« . ^ . ; , . J 1 . ; ' i «


MN('ELLAXi:ors, m PRi:\TM i: ^ HK\ni.RM>\ Adr^ritsimtf Tbr ix^tiirr VaM>n. ’rnl . AffUrium' itt* A". A>r«*«iHi*rr/W Jetrei'M>ii« iile Itailroaal I t Pettengill 8c ^ r nmv inai.lnf^^. ana Aaanriaunn Fiom S. M. Co., \VIIOLr.'*ALE AM» RET Vir. I>£M.r.K |v D« iMt >«,^icra I'IN<. ..f tbr •ul-acrikr: ar« fs UiVKRl \t;KST'. Hirp^C. %'urk; IO Mur*. dnri«|c th.^ nn-ntlta -f«»rt..b< Brodir'w Cloak* and .Vlaiililla*, fl9N»a«AM Iloatna. /•'./. I'AKE #^Tber trr f- r thr b »t and moat wtd«-l/ circuUt< d ST.U'i.K Bf NJ aMIX )'' I'*'"' trama will run URVaooOS entmnof doniocn in )1 II he jen I iidav, meiiad CiKt >. HJ{t U 1:., ( f^l/* jouruaUitt'tbif Untta-d '^(at«a and tb<*rabjdu«. n M tho Ihh . f '....tember. Hav- No 450, corner of Preston and Oreen streets, •a salon n oeery Tnradat ^^l^avv fur ludiatiapniuand !i»*.*d an riigiM- iitt fur tlir sehool a central LouisTille, Ky. and Tbw^« 51 Canal st. and 63 Lispenard st., N. V., Chlra^oat 6 AU A. B., and 3 U> m part waring onob dny an h> • a ity i«h.- f TBi'T I TAV >Wk. nuid-te. of U. rden 1‘oie, it la IXG Juki r*)t*:rn>'d fr<>«i th«* Eaatern with a «i iradid x«^<>rriii*-nt '>f Gc«>da lai.), ’ 1 *^* **^*' *"#• e ••^•«s.i. *w_ t rrwi annurtmont f Tl ' il- ^ tk* ,taaj DRT (•4ioi>n tfMiliturif tiruftfuiy I HIMKTEK. MANrrM RtR. M( M’llllI.E'M.r. AM Uate forCinriDtiatl M 1 ntn-n of the It -aid •••yert. next xninnicr. the rr.4ai»it« Ml.k— f aMk.ada. rana,B«fr tar.n at 30 A. V.. and A IW I*. M. BROCA ,\:A, A«. Son I Krt»il !>. ol h< u«e ' l«. , FKtIGMT TRAINS rarh way daily iSuadavc eirrrt-d) alreade q the premt- kKKSni MKKINm|>>. e«Rta Al • p* r %4rd; Xjottoiry, • liritc •v.r;. fat Hr and dcncripOoa the att- ati -n of buTcn . tber a itb if. -•«»,. n-r nt* ..f the ENiiMjtH NoF.'<» Arrana* nirnU a.c made f»r fn ighu 'tu and ff m the I'au Kii 't and t huatnut MKRi f ruta -rnta t>> Rl t tr^; fliork • «t Jfek- TBOS. U> hiaritrntiTc f K odccuitablc for tbr F.AI.I. Sl‘. rn .Hrunau <‘hur- bre, HF. I..\ I A.NDERM X ft iii.vxi \S<*N Shipper* wuhtni; to av..id th« dclav* .d4, plain and ficn' d. f^otn l?u cnnta tn Rt Mr vard* CO. > ^chi:mi:i ii t« c'tlro Irad tbc tradr aa ounfinrod aionti.ly bTlIan-r* I itl afford ample a> mmm< . «aUT will fend it to ttwlr advania*:. to ship ly thic ronte dationa 1 be ItUvwiag f.cr> ^A'STKRH '.f all '’dori. V^rcd and idain. !• t;odr.T‘*. and otb« r adiag I'aciiiun H*- ks t -u < liiatru * I. s4 dSw Kretsht tak. n at c be n^'a.od a* I ra S. li. Il* R HK< i|l)f R I r<. th« da- at • <*ify: -•.S^c- TO BE UKAW.N NOVEMIlEBJtJ. ,I tbr |..wect raU*. and no charge fur drnT4ce ktus. .A . U ‘hat an W f»-n.. J in >bimisci<»n*. A. STai* 4*, A if.; IlaYNaii K 1 1> rv dra T' 1 a.*** ag.-utU'r.|,i, lam nivparnd Ulicl III IKi: iran.hiinifni than anr uMier imn treaty «lth ,.f bigbeet .inaliflra- t MV n.thr •itii.nkfhat t d-trrmia^-d ^11 .«> 0>t l-Biii TO T»r»-T Tir.it»' FIKK I..4K l*ROOI' S.4FE luute. All chip|*ra »tndinc U d> rVv^pf»«an tk« eUaptst in tha cut uf a Cf TIOXllgC »d f Uigv vxis nr- aa a B '•1* wer« b>-nirht f -r ca4h gM freight fium tbc Kaat tv J. II. r*«,nTine. LoaUMlle. n Teacher, wh ..^eerticee tbe> rail and *s«mia>- •i ^rk. N** tr* nk!a t» ab-<« ^ rr/Ai vmrr iii;tw\ and N. C mjr luadc. a>» dj' »a«n and sSbt D K P O T . Albany Tia JefTer*. io».r;raehiDk. Wnil iU.ttUO Tl. *' ntille. ha*r it marked 1. « 11. K. K.. «ia ae-'siua, kE.1h-k<.| l-KIZt (tairun hr mean tuui. I>r J J. ItuU n k ha* l*nlrleb llrlXerfanlt. 4f#’'freiih( tv and frum lndiana{.oli* taken attbr c 'nocated to a- 1 tn WM. McFarland & co.. li'Weat paoty. in wbirh hr will bare thr rm rate*, and will • tbrourh p,.ration uf Dr milUMi UrlWiwnll. S. V.MIO N I.ANK REWVORK. g •aneday. tnf-riiiati- o and tiekeU. apply at tboJef- .ridrv and Ir.Bl., BBtl W.KB.KTKP Third, t.-.uisTillo. *.r at flu- la-(K»t. '•rtunate in having c«- nred for the >eh •.» able a r paflarngn* by leaTing Uicir will^added aa &C0 nd- ktbuf the Inititotinn may re^^uire Mr. Hartcn. for* ' unw’ed with J**f rxon I'ollece. N'gw Toki, AiifilS. 1*M. A. V OSimKNT. Sui-erintcBilf at. rennavlvania. and MbssM W« MePaSLawr ft ( ltglT«*tue « ently with Danvillr f lle,;e. i« favorat fy and rsten- plrnanm U Inform yon tliat yewr *afe pr.irrvd mv b-.oki and A>\» Albany Down aa a auond xrb'dar and th- r>n/b JudirioneTeacb* pc|.c:e him! Kuleiii Railroaii nninjnrvd in the fere laat night, by • hirh’rv. rvthmr e of the I ni veraity of l*aric, and » TTORNEl » r Hw. o dm > n my prrmieee w*e r'm*nm«d. andaltbongh itwaaea vari.'d auaiumente. who ha. had wV Hjatfti po»ed •ev. * Jlnnai»g.b thruagh "at tbe fere to intrnee boat ita .uat ntr r*mninrd ral y* are' -xprr*r: TearlMir. f l.angiiagr* in B ton an-a F Hh ... I t *<;» «• tiakannrd- eaf«. and Kirhm- nd. Mia la i Tbe with liiiic repairing, i’'ll. 1 think, an- B »a« formerly n»a >eiated wiDt . ta« I It- a c -.rt f • *.~,i awer f'-ranotber trial. Hrv N K »bini< D in a at Fi ankf- rt. V and aft r U tineadm pi, andalDce biun. tCenrtel ;be . St mUr 6. I%;4, Trainahave Mr Rolini Lnitad Kecf-eeifniiv yeure, T JfNNV. Jr., eaily a'- r*M .t continued to c»ndn t the Schn.J O t undavr ex- ,-pUd. a* Mb.m l^laiiislied I'in nt ea<< are. With «t FI -u .tN Ag- Maaafir, jvn*ndom II S nib William et. I eminent buce-'n fr-ard plrdire ihotna-lvex tn the INid l.l•l•,*(«wr WMh k.'li.*, ' FXFRF-'^ / «EoR<;EI1o1h,KIT.^ tMlOl.RsALF riN*FLATi: W rker Invite tbi at- o; the bmwte l.lbiu TRAINS NORTH. C'-mmunity • lrw«4 '‘tgn I that n -xi lhall be spared that may be nee^ te ptiMie in grn-.ral. Thamlful t I^aVe N»w .\lhan> at • o'clock .t and Japxuiier in general, Iraporterand Mannfactlreruf M . leave Greencattle at \T fill t pla. e the IVAbi SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO.. . Femair rrb »1 4>f lymitville on a i t I* M , have raw fordaville 1* l ot iwr, Zin>‘. and Imn tio-vd* TTtiRMT AT at J 33 M.. and arrive in foiindati- n whi.'h will i« ita puptla a thorough and com- LAH. L Latay- ite 1*. . faiiLfnUy 44 II01.F* 4 I.F 1>K4 «;bil!)TK, at 7 S3 M. IAS WT.. S¥.\\ kOIlK. pleteedttcation. at.«nd u. all k rent tbr per vtAnca 1$r «| of 1 row rrBwf'-rdsTiUe tw» Dailr Tramt leave aa f.llnwa I’rnc and stenk D.xlw*. l-.-cated«m etrv-et, j jf. Maia NKW YORK, 1. ave < rawfordav.il, at 5 m> A. k. and at 6 .33 1’. Oval and oblunx I>uh revere, if. M . Davi ifii.iii:n *v if j.(-. Bt ife.-e no, ,1 « Tb-- adwt- l.afayeite at 7 3<| A. M. and 2 4.% V. M.. atrivmg at MirhiMan OrtagoD and round Tea and t ofTee I’etf, I. -toe.fer e,eupi WffOLESALK DF.V1.EKS AN I m> T aderthem Have removed to No. 170 William street, t D MFliRTFUs t*r eaced*- It} at I'J .!• r M. andfi 4.'i V. M., and eon Bert with tram* E.:;: t'odlerc. .Nnrxerv l.aropa, I .»n I»e; artmrut i«d fur t'.hicago and the Heat and.S.-rUi- 0. wae the pn New V> rk <*ry«- * J* I>ve-Stin'fe>i, M PtlRTINf* tbe leading DRl't:* fr--m tbeir nrigiaa! marketa ,, 15 Faiiitfs, - Oiln. w.xt. al*o fur Detnit, Niagara I alia, Huflalu, Albany. tal Falacc for rianohed Tin War>-aad \Vater< «1eri (against aiian, I >otb in P.ur>-( e and the Fast Indi-c ead alee Freai'h and Nrw and German l.angoage* {•er ^wieivn lU ta' I V. rk.Hoai. n, ke a •tiY>ng Cs>iu petit Ion >, wl.crebv be tlat’vra btmw If that in beau* \ FngiUk rilPVK Al.s ITKH MKRV. TotiTM. NAII.. and Fa-nting, and Drawing AUXISH HS.WIXI X )W-< U,.\SS.(;i,ASSW L.X»*KKss TRAINS SOI Til. tyoffiniib hiaWare ie etjual, if nut »u|,enor, to anv other' will be taaght en the tuual \HF II tik BRI 'nIIF", .d i'ariinnd ompetent IIAIK t;LOVL« a Sl KAi*^. I..eave IV--ft.-ee>ni. 448 Mam sUeet, between i Fifth < M irhiaan t ity at 7'43 . . after th* manufacture 1*44 I and Tn-e-e MhiNoE'. OieyoflTftUm n A M arrival ef the F«T4ai4LHgn ) juneStdtlm Sixth, Louisville. niRE< *e , will be dvlivvred oceaeionallv daring the winter. traina of the M. r. K R fr -ra Ditruit ai>d < hieaaoi tl-’E Br«ci-atifee»abjeeia IBBhi.),. rive I by dieiiaguitbcd g-ntlamvii >» bay,,,. •' in afaiette at 1 1 40 A M . leave l.aiavette at 3 lu.t If JACKSON & SON B« BB . FKXUKIl WAKFRH. wivhiBg • t #BteT ichclan w ill 4*eale apply le ft. P. Sran- Wh Denier in L-aveNew .tUmny atye'clock 4ur*r. to .VTTOHNEY: A. M Front street and D3U or the PivAid. nt AT LAYV ROfiMS, painted I AII.S AND TI B*<. WOOD .VND Arrive at 246 Broadway, ^ " <;ov|,ort' .. at7o'cliHk P M f NAMI'FI I'VSSFDVY. Preeideal. tor/K jiiT H tUu« Ft < , H arc. Uatketr, Mate, jrda*e. Twine, Wiektng, StA.pping . v, i'.l) tk l' r mgt't. leave f y I n Ki I M. -1 |. .WE Gratoc and Fend- n R\ E WE Have a i.otoe fine hke'.i haT' .n«it i.\ • dere-. a. i'ia«inn*u. n era. alto tircular and ti|Qare Itcnuan Silver Grates .be least For the Second damaged that w* ar« a#liing for $.3 and $4 Regiment D. S. Infantry. I.eav* t'rawfnrtlsvill* Wb 'l••ale dvalerr tnppllod. junolSdly IT)LI.AKD. PKATUER. ft >MITII. I f V M I K. 1. r ,N. 1 .MTt U STATE> AK VV. ai.l, •Vrrive at a{>ort 4G6Mainat. ^,1...... / u-t«,. M -ppinc • v«*r Bi^ht. leave t i** n n RLN, c |.» a,.. r l« .Bd ., And arrive in .New .Vlbany Jt*'‘FI*ll kIFkIN preaente Me eumphto Leaves t'rawf^rdaTill >dvroi niy tfooda at V-argafa DR. EDWARD old friends aad patr^'BS. and respoetfoUy in: Idoavo l.afayette BLEECKER S *urcftas«rs ' that he may bo fouad at the old stand of 0 their' a, ,fen, 479 Maia street, wl.< re b* will be as in •••at. stampede iYlixture, ill (er-oos inilebtod ve titem as beret forr. 1 all and aoo me. g„i ..ill bavetABiako immediate rwA tnn ment or their 1 will pass iBto tbe hands -f an at- B,-? f, f <• Mvcii ChagTss Fsvsr. **»ftj I KAPIMEI.. fT?*' tl K Pt-rne«- r «f ina V„eo :ae wi.: » *. - ocii om leMS !• *noeiuulBcr» Mud ft^Freicht Traine daily (Sundayi escepiedi oa b way. -3^ WK Do Ni»T VV|XH Ttt REMOVE M<»R JW * It f- rmiBc bf'Vt roBte Where ban been intr',4H«*e tbe fur fr igbt betw,-en tiw ubiu river aad Hats aad Gape than p ••iM# inbiuar old sUnd l.ewlber lld-wlri'a. • fwr the ati- e Fast, as arrangements are t v* dseenMe. mf, rtaH made v which freight ran be plvted. we will new ow Vork It «(• i-niiiie and a. all ti.o wav hv Railroad WAS I'Vsreffcrvd la tb* raitA-d ^tat,-*. f-.rea-b w1 Large Stock of -nil f «bn Ihvvo r ur by Railroad to Virhigaut Uy. and thcB or a M or w^ sh POLLARD. PKVTHEK ft keh l^.w.wn |wr»' ripti- V' ^•tai ng ia ibetr tonkleaey. Molt. I B, thus making a r-Bio thaa by kd prvami t« ux R««mittag <»A^'«r an m\e|-inbi« Sue -ea-ur to Oliver ft Tiptca, eheaiwr asv other ^•1^^ 46dMatnst. oppoaitool Parw'na wn a-anuf*, aui«k ronvcyaB(?« ew wi’i net ' o afo- *oa -/ v; NO 479 MAIN .vTKFFlT, WH I-TILLE. RT. a5 -ourw m ELEGAjN'T A.\1) I’ASIllO.NAIJLE ipkepeaoni»r« it nwtwn a ‘Wir naw^l rutting r w lil riv. all ^tt er iaf«irmati«B whi FURAITL’EE *^ t I aia now reecivii.g and o|-«B;ag a very choice and (.KK.tT il.NS! thenwatry wt,«iw aired. V g BAKh (.REi l BARhAlVs! iwM**'** ^o Vgwn elegant of ‘i-t^riac Ren4*-er<-«c an at gtrent, Ya ewek dO<>di. purchased by my>«lf whiUt WH()LK. twoea Fi Hats and AM) * En-t.of tbclat*at 'm{M-rtati<-bS cuneieiing of ITutha. Caps 50 per cent, less than Cost? UKTAIL. u o andor ‘rvatment, an«i in O strtrU laOnisA ill« Ky. , bm m,ree and Yostinfeef svory color VAru-t*. •-*'''•• *• The pTWfr:o4or e>-ntd \ H. Mrl.r.AN. and U.. "u '’•a’-'«ly »• •• Br, B.., r,Bj/ ml -I t'te au^rio*^ ou M^4'><' Main strevt, uir*et'v aite 2-1 aoo moat «inality 1 havo hand I’lU'hk-* pp< ^ar u|d s and 1st L'.eut. I . > Infasitry, Jefiersonville Railroad. Mlk* and VolAtta. V>ib fk-r matnmoDial and ‘V-ri-day sun- INiLL.VKD. l*KvrilER. ft'sMITlI. J. M. 1 arc I'liitcil State* STOKES n w prepan d to *hip Freight through to Cioeinnatl Hotel, & SON, d»i.g...tv-! •ftiLg pur{knw«, t at it w . u!d •jo y^.nr vary heart ^ ) V by Railroad at the t >U"W>iig ratoe; MLMl Hls, lENN. g>*Ad t - l,4*k at much |ea« t# wear, B'.-i aa f"r 4 l<-tlta- -such 'LOUR— iiM bbU SO] vrane just received aad foreale by Ao. 4:53 Main Strrrt, opiioxtr tlif Rank of t'l«‘tliaand< a*»imeroa' chu*o wbew >rvtl,aaaRia *ty>va during On latclBiv*. .»eti. per lUM /'n.si J*f^rnf>nrVU ''HE snbsrrib>ald rvspr< t* tt3jftb maBBfBttBFT. llM Ibtimi bb. .[.HbJi* “rt •i*4mpi aaarta..t of ally inf. nn his f rioads that it is H'-w open uuder hiv periB*>* (A CX them, anil t^voo that did ait, will learn Ly try it g 479 li Merchants and u*hcra will find this the most reliable fv^nte to ah rt witlioat lotA^ndifig to disparage any coo al rare. Fv> ry a;u-niiuti will be gtvvn to render it uusur- in my im* of id from innati. avoiding any I ngdcltva occaeun* d by iiich aufi c> Itlltl meffam assed in mf-Tthy any buuoriB tbe city. riu-aittn-e. bnatneea. 1 w lU *ay t> at 1 Lave ..a haad as auferiur a *t»ck of gi and lew wx'cr. «hare of tbc public pair At Tllb liKFAT t'l RK FOR gio>ds aa were erer'effered for aols in tbe city of L<^iev:lte. F-t farther inf -rtnnti' apply at the A mage ism re«rectfnlly solicited. *" “** n, Jcirerw nvilic Rail* ^ l*** ITm-. »bJ bi »na-.l7 n^Bctd prioBB. t‘ie sc|t7dom J J. WoR«-H.VM. Pr.-pnetur. Uvrr Complaint, b. I bSA# •erarod *ervieee ef t.ee I <>e^tld. late ef I’inein* -ad (iffiee. un aurth sid> Mam str> et, i ctwo- a ^veoBd and Kilious Disorder, Chilld ami •.’/niV «J tiati a:id I'ari* a*mv eD t at J> flcrs»uvillc. hVvpr, Coslivenoss, Indiice^tion, Dyspepsia, 44 in infurmit;g Che , 4141104; 4\V, 4I.M T, 4\» 4 Ill'.UItV I’apitul llolrl and Itesiaiiraiit, .%u«l Mil IMoea.ro of Ibe Wlomneb. Diver, and FI KMT4 its: A. T :pt-«e. a* well as my fneods aad patn>ns. that he baa no au* Rowelo rthw-et Corn- Thir I nlao WertifnlM N' ref and tir t d street a. aud all Imparltlea of ibe lllood Also I'ern-ra as a ratter in ti.e 1 a ted States H J. Gasksll haa thairs, tiorks, Spring and Shack MaUrrsMcs. Lookin?-4>las.sr*rtmcai and in that eapaeity 1 ire ln*iiranc« 4^ a!j use. and we are I tuUfor M rcuryin Liv.rt Which, iB poiBt of BiBBiifBctan. Bad has ha.ih. will to. now r rc| aetd t oiiipUiBtv sad f-r Turgative 4ciib, ..aifian with aimilar anicln cannet )>e excelled. AU.lherefuro wbe |atreals« my e*tab* BiaBnfaclarcd la aaj pan oi furnish larg* l'arti<-s with Diuiirr er supper*, at ‘ rved up in •* .1* ‘**1.* bills aad F«v«r. cst>o li*hmri.t may reiy npoa nut oaly gottn.g aa| g- ntlvm< n's lieusce in eially w hrr« t^Uiame ha* brru ua#d aad failed established bav !:i ng Dioa rat and madoia the m et fmabtuoabla an 1 olegent 'pilIS rout" te the ap«*t, l>«et. and allogctlarr tli« m- «t Ocxl3lixot-lVf:«l«.ors’ in 1*35. any part uf tbe eity. with all eqttii>m;«s and acc4*m| animents. It IS B tiB- .Stimalaut aad Touie fur torpid and debilitated Mextorlexls, atyle 1 comf -rtaUe t.f any from tb>- obi- riv«r iie i; u, ' end (-i uectien* (inr arran.-ements with all ccnstitnui-ni. ^uehas Mahr-ganv and Ro*. w.-d l laak, Vtneer*.NifaS|r.n*a, Hmrbvatmi. a 4-4 a aud are eu« b i-arts of the I'nited *tatc* Flu*o, k.ni-Ulaa*•• uiaa* Ii imea.latoa. t .rUd Hair fi *w>pi»o I bavt cpnrwd neither espeuM nor paiae to reader estnb- 'soath te t>.e Last, t-t’hiraga, u-d Hmr ^ mv and M. IxfUie. Altvn, Rock that t-y artL's tiire « Til fUgh a«aai to t>.e taste, Varaisb,ftc..f.rsnka:reaueid pric%s I ordering in w ran *etv« tht m with all pL mild and harmless in im ac- ' lifkment rompiru IB all its (nris. Thankfnl for fatore al- Island, st. I'anl. Galena Milwaukie.ftc X.4.. delicarire proeurablo 'd .America. A\« are now ti< a. Us p-wrr IS riinal te tbr- m st 'fteat drug. rer-iving fr- m | ready • hest -wed. 1 will aa*iduaUsiy endeavor be mvrua con* »ra**engrrs for NiacaraFall*. Ituffslo, and the Fast will Scrofula New York, bv expn-ae daily , fresh sh*-H Oyster*, and onr Rr». For and all Imparities ef tbc blood it oortainly Bnd tbu the m ot c> mf>>rtablv and }-U a*ant roote anv, ae by f tanrtnt sliali always be found well stortd'w ith «vvry dvserip- has never bad an r {uaL it they av'itd the fangueand danger* of night travvling ty tun of Gam« in sexson. It IS D'4y b--«rd on on- o3 that physicians f- .1 fr* e to piwscrilo n* a oi-v Tbrrv a SATTrrkWHITR ft URIGGS. and panents to use it, f tl car B> w ana magnifeceut fi 'attag palae«s. the nvmeuth INTER DRAM RRS AND xllIRTS- N. n. Wr arc also well prepared u* ae^umoiuilate transient which thev are doing with unbouiiJt-d •uc^'ras. both in 3crofu- liiiii;* 4. 4 . SMUF.lt, K-:fk >A. W»rid. Sliaker Flanaol atd $Laker kait firawers aad Shirtc; or stern acknowledged by all t- rgejed am !• BDd DiiiTj.iB. W, ,nly B.k m pdmnm and cn-fal pcraiBl .f Ik. D l r< H BOI TtN*. Attorney at Law aud steamers < Vf brf -re built Oeueral I -4. ia bis utidortxki Ca"Um'-re. Merino, and brown GuUoa net Urewere. r in fttnerira furetri-D^th, »afet\^ pampbJot, which will b« Collecting sent free - - of po*tV'^ to Billan< wau-r .n U-r any part f tb« (Ti-lh* 4 all aumi'cr* .''hiru ef every and e< mf r* -f arrstig* m«-nte Agent, And s.ie and shape, at I - couuirv. ft l . RAYMOND ATTFN, General A e to o 12 a fii I A K Agrute. French Ruhr Mill ''tuBe* •al C’t ra*e«og rs are ticketed through b* Michigan City. Detroit, • '••FEEEVII LE. ,e* -f thf. I'ui M 4\*^F1EI.D'? * ft TAI.TUI H \ -fTT l.'s) hhds fair I rime . O. Sugar; 74 Fourth . L'misville. vbM eitr >, F-iria’-leG. n. yowwft ftnr<*y nmd -f Nifeg^fo Falla. HoSal». Albany. N jv aad Katur>ia« ev« N«-w V« rk,atid lio*t- b. also 1 1" 111. fas* tr-Hter nad raH 3U0 ticrevs Fli if all Rah bed do, fer sale bv MilU. 'mut Machine* .'(.bA to IB ).r.B ‘T IhroBBli ki.B.:-:.: 'sir-* Marprr. Al l Hii'*r— toChicago. Ijiitalle. nugfiild, ilL.tialena, St. 1 aul. ht. :(Uk. I*. M. ** IB ' M.ll lr'‘M«, Mill : grew*. BO! tTmitlT .t N r-. ¥.- 4 -^rtllaydovk. Silk, L4«Ull, ftc. Mrs. Oakes Smith's Romance. >hftker. Merino. I ambe Wool. Cashmere, mod brewa .\->b 4, rrsBl SerwaB Wire. I’laster I'x* .riy t:,t l ait.* 'I b:.« t .Brt fir < St. plarea or N rtk M - . *>}Ur* ''w^n ^ nt tbe pHaci| nl Uut«4*. o'toa Half Hoes. s>c*s 9 to 12 Ineb f«et; For Leuis and Writ and Northwest this is the )£RTUA A.\D LILY, (be rxreonage of Uereh Glen: sippi at I'onb-r^^. ns. fte . and Mill art . 15 doeea only r*Htt« a ibo Reoiaoea. 12me Trice •f Hr lk.uer at Mornrt Hall. ell oonntrv bait Half lloe«; fer sale et rncr which passengers are ticketed $1. just received and for sale I eUs .;eB«rUlv, war. Isat al) times proi nrr Terre Haut? mod lodiana|>olis,and Doangts, ncwr«et etylre, rvoaived ’ this Harpers’ ' rt* ird. ft .Wiaith: .'>)trk.re, R AN A W A V from tbo •abe< riber. real Magazine (or November •ily lb tb West.lorsale .sad.rson, ft n< I afayrtw wiib trains of the l.aJajeti« and Indianapolis Tm-mao. .T*L0 *eer..n the 1 4 th -f .A nrvet KcFl V FD and fora*:* by BROWN ftCKTMP. ^y road fur all places on that r*-ed. JAMCd LOW ft CO.. 4M Main st. f»I a»s«at 2: . cxr> nl bfti 94 Fourth at., 'fewt« ruin' n. KNOAVLTtiN. Sap't. near Market. Merbc|>i4-\5 rfftlil* L ut iA*' > and*. I'la -k, high rc -r« t N. sTEV'E.NS. Ass'lSBp'l. AKD.b4)DA- bd for tale bv Alldftwtf IPtAAsurst Dissolution. vB* hi* f 1 -wer tr u: tertl. and a p< etnerw* IT- h-r»*f. N. A ftS.R.R office, ^pt. fi, 1X4— dtf A UAW'SON. Dickens's Household Words (or rc-visttag totwt ;* •Torw ae (a sravcLbg Nov. He b*ld and imp"rtiBent, bat e'. « wf s|-oceh. sboald always L# provide- te Raws< th.. sty;* of HaWF^ are icr Vy aotifivft aad a and Hbcob. F( Lit kb ky sLe a«eatef«r L<^t svilte. A. a. W HlTf.fti •», or bottles |i and wrte Iwilixivctbo a)>--4r r* v xrd f»r hi* - morv ef tlie lllae Hwuee llreaay. as Lands In Missouri (or Sale. #' < n • do* that tr, p t ar -e'- t V. D. K ItHiiAVN ft CIU'MT, .» ''-‘isiue rf K> iitiK artirJe la rase efsKkbo*-—and te fart ii wtl Oabtanu Jtjun li. I'keo. II 4WI.S— 1 have f*r tale 2.U^*a'rcs >f l ead. ly>ae ia Rell - ky - and Tc-navei $-'a> if •<'' - ‘-r- c, m rw be ibbt i.i tb* 1 at -.f an tr >1 hftj g4 Fourth et. • luO mi"ass' Net sear Ma: ket ai«l«* fr \r. i yonareweil. J ei'lered ‘'br.wls; RN^&and Meri-a e*-aat1e*. la «Ht-h arE* eev«rat im H -m I'Urksvilh- fi}-* within that dietaifce. T. TH<»MT'ON. Gaetano M* llarUonl I'lrc iklRKHARDT & Urso. luu Lla k l^araBrr t vi V red in ;ail tbni 1 may get bim Fonrvh s>r#et. acer Main embroid d do de. proved farms, well prT-rii' usd with tml ’-r aad prsi HAR^II *LL MAI BF.LT. .N‘o. 374 Main street, between .'‘eventli and Eighth. Ixinisville. tbeuvwert etyir* ' Charti^rf.l 4|!lr 3* aa ,^•rt. 4—dtf Joll and below market prii Knickerbocker (or ric. which I offer for tale a fair ^«nu*. lafiuifv- in ISIO with s Perpi>f lnRT^ SHIRT«* Jn»i received November MI1R19'— • lar,e aad / CANDV MANCFA< Tl UERS AND WHOI.FSftLE DEAL- >ECEI\ Bubecribrr. peri>>r »tf-ck EDty th«agrt,is. IlKUW .N ftt RlMP. at llaaa>b\J, Misa-nri -f Linea and Mtulin aLirte. aeeerwd paits V er» in Nb;s. L>tt-iori. Ti< klcs, Trc*crve*, .'aUkvs, >ardiaes. Y nl bAj 9i Foarthet.. near Market. toft I dftw3m JA5 II PATTERSON* id *'ylc«, embracing all the latest im| -even. sate— l»)wtors. Impoitcdi igars.etr. 23 doeea Sbirta fens (' Lmea French bo*»ms, extra l-^ag; uatry M -r« banUwtU please eall mod eaamiae our at->ek 25 dn de de. broad plait do. do; bk-furv archasing cUewl.'-re I ^1 5u ce Mt*»lin do. do do do. do;

D do faacy I laea Shirts, aea* r led ra::erna, Aud ase» Ifi do do Musiin d*. do de. f IIFNJ. A.rifMlD. Ces'leRiea eaa rel* oa goit'ac a meat and *a| HAKPEK ruU NOVEMUFK ro^ived and for fid Thirdetvwot. nearMaia. •:hm by railing at 325. t -ntbweet ortaerof Mam jBst reteived and for sale by E- Rlvre ii tt. street* o2d A D MAN^ GAETANO ft URkO m lUrrtwi PERM OIL— 1. (AM gall-DS par* winter strained >p«rm Oil Medical Card. * rvE-eivcd and f-r sale bv 11’’ . -f >£.lt nvOT. be't brands BDDFNHAMKR M D . f rmorlv erV'Uwt AV1L%1D tii- aa.i Ciiaarv J. 5w* bbla oi-gia*. *>igh ae l is'-Tn ‘ M GALLAGRER. Dvurboa Wbii 11-kuowa ( I NTER D>; \Ci II T PL'iWX. la H. A- CO., of thr u«, tiim Prnlaprje ef the Todd * Warefeonae. different BArts. i* cetved and DUME3NIL & k- ip coas*aaily oa hacd a largt ar* it- Rc t ;m. I AOM AIIS>I<»N .Aff^f-tiuBs tha At AND IOKWAKDINg MLK( IW eopiea*'T‘eiherstde . f Jerdai ft •rc'', Ac. a .37 li RVRAM. FITEIN, ft < U 1UNT!«. AVall oteal nf Plows and PI- w Cast a»ii. frwm N 3 t- N» a. both Cm- street. l.on} ville, Ky. lut) d> "rtl. a; ns-»aL »> in I>1 RE ItR ANDlES-50 pAcka.espur* **J»rdan is a hard read f r -‘BSt aad w l*^aghr sharrs. wit.i wood .>ad ce«t be|i>— New <'utLtrn plantatir-n 1 from the let ef De^-emb*- nett t;il -2 kegs prime oeentry Lftrd for sale e& ceB«iga>«ent 1 -wing choice brands: E. A.ll-U.ACC4i— A4*0 make th« hugar*4'ane aad bote* mabufaciured f.r sale wry K-w, P W . n>»L*aham<‘r, 37 Irvin* pla. e. Wttr o pl&nk ;eaee •( pe^'l.m st-'*ro •r I.,eaisvilL market*. afi D lAB Wagons ua tho m->at impr<- *d plxa. AVo make Timber Nrw Y aad for salo by L cloae consigamenta. ty promptly givon. rwaideftfx - Al’he«ls. Carts, and '*hcrs-* AA'xgubS • f all of Dr W aiing . o 4* * .m' kl“Aljv->L\i)K CLOTH I.\G. CORN ft Tw kind* at oar ••H wall nao. •31 11. ft. DI:ME«ML ft CO., AVallst. ' )wrr x*Tti $t* has T been r* * arf M tto aad Hancock street, w wr have bo*a

• the last o w>- areob!e t» f-rnmiee *be moet nn-,aalifecd - for twoaty*ono year*. IlAA.** fi tiH-pfR sattafa- Al kEKLL— lu Lbls Nl 00 Legcr Cogt. I ali tb ; New Church Books.

' 1 0I4I llenoesev elp to the tl»s « -ae^.^sonCl* -f tbc ver* lai*ot stylos and eat. -25half choe«BflaeGna(owd*r for sale by Spi(C de; Readme of CiLle, bv C 0 late noojamm 1 do Planar gw; I lllitt Come, Come all! piu 'd Ck« vi'Ementary atoppage fn o«r l-wsinets oc--n S H Nich Is M ft-.efi4ttreB*e<*oliege,tembridge.au- one— >' CORN W all ft RRO A. I ). M.VXSl'I J:J A )'S ’ Istoil Safety 4Bnaee )' iLc 3 S pif rs Dumarer do; ttiur f the It-.-- k of Preterhe ixplaiBtd and Y 1 E inv-te all who wwnld have ihslr (to*.# elevated Aatb oceful alim- tit. ar-'l th<-r ; s de .*^eigiigtte d.; PiU:e and 11 rod. a Tale illn.4trative of the earlv Ifieturv ihelr spirile cheere*! by rar* hamur e <1 «; erkling viva--i*v to AaseU November 1, oar "bjcc*. hasUe'n folly aeeomplisbed '•r n^t. we Out titling E*lal>li*liiuenL ef 1853, S627.476 33 10 do Scigaette do, (h« Church ef England in the Prt«TiB>-e *-f call early at A. ll.At.AN ft CO • Bu-ks:-ra. N^. f.< Mam mr '-u»Nimrri te gccde. and wdicii nn ias|-< rti..n 4*f o«r k Marvland. by'ibe n <«ciitl< Bien intearcb E-f neat and gb-gaat CLOTH* store aad fer sale bv Uev. lUrvey Staaier. Rector -f tbe liolv str«et, wV ro trey may fiad tbe m tt general aso rtmsat • f at pres- a:, n-'r.l.weft eonirtt* wad fereals bv *27 Rl >*'$1.1. ft DCNt AN Rev. Iron Railing. Verandahs, Balconies, ingatmy.t-r, Burg es, D. StBtioneryof the fenoat kind. «‘rt ete U., Bishop of the Pr-C Epie. Church in lh« Di.^ !>•- •rner »/ lla:n nad Fifth t’AFE r», "hati.rB, '-tairways. Gratia**. Hi It.ltB Dress and Frock CoAU, black and fancy, extra fine :>C.AC1I AND CIIERKA oexe o34 A. HA'. st. s. I ^ BRANDY f Ma ne. AN ft BRrv. ei.uth vid* - f I *y Dree# Vc*t*. fancy Velvet. Silk and Caeb’r, do, Ifi 5-bbls Cherry do. for salo Did ao-l J § rw-» n a> N-w Testameat. and oa the Ap->'rvp*.s—Tw«lv« I eo- New Buoka! New Books! the o rnrr -f t',v Over*Cacks, ah D Third aad p.-*t- Sw. Orders fr^m a Dstnc • 1: beat y aad fine, satin aad A. ZANONE. .nr- • lei IV red b«f- r* the Coiversity 4 ef *mbridge— l>y Chr. or tli« Je«oit v attoB'U-d to with a!i>a< lined: ^R ED .ARDEN, Revencs By the aatbor promptneso ami dispatch ana on tfe« muotna* All a AA otdswurtb. " enm* *f am< nnft. r. en«V fra D D. Miaaio Gtor." "Goe Howard. "AVomaa Soaa>.le*crms. fi - BusintssCixts. Pants, and Ve«tt, assorted oolora. F aad H«r Mao- . acowfiii «f finne • ' ''yooatmrs ef C.e New Testameat, •> o nth* tl.* x.*. by Riehard " m 'p«rr' r CbeBOvii ter. fte. Btraadawly R.C. 'Rl H l*RI' N EA -F.ve ra*ee I reach l*rua'C in .'‘illRTS AND UO.^IERA . STEWART. agpw tcd aeggny. brwging intreeot fr' t- glaae ;ai rrvBcb. H D. m oliadx. or the M«xican s Dang ter Rv ATm. I inn TidhalL 1-- )OPE— 909 •oils Randall pateat machiae Re '• I t t . • for tale An w .ea-ung frwm maiimiat, and f'w sale l<-w b« Linen and AlBsIia >Lirts. fin'* and mgdintn; Life aad Epistles -f St. PabI, by tbe Rev. Main m . W. J. reavbeate This book ik d' vp'v laUree’.ing, • *r ORN .1. ft and ah -aid bo read by every, rt la- t A H4IKIF. 5i* *• 4 WA KRO t*Bder->birts aad firxwer . allkiods; i> 'atiae Third M .A..andJ H< wtoB. body. too 1 4UKIA<«C^ Shaker. Mvria' Lamho' Wool, Ceehaore, and brown Cotton A Prest ytertan Clergyman lecking for the Cburoh. bv One tK*r»ia ar* xatit iiNDuN IHfRTER—25 oaeee piau aad qaarts for sale b Adveaturee of a Ballet Girl. By Fa^oahride*. aa'hur tf l. f. STONE, i-«etii'!in. Half ilusc, assorted sitvi. of Three hundred. CAKRlftGE DEALER, Ni a wKkat tab. rtia ‘ '* •27 ilk. •' - Main street. CORNWALL ft BR<1 asserted widths; “Life>-f Daa Marble." "Life la tW l*r*irio Laal. fte. Ma.a - near • nd ALSO: A fallassortme tef Ribh-s. Prayer Boeke, Caioohiame, (.alt i|«.nac. H u 'he tr*i Siam pa d Uxariag xa4 FRA* AND f.L<»VFv—Jnet r ce, atleo. do de fer Bowks Jnet reoeivvd aud for aaU by w txli^tbcBir^. eels lew bv U- k> , a'.-Urowi- tfaPv mf- hi* >. dnria* LARgP. IRON roved mak< ferealebv Cravat*. *^earfs, Btid Tic«; of D« vottuQ,tjue*tteD H ' ks.ft'-. rm n too lam • AVHEaT. WVltLR ft AA’HEAT. #23jfth H.AGAN ft ro.. Maia st. I ia4 n w in -to.-e very m Madame tsLAiftl ftrwafw-witL..- ..f -rw* Linen aad *‘ilk Handkerchiefs bem»< I for ast; a I.V CORNWALL ft BRo '•^'ana bm me that ake will men uneti .a wit Shtrt Collar*. eVerv style; ,fr 'OOi.F.N t*OOD5—Cvmf< rte. f The Jesuit's Revenge. iW « AfTfiU .m km Ha>eert e Ti..a'«r ! -i-d : kid, Bravvr, B-igi, Cloth, Cashmere. nerltu,fte., OL>vee. 4 lariats, ans Shawls at ' I Mi ,,^KED or eh< salt e by < \l-»»h< '%• •-•, , ARDEN, yonrvtonckor at Wilu. un-i. all tW li inefi aad plain: New Books. J K-««age. J F. AmPh. R -ckawav B>*ggi#a, 11 « in V'^rne tn tbt faBhieaaMc r.f.irt of Par Trunks, L'mbrella*, Canes. Perfamcry. ftc. Lap. author wf arrv AshUB, Mmnie Grar, ftc. i’r:.e CUru a Sli i -e. »t’ Boegirs, i l.ONF- ^v Mari B ilarl.ind. autb> <' r r Kate Har $123. « *#. Rl Landen, vj iA4*url taa Vamea lieaxTemia A. D MANSFIELD. t Jeeutv F(ou- h \*e. T p Uu V 11- rmit'e Drli, fr m the Diary of a p. acilor. $1. kedowa. Sc ttterhn p :ka P-4ka Max* Byram'a Improved Potato Harvester. oSt No. 535. tvntbwcst corner of and Third its. ADVENTCRES OF A BALLET GIRL, fcv Falc mbn J*-.. Brau.-iivm*. N -top ttniui<*a, Mam Aa-ther supply of tbt l.amplightor. Eaney Fern's eto, V utbor <-f the Life I'f Den Marhl-*. fte. Price 3fi crate. i-a at Ru -kxw .ja, Tr .tria.i \l"'L aro maaufactar.ag tbeao implement*, aod can «npp ith Buggi** all the pohu literature of ti e CRACk.£KS»20U boxes m store and for sale by N e DaughUr, a Tele of thr Mexican dv, Salk •• ftROWN ft CRI MP. tfeic rfiKT AND UADLIKA WlNEb- Far. Piio* 25 cca*e 4*eeet a-, J*rs- y 'Vage-aa, I Ian m- re thaa half ih* labor of dicgiug potat -es m t nl CORNWALL ft BRO. fte. So eaeks P 'rt Wine: ••VJfth B -..kiellerv and Statioaers. S4 Feartb et. Received this for by ordinary mernieg and aalo oa* • f x."« way iaaavod. BYKAM. PITKIN, ft « 0., whic). v«ry enperier and extra heh uindo i wnimp rtati..n 15 do Madeira evpr jnst •|-encd. Ii Rl'-H Wlll'-k panehewn v ry supTlur fer sale bv Wine; BROWN ft PRCMP, '. •37 Third it., b*«a bv t h* pricv tV i'«^ Vtoodr^; thev ar« werthy the aitex nl CORN WA LI. ft KRO. 3 do Sherry do, for sal* •$' blj $4 Fenrth at., near Market. Kansas and Nebraska. itaafactun-ri EiV; ail f wfci.h will bosoldat-isi e tHileuiuiiff! I on Snsnrdnye fm <;OM DV. TERRY A <0 >5 D rr, higitl >IG I Ron— XUO tnue toft Teanesaoe for sale Gco^rai aad Phvsical. < 'Laracrertstice. sm.' V r<>n l avM or -n «k.-rt appro«od pa:>cr The I by Northwestern -5 1% pipes purs Lroodoa lw>ck G"4)ard Hrandy f Inenrsoce oral P siti.a of these Tcrnt-riirs. no a?c*aat Paralysis, Contraction ol the Muscles, a*pt L'l Uw Inl] CORN WALI. ft BUO. of NEW Y‘ ;k rant t'omnanies. aud Inrvctions to Emigraau. Pain In the Side, Breast. -A^ Agent fur :he t7-v^ I. Back, aud Hale. With a late map. <'*(0KT*M0NAIF..<— Pearl, Calf i I ro P Iic;«n -a erher^*"*^ and Velvet I’ert-Monaii It Fourth st.. near Market. I India Rubber PuPuus >trvn*tbeaiug lia'Ter is bay ad all ^ with steal and German silver fram-s, f->rsalcl v belief. Phisteians and »th«r» eanwot fait te t«e tb>* adv aai.x- ONDON PORTER- B« WA IlI.E. ft this WHEAT, WHEAT Putnam's gg* of liatter over all othors. fur. whil* it pv>t «*rt uU ths aud Graham’s Magazines. qualities -f aswltd er r'>mmwti plaster, by beia* pgrlo.-ated. it KEREL -4# bbls No. S large, eatch of lf54. f-r sale bi lOPKIWiN ANIXOPPP.K Dl'^llLLED WlllSKY— 'OV EM BEK numbors rvc«t ted by the agents. admits ef frte disehargi »I mvoasib.e pcr*piratiuu a:id gircula* r: t 1 100 this Bvurb >n Whisky, 2 to years oRN WAl I ft KRO 4 old; BROWN ft CRrVP. •tua uf air to the afT- e'-od part, la case* wk- re the arm wg-e 150 bbls toppor distilled Whisky, 2y-gs prime ifi D Fifth xtroet. between Mam and AVater. NOTICE. restored in ceks. I al bauds have been a few « 0>d;m SO bbls new Ne 1 do. modi Jo<-ri>li 4>rinith, >OU..ARD. PKATHEK. ft bMl1 II can U f >and RA VMOND ft PATTEN. st ro aud for saU by W.C.Hitk t.co.W Suxu.. TV porter VAMEA il KKK. INI) Wflol i<\i , J» R'li.NEli IIAAI.MI ITKI ll.A.'ED THE I.N- 1 ANURETAII.DEVl.tRIX EIRE rietids a-ud ARW4 A.-«0 IT>HI.\. 1 trr..l .f K..l>.rt Ert.1t th. IllIlE, Carpeting. Floor Oil-Cloths, and Curtain customers where they can bo supplied i in 1 • AU.IlW nnill’AN- T.V' R!.E. Fift>> «tr ; '.vur M«;n. L >di*\ ;iie. Ky bog* Cotton nd caP.'< at extr«m«ly low prides. .. new HLE hi..n-.t. forin.ilr o ndnetrA h, Mnx.r A t e.. nud t« r- 1 »lrs. l. sritigrr, Goods. Books Everybody should Read. ano '.ace tuc nt.s a* .« pakl:'' .-tm l a-ABieaakic .tliiiiner. mn-d tht: ..riicit if Vr Win V.xcj nt th. fnct.-rv. nlio lit ^"OTl^ OB North Atu*r;--a, by J. F. W. Johusoa. 2 vols. r«l)y C-st ha« 'ust rvlura'-d fr-m Tr.«Innd aad is n « re taken tlis Pt'-r« * on uad street, east #iil- Nw >e . t'>rm«rly oo- S <*riVin4 ^rt fall stoT-k -f gv*-df. Bat- ^cr* I itoa, a*f r;*d TARi H —HP' bnxes MsLwariugsft Proctor* H IT K & M A L L . Grahams Magaziue for November of English : i*.. • juse. upied byC.r.Orr m(herear<-f the !s< f Pao Lo as. de * 409 llain •(., between Third and fi'onrth. LU aud sale ky C. llAi;.\N Rsv. all ki.i Urr Kaivec, At il*«a fur i07Mm.ni $l 25. flacs. P ad 7;r R,*u" T.Al.I.oW. «g«ld rcSiHrctfully solicit a coatinuaa— Ws Miss Mitf rd. 1 $7 h.n^jl“, patreuage of tbe Arm. H sortment of < arpeting aad Furttishiag<>owds, cunaisting of uil. n. old nl JACOB KELLER. will * oa have -t ady t -r exli>bitt--n the Vails, good brands Idaily ree«iV:ag fresh Baltitaore Oysurs, whieb Saperb Wilton acd Velvet Carpeting; Putuam's Magazine for November Memoirs of VA illiav Wurdswogtii, P- «t Laureate. D. C. L. lar.vst and to*t'..r v-rtedsto-'L ' f -. ds#e. r v 2 V I. $:»50 g br*u„ht this city. M*r> : ahty • 0 wiU i*li at market pr«res Rich Kiddeminct r Ta|-eciry do; /OR SAI.E LOAA, I - AS WlsH TO CLOSE tPMVOLD i*3B*makt re. aad ttu r* am inviv d t.» •*all Kntors. aud i Gvugrs, Bvlu baws.Plnnvs GAETANO ft rR‘*0. Hicb6*e>ird Brusssin do. ^^K^ ylwo and Ntneveh *> Second Ex{«dition — by Layard. eanm n* -leal business— prtv-es ‘ ity and >of re ) a: Lung rUewh- r*. • auik.ag (mas aad Mai- 174 Mala st . bet* eea >evcalh aad Eigbik. IvV sacks Rio C< ffc«: Velvet. Taposiry. and Brussels Stair Carpeting; PyBDthurst; his Waaderiogs A large sL-ekof Boys* Eagbsn Donbio and •imrlo si Impcria! 5-ply aad super ply aad Wavs rTUiakiog $1 25. G^ns Moss. th. Billiard 20 sacks I.agBayra Coffos; 2 d*; ^Ovvrmg. or tb# IKir haad. Mirbel de ix PeriVre. TaMeK Ta|>rsiry of Wyoi.erly. »>y EUred t.ra..# -o, Eo,. sept2ldft«om 10 sacks < rnshrd su^tr; lafraia, Caiua flue, aad 3*ply do. PfirtFlSMiR » L V 07 REX H A N D 1 1 \LIaa Cotton lirmp, ( 50 bits 1 lantatiua Mola*scs; chaiB. aad ottoa do. N 'tox fnm Ltfe.by Henry Tavtor. 75 i f*. 5 fi, 5-4, aiid 4-4 Vc-aetiaa do 'f the FftTYNT (IPS—12 bal*s Eactorn Hoperooeived per staamboat l.ady 50 Rde do do; Thalattu. a Book f r tho >e.x#iic 75 ru Luamviiio a y 2v hhds Rt<;S AND MATS. evhed of the loNs wi.ici- ac* prime 'n. . Pike and far saie by m B $! Of overy deacriptioa, qualttv, ir IM bbls c uppi-r VA bl%ky and kind. } iaver*. caaaka JNO. F HOWARD ft ro.. A Joaraey to Icoiaad. by F«oimor«C*-i|er. 75 *t«. Ubt-IsUe ae; < I KTAIN MATERIALS. otKcrs Vher %y VC 37 Mam. between Third aad Foarth s'ft. LINENS, ftc. New IS tbe time for v -n te read. Come ee with year In- ft new supply of Eashi'-n and laiamc. pe boxes fi-10Glas»; Satiu de Latoe. AA'ursted Damas**; to# te'-'* fo'-$£s»wi- tt $ diana miuey to A HAGAN ft bVO.'5 Beoksiore. Ne Third .And mai.y luuro anmoious t» m -no n. Ik xcs 10-12 Lace Muslia wiUmarbto w vd, lOO de; and Curtains: •»r^- F rsal«al BK'iAA N ft CRCMl fi. >UF.E'‘E— IfiT boxes Western Reserve e2fil*b mprcwel* 15 hall tfh-ststmap'wdcr Tea; Table Liacn. Ti-wds. Napkins, and D>llies: ols haj Fourth Mx'-'. - f*r prP.xt ’ 51 st., near jwetrva iv*d i*. stoaubeat 1-adv Pike aad Kr sale by and 2'» boxes 6*4. fi-^. and 12 4 Barnsley I*. X.s£X.cl.oxxr *c# • I -tl.' Tcvns'h Virginia Iwbaeco. Sheeting; Carpets! Carpets! cto Oo., pOWDY, terry, ft »?7 J N O F at unprecedented low •1 JACOB KFI.LER. 6-4. S-4. 11*4, and 12-4 Cotton do; Type Founders aud Ilealrrslo StoatoboM, superior Bod. and flue Crib BUokoto, prices at the Carpet Warehouse. Paper, HFKEE— Oil-Clrths. 3ft krrss and Cloak a'riniiiiiiigh. Floor est. DCVaI.L, ft CO. have just reeeivel several set* ef • fl and !«•*•*« olpret. ws. ft,w«to. blw« &t> I a«:a Rio Coffee 10 4 and lti-4 Floor Druggote; K'c!i Taglish V-lvet i.'arpets; kCRKI E IIEAI U ft < O. ha VS ;nst o(*nsd tbo mu*t splen- 2UU baj;# l.agQsyra' B Prat Drpot, lilutrk jiUcf, I >hcvels aad Tongs. Rich 6*c-.»rd Brusecls do; U did sbo k of liros# and < Pak Trimmtcgs. cvusistiug of sw- puckx-t* prime 350 u The above g-*ods have been purebaeed w itb eare verv Also English "^AI.L the atienti. n '-f l*nn(er« aad INikiMWrs to thairo- .•crh Plash. M.k aud A elv#t Tr>mm ags ever off* r- d ny say at Itw extra T ply do; ;>ri<'ee. and a ill be s^-ld at a small advauee oa .Aiaerii-aa -* ( ’ tablubmoBt. wbeiowill n* fonadevorv vativtyof o#tabli*hmeat m the ^'i^e La3i> s wbe atw devirens ef savia.. Eastera eest r r at Tm'v A BiArTirrt tor ash er to puacaal dealers all l^tpar. lak. I^mtmc Pr«a»es. Rnle. B rders. Fk wera, an-. tl«cmaelvc* the usaal saa^'yaoee ef »el«r* eg Tnmmit.p eaa dc. »I.A"E - HITE ft bMAl.L. And grades of the ch. aT>sr er ier of Carpels. inelaJiag List V i.r^Jad. for ferns, ov«ry otbor aruels ue*d .'•>< 4P0 Ma*a st.. betwecb Third mod Fonrth. and Ka< Carpet*. Rug*, Mat*, in a Prmimg OBca. nlfi bftjtf V- ky V eiiiug ear store. tl,oy may fea* the fulleet sisortmcnt bl-ls prime Plaatatlua Molasws; 6 fte : U which they ask t>>t at- .A P. 1, .t C •. have lately addttk t«u(u*n • f purchaxer*. ai made n* to th«tr f rseni mad* ef ever* sty.* that ran be '-ailed* for, and at g*ek ly r*dar<4 2*e* l%io de d-> do: surmgthitt that they w’lll bo sold at - N#eli|ac«s Cr< •>. WHKAT, WVBLE. X sees, aad Heads ft V VIS- rt meat Bp k and Nrwrv- ap«r T'- pe. of matnoos imf^ WHKAT. pri'-es from tlu-s* •s..ally charged bv et:.tr htuvee. ISO bbls M. James bugar-IIoare Molasses, for cash or «a time to prompt rayiug fvrsslehv VUKKAT. in 'Oi'tlaBd W3 Kl.K, ft WHEAT. fr ad ).ive a-* a a s* : Wkolesal# have ate# juaxepeu a aether let ef Cbild'en'e ptina t of aav descrtpti aufCarpats. mpleU e*. Altoaae* Fancy and Variety Goods. We d Cashmere AND w m 1 HA NAN ft CO. fruiB the m-stffe‘1. to t»ie theai-est grale. series •! ixormax. 'a<‘' V. Peters, CYags> * Co., 4 i *0 ef all * :• s aad qaalities w.li coasult their Complete American Edition. B«IV ?TKFE-.i R ^W1SJ< MI'LL— e are this Operas— are %!*• ’:« iKANKERKIft>— ( W day in receipt uf 12 exsci *w ts interest by fxaiaiaiQg uurstosk ire Thev xniB rized agents sf th* arlnclpalTyto Oft 4« A so a arge Ime *f Lad as’ aad Gent's fillk and Marine 6 bbls coDsign* b*f deeidiug to purchase k Jast tu« f'-Lowtag O, #. xs RRR« uRANi*. TioN re ave jnot fw'wivwd aad >.iCar for .Mulls of tbe * M tllo ramage, i-ubhihTj .taadard F'wndcrte# oalc— ' lauits. and b |u«t*' patu-rui -Is m rh* La 'ed >‘a*es and are pro; art m«at and ier sal* where. ( d to fill rd«i PlA.NO-lofirEfi. ' 'I Ve«-t and Drawers by BENT. DL VAl.L ft O., N -nna " by K'llii.i. ITi< • ftR.IME »a# *'t«aw itouaesa These OwB wo havo pun. hosed dir •*. fr -m the turo-" ft.’. s«le>' <•! fnoa aa* ip«c. at H \V CO., g uianofa- •-JCjftb Maiu ««.,eppjsite Kxuk ef Koatackv. ea Fa-’cra i ric«* AI«e. 2 -aaes mere ef thn*e 6 R e*cl^riBt#, whi*h everybady AND Bn ilANAN ft ^ Noxarc. i nc« $1 Whuiooalo Bo'.ail Ware wa* and Fiu«rrv. .'‘t. • and at (.all, Switterlaad. aad pledg* oarselvo* to sell them t pS.'Jm Thrv k««| a. \> « a V nd a la.gc * r-l v of ••• ^ vttvs aieoe as cheapest lYinu tt«e nrner >«coBd and Washingtoa tU N*ws and B- kv tne m market. aa FEr;iL'. < •leaters as shexp as tlie same articl* san Is had frE :iiioils— ia Silks. F.m- will b* Sold -n th* moe 2'> r«a* forms. J all kueda *f M's., -ai M«r I) half this Dairy Rutter; nfi JAMKfi LOW ft CO.. 415 Main s«. hroideri' *. La-- well as IB must grvu** uxHe rtg • •riT.r. I,.r ':««it7p. - '^hoaidcri in 74 box** Hesteru Reserve ( U«i aal EaRraTiaR »ill <>a ari Batli aa.