
(from you)

Words of wisdom and advice to your future self as a social worker from graduating social work students:

Dear self,

Remember why you started this journey to become a social worker. Never forget your passion for social work, especially when things get tough…and they will. You already know this field can be heavy on the heart. You’ve been there before. You’ve faced hard times before and rose to the challenge. Look at what you’ve endured throughout your journey. Look at what you are going through now. I know you won’t ever forget 2020. Remember all the positive things that came of the challenges you faced. Don’t forget that tough times helped you grow. Remember how far you’ve come, and imagine how much farther you will be five years from now. You are strong. Be proud of yourself and all your accomplishments. But remember you are human. Remind yourself that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Make time for self-care, and not just after you have taken care of everything and everyone else. Self-care is not selfish; it is necessary and important, so do not feel guilty for caring for yourself. Make time for you and be kind to yourself. Keep a positive mindset. Keep your goals in sight and know that you can do it, even if it does take longer than you planned. Things do not always go according to plans, and sometimes this means changing the plan to fit where you are. Remember it’s okay if you don’t end up where you thought you were going, or exactly where you wanted to be. Use your critical eye and always assess the goodness of fit between what’s going on and your own needs and values. Just trust the process and do not give up. Do everything with intention. And if you go back to where it all started…remember why you started this journey. Remember who inspired you to be of service. Watch how you think of them, see them, listen to them and seek to help them. See each of them as the unique individual they are, even if they never asked to be there. Remember self-determination. Honor their wishes. Honor professional values. And with all that you do, be present in everything. But do not let the storm outside of you become a storm inside of you. Maintain your sense of humor; laugh often and a lot. Laughter – and even a smile – can change the world.