in the /RGSP/ The project activity has a project database managed at the NBP central office in Phnom Penh. GHG data management process are clearly defined /ER1/ and implemented as stated in the monitoring plan. The organization chart for the monitoring activities includes /S2/ Please consider the complete data trail from raw data carbon consultants (Eric Buysman & Patrick Kooijman) and generation to submission of the final data. NBP. Eric Buysman is responsible for CMS Survey (Carbon In case of changes, assure that the implemented and SD monitoring), Patrick Kooijman is for KPT (BFT and monitoring procedures have not been affected. PFT), and NBP for Usage Survey. Verifier´s action: The project database, survey procedures and forms have been reviewed by the verification team. Conclusion: All the survey procedures and forms have been checked and used without any change so far up to the end of the current monitoring period. C.5. Emergency procedures for the monitor- /MR/ Description: OK OK ing system /IM01/

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Check, as appropriate, whether relevant emergency The computer server in the office has the primary back-up data procedures for the monitoring system have been stored and an external back-up kept by the project coordinator included in the MR and assess whether these that will be used in the event of an emergency. procedures have been implemented, when required Verifier´s action: During the on-site visit, the verification team has checked the server to confirm the primary data and records stored are the data from MRI to MRIII of CPII. The stored data are password protected and only authorized person could access. The database manager was interviewed to confirm how the data is applied in emergency case. Conclusion: By means of onsite assessment and checking the stored data, it can be concluded emergency respond plan is in place. C.6. Data archive and data protection /MR/ Description: OK OK Check whether all records of monitoring parameters /RGSPD Chapter 6 of the monitoring report also described how the data are archived according to the monitoring plan. D/ is archived and backed up. Assess further whether appropriate measures have /IM01/ Verifier´s action: been taken in order to avoid unintended or intended The data was kept in a project database which is hosted in a manipulation or loss of the measured data. NBP central office in Phnom Penh. The data was backed up daily onto hard disk media and at a separate location at IT and database Management officer’s house. Such back-up data shall be used as data for monitoring purpose in case the project database was down.

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

During the on-site visit, the verification team has conducted interview and reviewed the records archiving method and procedures for the monitored parameters stated in MR and revised GSPDD. Two persons were authorized to access the database key-in interface and only the administrator is authorized to edit the saved database. Furthermore, the data stored at the server is password protected and only authorized personnel can access. Conclusion: By means of onsite assessment and checking the stored data, it can be concluded data archiving and protection is in place and has been properly implemented.

D. Data and parameters

D.1. Data and Parameters fixed ex ante and ex post D.1.1. Compliance with registered GSPDD and /MR/ By means of comparison of the MR with the revised GSPDD (or OK OK any revisions thereof) the verification team confirms that: the applied methodology (ex ante) /RGSPD Check whether the value applied is in compliance D/ all ex ante data and parameters are in compliance with with the registered GSPDD and the applied the revised GSPDD and the applied methodology or any /GSM/ methodology or any other tool. other tool. In this context no findings have been identified.

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

D.1.2. Compliance with registered GSPDD and /MR/ By means of comparison of the MR with the registered GSPDD OK OK (or any revisions thereof) the verification team confirms that: the applied methodology (ex post) /RGSPD Check whether the value applied is in compliance D/ all ex post and parameters are in compliance with the with the registered GSPDD and the applied revised GSPDD and the applied methodology or any /GSM/ methodology or any other tool. other tool. In this context no findings have been identified.

D.2. Data and Parameters monitored for ER Quantity of fuel that is consumed in the project scenario D.2.1. Pp,y in year y a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: CAR D4 OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /ER1/ According to the revised GSPDD and applied methodology, this measured / determined. parameter data will be at least every 2 years. The most recent /RGSPD survey was conducted in January to March 2016. Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and D/ if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard The data applied for this monitoring period is based on /GSM/ equipment other measurement / determination surveyed data conducted in January to March 2016. methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the /ER1/ Based on the results of KPT (PFT) survey, only firewood and frequency of measurements as per the requirements. charcoal in wood equivalent are consumed in the project Assess whether the measurement / determination scenario. No LPG is in use by project households. The average method is in line with the registered monitoring plan per household quantity of firewood and charcoal in wood and the applied methodology. equivalent are not consistent with the surveyed data. The data was used in calculating the project emission from fuel use in the project scenario. Verifier´s action:

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

The data stated in the MR was cross-checked with the surveyed results and the value applied is inconsistent with the reference. Conclusion: The data applied for this monitoring period is inconsistent with the (KPT (PFT) survey conducted in January to March 2016. Refer CAR D4 raised b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: CAR D4 OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /RGSPD The data applied was based on the consolidated survey results whether the accuracy of equipment used for D conducted from Jan to Mar 2016 and compliance with the monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance applied methodology. /ER1/ with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies Verifier´s action: occur; in this case, make sure that the most /S2/ conservative assumptions theoretically possible have The data applied was cross-checked with survey results /OM1/ been made for calculating ERs. conducted in Jan to Mar 2016 and found to be inconsistent. /IM01/ Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures QA/QC procedures are in place and implemented are met. Assess further if the calibration of the /IM02/ appropriately. monitoring equipment has been carried out by competent personnel. Conclusion: It can be concluded, the data applied is inconsistent Refer CAR D4 raised c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial CAR D4 OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /RGSPD monitoring report is correct or determined in a D Description: conservative manner. /ER1/ The data applied as based on the survey database calculation conducted on Jan to Mar 2016

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data applied was cross-checked against the database be given. survey results conducted on Jan to Mar 2016 and found inconsistent. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and descriptions of the CARs raised. Conclusion: The data applied is inconsistent. Refer CAR D4 raised.

D.2.2. fNRB Fraction of Non-Renewable Biomass a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD The value reported in the MP was 77% based on the EB77 measured / determined. D/ report.

Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ The data is used in calculating the portion of project CO2 if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard emission from the biomass fuel consumption in the project /IM02/ equipment other measurement / determination scenario (for firewood in this case). methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the /NRB/ Verifier´s action: frequency of measurements as per the requirements. The value applied was cross-checked with EB 77 report Assess whether the measurement / determination referring to SSCWG43 information note on the default value for method is in line with the registered monitoring plan Cambodia. and the applied methodology. Conclusion: The parameter is monitored in accordance with the revised GSPDD b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /RGSPD A value of 77% applied is a default value and not measured. whether the accuracy of equipment used for D/ Therefore inaccuracy is low. monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies /EB77/ Verifier´s action: occur; in this case, make sure that the most /NRB/ Since default value has been applied, no measurement method conservative assumptions theoretically possible have is involved. been made for calculating ERs. /ER1/ QA/QC procedure implemented. Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures /OM1/ are met. Assess further if the calibration of the Conclusion: monitoring equipment has been carried out by competent personnel. The data applied is consistent with EB 77 report and WG43 information note. c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /ER1/ monitoring report is correct or determined in a Description: /EB77/ conservative manner. The value applied is a default data from EB77 report with /NRB/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the reference to WG43. monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment Verifier´s action: of the conservativeness of the approach used should be given. A value of 77% was reported and applied in the MR. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The value of 77% applied is based on the default value for host country according to EB77 report and WG43 information note.

D.2.3. Up,y Percentage of bio-digesters in use in monitoring period y a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: CAR D1 OK CAR D2 OK

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD The rate of bio-digesters in use in the monitoring period was measured / determined. D/ incorrect. Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ The data was consolidated from the usage survey results, if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard conducted by a third party independent consultant. equipment other measurement / determination /S2/ methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the The total number of bio-digesters installed for the monitoring /IM02/ frequency of measurements as per the requirements. period is 2,042 units. /IM03/ Assess whether the measurement / determination The data is used to calculate the emission reductions per unit method is in line with the registered monitoring plan per month. and the applied methodology. Verifier´s action: The data has been checked against the survey forms records and ER worksheet. Conclusion: The usage survey was conducted in accordance with the revised GSPDD. However, refer CAR D1 and CAR D2 raised b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /RGSPD The data was consolidated from the survey results and no whether the accuracy of equipment used for D/ equipment was involved in monitoring. monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance /ER1/ The quality control procedures are performed with regards to with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies the plant in operation and under construction, on masons and occur; in this case, make sure that the most /S2/ BCCs, after sales services, user trainings, and avoidance of conservative assumptions theoretically possible have /OM1/ double counting. been made for calculating ERs. /T1/ Verifier´s action: Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures

are met. Assess further if the calibration of the

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

monitoring equipment has been carried out by The verification team had checked the quality control competent personnel. procedures of the programme. QA/QC procedures are in place and implemented appropriately. Conclusion: The parameter is monitored in accordance to the revised GSPDD. c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial CAR D1 OK\OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /GSPDD/ /CAR D2 monitoring report is correct or determined in a Description: /S2/ conservative manner. The data has been calculated from the usage survey database. /ER1/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data has been checked against the usage survey forms be given. records and ER worksheet. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. Refer finding CAR D1 and CAR D2 raised

D.2.4. LEp,y Leakage emission in project scenario during year y a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: CAR E1 OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD The total leakage emission includes the leakage from the bio- measured / determined. D/ digesters and incomplete combustion of the stoves. Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ Emission source kg CH4/y tCO2e/hh/y if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard /S2/ equipment other measurement / determination

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the /IM02/ Physical leakage 6.2509 0.1563 frequency of measurements as per the requirements. /IM03/ Incomplete combustion 0.0338 0.0008 Assess whether the measurement / determination

method is in line with the registered monitoring plan Sum 6.2847 0.1571 and the applied methodology. The value was derived based on data from the Carbon Monitoring Survey (CMS). Verifier´s action: The data in the ER spreadsheet and MR was crossed checked with the CMS data. Conclusion: The parameter is monitored according to the revised GSPDD. However, refer CAR E1 raised b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /RGSPD The data was consolidated from the CMS survey results and whether the accuracy of equipment used for D/ Newton scale was used in the weighing of the fuel usage. 6 sets monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance of weigh stones used for all related surveys are calibrated by /ER1/ with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies Expert Organization DTW. occur; in this case, make sure that the most /S2/ The quality control procedures are performed with regards to conservative assumptions theoretically possible have /OM1/ the plant in operation and under construction by masons and been made for calculating ERs. BCCs, after commissioning services, household trainings, and /OM2/ Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures avoidance of double counting of the emission reductions.

are met. Assess further if the calibration of the Verifier´s action: monitoring equipment has been carried out by competent personnel. The verification team had checked the quality control procedures of the programme.

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

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Original certificate for these weight stones was reviewed by the verification team during the site visit. A copy of such certificate was provided in Annex II of the monitoring report by the PP. Calibration certificates show no deviation in the weight of the weigh stones. QA/QC procedures are in place and implemented appropriately. Conclusion: The parameter is monitored in accordance to the revised GSPDD. c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial CAR E1 OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /RGSPD monitoring report is correct or determined in a D/ Description:

conservative manner. /ER1/ The data has been calculated from the CMS survey database. In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the /S1/ Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment

of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data has been checked against the survey forms records be given. and found inconsistent in the data. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The final value applied in the MR is incorrect. Refer CAR E1 raised.

