272 '. . [IELLY'a Walker George, stationer & printer, & Stafford Danie_l, farmer, Beard hall . / Booth Francis, farmer, Back Roworth registrar of births, deaths & mar­ Thornley Marmna (Mrs.), candle w1ck Bowden Joseph, farmer

riages, Hayfield sub-district, Post manufacturer, Beard mill 1 Bradbury Robt. Little Mill inn, & frmr office, Market street Titterton Geo. farmr. Marsh Lane head Chad wick Samuel, farmer, Lane side Wallace William, tailor, High street Warrington Elijah, joiner & builder, see Chadwick SI. jun. farmer, Matley moor Walton Geo.clock repairer, Torr Top st Scattergood & Warrington Cooper Alfred, farmer Warrington Elijah,joiner & shopkeeper, Warrington Harriet(Mrs.),confectioner, Gaskenn Joseph, farmer, Golden spring Union road Chm eh lane Gregory Samuel, farmer ·waterhouse Joseph, grocer & corn Woollcy John, farmer, Howcroft Hadfield Charles, farmer, Cone ed~e dealer, High street Hallam Joseph, farmer, Further slack Watson Henry, Crown hotel, Market st Hague Bar. Handford John, farmer, Matley moor Wharmby J amcs, grocer & china & Moulten William Hibbert Thomas, farmer, Hart hill glass dealer, Market street Higginbottom Robert, Hare & Hounds Wharmby John Thomas, confectioner, COli1MERCIAL, P.H. & farmer, Hollins moor Market street & Union road Beard Edward, shopkpr. Brook bottom Hinchcliffe J onathan, farmr. Ringstones Whitehead William Thomas, professor Bramhall James, farmer, Erookbottom J\Iarsland William, farmer,Matley moor of music, Spring bank Broadhurst Sophia (Mrs.), wheelwright Pickford Joseph, farmer Wild Abel, beer retailer, Bri

Chesterfield division of the county, hundred of tlcarsdale, was desecrated and used as a cowhouse : it is now utterlv• Chesterfield union, petty sessional division and county court desolate, though occasionally used as a place of interment district, rural deanery of Dronfield, archdeaconry of by the Eyre family, to whom it belongs. The register dates and diocese of Southwell. The parish is governed by a local from the year 1857· The living was declarell a rectory II board of 9 members, formed 25 July, 1873· The village is June, 1867, gross average value from tithe rent-charge £238, lighted with gas and supplied with water by the Chesterfield with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Chesterfield, and Water Works and Gas Light Co. The church of St. John held sinca 1888 by the Rev. Tufnell Cowper Alliston Barrett the Evangelist, erected in 18 57, is an edifice of stone in the M. A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. There is a mission church