VOL. XIII No. 28 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1938 5 CENTS THE COPY Nazi Menace Overrated, Says ,~ nvestigator - Denounces Reds Kidnaped Tel Avi Philanthropist Dies Claims Anti-~az~ Un!t Youth is Released Has Commumst1c Aid Held Blindfolded Dies to Pursue Red Trail Now For Eight Days WASHINGTON, D. C.-There TEL AVIV.-One of the most is little evidence of Nazi activi­ amazing crimes this all-Jewish ties on the Pacific Coast, Edward city has known came nearer solu­ F. Sullivan, special investigator tion with the return by his cap­ for the House Committee invest­ tors of Zecharyahu Kikyon, igating un-American activities, as­ twenty-year-old Tel Aviv Munici­ serted in a report filed with the pality ~mployee who on the night committee. He said that while of July 31 was called out of his Jewish organizations "are natur­ Fecundity and racial background being most desirable vir­ parent's home and kidnaped. He ally concerned" ,about the act­ tues in the eyes of Premier Mussolini, these Italian mqthers at was released in the vicinity of ivities of the German-American Potenza brought their off-spring with them when they gathered Petach Tikvah by his abductors, Bund and the Silver Shirts, "this to meet II Duce. The Premier is shown here congratulating on whom strong pressure had concern is not shared by any them on the superior race they are breeding. In doing so, been brought to bear in the past other agency" or officials with the Duce is following in Hitler's st-eps for the latter is a firm week. whom he talked. believer in starting with the cradle to instill his dogma of Kikyon told police that when MR. & MRS. R.H. MEYER Sullivan declared that "the only hate. he was called out of his home on evidence presented regarding Na­ July 31, he was hit on the head Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Meyer of zi activities was the picketing of so that he lost consciousness. He Jonesboro, Arkansas, noted phil­ a Jewish meeting at the Ambas- German Consul Ignites Row awoke in a car, to find himself anthropists who in 1936 deeded ( Continued on Page 6) tied hand and foot and blind­ their entire estate to the Union folded. He remained in that con­ of American Hebrew Congrega­ Over 3 Jews in Manila Club dition for eight days and never tions "for th·e futherance of the MANILA.-G. A. Sakowsky, Ger-1 knew where his prison was. Po­ religious work of ," Mrs. Vienna Jt ws Face man consul here this week ord_er- Arabs Are lice instituted a widespread in­ Meyer passed away Saturday ed all Reich Nationals to resign Pushing vestigation to ascertain the place after a long illness. She was Nazi Treason Trial immediately from the German of his concealment. seventy-four years of age. VIENNA.-Dr. Robert Stricker, Club because the club had failed Land Mine Tactics prominent Zionist leader, and Dr. to expel three members of Ger­ Desidir Friedman, former presi­ JER USALEM.-Arabs embolden­ man-Jewish descent. dent of the Vienna Jewish Com­ ed by the success of their land Children Adrift on Danube The ultimatum threw the small munity, who have been under ar­ German colony into an uproar. mine tactics, were reported draw­ ing closer to Palestine's main rest since March when the Nazis Sakowski previously indicat­ Rescued by Youth Aliyah conquered Austria, are to be tried towns in the unabted strife in the ed he favored expulsion but had NEW YORK.-Jewish children Vernon, N. Y., national Youth on charges of high treason. The Holy Land. not demanded it and his wishes who were among the Austrian ex­ Aliyah chairman of Hadassah dis­ basis of the charges is their sup­ had not been carried out. Two new land mines were re­ iles expelled from Burgenland by closed. The certificates will be port of the regime of Chancellor A minority of the members were moved from the Jericho-Jerusa­ Nazis and set adrift on the Dan­ applied against a special immi­ Kurt Schuschigg. said to be Nazi sympathizers. lem highway just before a potash ube four months ago will be res­ gration schedule for students Stricker and Friedman are The club is known as a social cued by the Youth Aliyah (im­ which is operative in Palestine reported to be critically ill in a d convoy passed. organization. It is incorporate migration) movement and sent to until September 30. concentration camp. Ten of the under the laws of the Philippines Two British soldiers were killed Palestine before September 30, The cable read: "Seven hun­ 28 B'nai Brith officials who were and members said that Sakowsky yesterday when their truck it was learned here today. dred· and seven certificates ap­ arrested in March are reported was acting improperly in at- struck a land mine between Nab- The news was cabled from proved; saving Burgenlander to have died in prison. Mean­ tempting to force expulsions. [us and Jenin. Youth Aliyah headquarters in children marroned Danube im• while, a new wave of Jewish It was reported that he would London to Hadassah, the Wom­ mediately after Austrian con­ suicides has begun as a result of request Prince Louis Ferdinand en's Zionist Organization of quest." the mass dispossession of thou­ of Prussia, grandson of the form­ Canada Admits America, sole agency in the sands of Jewish families from er Kaiser, not to accept the club's United States for this immigra­ Aryan-owned houses and apart­ hospitality when he arrives here 173 Immigrants tion movement which transfers ments. on a visit, August 27. OTT AWA. - Somewhat more Jewish children from Central Reich Places Ban than 2 per cent of all the immi- Europe to Palestine. Jrants admitted to Canada during Seven hundred and seven cer- On Sugar For Jews tificates permitting entrance into BERLIN.-Sugar probably will Demands Inquiry Italy to Oust Jews the first half of 1923 were Jews, Palestine for as many boys and be a thing of the past soon for ;tatistics made public by the Im- girls between the ages of 15 and Austrian Jewish bakeries, candy nigration Department revealed. 