The conservation status of the brook floater mussel, Alasmidonta varicosa, in the Northeastern United States: trends in distribution, occurrence, and condition of populations Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) Regional Conservation Needs Grant Program Topic 3. Identify NE species of greatest conservation need: data gaps, design data collection protocols, and collect data Barry J. Wicklow, Ph.D. Professor of Biology Saint Anselm College 100 Saint Anselm Drive Manchester, NH 03102-1310, Phone 603-641-7155, Fax 603-222-4012
[email protected] Susi von Oettingen, Endangered Species Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service, 70 Commercial Street, Concord, NH 03301
[email protected] Tina A. Cormier, Principal and Senior Spatial Analyst, Black Osprey Geospatial, Inc., 17 Shorecrest Drive, East Falmouth, MA 02536
[email protected] Julie Devers, Fishery Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Maryland Fishery Resources Office 177 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401
[email protected] Funds Requested from the NEAFWA RCN Program: 72,940 Duration: January 2013-December 2014 Project Description: Brook floaters have declined rapidly throughout their range due to habitat loss, stream fragmentation, loss of riparian vegetation buffers, upstream land degradation, pollution, altered flow regimes, extreme spring floods, and summer droughts. While the northeast holds the largest brook floater populations range wide, our long-term research shows populations once large and robust have either declined by 50 to 95% or are gone completely. We are apprehensive that most populations are facing the same fate, but trends are often undetected because of the lack of long-term monitoring. Although the brook floater was petitioned recently for listing under the Endangered Species Act, serious data gaps remain.