CONSERVATION CASES PROCESSED BY THE GARDENS TRUST 24.12.2020 This is a list of all the conservation consultations that The Gardens Trust has logged as receiving over the past week, consisting mainly, but not entirely, of planning applications. Cases in England are prefixed by ‘E’ and cases in Wales with ‘W’. When assessing this list to see which cases CGTs may wish to engage with, it should be remembered that the GT will only be looking at a very small minority. SITE COUNTY SENT BY REFERENCE GT REF DATE GR PROPOSAL RESPONSE RECEIVED AD BY E ENGLAND Slough Spatial Berkshire Slough BC E20/1400 24/12/2020 n/a LOCAL PLAN Local Plan for Slough; 11/01/2021 Strategy spatial Strategy Consultation
[email protected] St Thomas Church, Cheshire Stockton DC/078943 E20/1396 24/12/2020 N PLANNING APPLICATION Erection of 29/12/2020 Stockport MBC https://planning.stockpo steel gates to the churchyard east entrance. St Thomas Church, St live/ Thomas's Place, Stockport SK1 3TZ. ACCESS/GATES Stockport Cheshire Stockport DC078815 E20/1398 24/12/2020 N PLANNING APPLICATION Reserved 29/12/2020 Interchange, MBC https://planning.stockpo Matters application seeking approval Stockport for 1) Access, 2) Appearance, 3) live/ Landscaping, 4) Layout and 5) Scale for the construction of an inter-connecting bridge between the approved public park and Station road, together with ancillary works. Stockport Interchange, Chestergate, Stockport SK1 1NP. MISCELLANEOUS Thorn Park Devon Plymouth CC 20/02036/FUL E20/1392 23/12/2020 N PLANNING APPLICATION New dwelling 13/01/2021 https://planning.plymout and associated works (Resubmission of application 20/01398/FUL).