17 have just been issued by the Into Bund Camps From Newspapers factories and dealers in sugar. SCRANTON, Pa.-An investi­ ROME. - Informed Fascist )f the total of 8,135 immigrants British Government. By order of the commissioner gation of the German-American quarters said this week a cam- Jnly 173 were Jews. Mrs. David B. Greenberg of Mt. in charge of the sugar industry Bund· and the expulsion of mem­ paign had been begun to oust in Austria, Jewish firms dealing bers associated with bund camps Jews and Jewish interests from in sugar and "using sugar in their was demanded this week in a re­ Italian journalism. New Synagogue Scheduled establishments for manufacturing solution placed before Pennsyl­ Two big newspapers possessing purposes" will not receive sup­ vania legionaires at their twent­ Jewish capital were said to have plies after Thursday. Presum­ ieth annual State convention. To Open for High Holiday ably this also affect Jewish coffee changed hands this week. It was Denouncing bund camps as a A new Synagogue, Congregation High Holidays, and a resident houses. reported that the Jewish editor "cover for espionage work," the Sons of Abraham, designed to at­ rabbi, a recent graduate of the Berlin Jews automobiles are of 11 Corriere Adriatico has been resolution urged the Unitetl States tract the younger Jewish element Yeshiva College in New York, now marked by license numbers replaced. to sever diplomatic relations with in this city, is being constructed whose name will be published at above 355,000. Fascists said a complete purge Germany if the investigation dis­ at the corner of Prairie and Pot- a later date, is also being engaged. of newspapers probably will race closed that the bund was financed ters avenues, with a six hundred "This new orthodox Synagogue policy. The newspapers reported Police Halt Boy's by the Nazi government. to have· changed hands were the seating capacity. Samuel Bomes, will help to halt the trend to­ authoriative Giornale D'Italia and treasurer and one of the charter wards conservative and reform Trip to Palestine 11 Piccolo, published in Trieste. members, said today, "It is ex­ Judaism," said Mr. Leach. Since W ARSA W.-Six Jewish boys Consul Urges Open A small amount of Jewish capi­ pected that the Synagogue will reform Judaism has failed to between the ages of 12 and 15 tal was behind 11 Giornale D'Ital­ be ready for the High Holidays." make any deep impression on the who set out in two rowboats for Meetings in Canada ia, Rome's most important daily. Other Charter members include great bulk of ·Jewry, Mr. Leach Palestine found their odyssey WINNIPEG, Man. - Wilhelm Harry Leach, president, Samuel believed that the platform upon brought to an abrupt halt at Plot­ Rodde, German consul in Winni­ Chernick, secretary, Hyman Shin­ which the new Synagogue was sk, some 50 miles up the Vistula, peg, told 5,000 members of the Send Body on 4,000 dler, _Aaron Lerner, trustees. founded would be a solution that whence police navigated them by Canadian-German League, that Mile Trip to N. Y. Mr. Leach, in a statement today, Providence Jewry has been seek- land back to the bosoms of their it was time Germans in Canada VALENCIA, .The body of said that the Synagogue will be ing for many years. families in Warsaw celebrated Nazi events "not be­ Ben Leider, American aviator conducted in a "modern orthodox "We hope to attract worshipers Under the leadership of Admir- hind closed doors but open in shot down in the Spanish war, fashion." Men and women wor­ from all sections of the city," Mr. al Ezekiel Rinder, 15, the youths the public." was sent to Marseilles last week shipers will be seated on the main Leach continued, "with the end managed to get together a few A resolution was unanimously en route to New York. floor. The center aisle will be for in view of strengthening life by hundred zlotys, with which they adopted acclaiming Austro-Ger­ Leider, formerly a reporter on men only, and will be flanked on a more positive attitude toward thought the rowboats and provid­ man Anchluss. It was also "re­ the New York Post, was among either side with seats for women. practice. There are a number of ed themselves with food, an oil gretted" that "the campaign of the first foreigners to join the The building will be constructed Jews in this country who have no stove, and other provisions which vilification of the German nation Lovalist forces. He was shot without a gallerv. A cantor and religious affiliation during the en-· thev felt necessarv for the vov- bv news aae cies :mil sn-~::ille 2 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1938 "Trailer Boys" Homeward Bound Ticket Chairman /i Personal/I

Daughter Born , .Dr. and Mrs. Louis I. Kramer of Mount avenue are being congrat­ ulated on the birth of a daughter, Lisbeth Jane, on August 7. Gershman-Davis An attractive late summer wed­ ding was held last Sunday at the Mayfair Inn, when Miss Ruth Da- i vis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Na- : than Davis of Doyle avenue, be- 1 came the bride of Paul Gershman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore M. Gershman of Oakland avenue. 