. 1 finanrlal <f ^ommenria INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State and City Section VOL. 105 SATURDAY, JULY 21 1917 NO. 2717 Week ending July 14. Clearings at— Inc. or PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 1917. 1916- Dec. 1915. 1914. Terms of Subscription—Payable ia Advance Chicago 504,136,685 386,823,566 30.3 306,636,617 312,488,477 iliM One Year $10 00 + Cincinnati 42,349,875 37,396,0.50 + 13.2 29,572,200 29,621,200 iFot Six Months 6 00 Cleveland Subscription (including postage) 13 00 85,267,361 47,866,270 + 78.1 36,465,109 28,968,860 European Detroit 55,246,121 44,634,673 European Subscription six months (including postage).... 7 60 + 23.8 34,632,292 28,494,382 Milwaukee 30,722,136 19,805,094 Annual Subscription in London (including postage) £2 14®, + 55.1 15,898,073 17,503,411 Indianapolis 15,569,368 11,713,783 32.9 Six Months Sub.scription in London (including postage) £1 lls> + 10,424,441 10,716,717 Columbus 10,902,100 11,198,400 —2.6 Canadian Suurtciiption (including postage) $11 60 7,262,200 7,-546,700 Toledo 12,364,208 12,841,995 —3.7 7,675,368 7,846,025 SuiscHption includes following Supplements— Peoria 3,000,000 4,000,000 —25.0 2,689,097 3,294,927 Grand Rapids... 4,585,922 4,088,939 + 12.2 3,383,939 3,352,828 5ANK AND QUOTATION (monthly) I RAILWAY AND INDUSTEIAL (3 times yearly) Evansville 3,336,125 1,793,775 + 8.6 1,254,852 1,572,196 Railway E.-kRN'i,NGs (monthly) I'Ilectric Bailway (3 times yearly) Dayton 4,493,525 3,662,088 .
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