D.2.5. Np,y Number of biogas plants commissioned a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: CAR D3 OK

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TÜV NORD JI/CDM Certification Program

R-No: MY-PVerGS 16/09 <16/071>

Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD The total number of biogas plants commissioned reported in the measured / determined. D/ monitoring period is 24,159 units based on the NBP database. Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ The newly commissioned units for this monitoring period were if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard 2,042 units equipment other measurement / determination /IM01/ methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the Verifier´s action: /IM02/ frequency of measurements as per the requirements. The verification team has checked NBP database, quality

Assess whether the measurement / determination control procedures for data handling and the ER worksheet. method is in line with the registered monitoring plan The number of biogas commissioned is reported by the BCCs and the applied methodology. and keyed into the NBP database at the central NBP office in Phnom Penh. Conclusion: The parameter is monitored in accordance to the revised GSPDD Refer finding CAR D3 raised b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /RGSPD The data was based on the NBP database. whether the accuracy of equipment used for D/ Verifier´s action: monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance /ER1/ with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies The verification team had checked NBP database and quality occur; in this case, make sure that the most /OM1/ control procedures for data handling. conservative assumptions theoretically possible have QA/QC procedures are in place and implemented been made for calculating ERs. appropriately. Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures are met. Assess further if the calibration of the Conclusion: The parameter is monitored according to the revised GSPDD.

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monitoring equipment has been carried out by competent personnel.

c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial CAR D3 OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /RGSPD monitoring report is correct or determined in a D/ Description: conservative manner. /ER1/ The data has been calculated from the NBP database. In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data has been checked against the NBP database at the be given. NBP central office in Phnom Penh. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The final value applied in the MR is inconsistent with the value stated in the ER worksheet. Refer finding CAR D3 raised Fraction of livestock category T’s manure fed in the D.2.6. MS(P,s,k) biodigester and other MS a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD The fraction of manure fed in the biodigester for respective measured / determined. D/ animal category as follows: Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ Animal ∑(MCF.MS) if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard /IM02/ Cow 7.360% equipment other measurement / determination Pig 16.630% methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the /S2/ Buffalo frequency of measurements as per the requirements. 6.935%

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Assess whether the measurement / determination The data was derived from the CMS database conducted by a method is in line with the registered monitoring plan third party independent consultant. and the applied methodology. Verifier´s action: The verification team has checked the quality control procedures of the programme. Conclusion: The CMS was conducted in accordance with the revised GSPDD and correct data is applied in the MRIII. b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /GSPDD/ The data was consolidated from the CMS survey results whether the accuracy of equipment used for Newton scale was used in the weighing of the fuel usage. 6 sets /ER1/ monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance of weigh stones were used for all related surveys are calibrated with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies /S1/ by Expert Organization DTW. occur; in this case, make sure that the most /O3/ The quality control procedures are performed with regards to conservative assumptions theoretically possible have the plant in operation and under construction by masons and been made for calculating ERs. BCCs, after commissioning services, household training and Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures avoidance of double counting of the emission reductions. are met. Assess further if the calibration of the Verifier´s action: monitoring equipment has been carried out by competent personnel. The verification team had checked the quality control procedures of the programme. Original certificate for these weight stones was reviewed by the verification team during the site visit. A copy of such certificate was provided in Annex II of the monitoring report by the PP. Calibration certificates show no deviation in the weight of the weight stones.

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QA/QC procedures are in place and implemented appropriately Conclusion: The parameter is monitored according to the revised GSPDD. c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /GSPDD/ monitoring report is correct or determined in a Description: /ER1/ conservative manner. The data has been calculated from the CMS survey database. /S1/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data has been checked against the survey forms records be given. to confirm that the data is correctly consolidated. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The final value applied in the MR is correct.

D.2.7. N(T) Number of animals of livestock category T a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD The number of animals of livestock category T as follows: measured / determined. D/ Category T LCT Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ Non-dairy cow 3.909 if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard /IM02/ Pig 3.908 equipment other measurement / determination Buffalo 1.024 methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the /S2/ frequency of measurements as per the requirements. The data was derived from the CMS database conducted by a third party independent consultant. Verifier´s action:

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

Assess whether the measurement / determination The verification team had checked the quality control method is in line with the registered monitoring plan procedures of the programme. and the applied methodology. Conclusion: The CMS was conducted in accordance with the revised GSPDD. b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /RGSPD The data was consolidated from the CMS survey results and no whether the accuracy of equipment used for D/ equipment was involved in monitoring. monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance /ER1/ The quality control procedures are performed with regards to with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies the plant in operation and under construction, on masons and occur; in this case, make sure that the most /S2/ BCCs, after sales services, user trainings, and avoidance of conservative assumptions theoretically possible have /OM1/ double counting. been made for calculating ERs. Verifier´s action: Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures are met. Assess further if the calibration of the The verification team had checked the quality control monitoring equipment has been carried out by procedures of the programme. competent personnel. Conclusion: Data was collected as per section B.7.2 of the revised GSPDD and the prescribed sampling plan c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /GSPDD/ monitoring report is correct or determined in a Description: /ER1/ conservative manner. The data has been calculated from the CMS survey database.

In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment

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of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data has been checked against the survey forms records be given. to confirm that the data is correctly consolidated. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The final value applied in the MR is correct. D.2.8. PL Physical leakage of the bio-digester a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD A default value of 10% has been applied in the MR for the measured / determined. D/ current monitoring period. Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ The default value was based the applied methodology if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard “Technologies and practices to displace decentralized thermal /GSM/ equipment other measurement / determination energy consumption“, version 2.0 0. methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the /IM02/ Verifier´s action: frequency of measurements as per the requirements. The verification team had checked and compared with the Assess whether the measurement / determination applied methodology. method is in line with the registered monitoring plan and the applied methodology. Conclusion: Default value applied is correct. b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /RGSPD A default value of 10% has been applied. whether the accuracy of equipment used for D/ Verifier´s action: monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance /ER1/ with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies A default value of 10% has been applied. occur; in this case, make sure that the most /GSM/ Conclusion: /IPCC/ A default value of 10% has been applied.

