Dublin Airport

Insights:2014 Positioning Development Workshop 2. 1 2014 trending at 7% growth YTD….

-2.0M +374k +382k +1.2m +0.9m YTD 32 Million Passengers Generated by Irish Airports in 2013 Gateway to Derry Airport

Ireland West Knock Airport Air/Sea Split (ROI) Belfast City & Int’l Airports (Mill) 08 09 10 11 12 13 Air 29.2 25.6 22.8 23.3 23.6 24.6 Dublin Airport Sea 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.1 Total 32.6 28.8 26.2 26.5 26.7 27.7 Airport

Cork Airport UK access strong – Dublin Airport dominant for Rest In 2013 Dublin Handled 80% of International Capacity to the Island (excl. UK)

52% of all seats from Irish airports go to the UK Of the remaining 48% of capacity to the rest At Dublin its 40% of our seats of the world 80% of it is handled at Dublin

4 Dublin – London Busiest international route in Europe Dublin Airport & the North Atlantic July 2014 Weekly Departure to NA Ra Weekly Airport Transatlantic Traffic nk Departs

2,500 1 London Heathrow 816

2,000 2 Paris CDG 423 1,500 3 Frankfurt 370

1,000 1,863 2,100 4 Amsterdam 281 1,533 1,748 1,614 1,489 1,567 1,644 500 5 Madrid 169 0 6 Rome 143

Passengers (000’s) Passengers 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014F 7 Dublin 134 8 Munich 131 Transatlantic Load Factor87% 87% 86% 9 Zurich 117 82% 83% 76% 10 Reykjavik 95 72%

% 71%

Another 470k pax connect over the Scheduled Scheduled Load Factor Load Factor UK and Europe to North America. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014F c.2.6m Total Passengers travel between Dublin and North America DAP and Tourism Ireland have the same source markets

80% of our passengers are either Nordics Irish, UK are US residents. 569k Pax

Netherlands USA 634k Pax 1.9m Pax UK Poland 7.2m Pax Germany 712 Pax 1.4m Pax

France 1.4m Pax

Portugal Spain Italy 513k Pax 2.4m Pax 902k Pax UAE 506kPax

7 2013 Dublin Airport Top Markets 2013 Residency & Nationality Residency & Nationality Profile 53% Irish Residents 47% Foreign Residents -70% Irish National -14% Irish National -30% Foreign National -86% Foreign National

Nordics 2% Residency Profile 2013 UK Irish UK Other 49% 29% 22% US Irish US Other Netherlands 31% 59% 10% USA 1% 11% Spain Irish Spanish Other Irish Poland UK 76% 17% 7% 53% 0.6% 16% Germany Germany Irish German Other 4% 36% 43% 21% France France Irish French Other 2% 52% 29% 19% Italy Irish Italian Other

Italy 61% 24% 15% Spain 1% Poland Irish Polish Other Portugal 2% 0.2% 77% 20% 3% UAE 0% 8 All Markets are growing YTD 2014 +7%




+17% All Airline types are growing CompetitorsNew Destinations have a stronger – 16 Commenced proportion to dateof transfers 2014, 6 vs.more Dublin to start CompetitorsIncreased frequencieshave a stronger with currentproportion customers of transfers vs. Dublin Dublin Airport – Transfer Numbers

2013 Vs 2014 (in thousands) 120 YTD +34% 100


60 2014 2013 40


0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Very strong Transfer growth August a record month 110k pax - c.5% of total Traffic Inbound Market – Challenges remain 2013 2014 1. Paris – 1357 things to do 1. Istanbul 2. New York city – 1925 things to do 2. Rome 3. London – 2045 things to do 3. London 4. Rome – 1216 things to do 4. Beijing 5. Barcelona - 694 things to do 5. Prague 6. Venice – 360 things to do 6. Marrakech 7. San Francisco – 886 things to do 7. Paris 8. Florence – 502 things to do 8. Hanoi 9. Prague – 406 things to do 9. Siem Reap 10. Sydney -548 things to do 10. Shanghai 11. Berlin – 701 things to do 11. Berlin

TripAdviser May 2013/May 2014 – Dublin doesn’t feature Capacity • Accelerating growth brings forward requirements to increase capacity • Main areas of current/future constraint are: • Contact and remote stands, • Transfer process • Immigration • US Pre-Clearance, • T2 check-in • Bussing facilities, • Large aircraft flexibility, • capacity (peak departures)

• Most capacity-increasing investment (as opposed to maintenance capex) is proposed to be disallowed in CAR’s draft determination


• Comprehensive daa response to draft determination submitted on 31 July • Engagement with CAR’s proposals at range of levels • Highlighting computational errors and factual inaccuracies/omissions • Addressing flaws and weaknesses in methodology • Challenging principles of approach, e.g. price cap targeting • Demonstrating business implications – opex inadequacy, e.g. security, capex disallowances impacting capacity; • Demonstrating financial implications – undermining financeability and return on equity; • Outlining national implications – highlighting misalignment of CAR’s proposals with the draft National Aviation Policy. • 33 other respondents to the CAR draft determination • and called for further reductions in the price cap; • Numerous smaller airlines supported aspects of daa’s capital development proposals, e.g. 7 airlines support redevelopment of Terminal 1 • IAA argued strongly for adequate resourcing, in particular with regard to security resourcing. • Lobby groups and representative organisations, including ITIC, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, IBEC, ICTU, and the Irish Exporters’ Association, among others, argued for timely investment in line with the draft National Aviation Policy Always upgrading…work in progress this week….. Customer satisfaction remains high with a strong YTD performance • Continued high performance with increased volume • All CAR SQM targets exceeded in Q114 and Q214 • Overall passenger satisfaction score of 4.14 in Q214 (up from 4.06 in Q213) • Dublin now ranked 4th out of 40 airports in our European peer group, on par with Q213 ranking (but out of a larger field, +3 Overall satisfaction improvements for both airports V. Q213) business and leisure passengers V. 2013

Customer verbatim comment, Q214 ACI ASQ Survey Dublin Airport Travel Services …new efficient and convenient travel product

19 By 2025 RoE and Americas will exceed RoI and UK

Overall O&D + Transfers - Volume 14,000,000

11,965,036 12,000,000 10,910,617 9,890,603 10,000,000 8,460,643 8,000,000 7,545,244 2013 6,667,863 2017 6,000,000 4,444,376 5,672,860 4,831,358 2020 4,036,667 4,636,353 4,356,887 4,209,719 3,689,737 2025 4,000,000 3,205,944 2,589,526 2,000,000

- Republic of Ireland UK incl NI Rest of Europe Americas Thank you!