Akta Agrosia. 2021. 24(1):9 - 18 9 Akta Agrosia

Identification of Mulberry Pests and Its Natural Enemies at “Rumah Sutera Alam” Ciapus, West Java

Adrian Triandi*, Nadzirum Mubin, Lia Nurulalia Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University Wing 7 Level 5 Kamper St. Dramaga Babakan Bogor 16680. INDONESIA


ARTICLE INFO Mulberry plant (Morus alba) has an important social and economic contribution, which grown mainly for feeding silk worm (Bombyx mori), Keywords: whose silk is used for crafting Indonesia traditional clothes. Cultivation IPM of mulberry crops, harveste dfor its leaves and fruit, ideally by Morus alba Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is necessary so that mulberry plants natural enemies grow ideally and leaves have high quality and quantity without pest becoming a source of inoculum for pests and diseases of silkworm trapping maintenance. Mulberry cultivation is generally carried out without using

Article history: pesticide input so it is interesting in monitoring pests and natural Received: Dec 03, 2020 enemies in the mulberry ecosystem. The research was conducted on two Accepted: Jun 04, 2021 varieties of mulberry plants, namely Morus alba var. Kanva-2 and Morus cathayana in the same agroecosystem. Observation of pests and *Corresponding author: natural enemies was carried out using yellow sticky traps (YST) and E-mail: [email protected] pitfall traps (PFT). The orders and families found in the two varieties showed acroceridae family of 37.81% in the YST and hypogastruridae family with a value of 83.76% in the PFT observation

INTRODUCTION Morus spp. including economic value because they produce large amounts of high-quality Mulberry (Morus spp.) is a plant that has leaves, namely M. alba, M. multicaulis (good important socio-economic value in Asia, quality without fertilization but with coarse especially Central and East Asia. Mulberry leaves), and M. nigra (black mulberry). The cultivation practices are related to many development of a new type of mulberry that is industries, including food (fruit), medicine often cultivated by farmers are M. cathayana, (polyphenol and antioxidative flavonoid M. alba var. Kanva 2, and M. lembang. compounds), and the use of leaves as silkworm Regarding those varieties, several varieties feed-in sericulture practices. However, have economically importance namely mulberry crop is grown mainly for feeding the cathayana and Kanva-2. silkworm, Bombyx mori, to produce silk yarn. The challenges faced by silkworm farmers The silk worm, eating the mulberry leaves, are the lack of availability to good mulberry converts the leaf protein to silk protein (Ghosh leaves or the decreased productivity of et. al. 2017). mulberry due to pests and disease The varieties played important values in the (Prayudyaningsih 2006). There are at least 6

ISSN: 1410-3354 / e-ISSN:2615-7136 Cited this as: Triandi, A., N. Mubin and L. Nurulalia. 2021. Identification of mulberry pests and its natural enemies at “Rumah Sutera Alam” Ciapus, West Java. Akta Agrosia 24(1):9-18 .