- rtofa-'*ory. Maia s:r**t. katw«*n ( 100 hbd# stristly piim* N O. S->gxr ia store ai ' t,AR— Rcreived oa cousigumebt aad fur sa rt«d quaiitici eoe.1. ' forsaleby A RAWsO.V Ed;t. rs r Prmfor* wisa.;igt*eotaD.;sh al AND' prieo a Newapa^wur J- • r2fi fiueeoster to Kawsea ft Kaeea. Prioii Baa 'v-k •• w.ll *>• fura «>«»d with an oottmat* do**' any art ->f th* '*oafl m ’^RENt 11 MLRINor.'i— ino ncrcs of *ar>- us shades and t f r heS4aio hy sratmg tb* site of th* pat «r or th* particuix i vrts* Address h < ulers of th* cheapest grua: c siv I* aad {uautity of w-rk to iv. Notice. French Meriaot-s ewr offered BKAINAKD. UKO -xtvated Notice. to the public, amoag wTiith rill 'HO*-F. beaatifnl spceimeat ef W.gsthnttoek tho prwmiam be f-uad ant'tber lot of A. /.A.SO.VK. those 75reat >ld taken at tbe fa.r eaa he keen at my eetablisbmeai Mena'-ts, whicli re 5o per cent, leas thau they New Books. Ty p* are sold at hy any other house. ... tb* city. MV EKV dav ttorecan b**eea arw Ib-oks. direct from tl>( W'mb-H.>ardc fur G. ND HOLAfi. New Brussels, 3-ply, aud Ingrain Carpets New Books! New Book:#! at Ringgold'S' IirATII, ft CO.. r* puhl'shsrs. at A. ft *S B-v.)ksirr*. No '.I o Kll.I.D K. W.f Manufactory aad Fancy Store. DCRKER. HAGAN URo 107 Received this m raiag at the Car| et Warrheusc ef FKTIIA and Lily, wr the Farstaaa* uf BecebOUa, hy M.s Fourth . I'hird siroct. Givo a call. i2fi F./urthai hrtwo'-B betwuea Market and Jeffrr*oa os .Ni w t* the accap'cd ti(a* to sa* Agoat f. No 55 , Maia and Market. BENT. Dl VALI-. ft CO.. large your librarus. Bring on yoar ludinaa an aev to H Oakes -^miih Ws--drraft. by ‘•mm*. '*!— VVe have just r-ceiv*d |-ei •Sdjftb A H.U.AN ft UKO . Yu'rhird st. So. 519 ,,1/atn street^ op/HisUe Bank Kentucky. tbc most i>eautitttl Fans mad< of T' e bc< at. by Mmms captaiasof Repabli*. httve l>*ea imported duriag th W^E re- eived this moraiag a large aad su|-crb ass >rtmcot »f YONS VELVETS- »-4 black L Tl>« the Romaa NOTIC3. Iiead Sea aud Hible. by Laud DeaaUy. arrive-1 by tt>« latest steamer, VI tbe above articbs. s> iBdist* av-abl'- f the cemfert* of I day at ;o26jftbJ BE! L*r\ o!'S*! « 'AMC.^I. VEN\W1.N». DRn.GtfiTaud ADOTH *1. • R 'S* "f the I’srsooxf*. by K. iD be "• G’rt 1 1 - \ N ri' autiful vet stock . ft *f’h \“l.‘ ND 'IKI F- stvics exhibited. b< me. (tor u new ejmpl*:* in tb* fellowiuj \ *»r« ?. uelwvea Mx‘n aad V? i . ar-1 rri*. :> >' b* .* I’.aa a .on M x Dl'HKEE HEAlll. ftCO. .Aiminster Car^-vts, .Afraja. or Lif« ar 4 I.eve la -N rw . . *y E!w J. M •I •:.*•( -at Mr Tb-* w-h.-reh. will w-B'.iau By the author of Wallace. .* irtsh- 1* lli*t--rn al fikct«bes ef statesmen w d la th" tiiiS . . I «d de do Itoval VViliiia beleei Carp*t#, English and Amsrisan;*7 i‘>a lad Kft-i .Hli TloN t,a#.Bc*« ax h * '< - >llft.ft.'‘E--(*y L-XfS fttiBERT KHCi th* by th* author of rritn* Western lleservei bc«*e ren E. Hero King, Wal- of orgc III. toftfthsr « ith Kr-msrks • a tbc Fm.cb Kev .a- t.in'i, w;.i ft nslisb aad Aa> ricaa Brussrls Cari-cis; G .« wGl mu h p( ased i* *• • hi* U euai m#i ' steamboat \ lace, th* of Sc->tlaa ' etc ft er. 50 sent*. per ft.clit se aud for »ale tv Hire (, aj H-.-arv Lori Bruagbvm. ft*. -it 2wls. 1 # bbla Ka <4« Ground 4' Tl* d* d. .3-0 de: tioa. by R and i-ri*- i-u: 'i* .'•i.erAiIy, biad is '-.>m*elf t* u*« *verv *5xj' t y ’ To th ‘* who r- - it i* unDec*'«-Ary tu ro- . ad WaMaco I JNO. 1 HOWARD ft CO. have TeBBcxs- cao .Vhroad. or e’ler# fr F.ai -i e. A*ia and Af- ( Ms '-t Bernard at De c* d* 2 ply do; m ,11 te •ari#rs.-:i«iB. As ii u ::is intent on b> d *v*s hiv ;a*t w* eaa N aRS— 50> bbls St. Jamee l>^af, Craabed, aad Third sad Fourth I (^avvck. t t. f». • * bols KFt ED M'G rica. hy Raudal W M A. ual *:t*ati- r. but- • i 25 M. Lo,ossible Wch day aaJ oi. ! xy the* have missed a rAr* treat Tb** proseni volnm* 1s • I . I sale by I by owdered a .are for '*, 3-4. 1 Bailor Land, or tho it*l.ev*r's Fatarv tom*, Tttom^ pr-rs-.i e w. thing arti’ Irx ta hd.. do flo aod 4-4 ^ hi* Due -r r**erip«i ...# . 3 - plain aad twilled Teaetiau Carpets; hiled » l-iec* black Mlk* just cf>-ned, which to ; 30 AND'W ft (< . milar character, aud is said even surpass in latcrest khs Pet#T8. Webb, Cb., M hd^ do *o BK HANAN AxmiDsier. Ch»a.ll*. aud Taftcd Raz#. fiad it to tholr ad I ant a *; .-iv* htca :bcir sa*u a ’• aod$l ler yard. ftK-'ug I's per rent (' m. U •nner alar wurks ef it* author. pi eaa b« had at ft.asy Warner and Coatemps: atr>. B J MARTIft ft ftn Ad-laid* Mats, 5* WboleMl« Draiers in Piano-Forte* asS^.Miuical HKdVVN ft I K IMF'S, $^VV* mere th* *re*ial atteut:ue ef all pur'hraersef Car- CireUs. by Wm. Tara* *ggr*uail. o3^> jftb BAukvWr*. Eourtbst near Market. Gatsot s F> pular Tal peting and Hon** I'uraisbiag G uds t* aa exanunatn a of ''Or Markot .Nyauuymes f the .Ne • I*' (<#i st’ sk as I afford* us pleas'ir* at all t imee t * t hi hi; our g -ods: > A oKiA •( Pu.r^ Just r*e*.v*d aad f> i ‘ • -*- ( ar.d. having r-dus*d eur pri'-es very m«* h below 'b*sedemaud* Dum Vtvimus Vivamus. ••«- apiial Hotel and Kesiaiiraul, elfi fi. R •Afr.A'.a xVI WANTED-r- a lb I mark-d (ta ed«-a;licria tb* seatca. w*«r# pteparid te offer great lar- 7 7 X -1 "iU Mlb« i. la NFK T diamoad .N<.rthw< *t corner of Third and Grevu s*.re- r- M will fav> r as. 9 txiaisTiLie. K e.. Boat t B from Cibciuuatt ga ns to all wh* i’E.STAl.LO/.. ’-Ear- a . « rec eioc daily fr sh Shell Oyst.-r* ir-m Ne« LMAIUll^sirf oS(.> KENT. Dl Y AM., ft CO . ANDW KLCHANAaN ft CO. * kht^WU^Vl 1UK>K. by Frati. ft J Medical Bcoks. U \ 'Tk . express, selected from the mi st d- Sirahl- beds, filfi ct ei.peti I’Al'l K—*»«r vf afiiAb Ma , * lUnk f keatarky f AAA*.. at.d are as sopi Iv ,u*t tuceived lA^qAAllt., fat an^i as d-rlicicas as «- 1* ever tr -ugtit to c.i* •*4- IA III* *«A.tltV, lAri.l*, VT J 4' ele ift MKVlN'AhD KRo . ft I-..#* 471 Main street. marke* XX'alkei-S Kesluiiraiil. e^erythi'-g la thswav ,f Wildiaame. each as Veui*ou. U ild artiols detuBud. r.S< Second Importalio. of Fait Goodt. I \| k K(H'K sb-Il Oyster*, salt fav. r and very fioo; HM;aK ->TT. * MfMIRE Ihieks »f al'ii -st evecy lv«cri| New Books* New Books! at S. Ringgold’s, tioa. Hi asantx, ynails, Flwvcr, ^ ^4 * J.vri* Vork Kay d>>, frt-sh and delieioos: Iftrow* G*wda. 4'lwafts. blanlle*. 5^ II TUv 4 arpet Catp*Unc. Floor OU-Clotlie. Rugs. TrlMsiula(N. asid -Mc-ck, (.sa.* ' 6u fttil'KI >TKEk1. near main. M areboufic* &c. W >nii*e, ft ish. Mu«i.ra ms. fte 1 ::i0 ^b-ewshary do. small. iduDip. and rich; ftrwIdcHra. bS Atre»*t, I IT Eft NS ALl.. 4^ Main saroet. ftrtvaan Third aad Fonrth. >aii ft.KwiiiTE ft rkd;gs. 4 Iieer. fre^h fr>m *h‘ wild, wild wuuds. .ANfi.Vfi and Nebraska, by lla’e, -Maui oppot^iie tbe Bai.k ol! Ktfstucky. r ttultv ark, DFLANEY a DuWN' recf^etfully a*Dcitll.e adjftb ijuails. tsai>el 1 arr dP a. by Knvii* r Gn«r. 1 spi tft* atirut.en af Ift* lauioAandtftc 2U d-'Seu verv 1st aad nluap; K - SENT. DCTAi L. ft O. ladies M teation ef the to a rich auu var.vd arrival ef a ystvr* f-.r family as*, Hlu*-wmg Durks. Mallard Daek4, Kehiad th* .'-e«n>s, by l.ady Bulwer. ^orLD^podilmlly enll :h* at‘-w«i >n •# Kranccra vidftb* gwods, which, with daily arrixa s. daria ti*# past t^ •*quabe Crab*, Memorable Wumea. by Mr* Cr-.-slaad. Great Bargains In Silks Cloaks, Meri- e!«. Mu*hruums. euft shell (.am* Fish. U >agth*ery dwnng ^No Agrionitmra. faxr a* thoir months, ma- * oar a»s •r^r-eat ef rie' Ferv'ga Dress'. > ds a Chickens. V- g-’a'oles. As., caa always bo l.ad at uur Ausiraliaa Waud.rers, by Mrs. L«*. Embr ’.derie* eerv c*Bip|etc, aad. a^ oar arraagem -at* are p noes, Embroideries, &c. •rant. Third street. .African Cras vS. 1 are auw ofleriag aur eatir* -k la CARFirsolL-i LUTHfi - t^AlX MA7KRIftf fi. 5*., f*rtod f* re-*eiv ,ag g c«is from th* Fa*t as * -OB a* •mp'-rt ‘hii.g muslins am 1 sta the a’ *e moatiened WaI.KEK ft rOMMERFORD. ft^prietors. Fisuis bv Fareou*. goxis at to suit the t’Oiee. ItoJt*. *hi«h hav.* p-raa pwrehaa-2 •nr frieede ma* rvTy u| -n bed ag in • >r boose all I • auv :'>BlN'‘ON ft CO >» ( nces wuhinx a rich 1 h* Kook and Us Story. fr>m the »l#beatcd maaafn^ iu» and labdi s;yl*s immediatoly aft*r their imp rtaii n Third and Fourth Silk Dr«st fur ttt* pria* of a rouimoB oa*. shoe Id e t (ail le^aM Literary Ke'roatioas.'by Whittier. >riaa la Enrsp a and thn I'nited '‘’a.ea. aad ww-tag waiva may o3A *ud *xaui u* I ar as»urim«-at, as w« a sdotorml A^T1K FA UI>-2utbU Flatter Fans in si-.re ludna'mtars la Shu dtr>artm*at ef ’or* aito for »al* bv Newai gnat our trade. al»- Mer.- Feroon* aud Ficttirva b* ftfuhort AXMINfiTfS AND SOT AL rF:.YtT4. [ brand, aud fur sale by 1 at uoc«. luBks. Embtoidoriws. fto . e’lrresp -nd-r Uw riees < hildrta. ihort. Cwxs*n nnd Hw«ip(:*rp*os^ E J Martin a co. INiBACA'O—35<'huXos 5 lump Tebacoo la s ere aad for sale by g | MILLER & TABB. ‘V’juel to the Neighbors' by II mbr*eiag *.na !ai*«s aad moos deal rakU vart*(i«a. saleolad ,n- b 3 RFI I,. ROHINMIN. ft t'O. nGjib best. Dl'V ALL, ft ( (). or Life th* - d ft-b I-i ftwu 4 4 plxin and I A RAW^oS. <*orner market and I'oi'Rni streets. Walden, lu W 1. rvccly f -r city trad*. Twill •90 fiocrtcv'rs to Rawwa A Hae a Yeartian' nc|«-tifig; \!«‘>F.CTlNi 1 AND SSTfi-iST fi. |N>TKl MEN \V I FOR ni TAFt'tTMV I / ^ONTINCH to rcrivo tb* m a- > f theindiana fit**ek Banks HVVEREtDV H 'kl EfifO-DAV 3 vivot M«:r Cari-wtiog / New Medical Books. y the I -f D.ssceii ^ lastrameats wi Boolis. x'raas* r.m-nt -*f •*; “nor M *k.a Hate, ‘•mhiniad la varivtv *f pattern* and **Uro mane dtottn^na ED.fi I>S EEVkKx.*o \ and will sell tbe grvaW-«t bargain* to b« had in th* New fail st> Tft^try h«n*r < ftrp*^t>'iS best iastraiu«.a of ti.is d’'*cri|>*i- CHILDBED the Satam. Signs, and «>ff ihu market 1 t ver rod tn sity. They hare oa hand a largo and varied stock of ^11 E Birds ef th* Bible, bv Ue* H. Harhaugh, elegantly il- 1 manut-x- tare, g -;a up *xpr» a>ly f r th* rvta.. i Ff vers, seri<-s ruk R*’Wfterlc ‘toir < arp*t:ng M Tr*aim’-atof htldbed la a >•! Lc tcrtad- FANCY AN DST.VFLK G(KJDS. eoBststiBg ef 1 lustrated with colored plates aad ill'iminati-'a*. cTtr 1 ta want -f a v* ry saYwj-i.r Dr- os Ha: aro ia*i* THREE-FLY INGRAIN AN D ENSTT AN CaRF RTN IIE'.AN, EviTT. ft drs**ed u tho biadaiitt ef hisola**. by Chari ex D Vtei^g, m. rntTAisfi, ft* MOORE , SILKS, CummincB's Mia.'r Work*, second series 1 vel. 12m* ,8 a 7-aM. ai. w* will sii»w them tho j-fetu«*( aad t f every grad*, variety, and siyU. TwSitW wi«.h an naefe* Fr f’ ssor ef Midwifery and tlm Dii>ea«*s <>f VYota’-a A lnc|« ftndwv-Tl-aswwWito **wrk *tf D. and war* Corsnia* MERINOES. A f rasa, a N.-ra - giaa ao-t l.ai Uad TaD. nr Lit* aa-i l,ftv* ii aWd acw-rtm*nt >f 50 boie* asaortod flafors, CbiHrrn ta Jefl-rsoa M. d.eal ( ollrg* Fbiladciphia. Mwfesrsa.*. Istnyry Tnmau^. Ac CHI rt* OIL-CLOTBS. M l*r mail- bnns aud for sale aTreati*c*a DE l.AiNFfi. L rway. Translated frum tbe (;«rm*a f Tboudvi* H.gg*. !>' buxo* Itodler s LxfwUior; MElGbON THE I'TERl AcuU aod Chrooie Enalnad. Germnnv. and ftiMrien, FLOOR OIL-d'l/>TB«. a BOKIR. fiOThird et EMKRolDFRIEfi, Rci-*tvrd and for eale by aanufactarvd in sniknbAa Discft'**’* of th* .Neck nf tbe I'torot illustrat. d with aunicrous * Mfewc. I'di A* Za^kTaytor: CO.. * aad xdaptod • ewerv no*. ft. It. 19 and n*w eiybae hoax ftMlmh LINENS. ol.3bftJ r. llAi.AN A Maiast . all ciiaxatec and plates, col ored an* plain, bv ( harlc* D Meig-. M. D. nsinfacCnrc Kto 4 - R -trers for aale hy LANNEI.fi. FAUKEK ON >VFH1I.1T1( DI>EasE.“ I to* following MEDU .11 il RT AlN MATlRlAlfi. < ^Tlto V.dvra LINEV ftN’DfNFTTON oD LIVER OIL, als Rusbton, ( lark*, ft Co. >atia de I xta«s. r»t«d OttODR Treatment uf ’Syphilitic Di*<-a.’cs. b-.th Frimarr FRINT«. fte.. Ri.'li Rr***!*!)*. W Dnonaaka. Lacn Wraadefi-c 5-4 od pur*. f7r sal* by sad enda New Styles o( Jewelry. R*wi aad 13-4 Un*n hh w’ Together with brown Joans, plaid I.iaseys. Ticks, Checks, tod Smor.*iierr.| Mw»lia < snaiaa. TaaiW-uv aad FUaa. T*rip* ry. compris.og ifie tica'meot ef C*Bstituticnal aad ('eabrmed J.AMES I. X.EMIIN. .’35 Ma.a ».•( b fwads fi 4 fi-4 11 4 igar f >r sal* !•« . to alee* *oa T.i BELT.. aad 12-4 (tocun a .Him W'. Smalu ROBINSON* ft CO. black aal brown Shsetiags aod shirting*, and a large aud I**, wad all (heT %i peadagva. '^'vphti'S by a sato aud su* **sful io*thod. with annierous siga Oic (i -l-i- Iftwan Toww«s ft RaW>4)N 5UMainst. Rank f Keatnck*. *f TMhU NapftxM ft.- i>«autifal stock cf ( luak* and Talmas. t t’RTAiN • (NkR.NlCEfi AND Carpetlus ascs. f'rmuln. and .lia.cal ob'ervations; by Laitgxieo tag jtt«t returned from th* East is RaNDR. Whten we asw a*v eRrnag ax *•*« |>v*r pr the (durea * Hes|-itaL Kirmingham. TABB. cf cnihracii in hand a lari- stock of MwK •»! K A mil and ooasi Uw xm*rtm*n* •t v*n*i paitorna. Fwraiehiag G*o«s w illft* ITE ft 5MALL. 4Y9 Ma.a street, have ca band aad are Erum I'Oautiful st 'ok Jaxrelry. moedod ! Cerncr Fourth Sts. w/u to *«riv a> o351ftb aad Market c. ll.it. 1 •» 'Af wo oSav at tfts U wocs pnc«*, • abariil..r. ha<' ju.t r.-if,a fr.ai th.ivl, ti e third aad entirelv r«wriu*a l,.endaa cditi- u. AN t Alt wMeh and *( . r:*M tftnd I tolliM ai eery I- w priree a large aad chcic* stock ef— •uwai oC n n ft ft next door ab.-T« R»,.k .list -G m^ar* with ;h t xl- Fxstovw d ,.rd.n. .1 K. Van Dervbo-.t ft Sons, la Hel OWEN ON THE 'KELETON AND TEETH—The Frinei- Watche*. Fob. V«*(, ( hi ft • til fn*-»'mhly w mark.-’*. Reval W ilt*B a d Velvet ( arpeUng aad Ga»rd I. their aacual sup; ly of Dutch tli* skelrtoa *f the RENT. IM VwLI. % (•(>., D oR|4 an D IONs^CA bean* RIcc Kiddemia«ter Bulbs, eoibrarm pal Eerius ef and Teeth, bv Frof R. 4 >w -a, Godoy (or November. K-.«. UuvbKs. fte. Tapev-rv Carreiiag: •• ‘ . rwerte I < )fth M*-* Saak *f K**w*.‘by. 5 caae> alabria Liw^n- e •llewihg serto, vie H vaciuths.duobicand singl R fit . aatb*r ef ’oduatography," t and •1ft Rich' fiwley Tapeatry ( arpeiieg. E “Lectures ea om- ODET’3 Ladv s Book fur Novouibvr rec eived this morning Thi’St: wiahtng anythiag new I bbl Ton’inx B< an* for sale by LiLums, parxtivs Auatomv. ftc. Ri -‘h E ig) life ItrutST-lc < 'arpe* mg pc. Crown Imperial. Crucas, Folyas by BROW N ft CUl MP. iavited to call. A RAW90K. 514 Ma ast. Received and for sale by iMFfi I Imjw >al 3 ply Eaghd. aed js J- Dioils. Ins. t.lsliolis.ftc. l'> bftj 54 Fourth stroot. Boar Market. ulliftb J riRLIHCR ft Amcrmcn Carpotinfi JACK. w afijftb r. HAGAV ft CO.. .107 Main st. Eaglich and American ly ( ar* IB &a- order, aud .U be cold i* packag* 2*f armtiag, !*<. > I '‘VILLI. ' ftc.— prica*. MLVEK Cl (.oBLET>. FIT* HERS, ft*.— Fla- OTION YARNS Medinm Z-rly Carpeting.’ ; low-ct eust- uiary i |l R oFFD E f- («>a** to 900. Books. t*d T> a Sets, Ca*tors. W'atU-re. '’Bit Maods. fn^-s. '• b- lusciuctive Books just May svill* C«tton) arus from N#. #90 Ne Cattoa chain ' arpeting. i'riecd •gue*. embrxc.ar tbe difiercat varieties of eic New ' rectly oppjstte ear f->ruior Ik tr-l *"•. 12.*' iag* ^lets. As. I have a very prr»ty lot .f .silver V K.S .1 tiH l h;.t J.-u ; „! tk. I • 4'ari^''hain; 5-9 fi 4. B'd4-4 Veae will arrative oi a joi rnev koi nd the ur.iD sea fricbd*. es; e- iailv thnei aad FU;cd iaararpetlag; r* let eur t mas* doairwbU ei w«w»t an to m*otoeV r -4 59 bogs W rapping Twine; and in the Bible {.Andv ia l*(.A0 and 1N5I, War*, which 1 will **11 luw. 7 >!>. k>. r T •«»•./ 1% thto*] 3'clvct aad Iirat«eic S>ta>r Car; ct.an N ia<-ludiag aa ao- >:sbij iiii.LtKii «bi*h will b« *5 !r»ntt M»t. f. 2., sad toM to K-w, i| **• b-war. th.n any «c b*^4 nadl*-W tok. CarinaMator.au cnant of the diKovery ef tb* sttce • f N4om aod <;em- ( o'lut theJrsai's K*v*age. a Sc Paid, stvipad. 1',. « k. I. ,«u SI nn4 Moir* Anitm «URdi tofo and fur aale by ;•»; CRfl KILIJCK Ottm Shortings. Edward ItoWarrt-a. Withmai* 2v-Is.lJm-i M..t. lU,..- f J. F Smith. Ew} . rs*eii Flmd, etnpod. and Hc^E FARH)NA(,E. aa l•»|.l.l IV. a. a U •- llaairr. »f kratackj. S> plain D* Lain**, Table aod F:aw*C*eerc, THE OF THE Idyl ofourowa A llA'.AS ft ATTI NG—3U bales extra family Batting f*r sal* Uw by HKO. " Vanik Jakaiiaa 7.V cl. rrwneb Mannoes. all *a5 f». SCTMEo TURA(t<»—A frtoh Marseilles hpreads; times. Traaxlatoa from the '•rrmsa ef Robert (;i*tkt, author T f b3 COHN Wall ft URO. ltat Ka*at*an.. k» Uiltiaak. S.als. S^- ffraaahplnsd Caehmeroo; I •f the remaae* “Modena Titaaca.’ 1 vo|. |?m<> 7' a \a *raicc aud Curain Reads a a-„r. ..f tk. Mena.- New Books. .nleraft. .rtlawk. abaat tka Ita..-r.,ta. French \ r*tka'; Dnigge's and Crumb' letha, x-s fresh s juet THE WESTERN HOME A N DOTHEK FUEMS by Mr* L. W F.MON(b>2M L n eelxcd and for tha »1-’— 'n S,*T-.|aiiuii. t. W n Ea-J. Fvwack oinwed Caebaeoren. 1 v*l fitb Baacruft s llixt- ry of th* I’nited fitates. S-.u-'. at Blcakeu. TANO ft htgoaraev. 12m* ^fiLl'ME ,a| ar. ( Chs'i. 'Jau . sale by Theological Book.s l-r',r«..aaJ 7^r.J*4iaa, k/ Sra <;-r.. rUlh, 1MRROIDERIR.W AND L.iriGOOM. 5TAR4 H -150 Floor Oii-Cloihc: T' and Received and fer sal* by i Bertha and Lily, er th* Farenusg* ef B**oh-Gl*a. By at A. Davidson's. Fruiterers, H*toilonCh«toxa«ito* and 3l*ae«n in Tabic D4jftb (V Hagan a co Irs Oakrs smith. JROW N^s Dixcauraea on ths snytage of unr Lurd •*« Oil-ClotbC; seventh aed Eighth. , Uaiast. 3* ky J. C. .S tt. M. D.. aaS Caarga MaitoP* and Plait ds kaasas and Nebraska. Tho History, G*cgrapl Talaa Ja«aa*tnnd fiwiM Dnndn; 2--^ ift*id. autueruoa illiLitrati itdiries. the vuls. fivo. $d. ''m 4 at hblt >. 3 large Mackerel. .An a< e uat of Emigrant Aid' emreni**. and Di- «v4« II ttMir laUTMl u nil N I" wliirh •• aidad laaatioaa f,r tharv:nl all tb. vlU *>k u r sale by k a (liApmra da; 1 d ictioitS to Emigraus*. By Edw. E. Hall. With aa original McCosh cn th* Divine Govonimeat. 52 bus No do ; $2. f -ka ha«aa ay.ta*. Kakiak a aau,h li r. HAGAN ft CO.. aria.-it al dmaaat Teawe Faint d*. t recvivcd IB store and for sale by 507 Main s lap fr>>ctors. Snrdlne*, Pickl**, ftc M 3 Fian«>«ForteH# .L KlNDbOE >L'PF.R10R BKrriltRY— W* nn«o J. F. THOMPSON, •r IM k-gx rime Lard; WR ftRE DRslKOUS OF RF.DL't ING Ol'R STnt rinxr . l«m rxpcn. tw Confectionor and mneh lower rau» B>'«4u*t -I* Catalina; I VDRIC'^^ •SO Firt-D ft( hhds good fair N O. fiagar; i*ULLARD. PRATHF.R. ft SMITH, than ewer be Nr- • lirrtd m tbi# market. W* haw* n»w TCcy m hnokcU Cftntopngn* Win*s: Laugh aud grow (at. l'pp*r Ton; S 75 rr.-T oftd M sacks Kio Coffee; ifth 466 Maia at.. op|.o*it* our old stand. Fiau w fraa $3<<0 ta $(«>', embrac ng cw*ry NvWnnd sit* from old Port, Ma wira, nnd bhorry Win**; ANKFK NUTIU.SS i'UK 59 dwoon EaNti AND LINnEY A *ob»taat Bni-ply < lOu bids Flaatation Molaascs; KUVEHUkK r,«>Ta ud f< tb*i-!x:aevt tc tb* moot elxL-.»ratalv carved 'aad magaitoen: — sal* hy J’^ckoy Flab; d-> Cnrac-to: ( 5 broad* foraal* atmaaufactnrer*' price* «y 35 bid* (edden Sirup. WE ARE SELLING HATS AND ApS NOT IN THE L'BislIV. fn>« the w*U*ka*wa factories of Nana* ft Clark Ani*a<(ft; ft CitrwnoUa R*m«: $5 hn»lM«* ('ll DtMRSMLftCX). 31) bbls 2-> ear-old KearboD Whisky; Gcaet damaged at much less than it cost te make th-.m. HAGAN ft BRO.. » Third It. Fvtere. I'rfegc. ft l'(i.,1i«rna*l GllWrt. A ftj. R*agh. HA aad utft* Ten ft •«; fi daaan Ahoyatft*. (or October Teas. Rc6u*d S^ars, Spiees, aud choice Groorries i s*oaif you want bargains. Household Words «rs. fally warranted in ovary parti<-«lnr fi 4* HvW(*ttar*Bittdrs; ft fill BRUVl ft f s7jftb Mam to. . —i ' . - ' ! R — , . J . — — 1 4 ; ; ; « . . m

' > ^

y r «S =5

' It t IJ J - g — « afh f. lie Proiiib-nce J.iiirii;;! pulili-hes tli Jiitirii.i/: ^-.<•:.lay contain!- up- (J^j^Tlic follow injjcoimmiiiication fioin a lli^- irr'i’ Tu the J-.’i/i/nr.r of tht hiuiarillf ii%.\K .\oTr. i:\<;ic wiM.;. Ilorwc ami Tilth- .«h|iors«. ;^^TIio Timm^ of | Os.' • * • t»|i| .. Mfe.l t.\ th. .Wl* I’RKSIUV'I' O!' tt. 1r-y |rnt*na« rOST. . l,.i STOrU JOUiiNAL. fullowitig rumiuuiiication lioiit Di III I I'K Si .V ri LOUISVILLE hi-- jdace, oiitlie -nbiocl of M.n Ui KU i. oi .Vf oK / J.IT w; .t. B«r ar III. is.’il. \NkS, \1 , AiH • IrKiurm* in compioini-e. will who thoi'uiighly nnik-rstulids the -iihjcrt on l\ni ASAPoi.is. .\'ov. ( tW . Minsouri ^ li.-'J'i' /.ii.iriio Jt aiti ulhr .f/iMiaufra- the restoration of the (('V J' i’r-rt. to BANK '' (iENi i.rMix: III ruiiimeiitiiig on iny note NOTE ENGRAVERS. ^ -» Ifi-iAwlm* nf t it w liicli he w rites; M \H M UriNtWri 1 . PRENTICE HENDERSON. arUcle i- l.lleJ with towering at- .be read with interest. We do not regard as - 'I'tie \i:w a OKK luisrn.N uosrRr. vL. yon of tin- titli inst , you aie plea-eil to say; CLOTHlNG&FIJRinSHmGGOODS llis coinjirouuse act in iU Tbcatment ok tuf. Horse Distemper. ly Aoticf*. $Uii Trt-We«kl> S-u or an-l iiieac-i-able sha|ie. It will in that form settle noth- I risin UiisicpicseiitaUou. Hie i former unusual treatiiien', to the sale of the bonds deposiied with him as numher of lior-es under « f for Inperance, Ra.trua«l» frutl f Al.L SOOX SOITIIWEST I0R\F.R OFHAIT \XD TIHR!) «T1SEL1>» Tuoii^y. nn-t ' at TliuraiUy. Saturdav. leave the sul^cct open to constant if not positive- Mitnti.' ( ki| iRifeS lifafto, . eaitor'- tWli-nnciuid eji<*rtato appear smart have ing, but will during the last few weeks, sutVering from intlu* security, we regard it lemaikahle JUisk Note*, kr J. J. i» >H-%\K.S'V Mar. tr Italrlui- r« Tind /Ahi i Ktilraad aad Hal' Woakly i* publiahed on Tue*- ly wrong."’ C3- Journal agitation. I’nless tliii subject can be drawn piiza (coDUDoiily called distemper), which di - Vein '*‘< anur*. U- rktladrl(>i>ia. N«-w V«rk. 37* X STS ou! coriect I >r r n warmest wl^hes, ni aad Tarkc n but we shall briedy I on dav. - • ad protection of conatitutional guaran- ease 1 helieve to lie, to a certain extent, cont. Now. niy dear sirs, if you will read the Sth Pioclamation by the Ooveriioi. I tlie you'- laaiiit of his aisrepresrat itioii within Thffrtt*:h ivrfii ta iriffo f'*T V rk. Ba«»a*i. Tokaeaa, : iioa, A. I>. 11m Couatry Daily Jounal $b a * $2ih) I ask th«* Uberlv of coiuiMunic.itinjj to . seclion of aulhortziuK ULWAKU. ... the Uw L'**'‘<**'^* ^***^*'*S i aisd l.arJ by (Jk 1 ib'*« by ,, 1 , A 11 \ iw 4^^ tLiriL* it Wt flip thdi <^rtnth nntfnairk- 1« ccnU .After half a column of impertinent allusion.be te >, eiaiig t ble ammal, the horse, iiiy opinion of what pi in the po.ition I taken in regard to the law, (country) . have . — $4 rOIC>VTHI» k n\IN. wkfalfa/. in* that Tmotiir T. RANNEY ai-d got; disposes and makes flieiii more susceptible of and you will fiiitiier I'md that tliete is nothing ' |'!.ild«Iftaa, <*• acral >'OfM«a. ot a recent editorial in the Journal, I AT HCK«.rA« (h« li^ib iNVt. XO. did. *u day ---t (Kt.-b«r, tit >1,1^ STHF.f.T, I'.EN FIFTH .%N*» NI\TII, ’ being Btierted by it. also what ought to be done “remui kablt'' nor —posilirr/y u-roag"’ in the lianiat Murt‘hT. •/ UaTicM vi whkcti Altirffb; "ii i-ia *Wet4rtv BuTletin fl writer! , Miw xxt ElvlM- i ciilical axE tu- upon lo exclaim. -What a To the E'htorM of the LouUeilU Journal: baa dt<’d>^-ttiat t).« aid TiiaatUy T. Uar^*** to prevent it. Tlie coiiditiniis imlucing it may matter. I have not, 1104 do I propo-e to go Irum ju>tic«aad a-.w -a.* Hogs 'Wanted. X^AT.T. Ibis un- w ff at lara-. 3.000 XMX*OH.T-A.TI<3N’» It :.e editor has any ajHihigy lo olTcr for I am much pleased to And you calling public exist to they hut 1 do pro|m-e • | not produce atiy apparent ellect while either to I.ondoii or Paris, 1. Laxaaia VV. i'owKLi.. 4.wVcrB<>r f tka j liOnSMLLE. to see it. attention to the importance of doing something required there, that ard -f TBo w.";hy luck, we -:..ill be pleased alone, for some excitiiig cause may be . take time to send notices moneyed ^ J ,j u„ aad promptly to prevent the mischief likely to ensue their for iiist.'ince. guit- uieii opportunity of bidding or au- nex' qiif'.es a pas-age m which the Pierce for full developuient; may have an H j 1- - — ' KO\ . Ik, IkM. trom the agitation of the slavery controversy, so creating ; bATTRDAV. -represen- powder want; predis|>osilion lo di^'iie-s and thori/.iii’g their agents to purchase, thus '. lo be the lBA«atUBoar k'*r*‘iiistG ib> .Ailmiiastra'-ioii is de< red reckh*s-ly thrust upon the nation wbrrv-f. I have and foolishly i as.-iets hank jM-culiar composition in order to take tire from a competitkin and making the of a - baa I. »Bi! . am^*d th« mbI of tlavi ’iumui • 1 .. ... 1 tative Ide mob of ismi. ’and, rejieal compromise. You — Mralth Id What Will thet no'r —Should the fus.on- of a contemp’ by the of the .Missouri spark. Tlie most prominent predisposing causes I reali/,' more than otherwise might be procured be aikNed, at I'raabfv-rt. avers that do iw>t exaggerate, indeed you could not well t l>civ*b«r, l.Y.'a4. Usd ia tL« uid >ear "f next House, hat will they do'. u;h>I‘ the strength of 'hat declaration. udden „„„and undue exposure to extremes for them. • uu cwfTSi Ike w | h< .u.u>..u».sith

the arise from , i;a««ri*wr, Democratic loeaswres is before then.; — exaggerate, mischief that may of__ cold and heat, impure atmo-pliere when in .And. if you consider Mr. Greelev. of Uie N. Hr Um L. W. IMWEI.L. Ttie lipt of our a. -tide denounced -uch men as James Guth- , , i;ilA\T(.UEE Ssertury ..1 st»l«. lay their hands upon the»e'r Bitleriv that coDtiovrrsy. stable, arising from ilainpuc.-s, dai kiiess, and bad Y. Trinuue, as gool authority (wfiich, by the W'li^ Ihcy | i;y Ja». W. t ATI A**»* aut rie. t'aleh Cu-h.; g.cud Jetf-rson Davis asa con- s««rvt»ry. Your remeiiy, however, is utterly impracti- he states that on , tiuericaii F.«|ir«r- !( c- the most of theoi have aaMib-d the tarifT ot wav. I uo no not), you will fiinl l»K'C’RII»TIO\. uiiipany. to ' NEW VOKK. a word G necessary intoru.ed t»iy •tud in t!w aasia of J Not the best ' BRiiv are ready to rej**! it? How u-mp bl. luoli cable. It IS the opuaou of The skill of a horse at ordinary work is rai.sed receipt of ray circular State storks ailvanced Tim- T. Burp- thm> -RTr year.« aid. «1”B" «i* le-Mkbow > ailed U(^>a W< many, with tbe'cliaiice rx' se the 4 W'tra ffaitdy w} wb left; raHitr ta-Bif-er: tution will ever be made. Most certaiiily none either the to braak down the inuepeiidei: animal activity; there is an unusually rapid pas- the truth, I have not certainly injured ffWcan frt«|aeaUy, vt a*«eial turn, aadl« ad a*/’ faal burn eoougli i WKI.:.':, < o age I of -iiis. m TTFKriFLB. A Naw V -rk. L-h will ever be made on the slavery question. the lungs and the vviiulc holders of the iiutea 1 I IVl\i.'H»N. F-lKt.o > treavury eystem'r After all tlieir assaulU upoi sage of blood ihruugh owners of Uie hank nor the Uuial. . eutertamed • ""errl a r*ward s. Moiiins ot Ill l elerriug t« the general opinion and mvis a>., Two-tliiids of both houses of Congress jierspiratioii is excited; if. under ...... - til-' arquiMtioii of , is there one read) ysteui, and of it. \V' Th'iiush front Louitcille lo Buffalo, Chiraso, I lonimiAAion i period of in •f i>a«i* la Mexico? Will the Abolition- of the Pierce administration at tlie Uiree-fourths of the States will never concur ^,,,1, circumstances, he he sudiienly exposed to FeeUng you ware not disposed to .lo t'^- 1”' Sell- York, Boalon. am-l all \EW foRR. to give hei back • rharpad wf rrta* Kasterm Cuwj Northern k ataaa a»T*<«< k* ««:> on - on'«i«.'««Wn RR citi- any such amendment. Not a siiqfle cold, being put in a cold, dam) I have depai tel from my tlie .'1 -.rtlah ists, ae full of profession- to the adopited lU accession, and in sbowiiq; the propriety and the action of by tentionally, injustice, , k »J. u ader»iiiD I ihi ab> !>' ADV.V.X. E OK K. . X VlL, ' -5 Wananrn I*in4n»n I .i-«-a . caii>-.a htalt 'I '.ai'i-iut in b«iaur«uy |.« tb> oilier action of cold this note i xen-. vote w itbuie Ei.ow Nothiugs to repeal stable, or ai-y way, general rule to address you tffu 'PlIC evu'^rie-t.-r* t Ibi* '••atpany. la c.«ii»cnimn w i«k Lm- laaS d*«U alutad talaceat.lt In li taxa > I necessity of that opiuion, w e said -the Pierce “ ‘ ' " *' P««vsff rt>iam* nt tn: t i I •-£-« territories. There ! 1 Hi «(»•. \\ ell*, a < im mI i '-art* of . C?fr- thn fl-: the Rii»w al |>»Wvr over slavery in the greatly disturb tliv balance of circiila- misapjireheiiBioii of the law. -As to the j. laay b, »v.- ,rj -'arc. f f t:<- ti laauity, that, W laws? Will tboae of would your \i;y i ., t).c»aid T.m«> ' uti H. • I ’**al!f rata ir< prtt «*» •> adii-.i.istialion was s^iplythe representative of authoritative Uur.cBff, at >*.«k)avMl aCau* .•« d1>rt»'4» aa4 U.« 'itarir t act -f It- /••a tUk /rum >ai«l ^uauiy afwr atortaUi «btiaK Daniel -•-r i-.q. i,r ihei i 4uc.. where belonging to Congiess. Iif>'baadi^ tu aud t< 1 11 "Cl aa 1 ay N’ t«s,’l>rnf'a \r- AbolitioiiuU in order to carry oat a w retched congeries of factions.” ly recognized jiower changes his coat) and jiroduce a coiitracled to decide between us: u I'l* tilee -»i tti<» 1nr»-r. it willVc f.;’ind wi parwU f with j.b.v. a R*n-d atitl ret|->-ct»lil« • the i-ititvii f aaid oiuniy. aa let aa^F in any -f tbe- r«rtaFk|al exetcise re|M-ate>l from tbe c mieiice- its iy «!«• and ra*ti«-al la a> ti. a. U ;* iwtnliarly the Whigs, like Mr. Ha- has been state of the skin and ve—els, conseqiieiitly '*"* s leo- i»w>ij ‘ u Will National the famisbed hv^>ercntic of t be Tiu.es cotn- of the banks and the .An- “ fthe laltxd ada. I alif-'raia. aad En*ai>« At na VVl knad. aad af« *-»-**5n«|v -jixaiaa. I. \T*IF’ I miOn The present course till 1 fi -?R- tur t»> euT in»r-ryia- solemn j fi,” -• an ; iii-uit of the government, has received the m«* aad witli I'l.k.N PR>. «ad t*«r Ma»H'\!’*Ta' -? e-G,^- Giddiiigs blood collect.- round and within internal organs, ..frb'd.U, rlM.. tl ’ . a* freat araej and »(w«d m an/ ->ib«r H ven. of New York, cooperate with ju«tifies the opinion that lli<- role of the BorgeBa !• Rbuut :Wnr.AS«««rff wbnt^-T X jr (tertial •.ri'rtUT- plams that we speak of the admini-tration in ditor of ai- . a^x.at 6 fevt hiph. - a/e both Federal :-ad~ (• r It'n - I iltMid). la >cr* I- expose. recognition of all the departments, being repelled from the outward surface, ' Titrt. «nd ««UI ailt.MtiiiaUrfft hisfnetids? aak theae queatiooa i»'" by lowe-t , K inNaii- »*.and w- r». To banks is to di*pieciato their notes to the •**/*"' < KT{-r«i4 ie in employ » Feu hr U ft 1 er»‘, rril t-r ‘jrt.ty Mhi#Kcr>. fusim. th< past tense—a tonn we ini'.ht iiid- ed anil State, the sanction of nearly all the most Hv tH f’lOil uf hor- af'-- f*»r th fii weakness of the has which causes congestion of the inteinal organ.s, , iher of T itmabit a kcf- a‘. gtaiiCe, the utlei If Mr. .Vudi- j a point of depression. , se^ au*l • a; J-|>laviU|t. y practicable aad it it tb •» xur baiid*. (bts utli of N' Tembi r. I'M lliat is equal to a Uk- and was tory action; for instance, suppose vve peispire I. . MsMllff JiFy*. - ii: country have but -;. l Jt-rf. . I N . Fil*n ttr*- t. parts Im* l.ui-i'.ey Murray. IS we were then speaking er- of small sums of Ihe-e hank notes Ml HniV. u bc»Hb— itwi .\c-.-a*y ot the future. till General Ca-s promulgated his novel vn-ws from exercise, then, to cool olf. sit in a draiiglit; Utfe. tin preaeiil, «u te the duties their money, and they Wll l.l \M H. i.KM [l ^ Thomas little getting 4N. Douglass, ol the administration at its .lawn— a period chance of | 1 KR Wb TF;V«*\ \^nt. Cm torn. tor the piirjM—e of diseinharra.-sing him-elf from 111 u TirJikwJ 4.KO AA Ml KniV. R'oefci«efoa a short tune we shall shudder without and i s PL.vrr .-TXErr. x. will t>e forcwl lo sell them for anything they l!..-. t . r>ul.s<-dlo be iiieiallv j-ast. \S e fanev Such a power, so j I nvm’ crat aad ak!iean (vuklit>h S wlu' h w-' an electioneering dilemma. | Maruhal's ' chill within, and probably in less than twenty- * Sale. Intforler mmd iMairr in t eery deecri^um styled, will proba- can get.” la daily aad la weekK aud •« ad tbis ..iftr*. fiimoni-ts, they are ] The as January coidirmed and established, no Northern Stale hours Slider from sore throat and chest. ‘ tl,. e.lit.i! w.iul.i hanlly relcT to both four Kespectfullv, FOREIGN .\ND Do.MEsTIC uaeful hiuU. as t. In lhat they w-ill • In ry. bly dmve soaw exceedingly ill ever agree surrender, by it. I believe that a eold northeast j aiid Novi-ml>er of the i-u::eiit year iii th' pie— P. DL'N.V, .Auditor. i'irv amt tataait laxaraart’. JOHS it rU‘!/'s Sa rsapari tta . -A. the fate of the Adniin- not, tlie result of Uie recent elecUoiis most abun- wind (which ought most tu he guarded against), H H IT X> AAT'-A. IT 33 . shall from what ther do. little loo cTHra.-ruii en' Hlsten.ie; toacuiueii i-a I.' Twly in \ •n kaTtnv rffert* y dantly proves. in which there s.-ems lo be sumetliiiig e-peciully lira!) Fngii>iili»«4t» ihv pavWas;*. luibro- • a tesnd. th- 4} itrra'.Hii. they are demoiuhing with such r. r>,« K lilo the L.ui'iir- aud *-'i-k Ages; t,,m deference, Uie proper and only • rauii»iil for bis acut.-nrss. With due irritating, blowing into a well-vcntilaled -table, t mart in th/iiCul acd i karat I n^ f r la II t prooiscuou.- aiid COUX'TT. Nov. dK*|.'.it i. alun eiifCt. .A more IIhKi KINRinUK H I, m. aI all. ih»r I k T, and •-mfic practicable remedy Is a lepeal ot so niucli of wliicli rea- t riT«r». lakrw, canal*, and r»il- 4>k. Y. M !w«)ii bees braces. TURNSCRCWS Ac. for ’ 1 lur .trtirie u. qui-’.ion contained a paragraph w ould iutluce cohl and cough- •! >« this ''?'**• <''- -1 *t«^amFuats. Katm a* !• w Franklii leinstate the atrive when i ~r. , .an that which boie tlie act of las! se-sion as will Mis- GEN'Tf.KxiKX: The time will soon yt .-i» ..f .jI, - intolerrUle /^: son I should recommend persons ronteiiipluting ta dlr.kcraialr .vk-1 •jfmbikwU.i* a *tvrit; . t>»-a •a l.r ,,,r th«i >*w » . rs c i, a. '.cnanq: tiie I'.crce Aduumst.-allon a.- it rcoruisme, n .d|»r !y V.. ui lie wt-aer-tlK -rd nidi air-'t»r<* .all,., I.,- .anks.,, .r r.. certain looking around wbl liiefaCui’v I nv j *x J-a,. l-„.aall before know n, i; souri comj.rouiise. It is by no means building -tables nut to hare either doors or w iii- the Whig party will be WM. S. VF.RS'ON. or r«a newer l Pwrek into power wa« j artiifc Imfc.!*. It i« dev -id *•/ •1 ai. niii>. aaiiii. lavr >• nation ‘ ie >•{ Ma.a *ir»tl. k«tw«st -niwn- « oaetnativw fr a tk« l.v ..f Ii:- pre-eiiVd i'.-elf to the wondering that this can be elf.-cted, but it is Un- only prac- for their standard-hearers in the approaching a «rth dows, or any other way exposed lo the iicirth- a..: j|t> nbu-h t*-. • iun>< alv f rin rb .bii> rtnat iu«\wb< a le«? IIKNXV I. r. Pr«*mmin Sipiare'*, Prefniiiin it was compounded of all nil ikbAmt* !! STM anU pohUex or ptiyaics. k by the present I belter . xjwaaiVv modi' im r' m-*ib uuat e'rd, aad mil b«. fuBbd lll.NKV Wiil ai..i a s..b-- i'lent .u.e affiniiiiig the process ticable means within the power of eas',- If the stable be warm, close, and dump. guberni.torial contest. know of no one a * K'iKD. la|i Bits, Ax»*«, Socket am* Kirmrr an. |•cltuAbeut A&d ladical > urc iu the B^pedienta knowiito political pharmacy. Coiqfressof warding off tbe danger. Ttie fixed. calculated to lead on our forces to a glorious Uie ri.lirulous wonder it was ai,j pneumonia w ill present tln-m Pitfiit Holl.iw Ac. wlueb It became IllNilirtMl. Dyiprpvtti or Marshal a Sale. A trea- that thi representative iii Con- i of aaarly all ih* simples ever cooceired by unalterable opinion of tbe North i-. in selves, and suiuelimes bad cases of intlueiiaa (if viclory tlian Hie former %4*t.\T »*4»R Ml W ll.filN ai IS, and this criti of ours maguaiuuiously /adryesUuiV, D. S. Boffi'-diet, ke.. luaUerUie South has been guilty of a faitlilcs gress of tbe Whig S-*cond, the Hon. James L. Horof- ^ tiu miscellaaeous and nau- Uiat disea.-e be prevailing) will follow the cold jia ( kaaevry. V.K or fanaticism, into Cuu»i ly ulaor Kiiif's Ecii,.1f~ i convi-rt- the latter of these two paragraphs devotion to our agpreesKMi. It matters not w hether Uiat opinion a,„i rough contracted as above. A horse -hum Juliusoii. Uiitlinrhing in his VERNON. A-vnt. surely iiever before admin Sy/ih- t-oiwa doae was •• fecliont of the bonet, U chaa^rv 4'«wrt. rv-i- aurplwsagc by talsely assigii;ng its import to tlie I.e right or wrong; they wiU adhere to it and „|f,.|,»iiHness insUnclively, because his lungs re- cause, he has all the energy and oratuiical Otfi iTtf acaihiidF M.iiu*ir>‘i . nation. This mon- j leader, •l7JAK‘lmi* kcu lourinand Fifth, ha«’ki ili*, ll'hilUy, Habitual Coitive- A’MlidJi 4 Nebunilrwr. >faflanir Jtilieu, isMred tc a respectable act upon it, until the suppo-ed wToug has ipiaiititv air lhat he avoids p.>vvers necf-sary in a sticces.-ful party K'4, a t) • ki«br.--: M , of grmd first. .A rrsj»clable editor sboald blush for quire such a PHMFk'XiiC \M> TtY* HIM 4»A p«- i ne.tt, Puhiiontify Piteat- auvttoa, akut th- U-.«ir«jf ll. con- Ery-tiiirlai, A. M.. *»i! vrwiiia t ' iHc the redress -.decteil the roming • . : *f* tlie imbecile lead of !»-eii redressed. Tlie power of resolutely than and if he shouUi be by »•! ffToat l*aliaa or* Lahknrhe ster fasion, under otlcnsive smells probably more a Bt athw, the • hurf K.«i ’"bed Ni Uiit FfiWaf. sii -h paltry trickery. et, l.lcer Ptte;, Yemale lrrez~ Privnin I -mao 'er >a office of I.i.-iit. Comfottit, I »j app4''**C MM«me tliey have in their own hands and they will most other vention as the candidate for the Fii*4N IsiiiN aiid-llariiie »Karf la tbacstj / aoon fell into moi ^nr animal. » Pie e* administration, specimen ularities, /'i.<(ahi, >ki» Oiaeain, ani^ert fair I will kindle We regret to say that Uiis i- a infallibly use it. The strife, if kept ui will 'Fhe heart of a averaging about eight Governor, the unnuuiicement of it now man. IMJBYJLXT r«v«d **«.-ar-iv. swous confuston. aad the entire afair Ctn.CO IhKrtted Kidnryi, and, at a I braria< Lililion fire in the SeroiKl District that will '‘1'’*'“** ^ ol 'lie s| 1! .t and edect of tlie article in tU-- certainlv give u* a Freesoil. if not an -Al ounces at each piil.-ation, propels about two a public eye. as bug- ()F EVERY KIN D AN D TO ANY A.MOUNT. ureal and yutrerj'ul Tomte, J. K. 4e«M»«l*lll, lies doalini; w ide hrf->re the Presidejit. Tills all prudent, sensible men. ounces of bloo.l into the system, say, one huii- throu{;h the Commoiiwi1%'euith. A, T.:iies. It- co;.‘ lud.ng p.-ragrapli is a whole-ale puriCyiHg the Blood AND D.YS* l^• the thorn- pre- TIIO>liS N* Kf:\e\KI>Vq *e and coHte«4iUhlca wrreck as ever lined yuarselves among the Dumber, foresaw and jr,.,| a„,i forty to fifty ounces a minute, and 1*»m; 1 in.- epie-u'iitation earl, parlirular assertion i- atot iurisoratins — dieted before the act was passed. Tlie way. as more is sent into tiie iungs in th- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Marshal's Sale. future. It is a b<-ac.jn light, m wbos«- about much NOTICE. of the the entire lacurre WeU'jr a paiiicular blunder or -ometbing worse. Tlie and the Freesoilers and ffarfi f MiiFtht^TrAM Ojfict at Metchantit' J’Uchonsfo Fifth street, 6<- \ .e-j;: only way. to disarm the same ja-riod; his lungs during ordinary bicatli- ] u- I have no doubt the f / ' Wa haatxrv. melancholy radiance we - "P* twffii and Market. Sy\tem. . Main wledeaff-ii swells with an agony of elfort, b it. Abolitioiiisls of their pow-er to do miichief is cunUin one hun.lrcd and seventy to eighty W. t. Ilat.hia.s k-..) 4 'iTcl auuttruriiMii, tiukly buitlicd, and ab^at t«n* I xUa*iVF«M thron^-b • tlv- .* an'-ry. and th« eertiSeatrs will steei wide of the I 4 <4 roll Tin: i'olIsOwinu above mentioned • I s\rr. \m» A v-.rfu*- •*!* siJDieU to remove Uiis hone of contention between the c„i,ic inches of air for the support of life. To i-r. F< r t<- th* uadcrtiXiiati, at Uic lu- ar«* t-Tqry da> rc>' i'td, »h >uld m- r- than »atigf - tha *'f a derjK-r . f I.-'«i*ville 4'kaamry Tunyt like the mountain tliat labored, it results ouly,iii .v\ ub i uUFd f ituratiU.-. thfl ttad«nif;ovd it autlior>Te-i b PittKlHirx and lauurl ieai. I • Irf-d in Ol* f.. r-»n*r, _ DFar Mam. d-.uhtful that it « I'.I rf'Tm what i* itated, and may h* >ia- B nk the atid> roKi.