QUEENS FAMILY 3 Letter from the Publisher NYC Is on Our Planet Earth

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QUEENS FAMILY 3 Letter from the Publisher NYC Is on Our Planet Earth CampSummer GuideApril 2012 QUEENS FREE Family Where Every Child Matters Kids celebrate the earth Spring around town! Festivals, concerts, shows, parties and more Find us online at www.NYParenting.com Days Filled with FUN, FUN, FUN! &ŽƌŽLJƐΘ'ŝƌůƐ͕ϰͲϭϰ ϮͲϴtĞĞŬWƌŽŐƌĂŵƐǀĂŝůĂďůĞ KƉĞƌĂƚĞĚLJ>ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚdĞĂĐŚĞƌƐΘĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŽƌƐ tĞĐĐĞƉƚůůhŶŝŽŶZĂƚĞƐ tĞĞŬůLJ&ŝĞůĚdƌŝƉƐ ^ƉŽƌƚƐtŝƚŚ/ŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ ƌƚƐΘƌĂŌƐ AND MORE! Call Now For Pre-Season Discount! OPEN HOUSE ^d͕͘WZ/>ϭϰΘϮϴ͕ϮϬϭϮͻϭƉŵͲϯƉŵ :/>E^ ϲϳͲϭϵWĂƌƐŽŶƐůǀĚ͘ͻ&ůƵƐŚŝŶŐ͕Ezϭϭϯϲϱ CALL 1-631-209-2041 or 1-800-DAYCAMP April 2012 • QUEENS FAMILY 3 Letter from the publisher NYC is on our planet Earth aving been in- food casually thrown clean-up team and recruit others to show your kids that this is a priority volved in the in the streets, cigarette get on the team too. Maybe it’s orga- you have set and that you are willing H Earth Day move- butts everywhere, and nizing our blocks for regular clean- to get involved in helping even if you ment for a long time, I bottles, cans and other ups and thereby giving our kids that weren’t the ones who did it. can only say, that here refuse tossed onto the example to experience personally. Without a doubt, we can all make in New York there re- streets or thrown to We need to train them and ourselves a difference. This is our planet. This mains a real lack of the curbs. to not be accepting of the mess and is where we live and this is where awareness on the part This is outrageous the clutter. We all need to stop and our children will live. Let’s help them of the average citizen, and the only explana- pick up the papers as they fly by, not by cleaning up the backyards and in comparison to other tion one can find for walk over them. front yards of our fair city and get- large cities both here this ongoing condition This is an ongoing task that will ting them to be on the team too. in the US and in Western Europe. is that most people feel “it’s some- only make a dent if done with regu- Happy Spring and as always We lag behind and the streets of body else’s job” to clean it up. “Not larity and conviction. We are urging thanks so much for reading and our city are a testament to that my job; not my mess; not my block; every parent to teach their kids by thanks for helping us become award fact. not my washroom; not my side- example that this is our planet earth winning magazines. Your loyalty is Paper is floating everywhere, walk; not my corner”, seems to be and that each and every one of us much appreciated. there are plastic bags hung up in the general and pervasive attitude. can and does make a difference. We many of our trees and even seem- How can we change this? I believe must encourage their participation ingly educated, intelligent people the answer lies with our children and discourage complacency and have become apparently immune and the emphasis and responsibil- the avoidance of responsibility. to the mess. Cavalierly, most peo- ity we encourage them to have in Sweeping your street every week, ple walk past newspapers blow- relation to the whole environment. or bending to pick up the papers ing down the sidewalk, half-eaten I believe we all have to get on the that have been tossed down will help Susan Weiss-Voskidis, Publisher STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION PUBLISHER / EXECUTIVE EDITOR: ADVERTISING: WEB OR PRINT ADDRESS Susan Weiss (718) 260-4554 New York Parenting Media/CNG PUBLISHER / BUSINESS MANAGER: [email protected] or 1 Metrotech Center North Clifford Luster [email protected] 10th Floor SALES MANAGER / ADVERTISING: Brooklyn, NY 11201 Sharon Noble CIRCULATION SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: (718) 260-8336 www.NYParenting.com Tina Felicetti [email protected] SALES REPS: Lori Falco, Sharon Leverett, EDITORIAL Stephanie Stellaccio, Jay Pelc (718) 260-4554 ART DIRECTOR: Leah Mitch [email protected] PRODUCTION DIRECTOR: On Man Tse LAYOUT MANAGER: Yvonne Farley The acceptance of advertising by New York Join the conversation on Facebook. WEB DESIGNER: Sylvan Migdal Parenting Media does not constitute an endorse- New York Parenting Media has been recognized GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Arthur Arutyunov, ment of the products, services or information for editorial and design excellence by PPA. Charlotte Carter, Mauro Deluca, Earl Ferrer being advertised. We do not knowingly present any products or services that are fraudu lent or New York Parenting Media is published monthly misleading in nature. by New York Parenting Media/CNG. Subscription rate is $35 annually. Reproduction of New York MANAGING EDITOR: Vince DiMiceli Editorial inquiries, calendar information, adver- Parenting Media in whole or part without writ- ASSISTANT EDITORS: Courtney Donahue, tising rates and schedules and subscription re- ten permission from the publisher is prohibited. Juliet Linderman quests may be addressed to New York Parenting All rights reserved. Copyright©2012 Readership: th Media, One Metrotech Center North, 10 Floor, 220,000. 