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conservative assumptions theoretically possible have been made for calculating ERs. Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures are met. Assess further if the calibration of the monitoring equipment has been carried out by competent personnel.

c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /RGSPD monitoring report is correct or determined in a D/ Description:

conservative manner. /ER1/ A default value of 10% has been applied. In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the /GSM/ Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should A default value of 10% has been applied. be given. Conclusion: In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and A default value of 10% has been applied. descriptions of the CARs raised.

Animal waste methane emission factor by average D.2.9. EFawms,T temperatures a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD The number of animals of livestock category T as follows: measured / determined. D/ Category T EF (kgCH4/head/year) Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard Non-dairy cow 4.140 /IM02/ equipment other measurement / determination Pig 10.121

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methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the 6.614 /S2/ Buffalo frequency of measurements as per the requirements. The data was derived from the CMS database conducted by a Assess whether the measurement / determination third party independent consultant. method is in line with the registered monitoring plan and the applied methodology. Verifier´s action: The verification team has checked and compared with the applied methodology. Default value applied is correct. Conclusion: The parameter is monitored according to the revised GSPDD. b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /RGSPD The data was consolidated from the CMS survey results and no whether the accuracy of equipment used for D/ equipment was involved in monitoring. monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance /ER1/ The quality control procedures are performed with regards to with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies the plant in operation and under construction by masons and occur; in this case, make sure that the most /S2/ BCCs, after commissioning services, household training and conservative assumptions theoretically possible have /OM1/ avoidance of double counting of the emission reductions. been made for calculating ERs. Verifier´s action: Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures are met. Assess further if the calibration of the The verification team had checked the quality control monitoring equipment has been carried out by procedures of the programme. competent personnel. QA/QC procedures are in place and implemented appropriately Conclusion: The parameter is monitored according to the revised GSPDD.

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c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /RGSPD monitoring report is correct or determined in a D/ Description: conservative manner. /ER1/ The data has been calculated from the CMS survey database. In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data has been checked against the survey forms records be given. to confirm that the data is correctly consolidated. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The final value applied in the MR is correct. D.2.10. Bio-slurry The end-use systems of bio-slurry a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSPD During this MRIV of CPII, 18,056 households use bio-slurry for measured / determined. D/ their farming and/or gardening activities. Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ SD indicator No. 3 – Soil condition, chosen parameter is the if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard cumulative number of households that use bio-slurry as /S2/ equipment other measurement / determination fertilizer. The CMS results show the number of households that methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the /IM02/ use bio-slurry was 18,056 by the end of current monitoring frequency of measurements as per the requirements. period. /IM01/ Assess whether the measurement / determination The PP has calculated the emissions from the use of bio-slurry /LHH/ method is in line with the registered monitoring plan to check if it is below 1% of the total emission reduction per and the applied methodology. household per year. For this monitoring period, the emission from the bio-slurry was derived at 0.0176CO2e/y/hh. The emission source from the use of bio-slurry was not covered by the applied methodology. Therefore, the PP has calculated

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the project emission from the end-use of bio-slurry (digestate) to account for the project emission in case the bio-slurry was handled aerobically. The value was 0.0176tCO2e/y/hh which is lower than the emission reductions per household per year period (4.408tCO2e/hh/y) in the current monitoring period. Tab Bio-slurry of the excel worksheet has been checked, the data and calculations could be confirmed as correct. /ER1/ Therefore, this emission source can be considered as negligible and can be excluded from the ER assessment for this monitoring period. Verifier´s action: The verification team had checked and compared with the applied methodology. Conclusion: The survey was conducted in accordance with the registered GSPDD. The emission from this source is below 1% of the emission reductions per household per year. b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /ER1/ The data was consolidated from the CMS survey results and no whether the accuracy of equipment used for equipment was involved in monitoring. /S2/ monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance The quality control procedures are performed with regards to with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies /OM1/ the plant in operation and under construction by masons and occur; in this case, make sure that the most BCCs, after commissioning services, household training and avoidance of double counting of the emission reductions.

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conservative assumptions theoretically possible have Verifier´s action: been made for calculating ERs. The verification team had checked the quality control Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures procedures of the programme. are met. Assess further if the calibration of the monitoring equipment has been carried out by QA/QC procedures are in place and implemented competent personnel. appropriately. Conclusion: The parameter is monitored according to the registered GSPDD. c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /RGSPD monitoring report is correct or determined in a D/ Description:

conservative manner. /ER1/ The data has been calculated from the CMS survey database. In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the /S2/ Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data has been checked against the survey forms records be given. to confirm that the data is correctly consolidated. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The final value applied in the MR is correct. Average pig weight at the project site by pig type (sow, D.2.11. W(site) boar, fattening pig and piglet (kg) a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /GSPDD This parameter monitored the average pig weight at the project measured / determined. 2/ site by pig type in kg.