1 The bride, given in marriage by her parents, was attractive in a fitted gown of white taffeta, en Tne umon·s ·--1ra11er !Soys" homeward bound still seem com­ train. Her veil was held in place · fortable in their car and trailer home. Sponsored by the Union with 11. tiara, and she carried a Pier Vacationists , of American Hebrew Congregations. bridal bouquet of white roses and BENJAMIN KANE The caravaneers have covered more than eight thousand lily-of-the-valleys. Miss Gladys Mr. Kane is chairman in charge miles in their tour through small Jewish communities between Davis, sister of the bride, was of tickets for the annual carnival Hold Tournament Cincinnati and the Pacific Coast. maid of honor, and wore a be­ of the Home for Aged, to be held A horseshoe pitch and croquet Left to right, they are Joseph Narot of Cleveland, Melvin coming gown of peacock blue taf­ on the grounds of the Home from tournament and lawn party was Sands of Detroit, and Paul Gorin of Chicago, who have "de- feta with a doll hat to match. Her September 10 to September 17, in­ held on the lawn of Duffy's Cot- luxe" sleeping quarters in the trailer itself; and Milton Rosen- bouquet was of yellow roses. clusive. tages at Naragansett Pier laSt baum of New York City with Sylvan Schwartzman of Balti- Edward Gershman, brother of Tuesday afternoon, Judges of the more, the two tallest members of the quintet (both well over the bridegrool11, .acted as best tournament were Charles Silver- six feet) who make their bed inside the car. man. Phyllis Gershman and Stan­ man, P. J. Duffy and Sydney Sher- ______12,000 Jews to Drop ford Gershman, niece and nephew man. The contest winners follow: of the bridegroom, were flower Horseshoe pitch: Irving A. Bern­ Brazil to Admit Reich.Exiles girl and ring bearer. The affair Italian Allegiance stein, first; Donald Decof, second. was attended by approximately PARIS.- Italy's anti-Jewish White Cobble race: Marilyn Sil­ 200 guests. policy is expected to cause her verman, first; Carrol Silverman, May Restrict Industrialists Following a wedding trip, the serious economic injury in Tunis, second. Egg and spoon race, Shir­ RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil.­ couple will take up residence in North Africa, where 12,000 Jews ley Sugarman, winner. Boys ob­ Working ten hours a day, the four read the affidavits, written in Norwich, Conn. who are Italian subjects are re­ stacle race, Irving Bernstein, win­ many languages, filing reams of members of the Commission for Visits in Barrington ported to have decided to abandon ner. Potato race, Leonard Decof, paper, consisting of passports, the Permanency of Foreigners in Miss Pauline Berger, of New­ winner, Croquet tournament: Ir­ police statements, birth certifi­ Italian allegiance and embrace Brazil, have, in a few days, de­ ark, N. J., was the guest last week ving Berstein, first; P. J. Duffy, cates and what not. French citizenship, Since many cided the fate of several hundreds of her uncle and aunt, Dr. and second; Donald Decof, third. Hop of foreign exiles from among sev­ Will Restrict Admissions Mrs. Ilie Berger at their Barring­ of the Tunisian Jews are import­ race, Irving Berstein, winner. eral thousands who entered Bra­ Among the Germans here are ton summer home. ant factors in trade and com­ Mrs. Joseph Strauss was in zil on tourist visas and continued scientists and professional men, merce, the French authorities will charge of the childrens games. In Atlantic City to remain illegally in the country but most are industrialists and Miss Evelyn Winn of Pumgan­ welcome the'm as French citi­ Mrs. L. Yarlos, told fortunes, after beyond the six months allotted small merchants. Few are agri­ which dancing took place under sett street, this city, is spending zens. The addition of 12,000 new them. At least for these few, cultural workers, so greatly need­ two weeks in Atlantic City, N. J. the direction of Miss Martha Ber­ now accepted by Brazil, life takes ed by Brazil. citizens will increase the French stein. on a different hue; the fear of ex­ Although accepting those for­ population and aid in The following hostesses served: pulsion to an unknown fate is eigners who entered and remain­ meeting Italian and German in- Mesdames Robert Sugarman, Ro­ past. ed in the country against the law. Franco Seeks Jewish trigues in North Africa. ·bert Berstein, Charles Silverman, Assisting this commission, tens Brazil will not further counten­ Gabrielle Samdperil, Patrick J. of helpers have been busy taking ance the indiscriminate entry of Duffy, Louis Yarlos, Harry Gold­ affidavits, cataloguing records and foreigners beyond the limits pre­ Volunteers for Army enberg, Irving Gordon, Sydney passing on applications. Moun­ scribed by law.' It is believed, PARIS. - Foreign volunteers in Sherman, Morton Decof and Miss tains of applications lie on top however, that Brazil will, with the Sp,anish Loyalist army arriv­ R..K.0. ALBEE Margaret Duffy. of the large oval table of the tel­ certain restrictions, accept some ing here on furlough report that lers-the men whose job it is to exiled foreigners. General Franco, Spanish rebel commander, is seeking Jewish Anne Ruby volunteers for his army. Printed Reich Law Applies This Calendar is Free! 25,000 Ge~ Wor~ leaflets calling on Jews in the Shirley Keeler . E h .------, From Retch Exiles Loyalist army to desert to the T0 Naz1s veryw ere LONDON.-Some 25,000 Eng- rebels have been tossed into the NEW YORK. - That the laws lishmen have been employed by Loyalist trenches from low-flying "Mother Carey's of Nazi Germany cover the act­ refugees who have made their rebel planes. ions of German citizens, even home in England, it was pointed The leaflets promise that all out here by Sir John Hope Sim­ Jews who join Franco will be Chickens'' when they are outside the Third -PLUS­ Reich, was reaffirmed the other pson in a lecture before the Lib­ permitted to live permanently in YE.A\Iffi.. eral Summer School at Oxford. Spain if Franco wins the war. I Richard Dix - Chester day by the German Supreme Morris Court in a case reported in a Ber­ Sir John, who is director of the Franco also promises, according I HEBREW--ENGLISH -IN- lin dispatch to the New York Sta­ Refugee Survey of the Royal In- to the leaflets, that if the rebels ats-Zeitunk. CALENDAR stitute of International Affairs, triumph and Jews aid them he . "Sky Giant" It appears that a German Jew _____ ... _ declared the figure exceeded the will open Spain to Jewish immi- J ··------.. ,. ·····-·'·' ...... - gration. had sent his German Aryan girl number of refugees. friend abroad for a trip and later He praised Jewish organiza­ had visited her there. Charged tions for their assistance to the with violation of the Nuremberg ♦ ♦ • refugees and urged the British . and Suddenly laws against so-called "race de­ Many thousands of Jewish fam­ filement," the J_ew was convicted ilies throughout the United States Government to withdraw the reg­ regardless of the fact that the have received copies of the 24- ulation obliging refugees to sign "crime" had been committed in year-old-Hebrew calendar pictur­ declarations that they would not SKUNK another country. ed above. You, too, can secure a take work, whether paid or other­ becomes the aristocrat copy absolutely free of charge. wise, after admission to the coun­ Urge Frankfurter as The calendar contains:- of the style world! 