Cahill Halts Payment F MCAP Trip Fund by SHERRY CONODAN Project

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Cahill Halts Payment F MCAP Trip Fund by SHERRY CONODAN Project na wii in 27Cpunty Rivers, Up in 1 SEE STORY PAGB* The Weather PwUy cloudy, hot and ho- THEDAEY FINAL mid today, chance iff showers late in day. Tomorrow partly } Red Bank, Freehold ~T~ sonny, a tittle coaler an less I Long Branch J EDITION humid. Cooler Sunday* 24 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 19 BED BANK, NJ. FRIDAY, JULY 21,1972 House Votes Fort Sewer Link By PAUL KEEN municipalities bordering the However, the Senate is ex- would fund the project if we mission — ending pollution in reversal to a report issued by Shrewsbury River, Ft. Mon- pected to pass the matter eas- could get it authorized, which this area." the state Department of Envi- WASHINGTON - The mouth had the last active out- ily as it has in the past. we did today." Mr. Rafferty noted that he ronmental Protection a year House of Representatives yes- fall feeding effluent into that For several years, the issue The funding had been infor- had gone to Washington twice ago accusing the fort of pol- terday authorized connecting body of water. was either defeated in the mally promised before if the to testify before the House luting Parker's Creek and a Ft Monmouth with the North- When the authority treat- House Armed Services Com- authorization could clear the Armed Services Committee state cease and desist order east Monmouth County Re* ment plant, and ocean outfall mittee or on the House floor Armed Services Committee and other authority represen- issued in November. gional Sewerage Authority. at Monmouth Beach were de- only to be included in the Sen- and the House floor. tatives had testified on other Violations Listed The authorization came af- signed and built, provision ate Military Construction Au- The earliest possible fund- occasions. The report prepared jointly ter six consecutive years of was made to process the sew- thorization BUI then to be de- ing would be in the federal fis- "Everytime," Mr. Rafferty by state DEP officials and the effort on the part of Rep. age produced .by the fort in feated by a House-Senate Con- cal budget for 1973, which will said, "Rivers knocked our U. S. Environmental Agency, James J. Howard? D-N. J. and the hope that it would connect ference Committee. become effective next July. brains out." He was referring listed these violations of state executives of the authority. eventually. Rep. Howard said yes- Completes Mission to the late Rep. L. Mendel and federal pollution laws: With the completion of the Goes to Senate - ' terday, "I have talked to a Michael J. Rafferty, chair- Rivers who was chairman of — Sludge accumulating NEMCRSA |32 million sewage The house voted 371-17 for number of persons on the Ap- man of the NEMCRSA, com- the Armed Services Com- near the Fort Monmouth sew- treatment plant last summer the $1.7 million project which propriations Committee and mented after hearing the mittee until his death. er plant outfall in Parker's Hep, Jams J. Howard and the connection of all the now requires Senate approval. they have indicated they news, "This' completes our He attributed the House's See House, page 2 Michael JMtaffertjr Cahill Halts Payment f MCAP Trip Fund By SHERRY CONODAN project. dents left last month for their' approval of the MCAP travel plication for the program, as His action leaves financing summer abroad, going to 13 program pending receipt of received by the governor's of- LONG BRANCH - Gov. of the controversial program countries in South America, more specific information fice, made no mention of any WiBiain T, Cahill yesterday up in the air. To date, MCAP Europe, Africa and the Ori- about the project This, in ef- trips abroad and described acted to forestall payment of has received none of the ent, and all but five are still fect, freezes aU funds ear- the project simply as a "com- $60,000 In federal antipoverty ¥60,000. approved earlier by overseas. marked for the program. munity development pro- funds to the Monmouth Com- the Office of Economic Op- More Information Awatied An aide of Gov. Cahill's said gram." munity Action Program portunity (OEO) for the over- The governor, in a letter to the governor has asked Riv- "It in no way alluded in any (HCAP) for summer trips seas trips, according to Ed- Angel Rivera, regional OEO era for more detailed infor- way, shape or form to any aborad by 67 high school stu- ward J. Walsh, the agency's director in New York City, mation on the nature of the kind of trip or travel," he dents until he has. the answers comptroller. said he was withdrawing his program and the eligibility of said. to some questions about the The 67 participating stu- waiver and withholding his