Senatorial Inner Circce
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This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas I I , / j' I !_; ·-, < I I \; SenatoriaL Bob Dole ~ 1 ajority Leader Inner CircCe John Heinz C hairman March 13, 1 9 86 Senator Bob Dole SH-141 Hart Office Bldg Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Bob, As you know, the Senatorial Committee is having the annual Spring Briefing, April 13-15. I would like to invite you as a member of the Committee to join us for the Majority '86 Scoreboard Breakfast on Tuesday, April 15 at the Vista Hotel. The breakfast will be held from 8:00 - 10:30:" We are exp ect1ng -approx 1 ma t eT y- -3-cro-pe o-pie--. ------ ----------- This is an extremely important event to us because of the importance of Majority '86. This program is one that needs to truely be sold and I am looking for you to help us outline the program and its benefits to our members. I hope your schedule will premit your joining us as I know that your support and involvement would be especially meaningful to this important group of individauls who are so dedicated to maintaining our Republican Majority in the U.S. Senate. Please have your staff contact Lisa Walker at 347-0202 to confirm your participation. IV i th r e g a r d s , .t.tO Firs! Slrl'l'I , :'\ . \\' ., S 11 i l l' (100, \\ a,hi11 ).! l o11, l> .C. 211110 1 • 202 3-0-112112 Page 1 of 28 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas _; ( \ '" .- - 7"" MA.JOIUTY '86 07r February 20, 1986 j} . The Honorable Bob Dole 141 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Bob: I would like to invite yoµ__ _t_o __ gi_ \l~ __the _ _g.ynote add re s s a t t he Ma j a r i t y ' 8 6 "Sc o r= e b.o a...r:d~ a s t , " Tuesday~-l ·30 a.m. at the Vista International Hotel. Our Challenger candidates will also be featured at this breakfast, as they each give an overview of their campaign. The NRSC is expecting 300 Majority '86 members to be in Washington, D.C. for this special April 15 briefing. The national campaign support network we are building through Majority '86 is essential to retaining control of the Senate. As you know, Majority '86 involves a $5,000 commitment, of which $1,000 goes to the National Republican Senatorial Committee escrow account and the balance directly to individual candidates. I hope your schedule will permit your joining us as I know that your support and involvement would be especially meaningful to this important group of individuals. Please have your staff call Teresa Larson at 347-0202 to confirm your participation. S ince r e ly, ~ hn HeinL. airman ------------ ---- Q f- FI C (HS OF l " H€ $(NATC - - -------------- VICC PRC.SIOCNT GCOMGC 8USH HON . 5TH O M TH V l1 ... 0 N O H O N . R O tltRT J . OOLC HON . JOHN H . CHAr(( HON . TH" O Coc +•H"-N "l£~ V • 1...• c ...... c o .. ,,_ .. , ... C [ c ..... ......... .., .. V .. L•r · ·· ' o .. •(o+l ... C I .. ..- c .. ,.. .... Page 2 of 28 4•1 0 .._IH'iT S T f -{ t I I SlJIT t,()() 1 1 NW I • VVA ~ • - flN f - .l t)r.... ''' J1)tlll 1 • ' ''' '· , .,. ,..,..,,, This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas AP RIL 14, 19 86 TO: SENATOR FROM: DALE SUBJECT: MAJORITY '86 SPEECH ATTACHED IS THE MATERIAL WRITTEN BY DON PENNEY AND THE REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE FOR TUESDAY'S SPEECH (VISTA HOTEL BALLROOM). IN ADDITION TO THE REMARKS, INCLUDED ARE SOME JOKES, AND BIOS OF THE CHALLENGER CANDIDATES. INITIALLY THEY WANTED YOU TO READ EACH ONE, BUT BECAUSE OF TIME CONSTRAINTS, I TOLD THEM YOU COULD DO ALL THAT. SO, THEY WILL BE SATISFIED IN YOU MENTION EACH ONE BY NAME. (LIST ATTACHED) SENATOR HEINZ WILL INTRODUCE YOU. SENATORS BOSCHWITZ, COHEN, HECHT, DURENBERGER, AND McCONNELL ARE ALSO SCHEDULED TO ATTEND. I TALKED WITH TOM GRISCOM AND HE ASSURED ME THAT YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO START AT 8:45 AND FINISH BY 9:15. Page 3 of 28 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas SENATOR BOB DOLE MAJORITY ' 86 BREAKFAST VI STA INTERNAT I ON AL HOTE L AP RIL 15, 1986 , 8 :30 - 1 0 :15 a. m. SC RIPTED REM ARKS : 9:00 A.M. IT'S MY PRIVILEGE TO BE I N VITED HERE TODAY TO THE MAJORITY '86 BREAKFAST. ACTUALLY ... I ENJOY ATTENDING ANY BREAKFAST ... WHERE I DON'T HAVE TO DO THE DISHES. I QUESS IT'S FORCE OF HABIT ... BUT I KEEP EXPECTING ELIZABETH TO WALK IN AND TELL ME IT'S MY TURN TO DRY. I'D LIKE TO TAKE A MOMENT TO WELCO ME EACH OF YOU TO THE NATION'S CAPITAL ... THE HOME OF WASHINGTON ... LINCOLN ... AND TIP O'NEILL RETIREMENT PARTIES. FROM TIME TO TIME . PEOPLE ASK ME WHY TIP IS RETIRING AT THIS PARTICULAR TIME. IT'S NO SECRET ... JUST LOOK AROUND THE I ROOM ... "YOU" ARE THE REASON ... OR SHOULD I SAY REASONS •.