Symphony of Flowers
A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, January 13, 2011 Page 17 Rebecca and Her Brothers A ‘Symphony of Flowers’ Feast for Heart and Soul Rich in Color and Detail By MARYLOU MORANO past, for the book is replete with By MARYLOU MORANO with symbolism rich in hidden mean- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times scenes of how the immigrant experi- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times ing. “Looking Forward,” a portrayal WESTFIELD – When she wrote ence informed a family’s coming to- WESTFIELD -- Last year Scotch of three Cosmos, symbolizes a hope- her first book, “The Complex Life of gether in the years prior to Wordl War Plains photographer Chung Kun ful future, while the two balloon flow- a Woman Doctor,” a few years ago, II. Shih’s “Melody of the Lotus” exhibit ers growing alongside the Great Wall Westfield pediatrician, Gloria O. Those too young to know or re- at the New Jersey Workshop for the of China in “Deep Blue Sea” illus- Schrager included a few chapters member will receive an unforgettable Arts (NJWA) was a breath of spring trates that beauty can be found in the about her childhood years in the opportunity to glimpse what life was air in the midst of December’s plung- midst of adversity. Adirondacks. like for an American family in pre- ing temperatures. Other photographs in this collec- Dr. Schrager recently released a war America. I looked forward to experiencing tion were taken in New Jersey, Kitty more detailed account of her early The author’s daughter-in-law, the same from this year’s exhibit, Hawk, N.C., Los Angeles, Philadel- life in a work of fiction entitled, Frances, suggested that Dr.
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