10 Akta Agrosia, 2021, 24(1): 9– 18 types of pests that are of concern in the Sampling Techniques cultivation of mulberry plants in Indonesia. In Sample was taken weekly for a month by a general, pests attack all parts of the plant, survey, using the Yellow Sticky Trap (YST) including leaves, stems, and roots. The and Pitfall Trap (PFT), done in 2 different negative impact of pest attacks is a decrease in mulberry plant varieties (Morus cathayana and the production and quality of mulberry leaves, M. alba Var. Kanva-2). The author determines in this case, water and protein content, so it is sample plants or samples by making a diagonal not good for use as caterpillar feed map of the observation area. For each plant that (Prayudyaningsih 2006). Mulberry is is passed by a diagonal point, YST and PFTs vulnerable to attack by a variety of pests which are performed. The YST size used is 20 cm x causes an abrupt decline in leaf yield and a 25 cm. The PFT used was a 90 mL volume cup degradation of its appearance. Feeding certain filled with soapy water.Both of these sampling leaves to silkworm results in detrimental techniques are aimed at obtaining that effects on the yield of coconut and the have flying characteristics and are around the consistency of the silk. While mulberry is canopy of the plantations (YST), while the PFT home to hundreds of , including is aimed at getting insects that cross and are active in Pyralidae, mulberry thrips, Thripidae, pink the roots and soil around the mulberry plantations. , Pseudococcidae, Pseudoccidae on The author uses the yellow sticky trap (YST) papaya, and Aleyrodidae cause significant because in general and other flying disruption and crop damages, while the insects are attracted to yellow. Yellow sticky majority of them live in mild or secondary pest traps were effective in attracting and trapping a status below the level of economic harm. large number of adult (Bandyopadhyay et The loss of yield due to pest attacks on al. 2004) as the main pest of mulberry plants. mulberry cultivation is definitely high, In a comparative efficacy study, the yellow considering the low use of pesticides (insecticides) sticky traps alone could suppress 32% of the in the crop, since the leaves can still be used populations within 28 days of installation. (harvested 2-3 times a day as feed for Some literature noted that YST is not silkworms (Bombyx mori). Yield losses substantially different in the monitoring (leaves) from pests ranged from 20.05 % process for other essential mulberry pests. (41.36 grams per plant) to 94.34 % (each plant Monitoring and controlling of Cotarina sp. or leaf was invaded by pests) (Prayudyaningsih generally referred to as mulberry fruit gal- 2006). Pest management is required in a proper midge, did not have a major impact using YST, manner so that mulberry pests can be properly but Green sticky traps had an exceptionally managed. Mulberry pest control options are excellent adult trapping effect followed by blue required to apply the Integrated Pest Control sticky traps, whereas turquoise and purple (IPM) concept and to make pesticides the last sticky traps had the worse trapping effects control choice so that mulberry leaves are not harmful (Jiequn et al. 2018). Due to its general when offered as feed to silkworm (B.mori). existence, the authors have preferred to use The objective of this experiment were to YST as a monitoring tool. observe and to classify the pest incidence on The use of PFT instruments is used to track two species of mulberry Morus alba var. arthropods that have the roles of pests and Kanva-2 and Morus cathayana and their natural enemies. Pitfall trapping, the easiest natrural enemies. and cheapest method, is useful in catching certain that are nocturnally active on MATERIALS AND METHODS the surface but are inefficient in capturing either the bottom dwellers or those that scatter Time and Location by flight. Pitfall trapping is most effective in The experiment was done from September open environments, such as grasslands and 5th to October 20th, 2020, at Rumah Sutera scrub woodland, as the capture values can be Alam Ciapus, Bogor, West Java, from where influenced by vegetation complexity. the leaf sample were taken for the experiment.

Akta Agrosia. 2021. 24(1):9 - 18

A. B.

Fig 1 Sampling location and placement of YST (A) and PFT (B) on mulberry plants

Determination of sample space, varies Identification of Insects and Other between species, but for mulberry plants, the Arthropods on The Trap author is related by Jiequn's research (2018), Insects and arthropods caught in both traps putting mulberry sticky traps at a distance of (YST and PFT) were identified to the family 1,5 m from the ground using a wooden stick. level using the reference source Hymenoptera There is no standardization of the size and of the world: an identification guides to families depth of the PFT when monitoring using PFT, by Goulet and Huber (1993), Australasian because the PFT application is a modification Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera): a Biosystematic depending on the commodity. Even if researchers Revision of Genera of Fourteen Families, with a are unable to use the suggested uniform reclassification of Species, Borror and Delong's template, pitfall trap data obtained in future Introduction to the study of insects (2005), studies will be more useful if investigators Insects of Australia Volumes 1A & 2A (1991), listed all of the pitfall trap approaches used as well as specific national and international including specifics of the above characteristics scientific journals. Observation of insects and of pitfall traps, positioning, and maintenance arthropods was carried out using a stereo- strategies (Hohbein 2018). The author microscope and a binocular microscope. In positions the PFT at a depth of 2-5cm such that some limitation conditions, the authors also observed the observation plate is level with the land, the with a dinolite magnification tool (potable digital plate has a diameter of 8cm and the plate depth microscope). is 5cm. The author adds a solution to kill insects or arthropods, a mixture of water and Relative Abundance of Insects and dishwashing liquid soap. The history of this Arthropods in the Sampling Area solution is resistance (does not evaporate The relative abundances of each other insect quickly), is efficient in killing insects, and is and arthropod were calculated by the Krebs inexpensive. The placement of the PFT is in a equation (1989). distance of +-10cm from the stem of the plant.