-td. OT ' aa .f II-. ^split with such geue- newly-elected •m». Fi/tUitrect. I which it has North and South before the Con- at purifying stuiidard, «Fttk 'rilF' . alway* rocks apoL | || mainlain Uiis the pro|>or »d>UKt and Uw«F« ariataii undFrnndFr istlidr*i*. tMuad bjr him will.- aband. A ribr - r. 1., I.IFF. l‘r«s*t. J plii-itl> rvUid -a wiilt i-^rtcc* c- nOvience. no uiatier h *w da |-- It '-Itardty, the A'lh dx> f \ «rml.cr, |hhi nlw>«t the ywien-r* ' ' !> ridiculous and tbe little —-o ridiculously the aetoin tt«a/es 1 **r -1 '-V. ; uih-t. au1 of (b ’ll tui. Mhih. tl.e giess meets. If Mes-rs. Pierce aud Douglas will f,,. breathes out (or expires) all huiUiil prodiicts FKVNK tv. Vr t wnal dar.sttou. 1 A*k t!ie *uferi r tu k f 12 n. at ilw- Odd lUU, la tU city .zf l.«aiw- nu di^ai-e to itself and satufacUon to I'U-.* .n; ral wll, te I'-r .iHi, jriir take a bottle, aud if reli-if b-.* n< t ekpi ri> nred. I vavtakeB* b:cht-«l lildd-r. at l-a:.]!' finrlr a. a Y • mdit little, liideed. that we ahall not feel comjicUed --t about It in good earnest they can acc(im|ilish i collecting in Uie blood and draws in cunlinually rUOllMIAI. I\SIKA.\(F tOilPANV, f f nr .Sa'xlui XI! i.ta » x-XI. M VII. i month*, tl.- pahhr. ChamberB* Journal. mure. But It I* alas*!, aud an >bv. u»»ae. that thor-e *>-n oF THF. MFhlTBKKY. it. Their for reagitating the sub- fresh TtjRoNTO. 4 A.NAIM >X F-^T. NF.\ t*» *nt \ t in-: Uie like hern.Tf'ei. only ai>ology (in»|, ires) about twenty cubic inches of <4 '-areGi'Arillasux't i-i'-aAlly .rt gr«-atrr rr> utt that- a;*'' u t t'ou poi .m> .kiiicricaii .IrtiwtM' Th' *al< tij the ajfbtf, BKOtt S k ( Rl -MP. Stock X^JU»UO(| i( m I iiion. olE KFi Ml M llil IK.Wi T t«> h« tiu hu4l. Firstly, it tl riadt f I ' p«r 4ta*«r t.« gtcc > .a*i, with af>i r>*vi-l •* FuuriH *t.. near M«fkri. A. M.iT.kUk. I'reffidebA, d.4«. BOAA V t<'« l*r««ident KlLLA . heaoaff 'I'MM VMkwK.vN .tffiri-f- lN»**s WM..J r. e . ruMe be Ah I repeal the tarts' ol )>ermaiieut basis, one Uiat woubl acquiesced compulation, is twelve times iftti r*:«t fr*» ' al low 1 *).emi :l.< usiooists are ready to of a horse, a la c ’bca btraud f-irta. ar'‘ft*nj aud dav «f sak ant i! *1 1, 1 ana-ru irr t- ti- j« t - f KUWAKD O. O IIMIEN. S« rrtary. j f -u a t.*v 4 ana Mr. Mxsnii—til.- news of the Calais outrage I *i. I*. 'iroT-.rer tKau auv >>'ficr I.. i [•• in by the peopleof all sections a.- a sali-farlory that of a man; it propels five limes N. Uffirh %V. II. I>«U«F’>,. caiU e-'n4'’iiiv;u. auJ tituv* »f « iirsKv r>CNT. M r r. tm*. tbat f**r tr «* mi «witivalt«M a b*r inc* aa* «r*a ITln. hew many have the courage to break Office heavier than _»!*dld bav ing reached h;m —went to the Foreign ) Ufa |.arai'»n«. TTCundly . *k»- active irtnc.ple hvtuK rx ;rac4*d HENRY WiTt hi>RL>. iVpaty. 1 Uwx*>» weil-aakvrtFd *to<*k "f IAN* (OLI MBIA I.NSI tOilPAM, of enafei.a^.* ry .'I. >i final settlement, lii this tliey find that they viz: upwards of forty-six poumLs N addition our larft* aud RAMF blood, w • >«- as much a^ A -rfi.l tinciurF-prFii*. luale > i.sl1 v f.ir thia (-hja- family w* ba.ssms „§ imavz- ^ ^ ' ^ rAt’Lt: afalWryod ongmvinfn. down the independent treasury system, ai-d ai..i wished to see .M. Diouyn de I’Huvs I URV we Ur« un hand aUr(- 1 OK I'lll.t MllIA. s. C. have been deceived. Tueir measure not as more into er/vz bed, aad datl\ I trittk laformatiou has are sent into the -y-tein, and much am in* whii-h arvi— I "Wanted. l:V THE ARfl^Y^ T|0 mat uaitimftroJuUhourt, .Ad- Cash Capital $l.'iO,tKMi, all paid in. I4eudk'«t»;f dtalflf. H- Irfl I Ii to give California back I'lotli*, *Jaly JVUES n I.I.rRTo.x. f.rM.rly f w *brv k»v« -»vx«*r»t?t d. in rovr w r?«*at« nn -xt* how msH, aie wiUiiq- b- eii acquiesced in but denounced with an un- i|,e every minute. TTiis amuiinl. great as lieu*}' Virfibia FulKd w | mne* «wkr A r lungs ! JAM ns V. I.VLK-. ul. Jlnl X M OTT. s.crrUrj. 1 aa*l if« uii'ied at last, he r* ui i-'k-d, first of all. upon hi- I’laid an«t (lUib Liu*e^*; m rrmitly uf ( auada, a arpirt'v r hr tra^k, tknr on^F .?'***• »'ni ik*** mm* mmiy -int»t«*ym»%* n* a lar*e prece-lent'd it brought no quiet, when in exorcise, and so «*.l ki' •- in the coiifi- unanimity; has it is increased *«ad B'ldr t* boa :Pio lad Ita. )i mmm^emr f ar4i»t#ani vni lo Mexico. Now we are not -eems, NexTo Blanket*, white and culircJ; l,siic*r < oiii|iiaiiirq aaap lad . h« may Uwre. inO|-.r-: am^ag -nr eMvaire | lardv leccp-jon. S luc apologies were made, iUTlAL 1.11'E IXSIRA.ME ' nr apparatus fur respi- lOMPAAV, f *>m>?thiar tu bt« kdv al.Ydl2 a iaa«« f.*r w *1 art. t« p^aca* lu iw pwtnt.^r« promises no qiiict, bill a whirl of excitement i ai.d so perfect is the FtuoKod BlauLFtt: Ni’Fi’-l Y, OK fI amjile rAlNUI«T . UA NEHVtkl*.' fusiotaists. and have little co;.li- 4)F NF.AV VliRK. le*'*,i*«ill« Junrnai m- *•;.'•* the 1 i.i'ort at but ill a tone aial m J. Her that convii-ced .Mi. 'Iraveliuw Wran-^T*: [ 2 »««** aad *«t>d bill t* tkm <*f- l4i->iron«raYibES w v3W -4 hem ao* eid. ' .T j .uid iinprecedent disturbance. ration, that tlie lungs are conliiiiially supplying orricR, TKiMir ni ii.di.ng. Ill aBo«nw*r. Kcti'-ut kT Jvan* and Lia-ijri; '« * anniiiy *01 *4 l.iwr ' •leKce in as such for there is a high Ma-oi, timt he ha.1 b--en h-ft wailing fiur/tmtely. .\nd alldio- (r a r ^t«'ma«l. 250.000 Gifts, ot the actual coat &em. — ac- |iiiritiration this cii- I $150,000 What i- Ibeir plain duty as patriots, but, adequate means for the of Flauuvl* ia fieat lanct i NVt Cu'li Fund Feb'y, 5*’i.-^LL3Ul tU. 1 •Btttpfiib'ffi, Inw irvl Pib s. Fttiln«:a*t r I'd >4l ta «•' 1 . V It p.irc&n**r uf a *in« Udlnr Eok.m« .a«. ilbr*!T« -a ••• Bunkel >. u IN'TtiN. I’rFi.d-at. I .'‘e.re \< ivl'iy • f t h. Naa'u a. II itv their consists, F. ABBaTT. ary. the H-*ud Jowiah ^a«*vN^»ii'», *• * e: r--latii>i. hich eIBcacv j jHiIitical creed, to bow to the tide. This is not [iractically borne . IV .. ta. cording to their oriuous vital aa Eacraviiag nai*4y w '• *r%n tkn naj- . .;*« kr.; < v tli.' object of his official call, and asked the rea- lieBTy ^h«•Ub**. ll.\.'«. Csil.L. Actuary. bnnt, Dtoewntuf F-d. I'allnrAY r vifft.t ta •* -- I ' a tl' « i I ‘ wi^ I titka 41^ uf lb* 4* w.o if tiM-v bav any—hut can assure the L'nioi. ADaf which f i* Uiv ’Ur t ractati -I;*. 'lak- The i-airnnsfe •/ tbe poMie reepert/nlW •.^!tctt-*d. r. w by Mr. Bnule had not been ]>ermitted to lifiualljr « tu puichaoc them ' have done, and by a prompt abandonment of their (especially in this cuuiilry) are often li w |>rit« at nUK h «( were aahia*' *IShk)iely TlltlUA^M 107 r >'lattv ruiff aMhc t -f tb# O'lXI- IuN VIEKi If VX I- AX 1> X VXl'r.VCTl XEKS OK burses KF:\\».1>Y. AcenC. rMVKTMiLhYii > b. ^V’cnach, >« UBTnitiff '4 tba | stale in the y PAlNrCi»tn>i4L. «n4 » Tv GIYT Tal restore lo Uie same , the properties of qir and E nET7. experiment matters most ignorant of bis M \KK. UI LXNEV. k IM)WN?. 471 Main *t. H**ad, Hamcd and S|M>nu and dhair OU and ( andirs neitbe- pith nor point. The tariff of I*<|i'> -Well.” said M. Dronyn d' riiuys. in a very Y-'m. k< |T« aa<* ’rtrd «tiea fu: s-*' •Till f •lUadkd Eanfnv.ngacaa »• hare | of Flatteriniial which they found them. Tliis is also a duty , requirements of blood. ItiNathinr. th- Hcirt, k SMITH, at their old a.> nil VVE rv*nataatly an baad and •*#«( wk— sbW«M frv*m the V im;.. rtUK-u! tone. there are rtasom for that.'" INilJ.AKO. rRATlILK, rhoktny r 'ntf <*aira • '’a*****i»*D* whe-a ta a 1% ta« r- *tnr», it ' Y tariff in ev respect but If they have not an- ! innmeiit the size of an ordiiia- >•/ IIVJ and .Ni^rM t an lire in i«.xrOa»d rmb^oa*. A »-r7 f the ffiLffi:a.t(ini. rvj^-tjerr itk «|*««;mrn is notoriously a Whig ery allegiance to their party. t'on-id-'r for a ‘tand. 4S5 Mato atrvet, utfer tbvir ratirv etock Fall b. n KF.t KIA El> Dimrit** r Vui-n. l^-u r\V-.t** f -rt: tW • ht, I ytau pie-sed,0[ tlies. reamnt. Mr. .Mason was L'T BV E.XrKF.^s'^— .\ Ury- i-.tuf > r>aa .Vdawuialiiic < tba Eagrarisxe eaa V -.**t the > r-e Being temporarily and Wibter tiuud* at (ratly rvducad pricr* fur ca«h aadk*. arst -icaiitv, 4» *f thi* paper. they hare its for light, its fire | ^ •/ F-rnt iTAttun, iiihilated th-ir ivaity, j ry room, with wimlows aud A luihin^. •I nU I'aia ia the iK-dcicnev VrII -wn>* that of deUiW. and lU ii.telligriit and skillful aud furaalevirk U« at Mol.M'aiidJrs.suitffibir furaov ci mtk. i<*.-rte*l Fwr«arb Ucilamat la anoravia fc-£iia*Jy w MizcofUiein eithvr at wh> loaalc er retail. Tb wi tu aaat i-f tar- . -ixe*; -nb 1 Painia the Sid*', Ikaak, t'h-at. l..iub*, i | •if tt>« >kiu anti Fy *, i BI.A.V < l»F.Pt)T. prostrated it. and it must remain pro.-liate until door?Jo for veiitiUtioii. cnntrasteil with many ot llAKl) UlTlllNU \Y lut. r >|-xrm oil. m-arkrd aad uabkaewed: aad a uxdl fukoN < mOwly a« /..rwaaOed. i to rail. Dl^J(h am ibTili-d irive o* a -n Flu*^' • ‘f H Nt. Carulni la tb« ru«a. I'aaftant modiiicalian. with the •wbsUtuuoD of specific A'd'' AV' intrr and sprint bl ac'ini Wl*al- .vuE.Mrx tlie re^al is hated. Tli may re*quire mucli ' in city, and will fm*l live, hard, and R**d 4>ilo. ref the sUblch this you Ima/inat ion ••/ KyiI, and $r>‘At l>*j-rr*«lMa m*miV;orWkct Qjtbnttbr *» ifif C..iiMil III ("alifornia. .VMI lULtlKtS'S Hat I . lliOeTiu*. (km CaiiT Ma vahvreai duties wherever practicable, fiflvctualiy var d by foi aJ jiersoiial sacrifice, as they may suppose. They six. and seven horses (each requiring eight times R-: -i ri • 1*1 k-xea aad Wrr*-i« Tt* a tL I .*iixnf *aiv« «i.l s« man r>a ' U nil .ily Serondly, The Ie‘t--r of Mr. Sanders to the seller,. A . LsU DR. H«M»n..XNI>S aavi rrry «iitrrprifl« f .airlil^Mtaad • would exhaust tbe full rxieiit of the Whig de- may think it will cause the destruction of lliei. much air as a man) aie stabled in le-s space Ivi.*L.vttu... 1-R.vrilEK, a HKHM.iS HtTTr.Ha, Wnax CMLXBU.kTkl* r* e**.Wrd t*> trv t" with the Fn-iich i>«»ple. And, J OickHoii Ah <4iluaore. *««h«n n.uak .p^ral Vrm*. popularity in the South. This it may do. Hut with (lerhaps that adiiiit- 1‘T pnr'^dby I»T.4 . M. Jac»** a, orgaa, an.i ' Uiati this, no window i*nia.j w au .V^aA Mndin# laaiid in Ui.' premi-es. And the Thiraitf. Cuba! KiM> KIK Tilt laKKMAN MEltl* INF. ''ToRK, IIKF— ll.VT- ttiOut I'ol.LAKD, at P^ld • I to -11/ .'*) Si. ant iiL a I t hey that amount of personal sacrifice |i;;|it, provision to remove gases ta^* ( uiTce; I One owe no dampness and ^ 12u \r* ‘t *?rv«t, kMiilavirlj }iia. 'Ylllll. raa a tia« Lir««fi Hat, • those foi it grinds, may rest u. Tlie FreiiCb Foreign Secretary -.vid that tlie F^TIIKK. k fct C. a lilF r TIPKFT. whom .'fij liU-i- >nirar: llieir country and their party. Have they the in the natural evacuations. '\V’hv.| Tb. If p^'w-f f ab-\> !i*r .».**•« i* h»'t. xe llrj. if ^waler. PI>TiM..'*. aad rv» Ki.F. origiimting ih«ir ovii laAbu/at'tun , 2A I'cr evnt. lu«er than at aav »'ex;0«arj g-.verumeiit cannot be expected to Irea' 50 U.I* M .|a**cfi: la th*: ruit**-! "'tai»*», a* «!«• Nu. 52 fniri street, near ini'ierial tilhjkh T any u»h.*r I’n-partti'-n rar-? at- , .. e* fat'Ji tiiat, w-henever the Whigs at- it'? is only ‘ in thi.ci^. «*l mi f u.o tbo f.ifto w c«*«a xtvr «killtal 1*41^*10^0* bsd 4a«\-d. wtll**, Ky.. bBT# ywat rerc-tve^d &U» tae III ibe usual friendly way the citizens of a 5*> a»*‘-rt«d gain more true Natl*: '«'* -rtl tbe aU>arft 1 '.n t tain the power, they w ill establish these modifi- problem. If they have, they will rvi-’n in the day lime'? A kind Piovidence, as if attention! T* i;;ttet*ar« « y Gunt.Came Hng«. >b* t Vo to- Epicures, :«i b- t. « T«a« ittxm ikftioniuut Uo lhat lias behaved in -uch a hostile manner rr**At «ipitt*-4 ia th# raatiftcatiun u/diacat'** uf th*- li\*ri . Puw.Ur E'a*k«. per ua*i<*n 4 apo, i **11 *aad V4b the •inff n« Mc- tniVd vhi ' ana.lm. estimation and honorable stauding with to his duty to the lower animals. 2.‘> MaW. and shaw man | ba|t* a**--rt-*d <’uttun rs. <«tia !.**;'«•, Ki^*> the patriotic alacrity. Varn§: .'land*, it*reifiia< thr mvat ••Archm.r i> i Harr i*. >iw«*t Hra** cataons with most Th- ward It. YBd b aatT p a-r» andGua Malr- UATtHfCiriRe Soulheiii I 12 ivi.i.iT: -'f_oH kiadfi.un*- great body of intelligeut and virtuous brings forth the choicest natural productions ol wtfakD*-!t't« utl«ry. ala* a larcr M**rtm«-a( lw< Marble bnoTa .**1 -I WaonimCK n.^..... ii.de|> I. lent treasury system is well to l>al<-* No*. 1 and 2 r Tas k:. a*. known Battmr; Itb their lar-*9 > Tiu- extract giv.- what pur|torts to be th-- men than they have ever possessed, even though Ol gallic life where there is llie best light and aad pleaaaist. • band. v^.lMJi' U»H bar ievad. *rrlar.'>. full, aad eomplM**, w*ii«h they ,'Xisi virtue its duly infraction, and every by of sulistanre ot a roiiveisation lietween Mr. Mason, the Southern •‘million" should denounce them piire-t air. ftafivt fri‘«b i^uail*. Fur -ale by tHr •iOVTUEM.y TK.'-' /wo.vr. MurvaTi.ft. annamitktf. all , aad ..Uw-rs it tbr SbcH 4>y*'er*. Veni*< I in >** ThiH * any utn* r ft Tardy h ir lin« ;e call *aip«. uther I Tber $r» naavi tv*' brd ky new L-fr.re U* aadexomia-.- L«i«rc ar- thiiig necessary to break it down is the bonesiy Le-t all right-minded, prudent Southern men Where there is darkiie.-s in stahle.s, there is al- ; 5>iebr«.tt at:. ou: Minister to France, and the French .Minister ‘ rarn deli« a<‘t i-li a*** tbe* n-'«t /a'tidiun* tastr, call ur •end i.abP- f’*r t> • >-uft - f tt.eabn\o-Bam*'T.U K.\NT. ThiH*ir.fil II. W.rM»s»y. -Hat On«a*. i |u> akwwMt ini Paiutn.** 3x.« . or official hardihood ta execuG So of F'ceign .Affairs. If it is aiilhentic (which, , ' 20 caact '•^ardin***. half biixea; oti (UMMF.KFORD. FroprirtT*. s^’ld y«‘ur But* r* »«me um-, I flad it ka« «ir. n *at:«fa«tfM t j inr A KENTUCKIAN. ness, and a clu-i- atiiios]iliere combine, each and UJkKK 6 bal*** ^>ft xhrll .Mmwud*: pr, but the would have Ui« bras- ^ in ••TorT in»i*a»’r that ha* v me tnid r my n tif----.** fac« « Caion by the way. we do not believe), it indicates lhat 2 bal*** Vs'lvut i'*rk«; !...tl. rsb(r>*i.a. ml 75 _ I this theme. Cali- #a*c«riArrt Buttb*; that tSi* Ju«t|y.c«lr^ratrd to refer to excessively Ucklmb tli.- Government of Fruice did not base tlie ex- tions (paiticiilarly wlieie Uie manure is put tiii- rrjoierb* inf. m y u mediotne kj* uf tho V*ua V*M.ia».ar. i 10 k-i* rha M atatb’fi JT*»RAC1— F”r B*4uaJ mXuiU bM« >f i - rk by fully maintaiord ('.« fxalt.d r i wl.leb ka« br.*n ftT<*n 3’*>. in. The following is an extract from Ui | ewoh...... • ^ It a constitaeot of the republic, dar Uie -table lloor, wliicIi is of too frequent oc-J •r*aU, t«* cl>*ev ».n*i|titu«at, by ' mTkdiatf J forau BOW Soule personal consideration- BENT, DUVALL, A CO. It.ati*!. 1.a«tnrt«*trdit*rirto a. wouniwOUAtin^ljr gnyitemi A.H.rRoMFT.WUUi •» clusion of Mr. cn : 2.r, #«-•! |.^Je Engrai | nl 4 * nn Ion Lffbr- l>. D. ADAMH A TO. rv ' VVa.-liington correspondent *>f the Thilsdelpliia currence), there is the worst pos-ihle prov ision n.ntly d *' 1 it. ent * <• wbetiiei for good or ill, nobody is r.-a.iy to 1 )V rc'^ent arr.Tal*, uuretai.k vf 4'arpct* i* tuadv CompUtc. _ /(.\SU i4>H Wt MIL.—‘The kigh-st p Y’* a- la p «*«• and alone. Two of the thrae subjects alluded to by AJ.AV. Bkebt, rniftnr -wn. Ky.. July 21, K'.2, said. market pnocpnid f'»r vonm J.f. bv the Xr «to* I and health in a stale of in- 1 S coUpritiup-* ••zrtvd brand* f -r *aic. 1 V-' vd and nnwaohed Wwot ky •o markol Amerirati It agrees with .Mr. Gaillardet's slate- of maay cuft-n tM*rf*'rm**d ky tbr »**• f "AVr hart In ard Dr. j ValOr **f ffOM 5*1 ct* give It to Mexico for the aanie reason Uia' Lti|lish Vtrl%«t i'ar|i-t«; uie cenilk'nmcnt, by .1 back the French .Minister are of a public character Ritt«rs,aadb*lKVoi&tukeasl&tui valnakle "> AR fROYIRT. WalJ*t*iwa* tegrity. Small indeed is the .-park here required <'0. H wfSand'sGcrmaa m«d* _ 1 ftr«*v ' !««« Dweiiiag. ii uient Uiat Soule has not with Atuttrican >!u du; D 1 . AI>\VS A yesterday or th- Mr. meddled .Nfw nobody is ready ta take back ai.il cannot be made personal to Mr Soule. H' tu kindle a great amount of di-ease. When in- EbKluh BruascU d'l; V rk rite , o. Ky.. Jane 2A. I’5u2. *aid *We hnre STEDMAMS French politics: Auictivan do d»; 22 W*>’iikgl' t< laOno III idr. tluenza or any other kind of epizootic diseas htd*. *tland Uiti'iw; phyamiBn* ami day before because it is impossible. Tbe resfioii-ible the the N dft*l-ir-t ofr N. i — IS in no way for action of 1ini*-rial .Vpiv I Y d’>; Uy tW K\lf d*‘Xca aad dizicn." Printing ami KiNtk P.*t|N*r. is severely felt 2) bbU< I Letters flora .Mr. Soule, brought by the prevails, each most in datk, damp American d-’i At- • TsJin., of fomdtt^ a glorification of the Locofoco par- .-i.urts of California. If the French Govenimeut »., knvAYiUs, .Vpril 9. 1^1, raiit J V M h >'R«1MEV Ag»nt. YVaiUtraev !*<• TiKa'^itv- I '•’•Wtaiacoarb sq* =*’*>>''*'> ImfH-r^al 2 plv du; “ — ft. m unnatural heat of which is caused }i*w t Uitig T* ry fast, and xv\ r> |urm ;• tba: lantic. have Wii received here by the Govern- I “VeurHitt. Us- sahorbe nf Mtow American ^-pij du; [ Vorfe 4 lAy. aad «om> the tact, that, although it has just beei. I R'*k«rt I . M lau4 j ty upon L\>>E> J I bare abW tu learn, hju* d--sigiied to express indigiiatinn in leference t«. •“’rses being crow ded into a -mall coin- hu nos'd It, fara wo Kmu Kern bone- — Willi.m Wnahl mnndiU'* v wiwraiha at ’ow of RvoIsom, I’ui tai r..ttiio, I merit. He -Ute, that neither by word, deed. a I . and Hemp rAT|- t« M nil kt.'d." R«v. ia rixiB and twilUd Vro* tiaa 4’atpet*, all width*: _ ROBERT L. MAITLAND A CO.. f told L**nfi Is^aw*! t acattcred ta the four winds of heaven one- affair, it should have been direclad against ]ia-s. it has at-o a very serious effect upon th Al*-xandria. AU.. I'yST, that letter, nor communication has hr mmpromiseii I AGnr.ro. 30. anid Ml r]**‘a«l wjaas I caob. w itl> -ut Tufu-d, < lunill'-, and .Yxatuitxr Kof*; 'PF.A'*- 5o |•ackayr* Uaii|e' 4 nniiiii«ai«tu ^ r eye*, the details of which time and sjiace will «‘W* tiare tfikea pain* lu jDtr wluc** y «r Genaaa Bitt*:n, nn-. General Yierchaata. half of the Union, and is dreaming fitfully ovc: not Soule. h nisei or in any manner interfered with French Parlor and Fr at-d* " •eeartty. a deadly votraao in the other half, A- to Cuba, wc caiiuot perceive how' that rr ID tbr * oi' D. "or fritod* and «traii(^r» t isilint the 'I'* *K A J « cT-ntn tUy bare a lar.'e «al- : *)lih-.M wh u*- i i Many horses bought hy dealers of farmers in m dll iu* mu*'- r Ci ly 0|*'-’U efttin* tin*#** ----d* a* ilr.* '"'laifi g a*l»w *am« TJ.e peu| lr the M'higs (or those L^L!~ It 111 the fallliked it very nmeh. lav* ma**’ protective tariff which •iilnect concerns the French Government, unles III if HOXXkO -ffXSEhlXXZ Connecticut, Vermont, and other Stales are un ba*id any the Fo*t«rti * AM w* a«ku|-|^. I'Atvot rv’4tniro*, deeeiYcdhtrw bv indiuff md O.y* bAcU tb 14 E W.*a.a ISt nu ar I; :*Uv4« Sffi.. j I / •ner-. .o»l wo haa- nee iinat lou -if uur vri*ui> •*/ ' Ref re la rogard to To the Editori the LouitcilU Journal: stevk and rum p urioc*. it the with the Whig of brought here, and two-Uiirds of the number are ' T. arvaiaobl«> Bitt* n.and w iM until kr>*> me* ku**ww. 14 refaraed proitei whoaa Union confounds ) ! it *alc f louaroU c. \n i :< M X I has resolved that tbe United States -hall no! N . Kcal Eslffit* s-rs BENT. I>rV AI L. A CO , RT' .Via.. J iBO.Yr) l.lV.l.axid * -o lii - Wr we-a Fifth Si vtb. iiero r Fowi.KK.Tnskoftv, T and a no are at 'hi a* • f -at rho ljft i a* v-ae! •»> L.xk.wk.ttk, Nov. IKId. more or less attacked with di.-temper soon after b Vain *t.. o|>f>*>«itc liank > f Kentiiek a J 1, h* b« mU wilt :-ot repeal, Uid a broken down Treasury 14, w-U.-iud I think t).r> will ft'i.tii.ue to d > au. *i >tv.”V*r.f acquire that Island. The introduction of tbes. ntt torsar *x-lIiMff %t Lo*t imr «v«g .fir red ,a their arrival. reason is a-ked why. :4faeti*'n*«' th -w wj.n ha»e neud t)ium.* I’rvoi The An lb«*y?>Y«x’*d 'LeXYow tbo sap«ri r •:r**iaB..daii..ks aff. r i.v «ur not repeal, and Califui- Gentlemen: Expectuig a good, long s|>e;i of M^Tho Emgravite?^ la tk* eat«bg> * ai* aow ^ > sctseine which they dare | < stpilol Itrsluiiruiit, I I A* r^d. siibiects into the explanations of M. Droun d.- FMP I.Mffilce Ml pg. H. P. I rn-* »iti>. Fv**-^* ne« «ti r*. wo arc oaaLlod t * nt ;t *od« ia man would iiot require an answer, *na«. k .*r«atcr va- I rtbwewt of Thir-i • = w intry weaUier, 1 have b<-en agreeably disai>- o*rut.r aad <;r> n atf' rt*. ILnU ^rm» V. BREN T. hON. A TO. 'V -nr brier* haw d b« w nderi ri'tv thaa Wreteforo, rvatfeniig aur ffioourtmeat ovor>t!iing i.ia wiucli they cannot repeal, if certainly one ' farmer-; theie a Huy- is iuconsuleiit with the grounds taken you will find liorsi* • .* - the i: Ho’’V rt. F»*| . f ti < -unty. ’.ad been f *r •er» •nwotrr merchantran de»irv. pointed by the rapid ditaiiiiearance of the snow »i*n * f M ! •i' Notice to Travelers i \ l'Hi'*KV— 2-*4/ tbU UGur4**a Wbifky for sale by and Shippera *ntL*«nvl*r the care < f . ur K *i prattit. nsr* with* «t re- Uoin* follr detonaiaod t*' «tll only for solace ' " ‘Ij* e. healthy atmosphere; ii ralm r*** u» rai arr of Uw brigfiUift that ever came to ^j,,. Ejudon Time- and the .American corres- as five thereby “ P“‘ >> nU Tfh m ; lx>T Y^D WEhT. ^ which w inches deep), -i aiding the THo V. BRFNT 84>S. A reported d ab«f«l aad tho > • man. al- •aon we »hail uarpnec# r* t. lief. aad tbe caa* n^ At a. r.Darlv aad t u, the spring (when most are living _ warr4Bt t.‘wm ao bought), .:ct ab-nt. e-'mmen' ' d with tn« iter* i•w' «*. u* H os nnv r*-«^-a*itiU i Uw dutampered vmoos of a vanquistied politi- pon'ictita at Locaioii. who all place this exclusion r.,«of Ihenvers. EEl.KR»-2Ud- th>>ug! tearcvlr able hwaoo la :^be W reli*-f ftrat K*tti that bo upon grass, clover, Ac., not overworked, j.roba- day. per taut cxi*iv>*. 5 liarrcli fxuad ou much fft>m tbe o>*ntinn*-4 •epiftdlwifiif i*4»WDY. < Indiana folks have elightly cometoUieir senses K all He TKRRV; A O cal back. hardly know whether naost to fatUst aad beat flavured Oritcr* that bac« bi«t tfain until a * mplete euro waAvlfKoUd. 11* in nzwr p*r Hki. We r< Mr. Soule on thefu itingof hisbeuig personally bly never driven fast; if t* Ink*, OrrK-i loa anr» ]jr*f*a h stableil.fed legularly, winter. on the pork question, but I cannot say the same in I.uuiiYtllr ttii* H'e al»o Laic an abundancwoi / 'IIEF>F.~l7u bi.xi rn Ko*«-rT* 4 bcass r«c fectiy wel) and *t nt.” The .Varnetl tf'oMda'v RaiLBuaa, Manjon.O., Jaa. iSlh. I9dd. its j / admire tlw Umoors iMtbluabuig effrontery or to the good wholesome water, Ac. It take four, U lid Game* t>f t'Tcry dr*enpti*n, w'hicb «• arc prepated U (*«r Hitters •’oXi/Wp tboraky ^•a'***Ing gres: obnoxious Euqieror of tbe French. in regard to corn. Most of the hogs strictly may ! tuam-r* l.a* r tala Lr Tbtso am ERi'I! XNTr ea r Wo fr^m New Y-rb aad Mtrve u|. in K'staurant or privata rm-m* ur Mud ti gentle F. ItoVVAlUl A C<» advaatagouTf-r m»of f the prepamti* aarco-imnundod fug *ia.- I PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, ship unparwJicled. It i- five, and sometimes eight or ten days, according M H.ilffidrlfi.m,caa tlmm fw*m « Wools ad '>r < fwoaliao a upreme ailiineat—both are Wc hope and believe tb.t it may b. that lieloj.,(ii,g to this are still-fed po«cibl<- «ttlr found region or mast- men'* rosidcncca in lU« best and at th« *4i«rt«*i >eB Third and Fuurtli i tlardifieaset. BV DR. A M M.XLXirEAl br tho MeHof«ata< im ami iadtaaa Ratlrwd. aaobotfwoted . bo Ihd to distaiice, to arrive here, tliie man is gener- nuticc. nl- b.YTTEKWHllh; a BKIGG'^. sale by duller* la medielneeecry wk*w«. boldAi than Munebau-et; aud stupider than the this indignity put on Mr. Soule was de-igiied to fed, and yet they ask $3 frots for them. Good T < »li{* rfv-er. y flbTW-atin*. al maooaab)* rwt««. ally employed (who often knows as iniirh'about WhuUsale AgenU^ PAdW' GER'^iVialvlffiOS-tiiisratoloav r aavtga- corn-fatted hogs are rather scarce, as faimers gieat G*Vi Oao Ilaudrcdth F.ditioa (^5ni4. . I'vaMt The Novel has come! . pp SCO. oetricfi. be personal to himself and was not intended a- f ft’m>dia* oomfovt. a horse as a horse knows about him) to hi ing a 5d vlu v>-ry justly concluded it was much better tu ^IIE 13>^T HetKC^S. br Mr*. Emma Sonibworth. angl ostdAweow ^t>*. r;-e rtjm-r. Xrv.i /i.tof.m,. SI •-] TINI.MAM. c* W ' nil 4*0 insalt to this naUon. Yet it is not to be dis- string of half a dozen, more or less, as the ea.*e I The *ac«ll«DCirt i f l b* Lffit lloir*** ar* many great. GARDNER ft an and , Jaalldiotf CrtrivA- .-ave their com whilst it could be sold at such Cvory ouMfUint lo whieh a «<>a*aa i* tahjovt. fr»m riDhoa BoUrfimiaiaoaad ladiaaa Rakivoad A CosMLXTr Maxi ai fob the I Lc eltarm tor* uf Mau l and of Mr and Mr*. Hunter art- *uch » <» may be. During tbe journey (which is genei- ! to womaah.>«H). a* aUn as wif* aadaom*4hrr. ar« fally leornW guised that our European relations are iu a profitable prices. k* annut bf dwelt upon wuh>*nt moral adv.xota.:'* to t^ read- Boys’ Clothing' Boys’ Clothing! L 2U boa -a J -o* * • Rg^-Biid Twb.to.*' STBAWaxaBT; Siutk « DetrnpItOn as ' rd. with the cAa*. • tho «yaip«uaia, aad alsu laHThHlalMHKU IM THB tR%n «%•«., TIOKOK THX ally made as quick possible, that no time may er. Mr*. >*'Uthw >rtb i* awntrr of r-m*ckable gcaiut and A M in re>'«i{’t nf an .tb. r larg- 1* t f H> e«‘ rii-tiuag, eom- Cl du •!•• Gol-1 Leaf d**: pr |wr m«do of delicate condition, requiring more tact, pru- Corn is extremely high for tbis grain-growing er.ginality, manifafiting wund**rfal p> w*-r in tb« viiid d> pirt- I prisiOa • Y.ry *tyl« and •twahiv. « all *«* a i*> bavr a g' ud 40 d” 4!rasiy * H« tVNAtiaoitt m a f'.aia. si»(^. hat. a tho « ot ehMtt laa^nage ml Uu beet Innettre. Alto Sottm of the Rat/.- sc-cUou, holders to-day asking b« lost, and more partieiilaiiy to curtail ex- Tkc Liurposl asd Lsidti 53 cents per bush- tnr "f vbara-'**-r* and in L r glowing dcteriptian* of t.-vnrry ehaisw. nil t.Eo. Ill AM |l \|{|). Mam *t. 15 *1 > d;* l.*a d*<: ..wo. | dence, and sound judgment than Mr. Suule nos- «a- ily aadomttofd. Aad ihao every w>/«aaa oaa dis-OTcr. , _ . . . / 1 ’ ' |M‘iises), they are fed on cut feed, ith probably „ Oooteberry, am/ el the w Her ch tract r* are no? merely name*, but **xiat«acrt. ti.cy }iv> In at-.ro and for*aU b> MX K. AVirKS. A ro berry, JtUekOerry, Chtrrmul, ^ from warehouse. A great deal of corn ft • her wwa symf tom* with th*4Hi dr*cnb«d, Fire as* Life Iisarasee t'*M{>asj and moto b fore u*.rach a«*Urg in aeturdance w .fanny th« tiatar^ ' se«ses to qualify him for the responsible iiost^he little extra quantity of meal, and watered itb tb*irt-«cu- ’XTK.V H4»l U— I. . _ o .1 z- .z J x j i 1 hasas neeii loto , x . eat'vo* 5d Waai whbav. Ntw been suippeushipped uiethe Kentuckyiveiitucky distilleries, i rh iractcr. of bar oomplaiat; Mo. TwhS. thrir Cnl'ienttonand aistillene-, liar r.aturr.”-.M,i#.i,r/r*:a /Y..r. * 2 • bUU "’t. and aad b« tpartd mao.n tirmpr: tcilk Dirriiumefor , h Luui* Pi 471 Maiu street. 471 *'’** tnrt with. Upon arrival, ‘ WebaT- ihix rct-rived .*• ACraoHJXMD rArtTAty bolds. and taking into view the '^ day tbe abore noTel. to whteli we in- . icy .III. .H by » aancty and *a8rriag. nd immense quantity eaten j / Y|.OAK> .\N I» ANT1.E>—Ju»i rrconed, .Adam* A beet I'nrietiet, t/c. R. G viCc thr uf ladiro. 4H the ttledmuof the Hy attentD-n tb« Mrs. S. atiavrgtDitiably bbU a5e>‘* ’• u , Me) b V fuieigii »' ‘1*^ stahle—such a a V. «x|'rr**,an'’(h«^r itivu.i- I f I.Uck aud r red V'ely HJoah- Th* wIf* aH>at boewamg a mother hao oftoa aco.1 of inotnao- £2 000.000-910 hogs, and Uie shipments f:ast, 1 do ‘ 000.000; lo this connection we publish the following wrtkr of great g* nin* and uriginthty.. in1 l.ast Jtut andaad tL Heir- 1 mevixed and f<>r «alo by aiivl Mat.tfe* «f tho Tery iateetstyke, to wbieb we aak th« *)>«• Parurc '*>'<1 above— in some cases w.i-he.1 tien aad advtvv of the atmvot impurtaavo U her furaro hcalrr Paid wmrplaa. awarftp hotoi Uiiiik Uie larmers• willV*... xrelli d all her lun* cfl’>rt».t». FFor *alr bi mp racial aad SaSSd.— pm - .wo— have muchaaavavM ofva a«» sur--xaa- 1( oial atteatUn f the letter written at Pans by tbe former senior edi- reipoot wkieb her •onottivcacs* f- rhido ' Uiowered all over with cold water, perspi- St.- SAI II VMAV A BRO.. :nt Third *t. nUJAb 4 DOWN’S. >a U hor ft*a*altia« a DalN>^lTaD ANU rtn riRU IN NEW TOaK. Til!- IS the title of a neaUr executed book plus this year with which to supply the southern nl3 M ARK, DIM.AXEV, A SMM lawdioal gvathmaa. will tad sua^ laetnseiiua* aad advieo. A*a^oc;ai I'aad In pogr ioasoiu tor of tlie Co(iiri-T des E’.uU Unis, to that paper: part of the State. Several intelligent '*“> •nuiaterial; put m a stall to bedried Ot farmei. : f"‘? ^Lol K -irw bbls land Indiana W. ff zB, ifie press of C. M. Saxton. New Yoik. Chambers. isperflue just rv- 5 HITS ...... CKO. SMAU. aa I a'i»o oxplata many symptom* whtohoiharwwo w»ald Oto*- ariffiC • WtU-r t- heat of the body and atmosphere comluned. (sbU Um C'aiT«r4«« Lut* 1‘bm Iiave by b cetTed and f'*r • alo by Diat4'Toa«:« NtwTaaa told me Uieir corn crops did not yield [1N(;5 AS THEY ARE IN AMEKIPA. by W rkambvrs stteB aaiioty or alarm. all th" f'uiti known to ow country there is lui nl4 jAb II FEKGI SON >ON*. Great Bargains in Carpeting. i*w Sa*wn. Eai^chairmaa. Mii-ister of tbe United Slates still w ithout even a thought of rubbing a -ingle hair A NarratiTe uf a T’ Ur in America b\ une of tbueclchr ited A The con- much as was ex|>ected, Uie grain being hgbler lTEn.'^MAl.l.. Mwinst-eet. we*t *./ uf L-atsvilL iluw amay arovaSdriag fr m obstraotioao or ifft-nlamto* r*wacn< » «t ia* i . her.4 batnber*. Bmk ,Ti*», Uv-aty^^_ greater excetlenve. better adafUe.i i.' dry. Such treatment, with diet changed from nl7 MORTON A 4.RlS\Vol I>. rarie^ of stantly occupies the Spai.isb press, which sees aiid the ear much smaller. New Book! n hare riN*eiT*d br itte arrivals an nddtti u.al •0|l*i' [)«raliar to *.b« fnaml* systom whiohnaviormiaotho heaiih. tk* New Book! tbe rari >n« rrados of I’arp which hare )>«.b pui’-aaaO‘i bis In gra-s to hay and meal, w ilh perhaps a great de- MIT. off «t4 - f wk'.fh t:«oy aro iga'^raat. aad f* r wkiah tK. ir 4o!ie^ xhnaol every climate aud suii, m>-re easily and hand ^1 tbe plots that are announced one Kentucky moiiey is in high repute, if I can 'PIIE Lmi IIurcM. t> He. i'anthw-rlh. l‘*|.r,tl: clylh, fur ea*)> •inco tbv dee'. i or, diiec: fr> m ike tntp’ r er* aad man C:^ xat.r. hw|.. giee MORTO.N A GRl-WOLD. 1 $) 25. tv forbt ls Mekia^ msdioal advioo? H>*w maay safer fvteai day and contradicted the next. of dlderence in the atmosphere to what he a.*w adranv* Hnrni’ti.n. Jr., r-imey LivinggOin the rtrawWry. and yet An importance judge by iny own experience. 1 wished to get a/;tctarer*, und whirh they soiling at • small AUa. Ias>» M profitably g.owi. than Fled Arden, ortlto Jesmit's ReT> nc*. Pa|er.50ets ;>ru.''.r;*.Ha mtfri .fAlliag of tho «’>mbt. v*r from rwlkmo been accustuuied, aiid Eastern <*<•*? f r cosh or t<> i-an cnal dealers, la tboir sIsjeL Jimmr Wm. d. YEgtmute. Bd. F. .’Mtadeimm, ta^. | has been attached to Suule. at has cruw'ded in a dark, Mr. which I have some, and. upon aj.pliration at a fiee bank, was K..li.rl Uran. lU ll.ro K inx. t.jr Ilw «uth .r ' fi B| pendia by Ur. .VtU< W slUc, can be f -iiad- v« akaess, debility. A*. )f How moay aro ia ••nstaat agi.ay J< orph Fowler. Esq. there are none of garden uiU more n>-- the llefti of seen him smile heartily, although the rank given told close, ill-ventilated stable, can any sensible man S«'ullaud, etc. Pa|>«r -'lO vt*. RooidMt'woasiarT. Alfred PeU. that the moderate premium of 10 |>er cent, Mt>RTON A liKl'iWOMl. Super Wilton aud Velv**t CartHttn/; for an atho froeodiag *Mafta*-aMat* *w hav*; loq. Hcrtuit's iKrIl, fruMt t)i« Diary uf a Peuciller. (.Tvth.SI. ntaay H maay gleeted. to is be surprised at the hoi se being sick'? I should I ftzslev's rii'b pxtrerns Ta|-**trv d<>; 'hamhuldnin im thioCvmfaay sf* fvo^oMibl* ihr a& him somewhat that of an Attila, or shoul- was all I would have to I ivot lhat pay —rather sh,>ip The iptaius ef tb* K *anti K«pullir, by Htury William ' diifteuli. if daafereiio doLvtnoo aad stuw aad aav-orkaia | . •' tt*rngagtmMato. E.VT « I TTEK- 4 d ^ausag«•Mcat Cutters, r j j H KiddcTiiineter d» d<.: ' \ of the " ‘‘al I Herbert r|.*th. 25 dei -hitter. The aiiiiouncemeiit of tbe $1 *•' whoo* are h-kS4ftUd <*e work before us contains notbitig Congres- exchaug'e,'l' UioudiT. ‘bKweMrpouil‘s"d"stanTjOU .>1 mu^t at K 4t Enxlun i> • ••ft) Bru»s«U d •; rec' v*ne«.' mo Uoo* dariag oach tiam laammno* uaiaot Ida 4C ftamas* ftf fiid *m AlUiongti pr- ri.d stylo. Y*-d and fur sale br ^^Vvuth kUdinrn aad * coiisUtution he previously. uf Jeffer^t u. ur a Chr nit It Mf l\Ilege Scrap* *. 4'lutb. th^irowaWaU. which has bei i. held at Ustend, and of the im- miles from each other. had BVHAM. PITKIN. A CO. Rich Ymericna Tapestry w-lloaok fta*l la It* pago* tho m*aa« of provo^i- a. amalMra- known to the well-informed, yet j not alieedy With M •salt-. Tufted, aad I’lu-ullU Kn^i nt oari»«t* prices l.iP Istarwaoe -Ssetrd moo* fnwwfablo wm. mediate return -Mr. -Sonle ILin-'teadof the above treatment, he travele 1 Eai>y Nat, a Talc -f l.ifw in tion. *ad roUef. of to Madrid. i« a The mail is most miserably managed from >aiif«*rsi'- much apt*rv«cd and a varir- NsW Vwrk and B* at* n by^ A Loom adjaotod aad {gnmptly oot>*'0 by proG>bly I44 pages octavo were never bound to- I. Miuifi- n. 4 I -th. $1 2.'*. amnt L.::«r m-*>moat*. how much aacaioli. I ‘hout twenty miles'"Ues a day, fedfell and watered let sale Ly How mi^t kavt text affording inexbau-tible commentaries to th' heie boulh.»uUi. beingbeiiiF *1-1.1 arnmi.t be (iTe—ea-il. »«y '""•‘.V wi Rich ra;ll«h »«tA Xmenean 4-r’.y ia Tape. try heurc.: sent around by t^eencasUe ”r vd nud f<*r sal* by ^.Uirr which containe,. matter so exactly meet- nVKAM, PITKIN. A TO. Ettc!i*hant T. S.R»ff Idiot# lag the wanU of Ifa oae foi wbosn it is w ritten. they injure Uie last-named place. Tlie reason is I'm 2 | of this that A Work abounding in It * impraoticablo to »-r.T*v fally tho ranom* tab^U troat- exciting Scenes tt ^ and VI. and l-i flam And him. To the resolutions adopted at 'O-tend. tlie arrival (same feed continued a few days) Po-tinaster aature •triotiy i The author is weii known as pre-esniuenUy su< - General wi-hed to exceed his rartaiiiv. 4'arta:n Yfatv; iaU. and Triiuatnits; *d 4*f as th-y aro f a ;atoud«d fur tho marr>u | / ^ H \ss >K Uru*. Orrl.uJ Cr..-, Tin.t.:l.y .ed remarkable Incidents. l.iiiiist ille Insurance 4 onipany. and which, it is said, have been carried to ! well cleaned, a good bed of straw, in a dry. marriage. Wash- cuutract by placing additional mail matter I rioter b*r(ifif«. TaMe l.in-a*. Naf*kln». A*.; or thuoo o^atemi latiug upon T .. * b«n*l and f«r •*)« )>y V*»r. fan .Vlrel, • *'4* ceostul IE the cukivatioi. of this and other frui'.s -l»T-r (»Jic* 'ea IT aoPti f Vhfn hotweea Tbfid aad lugtofi well-veiitilated viable, and such treatment fol- •lAd \ l-riD." au a.—.nat of hit I'.ivrr MeamiHzat U* d.nnd t'ril* Blaiihcts, various iinalitie*; JttOefe-ei Premfb C..mpme***m“ i* by Captain G.bson, Uie bpanish Goveru- tiie direct route, HVR.V.M, PI I KIN. A TO. aa.l .VdT.'btnr". -.li Hit- a r wrih v«r the *tufO zf D. BimedlM. which the railroad company re- iix i r-a.I. la III. iDteri-T, Druiifetfi. t'rump-t Tuths, and FI *«ir I. tU; lowed a few' days, not one in ten would b>‘ and iu tb- W -.t ladm; wrttUu out •Uadard werh «f *otabli*).td rrpatati -a. f -nnd *Ia*«od >a i) o on frhich be treats. He seems to have no pn- meut has replied tkiougb de Noutoii. up be.sT t'h4ip«rrwd A S««M* am* M. wbo fused to allow' wiUiout additional )>ay, and be- aud .ditul Itum ibe 1 1 **r t>.t-('l'>ch*. uf En/li*h aad .\a* r-OAO mann- Hair Restoratives. <'a|.lain . J. uraal*. m-morauda. aad r..a- di.-ea.-e (iililevs aat.vl<-*ueo of the Croat trodo oaks la Now Y’ rk. .. Paid ia aad o4‘oar^d ..... bears instructions to tlie ministers of attacked witb prevlou-ly con- v.r.atu.u. b} llrautt Jtiier; wl-h illn.iralb fartnro. in band* ’BO pxtt. rav sata bobhy. is the way of theory, to set fortli, Spam at caii-e of bis ow n wrong duilighe broke their con- I'I.ES lUi r.l, - IIVKKV'STKK'OKIIKKIII'S. ANtU.V- I u. 1 v.l liai,., ''Hue biezrai'l., uf au AfriLan slavur XX’irh eve.'v artiei* perta .ini< t.> tue utd <*f private dwvll- andutWr aad sold Ly all tho priaoipa) K..k-a>t1tro u Tkfsrompaay.WiagauW g^ Paris, London, and traded), the owner save the exjien.'-e of medi- I O V.** K .VTII .V I Ron -- 4»n*- gft»#* uf en**h ju«t rrmiord aud a. taVeu fu.ni hi. Wasliington. Tliey a; • then 'ract, and allows the coiiimunity' _ I gaaiaod. wil. wiitiin; lo suf- life, - I b* 1 |*ah)ic it.*'tttttl''ns ar.J«i**a msho ia*«raaI.ANTATU*N MllLAS'ES-2«« day «..uld kero- ' keen an • tore.t. '— Jl,,,.. attefitiag t’vf 'i.gh ostimatiua la which it i* hold a* aiAarroaa: rive any benefit from any of the foregoing i e- a- II -.m. a roliaLlo Luiiduu, tie prejiare.i. Ihrev day - -nice, t.. eiii- l..'t night, which was well attcnd.-d. but nut hu nouUUon. po( alar m«4*oal D S. Benwi-.oc. Boa. J .Adams, iiiark-, I shall ron-ider myselt well paid, from ork ( t'Uld ba k at I>ov--i tor Calais, lu order to go by th.- very -atisfacluiy lo the guod people, because aot bar. 1.,- u uett...rd<.Be if th ipal WilMa. A. Ouriua. |>ErrEK -I'otavi IXpfer ia it..re abd f-l I14H>K FOR EVERT FFMaLE; Tho E A. g,.ty-five ••tnbiaml U-»'fk*tor<* u** i pages of the work are occupied the fact I iH-en Ike d.M r. ptit talent ..f n. f'., 11 iffiAa A iln-.'s wa* dran^ly crowded n .th lav) an w.'-v of I'aii-. to 111* place at Arriege. where !,.• ilii could not appreciate -icieiitilic that have able lo pre-,rve even Wm. T. ttartloy. jlTi iiiusic, which aaluu a. . f dov**iod y . . , ,- u I'.oi.lt. and the d,- iletity ,:eaTlLm^a. aa*l tlw 1UM-k« that wern purchased ibd earrica the aathor having huvaclastvo at* at.oab* th* ii^aw ] 0/Uil lila..' — .V diieclioos - ’ noblest aniiiial- Irom sickne.-s Suee, *» r t. It a w-i(. for tbe culture of tbe straw t- f' b.- fauiily. ai.d thei,.-.- to Madrid, when be ... Uie ca-e -vilh great iiiajorilv and i . n* t to lu a of our country- sway »• wll) try enuRicrvto. Wc am trnlv pr*iid meat of **>ni|>Uiats proul ar W femalo*. .a rvopoot L which It* ( ““V’^ * 'I'h* author I -- iiifoniieu P'^P^hly fioiii a pi . mature death. |)i>iKXTo-r.i a literary Fcntleman uf Ualtimure. nn ibf' rm .-ar f ' irads and FtAtroa* that «e fiave a **f*-w m r** lof i NegTOM Wantnd. w Uiat li>' wuui.l not be allowed tu niey wanted -oine giwd siur* aad f-r sal« Ly aboli- i* V early eoufiulWd by thuuffiiavls. Sevy. Qescription of the best vatielios. and the old-lasbioned I | tl abd we I ^livtctb* m-rk to •f the *amo S'zrt.*’ aad wiil b« happy tu so* theta t^day omderaigwwl, Aralor ia '•lavo*. lO *• A. RAW b« a triitMol a*n*unt •'f a^am TW wUUki ihroi.gli . Mf “/*&« jui'- I'lauc. He was obliged to sluji \ irginia jig- amt liuiie -made .-ouji, _ the life of .1 mas Vfwn rveei(.t ObeA'tlar V>rrzM>f V*«oto»a*« ^*r*'V ( instead of Uie whu saw movb ta *re alljftb a fair <«oli prveo ftw-otoiad ‘teffihh*. li anu manures best aiiitod to its use. It- mr- than fall* t • tb« lot f fiP f " I I ’ EOl'ItV I T. men ‘—Co Ve. '.