2012 circulation audits by CAC & CVC. COPY EDITOR: Lisa J. Curtis Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. CALENDAR EDITOR: Joanna Del Buono New York Parenting Media can also be reached CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: by calling (718) 250-4554, emailing family@ Risa Doherty, Allison Plitt, Candi Sparks, cnglocal.com or by visiting our website, Laura Varoscak, Mary Carroll Wininger NYParenting.com. 4 QUEENS FAMILY • April 2012 QUEENS Letter from the publisher Family April 2012 NYC is on our planet Earth FEATURES 6 Celebrate the Earth! aving been in- food casually thrown clean-up team and recruit others to show your kids that this is a priority Making the holiday fun and educational volved in the in the streets, cigarette get on the team too. Maybe it’s orga- you have set and that you are willing for your children H Earth Day move- butts everywhere, and nizing our blocks for regular clean- to get involved in helping even if you BY JENNY GRACE TORGERSON ment for a long time, I bottles, cans and other ups and thereby giving our kids that weren’t the ones who did it. can only say, that here refuse tossed onto the example to experience personally. Without a doubt, we can all make 10 Playing it safe in New York there re- streets or thrown to We need to train them and ourselves a difference. This is our planet. This Tips on preventing Little League injuries mains a real lack of the curbs. to not be accepting of the mess and is where we live and this is where BY TONY WANICH, MD awareness on the part This is outrageous the clutter. We all need to stop and our children will live. Let’s help them 12 Make a difference during of the average citizen, and the only explana- pick up the papers as they fly by, not by cleaning up the backyards and in comparison to other tion one can find for walk over them. front yards of our fair city and get- 10 Autism Awareness Month large cities both here this ongoing condition This is an ongoing task that will ting them to be on the team too. BY REBECCA MCKEE in the US and in Western Europe. is that most people feel “it’s some- only make a dent if done with regu- Happy Spring and as always We lag behind and the streets of body else’s job” to clean it up. “Not larity and conviction. We are urging thanks so much for reading and 14 Stop struggling with the juggling our city are a testament to that my job; not my mess; not my block; every parent to teach their kids by thanks for helping us become award Here are some tips on how to balance family, work, fact. not my washroom; not my side- example that this is our planet earth winning magazines. Your loyalty is friends, and personal time, so you’re less stressed Paper is floating everywhere, walk; not my corner”, seems to be and that each and every one of us much appreciated. BY SANDRA GORDON there are plastic bags hung up in the general and pervasive attitude. can and does make a difference. We 18 Big fun on a small budget many of our trees and even seem- How can we change this? I believe must encourage their participation Birthday parties that won’t break the bank ingly educated, intelligent people the answer lies with our children and discourage complacency and BY CANDI SPARKS have become apparently immune and the emphasis and responsibil- the avoidance of responsibility. to the mess. Cavalierly, most peo- ity we encourage them to have in Sweeping your street every week, 24 Find new use for old clothes with ple walk past newspapers blow- relation to the whole environment. or bending to pick up the papers a quilt ing down the sidewalk, half-eaten I believe we all have to get on the that have been tossed down will help Susan Weiss-Voskidis, Publisher Turn your child’s baby clothes into a family heirloom BY KATHY SENA 26 It can’t be easy, being a baby STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION One dad’s thoughts on why newborns put up a fight when trying anything new PUBLISHER / EXECUTIVE EDITOR: ADVERTISING: WEB OR PRINT ADDRESS BY TIM PERRINS Susan Weiss (718) 260-4554 New York Parenting Media/CNG PUBLISHER / BUSINESS MANAGER: [email protected] or 1 Metrotech Center North 26 28 Homesick blues Clifford Luster [email protected] 10th Floor 10 ways for parents to help their little campers adjust SALES MANAGER / ADVERTISING: Brooklyn, NY 11201 Sharon Noble CIRCULATION 44 Money doesn’t buy happiness (718) 260-8336 www.NYParenting.com Psychologist’s new book finds best things in life are free SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: BY ALLISON PLItt Tina Felicetti [email protected] SALES REPS: Lori Falco, Sharon Leverett, EDITORIAL 18 Stephanie Stellaccio, Jay Pelc (718) 260-4554 COLUMNS ART DIRECTOR: Leah Mitch [email protected] PRODUCTION DIRECTOR: On Man Tse 16 Mommy 101 CALENDAR OF EVENTS BY ANGELICA SERADOVA LAYOUT MANAGER: Yvonne Farley The acceptance of advertising by New York Join the conversation on Facebook.
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