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Check if relevant equipment has been exchanged and /ER1/ The parameter is measured and calculated. if in cases of failures / downtimes of standard equipment other measurement / determination The hearth girth and length of the pig type is measured in methods have been used. Furthermore, verify the meters. frequency of measurements as per the requirements. The measured hearth girth and length is then applied to the Assess whether the measurement / determination below equation to determine the expected weight of the pigs. method is in line with the registered monitoring plan Pig weight = Hg2 x L x 69.3 and the applied methodology. Verifier´s action: The verification team had cross-checked the data applied to calculate the pig weight by type in the ER spreadsheet for correctness. Conclusion: The weight of the pigs by type is monitored according to the revised GSPDD. b) Accuracy and QA/QC Procedure /MR/ Description: OK OK In case of measured (or estimated) values, check /ER1/ The data is measured and calculated using the measured data whether the accuracy of equipment used for of the pig hearth girth and length to determine the weight. /GSPDD monitoring is controlled and calibrated in accordance 2/ Verifier´s action: with the monitoring plan or if significant inaccuracies occur; in this case, make sure that the most /OM1/ The verification team had checked the data in the CMS data conservative assumptions theoretically possible have sheet of ER spreadsheet are applied correctly to calculate the been made for calculating ERs. average weight of the pig type. Describe whether all applicable QA/QC procedures QA/QC procedures are in place and implemented are met. Assess further if the calibration of the appropriately. monitoring equipment has been carried out by competent personnel. Conclusion:

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The parameter is monitored according to the revised GSPDD. c) Correctness /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the value given in the sustainability /RGSPD monitoring report is correct or determined in a D/ Description:

conservative manner. /ER1/ The data has been calculated from the CMS survey data. In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the /S2/ Verifier´s action: monitoring as per registered MP detailed assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should The data has been checked against the survey forms records be given. to confirm that the data is correctly consolidated. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The final value applied in the MR is correct.

D.3. Parameters monitored for Sustainability Reduction in wood consumption for cooking in the project D.3.1. No. 1 - Air quality compared to the baseline a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: CAR SD1 OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was measure /RGSP/ The chosen parameter has been revised to remove charcoal from monitoring and approved by GS on 2015-10-19. Refer Section 5.4 above.d / determined. /ER1/ With the revision the chosen parameter for this indicator is the Assess whether the measurement / determination /S2/ reduction in wood consumption for cooking in the project method is in line with the registered passport, applied /OM1/ compared to the baseline. toolkit and GSPDD. . /LHH/ The reduction of wood consumption reported for this monitoring period was 89%. Verifier´s action:

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The verification team has checked the MR and the survey data in the excel spreadsheet. The verification team has interviewed 104 households. The responses indicate that the use of firewood was low as compared to the baseline scenario. No charcoal fuel was used for cooking. All the respondents said that they only used firewood during special events where they needed to cook more food than usual. Conclusion: The survey procedures and forms have been reviewed and could be confirmed as in line with the revised GS Passport. Refer finding CAR SD1 raised b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial CAR SD1 OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method/value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /IM02/ determined in a conservative manner. The data is sourced from the Kitchen Performance Test (KPT) /S1/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the survey conducted by an independent consultant. monitoring as per registered passport detailed /LHH/ Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach /ER1/ used should be given. The KPT data has been reviewed by the verification team, which was then cross checked with the records of onsite Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I interview with the 61 households and telephone interviews for In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and 43 randomly selected households of various districts and descriptions of the CARs raised. provinces

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Conclusion: The data of the survey is correct. However, refer CAR SD1 raised Score: The verification team concluded on a score of positive impact (+). D.3.2. No. 2 - Water quality and quantity Number of toilets connected to the bio-digester a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The number of toilets connected reported in the MR was 2,886 measured / determined. toilets an increase of 9.2% for this monitoring period. /ER1/ Assess whether the measurement / determination Verifier´s action: /IM02/ method is in line with the registered passport, applied The database has been checked by the verification team. The toolkit and GSPDD. . /S2/ database management officer was interviewed. The details of /LHH/ the toilet connected to the bio-digesters was entered into the database basing on the information reported by the PBPO every a toilet is constructed and connected to the bio-digester system. The verification team has checked the visited households during the onsite inspection with 13 of the household toilets are connected. Conclusion: The project database and data management procedure could be confirmed as correct and in accordance with the revised GS Passport.

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b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method/value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /ER1/ determined in a conservative manner. The data on toilet connection is keyed directly into the project /IM02/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the database by a database management officer. monitoring as per registered passport detailed /S2/ Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should be given. The project database was checked and the data management officer was interviewed on the data handling procedure. Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I Conclusion: In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and descriptions of the CARs raised. The data of the survey is correct. Score The number of toilets connected to the bio-digester has increased as compared to the baseline scenario was zero. The score for this parameter is positive (+).

Cumulative number of households that use bio-slurry as D.3.3. No. 3 - Soil condition fertilizer a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: CAR SD3 OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The number of households using bio-slurry as at 2015-12-31 measured / determined. was not reported correctly. /onsite/ Assess whether the measurement / determination The data was derived from the Carbon Monitoring Survey /ER1/ method is in line with the registered passport, applied (CMS). toolkit and GSPDD. . /LHH/ Verifier´s action:

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The CMS data and procedures have been reviewed which is the same as defined in the revised GS Passport. A cross check was performed against the interview outcomes during the site visit for 104 interviewed and visited households by the verification team. Conclusion: The determination method is consistent with the revised GS Passport. However refer CAR SD3 raised b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial CAR SD3 OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method/value given /ER1/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /RGSP/ determined in a conservative manner. The value of the data in the monitoring report was correct as /OM1/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the regards to the CMS database. monitoring as per registered passport detailed Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should be given. The CMS database and procedures have been reviewed by the verification team. Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I All the 104 interviewed households used bio slurry for their rice In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and field and other crops having significant savings from buying descriptions of the CARs raised. chemical fertilizers. Conclusion: The data of the survey is correct. However refer CAR SD3 raised

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Score: The number of households using bio slurry as fertilizers for their farming activities have increased from the baseline scenario, the score is positive (+).