12 Akta Agrosia, 2021, 24(1): 9– 18

Relative abundance data were then analyzed population abundance of up to 83.76%. Several on the role of each arthropod in the agroecosystem. other soil arthropods found in traps then filled The data were presented in the form of tables the percentage gap, consisted of carabidae and and graphs as well as comparisons through scarabidae. The second-highest relative other related scientific journals. population on PFT was found in the family Formicidae, on Cathayana and Kanva (Fig.4) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION varieties being 7.73% and 7.12%, respectively. Arthropods Weekly Diversity on Both Trap Analysis of the relative abundance of the and Mulberry Varieties YST (Fig. 3 and Fig. 5) straps was found to be Observations on each mulberry variety were more diverse with several representative carried out using PFT and YST periodically for families. YST in the Kanva variety, namely the 4 consecutive weeks. In Figures 2 and 4, data Acroceridae family, has an abundance of up to shows that collembola as the most caught soil 28%, with the second and third highest being arthropod in the PFT method, while Figures 3 Pompilidssae and Dolichopodidae, with and 5 show the Acroceridae family which is relative abundances of up to 12% and 11.33%, the most caught in the YST method. Each respectively. Observations on the relative insect caught every week shows insects abundance of the arthropod family were found diversity on mulberry plantations. Details can at YST Cathayana. The highest was found at be seen in Figures 2,3,4, and 5. 37.81% in the family Acroceridae. The second and third largest relative abundance of the YST Relative Abundance of Arthopods Cathayana trap was 9.24% in Dolichopodidae Based on the relative abundance analysis and 6.72% in the two families Cicadellidae and proposed by Krebs (1989), family Pompilidae. Hypogastruridae (collembola) has an Each biological behavior of each arthropod abundance percentage of up to 83.27% of the caught in the two traps with different mulberry total population of soil arthropods trapped in varieties for 4 weeks. Collembola with the the PFT of the Cathayana (Fig. 2) mulberry Hypogastruridae family is the largest number field. Meanwhile, in the canva variety, the of arthropods that the authors get. According to Hypogastruridae family had a relative Eisenhauer et al. (2011), at a plant root depth

200 200

200 132

Fig 2. The diversity of arthhopod families found in PFT trap on Morus alba. Var. Cathayana observed

Akta Agrosia. 2021. 24(1):9 - 18

Fig 3. The diversity of arthhopod families found in YST trap on Morus alba. Var. Cathayana observed

Fig 4. The diversity of arthhopod families found in PFT trap on Morus alba. Var. Kanva observed weekly. of 5-10cm, Collembola has a density of up to application of herbicides to the diversity and 60,000 ind. m-2 in grasslands. The lack of population of collembola, especially in the pesticide treatment in mulberry cultivation is a species Friesea truncata. Based on the form of conservation in soil arthropods. There potential for diversity, high population size, is a negative relationship between the routine and high density are the reasons why PFT gets

14 Akta Agrosia, 2021, 24(1): 9– 18

Fig 5. The diversity of arthhopod families found in YST trap on Morus alba. Var. Kanva observed weekly. a lot of collembolas. This is also an indication began to have flowers and the acroceridae that the observation area is still very fertile and family pollinated around the plant canopy. rich in beneficial soil arthropods. Dolichopodidae were the second and third Formicidae is the second largest family largest insects that were obtained during 1 found on PFT in the two mulberry varieties. month of observation. Best known for their Formicidae roles as a predator of small and long legs and the bright metallic green, blue, weak insect or , also roles as a and yellow hues of the most conspicuous decomposer of organic matter. Naturally, ants species, most are small, 5 to 10 mm long, could be preferred for indicators of environmental although the family also contains condition changes, it also roles to maintain the “microdolichopodids”measuring approximately nutrition cycle and structure of soils. Soil 1 mm. Adults are predaceous. List of all known temperatures have an average of about 32.10C. published records of predation by adult Ants can be used for habitat indicator status dolichopodids includes approximately 200 (Zayadi et al. 2013). A large amount of litter records representing at least 168 predatory and mulberry harvested in the land, as well as species in 47 genera. The prey species are fallen fruit that is not harvested, are the main mostly Diptera, and more than half belong to food sources for the Formicidae. the families Chironomidae and Culicidae. Observation of family abundance in YST However, various Condylostylus species traps found the family Acroceridae (Order (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) have been recorded Diptera) as the largest family found in the two to prey on dark-winged fungus gnats, leaf- mulberry varieties. Three acrocerid genera miner flies, , , thrips, have been recorded visiting the flowers of whiteflies, and mites. Many Dolichopodidae several plant species in Chile. An undescribed that were caught gave the conclusion that the Brazilian species of the Philopota conservation of natural enemies occurred. Wiedemann feeds and mates at the flowers of Pompilids are found mostly in PFT and YST Stachytarpheta cayennensis and also exhibits traps with a role in the environment as predators. territorial behavior over flower resources. This Pompilidae exist at the expense of spiders, an was possible because the planted mulberry ancient group of terrestrial invertebrates predators