-»/ i* > Bt Dover, w iiete Mr. P.Bil, ibe etary of tl uperatics ami Italian bravuras. Read the Last Great Novel. soat (mailed t- aay part .f ti.e aad W ^cw«*«ai)y a baa'd Negrvwo it F>'r sale by Persaafi Hav ag Nogr*«« far ^ rbnraeter discussed an.i the "fannhly" of ! ^PlIF. Books! Books! Books! t>’tadMa?«* tho I'aaadru aad Br t sh l>*via '«o. XUIciCem «al^ orwu .\merir:u, legatnin I’aris. bad b*.<“n, It I. .33oxx'tA.l l.O>T IUIRES.’<, by . at i> -al ZDov>ot;. Eibwa D. K. athwurth. I PORK nl4 lAL V*. <• 4 AND BEANS. a<; Mrebaar or^'ald Aad la tWir :atorcat tagiOte s) lattly 1 Ju«t • in the Dark, a Tal*v.f Intrtjt .•• Pt.4 |e a«^. 1 reofiTcd aad f<-r sal aad mu.; 't>| a.d. aad addrv»»cd U Dr. .X. M. M I Cinrinnati bortirultural Society givesi. Ui r.riifer tin- ui.cx|e cte.l ini idt'ii’. *>F Xl*Rl« E X . the with him on keiit b» ' 1 It i/B - aad Acw i wi> M'natud '^a tW aM* *fi4i Of ~tfiriad. ba- thr ftnn of Sniclift^ , McAll l7jAb r HAGAN A ro.. 5iC Maib St. fkvl.22i Now T rk City. I*al hsiung Ofleo. *’>v«-tfnlit titr JAMES I. N. 124 Liter* n««a Ma aaad Marhotatrao'-a. III.- mo'ive the call Atirnttxn uf iM-titistfi t** st**«ii •>/ LEMON. Oar V (Hag*, "‘kctcho* of Rurs! I'Utractcr ffiaJ ?• The error into whieb our eailtivaion lull, of Wl.at was of rigid delermina- bit litstm- catrr, $irnt>. ' ’41 ! .tr.el. New Vvit. na« %» I fily %, <;.kRRl!tOM, Tv. t: , Ac., wliieli will b« nt all tinufS Ilis4 MiUura 2 vol*.. el*>ih. 1‘ru* lioii Uie police /all nod comi‘l'-tr. Mffiln i»tr»?el, o|ipoi»itp Kat.k. ot $2 of French in regard to Mi. Greatest KentuckVy j Examixatios ok Post Ord* ra fr»B t)ic r 'antn .»rco«f>nAic4 by tb* The Novel of the Season. A Fa. g>t af f ft-neh .'^ttcL*. >r I'o! i* fn IV.I. by Sir Frai F t .4!. by Is^an A Hr*.. Loaisville. Okkice Robber.«.— o««iia will rt- ’ BlackwoH A manuring for /olimge instead of fruit, it point- N^EW^'-ltoV^ ikt i •v. .Ie' still igiuiiaiit ««iv* pftimpt nttention. m uf tbriilm;: st, josti « I I am —am! 1 was the mure .\bout lo 'I'llK iuWr* Khd. l..(h IVicx$l25. Fraaef irt K •.('oviBkL n. Wm. lludmaa. Ml. Storl.ag. Copartnership. o'clock, yc-terilay forenoon, the ex- I will ffit »1I ed out aud tbe more profitable reverse practice J*. F. DAWE'^, l>rarriot nnd .%p<»t)K*<**ry, r Affile by l.U-anit.g* aad i«ft-u|-irgt fr-m a Ta-iur'* P -rt-F Do. 1. Stout. .tovUT iSsM,I.«UMV*u,fi7 sur[x.sed at it as the .Minister of Foreign Affairs. « YTt II F> iliagotod A •«holbj Villo. U. 11. ( ba. Maaoftoid. aminatiun X and JEWELRY. I l.av* i of the two broUieis Wicker for rob- Arrnt f'T J**ne*a H’Uii.*, A i ••.'* Pft-miain T**’lh, f Ui.J N. ifanturtb. i Lth;»l. Iy« larS’- 1*** of Ciwld attei Mlvor •2U •st oorov T J. Watch The Live* ' / tit* ijoe^iis -»f ‘*c.>:Iaiid and FboUth Pnav* | of Jrft rKtu and FuortL *t*. — hing thej»o"it-offii'e in this city w as commenced -tyles sbd uakor*. School Books. * ewnitc*’i#J ai:b tho Rc^aI .'•uc. s.->it»a v.f urr4t U.iU Pobce himself have disavowed all particii.a- • ua.ua CoDinissio* aid ForwarSiar Mmkaats, before U. S Uommis-ioner ju-aU. and KeY« of every deo»Tii li<*n. hie aauBinerai maiiures. with deep culture, be- ! John MHOMI’MIN'-' '‘ea«-.iis. »-.l*.,el.?h ' A. Hross. > ’ with B*>d** bvie* Daguerreotype nf'G il E S Jewt-lri -.f tba latryt Stock 9> rWr4 Mtraaa. La«ftn«Ula.lky tioi, th*' Iiiquisitorial aad must Waul I 1 in mea.sures of 1 Milti I I les, >t«-p fr the C'ld tn the ^ whnh.M;. The name of the (ii ut |iri.soiier n FaradiA* ’xt.witb K.Nd's n- too. m W«rloxxt/xH3ixx3>orivim.. uf U h.Kil .Ym^meiie r l«u. Ac H. Wo ker, who i- hrtween Ilf * ly and 'JO Gr* liUjf'* 1‘timary Tho P.r»*o.\ 4KD i %;*ipbi:ll >: irai*« I >th l*r ec y*'ars of age, and who figured quite exteiisivelv D/r.vr.4/. .iHTtt r.e:.<, uf 'i'bibitc f uiujiiar. $1. iHrwet Lrttero ta Uoa l.tMi*. Lwainelllr. Ky. Hated Waft— Tea >01*. 4^.t. r.. W-iter*. Da kcU. St-.on*, '•*>' Belgium tn- /^OMPRI^ING \ri’tj4.i«l Tu-th, saj-rn. G-.ld Familiar ^eil.tlr. * Vauaulijr, la 2 vntle. clu'.h Pr fl"d. -dl. Will roaiaaao tW nual fsi hi- gu.de. thei*- in L.tgland. ai 11- .if r r-i). F-rirp* Fork>. 4 u|>v. I*. ^MITII. are the I Ac. and f. w who , one young men” in thi- citv'. ' ' V f nil kind*. I’ •rtai-lr<;nndihy A|'|>:ir-ttag,nn Irts^ramcbt* 4'aMer's I irst IL~*k A '•my. rby*tuL.yr, and Ilyicic I I ata cunatantly itiesc facts coui'i not hut bate related to 'he COli- I'iie rtoriving q«w good*, which kveis Commiaalon. Receiving, and ForwardiEis te-timony a- to Uie ul* »• - 3i..v i*. ui l.rauimar >i I.**-.!*. my «luck aajr ool find s.mie hints worth more U> then, w effect that on Sunday aad T tolb fur tl and r^tir. lb-H(i»trt A always very cumplete. leeiiiAftt flip KeaMkii. •ustabtly I HCsiMk-v i.w csHriyyAfty ii-rtion. more or lr«- ir.timate aud more or b->- JOHN T.IH t.lir'i, N*..52l Ob liAbd a larce asoArim* nt t U-e>k*f*> '* atternoun, Nov a. ti,e pri-oiier Mainst., f ^fif'^iWer Wat« ic to TETTEK HITTER' - ! hv *< nr racelleai I aa ord r. I I I called at Rif the box c II >i bL.- tv. than the cost of the book. Wt . Third abd F 'orth bU., IxaVist lUr. *• A L'h ds. nblch ut- iavit« atUntioU t Coder tW krm *a4 **ylo of irueof M-. tvuiilf With the foreign revolutiuiiist-. Ky. Ibc dlor'Hair Jewilry ma*l« toeftier. UtVi lihuvwnaad aiiroeiatod by tlm pa: delivery the {Hist-ollicc. • of J ainl asked the clerk ^rrs a«c'jB{>abicd with thr -m/* |«r>nit4l) Att,*Ldrd •‘I r» and nil i uot -A >e)i< ->1 B.*ok*. devote*! I I’ersous wiahing anytbinK in mv lim art luvited to call c.kxraiLL, RU59ILL, a ca.« Tllirty-tsv'o ages are Ui the r aspb-rry . I let-reith.' meamie which ha* been taken in (•>. bid tab A. i»'*jXb p Ware fiU' the a)>r6 dt/Awffuwtf lact HAGAN A BRO . 99Third»t. I mail in the '•L. box belonging to tie,,. i Ylainnt at aay kihd Aa k re;;aril . to M. . x«...le. U-cau-*- I can les- 1 ! Y I pve my > s- blaefiberry, corranu goosebciry, and grajve. Miiith &. Uo. Si-veral letters, fioui Ki. I^^Liil K- d ti-I»T-rtn fbbis.l.*tf eight to a •g-'i KDl.l Al TiiAjfffircL— i 1 l{ KI I.Nlil VI.i.LI AliLF ni.leS-L..t th. K wIk ead Jl'DbP I FiRi.rsiiNd Bv-. Lfiw.fal tak limoi.y. better, pethap*, tliaii at.j hudv el'-c, to Y with New Books by Express. • dozen, together with f ;r ubl*.d anv >t (lu f«a|lov»ib( di»*-as>B jfive t two iipwspapeis. to i receive • 111 These fruits see bepuDing to much mtin- I all rut r ji asreve*.— ^pil E Tw Si*tv ra. .-r )‘rtnci| Kn ttt.d i'raetic^. Tr wV« . si !ii- firm I'llU a trial, according to tbe ; I ! OosA. rf-..iiition a ir tiuns vu cich l ,%. not L-'LUl R 50 a. lire . I I to im.jdlewitL Fiencti 1.. Illio'.ix J diiecp d G.-.nge Smith A, tb* lii»i-i|.l.av .f Co., were there- R.i lir..i. a.IlcMlnr ili.ynill U- hca'.td. I it; i.4M»i>ft «)| upon deliveied to the defendant, 'llie f?e^*em^i PYf-fff.etuvd tb* bt M defeii- H toinu bi'ft«l»l *8 cu f Dr. l'a«*fige- ID Y uitas lei nmiiiatioii Life. iry A'* This .« me ter uodenAood. Thu part of the work will l» and di-’rust between the two gov- daiit had never a ^ he*'ii V einploved in hank, was M’*I.ffiB** s ('cUbrffi’vd l.i?«rr>llss I tAltv Krrffit |.lrffi*urv in rc** Josiah i'latt. I;. !>.. I>y eri.mi'i.tf Leslie’s GaEette. neve: The t sa l -f F•zraia and the Yfa'ic«ti. .'wruuf Mate iB'J iiiteresting to many. authorized to take leiiers conni' ffiditiK tLrtb to tbe |*tiLl>r. I f-I- vffirrsnrtd in sffiyiny • I E^LI*. s I A.'lIIiiN >kt i* lie* dnribg vi I Easteru 1‘ilzrima'r f.r N I tu "n That of Fiance, w . ronf*--, K mu*' ha- ni/’hi' offi.e. vl ' *1 • L«»TfllN«*. s an.l had In ver t'.ffit "zf*. .1*.. •- r Yi. r c 'V f.*r vie by URoW N Jt 1 TYie experieoce of some Southern cultivators, delivered any sueh. Ills they**'. nt.t. .ueffaift -tmU aU Uti.aih I Hall. A. u Ima.-t of in th.- r»d aad Fr- ekCuata, H|'k will of tl,.- I'' oul'l andfaary. X-...1 Wa-I,.i.gi..i, . >f- .'’elect i.otu r» at ar» nk< )-4!tl,- hy ii-'omary ior . • , the hank to receive . n tnffi’ier b *w diHi< alt • r i’ii*ii* f- the v^ri*-a* a la ge lett.-r Urg 'thodinit. I ay*> If r dtocaae* a. <'v*ni)»auy in^ «. Krv. • whose valuable contributioris are embraced in ill le 2**> by Jb RoUEKT LLYRY* \t at. Cabinet Ire—iiig the iiijnrte- to oiir / o«bt* |*«r L4»i Consul at I mail from the Ea-t • J* afilirUvf • .tl. this drt ^Jfa! ditvi five i Ilia* k fib I fane” onSundavs. f.,r Yrr t«» i-sr*. ond I'iaiio-KAirteH . BOvl^r ebtrihtitp.b* tu the • tb ^ atUra RAY MONIl A PATTEN. F-iurtb* Ihetfirv ;>f th* Haak uf ky. Sail Francisco, or iii the M»- tr. i fvi i of page,, will be -yinjiathie* of the •’ l-w* f.o Farlicvi ' k ao appendix 54 fowid not the .\mer- The defendant admitted that l*u» tl.sbkfn) I am ti.ffit I '-tri vf tho*e from to I I’rsfieut I HIT: by Hr.J Hai'oeLi A*. 1 Lt the f 11 he had called foi r*lU. 1 |.ar- Hluck laa YY ard* U. YY'in S Ills, bet i 12fterm>ux and iraii Jieople in her W'ar .U.Kl'EMil Ri. r.VF-l OTto r by em.ttitit IMvint.* I* r> a anj apainst the autocrat of ebffifi d of - lu ot *ur ffiffnt* Li-a«s. di—rdv •f the Ftrai •tro#«o, least valas b ie pait of tbe book. and received the mail matter for Geo. y UtUK And bef .r.- 1 bffid fin- tbe* Sioilh > this lutli b<- Church ul Lbfflaad. fi'ft-rt. A b ho# e«|Ua) Jt t I «..m)e**ui.il<'.l B(> a tbe ^ R'lssu. Anaenraii .v ispathies, ' oii the contrary, U.at lie ‘••'••'•41 i «a. .ou.|.l, ia, r urtd. I YTlly believe but Telid-I Ltttli >amb*. hy Co.; opened (vortion itutibi |>- Kov. r. V K X Ui'"kT * l‘i|K f ’ - is jusi a of the letters, but priacipk*, aud has rf>*rutid cstra**rditiar> 11 U ITrl rt. ri**-r Market aad Fifth «tv AlUagethei thu work w'bat we want and ynoi; it*e arc show'ti ' V arsery. rk* t i in all acU and in all countries, even found nothing value > '”• *- uld kavt BOW b.'en in my tdinarv iadabiTnaliuit. . U (w-v-n Thtni aad Fv«nrUi« of in them, excepting a bli I*. CO I ••/ ar»in laRtielit. cheap editi n. )6ia<>. IDr^F and failing tlie sigl i(ht ' ilseru.a H X! I oomes at a time w'bea motd seeded. Tlmuaands ' bo44 uf like eyr». luvul- b aud J *tre» I lucludiiig France, in favor of our enemy, and oJujin j tb« bestuf hciiHh Abd Faniilr l*ray«*rfi. hill on Uie Izew is Co. »«*•»' by RcT. Jnu Laiaf. XX • Bank, .New ^-^vrk. which i wec|-iMf, f..rcirn a:;r: Mitb a-.d Market fitcr * aker. Mvna*. aahate and B Fawily Fxje fiitJUBfi thi- and ijf ' un ^t J' k-.v« ilw beds strawberries moral alliance of the flicffit Ii. . I spt.cdy I’rtee 2.Y hn ami M. .« .• 11 12 la- h of of have fierished by the model republic with one contained, 'I'lie prisoner y M- Li%^r and care c* bU |•••r Witlc. withfuli JaJo W then destroyed the Jitfit ^eivrd aud f the Beside* rkCuYeriOK Biy bealtb, HAVMuMia r.YlTEN. Arnts. r lalu by A hYVlDdiN, FA.M'Y i.IM.I Czar, who i* the type of ab;*alutism. shock- le.ters. I eua*id-r tbat 1 ba\r of the past summer, *»*’^J*^ ihifi fail-irfi. 1 hlllti 111 I l l»i drought and we pr**dict that Bldjah Fv'urth fit., D> ar Mam. Thiftl*‘pis i. n« ar Xlark. t. TTEK » Ratter. t- T faatili ravato. Tmo. aa and Vffit. d s ouiao iw .or tbr«o the feeling of Europe, Lnudtcd d-zlUr* by*.ti*A )*c in'Crnim i.t.* • a* a monstrous alliance. Ttie defendant i # f * larsr an fits r. RMea. aad A* I was re-eommitled, i amre plaaU will be act oat llie in default av"fatl\ coming spriiqc IS f e< Books! $10,000 Indiana State Stock kacna mannfaeii ro. I >al-reiLaaate>t There no oUier explaiiatiiHi of it tban a spirit of $1..5(Mi hail, to New New Books! Money lake his trial at tin- Decembei I uffic ti)iiiiifa«*ur«J bt ret*rr> Thi- tnt.fli.ny ive yoa 4 T III NgghLIi'S, I'rfi F urtU *(rr*t- thar. any previous season. We advise all 1 f with the rreatwt |*l. a*are. and Wanted, I (• ' R~'*.Bhbd* who of narrow jealousy against F.ngland and France, S. oLtfi-ri a4it|ssrt”i C fair U a:ticGy . h-K- fur saso •> term of the U. di.-trict couit. ! w\ UfilHster an4 bi* Ma*t*ri iwo«». by tbe Tvfft. I *'E bffe it d.* t Kev K. F. \ kave an erd# r tv ill /. •r thifi Bay *>aetbtn( ward maLinr thoc invaliiaLle amonat. aad «ill ( u)>ub F r r kn*’* n in tt-i ‘ E bt .'-T ARD ' a«*)i'*t^.f j arkrt.at dcaign to set but a tfaousaiai plants to buy anu a selfish calculation w hichWishes for disas- Huj'ysry and K uxuifa. * V ffiV'jraLle (oriufi. _ tbe Fhe othei hroUier implicated in thus KLS’-P.I.I.A IUNi.AN. •- !' ^KYN'II MCRlMiE? AA pHovs rueuivud ib.s obtaining wr. t . thr priv ir*’r<» w/ v’lag fr l£r^t»t I •tfitu*?li. fill* kA' all wb« ar# suff* riaf with liver mplalnt Tbe T«‘; ur l*rin' ami Pradiee. m aro 5 11 ..^ '- : ^<*D X- Lvga Saj, rear* .ale by Fifty ceiiU forwarded ter to a just and disuiGreslei! cau-e for Uie sax. letters uiider false tftvt. itcJ .'»>r u» 4=1 furli call h f.r hook. to tbe pretences is iiaiin-d Ma N man. ur Trials ami ibeir i publisher L. D. W iLI.lAM Trav«l*r I »**, Ly Mrs. I.iaoula a-* UM> XX HI ( II A I j XNAN ta Wustern N«n York, '! JAMB-' LiYW Ft> *|4 1 ot easily gaining pos-e--ions l*h«l) * Al 1*D^. >TuN F. A XIOR-E. 5«M Yfaia s 4 more helongiiic tu Wicker, and is oidy IS years of age. 4. anthur of Liuoeln'* IL'tany, Ac. IkEFINEI) M g.XKS- tbe return of copy' tin Fii-! a9 «AL At th ..4d 4(«i»d f P. tyre. XV eM'. J win insere a by mail, free i* S.—Dr MeLaae * I *»iTTt>\ « hv of calcbrAted 1 I’lllfi, alao bi* great Lif« la New Y'urk, by Jwnithtn FukU. Fsq of k Kviv* liottl.1.' Kuoeed Leaf: 21 ‘aijn XU! -M..a for -a.- ’KENi (I 1 A^^)MEKE>-|m pe feehle Slatis. Has not oiie cl your York i . New j day last, Inth iiist., the defendant w'ent ' ' ^ I < to the! " (bef'D^ld, iMl XNI» VY IU II YN ,t ' 4 z'w.. s. . 1'ubn. bhU aj»*-rtud l4.af, rru.hed, \N . . uoffivy aad (v«d. r«.'*io>'dt*s w k k.i am) P w.lure.|- 4; F journal- avowed that the annexatiui.uf the Sand- Tho iBcbriates) Hal. or the First tccvivod j*or real ICeiliiciioii in 4 arpel all tmx delivery, and called tor letters ' Frail* of llio Man I l2tw. ttoaaior rkiuwn and f.-r salt* hy JXYir* I.OVX Afo *10^, for John .'7,« “uki." r.T. Ly Mrv S. Y. s..uth»v.rk \ '-ar ft-mut arrival uf rarpeta «c ar« u- « • ntbic i i wich islands and tbe occupation of tbe hay of D uiiiisuii, oLlaiinxl several directed II l». NKYXCnMIt A RRO., to that t • <:aoie'W'ler T'O I >1 I >11 X E’’- 1 1 Nt»—2 »• ^1 Ptnhnoorot pkase be t** R’sllu lb itseriand, Abbutt. nl3 to th- I'ubltc :h* lar^t^t ttw. V aad Mi-.vtu 1 -r*o ik I laab X tiag r Ma. Di'kn akd Ikiiiaka Fall Baxes.. U earvfal ask f aud take m nt by Agent* f«*r Rvlvltor A liro ’• KuOnui U la vari*> » «or iV\4 Samana were but Uie preluile to the conquest d<^ do; 1 tkifi day aad fur *ai* (>« of Kan*afi«nd NVbraoka, ty e*f afiylo* r that raa by f- YY • at Uemoii.UiJ went out. In abuiit fifteen ' Ly Hal*. aad | ued >a (W XX ^ ortwen- v«, />. *,/.« * Tbe^ • rill*, • Y«ang Hy*. a T* a; # -i all the pnrpurt- I'bo Tonttvfito*' .Ytftiuf hav*' rvOylied I «.t of ingraia t'ariet*. JAMF.’< LliXb* A rti.. Mafia •«. We cheerfully pablish to-day leltri from Potto Rico, of Cuba, and of all the Antilles'/ ly Ininule- xfier D-iiniiioir!! an VhTfi UoiyiUr with a Uo luUrre w.-re tak< It Liver 1*11!*, a* v be/' re AN the public bt Illufitratiuti* (,eatn«, Ly (silofi. liar of 'vea'rh .< Itfib ds>. « iiicb w .Yfler v in d«g»l uf 3-H.v «o tU *ei| 2* ]i*r kuch avowal-, can it OiLK VEl.VET'RlHLON--ai . «.uua. 1 %. 12 -.^iy.,4 Auditar Dunn, explaining the course he in- how surprise the out. Uie (lefendant returneil to the lk:ri’-a and l.ilv, I oaki * JU. Mr. pieit-utfice ami : y Mr«. Smith. loHOfailO I |*M», Xt KLRCI.* ArrbbJfi Nu 1 Ml r* use I. aL-ifor oslm fc, Americaiik Li:*rarv YY'hit’ter. I to aght e< that th" powers of Eurojie which Re r«atiuB4. bv \1’^H»1LE'*ALL DE X I.KK'^ IN 4 IU If". VI inquire'! for Uie mail of C. TS. LIOFOR.n ‘ of tbe Slate N. Hender-on 4c Co.. J XMEH l.l . A' ft > O >*. pursue tbe sale ' . * teads to is bonds. tl. ltd ubltcaa, >w II i.ifv at Fieo Y t XX iu«*4. ^ as ' f fqrni»I> U Ma a posses j; I xa. or Frigat*- ami Taeklinr * uller- rre«rrv. colonies should s-ck to protect each lettei-, . OyeUr*. anti ! obUinett' Cij '4 to tall on 1 d .Mata ftres t. betwyen ^^YNN KL:<— I to rema that, in tbs article I roM rv-oivod tWs day and It is proper A on other/ In a commoti daiiger they 'hey bad a man latl.eii prsfifiro*mnb: wa* ^ev nth and Eighth. jJV" must nece.- to that firm. He obtaineil Uie letters on each afli* t< * uld *4' ti.v I^rily lent M« rearia) RhvumatixB, w|>.«a« CfintiuaxUv czi *uiitr> a.-rvhabU • nltitaatvai wt b'W all srtiidf tbe Auditor commenta, we merely iuiend- make a common cau-e. rail aad c-xamiae ’-ar *1 XMR4 U»W A • Ttie London vi-it from the same clerk. i •Nrck 111 ufmitory la hia back. liiub«. aiid bef .ft* HKKI . Uf XTII. Moriiiiig Heiald ivibtt liisc b.xd XIonao I'urohavif A Ct holders has pretended that a portion of his the post-«iffice •*u«e feverifih aad aia t«ry, n-*.-tii*s a Ylvrk-» and Jutfer 4.NE iLD UK •d to say that tbe of small sums of the Ou leaving with thela.st lot. arc at hume aa-i.u ^4Ai / tic XNDIE" Mata ntroct .|wlM-re biryaii ’ the Ltiglieh lie fiympt.ini* uf rLcnmaMfim, c .mi>tnud XKS- IU im|n.rtcJ Ly varaclvts, Bi t H XN XN A '^-'- 0*-et in tne Baltic was with &eru(uU lb * * N * i'laei Ax’-^. ia!s t'-airaac; ( about to sail bo had fur caeh. I Uie prisoner was fullow'eil by the dejHity b fiturii andI f") notes of tbe free banks would sell them at a great -lierill i T»« o:u’i:r.7 r«nifib M ixtnro cured hiui. aud iu ai < 3 M-orvi 'da . ! for the AnUlirs tk h:nt’1z1:.m • Lall e. N 4 in order lo show' niLLARD PRATHER AhMITH. i:ns ^lIENt H HR XNDY 2 pi|- 4 , aad 4 .a ^11 ^ the Yankees m »j~*« tliev l>ear tufitim luy to li* G.XETYNo FUSO. and .Mr. Kioiden, who were on the watch for wuad*-r/ t A 4 ^ du i;udard d.. da; ; h - «sk« "li t'u» aae Uraady f r «a)e by aacrifice rather tban wait tbe long and wicertain tliaf the English r vbly rugrot that all were reoiiy to reply u s>ifT*ni.,* « nl l Oiillittiiis; t da J. H-aafi’U-y 4ask da; to them, in him. was in the act of opening ' T>— ANtabliwliiiifiit, XX ALL X«*E k \ He one of the h'.t2Sr7f not ana. o uf tl«o PuPC *ai»trbee uf such i .hi X da I rwfiaa 4*: Auditor in spia- of the emharrasament of N bhifi FiF M k tome indKBtsd by tbs hu avowed Uie i de- Lasicrn w ar lei'. -rs directed to Henderson 4c . Tb«rTbev chcerlatly*ti*.r(. ivc*.mm od it. bee Co. when hi.- tin ir oeitib ar ilatt, t'a|>o, and Fu i tf| NTKY II XXI; 4 N d- Bart- a ft G'toooer paiaroBm I ilo not Uow w jiethci (337) ' Tn* aLsvr-r ii«* r^ry taalitv.a England sfii ' really tilers f'.i.owers arresteii and found I'KATHEK.A LMlTIf. •ft fihcll "RVKKOF M.UN a\l> \ bv . a* Uraa ar* -.t W*t istmiiaUon lo resort to a foreign market for the him, the balance of .Xlaiuodi; Tllizn STRFFTS. j j u\)7.2i!Slz • .1 . I .. . aofoiy I ished this idea, winch w as evidently „4 XT4..i.r.„ 455 Mam at _ «h«a a« %WT*wo»r fur a*«eiaai p exaggeraGd ( Uift in iiis coat picket. On bearchine • ^>»»**v«rrwb*r« ov>v i jAtdAwimi* 5kl*KO| l.i: lleleKfi \t XDFtR X XND 11 XMP l.NE XX INE.'w. at tw Bl'v sale of the bond--. We presume, from the letter of m •Inn ^ ll.aar. F "urlb atroet. by ill Uie MormiigHeraJd, especially YY E DESIRE Al l YY il*' i.RE 'fit half piptfi an t |- i«k Vadoira Wia«; all in what rela- liim. after ariiving at the jail, there were fo'.ml ARE M»M> O XT M TfWXMPMAN , :« L'Uaiti the Auditor published ted to France. But, , xrcam* t.ieali >*n PtiLL XKD PRATHER. A YIITII. at agau do: f->rfia)eby to-day, that it is not his sboald it ever occur to Uie a in hu pos-eu»ioii two other letGrs, directed uld *(uart«r*. d.'*-'' Maia fitrovt. YX XI.I.A* iND 'illEBRY Ybl.NK5— to o.c nr.r»r.4.„r.-lz th..r.xi« i„ m.'i..»i uUjgb IK I Kl IT. a*.— E P«»PE A «'4Y two power*, they would readily find -j . •iOo hdentMO to soil the bonds in Uieir 5" < a*tfi MV! Ba«l*tr% Europe, big merely jusU- per.-ons in this city, dime, i Pie Fruit; one half • coun- I s * • , ha.i., an a,.at .t th« i.h.nn u .ai .nal rOOOiOed 2 d>* old Eafit India ficatioo ill what has been said and written Notice to Delinquents. 30 du Frusb I'raiti; l-v: to give notice there of and tel felt bill on the I'ndilla Bank, also a Ihlu bliluf U.a tl,. maaaractara.r lh«>r oil, u.un.'l Ib. eubn. that -ary and tur sale by t du Saadvxmn * |N>rt. the of here. i. '^Pll ^ n L!>ifi Ume , U sale ERE ar* a groat many perw a* m thr riiy wb*' are aware Tutuatuv'i i , done in tbe L'nited States. m BI •'•*> *k. «r.«i»al aara Ir.m a.a. bat 1 that their aecv'UBU fur Hat*, t RKH.XRDT 2 du Lvadv a Dusk have never enterUined the same romplexioll ou Uie City Bolik, New Imk aaS ap*, be., are lv*ag stacodu-. I \f FiaobL We ' Abrrry. a doubt that the Au- It not separating ‘ YX « Would to <-all aettlr. 2 do «;«rv}-.a « pal« aad ftrovn: was by from France advise tben and "lint - and Haven, Conn. I LEXD M*t pwrebato pollard, PRATHER A "MITM, ' Jofit rv.*.:: .-a *mi far sak .a ^waamiou m ditor would do srbat be oateensed bis digy in tbe England Uiat the Americans could promote their j All All auld «i*h ilioir ngaature will bo foaad to be of oaa- Mail! street. 471 PXNT?. WM koffs ,2«4*. hxi. 5*>. ami SYlhi Paro WbiU Load* Pinkerton ! Mr. blYjAb I recognized these bills by nri- • 455 Mam fit. fancy LM.EGaNT et atiltvf Ik . ___fcao EMRROIDEKF.D I.Ai'K t:fKH>ft-XV' Rlark. IHcfilrmI aad ry Ca V.(. lZ'> N 1 Wkit, I (iiaiity, aad oaa b* rotaiaod AND are I Fsaraftfi interests aud Uiecanse of liberty. Tins co ta U.o meat doli«at« ij H»i* all Ptoteiaea. thought >ld W'*rnm* ; Panta, latest . Koeui\rd lorstouiaor We Han open questmn what vale marks on them a.- the identical ones he bad *f*euii.g an yjygaat asvrtim at i»f FtubftHdy eat m the Maa’»W!d and f< r «al* by ,t«iawh ] \l At'K EKEL— 25 bbl* large N’r. ), extra *|ualiiy. fTd. A^**Yr Friendlv - mvilAWM ft put . i*.». Otol daty might be aad into decoy letters some months since, It •iicntieely e'l nl'. GARDNER AIM. prices. f mcyP!i-^N l.isiiivs ille I'uiHily t'lour c« tfully lavitcd t YX’ooKiaga r ^ . . have . ua»d mtmrn... relations would product friendly ' rowns. S.i. disposi- and me them— .'fiffitiu, b;** k t a»«mit re Y ofiU. dc vk * VRZ- J"ll>-rtiNk Suv.t put in the Post Office draw . aad well dmeriea the attontioo black Silk, and er of W. J. Buck. K™" of invalid* a* a r*ai'> • bonds m a foreign maihet sras i v|uatity. m x»ud «’*>u|iervgf. I not a part if II lOttoB < broffifited. of it tions, and the map of Europe is remodelleii. fi- f-i'-'taat Pullar-ttyfi. «lUr*. and ^I*ur*•End*• , glo l^•«d*rtd. and I'raaWd Co. He also had ill his |>ockeG $19 in bills vaJaabl* tban aay yet diaauvored fur eoaeami.tiun ^DNERAt I or t lai4 Late ChcmisulUfi and ^lc«.vcs; 1 Ww by Mwimofttu. tbe republic of Wakliiugton would have bad palmuaary afoouoBi. C. I EMkNT-J 0 Xraad alwfty lU on other Banks, some of wliicb JOHN UAKEK A ni.. (simpure Lacrs, Ac. Black. bU AND-W Bl'f “The Ahcbk ax OnuAX.’'—1 be first number were counterfeit, ^hmi and lead-- IIANAN A Co. ir part clearly indicated in tbe New World. The and Uie No KhJ Nortb Seeuad at., Pbiladelpbia. ?*• k«-gs »u MARK. UL'LANRr. tnmiDod. balaiwe on broken instituUons together >but. a*fi* rtcd aise*: k DOWNS. cloaks an D talmas JXM*-' j41RN’fiT«»R. *f • new daily and weekly paper under ; For aalo by tbo priacifat druggisu. #«t 25 krgfi Lar Lead: this ti- humiliation of Russia is an injury to despotism, wwlb three pair 17 diwCm Talma*. Uto*i *iyl««. 7 d-Ms uu fr.Oi Uk.l.n; of gloves, one collar, L’AMII.V l.MkI Black riuthCL akfi and xLD i.oTkRN ME.NT J IV k tot FRR- miniature Received per steamer Ella and fur sale Ly NA1I< oroxua llaia* (caavaaed) juat i 3 tte appeared in Washington, of which will sooner r#- MIIKTs 7 4. d. f Jaat r»coi« aftd for on Monday. 1; u democracy or later reap of a lady, gold walz'h and chain, AND W m rHANAN A CO.. A cfivod in atufe aad for sale by ^ i inaiKy ad *ftU by and several J. S. CHENOWETH & CO Liaea aad liaoa buoom >hiru with and withuat collar*. Greoa Paaa; the advantage; nl5 C'lraer > f YX'aahinctoa and Sen-nd *t«. FIELDF.R • xBDNtR ft re. oubiiabed by au Assseiatioa of Native and in this respect the French gold wristband buttons— IBIPPINU AND (OMMIS^IU.N ,, A JAi K LNDFK-'HIRrs AND DKX\VKR>. a> Ereab Puaeaeo Ameri- a complete “ Yonng MERCHANT* *1* Mail at., betwfiya Third ” aad Foartb. Mvrtn *. « aahmerv. Shaker empire, tyrannical at it may appear at corporation riM ISN %TI. OHIO. Cv.fl«e, tu arrive perstvasivr SiikShtrt* aad FUaaol. Shaker Fro*h Cue* OyaWr*; etos, aad is aadcr tbe home, America” ! Fauny Corn. editorial control of Vss- fPIIROl'GI) roeoipt* given fur Tubaeou. Haer.a. Huliitt, .Net, I'uixua Net, aud ('unUza F laaa«lCader->birt*aad Draw* Roeoivod por fiXeamor f. Ueary and f forms abroad a democratic propaganda, which The only letter of value Purk Lard for sale by Vk-Z W'U ka..]a>«kwUMU-UCw. niR..,vS,lk.Uwf mW hi* ,m.iuv1t W. will R. M. have been done by a republic. coiiUiniiig draft Haltiaiuro by Kailruad, t'aaal. or Kivor, and fi|*ocial AND one a of $100, from parties attcntji a lAk* wu vl th. lad'Su Buka st ,u .afiettowuSwe HeaOi, at \I’MAPP1NG PaFER-AOO buodbifi YX'rappinc Paper f Black aad faaey Silk Cravut*. Tfi«*,^carfa, Uq., as assiMaat. The This will easily be recognized paid ulilliag order* fur Prvdaeo aad forwardiar Dry Guuib .r aftd Stockt. CCllAR AND SULA-.-ZS— «kt. diMMIkt. editorials are by all wbo Three Rivers, Mich., drawn on a “ “ " Y> lu*. firm iiiBiiffkJo aati. May 30—dioly sale by [al.YI AND'XX' AFi’IIANAN k I O. i latcoi *»> fi. 1'^* bbdoSarar; J. I . C. Star: _••• fit w riaen in a temperate penetrate into the future; CO. CI.OY'E.**. e>Zht h Dk Nt Aid. Me S.' k rt. ^rit, and tbe and the Lord Mayor and endorsed to the order of C. N. Garner: L'ai bbla Mvslaaaoo; far sate by eihtor de- Henderson’ 1»G IRON.3.‘fi> tuaa*uft :a*4.« pig fer Tn Iros sale Iv I of ’ v, Kid. Silk. Cftfihmort, Cft*«imor.i, Back, aad Bortia ad POPE ft CO London was right in saying, in ss.zv.iiu L. Holland: Glo?o« WALLXCI chnea pnhItOtffiC communicatHms his toast, that fic Co. TOtsF I.bs^iuuI.LT—Tail rvceatly occapied ky the 1 toclroc ac(zu*ignniobt, by aad GaaaUeU. Wigs. Braids, aud Coils. affectmg tbe to believed IsOaifivilU and I'vtiagton R R. r*., Tnekura: that constitutional liberty r,.! also two’^Bed* AND YX- ItlTlIANAN A CO. VARIETIES I N DIOOx-4 oeruuuu X arft Wltl'LDmswctl'ril, lal-m me f m.n mmk ih« pwklik would Tlie prisoner was committed in default of - Scott; ] O* $0 iMi ivoBi* ia fiBBe LaiMiag. Apply t*> 1 Ik ' k.rkl Ih.l relvi«- Catbshca, an tba Safipendtr*. Silkk andm»4 1 11.-. B, M-«h ef W.t* Ursidk. >ad I «*U e ground Ja«t recoivrd and f.. ‘ sat* nA»Sk.rthJ,f., Shirt her alliance 500 bail. very cooly told the alddl MARK DFLANEV low by letk. I kkf. •vf % He court that the A DOYY'NS. Fuliar*, >Uk and Giaxham I mkreUa*. and Carieut thk lk.,Mk MMrtk...' tw aWe* «• not nUgiouM with !• < Hac* that H if a but a pobl.z^ free Enriand, the ret.cb empire PO. NOi'K YX'li KS. A law at Ml aidu evurv todtec Lad mi pap„_ has con- amount exceeded tbe size of his pile, llie F»r sale IkS. SI'ROI'LIZ MANlTtV iflE'S reck- “ ako a u-Mooioft. G. Nirih'LX.'N tracted an obligaUoi. w hich she 3>ri8:lx.t / MG XRS- ' l.Yii C«»4 IRB. Mr. EOia gt!i>im that be bcloi^ to will sooner or lessness indifference Tlxo Solxooi EXD AND <1»OT~ ba«* aaper Lagaa the Whig and which he_ exhibited \ fio.ihoi W\4 \iaffiafa«*ar«r and 1mr«vtor stF»o. ••uudo later discharge. “Tell ANDW liK'ilANAN A Rlu li-'ado liupurtod t 75 du Km me W'bom you live xmUmim CO I J 32 k« g4 asa rted sh-tt; kilt Na. >A ft-vzamft**.. •aot om party, basing maiEUy supported with court, would put to shame a villian of iLmii'uititaU 'JTiV**'-“-'^will boopoas-d oa Muaday,‘•.'Z ’'L'*r 35 .1*10 Swan du 106 do vldJava more ! tho DemocraU har- K 3Mb m*t . I Ua) UkS; Tar and I wiU tell you whoyou are.” -niis ' ^7' 25.liQi) pif. r.«slrwl I'Vr.t.sm.rlb.ali. ' uf tae ia*titatc, Mayfluaor du (-r»U hr proverb on Fifth fitroei MPXfiRTANT ~N >tbfift4 add* m^rm m peroi aal haaav abaft is -1.1k. IA.uuh Hriiauaia du office. DO lew Gue in political Uian in *’ATpn««.*.“s« B.4. s* <>> s. 1-a.ikl. ft WSTASI>_ >1 bai*. y«t fiftua du w« toiao private life* among trie u' th. g,ws- I a Imaarmax Wad Ww •#« spertators, -hat oiie so young, •.# iastiuiu ij iIkim eh»*ho THO V BRENT. SON. CO. Ift.nuuElS.’! do y it and tar. tu SMir.;»stt«e4S..ir. I* stu.4 I A I £«*r*uft* f **ba«aa fa<« diviao.'* hence was to France, | AV A COFFEE— HO pKktt, Sagar. aoriootxbio afouadog* Mr. Ellis publiOied a Nntire American and not to Russia’ N»w ia fitort and for salo by rtry »|vriur Kr tel. kr ^ p*. Kbvto prlmo N. O. pa- surrounded with influential friends, “ L -TAN.'I .IFF. Prrt't. aad Mrw*x tWir baar. •suftaoa* oobrf «l»gft< emomm, that the American republic should have) E ST is bbl* Flfta:atii-a Y|*U**«o; I w should have NOCK. YX'ICRJt. A CO. . M VRS. wbua. x. auta* AVVK'fi extend-’ Urn- early become so pmkaca* Kedacd >0Ka|fi. fair on ue loao it* e>gur. M Xl RL 'ft per ia 8t. Louis, aome yaars ago, sjid be lost brazen-faced, and utterly NIFT H AT." - New .l,lu jut rM.iVMl 75 lier ksad, exeii if Uis> r,re»Fi^2 zy XKOWI.ER TE tK Xl L1.1TKAL HXIB BESTYiR X Tl V E. u miaW W ra*. r*^ollectioo ’ V-» htlr ckrtll 5.1 r«e». i of Use : prime YX'r«tera .-e.r.-7r...i,-ds."d do i:aaMWu«» ^ DAst lost to all bojie fur fiftlo v«rv |.'W at I KesorvuCburao recoivod or rnleuiptiun. tTr.r.slrk> I .«ud W*s4<‘v For su^ wft'JanaW asd r»t«il ft* fcis (ortnnr by g. aad iMt 4icUte4 Uim choice. per fiteambuat Eclliueiiue and fur sale byb 1»S| I.A.' li\ FK A ('<>. aS fHO. Y •turod i*ULLAKD, PRATHER, A SMITH S, ^ ; Ml ULiL.X.'fi. Tribune, ^1RE'W0KRS-A large aaourtmeat in fitoro and foraalcby MR Sot. 1 i. nlsJZh j JNO. F. IfoYX'ARDli A_ CO., 455|lajftt(, F •d MAR MJAK-IMk-st.jlulnoif.aAed h.rul.Sr >INB-AI'iaE« J UACrANO A IKSO. I nlU Mam, betvorft Third and FoftTth *m, Ob* UARD.XCRtCU. ftJB — , ^ a - .‘ — . 1 H J !- o . . — K L 1 2 . . —— - , 1 R ; 1 - , I 4 — j.

N«« ' NATl'KDAY, KOVKMUKB ix, I A. M BY TEUiXiBAlMI From rAl.iroii!«i\. —Our NVw York rx- Vs»rk Tunev l.vTi.DT Til* l]\ VA\ NEWS. ('OMMEJK'IATi. SEEriAli NOTK'E'^. cliali">'s contain Uic drtails of l!ie L'iou;;lil moM Nk« Kn.\. — U is noW' AMrs^EMEVrs. AUITION S ALES . laiiifd llial uiil of lUI 1'rr.aiiiD tlip ^lliii. 11...... -..I r : . _ on bnaid by the Noni.rn,NorHirri, LishLh.^riL Tl.rrr1 brrr i, mtl.-liltl.- of ml.int.-r-r- tuA rwtitr.di^m 4I« t.iir «.r . N. w Vo.k. Kov. 17. M. ,,..T,,,,, hV.M ,aVr,l; t .Su k» x%i, t ami of this n.iinb'i Tb(>f f*ct 4 iiixttrA w attf m* t(K c‘iAi«uxl at ii b. c xi X t o. c>t. The massacre ol Oregon ^ - ’ r»f paprr?i annoiinr** three '•oon Aittl Msjr _ . th# )h»t till* aft^'r r-Mi tiiiig llie rt»iii4. Bit «uU hbJ j S«Milr shoiC. I W - IV |-ri»f. r a»4 Vaaar»r >4i Is r * «l.i k} .tt **^ 4r.; IkLIAIIt A.SD CulUtlAL. ihltbuwrL UipU'd wl x '4iYrta:tfiAb |kr ^““^e******* *^'**^ ®“*’ b«ror Ii ! arcountiacconnfi Kiiiir M wUlril; 35 r<><.ciiidtM Indians id ronliriuril. fionifroiii Un'Un* wrrck.uerck. r.Teiveilr ! .-UI .11 st.s. Ufa .«,r Jt l.iaiVs.l kl It?.- » a T.TTi '•qC th« rnlvii, 9c«M litrr.

  • 4c k« ffHf- tk. pt.- aI iitrflt.ai at late ('i»Waa.l rai^a»tt«. .. lb New Orleab*. TiiOde uiiicbted to us iuttiat ; his onlrr, and that Mr. Isoulr would leave Sapt. a hour last tii»bt. state -atrkiif Lon- files of the Ucserel News to that tin- ship has i l.tfEt Kt|T (nir ait«l r .paat rmu U'e have 'iWv cAAta* i Ulictf lluti au barb Lr ffiOi tUr «V.^ ' -s.'ttled •*“*' on •I'*' ^of Madiid. deeply in Ih.' Nutliiug xi .'u.' i< |ruvl•i••h«. City will plrasr niake naymeut to them. sand, anil her .leek is now I l!I, uiontli later. a?>(i fiabJrCrrf ta ^rtn.a icivattfir pr. aa4 > one l.'vel EAX( Y AND _ 'l 'i. HoraUI makes C'laik tiji> almad. with the sea. STAPLE — He is Many bo. lies has.' b.‘eii dis- i oaii. ita. »iU abi -fatcT^ ««otri 1 *\%rj «fA-ru • f *i*» I'niUiI Slalft Tioofis. —Col. K. J. N«i« crciiauts c*n be supplied with our e*»n.id’Ted uiidonbti'dly the lioternor elect. .Irriral ot cover.'.l, |ashe.l to tin* rij;eiii!; Uie last faint at- liTM — >>raa4«. cor* tv«rr |-LMe 9i />rv Wh.iky t« bfl4 I at . SteptoearriVedat Salt r.k. City with his. ff liAHKibl. ftkVbl. ’ Commerce, and Courier om- tin tictia.s to s'lsta.p life 1m« appaaraaa. Tueaday's iss.ie, A I during the ir» >/f 4’*'h(»(;*at $.5 75 tn $| a«k4 qaiaC. luD «f •r.'ry ai«*r4«rf>4 ««er»)ttir« arraa, lai* ul«at«4 whidi rotiUiits a r« ww ,4 our t’alifoniia, on ^ Taerv u aa4 A«?tlraliM by Tr>iapa. ELEGANT SILK Kii ’ iirer shorn* bat Mnall ,mand,eiimand.eii route for t coldcol.I ^ GOODS. majontiM. and sulhsiiirerii.!;riiii: of .Mond.tvMoinl.-tv night.nii:ht. .n mUkt artii'lfA. atiii trenthtUK !• vloll. 4 , ^ • atiMptie if.tttt act all inpuriti a ia tW tf)ein.*Mir>tfiein* AMIr^ lului«la 5-\rN|\i» market for the praccdiU); week, by letUue us odicer*oiiicer* underuiuler Col. Skep»oeSk**|.»oe rre ^ i>ai«nlay’. N •Vs-»S«v W tw at«rT«ia AuetuuAuciwu The , i L ^ ^ \ V FIN F F.MHHf >I I t'LJ rvm w>i- i*i lu,- ..o, a..i...,.t„r?.,.„a- >F14IES, B.xltiworx, Nov. 17. Rcvnold^,Reynolds. rapt.Capt. R. In-allSyIngalls, ^.lartermaster^.lartcrma'Jter 1 ' rKV%TRLrr7:;TV‘KV^:?,^rr**^v;.‘:;;v.;x^ know OD Monday bow maiiy will be wanted. Majoryjafor , *r... .a" L ;o.lr r. i ir i.r.Arii. .vi, .i., j . Lie.its. ryler, .Mowry. vo p'rArlr Tt Scs.aov. 1n.4 Chailestou U entirely free from fever, and commissary. Liv- i.sl.- l.„„. sur luJ J»m?e Tr.t,« a; i v„j. Tliey will be put up in wra{ip for tbe run\r- and Ml'S is .kllstoii, Tin* .scene on the .les- i.vta-i.«'» it .t bus.. brushing ini. We are lu reaeipt of ingston. Chandler, and H. R. Wirt/.. beach to-d.iy beggars ijtii i n.i. r, .i ics stliA. iu a at n-. : teucc of •eudini; oC to their rorres{K>u *nU. cription. riie Uij.ij. ium, -i i.ai ..u? ».i (rei,:h.. \eu Orleans papers oi ^Saturday. surgeuu. There are about 175 soldiers, being I cili/.eiis of lanig Itraiicli. Red m.

