Agroecology and

)LQGLQJVIURPWKH81OHG,QWHUQDWLRQDO$VVHVVPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUDO.QRZOHGJH6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\IRU'HYHORSPHQW Agroecology provides a robust set of solutions to the environmental pressures and crises facing in the 21st century. Agroecology is the science behind . Drawing on the natural and social sciences, agroecology Ecologically-based management of provides a framework for assessing four key systems prop- supports resource conservation and sustainable pest erties of agriculture: productivity, resilience, management. and equity. Taking account of agriculture’s multi-functionality, agroecol- ogy measures sustainability in terms of social, environmen- tal and economic impacts. Because these impacts are con- text-dependent, agroecology is a place-based, pragmatic science, uniquely suited to delivering on the promise of pro- poor development. $JURHFRORJ\ FRPELQHV VFLHQWL¿F LQTXLU\ ZLWK LQGLJHQRXV and -based experimentation, emphasizing tech- nology and innovations that are knowledge-intensive, low cost and readily adaptable by small and medium-scale pro- ducers. These methods are considered likely to advance social equity, sustainability and agricultural productivity over the long term. Agroecological farming encourages the cultivation of resil- ience and maintenance of healthy ecosystem function over reliance on external inputs such as synthetic chemical pes- ticides, and fossil fuels that can have high energy, environmental and health costs. The approach is thus well- Source: IAASTD Global Report Figure 3-6, from Altieri, M.A., and C.I. Nicholls, 1999. suited to withstanding environmental and economic stress- Biodiversity, ecosystem function, and insect pest management in agricultural systems. p. 69- es posed by change, shifting pest pressures (see 84. In W.W. Collins and C.O.Qualset(ed) Biodiversity in Agroecosystems. CRC Press, NY. Figure), and volatility in petroleum and commodity prices.

An agroecological approach recognizes the multifunctional dimensions of The International Assessment of agriculture and facilitates progress toward a broad range of equitable and Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) sustainable development goals: provides policy options for how agricultural knowledge, ‡ Increased ecological resilience and reduced in weathering changing science and technology environmental conditions; can reduce hunger and ‡ ,PSURYHGKHDOWKDQGQXWULWLRQ(more diverse, nutritious and fresh diets; poverty, improve reduced incidence of pesticide poisoning among workers, communities rural livelihoods and human health, and and consumers); facilitate equitable ‡ &RQVHUYDWLRQRIQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHV (biodiversity, organic matter, water and environmentally, socially and quality and quantity, ecosystem services, e.g. pollination, erosion control); economically sustainable development. The Assessment was conducted by ‡ (FRQRPLFVWDELOLW\ (more diverse sources of income; spread of labor over 400 scientists and development UHTXLUHPHQWVDQGSURGXFWLRQEHQH¿WVRYHUWLPHUHGXFHGYXOQHUDELOLW\WR experts from more than 80 countries. single commodity price swings, etc); ,WZDVVSRQVRUHGE\¿YH8QLWHG Nations agencies, the World Bank and ‡ &OLPDWHFKDQJHPLWLJDWLRQWKURXJKLQFUHDVHGHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\UHGXFHG the Global Environment Facility. The reliance on fossil fuel and fossil fuel-based agricultural inputs, increased ,$$67'¿QGLQJVZHUHDSSURYHGDWDQ carbon sequestration and water capture in soil; and Intergovernmental Plenary in April 2008. ‡ ,QFUHDVHGVRFLDOUHVLOLHQFHDQGLQVWLWXWLRQDOFDSDFLW\(increased ecological For more information on the IAASTD, literacy and social support networks). please see 3URGXFWLYHDQG3URÀWDEOH Common assumptions that “alternative” or agroecological methods are necessarily less productive than high-input con- ventional systems are incorrect. adopting agroeco- logical methods have produced equal and sometimes sub- stantially increased yields per unit area compared to those using conventional methods in many parts of the world, al- WKRXJKUHVHDUFKFKDOOHQJHVLQVSHFL¿FFURSVDQGVRPHDJUR- ecosystems remain. %HQH¿WVKDYHEHHQJUHDWHVWIRUVPDOOVFDOHSURGXFHUVLQUH- source-limited areas of the tropics, i.e. in most developing FRXQWULHV$Q (VVH[ 8QLYHUVLW\ VWXG\ RI  UHVRXUFHFRQ- serving projects in 57 countries found that agroecological farming achieved average production increases of 79% per KHFWDUHZLWKDOOSURMHFWVDFKLHYLQJLQFUHDVHGZDWHUHI¿FLHQF\ DQGVKRZLQJVLJQL¿FDQWUHGXFWLRQVLQSHVWLFLGHXVH An organic in practices , applies mulch for , uses organic fertilizers Similarly, a comprehensive examination of nearly 300 stud- and maintains an agroforest to protect local springs LHVZRUOGZLGHE\WKH8QLYHUVLW\RI0LFKLJDQFRQFOXGHGWKDW that provide clean irrigation water. Source: Ivette Perfecto organic agriculture could produce enough food, on a per capita basis, to provide 2,640 to 4,380 kilocalories per per- )RUHFRQRPLFDQGQXWULWLRQDOO\ son per day (more than the suggested intake for healthy YXOQHUDEOHSRSXODWLRQVDJURHFRORJ\ adults). Organic in developing countries were found to outperform conventional practices by 57%. These promising VXSSRUWVSURGXFWLRQRIERWKD ¿QGLQJVPD\XQGHUHVWLPDWHWKHIXOOSRWHQWLDORIDJURHFRORJL- JUHDWHUTXDQWLW\DQGGLYHUVLW\ cal farming to contribute to increased -level productivity, RIKLJKTXDOLW\IRRGÀEHUDQG household income and , as only a very small PHGLFLQDOSURGXFWVERWKIRUIDPLO\ fraction of public and private sector agricultural investment FRQVXPSWLRQDQGWKHPDUNHW has thus far gone towards agroecological research.