1. All the Hebrew and English try. Cardozo Successor dates from Rosh Hashanah in Feast your eyes on our brilliant collection WAUPACA, Wis.-In an open 1917 to the day before Rosh Has­ Don't overlook any of your of these lustrous long-haired furs ... jet letter to President Roosevelt, fam­ hanah in 1941. (If you know the friends; reach them on New Year black or sable-dyed! ed United States Senator George English date of an event, you can DRAMATIC FORTY-INCH W. Norris of Nebraska, last week by inserting your greeting in the tell at a glance the Hebrew date Jewish Herald. BOX SW AGGERS urged the appointment of Felix and the anniversary or yahrzeit Frankfurter, advisor to the Presi­ this year and for three years to dent, and a professor of law at $29.80 down, balance in ten months, come. no carrying charge. Harvard,· as justice of the United 2. Important Jewish holidays States Supreme Court to succeed SMART "CHUBBIES" from 1937 to 1962 (25 years.) CASTLE FO~ DAY AND NIGHT the late Justice Benjamin Card- 3. A page to record dates of THEATRE $178 oz~he Nebraska liberal issued the events in your family. Sun., Mon., Tues., & Wed. '$17.80 down, balance in ten months, statement from his summer home You will want to record this no carrying charge. book for a long while. To secure Charge customers billed November First near here. "Love Finds Storage without charge until November. Forty-four year old presidential it just write a post card or a let­ Andy Hardy" advisor, Benjamin W. Cohen, of ter to:-H. J. Heinz Co., Dept. J2, "TROPIC HOLIDAY" Indiana, a graduate of Harvard Pittsburgh, Pa. and Chicago University and form­ Thurs., Fri., & Sat. · er secretary to Judge Julian W. Use the modern way of greeting "MY BILL" Mack, is among those mentioned your friends on the New Year; in- ~Where You ALWAYS Shop PROVIDENCE, -R.l., FRIDAY,,-,A,UGUBT 2(;, 193,8 s Youth Speaker appllc~tion of the word "Aryan," Tischa B'Ab Collections Dr.. Taylor Limits Professor Taylor declared "Ar­ ' yan" can be "applied only to "Aryan" to Speech speech and 'Nordic' indicates For J. N. --F. Announced breed and can be applied only to Announcement was made this S. Garr 1.00 Cites Danger in race." week by George Pullman and Abe J. Levin $1.00 Heller, chairm.en of the Tisha Klibanoff 1.00 Speaking Truth The term "Jew," he said, should B' Ab Collections for the Jewish .\fr. Meyers 1.50 CAMBRIDGE, England,~Edu­ be used only in connection with National Fund in Barrington, that S. Kamaroff 1.00 cation should swerve from the reHgion, and the term. should be donations were made by the fol­ A. Eisentoff 1.00 classical to emphasis of world "Jewish cult" rather than Jew­ lowing individuals, bringing the Mr. Diamond 1.00 problems in training youth "to ish race," Jews, like Germans, are total amount to $154.50:.,.-­ Mr. Lent .50 deal intelligently with existing of two different races, he explain­ B. Pickar $1.00 Krevolin 1.00 conditions" in a "world of clash­ B. Robins 1.50 H. Turoff 1.00 ing ideologies," Professor ed. S. Horvitz 2.00 Palasoff 1.00 Thomas G. Taylor, of the Uni- J. Eisenberg 1.00 Benis Feinberg 2.00 versity of Toronto, told the Asso------­ P. Finklestein 100 Max Gordon 1.00 ciation for the Advancement of "For .Quality and Service" H .. Abrams 1.50 Jacob Meyers 1.00 Science this week. W. H. Harris 1.00 F. Berman 1.00 Morris Young 5.00 · S. Sugarman 2.00 Danger to Dictators E. S. Crandall's J. Goldenberg 1.50 S. Cokin 2.00 While there is no risk today in Mrs. R. Cohen .50 I. Cokin 3.00 teaching scientific fact, he con­ Dairy S. Finklestein 1.00 H. Rosen 2.ou tinued, "there is grave danger in RABBI A. J. FELDMAN Properly Pasteurized S. Gan 1.00 Chas. Brier 3.00 many circles in stating the truth J. Kenner 2.00 ,,aurice S. Cooper 2.00 "Youth and the Social Outlook" about Communism, Socialism, Ju­ MILK and CREAM Burton Charren 1.50 :\faY. Abraams 1.00 is the title of the address which daism, Nordicism and many other S. Rosen 1.00 Maurice W. Hendel 3.50 will be delivered to the nation's isms which conflict with estab­ A friend to the Jewish People youth tomorrow (August 27th) by P. Wolf 1.00 Robert Suzman 1.00 lished or dictatorial interests." Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman of 12 Lowell Ave. WEst 4358 H. Brfer 1.50 Maynard Suzman 1.00 Discussing Jewry and Germany's S. Magid 5.00 Max Richter 2.00 Hartford, Conn. Rabbi Feldman M. Espo 3.00 Borosofsky 1.00 will serve as "youth leader" on Mrs. E. Pritsker 1.50 Max Sharron 1.00 the "Call to Youth" broadcast l\tr. Rumpler 3.00 David Sheldon He!Ier 2.00 sponsored every Saturday morn­ Mr. Swetskenbaum (father) 2.00 Abraham Heller 5.0() ing at 11 o'clock, Eastern Stand­ Mr. Swetskenbaum (son) 5.00 Morris Rubin 1.00 ard Time (12 noon, E. D. S. T.), Philip Sugarman 1.00 l\11. Kornfield 2.00 by the Union of American He­ Mr. Young - Pawtucket .50 brew Congregations, parent body Mr. Medoff - Woonsocket of American Liberal Judaism. Joseph Leach ~:ii Big Attractions to be A.H. Lecht S. Kaplan 1 Council to Guard MILCHIG George Pullman ~:if2.00 Featured at Fair S. Horvitz 1.00 Colossal in every respect will L. Fishbein 1.00 be the features at the State Fair, Equal Jewish Rights which opens in Kingston on Aug- NEW YORK. -The General @SOU.PS M. Goodman 1.00 that will tempt any appetite! J. Adler 1.00 ust 31 and runs through Labor Council for Jewish Rights has Day