Akta Agrosia. 2021. 24(1):9 - 18 (Day 2012). Many Pompilidae caught have Araneae and Hymenoptera, pests are generally concluded that natural enemies are conserved. found in many orders, namely , The high population of Cicadellidae is consistent Coleoptera, Isoptera, and Diptera (Fig.2&4).sss with research on the mulberry plantation, The Hemiptera order families found were Morus alba L., from Phulambri, Khultabad, , , and Gangapur mulberry fields, Aurangabad (predators), , Cicadellidae, district, Maharashtra, India. Occurrence most Ricaniidae, and . The families found likely occurs in July to October. in the order Coleoptera are Tetranychidae, Agelenidae are found to be widespread soil Histeridae, Coccinellidae, Cerambycidae, predators and canopy arthropods, with prey Carabidae, Cicindelidae, and Cryptophagidae. hunting usually occurring at night (nocturnal) The families obtained in the Isoptera order are (Suana et al. 2013). Popular spiders are Termitidae, while the Diptera orders are categorized as general predators and have an Muscidae, Drosophilidae, and Psychodidae. important role to play in reducing and Delphacidae has the characteristics of attack as preventing the incidence of natural pest a pest by sucking sap from healthy plants, explosions in agricultural crops and contribute especially on young leaves and stems, causing to biodiversity. The spider is found in arbors a decrease in the quality and quantity of with three-dimensional funnel-shaped nests. harvested mulberry leaves. (Nelly et al. 2017). This is consistent with Platnick (2003)'s Stated that acanaloniidae are known as observation that the cobwebs of the Agelenidae polyphagous insect pests with a wide host family are founded on low vegetation and range, including mulberry plants. shrubs, although certain species can be found Acanaloniidae is known for its behavior that in tree-branched holes and rocky caves. sucks plant sap but does not cause significant yield losses in the affected plants. Reduviidae Pests and Natural Enemies on PFT Traps at are found in solitary and non-group Two Mulberry Varieties plantations. Predators in this case Reduviidae In PFT, predators, and parasitoids as natural are very potential to prey on pests of the enemies are generally found in the order caterpillars , Leafhoppers, Aphids,

A B C Fig 6. Hypogastruridae (A), Formicidae (B), and Agelenidae (C).

A B C D Fig 7. Acroceridae (A), Pompilidae (B), Dolichopodidae (C), and Cicadellidae (D).

