Spiritual Warfare in America BIOHAZARD Nuclear, Chemical, CAUTION
The SPECTRUMSPECTRUM “Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.” A Non-Profit Educational Corporation Dedicated To Bringing You The Truth VOLUME 4, NUMBER 2 NEWS REVIEW US$5.00 / CAN$7.00 AUGUST 2002 Spiritual Warfare In America BIOHAZARD Nuclear, Chemical, CAUTION AUTHORIZED RADIATION PERSONNEL ONLY And Biological Peril AREA Interviews With Experts Steve Quayle And Dr. Len Horowitz 7/4/02 RICK MARTIN After World War II, many former Nazi intelligence officers were brought to the United States and placed into “You Know, I Used To Read various intelligence agencies, including the Office of Naval The SPECTRUM. Now I Study It.” p.3 Intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency. Many The News Desk, p.4 had been given the choice of being prosecuted for World War II war crimes or joining the U.S. military and DR. STEVEN GREER: Cosmic Deception: intelligence agencies. This practice was called Operation Let The Citizen Beware! p.21 Paperclip. These former Nazi officers gained key covert GERMAIN: The Results of Fear—You Have positions in the CIA and other intelligence agencies, Exactly What You Have Created, p.24 engaging in activities that inflicted great harm upon the DR. ALBERTO RIVERA: Secret Vatican Briefings On The United States. — Rodney Stich, from his explosive classic Creation Of Prophet Muhammad, p.26 volume Defrauding America: Encyclopedia Of Secret Operations By The CIA, DEA, And Other Covert Agencies ERIC JON PHELPS: Example Of The Power Behind The Power, p.29 Through well-staged deceptions, particularly since 9/11, STARHAWK: The Boy Who Kissed The Soldier: Balata we’ve been led to believe that our modern world is Camp—A First-Person Account Of Israeli Terrorism, p.67 becoming a very dangerous place.
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