3XVK3XOO6\VWHPRI0DL]H3HVW0DQDJHPHQWLQ$IULFD The push-pull system of ecological pest management in Africa illustrates the productive, economic, food and OLYHOLKRRGVHFXULW\KHDOWKDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOEHQH¿WVRIDQLQQRYDWLYHDJURHFRORJLFDODSSURDFK Kenyan maize farmers have tripled their yields by maize with plants that deter pests and support SHVWSUHGDWRUV)DUPHUVSODQWQLWURJHQ¿[LQJ legumes such as silver leaf desmodium, that improve soil fertility while inducing ‘suicide 3XVK 3XOO germination’ of seeds of the highly damaging Chemicals from Chemicals from Napier desmodium intercrop border rows attract parasitic weed, 6WULJDKHUPRQWLFD Napier grass repel moths moths to lay eggs DQG6XGDQJUDVVSODQWHGDURXQG¿HOGERUGHUV attract (“pull”) stemborers away from the crop; stemborer larvae trapped inside the Napier grasses’ sticky interior die. Meanwhile, molasses grass planted within the crop chemically repels (“pushes”) stemborers away, while attracting a parasitic wasp of stemborer larvae.

The inclusion of these grasses in the farming Desmodium Desmodium Napier grass Maize Maize Maize Napier grass system reduces synthetic pesticide use and can help augment feed, providing families Source: with additional milk and meat for consumption or VDOH$GGLWLRQDOEHQH¿WVLQFOXGHUHGXFHGUXQRIIDQGVRLOHURVLRQHQKDQFHGVRLOIHUWLOLW\LPSURYHGIRRGVHFXULW\DQG family nutrition, and increased household income. More than 12,000 farmers across eastern Africa have adopted the technology, with another 100,000 expected to do so over the next three years. .QRZOHGJH,QWHQVLYHDQG,QFOXVLYH 5HVLOLHQW An agroecological approach is particularly well Agroecology improves the adaptive capacity of agroecosystems suited for rural communities and developing econo- and reduces vulnerability to natural disasters, climate change im- mies. It recognizes the value of high quality scien- pacts, and new and emerging environmental and economic sys- WL¿FUHVHDUFKDQGRIDGYDQFHGWHFKQRORJLFDOH[SOR- tem stresses and shocks. This resilience can be accomplished ration and innovation. It also emphasizes the soci- through physical and biological means (habitat and crop diversi- etal and knowledge gains from dialogue between ¿FDWLRQLQVLWXFRQVHUYDWLRQRIORFDOLQGLJHQRXVVHHGDQGJHUP- researchers, farmers and indigenous communities. plasm diversity, maintenance of natural enemies’ species diver- Indigenous knowledge systems and traditional sity, increased carbon sequestration, improved water capture and IDUPLQJ SUDFWLFHV RIWHQ \LHOG VLWHVSHFL¿F LQVLJKWV UHWHQWLRQHWF DQGVRFLRFXOWXUDODQGSROLWLFDOPHDQV GLYHUVL¿FD- that would otherwise be outside the purview of for- tion of farming systems and local economies; technical, legal and mal science. social support networks for small-scale farmers, rural communi- ties and indigenous peoples that reduce socio-economic vulner- Successful agroecological research, education and ability and strengthen adaptive knowledge processes, etc.) extension programs have been building for de- cades on local and systems, often through participatory and experiential