the recipients. He said the ap- Philip V. Sanchez, OEO di- rector in Washington who al- u ready has initiated an in- OIL SPILL CLEANER —The U.S. Navy demonstrated Its new Skimmer vestigation of the.MCAP pro- Workboat designed to clean up oil spills In harbors and near shore areas gram, quickly endorsed the In Boston Harbor yesterday. The 25-foot craft cuts a 13-foot swath through governor's action. "I am in an oH slick and can harvest 2,200 gallons of oil in an haur. < Weather Taxes Power; complete accord and fully support the governor's action, based on the fact that there are questions as to the appro- Forecasts Discouraging priateness of the program and the eligibility of the partici- A steamy, stagnant air industries from violating the danger people in the area," of warnings." , pants," he said after learning •ass that has strained elec- order. said David Millennial of the A pollution alert was ex- of Gov. Cahill's move. tric power supplies and "We do not anticipate any state Health Department. tended through today in Wash- caused pollution alerts re- industry doing anything to en- "The injunctions are just spit ington, D.Ci Rain showers "As a result of the gover- mained anchored over the brought relief to the New nor's action, no OEO money 'Eastern seaboard today with York metropolitan area dur- can be used in any way to no relief expected for a few ing last evening, washing the uest help defray any of the costs more days. air of many pollutants and associated with this project" The National Weather Ser- dropping temperatures to the Sanchez also said he had or- NEWARK (AP) - The hearings on the request for will not be impaired, and vice forecast more tempera- STEAMING* low 70s. The respite was ex- dered "all necessary legal State Board of Public Utility the permanent hike should be there was no major financing tures in the high 80s to middle EAST pected to be brief. and administrative steps be Commissioners has turned concluded by the end of the which required support form 90s, a situation which sapped taken to avoid recurrence of down a request for a $67 mil- year. these funds. Therefore, there the reserves of electric utili- Consolidated Edison Co. cut similar circumstances which lion interim rate increase by The commissioners, said . was no emergency." ties and led to blackouts or back voltage 5 per cent in might result in decisions call- New Jersey Bell Telephone yesterday they could find no The company; however, brownouts in scattered areas New York City and West- ing for the inappropriate ex- Coj, ruling that service and fi- reason to grant the increase. said it would be hampered yesterday. chester County for two hours penditure of OEO funds." nancing would not be im- PUC President William E. without the increase. The week-long heat wave in midafternoon to prevent a paired if the request were de- Ozzard said, "There was no "Now we are faced with a over the populous- East was massive blackout after a ma- While Mr. Cahill acted in nied. construction deadline that commission order which, blamed on a Bermuda high jor power link tripped out 70 Trenton to freeze funds for The company is seeking a could not be met without pending reconsideration, that stretched to the Mis- miles north of the city. See MCAP, page 2 $137 million increase and these funds, adequate service leaves us no alternative but to ilssippi River valley and consider cutbacks involving pumped humid tropical air up construction and employment, from the Gulf. which in our view would not With the listless air, pollu- be in the best interests of the tants tended to collect and in- $2.20 Pay Base Gets Senate public or the company," a creased to dangerous levels in Bell spokesman said.. some areas. But he refused to say what In the Pittsburgh area, a construction projects would first stage pollution alert be hurt or whether the em- forced industry to cut back Okay, Faces a Test in House ployment cutbacks would in- operations. Eye irritation and volve lay-offs, saying he WASHINGTON - The Sen- South Dakota to cast his vote. the House. workers make above the min- shortness of breath were com- The Senate approved the would not give any details , - men complaints, especially in ate has voted to boost the The bill extends coverage to imum wage. beyond the company state- minimum hourly wage to 7.4 million additional workers, measure by a vote of 65 to 27 The present minimum of the downtown section. $2.20, a move'that could bring Thursday night after defeat- ment. "Based on meteorological including 1.2 million domestic $1.30 for workers on large The statement called the de- bigger paychecks to millions servants, 1 million chain sotre ing the Nixon administration's farms would be raised to $2.20 projections, the current epi-.
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