5A`Ydsfg^Sf[A`E Towns Concerned Over Sale of Golf Courses And

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5A`Ydsfg^Sf[A`E Towns Concerned Over Sale of Golf Courses And Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, February 3, 2011 OUR 121th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 05-2011 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield Council Sets Municipal Pool Rates for Coming Year By LAUREN S. BARR $270; individual, $180; senior citi- call traffic safety engineer, Gordon Specially Written for The Westfield Leader zen, $90; a family with childcare Meth, has not been asked to attend a WESTFIELD — At Tuesday (five or more), $630, and a family meeting to answer their questions. night’s public Westfield Town Coun- with childcare (four or less), $540. The question also was asked of Mayor cil meeting, the council passed an According to Third Ward Council- Andrew Skibitsky by Second Ward ordinance on final reading setting man Mark Ciarrocca, the increases Councilwoman Vicki Kimmins, as it “not to exceed” limits for member- this year are the first in a “few years” might “quell some of the concerns.” ships to the Westfield Memorial Pool, for the pool and are “fairly nominal.” Mayor Skibitsky responded that which also established new member- The council also passed two reso- Mr. Meth would not be asked to a ship categories for families of five or lutions approving the demolition of meeting, as it would cost the town more and families of four or less. homes at 1150 Central Avenue and money to have him come, and that This new ordinance will allow the 861 Boulevard. this has become a “political” issue. council to raise fees solely by resolu- During the public discussion por- Third Ward Councilman Dave Haas tion in the future. tion, Central Avenue residents Maria said that he would also like to have In conjunction with the ordinance, Carluccio and Adina Enculescu again Mr. Meth come to a meeting. Coun- a resolution was passed setting the voiced their complaints regarding the cilman Haas said that while he was at fees for 2011. Resident families of placement of a pedestrian crossing the community meetings held sev- five or more will pay $450; families signal on Ms. Enculescu’s front lawn. eral years ago regarding the light and of four or less, $360; husband and Both Mrs. Carluccio and Ms. its location, he now has questions he wife or parent and child (under 18), Enculescu asked why the town’s on- “did not think of” at that time. Councilman Haas said that while he did see drawings depicting the location of the light away from the intersection of Clover Street and Cen- Betsey Burgdorf for The Westfield Leader tral Avenue, Mr. Meth told him that QUIET BEFORE THE STORM...Heavy gray skies and a deep covering of snow add to the picturesque scene near Westfield the location (of the light) was changed Town Hall. The clouds served as a warning for the impending snow, which would drop more than 16 inches on the area. by Louis Berger Group, who is the engineering firm employed by Union County. While Central Avenue runs Towns Concerned Over Sale Of through the town and the project was endorsed by the town council via resolution several years ago, the Golf Courses and Development roadway is under Union County ju- risdiction and the project is being By PAUL J. PEYTON Tax Assessors’ website, the club paid trict, located off Route 22. undertaken by the county. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader $254,000 in property taxes to Scotch According to a statement issued Mayor Skibitsky said that, despite AREA – Facing a combination of Plains last year. Friday afternoon by the township, a petition containing over 100 signa- declining membership and increased Shackamaxon General Manager “The development of the tures to have the light moved to Cen- debt, two private golf courses in Union Rich Riffle confirmed the property is Shackamaxon Golf and Country Club tral and Clover, he “hasn’t changed County are on the selling block and for sale, but declined to respond to property by a developer for residen- his opinion.” He said that after the may be converted to housing devel- further questions, referring all inquir- tial housing would serve only to ex- Photo courtesy of Nick and Linda Karter light is activated and has been in use opments. ies to Rob Schwartz, the club’s presi- acerbate an already overburdened LOVERS’ QUARREL...These love birds appear to be discussing whose idea it The Westfield Leader has learned dent, who did not return a call to The school system and further tax exist- was not to fly south for the winter. for at least 90 days, the council will talk to the police department, cross- that Shackamaxon Golf and Country Leader. The club dates back to 1916. ing municipal services and infrastruc- ing guard and review all of the data. Club, located on Shackamaxon Drive Scotch Plains Mayor Nancy Malool ture already stretched to capacity.” Resident Greg Kasko, who retired in Scotch Plains, has received at least said the township is taking steps to Mayor Malool said the property is Mountainside Council from the Westfield Police Depart- five bids for its 145-acre property, look at whether the site could be- currently zoned for single-family ment following a lawsuit with the including at least one from a devel- come the new home for the township homes, one acre in size. She said town, criticized the town for not shov- oper. The club hired Troon Golf, a municipal building on Park Avenue once the township council is desig- Reviews Snow Budget eling the sidewalk in the area of the private golf course management en- and library on Bartle Avenue, thus nated as the town’s redevelopment By MANDY L. RUSSELL were not needed. The mayor con- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 tity, last year to manage the golf freeing that space up for redevelop- agency, any proposals for Specially Written for The Westfield Leader firmed that the borough had $68,000 course. According to the New Jersey ment of the township’s business dis- Shackamaxon would have to be ap- MOUNTAINSIDE — The snow in the reserve from previous years. proved by the agency. The process removal budget was a topic of discus- Last week, the plow trucks had to will be brought before the planning sion at Tuesday night’s Mountainside go back out and move some of the County Hires Consultant board, which has been instructed to Borough Council meeting. The meet- snow piles out of the way. They cut “examine the viability of relocation ing itself was abbreviated due to the down piles that were angled too high sites,” including Shackamaxon, for ice storm underway that evening. in intersections so they did not create For New Ice Skating Rink the town hall and library. If the board This winter has been a more ex- a driving hazard. By PAUL J. PEYTON ranged up to $35,000. Two of the bids agrees with the township, the council pensive one than past New Jersey “If we get much more snow, I don’t Specially Written for The Westfield Leader were dismissed for not meeting the would then hire a professional plan- winters, and snow removal does not know where the trucks are going to ELIZABETH – The Union County requirements of the county’s request ner to create a redevelopment plan. come without a cost, it was noted put it all; we are beginning to run out Board of Chosen Freeholders last for proposals (RFP). “I’m concerned on what could be during discussions. Since January of room,” Mayor Mirabelli said. week hired Rink Management Cor- At last week’s meeting, several developed there and its impact on our 1, Mountainside has expended more In other news, the council agreed poration of Mechanicsville, Va., at county residents said they did not see infrastructure, particularly our than $123,000 in snow removal and to continue to donate $300 to the $17,800, to perform a feasibility study the need for the feasibility study. schools,” Mayor Malool told The has outstanding salt bills estimated annual Governor Livingston High for building a new ice-skating rink at Kenilworth resident John Bury re- Leader. at $31,000. School Project Graduation. The pro- Oak Ridge Park in Clark. sponded, “It seems that you have Councilman Kevin Glover told The “There is really no way around it,” gram funds a party for all the gradu- The county is looking to construct already decided. I don’t see much use Leader the township and its residents Mayor Paul Mirabelli said. “It has ating seniors where buses shuttle the a new rink at Oak Ridge Park to for that (feasibility study).” need “full disclosure” and “transpar- been a difficult winter for everyone, students to a party where there is no replace the Warinanco Rink in Roselle “These guys are just going to come ency” regarding the development of and snow removal is just part of it; drugs or alcohol present. The stu- as part of its master plan for the park. in and give some rinky-dink report the largest downtown property. we are not the only ones paying for dents are brought back around 5 a.m. Officials have said Warinanco would and you are going to do what you “This (sale of Shackamaxon) was it,” he added. from the event. This program was need $5 to $10 million in mainte- want or what you are told to want,” moving at light speed. We needed to The mayor told the council that the started to help prevent students from nance improvements to continue as a Mr.
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