learn- &HQWUDO$PHULFDQ)DUPHUV ing processes and multi-organizational partner- :LWKVWDQG+XUULFDQH0LWFK ships that integrate formal and informal agricultural knowledge, science and technology (AKST). Ex- In Central America, small-scale farmers using amples include Farmer Field Schools in Integrated DJURHFRORJLFDOPHWKRGVZHUHVLJQL¿FDQWO\PRUHDEOHWR Pest Management, Plant Health Clinics, farmer- withstand the adverse effects of Hurricane Mitch than plots to-farmer extension programs, and agroecological farmed conventionally. studies in school and urban gardens. A participatory action research Collaborative structures that emphasize co-learn- study found that in the aftermath ing, social networks of innovation, and building of the hurricane, agroecologically FDSDFLW\ LQ ÀH[LEOH SODFHEDVHG GHFLVLRQPDN- managed plots in Guatemala, ing have proven more effective than conventional Honduras and Nicaragua retained top-down transfers of technology in the develop- PRUHWRSVRLO¿HOGPRLVWXUHDQG ing world. Partnerships that focus on inclusion and vegetation and experienced less meaningful participation, particularly by historically erosion and lower economic losses marginalized groups, contribute to the design and than plots on conventionally- implementation of solutions that are robust precise- managed resource-extractive ly because they are appropriate. farms. Furthermore, the difference

in ecological resilience and Eric Holt-Gimenez EHQH¿FLDOUHVXOWVH[SHULHQFHG in the agroecological plots in comparison with the conventional plots tended to increase with increasing levels of storm intensity and increasing slope of the land. The number of years that a plot had been cultivated with agroecological methods also contributed positively to its ability to withstand and recover from the hurricane. The study also illustrates the capacity of farmer-based SDUWLFLSDWRU\UHVHDUFKWRSURYLGHVLJQL¿FDQWDPRXQWV of highly relevant data: 40 NGOs, 99 farmer-technician teams and over 15,000 farmers collaborated to measure agroecological indicators in 360 communities from southern Nicaragua to eastern Guatemala. After analyzing the results from the study, agroecological and conventional farmers together designed strategies for participatory, sustainable reconstruction. This participatory research mobilization was made possible by the existence of Indonesian Field School farmers discuss the a widespread smallholders’ network for sustainable ecological management of insect pests found in agriculture, known as Movimiento Campesino a Campesino WKHLUSDGG\¿HOGVSource: Hery Christanto (Farmer to Farmer Movement). *URZLQJ$JURHFRORJ\DW+RPH 3ROLF\2SWLRQVWR%XLOG/RFDODQG1DWLRQDO&DSDFLW\

Pro-poor sustainable development in the 21st century requires a redirection of institutional and policy support towards ecologically-sound decision-making by farmers; stronger and enforceable regulatory IUDPHZRUNVWRUHYHUVHWKHGDPDJLQJHIIHFWVRIUHVRXUFHH[WUDFWLYHDJULFXOWXUHDQGVLJQL¿FDQWQHZ investments by public sector, donor, and commercial agencies in agroecological research, extension, education, product innovation, and marketing.