    .! of artillery, oi.e Hank and all Lite Tb. tails by the Orizaba ditiers from t lie about two companies of infan- adjacent towns and villages of | ii"m i ei it i u I r T troiu New Vurfc pm 1 tJTph I. U t I S v> 1 1. 1, e.P (^CA telcpapbic dia|>atrb 'e>g.'?;>h 15*1 . uiplov ees uf ^ovv J *i s.'V, h.ive PORTFU K OK LOCISVILLF. accoi.nU ol tl»- batlle fouglit at Camp try. and about miartei master's i gathered here to tin* number ad- -Nor•Nor ir. ays llie Seu> diJE. ulty has been amicabli l» lien -ro. which resulted in a victorv of Al- men; lOU wapo"' and rairiages, and about l.OOu Hjiidre.is to vvilnentuA. Col. Steptoe purposes hiring wiuter ' Tl'c sea. how. ver. ran so high during the day killii^r dtW. .\lvan*z's son, at of quart.-rs in . the head , mliuT."'™' *‘‘"l‘t yi-.-lerday, eJihir ' ttn* cuerrilla forces had captured a number of twit l?*ke Cily for tlieotli.eis and tioops. and that it was uttei iinfms- ,~^^W. Le* While, M I), coroner, of | !y I. ,* locating the employees and for any l.i«.it to brave tbe waves an.l live. 17. iewl Wc’tmpettnry < iHt. thwj ervat« «tivn««k pri-oii.-rs. animals I . J /.S|.,rf aiul s..*i"t bead of cattle. (Jen. Al- , in K isb vai- y ba 4 vitalr^. ! _ . . j . 1 , . .. 1 ..-i I I I.B4 •• 4 I M 4 » M«r B»i t4 i.l» • touii.erfei Detector . • Tl>« n«w« K/ t)ie .\dU i pIT'J. hvAry- tii -11 K • MX | - ten miles .\gi.ni/iiig as u au- Tti-.ftrt\ Bn fortit of rfYCa^dis. As. firwlmbit Moiillit‘i IlipiNtroffan, »att r has lulled aa addr.nw de. oui.ciiig the d.c- ley, about south of Tool le c tty. was the spectacle of hundreds of it 1*4 r.;ii fiBB: "'itk Httlcsl, »A>*ut 4.UU*I IfAU -riuor a prospectus for the jiib- beings I iiaAv,« Jnmfmxmm. l»Nr .her^r*. i.«m vale banker. ha« issued ' •'•'"‘h'-* peiishing|..•llshlIlg witbiii -igbt.igl.t. irrr^.Ufity .,r and,-?.- ! CUR E R K R SI' A D egnr ' within an.l almost W A \ I uu*r, closing with, -Down with the Ijrai.f— .\ubU'M I'af,onr of tIu CjuUmidaleJ Hout,$.«(.« -»Vj L T "itbiu r.^' acji*“^1* ri.iiii Bg^. i'roukt«4'inciBuBti. t ul (b^*.-i.r«tioa«, which I ‘’Iof H*.!til.! vuiue,vuiu.;, il11 w'O.iUwould havebate been ude..,..m„„a.iiis.,.,rj licalMNi •! a Weekly Price-Curreiit. The Di. : “Je.itJi to the despot," Ac. s. tkr Fori/ic RaliruaH. We have hei-n fm-.r,,r. j J*'^^'** i ullk».td t • k 't. laO«)«. nsn.si.iii. .\cr. 17 P.lj. from mfor- but an act of madness to risk life in Hie attempt . K\TR tORDIN URt I ‘H*-" Tlo W a-t.ington I i.n.ii says that i (says the \ Mil. 4 Uaa«ii. OwrruelUiB« , . liaiidj full. lioiie ! SliasLa Courier tllsl rm ie detemiiiied to have his We of the ‘ ^ Ho»r 1 . .n f.mS. m.nd *ith *•!«• «r » u SW. s.*.-SS Immense h\ IH*W enteeprise nmv turn out sucre.sfu!. I'l,,., .... S. I. « II 1 1 . l Price three Mlkr* ptr bouk; f>r fire «h4Ur«; an fwr Additional Attraction - Sniub 1 tx-iv > s . crave towar.l .Mr. the sea ?• L’t kir IM l’i inde«*d l..save Ih' act in Honey 1-ake "‘'"‘‘K. Uvingpar^^ hutmn-,., .?». .« RIX.. KI.XB.T 4 X 1 > ri Eso » , \ alley RtCRUn-S. ii..„ a-.« h.p.\.dMl pr c* are during the summer, will,Alibi er '.« twelve C. II. RING, l*r. i-rl.t. r. VVITIIDI 1 T I:ATK4 ( II 4lt47|.! M4nT Jl 00?i 22. t-*M*ahMOO'' ' 4 44 italiou of i.atautml m'ult. i 1’"*^ *’*' I’‘^•X’!IS ^^ *^.t.k«k % M imp a the following siatemeiit in regard to tbe pn-seiit “!*’ I’.rCloinni.. Ip.m nD.iunati- i hUi uj-iler.. Pittrehi.. Sr7«u*l..^l bulk sf ps.kiu«ui£st us La.nut I9t r.rdvlwAV. a ’Ou.afdonofX^vd-ijat r Western Mi-souri fwpers report a r'.' ' r New T -tk. W '*H* TUkcIi * •'7 em iroiA on uoaru tL<* J-. wik-r *!»«;* t*« "f It' r> i»> im1 ^'' 'I’llF rtn III NKI t . NfVV raiaaiia 4 BidA**; u . U •initMrff t4. irub. $1 U»r aTrr*go r*o«l|.reoe^txniu-4 j K VM OVI Tltul Ci.viviKNATi, Nov. 17. V ear’s f t 5 ) ;^7 rwu- ?,.14 by 4r«||rieU thr Q.'H>.nt th.* I'aiteU 'taU-a. and IT ‘ y I., emigrat ioiiM overV' I lliebIJC Noble route; l i. to Faaada. aw4 I f %'< |i> '' 1 ...... I, fiil GRAUMAN S 11ii.lit. t?.sttliat se.',.* l,|,y,|,r*kt Mir- Afi4 r*uu, Th-iHiA*. bi*. II irt; fl itir. i4 I i-rl-rm.i.i II }-- AUCTlOlf-ROOM fall sm.w f.st ^*4ti*Kl. I , X 5 p^t. II r... lawvvlieavy tallfall &torof sh.i.ki. .salely ftiiJiC frvm 150 • ,-r R ^41 I brought tot shore, .\lionl lifly inon* re- 4 N-»Mlrd t «t# the WVat Iwdiee. R.t YUoSI> * lATTtN. *:» . A. .n»». l.r- s..,r»i M VKoftr > I “ tbe time of bis demiHor. ,...,- 1 . ll..- ;» it ro II MftSf. - — Iiab traiiBpirtnl in moil* V inattfTS. Lu cJepaiiuri* from Uip ian<*li *** ‘^‘*“ M. I hr III. J n WiMr; nn M IlAll.wt; f.) ..f r-on. in ...otkin .1 i.rLo\p. — — N«Hiiinc I .'t (' mainm^jii on au4 f * r *]iutt|4cr« b»4 ^i 4« 4a4 tk Iwr k»ma. I--, j board as di.spateh oct 2\ e-.J!? f.'MTth ativrt, !.• f.rirti I r. |I|. • this is preparing. *iu, J I U'W.ir4. >«»«itm*r4 'Up a Mari*; I iv, K « art'-r I 71 wlab.llr >ir sad vtilci l -t-rsot • r I f*Mi* si bpr , u aa 4 Utm •>oo«i,{jiatea .# soiftbn-at kio4* •• • s“'*i •• ^ la.o'ii.^ acoly .-• 1 1 . > <; ; *. .-'{-Ht .\ iM«r .1 oriwa'sod tad C*4a. •# tb* c.c...-Ti..i“;;o“s w'"- \S e can see the I 0 k M <’PI.'l.'«NATI AAlro ae Sr Ur. K > 144 ?*.11.,0 r..s ch.,.. igging rov eri'd with the bodic- MoMFY MaKNAT. Nv/T.. r.I 17,1. , M. • l.ir .‘ kt;/4 U4tl*. .i Winter: p.f.Js.vWv^-A V'>; 4 lUitilicrirer . 4l4|-TuB L**T |No GsaaTAST Tkii f.'iiNt Uus IMI Wfnnak ihr > i«o? 4 K 25 am or riisraot ik. W r»- Merioor* f»4c* r*«k.ri. Mwkoir I of‘'f thi'se who lasboil * matters arf* .jtuct. K»4 t*rn .xchaBr.* |•reB^l• M*ar T arto !*• U.emstliems' Iteslo Ihe rones and 4 w; e». llAji rd. I F. I I SC<>nc. I l>x, llu* Ixaiw*; third lecture to yomig men will be delivered in A raiB. 4 . 4 j A>* liutlA'i *'*’’***^'‘”’* PTtot,. " Uren;! dren'; total.total.' 3,i2x3,-*-’X prisons.pei sons. Theseriiese emigranlsemigrants **(l«*»r Li> Bi 4 llmr n>r. f»r L».k L>4«*. 114. ..* um. kl-siiBj' matter' ••P** 4 lattAalaBu* CLOWN. | „ t v. P|is. I )•«.. WAt< •« FUrk; Mi>. Ifrlnnn ’t. arv >|Ui« t an>i MsaiaiBr a mereI'ua^rAT^blua'urAl aa Al»s», u v ^ 2 A 5 4 40 14* Nv-s# lUtfioo « ibtW. blo*. RostovBosTox, Nov. 17.1 .. '*'**^7 witk>at Ihe Ivaat rr— blark >..1 Ckriat Ctiurcb to-morrow ev- brought withw ilh them 510 n.a.lroad wagons. 33311 spring A. »' RL!Itu. r3«-«.cV. Iloiitn'l;;. 4( J 4< * ttioU ineaBTeaicBee chaa/iar r>4 orhrht uitu: by Kev.J.tj r.V'is L.rr.'A 7 *V :A^tkV^ A4um> appvarAB t. Thi-ivarw aw failurv-e in tlv* tarrcautilv a,«;.m.4. rta.s.2 Ine wuie*. r«iM«**tii.r, ic I>A.\ j Uii*t«r. b»» kB»»u». ik.Bim.g 4 Krut » tu hair intc p«rakAii«nt xTT'^^'.'V•“•'''•*•'• were receivedved alat the CharlestownC harlestowrn Navy wagons,wagon*, and of . IH> cattle,catilc, y 7 no »r fftay a black br .wu. with >ai laja- KICK! x(.m Orders upwardsupward* 3333.0000 headheatl of |' that the w* ef IheIB |••ale|•ewle liaeh4v . oan«t.s( . . ?S«,. ” I 7 K Noetoft. puitjfft -Loan and (7aiu S. .- 1 III? ^ si* lir.fx VV, lt 1*..ta*. l1 4w. * hi> uioniiii^.Uiul lllllg, forI.R- th^t he lir’^ttirst time, it becamebocamp .a, Jj L «. MWn.u a Orii.-kl,i,ri«auKi)iI de.ju, xl— LxJm l.xiMr.xaa fmork II ^ Pvane aituand Rar-atos-a as .oon hnr^. an.l inole.i riBK er a.ataiaR the vkia. aa4 reUiaiac all the «>ri*taal *«• xnxifc-w-x. . 1 Yard t<* fit out tbe C^ vane*anc and Saratogaoaraiora as soon horses,oorM*s, an.laiiu mules,inuich. i *< 'staia* el . . . 1 * r i ,• ^ » . it i liiiun i.i i-*? iV'iknAi At./ i Swx a 9 uiu "’“•eo > to I'raclicablc’*^^*^**^*“*^ to launch**»‘“*‘ ** **»« . <;»»x xx4 P>... 1.. KxrixxCxXm vice i seats tha »*urf-boals, and the la- • commence at o cloea. ttie 1 .• All i •» 1 ' aa4xbwat*4 Mftai.-k»auftacaar-f4'f* thuth« hwir.kwir.••r. mmuvrrm aa> r4ia lin/wB. r4>a< U theUi« art -I C..a-C.sa- .sixi*«( l>T*»rr». 111-?*-*. I w o^m>. 41^ |">s'ooie. 3 *04 San llueu /aJitiwx.—. New VORK NuV J.17 pP ^M Lt»*o Jtktrti , . . . i iUe^o—Ihscontent— Ihtronint umuHCumuHg ihetht laJtam i>oj *’«, t»v. ~ of Uaii^ferriti*' T \Vim.tiu* i’i ta-s «»i». w«tkiu* t At-y; i .1 tho : its a 3 3 «(t kll pa’*M?nt;*‘rs from the ship | ^‘****’gr\‘«# ki if»etfi« >aihaih rff'f Uarvh.Marvh. I'M-(>32.(>52. ferMFtwnieF<»r Ml* wKf'lw*A)« Mouft. aiid Sddd. •xuk, »i:s-s- moxre to are free. Tlie public are inv iled. I I Jolt w.lk f^'***" m wMe^ale aa4iN«i r*re PranCOOl ,o«Mi ki Uw .rAsr of ’ _ wu , , . N*wVr. r'ili'lilV ad«lla.a.‘l.nd«n«; 'mIs. to-d’ar»-4ayufof ruu7UI no- * ... ‘ .ifson. am k.«xA lo kx x.lu s.lOml ClKilvNATi. . Ttie folltiwiri^ In**the to the i-mrxx CiMiNNATi. Aov.Nov. 17.Id. Tii^ following accountarcoiiiit of tbethe conditioncoiiiliUoii of shore was begun, and cairiod forvvard v»dtailat»>««d > yus s-y. MaiaMwia maadand4 Market.Harkot. dariagtii ir mf*^ xx-Ml Mirmttom ot axrriljr Lriid 4>o,. Butler county, IndianaIndians at tbethe I hbU— lihlo tf'VM fo •JtdUaa•3»4Uaa ii. t»w* it. floxl.m ' At yesterday,vesterday, TejunTejon is9 furnishedfurru.*’^bed the Los An*An- f«* a rman *- aad Ik. ^ c*. nm- _ i_ie-a u'm Ken by 'V', [ , f -a** lU t aakli. A P...— Chika Gi as* Ako VrAcn>WABr.** — ^'r ^ .Ilia t.. xlVoJ *1.10 Xkle. and hopes Sontliern .?.iai*i - itrifat .( i are entertained s? 37 . heat — ~ r Tr^p. \awruaa aail n^ ' that all th- survivors " H aa.1 torn am oacliansod. F '/a \rr». ! of the neww CoL^re^alionalCoi,gregat,o.i.l fork the towe’ Church, fnin r#a|e# *c^me^i*nrutir A Vo ^**T^**^ •> SUr:Star:‘ .'T: lUr.Vr.m. E*.' ,«.,,#* i» thit r »• X- n* . os.rr k«»,r m«.if«rtmk • * now “»>''»« RT HIUE»-l..a»drrmH.dHIUEM-S.i*^4rrMH*4 Hide.Ht4r* la aati fs>r*4l« by w».i. h w*. N.n, i »tate 4ft irinailiilijioii rt*M*ueil. ft f..; . < v; '*'«'~r»UX*»lM.f7i«bU,at»l2Ss..*l2,2 Ikef are reqiie«le !• Ui J. B. Bheridaii 4*clioii, fell board will be U .IhUi.trk** 7 1 *. w ’l.afMn k V."Tdi.2 4e, Uurkev.Uork.^. nV.tl.r*H.'ath. J ^* ** ' 'sai { course «w con«*«wiiI>.«« will V ATHra MiTUT -ft.iii uoTvirV willukelrn'm- .V -k par in i ortiers. N. Julies, , o .Sir mou.^ «< John C. ill.rko.uld. lei.liatt. Boek. 1 „-. r-.x itomi Oln. wliisWr uiflo i iu t«i.. y\ . ,i w W' llAA.m Tejon.Ti-jon. at the Indianiidi..n f... .ff„ la’ la... . .so,ar o - zrMUa^« S axl tkt l»X-n»a,lmmx andAnd inf o.01 ms us that niamailerslers a A,.d f,tty lives have Ucii lost hv t'liis distressing Ixxl^a Joum. m d wounding ten oUieis. one or two fa- 7I i.L,:'.'o.'b'.v u bs7 • l.irh 111 . y 4^«s- htt’i rv. vniivnoUT slV oxl"*** l«vmcu. ol ^bt.debts uue tbe late l.-m‘ W^kes Iroo 1* dall and irr. jnlir. \ I Vi K RRII.- w>U..m.-4 . TN- ,r of : < Reset In- taiuiiiio v... . iv; i |.igliiV'rmn'Tril'l^iron, l^meu K"-'' ration Are ill A sad condition; that the .liipwreclc. a rsw. m«is *iVvrtin'ton. ' t lias- I rf irenia . « iiaitf ..f «i4i^r4r4.?r " Joi.e, We have no lime to add full par- A e>a*ip. ! k .j>f1. rv-at la •otU JohnC. a wealtliv Welrhmai. ‘ aU "''j';bbl* V ..Jlxrv* Ma*kcr*l; tirp; is rs?. 1' irrou: n.lr.. order.Icr! .N>w Vuaa Mosrr Uiankr. I*. U. aad uratcTiAt ' 17. tr-oi *b« ... Btieridan, i o.. and aiM> due the presiont hrin. diaiis ar#»are leavingleavinir for thnrtheir hoiufs lu th**tin* niouii-iiiouii- BMBl «»wr4iaii>. atfli -f £a« • ..mo-* . ^ homes . le Ja 4„- A - m ticulai f.’ N.i...... i . » ?. 3 du By C. ' * r i /.». « ^ •• C. Spencer. i^ ^meraliy • • loAliTir and known ainoiig countryuien ^ • I* naeliaag.d. b* vo-lijr h- hu * i .1 i 1 .1 . .1 S*l tWf nlu.k,v. 42 do aiioles, stick* am i;uict— Vir,iniao'ssoS. 5cflu •kao*. kr* fr m M»wr agka^>d.x.i Uiuatniua l>ldin>.t>ldiu>. perwmpersonperMui in ****^'^\***< kiU X-'N-. 2 d"4- do*4'.; Special and on theihe plains, and that the m ; Nine .(tsil and Peremptory mildfti.it wiH«rill •-»! all article*wrtirir* of rhin«,. hint, queen*-qurfus- of theihc bodies, which were washedashorewashed ashore Jon ill. Hunt, < o; 1( an dale of a Large frlah<. Junii 4*KlTF2'duiIl?d kvV.7i'u*Lk,^'7l'ulb^iluuv a ’i12 Lal*^ ila^lia. I fumlK-rlaiidI'umtM-rlaiid ..alvat t‘n.I'.., 2,'. 2 *klu«/ii*kaloi . 27'., »,m ihrouchonttbrou^out thethr country.country 27 V rabWaI'anton l»,%.iSfU, Erie }.'>k Mi.Mi* h.^aahixaa 25ktuN..kilo N . 2.1 dodu do;4o; aad t 1 ‘ ' J.),, X ^ ' (im< m raia'a ,i ki«ii ebareecharge ourincduring Col.('ol. Henh-vHenh*v‘!iHenley'ss absenceabNcnce has no con- : I'lmvket.I’ls'li'i. •dv,»drr, order.or4er. • i4ar« to tS* >>.?*r l , i.f ....*;, ^ ialiiable u t I J M oh last iilirht,night, (he this >».« *5 Jramidram* l< .« 44-dd-V.ti: ij Stock of French Good-, ^ remained upon the beach moinuigmoi lung J^-utWras..utk.rn 1 . Read.R«a4.og4>**4, X.n. v.ivotralV. Central rj .Millinery wwre.midwarv and eullerycullefv for Imf.aMiftWiaM mowe, mlmi jara«r. ^ a, ?esS.'x. ’ - mofy^ * trol over the wild spiritsspirit.' that are aroundaroni.d bun.him. ivr p»no» iittiiut atPairafrom ,v. w Re«aiv*4 r«rstc4at«r F<>rt Ilcary aa4 f»r «4l<> b Goods, Nlw York, Nov. lo. , tincared for. They will be buried as so>n ai< orUaa* 4 i-ian d. j and Clothii g at Auction at*t store. XI ' W UlhKIIAftUT. commie...*commeuciiig on UhJa,to-day bishi. No. b“t the “uppliessupplies and gram are being wasteilwante.1 in... a possible. ON ?I.\TV DWs SXD lot bvg^. the a„,n|air. vaI thisthi, evening of the slii;*sl.i;. Agnes, KVnl.'irV'iV.^.V.i.'Ma^VVVV: T-Uce„ i. Srin «id .k*.v.e; Their Triiieipal Performing a M»XTH? « RRD|T ; Horses, ''lIlilKI .4* — f-ouiui str*-et.*’vr»*et. I Rhameful•‘‘Kneful manner. ''r»*:U a iin.i^i r.i: iiu»t ird; **»*’*•'>*»•••» fouitb a-, Rio j Consid*.Table a: *ug»r, E 12 j.gk, » h*> 4»24>. Mur raautv* r Moixi Me- we taveLave Janeiro datesdate* to the «’dthl’oiL of Scj>-S«*ii. amounts of money have been 2 i«\ 4«»* bbl* 4.1d . — - iIF T’J'*’ X-. a .••.|TTP WThf lx". ' X5 and tllTa. ;.^mber. B:ie import* that the U. b. ship Mas**- ^7“** Hbirb bai^^ wa.'-hed bbU old i*«. 4rh Uraui:."/ f rmlekr lvrr.?..7.7v'rj;.:2 k',^^^^^ Goldin Lower Cal ifamia.—iyou Juan Rami- Mox. r MAitra. Tie* mvurytiiL.uvj | ^ -TU mArk.tnurVat •watiaa««ttr•satiai.r. .tr ax*nt,a *' W' lao aii**i-4».W la •v-rsl-.taf tbal t.> lb* «*2 ^ n-ii lob' ..r iar.*. i v. bajr* LELAFE POPE t FO. aff-rtatoh traia- 44 v*4» tt<. tu I*'**’ > ; the -Jaib September, 01 •* and the sum> have been laikeii in chuige nru4a»4 25 c a i. jiacviaireuie a ./ follow .1^14 Mocf* Hi Al ^ \ new auestior’iia^ beeiifaif- 1 ^ * 1 / . 1 r* r i t*utbut \«r\y«-i t^uiet. cm * iw* s ? ^ U»r a . i*l« aaiMal. eoki Mw»« *io •*^<*•*44 ' ‘ Kxehaa^iaob thu Ewat 1 |*r«m. Tktl'lBcta- »ad M»4 4 will ai-f** «r I r»»k piaid a*4 *«»i|»d "" * '**“ “• " “ llaaaoc ffibki oj. but »>y respon?ible partie.. ^ ‘ * Capeiown. w a^ com,.e!!ed to return to ,H,rt o:!ioati i.kcritfr"mr'.:,of jry»t«rd»v, aaj«: L^R\NK I.F. I.APIE''- GAZETTE OF PAKI5, H»N- I*-*** **d M*U «f dariof *d Vn^in tb. ho^ Ldetrade. TI.^^.e d^o^,^oven «d ^ow ..eie AI | I 1 d* a. praiN-luI c<{u*:»trib4i Angeles Star aad Nxw York Fanhiuo* fne N«*.w»: otaf Cir- ' ^ FfVTi^ir « iu.klU«k c.r- f«r *n|« bj ^ oel44 ftt rV r a7 pTTa iv «ii6tt i.ii^hx. 7.i • hofpF a mee.iug Oweti • HoteNfes liral to e.sc.Aj*e. in REChllTS BV KAliaHOAD. cVun>eVuH' . uu. 75 (unkUMMk f Kau;awhw.Kaukwlai. 75:7^. VinrinMiVinrinui slidSlid k H4uk».4 uk>. [ ^ W’ilb the following items of news: Meet ashore on a H a7j*b r. H\GAN* * ro., MTMaiati 2 t ..Tk'uuL'JT^*^**** * •oio-'rwft Tru«tF*, ,J5 N*»|««rt >;sltft;i Fuad. 25; IoeUsoa • (1—50 foM Fair Rmbrui4«i«4 tbe prM«Mingi of which appear .‘-.iK.ther col- Ihe ship Conqueror, passenger. 4 Uader from Liveriujol, armed ' Gold has been discovered in large quaiilities " ?iULfVT iu“k7%TVV‘il.V27HJBatik*. 75; T«i.u«**t« b.iuk> llUDuull4uk T M P*'* •«ii lo For Novemberer. ** *^^ ^*^*‘" ^ a amipi *1 40 of her pa4seu- * S2 Ui** twtor, n(i iibti,; i I® wkirli iWv ebarpe tba packers ai*d kii- ' place named Lo» Maritii?; taese pj^cers I 3 ‘.V -’^l(lON> rocetrtd . ^ «• ’ , ^ aod uM rv**w ti uilv ••iz; wi u.l.* iM>r4 ^nd os-ntb-Mm .f .. ^ t p*» bua. <.aiiaffh. r* * •*. 2?> bU* ' entire voyaj^. paj-r Cr>mcy: 131 h*&. ja-.-k a. . i!en ill Ibe vovae^e *»’* Jlie *hlp (he sav*^ leaked so tm — iiakh. i»* — iKOIA • I ^ij jf N KI P. ^ ^^*^ *'* A M W «t**ra » lU. • o«s.;t -aos tLal b« av* oor«- la * th'‘ price head*. ^^ "***^**> *‘^** **'*‘*^*'-»* • ‘r ' eirr. rd»d rnc*^*** V S 'xatiaa — * vilb puttjf^ down of hoe" { *7 ikelroht. rW4 i badlv that he cherished iinVvnermtinu* of ir-t Iils\’l7l4un c \iAir 11 k*J F*mrtk *ir**t. 4aear*ar Market. Ab-.v.*zr«at ^ ^ w-Um B.S. 1 artih’o*. * «• ezpooo* kuhorG. aakbotho *oU*« Ml . wk-c RLoULARREoULAR j * , ^ MAIL PACKETAC a • KL *Le rainy »ea9 on »cl« in, they intend to recoin- ' Not. i:-« « jt ' . 7 _ • rotchmcid F.nu; 24 - . tL - -# At a. II \o^ IS* Hilb- c /4 IXLTftOIT, 15 , \ g , , mm hon Uoii — — |I*ek*dll> sct.ied,fU Dfteoit NovIko%. la. LohsW* f'fo* . 3R Par'* a M«. and lio* miwii |-L in I \ 4oeea %tm V- il* Ac fl r Th* tio* •tcamcr IlF.I.LR GoUiIXG. II. I J *32 krR* I’auat **.'• *4 tint l th« • the vara'ee d »• a tiiMtr-r. will 1«4T*4* ** rzaaire.i. . i«t« alMVe.^i' thu da>. i'i « Lead: r**«i*^ pe* Fairy •/tie*,i/ttreo and f«r lal* bjrkjr * i« lo ul it* •<*>f-arfaMal« of * elected in the fourth district. have*••**' been‘^.*'* '» di:fcoiirai;ed amiaiiu uiaiicaiJidbcarteued.irueu. Wlicuit ii# ii " 4 Wlb*a4. «.akzi*fi.g .ft jftrt ' Auiw^iukiiL-l.Hthiagt..Lija. I.Hth .1 V"* i M th- lou'clock *1# the- rite. ti> reach ibe Alber evtrcmiti' of that Durface. that he had brought ill near a pound m»t., at ioa elock A. M. •.r*!. \-.d 4«^>Wti.* dtofeUb . and n. aad tkhC OMiri -I - ***•••* «|Y,WI T AnAM:< k CO . ku n.mu- a*»i»rre l afttz, >at*t* V .ta >kieg« ***. ^ 1 i.jMn.141*.bur > ™ .. * ^ L llB rCQ U rcd tlie paksenifers to fn-uh. aa«*a««4 4F* 4i'l4>aiTb aava U«rd or to pcyaidcd aver Ljr ihat aaV-rnu ^ I * *4 i g- ,r*kl I . a ax , *f foa ^ . a. VoiiK,V m V f Uof-a-l F IkM « r oaf \. . P wcao Maia and n*«r. ^y, tfo4 a e- rke-iy # H-**- urte «mn.l. NiwNtw Yoar, Nov. lo.15. Kentucky “Is f.C. UAJUfAM,UASIl.VM, WalUt.Wsllit, e«inf i and Louisville Mutual Insu- ~ ft^r^athrw ar- all a«w California for ‘•‘'“'‘t Mvle* wftj . Th* WAshingtou corresimndei.t «[>«•. may hope DAN. RICE, Ww w .R'a rare.galarty of the Jouraal ^ taeii* j chance for the crew to work lauce Company. r> ra ui a wt xH 1 C4«« 2>«iop«r Idem, •'•lid rol >r* (Nn. 5): the >.bkiftrTtVaI?e^T^ For Memphis and New Orleans. Wh-t >ia« ia the kla'i*- nxa- ... Coo^jer. e •.•leg„,d.» as I d« do dr.. dt. do (No.Mc’fob.li); *oa*.a, e*4ed »* « •adorfsl pa|>iU. uwrw -u Roc»i*«d this dajr atid f >r «al* \.r ^ r- ’ — .Drj uuua, MW, ••isMkxa I i»7 J\MK>_L42M^*k U>.i'ty. J^Maioft4lv Maia at. oMaR AM* NoVi K. «k4«, ?«x — C 1,.., 1-..0,,,, A J^,7;~..rp:;'.i2;:;**.' >:as,i sr-a... n„tk„, » u ..a -^g^'tr„;tir.'x*7t;*J;.S * «ko*« arwlj i4v.*artad frato kat* ttt>n«Hl f«rtk*wi aa impernV .JCT ^ iu.a>s*>' •.Ikv ro-au .V|.|e.„a /-.i.t ?,W. ,.,»kv .. wax enurelt de. ro by lire on W edi.es- uji ;!Ist "" «) 1« eoUbrii* Thcirlat.>l at'kievt-m*- at i« • aiul«d .k kx.k a. 4 >*4 y..?t,-rday. The remoi.straner of Messrs. Mason Cuyler, came on the from the wreck of ,• f -** ; ,ie,.pi„g. }j,s orders, when he had been ap- bssiiam M SU LU llaaUtiMii Molaai**; ^1: J _-rtX^ U. .VMlWe'xxr. - 25 >u(4r-lloo«« d<>, 1..W la Ewl irol>K DE LA GLOUC. and Bu- hanan was rudely repuHed. The insult tlie steamship V ankee Blade. Owing to a very ‘iio I'-xol * f l'o*l*^r»r.wr..,f ihi.ou, kbU ferMl*»U krk* day raghu The«:igin of the tre is at'Tibuted prised of the dangt r. were to keei. the shit, on xrc-u. Ji _ _ _ n I. Al>.AM.*ACO. i«rfurm*d by a.- oiKer artiitos la ih« oanatry. aad wHwk « a By 3. G. Henry ft « roughro-q;.. sea tog.;, weather,e....e. . notliiiqr..o-i.i.q; iiiii. theuie way» ay Tu^uinbia, and Florence. Co. , m-a w *was" »l*P*reiitly.pj«rc.iuy designeducs.guco andanu preiiiediUled.preiueuiiaieu. aim fogey ' ,ueii,c way she wwasas then going. SomeSouie of l,u,i... ,. .1... — iwr tbcBi tk« rttioeaf N- rtU tio. toteincdwliAriee.incetwliarie* j the crew .ud h. m -.JJiu .» i. ix.urmxm i.i' 14 tbo api«UaUoa of j (I . o, TUrti4eli4lu-draitp*hxA0,:er*V'4ttvr ATLA.N- 4- .SALE of recovering the tieasure was done. 1 he only - r. .|i.,..,d. l•„l,.l. .,„u.?l THE OF THE SEaSON. ,ave.l. | (3ran.}o««rarx..,ormri«riwi! GI Jl I v, „. V-... X--., ,t : ' *“*'*”' *^''^*4-' 5- THE ANT GGLEK'4. AituiA UU lUlh 75 hhd* .A . 4 1. i^OROr; * 1^^ " $lo.iM»i ' uia.k left to tell where the Yankee Blade was J tV 'Vs^' Mr. I>4n. Kirr ha* cvaecawd fw* tim* to Worth «• The ship was loaded with I'KK) or WX) tons of 75 ba(« Ki-m oftu*; a »k«rt permit of Fresh and Dsirmxle New Ae»n IX- i - T .1 rr v -. 1, .. .i. ^ f *r tiei or |.oMag« 4|.{«ljr uo lhj«rd tw J^Rev H . H . Lvart-? w HI -oel.ve, the sec- Wm. North, the author and poet, committed wrecked are a few spars. (jr 25 do f.Moajira C..fT*«; MK J. ^11«•U.> Style Winter chalk, and the remainder of the cargo is w“‘i!is STBu art. PrmiJ.st. Clothing, Otter, lilk j hard- BA5IIAM. 75 kr;ri AM.irt^ Nailji; Pluxh ’ J*". 4 - Wrimaiawith Mr K*M«t.>a « Tmnp,'. to ^ theyouniriulhCj^UlCld'tt^ar. B air. Serr.tai^. ^n5 add epUador and Fine l*<-tui^ ‘ dS^ Cloth oud Ol iw*^ri«*®f to Uu- York -aramlof . 12 iHP. Caps, and \\w J .ium.r<..l h^K* r«l - Kit Shiru , H'orr.*r4.4«Mo< (rllhaarv t« th« .-raat calortaiamrsatB kjr bU Trf’'na,*o< * * , | *“>xTra->rdibar. l*TrUpto.e*i»* f rr aath, *ryU, g, . AT Vfl Wftiuui& j-^i B*pUst CAurrh toHftoiToo (Sun- — * FftAMis-io, Utl. >L Wc bear that the life-morUr once 5cut a line 1.. I F ft: l\Nl'HA\CF. packet TIOX. 1 J* 25 LLU Wlut* 24u|ar*;hr*; roli ST. idOl iH. i*I* etar*alar* aadd for saleaaie WVbv aad dariaa whirb Mr. ^bx41• al< 4e« la tko wkwl* prof-mtea o>> «#-X Vn -r.lM Hxxtx>, a. .Ixx, ;-;e'e-...er,o,,i.,,.Lo,,.u.^ Til* r>. L. A ro. U»kx W ft. *pl> odM *t«4tni>r F.URV Ql'EEN. J. V. ADAMS Third *t.. brcw. Uf. .,suroi«:Yi"i."j'; flRN.., mA4t«-r. will leave a.« abnr* thi* «a Main aad H au .nil Trs?t r.. \ fwt.^ d.»v •ittsxrrdella iIm^ ImIi ioht., at w’cl<.rk, IU A. M. N Tt E-D\r f vr ah*4d* attiv applF ub tward *r to MDRMMG. %mw n. At ii .-,w-a I { ‘ O •gll, at Aaetk. a-r-.ma. .* ni'' 4 rarr F urta «treata . BARHAM,HVSH.V V, wn.Wall ...»t. .2 JIJ ^ Ma*a "a-;* '“Ta"'* ''lIV' al%ra« aad v«ry uvirable iav.4.»..f irmmh sIThas not been — 7 du M«a4%.M«a Wih^ jarw. have returns of Uie Congress.oi-1 ionx* — a* a*! ^“^‘|::fl^o*‘port Philip -1^’ - For Eastport, Tuscumbia.bia, and Florence.Florence, d> a., ruu ao a*; * i*;. irrk';;i-,7i.Tr,:arG:r. Hte •‘"•'y ''o J'>'Hfication of ^ -r-z... elerUoa in (he third dixlnct for some of . 1 >*‘P‘- The * u'i.rw.,.'l. ,.r liii.iaKl . K.V. p.„, - v—ii. k.-- cleared Oct. JO—Ju tons i-oUtnes. , 1 ,;,,. t]'* Rue vteamer R A V IlcariiKKr, aaatt-r* **? ^5 rinadW rAfMmrm %m4 'sMUrt cuiiiltict x[ ssdxw m-x imi> cri-i-xr.-d u,iu.utvii»ei.xt th«tixiu,oiKr> „ IkhMismAimla; I . 1 * .* las iiilcawiig the vesselei Will Iravt alMiveun R««»«vca iwr »t«am*r lluroa .Mai X , 1 . Y 1 c ,1 beforeoeioic laklii'?laaiup a* •n NaiurJatNaturvlat . thvthu l9thlath .m.,.ut., alat and for sal* bj Sa^r brown aad blaek «Vtbt»^«r-i gles. 25.iaai feet limber, lit) m. ,.,f U., si,.. , iu,ond ili. tTozart Hall. e*u, hewn feet luin- , r .i , ? . i by >.xr. l*m- . »Mji |u..Vl.. I,. k 4 0 K*4ra ^r wa, black, mcaMues for the salely ol las passengers. titrY-Foivr'l ADAMS ami drab IVcnhaa* mium?.sumfib i-nvni.|:i>i«.utm.s.iTr.i v«rly.hxiivtarly, hali y.xilv,yearly, i r ala iM.ii.tf her;ber- value x7 075 ..r.m.ruriy.•|u*rUrlya fur fr iglit ur A»aAg« a)r|4y <•» tward or to Blue r-‘t vei for r fusing to iiernut the revenue oflice -s value S*.075. j aud Maak-t Mr. Harbiaoo. The cause of the l’««loL ‘>fof the 'ilM p.,s_se..geisnisseno-eis niphl. te-r ritr^and «-X(flanaUpD«, with all furth. r tafur* Tb* fablic are r**u«e 30-1 ’ Fnarv < acmau-ra aad • ' Viiawt Frw-k m br ird ill* vex.?«l wli.le coming up th* Imrbo To Melbourne,Melbourne.’ nerper ba.k KmilvEm.lv Miner-i:.Miner-j-lTi ;:*ViLa:;*'';it»-a. ff- h (civeu at my ulfiec. J. W. BUEUEN, X3lAXXOl3.AX*c3.*S l'»ai gale struck Dark fancy 4 aa»:t*er. |*aut*i'v*a«. the vessel, Capt. n^rl7 jutf Agttat.i*^ Fifth iir-et M\I)\>IK ROSA HE VRIES, tOB? poteJloes, .)i2 bdi;« barlev, <»3 4I 0 . c : bin. Iftbt week. wheat. -1 m r .1 1 1 l x Ho AI.AIIa D.bILY LINE Lar^r (lothin^ and Kumixhin? Storr. Hap*r k D>- «kta *ad 'uib d»; - I -ce-ll ’<•• i | ••a h*7r fakc the -**•• .a,r uaftir> tx> The Legislature of Aikansas met an the uar 0 . pr.^r hrr -t* i< 4 Aarj. ' bbl.s. -.’JU acTwr LN da k m »*d. a*a bla*b .aana**. Me-srs. H. I. 4. S. J. Ibbotson.cxteiisive do. oats, 5uodo. bran. 75 butler. The Firemen's UEsi'Ei' TFI'LI.V laferm the ft ablie that Xt»T a.>lltD,f raai^ki^a- hard- Insurance Company lam tw F.ir«i|»>. will g.T ft c;R \ N D FAKl t'ONi 1 . .. *"halrhes”ui)oirtl'iein*\'!e^thinkiic^ Hiat WELL KU Ri«b« a»bo;«r* 4*«b^ hv-aftted V- .t.; I at I oar. >r Mil iuol.. Slid orgaiiir.ed by th" election Hon. ” uF I'Vll.l.t. LOUISVILLE AND ST. LOUIS, a tNitgRtoar, but aelltag aa a* thuae « bu L»ai*-Ul«- a r ah at v*ahgr 23. In',4. -* : N of «w;oe merchants of Hits city, were arrested yes- half do. do.. 41 hbls. rice. IX.OIO Icet lumber. Lot Hlsek 4 as'imrrv «-d 4:14 . .. • are aelliug atrosr. would be able to work oH the shin OJtet 9A tkt toriAtrrtf rtfrut^ n/ V'lin #»<| ttretU, THE M'LENDID ,>TEAMERn . ; . Ml- mil be a«*i«ta hy MARTIN L.AZARt, Wall I , iv**-'* Rich >iik aad K1u-k 4,. >-r«Uy tO cs chairs, 00 do. se.dl.t/ |.owMers; talue I in r*e«-i|>t I B. C Harlev.of Dallas cowiity. Presuieiit of Hi" charged with havr.ig obUined tsl.'.iaai MMNcTu’ua. the abu\* lia« will re- irjU am wecklv ef addith-a* t > lay •ta.<-k Ywuwill f r . -luvr *«*irabA* 1 Tl.rtt j J W>;barar>*ty .f P. .W.-'I'he New Era's mail-bags )il*a»e give Webiaa ' their re;;alar trip* on tb* RrjtdBifiliaHiM& me a call and vatiafy wur(Fiv»« that lar In n G. .M. < hapinau.also 5'-i,l-">- i x K.V rri*. J. W. Haifa*, y « rd u a hardwaie merchant, , I Btj.alc. am: Hon. Isaxiuei Mitchell, of Aikaiisas reenvere.l si,,l hronali) o,. al..sr» n*euf waGr, 7*.“ ^:ll Jac«»b KellfT. {b. leavlo^ L>tUU4iU* every day at 11 a'aluck, A. M,, 4.i;<). KI.A.XCHAKD. ' riaxk, xxg |hy effort is now being made with the large r't*k< fraudulent represeiiUUuns. ; I.. Thtv gaw bail F.. A. Jiirr, lA.O. aud St. UI. evi-ry day at 4 o ehn-k, I*. M. •7 497 Maia *t.. betwera Third aud F -arth. Braanta, i II \u,o„g' ‘n,,. pa.passengerssi ngers savedsated is•= \V•• ui.-o- Van\• an _ i“|I.D — W r .^awx Rxil Wx-fex rxa.r-.|.|rt.. ctMiu-yasc.Hiu as npeaaef or HiCUK- House Ttiei.ie message ' Wm" i Sfieaker of ^ WU1>KV I y II.j wheat-growers of our Stale to charterchai ter a clippe j. .J. H. Ilttl«lim-n, \V. If. NUKTH EKN EK il>.w.|.r«Mar«), Caul. Faller. SilOjnO. 'ey I Davidmo. i ’ g,-wr wak'-xka-.., 1 ^ V 1*4) • X.I p u M UK 01 DEK ED > H .AW raar* 5*4 vtubfGHierea Sbaw!i 9 bbU •I'lwr Wbiakr. I W3 Aear- ••Id: -k^ix., ' 1 *. .41 wo>>;», ,-eer Urv. Tii.f*. J SOt'THKKNEK -preMaro),Cact. X. il. JuaeS, j f-t,,, Martin, I ' '’.1 l> *td«ai. ba>vre b. taio of ttie Governor waswras ilehteredondelirered on the 7lh.7lli. It is I . I shill her with I'Kt.lRHlI'Kt.lRNl 4 ill entry ia?'de aad d*a>r«>t* ^ ship and load bushels of whea - .• i i t received thi* day and f»r uaU by bble th ••rl^-a Wbisky. Eiorr brand fur i* , , «ak ,d i’- , ,i- n .. II 1> ('.•m;>auy r atiDu. it take rt*k* ub FA>Hlo.S,i art.t haruh. br vi>. ItuiUiar*. «tael.» mi ! n7 ’ t ^VME> l.4)\V k t o.. 4IH Main »t. 44 J Mo\k>. .96 Msii • **-laiii Parleybarley for your city. Many farmers li.ire M TchAudies ttutl .(I.. -j.- rtj. OkV.'TAL l»ALA4 Ks4 ai.t. W*. J. KvUftU. - -. r j.r axatnitt • '‘ot A«A -y lengthylengtliy aataad we have not yet\et found time( line t<.to ti ooxusron iw ..ittURaai.:tiu R •l»’>lh<; sso.a..e...d sr IMKE, Sil. t'atterlia. *• alrcadv come into the irrangenmil,arraiigemenl. and .agreed.-.greed r'""’,''. "'r*^ V’L.VDKII.S— u- BExgy i >. I U'e are hx..ne lo n.eel r:ao I) p,a.,..ex , a . Mr , h, | Wc are hanpy to meet Mr! Geo. D. P, entice. TEf.F.GKAl'Il Nu.2,1 apt. Erwia. 1 g..;gise auTperu-aLa peru-aL b-h, ilnherh^ ex;[urtle‘ o/ e.*;::)!-: 1 raM Newiag Silk: New Books. *'"»• nt. of their crops-lhe freight 1 For freinbl or itaaeac* ly ua bxard or to : api be distinguished editor of tbe Louisville Journal, yrsterday^ 5 ea-tf* r.Bf1i4>t PriQto (raacie*); TheI he tototalal imniberimn.ber saved, outo.il of thehe ^ C. Loal*rille bushelshel will be about .'Hk:., ' BA>HAM. Aaeat. 1 ). which }«r or savsa\ Ii 5 Fie<‘«<^)lk Ye*ttog: A. “Uf city, few since. 5(^., , MANSFI Kl-l a davs We understand W. '• )\s whole niimberiiumbor of 411)4 ! i» perFoiispersons onOil boanl .at.'ll theIhc Falls CityC Insurance UW'VEK. Agent. St. L«*ai*. I all ««**' *f tbe Ui«o«*ry wf tb* *«(«•••< >Awl >a aad l.? »-rr»^. CT-Ueanrmdebt.dto.Mr.J.M.»*>U' u- <1 M I M Duncann a.-l:.,..jul , lafiirh at^ nr...kA*it Vaiv VakrL Company. c»e w ol t-riated I>e Ijiine: r VMIIIi", VKI.r 4 .nlerttl. ' •7/“"'*: i'. D- Sauli'v. m. :ub«r »l ’-tw reai tt:*l*. <,«a h- to e«ie„d hi, vmt among us to I-;. i*i 4>®^7;rt.llC.nort!.»iaeoBcx.-.i.ris.,. Maiti*tr-gt.oirf,-fl*iWL’ ttUTiUeUoUl, I cave H*ll X M •ody** Patent Tbr^tal; I b ia udiWd bf “ *. i* Ume of H.nfsarter^disaslci, ir>;)x three of llietl "'"m*';kg ill G>..« « ?. oektll .-kr.r:. f xl 'h whom i:mng r*‘cs? >* thought,* leaveleal e 1 DiAr^iii x?, < ut.,s M line 1 rave Kuwaid D* \A arr.-». W itb mai «. 2 rvli. iJm-' Oiilfilliiii; ^ will a small^luai margin lor.ifor xi iKt,5ixthai>j > rixtii, iii^. l>e Hegp; Um- odicer* of the Fanny Bullitt aiwl L. A several weeks. i . s« La>uj*v k v. iM.vblik.hiariil. ' , *f c-ar '^ 1 bale Xugru Blankets; THE KO'F i»F THE P\K.-oNA(.E. aa Idyl wi lie same time, lulp our uw u ‘‘p uautekedi aWTal Ai-nv-w. of w hku $15...ooo is FOR CINoINNATI, Mr. Prentice .• one of tlio.. '“'P /•*. a J‘T G Awi. for river favors. men, who in a » ‘‘Sr^aVnii /V;.V:;^:,IrToVlockaV. x\t *V theIhvn taid .and >ti i kkd. 3 O’CUn I'. Received thU day aad for *al« by |J — 4 o cluck H^^^tins inorningmormiii; AT E. M. R7 1‘- Cun tin Ur to iiisure M-rchaudiM*, «t-»ck, fT*-!* The nucRutf i»**w hrh'.-drnKeieamer*hgh'.-draKeieamer* JAMFS UiW*I.f»W *h (4’W..U.. 4IHMsia«t4IH Maia«t sea hud tjoiie tlowii suliiriHiitly to onaliahl** w»f fT'-* tax frT-'rr'*r-' u... i “ ftc.x '» * ... a.?*iu»t li.— wtx*a oarnod ••u St«?am- J G.AZKI., Mu*m M l.«»Haa ras»u»r; * \ - 7 1 s y v •*t iTh- 1 a iv:** wi* » %I’i — TT »>• ‘H l,>_ I r»x. rxult.a tku .l.i boats th live, aud at -lj o’clock Mr. \V ardell - WKJK b.*t.-..r.!lior r—a l., rii.'r,Uke, JSaS™i*Jxa U A N?fl El.l), Wad.-. ni»I. CiTAllen a.4 L-wis Young, charge.! wiH. t.ve tradeTe past ten days. •H'.laV- ~-a.>7 j ' - rul.rt,..r axj ..n nj »ft. Miuax/. I h^lt went**;.,? V^/ r tkt U. Hie 7 o'clor! , * j » « i - I , the U4k rtf J.A IL. LOWmv *40.. 4l« Mala at. [ caudle.s, of i.khl- «,kur« tlk* e»mmorv-i;xl w -rM; air- s>ainvt i2d fr.m the .Mail Line oat f....i kx!..app:ng a free colored w-smai. from fieorge- -n,„ visit All kinds of orovisioi.s. liquor.s, tr.. Whirl of Third ativet. hn to Arkaimas, and U.e or- i one llUtldl ed and^ thirtythirty-live-live personspev.-ons wereCr«' safSUf<‘lsafely"ly Il -jm-o-jc*-« Ild'.UI'ii;;:li .11, :,f..r«if ‘s^Sif.ttDlxiaUSU'-tmlsixlx J V sadxad otlkur g.-lgi*>d TuSseU;t,.,.!/; aU-al. acatustxaauiat l Forl*or tr«‘i*htorIr-i.I.V or ;/auaaepaasage aepl.vat plv <>n"I, board «rur to pofwl protitf^to Uie iinporter,«. I wt ^ cftsionof it1 % i« *o vn«-ii Iiiiirn ^y**^*”^^ L-esby lircuu BaiUiug«aodBuiUiug*aod MerchaudiacMerchAudi*tai»d 4 .A - I Hosxa' *4t Aberdcet. * wHI timH thatluat is19 eiiaoieu i * ureuu and l*r»pfr-.j-rty.rty, mayiHdifmaylHdtf F. (Vakteh.KTEK. .r.>r. NcwNew Brussels, '-#14. Paate. coiomitled hrur viubiwl I U»»ti. Lftve be«ii al , toLO . Third andWau^riu.and WaUv lU. 3-ply.3-ply, and Ingrain Carpets * -mM T-ot# ObiOf i-l * 1 . 1 er» Un«i»*d,Un»i»*d,land*‘d, notwith^tandiii);liotWlthstaiidiliKliotAVlUlstanUilit; a hrawll4*avvlieaVV rollingTolrollinffdliiiff surisnrisurl | l'*f \v'V:i.rl^ u he^hM ied There i.s ever) pros- Rccisivttd tliii Ok- riiiag at tb*t'ar|-«t Warcbea*u *f U«ce-vv-J br 'IIIKr- AM* Ho-a|KRY l iudire for himself of ~ | zad fT tale ^ the characlcr and qualilv of ^ «tftn4 trial. and theu,h sea almost wnconrt^constantlyi-uvij breakinguiGujim^ A L(i)«a aadd Ma-Maalift >Kirw. a»s to Cb^ir s.C. V ^ijt* . Ai»7 M-i» *a aad ay ' lUttv will lie »• BF.Nr. 4 4» al^Ab -.lafth ’ that a clipper ship . i»eof)lr.|»eop|r. pect soon loadedloduru >%iuiwilli s Maif BdoriiuitS^ Lin# Dl VALL. k . ^4 rii*b^r--hin« our biukrroKs. I Nh I r>rt**-r ailkn>4« j K--bert Beatty. Ao. 519 Main alrteG opposite B*ink K*nlurktf. ' am « <^4: kats aNI»4 af^ not in ti. Aftau- all Uie living the VE .v q-- of .akk-v were taken from wreck wl7. E.‘ 'i”adT,' li.'^rn^'aD'l,H. .\. Daa»**aDil, kornixo''/^t"h g/jT;— , ** ^ received tb. ‘ ** ^**“* ^otlomaVet?. .arn. /au., ..a xi xo.. ?,« clock. ftBdiKKa Al*'E I moruiag a large aad »uf>erb *«a>rtaivBi "f ^'« vVi ; jaiar, llnd;. f..rJ. 4'hai.I'liaa. S" ! search were made boanl for the dead. U. .ArmvT'hgxvnnvr.nf. AL50: on 'r If tb( aUve articUv. iadiv|wa»aU« f«ir tb* enmrertv »f 4 . il »aea if y« I’ol.L-ARD.iH.iiim, PKaTilCR.Mua-riiVB * AMITH.*mi<*u 4 ravate. -.-i. bom*, oar .lock i. avsw e,>i»FleiriB lb* lvll**iag A have already brought on Louisville Marine ‘^•,1 '•rti...... _. — iixai.ari.a,».<.r. and Fire Insurance AKUiii(»(rr4'ftri.«ti: atjlb 4«i»Ma4*»t. Th.?. »u at. 1 tra.-i, aud awiiirat boaia oa tb. lir," wax agrtMMoi .nt lialt rivei ye?Grd«y and shore, and we iindersta-id there are at least m w ~ — r«r.'?,rrr;.v.r‘‘''- A-^OiupauyCnmnanv . Kiival W ||t••bilt<-b VelreCvelret 4'arprtt.4'arprt». EocliehEoslieh ! hi hit tO l.asteni miller- »jH-ciineiistH-Cllnells :riiwAU>ra..rii eiAuir*. TWy1 iwry aresrft oroUlkednmieikea lain «tricA aad .taterieaa.d.taterieaa.C fair 2 of Call-tali- *1- a emet aeewrdeac*aeewrueac* withwitti thetlM aumngknmne^uxuii bothImll, protiUblenrot.l.hl. x .,,1 .J..,..., . XV all i 1 r aud pleaxant ,wp„tytwenty or thirty more rtillstill on ojir# *r«T th* star* ir.if-,* l<*w <'iiBir«(ii«nU of tbetb* iWiardIbiard oft.f *m OCR S *7"va... ^ steauibi du do dv>; f>rt* w« r^mj*' ». aud call offer There are circumstance- in .Mr. Prentice's " ^teau.b.*tat UA^tor*l«.«Mtor* w ih«v«rvtbiugih«v«rytbiug that iti«ar«:th*#afetyufiavarv th* #afety uf I ua)-d ii eu v Tnikk.. , I "homwhom are cutcat ai.J l'abr.Uxx,rxM.. and mangledinaiurled iu the mostblioc'kini:inortslioi-kii.g , , c i rwrasn;. _ I leotL A. I>* „Thie l**«paay eotilino«* t* rlvk* no lavdrnvrra.»*drngrr». Tn*»y » do do 2 yly do; m- ato at wi*4«*aU aad n tail Crow and improve, not- i ^ uk* k*no j TWy arverv e*e»ri-d* e»nd by ex|.«rutKwd,ex|>«niO'Td» carefal, aud : career, in'innor disconnected with iiolitics, ! that endear inanncrx,nap„p,. »r.;uc* •« t aud 3>4 time#*)* Stair Ful.l. '•'xsnti.n, ^ «>f M. amlwat* aad Vv*»Vc»- w«tl-kow«fll-kn--* a men.men, aad QoO'* 2t-ruHt ru will be th?i*«rth?,*«r du; \KD FHATlirK. t^MlTlI. -;i . ' *F*r«7daFar^d to reader I x.flx». SB,2Lx...k- withstanding the various ehecKs and hindrances x.wk,.., c. rx., ,f Pal , _.i ... ,i._ , 4' (• Vlai.) •{ >'(e VaiEs Mr. T. ! 3-4. Tool H. ^, t-4 piata twiIK-4 I al iAb p,- -omr -Id -t r,„„, The De fe— him to U8, fri>m eumf^>rtable who uiay i>atruQiic them. aud aad A'eaetiaa Carpets^ . i»i St*varal of tlie wouifii are 50 compleUdy ex- j j Axmineur, 4 b«-aiU*. aad Tafted Ko^«. A’ . ilaixd ft*r-T’.r->Ue'htiekcU to St.Loui* bytheExrrvM : D. Ga«»*V0x.«..... \iiex* Upon •.he polUiral questions Hail Liar . , . Uae genUenaiily agentof Moiioue of iIm dtv, we ! v'l t. D« 1 locr. hausted an to lender it reinovu ,Ad«laide "rilE MEDli VL NEW ASH for ; I , , iinpussihle to irau»|nTtkii. >n liaildirg*^ Mercliandi*c,aad Ftiruitorv fursialtuu bisard Ma*«. fte. , LWMINF.K D< * -4o*( 9 D laep. re< and wftrrhon>«^K ure almost * r* m ~ lav It* Che i| eeial atteatioa of all porchra' 1 r«^*tv<-d i-y «“«"«*>.*«'> ‘he distinguish,^ edi- at pif*sfiil but lh» aie well taken caie of. 1“*»'T damagt by Fir« abia I'aaeagv. Muele. tad Roome laeXadcd. ftlfWe j Gaetaoo A Ur«o aud Iroup.-, arrived u, thm c.tv laxi nigh' from ; ' i ; „„™ y 4'o.. u4}V> C H AG.AN «( nominal e .i, are.,r^tl withvviui pricfs ciirn'iit a year » p*nug nod lioUM Furatahiag G->otle to am •zabti* A bC Mats. \x 774 Uxi. .twi. “f 'he Journal, prascToRv. abia F^vmage fr-.m LuauvilU- tn AThocliag «kl ; VMW... but as i .. . a man -wared by a iiuuih*T l.uid^^d M**veral liave dieil, ** “ ** ** ..aKufc,. Jx. »i..k.. foil * a... her«s ThrtmavH. liaat, Any-ivaa Grtv, *• FiUnbarg...... •t»*k. a* It affords u* ul< a4>tre at all timtN t.> *v Oneag#. Madaioe i)e \. l.ax met w.tJi u- * d ,'jU ** .lua#e<.>..-..wii.w.«.oww.w..klv.l ^ < buaep-l- UMlrtl- , high of honor and morality, we -hall e'ver ^ ' A. Uneluiuau, W*. J. LitKleii^rfctf Ibtok ** ** *• US..I h*«inw». Iff “•al: i ami, prol»a!)ly, Ihf* WlttTchftg.^ 1 EVERVIumV W ANTI V, MATS ANDrA!’-- j others will dn* from eH’ertsof ("r.‘^ixV..'‘v^‘'j,' ftVtr.12--vr.i,: •. “ ** ** ** r. ..r,. . the S. . '•mitli, Jni. Viifi •'* .-ua. .. ,, K U.-rnee, I bounded succeas in every ei*T m the West which accord to him I Flttuburg . lei ^al) nULAKD, FMATHKH. k ^MITII. MS Ua l->X.t.r«. Inp.,tx. I our cordial and high respect. **‘**‘*‘ IK.,.,., _ | I hani.-hip' dm in^ the pd-st thirty-six 4’. *»‘»» •* »>-•» ‘I* A II. I. W.7. I.ASnisu— xIM.Idc tVh. rf b «ut ch. r'.'ut''irf Tt,rriiVtrc.t, »H Th»y are •rtiiae g re xt bargaiue. al'AV- 0‘i. - mttntlis v**s i I for i "vA.:reh'»u-'•'"’h'-u-. ? HiXllin* rt ’* i,i v ci | » '•;*!* x-1 first to xx..,.*., •he has vikited during her present tour. Her Iottlc li/o:,. . - hours. G. W. MERXW'ETllKK»I*re«ldcnt. h-r.fr.isUt will lvr,o,i.. xtxllbosr.. cVil'i'.r-l'xrf-r. -..-i x... is-a I ^nr«‘lla•IMg 7 . 1.. r* *"* *•**li.nk -f k*.tu. clevvift-r*, „ .t “‘•\W I .. Vttdra^ :*eri.pToft!iii.i:*Uiii'-ri. <7.0.:,..,j. i w*t.iii.Llu.t wii*uiulUi.l •.. WM.Si! It ATs *r 1 ..I - tim and N< \ k( tkMi ritv will. L pie®eiAene,,e« onoii Tliio^iaATl,..,?dxvinii.MiaA 1 / *. l•4Alplie^l k I.R..XI.. I >»r** 5? i* r.all I U aai»«fa.li ».« tlw . Iti*.a»..f tf4>o, aru !»«*in^ il-y •• •: \XnilRX-. a Ariaa- 1 mg 'al"‘ > ““P — BarffaiiiK ^ h/ilks Cioakft. Meri -^.Hea-t vi«ma,c4 w# are •IMug f .p $,i **.l $4 HviKlK., , is now marl-,- level with the ?ca. Hi-rspars still I Orcat « 25 U-«M »4-. . ult s. w Vlb» -ad*. aa«' j.d at tbiv |da-’- a«d Uw- u ad* r•••s'-•?*!- ‘ 'll ED .VKDK V, or the Jc*mU K«-veuge, a to W •man i-oli.aru i-RvrHKR.*?Ririi. esemn^ iieMt. eiLlmr w;**tv**i 'ii.- inxfd; many hav»* ht*t*n i»4*r- . i...,’./ ! ‘ . . -i xua f..r ,xi. Embroideries, ; 57 ix-,i ' i.y &c. ir. th iH>u*lf. :<-r I* y«a aiid . Smith, rcc- tbe b->#i U:- u h *|-|>rwci*ii«a >»f ; hy A. li .AtMV y->ar cLftTM*x«r m a {-• | t’ *, i i ie2ljah{ k KKO.« V9 Third el. * I l*ii ii. ^ora*i>*t. )••trt*4—*a|i vf»> old hulks and otht*:- store->hips hav** also, to a RLE I5e.#e>a).alf gullo j«w|-.rkl,.Jo.rr.»,r„d..a n FIR_I^« RV. KER.wS«. V,-. . j — i.t - ‘ are gratified to aniiounre a beiii-Gt to : Lf:si. .< adf-. jXorci*d their contenU* »Uid are . 11 . 4 u, *a*» -ewiS r* -tiw-»t * |!«•n*a^r, at Ba«arty day, m<*t **.*«( xa-xii. V <»LrME6tb Bancritft't ntsdMrv >.f i) fxobriel Ravel, tbe inimitable favorite of the ifut t .. u*4 cTi;'I hr, isamad *- traare. If nf .frtxi,..,.,. uxAi.r v , mettiar >•** aroauv)truant now lyin'; einply at their aiichora:;e. AlUUVALxSAlUUVALi' AT THE HOTELS. Wanted. „ f...i, rr^.i... tt / =.*.». G<*t>i. * hrfv itwy Iu4-^ •—4-ial aad m •mutiBiatritiBiktr ' ^ t nUN W ALL ft I.U»» SH STiK 4>F HF V 1.1 ( I niglit an- : feel at all saiijjuine to IX>L1SVXLLEixji ibVXLLE HOTEL- Kiav k AkNou>. ARES OF TH E CAPITAL K aCjAb NT. Dl A . k n. *' whole world. Th* selection* of (iw -i. in regard a !r,.,|aVk"-utmuai v*7iOi'}*mtk y-m. |iftr».raall- . j Nebnitka. The Ilixturr, — — t kvniutky. H. A Kauaa^ aud , G •grmphieal amitu-s . ‘ ' DUME3NIL i • * a k-tx-i ' »--»r<.ii.»viCiVsvur ^>74tv»-a.iGs«*». I lie- Mrable, and trade must he dormant for DrGwui alt •i*«* tr>m*'^"‘Tthe < ribV lo tbe larse*t eiird m f m' wonxmtfi r. aut^fritief.aut^uTitiev. *init lied !*Blaak«t**'‘***' j nt»|>tu»|> frumtrunk UxCUxc Ut. 14ak H D-!iitlr, A’ . . ,, »n«*e*vor te Kawzou * Bae-n *JL*’in ***h Sta'a-s. oikI ALU( RT IMEK. *' N *<'btwell 1 ifn »t S«a. ur Fud. Frleat**. and \ a I A'kF.RKI.- <• A'lM lui..' d • » j fie. l> DaM.lA, j wl a V..ui r-«* r -f the Me**. I nt.jAb lUNT, M'Y Al I.. A TO. di t>M*I.M* N... M.i.lXo-;a»Si.,x. «IX, N.. Uoti uf Vurii* irvsw llu: liis-B—k VENiMiN — We are n.-w re- , xMM d< 3 \ATt* M lekervl: np>*u. M«tM<| AV I I one where the pantonioie is accompa- J. n LLATr*^. Our tnarknls continue to be most abundantly \v u lu A IVvWr*. \ I V the only i 4' lerti-D of U H I Tilt 'inyFf-* im| .iui..u; cunU Dlu* * * a eeiviag dailY *oiue . f the t»nr-.i .'•J lot* Ne 1 dw d- IH Mt'.XII kcuftrdl 1‘ai K ll.dtiHNxiN. r , H supplied with fiuit— apples, pears, and j;rape>, iHifnlar S u^*. Du tiv.Gl«-*.< ••, Ac . « ithmuai'-tuiaaKed naddli* wf Veuiv.ii and wh.>le New Medical Books. Jail retvkVt d la *l-r* a»d fur iale by I | j[ At ^ Eiigtish piece. »'. j G Mxnu. \ V B ed by speahiqg. Gabriel, in an j 'Tii.i.aa i:m . l'rta<-. - fui Uts Volt*. Flute, A't*Iiu, nnd lK:«r that have ever koui to thi*«^iiliM r EIG.<4 0X CHILDIIKD FKVKK^.oiiih Nai GAIT A\0 UR.-^O the latter in great profu-ioti and choice quah- t j < ain ii.a II A I of 1 Kip. Hafl.tl* i D. XiLKTK.AKD. Brtwe. the ranees, is suflicient >•- Tie lUri^Klim. or UieDiveof hue fat i^ttAiU, Gr uev, l>o<'k* ul ail Yam with maefa-favored Miss F ; M . Ibrinb-D ty, retailing at T2\c. jwr pound. aafi^u*! t» tl»« Jetu-A « Ueveafc. Wto-dcifk. >‘ i he .*«Uideut# t«f hi* .da**, by hir.i.V' Fr-4. Ar«len, ."iiir*', 4 Dlirel>). E.^bbit#, *ud in fart all d<-lua- drwMvd 4'barle* D Mf/x. M Ca|»ital Il4»iel ami Kewiaiirant. I TJ D...|.-t,d>'i j I |i:lED IIEHRlNt.-drt l.iTTtX R(u*k Ntv 9. 1X54. I cMfeaii.r ef Advvutuoof a UtlUt i;ir1. cit'v aud all »'lid*. can alway* b« obta’ued, eit^r raw, ci>uke' n Midwiferv and the Di-vaf >V>.s -ft.iBtl -rti.w *t to bare a bumper. J J Boy-, Va N risracr of Thud and t;^ 2^s•ll atre* x. I wi'h a*ar- the t>> ! GENTuarvunr« iiarbfba-nr* la^iftYiutiualUtiua a pub Orliaila,*rtti*M«x)caD'.KrV.Bd«> orwtltrrwiae. at our Uitstauraot Ms.licalt’-llere, Fhiladel» Ma. etv uri I *• S' Holliii. Fftorth, Xanhi J < liruiiOfcaD, N V . ll^F are s->« rvceiTia/ daily frv*i. -WU i»y»«cr* fmm N • . 1 t.. ix-Lxir Eltsh 4)N I •*; [ Tl.e Celestiii* will also ap|iear >-r ca-r.* Mr .^ix .f th.-Mix-x. .1 JuMt received aud fer tale by ? RINT.GOM), Biykh AV.AI.KEH A 4 0MMERFOED. Pw.Fvi*t.t*- M THE TK Kl aTr*-nt :« u \ cute and 4 hr*a ic celesbal Franck The Money Kxcitement is ChicAtm.—The I \\ b» .l-airaM- I- s K . lU T clr. Tin Tv 1'-rk *x|>rcM. •euetc‘1 fn^ *W meat 0.10 r..,.. Fir- .rk^. x»l Ux.l,r M 4 - I . js«. rv#ivi*-i.t aud UMeiui-led at l.itCr K>s(-k. accept it j I uarth AtrAiet, Main. Divcaeee wf the N« *k rtf the I'trruf; W 1 ^ u-nr iliu*tratrd with . aaiuer>iM ..a •• re I t*> iad are f la-l 1 - i- »• ••« re. r r|-ieii.l. Hoyt. u* .t J -Ik , _ P»chi«ft. 4.. N V T N Y ( •"!, n,!sr p4ra*dr« titc tail* l..r*ale plate*. . ul rtd asd piain < des wm r- it? fr iu fart thfti I recugua* aai*a« I IRON— Uw ly by liarlcd D. in a oew pas, called tbe Pa* BouqucG. Tribune of TuPSdaA' HAVSl J>IG M«>«<. M D. l?mmA ** ab.jn la:itly •uppiird «'t’»’< ^ ^ J D Hart lu>l J \V (‘ulh w.v) . kiv \WSD\ marks-t. 4>«r K««tAar,4B* i«m am • th->r^4- ef tU m-at dutiuguiatied men "f leiih tU- Mvmi ^ a I'ARKKK 4»N >Yi;iUUTir Dl-l ” '/MM DffoFS »*) lU R -I. Urns.. | A>l>-rU • Mud^m ? ‘ -V . * • >.. #. Vli.R grow fat. rv^ lath' av • AA Id t.aio*-. *a«-b *• V ai-*>a AA A M J4tu- I' J -liu-vii, Ey Laugh and ; » bin* « f * ! M •* Tlie benefit takes place to-nigbt, and il is tbe re.i|> i».rxi |.xr- ^ 4a meet - Trratmcai -f '‘yi*h»l«»U | rtm«ry , ff a«d Voaiilatiam Drup-jwBt rex*,*«'**^*^’^4^- **v*m •*. , YesterdayVesterdsA' morninir tlie ! ^nd l-i" ». morning Merchants* and M« Jj \A*\a* ^fuith A y,f. 5kN 11ii SI) 1 ; tr II. T nu »AlK NOVEMBER rt;a*iTtfd aad for ' »u| ply h»*»d lrrafm*-aiof t •••*tnuti..nal aa4 » .••land IffTStn i x~x:>. >taxil«. li r. -»i «*a TUer»dM \'ANKFE NOTION.-^ / KEEN lllDK»-.\ 11 / alwa>**n rv, ewmpvuins the Wtnonnkmtoom...}"' • «raadf*reaUluw by *«ew*ft,FH»«ady. . w xj a y • . 1 .'•hrAdvr. OA»eti»b ./A t Pit KLLl.FR . method: with asmerwa* ^*e Fiah. 'ln»hT» m«. Ae i M ( «ue««»elUeal*C*af«ct*Mvaa4 . *<-av M*>o. t.KuRGE IL PRENTirE. thereby creating considerable excitement 0 alwa.v* 6od Ft . and \ \ * ^'!.;/ J W.Ift. I'hiJ.t 'ILALLoW— A * { ply -.a From . 0 H i*arker. -anre-wa t> tb* qaeca * Ho«piUl. KirmiaKhaa. ,^1 'MiaF TbiaSwapi* partieularly 4- *iO‘‘'i ",'* > M.wdre. | tMl.oKlDK _x3B. Wm. E. C. due. SuUwe.):. and vstbvte I ~ Fi2.tr'r* Mi.» i,. r..a, Natciisi 1 H >uii(b, >aa Fruucivc- one—Come all! rewritten D'Dd«>n cditN>n. * - 'hir*l •{Oalttiee f r.- * anxiety among its bill holderi and depositors.. Come, ihe aad entirely ( thfjj '.oilet and uur»ry a* n# >r ivud*na< W. r.UiTi Twy*. A*. JoHK R. AlXEN. In I Tomm,. KEkH^NATIOD or Do. — ' *** SfHu»i«r, rbila Triaei- •' K tS'i* Tb* 1 have their elevated and re- ON THE 'KEI.ETUN A N D TEFTH— skin *mf tiw. n, • K L lAcir »lDd* iup|ilied with u. M>>*br*. bft«ide-e Witia aa *v? -i* a*ft Carpeting the Ust Lexuigtoa paper* appear some resolu- \\ ftueii. | f.T *aleb> JAfOlt KF.Ix LFH. It a^d I >< . .. -i • I (• 1>V 4,'om- m.u mi-W (VMVuixh.v,^ Ul*4'B. Vt i t® »nd Banking Co.ni.anv, of Dalton. Georgia, •iiirit'F cheered by racy Lutumvll. k. , .a ^11 Jwj a *.*- tFram-r«- I'uraGsaettr. v,N-v. ul13.1 I u. , •r-Tr^,. Goods Ml* M« Hurt, MaUfurdi 4 O.’S Honk*t'>r«. No. * *alr hy 4 1 '• A W Mam \ N .V» bb!i in *tore aud f r |‘*r*tive Aaatrtmy,” Ac. l'4r*»1*by IlKl.L. Ei*RiN'«(AN. A M . turnstions ad^tedadopted by Ui*tiie bimrdboard ofoc directorsdirector* ofor the ^ •* . a- y-. redeeming agency in H.js ciU wa8 the call ear^^ | N LB>‘ 4»IL—

