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TRAFFORD METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Report to: Executive Member for Highways and Transportation Date: September 2013 Report for: Approval Report of: Corporate Director of Environment, Transport and Operations Report Title SIR MATT BUSBY WAY, OLD TRAFFORD Proposed Introduction of Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) with associated New and Amended Waiting and Loading Restrictions and Amendments to Taxi Ranks. Consideration of Objections Summary Discussions have been held with representatives of Manchester United Football Club and the Hackney Carriage Trade by way of a review of the operation of the Prohibition of Driving scheme (especially with regards to access and traffic movement) and the level of provision and location of ranks for hackney carriages within the vicinity of the PoD. As a result, it is proposed to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone on Sir Matt Busby Way, with associated new and amended waiting and loading restrictions, and to amend the existing Taxi Ranks in the vicinity. The proposals are detailed in this report and are shown on drawing numbers E8831/03 and E8831/04 (both Revision A). The proposals have been advertised and a total of 16 objections have been received, all relating to the removal of taxi rank provisions. Recommendations Members are asked to agree the following: 1. That the objections to the proposal be noted. 2. That authorisation be given to make and introduce the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised, as detailed in the schedules to this report and as shown on drawing E8831/03 and E8831/04, as soon as is practicable. 3. That the objectors to the scheme be notified of the Council’s decision Contact person for access to background papers and further information: Name: Paul Bentley Extension: 4783 Background Papers: None Ward: Gorse Hill, Longford St04 (09/13) 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Following the introduction of the Prohibition of Driving (PoD) Order on Sir Matt Busby Way, to the frontage of the Old Trafford Stadium, two culs-de-sac have been created, one to the north of the PoD and one to the south. 1.2 The northerly of these culs-de-sac, accessed from Wharfside Way, provides vehicular access only to Manchester United and in particular to the northernmost gate of East Car Park E2. The southerly cul-de-sac, to the north of Railway Road, again only provides vehicular access to Manchester United and in particular to the southernmost gate of East Car Park E2 and to the gate of East Car Park E1. The PoD provides exemptions for access and for pedal cycles, as the National Cycle Network Route 55 passes along Sir Matt Busby Way. 1.3 In association with the introduction of the PoD, the opportunity was taken to review taxi rank provision in the immediate vicinity of the stadium (with some consequential amendments to existing waiting restrictions) and these were agreed with the representatives of the Hackney Carriage trade. In order to expedite the introduction of the PoD, the associated waiting restrictions and agreed taxi rank provision were designed in parallel with the emerging proposals for the physical treatment of the PoD (the layout of paving, bollards etc) that at the time were still being developed. The waiting restrictions and taxi rank provision on Sir Matt Busby Way as per the made Traffic Regulation Order (and contained within the Council’s Parkmap system) are as shown on drawings E8831/01 and E8831/02. 1.4 However, the final scheme for the treatment of the PoD exhibited a number of differences from the earlier proposals that conflicted with the provisions of the confirmed Traffic Regulation Order for the introduction of the agreed taxi ranks. In particular, a proposed single-cab rank on the westerly side of Sir Matt Busby Way, immediately to the south of the PoD (shown in red on drawing number E8831/02 and yellow on drawing number E8831/04), could no longer be provided. It will be seen from the drawings that this rank cannot be implemented as per the made Order due to the final location of the bollards giving effect to the PoD. The remainder of the provisions of the Order were introduced, but this particular rank has never been implemented for the above reason. 1.5 Discussions have subsequently taken place between the Council and the representatives of the Hackney Carriage trade and the Council and Manchester United with a view to satisfactorily resolving this issue; the loss of the single-cab rank being of particular concern to the taxi trade (as it was regarded by the taxi trade as occupying a highly visible location that would, therefore, have been well used by visitors) and its provision being opposed by Manchester United. After lengthy discussions, it has been agreed that the single-cab rank should be revoked but that three other taxi ranks on Sir Matt Busby Way in the vicinity of the stadium would be extended, partly so as to improve their visibility for visitors leaving the stadium. These revised proposals are described below. 1.6 The discussions between the Council and Manchester United have also constituted a review of the operation of the PoD in terms of its effect on traffic movements and access/egress within the culs-de-sac to the north and south of the PoD. In this regard, Manchester United’s principal concerns are not only that there should be ease of access and egress by car for visitors and staff to and from East Car Parks E1 and E2, but that there should be unobstructed access for emergency vehicles should an incident arise during the course of an event that requires such access. Additionally, the Club must remain vigilant to the potential threat of terrorist attacks at the ground; the ability to legitimately park vehicles including goods vehicles close to the ground is therefore a concern. Ward: Gorse Hill, Longford St04 (09/13) 1.7 Experience of the PoD in operation has revealed some issues with respect to access and egress under normal operating circumstances that suggest that vehicular access to and egress from the stadium, including for emergency vehicles, could become obstructed and that this is partly as a result of an absence of a prohibition of loading within the culs-de-sac. It is therefore proposed, as described below, to introduce a prohibition of loading and waiting within the culs-de-sac as part of the review of taxi rank provision on Sir Matt Busby Way. The representatives of the Hackney Carriage trade have been made aware of this proposal. 2.0 PROPOSALS 2.1 The proposals are shown on drawings E8831/03A and E8831/04A. Note that the layout of the junction of Wharfside Way and Sir Matt Busby Way as shown on drawing E8831/03 is the future layout proposed following the completion of the adjacent hotel currently under construction. 2.2 One of the issues for Manchester United in respect of crowd control/ management and the movement of pedestrians is that of street furniture. Not only is the Council continuously aware of and responsive to the need to reduce street clutter when introducing new traffic schemes, there is an added dimension here in that the presence of additional poles and signs associated with traffic regulation orders could become a hazardous obstruction to pedestrians when, as at the end of events, there is a high concentration of people moving away from the ground. The proposal to introduce a prohibition of loading, in addition to No Waiting At Any Time restrictions, would, under normal circumstances, require the erection of No Loading plates, which could become a hazard whether mounted on dedicated poles or on existing low-level street furniture. 2.3 To overcome this, it is proposed to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) on Sir Matt Busby Way. A CPZ has Zone entry signs that show the times that waiting and loading are prohibited (in this case, at all times) within the zone. Where the waiting and loading restrictions within the zone operate at the same times as shown on the entry signs (which would be the case here) upright signs within the zone are not normally required. The proposed taxi ranks within the zone would be designated hackney carriage stands (operating at all times and prohibiting stopping other than by hackney carriages) and would be signed in the usual way. However, as now, every effort would be made to ensure that taxi rank signs are mounted other than on dedicated poles. 2.4 It is proposed that the CPZ would cover an area that includes the northerly cul-de-sac on Sir Matt Busby Way (from a point to the north of the Canal Bridge to the cul-de-sac end as shown on drawing E8831/03 Revision A and as detailed in Schedule 1 below), the southerly cul-de-sac on Sir Matt Busby Way (from a point 15m to the north of Railway Road to the cul-de-sac end as shown on drawing E8831/04 Revision A and as detailed in Schedule 1 below), together with the access roads leading up to the gated entrances to the East Car Parks E1 and E2 as shown on the drawings. Within the zone, other than where designated hackney carriage stands would be provided, there would be a prohibition of loading and waiting at any time as shown on the drawings. 2.5 It is proposed to extend the existing taxi ranks on Sir Matt Busby Way to the north of the PoD as shown on drawing E8831/03 Revision A. That on the west side would be extended by 7m and that on the east side by 6m, providing space for one extra cab on each rank, to 7 and 6 cabs respectively.