
ANTELOPE VALLEY PRESS, Aug. 25, 1989 Notes on 'Rye' ...... 2 SHOWCASE 'Casualties' review ...... 10

Frlday August 25,1989, Antelope Valley Press keeps up attitude through tragedy BY KARLATIPTON we're all in the same boat." said what happened and I said,. 'No.' What they alla Tex-Mex type of Assistant Showcare Editor And it keeps getting easier." rhvthm and ." espite all the upand AV Fair: today Of his family, Fender said Since many music f- re- n downs in his life. eoun- they are more supportive than member his past hits "Wasted try western pekomer "Whatever happens, just keep ever. "It has brought us closer to- Days and Wasted Nights" and Freddy Fender tries to goi and try to keep a loving at- =ether and now we're sort of "Before The Next Teardrop maintain a positive outlook. tit% toward people, because Eeeping an eye on each other, Falls" - both of which lad trying to stay alive and still go high on the country ans pop on with the business of living, charts - Fender has high hopes which is what it's all about. for his new album. "All families get hit and it "I've alwavs been verv fortu- was our turn, I guess," he said. nate in being able to mo& over," "We're all doineverv well in ac- he said. "My records were ex- cepting it and cjing to live with posed all over the world. I'm one

it.~~, one~~~~ dav-~~, at~~ a~ time.~ ~~~~ of the fortunate ones - an inter- "You'd be surprised hhoy much national artist." strength you really have Fender rpmaina ommrarr Apart fmm playing six about his new acting career - months a year at his theater-res- which indudes last "ear's art in taurant, Fender still tours world- 's "Milagm'Bean- wide. In November, he goes to field War," as well as the possi- Holland. bility of a role in an NBC-TV Yet despite his many aeeupa- movie, Vespeperados," tentatively tions, Fender feels more comfort- scheduled to air in September. able when he's busy. He is also with "I think that juggling (mupa- Spanish Harlem, which will be tions) is what makes me tick," he out on Critique Rewrds some- said. '1 have never even dwelled time amund Labor Dav. on the idea of beinz an 8-to-5 "It definitely has ;pop diree- man with a pipe in-my mouth, tion and definitely a country somebody giving me my slippers, western direction," he said. sitting in front of a fireplace with "Let's say that I'm continuing in my newspaper. what I've been doing for a Long "I'd die of boredom," he said. time, which is mixing it up, 6x3 "I have to be doin something I. My specialty is the And the more ehafieneine. the %%%%,the simple ballads.

nc* wn.m FREDDY FENDER'S countrv western performance will be Open to fairsoers with admission. He Plavs the East Lawn Stage at 7 and 10 P.m todav and Saturdav, and at 8:30 and 10:ls p.m. Sundav.