D.3.4. No. 4 - Biodiversity Cumulative savings of wood a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The report cumulative savings for this monitoring period was measured / determined. 26.8 Gg of firewood, totalling 173.9 Gg firewood from the start /ER1/ of project Assess whether the measurement / determination

method is in line with the registered passport, applied The cumulative savings of fire wood was calculated based on

toolkit and GSPDD. . average consumption of fuelwood per household (FWbaseline,hh) in the baseline minus average consumption of fuelwood in the project is the reduction of fuelwood per average household, multiplied with the number of biodigesters

REfuel = (∑FWbaseline,hh- ∑FWproject,hh) x Nbiodigester Verifier´s action: The method of calculating such accumulative savings of firewood is assessed as correct and in accordance with the revised GS Passport. The input data was derived from the Carbon Monitoring Survey which has been verified by the verification team. Conclusion:

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The method of determining the accumulative savings of firewood for the current monitoring period could be assessed as correct. b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method/value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /ER1/ determined in a conservative manner. The value in the monitoring report was calculated based on /OM1/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the data from the Carbon Monitoring Survey. monitoring as per registered passport detailed Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should be given. The CMS database and procedures have been reviewed by the verification team. Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I All the 104 randomly interviewed households said that they In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and have stopped using firewood for cooking unless during festive descriptions of the CARs raised. or special events when large amount of food to be cooked. Conclusion: The data of the survey is considered as correct. Score: The method of determining the accumulative savings of firewood for the current monitoring period could be assessed as correct. The score for the current monitoring period is positive (+).

Number of trained masons and supervisors (quality D.3.5. No. 5 - Quality of Employment inspectors of bio-digesters)

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a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The number of trained masons and supervisors was reported measured / determined. in the MR as at 2015-12-31 was 604 and 162. /T1/ Assess whether the measurement / determination The monitoring of such number of masons and supervisors was /ER1/ method is in line with the registered passport, applied done by means of reporting from the BCC and PBPO to the toolkit and GSPDD. . /IM04/ NBP central office where the data is processed and keyed in the project database /IM05/ Verifier´s action: /IM06/ The training procedures were checked and the data handling process was confirmed by the verification team through interviews with the BCCs and PBPOs during the site visit. The project database and masons certificates were reviewed. Conclusion: The number of masons and supervisors are correctly determined and reported in the MR. b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method/value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /ER1/ determined in a conservative manner. The data is monitored by means of keeping track of the number /OM1/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the of masons and supervisors and keyed in the project database. monitoring as per registered passport detailed /T1/ Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach

used should be given. The database, training procedures and certificates were checked by the verification team. Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I

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In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The data can be confirmed for correctness. Score: The number of certified masons as 2015-12-31 has increased from 578 to 604 and trained supervisors from 132 to 162. The score for the current monitoring period is positive (+).

Parameter 1 – Cumulative number of users that use biogas for cooking D.3.6. No. 6 - Livelihood of the poor Parameter 2 - Number of household members that benefit from having an improve waste management system a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: CAR SD3 OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The chosen parameters have been revised as from this measured / determined. monitoring period and approved by GS on 2015-10-19. /S2/ Assess whether the measurement / determination Refer Section 5.4 above post registration changes for this /IM03/ method is in line with the registered passport, applied indicator. toolkit and GSPDD. . /IM02/ Parameter 1: /LHH/ The MR reported 97.6% use the biogas to cook daily with 2.4% cooks every other day. Parameter 2: The MR reported total of 104,266 households members benefitted. The data was derived from the Carbon Monitoring Survey conducted by a third party independent consultant.

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Verifier´s action: The CMS procedures and database have been reviewed by the verification team and cross checked with the information obtained from the interviews with the 61 households visited and 43 interviewed by telephone. Conclusion: The monitoring of this SD indicator is in accordance with the GS Passport. However, refer CAR SD3 raised b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial CAR SD3 OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method/value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /ER1/ determined in a conservative manner. The data was consolidated from the Carbon Monitoring Survey /S2/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the results by a third party independent consultant. monitoring as per registered passport detailed /LHH/ Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach

used should be given. The verification team had confirmed the reported figures by conducting interviews with 104 households. From the interview, Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I it was found all visited and interviewed households used biogas In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and for daily cooking. descriptions of the CARs raised. The number of household members and the number of times of cooking per day was checked. Conclusion: The monitoring of this SD indicator is in accordance with the revised GS Passport.

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Score: In the baseline scenario, there is no biogas for cooking and no waste management systems installed, the score for this indicator is positive (+). D.3.7. No. 7 - Access to affordable and clean Total reduction in cooking fuel expenditure compared to energy services the baseline calculated at current prices a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: CAR SD4 OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The chosen parameter has been revised as from this measured / determined. monitoring period and approved by GS on 2015-10-19. /ER1/ Assess whether the measurement / determination The savings indicated in the MR was inconsistent as at 2015- /S2/ method is in line with the registered passport, applied 12-31 is not determined correctly. toolkit and GSPDD. . /IM03/ The data was consolidated from the Carbon Monitoring Survey conducted by an independent consultant. The savings is calculated by multiplying the amount of fuel saving with the current prices of the fuel the number of digesters in operation, the share of plants in operation and the total number of plants Verifier´s action: The survey database and procedures have been checked and reviewed by the verification team. Conclusion: The survey was conducted and data was consolidated in accordance with the revised GS Passport. Refer finding CAR SD4 raised