    Ifurri* ; AxoTHfft KowRow GesmanivKKMAN J" J!2Mr* nlr’rt:*k f.f,' do w'lixre they may kml th- m -at peiivral a*aurtm*ut JA4'<»B KELI.KR- Hri'ciYed andfor*ai«bj '•^•iftOi «iv4e Market. U«vWe> a Thir-t Bftvl Faarih it*. S”TXI W .llx. » . Among theTHE »trv•** excite- . i. rt.x. x -x B-i- 507flOlNxiilt.Main f,*st.NY.Ixiplervi KeatackyhbCfttvicky LuaaUcLunatic A-ylum,Asylum, at a meeti.^tmeetiiig Mechanics Bank. 1 he o -taisaiard and M iaeellune<>a* k*. N*v«la, Mafasiae*. and I Aijkh C. IlACsANn.VC.VX' AS CO.. olk s._T„es. —The cougregaUoncongregation of tbethe GermanGormau CaUi- W J P..C V 1 1 Wind. of the tiue*t I S"-li« ^ •ataOuuery I r..l-. Tx..!?. lx.,.tr2 i'*^***^^®^*! rumor of the kloee*. «r<-**c*. aad Be*d^ fuf ! Bracvleti. Nf by ,( d, i for illift Kofiteftiber8^»teftiber Ust,iaat, which re»oluGon^re*olut40ft^ acceptftcrept tl*etide oheolic church in WuMWfM ClicaI’lica again Mgnalnredsignalized il-it- V**T Mr- llaUiUiiiiaiiiug r. 1 ,.*4 A. H AGAN A PRO.. »» Third *t. w a Y-ts.li vt: *I V AVDOFAIFK IETG4N»D:— braad. aad «ok , I Mt**-htx*ltxMl22.U<2r.v^, - »>->l H'- 'V «> « -f.-r. i-a:.-. M.-,Ml-. .i.m...r.iUllia.t J -al. lxS| WH EAT. Wl T.I.E. A W II EAT. RF.M R4)B!N^0N. A ro ! El. W^e.,“u'uJ;. Ittl-’-Ifl-lU *«ff**lf .vextetdayvexteiday by another exT.ledexcited aceneace.H- of dix- ‘‘‘"fT*;"" ^fl-c^l' W T-" V.',;.'|'f ur V x=ttl Ul.."- r«?^Urc-ignatioa4Hi of DrDr. JohnJobt. RR. AllenAllen, osa* eupcriiiten-.uDcrinten- i j tbr former of whirl, is con- Chambers's Journal. E.S'ixX... Vi..tt«J-.i;^’7*r«>*x*iW. .iWEX'S UOTEl-w R.o.rs .! MEN r-- M. diral -'tuDat* i. «a»ii-x- , ‘"‘I''-ordei. lun.ult, andaxsault.“>»“>*- TheIT^- ebureb edifice .-WIS.H Ml LI.-W. sr. thi. J.y .x Mcii.t 17 €tt„ -.i« l^>Ei TINi; IN-TUF i . .1 . T,' ,. nmr.- . 1 a- - ei-. , , HI AMBER*- ’5 Jonnial f*r Oei«Wf. ala a n*w cupt Ivff 17xWi 1'rmlTlf.a'nlh’ 7JTTT, l wiK •applied vitb tU* deiitof«ient ul Uiatimditutiot,.that uiNtitutiot»« (to take effect Oct. 1st)IsL) • . . . . ,i Merchants and Mechanics r..e?-, ,.„ •f Di-^ecUiiiS la*imiuttat« Aad a* !' U ' ' received aud for *alv brby tbe arent*.a/*nr». Mxrkc. .... > i *(fc.a '•a*ia<'»>**.a. C liavepurchavcd ‘lir el ff'in tW mABUie- W*t ia*trum«-au . f thi* i«ft«rip BKfiAA’N A ( KL'MI*, i^._k - i.'d 'nie** X *«da w# 3-4. Oud It 1x4 qiytiUt.-,ii. Ky.t 4 IA.tk V -a#r lOft f . withw.lb etJ-oogrtJ-oag eaprie»pr.*?ioiiss>ioos of regret ai4and th"th- inoktmost aA w\A u„ii.Hullo k, vVenip* i.* 11 tb«m !• a.i BELL ROUlNSnV, A man a^ vulgarvulirar audand disgraceful row. ’ Sw itiorload. aa-l l«dff* uttr*clT«* k ...... 1 ..1 . „ J o23 bAJ ^4 Fourth *%.. arnr Marae *t Gall. | Telveiaadxvam^l*^ *TF**'*c: J N Biicuaiiaii, >i-'D'y^ illv forfur lal* bb) »* *am« article coa be bad fr-maay i«- * > AF—38't)0 Uxt*b«xt* N ..•. I1 aad 2i"»2i"> boxtbuxtt *• T"iDtT"il*-tTM»l-tSaapSaap . ealrr* a*ehc*p tW x.s c.ttx,. de-ided tertimony lo bw patient kiiKlness. un- _ SulemenU of tbe aflair vary but shghHy, t-.d TAA Br-vwii. du Sxwixi. ‘.b„it^fH^ H.rt^ fOKNAVALl.roKNAVALl. A BKo.BKO. porttax kuttiv la the evuatry j j ‘a i H lu.we'*, llerru lBhure NeYY Books! New Books! • ro., Main *t. weariF# artcatuMartcauoei, ana peat prof«»s.ot*I ability _ _ JAMES LOAV A 4U Banks, and we advise all bill liolders to be cau- ? w J II Wl.l,>r.». tl.. -- EVREn VRUEN.-rtli. Jximf. RiTvm.. Hy xotli.r — - f 'lit A— 25Ualf kWiUkIwiU : av ouapw»d«r lorlur *nD by 'F AT'*’ F4M»T 4HL ia*t4-r« aiul r*aD ^y ' U t.rv I YU* alter I TaV e^. '.amms' tt. Vtt. I URO.URo. 5-1 duiea Lia«a, a** 'rUd .lUoiiUe*..lUaiiUe*. RoBIN'O.N*. A ' il: tbe *ix -M KHiar. Gr r.(ct4>wu' " ?**' 1.0* ied. OUad*.<»rtlw Mxiit-an'* DaueVter. By W*m. I.iau Tidbtll. \ir\ I r HI^KY—H l271.27 rOKNAV.ALL * BRU. earraa d p’lre. f. r *ile by BELL. ROUINmiN. A 4'0. Udv. : : ; ~ llelUad Gib. 1 *ffer a.3 — H. G 1 N— pi{>«* pure FV*»r ', ; I di ke id land 4 Hl-^.tK. atithi,ir of :T~; Z77~Z 7 ' AdYebiune -f a lUUet Girl. By Falc-mbridjc*, /ai.EAK/ ’41.EAK .''IDKS-SIDKS-5i»,MiUlU Urg* heavy . Uar Si.lce ia *t«re I' ,4^.^^ A.ZANONE. ^ I, T mbie «>ti4 f M*rV..' “Life iu (W Fruirie IxUiid,' Av. -sEl.l. Dl Ni - - •*L»fe Dab 1/ amlfr*al*byamlf.r*al«by |.27l RI A AN . ! _ Bulbous Roots. b ^ 1 , etch SUir id*. VA suitsuii * < # 11 , n>y X e muwrstai.aunuerstaiid luaituai meor wvawas ueciaeuaeciuea iwilast : . • i i r *, Juatrecvivudaud fur tol« by ’ gbo.W Suxtt. r hr Chicago Slate in a cartl pubiishixl in the pa- W.C Hit* x> The od fnhrr*havt' jw»t r*r iv.-d. fr m th-- r l1 P*r«M* Iw woAt if BeueeauM «*t Ri*ambx.at Vyw^ .. * ^ ‘“•"J’ o-njAb <\ HAGAN A 4*-a*. lu H«.H«;- Gauds WiU Aftd it w iBairiatcmM *a«wB entire coufidefice 1 Tubacce f*r *sale by Caipeting, Floor Oil-Cloths, and Curtain I pv^riaf that city that th^' have land, ths-irg 4 Dwiv b Bwlb«. *mUa«u V BITE ft ffftAUd. *dberenU, furlherojore tliat the pa- DIINI’-AN i aual *upr>J aud The Jesuit’s Revenge. »i7ftJ7 Rr.sSEI.L A ^ Goods. la.u •tx.S i tirt f ilowiwi rts.fii II •ciaiho.d-abUoa*! al* 4** Mom >mw w*at ftoah Lewm^V. the stock secured baukv of Uiinois, and pai- ! of tb^ St. Society, Friday, was E. .Smilli, in on 2 -. hy I rade Jowph's E-r.F.n ARIIEV. «rth« Jr.aic. R..,b J. , , .ni--lOU.o ia«ter* aad Dtrealcby ams *’2,<0U »apuri«r »a.ar-cartd V-"'. -1 r«li|*. * \’.nm lmi*rixl. Lihwm*. 4><«*. F lyxa J ll-irJtarl!., r i:*>|., auli.ur • f Harry A*ht4.B, Miaui* Gray, Ac. Fncc . hi tiiainph over ihcir ^uccc^^. On that occasion N V || 27 Kl SSEI.L A DI NVAN. H I r K A S M x\ L L ll.a«, \ar*i* w* Ji-a<|«iu In*. Gla<'i«iis. a<- tirularlr tho»e iu Chicago, and that they w ill , H Biilu-, 5ucea»*. - J BuiliU Fw«r«h. • * FIEl.DF.K A JACK. «1>9 Wain elx, bciwrca Third aud rw**« Bulb* .«r iM aa rd- r. aad wiil b« *»ld la pork:. th^-v boTe thc baiiiief about which the contention *• Al.I.KT by FaIcv abrid<«;. Ki4«.« sal# t) ^ a *ok tix,^.. Kx.#-«t.eaff^.a 1 .V liv 4iU)» (!• m N Haudv,IfaudY <'|iarlv»i ADVFNTrRE.< OF A B Gl RL, l)t»|'Foff 'uiOe>sili KaadalF* pateat machiac for *. < c-MiUnue to receive luen a> neretofore. . i •wpcri.Ta*- a*t»' 4 v»rieti«* f ^ _ , -% 1 ii fmfn* >.\9ll-roKI>_5U eeiU 12-thrm.i U«mp ^*#b-i.rd. — c iasutiagiff Fricrd -xfol 4«u**. mbrowtu* dtff*r«at * — i FuraishiaaGwal*. Ml»s ..II. tiu 1 el ol.l ,N D A. or the M* aican's Dauebur, a Tab. ot th Mexican 1 Isurtmratuf arpeUoflaad Tiibune.liiDune.oiof liiurMlay,luurMiay, sayhsay^ that isle uy M AV.I J 11 t./ tli**« rg'iiuat tkea*. Th* Chicago j,rie;.t, who>e indigTialionindigrialioii was unmoasunmoafured.iired. 11 »wiaeer)eer) •ayerwranit:*.eoyeriur krticl*. laia*t..ret-ir* aad f r 25 cask* piaU aad auart* fur ealc by A'clvvk 4'arpetiafl; •Nl*UKTON 1H>N IDKTEK— superb Wilt»a akd j| A r. B-.t a:... i*i J I V.A R\M. PITKIN. A -27 roRSWAl.L UR4L 4*; os’VSwJId ageogv ther « I tbi* muiaiuj aad T r ealebr IIjJ 27 A Rich Kidd<’WiB*VrTa|>«*try OtcOTe waneyweney antewie lioe aU «ibMded.ibMJed. TheThe) V*V*-terday-terday uiorniiqrtnorniiq: he api>ear*dapjieart d before hi?^ W L,u.’. ; i::u-.D.e Mi»v S U Keectved f | da; ^ • V BROWN A CRFMP. Rtchd-C-Td Bru**«l* congregaUoi, abo'iMlie hour for Ihe morning ex- \loi. v:x?E? .vxn ?IRIJ - a- 4 I H flaw J N LyI* ATID'W ftl < n\N\N A rw erbicb was diserwittod, bas neve; ] oftt F.*ttrlh *U. near Mmrkct._ V*lv*i. Tai-estry. aad BniM*U ^uirl'an’«nSi SAX*S£t.LXOJSI. Fi«a Bonk, K B l;aaxK. O * I Woud j bAj 84 '* **’ j i *'* I *up«r d *; Mlllua fl wv r*,-« ud*. t my Geww* at uxrya to b, gill. Olid told Imperial 3-ply aad 2-ply AM new / kHNEK W4\TKZ^Pv*r Bv * .. . > Ul* OkiMuiblage tljkt fi’ W B li.u..ii*. u. 'b. tVvrd.Yl DAAtoalJ a morh-d r . 4ia T».x Mxrtt4i.nl Mx- ^ S’ it* soecie. Tlie Merchants' and Me ^ * aud2-ply d* : pri-r* a r«w nxT* ..vlt 4 , l l ai 'a hue. roK F • c«'a*ed to frmjDay .b. 1 S Kuhvcil, d'l J l.itli T*|-’*iry litrraia. I LawieviUo, Ky.. *eat W la fv«>m * ir lauoit ^ ' W « ^ tli#Te w ere Uiievcfr aiid hars in the house, and im-bi,i*>t itt^.HiiSa.ar-Huuc MuU<*e*; The arpet VVaieluuise, ta. DR. S HYDROPIPER, d«>: < f .:eu4* at •ah wiU eaii aad rtetive ) GEOOHEGAN and Guttua ^rebopsT* mv 4'0 favorable stalemeul of ^ K 11 lit. \\ *t Fat R W luBami-Y. du ('otb'fi chaiu. Ilrtup. AND W lltl'UANVN A Faoitics' Bonk publub a not coitscienUoiisly witli Mom street, opposite the Btink of Kentucky. the <;kF.AT ci ke F4JR 4-4 Vcactiaa d». igeiHl* ec th.** will b* ei'ld ou th<-:t' » . >wat could proceed T J ll. Wtit-f#^ ;*>•, 1.XH • $t>. S^. aad vul i7 aH 'to- BuliiU W n a- bx ('4>. RLG.'t MATS. p*i u'o4 taJvbte.1 u m«wU ba«* . > moke imBa^x» i;-’, i x i-inp; t..r >f a» t)ualii aad kiad. r avm«at er their oceuaabtt Wilt poo* laia head* a* M ABra'v. MaY.vi E K ^tu:ut, Ma-li» u oysp-nsia, Of *T*ry d*ueriptu a. » , Hj; Fever. Costiveness, indigestion, >* 1- RAFHAkL Steomd Imporintton FmU Goodk, He then wilbdrew. wberao|.on there began a ' ' \A Ae. tsi'a f *r -Juctu «. a3 bAj of visox la card not to sacrifice tb- itole* F Ncvili.m Uur- iu M riiii.yri.i Ky I I RTAIN M AT ERIALS, LINENS. *y i-TMine a J; J; J- \ ud all ItUraere ef lUc Hie««rh, Giver, aa* Re«rU. Tari-vl Tim* at uf I Flwafte. I a**. Gwodw. WaatWo. THaB»U*«ie. Koe- i D Ku-k. Ky J M Hrr. aud Damask*; a»4 xR a 1 a*, a a s*. x,^ genofal figtit. the pnrNt > friends startmg to nog ift«tftr*aud fer»ai«by 1,251 E J martin k CO. W Satia d* l.aia*: WureUd cx alue ^rrufula aud all I iMpurlllre ef lk«* Bl«e*. ’ .re Ml 1 I bbU ab-ia-.xlrx jatt r.-ei—a ax4fu- . I* I UxM.rittx. in that Stole, ox they ' D W lud I f L'i>t Tw III iMOTIf'4 ri*nTxl V W \TFHI AI.S.41 ke 4'urUio*. vl.otR— V f-. on any of the bonk- >‘ - - A J Mur CAM LX.^tHL-^ LOTHS4. 4 LRTAIN M \TF.RI Ac,. l.ac* aad MuiDo and rastoiit the crfend.ugcrfendiug disciplesofdisc'plesof Si.St. Joseph.Joseph*: rpm^ ,* a.raud a.»i»tautf Diflctiua aadap.rf..t*ub»tD I I A MiHc-r. ( Napkiai.tuil l>>ilKt; bj U FEKul 50S A -OS aU Tab!* l.iaea. T> rcury la Liv*r Fumplaiau and r -• ^ f secured by and Uiey uaturallv defending lliem-elves. and, a.- (_'*.» b-4. ff-i. atxd 12-4 Barii^lcy >h*«tiak; I . ^^1^ waCima v f t*k# lodte* W « neb oail vmnod oirivai a| i>*w (••rit;* lit turu| e aad the l aiGd Stata?*. aud aotuu* vrbicb ni4> 4 < hill* I j l»ill* m •iiifn*-*. It aUu cure* and Fwv*r. c*i>« K-l, aad 13-4 • uttuo du. 4^*i’iL.T. GMAFiu< 4 ik 4. kr«rAi4jTvt‘».5 Wcarc nov UBvi p4tt«ri4tt striftly yrivat* and - aiirely aew. d-4, U-4. . . nearly as possible, putting back biow for blow. ( pn* b« f alar« i2u>s>i»« u»«d aad failed. tKKiT B\Ri.\i\s' I Steambisif. sttt'vri r Bed. aad 5a« 4'rik Blaak*ti; 6Rt\T BiRbUNS! par.-ij t. all •rdrn iu iv< ry *tY Ic f rtraiturc AXMINSTKK AND K4>VAL VELVET^. It i« a auc MiuiuUut and Tuaie fur torpid aud dvkilitatcd -Y«>t only 'be «»en inauled each oUier, but some F- at aboot tbe oiU'l th*. tmbrrtdm*evwTye*mpl*m, aad. •• •wra*Taa**»eaf a»-p*r» I | Fluor cent, less Coat* IHTW’ f- Anderoo#, E-q., of Boyle countv, MVa o.''^ embrseiud l-%tr*t aud mo*t desirable varietkcs, seUiited cx- eeu*titmi4>a*. Hats aud Caps 50 per than : ^ f lb aiufl rale*; 4 aad 16-4 Fluur DrurflaU: ft ct*d f •* Fv' vl V la* ff—d* fr»*w t b* bftwi o* eutoft a* ! — 10 • ««• _» 1 m. ea a.,, tt.* ..ttj a- X imbibed the bpirit of the bcene ta*t«, harmUsaia m ^ ^ • 'Of the women . — — fur city trade. Tb- upch U*vuit to the mild and iuoc-, u A » swm^ e> xx,^- X.X prewsD r iff H- odY - cverY -dt ta turn* * read.* a- atiwwoce* himself a coailidato for Cungress lo * rouiKKP rHOTuuRxrua. SbuVcU aad T»a#«. fn«bJ« mav mly ope* twdta* i» owr bowe* all U* auWwk- \ 4 - M i.i-si-EK-iwr .ix.k ..< i .|.r-ii.xs.x*. ..u. i v, tl-B. it* power i* e’lualte ike m-it |K.tcutdrne. « ^ . BRIS-^EI.**. I t^o. > TAFK>TRV AND *are at fry L.fc *i*t i.Baet ...from $5i' te $D* . Th* aWv* f'sed* hav* b*x*a purchoovd with " ;.U« «,i- .mmml.aUiy .fio, tha.r rtati m .-'crTola and all imiaintic* uf lb* Bluea it ecrUiul; I i'—- c..mbiniar in variety ..fpaitcru. aad eolwr* tbe mrtitdi.tingut ''u Ea*t-’rn c-^»t r -r ud'bij na* iKD‘S-K/TIIEK V ^MITH. the I oorth dtouict. ;^*sh, . *. atid w ill b* u.ld at a •tnall odvanr* j, ,a,j that one female atlempted to slab a ; u.«ua*uxnox'utttt.*'"^’ Gabiurt »ix*. rxtra fr I^IU to c-jnal. ' rric* m uff-^'ed IB thi* market. bo* B’-ver bad aa ever ». w dealer*. UlTF. A em{>aaiv* *ocb euti le V i ' scixsors, failiiq- which $2»» lu &4u. |s|\- '^INiBAi 0-2St'bua*a 5 lamp ToAwa# »a ei*vw i 'er by man with a pair of to do ' THKKK-FI.A ingraintvfeaiv anXX' lY ^vrvPTixv r'xni’t'T^ tff V' U E lH» N«*T Wl-H TO RI M <\ C M. -rtK Of Ol R m , Ihat I hY*iciku* fe'cl fre* t* prescrib* aud pati*uu t* n*c U. Miaiature »ue tu P -- -'.Iviiwt t A RtW-ON. fruu $10 $25. i.f .Ycry arodf. variety, anl style. Tug.tbvr witU an unrl- mllMai* and r ip« tl «u 1 -.ur uld sian*- wbru v>a*- SrcAMaoaT Notices. Tne steamers Atlanta she pUnted a blow from a Yiolently projM“lled yv.n i.i. they are doiny with aubuuadvl oor. -*. b-tb m S» r#fu- •amN*ai.ra ft.w* I’lE.Vt 11 .VN1> < IIERRV BR.VXUT— aft r .r.a r bd .erm.'U'. w bt.**n iboa •» m • * Roa a ' valcd a«»'.rtBi4’Bl uf will a»w n« s«m^« E.«.r. R..: rL«i\ r.toTutiRAFiis. la sad DY*|tial 'f cask. wK-|-*wI« — - 1 "* 1 bbU ..H iflerrd lu th-» V wiUd ei ^ Raves, ore advertised to leave for Tennessee 4*ab;iut«if t-UE C'ly, $5: dai-li'-atrSy $I *‘1* '•'***-• will he pOtttaav tu port f th* ^•.«vr • »eat free ef any - . .• x- 1 mintrhUt, which ' -Jx*lbx t*'***^ 1. Enilxs. ,r...rinx.v. >nd Att.ricx. i.Uable *..,1 iXJl.I.ARn, I-RATUER. A«M1II1. H H-> el* Id ix.Bufxctur-4 n,;D*. ii'n.r.niBi.ailx*,:i.Mveramcat Java; Miuiuture •!»« .-uc c- $,'.. daplDate*. R.VVMOXK A 1 -ATtAx. i;.u.r.l As«i.. j > Mxia !.. i-.xxllx -.1. tto..S I ix« frattrtxMttt UuASr-c a«r IW .Ix by rtrer Unday. su Lt.Xre KT<.abd Riu,lOu, U. all climate* and adapt*.! iu*T*ry use. *t uliitb Ux m*lter. 5U Wee or-aud a’».ai 74 Fourth I .ai»*iHc | d^-stierAte App**aranc# upon ihe "f tbe .Te i'lc'ure* I f i w# N. B. Auy ab ta:i be madu «iUit-r fr. a la vtvre aavi f >r.>r *olcc by E J . M A KTIN A <'f> 4 I'KTAIN M aTKRIA1.«. > » ja t re- • tv*d aad f*r oala • I BBVXUIES- It*' bbU .ar-rax. Tti^ B^lle Gohiing and Fairy lea\e fo-r tim* were parted at la«t. however, y lif«-. frotu »!ut ur VVRR L’Ull R— rombaUnU tiSS 4'«racr(-mraer Fir»trir»i aud Maia -U ; :ua*. fr -m da unri' pca aud. a* tuey ar> Ru'h Ureea^clU. ha’in d* l.aiaCM. W rsted Danavks. Lae* 4R ALMOxNU^Ml boam maur’ai ftaww Harpers* Magazine for NoVCmbcr F •'• '•>»«•«•: n. FERGl ft I t I tl--* . t artoia*.urtaiu*. l4>»i, Pra|<*- X ^ I tak> a by a pr >r±.*« similar t‘i dxra> rroti i i.y. perfr-ct audaudEmbr..id«TedEtnbri V ED and * S 4u Ba.«ac. * alJAb ' ' X ^n^vR-^.aw.,..,u..k..x....u^^^ rtee,rsxto audmixd all tbeirtheir appeoda^rs.um>enJa.frs. IC . va. *• c- ..... WaaVa* by^ ZVX-oX'E 4 BoaiR WTKirwei aiBiib- :>( the '-riyiual it aiiraatrd F«r-fi>- '.rtl- nuy |•iotrr> ! enlarged cheeky an e)>adi:* tOHlay a GORND'K^ AMM'FRTAIN BWDS. 1 }•«• 1- •* vf van n* and •Tbe ExpremLre.“ for M-mphu fr -la a 'Ji-trfi.ce tl.'-vild tru^l aitbtb* t<'turc tu ^i 1 ' ' | be cupit-d ' I law. for the morning’s visit to tbe homtt of Ror- let* a*ttwrtm«nt varied atti-ra*. lr*acb M«ria*^vv*r.>ff*red A fall and eum| ef i Mrs. Oakes Smith s Romance. tiYiiU' t-> G r V rr-i adr-* -f : < *.iuu tl;v individual* wf c>.mpl*Aiwu, . ; vyc- I lui f tideaux. l. Ir..h i^xi lo •tur.^x..jl n .\ll of whieh wc -tier at thv luW’.-*t prtev.*, and at price* that 11. 1 will b* ^•wad aa»th*r New ohip. Tlie |K>lire took charge ..f several, and' O I* u.r... MEHTHV AXI> UEY. xr ihx 1'xr.v.ixrr ,f .. h Ule.l x thu p.il-liv. I ' ) 3ir. alx.. tht- •*. -- • thOJi Ih* I Ac , aay rt'.|uirid altiraiiua ta dr> favurably ciiuii>ar« withth f Ui* Fast- ra mark'-t*. * licb *ft p*r rUG Wo* will rtliw, 1‘noeil. juit r«r«i*xl X.4 f-.r.xleSj ' hwtt* 7-'»«'**it Mr Uj.-iu quarter- at the vvalcb-bouse. Il lUluxiic*. WIIEVT WlBI K. X wheat. : tuMiisli.'d _1 BENT. Dl VALL. ft ro., s.; »"xr Mx^n._ VA | F' arts on; I U1**>TLU A UKO , D*^ucriv«.typiet*, uljtb S. RlXiiGl-l.l), ar* seld at by I Main *t.. oppotiUt llaiik of KratiD'ky. : Hess. Jobt, Sehnei- i mirrors », ,r. ,.r.H.r«i < vlO Ab tH.ir*ns Cisirtr* —Tbi* excellent companv I .\n-. H-Hnev, John .M. *r..e iO bbU f..r xxl- by j 'WEET MVL.VC.V Wl X E— !'• before Dickens’s Household Words for Nov. J"- were brought nn ’ \ M’ Y G04»D<— We are Cun-fantly r- •cUinir by *xpr«»*— performance th.. aftemooon and the las't . iur E'UI—III-. Orrx.. uutl < loak TriniutiM*.. ^g;ves . *^ Fans: Ladi-*' W ritimi Desk*, IIF.< Kl V KU b.lltt x«-wgiil. He *75 hl^an, V ( 4'0 SI Fw.rth»t . n-jr Mxrk.t. - ^pp^mrance at the u« xt term of the record- L' ki l.D aud |rin r.v> tiiba< t‘o— Kiiickerhorker for November fr W..rk«a*v*: Hair Bru*ber; _ . an.oi.eo.ir population Ii i-.". n.4o^n.4i,^ llRt.WX' * Rl'MI*. vshich is et.- ' Tbe xc.tement Germon i |.^ Putnam's Magazine for November a*x«: India lvuhb-r''uan<1, Ac.; F..‘EIV El> l> tb- ss<'SIs. k M.WS. F.airtotu’x borae, Bayard, . Dro'sinx' 1>r.« KlVKDaad ( rsolc by HAGAN X < <».. oriicl** usnally a ul hxj S4 Fuarth.t.. x«xr M.krbet. ^ I utber keptia Fancy Tb' vicinity of justice Jones'- R;..„.V,r.xW..., a rwv-on. With many d«»iraU* R ln.-lT different from anvthiug of the kiiRl ever IX 5u; Mhiut - • “ b<*eti ith par- u25 >ncc«**<.r u ka«*-u e e had thi' moriiing thronged w MILLER A G4>ULD. 9S F- orth *t. he took every . Vinhited Iwre before. Last night - Uie affair, spe. totors. Ur. j , >T7.rsu7xr f .r .... TTTT.i.x.Ws November. I llrmhani . .lu d-. dxj 4 Church Books. Mad-ir pleat»ed de- _ *iy»m«at. by ;>j a. kaaamin. 511 M*ia*t. / IKAIIAM'S MAGA/INK Not KMBK.K. r.intaian I A du kisi.. 'offte I »urpri»e. Dot only and j ^ 2 Mih a h»o of *Ao«* ood Gwic'* Silk L dy by He i»* I amd Menaw th. R-r. K-.slv^ xuj Ir .xl. by :itKrry ^ r lw*a *ifol sU'.'l lilt’ 4 F ur. xad r.|i..l« ..I M.I.al. b, W.J. CoB} 3 de I" cafraY r- (rvtcar 10^ tbu o^-tuTw (! 1 Vm(* aad Drawt-r* ' II.\t..v-v ' !.• wf ' „.f-.v.ro ..w-WMxix.t I. Ikf^miai \tiow avtet>* of O. HAiicocke ^a J.s.ll s. I-*) » a Miktt je*t up wriicii tigUtwl, but also aftomuheil all who ?aw huitx I . j- \m# ioni^i a ui.ANih— ai Ij l-ar. audllwR— u. n< D AD i. Scoa-o^veoftkoaod^ ooat rnam.whi«li .x-ryway | VtRa p*^ '‘Vbl Ke^I'-l I ; Y .ird. ‘1 - .... < l...r.h IliU T) * Lt'x Ml M MiVZIXF. FDR I'EMIlKIl. .1. M, II.-. I" LEIlK>l.i*ff) th* I NDVEMIlKIl. .l.oit. the soeo *o » jo4ifi#ev man printer, wbo left Warr»‘nloii, N.C., Ij 5 rooe- < aUbri* i.icii.e: I, fsll.ffall.f H.w DaV.'^. BV HAKKV F- t’alf. and \ elv*t Fort-M-nai*' toy.fcj ; oMra^m Fvtat* a the mark**. •I f^m . ftixst tlsv .... >iRT-MoN*AIEh— arl. a Wl warriat -wr caftum«r« a. M tbe G--k r. Tat 1 ir— !.• ffend* ati'l Kccerd*. 1 1 . wpe.formancex are well rft. A npuIar 4>y Horry I DTRKKR ft <« . kW « .ttKl xxa D.,x..x - Ilk* •-•• r Ix«*rd lat. HItTH j,, j^,^: He i.- about five feel -ix inche- Ai**>. by Oir Itxiit*- auihur. i'lr> mau's l.if- 1banVfaln>‘M 1 ...h th*** ] | tn* -n with lei'r In r y iJ.*f-r tiu. I'll u>.- and ih* G>-itar» and vori- ^ lff7r.«rUW. bolweta Motkttt and I •A* JrffefM. are V Gov*d m I:K4 E. IIEtTH. ft atraiigroieiiU for order and coiufort com- -1 « Troth. M irk Wilioo. Mar-arri. Earoestne**. La«y May. lut t.uiu »ire, h.u* a *e»r on lita face, and . _ — i;->wxvt*rv. Ne'lWTbird J.1 ’.t..x. j • l.lfr. Th* ABCrl* ^ -B*. ftv. I kur- I or Mao la a thing to >eli . ..tiox v arx- *3ftiab I 1-U.. c. |,"S --M iDcy hard Ol'G.tft— lUM khda Mivtly prime N U. ’•offov i*. -'wro aad pi"tr. Dai. UiliiH- hi- nett jokes, picked lia- Ini' one eyr. last bearii in Wil- .\. iilKlKiN .VNDttiFFER Dl •TI LLI D Wlll-K^ u n .# T t H" was of \ J heawttful «rru'" • f G-.ktt by tlw U«v. W. Adam*. M.— • 4 < .’tt*' . _ j G xt M»y *viI! it..u A (r IB Nu. Nvr. . fo*«al«by ftAW-4»N we ! «vl 2U* *ru» old: 2'> Dw.r« FxWtUr; A *Y ’ tear* a * Mc*a imi tbl* Umrb a Whtski . 2 U 4 I > half kLUOhio 'haduw ••! the • Y -r*. T»-* Dlstao' Hill*. Th* k'Bf’s D*-r, B xN.C. i(if>>.ujaUon couremin^ iv-x-tt. I will; murli tapin' an i Any 12:* i,*g. i *d|.ett Uaiu; Caipets! Caipets! “T'wthor aide <>f Jurdan.*' year-^dd^^ '"'’***• \\«ttUr.i Rr*vrvc ! $.**•: -2R Saroaomr la Raw wxa ft Bar a. Ui> oti hiN Koiih*^ tour, Cj at unprecedented low iciYi ftc. oop|-*rdi*tillcd U hi.ky. 2 ' J' ! 74 buvr* I » Huu*. ruv l>ark r. 15d hhlt :i»t VrniY . Tltoi old m»is Th* t I 'ill Tecei 40 W* Wrappm.* l»iuej '*Ji>rdan 1* a hard ruad tu trav«l.** • .sn«igau(«b t ood f r »a'e by , SWY». hi ID Will bc that .fcf V V»*d at Uilb oifire. ik Rcv.Jae. K.vriVedR.jri *a »aw letsvi- .Am piices at the Carpet Ttie IF*.' Trwiued f->r the Miui*lry. hy N. - • -OWN-. The fftory be tel b of being iiiAitv-d to a 75 baj^*4 audivWuk. Warehouse. • L'.vvly >ally, between Main and Vt o»er. ANDW BlillVNANACO h ,, .,.,K/x.ie'tG.a w. «* ii r • e- 1 -A.M. |> Fifth vtrret. Notice. ^ Faper^throughoOTihe Siiith will confer a fa- . Nurtow gi». LoLe lumug. nIIENT IU V.tl I . » o I..T-Ju.tr, •'F- mpY • Trip to N«w York." ^ |V«|. uf D»y. rpiiii-xF. kraatifal iperiowat of W r* that v-»k tao prvmtwai 111? re* ‘ I ml meeting TamniAny Hall, aad difit I st4.srvaBd fvsr *ai< by [ufs] geo. kilt. e, Ij 11. art's that )mv« tu." vor on a te--ed niotlier by copying the above la d • HAVINi. Fl K« IIVEMIIEIN l.iae I pf>n Liar. ilNEl’lRE URANDIES- vinm NDKR-D.> *l» ft at the foif caa bp *eea at my ootablwfcmeay. • tnuifUsy." ! < I 'i . r.%LI.«»Vt oa-1 \N Little. .«aa«. I trw*l in ih*- H r-ptott.r-ptAtNi (totto-rr.ure. very racy.rscy. * notice.— War/eivlo. (,V. C.) .Vci«. Here a l.iUlc wad There a 2 S p»l-ev Vieuai 1^ ter*'! f R ft. Mt u ! b . '•xtra^^ly d-.; • I „ ui l.i.l.K - xn Ml .. l..ii o ..-a ir..s ! M '*Far»*w*ll all tiirsar* tr>k*a." ft * •*.. 4i. f ^ ly • Qu«e«iua t • gt Bc; c..adaA-r«-d Ma**» 9«> rtuieot --f -oBilay >eh.-l R k*. t. - f .. *ale by KII.LDk. in Iwli -« i 'V •. *a*i *i-l. »..r»*rly . - A I Do-.k*. 1 4 hwreh Music. ..Id Hrnii*i*y do; »a -c- . X* r J \§ It 1 iu< ut< r Biklca. Fratir an I ^ pip* tak- ath* r« N- *" U (xlt'b X tUa ftxll tt.. r ar f 'ue •.*!? H «i**. wt *r. d«>; • la lU-ovE.* t Coat Mixes IK Aoji.s-v . »/ ' Inttor- and for sale bv receiv.dreceiVia fui 1 V| du Flanat u ir-l tv « . “rr »UA4 7$ boaao W. I f j thatthry I i kb HAKFKRH \KFKK FORFUK NOVEMBERNUVCMUhK andOBd fur ' ru— wiIlW it., U W d.>; .Mit.J HIDI- Mol.D • WiaE.-. a : GUadbounie, of BoUou. ** * '• " *® •*•" •'fjftb S HI NggulD. 66 Fwartb near Main. 9 • pip'* Immarer mi\l kc. Diicd Yad ( w ,xi •Cxiaui-uiMxrrt.f.raxl.ty uouut n-i fd. Htxvl 1 - w pii UT ( .i uarh --r •ai tim* I H f\ sole by S p the last the Caiudeo iupr--iapt i a> ib* do; •oLxH a .-at«ttwaarv ? *i. We toarii from number of "JV j *t. no F•1evul•ia r4i!«-\V >• wl-l r-4i tlnlD CFxO. kii.Li< ’-Bvt'smrr*. t ’ . ft BRO . Third 2 ' 4*25 K. -o rer*>«ti»iu ••rxU< -.f xn i 1 u^tlyftb A H\GAN* I S fnendii in Concord, N. H., I rid*y morning, com- | v d- •- ij 1 i. Sl'IHiNS, I I P'*. TI MBIKH^ atic Id arw. al J K KI.LLi: --t . ‘l„ air ti« Il that a valuable m..w been di - Ir III He- Ui •-*My ti , ,t i;ra-l*. wiU iubmiiU ll.eu h >d; iron -r^ c^ h« suicide by ruUii.g her throat will, raror. (iuM-t*. T»-» SrU. Fi* Kuivr*. Soup Ladle*. >u.ht :# «t by . x. .N.Kitt^art.vss- w, ... iwVu.n . ,r I.’ r* cxauiiuiiift t 1 .^i .rtt Church Books. tt I \' I WI.<|1wi.-ll roMf LOttR I ill I- ftr {Mir-iilvrratul New I ^VoRttVIJ.vi.u Hit . FMV > >|rt»ott». BDt(«r Knive*. . warrantrd \|,1. l•e;*r t'l - V r.rkercd that place. Tlie Herald say>; i Slie di* laituntly. A veniict of teai|»orary in- b«iUers uiKcr- t.. oarf*ii imt- rutuia uf » h h«r Bus r. Dt V ALL, i d p aud a O . i>« lar^r srv>rtu:eut f--r *ulr W\ i I.F tu the Keaditovif «Ik' Bibl.-. th« late B>'ajanun bueia *• - -2d jftb K-.*t w rkinaD«hip. A I IRoN-aw» :aa*w ft T«I t.U»i »u« W u.g received. m»kiB*w«r*t -ck mo*b lofferaud R .,- pp site B.ii(k uf K-iitiu-ky. *» ull.-gf.t piU . a . . . . . ! fvMiiitv W aA rendered bv the inUUeSt. Fl FTt HEK ft BENNETT. 463 Mamet Hli -lt Nu'h U. M. A . ..ftlnc#a ambridff-, au- 1.4* R-‘ * ^ ..et7 :kwftb n ^ I preti. a- ecavtu 4 aa (ruixhai.y I* no doubt now but ».eitcr-a t ns^d ih*a *t any j tlix *• There what we ha%e m tli.if l the Ih.L-k of i'ruYtrrh* l.fipUiU'dana llla»tratrd fr m - - flLi V'k l.xr. Brxxai-X. ol f»l- -Jt) a Y. k' 1 JiUaj lUf. IJl RE UR \ X l«l E I W-. ' A;urc it caa r*»AN4 V DKV tsiMiD-- M arc » i-ff^rin, 3 a* h *tx. a*ked (.»r ap te 5« la- b at a» luw a G gr-ai us-lu-t II* xx-..y. I i- ktti raehr.t •w.ar. -ll Scrli-tui.s , il— ix. ti< *a owrdM*r %*C4»uy1 iritiltr im^4*arimaariiar ueowImoIw of cmmei CX>al—roal Usetl.r th. H l I .X inif rl*«ie" Srxxd. V. A B J— m iiY.-ut* 1. purp'.aa. r- i f /rxy . FE.NS the h«*t makes 1 J-rMrmBl.l W imittjrud r I*ryG ;.- iu Silk.. 1 . gold ef Fee in* UmueiO* Uy Kn iUw*tr»tiv* «.f th*;I. .'*> I II nsd. » T»h* "I <•" R.I-J-; |Ura, M.u lia-rao a M -la*-***. Filair and X-I. I ..LIII..X. A . Il•r^l•x » mini^kf. I7i M.ix it. -c•«r'i4vti'*. I..I- • • 11 hudkcr> !>!• 1-, ft< .a* w>-ll .xlx kj qualKy of eool to be "» K!“ “TT a-> »t -. fusrst found in tbs L nited . uim- gn-u in the Fr..»Iii.'c f M:tr>land.Ll.nd tyhy th-Ih* tv T. rx I >x - <' X'w 17 . I«4 •lu Chunb of EBttlaB.l . . X.-XX to s-l ; rt.ri.nuA, xhi.h, I S-rm.1 li BKst.-' Dr> G 'd*. By Ute uir.Vtol*. our FI.ETl'IlER A BENNETT. ISSVxin.t Jxulhx _ i xcl7dAwAb ' haa.Maiiut • Kect-r -f tli* riuH y . • ! llarvcy I an ley . M .|y T . M D. A /\X«lM 2m bb>l» priDM u.'ur Isiales. Tbe valuable dtacuveiy tts- lus'le sev- H-ixl by ta- 4n- i s. Wx.K-'n..r4> ( K? V 1...UL..1II- mirll «. x.il» i-U Uux xw.xr xt ow.u . wasIi.irV.vru.- -IXJ Sou. z..- t in luun.v e--m44*( tU rad * uf ! *h* a', v* u*»*r.f rhn*i1’YiY l.if*-, bv tb« Kt|:ht Kcv. ' .•^irni -D* '’n th* lUM M-D pper VV Kl-ky; ..ri~*. ..f tittx.Srrrxt c.«u.. .f R-xt.-^ .xir- /j n*- f ru'liif ell <.f which w« . f«; ti.« Uwe*t ^en« Fashion Book. Uuric> D. D., Bishop uf the Fr>t Epiv. Churrh la the Dh- I.iM-URa* d>. |jiu<-»lb. wo* rirctod t ftairmBB. and Alfred Aflvnt fur Manufacturer*. Frank Leslie's . ef A : at obx pnotenly. <-- •* BlioW ft t .c f Mam*. Ii4l ».UX*' l"lBoE., \« RLRftL-«MhbUNu. JIarsOxC a*cr*tary, fidiawioft ; t'TOBEK uumbvr rtcfivtd by N Kl MF, " I xrt.*.*, uf lu-Y'** wa* o|if lulad and Um — — — 4*k I 11 I DKNT. Dl TAI I I.. 4 to. Oil 111* lu.*pieati.f ILilv '•eripturc, ur the C'aa.-a *f thr COttltl .,7]fttt H4 F 'urtb *t.. beer Markat. 1««1 L U.-* Iy*- !2 sb'. Mreoft4*ft, eiM toot be €«tU»re4, It ftftfl k<*|)t > iNt- O . ! I aii-l -.a the 4|MH*ryp.>ia— Lee- I Old .ind N.'W Te*tam-nt. Twclv* li half 'll- *v*».wa|s.*w4*r T*a, I Mik, '•baker. M -nn-i. M’uul. 4‘a*ha*rc, brttwa - and «n^ I.amN iv red U-f >re th* l'uiver»ity of t'arohridge' by i'hr. . ptetomU New Books XT LEVER WA'UIIES i-f all 'lualiti** and tar-*' del 25 t..jir* Virflinia T-.bao*i>. « toUnn Half IfeaN, •ttr*9u> 12 inch f' ct; Ml.VLK D. vvlo- f‘ rsal*. W *rd*w-.rth. D. ltt-.x klx-k .'Ilk lAc < ju.l rcxai-.A IkuAxy nl •llftrket $gRlt4f VUeO tmZrx HlH ftn4 Otbftt > held a nn4 oduptrd aeo«r»« la price*. A larjfc a**r-rtmMi* ai E-—. l enter- Mr Jarti*; base IS 4dvMnumb evantr>ctsontry knit Half UevUev. furaeUatfur *alc at th* New Ti*tam<&t. bv Rmbard C'hraovix I W omi..drrprwj»diclal tu s.BuaYm>-* uf for oal* by t, ... t.j tb* Keode «f tw>«* Wtid. •* J6 MAK'FIF.IIIAN-FIF.I DD'S.S. I J and aw w uw4 o^ejwl lAlO ftcrCftoT tbe COftI reriMx whirl* * ' i I ^ ll. II- . 12_- Third vtrect. tsivau^acalL N-w i« the a. .*pt.-d Fr. n< D. JAMR'^ IsOW ft Ct) IlHMainst. WO M. .,«r ii.urr-t- aisd na/a»r la aH^mptift* u, faf^w aa lu eell war | — , t»m* Unn ..... • >f St. Fail, by tbe R«v. W. ('uayUare. •*< I Ott' io Coffee; Epistl- J. fteverftl nitbe« along Use ’ * OI.D**'•'* wihidWtMiD \i Mart:* .t< ur litrane*. Bring . Mi’Third it. Theological Books at A. Davidson’s. rivet I c.-ig to. ' f< tleft orOfiftClliU ^ Frevl-vtcrtan I'Drgyman Im-kiag for the t'hareh, by Oo* I 2fl»25m P...1..UpLs«k«t* pria**,rlxtt»!dJ.-xi'uid J sva * - tt.rroX—JX bxltoXk* c=.Xto tor tol. k, O. Iwdd amettiiif; ^^^MtiUc*.title* t» ewiteuii parchoscr*parehascr* at thettu. lilacliloe llu*re/ _ > Disceurae* un th* .^a>ing* of Our L-rd 2 vul*. y day aad for Mf BI.H\X\X ef TUr«e lluudrcd. ft < ftM Maia ot. alxl \\l» I ..JT Rttt-OX '^f >ria«-r r-w.U ^^^^"Fuarth"puarth eUe*t,atreet, nearn*or M*in,M*ib. byky V0N> VELVET'^ 1-4 hlxck Ly •&« Veitt tv IJKOWN JAMES Low 0 . \ — tbal fwrttea tbair f j 1 reft-iv*-! immoftiab tv ood oWlioft B thu Itibl**. Bt ' lahjfth’ A full a»*ortu»etit -f Frayct IhMk*. Catechism*, Bui.k* J iteptionol with ujb J. F. TID»MF?^0NTID»MF?^0N. I Jjdayat BENT. Dl*V t fttt I ti*e a* r*lai.w u Um Wad* «f oar K^ayloaviaft MX, ft O.'.H. Epi»tl«*of St. Faul, by ConyUaro and llowiten. ill ^TaRi tt—lu> boiuo **••*« ^ _ .. ..u-u A u. r r.m lA.M r* I If. and Ik-ks.ft''. I* ature and fur aale bv «»l \''^E'— I Boavanapaft Ptartov*a m awdf-w RaIIsBUAP »-Et rftalOM.—'Tike CinCUju •>f D\VotiuB,U“V'^^'*® -VKB. soDA-diG kw*k* OftCAT «• w- Kavt Ue Wod* r*a4«n-d «r orll them SY.J $•.. M' 2i*>io> hUtl.Ut FUatoti-aFUatoti. a M da***.U*w*. iT' *aUby ‘oT i. RAW'O.V t*. U. 2 prime | ^ la eti-re and lor sale h% A KAW'^ON. M j U*arft traab- Fcre-n* la travtlinfltravclinr cKsald alway*olway* iT.videdI'TiVided - ft—s4*M. That w* or* $• urmiord mdU •abmil * CARD.—CARD.^Fcr*-n* WW. the author ol on thr tH\ inc Goverument. $A Nil ud.i d«r d'. du I — Mil OftZHle Of-ff >einer41ftys^.ftM'iiav M^b.aai-w By Wallace. M'-i'ueh ujiijftb Rl NtiGOLD, GO F urth *t.. b*or Mein. Stt''*e**..r to Raw»-a and HacA.u. , o«r butUo*butUae uf thath« Bio*Bln* ll-owac it - ood uwnar.teadupc with ua*uav er mer* ll-mae Brandy, a* svo. $2. . , FRK'H B«LTni.>Rt UV -TIIR' ttx xrx aW itof,M«md ««t»w4aevan AV BHl ( Ex the llir*. Kmr. ty th* F*ar»ua «‘B lubdeliiy. Ivi -« Jx®-- --ttdxr-H «». , DOBFRT autb..r f uu .n ’Wal- . /tt| I e article in coa*co«* uf elcknew—eifknee*— and IBin factfo4*i liwUlIt w Ul 5d. Attl. w Bl IIAXAX A .0 Jdxllj rxxxiTixc toxaito-M xjmmn. xbuM «j I me— onftft exrellentexcellent l«te Work*. $2 to frxxk ^ ^ „M I k le.*c. the 11. r.i of S. iiUa.i." etc Fai- r. :*» nt-wt*. Buiivan » t'umt I I oV t»T OllJD Outrsl lUllrrjSii w.ll.Wtll. J F.1-. THI.M1--DN.THoMF.-diN, New Books. — completion j., n.,....*-,, A.I xb-* xert-y, lu if yu.yua or*xr- * K. William*. K*> ct*. _ yxxxOltxUx.ttxrk.LirL.'-. TW d-du txdnukdrink 1<- tlrtse* wheliav«r*ad "WaBaoe itisuimx-.ruaryteiv- K«-liffi.«r. $1 2.5. ^ 0. X.1.X l celebrmte* s style “*• near Ma“Mxis. the Irtsrd'* Fra>er. hy d ». ni lU. do; I. . rxxtorrtt. r-o-is-d .'X ; VBOto UART \XO » to tW Obio river bss been m * y*"?*- comio. ad th* prvvi.-nt vs'lume: butiu Urn** wtu. t,«y. n-itwci-aa Itticiore* ‘-b lid) black embroid d do . IRANIIX > V HI KKI I^x a AtzI' 5 $5. \ Hr-mit'« IKill, fruBi the Diarv of a IN aoiler. $4. j * btt-tott-.x«tox.dr..tofc. — rare M'i-ttt Auol.«*ieuf the UihUs. market price*; received tin* ( .xi. bT 1 mcxtott.. *ay the> Imvc laieved a tret Th* preswriit •>! * uf the B«we't *tY lea and bokw V'ttat .:jtorI— -X.- of tbe luportoncc of M etito.prioi. « • v-duni* i* .\u.sth«r SDpplv of the LampU/hter. I aawy Fera'* book*, I ^ uuLa. X. xxd -7 “ fell, worthy r> Jmi r-«..-drecrOed elan;*. to-'x.'.di;:-end •***’ vuls. -XTl'W Ilf. IIWVN TI Adam*AdISl7^' w!“-inViTHIKTa miikt-^ II IRT.-* ^HIRsHi'r — •itnlar charki ter, and i* taid tu even eui p»«* iq Fullcr'et'»nr|-lvtv W.-rk*. 3 and fur sole iy lat.rcitihc literature uf the day. da\ , _ , _ . .IX I 1 lULLAX IrtX tx xtoxx XttJ X.T Ml. belirecii tbe iili M"xn,ft-aan MuiixMoslia i-biru.>birt*. xtt.iv.-ia»*urt*tt1 pa'tei|.i-t«.u> with all the puhto ^ .'>.rx«r -.•< '.xd -xd tt x«bixAto- D — I ..fx cowMrcluM ttosl A‘-'rrt». Sto.iidm beriurstsck -fuf Lmeal>.-x xudand 4‘* aut'.i * - ILinxiunie*. ft CO 41H i M-hich oaenx S bctt f,- 1 >s ucri"rxv-A fornior i-wsulac wurkaef lu . at xl '*A1V — t ll I.IRNWAlit D Ar« 44. oil tk* lotcet impfVemcnU- *upplem«Dt. H and eiyke.«mkra«*ar URilWN ft I Th« Fsalmist. with nW CittcinnsU and lUIUmore arc now in , j xi^x^tt., RGMF'S KLR>-.»*'‘-REtt'--“""" w3r dotxa .^by.'^ftelby. Fr«n* h kwvum*. eitra l-zag; d- acB fhildreti'st'hildrei •‘..lond H"*e received ihii *. 7J1 25 d- *«n iea*n bhirtx. kn* 1-* e$; jftb 0-M>k*V>r«. FuurUiet. utar I'-.l'v AnnuUtion*. 0'iEKV~25M LMKE1-lKK R\»R'< "‘'*'"7r,iVtt-Ai‘l'A B«l> HOPS— l*bxltol»x.rxll.tox p* ••xxx.b .m Uxd H*.>*. Market. I TftftWwftff ftlld but ft few* boun din- davl, de.de, kr>>adbr>>adplaitplait do, du; Sott'*4 ..cnprcn'afiivc, and 4 lark it • mm-ntaric* and f<-r sale at luw>iuw. *tSt price* by COMMCtiOl*, 25 du d^>d.> ]Iear> '‘, day p rf »»> III Plkx w4 Ixt ixlx kj de d.do dd«,. d4»;.: Kansas and Nebraska. JAMES LOW ft CO. 4H Main «t toftft to4e u.xli.Meslia dd..,-. to F‘ir *alv at pr4^«* B.\V1DM»N, .xpr-tor lot ul. ky J f. HOWAP.tt r«>.. Uaot each olber. Tbe completion of tbe . X i.» uVV lll-KV-lp«»III - KY— I xxxt.tt X —rj W. k tmm do. ftne d# d'S d-*; .Money 9]Ojftb Third *t., BOOT Market.irkct. rpiip. Hiatury. Gcoftrmphical and Fhvsieal. t'haraetenetic*. llll'HiRI'llttlllx. CITY‘-t^Y cucrt.QDCET. gft do de iudiaoa State Stock llanti-d, CORXtt- rt.l. » BRO. .Xf toxto. bxnpxxaTkMrjtttr.xr-k.-x. expected to aceomplisfa do,d»'. xeae xiiixn;•ellora; . Folitreal F aitiua .»f theoe T<'rrtlurie*. on oceowat I ralcrpriet wtucb was js2$ udo tode dx!de, sxxfene dxde L and pattm-Bi; Comrinte*. and Dirvetion* tu Emufrant*. Fnmer.T.i.xr, k..t,K>•«>. v«-Vor- >*4 Eoarth «t..w*ar Mark*!. j rx.-->-h-xnr xxd uii ixsi-oxx* 1 t.*>h.t.« turJ u2fl {ftb fl merchants and b.p- A_i. max.miei.d. I li«I.LAXUl,l.X-l »«U . PPLCS-JB kto. Wixtt^Txl ditortot txrto.^xx.tod .x4 CORNWALL k BRO. I «W fir* urn. into tbe hasrt of tbe great Missis- it>wm in I I xl f..r toix kj xTI Putnam’s and Oraham's Magazines. j ^ BY BAR. PITKIN. * fO ^ number* received by th* agenu. J MONK«. 96 Mam* oippiY^by. UaerngBalUmore comfortable EMBER ' in 1 XTOV , IlKOWN A MP. .iXUOX l-vBlEB—toxxxk. ,ixt« xxd xxxrtx tottolx kjr i ABO— Jtototo xcltoxxitoawr Lxid fxxMixxxMx.xlxx.-xA , CHI ean, they base boeu able, ttitbout changing ' **• ^ I'OBNWALL A BB>. ' |j ky (-IT, J>CX. »N MARRIED, iL u'i!rHlll^lxr..>>>x.x^77iidd.*.llhycrttiuxi.d o;i01ftb ^ Fourth *t.. aear Market. I .,,1 _ Bf—BI.I^* duer OMde of coBeeyancB, mAhix*ih,.-.M«r>-xAlx,Utt.,tttt«r,xiTx.r—xrrx.it-».«u.XU. DEI.AINF«J. tor to pauatrate tbe bean 1 . r ,.ui-tot.ox. K«.. u h- th. r-t. sx^tt i w .,. OoBLFxrb. FITCHEKS. fte.-FU -flwkki. B. xrkxx Wkirkr, I xxd I Id. ' ^IDK^ Bi-uAx cixxt si xd, xxU u-d, w MMxxxd tor olx ^ p Thompson.^hoXPSON. tSlllKOir)ERJES, NOTiCB. 1 -HI'Rl tbe country-, after t* Yr »«i»Et. u Mi» Eus. a. xt-x., I xxtxr., Wxit-T., sxit Stood., cIi.,Tu!!LOuk- kj CORNWALL A URO kj |xr| COBXW tU. A BRV. of a^ aUifii« at Wb»-eling. . J.U. • oM rowthx».,h.twll.Foarthat.fboCwooa M.».Mata xxdand M^nit.M^ket. t^Tii^t.' YY ul. O X —jr pr-lt, l..t ol sil-.r xxJ I’Ul-dFlatvd lyol.LAKD. FKATHBR. ft SMITH cab U f.iuud at No. 466. Vbl-u.Ax. 1 tx— *!.'*» brood* T* bwo^. liiNX-XIs tl^ir uld stand. uuld b« pleased to S b»a« * varioii* '* vkich I will «xll I..W 1 uppotfitc n-e their ***'* SHIRT-'— l-ll 1 > W»I«. «^d; \K INTER DRAWERS AND i KINTS,X TS i aw .«1 Bhoker Flaawol tthokerihto'.r''£i‘iU.r^tr.kait MiekUn * - I — \\ Jil^.Vidaad ltid l.iK.c>>, Hojw. I I - — ' i To:rtli-r with Irown Je.xt, Ti-k., 7.„_- ^ l..'4)M.*4)i» *a«r-ttured»a*ar-rtured H*^. ^ *wh | rto-k.. prieo*. 1 **v th*o* MapMm*wt*» mod *vpplff 1 and C.tFS at eiirrmely low oJ8 bftj 'l. W'K nsaai^aaMBeiag yesterday at neon found ixxtxat, Cxtow-rx.Ca»bmcro. H-rixu.Mcriau, xxdaad hix.xbivwa fxtt..xCottua xein«t Drawer*;l>rx.«rx; br.-wx Shtt tixg. xod sliirtm^., !•«»» tor -.4; r-fj**sy R*.Kw, *b they tbemaelves x. tLx csimT. — ' .-dto.Mi$ kx.-xbui«* maaufwctmrodttxxnfxctxr-d Kr 1 ruiixd.ipiii., uu ' xto xxd i-nm* Ikx 10 At Csimr.. j klack x Ixr,. i .11. I5U k<«* -|M>l:Af»'0—'|H>F.AC1'0— xxtotor. xm I ^ our ttid ,.|.||,,\|,'l‘I'EX-Sof.hcXDC-lx-s. , 3»»- » «“*• fffbicb J 76 *••••caoe* aad Wkvt#boaket* iTsompafn*rl.am}fafn* Winr*;Wine*; r~: .-“-dM l-uu'-i ’ Mula**ea; i V WSRKE XI UK LM tt --- coaum*coatftin* plate* Fl’lMalC NBffTlIbG .— fn*ft4* . S — ThisTbi* number ahowlog th* *kaBgc f faahi»Bfa*h Flautatiow — *f ^ I® — JLl t HOI bbl* ‘“Jt?TTxo i't'd.^. ' — fxrxixx toto ixxx for November. XXX . ijIII duoca old f..rt,p.«rt, Mxdxira,Madeira, Oodey ^1 -Ol> PLOW--WX Brnmatort —Laat night the LatUe * lx tw »it> <4 luaix-iiix win h- uu. xt 1 •-T-*!-,** xxdaad sb-irySherry' WIxm;Wiaeo: *D.m ^ wioUr. “*“*^ bbl* tiuldea Mtnp. TV and Txwimmx. CldOTHl lAlTII TALMTALMAS—AR--RlMIt^HcCelvod thixthi* m-rning.xj..rw . Hwe tv PWx. ,1 tor, XX 5 d i'arotoAO r-OllEr-S Exd,-. U«-k l.r Xx..x.b-rrx.-1-ttl Iki. OLorttio, \'EI-VET'ELVET AND u ; MXxI Mdd XMxd mX- ' A. ft Boarben Whiaky; “* to.x..f.l «. tt, . Ml. *«* O* RuOlcbiWr UAGAN BRO.. »a Third *tre*t, i tn bbi* 2>yvar>uld tt-MixjO -< u2 kM m.ttl Miauo^ Railroads gave the excur- UKOtt-fc Y I Adorn.'. -XTtt... . t-w w 1, .xdand .k tor toll ftoxLXgl. xi «B,Ixxm« rmmoo. Obto *“.”‘‘.71 I »IS hxxtouTr^.ixiboskoU Aaioetta; A .RIM™ 1 J aad ch.tl*clxrom>ri*« >•# kl\ mia**: IlAXS AXO LIX-*Y- rm. ; lfi5Kl5X*!J:‘V“7inAv‘t 1 (l hV , th*agcat. The Iodic* ar* respectfullv • •licilod tu call. Vtotoo. Hrknvd Suffar*. Spice*, |V-l--.^T.Im«. I BA BAB. riTBIB. X fu. splendid rutortoAnmeot at •d *"*doMa Ahaynth*. ». r.TtU.ttt,.t.x-.-ll.,l-t. RI i.I X< AX rl^krudl tottol-xtttxxx^x. -MLL A I •Maiato a the Burnet i • oo~o.. mwomi 1 l.ixixii to xxpxmi x. to- uxwm.. 1I I o7iftb A. llAtlAN* ft URO . Third at. 1>. way I r..rx.r«“ ktt«d E.xtt““tt.R. I7tol.br l.4| ^ W xll -tKbb.* w« Mtt-l xJi.x. sm- Stxck M..X-X tx.tti «ttl. wtiare ' *. House, Pxf4mn^A. ^2?TirJii?^x,, Tuto«x. ciyxr., Uu.k, R OFFICE f'.r th* prekent i* at Nw. Main str.rt, d:- LABUBUAlXtoki*. 1 ‘:i7'*r7' i Words for October SFECT VCl.ES-In gidd. **Iwer, aad *to«l fOafOft or dftlftCtfttk*li — *- .. i tu>r* u|>pottOouar funner h.^iic, w wru shall be glad Household l»r.U.hj tbf $1 .a g , c -, aftdCatowW Wiaoy $<.; m and for eal*ly rrctly w* ^ALiRATlS-l.wWxtoiXK j.iifttfib4ltf tt tbe t aw O ^\^l^ffwm..a. A flao a**urtm«'Bt fuv aale by -a thutoo w bo ECElVEDandfur*alcby BRoW.S ft ( KtMF, ^ g^^SO.N. a ^4>DA-A$U—dVeoeftft Tcisftftat'* Ift •!«** mad for sol* bj i J. P. TllOMI*SOK. friend*, veimrially owe a* munev. - I iu toe our ulU jftb Fuorth *t., avog Marktt. FLETCUEK ft BENxNETT, 163 Man It. fiMM. |0*g7 J tXIIUi B ALL 4 blU>. ftH FrftrUiftrwtcam Bam. •25hftJ IVLLAKD, FKATilEK, ft ^MITU. U H 1 a . ; . f i • . , 1 ; A . ; . ; ^ : u I R . - . - -.. b !^ n^ i m— — . . 1