16 Akta Agrosia, 2021, 24(1): 9– 18 and Thrips. Several types of Reduviidae such main pests in various crops. On the other hand, as Rhinocornis spp., Coranus spp. Assessed as Cerambycidae are the main pests of mulberry having a high level of predation (Bach 1975). plants. The main species that attack is Cercopidae or generally referred to as Epepectes plarator which is a mulberry stem spittlebugs. Usually, the spittlebug population borer. At first, the larvae will eat the underside in the pasture is dry and increases with the of the bark along with the cambium layer early rainy season by the time crop is sown. irregularly. Then the larvae will enter into the Cicadellidae, Ricaniidae, and Alydidae are xylem layer, by making a hole and developing common in many plants because they are here. As a result, plant resistance becomes cosmopolitan pests with a wide host. The weak, and stems break (Andadari et al. 2013). presence of these three families will certainly Carabidae and Cicindelidae are generally reduce the quality of the mulberry leaves that classified into the same family, namely are produced for silkworm feed. . They reduce carabids with the main role as predators in the the leaf yield and quality which reflects agroecosystem. Carabids usually live in the soil adversely on the quantum of silkworm rearing or near the ground. Carabids are usually active and cocoon productivity. Empoasca flavescens at night (nocturnal), during the day these F. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is the major insects hide under leaves or rocks or underplant sucking pest of mulberry in the tropical zones stems. (Sakthivel et al. 2012). Ricaniidae family species are generally widespread over the Pests and Natural Enemies on YST Traps at tropical zones. This pest is also found in the Two Mulberry Varieties Morus sp. Mulberry plant. by sucking the At least two important orders in the leaves of the mulberry plant and there may be observation of YST traps on the two varieties an increase in population from June to late of mulberry plants with cultivation without August (Özgen et al. 2011). Alydidae sucks on pesticides in the management of plant pests in mulberry leaves and fruit until the leaves and the mulberry agroecosystems. Both orders had fruit are disformed. Alydidae generally has a the largest number of captured populations of range of hosts to survive, namely mango, each family compared to other orders. The coffee, conifers, and mulberry. Hymenoptera and Dipteraorders are the two The Coleoptera family was found to have main orders on this discussion. This is because various roles in the agroecosystem, namely the families found in other orders (Coleoptera, pests and predators. The families found were Hemiptera, and Orthoptera) are a family known Histeridae (predator), Coccinellidae (predator), as generalist pests and predators which are also Cerambycidae (stem pest), Carabidae, and found in other plant agroecosystems, as well as Cicindelidae (predator), also Cryptophagidae some predators found in the order Coleoptera (fungi associated and pollen eating). Histeridae have similar families to predators found in PFT are often found as predators, especially in trap. The Hymenoptera orders found in YST Musca sp. often found to be predators for the traps consist of several families, namely egg and larval phases of Musca sp. In natural Braconidae, Figitidae, Tenthredinidae, areas, these beetles have been found in various Diapriidae, Eulophidae, Pompilidae, Vespidae, types of moist organic detritus (wet and and Evaniidae. All of the families found were decaying plant matter, animal carrion, and of importance as predators and parasitoids. animal / human feces) where they can find Braconidae itself is a parasitoid commonly their immature fly prey (Borowski and Mazur found in parasites of aphids () which 2015). is an important pest of mulberry, especially Coccinellidae is also an effective predator, when its leaves are harvested. Braconidae is a especially on pests of the order Hemiptera. The solitary endoparasitoid of aphids with main prey of predatory Coccinellidae is aphids cosmopolitan distribution (Barahoei et al. (Aphididae spp.), Scale insects, and insect 2013). Figitidae are parasitoids commonly eggs. Most of the aphids that are eaten are the found in parasites of fruit flies. Blattodea is

Akta Agrosia. 2021. 24(1):9 - 18 obtained from the Termitidae family (Andadari Borror, D.J., C.A. Triplehorn and N.F. et al. 2013). Johnson. 2005. Borror and Delong’s Introduction to the Study of Insects 7 th CONCLUSION Edition. Canada (CA): Belmont. Day, M.C. 2012. Spider Wasps Hymenoptera: There were variety of pests as well as their Pompilidae. Handbooks for the Identification natural enemies on mulberry crops grown at Rumah of British Insects: Royal Entomological Sutera Alam Ciapus, West Java, found in different level Society. of population, distribution, families, or varietes. The Eisenhauer, N., A.C.W. Sabais and S. Scheu. population of Hypogastruridae (Collembola) 2011. Collembola species composition and was the highest arthropods trapped in PFT with diversity effects on ecosystem functioning the highest relative abundance (83.76%) in vary with plant functional group identity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 43(8): 1697- both mulberry varieties. The highest relative 1704. abundance of YST traps was found in the Acroceridae family (Dipteran) with 37.81%. Ghosh, A., D. Gangopadhyay and T. Chowdhury. 2017. Economical and

environmental importance of mulberry: a ACKNOWLEDGMENT review. International Journal of Plant and We thank Mr. Dudut Prasetyo, the lecturer at Environment 3(2):67-72. Prasetya Mulya University and the mulberry Goulet, H. and J.T. Huber. 1993. Hymenoptera plantation owner, for valuable opportunities for of The World: An Identification Guide to doing research at his plantation. Families. Canada (CA): Agriculture Canada Publication.

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