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b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial CAR Sd4 OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /ER1/ determined in a conservative manner. The data was consolidated from the Carbon Monitoring Survey /S2/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the conducted by a third party independent consultant. monitoring as per registered passport detailed /LHH/ Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should be given. The data and calculations have been checked by the verification team from the ER excel file submitted by the PP. Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I The results coincide with what was perceived by the verification In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and team during the interviews with 1104 randomly selected descriptions of the CARs raised. households. Conclusion: The monitoring of this SD indicator is in accordance with the revised GS Passport. Refer finding CAR SD4 raised Score: The total savings as at 2015-12-31 for the current monitoring period is $10.03 per month per HH when compared with savings of $7.91 per month per HH from MRIII CPI Hence the score for this parameter is positive (+) Cumulative number of established Biogas Construction D.3.8. No. 8 - Human and institutional capacity Companies (BCC) a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The total reported number of BCC was 93 of which 69 are measured / determined. currently active for this monitoring period. /ER1/ Assess whether the measurement / determination The data is monitored by keeping track of the number of BCCs method is in line with the registered passport, applied established and reported to the NBP central office in Phnom toolkit and GSPDD. . Penh. Verifier´s action: The data handling procedure has been checked against the GS Passport. Conclusion: The monitoring of this SD indicator is in accordance with the revised GS Passport. b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /IM04/ determined in a conservative manner. The data was based on the project database, into which the /IM05/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the number of BCCs was reported to and keyed in at the NBP monitoring as per registered passport detailed /IM06/ central office in Phnom Penh. assessment of the conservativeness of the approach Verifier´s action: used should be given. The project database was checked. Furthermore, 3 BCCs Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I representatives were interviewed by the verification team to In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and confirm their existence and operational status. descriptions of the CARs raised. Conclusion: The monitoring of this SD indicator is in accordance with the revised GS Passport.

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

Score: Since the program start up to the current monitoring period has created employment for 93 BBCs of which 69 are still in operation as at 2015-12-31 as compared to the baseline scenario is zero (0). In this aspect the score is positive (+). D.3.9. No. 9 - Quantitative employment and Cumulative number of masons working years income generation a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The chosen parameter for this indicator has been revised and measured / determined. approved by GS on 2015-10-19. /ER1/ Assess whether the measurement / determination As per documents presented to the verification team, the total

method is in line with the registered passport, applied number of man years was 2,323 since the start of the

toolkit and GSPDD. . programme until 2015-12-31. The man years is calculated based on the number of digesters built multiplied with the default number of days required for the construction divided by the number of days worked per year at a default of 220 days per year. The mason working days was based on rated working days of both skilled and unskilled masons for different sizes of the biodigesters required. The total mason working days is then calculated based on the total number of biodigesters units constructed and commissioned for the programme Verifier´s action: The project database and records on the construction of biodigester units have been checked.

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Conclusion: The total number of mason working days has been correctly determined. b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring methodvalue given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /ER1/ determined in a conservative manner. The data was calculated based on the project database and

In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the records by NBP supervisors and staff.

monitoring as per registered passport detailed Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should be given. The data was correctly consolidated and calculated from the database. Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I The project database and records have been reviewed. In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and descriptions of the CARs raised. Conclusion: The monitoring of this SD indicator is in accordance with the GS Passport. The value is correctly calculated. Score: The total working man-years as at 2015-12-31 was 2,323 as compared to 2014-12-31 was 2,131 man-years Therefore, the score for this parameter is positive (+).

D.3.10. No. 10 - Balance of payments and Net cash inflow: sum of cash inflows – cash outflows. investments

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Cash inflow is VER income, foreign direct investment; the cash outflow is the expenditure on materials and equipment not available in Cambodia. a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ The MR reported the total net cash inflow of $2,015,739.32as measured / determined. of 2014-12-31 for the current monitoring period. /SD1/ Assess whether the measurement / determination The data on the net cash flow statement is consolidated and

method is in line with the registered passport, applied presented by the project accountant.

toolkit and GSPDD. . Verifier´s action: The net cash flow statement has been checked by the verification team. Conclusion: The net cash flow is determined as per the local accounting practices; the verification team deems that it is calculated appropriately. b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /SD1/ determined in a conservative manner. The net cash flow has been calculated as per local accounting In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the practices. monitoring as per registered passport detailed Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should be given. The net cash flow statement has been checked by the verification team. Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I

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In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and Conclusion: descriptions of the CARs raised. The monitoring of this SD indicator is in accordance with the GS Passport. Score: When compared with the previous monitoring period, the net cash flow of the current monitoring period has increased to $2,015,739.32. This was attributable due the income from the sales of VERs was received in year 2015. Therefore, the score for this SD indicator is positive (+) even though there is a drop in the cash inflow from donors. D.3.11. No. 11 - Technology transfer and Number of biodigesters built technological self-reliance a) Measurement / Determination method /MR/ Description: OK OK Describe how the monitoring parameter was /RGSP/ A total number of 24,159 bio-digesters were built and measured / determined. commissioned as of 2015-12-31. /S2/ Assess whether the measurement / determination The data was based on the project database. The number of /ER1/ method is in line with the registered passport, applied bio-digesters built was keep track by the BCCs and PBPO and toolkit and GSPDD. . report NBP central office in Phnom Penh.

Verifier´s action: The project database has been checked by the verification team. Conclusion: The calculation of accumulative number of biodigesters is in accordance with the revised GS Passport.

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Checklist Item Refe- Verification Team Comments Draft Final (incl. guidance for the verification team) rence (Means and results of assessment) Concl. Concl.

b) Correctness and Scoring /MR/ Correct Not correct (initial OK OK assessment) Determine whether the monitoring method value given /RGSP/ in the sustainability monitoring report is correct or Description: /S2/ determined in a conservative manner. The data was based on the number of bio-digesters built and /ER1/ In case of conservative approaches used in lieu of the commissioned. monitoring as per registered passport detailed Verifier´s action: assessment of the conservativeness of the approach used should be given. The project database has been checked by the verification team. Score in accordance to Toolkit Annex I Conclusion: In case of mistakes / deviations pl. provide details and descriptions of the CARs raised. The monitoring of this SD indicator is in accordance with the revised GS Passport. Score: The number of biodigesters commissioned for this monitoring period has increased from 22,117 units as at 2014-12-31 to 224,159 units as at 2015-12-31 a total of 2,042 units. In the baseline scenario, there was no biodigester built, the score for this SD indicator is positive (+).