    TRAXSPOHTATIOX. lU'Sl VESS TAliDS. MAyiTACTURFA RAILROADS. ANEOrS. rOPARTXERSFTTN^ BrSlXESS CARDS._ RULROAl^.^^ ^ | A £)All> r* r» lit r^lAAU frt>M .'^. J^. ( Make Youi-aelve* Bate Against Fiie ! lli:S'l't:it A ( <>.. To BuiTalo, Niagara Falls, Boston, and Dissolution of Copartnershio I»*ir )!•** W«- t »tr 'ff-- .>«*w j\ 'plIESrm f K\«--..N I!A< ^LOSON A APPOIiD. ' t (.s iKioisTrille end Prankfert - ' s..a,i„4‘ T.' Railroad. f «x- **i •"< w. It ’t rire«lAt«4 Forwarding and Shipping Merchants, New York. ih 4 >• in I CAIRO,C-Airui, ILl..ll.,ls. «ll.Bit. Mli. 4 . H atr A«r I 1 krU.4«u..fbjUiBdeAUier JohnJobBB«r.«.Bacua. ’<•«•( . • t Amal' I :i u 'tAL ai.4 aba ...-• Vaslu ' ST.. t>r < ST lO ’5!*E\« F.K. hATiDK fl..#ed Kli lial- \ Bmk »b< -f ih- m ,t im- *3 WKST C«R\KI: EO\K . N. V. H t.l. PrefidcMt'f Oct. If. ncKC H vvi>ie Altd Atfri'-tsAA* ) wa* ahv. •I Ex -han;*** *4id au- d up (ha cabin of the U’hnrf-U-at ~ • rAUAtj4»« new m *. — u water ST . Baltimore, bd.. 1>«~‘ '^^ 4 Mu--s -ter^'qig 1 iHi ir"“» H*> Tsu w 4 Mi F \»«r r--btrAct« W l*\TKI4 k HF.NKV. if bcttt*r t<» WOtlCe. N y CITY BUSIKBSS DIRECTORY \/^ WF-rt aAkiAc At tlW iroD KaiIia Climate prepared accotsmodatA his each SIMES .^RR.l.NSIlSE.Nr IJ ««< rnF »4 ABC Wa .IAkt*Ar att> F. • Gn»4inaAni-A of their tiber.il - " " AAl. <«>. fUuaaae and «n«taia tho . I 4 Bar >n, will •ntiuBe t:»e IHiLLh \ » T4 hT^-tTb ( «. rrm.u. .^,,,1, UVKUMI TO Ul I 1 .0 o | W |. p; i. FRY a»J A«'«r Lww4«eiU« - ^ USE reputation Wm. JAma4< «.. aad '««iitb'*11 th 4 4ka»well,!*k«twell, bM Frna4JBTt daily eaeoytBdj if k* •a l•’^r*lAWv. t.A>«r Va>b. »f tHE Atsr IloTBL IK 4'ftao. vl<> ddn C4)M m'*>lO.\ bafiatfo. on bu own a*- uAt, B | la th- W« arc f>ri )»arcd ti fir« thr «.;h re<‘t!pti fi^r - Sllity .M l-ess ~ - alldccerif lies l.uke Travel - ,|«3^ CAailU«AUI». — b?r«toforr ncenrird bv the late firm. . Y N I o. Raia vtre t LowiK ill. »NT4 1H'*II4B. .« M^AbABW tiona ui freicht cia lUltimore aad Oht# Katlr aJ to i-umif ..u Thao the Old baudvok.* lt»Bte M «.t . S_ «.miM M U. I*.4wk Bm*r Dry G^ods. ' b^ L-.i., ille.tlet If, - I hAY* ttOA Ap Kov^rAl B«rW pAttfTi f I-*! A K 3 4k >r VetAB- vlciatt> tf tb« Uuif r4v«T»- vw^lX. ... AU w AtLxm. U ).. .. u Bmb... .. ,iMitli B.I r-1 <‘V-^ -. f 4 aa Ma tu Abd Mi^ataatrr* TIII^ 1. ^ X*- B V>wr\. McNAVF.r. 4 *).. Iaf»»rt«Ti "f AaMfiaBa *** .fwJ on ciutiJ Bart, the: dAhtABd HAlvitrAdot. to whiob no dfUMDcm 1 b>.«U retpACtfoily CH^.^TLK CO. TJ irai,... Jvri-I... I crarfa '‘lih FfeA- % 4» • 4«. 4 vi iTii LEES k4>BIN>4'V 4 «0. W^.W*Blr kArt m4 )u' Aa4 lU HriA4«^F- Iv AttMOtl»n vf tboAA wIk> at* A ABtligitb)* bokUtl- " * & WALLER. . «. *. kri«iM*.rr. tmd jp Af-^atia UaiiTill- I. Mo-.RurAD. ^ ^ * t» rr i-. 1C. Nileviii 77, . v: -w o Um^4m4. SilM .. M.i v r-mrx* w'fk. I bA««Also ^ ^ X. Ac A. fain C O .M .M I S 1 4 AATorAl S .. <'*»TTCN o . 1 »«» ttvlr* f at Buualo O .\ .N r So , nve at Fmaalwrt 9 •. IT 4 itbcA aa4 wUmf Vr Ar atfia4 iar>aaatt~FA0L4 RI AI-... C o]ndiy Certain Connection S U il J : 'V \ M E R C H A ^ T ,y m A M Whif^h [[ S 4*^ W Hid A GAArds a«T WtAd At the IroB ^ G |>H4NMN * >4 mint'/MlIF K^. pABts GsaoAA. k#. ttr -od RA.li&f A urkt. y H M.U loRK. l*a**FraBbf>3rtat4P. B..fl.-aMMatiM«iMata F4»R .« \LE AT :JW at 7 .>• P. M If H «. Kl.^. Fa^t Frei|;lkt Isiiie little hiami kailrovd BtlaX w )Yrkv»r I , 1 AHr> om r.N. is llr aJ Imp ri^ of Dr<^ T u CUumkus. Huf.ao - iBgA,Oi«ipA aa4 Fr.we*. t4k trB4»b, Lata BVC1X( IVNATl. OLl HIU A V IM LLI ELA N D A ND Mlk Ow4a fABATtUv .NE«- VORK .IND ERIE RAILR..M.>. 17 West Broad wskv/ Hydraulic Foundery. j EXI KE.SK THUS I.EAVES . IM IN.VATI < Ffvixbt receipted tbruovh AC|»tA. 4C..4S: |B to . r.S^ 1>I v.%1 I . 4 4 llrAlaOT IB Haia WjV Uac- : \T 7 •'F> A H ' X i:\VY0HK. a. rhiladelrhia. , • ;r - teBk o4 k*. .‘k-Bl*. MBaiiB>t-r l-'kiWA*, kz I.T >a4 ' NewVrk. aad ! I.R W. T. r.asc. roRimander. B 11a . LocitTiu.A. Kt 9 Ww OTE Ml TRESi’ENT 41TV. cH dly rat« • 'V N ! I I.I.LK 4 4» jaa 54 F 4 , | leavee I Wedn Hdaif. and f ridsTi. v V. ('«•.. iMAl.rB lA >mm4a. rpHR yn4er«trnA4 Afv bWAn F.nriBM aii 4 Hill '••mmiTKMIEK Ql'LEN «»F THE U H ' I *». 1 .r* «4.. VA't aa4 W»urr«>r« ^ Ha ‘*iib*^v i»ew pAlUrB* bj j ] I 4e 4 \ |«r Or.iA4vav, ab4 r-4 la ibo mo»t m 4tTA aa4 Field's ('wacr'-if St., near llrv-adw ay. 4 inciaaati. ('umniAndt-r. Inavta t*I-»claad Tuetda}*. Thur»dA>c, and >At- HaUiiuore Oyster lleput. it^lr a1»< . t*-t«Arc.>. H a J 'AlvtA. l.A«r O •>4*. f!:>>k>ns. *>ixk«, Lolbr ’i4cri(w. li fie* I lard timU-r. A«id mril Scrt-wi j ! . f'rrrw lijef ||>« H »’'^*Bci*«>diABi®UT.>ocket m J *'• landitii;; C'Ltiertiaic at llufftlo with the ta<»rotn|( Traiai f- ' «3 ' r ..I. >D I. N a > « 'N. 4 Hi s4««^. Or ««Tk Btid 4 .^Aai*- Importers of Ladies Dress Trimmings. ui riun i>i» fr. m : lariM, w u ,.cbw diiiurtcr. Kail- NkjJ ; > V »• N tn.'arn Falti. \ rk. !>• «U a. MvaUeul. and all |>anU ^MeAr and half cane dttriAit the latirt • • V rr AAt*. ka & *»HL'‘t.tl J liA Atraet — B»-rUa It-rol, | i.«a rtAdCar WbofM and IxI*** Aad •'thor kAslr>Ad ra^tinjf*. Tb^jr Pennsylvania Railroad. N«w the (leiBurilU From Cincinnati ~ Kaftera riticf. JoBtaal fablish eii '*.!ka. i;U*i ^ liraida. 4. id oad il«rr IriBACi. t;ioi|M, aiv alfw* tb» i>-4a «uia«f artariBt > f Ku>f Frearfa atka m ’ and f t-A’mt «^ethia -•.-e. . :. ' K K K 1' . H It i««Ait »' H AK AAO lUtAll Or>r«»«. kMkt The M atneM f thif l>a« decree more than a paf«iny a ’ ‘ III aad -adbill WW/.h.- ' • "EI.I, T*mi ts, ObU'His. tBTs. l.v llak H- rtirtag MachiAA f->r waa ^a aad rAiriacr makrni n«*. '"A-’” hwUr. -if. I. ii. Bi.iv- «r I Ar1‘ AA- r.'tl.. dariUiT tb» l4ft two »..^,nf !• I B fi5 W- tice. bviiig Itiilt and nwa d hr the N«« V'>rk ana Ene. Ne fulli. lent zuarantv topur.fiawcri . hin Tub-st... la «bieh ha* W*n bb-^ br eaii.ruut jad(ir«to jor* fth# |m S; .\s, nnd^.r t -•iiU-f Rl's-Ei i * iii \. 1 Jd^a W * ' . T. AEAi^ia J, i'AiiBf»^tB.Ti:i” f n>iw it |>i e< of the •|uali I • £ _ IIKFR 4 VAinu'oii FaaH.a«W ^IIIR R>u«. t'lacinnaU. aad y, urcha»en rely _ Y -rk 4ra the W«**t can reach aa Ewetern iit.rival-d mayniticeticc of Ouiah. tlian No. lid FoDrth ft.. N.t. -f ih- t.«»r - , ..r .i,. ij.i ncc>>mm ez;cn«c The tju«> a and ('rcecent are b>th tvideacof »f their cate Bill b« wi i< )ij's.\ I .!•: f ; p. omptty y 4-KN. HI.U.rrK. 4 IIAIK1IAL>. iMf^rieiB of Ger- f-bT TEVI4 * BAKIUR4>rX. ntlt-advd t m< icKus. T rva r ate*. They c< anect with tb« dailv pa^ketf at Pittfturx wbat 'ekill tn«'.f. ni thie day uf : r«^ ' • — fr-m j and -ary will accouipluh la IN« H .^ aad Ktl.iAA Br a4 1 tbf. "ilk'. II AicTiw. 4r., Xw ^ I\.\.kTI. rOLCBSt AND 4'I.IYEL%MD EOVTI. RAIMKDO m M. I.i.tt'.f. l.-'aMVille. < tnriniiat:. \\b>-liny. and all tliedirr^r* )>orfect*d -teaiubat errhit etniv « The^ Triiiiibiill Iron-Works Produre and ( ommission . B«o\a4 CX>.. .ilmhaits, iKAkrt lA Maaicaa4«a t mar* Tobacco Screws. Slc. { !'/• i;rri£ v/.«j»/ a.i/£«n.4D. eat |«>int« ua the cst-wn waUre: al»*< with tbc < levriaad pvt at rineinaati. I 0« -kTEL lu the u-wit "t* F-’T. lbr*rMM--BO. bt::. ai. aad Tie l.ittle Miami it the air K.antera I> I vt aiagt -a, foiio.. uaButa- turr .* B F Tobaoeo srrrwi aad aIao .Nu. 7 H4iW\Rr> Row MCMPlll!4. TF.NN. Ht'alya Rri.I FK. lrii| rt«r f *Mtt£aetBr.af 4 • aW aath-.ru^sd to lecBipt fF.TF.R n FrAnch. l‘ictfh«rx >hto and ,^raB«« 1 J superior art?« |e the ; aM>ag-r« Cermaa aad I Railroad and Pvnafylvania Kailrokd. at n^ers ah tuld hear in miad that thif if the aly >Uam- m war of win LMb AkDO.. ItMlATIB A i :]k*. '‘Atiaa. ’* Lard. Tiaiber. and Hill '‘ce- CARTER will *v- T r-.«d O-BaWA A BTBMlitAf I '»ia» llrT Velvets. MrriA'BS. M.AB la PiTt«bBrir. host Lib# fr- ai 4'lev« lan litiffa!<>. mud to make regular time & JOUETT Mir 'H«t ete'*n*«d with aromf t'i***. l#OBat..r« Xew Y rk and Hw-*«b te Sof. ' t<> ou rra*<>iiable .kRI»I . 4<' a TM I rar>4 faraiah at ab<«rt a >uee aad Urrm«. FORW .M, <4 i 4(iE \ I U N- RrM N V •lAi* <*arf ran thr nyh betw^n Pitubory and rbilad"lphia with- taost r rcnre their via 4 oluubnt ai.d t lev-laa-l At : I I I’S’ ( EK M.4 V M l'->lON V^-PartienUr atteatb a paid to tk. «alre *•’* B.-.wa. lo BoCUe. N agara Tickets X S i ) • 17 f M H I .s. MER4'H kNTS aad X I _ . '—..I rrviK a *ks^ I^Ue ittuuiRiiir oBt trantbinmeat »t that llBeUa, Beakreai. >aratega. |>1 (.. Or>«<.*r« Ab47«aaMAi«iB M>>tvbaA’ freight—^ advantage can bu appro- Paj«eng>-rv fh- uid bear in niiad that this is the "bIv Steam- Ther psruoularlr call the attenti. a of tho«e la wunt of BnMiag. •ere. ^ at boat Lib fr 4 b> Koffalo als -. that Lake Erie. W- PI.AMN4,P1.AMN4, yA4|lINE< and » A) . w b».b ' »‘«rawh:L/L -Sis. -m levdand 4;F.\R 41 TTFKS. .-ffering a ‘i-iy L rntei a Li Uti.mL.tmrrt* • /VhiTS" Iron Railing. \\ e..partaor.Uin Cast - ' mcti-’D of aavicati- a. by l- e nr l-'W water. I m*: at tw feet this s.-a»- la*t. pa<- mnrantrtlrunrontrthe «a'oe t -.f *' less stage of wvter a than ana be escellod la any cst»blishm at la 7^ trn afo-Tttaent f very handa'me Railinitpat- freights Weft* ard 1 an be f- rn arded from PitUbnrg to sengert th if ecautrecuutrr. mmi^u a bn-ineg-. _ I Cincia- br this ha« are a^t sahjeet W dob.-oiionson sandbars and hnve t.*koo the h.ei.r f rei rlv MMl."lMN MER4 1^. .N„. 4’HN M. PAb lE'.JoNE'.A ’ HAN .B TcR-mi.. nlasstrewt 41. Imp ! Geatl'-mea** i and or t >wof ta ratlr>ad. as at All ar:':^.-s J | San'dnsl r ar d-hrered at 4'..mpaBy's dorks, at railr»ad. fr-e - ««t »>da . / ^1 Th rd ••n-et tw-tweea Nxwnarxv..- l e DAILY TB.klMd. J Fnramkiac >«e ' ", 0 aad Maaaf.M.''mre.c f >fc.^Ls, » hirb w*- rail the a‘trcii « I tb-*a' la want < f KailiBxf<>r any of expenee r ^7 ! ^ku."l*. Hialsaad Lake HI k lT.H fiP I'KI.MiliT I •tate-r'* ms are iaeUded in tiekets by ^ r* ta N^«r» Mwar . j Tu*v. 4e . !• 1% arr»^*tivci the porfuBeo M'« are prfparcd t«> it at f ab *e aaaed Mt np Bedwe-n /h»rt»t,urg an.i lf,>^r,.trfjhia •teaioers -f th*i roale. I. ix:»4. W. -\rra.\g j or K. JotLIT. e.m , io.s w..n : ext. Tt a«*ljce rcaa-aablc tirdert ;*~r7r;r' _ .g I «. Jrr •*- . 1 *h and »• the moat trriai fria a , vTRAI HFiw A -J- i_ St riRSTCLSkS. ' ••'..irnw m. .,f \,n.. 4' FARE. 0%'M ! ! r,u... <-..tt,.a.>ttuB-Vorna. innoa M.Tci*ntt rj^ive ,,r mpt at- _ Ovxlcrt* Ov-vler-v! T. I j . 4V.ra>-r 4« KOLP II a IMt TH Al I N. \e* fiTard m71 w2td Washiaxt>'a and IToyd sts V * *r* kl* T . ,«er lull lbs. H 4 <».. Or-^-ry Mvd i. V »4 . ) From 4'incinaati to New “* I Lii-rty »t?wBt. I to n iriBni -f Fn-n h. York iii:n\i-»:vk»:. i>i i. \ t hi:. \\i> \i;w Notice. t rv. s..- A *«r .a-a* v«t». -wiMand 4;«maa /Mlcio. 7J ets. fouk ...... TOBttlU BAM S AC T I »: S, w. *.. I R Frum 4.'iaeiBaati t*-t-- Oi» IIF..at.r..tuf R sii*. aeiBaati B'ot a ...... 14 . kibb «a. Velvota. V,w;m*». >auns. sor.ee B 41 OV-T»:lt- 'I WHEELKR R.tRTlX ta our «rm ..n.* 4. . Wn-drae Pumps. «a,.4 « *'* r^Tta— Iron - imbeat . . o# evoty doacnptioa _ — MiWt Exr iwee at.,Tu'W « w sjg ly EX4 I'K.'IiiN TH’KfTS. e. J m.irtin * c. .«! mxlra V-4 lake trae-J (-•ks and ^tatioaerr. Pry Omds in halos, 1 BV E.Xl'KESS LINES ! the Pureh-ue thaa be aav arinaati N ta«’ara Falls bock 4k> O.NLY for •/ Leaf Tobacco, ati t and S9 : leVEUa-. with tbe I 5- L-- ST- ‘ft appr vrd kinds. b>tb f- r eisteras Hinge (Hastwaiv. i.r e r.iH except4'a.lT.r.. magai-evat l ow -V t.aadr..rnwr .f B [.. . •• ‘ — K to Iluflale and ba**k 8 iiu IN «'«»">* -ittii.f ' reroad ftraet, bctw^ica M*-e. and Water. MF'M Vt r. U-: I j Tri« ty nace. arid f ‘^•'*' • *^***' / \ 'V” <>>''«_aM(evv».,- U . l^hi«o;.wUr>«erH aad C^MBMei « |ai|-rt.rs td I.A4 t'. LMbK4i|l»Fim -. wclU of any d^pfh U>U'e war-antwarrant our Pompe V- p«rf -rm Hariwar**. II »11* w-warv. Macbiaery, Oil- WHEN «»F THE WE-T j rent 'I' b'.dc OR A? rilEAP AS 41TUER K4il'TE. . , Well, and wiU rcfbitdthe mwbeymvbeytftf ther fail togive fatisfactiua. CiDth. d. 4c. ANY autpiS Tl'l 4 H\KK\K4»r.t. For t-lexse ^ n*'i \ «--pirTBrrsh;r f-»i L C# HKA1H 4 •• INwfar Through Tiekeu and all inf-vnoati-in apply at the i Smell pr fils and quick sale, u me •m-Kloe et'e* ‘ T' tl « Lun *«om^t Ageaev aad r-.»- as _o__f U r .4 . llorV.. r -vn-- d 4>Bcral Railr ad Offles. in Urg.- e-ll-.w tbreo- 1 raadi Kv.-ry thing ! soil I I an 0 warrant. Onlv on« Dricti f.irelT ‘ misvi end »• V““ Great VVesteru I'iaiio Depot, y oil*er rout*. 4 I • 4 PRF.D MlNRfiF 4 . extea*. «e ref sa-vd. pprr in lag-u nadrr ail cl-^thiar nax-*»-il. t< - 4*. < the eetsh . U -gs. eta. I fiOeta. ry building, a^uf beast f sts iird- proi-ptly ' name f BELT ' l erner Hr*-odway and Fr^'ni . ! rs fillrd. Fresh »#. « ID-*iN -' Th- Piekicd. and 'pi. «».' *1 ui. v ii.\.n.\.n.11 i T| a.. Dealer ta IbemS. rural. «4I .N P'- vi * e- , ULi. VN VS g4 Miu. offivc Ifi ClNriNNATl, OHIO. Bnadway devtau « frim marke<: Harr. rial. Leatbervastwarl. Zinc. irectly P-ydra* -r . i. I I o| .Npenesr s in casks fresh Cren-ble Walaats; j | s.t« ibe U Kailmad HeUl. and | lers. 1 i>kl- Nances. I'atehaps. Ac. J / O n^Mvrk • N AAedev re ta Btifiai-.a inf na |ur nasere of Pieaoa I N-w V. ' v S5 bt-l» frooh c mam S au; Mail-lleat Landiax. or et tbs Eastern ^Little Miamo Katlr ad Bspnins naif -rm price and a ».as’aBt ROBERT r.EI.r,. frw«Ha&U*e g.'*.**v*^ sunrlr warranttA fae ! h'- . H KOHfT^'hr axA u: tbe ^ vttharwu have buitt Fork Ba-ua. *-• twmm |y*w\|No4 bkv. < Depot. East Fr street. the * M Hli HANaN. Lrw«- wa to Je2*.il At-B’H'M. „ J.' hblsfr>sh ITl'-erts. at season. j. TODD. « Je Axeot M atrSd \ Daguerr eot ypes OE » 25 bbls fr«sb .Mmoads, WM H. 4'I.EMRNTS. s«,.eriBteBdent. *0 .'^iitb st., 4 de..ri west -f F blK irilER. Walnut n-.Mh side I * i.CRNEV, N-» :i4:' ad. tt Ffewitt. N-irtoa. 4'.. V »s44-r erected either ia Euroy- r .Ameri- level3L4 with rathw Hr idost aad meat extenelre A , 1 V 4 a. aad ad leaf t Agent. } » l^k.rk BaihkA '<'> 1 >« boxes -belled d Ash. Tobacco in eastward. Tar Rmin. 'TRADER. Tick. end Grnrral ‘ PP'OHo the I a;ted »»*-. N.w-New yY -rt. I N (. Rploea V .. isn-,- SUUs IKtol.CiacinnaU A m aae • vabli-hmeat ia th- I au. d 'rat* |4«.U. •ri. rv i’ ^ M*ria o*. • mthaaiwir. aelafxea.aayintbe, > V^raFaiU. *e. eld Ir 9rm WThi.kv.r.dtu, ,,D fMuU The Omnibus Line will call f >r asv- ngers part <>f «. ACobb, aiUd ' -• ih< Hittor do; ,.mw.r I.rd I la any B^Sal a at same place, Ti s’- • Mj r Third etrve^ M ^vrs. Bill 4 ta 'S. This r-g'Ui will kept filled wita ar.d l.ar4lOiI lUAr-aghi. the eitf. bv leaving dirertii ns at tb« ab t« oAoe. south, ast livst- c»aked Mig-.r Piaaoe fr>m tbe best I Builread Ertaiax Bxaswee at 1 • eUnk w w laoks IVaaBts. 1^^ f,y^,^ ra ta - j H* In /gU ^ ever? stele and a the 4 I Engravers. anal ftreetstrMvt r laa. -•-r*. nnke.s in the « unrry »*king4trvet ; M R ! , 4 J Ba hv the ex*, at '.f our bas net. i «d easlueive i I.DI • U rm K A« c. . eoriicr 4 J k. israorv aad J nst reeoi ved per mail-buot aud foraaleUwby aar loads, at wcer ntV. of 6r-adway and Float streeu. dir ctly ea the river Cha'ges modrrate. r ad /aZe^A L , tL.T ";i I j ' i 1 ¥ ^ OBR, IV«T/ae>r r - I tans. 2t. aable as le sell a.l Piti-Nnrg. ar . • Lacraver V May Us54. WUw compecitioa at the t.. iev-i-usd _b • tf 75aad TTNaeaxa CEO. r. J. If. IDiWEl.L. 4'uaductor. ne-unati aad «ame ttm« le Owakrrk N«w Y«wa aad a. _ ^ *P • reri FRANiTSrrS. will dh well to try the * _ , Th;- t* tbc lar, . »t aad Oy.fers at — a«r such a *ar.c*y m has a.v-r beea se- thi-. -r Nivgara Fall- WeotohluLiuaat la the t'ai- a ta aay eO.er I .%l»^aay. New . Tern 1J^FR4,I »«iN ^-4 Fi> >xht txent. I'ltuburg. ..k.utf«rN4», 511. ^u- aV R 4 iN . Or-xwe* aa < ^ ••uatry . mr ••peaiag SL-ek c- asists t f Fbe *aly r-nie Ixadmx « 173 a. w Reerw od p-v>«aaurr* la i ''Tciaad F Bar* • xnc F' et». E. J NNtVPEK, Copartnership NoUce. I ' < i at th- Bino U jbs*-. a F-artb str««t, near I Fif'ight Agent. 2.“. Mata. . Silver \\'E . 3, , i. b..- ti... - . 1 *“ t. Change. u. i r ..4 .. Ttnrrthir- 3>i l.t uis itth, rtrwti. • Uvrlaa-l “NY* 1 Expresses. i M„*.r.hip 'Lt':"' III i w.th marl...ivjrv kei«s. Duak rk aad “I'm N NETT,“laaiw atittes to suit parcbos. re be MACRAW 4 K4HIN.U. BANKIXd-llorSES. aad at Iri Bafcio. arr .pi • ^ ^.,,7? ,raa •• l n.ivv EX|-RE>* < 0. .ill irA.,.[. rt fr-m ’’ !"*" T' HI R * -1 KI> I r'r krhr ;.r-tar- F w-e. e*'*. ^aii. -Ira Fxprew, No. 4f 'j Ih* Vint At L' THE LITTLE «' P THOMPSON f Frnxht Ar»nts, Haltimors. l-bilid.li'l iA * " ' THE^-- ••‘"I I -\ wbrn rnrniihtd with An-ri' 4I.K IIARMV ARk nn4aad '= Vt-VT- 40 fail Piaa**#. T EA-TEK.* srl ti aad frum all An liolj . r n f b;t Aaished nil r^ua.l al-ke. at from E DErOT JOS. I. ELl.IoTl. *ho k ' l> vi ‘V.,** i ,e;' .f tk«B ..a Phila.lelphia. 5ilv. r 4 oia c - k f O^.a A.fi.'.* .u of all • as’ la * H.BB S»4?». N «1l irteak V; arr fell 7 -tuTeo. Freight Agent N«. 7 West st.. N. Y. sums of n't tlvaa • ^ Die $lik'oach. at the t. 11* - *#-R> nn n»l * r-fur. yu«* 'F » following ratoF aad wiU fiM • a*d fi --ctabsu. »*!* tinb.in — cMBS < boxes) NaTANT, I ,'Y O 2;*-i -*.^.4r-=*.«A.4 >4 • I. 5 MOORHEAD, M firm and ac mai v 1 her* as v.-’i.’****'* - I I the -tu-or Ma-^aa-' Liuiw.eat la ktieBmatifir, mvy br t# fa*«>r u • wt S;:sbr.7r.;‘jVb''*‘’'‘ I Bnu- do F.nslish alaui*. »' /’Af iAN»'A lh-<* kk 2 W Fraight Agent. N<>. 22 Wall st., rtiNNFLLSVIl.LE. W*a. 'S' Ihrir -»-deeaii Uvadf-m la Cuar --A Louisvills. patr-nase. x< w- arc drt rmin -i . I Ham. 'imwis i «•-. pil... n*id w -vll u^yn a. fa» re - T Uisrewis am) Lako A Frtt'i aa elTo. tBaJ 3 do Velvet 4, rki; l'M4»NT05\ N. Piano-Forte Tuning, Repairing, Ac., >h«m Emlroad »t c Wwefctad i . 4 -...40. Ms.li *T H. H IIOI ST41N. terms as iiguse \.-* ^ eat4 i. tvill..::.:;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;; ;; *j any in the M .at. J <]:i ^iL**aja- rha aiaU ^f mee »r aaiiaaiv. o. k-' ca.es * larct Hie-; .N8VILLF. 'FfHSR I W U rnarMly Gen«rai Fr ightAgt-nt. Philadelphia. BROW J Bt JO-Ei-ii ptirrEH. ’ V I He-»bm#k. W. E. « ‘'“iVf TH T|4 V Ik M . Gp-o-ry oao » engrnt r aad prvfwi.*V.r, L RD EET!I. *>mm'-os vO M. rchaat. fiM Hr adway. NVw 13 boi-s llavaaa ^tigars: Deposits fwee:ved Dis-*ana‘s mad<*: Drafts b>*>iigbt. sold, aad ^ “ vuntbii .* aud for all .a/^r»a.~ S nisville, June nl i,iw.n it . b.rw.»njn:- , < r 11.4. A JOS E^. Agent. .'Od Main straot’^"' L 28. IsAs-c** >n4 Tnwrth. M tlk.' .M -.tn'.ii-h.d t Vs. 'wo>«4ots. ' •*'' <• Ovignaioat, by collected Bank .Svtes aad >:eeie bought and »old. Sto--ks. »tH* n.„Tnl B.'l* nTTItiT? ^ , _ _ „ ^ - f”*** The .Vtlaius Kxprt-NS Co. • .1 -til “At a l-iaA-irwrl. in l «rr .*- iluw aa* | la.w in iha i^Tynibjin,. ».,,b ' • I ' ‘‘ther S*euriti>‘S wi I t fi ,* » I Notes, aad ^uxht aad sold on coiaiaiasl- q - i.tr wra*r •« Ur-'iiwn* X .eaaieeieaMoa » ' ™ I aaaaad I ownownrcin.- Mh Accordioiis, Strings. Ac. P-J" C oal l.unilHaiiil t. t.rd '4~i»*!F' tr-' -11.* ^*! SI. *a4 It.n 'ati-fnriiwn nr ffnmraa «j |-nt.!r*rt. ‘.r-^s .5. . p44rrc»p4/ndca 4'wlle^ti ns iicitc-d. ( 4»al .p.,*,, fi T f at - eaad a f2«.'dly >lin4> Vgeiicv. B. l >t« n I t> n-»th:ax I u* 1.1. tl'-rMt 'KN * , I.,,. r,_r. |,iRriTS— S Ij H ed valy .#;«r taa,:«B*Tovs M'l H AAl HAilbw I na-IOA, ,,d Wh,4»»!- \ cnnn#<-tlon with ni . (.«uer*l Br-k.rn,. CrutChCT & C-OXd I "I puW « neuw E^mn Linlw l»e lor I tii.inr.. Iwilint- . J •• whn la i-erman. Sr-’' aad •••** I J have puroha^ird I'laao-f Miomii Dvpwt. -Mkot Froac axroot. H Italtaa lasira- i I &k drunisdrutiis fraebfreeb Smvrat Figs; 'rt-rr.^.,,, V J ertou of av 1 ten'll., thniurthA*,..]., nn-l to H R. -ii.t! d* 1 1. I.A.in/ ( . Co \OTIi nl nl i An.1. and lak* aaiiuanviL. am;* wt.o have rv-u-uu.. 1415 .1,,.1.3 K. •mfleT*-d JU»|T fr.il.fr.uls d- U.trt;Dates; Tltruu^h by Railroad from l.ouui ilU toStw I'orJc, Mm*. Ha»4 n,n4* ntya.If " II"I.L-‘Al.r. me as a tnaer uf j I fnmilinrwith tiAf nl inter*.!, in /"V DT 4 I.EI'7 I N II4KI>4T\RE, laaas. all ot nhum ut. Tick, 1 And Rauias; The Banking-Houses of 11,4 luw.rllhi., I'nrti..l..,r'.n, “’'«ry. Ill fk.ini'.l.- cjrrJ*Al.I;“*'‘^' Philadtlphia. Baltimort. Burton, and the Kart. f brinrin; tb«ir t ..nl I.nnd- n«4 F4«. T .1., II,,*. Iv '-rmiaatloa IS ;.-f 25 cases fre»b Prunes la rla-s; SA' ,af*.er le dF*«*i vf the faVvT- .'f thap'sb^ Ul T4 H1\G> 4 4*0.. ?- - H*. -it. 'T’lutMpNON 4 RoF.-l F \t,. 14 lai|Kvr4oT» •munt.inf,.nl "I l- 1. ni.,ilu H ul. Maiden l.aao. L50l.M) drams fr.-«bfr.*ab sultana -:as:-:as; ’Hr. .4II.4VS KXI-RESSCORPAM' u-oliDB.M r»« tl«ir lAn-lf t THE OHXIBC.I Ra A. D. Ul .ST 4 4 41., "T ..nl Min.4 will I'lenau rnllca II\E I • - Mnnafactarcr* I orn^dr.... J*' >f F«.'- aad Wh Itftxle Iwues IS. Nets 1 luuli«i ba .tcsv..« Ii ifr«>a.i».t. Ezp'eas to aad from Louisville and all Kastera cities f -r 'kt » 1 J. P.4 I RTI< 4 4 0.. ¥|F H 4 Kh.BT H-^kra.a B I- a«< l-*i e. Fror j Just TwcciYod aad for sals iho safe, ejoedy, and rtteap e -oveyaafe 4>f Merrhandi-e. Mo- >n. ' wrn llviu. low by I Frjm ihisdate will bs opened at8 o’clock eloeed al4 JnnelOdtf At his '*=" X* H« aa« BiL articios geao.'aH IV4 Va i A.M. aad eonaling-r-pms.MA Maia et.‘ oui v.lie. Dissolution. j \ nvv. . 4 LRSO. Fackagef and Ihtrerls f all kinds. o clock P. Tr n*7riir“-'“‘ GAETANO I M marK’dtf viidtf mutna’ e»>n-eat, the t Fancy Goods. aaeb It . I?' ar^n^rthi; herwt f r« sxistiax he. ~ ! 574 Main stroet. botweea bevrath Fixhth. Fzpross in charge of s{o- ial messsngere with safes ~ 4. H M.-vwi ’ aad I. limber! I.iimbrr! Door*! Ha'.li -Tndn-ir I'll • * ~NrV RLE* FINN k . |r:.r "‘,’'''.1.'* in !!'• V.rrhant r*er* OI.I> I «f Frare*- for seeuriiy - Tail, 0.4 lu.. Abb:i faeen . ~Ltmmt 'it M..ta aad and Her f valuablev. .\4ITI4 K. VV.4ICI: lti;P|.ATKl> r.n.' • • ' I I J S Bunvnrv « \ I Wiitisu H I i^ om. anev and Trnve ii.t R\«l e». awd Mnr iifn -rw, r. eX i \\’'E A'K EVERY IN Kunaingour Lx, reef tbrrugh to sit the Eastern cities by •;srvutt T YuvsteiurN.., _ LAUV lJ>ri.-VlLL£. WHO , New Axiangemeut. 1 Exchange BV rHK >''t“'''^'-L'n'du'L',j' vf Lotti.vti:. .at* f t,U*c w ' and Banking House, i*''7ii:,2.'‘5‘oEiv\R.''^ , .1 NatetHS I a*iai-.BSto R^>lr tra: KLKCTRO-G.VLVA.MC ,i Uu . ^ purchase the most b*autiful aad ths ehea< ad. Passenger I P juBN 4 <•.. ^ esM process 1 4 4 Or r- and 4 ummiaai4«a Her- «*1, *.*t*.lwith fiilli'.wrrt .vullfrtaud c* haa aav '-ta-r liBc, r. > mail n--t i.xmptrd. i HITIII Tt'IIIXDN a CO.. ar |ay4r! ,.4u•t. br< I H Ti'ird oao F urti . J. N. BREDDEN CO.. I »f4fr"mth*lat.bnu. & rvee at IH.l.IH.l . V ' ' Exi f >r Ea«tleav.w 7A.M. r svp ~V^7~T~r-y - .,|IHR...nvlR. I Orrtca^rricaOrrtCB Hocusiiocux ruou sctru Novuuauu 1, \^7IXV. ** "Ft 4~4-r--r*’KI .IfeaisBB. Deai^ Madison, -l.s s, T. 1:l: TIITON. T»« wa«4vi>v mi titiai.ai. ..indent.7n.f.nt ..i it LITTLE - I e ^ -rs arc ‘•’for. aa«i - lea AT liAl F.*-'— 8 frails fvrr sale - -- m r i-.uitni-.u-.tn rR-iiifr.R-iiif m.. Uwtiw MIAMI RAILROAD. s« W H arerr Y-- oa’*h barrn «a 1 I k EV just roeeivod and lew D-. I xinrtd'B at 6 .A. M. / ila<-*''-T.«- UA.Z ZmJ ^ IaOI IN\||a|,4X • Is 1.4N fnrniab Tl-r n«, Sh*l*.o». Ar«kitmT*t. 1-WM.t ,rdtt KT. Mxnibg Mill aitd r Bnsin. .te •« h**?**^# i|-.a*>.ived. Wnt PIl-r-HI Rh. PHIL kItEI.PIII I aur 24 A.M. O 5u pr-me N. O mann.r and lor ,2- -Is. 4. | m ri'iV,',,’,- .wvw** Bn ap. stareh. -a« l‘-s. -andios 4^. ALTIHORE. AXI, < «onable * " II I I \ 4, I' iil**., 1 terms. M \R\ 1*1 » Wri d jsale i Fitv-W trks. Tovs. 4e.. Su it .Vi i ETT, OrwBcr aad ommissitsa Her- — Third Do St. lA>uis at 7 A. M. ' Hi) ivl4 die We ma lufacturo Dors. '•ash. m:«* li>Hin. John N. Venetian Bliad*. Maatl * Ifo 54^. "mO Its 1 BREEDEN. Grates and Fendera * EvansviID aad Vineenaef at 10 A. N. c .antry M-Min*s. aad Frsmeo At SlU € o '•'oek A. M aad •*# K4A KRIEn— Lov.STille, March 24. 1«34. for D- rs oa t W.n.i.w*. 5 sVUek P H .; aud ,d»si lbs ll-v H JA< RviN f nr«rlf IV . ?ud. Dj^'tght Dr*fis payable at any Hank la England. Ireland, 2 r.bbcd >'des. tl.e cammiewieii 1 N jArl»» t . r 75 hhds N . O. 5agar; Have >a baad ,arg st aaw^rtmeat af Pin# Tbrko Dally ^ Meg. .aa:. Lumber la this Tnuws 4u P«4*wb«r« r ! cV*' 1 1 <;>«•• <4 rru4-r 1.114) sugar-cnr»d Hams; SlFSSOl’s A Vik r. c91 StvaAvat. 4um- Abu*. 4'.'fir4«. • m. 75 bags Kio Alsix V'-' c»->ok A M. find .ewua fifiU-unaii t-a- . •o'cl-skc. e« u.4 Si' All. N.w r-rk. I I f>nrardod to Europo, Califuraia* So kages Inrlebcr’e atsortod **Bgnrsi PATL.NT SI’KI\4; ,.I7 25 bsigs Lagnai ra '.iffee. SAUlILK-TREES. • b*^o priated aad publisbrd bills of pnoes t'.at w.ll he M aadaud fivstv# .5^ e el--ek P V **** *• tu H 'tmch.dJ FAmisr.^n^ G--w4s.4ic SoO btls halt. THFO- I Hki kf-gf a-eort^ Nalls; Kanawha ^ '^'•rdod Ul all who so rt-)ucst 2^ ta et*** •-'•'uablcdtofar- E 5 ES N D.F.l: llol /. -f N-reh t. *e w’.ll jr-e- cuts l I Air lo rite«tsGua|<.wdcr Taas; Su bexes Miaaoii 4 Mrasier's• rjpcrierijpcrier Tobaoox,TOLiaoo-, Ffkbrp.*4iaad 51 .V\ aish th* s# unrivfil, ; I 4'0 f^iRE REDUCED, Hot Furnaces. Ac. d Trees iaquabtuus 'I hoeiu^M »ula the namenam., vfv( J. 4 n.i». _i> J N-JIRETDEN 4 at ih rt nwtico N. UHLKt'ENUHKKI'EN 4 | J aOaN.A • ifiCiafifiti Pries j Pbi-adelphifi. aj^ ABre .Xbaiesu la lb->U. MauoMrv. As., Third A YID 4 PI YF.K ifiveatA^* aed f-at- i.*-!'-- 4 MTstr^t 12 baxs P«pr«r- $3 23 each 'a*h. U . 52 <; WliWll I.IAMt.l \M ARNFTTARNF.rr, ! ,'*’* ei .-t>ie > £5 balus I Cnti Ualting; i ' H nra w»wt»4hr* ' D' hega ass ADAMS BXPRES< Cy>. S'j. n u. KalM.u-'i-. .... anafer-tv-rai<4 4<»*i wl^4*e*i and iMail, ia Farnsr-.*. r'«d Pettoa Taras, ^f'’^TFK, 4 Tn?7 Dentistry. n 4)BrRS'.KnM|:sTDN,A BARR. 1^27 J"H^N.J»»H N N . BRBREEI»F.NEFI»EN 14 100 ’ > 5o S A JOSr^. Agent. .V54 Ma 1 street auxlddtf boxes '*tar CaodloB. isNow Be Ut.re. V.Ltiiateu. Ac. bales Battings. j Sols Var.ufa tur-rs and V rk V;aPiiJi2£;7 -:a ^bdA.'.. . Wb«leia!- j E GEirriTH M . late M -4e^ aad Artad FUw l*cai«r. 50 D altrs ia D f Tepeailloeaad •• U 2' do evmmua >uai ' loP.rrsburz e» do 4'aedlc-Wick: ' - F ft - r A Dissolution. DfiiivilU. asolucfited himsolf , la L uisviiu f >r So ke-e f,yr sate , .. . India Rubber Goods. 20 do Twibc'Twine assorted Saile, bv m piStaOuri ^rwwtew,..' * I 1a^«>KEI 4.N AM) DOME'TK M4dLi»K.V- 3 4har«h BuUdifig, \\ alunt *treet, |>A'A'murualmutual ewna-nt firm ^ Deaiiairy .7. » 1 the f -TK4-TK4ITHEKiTHEK 4 • He truots that *a ui**ic«a4e 1 Ri’^sVii • nrvrsv KENNEDY Cia'ifiaab * ^ » brrDry Gc~;;.u-.ids DeU«rs,imTi.;;, .i:417 ’^MDV INDI A uriUD R r!i„ 41 J- t.r. street, loli: bbUbbls Nt, Uai*Ia^bi* Suxars;Sugars; RP*:nELL 4 ni'N'CAN, Time i'tt**btgr* Ia'w maks aM l7 packagt s pure Braudivs. eunsieting ef this *tav * ’»f • t uourly twenty 1* Ware 50 CncnnA.i, Obin. H «li**"lv4.{. J iiA- • Vk na de *s ..i;:ant. - nxod b. *4ttl*1, i I yours wiU be J j - 4y a k’» 1*’111 •13 55S Main si . b.i..in'ibotweea >«cv‘n^'-n^dad aad Third. t“ Pb-Iad- • d- bbls . . ^f Rubber n -th*. Druigisu srii let, 4r. rnw»sfp.-fc bbls NN". I1 V.aejar,V.aeiar; VC, b.*.^., . ,n„ .ny,*., ‘ ur..* ,TUt guaranty U^a Jaw 1 all t* . affiir* tl* . -f skill la his r r f-wsiua. -f lat. firm. R. 4 -TRi'TII FR. i *• '• I 4d * 1 l».i\ JA- I.. ' II SO5« VW.bbls MvUsertR. Ua^, j R-videaeo Baiiimora ... *•; llAAtarOr TTwILm.•AWlk«»..J„,irJuvITr I -Ay ly Fvb.15.l-A*.Fvb. 15. l-A*. aaJ .lAcs sofithsids uf Walnut sirrat, Sdrs v# 'kJ fTTim HmiA ^ . roociv.d aa hakalnmbus. Bernard de P«l'«y.l-il'.y. K-R. -stam..iiAm. A'iecra.Ciiwro. Su,-Svic- T”. w rk n.jt. nly Iwnulifnl kul *,r. fig PaaMiir-rw|*a be II la d r.i 'r n uf G-^rcers Patent Rult-r bhe«t ugs, Diapcis. I lulwtni.li.i nt,d' dn- j|^*^si»k4* 5 de de do, vorv sutien. raniv. Nr>ttr-» J AMR- Ford, J !M»N, *' finiehvdtafinielM-d to xrvat Jr . A m Fabnca,Fabrics. FancyFaacy EubbrRabb*r t: '• Tow# U Napkins, liner. Ixiw ns. (ambnea. and rfit«*s. Jacq<:ard. Jran of Are. Croiawoli.oiDwoli, Homer, Gutcmlerx, a vanetyvan«tv of shadtsandshadi-eand c*il«s,t rs»•* ki»i.K Mimui R R . siws Maiastfwii, d- and T ^ tllvra mutual W r»)RD, ••dthe WuwtiftUmoufiifi.aecvnervbvdvT.ight xr.”tediai : f r Phil- 15 d* 4'lsrot do iBwrdoamz) ! I *" Indiu Buhb^r. ^Y^O^VMESOFT^E NEW TESTA M ENT. botng ibosul- •vlea.dmaunvrsuiarrt rio anything nf ihs *'* ^ ' r*riy .• aui?»uri.d l-u*- r Fnf D S^tiBior*; 4 kind \ ,7 w’ t ..iw, _ ] 10 dv Whito d-: that can be ,L '’•"“i"';.". ‘‘’V W --nfioetiag as PbaaApipkia w.th I Dnigg»sm,44» Maia roar tSie Theolrigical 8tu- establishment ia the W' st. I 1-^ T . ra aas 'Mng Babies. alsaagTeatra- ra cities M r mrth** S*t caocs 4'laret do; ThwSc Waters, Camden, -"‘.! who are ah at * Co.. ; n. : *f India Rabl-s’ 1 ulDge, 1-ondoo. by K. furuishinx c ithci lk^”'“- — . D II. »4saad T -vs. all- f which New York Store. S'l btls Ik'Destio as .H 'TTCVi V “ir k Hraody; >-. ''“^*'** « ..Dwakr )• Pfirate U- uses. w. 11 find ^ ^ Albany. F- le.^i. /aoMMIA-IoN MEiii U.ANT>. I4J2 B-fiva, s«a4 4 •i’’ f*' »*•*« bca tifu! tcaa O f -thcr maienal*. A TENEn-EEAN ABR4)AU, or Letters fr..m Europe* Afri- it aa object eaii Poydraa etracL New Or- Pa#— agor* by 5 i. .«h Ivc-i*ng aury,4c..A3: aad a U aad ox^iae the I d Fatreea I ••lo Miami m > “ •*M ForRTH NTREET. * wa Sui.4r> d ea. and Asia, bv AV. MucGavuok. A I.L. Ahove before imn-hasiag . ***** ^.iivad. direct ;imos m»redarm)le Feersa'e he ths f.«aer dealers I R M. U.. a mombet “Z. _ make eonnoe*>wa st Vtttwimri w.ta Faet _ J _ _ I ef the Nasuville Bar. EuB sets from $4>> to 4*'S>. ' i»N 4 Dal B.iLD, 5*" «ho Now V.-rk RubUr , Copartnership. 4 ash Advaaoat ma«u cuuignmeatate f^.iladelpi.ia and Bsauaiarv. a,naoc:..i< Vfi». Dra*e»ii •—-o, wanimer-.uo^ 4* V T**''v* m tho abt.voVAso bv . •I o-flkiPod 'wis» 4.A*. Va-i, 4.V Muidoa l.aao N Y. i-t s-aie, aad Muslibi. wbiUaad esi-rsd Freaeh Tarl- MORTON 4 GRISWOLD. BCRLEY 1 hareare this divdi ass- aui: . jl Tram f 29 dSm | LTFORD. \l^r c:at*dwitnnj m busiaeM O. M. YAH 7 V BKCNT, HiN « < Now Jviury Rnilrvad to NeW X A ) i toas. Ific aad suiUtle fvtr Third it., south • oveaiax i-artv dro4*es. side, bet. Sjeamure aad Br.*adwar. * V Tltve firm will be obotiuu..d aud< r the v^m-r .'l•l&eaad *tvl — — ^ f fiixKK. iKTANFA^iiTm^v, Duooja tl'p ' I ^'cT *4a- Machinery and Machine Toola. Dl RKflE lir.ATn. 4 40. Ciueinnati. tihio, f r-. ( 4). Lmi. • .», .. th. D.,ut UuT 5i) baskets Anis CSfbbls copper distilled Tallow de. in st-re and rsal« by I n.WE taksii tho •' ro lato!v 4'*^ * mf 'fm -:i*.a. u nss at ply ni tk# ^3 la^xTa WLisky, 1 to yoars old; ..cenpivd • p eld'UaUi' *ts)wd 3 by 4i- m rtarher , » f^P.A I * he RTN ER**H P boretef.-ro extending betwoou t)»e * JOHN B MelLVAlN NON [tlP-TARI-FNTF.R. f- rm-rl* uf (I-ulrTifb, riBA4i,«iIl Dissolution. •tfiev. .• iKr s 54) 4 1 ..*d *c ’ e 50 bbls B.-urbua county do, 2 to 4 ream old: iatond kec} me a -k-ic* ecio-n • f r-nt brands ^ o -ry y* IV w out; jiag s*u»a- undecigued. umlor «r< r • mt-ihinx ti>ti) T thestylenf Hnsloa. Miltoo. Co.. i ’ xr-atlv bitbis .dvanu,:*.dvanta^c 1 c- r *?’' 4 he writin*writing t*>t<> mutuvl f. ;'irru;'irrii D Forsalobv I>Y nsen*.Sen*, r*i.ip h#:her-b-f r cgietiaghe- .f ri'Wrf jw Er b b* I< «j -. p. 4. .''•L 4i»w«i,. -i rwil. u. kjAtnsXDS D.4 0».. W.A.AMsasc Qrraexa. Ham atffwet EiKiBAi'M 4N>., ^ A. ZANONR, rwn— «r in- '“'.f AND I •senbersaud ! Vr.RDTN 4 N 97 Matdoa 1 fine, 1i this day disootvod tv mutua! couseat. sUtiug wf»,-rvrv hrhe is. H w» Ir^.411 An\.Any pers-’-n|•er**>n wlwkn-.w..«r!tokiA»wo J > tu -u Mclh t: and ‘.h r Aid : : ,1,. K. t.l. ..4 ... , rm ai.d Th-*m*s 1 I ^ I Main and Water sts. Br .ram «»!t.rBvw!f I 'u ri! I- r .ffcthj, tu 7' B b Lb.4 r .1 *- rravts • f VioUaa, Ga-t Ntnaga, • easksSoutb .•’^idc Madeira; Mr. Fnn»rt4TON. — r-warltdd bywriting'wby writing th«*th«> su‘sa' *cri)> this day -‘•-Iv.'d, Kaotrra ^ Lit*:* Miata* w *cr>)»ra*cri)-ra d .* all liter Innt I Ti.tu Me' .r.-.Hi rctiri.g the <^.Ft^=-rL faut ai.d he.'» Fa>*:gr***'tAtr*ef I fr-m w.«hiiig a saio.ri*»r article. i d. t.k N fic 14 2 do East India du; and stviing wb- re Mr. F. is - 4 ABB. lSv^«n I Fancy anaaau Mapka>(ap4o DDry mar NEWTON E MILTON. L''RF>H I rby^y farnishingfurnishing aneany iaL nuationnuati • McI»srTU"tt, 4'lifl r), 4 C*-. ar- auth r# e- llr*t all 4 nsi^niwsais f ** * Lt.MK.Nf-* ni-d acc«-nat< F. mr andutbor r due* rasr-e-'^fuHv w-lfir- I 'tupdrsaWndenk. i —- 3 do sandemau's Purt- that will lead to a euiaiunatcatiMaIon with » ^ * 4’o.. MM.WM. E. MILTO.N,MILTO.N. Tr 10 doiendoie Fresh '•trawherries. himhim. dur tho eunc-ru aud t-av all d- ' -i tue he the #•1 jll v. W '•Tgift^g. Ti ootgodornraal 47 Maidon taU' . Guitars. Tirdirs, Aeeor- tame. J AMr^ /i.HN^ r..\K. . A^ai. I 2 do Duff du Gordon rale Sh--rry; 4’t)M*;TtM’KiM'TtM’K 4 a;, A N I d -J) .A iLi., - w-*- •**®**Srass Instru’ii t?- aad '•tcinr* at w>—Isasle. 5 do AA'horlleberries: BROTHER. HijnftiTT -k BK4>TI1£R, \f D-si«e in LadtmLndiss nmd^aS Geotirswnti/-* 1 dc j -• caa« du bn-wn do: No. 3 St. Peters Place Astr-r J r. wlBid. ' n u. G Ce. 25 do Black BlackUrries; *l»ee ^rearufi^rearuf iL-asc^,iL-nscI, Jan. 27, l.*s5*. TIDiM Vs M *iR.\l.N. W 1 I ,\ „ .rtutt. THE OSNIBI'-- UN* " J-’':_A:a.e#t. r sal- at tbe Bluo Huoso. ol2 _ i r D J. P. THOMPSON. .N 4 >B.4.r. nr.BiX.. V U »UI f»r Color Manufacturers. xiltov a d. w,iiill .untiao.cofitiaao th.the Oneral(;.b»r»i r<«.Com- All of which 1 warrant to bt of superior quality; jnst rodoivod w V Tk itr / J BowlAad. pi.. a., .art •» tk. bI. At -a. a, *** AX’’’*- H'buieanko Grwnrta and '-/)* mi*, 'll lurwir^.e I) ueinoss. 4ir,rt.oa.atdirrciioos at -.i.a’.i.« ahab x# ifi.-e. •.-•-.w- J: * O WORKS — r. I. N1'».,l«, Amt. (3 " »»d u.inww. ini« .11all iuits br»n.liM.branches, ibin direct fr*-m Bfil timer# and for saD Uw hr Copartnerslup. Rowland A Co.. 't S'*, ts oti**..atbMsi. j;, ^xsmt M m m' Juto .-.ITW*., X New Books. b*«l Fton:, V 1 hr*. t,r.w«. *.. i«i by llu.:uO.u*:u0. Miltun.AlRiltuB. At ...o., M.:..tr«itMa:asiroet A. BnRiE. 5o Third st.. Special Notice. r*.«HMI«IOVS.Ri diPteGy ••*•»«on rtrar :*•.Liah. • 'b j -r-iir «r.a.T*i,n.t4 h.*."tL.. .i». r ru.'j»«r.ir;i.r.s,[..«t- Htxr- and DEaI ER< iv HIHE-. >4 WhulosaloConfo^'tluneraad Dealer in F»reign Fruits, 1 Tall. - l.arJ J 'I noWELL.HOWELL '’T-i-iaEt.f. ** yEM>RKK'“ -- -* I * ^’ Fu»«y uMd V*n WAT< H AND JEWrlRl' 1 4 r ll,. .'-I- »!.4 tru ul I>I.KMl>TT, • UFH.fcl), 1 u4a *4 h.t. wa _ . . We take f-lofisnre la re-'/imiatudingniatuding the o9o V in Norway. Translated from tho Germna - f rhoidur# F rt'*' aew firm to kiietiie T»ys. Firv-Works, Imported 4'igars. 4e. MUklilbTiifnl (• «in« 4*4)., x .ia aud i^rkui. tothur*buil4i»«"fhui.r'..ntfhisprraent ! f. r the pur;--e-' <*f tru~.^ix~tiiig a wh b t.*! and r-tail bua*- L ai..iii._ r eo«l» fiod enst'-mer* i*f old ^ Mngxo by Eaward J' Murris. ^ the h>juve. »ad bespeak f«*r y FoiFor Washington City,City. „ j them a ' rlAu* bn.in-**) Baltimore. of will I- r*m>i.4 utjt tl..- l.l1st '-if • Phils-Phila- l« M'*i A- MK- t... A%»4 4*T.rs Eirfr, J .b the -f n*^ m th mAiiui'actur -f '•v-.v.s, i.r*:- s. *Lr.d < a*tt:i. -, xl*-* aad 'i’arietv F'Urtt.. w iiff stpit. |) eral ehuro "f tl«* busiBoet w liberallv extended to us Tt e Australian W'anderers, or the Adventures of Cartaia Importers aad | ^ ^ Third strvet. 4'n' New Books. jjgUD brtw.-n-'a Market | -r. Tin, vod i Ir -a Ware, at the '-Id “tand *f Mcl»?r Richard Atkinson. delphia. \ Ml a ac Mark': s:« , New York, etc. Frrac' ^VM. HI-ToN Spencer, bp Mrs. R. l o-. Ormaa. aad Ear n 1 MILTON. >..Atu..'Vlb uvfr^m ' 4' HAE*t|’E.\RE’k Sehi'lar: being Market street, where he « ill11 be ;Ud;lad h>to m tt. Mci.ruiii. 4 -.. No. 5.'io street, between * Histrieal aud Critical The- Main Th.rd auu P***'P»rl»*r aa4 < awiatl..toB Uurrkaat. I ,»« - , • 4#*rersoas having a*'e>enU againtt th# Afn an t'ras*«s, er tho Adveaturcs of I'arl- s and An- «jb T~~ 1 BUS, m MB'S T“ PafRrr Msmufaetvrers’mfi- firm uf Wm. B. V ^ hisuld friends and eusiuiners, ^. 4~BkT7.75SifrirciMif 'ktudi'Swf his Text. 4 haracters. and as many othersbers as maymar Fcuriii, L‘ ui«viiit*. . aud 4’--miDeatators, wis). t -'. ky ° ' T* - ,*> ^ *r*. m ;,t. n by Mrs Loc. . itii slfc examinat of 4'oUier's •30' ' M. X( V"kr — — oa Mr. (oiiu ef 14132 DFRMwTT BROTHER, ra-n-.h'iud- < by Richard 4iraLt 4 4 ILaitt N- n-a. . . ummingi's Mioi'r Wcrk«. 24 series—.! Message from God; k N.w t>rl.*a,. u . fa . i-. hite. 4 i|.>witt I • MuttMust 1/irect W’llliam Dreet. A.M J. Lin4ikD. r , uxrtct A* : 1 A * v-w_v. rk IkToa^hJ'krom^h LintLine the Eart'East' k k- fi . Whu l * * The Great .'-acritieo; Christ Eeccirinx Jorfor aaais Gr-*cer« and ' Sinners— by Juhn Cum- ' ^ UejO, Mfiiiouer*. I'aptatn 4 anot. ur‘ Twenty‘ YearsA ears of01 aa African Jan. 27. 1«.54. ja»i .2'dtf ^ M*r’aa»Ean * Plj^Aletnsrrv«>Moinsrrv«i \I”E HAVEoi-FNEDTHI** Maver,)^Iaver, by mi'.^s D D. I PritiUn, BMokhiod'Tx, Maofif*ctur*-ra.ra.aLdand . MOKNIM. a LAR4iE LINL $100, (XX) >md,.^<*GnJeimen x*-ner- Br AiVver of Bl *.aat*___ ^ The Bird# the Bible, hy the Rcr. H . II arbaoch. K u bbi4i/U1 i/U r, NDIAN a STATE .ST4H K. MoNEV wanted, and will Ikiltiiliore 4 kk.tk, M mwam Hdbrswar*HiLfuwar* DnUoxu,DwUofu. iS4 Main Hkvtefcesof Thomas JcfTcrson. .AUi’r Ham- I he re- Dissolution of Copartnership. ami^,,,1 The Kentuckv { Ohio New 4'(^«i,,f Praetiee. •etrsd >r ^ ^ j «^h*.,a,^ 1 at j-ar f G-c.ls at |-ri es at Ivw aa they an bu had -- „* .If.., Aa4r.a j^ka... lUary . lay, J.ha R«4 .l,h . f R aa- Received and for sale hy 'HE parti. n*hip b- r-f f re rx •:>og Uud-r the aam* an»i C. I Defiance Salamander Safes and~*%niB„<. ^ J^* ^ HENRY MORTON. in tbe narkvt. Our stock is large and ct-mpletc. and l-uvers T~g y\ TT .v=t /\ -r~> ^ I style - f LAAV.Ml.N <« this Ixv diso-lTra bv ol3^ '5it2 Mam st., bx-tween Thira tad nrtk. ' 1 A FRANK mu- Defiance Lockfi f will find It to their ad«anU;;e to gir- as a call and examii and Cross-Bar?^ tuaic-.. ~ .{. MrJ hn L-iwo a is anti* r icd t- settD »:i the rt). I ,a s.d**, 2 d-" fp< . XI AmuRA wiVe-i«“k vi;:,y H.4.Tr.'wTar];rti oar stock befrrs I'Urcbasing e]sew:t..r«. I rs m '«c«.ad L- uis*. lUe Kr. 1>^»1«ERT H TATRIi K. Manmfa :urcr.• . it2 praristrrav r.a7„7;.“;‘;,7.';tr,ar'-*^“”^^ aff.tirk -f th*. Urefinn. <».N, IHhoolinst Mni .mo o. and bd h* a wh.MW.. j4iHN *.** ^ iZTTrZ S.-TLJ a- I . Louisville Family Flour ‘'J9 LAW. N. B. Particttlarottoati. ^a.d >FTTk-— 1 ' t rok«ivtdiWkeiTod 'Warehouse. I 44W a Gm F TWArdiagbvsinost. TbFTYK- . and for sale by C4). ULBB.41U LBB. 4 O I'ublmtutuI'«bltaln«u and Draiee#D»nle*o inIn Mumf.{Momc. { I\|\ nvarll NwIa s of a Tf*eol--gicaIT)IURT> .AND DUAWEID4— posw UwOT hao it no* ToyS And FSDCy 4li« gl4 *b »ii.*#t With quest I'-Bs use of AA ' 1>0 -IF /5-I:PM 1 •net find IL ;n*rar of Piam^iortup Goods. fur ."chu-la, by C>ec. E. uiing, jr. Ij Mlk CB4er>'^hirts and Draw-n, | a^mr rTtiaati'-rr*,)..* »asrk assurt-d rises; Notice. J. J. HirSCbbuhlHirschbahl, * Ne 4 i'hemistrr ••£ t'k-mm-jn Life, J. F. Johns *a. •’“'i ' iotc G W. M. Merino do Jo. » mi o^Huoatfi ana arefwi iXTKA FAMIl.A’ 4) do d*s purchased the -- _ BB I - b. FLt^H'R— 100 bbU very superior extra aving entir int< rrat *f Mr. F. Frank ^ WA1«WAl. U-M.\k£RUU-MikClLM.\kER aasg ••-'•- of N « t «»'. ‘Opurtm T.j, aa4 F.auy f uo*.. *' A F. R. , F.g! mrat r n-or* U a-foa ably n« f the et ,1 aW..'N » .(,•.1. • la. .if... r*.dy f.r ..I., Th.* ar. a,.t .1,4 i lamtiy » asirak t»r, a Uaatiful h Fleur for sal* by th KF.NTC4 . Ur.Mr U4 C.-U...1 a Mw- H kV BRA^n aM> IRON Fol NDKin * •y«rt Memoirs of .Sap6lcon. bia Court I. •• mt-r-orts # aad Family, by the Duohoss - ^ N^C r iraeoiere lu :he I aised * Huh aud 1 >w nrck. abifrt '•inseo. Wh* _i fill <*I4 and long sleeves *. # *4 i«*fi’ 2l4 Wa»' rr.*t ^ _.. _ _ _ mbracing tho latest improvemeau. aad i-ro- ol4 J.J.AA Mira JOHNSTONE. at for sale ef eap at will pay all .latms against tl.e ..vm--, and will 'tue t:>- jehVi!er.JEUEIER JOHNSTONE. 72 Fourth j ^ _ Do A . Brantes. | — - - 52:. Mamstrret ol9 A. D. — busiuvis it« -as * i MAN'FIEI.D. in all ran I u( „Tae« for . "" r*nchvs. suDr't the pairunago |6TniKosr. auTwixr Mvir j-jsi^N-TcASk:9 iBlNHyN 4 CAR) . S.I5-.UH n* Imuli Druggut-. 4c., fiM Mfiii. nows Tops^ Tho Vtr,;iaia4'omeiiaa. er OIJ Daya in the Old D^-aiinion, i^atrirra, ... L^DI N Ul KG II ^ LOl R—luo bbls laniiag frum sioam,. r Bolls all wh <*. \I4)| A*»^F-« may m- 4 aa} thing m ny line. I W'llktr * £j kn'jm. » Tui* trv-i oditeu tite cf F.sq. «o* . ex I fb ^ from M’-8. EAugham, I o» in W' ifiA'an pok r; rg vg^ua Tho c^tunie -M l>'il'blT-bon*d|-I..U-l'oM.lB.w,! ^riMiL'Var 4;*r..'s.rk 4’h 'lslcj Ti.ps. I'luLibers Ma> 4 Loatant W'nud. a Tale, by Lute Ltadea. •.I4.“'“*^<4* mil .w.. JAME« Fsnrthst. . r>-I i.L A D4 b .pufiio JOHwNSTONE 73 6i» bbls «*-A;1 kia4a 'f Wat. h,w aa4 J-w.lrr bI4 M AN m Geuocre and C«mmim d-; for ^ axuv TlfRiSf t.H II. C. MOHTO.S. sale by ^ n^rA^rHEuNt.V makr'> HFTWEEN 1 Its;- a.i HITE ju .S.M.YLL, — H'ipKIN- 4 BR))'-. r'* re of 'ac'l^'rr.u o9 5.U st betsreen Mnra 1'xTi.i.I'X n.1.1 Ar|n.'