night. been formed as a coordinating Heinz Cream Soups are made with rich Mr. Hazen 1.00 sweet cream, the finest butter, the freshest D. Skolnick 1.00 Exhibits of the best cows and body to deal with the safeguard­ of vegetables. No meat, of course, for P. Abrams 1.00 biggest pumpkins, and indust- ing of equal rights of Jews here these seven soups are among the fifty or Mr. Ostrow 1.00 rial mercantile and educational and abroad, and its first meeting more products of Heinz that carry on J. Sidney 2.00 dis~lays, will prove that Arthur- will be held here September 19. the label @ , the seal of approval of L. Weiner 1.00 N. Peckham, manager of the Fair, The new council was set up by A. Weiner 1.00 and his fellow workers, are •Seek- four Jewish organizations-the THE UNION OF Samuel Young 1.50 ing to bring into the grounds this American Jewish Committee, the ORTHODOX JEWISH N. Meyers 1.50 year a picture of the major fact- American Jewish Congress, the M. Chusmir 1.00 ors in the growth of "Little B'nai Birth and the Jewish Labor CONGREGATIONS of AMERICA Mrs. J. Goldenberg 1.50 Rhody." Committee. Have Your Tried HEINZ Cream of Tomato Soup A. Katnsnelson 1.00 There will be handiwork ex- It was said that additional or- Our Pareve Maichel? HEINZ Cream of Mushroom Soup Morris Chernick 1.50 hibits of boys and girls, and ganizations might be admitted HEINZ HEINZ Cream of Celery Soup S. R. Finegold 1.00 HEINZ Cream of Asparagus Soup demonstrations by the 4-H Club, later. The new group is r equired VEGETARIAN HEINZ Cream of Green Pea Soup ,\Ir. Robinson 1.00 Boy Scouts and other such organ- to meet once every three months HEINZ Cream of Spinach Soup d r. Rabinowitz 1.00 izations. Modern farm equipment or on the request of seven repre­ SOUP HEINZ Corn Chowder Mrs. Marks 1.00 will be shown. Cash and mer- sentatives, and not more than two Mr. Harrison 1.00 chandise prizes will be awarded L. Bojar 1.00 in various types of contests. meetings a year may be held in Mr. Gilstein 1.00 New York City. ~@FOODSIJ Temkin Brothers 5.00 Dr. !lie Berger 1.00 16 Governors Will L. H. Summerfield 1.00 Investigate Nazis L. Waitman 1.00 NEW YUH.K.-Governors of 16 states are now investigating Nazi Mrs. Rice Sponsors activities in their National Guard Bridge for J C R S units as a result of an appeal from the Non-Sectarian Anti­ R.hode Island State Fair Under the sponsorship of Mrs. Isaac S. Rice, a charity bridge Nazi League, it is revealed in the Kingston, R. I. will be held next Tuesday after­ July-August issue of the anti­ Nazi Bulletin. noon on the lawn of the Rice's On Route 138--opposite Kingston Railroad Station summer residence, Whipple ave­ Such inquiries are now under nue, Riverside, for the benefit of way in Maryland, Kansas, Wis­ the Rhode Island Auxiliary of the consin, Florida, Virginia, Ken­ August 31 thru SepteD1ber 5 Jewish Consumptive Relief So­ tucky, Montana, Arizona, Idaho, ciety. It is expected that more Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, than 200 guests will attend. Texas, Georgia and Alabama. 6 DAYS and 6 NIGHTS Adniisson 50c Entertainment Educational offers * Horse Racing-pari-mutuel betting * National and State Exhibits * Aerialists SPECIAL * Vaudeville * Live Stock * Marathon Race * Fruits and Vegetables, Flowers AUGUST SALE * Drum Corp1 Contest * Boxing Match * Industrial Exhibits of all Kinds * of Swing Dance Contest * Fancy Work * Candid Camera Contest Controlled Heat * Free Dancing Every Night * Grange Exhibits OIL ·BURNERS Midway Clean and thrilling! (Fair at Home, Inc.) One of the largest midway con­ Completely Installed cerns in the country is furnishing more than twelve rides, plus shows, games, Easy Terms • 3 Years freaks, etc. $5.15 monthly payment $162.50 We have taken advantage of an opportunity to purchase a quantity that makes it possible for us to make this wonderful Wednesday, August 31 Children's DaY' offer. t\lt children under 15 years of age admitted free IT IS NOW UP TO YOU TO ACT PROMPTLY, AS THE BURNERS AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE WILL NOT LAST THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1-GOVERNOR'S DAY LONG. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 2-4-H CLUB DAY CALL DExter 2440-2441 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3-RECREATION DAY PETROLEUM SERVICE CO., Inc. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4-OLD HOME DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5-LABOR DAY ' -,,PROVIDENCE,' R ..J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1938 . - . ~~.,J~;],~~~~~,~~~~~i~.,,, ~ol~:;e~ o:,~::!~es llf.seene ~~!!!~ Town\l ONE BORN EVERY MINUTE- Walter Rutman, Editor;.Jacob Leichter, Advertising Manager Makes Suggestion It seems that the gullibility; of . Johnnie Q: ·Public knows no For Polish Jews bounds in the realm of straight, steady suckerdom ... Playing 76 Dorrance St. TEL. GAspee 4312 Case-Mead Building LONDON. - Elimination of to a· capacity crowd in the Big T.ent is the trial of H;ines, Tam­ economic and political conditions many chieftain, with the side-show of clowns connected with_ THE JEWISH HERALD invites correspondence on subjects of in­ in Eastern Europe, especially ter.est to the Jewish people but disclaims responsibility for an "Nigger Pool" operations .. . Altho' the scene -is New York, it is . organized anti-Semitic propa­ indorsement of the views expressed by the writers. no doubt applicable to almost any Eastern city on .it.s sucker ganda, that threaten to aggravate circuit .. Day in and day out, all Metropolitan newspapers head­ Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Providence, R. I., the already acute refugee prob­ line and reveal the machinations of the "Nigger Pool" foster · Under the Act of March 3, 1879 lem by bringing about a new Subscription Rates: fathers ... It is bad enough to know you are playing a thousand­ wave of Jewish persecution, is Five Cents the Copy. By Mail, .