D.4. Sampling

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a) Implementation of sampling plan /MR/ A sampling approach has been taken by the PP due to OK OK large number of implemented biodigesters. Check whether the PP has applied a sampling /ER1/ approach to determine the monitored values (as per Description: /RGSP/ section D.2 above). The sampling as described in the MR is based on GS and EB /RGSPD If this is the case, please provide an assessment guidelines for following data: D/ whether the PPs have correctly and sufficiently 1. Kitchen Performance Tests described the implemented sampling plan including /S1/ 2. Carbon Monitoring Survey - Description of the implemented sampling /S2/ design 3. Usage Survey /SSS/ - Collected data Verifier´s action: /GSS/ - Analysis of collected data The verification team has checked on the sampling plan and considered appropriate. An addition of 10% has been included - Demonstration on whether the required to ensure the level of assurance and the number of households confidence/precision has been met. is representative. The data collected were reviewed and cross checked during the onsite field inspection on the selected households to confirm the correctness. Conclusion: The sampling plan applied by the PP is incompliance to GS recommendation and guidelines of UNFCCC. b) Sampling during verification /MR/ A sampling approach has been applied by the VT for OK OK selected the household for the field inspection and In case the VT has applied a sampling approach in /ER1 interview. the course of the verification the approach shall be /RGSP/ described for each parameter. Description:

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/RGSPD The verification team has applies the sampling plan based on D/ 90/30 confident level according to GS recommendation to ensure the number of households interviewed are /SSS/ representative. The sample size is 104 of households from the /GSS/ same village in different districts & provinces. /SSW/ During the onsite inspection and interviewed, the usage, kitchen performance test and carbon monitoring survey was /SZ/ checked to confirm the sampling conducted by the PP is sufficient to represent the entire total number of biodigesters implemented. Conclusion: The verification team has cross checked with the below link to ensure the sample size of 104 is sufficient. This is one of the well-known and widely applied statistical tools. It was applied by project developer in the registered PoA, ID 7359 on the UNFCCC CDM website. NOWHY7T8BDAFM4613CIG9VS0/view Therefore, the reliability of this statistical tool could be confirmed. With the number of households, the sample size for 90/30 CI is 68. Therefore, the 104 sample of households is sufficient and meets the GS sampling requirements.

E. Calculation of Emission reductions

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E.1. Traceability /MR/ The verification team has checked the emission reduction CAR D1 OK calculation and confirms that: Assess if the calculation is fully traceable. In case of /ER1/ CAR D2 OK the calculation is fully traceable complex calculations an Excel calculation spreadsheet CAR D4 OK shall be used. All applied formulae must be visible. all applied formulae are visible CAR E1 OK In this context the following finding has been identified: Refer CAR D1, CAR D2, CAR D4 and CAR E1 raised. E.2. Parameter consistency /MR/ The verification team has checked the emission reduction OK OK calculation and the MR and confirms that: Assess whether all internal and external parameters /ER1/ and data used for calculation are applied consistently all parameter notations are consistent in the project in the monitoring report and the calculation documentation spreadsheet? all internal and external parameters and data used for Consider only the correct data exchange between the calculation are consistently applied monitoring report and the calculation spreadsheet (if In this context no findings have been identified. any). Further ensure the consistency of notations for all parameters in the GSPDD, MR and calculation spreadsheet.

E.3. Correctness of calculation /MR/ The verification team has checked the emission reduction CAR D1 OK calculation and the MR and confirms that: Check if the applied formulae and methods for /RGSPD CAR E1 OK D/ all applied formulae for calculating baseline emissions, calculating baseline emissions, project emissions and project emissions and leakage are in accordance with the leakage are in accordance with the monitoring plan /ER1/ and / or the approved methodology. monitoring plan

Assess whether the provided calculations are the provided calculations are complete complete and reflect all requirements of the monitoring In this context the following findings have been identified: plan.

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Check especially that no standard or old values have Refer CAR D1 and CAR E1 raised been used for calculation where calculations based on up-to-date data is required.

E.4. Emission reductions table /MR/ The MR includes a summary table of the emission CAR D1 OK reductions calculation. Check if the MR includes a summary table of the /ER1/ CAR E1 OK emission reductions calculation specifying separately The summary table specified the total baseline, project and leakage emissions as well as the total emission - Total baseline emissions reductions separately. - Total project emissions: The values as specified in the ER summary table are - Total leakage correct; no issues have been identified during the verification which require changes in the ER calculation. - Total emission reductions. During the verification issues with impact on the ER Assess whether the values are correct or need to be calculation have been identified. Thus subject to the revised as a consequence of issues identified above. closure of above listed findings the summary needs to be revised. In this context the following findings have been identified: Refer CAR D1 and CAR E1 raised

E.5. Comparison with ex-ante determined /MR/ The verification team has checked the MR and confirms that: CAR A1 OK emission reductions /ER1/ the MR includes a comparison of actual emission reductions with the estimations of the registered GSPDD Check if the MR includes a comparison of actual /RGSPD values of the monitoring period with the estimations in D/ the increase has been appropriately explained the registered GSPDD. In this context the following finding has been identified. Check further whether in case of an increase an appropriate explanation is included in the MR. Refer CAR A1 raised.

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Assess in case of a significant increase whether this is

due to technical or organisational changes within or outside the control of the PP which might require a notification / approval of changes.

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Monitoring Related Serial Type Accuracy Previous Calibration Validity of Delay in Period of equipment monitoring number or accuracy calibration date(s) during calibration(s) calibration: delayed parameter class (last daily in the yes/no calibration as per calibration morning of the applicable before start test day registered of this monitoring monitoring plan period)

The newton No From: scale used in the KPT N/A N/A N/A N/A Daily N/A KPT survey Yes To: No From: Weight Stone KPT N/A N/A N/A 2011-11-28 NA NA Yes To:

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