• TIP DECIDED TO LEAVE WASHINGTON. TIP KNEW THE TIME FOR RETIREMENT WAS NEAR . .. WHEN HE LOOKED AT OUR LIST OF IMPRESSIVE CANDIDATES FOR THE ' 8 6 CAMPAIGN. BUT HE SAW MORE THAN THAT . .. HE SAW THAT THEY WERE BACKED BY DEDICATED ... IDEALISTIC ... HARD WORKING MEMBERS OF MAJORITY ' 86 . AND THE SIGHT LEFT TIP A LITTLE BREATHLESS .. ALL HE COULD SAY WAS ... "NOW I KNOW HOW KHADAFY FELT .. WHEN HE SAW THE SIXTH FLEET." YOU HAVE TO CREDIT TIP WITH A LOT OF POLITICAL INSIGHT ... HE KNEW IF HE TRIED TO LEAD AN ATTACK AGAINST us . .. THE RESULTS WOULD BE THE SAME AS THOSE SUFFERED BY KHADAFY AT THE HANDS OF THE SIXTH FLEET. Page 4 of 28 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas AFTER ALL ... IT IS THE GOAL OF MAJORITY ' 86 TO BLOW THE DEMOCRAT S OUT OF THE WATER .. ISN ' T IT? AND I THI NK I T WOULD BE KI ND OF NICE ... IF HE LET JIM SAN TINI FIRE THE FIRST SHOT. OF COURSE OUR REPUBLICAN FLEET WILL BE STANDING BY . .. TO PICK UP ALL SURVIVORS. WE'VE LEARNED IN THE PAST FEW YEARS ... THAT DEMOCRA TS MA KE GREAT REPUBLICANS . WE AREN'T INTERESTED I N SI NKING DEMOC RATS . WE'RE INTERESTED IN SINKING OLD IDEAS . TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA IS MORE THAN A JULES VERNE CLASSIC ... IT ' S WHERE THE DEMOCRATS ' ECONOMIC POLI~CIES OF THE PA ST BELONG ... AND AFTER '86 . THAT'S WHERE THEY'LL BE. I'M POSITIVE (NORMAN VINCENT PEALE TOLD ME TO SAY THAT) EVERYONE HERE WILL DO THEIR SHARE TO MAKE '86 JUST AS SUCCESSFUL AS I 8 0 ... I 8 2 . .. AND I 8 4 . I KNOW YOU'LL BE THERE WHEN YOU ' RE NEEDED BECAUSE YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN THERE IN THE PAST . .. NOT WITH FANCY PROMISES .. BUT WITH HARD WORK AND MONEY--THAT GOT RESULTS. AND NOBODY KNOWS THAT BETTER THAN I DO . .. IT'S BECAUSE OF YOUR HARD WORK AND YOUR FINANCIAL BACKING ... THAT I NOW HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO SERVE YOU AS MAJORITY LEADER OF THE U. S. SENATE. A POSITION REQUIRING THAT I PERFORM THREE MAJOR DUTIES .. THE FIRST IS TO WORK CLOSELY WITH THE WHITE HOUSE . THE SECOND IMPORTANT FUNCTION IS TO KEEP LEGISLATION FLOWING SMOOTHLY ... AND THE THIRD AND MO ST DI FF ICULT ... IS TO PICK UP AFTER THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATI ON. Page 5 of 28 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas THE FIRST TWO DUTIES ARE NO PROBLEM ... THE LAST ONE TAKES ALL MY TIME. I WAS A LITTLE DISAPPOINTED WHEN I WASN ' T INVITED TO GO WITH YOU TO THE WHI TE HOUSE ... I DON'T GET UP THERE AS OFTEN AS I'D LIKE. I THINK MY INVITATIONS ARE GETTING LOST IN THE MAIL ... THAT'S WHAT DON REGAN KEEPS TELLING ME. TEDDY KENNEDY IS THINKING ABOUT JOINING MAJORITY '86 ... IT'S THE ONLY WAY HE'LL EVER GET TO THE WHITE HOUSE. FOR A LONG TIME ... IT'S BEEN MY BELIEF THAT ELECTED OFFICIALS IN WASHINGTON SHOULD TAKE THEIR WORK SERIOUSLY ... BUT NOT THEMSELVES. WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO LAUGH AT OURSELVES ... IF WE DON'T THE REST OF THE WORLD WILL. AND I THINK EVERYONE HAS TO ADMIT •.. IT'S A LOT EASIER TO LAUGH IN THIS COUNTRY TODAY ... THAN IT WAS A FEW YEARS AGO. A BOOMING REPUBLICAN ECONOMY ... BACKED BY A STRONG MILITARY DEFENSE ... HAS LIFTED THE VEIL OF FEAR FROM OUR FACES. IN THOSE DAYS ... OUR STOMACHS WERE TIED IN KNOTS ... WORRYING ABOUT HOW WE'D BE ABLE TO COPE WITH SHORTAGES ... RUNAWAY INFLATION ... FINDING ANOTHER JOB. THE REAGAN REVOLUTION HAS UNTIED THOSE KNOTS. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE REGAINED CONTROL OF THEIR DESTINY ... BY ELECTING RONALD REAGAN PRESIDENT ... AND A REPUBLICAN MAJORITY IN THE SENATE. Page 6 of 28 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas THIS COUNTRY'S RECOVERY ... BOTH ECONOMICALLY ... MILITARILY ... AND SPIRITUALLY ... WAS NO ACCIDENT ... IT WASN'T SOME FREAK HAPPENING ... OR A QUIRK OF NATURE. IT TOOK PLANNING ... FIRST THERE WAS PLANNING BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ..