Copyrighted Material
Index ABC, 165, 204 ambiguity tolerance, 71 abortion America: To Pray? or Not to Pray? falsehoods about, 5 (Barton), 214 integrative complexity and, 69–70 American Association for the reality gap and, 171–172, 182, 184 Advancement of Science, 87 Roe v. Wade, 136 “American culture war of fact,” 145 selective exposure and, 151 American Enterprise Association, academia 134, 135 expertise gap and, 84–88, 258–259 American Enterprise Institute, 181 Openness to Experience and, American history. See U.S. history 258–259 American Prospect, The, 82 rise of “New Right” and, 141–146 American Psychological Association, See also individual names of academic 59, 183 institutions American Recovery and accuracy motivations, 37 Reinvestment Act, 192, Adams, John Quincy, 204 193–196 adaptation, 123–125 American Revolution, 203–204, adolescence, pseudo-evidence and, 212–213 33–35 Americans for Prosperity, 194 Advanced Pain Centers, 171–172 Americans for Tax Reform, 191 affect, 29, 30–33 American University, 150–151, 257 Agnew, Spiro, 138 Amodio, David, 115 Agreeableness,COPYRIGHTED OCEAN and, 64 “amydala MATERIAL theory” of conservatism, AIDS, political conversion and, 112–116. See also neuropolitics 107–108 anterior cingulated cortex (ACC), Ailes, Roger, 164 111, 113, 115, 116–117 alcohol, political conversion and, anti-Federalists, 215 108–109 argumentative theory of reason, Altemeyer, Robert, 72–73, 101–102, 52–54 159–160 asymmetry thesis, 75–76 311 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331111 114/02/124/02/12 112:002:00 PPMM 312 Index authoritarianism morality and
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