« French Window Main . Third and Fourth. peting. — A^D THE > XI. SkTRi>n>U* an «44 k* GUas. .6! lUrk'Uv rtr»vt N. A . Blank Book Manufactory. •h•* N' .MkHT^rrrt. batxvecn 'i'hircl a"il Fourth. «. Ku04, whukJrh nmt iir-.t i. xr..ki*;tu. w.ik»«< ih. ».i.> rat much brat. a:»d used I S .M I. /14)LL%KS—2-sid- 1> D iuttreceivcd | H K , eaa be af**®* *5^ - gsab^a T & L perespross— ekT.„ y,....!.. tkr ..kBali-Mra. I* .. ai». th. • T B. POILI.dNPOIl.T.oN 4 t* <*..*».. Imp -rVYs od FFranA Winu-jw ai* liw, kt .bi-k I this ^CW 1 Ork SlOTCf v.' -"traight fronts, oorded, W©Ne : BLiZbrT^hTr* I •’'aure, M> hare aimed to make AVF.ou hand and are daily receiving aew sti le: wCarpeting and Household and Steam- »7‘aRLL. raxga,:# rm» h*-*- tbc latest and most ,; »# »ra to Washin. a n fiwm thoVt -•( • fhknebGiam Nr- 34 Ber-lay atr*^t. *45 \i bh i- • rwhirtt It K-flKTII >TREET. lOI a| pruvrd sit !• i ei pointed do. d--. d).' >» -rmf P'turfA ,,r,.w.E, u4..l^rted and .kmericaa 4. arpeto— in tins*ro the r>nd mi ^I.F.VI\ T 4 1. .W: lra»W Dry G>«da Deulers, Mfiifi otTke’. boat Furnishing Gtoods. • "»««“• -to •*. R0.ir.-i t, UB. M14 all tuMllWui »« ll'E ,., .i,.4, u. u.tnr.x* «. Straight do. string, Wr haveasn-iited with os ia tho Binding T*v* j, ,, m.rninf, mtuf th. mu't II l.n- K.yal Wtitua aad Velvet; d*. PhilwI^IvVarhilwUlv'k.a I New\t7r'vi- tk -.gy*-# » l ./knieviB H *-) i.., . anaa \av4 FAD .AND 11*^^ f'-.i'.'-tfullT ia>'it. - ’ • -HUT— o3 AAAt.t.A^'g I.ITHGOW. 4 Co., >> did pal wrei .f Uv w style Mike ever offered tho West 4 r-oty c Laadsomest patterns Ispvstry; Byr n Cnllarv, corded and plain; \\ th. att-ari 'O •/ -nr fr, a*# aaT fwm L-uienlW Set*^ .p I l'» 1 ' knv# I Ih. HnnufnrtntkA of « Sc., Main street d us laMd. — — 5Vc wduit a call from orery ID For sale by ths d>ica or singlet V?’’ tom*-rs in ’.k* > itT.ity, and r*»-rsr--rs i.s from a msiwa'a et»it' 4^^»^aad4’«*s. W. Psas..ve a..dvnl»r*ra - ft- nmK^* — lady this community wbe It de- elUr: It totu *> run-^ruQ'ee to rrneh H .A2 m rw vwlinc. VM Hr "im ak At a D e oha* *. ’ V-ke a*s r*ed icjr, h> *1 -nse ur ex ** ^h# ' G H sirous of s earing the I manufneture &f ih* moot beautiful hilk to bo were and at V\N«nEI.D<<. ,’”1’^^ Blank ks nrornrora«:a<:_ brby iWtks MailM ruuu * Rcra.vvd _ . _ threugai iacmanu i olumoM. i*er sioamor M .at;, s". and fiw aale br eves, heavy and medium, extra i-rtcus. ,wb|.h IS *u; ri- r t • any m uAS-s * 4- npti a .f Hmd-**. \V^'m«*UT 4 BKIDGFl'*KD7MMufact«r«naM Dauiera in Ise; ai I lio'E—.vhak.r Kail. Caahm.re. ZanesvinoZaaesvillo •S> larul.. XV - |. I pneuric *, wl l > EBiraTARD I liu Gauntlets.ontlcts. cLamoiacLamuia lia<-d.lia<-d, reeg » A »rll out » as 1 w as .my It a»e a t inly ii. e w 11-ka wa abtliitra f Mr. ar!L who for yoar® had beautiful black I Gn >A -G •#,» ss’. L •*, liawac* , fir do; Craio Collars rt- » . Hnifi «t. no.. Mik. aa4 TTho **TE.AMEE'< lenro thn .114 M*-y. M lir.aa< ultoa Half b. tit.i 1 r-**srn IT ’ ^to Lauunllo wharf Dearer firit, tk*'**- 4 H r* m 9 tu th.tbe M but la the La*:«ru Cities. 4.»ur s:--ck ehsrg' f tba largo oMabltolunoat of M-eers. • Glwves,. arpetibg, tuas.s. T.r.very «!.., u.ass -rtodrtBl .itwsisos. , Uemo I A. De-'amn 4 .jl, — ^ *-i;;»“'‘i'' daxly at J P M . i-.nae* rinc aesi muraiag ¥¥’•• • 5* ? »W A >*., ’--••>-•-*'• ~.h. ul ikui.t' a* liHu Mu^«f*4tn»vTs fin4~D7»i«r- 'U)L'k-2(ki LtD eui-orlao ri««r for sale ly D*g'MiiB Gb ves.!.. iD.4rr.K4.fur4ri*i.f:fine dressed, for driving; parMym I ‘t N*-w V rk. and f- rth« Us' stxteer. rrarw therntire eharxr t kli.k’iJ:.'? ^ 4'CRTAIN GOODS. | ^ifcradilBl >u<’>aae:i Ukth — k r..e» !!- Msia ’ * t a«wn ijao oxoamoro fur W aoel. hr . \> I. aao Tr-ir*: »\a F A.NU W Ul 4’HANAN 4 ro. *•1111 Gloves, fleoev lia«.d, fine drvM. Lame aad Worsted K *yal H ipea and Velvet 4'arp^ts; U* k adiBg**!a) ;>shBMot f Messrs. M rtoa 4 Gn«w -Id. reader for wiater; Damask |I w^w. re A-"*;’ r_» . In great rarietr, \r*^,TKR i'ndeR-MIIKT.- *u«. :»e tKovthey marrira ^a sw.*cs 1 to .aat,Ok-t B«t’f ib rii AND DR \ W 1. 8 - 8haker day wi:a ; ho meou- Kerim du. r-'dw and o^ tr?.'!.':amnis linedI"!."*'*''do; Embroid d Lace and Muslin I'urUint Rich 4'<**lcys Xai>-;s’ry d>: su*fi -rata»suraac«D ac our W 'rk will b« eieratrd in styU \1*.. ; Ai I 7tii E A‘“ . aad Curtain Muslins M Maunol. Knit. I ambs I a in.*‘t:amla.: tram f r ira IKa*t. Gr«.^7^sT 4 me Mmoiim Mkr- < -iL ashmere. j Thera hunts Ser 4ros Alou afiotber 1: ne of leaks, Talmas, and Fill ibustcra, W Merino, bruun ' Itiei. .-Iras a-*-* mm»- rt*e Incln- Kid*l«miastt:rd • i -n-I v» fine W*|« 4'a«hmer« Glcvra. silk.kilk wuol.wtiol andaad cliamoiseliamsis lias,!' J.I.NEN GOtiO", < '-tton. «. . t hoUMia tbs West, and torpaesed by a no. A r’-aoG. V- *ni s^. Markek. T: liuod; _ , «nd 4'aatoa Flanaet ••hirTs i dattMao,dattMaa, nnd thr .,;h'i.keu 41., Vrl„t.u4«l.th, |.l.>»A.4.mbroid.r.d aad Drauvre, . f e?err sixe as full.*# Pr^m l.•ollse>lIo en ExUniiee and Ki- h *ix-« ra wirr-twis* • W eshn.lalwaeshsve 2 1 ^alf cl.eou fiao CunT«Arier Tes Fur. Ucaver, m uo do de f »r aale hr Hear} Pennsylvania7*«’i.*‘KVr:oi7,7.'’f:?‘.:.Bt;rr.:Back Gloves for teamatera; iiBri'oees. ;%.r ets; sannufactarer*. V*rkAl«' '^k 41* sqse •«itaitfi ’*ia ..tir, v*7r.T;i7ruh:iuiB“ M \.V^FIELD S. a xe ? $3 f--r sta:s-rx— and m-rnis •2b gcarrn) . 1mi>ertal l-i li su; *raad fine 2-pIy; nlJdtf Ill’I.L KK4)TIIER. m >a AND'W BI 4 HANAN 4 CO T getUr with a o.g nmtat of Dress aad ATiater KLOOK OIl..< LOTH4. 4 Pnaters aad >israutyp«rf. tiet)e eionmrre. Pi | Pasaotopn a4h.weu t I s rar as Oar .tuck »l Tap- stry tugraiii; I any p»in» laierin G1#V4*o sale at ’ Ea(l .h ar.4 m- dium all W*©*,!; f r [ •* A N'kFI Am.riraa K ^ND n^.ia.Xm^ a# 1 E ^D'*< OiM'I.thi la ..r* larrr Cl* l.l.VEN HA NDKEIK H1FF8. named -.n tbe tirkei. Nxrk».'ge rJV S -Also oasks more thhoe «’«ul bemm*-d fur use f.nrwosfor uf ^ **cr — I uf 6 k Prints that tvorybody r.n.,.l.B,^f.uu. lu„r, .? Wh:'o aad fancy C'ittwn chain. I'utton. and Hemp 4’«rpets; John B. Whitman, v 2 ^ p-.llil l.inea, Ansaaxo. whiefi ' , b -ra 10 bcmitucb*d and w attended tn by StillDA.IV1 plain; I tbraush ace^o- theyulcy come!comei All.>~l.4ik)1 kofv,V, aae-^rted from 3d34 U fid,fid. for •bA,• knows are th* cheapest of any m tbe citv T'*g»*h* **' '*°”'‘* *'• 1^® "» .. nattera*: Agent, uuriGa A"' r uuif . Perfumer. fi>’0 -Alsu ca*e« of L yivAitb M .. 4e., Fuur’ Voi Tli> l«)THlNi.-A beautiful aramt' .> ej (*AKDNERa''A 3 gonnino Freaeu Ginghams, full yard wido. la quality. " ** F'TsaD I'iW at ;i9’ M * V 'FI ELDS. HEAL E loa;ust rreotved and fur sale at _ ( CKTAIN * ' M \TERI AL.1*. »: I ..'If:?'"'!'’'.*'?'’'*' *“4 all wh. araia j OFPIt «?• W AIN UTHLF.rLT La*^ ~aMaw«aL •r:k.V0IL».lTt:.k.rl,.V.,l t; Bf.ANi tl.at raa b. buuiLt f.r 23 ecati. a inch « ' .. H AKD'*. UAiM f)- wilia^U f*rl2' xat of gsud and ebiap 'po|t.\4 4 Rich '^itin -'c t .Tin^s. -irstexi ' TMiUAi'4 Hoa>ofuruiihings toau O AND 4 IGARS— U D.'.cia'k. I nma d". •‘^•ite*rr- lUpstairi K*'tn*ur'ranv-''*»«M:k.rBt 11 k h rii- *. ' examiaatioauf j , ^iga "f the st nr***a*4. u» 1 11 br-iii*r. • V a‘ 4;o!4eu Hand. 4«9 Main 1 :• boboxes superior Virginia; RK EE. heath. A HI 1 3*“» b- x**# Mis* .uri. d La^r tirtam*. viui-r. id re4t X. . in innati. »Mr« they arrie# 11 KE* * ^ Keotneky. and Tenavts^ • Muslin d--. wiih a gra- Orr a Otirg* Ttrroe 4. , ra as .u evnn* t witk - HITtA^Mkl.L. brands. 4 l.orieriu.u. Et. _ saow 1 M AN^IEl.D’S. olfi 4>9 Mai. 4U e ml a-'s r:m*rut uf Bra** b^uvas. 4 ^ Little Miami Railis«4 el ntfiov - o _ st.. 3de.rs west do Hullaad Emi.rese tdtnpde, erd and T j**. * 1 7 4fi A. . ” \\”HITLI.KAD- hi 4. Haak of l.f»uisviilc. i 4^*r!liag. M rSP M., '"’.V” Wu*^ ;X.»RIES— huyiBg, and renting prumptly attondotituonnrann. f .iumt-un. 1-15 tD - Henvy 1*0*4 ov#r->Acks »t IJ d> do '^t%r mnnorung thora uith C-ntral Uksu Kaiir-nd T~l '1 iJT 1-uaB Macaraai; IMPORTED 4 lGAKa«- Linen and C t*.*»a Sheeting - through .Newark - i*F ^ 40 d« do H-ro f e’^erv drsct .ntiea. I an-1 /inseville •# < am nd.e f^ Ui# *1 MAX iriD ra. !- *»>— ter 5'ermicelli: I NMSa) La R sa Regaliai.- m J AVD W A ro. Napkins, Tow#l». Doitie-. 4*-. place the snpor f « Bc/haNaN I ri.l.I.A-'l.I.AMXil.V — 30 butts do i'aiea i. * .Vr< miMit v raenes f thn 4>hiu Htage v mt aa v e nrar 4“ >hCi Jc-wnaa I XVaiai.lYaaei.aLrura Lra.*. ‘**^*"*^***' do; 2'* ' paseengers -rer *^*^'‘^‘' boxes do KI.04>K ull.-ri.OTIlb. ! Nan aal R-nd m anect oilh tho I f.t- Rulluduik, I f«i iu?.ii7; 4" Garner tiai'-mra H 3J.nuu In Zurtia d-*^ Ser-ral new ' Atchison & Lynn, and iO do patkras w.:i-sev4. n.. j 11-*- r Oil4*1etcv j Ubi Railrund uniil thne enirnl 4 .r Mruller a Baiirinau, i ii* SUO Ibi >tt,: 25 do 4' J Hell la Veac R- ra to «s-mi'lec» t rm -a.«i ?ar4la*>! la ttoro and f--r tale lew v* |>E\L E'^TATE 5GENT*> I. \ N tiful •KCRt willwillaT.ar- I ' 20 do Jonos's R «(^-LuJ fig-jns, which will bo out W suit purchasers AND D BR‘»KCR«. tbej-».tv n. My the maxi irnin f '--us rant. il. _ —WA' baim MayoniieMnttiug st4,r« and for aai^ IHI-UKTl.RS *•'**»•• “<1 Or »»1* by f'^rss playing I k km* m | AND DEALERS ly *’ard*. rsr.oav rpialitics: I'idtoba,. Slid vl. tag Real £-i*:e rvaiiagmac >ndsod Irws.ngIrwsing i a laaati to | 15 de do l.vaf HITE I Beltim.ro or W*o)un.;t. 'O ^ •'"y.J r'ep|*er Gold 4 SMALL. | n au.et "to k-cre KILLD K J. monks. ‘•aue# 5" Wholesale H OSes aad I e*t, enllerliog ^*'••1 V'. M Maia st. box 4Hi># tjiL Confeeti-norafo fOo.fbs)Ois) •-I *t Ivhts be suit r -iherwherwiso.; so. soHitgsoilltg TH Ro; i.|I by ri'TOI S HARD- ^-v DeJ.^'u Swanswan Regalia 4’igar 499 Main . b.-m#,# Third T: kets are w»i.i a* f 11 v# K j 20 btls 2<) rVrr.rJ FrVits, 4'igars, and F- urth. rmm UcisvilU in f and half sbls Macs , an-1 -.iriBg Negrra nogutistiag X* Al l 1 I TLI.RV. J xi iTT4)N No 3 r»] JUO.ibk) *# U aas f M'&ey. 4-. Htohinrf. n »ld i»»T AM. I TH ] \ E— lull fyy oale by _ r'2Lf5*_Tsys. Fire-Werks. Mavfi »er do j T a.Bai’im rvRIS V: mPhiU^|phto$}fi7S. < bufiof uuaortcd r* - 1,5)« Ito French •NDl.r^—4ik sm« la e* ano f>e rtv« CU>A-)a;« I All basibeoe c n5xle«i t-> tk^ir eMU Will meet *'ih pis*matat- »" V MiDDS. r-.pMt. 'vt.'l ' .M.VI0U Rio U .nd^ tie de ^ firset A.. eat. aSaaothe-At **r- N’ea •> Gt4) ktl.l.D k. .A I . * Jl'-'Cra C uvo aad Imp'd tention at . their fo inferu. couatrv ^^i**^'* 1^ Spiced Oy s^rs .Ace. Ne. Siwurt Pltoe. L/a.s-.Ile. Kr. nor f Tfttr-j an-i Wsier strores, L.xuierille J mor- L 4^R« s; an ra • L.u!*k«44.*l«,!,,.,,.^|» lu grnor^ that ' ““ rM«i*c4 ^ Third st. j*l6dtf .. th»ttk.jk.*.tley have „war»w .>a h::u4^ IJ • largeIkr,. in.u.u.invo.co Wsf ..[wri.rsai*«rtor W luu.i>4jnGart do dei *T risa Rstrinwaa *»n 'h -esM Wedun Bn/ds, f raxfiU X .«. ..- „ h^g LT't _ oraw Ka:tmisn Ac .kU Vict —If“Lc* i; 4..1* 1\.1 FivaehFr*. 1 - i,„4,4 w kl Gluvss, made to order— 5". Kidt. very elsetie 471 J. W. Uc-ar — — — ...w M. STANDaroui*. aad fine: street. e«r Arraraomrnmaroiwingmndoby *y ' A a "LEVIN A tain 4I-Maifi#t Main 471 I whsch rranemreru will I'O 4. .\. [ J. W. Hunt & Co., 'Vor ..ho Rai:. -ro W strictly choice f-*r sale br Ij.44 a and s’:K 4o bl.ck Kidi 4u. 4. 4. nhik. Kkirund. by tho now Ka.lg 4. .. - E 'E are this Indiana State Stock nd rowo to 4 incmanti from MiMjHt.'lJ, Cui.U.B.n i. m.Bi.f Bf’hTARD. moroiag opcainy several eases ef N'ewc*k,a* Money. faiwrl' Kid L1.*.i will reneistiaz i.'i tk«B at w.utli Mfii.r .( M.ia U ef rich FKE.N4'il EMuRolliFKirs iiRvl.: aad TMrdThird .tr~t.streets axar* ., IJRANDV FRCITS— “ A.fi. DI) MANSFIELD.Mansfield. 1> 75 boxx-t Hraady Cherrie*; ' •"*<;•»>*•»*• — ANAriEi.n-s i»v4«if«iiy lA.ik^ tu — — — — — - 75 do Hraaoy Peaches, '••IA* .wr . uek Akd tlV i-riuB b-f r. paruk»«iu; .lu.wk'-r* ^ EM.I.a.M) Kl M_3 kbd. V.Wr EnglandEd(Ii[:4 K.B,sip,rRea. Super **• Drandy Apncois; •Ulr -'TKi l.l . ««t.ctat. aborti proof, jwst ER A BAI SI) v' N rocoired sadd f -rf sale brby Jtwtraecirodaod f r sals br G A ETA.NO 4 TR^O, oBkri.i.M a«^;H.!b.tr.-t »J ^’k. M0.VK>.II4>N R >, 3»«MuiB,l.29C Ixia st. W h-*Iesals loafsctiwners and Iruitcrvrt, ^ .1 HLI.lt tut —~ 374 Main st . between Hrv eath , .HLT^L — u4 tkAC I *.B.cw«.u and Eighth u“'«UB.U b, u.Tui.v..-n...jT«;....,.4u.BcTJ.,,;r^^ f/ 'i-i;* I M 4.4»oDS—Just rvceirod— A. ,l«. ' A 4'oF'FF^E— li« U PuacL4.Uvtr->acU, rriihsl«oros.f<'rstageran?s*s,f^rstagc-drivs** ^ek#u prim# roco.vrd i-er mail-bx*at D I. ADAM- 4 -* u-Tbiuk Gam tiluves. iannel Hard, do; 4 aps and Southwest rs. with capos,s, ferrainrfor rui ny wsaihorwsaiher. L^RESH I1.ALT1MURE 0 \ b'TEK**—4u0cans fresh Cove 4)ys* For sale at 525,525. suuthwcstsuUthwcst '•*'• u®* OornorCura wf Maiam and Third si’eeu’s.reets laauing freia steamer F *rt Henry and f >r sale , ^ *^*'-®*' a* -T ij —Hne biao4 Ooor-lenta. at A D MANar.EI.D.MANiF ELD. A BORIE, Ne. 5U Third st.. Cr-r*r* Wh-.lesaU4, . , MAN ^nELDra. » _ onfcvtioarr and Doaler in Fercigo Fruits. • and n- a at the wharue* an*! the serrate t Also; Damask D->ilie«. •-* NiM'K, WI4 CO. GoaUemen Childroa • m iratxmro with thn HE*. El YEP « K9. 4 to ' Railr «4 —F.ao blaok oorimeir Yw«m at (••'trut- PE-A4 HE.'— 55b --ans fresh Ualtimore Pearlies, |-nt 4'L4*rUING Philraeiplua ara Now V *rk. — r- f Prieto*-n ^ OARU.'tFRG*Af^D*N*f'R 3X mCO. French 4'rib lllaakets I 1 I rad Vu 4U!» up IB their ounliqu-r. ju't received - rd>-r. Ptoker Vein Liaeo. br 4 Mansfields. urim. R 1. Cuf .* persteatueM made to I anai and '^on lu Now 0B|. hal Mis*es’ c'sshtnere .\II >~4"*) k-xs S-ioenborgers’ Nails ‘ V rk and leave aud fur sale by the dutea aad Merino Sliawlst low in st r* aad fur R iv n. stonmora to -!•* *• Lataatra or eingle ran ly Call and oxaiuine f* r yuuraelvoa. I Nurf Ik 4 ksrUei-n .-ovnnnah, oi«. 4o. EwmI. br COAP— IfarveliBC >-ilks. 3) bbls 4’nisbcAi N ralo )r «2 I Fur Tl>T Sugar; N4h’K. H'D'Kt » Rt ( 1 O. a." >• Ailare. «•*« tlVED-Hoh tenoy Ssl4 Toms at *** ^ A. BoRIE. t froighx tar’ ff, •» ira I whis*a * - 2lC SOThirdst. j mny be find .f ** AVD W BK HASAN- t rO boxes Ream Soap; •'* SARK. Dfl.AMir. t DOXr.Xk. 35 bbls Powdered de. ray V l.UWj ke;s a* siioe in f tururwnrdtng UeuMninthoWewt. MAN>riELD-S. 50 de Palm du. ~ 5u bbls Cider Vine- ar; »ture aad for**!*®# I E A D— 7,U4lO lbs bar Lead for sale by E-i, *2* flRAIiy A. 2hmmerman. JOHN n. DO.Nt, ‘'‘-.‘‘“'''l-IBI-.A.VDXtL- du Grrmaa >'»ap; •At! l•.XT(Hl•I•^. 8 bbls pure 'lUkratBe. 4 DWIE' ! ,,,,, ' blnck FT TrT« l?l'v I • ;nM 1. dly Mantor >t Trnanf-.rtnCb ^—F»o Gi»nnd;ae at L*' E. . ’ T.'t BootBOOT AND Nu. n. Baltim«ru. Yosts do Fancy far sals BUSTARD. a« 4ui XX'..rr..Uralilr.. JJ4 ij.hn Bull .. rfiskt '.'da: ^ -fen A> 'lloEB AKLK. lU E >anb OrH', ’ d« by 2S4a> liar*.*'., '^IN iB \4 CO— ,>x> bx x<*s Mo* an aa I keatucky ttw Marbrt 4Ji) I '«B aad JrS r-'B. la t,' MAMIFIEIJ)**. 2A 4< a R«a4iD(. SI 4 .1 1’a.li, .d4 13U 4., l'.{.j.r k* gs >Ueenberg*rs’ .N'fiils- To-asevla w-w arai>*r*d Bale , JTARDvr^£0 1 sture and for sale by I Bt« w rk _ luK.MSHIM; COODS-I.ii^r .04 R..lT.~Shirl. Tuk SO dux t'aderw >u4 s Relish: 40 boxes ChoeAflste; atLobeotau4aaeraaduataometr«a*''>'>^a tk m et PeuiiMylTama Railroad. < i Mcriai. Immbt Huol. aad ' No4’K. 5V!c y;s. CO de terms at the ah- rtre: a- iice. kin«M rirw4 rockers jast >htficr Flannel Uo-Jer-'-hirte 15 d-t Iadia>uy* 3U refiioa Wrai p nx Paper; 4 de^ fi dtf M.K inratood ana * lor aaia by 4" bbls large Ne. 1 Mackervl; and Dramers. Mlk. Wool, Menae.aaJ tr. « uCoUca Half llosc- 75 d •« Temmto, .10d:t Walai S'* b>-x- • W iBd--w-n]fiss nowiir. , i M.4)T1I'. C\>^MI5;kF.". OVKR4 0AT1\1.> TFRRr t lb' <;|0TCS. Susieader*. c VE^nVui I GAETANO 4 URSO. cn N bbls do Ne. 1 do. ravats, btecks. Ties. Fc. fvr sal# cheap P timportedi; 40 d--x*a Half Bushel Mcaiores; V Wig Ihlanufactory, ' A N D THI M M I N t*."— A full st* c* -it 2-'> aad L w -e dres I '•"H LINL>>— k bbU dw Ne. 1 de; II d -t E Acceo Aachevies. do Iras# bt.und A lr*.u (-[ pi, ;u.t r- c*;vu4 k. liuckou- toit22dlw 4;o\\ Three 25 DV. TEK RT a 4 0 Ihiiiy Line*from Putstrury to PhtUdelfkia. *• blD do No. do; Lately received aad fur sale H) do Sieves. | m-XA 3 f> by N us. 14 and Id; I nX 1 LRKT *10. A.NDINE- Kcnseell s .Amsadiae, for Iht cure sad pr#w 44) w* If l>E\DV-M j" lAr - Hemp ADE ‘'7r~-X~'S, I pi SNlSii; BAk ^.r0i04 Bail GAETANO l*R«0. ('urdasc; 1I4)TU1 Ng-W. ar- a w - t rr0*a. >a.!B4 veati .a - f chapivd 4 i ropvedT^ ' Pm^ ' Laud*, 4e . sm-uriwr k, ( eld Cnaa; .** **25 AU.hUs lari.large *k ' ' - >.,Ne. jnst SO do ('otten l-lf Ur custf mers I Ib bar* atra.Ia Tiaia. j bavia* EXtuia,, I* • .atA-Cr , ‘r ms. ly Tboi' a* W’llhams ** **'^* ^‘^'* **^*‘ f reeeiivd this M •n M*inrtre.r — Parsons. ( l*'V*^**^**'^' ••!« by day aad /or sale bv I ‘ E K. aa,* arri.ia* la C .l*4,iBA,a al lOu bbli 2 Pla; Utiua M -laMe*: ' ^ e * Literary Kccreati fus aad MiscelUaied. A. *'*' ran* Allan's new " ' by Jk.ks G Whit- paexaget KOKIE. 5#Thirdst. L'^ANi k _7ii * <’• Mai«*s rn. Slibi Kir**** mat 40.1,1 ita ,ln.r twu atxU Pnai* 75 Rsbaed 'ugset; _ __ 4 |^^'*IMERLS—2cast-e Very luw Aawdara.a- V fauitodsits lkUiA*i:— and *g.*od»iyIeCaS'*v«.iyiecas I nine I raae4’antnaF;ai.Lo:. * Damask, 54) 1 i^iasreijust Fo-oale |«w by I A. m high' nolor d ' Guopuwder Tea; received atdf-r sale l>f AID ^ll.k"— ^ > '^e,) # ;r.niL». a!.T’w'*, Memf r .Ue W.msa, ibeSUry cf thoir L5|sn- by Ahaadsun.^varierx i .»aax rev# red fcy ^ half t! . c«ei f imt Tribes, by Ira. ex- ) tia, witk th. 'rvB. *,.» *A o... make. DCLANLY 4 DOWN- r.*.rn Nsw- 25)) tezes Msoufactured * |bv-" L Hu Alt. a Calaaa. T< bacco: _•_? T 4 R SLEVIN s2J |.4»u 4 4) r 250 b’.x. I Ne. *rUV. J5ME^ 4 , 4li M«ic •: ! 0-. F'-CKrll Dp q l5fi 1 Herriar: STRFBT. BET. MAIN AND HARKIX. I'a," nita"". Frankf rr. L.a,84l.a strs .. _ _ kRRY. 4 CO. bbls Buarbea M'hisk v; i a store and f''r dale aad l*a.<.il>a' L^KRD.Nb-.cTaRD.NFv 0|-»TLB»ox l«a. — ~ - by 10 bbls Nu surge Mackerel; I. \4 k'-lLk' t. Trrt* Hisv. Kad* n I a.'a>-'i., art 1- A- *' /'>HLL— tllO. T. BRENT. S4)N, 4 (N). “rusiito. 4 Ws UA\ bT>— 2Las*A, aa*ur:exi la sue a..d pf iiic. ^ 000U -artiaM 10 H-i- Nu. 3 do du; V | t- l.*u» r «<'»•!. Und Persian '*duo H Oils day rto-eivefl ?"'??•’ !•> tme, riir.. » a.uri. Kia Tn, 1 Thread br 'I*'“^:d. Bail*, ata aa. 4ua.a Butia.r. 0*«a4», rmnmi kia4*: Jiaf-receiredand Trsaleby Tbp-s, Bra.ds,\ and i!*“•• - 1 2U 4a GAETANO 4 URSO, Trimmiags, Butwas, Needl* ' l.4*\V r4l,. 4je T .....aad. ‘.ulaaiba.. Zanaa.Ul*. w .^ K.m l0<'i,> .r.. f A kE F1>U . la bbls axid half tl'ins Ae JAMF' * ^1,., I ' bUs, sale ! ,t. * * rrwak Likaka. .. fi,r br lu j^-ere aad fx*r sale ch< ap ~ * " .;* by «• 2 raik C..' raKu.t 4a.a: ^ GARDNER ^ kaiau. 4 I V’KXX .-!TVI E W'un..tra* at A* l"B*. BF.LL. KOBINSOV. 4 CO T. A R SI L-X-IN A r.Al.S. CUl.NTs-lJ. Fittubwr, with th. «tMa ,a.hct W*. ai.4 d(or late arrivals. with TEKRT I il. 1 lH^r.oti*u4 (ai f.0Ml, L; E J. <'0 ^ A :. M4 m.. V, M.xRTI.V A Readable Books just r ar<00plul,a.. ,ri -l-ORAl CO- 2.UW' bu«a. pr .»l.( .... ;nr-*i«.rb. th ow aad tr-ab;., a. tV.. Received. .1"W. t..l' .., l!> an4 ball. V:riiuia.u4 Ft-.' -,,vA ' A. --j -f -f'.'-wwilw '*-*«-r.r.' I MiiaurlT- I)I 51N DE reiiiaor* N\ rww*usexya*.irXif.ul*'.*", •-*.n -' »«4 B.,..; I >oF.M >. tr Thus AYtUiam 1 ba LW\E*t— I sill tulored De Laiae* re- c.eixn. s; Of ,gs -aa:> t b# f-uad eleewKere. \U #.. AETAVO » TRSO Parsoa*. A UOKIE. .50Th rdi wia.tTi.n.furialal.w bj j 1. , I ce:r d t'.is uay fur 1 Ma-tr raUe and siG )-r ! sj.!r(,.i»drator*meat of |jra.»s fit - Wumea t*.# • f th^ir j Half H ;r« Hrud*. d w i- Mwy Lirss. br Mrs Crea- R*4i*.a1 aad^ l.ae esuUu.hmvLt .• e> adncTed br •a*,l4 aad" Milia. .. II u* Kevilatioas a w Mr«. G. !* f; -k I aad roRTlI—* *nr art:vi. tS Mi*e-Uaoies. byJ.G. seplJl'Jg* G4)5VDT. I *^^.r l..*- Bargains! Bargains! ulkkke, heath, i 50 d^ «t 4'and!e TERRY. 4 CO. N leiAf.aa ^ad D. ^,fx>rmer 7 • F- Ufa*in4iment anu fui **.-r ty ey NathanielHau* t 'E-1 i.Nl,.'*— j AJ An aji rreica: f Tu.*Ai> .. la» ra 'ROBIKfsOK A -0 lb rne. CI.OTHINO ar. nitwrlfull, X. H ANGE on .N.w V.rk, 130 bags Cotioa U leu Wst.ii.i ) Pixmbtorg Ne* edit. on, reviecd. ia.iud rail and riain in, Philadalibia. aad Baltitaor* for Varnt. raeor'ed i >LtL- ^ *'*: i r cvired this •*!•> ' ^ 'I'd'.kv * St^-'R-lVET^XTall at *2.t,-b|r.ri...i.tuparcl.a..i,;.lw.aa.r.. I store and day aad for y . I « 111 1 '>r G. 11 for sale by the Went EKTR4'.T-n..'u.T;;;i>rr;;w.,., — MORTON 4 GRIr,aiw "f a ne** aatbl, ta I m ht-xi jiii ue rvfuto to i'LiIadelnliin. " L'X;TER\ bL'0iB>—234! *—4rtca 1. ttar* ..4 fur wo NOCK, WICKb. 4 ! Bntbm-iu. New ¥.04. .ai. bv Ovfe.4 waG and .*^a ks. V .r':"— k Grand vcleet triu-med; AT Uoewn. Ta«»' M h*RK igant. *BE7rToTivy.ir’;:-7‘’ iff" ‘v> J I^RT IS t rii. Exhibition of Rich Velvet, Tapes- De du de. Very hfaw; )‘aamaxor: i»«a. Fh.iadeiraja. '-' try, and Brussels Bla k aad fan-'v Drees end Frot-k 4*uxta; 1/ •'4 pieci-s A' AMi EANi < Carpeting e- 1* red Dekarte; J. Mh'klMLN V -UK K.4V AI c:.' i s***-kb .\V4UXI.V 1411 > c '-.X W M Ju. Do du d# do - H- JAXIEA I.fiXV- A CO., *r , ivvii r .. Pants k 30 de fl* K. H 1.0 fr more of tb*ae eh. sp cut Poplias; reteivtd ' ^^7 Paraenger Lines. aa-'iu,..ui. sa' u.u«iau.u-i x. o Prints ef sui t and fertile hy have Piiiiknsg. •-HHJ *4urs and fur sn*e bv aa r.'-. I, li'a- k. brown, k ammo TTR just reeoivtd *ur iarr* sb-ek Mu*, aad oliv* Bosiaess < vain; 'f^TN culers tw aav lef Te • flered. -'-XAIU TIKKt.A'fl HITK t S.MALI/S...... T g K. bl.EVM N 4 C.5 I.N. 1 x LI. M.hi|.xxiMil. srr.u.-g ^ds. core s *f aU the frELL, ROHTN'TOV 4 <«» 499 Mail! «trept. Fan- y and black Velvet Vr*ts, hi,*. U. l.i:l I..A1.N*—2 a 1. run irintnl D. an.eWa .n ur TT J DCKKEK. IIF.ATH. 4 4'0. V, s;n ^E La** a •« ua exhibit) rocTiVed this 'a^s: w-Sieh are— > . I at I»e I -lay ftir betwoon Third nnd »-*v- , IS 1 / 'nq T-*\ eai 4 arpet Waru-r eius s da do Silk and >atie. de; NDIi.G—ficsrs*, ^.|Mxni»h aaj >a e br V float : ARN' A. very Udigo for sale br 4.V- era: • Xchv t all 4 arpeiing. U Rflj. r - r ta* 4 *“*• as* rud qnt-easware- — . eWrk of U- M ilt<-B A'elreii D<* 4n do lwi)i. lata * J L«»5V V. l.IVS. t tfo . aad arret { lam and rdr-tT.-lr«t facedfaced: •-* \ME> Jk CO.. IfACKEREI^ lUp. 1 LM RN|SlllN4i GtMHiS-W*. have just cr*ucd an -ther A.ND’M’ UUCilAN.bN 4 <’0. 4ld Ma • Il rh l-.t of | 4 casks do 4 arc ea’lrely are la i'-S'ga and uaequalrd f st}l*.N pxt EaK^-^ -i.in*; Household and Steamboat Furnishinc le nek- aamod. all of which i T tl.r mo*t fuj-erb ityirt of **ilks. Ca*‘ res. l 5*' • m Do ames, aad b x-e do lilaovivar*. **y ‘•0P*«..« ft aud Leaulife; '' WaRIHoi-ir 2 w*’ J toU uf f all e.a««o« uf 'Uds for pit:>“• TRl^N-2r0ua.C.4ar.r..b.:f.> K<>N-T0 t.a. C.dar .r*.b g f:r‘un’;}a’ir.r',^7tr.,uur fall trade tk . .ft I-,. IrT,n,a f:r..l.bVfj. iT' ! ( ’"I:’';?:*" 12 eiv’fbs do j t r*B-'h | ' ,al. l.j a.na 'M.Al 1, **' vast.y ' *" . i. X R li.M - I'RA W> Ma.B.tra.!. b.;w,aa Tb.r4 fai-*ri-ir u> ! R A O. aad Euwna. aav.* otherutb.r that raa beb. .1.* ' h D XX' Bc'llANAN A Cli 5^ af ss do 4'utlerx’ E 1 HARTfN A fX) | Txble h«* f ille. 55 H n*>« ; *n f aa|*ocG.xn tk# Inraestanxi h- ckavA^-sesrah e evi-rybody ' pe will com- and *: A lar.‘# ste r*- -t <>,-» — laryvWMtara lUaarw. rlu., 1 1 rr,,: and m- ra'ule na»- sal V. ace tha de .*.* r.' ' line in ta.-j.es, ( ' DCUKEEEK 4 „y t Enahine ramirs . 1- HEATH.HEATH, ?! xAXItiAV ter**. w • nad for ea.* Vr *.*Brka.rA4 * ... f _.V r.,tkn 1t toO | «e ask the at .:iua c -J * ... f ratry mer>’Laais far . ' 11"''^’' S4»AP Just -- - ^ a a them R*r call a*id exomm* jr ' ' •..--•r, Y fiOAP-Sboam H.i. o fancy xruo!*i:?t!t.ain!;i:7?,/u^V:i'i^ •rd W14. Fr.n'hG.n,: ‘ •f dire-lfr i X rS*#»ar;d .-or : }.} J m Ncu T rkand for sale by E..VET-. "aw l-dVl ,'!L: pTiOee aiid 4ss>m- I IND’W IU*4 H.fiMN CO.. R'jvai Wiit.e,furHo»e, fur Ri*a K i*mi»-»*r J • Ju; _f_^£ BFIX. ROBI.VSON. 4 CO , L , | servants’ wear,wci Mma *t . ha»w eea Third /54>FFFE- M 4..5R- A£2 _ \r:*,V.V" and l uurth. elO TIfO. rY. * * ^ ««“4» Pf j nir. Rif*. Ena::* Ei-i- rd BRLNT,BRLNT. SON, 4 44'00. I r ' RrusaiH .«; lAC/kuNl j Vr 150 bOdrs RioCf-ffe* 7.* hh-4* N*w ^VST-IGr AkRVkRMKkLU- Ric*) kmnnean Tapevtrv ra. DURKEE. IIEATH. CO. I A dw l.axuayra 2 h> Ltls L>af 1 ^5 Coffee; fers.xlebv T 4-i-wr u.ih A :*.* aad r.r,* •“* 'aaa-.r-w.at ,1 Burth •— A N D IV lirCII.fiNAV 4 CO. frum tSe Tufled to Ike rieh M****- I ^ '^plHiS, J. H4»LLAND’S TOBltlO— I Dd) bntts Extra. Rieh Imperial Epyi'ar-wta. in Taneatry and Rmsoals ^ tree. ^ 75 b -tis No. x’.rx 1; S-p|v. 50 butts J. W. Smith; Txfc4-rr Ingram, medium an waal S-alr. Tiltii ERXIETU ai. '•EI.E-'E xLlNi. 'ham. am^ -.auun 4 siiw'.s. oTT)N 50 butts S. H >U; EKLI r C* N-— A f*w J VU.VE1-. pUin ar.d ln .t.r.Au4 fur..l. by H lea j'i»; IV Lived atid f-ur saie Sr FLOOR OIL-CLOTH'i A. RAW-dlN, la addittoa to our fr.rmer et-xek • **w^ Prwnne in KVR5M. PITKIN. 4 CO. -# eupraior OiM Utha. to# giraa Soccti rXu . • .OH DY. CO. _ a Ham a A Bac .ia •«*rivtd lhi4 iar. 1' fvmiU balra TFRRY. 4 per«-eamera F*rt ilrary aad Cuba. 4 *k«eto V /5.\\T4).N FI.A NN FI. - •-5a ihni U'e are r*> -fpl »•- ef very «u(-«nsr qual-.ly, lu to i ladies m ^ • f I 24 feus !•) beans uisngand Pm Frulfi. will very much admirui.rtB*xainioati.D*^' The ChestChest. ‘a., he well fi araao frnoh4 eurvd. itren m:RK_LE j.E.ATl7‘"A*:’o“ llar« , aad '^leevf*# 1 Rrnndy 4)aU Mam st . bwtaecn f ifUi ai d JJ; 4 Ckrmoa JaBaai''a Ram ia*< act eTtiLr*tdered SkirU. whit* aad eoKred Flaaa*ls with aixth. No. 90 Fonrth Street, wm rnnm Cmaamon 4.U B*,;.rU.» 'naar ‘ _*-F-34A. GOWDr. TEKRT A ex. Bnrk M -tber^-ra. ‘ huk*- which will b* s< .d at the ultima'am i m..,r.aa4.!f2’b/A‘’’4‘7lt!’,*M^^^^^^^ VoVframr.tAg^a^.^^^ j f luw Wr->T aiDF. BETWFT N MAIN AND MARK FT. HtNDV^ half (ipoa i humpsgne Rrundr in et<-ru and I 4>ld Holland Gin DCRkF.E. * heath. A CO. hy w. Gilmur. pilI.Er AND IXIPKKIXI xfl ll.l'-li'!'.. .aalur.d INVENTOR af Iha I-lAMoNU WIG. aad aa kaabac, aa B ftorealohy G %LL %««H FR 4 t’u. ' ' ' '*«llilir.«ui 4 .1 aad a“*F»'l»-AWynthr. An’se't*Aa-a.-'j' 1i ara-.a,ara.-. aad lla-.w. VI ,„,utL,tlcB.'--- ..*.'0., CAETANOCACTAND 4A rR»*i . H55 Mnith R«*wlanMi rR»> I uv,' ...... >y«) . -rted rdla:: • cit*. 4 s kl-tok. ^ ^ I I euiU *h»i * braads Rope: 4i-.iiw _ A , 1 vfuiiu by M*m si. rs liniaauwr InI* Store ff-««anU J •«i-»,DaHir " * ‘I i *w*«.Uaadaad EihitLiahiE P TUuHI-'ON. )4-> Trai***, b* P. r.rr*rr* ““X’*uars. which arue fr'* th.the I s’2V jAMFs' 1.4)55 fi 4.F-I a! -. Half W:ra. Rrai-l.. Carl.. rn * ' halrsTwme. la store aud fur sal* br J.n*..J.n... l.ilLd m Co . 41S Main St. W'A., Ac,, aiad. “*D .1 '•a-'"'. I >a*a l-aia*.li Napkia,...... 4 uftb,tl.Mt.anr.,„i, F.urth arar Maia Tabi. "•d-Jy. r*“»«an<-*'l tn tr - a,,;, ^I „. if th. tlri.r..!Irirr..! .atirr. 1;' /.r.A.un, ,u4aud thrth. con- I *^cr. alv Ha.r Rraidiax fxf *e*ry d*s-'npti-va,9ueh ae F vmars. 'pE AS- 1 ‘ I ' ,, ^ "'1». »•< "''u r II '"a: f »ra..bir., 4. 4.AM.A)*HFR 4 < O. tmual cLxogvs ^ f our athtj. Ga rr*.i*.4 I ^ th.. climate ^’4^4H)^:^ >5 5KE— - m ra- ;• tbrj-raaf Hrx^ !* s. () «alaad *«hua-rtj.B«irtua..«.Maatya«.l, * -r, ,'i ! f’’’ W E A .too., ...B-iD-la* rf f, lireest Pias. F->bi ’lLiii Guar it haias. N^-kUe**. A- I )3o half hr«u Gunpiwdrr Tons: “*.*«<“»-* ) >-/ tl.n.loi‘,rr R'lckeis; aadfw^STb* 475^ 'SIMEKL' — fi lar^e variety of Nurth -th.lai. Pr-f Wil.-a). ’. LaaicC . SI ..ch; B-r. > Ds> (Joxea s I>rv»sia**M rat k-.x«s low grade tn mndinm Tens PtrsnleW D' RKEE mI«c‘MI..C...... ,3..ch^ r.'S** rubs; i N-THFR HEATH. A < O. bcrisjust roxoivexi f-'r sale •* many vularrablr aarh-ra GEO. Ili.ANi H.XRIi, &) MONKS. IK Mai.r LARGE ARRIVAL OF PAI I CfXOD«-7ni Jj! and ctirap by nf thr day, thesPr*#! M. ZIMMEK. t.kl.LAi.HER 4 CO. \ »•' arlyl.. Gilslla. Tea-— - *nd---• .. “T-'- Sale -Agent fnr the Stato of doXea Half B'l'Lel 5**^.met; T lR.hLEVIN44 .klN partieularly .Mexsnder Keatuckr. I I 4U Main it V n 55' aJt-'tJAK-IMhL*. .trittiy pnni. «l . 1 7*1) ash- Ir uliniraiLwiaJ ’ N Suyar f r .ale by rmit ahese Life Tragedy’ pr-**~ 4’omf«rta. HxMdn. Aearfs. Rtnelesren. j 4*1 W* prtme EneurmEnstora Rm; ^ • GALLAGHER A- H AXX itiPVxrLosexiravarsneci of these 14) d-i Jar Cl.'iras. fur sal* h:.»bhi Gr. aTr,. a, b.U, , O.. O L---A lar., .arirt) af 1-u, aad ...Dart hiiaul. p',— autlir-rs arehiiufl la the >RoVIMO\s- U C •at«. '‘haul*. a» A. 4u jiut I^-'uVf '7 C tader-''‘birT«. and Drasi ef* f- r sale as 41 Lanapnl^emMjn Maiaitruai. abu.« -w -aad. * ’ recolsed ^ •» Firmili '• iTaf. craitifcl I rr»BFt 1. Xl u,J Iiaij.. aad fur sa.e cheap bv I ea*k* st •“« 1 **J.r»4 ' i 4 rime nbhrd 5ide«. Maia reet *“ burar. f.r,.lc I", b* J WHEAT. WVBIC 4 WH EAT. *2 1 . C2*** MORTON 4<;R|S5V0LD. I es«k do Ci*sr do; _ . . 111 XI<)LA!-.'L- at M.XA Iplbbl. " *««r»w*4* taatanaad 1 7.U ALBANV- I'laa'aliaaM^ AND XX' brcilANAN A CO, ’’INiliti i’t»> af* “ “*• taraafeh.•.* ..J. bg X- I *''n*b Muur,,.j 5imrii .t It.axier s La«le 7 bi ;< Me 4 I’ork. ,.rt,u la-.,., .tur.4 .. a i.arf at .N.a Alt j b«t ar.y . IVotice. » f r ..1, ly 1 nud 5 luuip. fur sale by I HAkTI*HAftTIK '' ' ^-fiTIN 5.T8— Black, blue, and a;ixtd 8atintis just ll>‘* A bbls Rump da. ia st r* xad for sale iaw br * A COCO. “j GALLAG^HERa o. toceie*d 2» l-oxei Eoro IL nrb. o Whi.Xy fur he subeenber* for T. G. AadaVa * Rra4 *d Qundrupidu ' fresh ~ — - a la to - . - 4'iimii; I» - ig eui '*baule Si fc|, - — — , — — — * aad f*-r snlo cheap by .a|.l ^u2l| _ |,< r,e '^ha w Is- ..^ A. THO r BRENT. m*N. CO ^ ***''l'- ^*1^- RXW.-ON. sliMaiB.t 4 T pUara enU at H. C. Mraton s and nit tknir nnmkra*. twine, B^wa Thibet d--. ht-rCe Filin' boxeaboxes priuie M’esteraM’estora •“ T. R. rad quarter. boxes Raisina;.b-...u-) ' C'hnS-**’’' and CANDLE- j, / ^H kEhE—lM' Kese.'VeKose.'Ve C'hoeeeC hoove rcraired 4 SLF.VIN 4 CAIN. 414 Maia it a ' Its clcnr ' g yiiirrw u xad ^ “ fasks /.ante 4 urranti —40 bfxx*s rib' rd 4 huia l.nine v> er staambvntaambvnt Fort HenrrHearr aad for aalesale by f prime VVes'**ii Msatppwa i'Sa *> ...aA • a. L*^a. do I r,„.„ ^Jn«T' N« ‘*2 *' ^^rived : krS'Ll I 4 Di A\*8 “p* rmt; bbl.,oit.h.ll*lm'D4v aad for sate br ' Z I ;27V*™*’ 'JNO.jno eF. hoxIardaH4)WARD4 ro.,CO., S’*" js p'lme eh*! • / 5tlAMP\GNE W1NK-U > brakoistrarUe Hcidstc brand. *• All,!77 ^4a.. ** . Mamstreet. bo... Pn,a.,i rii ?;* aad brawa Sha.tl, ad at..st*. 471 .5-' yLIgili.. sxfmt ! v bv s rixatatiAa M' V ^ *nrta and pin’s. at N . O. imf-jrtor * pneo br *E ^TRANtaFRa— Strangers vtsitiag Loui»vtllo dariag »k®la. half, sad j ~ — — MARK Dlfl.AVrT' a twiva:. ilio qoaricf b^xus; * tTT pae < ag-e \l-ATkHU « V • u « * , 30 tmar”'* Jsf I 05 G5LL 5GHER 4 ro. -J" » 20 t xes U'ATER^T^R S 4< i coming «*#k«*ok are rtspe.rtspe- fallvfally tr.vitodir.f nod to call Maexruol; ^ ELEllKArEDkLKHK A TED Hm*TXM.III|| h«7ip - ~ ^ / ’E ACT l< 1 .N VI 1. < aadand examine SOAP ,taA. Mticl.artie i A. 4. A..4X. - PR t Cl A ND RI Ml.N A L < A«l» \\ Os Re.inexi oD<(aOoD< I *7 . m.m- uth.ulh, which caucaa.c ».„a,.h. I •apiU ala... K.ataek.. J!u*. b-Nx*« I ^ .54 P’a.ii*'* • ua th.»L lc7h*t** i**"*^^* H>- Maaafaetj:*d Tobaoon; ^IDK?^I0 ca*ks c.ua*rj ."klaSh ueu ined tor snlo by H aa* fur *0.# by • LACF'^. » coas Pearl s*ge. '^•‘'Ay, rr«v«®tsprevents tbethe a; EMHR4HDFRIE>, Ae. We55'e have oaon hatdhaad a > * ficeumulatif.nficeumulati<>a -ufuf tartar * I HABTIKMaKTIK A COCO. MORTuNMORT4JN A4 GRISWOLD.GRI^W'OLD. superb J!7t.t»*. i aud i» ?.*» tORNWtM. 4 BR«V ass rtmcniufrtmeni of Dress Goods. » csistiog »* <•• >»otmeg*. ’ fknkor or HORIE uf Silks ef evo-y ulerratedulto-rated saoee t BIN 4;7 « •» I's) btU tbn \|4)l A"*^K.<— I ta> T 4 R- '*•-NklVIN 4 Mainst. HARTIN M PH toy old aci*«iu«.ts skiuld settled . all pers -as laxieOCe*! - a CO. n be •; - ' I -* ftoJfall • imp*im|k Fancy and I' I’lJLulcCr.aai.NBU. rtaiiwB.rtaiiuB. as Tt-uixto Variety I LA.5. — A N And.And, our purchaser is — aew East.East, v( aod other fiaoeum I Goods *• S a .4}f-o' bbls PiaotattPian»aii a Molasses; to mo will pUase call at Ne. 55>'x 5faiu 4ir et, and save uio the I# lar,. • bbl. F..1-CTU Shanshall be fono'notlyrono'natly reeeirrseeir ag additionsadditiuiis ! da»ra Worcestershire I L'FT am.cd a la.aicaal— X I \5X X -X'5 ILL*1LLE4« orioN V.ARNs—YAR.M8->Jt«k«^J*# ha^ fM»!•« .N-. WM«ra tn 1 ^aupe; I*o«i**ili® rsMiiy ! hblsSngar jj ^7, Uil)*do hI VI P1o4ix~wI7*a. 'a ‘i* U-7nao James) II dlassra; ds du; tr ai-le uf otheru is« - ollectiag a-coauts. N u* *• my 1 ad).a'x j'^»laa4ilaaduA fruu a’caucr ASAs wewo deal upea t^uttathe o9ca raicc systemsystem, traagersstraagers Eaglisb Pickios, ass- j a.hnar.. Alpaca, aad ')*1 l,tMR inta Manstoeu andaad torR»* Miaskto brhv PanI.eaia aad f maymar rolvrslv . rtod Woal I JAHthJOBN'-TO».l^,^"*koxi»e. » aal* I a store f-ur | DmIra bbls Hm.- a, rad sale hr A. CO. | ,J® SaxarSagar.iif-.Q^ID-Bse do;Jo- * f..7; GRAY 4 upua rarrba*iari-orrhaeiar |0-ds|s*n*est>n--es asao our with a full X da. U '.kia. aad 'L-* CSO. RILLlrR. B.IK1F., 3U mm* residei.tareside'nta I assortmoai , . Third .t., of ef Fire-NYorU; Forsalelyw* Kid Glu,^ fFW'l •'»»**T*a»«»Eaa.il, — . , So olcso v _ a2a* WIwholaaalci thisoity. oil MARK. lal* Arrivals I'kildr.a a plaid, atrip,*, i|-a« — aafc-uuacrand Dcalar dCi.ANKV, A DOWNS. aad for sal. be o3i' aad Waul I' fU faaUy aa. ,Aaliwa4 ffm ul '<» laFacisa Fraiu. , Uu^c - , - .11 _AND XT RmiA.V.AN A I-. ‘aat-Mrt. GluTca •* - L W EI RKUARDT a-.dXA aal Mitiia, \I'.A-H-B0ARDS—WadMaa iaM.i«a*df..*»i. hr r EaD AND hHfIT— R-rtra Glares;' >> ..!•». klLtfiR. Trotting Buggies. Sirup Sarsaparilla ?L'w I »^i ! Do Wo-jI. It^ t.aen Ike har Uwi, v. c* h.iriph=,A, ***** U. S. D. B* rlia, liaod and Kid sjfi Igout tor tku Manufartuiuv. *’”24 W. ge-* i w Burkhardt, / ESSE—lU b«a. pna. a I ’ Wur Am.**. . 24 I Du MonaoHatf "“^'•••*'•4 kegs Shu*; ^stoamcr Endenrnr br >> I4X, bbls li a# 4 ytratammttfnnemmimm mat fwiai. b, , and for aalo rectified WLiskr; ^ Ladle* rad tleate ^>1 i, 5R—fit# hkda fair to sttiotly skuMO lor snlo by I. bblf Rsdifig Glrvea- { iHO. D ADAMS 4 ai. aid roppur d--. I. r (OWaRD A n. - last..** V kTDNE. «<• M.iait. MiUifieryaadTrimmiagt;-.^* * Bl-T.bR». iu*a. hMwM ThtrA aad by koSwuen « EawiUk .1. / )LD f'B A. GRAY 4 CO. 8iJk. Lib*b afidt’oeion Rrewsu. ** WoetsiAo %e"n4. Mnin and Marhot sba. — X ra.t.4 5(.| I firtule ia sk-r* aad for t.eau ' ——— ^ Jl'ra.'u/p" R*Vi^au“hV' / tK-a«bvs just iwecirod sale by ^iUradJ»atia«iack*aadt>I!l?r — — — radfor sale br ape ;EUf—A (aw hwhal. laai rml.aiaad ** Silk H aadkerehiofs. ^I'lN-PLATK— fOTMkh. A RoRIE. A 0"maleto asaermuak ' — — MThird M. CRAY 4 ro. t'otiua h beet R ® BX-EAM, PITKIK. A _ _ ~ aad Turkov red la' de^*^ k aoeae« RRwdng.-dag. fkarw-alrknrw-al krandmIranda. f’lGAR, '^‘•‘‘tL-JUU WkfilobAae. '•*’ 4a de; G'ljARb’ CIGAR-'— bbli jum roo#j^and7ir7airb^ U ekvfifidE’ee* '\eeai*«* ^ ^ furralekr ‘‘J - - \I Chairs and Settees. ?»>•'' Robinaon. a CO.. ".'‘ « >« -t — I . : ‘R* A. gray 4 CO. '’ALli-t. •-* -£i ; I A bM«^. Third aad_F.urth b27::7 ''TV further supply just received . .u. *“'*** at the War* moms. No. — filaln Street. ! Baade. ~ [ 47I 471 ' ^pK Jdknlf okMin snnarwm " »ho har* used tnern to bo ino D*et farm Mill now tauee Thi Wall street. 4iur factors ^4pi»aa.T?dli*^^'/J A— Gran-wdar^ tor suie bv ** BIBAB PITKIN A CO *• I If bal*e No 1 ll*M ooBtiauee to tura eutChairs 'if5GEl.L.ATINE-C«.'. S.- M X RK. KII.ANEV, A Caitars. tn urdtoks. I ^ ,2a3 fio; E«1 U DOWN* •»•**«.riutan.4a for anie ,parkIla|'G«IIaTiic I XUM w«ld «a. i by fsfiyod ilr^acM I re Jg m aw*nm per sioaiaor bare been appointed by the j-atentee , * j a York* iobscrlbora and manufae every rarioly, whioh we offer to the trad* wh* rorifiloalkll g_» ^towa,town in ware losal* thaa attontirta of ' Maiaatrrei. h. H at C Isinglass and superior to it f->r pr*partnr taMoJcllv t' x;-^tfully call the farmer*, plaaters. aad I L. ADAMS 4 CO. turersth.su/eageaistor Lnui.rille. l‘•rs9fi. ordering lies all ('a^aBA Al-EW—W AAl. Afat M>lli which will be fuuai eatttfaciory. for rash or roraaleb^ i ,aali*y jo2l ' F Caaary«aa*y ha.4a*M laatlaatiw-r»- ' t *'* on BEIL. intero*ird to iHeirlaix# stoek of Domestic* purchased 'THEkT. CPSBM ANDLES—rakraentor snU by ” ^ | RiSBlNM>N C(» WYBLE. dirtetlr 4 WHEAT | '-I *^ A 4 I X w>wUaa4twMl.hy • PC _ * SI M MF.R9. sfef os will to iopphedsupplied alat Ikethe maoufactnrersmanufacturers prioe. Mills ofo] no to poartnal castomore. 4mr stork of flaistied j .n work — s3E B ECATIRB. , e M I es- all the vnriuut siseioa s d. Circulars, i« fur *** ha giriagafulldeserip-giriaga full descrip- the larg*st ever ->ff rsd la this market, being aoarly LITH to sell as as BTBAB PtTKIK A 00. ARGE— I a determiBAtioa low rh* louosi. ws fM u41 uuhJriiS,T“b tiun of tucss rad Several ulhtr mills, will to aent k- W*inn k*gsk 55 g pertous '‘*'*1' »•' ^rs hit# Lead; we«.r.a«i*c,at..f.cii,.ai-allran give sfitKfacti.-a t- all wh#*!., ma/mny farer WT d' who t.rdor them. ^ ^ /a*.r a.as withwii a call WB JrakorCiuk ‘“‘b(7aM.B5 RAM, ?iT*!7N*‘Vco‘r"'"PITKIN 4 CO., , So ke. N. I -*• Lv.**’lu: *, i XV. h... .a naaa a Ur*, .uch .( Mew Book.. J oat Zm,fuoni rud rad fnr Southern Hoedoed and Agricultural «^)rd*rs by mail pr^mpUy exetuted* Addiyse 3.0UO IpuUMtk.aai* at • M'areb'-aso,M areb- nso. lU Litharge; fur sal* by B-owa aad bl*a bed ColUas OU ootllw24d W U. RAND 4 I'O.c Hnu .a Fuartk Third st., Louisviilo. Ky. I AM)’5r 4_CO._ wn Oenalurg*; J l^Ni Iba froeh r'Itgok; bi^ No. Es 55'all st.. BITHANAN Br ! Ijouisrille, •« F THOMPkON. Ky. Comfortar, * ksonr>ad lfir| 1* en*«s bruwn Dnlliog*; I by tke Rav. Jekn 4. * *** «*»* . freeb Prunes; N. B. ladiaaa taken at par. umming. ** hMWMa TkM ” *' OUAP I.NUT 111 moacy CL'G AK— 50 hhds prime kugar for sale tow. etoso eoBMiga- I jaTirKiL-LV aad Em^ II-INE*' WINEv- MUL4i)~ ‘ w Plaia\ad'wb?to^iIM.ia mad ine, »s- **• 15 frails du Datos: whit. Lin*,.; I ira .’>.n.a..>, J*' , . . \CTV M kaakcu raiwr O tozrs R-Sia Sfip; Kl] AND W BLCIIANANACO. * Naighkors’ ckaut»u j K n.arjjotufky ;7Ja.:‘'.N>V.Joans; .Negro Cmidroa. from iKo (^armnn, ky T>)l RBuN p*tT,*OIL-*Ahh4...,y..p»«».a«.:.,.,^i, Sd bbunitorts 2uhbUBrfigil-Kutg; do BlaahcU,Blankets i WHI-^KV~ ( h twh. l/M.lra VxAal Flume do- State Stock Banks of Indiana. V •• » hbU Sicily Almuads; do 1)EHI-ER ' 'lacoo cri.rr;*^ II m Palm du! of fine .ANDhPllK— aad .rt'*T‘hU7'"i*’* !•* 4. ?-^h.i*n>r«Un..Ad.,ph.. HAVE a large stuck LtiJCORS of all - 35 oarks fiift kiads wblab 1 ,*.»f..«''‘V“h«Jj:raJ.‘;;Y*’..^^ : Rra.-...h«. e«a Ih. h^JI: ^.'Ka’iliS.V etoll du; 2V du <;crmaa S10~"it r ii rsBs prims Rsose tor anie toh< de; 3U 4. I'lmaatu; In Ml. b* ta all athcra. &ILLEE. pavmeat at par. J. MtiNKS AKD-W ® 4Da MS 4 i5 ofiaks Ea^ish Walanti; Jnat moeirod rad (urtala by P.5 *9 s*pr«aely fur reiailiuf RTHfiifAy ^ CO. ; fur aale br el8 S9fi Maia si., betweea 5iztb rad Sereath -in wok that enaaot ^bo read wittonxwitkuu V>tk pleasnsu ^ GAETA.NO A L'BrO. *H sts I CGAP^.aP.^NOand STARGhISTARCH^ and peudk^* s MJl'FEE. to L-ITRA BCPERIORl>I.;ril7l.ria~, JOHNS MclLTAI M A FO.M. icoond editiuB. 471 Main street. 471 i'!! Roouisod rad far sale br Z^S^/ScBAltAll 4 00. OI-RVINO ri.OdKA-Jatt raMi,.d aa aMurtin.ataf ,r^L a’.". 7* ‘ •» &33 M'aaa st.. 300 bags Rie Coffee; **la.. sn-iuaud-roaug,7d' fr>reniefur tale tobrv l‘' s.a:5=-~L- WH} M Moaraiag i'loaks. ala* another lot Of Talmas, of the latent |s3fil GF#. Elf. puekoks old JfivaCoSse: for Sfile ky I - 35 do Cinaksd m A BORIE, MTUrdsi. - ' alt JOHN fi MtILYAlA 4 $0S, •tyles. all of whioh we are soiling aauually low. if inrh* teu wv,-.a_,« MibACCO—5fid koxos Toaaooaeo and Mtsoonn MNWaat, ^ ’ .ToknoaaTaknoon ftofor 75'fi,i kkin PtraiMkon MARK, DlLAhiXY, « DOWMt. ) all I snla low. la tkoe w nsignmnnts, ky O *^«OrVw1x1. i ' II i|4o fiirapi in • rMto kr ** SRADr * DAT1R%. ‘ tM /4COB EBLLti^