$2.00 per Annum to-one gamble, but to have even that small chance controlled by . urged by Sir John Hope Simpson racketeers who fix the numbers so that combinations. most fa_vor -. in a preliminary report of a sur­ able to them and unfavorable to their "clients" will show,.is cer0 JEWISH CALENDAR vey of the refugee question pub­ tainly not giving a sucker a break .. . But; in spite of this adverse 5699-1938 Hshed under auspices of the Royal publicity, reliable sources show that the take has increased in­ Rosh Chodesh EluL ...... Sunday, August 28 Institute of Inteynational Affairs. stead of diminished in the "Nigger Pool" business ... 5698-1938 Recognized as an expert on ref­ Rosh Hashonah ...... September · 26 ugee problems by virtue of his EDDIETORIAL Yorn Kippur ... October 5 work with the Refugee Settle­ Oh, for the life of Eddie Cantor! ... He travels around raising ments Commission in Athens money for the Youth Aliyah Committee ... In fifteen days he picked from 1926 to 1930. Sir John up over h alf a million dollars against the same amount that a full Arab Terrorism recommended radical and pre­ committee worked on for three years ... According to him, there Two highly significant points are emphasized in a ventive action rather than super­ can be no greater thrill than fac;litating the transplanting of youth­ leader which appeared in the London Times on Wed­ ficial palliatives. ful refugees from lands of Fascism, unless, we add, Ida presented nesday, giving a survey of the present Palestine posi­ Specificially, he proposed agrar­ him with a boy .. . Along with picking up those Kosher Kocoanuts, tion. ian reform in Poland to overcome he h as in tow an Austrian refugee pianist, Ruth Somer, who has The first refers to Jewish self-restraint. The se­ dire poverty among the peasan­ gotten loud and long raves from the people who have heard her ... cond underlines the necessity for Anglo-French co­ try, which has resulted in dis­ Today's favorite gag: Wife-"Do you think I'm going to wear this operation in the Near East. crimination against J ews. old squirrel coat all my life?" Husband-"Why not dear? The squir­ The more popular of the British newspapers have rels do." ... reflected the public attitude towards Palestine .bY re­ LOCAL PERSONALITIES garding the events in that country purely _in terms of Mrs. Brin to Speak We caught Red Davis strolling the main stem last week and re­ "interracial" conflict. newing old acquaintances ... He told me that Johnnie Silver­ No one who is familiar with the history of Pale­ man's golf progress has kept pac·e with his business-and that's stine · can be impressed by this thesis. Indeed, the re­ On · Radio Wednesday been pretty good . . . The Gorfines have installed two fish ac­ sults of investigations show that since the Arab terror Mr. Arthur Brin, retiring presi­ quariums as architectural embellishments so don't bother to take began, the terrorists have claimed more Arab victims dent of the National Council of your fishing pole along when you go up to have a cavity col­ than Jewish victims. The murder of moderate Arabs Jewish Women, will be guest lapsed. If they took Mowry Lowe and one or two other announc­ who refused to subscribe either financially or politi­ speak'er on Alma Kitchell's "Let's ers off the air, I'll bet no one would ever tune in on a local pro­ cally to the campaign of terrorism was an early feature Talk It Over" program over the gram, so dull and drab are the majority of our local radi-orators of the Palestine troubles. It has continued with increas­ Blue Network of the National .. . Ruth Hussy, local gal who made good, sounds like a mild ing intensity until the present day. Broadcasting Company on Wed­ case of mike-fright in her first quickie ... Talk about a fickle It is clear that the campaign of the Arab terrorists nesday, August 31 , from 2 :15 to fan: After arresting an Indianapolis radio announcer for a is directed· indiscriminately against all peaceful ele­ 2:30 o'clock, D. S. T. traffic violation, the cop meekly asked him for his autograph­ ments in the community. The Times in its leader em- Mrs. Brin, who h as just return­ and got it .. Attention tourists: They are going to air-condition . phasises this point, and declares, in a reference to the ed from an investigation tour of Grant's Tomb ... Now when you there, you will probably hear bomb explosions in crowded market places, that "the Europe and Palestine will speak the Southern sightseers, cursing him in comfort ... history of revolutions in the Near East shows that t!te on "Impressions on the Outlook VACATION NOTES Nationalist fanatic is ready to use any means to excite for Peace in Eur ope." hatred against his opponents.' Dr. Bolotow and Sam Medoff spent a week up al the Lake Tarleton Coinciding~ as these crimes did, with the departure Club .. . Samuel Rudinick was runner-up in the golf tournament, of the Woodhead Commission and with the delibera­ held on the Club's green . .. Harry Rosen, talking of minorities and tions at Evian, they reveal that there is clever direction A. Z. ldlesohn Dies; Hitler, gave out in this manner:-"We can tell you where there's behind the moves of Arab terrorism. a minority of Germans who are so oppressed, they are mortally Composer Was 56 afraid to whisper their thoughts in the privacy of their own homes S. W. Africa Exposes the menace of intensified Nazi .. . They are in Germany." . .. Sign over the bar of a New England activities in South West Africa is NEW YORK.-Dr. Abraham Z. inn: "We do not charge . .. The Light Brigade charged and look what Nazi Activities being discussed by prominent Idlesohn, noted J ewish composer happened to it." ... George Sherman has been spending most of his JOHANNESBURG.