Build local and national capacity in agroecological LQFUHDVHGPDUNHWRSSRUWXQLWLHV for farmers adopting research, extension and education agroecological practices. ‡ (VWDEOLVKDQDWLRQDOIUDPHZRUNIRUWKHLPSOHPHQWD ‡ 5HGXFH YRODWLOLW\ LQ FRPPRGLW\ DQG IRRG SULFHV by WLRQRIDJURHFRORJLFDOSURGXFWLRQ invest in agroeco- establishing grain reserves, price bands and other logical research, extension and education. supply management mechanisms. These measures ‡ (QFRXUDJHFROODERUDWLRQ among farmers, indigenous enable farmers to invest in longer-term resource-con- peoples, extensionists, educators and researchers in serving strategies and support national food security SUREOHPLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ H[SHULPHQWDWLRQ DQG LQQRYD- goals. tion. Strengthen institutional supports ‡ 5HYLVHLQVWLWXWLRQDOSULRULWLHV, professional incentives ‡ 5HYLWDOL]HORFDODQGUHJLRQDOIRRGV\VWHPVEstablish and budget allocations to support these goals. democratic food policy councils; encourage urban and peri- projects; regionalize food Support small-scale farmers and their organizations procurement. ‡ 6WUHQJWKHQZRPHQ¶VIDUPHUV¶LQGLJHQRXVDQGFRP PXQLW\EDVHGRUJDQL]DWLRQVinvest in rural areas. ‡ (VWDEOLVKIDLUUHJLRQDODQGJOREDOWUDGHDUUDQJHPHQWV that enable farmers to meet food and livelihood secu- ‡ (QVXUHIDUPHUVKDYHVHFXUHDFFHVV to productive re- rity goals and diversify production. VRXUFHVLQIRUPDWLRQFUHGLWFHUWL¿FDWLRQDQGPDUNHW- ing infrastructure. ‡ 5HYLVHODZVRIRZQHUVKLSDQGDFFHVV Implement ef- fective land reform; revise intellectual rights; ‡ 3URYLGH WHFKQLFDO DVVLVWDQFH in agroecological pro- devise equitable resource use policies; distribute duction and agro-processing, and in adjusting to and credit to enable small-scale farmers to compete more mitigating climate change and other system stress- effectively. es. ‡ (VWDEOLVK VRFLDO DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO VWDQGDUGV for (VWDEOLVKVXSSRUWLYHHFRQRPLFSROLFLHV¿QDQFLDO production, food quality and procurement, with liabil- incentives and market opportunities ity mechanisms to address health or environmental ‡ 8VHIXOOFRVWDFFRXQWLQJPHDVXUHV to evaluate and harms arising when standards are not applied. compare the social, environmental and economic ‡ *XLGHDQGUHJXODWHSULYDWHVHFWRU Reward private in- costs of different agricultural production systems. vestment in safe, sustainable products, technologies, ‡ 3URYLGH¿QDQFLDOLQFHQWLYHV (credit lines, crop insur- in situ reserves and markets; initiate competitive bid- ance, income tax exemptions, payment for ecosys- ding for public funding based on capacity to meet eq- tem services) for resource-conserving practices, and uitable, sustainable development goals; implement for reducing reliance on chemical, fossil fuel and wa- anti-trust and competition regulations. ter-intensive production methods. ‡ (QKDQFHLQVWLWXWLRQDOLQWHJULW\ Enforce codes of con- ‡ (QFRXUDJHJHRJUDSKLFIDLUDQGVXVWDLQDEOHSURGXF duct to preserve public institutions’ capacity to per- WLRQ ODEHOV DIIRUGDEOH WKLUGSDUW\ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ DQG form public-good research.

This Issue Brief was prepared by Pesticide Action Network North America (April 2009), with support from 2[IDP1RYLEDQG0LVHUHRUWKURXJK3$1*HUPDQ\DQGWKH3$1,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RUNLQJ*URXSRQ$OWHUQDWLYHV DQGLVEDVHGH[FOXVLYHO\RQ¿QGLQJVSUHVHQWHGLQWKH,$$67'5HSRUWV3$1LVDZRUOGZLGHQHWZRUN dedicated to advancing , sustainable agriculture and . Printed on recycled paper. 3HVWLFLGH$FWLRQ1HWZRUN1RUWK$PHULFD‡3RZHOO6W6DQ)UDQFLVFR&$86$‡ZZZSDQQDRUJ