- Possibility South African leaders, it is learn­ and musicologist and Professor week-ends in Brooklyn, and it's not because he desires to become · of a pan-African and Anglo-South ed here. Emeritus of Jewish Music and a cowboy from Brooklyn ... Georgie will be more than pleased to Africap. conference to consider An expose of Nazi activities in Liturgy at the Hebrew Union Col­ tell you why .. . South West Africa h as been fol­ lege in Cincinnati, died this week lowed by numerous press de­ in Johannesburg, South Africa. LUXURIES AT ANY COST mands for strong action and an Dr. Idlesohn was 56 years old. C?mplacent indeed ar-e the Chinese as a race ... For advices. appeal to the Dutch Reformed Celebrated as having laid the received in Hollywood state that despite all the Sino-Japanese INSURANCE Church, issued "in the name of foundations for the scientific war turmoil the bombings and everything, patronage of movie many thousands of God-fearing study of Jewish music, Dr. Idle­ theatres in Canton and Hong Kong, among affected areas, is Afrikaners," protesting against sohn left as his chief contribution markedly above a year ago ... And incidentally the -cjty editor persecution of Jews and urging ii his monumental ten-volume Thes­ of the "Chinese Pr·Ms," a Shanghai newspaper, is a chap named fight against the Nazi menace. aurus of Jewish melodies. He Mark J. Ginsburg .. . Too much is enough: Not much of a •Sailor, retired from active teaching in Secretary Harold Ickes, once summoned abroad a yacht for a 1934 incapacitated by his illness conference with F. D. R., looked at the choppy waves and ex-· Reich S~ys It and went to South Africa to join ploded, "I'm willing to die for my President, but I'll be damned if 94 Dorrance St. Won't Aid Refugees his family last year. I'll get seasick for him." ... If the heat's got you, take what BERLIN.-Hope that Germany comfort you can out of the prediction of Prof. Hirsch Yankel­ witz of Miami;. who claims that the earth will freeze into a solid might be prevailed qpon to per~ Large German Group ball in 71,799 years ... Just how he arrives at that odd number­ mit refugees to take with them Censures Nazism you tell me ... YOUR CARI some portion of their capital was DETROIT.-Recognizing the de­ HERE AND THERE dashed when the official Nazi grading influence of Nazi propa­ Not a bad idea: Congressman Bruce Barton advocates a govern­ * WASHED press served notice on the Inter­ ganda•in its effect upon the good ment pension of $5,000 annually for life to all retiring Congressmen *MOBILUBRICATED governmental Refugee Aid Com­ name of tbe millions of German­ . . . The reason: To relieve them of fear for a future livelihood, but Americans in this country, the mittee that it need e_xpect no co­ chiefly to make them less vulnerable to political compulsion . : . While parked at the American Turner Bund, one of operation from the Reich, Whoops, my dear: When the ancient Persian kings went off to war, the largest and most influential they always carried a huge chest of perfumes -and body oils with The Nazi press declares it is Plantations organizations of German-Ameri­ them, so that they'd smell nice in either victory or defeat ... Fern­ foolish and futile to expect that cans (45,000) members.) This Auto Park dale, a Detroit suburb, issues "drinking passports" to its citizens Germany will allow the emigra­ week passed resolutions at its an­ Richmond St. Opp. Loew's nual convention repudiating any over twenty-one who look more youthful than that .. ,. The passport ting Jews to take with them "cap­ Open Sunday "Till 1 P. M. conn~ction with the Nazis and is a card bearing the birth date, photo and police 0. K. and serves ital that they stole from Arya~s." Ma. 3615 condemning their undemocratic, as a sesame to doubting. bartenders who might refuse its bearer a_nd un-American activities. alcoholic drink . . . A cost-of-living bulletin asserts: "Milady's gauzy Copies were sent to President Roosevelt, Secretary of State silk stockings, which cost her $1 a pair because they hide so little, SUNSET LODGE Hull, and the members of the U. nevertheless conceal 11 cents in taxes, accumulated on their way to has the pleasure of announcing ... S. Senate and the House of Repre­ her boudoir." DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT sentatives. every Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday evening with an All Deny Immigrants signed letters, one of them de­ Star Revue every Sunday nite Starring manding a prohibition on . "indis­ Michtor, Founder of Cut Wage Schedules criminate Jewish immigration" IRVING BERKE Doll Industry, Dies . MELBOURNE, A special state- and the other asserting that Jews New York's most clever and personality NEW 'YORK.-Morris Michtor, ment was issued by the Govern­ were cutting . wages of. sweated Master-of-Ceremonies one of the pillars in the "Ort" or- ment of Victoria denying that labor. Boston's Brightest Prospect for the Great White Way ganization in the U. S. and the Jewish immigrants were cutting The newspapers, The Age and Featuring Sandy and his Swingcopators founder of the American doll in- the wages of sweated labor, Tennis - Handball Courts - Boating - Swimming The Herald, displayed cartoons dustry, who this week died in which had been charged by some depicting streams· of immigrants New England's most modern and finest Kosher Hotel under the newspapers. personal supervision of Mrs. Mae Dubinsky. Brooklyn, arrived in this country The press campaign against entering Australia with Immi- . PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1938

GRANT FURLOUGHS ing furloughs to Jewish soldiers S. W. _Jacobs Dies; NEW YORK. - Dr. Cyrus Ad­ and sailors for observance of -~ubsidized Race Magazine ler, chairman of the Army and Rosh Ha-Shanah and Yorn Kip­ Navy Committee of • the Jewish pur have been issued by the War On Sale Throughout Italy Hired in Thaw Case Welfare Board, has announced that the customary orders grant- and Navy departments. · ROME.-The first issue of La cover carries a picture showing First Jewish Difesa Della Razza (Defense of a short Roman sword separating the Race) a fort-nightly maga­ the bead of a Roman statue from House Member zine for the propagation of the a head obviously intended to rep­ MONTREAL. - Samuel William · new Fascist race theories, was resent that of a Jew and another Jacobs, 67, lawyer and first Jew­ ·put on sale throughout Italy last of a Negro. ish member of the House of Com­ week-end. One article is devoted to try­ mons died at his home here after That the new magazine lives on ing to prove that J ews figure a year's illness. Mr. Jacobs had government or party subventions highest in various categories of been a Liberal member for Car­ is indicated · by the fact that it 'criminals in such countries as tier (Montreal) since 1917. prints almost no advertisements, Germany, including Austria, Hun­ A native of Lancaster, Ont., he while its one-lira sale price ob­ gary and The Netherlands. was graduated from McGill Uni­ viously is not enough to cover the Another article is devoted to versity here and then started on ft1aoz:1s a legal career that brought him 46oz:19 cost of its publication. Of four ad­ showing the "seven mortal sins" ' TIN C ~TINS C vertisements printed in the first that Fascism has committed ac­ into many prol'ninent cases. issue one is for a semi-govern­ cording to Jews. One of the most widely report­ ed was in Sherbrooke, Que., when .mental insurance c o m p a n y, Cartoons ridiculing Jews are FANCY U. S. No. 1 another is for the air mail. the scattered throughout the maga­ Mr. Jacobs was associated with third is for the government to­ zine bearing no relation to the the late William Travers Jerome, ba'co monoply and the fourth is text. acting for the Attorney General 15 lbs. 17c for a railroad. of the New York in seeking the POTATOES The magazine obviously is in- return to the United States of Noted Pianist Under Harry K. Thaw, who had escaped tended to deal with racial prob­ Fire by Anti-Semites from the Matteawan (N. Y.) State BROOKSIDE lems in a serious and scientific WARSAW. - The anti-Semitic Hospital in 1913 and fled across BUTTER manner, but its anti-Semitic slant forces in Poland have opened a the Canadian border. is obvious at first glance. The campaign against the famous Pol­ ish pianist and ex-Premier, M. Padarewski. The Jew baiters are highly in­ GermanD iva to Adopt FINAST , CHOICE BARTLETT NOWO PEN digant at the revelation that in L6E 1914, a few months before the TINS A private preserve af American Citizenship PEARS I 37c outbreak of the war, M. Padarew­ NEW YORK.-Lotte Lehmann, 5500 acres in the White BUFFET STYL E - MANY KINDS Mountains. Four lakes ski undertook in America not to famous German soprano, and her ... 90 miles of riding support any anti-Jewish campaign three stepsons, who are half-Jew­ ooz & oz TI NS 89C trails .•• Golf, Tennis, The anti-Semites demanded that ish, entered the United States ,un­ F UITS 3 TINS 23c Fishing, all water sports. M. Padarewski should now re­ der the German immigration FANCY GEISHA OR CHATKA Music ••• Divertisse• pudiate his pledge, threatening quota and plan to become Ameri­ ments. A noted cuisine him with boycott if he r efuses to can citizens, the Metropolitan No½ (Dietary Laws). do so. Opera star announced on her ar­ C MEAT I TIN~ 45c rival from Europe. The stepsons YOUR HOSTS, _, SPAGHETTI OR , WHITE SPRAY HOUSEKEEPER WANTED are Ludwig Krause, 23, Hans, 20, Famy~ _!_acob!:;,~ and Peter, 19. RESERVATIU1'u Jewish, for good home a oz PKG in Their father is Otto Krause, SUGGESTED MACARONI Sc residential section of city; sal­ Mme. Lehmann's husband. Their ary. Apply to National Clothes mother, Krause's former wife, LOAF CHEESE wH1TE oR coLoR,0 u t5c Shop, 43 Richmond Street. was Jewish. Because of this the MEDIUM Nazi authorities in Austria re­ FANCY SHRIMP SIZE I r1Hs 15c -;:.:.:.....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::._:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_ :;:;_ :;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_ :;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_:;:;_ :;:;_:;:;_~_ _...., 1 fused to let the youths leave but WHITE SPAAY cello pkg. 5c 1· they managed to escape on May WHEAT PUFFS How Much of your income do you put away for p'ro- ' 5th. Mme. Lehmann's home in tection? Have you made provisions- for accidents, bad health, Vienna was taken over by the BURNETT'S VANILLA ,xrn:;\or 15c etc.? You can protect your family by an intelligent insurance Nazis in April. program at a very small cost. TOMATO PASTE TIN Sc IS•• OUR BUDGET PLAN WILL ENABLE YOU TO RUMFORD BAKING POWDER TIN 11c I,_ INSURE ...__ AND PAY AT YOUR CONVENIENCE_ Urge .Establishment E DWIN s . sot~O HE~K O UNEEDA BISCUITS H. a. c . 3 PKGs 13c PAUL HEYMANN and MORTON SMITH of Medical Center EDUCATOR CRAX N. B. C. lb. J>ki. 15c Representing LONDON.-Creation of a "new 1 INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS. Inc. Vienna" in the native Indian state CHOCOLATE WAFERS ,ouc• ~: 11c· WEYBOSSET ST. Next to Arcade Tei. GAspee of Hyderbad by establishing there CLEANS A MILLION THINGS medical institutions staffed by OAKITE ~KG 10c prominent Austrian Jewish phy­ sicians is proposed by Dr. Glor­ ENJOY LABOR DAY ney Bolton in the current issue $12 FRIDAY SUPPER Thru MONDAY NIGHT of Spectator. Recalling that Jews .Seo.UP~ from Bagdad had greatly bene­ SCOT TISS UE LUXURY r,xTURE J ROLLsl5c RATE PER DAY $4.50 fited Calcutta and Bombay, and that a Jew, Lord Reading, had WALDORF TISSUE ft ROLLS 19( WUNNISHAUNTA been viceroy of India, Dr. Bolton qeclares "in Hyderbad Jews could SCOT TOWELS ROLL 10( 1W e Please Your Palate live in peace with Mohammedans BIG PROGRAM arranged by large Social Staff A never to be forgotten good time and for centuries to come Hyder­ TOWEL HOLDERS GRl~~NRYOR EACH 19c bad would call the present nizam ASK A WUNNISHAUNTAN (native ruler) blessed." Make Reservations by Deposit Now A similar plan for Mysore State S. Brickman Wolfeboro 184 in India is also suggested by Dr. DOUGHNUTS PLAIN OR SUGARl,D I 001 29c Bolton. He proposes that a sub­ CRACl

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